Induction Manual

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 1,588
  • Pages: 12



Name: _________________________________________

AINO: __________________________________________

Designation: ____________________________________

DOJ: ___________________________________________

Division: ________________________________________

Location: _______________________________________

Mobile No: ______________________________________

Email ID: _______________________________________


1. Mr. Hemant Suri

- Chairman

2. Mr. Janaki Raman

- Managing Director

3. Mr. V.Vaidyanathan - Vice President (HR) 4. Mr. Viren Nagar

- General Manager(Sales & MKT)

5. Ms. Manisha

- Manager (Finance)


Welcome to NAVA YUGHA GROUP COMPANIES. This handbook was developed to provide you with an information resource for common questions and concerns. If you have questions or concerns about the policies outlined here, you should contact your immediate reporting supervisor or Human Resources. The policies stated in this handbook are subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the Company. From time to time, you may receive updated information regarding any changes in policy. For policy updation you are advised to log on There are specific procedures for many of the general policies stated in the handbook. Please direct any questions to your manager, department head, or to Human Resources.



Welcome to the excitement and challenge at Navayugha!! Any one taking up a new job will surely have many questions and some anxieties. We therefore felt that we should try to give you some information regarding your Company. As you are aware Navayugha is a company promoted by Industry professional with combined experience spanning over four decades as part of planned strategy to grow and establish a leadership position in the Pharma sector. We aim to be a model for the industry by recruiting, developing and retaining excellent people. As you begin in your new job, you will find Navayugha is a young, performance driven organization, committed to quality. As an organization that is highly committed to ethical practices of working, we believe in an open style of functioning, where we encourage each on e to be creative and contribute through new ideas. We welcome you as one of them, and wish you a long and rewarding career with Navayugha!


Hemant Suri


Welcome and best wishes on joining the Navayugha group. This flow diagram will help you to understand the induction process that you will be going through for the next two days starting today.

Welcome to the Navayugha

Brief Introduction about the Company & Agenda for the Next two days by HR Executive

Joining Formalities

Introduction about the product, process & procedures

Brief introduction about the KRA’s and responsibilities

Introduction of Employee to the company

Training by HR Team








FROM THE HR DESK You will be informed about the formalities & procedures which you need to follow during your tenure with us by HR Associate over the phone (depending upon the location) You will be sent Employee Information Bank Form, Bank Account Opening Form, as soon as you joined, Please give as much as accurate information as possible. The HR Associate would help you to solve any problem that you come across while filling the EIB Note:- The “Experience” & “Education” columns should be entered in reverse chronology order.

HR Portal: You can find most HR related queries & downloadable forms in the following HR Portal The portal also contains an open forum that anyone can use to post any useful information or query. It is advised that an employee visits the HR portal once a week.

Leave Management System: The purpose of this system is to help employees raise their leave requests and keep a track of the available and exhausted leave. The request us routed through your manager/In-charge for approval. Finance Helpdesk: The Finance Help Desk is available for all your queries directed at our Finance/ Accounting Department. These include queried expense reimbursement claims, Tax Deduction and similar issues.


The working environment we provide to the staff is of critical importance to our success. We provide an atmosphere where the employees can concentrate on their work and provide quality results. We request you to please refrain from extended conversations or other activities that may disturb others. If you have problems with noise or other interruptions, please speak out. It is part of your role to make the team more productive and efficient.


General Policy: Navayugha’s anti-harassment policy applies to all persons involved in the operation of Navayugha and prohibits unlawful harassment by any employee of Navayugha, including supervisors and co-workers.

Navayugha is committed to providing a work environment free of unlawful harassment. Navayugha policy prohibits sexual harassment and other harassment based on race, religion, creed, color, nationality, ancestry, physical handicap, medical condition, marital status, age or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law or ordinance or regulation. All such harassment is unlawful.

Prohibited unlawful harassment includes, but is not limited to, the following behavior:

Sexual Harassment:

Physical conduct such as derogatory and/ or sexually oriented posters, photography, cartoons, drawings, or gestures

Although all forms of harassment are objectionable, this policy specifically addresses sexual harassment. It is against the law; it is not consistent with Navayugha’s way of conducting business and it will not be tolerated in the workplace. Such conduct interferes with an individual’s work performance and creates an intimidating, hostile and offensive working environment.

Verbal conduct such as epithets, derogatory jokes or comments, slurs or unwanted sexual advances, invitations, or comments Visual Conduct such as derogatory and/or sexually oriented posters, photography, cartoons, drawings, or gestures

Threats and demands to submit to sexual requests as a condition of continued employment, or to avoid some other los, and offers of employment benefits in return for sexual favors Retaliation for having reported or threatened to report harassment Navayugha encourages all employees to report any incidents of harassment forbidden by this policy immediately so that complaints can be quickly and fairly resolved. If you think you have been harassed or that you have been retaliated against for resisting or complaining, you may file a complaint with the Human Resources Department.


Office Timings: Officer timings is between 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Lunch time is for 30 minutes and you may avail this staggered anytime between 12.30 p.m. and 2.00 p. m.

Job Duties: During your evaluation period, your supervisor will explain your responsibilities and performance standards expected of you. Please be informed that your job responsibilities may change at any time during your employment. NAVAYUGHA reserves the right at any time, with or without notice, to alter or change job responsibilities, reassign or transfer job positions, or assign additional responsibilities.

Dress Code: Monday through Thursday: Men: Formal wear (tie on Monday) with tucked shirts, formal shoes (sneakers/chappals/floaters not allowed).

Attendance: Attendance Register is kept at the reception and every employee is required to sign it on daily basis.

Women: Sari or western formals on Monday. Other days, formal wear, shirts/kurta with sleeves, salwar kameez etc.

Friday/Weekends: Men: Business casuals, shirts/collared t-shirts only, shoes or sneakers (chappals/floaters not allowed)

Our Culture Nava Yugha believes in recognizing and encouraging merit of its people as individuals. Our work culture thus facilitates experimentation & innovation. SelfStarters flourish here unobstructed by reporting hierarchies and restrictive policies. We believe in Performance driven work culture

Women: Business casuals, shirts/kurta, skirts (length should be below knee level)

Telephone Policy: A large percentage of business is transacted over the telephone. The telephone equipment is provided for the purpose of providing service to our customer. It is therefore necessary to limit the number of personal calls you make to an absolute minimum. Personal calls should be made only in case of absolute necessity or emergency. If non-emergency personal calls must be made, please arrange to make them during your break or your lunch period. No long distance personal calls may be made on company phones. A persistent pattern of personal calls, regardless of reimbursements, may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Leave Rules: Leave is credited from the month of April. On Probation/Trainees: An employee while on probation shall be eligible for 5 days of SL Privilege Leave/Earned Leave: Employee is eligible for 15 days of PL for 12 months of continuous service Sick Leave: An employee is eligible for 10 days Sick Leave in a year

Usage of Cell Phones: Whilst cell phones are of great utility, they are also a disturbance in the work environment. Please ensure that all your cell phones are on vibrator mode or on meeting mode for you to take calls.

Care for Monitors/PC: Switching off computers/ (or at least monitors) when you are not going to be in your seat for a long period of time will help save energy.

A few more thoughts….. Please do not waste water, avoid excessive use of plastics and comply with the safety regulations of NAVAYUGHA Please keep your workstation clean and tidy No smoking on the premises Helmets are compulsory for employees traveling by two wheelers

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