India & Pakistan

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India and Pakistan India and Pakistan are composed mostly of the same ethnic group. Now, they have huge arguments and conflicts spanning over a long duration. These acts of conflicts among both nations have to do with religion, politics, hegemony, and other reasons. India and Pakistan's ancient history intersect, because their origin is from the ancient Indus Valley civilization. This civilization existed around the time of ancient Egypt and ancient Babylonia. There was trade between Egypt, Babylon, and the Indus Valley as well. This civilization was highly advanced. The cities of

Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro had toilets, the concept of zero, and great architecture in their areas. The Indus Valley civilization started in ca. 3300 B.C. It reached its peak from 2600 B.C. to 1900 B.C. Indus Civilization settlements spread as far south as the Arabian Sea coast of India in Gujarat, as far west as the Iranian border, with an outpost in Bactria. Among the settlements were the major urban centers of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, as well as Lothal. Ancient Lothal in India was another magnificent city as well. Ancient India even then have a diversity of ethnic groups. Rawlinson said that: "Recent linguistic discoveries show that a Cushite race did in the earliest times extend itself along the southern shores of the continents from Abyssinia to India. The whole peninsula of India, the sea coast of Beluchistan and Kerman by the inscriptions belonged to this race." According to Prof. Uthaya Naidu's "The Bible of Aryan Invasions,"...The Indus Valley Civilization, consisting of Semites ( approx. 40 % ), Negroids ( approx. 50 % ) and Mongoloids ( ca. 10 % ) marked a period of wealth and prosperity in Indian history. Noted developments include the development of yoga, the erection of ziggurats and the discovery of zero. All these inventions were later appropriated by the Aryan priests in what must have been the greatest case of

scientific theft on record. ..." Another important writer from antiquity, Apollonius of Tyana, who is said to have visited India near the end of the first century A.D.., was convinced that "The Ethiopians are colonists sent from India, who follow their forefathers in matters of wisdom." Dravidian was a common language spoken in the Indus Valley Civilization. Some speculate that the Indus Valley Civilization had about 5 to 6 million people. Many ancient Indians were black, but had curly hair as described by ancient Historian Herodotus in his History of the Persian Wars (which was created in ca. 430 B.C.). Here are his words: "...VII.70. The Eastern Ethiopians---for two nations of this name served in the army--were marshaled with the Indians [probably those who currently speak the Dravidian language Brahui, who presently live in Pakistan, west of the Indus River--ed.]. They differed in nothing from the other Ethiopians, save in their language, and the character of their hair. For the Eastern Ethiopians have straight hair, while they of Libya are more woolly-haired than any other people in the world. Their equipment was in most points like that of the Indians, but they wore upon their heads the scalps of horses, with the ears and mane attached; the ears were made to stand upright, and the mane served as a crest. For shields this people made use of the skins of cranes..." 1500 B.C. is one of the most controversial years in Indian history. This was when there was an increased influx of Indo-Aryan tribes. These tribes are related to the Indo-European peoples. They migrated from Central Asia (and the Keybar Pass) into India. This period is called the Vedic period. It was a time where this Indo-Aryan culture is related to the texts of Vedas, sacred to Hindus, which were orally composed in Vedic Sanskrit. The Vedas are some of the oldest extant texts, next to those of Egypt and Mesopotamia. In fact, some parts of the Riga Veda was very racist. For example, the Rig Veda itself repeatedly boasts of the destruction of the Dasyus. 1.100 and 1.101 (Book 1, Hymns 100 & 101) are hymns describing the Aryans as "fair-complexioned" and the Harappans as "the dusky brood." 9. 41 (Book 9, Hymn 41) describes the defeated as people of "black skin." 1.32 (Book 1, Hymn 32) boasts of the cruelty of the Aryan attackers. Here's other racist, disgusting verses from the Hindu Scriptures: " The murder of a Sudra by a Brahman is equal only to killing a cat or a frog or a cow " [ Stat ] [ Wilk.248 ]. "Indra protected in battle the Aryan worshipper, he subdued the lawless for Manu, the conquered the black skin." (Rig Veda I. 130.8) “Indra, the slayer of Vr.tra, the destroyer of cities, has scattered the black-sprung servile (hosts); he engendered the earth and the waters for Manu; may he fulfill the entire prayer of the sacrificer..” (Rig Veda II. 20.7) " Having killed a cat, an ichneumon, a blue jay, a frog, a dog, an iguana, an owl, or a cow, he shall perform the penance for the murder of a Sudra." -- [ Manu IX.132 ]

“..(The rays) which were manifested in heaven and earth, illumined by the hymn (of praise), consuming the impious (sacrificers), drive away by their wisdom from earth and heaven the black-skinned (ra_ks.asas) hated by Indra…” (Rig Veda IX.73.5) " Elephants, horses, Sudras and contemptiable Mlecchas, lions, tigers, and boars form the middle dark condition" -- [ Manu i.43 ] [ Muir I.41 ]

These bigoted hymns praised Indra's terrorist campaign. That's one of the reasons why I will never believe in Hinduism at all. Hinduism is one of the numerous foundational religious components of New Agers and many followers of the new world order. Hinduism is the most predominant religion of India today. Hinduism is complex and varies among people with concepts about God, polytheism, or even atheism. This religion was created by the Aryans in Northern India (The Brahmins teach Hinduism to this day). Shiva and Vishnu are the most popular false gods in that religion. Its roots are from the Vedic religion of Iron Age India. Hinduism's vast body of scriptures are divided into Śruti ("revealed") and Smriti ("remembered"). They to Hindus discuss about theology, philosophy, myths, and dharma or religious livings. The Vedas and the Upanishads are the greatest works in Hindu literature. Other scriptures in Hinduism include the Tantras, the Agama, the Purāṇas and the epics Mahābhārata (The Bhagavad Gītā, is found in the Mahabharata) and Rāmāyaṇa. Some Hindus are into pantheism. Others are into Yoga, others are even atheists, and some are polytheists. The common thread in most of Hinduism is the belief in reincarnation. That means that the spirit (or the soul) of life is eternity transmitted after death into another body. There is the law to follow karma and repeat the cycle of life and death. In other words, if you are born poor, etc. it's your own fault by virtue of karma. I don't agree with this of course. The Bible is clear that after death, humans face judgment not reincarnation. Also, the Bible teaches about Heaven and Hell, while Hinduism denies both. Hindus believe that salvation is done by escaping the cycle of life and death. Now, dharma relates to ethics or duties. Samsara is the continuing cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth (karma is the action and subsequent reaction to life. The concept of constant evolving of life that is found in Hinduism is similar to the teachings of Evolution). Moksha is liberation from samsara or reincarnation. Yogas are practices of mediation that Hindus do. Most Hindus believe that the soul or spirit (called atman) is eternal. Some Hindus want to be one with the Brahman or the supreme spirit. Devas are spirits or the shining ones in Hinduism. Vishnu and Shiva (who is called the god of Death or Destruction) are worshipped as the supreme God by some Hindus. The consort of Shiva is the goddess Kali. Kali is another false goddess relating to death and destruction. Images of Kali use human heads as jewelry and other sick things. Racist Hindus (not all Hindus) use Hinduism as an excuse to promote the caste system based on skin color or varna. In other words, lighter skinned Hindus are placed in better positions of society than darker skinned peoples (who are called the Untouchables by racists). That is why it's rare to find a Hindu guru trying to convert black Africans or African Americans for that matter into Hinduism (because the legacy of the racist caste system). To this day, some lighter skinned Brahmins refuse to marry or even labor outside of the caste into they were born in. The Bible is clear that we judge a person by their character not by their physical appearance or skin color at all. GOD IS NO RESPECTOR OF PERSONS. When one guru (according to Dr. Robert Morey's research) was asked on TV what he was doing to help the poor, he responded, “Let the Christians take care of them. I am here to help the rich.” Some radical Hindus burn a widow alive. Child sacrifices to animal gods such as sacred crocodiles were common until this Hindu practice was criminalized by the British. Some gurus are worshipped. The wealthiest of Hindus are usually pundits (or a Brahmin learned in Hinduism. He gives advice, do rituals ,etc. Not all Brahmins are pundits). Like the New Age, Hinduism teaches that all of man's experiences are maya or an illusion (you have to mediate your way out of maya). What is the kundalini? It is the power of an entity (or devils) that coiled up like a serpent at the base of the spine to suppose produce experiences during deep mediation. Mantras are repeating words in Hindu mediation. Yet, the book of Matthew condemns the vain repetitious prayers of false believers. Some gurus defile themselves in ways that can be described as sick, degenerate acts to say the least. Many gurus like Rabi R. Maharaj left Hinduism to embrace Jesus Christ. "Death of a Guru" is a book of his testimony. Rajbi says that devils are the forces that the Hindus invite during the Yoga and mediation rituals. Rabi said that when he was under Kundalini, he was possessed. Rabi once had a deep hatred of black people, because in his mind they ate the cow (He counted them lower than the lowest caste, which is sick of course). He changed when he interacted with blacks, whites, and Asian people. Hinduism denies a personal, infinite, triune God of the Universe (they embrace pantheism or all things have God in them). Hinduism teaches that the Universe is eternal, but science proves that the Universe had a beginning. There is not a concrete concept of forgiveness of sin by a personal God in Hindu teachings as well. Hinduism lacks many things like concrete forgiveness by God, true equality

of the races, true justice, and science. Idol worship is strong in Hinduism yet the Lord calls us to worship him alone and reject worshipping images (or false idols) that can't speak (or do anything). Yoga, baths, and pujas can't save a single soul. Yet, God's Son blood can. There is no need for worshipping a pantheon of false gods (which include the sun, cows, their own selves, etc. Viewing man as a potential god is a key tenet of Hindu teaching) at all that Hindus do. The Vedic period lasted from about 1500 BC. to 500 BC. These Aryans called themselves Arya. They overlaid the existing civilizations of local people whom they called Dasyus. Many of these tribes harmed the original inhabitants of the Indus Valley civilization. A lot of these atrocities were apart of genocide. The Aryans conquered primarily Northern India as their home base. Professor Naidu accuses the Indo-Aryans of destroying cities and murdering the Sudriod peoples in India. These IndoAryans exist as Brahmin to consolidate their power. They set up a caste system based on economics and ethnic groups. It was racist especially back then. To this day, many radical Hindu extremists have persecuted Muslims and even Christian people living in India. The Vedic people set up small kingdoms and city states from 1,000 BC. to 500 B.C. By 500 BC, sixteen monarchies and 'republics' known as the Mahajanapadas — Kasi, Kosala, Anga, Magadha, Vajji (or Vriji), Malla, Chedi, Vatsa (or Vamsa), Kuru, Panchala, Machcha (or Matsya), Surasena, Assaka, Avanti, Gandhara, Kamboja — stretched across the Indo-Gangetic plains from modern-day Afghanistan to Bengal and Maharastra. Buddhism came about in the 500's B.C. Buddha was a teacher and philosopher (who was called the "Enlightened One"). He was born in ca. 563 B.C. near Nepal. Buddha never wrote down any of his teachings or his early disciples. Hundreds of years later after his death existed a few manuscripts pertaining to the Buddhist religion. Some believed that Buddha didn't start a new religion, but he lived (and died) as a Hindu. Yet, most of the manuscripts do not appear until nearly 1,000 years after his death. Hundreds of Buddhist sects disagree with each other on the Pali and Sanskrit literary traditions (among other things). He rejected the materialism that was rampant in his region of India. Buddha saw people suffering, but didn't create a hospital. Buddha abandoned his family as taking up the life of a beggar/monk. This would increase human suffering. He did mediation and tried to find purpose in his life. He didn't inspire his wife or child to help the poor or needy though. This was selfish for the Buddha to not fulfill his responsibilities as a man to return to his child and wife. Siddhartha didn't claim to be a god, but believed in many gods as a Hindu. He believed that human suffering was caused by many things like ignorance. He developed the 'Four Noble Truths’ in order to achieve a nirvana (and enlightenment). The religion of Buddhism spread worldwide today. Numerous Hollywood movie stars love Buddhism and are Buddhists. Buddhism is similar to Hinduism, but with differences. Buddhism reject Brahamanism, reject the caste system, reject the Vedas, and some reject polytheism. Buddhism teaches that ignorance is a primary cause of man's problems, but don't offer forgiveness of sin as a way to help mankind out.

Buddhism offers no concrete plan for salvation, but strives for enlightenment. Buddhism doesn't glorify God or try to made radical positive contributions for humanity (but seek nirvana). God is eternal, but the Universe isn't. It had a beginning and an end since it was created by God. God created man in his own image, God created matter (not just matter, but the mind), and God is good. Man's sin caused his downfall to death not because of metaphysical issues. Karma and reincarnation are unnecessary, because God sent his Son to die for our sins in the cross (in order for human beings to have redemption). Some accuse the Brahmins of infiltrating Buddhist leaders in order to cause conflict in the region. Many of the Sudriod people (including the Tamils and Dravadians) moved mostly into Southern India. Much of the northwestern Indian Subcontinent (present day Eastern Afghanistan and Pakistan) came under the rule of the Persian Achaemenid Empire in ca. 520 BC. during the reign of Darius the Great, and remained so for two centuries thereafter. The Macendonian Alexander the Great conquered parts of Western India even. First, he ruled some of Pakistan. There, he defeated King Puru in the Battle of the Hydaspes (near modern-day Jhelum, Pakistan) and conquered much of the Punjab. Alexander and his forces defeated many Indians at ca. May 326 B.C. His allies (like Coenus) didn't want to go further past the Ganges, because there were even more Indian forces to contend with. If he would to fight the rest of the Indians, Alexander the Great would fight with the Nanda Empire of Magadha and Gangaridai Empire of Bengal. The Persian and Greek invasions of parts of Pakistan and India would influence the Mauryan dynasty. The Parthans and other tribes existed in Pakistan as well. By the time of 100's-300's A.D., the Kushan Empire rose in India. Even the ancient Romans traded with the Kushan Empire. Later, Islam heavily influenced Pakistan and India during the Middle Ages. By the time of the 1800's, the British Empire conquered India in imperialism. Freemasonry made an outpost of India as well. The first Lodge was in 1740 at Calcutta. Later, ethnic Indians joined Freemasonry. In 1844, in Bombaby, a Scottish Rite Lodge (Rising Star No. 342) would existed for nonEuropeans. Some Pharsees (or followers of Zoroaster. Zoroaster was a religious leader who was the prelude to Mithraism) respected Freemasonry. Of course, the present headquarters of the Theosophical Society is in India. It has been founded and headed by co-Masons. Theosophical Society member Annie Besant promoted Indian independence even in the 1920's. Mahatma Gandhi,

Nehru, and other Gandhi would have connections to the Theosophical Society. Nehru would blatantly called for world government. This Society promoted the idea of the "unification of all mankind." The catch is that it promoted New Age/Gnostic/Satanic ideologies like the spiritual evolution of man in root races and some worshipped Satan (like HP Blavatsky). It seemed that Secret Societies overtly wanted India to be independent of British rule, but covertly it was still control by the same globalist forces. India even in 1860 encompass a huge swap of land among Pakistan, Baluchistan, and other areas. Hundreds of Masonic Lodges exist today. It wouldn't be until after the Indian independence movement where India and Pakistan would exist as it is today (in the 20th century of course).

The Republic of India started in August 15, 1947. This date was when India became an independent Dominion within the British Commonwealth. The Muslim-majority nation northwest of India became separated into the nation of Pakistan. Jawaharlal Nehru became the first Prime Minister of India. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel became the Deputy Prime Minister of India and its Minister of Home Affairs.

Nehru called for world government by this quotation: "I have long believed the only way peace can be achieved is through World Government." (Dr. Cathy Burns' "A One World Order is Coming" on pg. 5). Immediately after Indian independence, India fought against Pakistan over the region of Kashmir. This was called the Indo-Pakistan War of 1947. It was one of 4 wars fought between the 2 newly independent nations. Kashmir is a touchy subject even today in 2009 since both India and Pakistan claim it. The leaders of Kashmir in the 1940's wanted to be independent of Pakistan and India. The Maharaja of Kashmir, Hari Singh, however, wanted to remain an independent principality and tried to avoid accession to either country. When the British left, Kashmir was invaded by Pashtun tribal from the NWFP (or the North West Frontier Province) and Pakistani soldiers. Kashmir acceded to India after this conflict. The UN forced a cease fire in the Indo-Pakistan war. After the partition, Mohandas Gandhi temporary stopped violence between Pakistanis and Indians. He was assassinated in January 30, 1948 by Nathuram Vinayak Godse. Godse was claimed to be linked to a Hindu radical nationalist movement who believed that Gandhi was responsible for the petition (and for appeasing Muslims). The Constitution of India was drafted by a committee head by B. R. Ambedkar, on November 26, 1949. B. R. Ambedkar is famous for fighting for Dalit's rights and being against social discrimination. He oppose the racist Hindu caste system. Ambedkar has been honored with the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian award. He supported the Partition of India, but he was critical of Muslim theocrats mistreating women (plus having child marriages, which is sick). Ambedkar criticized Gandhi

was being moderate in his mind on issues pertaining to civil liberties. Dr. Ambedkar warned people, "Don’t call Gandhi a saint. He is a seasoned politician. When everything else fails, Gandhi will resort to intrigue….Don’t fall under Gandhi’s spell, he’s not God... Mahatmas have come and Mahatmas have gone but untouchables have remained untouchables.” He (including his wife) converted to Buddhism since he reject the Hindu religion. He died in December 6, 1956. Ambedkar's grandson, Prakash Yaswant Ambedkar leads the Bharipa Bahujan Mahasangha and has served in both houses of the Indian Parliament. Nehru's administration lasted until 1964 (He died in May 27, 1964). He issued reforms, increased the legal rights of women in Hindu society, passed laws against caste discrimination (and untouchability). Nehru was friendly with America and the Soviet Union, so he was a member of the Non-Aligned Movement. This movement advanced neutrality during the Cold War. He opposed the 1956 Israeli invasion and the partition of Palestine. Yet, he supported China's occupation of Tibet and the suppression of the pro-freedom movement in Hungary by the Soviet Union. That shows his hypocrisy on some matters. Nehru led many war campaigns against China in 1962. Lal Bahadur Shastri succeeded him as Prime Minister. Indira Gandhi was the first female Prime Minister of India from 1966 to 1977 and from 1980 to 1984. She was assassinated in 1984. She was definitely, pro-socialist in economic policies. In July 1969, she nationalized banks. Indira was involved in another war with Pakistan in 1971, because the Pakistan army was accused of executing atrocities against the civilian population of East Pakistan (about 10 refugees fled to India causing economic instability in India). Richard Nixon supported Pakistan since he didn't trust Indira. India was victorious in the 1971 war, and Bangladesh was born. Indira started a nuclear weapons program in 1967 due to nuclear threats from China. Her critics accused her of economic corruption and authoritarianism (Many dissidents in India were arrested in her reign). Indira Gandhi, late Prime Minister of India, implemented a forced sterilization program in the 1970s. Officially, men with two children or more had to submit to sterilization, but many unmarried young men, political opponents and ignorant men were also believed to have been sterilized. This program is still remembered and criticized in India. Pranab Mukherjee is the present Prime Minister of India. Now, in 2009, India is still having a conflict with over the Mumbai bombing. India accused Pakistan of having radicals to did the bombing in 2008. Pakistan denies this. We do know that those responsible had sophisticated technology and it's bigger than just a Pakistan deal. America enjoys a strong relationship with India and Pakistan (although Barack Obama supports the bad policy of issuing unjustified, preemptive military strikes in Pakistan, which is a violation of Pakistani sovereignty). India has its problems. Yet, in India and Pakistan, real godly Patriots live in both nations. I truly respect the real freedom lovers in India and Pakistan greatly. By Timothy

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