India 2020-my Vision Of A Prosperous India

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  • Pages: 8
INDIA 2020-My Vision of a Prosperous India

INTRODUCTION In the early 19th century, Rabindra Nath Tagore, the great Bengali poet wrote a poem ‘Where The Mind Is Without Fear’. In that poem he actually described the type of

India he would have loved see. He saw everything to be near perfect and each and every citizen of the country to be cherishing the fact of being an Indian. But he did not take into consideration the obstacles that our nation was to face in coming years. In the coming paragraphs I have tried to cover the past, present and the ‘could’ be India of 2020 to the best of myability, after it has faced almost all the challenges that lie ahead after its 60 years of independence. It will not be justified to paint a rosy picture without making the canvas free from impediments.

INDIA AND PEACE HISTORY: With the advent of the new era in India on 15th August 1947, there was a great hue and cry about what course should India take to make its presence felt in the international arena. India decided not to join the blocs that divide the two edges of the earth. PRESENT: This was a turning point. The third world countries actually accepted the leadership of our country as a method to move out of the turmoil created by the two world powers. The organization of NON ALIGNMENT MOVEMENT made our stance very clear, that was to enhance peace and harmony in the world. Another step was not to sign the NATO that would have resulted in accepting the military slavery of the United States. 1

INDIA 2020-My Vision of a Prosperous India There are actually many instances where India actually demonstrated the capabilities of a world leader. One extra ordinary instance is that of 1971 war with Pakistan where after being into a position of running over the latter, it actually decided to respect the ceasefire called by the UNITED NATIONS. India also helped Bangladesh gain stability, politically and economically after the war. It was the greatness on the part of India to help settle lacs of immigrants from East Bengal. YEAR 2020: By 2020, India will not only become a permanent member of Security Council but will also play a crucial role in bringing peace and stability ion the war torn countries like the Afghanistan, Bangladesh, etc. It will actually show the world that the path of non violence can be used effectively in promoting peace.


India was always seen as a country where the women had a lower position to

male. But it was only after the Mughal came to India. Before that it was only in India where women were seen to be the incarnation of deities. They had the same status in the Aryan period as men. PR ES EN T:

Somebody has aptly put it that if a nation cannot respect its women it

cannot actually progress. India has shown the world that the traits of Indians are such that the respect and honour for the women are not alien to them. Right from the time of Rani Lakshmibai to Kalpana Chawla and Sunita Willams, Indians have never felt hesitant to respect their better halves in any field that they have progressed. The likes of Indra Nooyi, Chanda Kochhar are the examples that bear the testimony to the fact that we have 2

INDIA 2020-My Vision of a Prosperous India utmost respect for the fairer sex. Even if somebody doubts us on the basis of divorce rates, rape cases female foeticide, it will be actually be kind of them to look into the statics of the countries like the US and UK where such activities are much higher in percentage than in India. Leaving aside all the above examples, haven’t we progressed enough according to the standard of the United States where there has been no women president but we a country just as a 60 year old hasa women ,Mrs.Pratibha Patil on the highest seat of authority? The question does need a deep thinking! YEAR 2020: No doubt 2020 will actually witness young women leading the best corporate houses in India as the shackles of being a conservative nation and the tag of the country with backward, ghoonghat clad women has already started to vanish. The education actually will lead women to be self dependent and may be way ahead of males in every field. The testimony to this is that even the women have been allowed for the place in the combat army functions.

INDIA AND ECONOMY Progress is the must for any nation. Simply an existence on the earth is meaningless. The progress should be measured by the living standard of the nation. To mention here, the living standard is not of the affluent section of the nation. The standard of living of affluent society of any poverty stricken and backward country should be reasonably high. HISTORY: Taking into account the huge population that India has, it would have been impossible to have 100% people above the poverty line and giving them a good, decent 3

INDIA 2020-My Vision of a Prosperous India standard of living. The state of economy was in a shattering position when the English left the country. Except Tata industries, there was not even a single industry in India that would have helped revive Indian economy in a short span of time. There was no one with the investment plans in a country where everything was in doldrums. PRESENT: To reach today where there is unimaginable amount of investment, bulk from the foreign enterprises largest boom in real estate sector etc. is a proof of the confidence that the countries have in us. The GDP growth, ever rising forest reserves that are at par or even more than most other countries should satisfy the critics who still take India as a third world country or a developing country, incomparable to the developed country. YEAR 2020: India will not only be a force to reckon by 2020, but will also lead a helping hand to the countries which need monetary help to come out of international debts. It will be a country that will have a huge foreign reserves with itself, that may be strongest due to the fact that when the developed country like United States has been shattered in this recession, India is seen to be one of those few countries that has not been affected. The cheap, skilled and large amount of labour will not be detrimental but a boon to the nation like ours.


The technology came to us through the British in a dormant state. The

technology brought was not to make the life of the Indians comfortable but for their own convenience. They never wanted India to actually make use of it in a method beneficial to 4

INDIA 2020-My Vision of a Prosperous India us. Indian scientists used to take education abroad to make oneself competitive in the field of science and technology. PR ES EN T:

The development has been rather slow but much greater than the countries

like Japan, China etc that all the resources and knowledge to develop their indigenous technology. They are superior due to their sovereign nature since a very long time. YEAR 2020:

India is on its course to become the Silicon valley of Asia in coming years

only for the reason that our so developments in this sector is eclipsing the achievements of the China, the main IT hub of the world. The Chinese technology is being considered to be of inferior quality and is being rejected by the west world countries. The largest number of engineers will be recruited by the national and international companies due to the superior quality of education and knowledge that is being imparted in the world class institutes like the IIT’s. Talking about space sector, the high class technology and brilliant knowledge that India possesses is clear by the fact that it is one of the few counties that have spent its own moon probe CHANDRAYAAN-1 in space. Countries like Germany and Japan are still way behind us in this sector. India’s space technology is looking forward to book its berth in the record books as they are planning to send a probe on sun named ADITYA-1.


When the British left India, the agriculture was in a ruined state to the extent

that millions of Indians had died owing to the famines and the policy of the British that actually promoted the growth of those cash crops which brought them money. The 5

INDIA 2020-My Vision of a Prosperous India Zamindari system enhanced the pathetic conditions. Independent India adopted the ‘Green Revolution’concept, that has resulted in increasing not only our food production but also increased the exports thereby increasing the share in the world food market. PRESENT:

India today account for 13% of world grain production, largest producer of

tea and many other crops that are consumed throughout the world. It is actually the supporter of many undernourished countries and it has helped conduct various programmes under World Health Organization. YEAR 2020:

If every thing goes according to the plan, India would double its agriculture

output by 2011. It will gain supremacy in the field of using genetically modified crops that will prevent our country to let people die of starvation. The scientists will actually make several crops by cross pollinating that will be faster to grow and more nutrition provider than the present league of crops.

Other sectors Education: At the time of freedom we had just 18.33% literate population. At present India has 66% literate population in comparison to China that has70% literate. It will be discrimination on our part not to take the problem of so many languages that are spoken and used in India. Certain states like Kerala, Tamil Nadu have almost achieved 90% of literate population. If we think of 2020, Indiawill actually make it a point to give education access to every Indian and certain steps have already been taken like the free education to children to the age of fourteen years. 6

INDIA 2020-My Vision of a Prosperous India Combat: India though being a peace loving country yet it maintains the second largest army of the world. In the coming years, India’s lethal combat power will be enhanced by various missiles of Nag, Brahmos, Agni, etc to foil any kind of threat to our motherland. The progress in the manufacturing of Light Combat Aircraft, the all Indian fighter plane, has been commendable. These are also needed to wipe off the terrorism problem from our land. Health: India, through the use of Ayurveda, Homeopathy etc has given cures to almost all the diseases but they have not been recognized. In coming decade these will be accepted all over the world as yoga has been .Even major breakthroughs in the field are expected to be on card as scientists are busy in their experiments to find solution to the problem of AIDS, CANCER, etc. Polio has almost been eradicated like the Small Pox. Regional Disparity: This problem can be attributed to the politicians of our country. The solution to this problem can be seen in the new, educated and young politicians like Rahul Gandhi, Sachin Pilot etc. that want to reach the common man to understand and make their life free from all miseries. Corruption: Harsh punishments, stringent laws are the need of the hour to eradicate this menace from our society. The role of media is crucial here as the string operations are the efficient method to surface such culprits.


INDIA 2020-My Vision of a Prosperous India

Revival of India as the ‘Global Golden Bird’: Conclusion In the end it will be apt to conclude that India will emerge not only as the backbone of the world to promote harmony, peace and co-operation but also as a country that will lead others on the path of morality and ethics that are fast becoming extinct in the present world of rat race. India will as a prosperous nation will lift the low spirited countries out of deep slumber and help them tread the path of progress. The ‘sone ki chidia’will again weave its magic all around the globe.


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