Impressions - Oct 2009

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Newsletter of Singapore International School (Hong Kong)

From the

Vice Principal’s Desk We h a v e b e g u n the new school year with continual high expectations. 2009/10 will be a year filled with many great experiences and growth as our teachers are committed to nurture and challenge every student. R 3 ³ I CH will continue to be emphasized in our school as it stands for values we want our students to focus upon: R – Respect, R – Responsibility, R – Resilience, I – Integrity, C – Care, and H – Harmony. Having a common language provides our students with consistent expectations in all areas of our school and we ask that parents partner with us in this regard. I look forward to an academic year full of spirit, adventure, and learning.

October 2009

First Dayof School Mrs Shirley Goh:

How is your lunch?

Students: M m m … w e ’ r e e n j o y i n g o u r wholesome lunch in the spanking new student lounge. Mr Patrick Wong

welcomes everyone

Ms Phua Ai Lei Vice Principal (PY & Primary)

In this issue: First Day of School New SIS Family Members Orientation Day Prize-Giving and Graduation Ceremonies Staff Development Day: STELLAR Workshop 小學華文課程培訓

Philosophy for Teenagers Big Splash! - Our newly renovated swimming pool 暑假中州大地遊

The little ones were so attentive in the auditorium when the teachers unfolded the

little excitements which Singapore International School 新加坡國際學校

they would experience

I wonder

how fast

this thing can really go?

in the course of the year.


The During the first few periods in the classroom, Form Teachers gave their classes a general briefing about the class timetable and routine.

Students gave self-introductions and discussed their

targets and goals


of the programme on the

1st day of school

was probably going through Yearbook 08-09 with the classmates, looking at class photos, last year’s activities and all the familiar faces.

for the year.

Some classes played games to get to know more about their peers and teachers. Other classes engaged in ‘QnA’ sessions to discuss the roles they could play to make their school life more interesting and meaningful.

Time to

put the books away!

The cute little ones in the Preparatory Year Section stayed in their classrooms to have their snacks. Their teachers and classroom assistants dished out the food after the children washed their hands. See how happy the children were to eat and drink in their classrooms!

Lunch Time!

The students walked in an orderly manner to P4 level to have their lunch on the 1st day of school.

This was certainly a happy but tiring day.

The first day of school is always a happy day. Meet friends, play games and no homework. Cheers to Year 09-10… which will certainly be a year of achievement and success!

Many students missed their homes and their beds. Some children gave their friends farewell hugs.

Mr Heng expounding on the intricacies of art to a group of Secondary 1 students

Our fearless leaders ensuring the lunch process runs smoothly

Displaying a willingness and readiness to learn



Family Members Secondary Teachers

Let’s extend a warm welcome to all who have come to join SIS in Year 09-10!

Secondary Teachers 1. Patrick Wong I have just relocated to Hong Kong after 5 years in Shanghai. Besides sports, I enjoy reading too.


2. Wendy Fan I’m from Calgary in Alberta, Canada. I’m excited to be a part of the growing secondary school at SIS. I am teaching Biology and Science this year.


3. Lisa-Michelle Haitana I’m really excited to be teaching in the secondary Humanities department, with a little bit of Drama on the side. I look forward to an exciting and challenging year.


4. 譚曄



5. Wang Binxi I will be teaching Mathematics and Geography. In my free time, I enjoy travelling, nature and engaging in sports activities.

4 5

6. Alan Lo I taught in the Western Australian government system as a physics/ chemistry teacher throughout my 20-year career. I am currently enjoying Aikido and Gym sessions. 7. Jim Briggs I’m pleased to have the opportunity to teach secondary mathematics. As a 10-year resident of Hong Kong, I especially enjoy hiking in the various country parks. 8. Alison Marriott I am originally from Yorkshire in the UK. I teach English because I love to read and talk! I also love to travel and I have visited 57 countries and counting.

6 9



9. Nicole Barriale Wong I am excited to be living and teaching in Hong Kong. Running and reading are two of my favourite things to do.

PY Teachers Primary Teachers







Classroom Assistants




5 4


Primary Teachers 1. 林燕彬

5 3



2. 周巧玲


成大學。我曾經在銀行工作,相比之下我覺得學校是充 滿生命力的地方,在這我找到了人生目標。

3. Rena Therese Foo This is my first time teaching in Hong Kong. I love hanging out with friends, especially in natural areas, and have never ceased to be awed by majestic sunsets. 4. Velicia Foo I have taught for 9 years in Singapore. I am delighted to be a part of the SIS family. I seek to ignite the passion for Science in my students! 5. Grace Yen I am Grace and am delighted to join SIS this year. I look forward to working hand in hand with the staff and parents for the best interest of the children.

PY Teachers 1. Cara Patil I’ve been in Hong Kong for eight years. I love spending time with my 10-month old baby girl and reading children’s books.

Classroom Assistants 1. Winnie Lau I am one of the new CAs in PY Section and I’m glad to join the big family here in SIS. I like watching movies and listening to music.

2. Brigitte Brand I’m delighted to be at SIS. I enjoy travelling, snow-boarding, horse-riding, theatre and dance.

2. Shirley Choi I am the CA of P2T. I am delighted to join the SIS family. I love literature, travelling and outdoor activities.

3. 陳頌敏

3. Nancy Yip I am glad to join SIS as a new CA taking care of PY children. I love travelling, reading, music and films.


是生活上的一大享受。我相信在SIS工作必能帶給我無限 的快樂!

4. 葉竹君


小布熊,這讓我感受到無比的溫馨。希望我能在這溫暖 的大家庭中盡一分自己的力量。

4. Simone Lam I’m delighted to join SIS. I enjoy drawing and playing badminton. 5. Christine Kwong I am the CA of P1W. I like drawing and playing badminton. I am very happy to be a member of SIS.




Nam Long Shan Campus (Preparatory Year & Primary)

by Mrs Cara Patil

Sampling the food prepared by LSG Ca


134 Preparatory Year and 42 Primary new students joined our Orientation Day 09/10 on 22 August 2009. While their parents were being briefed in the auditorium, the new students met with their teachers and classmates in their classrooms.

The little ones in the Preparatory Year classrooms enjoyed listening to the stories and nursery rhymes. They played at learning centres which had activities such as drawing, reading Cool m and acting. After trying out a snack in class, they took the cars and bicycles in oves in Sp the outdoor playground for a test drive! eech and



The Primary students met their form teachers in the library for little chats before going to different special rooms where they participated in fun lessons such as Speech and Drama, Music, Dance and Art and Craft. Sn


All too soon, it was time to go. When their parents came ac to pick them up, some kT im students could be ef or heard saying that they did n ot wan t to go! 1




s  !

Finding their dance groove

New P rima Mrs G r y 1G stu ultian o in t dents w he li brar ith y




al o


老師 和王 正 會 排。 理事 活動安 生 會 !學 迎新 張 唷 來的 緊 好 接下 討論


! 多用心 家聽得 麼呢? 大 , 趣 的 是什 看 最感興 長 家 同學和 到底

投入, 得如此 ! 吧 討論 室 師 實驗 邱老 使用 與 何 如 家長 商討 是在 一定

料, 。 材 了 學 課 教 上 的 好 桌 備 一 準 ! 都 嘩 家 大 來 看


嘩,二十多台全新的蘋果電腦。 誰可以第一個用呢?

仔校舍的 設施

終於來到 課室 啦

噢! 新校 舍的 負責介 資料 還真 紹的 同學 多。 一直 看, 不停 地講 解。

!這里 這里

,我 選好 了位 置, 你呢



Prize Presentation

PY / P6 Graduation Ceremonies

08/09 P6 students singing the Graduation Song, conducted by Mr Quay Yi Ming

18th Annual Prize Presentation & P6 Graduation Ceremony by Ms Chai Yoke Leng

Students and staff of the Secondary Section returned to the Nam Long Shan campus on 31 August 2009 for the 18th Annual Prize Presentation & P6 Graduation Ceremony. These events were meant to take place at the end of the last academic year, but were cancelled because of early school closure due to the H1N1 situation. The prize presentation celebrated the academic achievements of last year’s P6 and secondary school students, while the P6 Graduation Ceremony marked the end of six years of primary education for the P6 students. Both events were meant to be held at the Secondary Section’s Wanchai campus, but in response to students’ overwhelming wish to return to the Nam Long Shan campus where they have spent their formative years, the decision was made to hold them at the primary school campus. The highlights of the ceremony included the screening of a 5-minute video showcasing the P6 classes of 08/09. The video was of course well-received by the audience of excited students and proud parents, as it captured the significant moments of the students’ lives in SIS. Representatives from each of the three P6 classes spoke about their experiences of school life at SIS. Three prize-winners shared the secrets of their success, and all of them were appreciative of the support given by their parents and teachers. The ceremony ended with the P6 Graduation Song, sung for the second time since its debut in the 07/08 P6 Graduation PY2 Graduation & Welcome Ceremony Ceremony. Led by Mr Quay Yi Ming, our Music teacher and composer of the song, the new secondary students sung of friendship and love by Ms Candice Chong gained at SIS, and the joy of having been a part of SIS. The much awaited 08/ 09 PY Graduation Ceremony was held in

the first week of school. Five classes of graduates walked into the gymnasium on 21 August 2009, a bright and sunny Friday morning . At 9 am, the place was buzzing with the excited chatter of parents, teachers and children. Madam Mak opened the ceremony with a speech praising the children for achieving this great milestone in their educational journey. She also showed photos of the graduates assuming their little responsibilities at school. She went on to assure all the parents that SIS strives to give our children meaningful experiences to prepare them for success in life.

幼稚園的畢業生代表,分別用英語 和華語述說自己在幼稚園時那些既 2009年8月28日上午九點,SIS舉行了08/09學年







Next, our two student representatives spoke on behalf of their peers and thanked the teachers for their encouragement throughout their PY course. They shared their learning journeys earnestly, and touched the hearts of everyone with their sincerity. As the graduates’ names were called out, each came proudly forward to receive their certificates from Madam Mak. In closing, the graduates sang the PY2 graduation song, “Farewell to the Playground.” Indeed, they bade a fond farewell to the playground and have moved on to an even more exciting phase of their education.

Prize Presentation Ceremony 0809 by Kok Zi Qi, P6T

On the 27th of August 2009, our school held its 18th Annual Prize Presentation ceremony for the Primary Section at the Gymnasium. The original date of the ceremony was supposed to be on 3rd July but due to the early school closure, it was postponed. A total of 38 students received academic prizes this year. Our principal, Madam Mak, started off the ceremony with a speech on the importance of learning Mandarin and showed the audience two interesting YouTube clips on how learning Chinese has gained popularity among non-Chinese world-wide. Two outstanding students, Peter Lee and Lee Hoi Yiu, shared on their good study habits. Besides academic prizes, 70 students who have made remarkable contributions in their CCAs also received their awards. All in all, it was a simple but significant event for all prizewinners. 5

StaffDevelopment Day

19 - 20 AUGUST 2009

by Mrs Jessie Ang

“What is STELLAR?” With this open-ended question, Esther Yeo and Wong Woon Heng, trainers from the Curriculum Planning and Development Division, Ministry of Education Singapore, sparked off a lively discussion amongst all the EL-medium teachers present. The next two days saw teachers engaging in a series of fun-filled and interactive sessions as they were introduced to STrategies for English Language Learning And Reading (STELLAR) and how the STELLAR approach dovetails into the EL Syllabus 2010. ds n. hea pla ny sson a le -m ion te a act crea n i o k or ther t mw Tea g toge n i k wor

STELLAR aims to strengthen both the language and reading skills of students, as well as to promote a positive attitude towards reading through effective, learner-centred and developmentally appropriate pedagogical approaches using authentic children's literature. The school will be implementing STELLAR in Primary 1 and 2 in Semester 2 and our teachers are eager to weave the newly acquired strategies into their classroom teaching.

the rs and pore. e h c a a e i, our t , Sing ua Ai Le cation al, Ms Ph nistr y Of Edu p i c n i r P e i Our Vic m the M ainers fro STELL AR tr

Mr Alguire was tr ying his best to use the STELL AR pedagogy on his bright pupils.

A small sampl e of the myriad of big books and readers used in the ST E L L A R P r o g r a m m e .

as a stapler er. h on used a Mr Ian Rays he role of a teac or t f r o h p a et m

ced rodu ork p ession. w e iv gs eat the cr the trainin ple of A sam hers during teac by our

‘By attending the two-day STELLAR Workshop, I was given the opportunity to review and broaden my knowledge of the kinds of strategies which effectively engage students in the reading and writing process.’ Ms Lisa Hetherington 培訓課一開始,麥校長就到來給我們打氣,鼓勵 我們接受課程培訓提升自己。大家要努力哦!

你有經驗,我有熱忱,新舊老師互相交流, 一起學習樂融融。

‘The STELLAR workshop gave us some insights as to how we can incorporate Big Books in our English Learning Centres. With the Guided Reading Centres, Spelling Centres, Writing Centres, and Literature Circle Centres already in place, we felt that we could also add in a Listening Centre with the use of Big Book so as to further enhance the holistic language-learning experience.’ Ms Kartine Cheung & Ms Kelly Yu


小學部與幼教部華文老師齊聚一堂,共同 學習研討,真難得!

‘STELLAR supports our approach to art at SIS: it is student-focused, with differentiated instruction, including authentic, performance-based activities showcasing multiple ways to demonstrate learning.’ Ms Donna Lesperance

8月19日及20日,新加坡教育部課程規劃與發展司的王燕燕女士和林思勤先生應邀 到本校為小學部及幼教部的華文老師主持了“小學華文課程工作坊”。培訓內容主 要圍繞華文科新教材的特點和教學重點,以及新小學離校考試的試卷格式評估方式 和出題技巧,同時也特別介紹了“語文遊戲樂翻天”這個新開發的網上資源。

‘Esther and Woon Heng were ver y likeable and approachable. They unlocked the key principles of STELLAR in an effective style that was both enjoyable and educational.’ Ms Sarah Hope



Splash! by Ms Angela Ho

The swimming pool has a new look! The changing rooms were renovated last summer. Now, there are more shower cubicles, new showering facilities, new shelves for students’ bags and more hair dryers for both girls and boys. The pool deck has been tiled with non-slip tiles. We hope all students are pleased with the new facilities!


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Take a look at the changing rooms!!!

New hair dryers

New shelves

w Ne



ip -sl



Xie Jing Yi from P4K said the swimming pool is so much cleaner because the floor is always dry!

i Similar new fac

lities in

the bo


ang s’ ch




The P3 and P4 students simply love their swimming pool much more after its renovation. Here’s some feedback from the P4 cohort:

It is absolutely gorgeous! The floor tiles were changed to grey ones. When I walked in, I was gob smacked! I like the new and improved swimming pool very much and I am looking forward to my next swimming lesson next Monday. Harriet Ho P4L The ground is dry and it is safe to walk around the pool. ‘Oohs’, ‘Aaghs’ and ‘Waahs’ came out of my mouth when I first saw the renovated swimming pool and changing room.

Matthew Tong from P4K loves ‘Play Time’ during the swimming lessons.

Melody Cheung P4L I was very surprised about the huge improvement at the swimming pool, especially the girls’ changing room! It looks like a five-star hotel swimming pool! I really appreciate the hard work put into the renovation. Charmaine Lee P4C The changing room is bigger and the floor looks and feels better. My clothes won’t be mixed up with the others’ again. I really like the new cabinets. Tommy Leo P4F Now I feel like going to the swimming pool every day!

Kimberly Luk P4W





by Quek Siu Ming, former student at SIS

Philosophy 4 Teenagers (P4T) was a program taken by the Secondary 2 students in the second half of the 08/09 academic year. The course objectives were to use the introduction of philosophy to stimulate our minds to “think about thinking” and to question the way we live. The learning approach was casual, hands on and discussion-focused. We began to understand more of each other’s viewpoints through activities on topics ranging from the ethics of euthanasia to the concept of what is good or bad. For example, each of us was given a piece of paper with an everyday item written on it, and we were to determine if that object was a piece of art or not. Even though our answers were not unanimous, the activity helped us understand that what we do, how we feel and the decisions we make depend a lot on our own morals and philosophies. Through our discussions, we determined early on in the course that no matter what religion people follow, if any at all, everyone still has morals that guide him/her through everyday life and decisions. This kind of “thinking about thinking” led to the introduction of “ultimate questions”: questions that cannot be answered definitely, such as “What are we here for?”. The hope is that through studying philosophy, we will eventually be able to answer these “ultimate questions” for ourselves. Although the P4T course was a short one, it left a lasting impression on me and actually made me question what I do more. It wasn’t the actual lessons that made the most impact, but rather the questions that remained for the students to continue pondering.


平遙城的街道 古代鏢局的鏢車

"讀萬卷書,不如行萬里路”,對我而言,親身體驗永遠都勝過紙上談兵。所 以,暑假期間,我踏入了中州大地(即今河南、山西、陝西、河北一帶)。 這次中州之旅以河南為起點,一路西行,沿黃河逆流而上,途經登封、洛陽、三 門峽、運城、平遙,最終到達太原。一路上,最震撼我的莫過於山西的王家大院與 被列為世界文化遺產的平遙古城。 “王家大院”是一座王姓人家造的院落群。整個院落群足有5個足球場那麼大。不 過,大院雖大卻毫不粗糙。整個大院中的各處都精雕細琢,一門一柱都見主人的心 思;一磚一瓦都透露主人對子弟們的道德要求,體現出濃厚的宗族文化。 至於平遙古城,則已有兩千七百多年的歷史,是中國現存最完整的古城。漫步古城,你 彷佛回到了數百年前,蓋因城的所有建築都完好地保持傳統的佈局與風貌。整座城的 街道呈十字形,商鋪沿街而建,每一間商鋪的屋檐下都有彩繪,房梁上均刻有彩雕,混合 著小販們的吆喝聲,一派古色古香。 在我而言,每一次的旅程都代表又一次心靈的洗禮,願大家能從中分享到我的快樂,期待 同學們在以後每次旅行中,都能讓不同的文化滋潤你們的心靈。 平遙城樓上小孩開大炮


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