Eco Singapore Publicity Package For Schools

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ECO Singapore Youth Delegation to the United Nations Climate Change Conference

environmental challenge organisation (singapore) known as ECO Singapore

Dear Sir/Madm,

Our Youth. Our Future. Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002

Charity Reg. No: 1739 My name is Lee Zhe Yu, a member of a local environmental NGO, Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore). We are sending an official youth delegation to the United Nations Climate Change Conference that will be held from December 7-18, 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

My purpose in writing this letter is to seek your help in disseminating information to those in your institution. This is part of the public engagement activities that we are having to raise awareness among Singapore society about the urgency of climate change as a global issue as well as what Copenhagen is all about. We believe that individuals, with their respective roles in society have a major part to play in finding solutions to this very serious issue. We hope we can inspire people to make climate change a conscious issue in their everyday lives as our actions have direct impacts. This information package aims to do just that by highlighting some of the essential points on climate change as well as the contentious issues that will be discussed at Copenhagen. The package will generally be structured in the following format: a. b. c. d. e.

Urgency of climate change What is Copenhagen 2009 and what is at stake? What we think is Singapore’s role Our team’s core beliefs Role of Youth

Also, our team will be blogging about our experience before, during and after the conference. Feel free to visit us at and let those at your institution know about it. Feel free to email us at [email protected] if you want to contact us or have any queries.

Kindly sponsored by:

Follow our progress @ ECOSPHERE, 87 Beach Road, Chye Sing Building, #06-01 Singapore 189695 I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537 Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

ECO Singapore Youth Delegation to the United Nations Climate Change Conference

environmental challenge organisation (singapore) known as ECO Singapore

The urgency of climate change

Our Youth. Our Future.

Climate change is real, urgent and severe. In the past

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

few years, developments in climate science and increasing observable occurrences of extreme weather events have brought climate change to the forefront of the global agenda. The 4th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental







demonstrated climate change is unequivocally human-induced. Despite this, measures being implemented so far have been woefully inadequate. The impacts of climate change range from sea level rise, melting ice caps and glaciers, biodiversity loss along with increased incidences of drought and flooding. This in turn is already leading to more agricultural shortfalls, endangered water security and the spread of vector-borne diseases.1 Yet, climate change is no longer solely an environmental problem. Rather, it is a challenge that spans the economic and geopolitical horizons. Changes in earth’s atmosphere which increasingly destabilizes the global climate will have a significant bearing on the future of food scarcity, water stress, the prevalence and intensity of diseases and the loss of homelands, natural wonders and livelihoods around the world. In this regard, climate change will have a profound impact on human rights as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights such as 1

UNFCCC report

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Follow our progress @ ECOSPHERE, 87 Beach Road, Chye Sing Building, #06-01 Singapore 189695 I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537 Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

ECO Singapore Youth Delegation to the United Nations Climate Change Conference

environmental challenge organisation (singapore) known as ECO Singapore

the right to life, security, food, and health. At the same

Our Youth. Our Future.

time, efforts to mitigate the causes and effects of climate

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

change are raising complex questions on the economic rights of nations to prosper and improve the lives of their people. There is not only an environmental imperative to act but also a moral, social and even economic one as the world targets to support around 9 billion people in 2050.

Kindly sponsored by:

Follow our progress @ ECOSPHERE, 87 Beach Road, Chye Sing Building, #06-01 Singapore 189695 I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537 Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

ECO Singapore Youth Delegation to the United Nations Climate Change Conference

environmental challenge organisation (singapore) known as ECO Singapore

Overview of the United Nations Framework Convention

Our Youth. Our Future.

on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

The UNFCCC was established in 1992 as a result of the Rio Earth Summit with








interference with the climate system” with an annual Conference of Parties following up to craft global policies. Participants to the conference are 1. The 192 national governments that have signed on to the convention 2. Observer parties from over 700 organisations including those from a. Business and industry b. Indigenous people c. Youth d. Trade Unions e. Environmental NGOs

Kindly sponsored by:

Follow our progress @ ECOSPHERE, 87 Beach Road, Chye Sing Building, #06-01 Singapore 189695 I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537 Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

ECO Singapore Youth Delegation to the United Nations Climate Change Conference

environmental challenge organisation (singapore) known as ECO Singapore

What is at stake at Copenhagen 2009?

Our Youth. Our Future.

This year is a landmark year for the Conference of Parties.

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

It is hoped that a new, fair and ambitious climate deal will emerge from the conference. The current CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is around 380 parts per million (ppm), over 100 ppm from pre-industrial times. Irreversible changes to our Earth’s biosphere may occur if we do not implement far ranging measures Key to a successful deal this year hinges on 1. Binding domestic emission reduction commitments by developed countries 2. Provision of financial and technological support for mitigation and adaptation in developing countries. 3. Expanding the scope of the carbon credit and carbon market schemes 4. Formalizing land use changes (forests and agriculture) into carbon accounting. A binding agreement arising from COP 15 must take into account the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, owing to each country’s socio-economic circumstances and historical contribution to climate change.

Kindly sponsored by:

Follow our progress @ ECOSPHERE, 87 Beach Road, Chye Sing Building, #06-01 Singapore 189695 I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537 Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

ECO Singapore Youth Delegation to the United Nations Climate Change Conference

environmental challenge organisation (singapore) known as ECO Singapore

Our Core Beliefs

Our Youth. Our Future. Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002

Charity Reg.with No: 1739 a. Climate science has advanced greatly in recent years, particularly

regards to the findings of the 4th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. These advances indicate that without a reasonable doubt that anthropogenic interference with the climate system may have irreversible deleterious impacts on the Earth's biosphere and human civilization. b. We therefore believe that climate change must be recognized as a serious and extremely urgent issue, which is to be tackled with much greater resolve. We also recognize that everyone is a stakeholder in finding solutions to the climate crisis from individuals to trade unions, youth, indigenous people, business community, local governments and non-governmental organizations. c. There is absolutely no excuses for inaction on the part of national governments who bear the highest responsibility in ensuring a successful deal in Copenhagen emerge. There is not only an environmental imperative to act, but also a moral, social, and even economic one. Therefore, it is necessary to take the view that the economy and the environment are not mutually exclusive entities. We can safeguard our atmosphere without compromising on the economic well-being of our people and nation. 2. Policy direction at COP 15 In our view, an inclusive deal must consider a. The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and must be ambitious, but fair to all, due to each nation's unique circumstances of socio-economic circumstances. Kindly sponsored by:

Follow our progress @ ECOSPHERE, 87 Beach Road, Chye Sing Building, #06-01 Singapore 189695 I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537 Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

ECO Singapore Youth Delegation to the United Nations Climate Change Conference

environmental challenge organisation (singapore) known as ECO Singapore

b. Historical responsibility of developed countries which have emitted most greenhouse gases to date

Our Youth. Our Future. Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

c. Precautionary or do no harm principle as well as the right to development

d. The fact that most of future emissions growth will take place in developing countries e. That real effects of climate change are already beginning to be seen

a. Emission Reduction targets i. Developed countries commit to at least 30% reduction in domestic emissions from 1990 levels by 2020 to limit atmospheric CO2 eq to 350 ppm or a corresponding 1.5 degree Celsius rise. ii. Newly Industrialized countries (NICs) to take on a binding target of some sort iii. Developing countries especially major ones (India and China) deviate significantly from business as usual patterns and allow emissions to peak in the coming decade b. Financing and Technology i. Significant amounts of money (USD 100 billion annually) must be committed on a sustained basis by developed countries to developing countries to aid in both adaptation and mitigation of climate change ii. Technology holds a major role in the climate change fight and must be allowed to be disseminated with greater ease without excessive restrictions due to intellectual property rights. c. Forests and land use Kindly sponsored by:

Follow our progress @ ECOSPHERE, 87 Beach Road, Chye Sing Building, #06-01 Singapore 189695 I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537 Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

ECO Singapore Youth Delegation to the United Nations Climate Change Conference

environmental challenge organisation (singapore) known as ECO Singapore

i. Net carbon fluxes that take place on land need to be accounted for as official carbon emissions or reductions

Our Youth. Our Future. Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

ii. Any mechanism that will incentivize reductions in deforestations must be environmentally effective, protect property rights of locals and be sustainable in the longterm.

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Follow our progress @ ECOSPHERE, 87 Beach Road, Chye Sing Building, #06-01 Singapore 189695 I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537 Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

ECO Singapore Youth Delegation to the United Nations Climate Change Conference

environmental challenge organisation (singapore) known as ECO Singapore

What (we think) is Singapore’s role? With





Our Youth. Our Future.



Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

Singapore must act to mitigate its own emissions as a responsible member of the global community. First of all, we must recognize that environmental protection and economic growth are not mutually exclusive goals and therefore a transition to a low-carbon economy presents considerable opportunities to diversify our economy, Practical steps that can be taken include: 1. Energy efficiency and conservation, which has massive mitigation potential. a. Through incentivizing behavioral changes or technological means. b. Promoted in all sectors, from electricity generation (smart grid), transport and building design. c. Has direct economic savings, in terms of energy and electricity costs 2. Explore any viable source of alternative energy, be it wind, solar or second generation biofuels. 3. Offsetting domestic emissions through afforestation projects in the region. 4. Collaborating with the region with regards to capacity building.

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Follow our progress @ ECOSPHERE, 87 Beach Road, Chye Sing Building, #06-01 Singapore 189695 I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537 Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

ECO Singapore Youth Delegation to the United Nations Climate Change Conference

environmental challenge organisation (singapore) known as ECO Singapore

a. Knowledge-building,



information dissemination and sharing of best

Our Youth. Our Future. Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

practices can help the region effectively adapt to and mitigate climate change. b. Effective measures to manage forests, which are effective carbon sinks Legislation on all these issues must be strongly considered. The National Climate Change Committee must further its work by involving more stakeholders, from academia and the general public to industry and civil society to allow for greater collaboration and action to achieve absolute emissions reductions.

Kindly sponsored by:

Follow our progress @ ECOSPHERE, 87 Beach Road, Chye Sing Building, #06-01 Singapore 189695 I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537 Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

ECO Singapore Youth Delegation to the United Nations Climate Change Conference

environmental challenge organisation (singapore) known as ECO Singapore

What You Can Do

Our Youth. Our Future.

We feel that it is essential for every individual to be

Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

stakeholders. You can begin with adopting certain green habits, simple ones that include 1. Being conscious of what you use and throw 2. Taking public transport 3. Reducing meat consumption 4. Adopting a less materialist lifestyle 5. Being energy efficient

In addition, you could read up on the latest developments in terms of climate change science and policy, recognizing the pertinence of the issue and the necessity of different actors to take responsibility in this continuing fight. Most importantly, you should spread the message of climate change to your peers and friends to inspire them to take action. Significant mitigation of the problem can be achieved through the united effort of individuals as ultimately; our collective consumption habits can determine our economic and environmental future. Climate change could also be given more attention on the national agenda if public concern on the issue substantially increases.

Kindly sponsored by:

Follow our progress @ ECOSPHERE, 87 Beach Road, Chye Sing Building, #06-01 Singapore 189695 I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537 Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

ECO Singapore Youth Delegation to the United Nations Climate Change Conference

environmental challenge organisation (singapore) known as ECO Singapore

The importance of youth in the flight against climate

Our Youth. Our Future.


Society Reg. No: ROS326/2002 Charity Reg. No: 1739

Youth have a pivotal role to play in this fight against climate change a. They will bear the brunt of the consequences

(positive or

negative) of climate change policies that will be enacted at Copenhagen and beyond b. With information technology and social media ever increasing, access to climate change developments and methods to catalyze change will only develop tremendously c. Knowledgeable, energized and capable young people can be empowered to tackle this massive challenge which will lead to sustainable development for all. Links for more information 1. –official website for the event 2. –a wealth of information concerning history of climate change and international policy negotiations 3. –our blog!

Kindly sponsored by:

Follow our progress @ ECOSPHERE, 87 Beach Road, Chye Sing Building, #06-01 Singapore 189695 I Tel: (65) 6333 5543 I Fax: (65) 6333 5537 Registered Address: 10 Anson Road, International Plaza, #15-14 Singapore 079903

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