Important Ophthalmology Q A

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  • August 2019
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‫السلم عليكم‬

-:D.D. of red eye ‫للتسهيل خدهم من برة لجوةالعين‬ -:Lid .Trichiasis,distichiasis,entropion,ectropion,blepha ritis

Conjunctival causes -:

,Ophthalmia neonatorum in infant .conjuctivitis(allergic,Infective),subconjunctival hge.,conjunctival foreign body -:Corneal causes

Corneal ulcer

.corneal foreign body,contact lens related problems,

Acute congestive Glaucoma Iris -:


-:Sclera .Episcleritis,scleritis -:Other .Trauma,Postoperative,Endophthalmitis .‫السباب التى بالفونت البولد الكبير ما فيهاش فصال لو نسيت واحدة تنقص كتير‬

D.D. of loss of vision -1 Transient visual loss(vision returns normal within 24. .hours,usually within 1 hour .)papilledema(bilateral-2 -:Visual loss lasting longer than 24hours. -:Sudden painless loss ), Central ret.Art.,central ret.v.occlusion.retinal detachment ).Gradual painless loss(over weeks,Months,or year Cataract,open angle glaucoma ,refractive error,chronic retinal disease(e.g Age related macular degeneration.,Diabetic ).retinopathy -:Painful loss Acute angle closureglaucoma.optic neuritis(usually pain with

eye movement),uveitis,endophthalmitis -3 .Post-traumatic visual loss.

‫اللى يسألك جبت الكلم ده من فين قوله من كتاب‬ Wills eye manual ‫حيسكت على طول‬ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------pannus ‫الباثولوجي بتاع ال‬ pannus of Trachoma infiltration is between Epithelium & Basement membrane Vascularization is superficial to Basement membrane &is branching Pannus of phlycten infiltration is between Epithelium & Basement membrane Vascularization is deep to Basement membrane ‫يحصل ايه باه‬ ‫ أنتيجين أنتي بودي ريأكشن أو كومبلكس‬Ag -Ab ‫يروحوا رايحين على‬ Connective tissue of bulbar conjunctiva Via Blood vessels then surrounded by inflammatory reaction )cells)& the phlycten is then formed ‫هذا وبالله التوفيق‬ ‫السلم عليكم‬

Effect of Diabetes on eye ‫سؤال امتحان‬ Lids-1

.Recurrent styes , xanthelasma & blepharitis* Conjunctiva&Cornea-2 Conjunctivitis & Keratitis*

Iris-3 Rubeosis iridis can occur as complication of proliferative DR* Spontaneous Hyphema may occur** Bleeding also occurs during cataract surgery & iridectomy*** Diabetic iritis**** Retina -4 DR= diabetic retinopathy* Lipemia retinalis due to high blood level in uncontrolled** cases.Fundus appears pale &retinal vessels are milky Vitrous Hge-5 Due to DR Lens -6 ‫نوعين‬cataract* True diabetic cataract below 30 years Pre-senile cataract above 40 years changes in refraction** Hyperglycemia ==index myopiaHypoglycemia ==index hypermetropiaIOP -7 )Secondary glaucoma )neovascular or Hge* Hypotony in diabetic coma** optic nerve-8 Retrobulbar neuritis Acute papillitis Paralytic squint -9 Lateral rectus is the commenest Post operative complication-10 HgeinfectionDelayed wound Healing،،‫بالتوفيق‬

vitamin A deficienc ey e :Night blindness

y & its ef fect on

The child cannot see in the dim light or twilight. Nightblindness is also found in pregnant women in some instances, especially during the last trimester of pregnancy when .the vitamin A needs are increased :Bitot Spots These are foamy and whitish cheese-like tissue spots that develop around the eye ball, causing severe dryness in the eyes. These .spots do not affect eye sight in the day light :Blindness Once the dry eyes set in, the eye becomes very sensitive and begins to scratch and scar. The eyelids become swollen and sticky. This eventually leads to blindness. Once blindness .occurs, it cannot be reversed :Other symptoms of deficiency When the body lacks vitamin A, the systems that resist infection and disease do not work very well. That is why children with Vitamin A deficiency fall sick more often, take much longer to recover and are more likely to die. Problems with bones and teeth can also occur .frequently

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‫شكر خاص ل د شرين علي الفرقة الخامسة طب الزقازيق ‪ ...‬و د عباس‬ ‫فاروق الفرقة الخامسة طب السكندرية‪...‬ربنا يجعله في ميزان‬ ‫حسناتهم‬

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