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i n te r n a t i o n a l Official Daily News Source for International Visitors at IFA

IFA's Global Leading Position Underlined by Chancellor THE “MOST POWERFUL WOMAN IN THE WORLD” INAUGURATES IFA AT OPENING GALA According to Forbes Magazine, she’s the most powerful woman in the world… and as Germany plays an increasing role in the “concert of nations”, not to mention in the Consumer Electronics world, it was a fitting start to this, the world’s biggest CE trade show, that the German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel “open the ball”! At the magnificent gala event which opened IFA 2008 at the Palais am Funkturm in Berlin, the Governing Mayor of Berlin Klaus Wowereit, the Chairman of the Supervisory

Board of gfu Dr. Rainer Hecker and Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel addressed the high-ranking guests from leading international CE companies, decision-makers from politics and business, and members of the national and international media.

See page 4 for extracts from Chancellor Merkel’s speech.

Sharp’s New AQUOS D65 Series

German Chancellor, Angela Merkel

Saturday 30th August 2008 Hall 20 Stand 101 Hall 3.2 Stand 101

Hall 5.2 Stand 101


The Chancellor, by her presence and by the quality of her opening speech, underlined the political will to support IFA as the number one platform for business exchange in the CE world.

Taking a Star Role at IFA The new AQUOS series on show at IFA, with TV’s ranging from 32” right up to 52” (bypassing 37” and 46” models) is a real eye opener thanks to a new convenient design coupled with eco-friendliness. Indeed, Sharp’s technical prowess developed over time enables efficient manufacturing of 46”and 52”LCD TVs at their new Kameyama plant, producing eighth-generation substrates.



EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS Dr. Kurt-Ludwig Gutberlet Chairman and Chief Executive Officer BSF Bosch and Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH

“It’s not just efficiency in using the product, but the entire life cycle. The key is to further reduce consumption with each new generation...” See page 16

Simon Kang President and CEO Digital Display Company LG Electronics Inc. “Customer insight serves as the basic foundation for us to develop any product if we really want it to be successful in the market.” See page 19





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.../ Cont’d. from Page 1 l. to r.: Dr. Rainer Hecker, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, gfu, Miss IFA, Angela Merkel, German Chancellor, Raimund Hosch, President and CEO Messe Berlin GmbH

Following are some of the highlights of Dr Merkel’s comments:

(Extracts from Dr Merkel’s Video): The IFA is among the most popular trade fairs for consumer electronics and is equally known among citizens and business experts. For the first time this year, not only consumer electronics, but also home appliances will be on display at the IFA. This does not come as a surprise: more than ever, the World Wide Web impacts our lives, and with the technological advances we are experien-

cing an ever growing integration of all kinds of electronic devices. A few years ago, this would still have been unthinkable.

ever growing role information and communication technologies play in our daily private and business lives.

“We want This presents a Therefore, I am great opportuto play a convinced that nity for Gerthe IFA 2008 prominent role many: it gives highlights a in the world“ rise to all new whole new kinds of opporaspect the Gertunities where man Federal Government we want to play a prominent specifically is promoting in role in the world. Due to its its High-Tech Strategy: the sound infrastructure, the creation of new products Federal Republic of Germany and appliances from the has great potential to take a




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The power of IFA to mobilise the industry has taken a further step with the resolute underpinning of the Federal Government of Germany not just for the event but for the industry as a whole. Not only did the Federal Chancellor make a thunderous presentation as an opening salvo to this year’s IFA, she has even recorded a video podcast on the government’s website.

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“…if you manage to communicate the benefits of the new technology, the success will come even sooner“...




global leading position in this sector. In the age of information and communication technology, the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union claim a leading role in a highly competitive market with everybody constantly trying to be one step ahead. One example for benefiting from the potential of the European Union is the Galileo project, and Germany as a member state holds great responsibilities and abilities in this respect. This is why

IFA International is a CLEVERDIS Publication • 65 avenue Jules Cantini - Tour Méditerranée - 13298 Marseille • France • Tel: + 33 4 42 77 46 00 • Fax: + 33 4 42 77 46 01 • SARL capitalised at €128,250 - VAT FR 95413604471 • RCS Marseille 413 604 471 • E-mail : [email protected] • www.cleverdis.com During IFA : Press Center – Hall 6.3 • Tel: +49 (0)30 3038 81136 • Fax: +49 (0)30 3038 81146 • E-mail : [email protected] • www.ifa-international.org • Publisher: Gérard Lefebvre • Publishing Director: Jean-Guy Bienfait • Project Manager: Bettina Badon • Editor-in-Chief: Richard Barnes • Associate Editor: Jooree Cho • Editorial team: Bruce Cooper, Marc Dezzani, Emmanuel Poidevin, Gary Smith, Jo Stephens • Photos: Didier Baverel • Videos: Sacha Le Corroler • Art Director: Hélène Beunat • Design & Page Setting: Serge Aznar, Valentina Russo To contact them : first name.last [email protected] • Cover : © Photo Messe Berlin GmbH • Printing: Möller Druck und Verlag GmbH (Berlin, Germany) • With the participation of: Ugo Massacrier, Jean-François Pieri, Raphaël Pinot, Masha Polshinskaya, Mareike Vitt © CLEVERDIS 2008 - Registration of Copyright August 2008 - ISSN pending Information presented in this publication is purely indicative in order to illustrate subjects contained therein. No guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of data or content at time of printing and thus the latter should not be used for professional or commercial ends. While all efforts have been made as to accuracy and pertinence of content and data contained in this publication, CLEVERDIS may in no case be held responsible for the consequences, whatever their nature may be, that may result from the interpretation of this data or content, or any eventual errors therein. Any reproduction of the content of this publication, even partial, by any means whatsoever, is strictly prohibited without the prior autorisation of the publisher. Any copy, whether by photography, photography film, magnetic tape, disc or other means constitutes a forgery, liable to punishment under French law according to the legislation of 11th March 1957 covering copyright. All brands cited in this publication are registered trade marks and/or belong to companies which are their respective proprietors. The publishers and editorial staff decline all responsibility as to opinions formulated in this publication by those interviewed or cited therein. Their opinions are entirely their own, and are included with the understanding that they contain, to our knowledge, no malicious intent. The inclusion of all texts, photographs and other documents supplied by those included in the encyclopaedia imply the acceptance by their authors of their free publication therein. Documents and photographs will not be returned. It should be understood that this publication contains forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions. All statements other than statements of historical fact are statements that could be deemed forward-looking statements. Risks, uncertainties and assumptions include assumptions relating to the timing of the recorded date. If any of these risks or uncertainties materialises or any of these assumptions proves incorrect, actual results could differ materially from the expectations outlined in these statements. Cleverdis assumes no obligation and does not intend to update these forward-looking statements during the period of publication. Photo Credits and Copyright: All Rights Reserved.



IFA International • Saturday, 30th & Sunday, 31st August 2008

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NEWS European Union in the forthcoming years are already underway. There is already a broad range of energy-related advisory services available to consumers that cover every aspect of the household. Using these can save you money and help protecting our environment. Another aspect that requires our attention is the digitalisation of an ever growing number of areas. Knowing that digital programmes require fewer frequencies enables us to make broader use of these frequencies. HDTV is another topic which is widely discussed among experts. It is generally agreed that something has to be done about this. We have to break the vicious circle where it is argued that if we had more programmes we had more HDTV devices and vice versa. My advice to content providers and broadcasters as well as device manufactures is to simply move ahead – a step that will be welcomed by customers. And if you manage to communicate the benefits of the new technology, the success will come even sooner. I fully assent to the view that comprehensible instruction manuals are absolutely needed. Maybe it has to do with age. I would think we need something for the young – a shorter manual with the most important instructions – and something for the old – manuals that are specifically written for that target group…




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Translated from original German text / video.by Kai Wagner Do w n lo

Mr. Hecker that energy efficiency plays an equally important role as regards the so-called «white goods» and the «brown goods». On 8th September 2008, Substantial efforts have one of the two main satellite already been undertaken in control centres for Galileo the field of household will be opened in Oberpfaf- appliances. Problems like fenhofen near Munich. standby energy consumption Some might ask: «What is in consumer electronics, the purpose however, still of Galileo?» require our “We should Galileo disattention. We keep in mind poses of will also progreater pre- that we can make ceed accorcision than dingly in an impact even terms of legal the American GPS sysrequirewith small tem and will ments. We contributions to should keep allow for a better handin mind that lower energy ling of local we can make consumption“ data and a an impact more exact even with determination of positions. small contributions to lower This will give way to a whole energy consumption – by new range of applications. turning the standby funcAdditionally, we wanted to tion off and by using have a system in Germany energy-efficient devices and that is more accurate than energy-saving light bulbs. By the American system and just switching off the that makes us independent standby function of our of it. So we can see the dif- electric and electronic ferent information and com- devices, we can unload two munication technology large-scale power plants, sectors growing more and export power or do somemore together. Germany thing else. As we say in Gerhas great potential to play a many: ‘A penny saved is a leading role in this process. penny earned’. So you can At the IFA you will have the see that every little contribuchance to get a general idea tion counts and that our of the technological trends common effort can result in at the beginning of the 21st great energy saving. In century that are about to March this year we adopted completely change the way the ‘Energy-Using Products we live. Act’ (EBPG) which puts the’Directive 2005/32/EC on (Extracts from Dr Merkel’s the eco-design of Energyusing Products’ (EuP) into Speech at IFA): national law. In doing so, we Another important concern have established the corresof the industry is energy effi- ponding framework in this ciency. I have been told by respect. New efforts of the

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we have been put in charge of central aspects of the Galileo project by the European Union.

Read, watch and listen... To all the information from IFA 2008 at www.ifa-international.org i n te r n a t i o n a l Official Daily News Source for International Visitors at IFA

IFA International • Saturday, 30th & Sunday, 31st August 2008

international TVV

Official Daily Video Source for International Visitors at IFA



Haier strongly believes that, to be deeply satisfied and live happily, compromises are not the solution: not for us, nor for you or your clients. This is the reason for the highest quality offered by Haier: a high quality product leads to high quality in life, even when you are dealing with domestic household, electrical goods or air conditioning. We also believe that the secret behind successful living is the ability to maintain deep relationships and to involve every element within a group. This is why we at Haier see the essence of globalization in the localization of our activities and also of our employees; to become part of the local community while creating a global brand. This year alone, Haier has established 19 trading companies, 5 design centres, 24 manufacturing facilities and 4 industrial parks outside China. Haier also has 58,800 sales outlets in over 160 countries, employing more than 50.000 people around the world. A global production range of 90 product lines and 15,000 models: the results of intensive research into a better quality of life for everyone. To fly higher.

Come and see our White Goods in Hall 4.1 Stand 107 and Brown Goods in Hall 25 Stand 116 www.haiereurope.com Haier Deutschland GmbH Im Westpark 15 – 35435 Wettenberg Tel: 0641 97442300 - Fax: 0641 97442333 Kundenservice: 0180 5393999 [email protected]

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30-07-2008 12:39:16



How do you see the industry progressing in the next year? We will have a general growth in CE as we had in the past, but perhaps with a little bit of a slowdown. However if you look in different segments, there is twodigit growth especially in the area of LCD TV, in navigation systems, and in home cinema. These are the real driving forces of the CE market. What are the driving forces in the CE industry at the moment? The driving forces in 2008 are first of all HDTV and home cinema solutions. The multimedia networking, everywhere in the house and also outside, then navigation systems in the car and telephones, mobile phones including TV.

Another big movement that started about two years ago is the eco-responsibility movement. We’re seeing this from all the different manufacturers. How important is this becoming? This is more and more important. On the one hand we will improve our performance and technical features and, on the other


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hand, we will save energy and improve energy efficiency. We are doing a lot of investment, not only in improving the efficiency of “stand-by” mode, but also in the “on” mode. For example, for the flat panel TVs there is a real target set for the coming years to reduce energy consumption by 50%. This is also applying very much to home appliances, the new category at IFA this year…

How do you feel about the logic of bringing home appliances to IFA 2008? From the practical point of view, we recognise that both industries are digital, both industries are consumer orientated, both industries make attractive, “sexy” appliances for homes and from that point of view, we can imagine that not only the trade visitors are interested, but also the consumers who are interested to have a look at a larger product portfolio at IFA. One of the things you announced was that there would be an IFA international media policy congress. Can you tell

me a little bit about that conference? Media policy has a long tradition at IFA. We started it several years ago. It is a discussion with politicians, industries analysts and electronics associations on how to increase our understanding of future orientated media, how we can standardise new applications so that we can generate new business fields and new markets faster, and from that point of view is a next step. Now we cooperate with Media Forum Berlin Brandenburg that was in the past a separate event and we now jointly work together on the media forum. I think it’s more attractive because together we can bundle our forces.

Yes, for home appliances it is perhaps a much bigger subject and more of a priority than in consumer electronics, because the starting point is a little bit higher, but they also made progress in the past by reducing energy in the washing machine, in cooking, and so on, and they will continue to reduce energy consumption.


Hans-Joachim Kamp Vice President, ZVEI

This year consumer electronics manufacturers expect worldwide sales to increase by 9.3 per cent to a total of 678 billion US dollars. This was reported by Hans-Joachim Kamp, Chairman of the Consumer Elec-

tronics Trade Association in the main industry association Zentralverband Elektrotechnik und Elektroindustrie e.V. and Vice-President of the ZVEI, at the opening press conference of IFA 2008. A further increase to just under 720 billion is expected in 2009. The expansion has been particularly evident in the AsiaOceania region. In Europe Kamp expects a slight drop in sales, by 2.4 per cent, to 64.3 billion euros. The fall in the value of sterling against the euro, and the failure by any of the UK national football teams to qualify for the European Champion-ships have also led to a decline in demand in the UK. In contrast, Switzerland, Austria, the Nether-

IFA International • Saturday, 30th & Sunday, 31st August 2008

lands and Germany all reported double-digit growth. In Germany the increase in sales is expected to be in the region of 3.8 per cent, to 14.5 billion euros. This is influenced in particular by the trend towards more large flat screen sets in HD ready or full HD quality, frequently in combination with innovative audio solutions to provide an outstanding home cinema experience. There are still over 170 million valve sets in Europe which will need replacing. In this area the industry expects to sell 38 million TV sets, 21 million set-top boxes, 33 million digital cameras, 35 million MP3 / MP4 layers and 31 million pairs of headphones.



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NEWS NEW DVB-H SERVICE LAUNCHED IN NETHERLANDS By Richard Barnes Ten television channels are now available across the Netherlands through a new mobile television solution. Dutch mobile users can now watch a choice of 10 television channels offering the highest quality broadcast thanks to the “MobielTV” service launched nationwide by telecommunications group KPN. Nokia and Nokia Siemens Networks have joined forces to enable this service with their leading-edge mobile TV technology, services and expertise. The MobielTV service initially offers 10 television

channels with high-quality images. The service is made available through a broadcast network based on the Digital Video Broadcast for Handheld (DVB-H), the European standard for mobile television, and can be watched on DVB-Henabled mobile devices. Nokia and Nokia Siemens Networks provided KPN with a turnkey head-end solution based on open standards to launch the broadcasts – including the Mobile Broadcast Solution and a broad range of services like consulting, platform integration, project

NEWS BRIEFS enthusiasts and home cinema fans can experience what the most expensive and complex audio-video system which the market has to offer with their own eyes and ears. Hall 1.2

IFA FAMILY PLAYGROUND The current special show topic “Use of the media in the family“ provides information and inspires the entire family. Different media such as TV, radio, the print media and the Internet can be discovered and experienced together. What are the most suitable media and

”We are glad to be among the first to launch mobile television broadcasts in Europe,“ said Bart van Lerschot, KPN Broadcast Services Director. “This timely launch has been possible thanks to our choice of partners – Nokia and Nokia Siemens Networks – who are market leaders in providing open standard DVB-H service platforms.” With the MobielTV service, featuring high-quality images and sound, the viewers have a choice of 10

channels: Nederland 1, Nederland 3, RTL4, RTL24, SBS6, Jetix / Veronica, MTV Music, Discovery Channel, Xite and Nick Toons. More channels are expected to be included in the offering in the future. In March, the European Commission added DVB-H to the EU List of Standards, which serves as a basis for encouraging harmonized provision of telecommunications services across Europe. The move helps establish a single market for mobile TV in the EU enabling all citizens to watch TV on the move.

formats for daily use, in particular by our children? Where are the potential risks? It presents information, suggestions and surprising facts in a display area covering approximately 400 square metres. Hall 6.2 / Stand 107

IFA International • Saturday, 30th & Sunday, 31st August 2008

The Swiss company Xounts, which attracted much attention at the IFA 2007 with its pyramid-shaped designer loudspeakers, is building a pyramid of several hundred Xounts speakers in Hall 9.

Meanwhile, the “evolution” of DVB-H, which combines satellite and land-based transmitters, called DVB-SH, is on display at IFA 2008 in the Science and Technology Forum. The technical eco-system, headed up by Alcatel Lucent Mobile Broadcast, has already been launched in the United States in partnership with ICO, and services are set to be launched in Europe that will enable mobile TV to be received over a greatly extended territory. Hall 5.3 / Stand 22


THE MOST EXPENSIVE SOUND SYSTEM IN THE WORLD (TADW) At this year’s IFA, the HiFi, surround sound and music magazine audio is again presenting the ”most expensive sound system in the world". This high-end ensemble is a major attraction for the public. HiFi

management, support services and turnkey implementation.


With its monumental appearance, this pyramid will be making an attempt on the record as the highest directional loudspeaker for the Guinness Book of Records. There will also be a

styling competition on the stand where every visitor can create his own design of a Xounts loudspeaker.

Hall 9 / Stand 301

COLORFOTO THEME ISLAND This theme island will focus mainly on giving advice to visitors on a wide range of topics to do with photography. At various workshops such as “An easy guide to

taking snap shots“ or “Using your camera flash correctly“ interested visitors can find out more about these topics. Boards with purchase advice are aimed at helping

visitors to the IFA to make the right buying decisions. All this information can also be found in the current issue of Colorfoto. Hall 15.1 / Stand 115

SATELLITE NAVIGATION THEME ISLAND – FROM CONNECT, AUTOHIFI AND AUTOCONNECT The magazines Connect, Autohifi and Autoconnect will be presenting all kinds of sat-nav systems for mobile telephones on their

stand. Visitors will be able to find out about the various types of mobile phone and software from information boards, which will provide

details of prices, functions, compatibility of these exhibits, and lots more. Hall 8.1 / Stand 111



Blu-ray Disc® is changing DVD the way DVD changed VHS. With features like the richest possible HD picture, stunning 7.1 surround sound, and so many hit high-def movies, clearly, The Future is Blu.

Available or coming soon to Blu-ray Disc. “Superman Returns” TM & © DC Comics. © & TM Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. © Disney. © 2007 FOX. © Lionsgate.

3619_blu_IFA INTERNATIONAL_PHILLIPS Version Trim: 250mm x 353mm Bleed: 260mm x 363mm 08.19.08


At his speech last year, Park talked about "the era of digital renaissance" and its implications for consumers –

a theme that he took up once again at IFA 2008. "We are increasingly seeing rich content and networks," he said. "But we at Samsung are not satisfied with the way things are, because the user experience is far from being seamless. People should be able to use devices much more easily and conveniently. To really be able to say that we're living in a digital renaissance, the user experience

As the digital world's user base spreads way beyond early adopters and geeks, the need to enable anyone and everyone to enjoy its full


benefits is paramount. "Even though some seniors are very much involved in the digital world, we have to be very careful not to exclude emerging markets with less robust economies and older people who are not yet comfortable with digital technology," Park said. "So, even though it is important to provide real solutions, these need to be at the right price-point, so that we don't create even more of a digital divide." Samsung continues to innovate with its Content Library service, which features preloaded content on generalist topics such as cooking, education and sports. "The content comes from collaborating with content providers and it's perfectly clear that it's a win-win situation for everyone involved," Park said. "We already have fruitful relationships with a number of companies, including Yahoo and USA Today, and we are very open to extending that to others."


Samsung is also premiering its Ultra Definition TV set with an 82-inch screen. According to the company, the model is the first 3Dready set to come to the market.


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cularly loved the swimming competition. Those hightech suits are welded to the swimmer's body to create a seamless surface and, when you see how many world records were broken, it's not hard to understand the relevance of a seamless experience."

The number of multi-function devices is growing on a daily basis, but that multifunctionality also means that those same devices are often too complicated. "Just take a look at the back of your TV," Park said. "It's a mess back there. And the growing global presence of communication networks means that digital content is exploding. Just imagine what it would be like if all the devices in the world that can create content could also share that content. But that also means that, given the sheer volume and ubiquity of the content out there, that it's now very important that it be managed properly. As Bill Gates said: 'The TV will be married to the Internet.' And the Internet is now a way of life for a lot of people. Consequently, the opportunity to use it to create new features and services is enormous."



Jong-Woo Park, President & CEO Digital Media Business, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

"This keynote, alongside carrying the Olympic flame, is the highlight of my year," he said. "And while we are on the Olympic theme, I have to tell you that I parti-

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has to be genuinely seamless and people should be able to enjoy the full benefits of the digital world any time, anywhere."

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By Gary Smith

At the ICC yesterday, JongWoo Park, President & CEO Digital Media Business, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., charmed the packed auditorium with a combination of hard-hitting facts and spontaneous humour.





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By Joanna Stephens Expect Philips to continue to make "bold, brave choices", Andrea Ragnetti told the audience at Friday afternoon's international keynote, which focused on the Dutch electronics giant's mission to "make a difference in consumer lifestyle". The Executive Vice-President of Royal Philips Electronics and Chief Executive Officer of Philips Consumer Lifestyle

outlined his company's roadmap for growing its healthcare, lighting and consumer-lifestyle businesses. This drive – part of the Vision 2010 plan – aims to further strengthen Philips' position as "a market-driven, people-centric company, with a strategy and a structure that reflects the needs of its customer base, while increasing shareholder value".

Describing Philips Consumer Lifestyle as a "powerhouse of insight and understanding" into the health and wellbeing market – a market, incidentally, that now delivers Philips some € 30bn in worldwide sales – Ragnetti said: "We are only just beginning to tap the massive potential of the lifestyle, health and wellbeing space."

Putting the consumer first is embedded in Philips' DNA, Ragnetti added, citing a number of lifestyle products – from the sleek, chic SENSEO Latte Select coffeemaker, developed in partnership with the Dutch coffee brand Douwe Egberts, to the newly launched Philips Wake-up Light – that embody this approach.

But the Philips chief acknowledged that times are hard. "The market is tough thanks to the increasingly challenging global economy," he said. "However, our portfolio choices are focused on creating a longterm leadership position. In North America, for example, we have chosen to concentrate on just a few product categories, thereby challenging the notion that strong …/ Cont’d. Page 13

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FLASHBACK TO KEYNOTES brands have to be present in every market with everything in their portfolio. In today's market, biggest isn't always best." He also assured the assembled press that Philips is not about to forsake its traditional heartland. "I want to be very clear," he said. "Our new lifestyle strategy is not based on retreating from the television business. Philips is determined to continue to be a major player in TV. We will go on 'daring to be different' across all our product ranges." Ragnetti then urged the industry to start "pushing the boundaries" of TV design. "I don't know about you," he said, "but when I go into a TV showroom, I see rows and rows of identical sets. Could you tell the difference if the brand badges were removed? But for many consumers, a TV is a capital purchase, so diffe-

Andrea Ragnetti CEO – Philips Consumer Lifestyle

rentiation is essential." He mentioned Philips' nextgeneration Aurea FlatTV, which launches next month, as an example of a design that cuts through the clutter. "When we talk about Aurea, we tend to get rather poetic," he added. "But it's difficult not to be inspired by the Aurea viewing experience." Moving forward, Ragnetti said Philips would be forging more partnerships along the lines of the Douwe Egberts alliance mentioned above. "It's said that too many chefs are a bad thing," he mused. "But, for us, working with partners in the kitchen business has contributed tremendously to our success. There are many unopened doors for us in the consumer-lifestyle market – and we believe that some of those doors will be opened for us by new partners."

IFA INTERNATIONAL KEYNOTES 2008 EXCLUSIVE FIRST-HAND INSIDER INFORMATION What direction will technology take? What will future standards look like? How will these developments affect my present business model? You will find out all about these topics at the IFA International Keynotes - in exciting lectures from international top managers from the CE and Household Appliances industry. They will convey their insider knowledge to you regarding the latest product developments, industry trends and strategies. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to meet the industry stars and to get the latest industry news first-hand. Dr. Kurt-Ludwig Gutberlet, Chairman and CEO, BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH Date: 30th August 2008 Time: 09.45 - 10.30 Location: Hall 7.1a, International Keynote Area

TWF TALK The TWF is a unique combination of specialist exhibition and a forum for discussions about innovative media technology. In order to increase the understanding of the issues raised by the exhibits and to offer visitors a platform where they can exchange ideas and experiences, TWF exhibitors developed the TWF Talk, a special lecture series and discussion format. Top industry experts are available here to give lectures, answer questions, and engage in critical debates. PROGRAMME ABSTRACT Saturday, 30th August 2008 11.00 a.m.: 2.00 p.m.:

HDTV, TV on mobiles, DVB-T, Television 2020 Where are we now, where do we want to be? TWF-ACTIVE – ‘Living’ machines, mobile games, surfing the globe An afternoon of active involvement.

HOUSEHOLDS CAN SAVE ENERGY WITHOUT SACRIFICING CONVENIENCE Keynote Summary: Highly efficient household appliances sold under the BSH brands Bosch and Siemens help consumers all over the world contribute to climate protection actively. The potential savings are often much more substantial than people might expect. The amount of electricity and water consumed by a single household may seem unimportant. But when one considers the total amount used by millions of households worldwide, this represents a significant impact on global resources. At the same time, it is a starting point for conserving energy and water, as well as reducing CO2 emissions. In addition to much lower consumption figures, innovative household appliances offer more product benefits and thus meet an important expectation of consumers who can save without sacrificing convenience. Statement of Motivation: As the world’s leading trade exhibition for consumer electronics and consumer lifestyles, IFA is a first-class industry trade show and an extremely important event for BSH. We welcome the concept of presenting consumer electronics and household appliances together for the first time. This approach also reflects the retail structure of the industry: Products from these two segments have been sold under the same roof for many years. IFA offers us an outstanding international platform where we can present the innovative, technically advanced products sold under our brands Bosch and Siemens. At the same time, it gives us an opportunity to show a widespread audience how our energy-efficient household appliances contribute to climate protection and help conserve natural resources. IFA International • Saturday, 30th & Sunday, 31st August 2008

Sunday, 31st August 2008 11.00 a.m.: 11.30 a.m.: 2.00 p.m.:

Discussions with the press and tour of the fair Multimedia – new vistas, new orientation WebX.0 – Community and interaction

Monday 1st September 2008 11.00 a.m.: 2.00 p.m.:

Digital radio applications Digital data – collecting, storing, scaling

Tuesday 2nd September 2008 11.00 a.m.: 2.00 p.m.:

DRM and DRM+, Digital Radio Mondiale A family of systems of up to 108 MHz for digital broadcasting Man + Machines – control, interaction, cooperation

Wednesday, 3rd September 2008 11.00 a.m.:

TWF2008 – a profile, a review



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IFA International • Saturday, 30th & Sunday, 31st August 2008

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THE DUST HAS SETTLED HOW BLU IS THE FUTURE? Opening the Blu-ray press conference, Frank Simonis, chairman of the BDA (Blu-ray Disc Association) European Promotions Committee, said that the end of the debilitating format war has marked a period of consolidation and rapid growth for the format: “Is Blu-ray still interesting to the press? I hope so because now that the dust has settled we are able to focus on the products and we have a lot of news about that,” he said. “And the BDA itself has grown considerably with over 190 members covering the whole spectrum of companies involved in the process of manufacturing and distributing Blu-ray, from hardware and software manfacturers to studios and, most importantly, we all speak with one voice.” Members now include Apple, Sun, Pioneer, Panasonic, Disney, Dell, HP, Hitachi, Sharp and LG. DISC MEDIA HAS BRIGHT FUTURE Simonis also rebutted stories in the trade press about

By Gary Smith

skipping the disc format entirely in favour of internet-based distribution: “We’re hearing a lot at the moment about whether discs are really relevant any more and my response to that is that network-based distribution solutions are not relevant because those networks cannot handle HD and they cannot deliver content direct to the TV which is where most people want to watch it.” BD PLAYER SALES SET TO BOOM Recent sales figures for both hardware and software seem to indicate that the format is rapidly approaching the tipping point, moving out of the early adopter demographic and being embraced by mainstream buyers. In the first two quarters of 2008, global sales of players reached 1.5 million units, more than the whole of 2007 in half the time and also in the period of the year when consumers tend not to buy electronic goods, the autumn and winter being

IFA International • Saturday, 30th & Sunday, 31st August 2008

Frank Simonis, chairman of the BDA European Promotions Committee

the peak period for such purchases. “On the basis of previous years we expect that the end of year figure will significantly exceed our prediction that we would sell 2 million players in 2008,”

Simonis said. “We are also delighted to say that around 15 million movies have been sold in the US and 5 million in Europe. We expect to see sales of around 12 million discs in Europe this year.”

There are currently 400 titles available in Germany, with a further 100 to be released before the end of the year, further encouraging a market that is largely driven by new releases, unlike DVD which grew significantly through sales of back catalogue. The successful introduction of BD Live, the interactive application that uses Internet connectivity to enable consumers to download trailers looks set to explode with the imminent introduction of extra features such as Put Yourself In The Movie on Starship Troopers 3 – Marauder, has proved that there is genuine demand for these interactive features. Simon McDowell, SVP at Sony Pictures Home Entertainment offered some insight in to the impact of Blu-ray on consumers: “People in video stores spend up to 50% longer in the aisle when there is a Blu-ray demo running. It’s a whole new way to engage with consumers as are the numerous additions to the BD Live feature which we are currently busy developing,” he said.



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Keynote Saturday, 30th Hall 7.1a International Keynote Area 9h45 First we would like to talk about the 2 main axes at the heart of the philosophy of BSH. One is developing added value through performance, convenience and user friendliness. The second is environmental consciousness. Can you tell me how the company’s actions and developments are working towards these goals? Well obviously Bosch and Siemens being our main brands for the BSH group, both brands stand for innovation. If you look at patent statistics in Germany, Bosch and Siemens are ranked number 1 and number 2 in numbers of patent applications. BSH as a subsidiary of both companies has the 10th position overall in patent applications in Germany. So innovation has been the core of the two brands and we have stuck to that strategy and it’s fair to say our company stands for innovation in home appliances. For the environmental, excellence has been an element in our industry for a couple of years now. It has


been driven since the first oil crisis, with people understanding that home appliances use a lot of energy, and that this should be reduced. And it has become a real competitive issue. It’s not so much about ethics or ambitions of managers; it has become a really essential part of white goods. If you are not efficient in water or energy consumption, you are not going to succeed in the market unless you have the strategy to be price leader. How heavy is this requirement? In new projects that we discuss, it can be easily 50% of the discussion. We look at it today in a more global way. It’s not just efficiency in using the product, but the entire life cycle. The key is to further reduce consumption with each new generation. At the IFA show, we will be showcasing new dishwashers and one key element of these products will be an unrivaled low level of water and energy consumption. We have innovated a new


As Home Appliances are integrated into IFA for the first time this year, this exciting and growing market segment is also represented on a high level in the international keynotes. Dr. Kurt-Ludwig Gutberlet, leading German White Goods Manufacturer BSH’s Chairman and CEO, will be holding saturday’s keynote. IFA International Editor-in-Chief Richard Barnes met with Dr Gutberlet for an exclusive “pre-keynote” interview….

drying system, which we will present for the first time at IFA, which uses very, very little energy. So this gives you an idea on how competition is in white goods, which is very different from CE goods… it all revolves around energy and environmental friendliness. How important is it for companies and the industry to take these environmental challenges seriously? Do you think we need to act urgently? I would say that there are 2 aspects. First is the competitive aspect, which focuses on energy savings because for the consumer it means costs savings, so it’s a very rational thing. The environmental sustainability factor is becoming more and more important, but not because the customers are requesting it… It’s because the people inside the company ask for it. If you talk to young executives, the point that they mention the most is that they think our company should take care of the envi-

ronment. Young executives place a lot more emphasis on this aspect and if you are good at that, you will attract better people in the future. Consumers like the idea of climate protection, but are not necessarily willing to spend extra money for it. The company is continuing to do extremely well and I saw in May you again had record sales. How is the company weathering the current economic climate however? Is it changing your roadmap? This is not affecting our strategy or roadmap. What it does is affect our operations this year in some specific countries. The economic climate is more difficult in some zones than others. Of course, it’s difficult in North America, but also in Great Britain and Spain. These are the 3 main countries where we feel a slowdown in economic activity, and especially building activity, which directly effects white goods. In many other countries, though – Germany, France,

Eastern Europe and Asia – the economy is healthy, even booming. Of course, BSH is a market leader in Germany and Western Europe. Other parts of the world are different. Which areas of the world are you pushing apart from Europe? The biggest investment our company now has is clearly in China. It is a booming market and we have enjoyed a good position in China for over 10 years. We have invested heavily in new capacity. Our facilities in China produce goods for the Chinese market, not for importing back to Europe. The market is booming and we are serving it very well. In the US, there is also a dramatic change in the market towards energy efficient products. The perception had been that Americans didn’t care about energy efficiency, but our observation is that they now do. We are bringing high efficiency washing machines and dishwashers

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MEET THE VISIONARIES to the market and it is very open to energy efficiency. The market is very open to embracing new concepts. How quickly are sales in that market increasing? Well we have in the past 4-5 years doubled our sales in the US. We have also established onsite production sites for white goods. You have to produce close to the market, because the products are bulky and you don’t want to ship them over the Atlantic. In China, it’s the same story. We develop products for the local market with European technology and this is very successful. I’ve noted that your spending on R&D as part of the overall budget has been growing. Is this trend going to continue? Absolutely, it will continue for a number of reasons. First, home appliances are not global products. If you expand your business to new markets, you have to invest

in products that are designed for those markets, and thus you have to add R&D resources. At the same time, we cannot stop doing R&D in our key home market. We need to innovate in our home country too, so automatically you will see an increase in R&D spending. How do you view the move by IFA to include white goods? Obviously we appreciate it a lot because the entire electrical retail sector, which is a major channel of sales for us, will be there. There is a common retail audience between CE and white goods. More than 50% of our sales go through this channel so this is very attractive and IFA is a well introduced fair, has a great brand name and not only attract Germans, but international retailers around the world. CE is very digitally driven… There is a lot of innovation on that side. In our case, we can bring a lot of “home lifestyle” to IFA. “Home” is of

IFA International • Saturday, 30th & Sunday, 31st August 2008

course more than just watching TV or listening to music. If you think of one issue we are going forward is coffee. It has become very emotional worldwide. So I think we will see wonderful lifestyle products in the area of coffee that can also bring more emotion. A washing machine is a necessity, but coffee or cooking products bring out a lot of emotion in people. Cooking is becoming a trend. So this is a very interesting topic and this can add an interesting twist to IFA… for the consumers and the retailers. What do you think are the biggest challenges facing your companies now? We are an industry that is very material intensive. Our source materials are currently under a tremendous amount of inflationary pressure. Steel prices are rising 60% year on year, which we have never experienced before. This puts a lot of pressure on our industry and will eventually trigger price increases. This is

not easy to bring to the market, because competition is very fierce. Retail is consolidating, so it’s not an easy game, but it is a situation we have to handle. Are the Korean manufacturers becoming a thorn in your side? In Europe they are not very visible yet, but they are serious competitors. That’s okay because I think that they are trying to bring innovation and good styling. It’s not a cheap product

approach, but one of innovation. As the French say “la bonne guerre”… this industry is highly competitive. You can see it in the prices every year. Price erosion is not as dramatic as CE products, but nevertheless it is still very competitive. Any new competitor is welcome and if they bring innovation to the market it can even help the business.

Hall 3.1 / Stand 203



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LG DIGITAL DISPLAY PRODUCTS LG7000 LCD TV has picture quality to match, boasting full HD resolution, a 50,000:1 contrast ratio with TruMotion 100Hz and a sensor that automatically optimizes the picture for ambient light. LG7000 LCD TV has a new feature, Bluetooth connectivity, which allows viewers to see photos or listen to music, stored on compatible devices, on the TV. It also allows viewers to connect Bluetooth headphones without ungainly wires getting in the way. In addition, it has Intelligent Sensor to optimize picture quality elements by utilizing RGB sensor which senses color temperature and illumination of the surrounding environment. An invisible speaker system tuned by audio guru Mr. Mark Levinson rounds out the LG7000’s unique viewing experience. With the LG7000 LCD TV, LG builds on the success of its Scarlet series TVs – the epitome of innovative style and design. Sleek, slim and sophisticated, the LG7000 is a work of art. Red accent on the slim and sharp side line with soft channel and volume button adds style, along with glossy black sheen finish that gives a classy appearance. Furthermore, the LG7000 has changeable front frame to better match the surrounding interior. SPECIFICATIONS Full HD LCD 50,000:1 TruMotion 100Hz Bluetooth AV Mode 24p Real Cinema Intelligent Sensor

Invisible Speaker tuned by Mr. Mark Levinson Clear Voice, SRS TSXT Moving LED 4HDMI USB2.0

LG6100, the LG’s flagship LCD TV for 2008 is the world’s slimmest LCD TV at just 44.7mm among digital TV tuner built-in TVs. Built around 100Hz Full HD LCD panel, the LG6100, which has been developed to give its audience an optimal viewing experience, includes AV Mode and Expert Mode picture calibrating picture quality. The AV Mode optimizes the picture to Cinema Mode, Sport Mode and Game Mode. LG Expert mode was certified by ISF (Imaging Science Foundation) picture quality calibration institution. In addition, it has Intelligent Sensor to optimize picture quality elements by utilizing RGB sensor which senses color temperature and illumination of the surrounding environment. It also reduces power consumption by 50 percent.


SPECIFICATIONS Full HD Resolution TruMotion 100Hz 50,000:1 Dynamic Contrast Ratio Intelligent Sensor 24p Real Cinema 4* HDMI (1.3 Deep Color) Invisible Speaker

“Full HD” 1080p ready PG7000 plasma series delivers a high-quality home entertainment experience in 50- and 60-inch screen sizes. It also has Super Bright Panel to realize top class contrast ratio of 1,000,000:1 and prove clarity and brightness while eliminating optical glare with minimal light reflection. PG7000 has a new feature, Bluetooth connectivity, which allows to connect Bluetooth headphones without ungainly wires getting in the way. Like all of LG’s TVs, the PG7000 includes the Dual XD Engine, and image processing system that optimizes picture quality for any type of content imaginable. PG7000 series incorporate a slim, elegant singlelayer design. The single layer design mocks the appearance of a pane of glass creating a sleek, sophisticated look to complement any home décor. It also has a non-reflective internal cell structure to help minimize excessive glare typically caused by harsh ambient light.

AV Mode (Cinema, Sport, Game) Expert Mode / ISF Ready Clear voice

Full HD 1080p with 600Hz/ 0.001ms response time Contrast ratio: 1,000,000:1 (Super Bright Panel) Bluetooth AV Modes (Cinema, Sports, Game) Expert Mode

ISFccc calibration ready Dual XD Engine Clear Voice Invisible Speaker USB 2.0 and AV inputs / Four HDMI 1.3 deep color Panel life span : 100,000hrs Single layer

LG TO SHOWCASES SMART LIVING AT IFA 2008 Company unveils products with art-inspired designs and innovative technologies LG Electronics (LG), a leading producer of LCD and plasma TVs unveiled its latest products at IFA 2008. Under the theme of “Smart Technology and Stylish Design,” LG exhibits an array of products, boasting state-of-the-art features and artinspired looks. “We have set trends in the consumer electronics industry worldwide by creating products with the most advanced technology and most insightful designs,” said Simon Kang of President & CEO of LG Digital Display Company. “We are working to appeal to the sophisticated tastes of consumers in Europe more than anywhere else, to help them enjoy smart and stylish living.”

Hall 11.2 / Stand 101



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“…to become very successful in our industry, we believe brand is the most important factor.” Yong Nam, CEO of LG Electronics announced a couple of months ago, that LG aims to become the “best corporate brand” with top-notch marketing capabilities in each of the 140 countries where you currently operate. Please tell us about this new philosophy… In order to become very successful in our industry, we believe brand is the most important factor. To nurture our brand as one of the topnotch brands in the industry, we believe there are many interesting things to handle, such as nurturing our internal capabilities and maintaining them at a high level on a continuous basis, to achieve the top class and the best quality capability as a company internally… and we believe that human resources will be the fundamental foundation for us to be successful in the industry. For example, we are recruiting human resources from various functional areas although they are not specifically from the electronic areas, as long as they are world class human resources. I saw that LG is recruiting from individual countries. A new philosophy… That’s right, not only are we hiring them for the individual corporations around the globe, but we are also hiring them for the headquarters in Korea. While LCD TV continues to grow in popularity, it appears today that Plasma has also really

IFA International • Saturday, 30th & Sunday, 31st August 2008

found a more comfortable niche in both the bigger sizes, and in areas where black levels and dark room contrast are still an issue. We would like to talk about both markets. Firstly what is your outlook for the LCD market for the next three years, and where is LG adding value? If I look at the outlook for the market by segment, firstly in the advanced or developed market, growth in the LCD sector will be slowed down due to market saturation. If you look at emerging countries, I believe that from next year, growth in the LCD sector will pick up speed. If we take the product perspective, we can see that LCD TVs are becoming bigger in size. Although it is still slow compared to other products in the large screen sector, once we hit the sweet spot price, I believe the volume of LCD sales will pick up from then on. If you look at the smaller sized LCDs, people are continuously demanding a second TV for their bedroom, study or kitchen. So that could be the driver for us to grow the small LCD segment. And especially for the European market, we expect that the demand for small sized TVs will continue to grow significantly. Where do you think LG adds value in the LCD market? I believe that there are three important characteristics for any TV set. One is picture quality, second is features,



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and the third is design. All three are equally important, I believe, and what’s important for us to “grab” these elements is customer insights. We need to listen to their needs, voices, and requirements. Customer insight serves as the basic foundation for us to develop any product if we really want it to be successful in the market. Picture quality is a technical driver and we need to ensure the technical advantages with picture quality, so it is mandatory, not an option. If you look at design and feature elements, these should be determined based on consumer insights. So we will be doing so after gathering the consumer insights. If I can elaborate on the consumer decision making insights, for example, we are living in the era of high energy prices, so consumer may need a TV model which consumes the least amount of energy as possible. So then we have to develop a model that consumes the least energy possible. Another example is that customers might want a TV that can be seamlessly incorporated in their interior environment. So then we can hire an interior design who can design a TV-set to seamlessly fit-in with that environment. So the product is one important factor to ensure a competitive edge in the market place. The second important


thing is to ensure good communication with our target customers. So for that we need strong marketing capabilities. The third aspect is that the electronic industry fluctuates a lot, so we need very good supply chain management to maintain stability in our operations. What about Plasma? You have had some hard times financially and were looking, as one of your main challenges, to make this division more profitable for LG. How is that going? For us, Plasma TV is profitable this year. If you look at Plasma module, it is also profitable from cash-base perspectives. So we are now witnessing a different situation compared against last year. It is true as you pointed out that PDP is suffering slightly more than the LCD sector, but PDP has its own comfortable niche as well. So the demand for PDP may not increase as significantly as we have seen for LCD TVs, but at the same time the supply capabilities for PDP may not increase significantly either. So I think volume-wise, we might be able to strike a balance. There are definite benefits attached to PDP TVs. First of all, its main strength concerning its competitive edge is when watching video files or moving images compared to LCD. And second, it is


known that PDP is less stressful for the eyes. So we can put more emphasis on these benefits as a marketing point. If you look at PDP technologies, we are putting a significant amount of R&D efforts for a high voltage and low electricity theme around PDP. So once we are able to garner some technical advantages based on these research findings, I believe that PDP can still be very competitive even against LCD. What is your roadmap for OLED display? We have transferred the management of OLED over to LG Display earlier this year, because OLED requires the combination of TFT LCD technology so we thought that transferring the management to LG Display would create a better synergetic effect but LGe is still the major shareholder of LG Display. So according to their development schedule, we will also be adjusting our development schedule for TV sets. Our starting point will be a small size screen and since the resolution would be the real strength of OLED, of course cost is also important to consider, but I still see a bright hope for OLED. All in all, for the screen sector, I believe that OLED and LCD will be two leading pillars in the future.

LG is also developing 3D displays which is an interesting experiment, but will it ever be mainstream? It will take time. First of all, we have to wait until the broadcasting industry is fully ready for that. So the first launch will be somewhere around the promotion/commercial area. Once the broadcasting industry is ready and contents are also made available, then we could develop it together. As someone who has worked on the three main continents, how do you see the LCD/Plasma TV market evolving in Europe as opposed to the USA and Asia? What are the differences here? The space that people are living in is obviously different by country. When I talk about space, it also includes the layout of furniture, and what they are hanging on their walls as well. In the US, people tend to have bigger living rooms, so they need a bigger TV. In European countries, they have a very unique sense of space. It’s smaller and they have more pictures and ornaments on the wall. So they might need smaller and medium sized TVs than in the US. Each country in Europe also has outstanding characteristics. For example, Germans tend

to like simpler, minimalistic designs whereas the French tend to admire curviness. Even looking at their automobiles, Volkswagen or Audi compared to Renault, you can see this difference. So when we are producing our product portfolio, I think it’s important for us to cater to these kinds of countryspecific preferences. I take a lot of good references from the car industry in relation to design. I lived in Germany for 10 years, so I have a personal affection attached to Germany. When I recently went back, I still found that their design preferences are still clearly defined and clean. Since joining LG in 1986 as a general manager for the company's facility in Worms, Germany, Mr. Kang has built up impressive international experience through a number of management positions overseas in Germany, Canada and the United States as well as in Seoul. In 2000, he moved up to become President of LG Electronics' U.S. Digital Appliance Brand Management division, leading the successful launch of LG's digital appliance business in the U.S. Before taking his current position, Mr. Kang was the company's Head of Korean Sales and Marketing Operations. Hall 11.2 / Stand 101

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“...understand customers’ needs and bring products to market at an affordable price.” light with low power consumption. For LCD TV, customers want a sharp and vivid picture. In order to satisfy customers’ needs, LGD has commercialised a DFR (Double Frame Rate) product for the first time, which also has a cost advantage. As the design factor will be increasingly important for TVs in the future, we have also launched slim & narrow product for the first time. How is LG Display creating added-value for TV manufacturers? How would you describe the philosophy of LG Display when it comes to manufacturing LCD displays? At LG Display, we believe that a picture is worth a thousand words, and that flat panel displays are enabling rich and expressive images to be incorporated into ever more areas of our lives. Whether your display is a large and wide full highdefinition TV, a set of highresolution monitors or a wide-format notebook PC, it is important that viewers see the best looking image possible. LG Display has a long history of being on the cuttingedge the SONYof OLED TV flat panel industry’s technical developments, introducing new products and technology to meet the needs of its superior customer base. Tell us about some of the benchmarks in your history of panel making. TIn Q3 ’97 we launched the world’s first 14.1-inch XGA notebook panel, in Q4 ’01 we brought to market the world’s first 20-inch UXGA monitor panel and in Q4 ’03 we launched the world’s

first 42-inch wide XGA HDTV panel. In addition, we have received SID Display of the year Gold award in ‘03~’04. In ’06, we launched a 100” TFT LCD as the world’s largest LCD panel, and in ’07, our Flexible OLED was selected in Time’s “Best invention of the year.” This trend of production innovation is something our customers have come to expect and trust us to deliver. What are the most important things in the development of LCD technology at the moment? One of the factors is that the LCD industry has gone through tremendous growth in such a short amount of time is that it has satisfied both customers’ desire for fancy design and high quality display. The most important thing in the development of LCD technology is to understand customers’ needs and bring products to market at an affordable price. For example, laptop users want portable and long battery life products. That is why LGD is focusing on an LED backlit product, which is slim &

IFA International • Saturday, 30th & Sunday, 31st August 2008

The most important thing in creating added-value for our customers is to understand their needs and provide product with a competitive price at the right time. For this, LGD is focusing on developing collaborative products with major strategic partners. In the case of IPS, LGD’s differentiated technology, we are currently undertaking a number of co-marketing programs to increase sales for the customers who are using our IPS panels in their LCD TVs and monitors, by promoting the superiority of IPS. Hall 11.2 / Stand 101

A Cleverdis SPECIALreport on LG Display’s IPS technology is available at the LG stand.



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JUST LIKE AT THE MOVIES! EPSON EH-TW5000 PROJECTOR GIVES BREATH-TAKING HOME CINEMA EXPERIENCE WITH AN EXCEPTIONAL CONTRAST RATIO OF 75,000:1! Epson announces the launch of the EH-TW5000, an HD-ready 1080p flagship projector, designed to offer the best possible home-cinema experience. With outstanding new features and performance levels powered by the latest Epson technologies, the EH-TW5000 is the perfect choice for consumers looking for the best quality big-screen projector for their home-cinema installation. Stéphanie Lugbull, Product Manager for Home Cinema Video Projectors, Epson Europe, said: “The EH-TW5000 is exceptional in terms of home-cinema projectors. Its sleek black design and stateof-the-art features will provide the highest quality images in your own home. The EH-TW5000 marks the continued impetus of Epson’s home-cinema video projection and confirms our position as number one in the market.”

STYLE AND FEATURES The projector’s range of features and stylish design will ensure it is the centrepiece of your home-cinema experience on the big screen. Whether using the EH-TW5000 with Blu-ray, DVD, HDTV or your settop box, Epson’s innovative technologies — in particular, the pioneering 3LCD technology — provide brighter images, more accurate colour reproduction and finer grey scaling, resulting in stunning picture quality and motion flow. For the first time ever, an amazing contrast ratio of 75,000:1 has been achieved, thanks to new D7 C²Fine panels, advanced DeepBlack technology, HQV Video processing, and an improved E-TORL lamp. Ms Lugbull adds: “This state-of-the-art projector boasts some terrific new features. Optical x2.1 zoom and easy horizontal and vertical lens shift make the EH-TW5000 exceptionally convenient

and easy to install. A true cinema-screen format of 2.35:1 is also a reality, as a result of the projector’s anamorphic wide mode. This means that movies can be enjoyed without black bands at the top and bottom of the screen.” In addition, the frame interpolation feature ensures perfectly smooth video playback, blurring is suppressed and motion pictures are much sharper, offering film quality images. Furthermore, Epson’s improved cinema filter offers a viewing experience second to none in any lighting environment. The advanced calibration possibilities with ISF features add to the high image quality. Epson is a global leader in imaging products, including printers, 3LCD projectors and small- and medium-sized LCDs. With an innovative and creative culture, Epson is dedicated to exceeding the vision and expectations of customers worldwide with products known for their superior quality, functionality, compactness and energy efficiency. Hall 21 / Stand 103



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FIVE OF THE BEST FROM EPSON IMAGE OF PROJECTOR USE CHANGES, PUTTING TRUE HOME CINEMA WITHIN REACH OF ALL By Gary Smith Epson have officially launched several new projectors at IFA, ranging from the high-end TW 5000 offering the ultimate in cinema quality through to the thoroughly affordable DM2 which will retail at €599. The TW 5000 home theatre model boasts an impressive 75,000:1 contrast ratio, state-of-theart features and Full-HD (1080p), while the portable EH-DM2, a home entertainment centre with a contemporary black design, is an entry-level machine that Thierry Bagnaschino, Epson director of LP & VI

departments, hopes will open up new markets. The DM2 combines a DVD player (with DivX compatibility) and surround sound speaker system, providing families with an easy to use widescreen cinema experience. “The image of projectors as being only for people with relatively high incomes and large lounges is really changing as indeed it should,” Bagnaschino said. “While we make quite complex models such as the TW 5000 that cost € 3000 and need to be calibrated and installed by a specialist,

the DM2 is really easy to install and use.” The DM2 has two integrated 8-watt stereo speakers and also offers a brightness of 1,200 lumens. It incorporates Epson’s innovative 3LCD technology to create clear, sharp images and allow for projection even in bright environments. The projector can be connected to computers, digital cameras, games consoles and USB keys – offering true multimedia compatibility. Epson is marketing the new models as the best way to get a “real” cinema-style experience: “We’re seeing

healthy sales in France, Germany and the Nordic countries, but we are very keen to communicate the fact that our projectors are for every type of household and that they are the only way to get a fully immersive experience,” he said. “We are, in any case, now in an era when people simply expect large scale images.” While the TW 5000, 3800, 3000 and DM2 are standard projectors, Epson’s fifth new model, the TW 420, is aimed at gamers. “It’s a 720p HD-Ready model that

we’ve m a d e m o r e compatible with the needs of gamers by adding an extra colour mode and a game mode which reduces the time-lag between the console and the projector by disabling all of the unused AV functions on the projector in order to maximise the processing speed,” Bagnaschino said.

Hall 21 / Stand 103

GRUNDIG ANNOUNCES NEW HIGH-END TV’S AND PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS AT IFA By Gary Smith Meet the new highend LCD TV Vision 9 by Grundig, which features full HD and 100 Hz image quality. The TV’s advanced built-in sound system uses 16 speakers in a sound bar with a sub-woofer positioned at the back of the unit. The surround sound is created by technology that creates a delay between the speakers, which generates bundles of sound waves. “We will continue our policy of producing highly sophisticated designs that are easy to use and that also offer added value to the consumer”, said Grundig managing director Michael Peterseim. Another model, the Vision 7 is our entry level full HD TV and, like all the company’s products, it combines state-of-the-art

design with usability. Mr Petersheim went on, “Grundig has always stood for the idea that you should not have to read the whole manual in order to be able to use any of our products and that remains truer than ever today.” “Over the next three years we aim to take 5% of European market share and we expect to do more than that in Germany,” Peterseim said. Announcing the launch of a new range of personal care products including the HD 8780 hair dryer featuring a powerful, rapid airflow, Ionbased technology and a turbo function, Mr Peterseim said of the new range: “In this area, white is the new black. Body awareness is here and it’s here to stay.” The grooming

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range, which also includes the HS 5521 hair curler with 2430 bristles plus the PS 8710 weighing scales, is already claiming a doubledigit market share in Germany.

Hall 23 / Stand 101



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IT “FLOATS LIKE A BUTTERFLY AND STINGS LIKE A BEE” SAMSUNG’S NEW X360, THE NOTEBOOK THAT WEIGHS ALMOST NOTHING AND DOES ALMOST EVERYTHING By Bruce Cooper Samsung, one of the world’s biggest electronic brands, lifts the lid on the most innovative addition to its ever-expanding notebook range – the ultra-lightweight Samsung X360. The X360, developed in partnership with Microsoft, weighs an astonishing 1.27kg and provides consumers with a comprehensive set of features unlike any-

thing of its kind on the market. The X360 incorporates all the functionality demanded by today’s ultra-mobile professionals, including three USB ports, a built-in HDMI (high-definition multimedia interface) connection, a 34 mm express-card slot, VGA output and a 128 GB solid state drive. Connectivity and data transfer developments include a seven-in-one memory-card

reader, Bluetooth 2.0+EDR (enhanced data rate) and super-fast 802.11n wireless technology, enabling speeds of up to five times faster than the traditional speed. And the list of superlatives just goes on and on. One of the X360's most attractive features is its six-cell battery life of up to 10 hours continuous use — enough to meet the most demanding customer requirement of all-

day mobile computing. Regarding the sleek design, the 13.3-inch WXGA (1280x800) LED screen with backlight technology consumes less power but renders highly improved brightness. Take a look at the lighter than air Samsung X360 in Hall 20.

Hall 20 / Stand 101

SPORT COMES TO LIFE IN YOUR LIVING ROOM … THANKS TO OFFICIAL PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN PANASONIC AND EUROSPORT HD By Richard Barnes had been under way for 2 years, with teams working on the upgrading of Eurosport’s broadcast platform, post-production tools and video archive infrastructure. The entire image and sound chain is now entirely digital and in High Definition. Why is sport so important to the onset of HD in Europe? When Eurosport decided to launch its High Definition simulcast service, Eurosport HD, it was evident that sports fans should be able to watch content under the best possible conditions. Broadcasting in High Definition is one thing. Viewing the images is another. Because Panasonic’s latest generation of TVs is perfectly adapted to the vie-


wing of fast moving sports images in high definition, a deal was made between Panasonic and Europe's leading sports multimedia platform, timed to coincide with the recent Eurosport HD channel launch. From May 25th, Eurosport HD has been broadcasting multilingual coverage of 140 different sports to the European public. Planning


Sports, especially live, are spectacular in high definition. The fast-paced action, the drama, the physical effort of supreme human performance and the emotion of competition is delivered in vivid clarity. The highest quality image and sound means viewers can live sports as if they were at the heart of the action! The main aim of Panasonic is to connect with consu-

mers and promote HD TV in homes across Europe. "We are immensely pleased with the Eurosport partnership," said Yorihisa Shiokawa, Managing Director of Panasonic Marketing Europe. "Thanks to Panasonic's unrivaled flat screen technology and the convenience of IPTV, Eurosport's viewers will get a customized and interactive user experience. Not only that, the VIERA flat screen TVs provide an ultrafast response time ideal for rapid moving images which are common at sporting events. That's why this new collaboration between Eurosport as a sports broadcaster and Panasonic as a HDTV manufacturer is a truly ground-breaking venture." Their shared objective is to associate the powerful attributes of the highest quality HD TVs from Panasonic with

the unique sports offer of Eurosport HD linked to major sporting occasions. Jacques Raynaud, Vice Chairman, Eurosport Group says, "We share a common vision. Wherever Eurosport is broadcast, we aim to deliver a new dimension in sports to viewers in as many HDTV-equipped homes as possible. That's 114 million homes and 59 territories across Europe. Fast-paced change in technology, digitalization, and media spread has opened up whole new vistas for growth. At the same time, we have increasingly sophisticated means to reach consumers, to create dialogue and to better understand their needs and desires. Our partnership with Panasonic is the perfect strategic response”. Hall 5.2 / Stand 101

IFA International • Saturday, 30th & Sunday, 31st August 2008

The world’s first 200 Hertz LCD TV See it at IFA, Hall 4.2

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LG Electronics’ press breakfast saw Kwan Sup Lee, Vice-president of LG’s DD Marketing Strategy Team, running through the latest manifestations of his company’s Scarlet LCD TVs. LG’s clever teaser campaign for Scarlet, Lee said, “had changed the rules of the TV marketing game“. Orchestrated by the TV director David Nutter, the campaign saw Hol-

lywood celebrities and the international media gather last April for what they believed was to be the world premiere of Nutter’s latest project, Scarlet, starring actress Natassia Malthe. But as the screening room went dark, it became clear that Scarlet was not

what she seemed: she wasn’t the heroine of a new drama, but LG’s new series of ultra-slender, gorgeously designed LCD TVs. The buzz generated by the ingenious tweaking of the meaning of “TV series“ was all LG could have hoped for in terms of growing Scarlet’s brand equity — and then some. “We had to think and act differently in order to change the perception of the LG brand“, Lee said. “Being different might be risky, but we took that risk to make a breakthrough.“ LG is now intending to leverage the market awareness generated by the Scarlet campaign to drive its new range of LCD TVs. First up was the company’s flagship LCD TV for 2008, the LG6100, described by Lee as an “intelligent fashion icon“. With her shiny red back and sleek, sophisticated lines, LG 6100 is a true femme fatale — and at just 1.7 inches thick, she can also lay claim to being one of the world’s slimmest. Her sister, “the confident, sophisticated“ LG7000,

incorporates all LG’s nextgeneration technologies. Built around a full-HD 1080p LCD panel, the Scarlet LG7000 features an intelligent sensor, which automatically adjusts the screen brightness according to the available light. In addition to the new Scarlet models, Lee presented a snapshot of the ultra-minimalist PG6000 and PG7000 plasma sets. Both, he said, live up to their slogan of “taking it to the edge“ by melding the smartest of smart technology, stylish design, eco-friendliness and state-of-the-art LED backlight technology “The PG6000 and PG7000 are the sleekest TVs that LG has ever created“, Lee said. He added that, resembling a seamless black sheet of glass shimmering on the wall, “they look like a work of art and have nothing to distract you from their incredible picture quality. These sets truly offer frameless perfection“. Speaking after his presentation, Lee said that IFA is key

to LG’s sales drive in Western Europe. “This is our industry’s biggest global event and one that is of great strategic importance to us - as, indeed, it is to our competitors“, he noted. “IFA is the perfect place to showcase our new product lineup and technology for the second part of the year, not just to the market in general but also to our network of dealers. Being here in Berlin gives our partners the opportunity to acquaint themselves with our latest products and get a real feel for their qualities and capabilities“. Hall 11.2 / Stand 101

AWARDS, NEW PRODUCTS AND SERVICES FOR NAVIGON By Emmanuel Poidevin During their 2008 IFA press conference Navigon presented an exciting new range of products as well as a new “update and upgrade” online service. The new entry-level Navigator is available in two versions: the 1200 version with maps of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (costs 129 €), the NAVIGON 1210 with all information on 40 European countries is priced at 149 €. Targeted to First-



time buyers, the 2200 and 2210 are also available in two different versions (149 € and 179 €). The NAVIGON 2150 max, which looks the same, adds some extra features and services. The frameless designed NAVIGON 7210, with advanced features like Curve Warner, voice recognition Pro, Landmark View3D also includes new Emergency Help” and “Favourites on the Map

functionalities will be available by the end of September for 349 € retail price. Its acquisition also offers a rebate on the new NAVIGON FreshMaps service (24 months for 99 €) The recently reddot design honourable mention awarded 8110 premium PND is already available at 449 € in store.

Hall 9 / Stand 203

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HAIER IN BI-MODE AND THREE DIMENSIONS WHITE GOODS INNOVATIONS By Emmanuel Poidevin Manufacturer Haier is attending IFA with a selection of new and innovative products from its White and Brown Goods divisions. The WasH2O uses a patented technology based on electrolysis. The process splits water into OHand H+ ions, the first group drawing and capturing the dirt while the second sterilizes the laundry allowing consumers to wash clothes either without detergents or

with, the latter being known as the ‘bi-mode’. Other Haier washing machines such as the HW80-F 1486 I and HW-U 2008 work in a more traditional manner, but are very much in line with the most recent standards in terms of both energy and wash efficiencies. The company’s latest fridge, the AFT 630 IX integrates two practical and spacious freezer compartments that

open like drawers beneath the fridge, an idea which is in line with the overall 3D concept of the range. The fridge, which includes the latest technologies like a TFT touch screen with video message function and an LED interior backlight, was awarded a Red Dot design award for 2008 and the +X design prize. In the premium version of AFD 630 IX and

AFL 631 CB, one of the horizontal compartments is a foldable wine-rack. The HB21 FWRSS, also known as the ”French Side By Side” Super Space, includes large spaces, which allow for customisation of the racks’ spacing. Hall 4.1 / Stand 107



Yifang, the up and coming Chinese manufacturer of Mp3 players, USB flash drives, digital photo frames, the ground-breaking mobile note taker, and a host of other reputed electrical devices, are at IFA this year. Of the many devices produced by Yifang, the EN103 mobile note taker is one of the most innovative. This small and portable device is able to capture notes without being connected to a PC, has an impressive storage capacity of the equivalent of 100 A4 pages and includes in-built handwriting recognition software that instantly converts your handwriting into JPEG format. The compact design means it can be used in virtually any location at any time. Moving on to Yifang’s digital photo frames, there is innovation

in design and style combined with the optimisation of technical features accommodating every peripheral imaginable. Other integrated features include a calendar, clock and alarm, slide show function and background music played through the two built-in stereo speakers. The EP series comprises both photo frames and the most attractive range of keychain photo frames.

imaginable tests, from dropping to extreme vibrations are carried out. If you are looking for sleek design, adapted features, and a robust, durable device, then visit

the Yifang stand and find your favourite.

Hall 28 / Stand 240

Yifang’s real flagship products are the EM range of mp4 and the mp3 players. All the players in the mp4 range come with a standard configuration comprising of FM radio and E-book functions. Memory capacities go up to 8 GB and the majority of players sport 1.8” screens. The players’ ergonomic and sleek design make them both attractive to the eye and easy to use. The mp3 and mp4 players come in an extensive range of design, colour and size, which means whatever the customers needs, there’s a device for everybody amongst the wide range on offer. The high quality of Yifang’s product range is largely due to the demanding tests the devices undergo in the Yifang reliability laboratory. Here all

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According to reports from the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and the discussions at the G8 Heiligendamm Summit, a broad international consensus is emerging that dealing with global warming is a critical issue facing the world.

Since the 19th century, the impact on the environment has grown as a result of increased economic and social activity. As an electronics manufacturer, Sharp has recognised and is now focusing on three main problems: global warming, pollution from toxic chemicals and depletion of resources.

Sakai Factory

SHARP – ALMOST 50 YEARS’ SOLAR RESEARCH Sharp began R&D on solar cells in 1959. Today, they are the only company that has continuously developed and produced solar cells without any interruption to the present day. At present, Sharpmanufactured solar cells account for approximately one-fourth of the world total. Against this backdrop, the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol finally began this year. This pressing situation demands a drastic transformation in social structure – from a massconsumption society that since the Industrial Revolution has depended on fossil resources, to a sustainable low-carbon society focused on the use of renewable energies. In 2012, the final year of the first commitment period, Sharp will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its founding. As the company prepares to mark this milestone at this critical turning point, Sharp has explored anew the role that it should play in the coming era and created two new corporate visions for the future. One is “Realize a truly ubiquitous society*1 with the world’s No. 1 LCDs.” And, the other is “Contribute to the world through environment- and health-conscious business, focusing on energy-saving and energy-creating products.” *1 A “ubiquitous society” is a concept of how, through the rapid development of IT infrastructure, networks will always be accessible to users; thus, the whole society will be connected.

DIVERSE NEW APPLICATIONS Thin-film silicon solar cells can now be used as architectural materials! The new “see through” type will allow for innovative new applications like this to expand to windows and wall surfaces of homes and buildings.

MAKE ENERGY… AND USE LESS ENERGY! Sharp is, of course, continuing its efforts to improve power consumption in TVs. Today, the amount of power consumed by the latest 52-inch LCD TV is less than the electricity consumed by a 32inch CRT TV eight years ago. Compared to similar-sized 32-inch models, the latest 32-inch LCD TV consumes less than half the power per year than a CRT TV introduced in 2000. To obtain the full report in PDF format: www.sharp-world.com/corporate/eco/csr_report/index.html

Kameyama Factory

Hall 3.2 / Stand 101



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STRIVING FOR ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY Sharp aims Towards Carbon-Neutral Living And Cleaner Planet By Richard Barnes green factory", based on its in-house environment standards. Indeed, all Sharp plants in Japan have now been awarded super-green status. In its efforts to further advance the cause of solar energy and efficiency in LCD production, Sharp has announced that it will begin building the world’s most modern LCD plant in Sakai near Osaka, Japan, at the end of this year. The new 21st century industrial complex will start operation in 2010. Here, for the first time anywhere in the world, solar cells and LCD panels will be produced together. This will allow Sharp to create synergies, while avoiding unnecessary transportation.

At this year’s IFA, leading exhibitor and TV manufacturer Sharp Electronics is impressing visitors with its enormous stand, which dominates Hall 3.2 and features a host of new products, including sleek LCD TVs and high-performance Blu-ray players. But what some visitors may not realise is that Sharp has been a leader in the research and development of environmentally friendly products and technologies for several decades. In fact, besides product quality, profitability and social responsibility, Sharp regards protecting the planet's resources as a key responsibility.

Sharp Europe’s CEO, Toshiyuki Tajima, said: “Sharp is truly unique in that is has been researching and developing photovoltaic cells for 49 years now. Approximately one in four solar electric panels in the world today were made by Sharp. In other words, we are not just jumping on the current 'ecological bandwagon', but have been dedicated to this cause for many decades. Today, the world is coming to the realisation that alternative energies have to be developed as a matter of urgency. To this end, Sharp is set to launch a massive operation in Japan, where we will produce LCD TVs and solar electric panels

IFA International • Saturday, 30th & Sunday, 31st August 2008

side by side. Now, as in the past, we take our ecological responsibilities very seriously. That’s why Sharp is taking a leading role in the CE industry, and will continue to strive towards carbon-neutral living and a cleaner planet.” The development and construction of state-of-theart facilities is indeed a significant aspect of Sharp’s environmental strategy. The LCD TV production facility in Kameyama is a prime example. Here, a third of the energy required is generated by a combination of innovative “green” technologies – through co-generation systems based on natural gas,

via fuel cells and by means of one of the world’s largest photovoltaic plants. As a result of this approach, the facilities' CO 2 emissions have been greatly reduced.

Read more about Sharp’s green technologies and new products at IFA in the SPECIALreport, AQUOS – The Next Generation TV, published by Cleverdis (www.cleverdis.com).

The Kameyama plant – the first of its kind in the world – is a state-of-the-art complex for integrated production, from LCD panels to assembled LCD TVs. In addition to optimising the facility's environmental friendliness, Sharp aims to upgrade every aspect of its economic performance, as well as its relations with the surrounding community. Sharp has certified the Kameyama plant as “a super






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ANYONE FOR CAPPUCCINO? GERMAN HOME APPLIANCE MANUFACTURER PETRA-ELECTRIC PRESENTS NEW PRODUCTS AT IFA By Bruce Cooper is becoming increasingly popular. Responding to this trend, Petra-Electric has produced its first coffee maker for soft pods featuring a professional milk-frothing device.

Petra-Electric, the German home appliance manufacturer, is showcasing its new Artenso Latte "soft-pod" coffee maker, alongside its up-market range of haircare products for the first time at IFA. There are as many ways of enjoying cof-

fee as there are coffee drinkers: some like it strong, some like it mild, some like it milky, some like it black. Everybody, however, prefers it freshly prepared. It is therefore not surprising that the preparation of single portions via coffee soft pods

Petra-Electric is also presenting a range of hair-care appliances, including dryers, curlers and straighteners. The company's powerful dryers use ionic technology, which prevents the static loading of hair and facilitates easy styling. The curl appliance is a gentle solution for curling, styling and drying hair, while the ceramic Professional Straightener PHG 131 creates a smooth and glossy finish. Hall 4.1 / Stand 206


By Richard Barnes

When the first Senseo coffee maker hit the shelves in 2001, it quickly became one of the best-selling appliances on the market. Since then, Philips has sold over 20 million units. And with the autumn 2008 launch of the latest Senseo innovation, the Senseo Latte Select, present at the Philips stand at IFA, Philips is being closely watched to see it has produced another, similar success. The new machine will enable the consumer to easily prepare luxury coffees made with fresh, frothed milk while sitting snugly at home. Vidya Sagar Gannamani, Category Leader for Beverage Appliances at Philips, explains why the Senseo story is a perfect example of how Philips’ approach leads to best-selling products.

successful as the first Senseo – if not more so. “Just as with the first Senseo, convenience and quality are central to the concept,” says Vidya, “so we’re confident that it will be well received. The difference with the Senseo Latte Select is that it satisfies consumers’ increasing desire for ‘indulgence’.”

This is made possible thanks to the appliance’s integrated milk reservoir and milk frother, which allow the machine to produce specialty coffees made with fresh, frothed milk quickly and easily. If the Senseo Latte Select is a success, then it will be further proof that Philips’ coffee strategy is really working. Hall 22 / Stand 101

Vidya believes that this single-serve coffee-pod system offering luxury coffees made with fresh, frothed milk, will be just as

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THE LOGIC IS EVIDENT! THE DECISION TO BRING HOME APPLIANCES TO IFA REFLECTS MARKET EVOLUTION By Richard Barnes After initial surprise early in 2008, when it was first announced that Home Appliances would be integrated into the IFA show, it has since been echoed that the decision was indeed a wise one, based on solid market trends. In a detailed and emotive presentation, the Chairman of the Electrical Home Appliance Division of the ZVEI, Dr Reinhard Zinkann explained that the trend is towards more quality, more features and greater efficiency. “After many years, when they did not have their own major trade show, the manufacturers of home appliances have come to IFA for a very good reason, because it is one of the world’s most important trade fairs”, stated Dr. Zinkann. Half of all dealers stock both brown and white goods, and a combined trade show with the consumer electronics sector is equally attractive for dealers, consumers and the media.

The largest growth in the home appliance sector has been in Asia and Latin America. Despite the fact that sales in Europe are currently stagnating, it is still the largest market for home appliances, and the overall trend remains positive, especially in the east as well as in France and Germany. 180 million home appliances in European homes are over ten years old and are often no longer efficient. Although a poll revealed that 75 percent of people are prepared to buy somewhat more expensive but environmentally friendly products in recent months, only 17 percent have actually made a purchase. For example, sales of particularly energysaving refrigerators and freezers in the category A++ so far only account for three per cent of the total. In his presentation, the statistics spoke for themselves, but in addition, Dr Zinkann outlined some of the main issues at hand…

Energy saving: cooling appliances kwh/year 600

Efficiency class A or A++ ? It makes a huge difference: 45% less energy!


400 300



0 1990



Class A

Class A+

Class A++

Refrigerator (155l.) Source: Ökoinstitut, ZVEI

Fridge-Freezer 200/90l IFA Opening Press Conference, 27 August 2008 Upright-Freezer (190l)

Buying environmentally friendly products The gap between willingness and action Tend to disagree 14%

Are you ready to buy environmentally friendly products even if they cost a little bit more ? [% EU27]

Totally disagree 5% Don't know 6%

Tend to agree 50%

[Survey by Eurobarometer, Attitudes of European citizens towards the environment, March 2008]

Home Appliances at IFA - Why?

Totally agree 25%

Sales of major white goods worldwide Total value: 140bn. US $ Europe is the biggest market for white goods

However: while 75% respondents of the poll say they are ready to buy environmentally friendly products even if they are more expensive, only 17% have actually done so in the month previous to the survey

Energy & water saving: washing machines

6% 14%


kwh/kg 0,50



0,45 0,40 0,40





31 26




Others South America



water consumption [liter/kg laundry] 0,23



electricity consumption [kwh/kg laundry] (60° cotton)



Europe North America Asia



30 25

0,22 0,20 0,17








12 10 8

0,05 0,00

5 0









Source: Ökoinstitut, ZVEI

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Gorenje makes an impressive debut at IFA with its latest generation of Allure and Pure cooking appliances, presented to the public for the first time here in Berlin. However, it is its innovative "Made for iPod" fridge freezer that is bound to generate the most interest. With design ever more present in contemporary lifestyles, Gorenje has focused on the aesthetic appeal of its range, promoting its vision through a selection of design-led products. Its comprehensive Allure and Pure designer lines boast new patent-protected userand environment-friendly functional solutions. Energyminded Gorenje has also designed all its appliances in accordance with the A energy class or higher.

Also premiering at IFA are several conceptual projects aimed at bringing the use of household appliances closer to the contemporary consumer. These include the “Made for iPod” refrigerator, which can be connected to the world's most popular music-playback device. With this innovation, Gorenje is highlighting how modern information technology is making the use of household appliances increasingly simple and fun to use – just the way the users of tomorrow want it. Gorenje signed a license agreement with Apple for the use of its technology in its refrigerators. The combination of the cult iPod electronic entertainment device and Gorenje's modern fridge freezer opens up new lifestyle vistas. The specially designed and developed

Gorenje fridge features a docking station for charging the iPod. It also plays back music and video through built-in speakers and can also be connected to the Internet via a Wi-Fi interface. An obvious use for the kitchen is the iPod's ability to browse and display recipes in either text or video format. iPod has already conquered the world — and Gorenje hopes that its new appliances with interactive functions have what it takes to conquer contemporary kitchens. The new Allure product line includes several patent-protected technical and functional solutions, notably the arched oven interior ceiling,

which mimics the shape of a traditional baker's oven and allows for exceptional cooking results. This ingenious solution is coupled with the patent-protected two-level positioning of the upper heater, which follows the curve of the ceiling. Another patent deals with the heat emitted by the oven: the cooling system enables the circulation of cool, rather than hot, air between the oven and the adjacent kitchen furniture. The door cooling system is yet another patent-protected innovation, along with the use of sensor-controlled electronic timers. The Gorenje Ora-Ïto White Collection, which was launched over a year ago, impressed many European consumers with its minimalist appearance. This year, Ora-Ïto won a Plus X design award, confirming Gorenje's role as a pioneering in lifestyle design. The Gorenje exhibition area measures over 500 sq m. Hall 1.1 / Stand 201

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Leading brand names in the consumer electronics and domestic electrical appliance industries will be exhibiting together in a wide-ranging display on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds at the IFA 2008 (29 August to 3 September). With a range of services that have been specially designed for international trade visitors the IFA 2008 provides the ideal setting for their visit.


Guided tours for international trade visitors Each day from 11 a.m. onwards guided tours on a variety of themes will be available to enable trade visitors and experts to obtain background information about the current trends at the IFA. They will all start from the Trade Visitors’ Recepton. Tours dealing with the following topics have already been planned: • “Home Cinema” (TV and audio) • “Professional Media” (receivers, Media Centre) • “My Media“(photo, imaging, video, MP3, navigation) • “Think Big – large items of equipment” (domestic electrical appliances) • “Luxury Products – small products” (domestic electrical appliances) • “Green Power” (energy-saving appliances) Details about the guided tours for international trade visitors can be accessed on the IFA website at www.ifa-berlin.com.




Date: 29/30/31/01/02.09.2008 Time Exhibitor 11:00 – 11:15 Grundig 11:20 – 11:35 Philips 11:40 – 11:55 Metz 13:30 – 13:45 Grundig 13:50 – 14:05 Philips 14.10 – 14:20 Metz

Hall 23 22 21 23 22 21

Date: 29/30/31/01/02.09.2008 Time Exhibitor 11:00 – 11:15 Toshiba 11:20 – 11:35 JVC 11:40 – 11:55 Panasonic 13:30 – 13:45 Toshiba 13:50 – 14:05 JVC 14.10 – 14:20 Panasonic

Hall 21 5.2 5.2 21 5.2 5.2

Date: 29/30/31/01/02.09.2008 Time Exhibitor 11:00 – 11:15 Sony 11:20 – 11:35 Navigon 11:40 – 11:55 Fujitsu-Siemens 13:30 – 13:45 Sony 13:50 – 14:05 Navigon 14.10 – 14:20 Fujitsu-Siemens

Hall 4.2 9 13 4.2 9 13

Date: 03.09.2008 Time Exhibitor 10:00 – 10:15 Grundig 10:20 – 10:35 Philips 10:40 – 10:55 Metz

Hall 23 22 21

Date: 03.09.2008 Time Exhibitor 10:00 – 10:15 Toshiba 10:20 – 10:35 JVC 10:40 – 10:55 Panasonic

Hall 21 5.2 5.2

Date: 03.09.2008 Time Exhibitor 10:00 – 10:15 Sony 10:20 – 10:35 Navigon 10:40 – 10:55 Fujitsu-Siemens

Hall 4.2 9 13

THINK BIG Date: 29/30/31/01/02.09.2008 Time Exhibitor 11:00 – 11:15 Siemens 11:20 – 11:35 Gorenje 11:40 – 11:55 Liebherr 13:30 – 13:45 Siemens 13:50 – 14:05 Gorenje 14.10 – 14:20 Liebherr Date: 03.09.2008 Time Exhibitor 10:00 – 10:15 Siemens 10:20 – 10:35 Gorenje 10:40 – 10:55 Liebherr


LUXURY PRODUCTS Hall 1.1 1.1 2.1 1.1 1.1 2.1

Date: 29/30/31/01/02.09.2008 Time Exhibitor 11:00 – 11:15 De Longhi 11:20 – 11:35 Nespresso 11:40 – 11:55 Saeco 13:30 – 13:45 De Longhi 13:50 – 14:05 Nespresso 14.10 – 14:20 Saeco

Hall 3.1 1.1 4.1 3.1 1.1 4.1

Date: 29/30/31/01/02.09.2008 Time Exhibitor 11:00 – 11:15 Electrolux 11:20 – 11:35 Bosch 11:40 – 11:55 Gorenje 13:30 – 13:45 Electrolux 13:50 – 14:05 Bosch 14.10 – 14:20 Gorenje

Hall 4.1 3.1 1.1 4.1 3.1 1.1

Hall 1.1 1.1 2.1

Date: 03.09.2008 Time Exhibitor 10:00 – 10:15 De Longhi 10:20 – 10:35 Nespresso 10:40 – 10:55 Saeco

Hall 3.1 1.1 4.1

Date: 03.09.2008 Time Exhibitor 10:00 – 10:15 Electrolux 10:20 – 10:35 Bosch 10:40 – 10:55 Gorenje

Hall 4.1 3.1 1.1

DESIGN & LIFESTYLE Date: 29/30/31/01/02.09.2008 Time Exhibitor 11:00 – 11:15 Loewe 11:20 – 11:35 Sony 11:40 – 11:55 Siemens 13:30 – 13:45 Loewe 13:50 – 14:05 Sony 14.10 – 14:20 Siemens

Hall 6.2 4.2 1.1 6.2 4.2 1.1

Date: 03.09.2008 Time Exhibitor 10:00 – 10:15 Loewe 10:20 – 10:35 Sony 10:40 – 10:55 Siemens

Hall 6.2 4.2 1.1

No registration is required. If you have any further queries, please feel free to contact: Sinan Arslan Project Manager IFA Tel: +49 (30) 3038-2138, [email protected]

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There are a couple of methods for the promotion of products such as flat screen mounting solutions. One is through consumer-education and the other is by educating the sales people how to sell it. We asked Gerdi Vogels about how they promote their products… By Richard Barnes

In sales of this kind of product, an important thing is the attachment rate (to TV’s) as well as the amount of units sold. Is this going up more rapidly?

Education is very important. Of course we use both methods and the end user learns about the trends through staff in the store. We have sales training to educate and help them how to best serve the end-user and also to advise the best solutions for the customer. So training is an important aspect. Besides this, information for the end user is very important. To help with that, for example, we have a flat screen fitter which is a guiding system that is accessible on the Internet so that end-users can see which

mounting systems fit their flat screen the best. Back to the education, how is that done? That depends on the retailers and what they prefer. We do have sales training staff that go to the location and train the people in the store, but we also have training sessions for the larger retailers where sales staff come from different locations and we train them in a more centralised way. So both are happening.

IFA International • Saturday, 30th & Sunday, 31st August 2008

A good question. What we of course do ourselves is to train people on the best way to place their flat screens. What that is, we’re trying to influence the attach rate ourselves. So that is where we are heading in training and informing to give that solution. So it is not that we can say the growth is higher than expected but just something we stimulate ourselves. Naturally we want the highest attachment rate possible.

increase the sales is for us one of the focuses during IFA. The units have to be really visible for the end users who are passing by. We have a section where we concentrate on how we can help the retailers improve their sales. There are a lot of things, such as a display of information giving and asking the right questions. The training program is an important factor here. We also have Vogel’s FlatscreenFitter database for the available retailer. This database, with thousands of types of flat screens and the mat-

ching Vogel’s mounting solution is available via several types of media, such as the Vogel’s website, or in the shop via customised dedicated touch screens matching the retailers assortment. Our aim is to make sure that the attachment rate is high as possible and that the right supports are in the store. Of course, the visual aspects are important. So there is a whole concept that we will be explaining at IFA.

Hall 25 / Stand 118

How else does Vogel’s help the retailers? The way we present our products is important. Of course all the POS materials which we have available to help the retailers and to



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Where to go


in We know what it’s like! You’re arriving in a town you either don’t know well or don’t know at all... one of the most legendary and amazing cities in Europe... you don’t have a lot of time and you want to optimise what little time you have going out… Get it right the first time! Indeed Berlin has a lot of fantastic spots to go out, but like every big city, there are some dives. We of cou rse recommend the official Berlin Tourist Office, but we also hope that the following pages as well as our interactive blog www.trendset.biz will be a real boon as well. Enjoy, and give us YOUR impressions!!! See you in Berlin!


Sleeping within a stone’s throw from the famous Kurfürstendamm - Berlin Plaza Hotel Enjoy the p roximity of the most famous shopping district and a huge variety of entertainment. What’s more, these areas are accessible by all kinds of public transport. Stay in a fashionable hotel, eat regional

specialties and let the staff of the Berlin Plaza hotel spoil you 24 hours a day during your visit in Berlin.


food dishes. Chef Christian Lohse has already impressed a huge number of restaurant critics. Now it is your turn to enjoy a two star meal.

The only two Michelinstar restaurant in Berlin – If you like modern and Fischers Fritz is on the Gendarfashionable places, the Berlin Fischers Fritz Plaza at the Kurfürstendamm is the right place for you to stay. Satisfy your thirst for fashion during a long shopping trip on the KUDAMM and enjoy your stay in a fashionable furnished hotel. Spend your nights in a classy hotel room: the walls are toned in light grey, the furniture is cream coloured and the decorative plants and paintings top off the interior of your room. Planning a meeting or party? Let the hotel staff prepare the right package for your occasion. However, the highlight of the hotel is without doubt the Knese restaurant. It is a fantastic insider tip for all those who are addicted to Berliner cuisine. Try the famous Berlin sausage with spicy curry sauce or other regional specialties such as Königsberger Klopse, which is meatballs in a white sauce with capers.

The Fischers Fritz is an exquisite, high class restaurant, renowned for its excellent sea-

menmarkt close to the famous Friedrichstrasse and the Boulevard Unter den Linden. It is located in the luxurious

Knesebeckstr. 63 10719 Berlin Tel.: 030-88413 - 0

IFA International • Saturday, 30th & Sunday, 31st August 2008



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GOING OUT Regent Hotel. Once inside, the seating has been arranged to ensure the greatest possible intimacy for the guests. The rooms and the furniture are in the classical Baroque style and in contrast to all that, modern artwork on the walls. The menu offers great and creative choices such as “Gratin of chanterelles with pea pods and St. Patrick salmon” or “Rabbit in aspic with dried tomatoes, calamari and salsa verde”. Charlottenstrasse 49 10117 Berlin Tel.: 030-20 33 63 63


Bar Marlene – A bar worth the name Marlene Dietrich was born in Berlin and went on to become an entertainment icon of the 20th century. The bar at the Intercontinental hotel is named after her. The Bar Marlene radiates an atmosphere of special elegance and sophistication. The wonderful thing about the bar is that both hotel guests and Berliners benefit from the great choice of more than 120 different cocktails. Among these, are cocktails created especially in the bar, paying homage to the actress, Marlene Dietrich, and featuring names such as “Red Lola”, “Shanghai Lily” or “Tribute to Marlene”, in memory of the world-renowned star and her films. Adjacent to the Marlene Bar is the Library, a small library which is furnished in dignified English style, featuring an open fireplace, heavy leather seating and a small bar. Among other things, it is popular with film stars and politicians as a setting for interviews. The Marlene Bar, as one of the few hotel bars in the city with live music daily, features an exclusive entertainment program (pop, soul, jazz and Latin America music) from 9:30pm to 1:30am (except Sundays). With all the pictures of the actress on the walls, her glamour continues to live on... Budapesterstr. 2 10787 Berlin Tel.: 030/-2602 - 0




Visual extravaganza – Cascade Ready for an exciting party night? Perfectly located at the heart of Berlin, discover the Cascade Club. Whatever your dress code is, you are welcome to join one of the club’s sophisticated party events. Do you like to party in an exquisite atmosphere with great music? And do you like to dress up for your party night? Then the Cascade club is the place for you. Various lounge areas with leather sofas encourage you to relax and chat. The best places are those next to the huge window with view of the waterfall on the stairs. For all those who cannot sit down, there is an extraordinary dance floor made up of LED illuminated glass fields. So get up and dance! Fasanenstraße 81 10623 Berlin Telefon: 030-31 80 09 4


Show and dine theatre Wintergarten Varieté What used to be the stronghold of European variety theatre in the 1920s is now one of Berlin’s best cabaret and dining theatre. Every night you can enjoy one of 3 shows combined with culinary delights. This great show experience was brought back to life in the early 90s. The location itself is impressively decorated with a night sky ceiling, sparkling mirrors and dark red velvet walls.

While watching the stage performances, the attentive staff make sure you have everything you need. The shows are a fantastic combination of live music, acrobats, clowns, jugglers, magicians, comedians, trapeze acts and a lot more. The Wintergarten Varieté presents 3 different shows each year. “Hotel California” is one of the shows. It is about three Berliners travelling to California. There they discover the music and the easygoing lifestyle of the 60s and 70s. The story is told through acrobatic acts, artists on roller skates and underlined by some great songs of the 60s and 70s. Hotel California: Wednesday to Saturday at 8pm, Sunday at 6pm Variety at teatime: Wednesday at 4pm and Sunday at 3pm Potsdamerstr. 10785 Berlin Tel.: 030 – 25008888

are busy during the day to take in historical collections and art works after a long day at the IFA show. 30th August 2008, from 6pm to 2am


Gaming and excitement – Casino Berlin It feels as if your blood is rushing through your veins, your pulse accelerates. One minute ago you’ve almost lost everything and now the tide has turned. Maybe this time it is your turn to win? Enjoy the thrill of gambling at Casino Berlin am Alex. Try your luck at Casino Berlin Ready for a surge of adrenaline? Then the Casino Berlin at the Park Inn at Alexanderplatz


Discover Berlin’s Museums by Night Have you ever seen the Greek Pergamon Altar? Do you want to know more about the Babylon mystery? Then Berlin’s exciting and diverse museum collections will be the best opportunity for you to discover everything from ancient to modern culture. During the long night of museums on the 30 August, Berlin’s most interesting and most important sights and museums will open their doors until midnight. “23rd. Long night of museums’’ From 6 pm until 2 in the morning, various city museums are welcome visitors during this year’s Long Night of Museums. The event is for many people as much an attraction as the city’s numerous sights and tourist attractions. The 23rd Long night of museums will this year be run under the theme «Castles, Parks and Gardens». Museums, memorials and exhibitions will present their collections and treasuries providing a great chance for people who

is the place to be. The Berlin Casino offers a fabulous club atmosphere with classic American games. The Casino Berlin is likes to call itself the most exclusive Casino in Germany. Located on the 37th floor of the Park Inn skyscraper, tension and the excitement is palpable among the crowd. Let your pile of chips grow at the Black Jack table. Or maybe you are one of the million people of the highly popular Poker movement in Germany? This is your chance to play with people from all over the world. Or what about American Roulette? Try your luck! And above all, enjoy the view through the large panorama windows. im Park Inn BerlinAlexanderplatz Alexanderplatz 8 10178 Berlin Tel.: 030-42812600

IFA International • Saturday, 30th & Sunday, 31st August 2008

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