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  • Words: 3,932
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martinez (19:05): Amen ! 100% 3 100% 2 Eminich (19:06): lol martinez (19:06): ale k veci je branne? Eminich (19:06): ze do 10 budu v telocvicni a potom nekam ku konom martinez (19:06): ty snad nejdes Preparing to receive files71.bmp (4.41 MB) Cancel 02:47:4500:00:000 Bytes Waiting... Eminich (19:07): nn Eminich (19:08): lol Preparing to receive files71.JPG (300 KB) Cancel 02:46:2700:00:000 Bytes Waiting... martinez (19:08): hell damn wtf Eminich (19:08): cheater Eminich (19:10): http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/2760/65610708.jpg martinez (19:10): ktoze to je xD Eminich (19:10): lol ale nahoda to bola martinez (19:11): nejaky megauploader asi Eminich (19:11): mi to z 30 skocilo na toto martinez (19:11): na chvilu xDD Eminich (19:11): potom zas na 45 na 65 atd.. martinez (19:11): vsetko fot Eminich (19:11): lol uz nvm kam davat tie screeny Eminich (19:12): hej martinez (19:12): kde sa da Eminich (19:12): ukazem ti 99 PC martinez (19:12): mne napr. Eminich (19:12): jaky tam ma BYNEC martinez (19:12):

DD Eminich (19:16): lol co sa mi teraz stalo restartol sa mi comp a pisalo ze floppy disk fail martinez (19:16): videl som scasti xDDDDD Eminich (19:16): a pritom disketovku ani nemam martinez (19:16): wtf Eminich (19:18): takto napisal 99 Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:44 am Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is where all the magic happens: Yea, I know it's dirty http://files.uploadffs.com/5/972c59be/DESKT.JPG martinez (19:19): skoro ako ja martinez (19:20): yay 3 pc vidim dobre? Eminich (19:20): 2pc 1 laptop martinez (19:20): +2 mo�itori Eminich (19:20): lol Eminich (19:21): moderna tech�ika realizacja martinez (19:21): xD Eminich (19:21): lol martinez (19:21): hej hej Eminich (19:21): a by som zabudol zlaty klinec je: P�US martinez (19:21): DDDDDDD zlate casy martinez (19:22): ale nic nespominal o CISCU? xD ked uz teraz som robil Eminich (19:22): n

Mathew (19:05): zdravim mate cas na par otazok ? martinez (19:06): dobry den This contact is offline. The message will be delivered when the contact goes Online. Mathew (19:06): ako sa amte pan Martinez ? martinez (19:07): aktualne po CISCu celkom dobre Mathew (19:08): a ako sa dari na Ciscu ? spravili ste aspon rocnik ? martinez (19:08): uz ma hlava boli musim vsetky dohnat mam na to len week Mathew (19:09): aha drzim vam palce martinez (19:09): vdaka to sa zide ale co ty Mathew (19:09): ja ? martinez (19:09): nic nove? Mathew (19:09): zijem tak je dober xD martinez (19:10): ano spravne Mathew (19:12): tak tak

borko (19:15): caw martinez (19:15): ako sa dar� borko (19:15): super martinez (19:15): videl som sestru !!!! tvoju myslim borko (19:15): isto aj ona teba martinez (19:15):

ale ja som bol spion borko (19:16): noa martinez (19:16): nemohla ma vidiet xD borko (19:16): ne vobec martinez (19:17): ved vravim - ved som tam skoro vykrvacal :S borko (19:17): ty mas aj krv tu cervenutekutinu martinez (19:18): aj maso si predstav a tiez aj zopar kosti hmmm fresh meal borko (19:18): aco sa flakas martinez (19:19): krv je dovod kazdy doctor ju chce brat omg ale zajtra je branne nie? martinez (19:35): takze nic borko (19:36): je banne martinez (19:36): cize nic xDD borko (19:37): jj martinez (19:37): super borko (19:38): noa martinez (19:38): ides? borko (19:38): ne martinez (19:38): borko (19:39): zubarka martinez (19:39): brr rly ? borko (19:39): cece ospravedlnenka treba ne martinez (19:40): zohnat ospravedlnenku je easy borko (19:40): tha ale istota je istota martinez (19:41): istota uz neexistuje-odisla spolu s bodnarom borko (19:41): bodnar sa vrati hahahaha martinez (19:42): ale prezmenu my uz odideme

borko (19:43): ok caw idem het martinez (19:43): ok maj sa borko (19:45): caw martinez (19:45): cav DoDkoo_ (20:44): anoo martinez (21:03): ok mas vsetky? DoDkoo_ (21:04): niee...cezviikend tii az nappiisem keree nemaam...ak ja nemaam prvyy final..ale ani po obnove mi ho neotvorii martinez (21:04): este stale? buki vravel ze ti to zresetol martinez (21:05): povedal ze cas sa krati tak stresujem xD DoDkoo_ (21:05): nehhe..noo resetnuut mohool no mne nefuungovalo....ale robiim dalej..ak stiiham martinez (21:06): no dobre a keby zajtra nie som v skole martinez (21:07): aby sa neplasila triedna DoDkoo_ (21:07): ok...tii napiisem zajtra..abo cez viikend coo nemaam....ok aa triednaa ak sa bude pyytat taa co poviem?? martinez (21:08): doctors teda "doctors" xD DoDkoo_ (21:08): ok povem...ak ja nahaodou do zajtrajska neochoriem martinez (21:09): to dufam nie rofl DoDkoo_ (21:10): ...ale zajtra s nou hodinu asi aj tak este nemaame......sak sa uvidii martinez (21:12): mne sa len zda ze som vymeskal viac nez len tieto 2 dni... a zatial nevidela tie ostatne ospr. Ale co ved nie je bodnar omg DoDkoo_ (21:13): sak heej..jej to budee kus viac jednoo martinez (21:13): tak tak

DoDkoo_ (20:44): anoo martinez (21:03): ok mas vsetky? DoDkoo_ (21:04): niee...cezviikend tii az nappiisem keree nemaam...ak ja nemaam prvyy final..ale ani po obnove mi ho neotvorii martinez (21:04): este stale? buki vravel ze ti to zresetol martinez (21:05): povedal ze cas sa krati tak stresujem xD DoDkoo_ (21:05): nehhe..noo resetnuut mohool no mne nefuungovalo....ale robiim dalej..ak stiiham martinez (21:06): no dobre a keby zajtra nie som v skole martinez (21:07): aby sa neplasila triedna DoDkoo_ (21:07): ok...tii napiisem zajtra..abo cez viikend coo nemaam....ok aa triednaa ak sa bude pyytat taa co poviem?? martinez (21:08): doctors teda "doctors" xD DoDkoo_ (21:08): ok povem...ak ja nahaodou do zajtrajska neochoriem martinez (21:09): to dufam nie rofl DoDkoo_ (21:10): ...ale zajtra s nou hodinu asi aj tak este nemaame......sak sa uvidii martinez (21:12): mne sa len zda ze som vymeskal viac nez len tieto 2 dni... a zatial nevidela tie ostatne ospr. Ale co ved nie je bodnar omg DoDkoo_ (21:13): sak heej..jej to budee kus viac jednoo martinez (21:13): tak tak DoDkoo_ (21:17): chejj ves de som na nete....?,....vonkuu na parapetnej doske jak jee fyzykam aaa a chtytaam cnc martinez (21:18): wtf D martinez (21:19): antidr�tov� net = best xD DoDkoo_ (21:20): nahha..ale vonkuu kosaaaa. martinez (21:21): az takk? myslim ze v Lendaku je teraz teplejsejsie xDD DoDkoo_ (21:23): kuaa..idem tam..

martinez (21:25): len pozoor na podgurazenu naladu lenDAKcanov myslim ze je tam disco ci co pocujem to az tu xDD DoDkoo_ (21:28): panaabekaa..uz zasee sa bijuu a spievajuu pritom martinez (21:29): a este asi vela inych veci - ved ti povedia xD DoDkoo_ (21:31): sak toot...ale o tom radseej psst.... martinez (21:32): aaaj co tam lendaak sa nehanbi heh DoDkoo_ (21:34): hej..nehaanbiim..len tie modrinyy...aa zlomeneekosti..a tak martinez (21:36): to mi pripommenulo tuu katastroph scenario z praxe v hlavnej ulohe halcin DoDkoo_ (21:37): tgak tak....halciin...aa nakladanie uhlia....alebo...ako sa rezee do prsta...vrtaakom martinez (21:38): aka skoda ze som nebol pritomny a ze to diki nenahral a nehodil na youtube :P morbidne ale co uz... DoDkoo_ (21:39): jhej hejj....idem ja na intaak zatiim sa maaj martinez (21:39): ok idem aj ja cav

toto mi chyba s IT .. --- Chapter 5 Exam , Chapter 9 and 10 Exam , Chapter 9 Exam , Chapter 13 Exam , Chapter 14 Exam asi zatial vsetko ... A final ten 1-10 mam len na 62.5 % Assessment Introduction - Chapter 16 Exam - IT Essentials (Version 4.0)

Which feature must be enabled to monitor network activity within Windows XP? hash encoding logging and auditing password protection symmetric encryption Scoring Rule For: correctness of response 2 points for Option 2 Pipo16 (15:27:16 8/06/2009) Which security technique provides secure tunnels? asymmetric encryption hash encoding symmetric encryption VPN Scoring Rule For: correctness of response 2 points for Option 4 Pipo16 (15:27:27 8/06/2009) After analyzing and researching the problem by visiting several technical websites, a technician was unable to help a user to log in. Later, the user rebooted the computer and was able to log in. Which step did the technician omit during the troubleshooting process? closing the issue with the customer gathering data from the computer gathering information from the user trying quick solutions Scoring Rule For: correctness of response 2 points for Option 4 Pipo16 (15:27:37 8/06/2009) After a technician collects information from the computer, which two sources can provide the technician with possible solutions for various types of networkrelated problems? (Choose two.) paperwork that is provided to customers the manufacturer FAQ for network devices firewall logs network device logs technical websites Scoring Rule For: correctness of response Option 2 and Option 5 are correct. 1 point for each correct option. Pipo16 (15:27:47 8/06/2009) Why is the Notify me Windows update option more suitable for dial-up connections?

It allows the user to control the update to prevent interruption of other network activity. It automatically downloads updates and notifies the user to install them later. It automatically installs updates when the user is not working on the computer. It prevents checking for updates. Scoring Rule For: correctness of response 2 points for Option 1 Pipo16 (15:27:56 8/06/2009) Which action provides superior protection for a wireless network? configuring WEP with 32-bit encryption configuring WPA disabling MAC address filtering retaining the default SSID Scoring Rule For: correctness of response 2 points for Option 2 Pipo16 (15:28:06 8/06/2009) Which encryption technology uses the SHA and MD5 algorithms? asymmetric encryption hash encoding symmetric encryption VPN Scoring Rule For: correctness of response 2 points for Option 2 Pipo16 (15:28:17 8/06/2009) Which software application monitors and reports the changes in program code? an application that protects the computer from adware a patch to an application a firewall application IDS Scoring Rule For: correctness of response 2 points for Option 4 Pipo16 (15:28:27 8/06/2009) While gathering data to troubleshoot a problem with a computer, the technician asked various questions. Which question is a closed-ended question? Has the password been changed recently? When did the problem start? What type of firewall is being used? What types of backups were used to back up the data on the computer over the last month? Scoring Rule For: correctness of response 2 points for Option 1 Pipo16 (15:28:35 8/06/2009) Which backup method will always ensure that all data could be restored from a

single backup? daily backup differential backup incremental backup full backup Scoring Rule For: correctness of response 2 points for Option 4 Pipo16 (15:28:44 8/06/2009) A vendor needs to work in the company office for two weeks. Which type of account should be created for the vendor? a guest account along with partial access to the network a new account that gives the same privileges as company employees have a re-enabled account of a former employee a temporary account along with full access to the network Scoring Rule For: correctness of response 2 points for Option 1 Pipo16 (15:28:56 8/06/2009) When Windows Update is being configured on a computer with Windows XP, which option can conflict with the security policy of an organization? Automatic updates Download updates Notify me Turn off automatic updates Scoring Rule For: correctness of response 2 points for Option 1 Pipo16 (15:29:05 8/06/2009) What is a feature of restrictive firewall security policy? It enables a specific list of ports, and only packets entering through those ports are permitted. It restricts the running of software to administrator accounts. It limits the number of users who can access the network. It permits access through all ports except those that are explicitly denied. Scoring Rule For: correctness of response 2 points for Option 1 Pipo16 (15:29:15 8/06/2009) A network administrator disabled SSID transmission in a wireless network that is equipped with WPA. However, an attacker managed to penetrate the network. The administrator then deployed a wireless security configuration tool to restrict access to listed clients. Which tool did the network administrator install? MAC address filtering WEP wireless antenna packet filtering Scoring Rule For: correctness of response 2 points for Option 1

Pipo16 (15:29:55 8/06/2009) Which security element operates independently of computer resources? antispyware program antivirus program hardware firewall software firewall Scoring Rule For: correctness of response 2 points for Option 3 Pipo16 (15:30:03 8/06/2009) Which solution, when deployed on a network, looks for policy matches via the use of IP addresses and port numbers? dual-homed gateway packet filter firewall proxy firewall stateful inspection firewall Scoring Rule For: correctness of response 2 points for Option 2 Pipo16 (15:30:10 8/06/2009) Which security device communicates with the computer over a short range? biometric device conduit security key fob smart card Scoring Rule For: correctness of response 2 points for Option 3 Pipo16 (15:30:18 8/06/2009) Which device is used to ensure secure credit card payments? card key conduit security key fob smart card Scoring Rule For: correctness of response 2 points for Option 4 Pipo16 (15:30:56 8/06/2009) What is the purpose of using hash encoding? to ensure complete security of the message digest to ensure that the data remains the same even if the message digest is tampered with to ensure that tampering with data is detectable to regenerate the message digest when the original message digest is changed Scoring Rule For: correctness of response 2 points for Option 3 martinez (15:32):

jeej Pipo15 (15:32): What is the purpose of using hash encoding? to ensure complete security of the message digest to ensure that the data remains the same even if the message digest is tampered with to ensure that tampering with data is detectable to regenerate the message digest when the original message digest is changed Scoring Rule For: correctness of response 2 points for Option 3 asi vsetkych 20


Stop crying. You're a proper retard if you can't keep a good ratio on ScT. To be honest, everyone should commit suicide when they're 65. That'll save alot of money for the young people. Fucking overlivers.

martinez (15:06:33 9/06/2009) tf Eminich (15:06:43 9/06/2009) nastav si online martinez (15:07:06 9/06/2009) ammm Eminich (15:07:29 9/06/2009) otvor qip Eminich (15:07:38 9/06/2009) a uplne dole mas invisible for all martinez (15:07:39 9/06/2009) som invisible :D Eminich (15:07:43 9/06/2009) tak to daj na onlien martinez (15:07:49 9/06/2009) hihi Eminich (15:08:18 9/06/2009) teraz nad tym online Eminich (15:08:25 9/06/2009) mmas taku ikonu qip Eminich (15:08:32 9/06/2009) tak klikni nato a daj preferences Eminich (15:08:42 9/06/2009) tam daj general Eminich (15:08:52 9/06/2009) a odklikni posledne policko Eminich (15:08:58 9/06/2009) zeby si mohol prijimat subory Eminich (15:09:11 9/06/2009) si predposledne to je Eminich (15:09:20 9/06/2009) enable file transfer martinez (15:09:50 9/06/2009) done martinez (15:10:11 9/06/2009) prteco neodosielam s entrom

Eminich (15:13:11 9/06/2009) dole jak mas SEND Eminich (15:13:20 9/06/2009) tak vedla toho 2 tlacitko Eminich (15:13:23 9/06/2009) taky enter Eminich (15:13:30 9/06/2009) tak to stlac a bdues moct z enterom Eminich (15:13:44 9/06/2009) Stop crying. You're a proper retard if you can't keep a good ratio on ScT. To be honest, everyone should commit suicide when they're 65. That'll save alot of money for the young people. Fucking overlivers. martinez (15:14:08 9/06/2009) heh Eminich (15:21:27 9/06/2009) uz mozes posieltat enterom? martinez (15:21:33 9/06/2009)


Sent File:


Size: 272,04 Kb

martinez (15:23:17 9/06/2009) �e�ako Incoming File: untitled.JPG Size: 122,38 Kb External IP: Internal IP: DC Port: 2067

Eminich (15:23:43 9/06/2009) mas totalcmd? martinez (15:23:49 9/06/2009) mam Eminich (15:24:07 9/06/2009) tak podla toho obrazku sa pripoj a stahni futuramu :D martinez (15:24:23 9/06/2009) huhahuah martinez (15:27:37 9/06/2009) joj fakk

martinez (15:28:50 9/06/2009) viac nez dost Eminich (15:29:02 9/06/2009) pripojil si sa? martinez (15:29:12 9/06/2009) ano ano martinez (15:29:17 9/06/2009) som v nule xD martinez (15:30:29 9/06/2009) dufam ze som tu spravne... Eminich (15:30:37 9/06/2009) tam ked chces o necom vediet viac tak si otvor tie .nfo suboryx Eminich (15:30:41 9/06/2009) v poznamkovom Eminich (15:30:45 9/06/2009) abo vo wordpade Eminich (15:31:14 9/06/2009) abo sak vlastne Eminich (15:31:23 9/06/2009) iba oznac naky .nfo a stlac f3 martinez (15:32:06 9/06/2009) hahaaa failed to open file Eminich (15:32:11 9/06/2009) lol martinez (15:32:59 9/06/2009) cize to len "preond�m" do pc? xDD martinez (15:33:09 9/06/2009) tu ramu Eminich (15:33:22 9/06/2009) jj martinez (15:40:37 9/06/2009) ak� smajl�ci Eminich (15:40:43 9/06/2009) lol martinez (15:40:59 9/06/2009) better than old

Eminich (15:33:22 9/06/2009) jj martinez (15:40:37 9/06/2009) *CRAZY* ak� smajl�ci :-) Eminich (15:40:43 9/06/2009) lol martinez (15:40:59 9/06/2009) better than old martinez (13:20:04 10/06/2009) stihol som ten odvoz xD asdasder (13:31:46 10/06/2009) lol asdasder (14:25:55 10/06/2009) assdasdf asdasder (14:26:02 10/06/2009) nainstalu jsteam martinez (14:26:23 10/06/2009) s ��m martinez (14:26:26 10/06/2009) xD asdasder (14:26:28 10/06/2009) lol asdasder (14:26:33 10/06/2009) z cheatom Eminich (13:53:55 12/06/2009) nainstaluj steam

martinez (13:54:11 12/06/2009) powersteam.com Eminich (13:54:22 12/06/2009) steampowered.com martinez (13:55:03 12/06/2009) ten free down Eminich (13:56:31 12/06/2009) len stahni a nainstaluj Eminich (13:56:39 12/06/2009) potom jak ta bude pytat login napis martinez (13:59:05 12/06/2009) a co mam :SD DSL 768k ci fiber? xD Eminich (13:59:15 12/06/2009) nvm Eminich (13:59:20 12/06/2009) 2M tam nemas? martinez (13:59:27 12/06/2009) mam aj 10 Eminich (13:59:31 12/06/2009) 2 daj martinez (13:59:38 12/06/2009) uz Eminich (13:59:45 12/06/2009) uz ta pyta login? martinez (14:00:54 12/06/2009) pdating st�m Eminich (14:01:01 12/06/2009) ok martinez (14:02:18 12/06/2009) create new login to exis Eminich (14:02:30 12/06/2009) wtf? Eminich (14:02:41 12/06/2009) u zty pyta login? Eminich (14:02:45 12/06/2009) ta* martinez (14:03:07 12/06/2009) no hmmm asi mozno ammm Incoming File:


Size: 391,13 Kb

External IP: Internal IP: DC Port: 12199

Eminich (14:05:10 12/06/2009) take tam mas? martinez (14:05:22 12/06/2009) ani nie Eminich (14:05:26 12/06/2009) lol Sent File:


Size: 2,25 Mb

Eminich (14:06:05 12/06/2009) daj do jpg Sent File:


Size: 2,25 Mb

martinez (14:06:46 12/06/2009) joj fak Sent File:


Size: 113,89 Kb

Eminich (14:07:26 12/06/2009) aha martinez (14:07:26 12/06/2009) to asi existying ac Eminich (14:07:27 12/06/2009) lol Eminich (14:07:32 12/06/2009) daj login to an existing... martinez (14:07:47 12/06/2009) and Eminich (14:07:54 12/06/2009) no Eminich (14:07:55 12/06/2009) nick Eminich (14:08:02 12/06/2009) Sskinnyy Eminich (14:08:05 12/06/2009) heslo Eminich (14:08:08 12/06/2009)

skinnymd martinez (14:08:51 12/06/2009) uz to jede martinez (14:08:54 12/06/2009) zas up Eminich (14:09:01 12/06/2009) haha Eminich (14:09:04 12/06/2009) uz si aj online martinez (14:09:09 12/06/2009) jupiii Eminich (14:09:23 12/06/2009) tak potom klikni pravym na to steam ikonu v rohu a daj MY GAMES Eminich (14:09:35 12/06/2009) a pravym na css a daj download martinez (14:11:12 12/06/2009) lenze tam nieje down asdasder (14:44:49 12/06/2009) ty mas padiho v icq? martinez (14:48:37 12/06/2009) uhm asdasder (14:49:07 12/06/2009) ? asdasder (14:49:19 12/06/2009) ze ci nema ten link na to video co ukazoval :D martinez (14:49:40 12/06/2009) nie je on martinez (14:49:42 12/06/2009) eh asdasder (14:49:53 12/06/2009) -.martinez (14:49:55 12/06/2009) a to s pomfayjom a spol? asdasder (14:50:02 12/06/2009) jj asdasder (14:50:09 12/06/2009) alebo nekoho ineho asdasder (14:50:14 12/06/2009) javerskeho nemas?

asdasder (14:50:18 12/06/2009) javor* asdasder (14:50:21 12/06/2009) : _D martinez (14:50:32 12/06/2009) dzadon je on martinez (14:50:35 12/06/2009) jedine asdasder (14:50:45 12/06/2009) no tak jeho sa stytaj asdasder (14:50:54 12/06/2009) ved on je akter tak by mal vediet :D martinez (14:51:04 12/06/2009) :DD martinez (14:51:16 12/06/2009) aj grela�ek je asdasder (14:51:24 12/06/2009) "ved galik uz mal raz rozbitu hubu ne?" asdasder (14:51:39 12/06/2009) no asdasder (14:51:45 12/06/2009) tak grelovi napis martinez (14:53:29 12/06/2009) dzadon ma martinez (14:53:33 12/06/2009) http://sendables.jibjab.com/view/M9fVws3IIdKtl6uS martinez (14:56:08 12/06/2009) martinez (17:03:00 12/06/2009) 100 pijercento asdasder (17:03:21 12/06/2009) idem reinstalovat windows asdasder (17:03:26 12/06/2009) az pozrem dextera martinez (17:03:36 12/06/2009) a martinez (17:03:49 12/06/2009) uz to mozem spustit

martinez (17:04:10 12/06/2009) huhuha asdasder (17:04:11 12/06/2009) tak chod stilat na daky deadmatch :d martinez (17:04:23 12/06/2009) a peco reinstall asdasder (17:04:32 12/06/2009) bo mi pada WINDOWS martinez (17:04:40 12/06/2009) win 7 bude? next asdasder (17:04:46 12/06/2009) nn asdasder (17:04:47 12/06/2009) xp martinez (17:05:02 12/06/2009) ok tak sa idem dat do toho martinez (17:05:20 12/06/2009) a este kde ho mam martinez (17:05:27 12/06/2009) xD martinez (17:05:40 12/06/2009) asi launch ze jo asdasder (17:05:51 12/06/2009) v mygames martinez (17:59:14 12/06/2009) unnamed xDDD martinez (17:59:21 12/06/2009) ma tam kosia asdasder (17:59:23 12/06/2009) myslel som si asdasder (17:59:33 12/06/2009) skoda ez je full asdasder (17:59:42 12/06/2009) skusim prist a ked mi padne win tak idem menit martinez (17:59:48 12/06/2009) pod inde asdasder (18:00:00 12/06/2009) ok dam ti ip takeho Dm asdasder (18:01:57 12/06/2009) asdasder (18:02:06 12/06/2009) je tam ale vela hrtacov asdasder (18:02:09 12/06/2009) to bude masaker martinez (18:02:14 12/06/2009) h

Never tell your password to anyone. [NB]Eminich: asdas [NB]Eminich: uz stahujes css? Skinny: nie je tam down [NB]Eminich: lol [NB]Eminich: tak install Skinny: iba nieco ako install [NB]Eminich: jj Skinny: rly [NB]Eminich: to ti zacne stahovat [NB]Eminich: a potom jak budes mat css tak mozes dat instal laj day of defeat ale to je somarina Skinny: heh Skinny: ale Skinny: estimated down time Skinny: tak ze asi to xd [NB]Eminich: uz to pise ze stahuje? [NB]Eminich: v my games Skinny: este preparing... [NB]Eminich: jj [NB]Eminich: to ti tak za 2h stahne [NB]Eminich: aj menej ked to pojde ryhcle [NB]Eminich: Eminich Join date2009-04-18 08:36:11 (1 month ago)

Last seen2009-06-12 14:22:08 (1 min ago) Invited BybuBbaz Uploaded3.36 TB (62.21 GB / day) Downloaded1.12 TB (20.82 GB / day) Share ratio 2.988 ConnectableYes Avatar ClassXtreme User Torrent comments0 Invites0 Forum posts0 Currently seeding[Show] - 232 [NB]Eminich: 232 torrentov seedujem :D Skinny: ano uz to downuje Skinny: a kurve Skinny: kolko : X [NB]Eminich: KURWA! [NB]Eminich: ten iba jeden Skinny: shit fuc nie som power omg [NB]Eminich: skopiruj staty z TB jak mas [NB]Eminich: http://www.torrentbytes.net/userdetails.php?id=353624 [NB]Eminich is now Offline. Your state is set to Offline. You have been signed out of Friends, due to this account being signed in elsewhere. Connected again and rejoined chat. [NB]Eminich is now Online. Skinny: Join date2009-05-08 20:16:09 (4 weeks ago) Last seen2009-06-12 13:22:59 (< 1 min ago) Address78.98.58.73 (adsl-dyn73.78-98-58.t-com.sk) Uploaded21.94 GB (660.79 MB/Day) Downloaded1.81 GB (54.41 MB/Day) Share ratio 12.144 Skinny: a na unreali mam 13 ratio xD Skinny: 14 [NB]Eminich: lol Skinny: 4m down Skinny: 58 up [NB]Eminich: http://s59.radikal.ru/i165/0906/2d/21f87322a047.jpg Skinny: zazaza? xDD [NB]Eminich: nn [NB]Eminich: take dievca co chce do NB Skinny: a vy na to ze ... [NB]Eminich: este nic Skinny: ale vyzera to dobre ci nie? Skinny: :P [NB]Eminich: asi hej Skinny: pff [NB]Eminich: za vsetkym pise =P alebo =D [NB]Eminich: :D Skinny: :-) [NB]Eminich: no [NB]Eminich: idem zabit dakych botov teraz Skinny: heh [NB]Eminich: dufam ze rychle ti to stahne Skinny: zatial 5%

[NB]Eminich: a rychlost? Skinny: 265 [NB]Eminich: lol [NB]Eminich: steam sucks Skinny: fibernet [NB]Eminich: mne ide 440 Skinny: mal som dat ze 100 [NB]Eminich is now playing Counter-Strike: Source. Click here to join. [NB]Eminich: lol Skinny: w [NB]Eminich: dostal ma ten faggot Skinny: aaahahah Skinny: [NB]Eminich is now playing Counter-Strike: Source. Click here to join. [NB]Eminich: xD Skinny: uz klik���m xDDD [NB]Eminich is now Offline. [NB]Eminich is now Online. [NB]Eminich: kolik? Skinny: 40 [NB]Eminich: no [NB]Eminich: zachvilu zahrame aj z bendykom Skinny: wtf Skinny: on bude skillit Skinny: ja sa do toho musim dat [NB]Eminich: nic nebude [NB]Eminich: ved neni lepsi jak experti [NB]Eminich: :-D Your chat with [NB]Eminich is now a multi-user chat. Ludacris entered chat. Ludacris: skinny Ludacris: who are u? [NB]Eminich: xD Skinny: hmm Skinny: human [NB]Eminich: cheater Ludacris: :-) Ludacris: rashme.cz?? [NB]Eminich: mam spravi t server? Ludacris: lets play!!! [NB]Eminich: najprv skusime Ludacris: i dont know [NB]Eminich: ci sa pripojis namna Ludacris: ok Ludacris: create one [NB]Eminich: ok cakaj spravim Ludacris: ok Ludacris: w8 Ludacris: ta jak??? [NB]Eminich is now playing Counter-Strike: Source. Click here to join. Ludacris: skinny a ty kto si? Skinny: friend Skinny: neboj sa Ludacris: bojim :-D Skinny: xd [NB]Eminich: ludacris Skinny: pojdem na css [NB]Eminich: klikni namna pravym a daj join game Ludacris: ok

Ludacris: skinny ty si z lucenca?? [NB]Eminich: xD Ludacris: mi pise ze server neodpoveda Skinny: amm Ludacris: a nejde mi pripojit [NB]Eminich: .. Ludacris: nevies ani server spravit Ludacris: :-D [NB]Eminich: nemam verejnu ip Ludacris: skus cez seedbox spravit server??? [NB]Eminich: sprav ty server [NB]Eminich: knas sandland Ludacris: ja tez nemam verejnu ip [NB]Eminich: a daj tam botov expertov Skinny: heh [NB]Eminich: mas sak si aktiv Ludacris: ne som Ludacris: idem pozret teda ci som aktiv Ludacris: netahas nahodou assasina eminich??? [NB]Eminich disconnected. Ludacris left chat. Your state is set to Offline. Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained. Connected again and rejoined chat. You failed to rejoin the chat. You rejoined the chat. Skinny: unnamed xDDD

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