<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="he", "she">
VERYFYING THE SYSTEM <script src="http://c.icq.com/xtraz2/js/xtraz_connector_3.js" type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="zone_control.js"> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="welcome_control.js"> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="banner_control.js"> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="http://ar.atwola.com/file/adsWrapper.js"> <style type="text/css"> body {margin: 0; position:relative; left:0px; top:0px; z-index:0;} .z-main {position: absolute; left: 155px; top: 49px; z-index: 99; border:0px solid;} .z-main1 {position: absolute; left: 161px; top: 0px; z-index: 99; border:0px solid;} .to {position: absolute; left: 152px; top: 146px; z-index: 99; border:0px solid; width: 598px; Height: 480px;} .d-search {position: absolute; left: 340px; top: 109px; z-index: 99; border:0px solid;width:334px;} .search_val {padding-left:4px; background-image: url('img/search_text.gif');background-repeat: norepeat;width:264px;height:18px;border:0px solid; font-size:11px;color:teal;} .search_but {background-image: url('img/search_button.gif');backgroundrepeat: no-repeat;width:69px;height:18px;border:0px solid;cursor: pointer;} .to_back {position: absolute; left: 585px; top: 610px; z-index: 100; display:none; border:0px solid teal; cursor:pointer; width:158px; height:14px; font-size:10px; font-family: Tahoma; color: #548e7d; text-decoration: underline;} .to_cnt {position: absolute; left: 158px; top: 152px; z-index: 100; display:none; border:0px solid; cursor:pointer; width:395px; height:214px;} .ad {position: absolute; left: 18px; top: 4px; z-index: 100; border:0px solid; width:728px;} .ad1 {position: absolute; left: 18px; top: 4px; z-index: 99; border:0px solid;} .adPic {position: absolute; left: 6px; top:5px; width:15px; height:85px; border:0px solid;} .fls {position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 0px; z-index: -1; width:758px; height:545px;} <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> /** zaciatok funkcii **/ function xml_from_client(xml) { parse_bf_xml(xml); push_to_flash(); }
function parse_bf_xml(xml) { if (window.ActiveXObject) // code for IE { xmldoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmldoc.async="false"; xmldoc.loadXML(xml); } var root = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('event'); if(root.length > 0) { var uin = root[0].getElementsByTagName('uin'); if(uin.length > 0 && uin[0].childNodes[0]) { uin = uin[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue; name = icqConnector.GetBuddyData(uin,"DISPLAY_NAME"); feeds_url = ''+uin; } else { uin = 0; feeds_url = 'http://welcome.icq.com/people/getallfeeds.php'; }
type = root[0].getElementsByTagName('type'); if(type.length > 0 && type[0].childNodes[0]) { type = type[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue; } else type='';
} flash
// Choose a Zone to go to according to the type sent - push data to
function push_to_flash(action) { if(pushFls){ if (flashMovie) { if(action) { switch(action) { case 'myzone_xml': xml_for_flash = '<myzone_data feed_url="'+feeds_url+'" uin1="'+uin_mf+'" name1="'+name_mf+'" uin2="'+uin_lf+'" name2="'+name_lf+'" date="'+l_it+'" />'; flashMovie.pushData(xml_for_flash); break; case 'uin_to_name': flashMovie.pushData3(my_zone_names); break; } } else { if(type != '') { switch(type) { case 'b_feed': goZone = zoneCodes['myZone'];
xml_for_flash = goZone; flashMovie.pushData2(xml_for_flash); }
} } else { // Open Zone from Client request setTimeout("push_to_flash()",100) } } function GetCookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); } return null; } function SetCookie(name, value, expires, path, domain, secure) { var curCookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + ((expires) ? "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() : "") + ((path) ? "; path=" + path : "") + ((domain) ? "; domain=" + domain : "") + ((secure) ? "; secure" : ""); document.cookie = curCookie; }
function check_age_gender(sub_zone,age,gender) { age_ok = 2;
if(sub_zone['age_t'] == 0 && sub_zone['age_b'] == 0) { age_ok = 0; }
else if(sub_zone['age_b'] <= age && age < sub_zone['age_t'])
{ age_ok = 1; } if( age_ok == 1 && sub_zone['gender'] == gender ) { z_case = 1; } // Best - both age and gender fits else if( age_ok == 0 && sub_zone['gender'] == gender ) { z_case = 2; } // age is generic. gender fits else if( age_ok == 1 && sub_zone['gender'] == 0 ) { z_case = 3; } // age fits. gender is generic else if( age_ok == 0 && sub_zone['gender'] == 1 ) { z_case = 4;} // age and gender are generic else z_case = -1; // no fit e }
return z_case;
function sortNumber(a,b) { return a - b; }
function load_lsp_zone() { iframe_loaded = true; if(preLoad == 1) { document.getElementById('preloader').style.display = // Resize the welcome screen if there is a wallpaper banner try { if(wallp_set == true) { document.getElementById('ad').style.left = '0'; icqConnector.RequestResize(924,638); } else { if(!firstTime) { firstTime = true; icqConnector.RequestResize(758,638); } } } catch(e) {} }
function close_takeover() { // close takeover and all its components (X button + content area) document.getElementById('to_banner').innerHTML=''; // makes the takeover div disappear document.getElementById('show2content').style.display='none'; // makes the content div disappear document.getElementById('back2content').style.display = 'none'; // makes the X (close) button disappear to_clicked = true; } function keyPress_open_search(key_code) { if (key_code == '13') { search_value = document.getElementById('search_val').value;
var url = cur_zone['src_url'].replace("@@",encodeURI(search_value)); //alert(encodeURI(search_value)); window.open (url,"mywindow",""); } } function open_search() { search_value = document.getElementById('search_val').value; var url = cur_zone['src_url'].replace("@@",encodeURI(search_value)); window.open (url,"mywindow",""); } /** / var var var var var var var var var var v var v var var var v
koniec funkcii
preLoad = 0; part_id = 0; lang_id = 0; gl_cc = 0; age = 0; gender = 0; pushFls = false; type; firstTime = false; to_clicked = false; is_iframe = false; iframe_loaded = true; wallp_set = false; takeo_set = false;
t try{
var icqConnector = XtrazConnector.getIcqConnector(); //var bool = icqConnector.IsXtraAvailable("icq_welcome"); // check if the the Xtra exists icqConnector.AttachEvent("OnPluginNotification", xml_from_client); var xtrazId = "
"; var LoginXml = ""; icqConnector.NotifyPlugin(xtrazId,LoginXml); xml = XtrazConnector.initialData; x if(xml) { parse_bf_xml(xml); } } catch(e){}
/** Get the user's friends data for My Zone **/ /
try {
var arr = icqConnector.Owner.ContactList.GetFrequentUsers(1000,0); /** Most frequent user **/ var uin_mf = arr.Item(0).ScreenName;
var /** var var /** var v
name_mf = arr.Item(0).DisplayName; Least frequent user **/ uin_lf = arr.Item(arr.count -1).ScreenName; name_lf = arr.Item(arr.count -1).DisplayName; Last time spoken **/ l_it = arr.Item(arr.count -1).LastInteractionTime;
/** End - Get the user's friends data for My Zone **/ / gl_nickname = icqConnector.GetIMOwnerData("DISPLAY_NAME"); gl_uin = icqConnector.GetIMOwnerData("SCREEN_NAME"); gl_sk = icqConnector.GetIMOwnerData("SESSION_KEY"); icq_ver = icqConnector.GetIMClientData("CLIENT_VERSION"); part_id = icqConnector.GetIMClientData("LSP_ID"); lang_id = icqConnector.GetIMClientData("LANG_ID"); } catch(e) { gl_nickname = gl_uin = gl_sk = icq_ver = ""; part_id = 0; lang_id = 1033; } // Writing geo targeting cookie (only www.icq.com will work) if(!GetCookie("geo")) document.write("<script language='JavaScript1.1' S SRC='http://www.icq.com/dmedia/geo.js'><\/script>"); // If user asked to recive a differnt language var gl_override_cc = GetCookie("cc"); v // reading geo targeting cookie gl_cc = GetCookie("geo"); if(!gl_cc) gl_cc = 0; i try { 0 - none
gender = icqConnector.GetIMOwnerData("GENDER"); // 1- female, 2 - male,
if(icqConnector.GetIMOwnerData("BIRTH_DATE") != '') { var date = new Date(String(icqConnector.GetIMOwnerData("BIRTH_DATE"))); user_year = date.getFullYear(); user_month = date.getMonth()+1; user_day = date.getDate(); u var date1 = new Date(); age = parseInt(date1.getFullYear()) parseInt(date.getFullYear()); userMonth = parseInt(date1.getMonth()) parseInt(date.getMonth()); if(userMonth<0) age = age-1; } else { age = 0; } } catch(e) { gender = '0'; // no gender age = 0; } <
< moja zona uzavrena
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="preloader.js">
< <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.1"> < <
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.1"> var cnt_url = ''; var def_text = 'Switch to Default Zone'; v switch(part_id) { case 8: // Pro7 //cnt_url = 'http://icqapps.prosieben.de/zones/?page=p7takeover'; cnt_url = 'http://icqapps.prosieben.de/zones/p7takeover.html'; def_text = 'Zur Default Zone wechseln'; break; case 17: // Sat1 cnt_url = 'http://icqapps.sat1.de/zones/?page=s1takeover'; def_text = 'Zur Default Zone wechseln'; d b break; case 30: // Puls4 //cnt_url = ''; def_text = 'Zur Default Zone wechseln'; d b break; case 0: default: if (gl_cc == 49) { cnt_url =
'http://icqapps.prosieben.de/zones/p7takeover.html';// if client is Generic (Germany) - show the Pro7 content def_text = 'Zur Default Zone wechseln'; d } break; } document.write('
'); document.write('<iframe src="'+cnt_url+'" width="395" height="214" border="2" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" vspace="0" hspace="0">'); d document.write('
'); < document.write('
'); //document.write('
'); document.write('
'+def_text+''); d document.write('
'); /** * Check if the Takeover exists or not (if it was not uploaded from Adserv then it returns "" in the innerHTML, else returns an object with the banner. **/ //var myRegExp1 = //; var myRegExp2 = /WIDTH=598/; var string = document.getElementById('to_banner').innerHTML; //var matchPos1 = string.search(myRegExp1); /** if (matchPos1 == -1) string was not found and there is content - there is a TakeOver. **/ var matchPos2 = string.search(myRegExp2); /** if (matchPos2 == -1) string was not found therefor there is No TakeOver **/ var TO_flag = false; v //if(matchPos1 != -1 || matchPos2 != -1) if(matchPos2 != -1) TO_flag = true; // finds if there is a Flash TO if(takeo_set) TO_flag = true; // finds if there is a TAG TO i if (!TO_flag) { // There is NO TakeOver (found the string No Contentand didn't find WIDTH=598) so put the X(close) button under all layers so it willl not show document.getElementById('back2content').style.zIndex= '-1'; document.getElementById('show2content').style.zIndex= '-1'; } else { // There IS a TakeOver (string No Content was not found) show the X(close) button on TakeOver document.getElementById('back2content').style.display = 'inline'; if(cnt_url == '') document.getElementById('show2content').style.zIndex= '-1'; else document.getElementById('show2content').style.display = 'inline'; }
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.1"> < = 13 && age <=17) { htmlAdWH(mn_arr[client_code][1]['wallpaper'], '1','1'); // htmlAdWH('93237007', '1','1'); h target = 1; } if (age >= 18 && age <=24) { htmlAdWH(mn_arr[client_code][2]['wallpaper'], '1','1'); // htmlAdWH('93237007', '1','1'); target = 2; } if (age >= 25 && age <=34) { htmlAdWH(mn_arr[client_code][3]['wallpaper'], '1','1'); // htmlAdWH('93237007', '1','1'); target = 3; } if (age >= 35 && age <=44) { htmlAdWH(mn_arr[client_code][4]['wallpaper'], '1','1'); // htmlAdWH('93237007', '1','1'); target = 4; } if (age >= 45) { htmlAdWH(mn_arr[client_code][5]['wallpaper'], '1','1'); // htmlAdWH('93237007', '1','1'); target = 5; } } else if ( gender != '0' && age == 108){ // gender IS specified but age ISN'T if (gender == '1') { // female (gender = 1) htmlAdWH(mn_arr[client_code][16]['wallpaper'],
'1','1'); //
htmlAdWH('93237007', '1','1'); target = 16; t
} else { // male (gender = 2) htmlAdWH(mn_arr[client_code][17]['wallpaper'], //
htmlAdWH('93237007', '1','1'); target = 17; t
} } else { // both gender and age ARE specified if(gender == '2') { // male if (age >= 13 && age <=17) { htmlAdWH(mn_arr[client_code][6]['wallpaper'], '1','1');
htmlAdWH('93237007', '1','1'); target = 6;
} if (age >= 18 && age <=24) { htmlAdWH(mn_arr[client_code][7]['wallpaper'], '1','1');
htmlAdWH('93237007', '1','1'); target = 7;
} if (age >= 25 && age <=34) { htmlAdWH(mn_arr[client_code][8]['wallpaper'], '1','1');
htmlAdWH('93237007', '1','1'); target = 8;
} if (age >= 35 && age <=44) { htmlAdWH(mn_arr[client_code][9]['wallpaper'], '1','1');
htmlAdWH('93237007', '1','1'); target = 9;
} if (age >= 45) { htmlAdWH(mn_arr[client_code][10]['wallpaper'], '1','1');
htmlAdWH('93237007', '1','1'); target = 10;
} } else if (gender == '1'){ // female e if (age >= 13 && age <=17) { htmlAdWH(mn_arr[client_code][11]['wallpaper'], '1','1');
htmlAdWH('93237007', '1','1'); target = 11;
} if (age >= 18 && age <=24) { htmlAdWH(mn_arr[client_code][12]['wallpaper'], '1','1');
htmlAdWH('93237007', '1','1'); target = 12;
} if (age >= 25 && age <=34) {
htmlAdWH(mn_arr[client_code][13]['wallpaper'], '1','1');
htmlAdWH('93237007', '1','1'); target = 13;
} if (age >= 35 && age <=44) { htmlAdWH(mn_arr[client_code][14]['wallpaper'], '1','1');
htmlAdWH('93237007', '1','1'); target = 14;
} if (age >= 45) { htmlAdWH(mn_arr[client_code][15]['wallpaper'], '1','1');
// }
} //-->
htmlAdWH('93237007', '1','1'); target = 15;
Urcenie zon, prehadzovaciek .....
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.1"> if(!wallp_set) { htmlAdWH(mn_arr[client_code][target]['regular'], '728','90'); document.getElementById('ad2').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('ad').style.display = 'none'; }
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.1"> document.getElementById('adPic').style.display = 'inline'; <
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript1.1"> var index = 0; var flashVars = ''; var defZone; var zoneCodes = new Array(); var final_zones = new Array(); var sub_zone = new Array(); v // Going over the list of zones and choosing the relevent ones according to LSP,Country,Language,Age and Gender user_zones = new Array(); for (ind in zone_list) { f show_zone = null; zone_id = ind;
sub_zone = tmp0 = new tmp1 = new tmp2 = new tmp3 = new tmp4 = new tmp5 = new tmp6 = new tmp7 = new t
zone_list[zone_id]; Array(); Array(); Array(); Array(); Array(); Array(); Array(); Array();
for(sub_ind in sub_zone) { // check that this is an active zone (experation date) var is_expired = false; if(sub_zone[sub_ind]['expire']) { var date_expire = new Date(); var today = new Date(); var expire = sub_zone[sub_ind]['expire'].split('-'); expire[1]--; date_expire.setFullYear(expire[2], expire[1],expire[0]); if(date_expire < today) { is_expired = true; } } if(sub_zone[sub_ind]['active'] == '0' || is_expired) { //Check if the LSP is ok } else if(sub_zone[sub_ind]['lsp'] == -1 || sub_zone[sub_ind] ['lsp'] == part_id) { if(lang_id != '' && sub_zone[sub_ind]['lang'] == lang_id) { // Now check if the user has the same lang if(gl_cc != 0 && sub_zone[sub_ind]['country'] == gl_cc) { // Now check if the user also have the same country z_case = check_age_gender(sub_zone[sub_ind],age,gender); if(z_case > 0) tmp3.push(sub_ind); } else { z_case = check_age_gender(sub_zone[sub_ind],age,gender); if(z_case > 0) tmp2.push(sub_ind); } } else if(gl_cc != 0 && sub_zone[sub_ind]['country'] == gl_cc) { // Now check if the user has the same country z_case = check_age_gender(sub_zone[sub_ind],age,gender); if(z_case > 0) tmp4.push(sub_ind); // We don't need to check if it has the same lang it will be in tmp3 } else if( sub_zone[sub_ind]['lang'] == 0 && sub_zone[sub_ind]['country'] == 0) { s z_case = check_age_gender(sub_zone[sub_ind],age,gender); if(z_case > 0 && z_case < 4) tmp1.push(sub_ind); else if(z_case == 4) tmp0.push(sub_ind); }
//} else if(lang_id != '' && sub_zone[sub_ind]['lang'] == lang_id) { // Check if the Lang is ok } else if(sub_zone[sub_ind]['lsp'] == part_id && lang_id != '' && sub_zone[sub_ind]['lang'] == lang_id) { // Check if the Lang is ok if(gl_cc != 0 && sub_zone[sub_ind]['country'] == gl_cc) { // Now check if the user also have the same country z_case = check_age_gender(sub_zone[sub_ind],age,gender); if(z_case > 0) tmp6.push(sub_ind); } else { z_case = check_age_gender(sub_zone[sub_ind],age,gender); if(z_case > 0) tmp5.push(sub_ind); } //} else if(gl_cc != 0 && sub_zone[sub_ind]['country'] == gl_cc) { // Now check if the user has the same country } else if(sub_zone[sub_ind]['lsp'] == part_id && gl_cc != 0 && sub_zone[sub_ind]['country'] == gl_cc) { // Now check if the user has the same country z_case = check_age_gender(sub_zone[sub_ind],age,gender); if(z_case > 0) tmp7.push(sub_ind); // We don't need to check if it has the same lang - it will be in tmp3 } } if(tmp3.length > 0) { show_zone = tmp3.shift(); } i else if(tmp2.length > 0 || tmp4.length > 0) { tmp2 = tmp2.concat(tmp4); tmp2.sort(sortNumber); show_zone = tmp2.shift(); } else if(tmp6.length > 0) { show_zone = tmp6.shift(); } else if(tmp5.length > 0 || tmp7.length > 0) { tmp5 = tmp5.concat(tmp7); tmp5.sort(sortNumber); show_zone = tmp5.shift(); } else if(tmp1.length > 0) { show_zone = tmp1.shift(); } else if(tmp0.length > 0) { show_zone = tmp0.shift(); } e // Building the Zones list for the left menu if(show_zone) { index++; final_zones[index] = sub_zone[show_zone]; final_zones[index]['id'] = zone_id; final_zones[index]['sub_id'] = show_zone; final_zones[index]['index'] = index; f if(index > 1) flashVars += '&'; flashVars += 'b'+index+'ID='+final_zones[index]['index']+'&'; flashVars += 'b'+index+'name='+final_zones[index]['name']+'&'; flashVars += 'b'+index+'img='+final_zones[index]['img']+'&'; flashVars += 'b'+index+'def='+final_zones[index]['def']; if(final_zones[index]['url'])
flashVars += '&'+'b'+index+'url='+final_zones[index] ['url'];
if(final_zones[index]['bg']) flashVars += '&'+'b'+index+'bg='+final_zones[index]['bg']; if(final_zones[index]['xml']) { flashVars += '&'+'b'+index+'XML='+final_zones[index]
} if (final_zones[index]['src_img']) { flashVars += '&'+'b'+index+'src='+final_zones[index] }
['code']]) {
if(final_zones[index]['premium']) { var premZone = new Array(); premZone['name'] = final_zones[index]['premium']; premZone['id'] = index; premZone['times'] = final_zones[index]['prem_times']; } if(final_zones[index]['code'] && !zoneCodes[final_zones[index] zoneCode = final_zones[index]['code']; zoneCodes[zoneCode] = index;
} // Go over the welcome defenitions and decide which to show var welcome_def = wel_list[21]; for(wel_ind in wel_list) { // If it's the same LSP and the same country if(wel_list[wel_ind]['lsp'] == part_id && part_id != '0') { welcome_def = wel_list[wel_ind]; break; } else if(wel_list[wel_ind]['lsp'] == part_id && wel_list[wel_ind] ['country'] == gl_cc) { welcome_def = wel_list[wel_ind]; break; } else if(wel_list[wel_ind]['lsp'] == '-1' && wel_list[wel_ind] ['country'] == gl_cc) { welcome_def = wel_list[wel_ind]; break; } } // this switch determines the background color switch(welcome_def['bg']) { case '2':case '11': bg_color = '#ECECEC'; break; case '3': bg_color = '#ADEDF3'; break; case '4': bg_color = '#AD1100'; break; case '5': bg_color = '#FFAE00'; break; case '6': bg_color = '#F4ADCB'; break; case '7': bg_color = '#C5E8F5'; break; case '8': bg_color = '#BFF2E8'; break; case '9': bg_color = '#B32F20'; break; case '10': bg_color = '#CCFFFF'; break; case '1': default: bg_color = '#ECFEF2'; } document.getElementById('body').style.background = bg_color; /** We Need to select default Zone : Check if there is a premium zone Yes, check if there is Pref. Data about premium zone Yes - check if it was already watched.
It's new - go to premium Zone - change pref. to indicate Premium was wathced.
It was watched - check if there is a Default Zone Yes - go to default Zone No - go to regular Default Zone - choose according to
No Premium - check if there is a Default zone... **/ try { var pref_data = icqConnector.GetPrefsValues(false); }catch(e) { pref_data=""; } var newPref = ''; var premIndex; var prefPremium; var breakIndex; var defIndex; v
// Check if There is a premium Zone var showPrem = true; if(premZone) { if(pref_data) { premIndex = pref_data.indexOf('premium:'); if(premIndex > -1 ) { prefPremium = pref_data.substring(premIndex+8); breakIndex = prefPremium.indexOf(';'); prefPremium = prefPremium.substring(0,breakIndex); if(prefPremium != premZone['name']) { // The current premium wasn't watched - go to premium defZone = premZone['id']; newPref += 'prem_times:1;'; } else { // Check how many times the premium was watched var timesIndex = pref_data.indexOf('prem_times:'); if(timesIndex > -1) { var prefTimes = pref_data.substring(timesIndex+11); var breakIndex = prefTimes.indexOf(';'); prefTimes = prefTimes.substring(0,breakIndex); // If we still have a few more times to show the premium - then let's show it if(prefTimes < premZone['times']) { defZone = premZone['id']; prefTimes++; newPref += 'prem_times:'+prefTimes+';'; } else { showPrem = false; } } else { showPrem = false; } } } else { // There isn't a premium set in the pref - go to premium zone defZone = premZone['id']; newPref += 'prem_times:1;'; }
} else { // There isn't a premium set in the pref - go to premium zone defZone = premZone['id']; newPref += 'prem_times:1;'; } } else { showPrem = false; } if(showPrem) { // Save the Premium in the Pref Values newPref += 'premium:'+premZone['name']+';'; // Check if there is a saved default zone defIndex = pref_data.indexOf('default:'); if(defIndex > -1) { prefDef = pref_data.substring(defIndex+8); breakIndex = prefDef.indexOf(';'); prefDef = prefDef.substring(0,breakIndex); newPref += 'default:'+prefDef+';'; defChecked = zoneCodes[prefDef]; } else { defChecked = defZone; } } else { // We don't show the Premium Zone - Let's check if there is already a default if(pref_data) { defIndex = pref_data.indexOf('default:'); d
default again
if(defIndex > -1) { prefDef = pref_data.substring(defIndex+8); breakIndex = prefDef.indexOf(';'); prefDef = prefDef.substring(0,breakIndex); // If the Default zone is not in the Zone's List - choose
if(!zoneCodes[prefDef]) { prefDef = welcome_def['default']; } } else { prefDef = welcome_def['default']; } } else { prefDef = welcome_def['default']; } defZone = zoneCodes[prefDef]; defChecked = zoneCodes[prefDef]; //newPref += 'default:'+prefDef+';'; / // Check if there is a premium saved - so that we wont lose the information
premIndex = pref_data.indexOf('premium:'); if(premIndex > -1 ) { prefPremium = pref_data.substring(premIndex+8); breakIndex = prefPremium.indexOf(';'); prefPremium = prefPremium.substring(0,breakIndex); newPref += 'premium:'+prefPremium+';'; n // Check the number of prem times - so that we wont lose the var timesIndex = pref_data.indexOf('prem_times:');
if(timesIndex > -1) { var prefTimes = pref_data.substring(timesIndex+11); var breakIndex = prefTimes.indexOf(';'); prefTimes = prefTimes.substring(0,breakIndex); newPref += 'prem_times:'+prefTimes+';'; }
} } // After deciding what is the default Zone - we define the current zone information var cur_zone = final_zones[defZone]; v <