Husne Akhlaq

  • December 2019
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Ünu†Ö] àÛFu†Ö] ²] ÜŠe

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Ünu†Ö] àÛFu†Ö] ²] ÜŠe PREFACE The sending of The Prophet " # to mankind to teach them how to worship Allah (SWT) and to refine their character and conduct (Akhlaq) is a great favour and blessing of Allah (SWT). As The Prophet " # said,

Dª›©ÚE Ñô¡øìûŸ* û] Ýø…ô^ÓøÚø ÜøÛôùiø Ÿô. kö%ûÃô eö ^ÛøÞ$]ô "Indeed I have been sent to complete the best of Character" The Prophet " # himself had an exemplary character and conduct DAkhlaq E for which Allah (SWT) himself bears witness,

ø Þøù ]ô æø D3VÜ×ÏÖ]E Üõ nû ¿ôÂø Ðõ×öìö oF×Ãø Öø Ô "And indeed you are upon the highest level of conduct." The Prophet " # would always enjoin and urge the people to show good Akhlaq, and with regard to his manner of character building Hazrat Anas (RA) the brother of Abu Dharr (RA) , says,

DÜ׊ÚE Ñô ¡ìø û Ÿ* û] Ýô…ô^ÓøÛøeô†ö Úö ªmø äü jömû]ø…ø

"I saw him (The Prophet " # ) , he would enjoin the people to good character and conduct." Bearing in mind the importance of good Akhlaq in a person's life, ahadith related to character have been gathered in this book so that we may reform our lives in the light of the beautiful pattern of conduct and teachings of The Prophet " # . This book is part of the subject of Hadith-e-Nabawi of Al Huda International's Syllabus, from which others may benefit aswell. In the compiling of this book great care has been taken to avoid any weak and fabricated narrations and select only authentic and Hassan Ahadith. May Allah The Exalted reward and accept the efforts of all those who contributed both in the world and the Hereafter.May He guide us to the straight path and admit us by His mercy into paradise D ànÚ 3E. Farhat Hashmi February 2006


Ðô×öíöÖ»] àöŠ»uö Good Character w4: Ü×ÏÖ]y

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Xƒ6, ¥%} (, Æt ÜZ ?—"gzZ :ìŠ  á gZ »\¬vZ

Allah The Exalted says:And verily, you (O Muhammad " # ) are on an exalted (standard of) character.þ

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Abu Hurairah äß ²] o•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said, "Indeed I was sent to complete the best of character."

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{Š c* iÐ ƒ  ~ VÍß ~ V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg ÷Z ** ¦ X¸ïqÆt ÜZiZ

Anas bin Malik äß ²] o•…narrated:The Messenger of Allah best in character amongst people.

# was the "

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Abu Hurairah äß ²] o•…narrated: Allah's Messenger" # said," The most complete of believers in Iman (Faith) are those who are best in Character."

Äö•øçmö ðõ o»Zø à»Úô ^Úø V ÙöçÏömø " # äô×#Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø köûÛô‰ø VÙø^Îø ðô]9ø…»‚$ Ö] oeô*] à»Âø.4 äô eô Èö×öf»nø Öø Ðô×öíöÖ»] àôŠ»uö gøuô^‘ø á$ ]ô æ(Ðô×öíöÖ»] àôŠ»uö à»Úô ØöÏø$»*] áô]ˆø nÛôÖ] o³Ê [2003:è×’Ö] æ †fÖ] h^jÒ(p„Ú†jÖ]

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Abu Darda äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated : I heard Allah's Messenger " # say, Nothing will be placed in the balance heavier than good conduct, and a person with good conduct will attain the rank of one who fasts and prays."

oÊ áô^Ãø Ûôjør»iø Ÿø áô^³jø×ø³’»³ìø V" # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø VÙø^Îø éø†ø³m»†ø³âö o³e*] ໳Âø.5 4

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Abu Hurairah äß ²] o•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said, "Two characteristics are not found together in a hypocrite pleasant personality and understanding of deen."

Äôfi»]* æø (køß»Òö ^Úø &ön»uø äø ×# Ö] Ðôi$]ô V" # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø oÖô Ùø^Îø VÙø^Îø …) ƒø oeô*] à»Âø.6 àõŠøuø Ðõ×öíöeô Œø^ß$Ö] ÐôÖô^ìø æø (^ãø vöÛ»iø èøßøŠøvøÖ»] èøòøn(Š$ Ö] w1987Vè×’Ö] æ †fÖ] h^jÒ (p„Ú†jÖ] å]æ…y

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Abu Dharr äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said to me, "Fear Allah where ever you are, and follow a bad deed with a good deed it will wipe it out, and behave with people with good conduct."


ÐöÊ»†( Ö] , Gentleness ò3 w215:ð3†ÃiÖ]y

ø Ãø fø i$] àôÛøÖô Ô ø uø ^ßøqø ˜ àn»ßô Úô ç, ÛöÖû] àøÚô Ô » Ëô ì»]æø VoFÖ^Ãi ä×#Ö] Ù^Îø

,™g (Z ~zc ~g vvßÐ ~ Vß Zz äÑ yZZgzZ :ì Š  á gZ » \¬vZ X î M 7ÐäZ ÂB‚ÆyZ Allah The Exalted says:And be kind and humble to the believers who follow you.

w54: å‚ñ^ÛÖ]y

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XÐVƒJ6, g ñgzZx3, 6, Vëñ :ìŠ  á gZ »\¬vZ

Allah The Exalted says:Humble towards the believers, stern towards the disbelievers

Øôâ»^*eô Ø$ qøæø ˆ$ Âø äö ×# Ö]S]…ø *] ]ƒø]ô V" # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø Vk»Öø^Îø ^ãøÞ$*] (èøEøñô^Âø à»Âø.7 [ 71,6: ‚Ûuœÿ å]æ…y ÐøÊ»†( Ö] Üöãôn»×øÂø ØøìøS»*] ]†÷ n»ìø k õ n»eø

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Aisha ^ãß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: Allah's messenger" # said," When Allah The exalted intends goodness with a family, He places gentleness upon them."

‚»ÏøÊø ÐôÊ»†( Ö] àøÚô äö ¿$ uø oø³_ô³Â»]. ໳Úø V Ùø^Îø " # o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø ðô]9ø…»‚$ Ö] o³eô*] ໳Âø.8 àøÚô äö ¿$ uø Ýø†ôuö ‚»ÏøÊø ÐôÊ»†( Ö] àøÚô äö ¿$ uø Ýø†ôuö à»Úø æø (†ôn»íøÖ»] àøÚô äö ¿$ uø o³_ô³Â»]. 6

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Abu al-Darda äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : The Prophet " # said," Whoever has been given a share of gentleness so indeed he has been given a share of good ,and whoever is deprived of a share of gentleness so indeed he has been deprived of a share of good."

ø†n»íøÖ»] Ýô†ø ³v»³mö (Ðø³Ê»†( ³Ö] Ýô†ø ³v»³mö ໳Úø VÙø^³Îø " # o( fôß$³Ö] àô³Âø †õ³m†ô³qø ໳Âø.9 w6598 Vè×’Ö] æ †fÖ] h^jÒ (Ü×ŠÚ å]æ…y

HxzøÐò3, ðÃ Ô c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZègk , ** ` ¦ XŠ HHxzøÐí{zŠ H

Jarir äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated:Allah's messenger" # said,"He who is deprived of gentleness is deprived of goodness."

äø ×# Ö] á$ ]ô=èöiøñô^Âø ^mø VÙø^Îø " # äô×#Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø á$ *] (" # o( fôß$Ö] tô滇ø èøEøñô^Âø ໳Âø.10 Ÿø ^Úø æø (Ìôß»Ãö Ö»] o×øÂø o_ôûmö Ÿø ^Úø ÐôÊ»†( ³Ö]o×øÂø o_ôûmö æø (ÐøÊ»†( Ö] g% vô³mö к³nÊô …ø w6601Vè×’Ö] æ †fÖ] h^jÒ (Ü×ŠÚ å]æ…y åö ]çø ‰ô ^Úø

oF×øÂø o_ôûmö

ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐzziÅ ~ V *™Ñ vZègÈ ¬ {¦ ¼ {z6, ò3, Ôì @* â Û IÃò3, Ôì ÑZzä™ò3, \¬vZG!Ȭ} Z :c* â Û X @* â Û 7«6, qË{z´ÆkZgzZ6, ñ{zì @* â Û«

Aisha ^³ã߳ ä³×#³Ö] o³•… the wife of The Prophet " # narrated ,The Prophet # said,"O Aisha! Indeed Allah is gentle and He loves gentleness, and " 7

He gives due to gentleness and He does not give due to harshness, and He does not give upon anything else besides it."

Ýö^Š$ Ö] V ]çÖ^ÏÊø " # o$ fôß$Ö] ]çö iø] Sø ç`nø Ö] á$ œ V ^`ß»Âø äö×#Ö] oø•ô…ø èøEøñô^ à»Âø.11 ø n×øÂø æ äö ×# Ö] ÜöÓößøÃÖøæø (Ü»Óön×øÂø Ýö^Š$ Ö] V èöiøñô^ kÖø^ÏÊø (Ü»Óön×øÂø æø V Ùø^Î ( Ô ÷ `»Úø V " Ô ô n»×øÂø èöi$ ñô ^ ^m ¡ # äô ³×# Ö] Ùö糉ö…ø Ùø^³Ï³Êø !Ü»³Óö³n×ø³Âø gø³–ô³Æø [ ]çÖ^Î ^Ú Ä»ÛøŠ»iø Ü»Ö æø œ V k»Öø^Î !søv»ËöÖ]æø Ìøß»³Ãö ³Ö]æ Õô^³m$]ôæø (Ðô³Ê»†( ³Ö^³e

Ÿæø Ü»`ônÊ oÖ hö^rjøŠnö Êø Ü»`ôn×øÂø löS»Sø …ø [kö×»Îö ^Ú o³Ãô ³Ûø³Š»iø Ü»³Ö æø œ VÙø^³Î [ 6401Vl]ç‚Ö] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ] å]æ…]o $ Ê Ü»`ö Ö hö^rjøŠmö

¢q ~ # Ö } .Å ~ V *™Ñ Š·ì e $ZzgÐ vZ ègȬ {¦ ègȬ{¦pÜÓn׳Âæc* â Û ä~ V *™ÑX Ôn× Ý^³ŠÖ]¹gzZñƒ V vZwÎg  (ÜÓn× g–Æ æ ä×# Ö] ÜÓßÃÖ æ ÜÓn׳ Ý^³ŠÖ] ¹äÅvZ ~ äVrZX™Ì6, åÐò¯$ +gzZ ñgzZ™g (Z ðpx3, !Ȭ}Ic* â Ûä 7ä?:c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñ ?¸ìg H~Š· ‹7ä\WH ¹ Æ yZ ~÷gzZ ~Š N* ß6,4Z ]!* ÅyZ ä ~ Ô c* Š [Z H7Z ä ~ ‹ X ˆÅ7wJ~}g !* }÷ÅyZgzZ ˆÅwJ¬Š~á$ +

Aisha ^`ß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated."The jews came to The Prophet" # and said to him,"As samu alaika(death be upon you ) He " # replied, and (the same) on you." Aisha äß ä×#Ö] o³•… said to them, " Death be upon you and may Allah curse you and shower His wrath upon you." Allah's messenger " # said,"Be calm o Aisha.Be gentle and beware of being harsh and of saying evil things .She said,"Did you not hear what they said? He " # said, " Did you not hear what I said? I have returned their statement to them, and my invocation against them will be 8

accepted but their's against me will not be accepted."

oÊô áöçÓömø Ÿø ÐøÊ»†( Ö] á$ ]ô VÙø^Îø " # o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø (" # o( fôß$Ö] tô滇ø èøEøñô^Âø à»Âø.12 äö Þø^Zø Ÿ$]ô ðõ o»Zø à»Úô Åöˆø ß»mö Ÿø æø (äö Þø]‡ø Ÿ$]ô ðõ o»Zø w6602Vè×’Ö] æ †fÖ] h^jÒ (Ü×ŠÚ å]æ…y

ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐzzi Å ~ V *™Ñ vZ ègÈ ¬ {¦ à wït Ð TgzZì îŠ ¯ g ZŠ “ M iÐZ {zì Cƒò3, Ì~q Tc* â Û Xì g ZŠÍÐZì CY

Aisha ^ãß ä×#Ö] o•… the wife of The Prophet" # narrated:Allah's Messenger # said, "Whenever gentleness is added to something, it adorns it and " whenever it is withdrawn from something, it leaves it defective."

à»Ûøeô Ü»Òö†ö fôì»]. Ÿø*] V" # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø VÙø^Îø 9õçÃöŠ»Úø àôe» äô×#³Ö] ‚ô³f»Âø ໳Âø.13 Øõ㻉ø àõn(âø gõm†ôÎø Ø( Òö o×øÂø […ö ^ß$Ö] äô n»×øÂø Ýö†ö v»iø à»Ûøeôæø (…ô^ß$Ö] o×øÂø Ýö†ö v»mø w2488VèÚ^nÏÖ] èË‘ h^jÒ (p„Ú†jÖ] å]æ…y

~ H c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZ ègŠ&0vZ†** ¦ kZC Ù t ?ì x Zw6,yZv WÅ3c* 6,v WÅ3 VzŠ:¸ÅVÍß,Z » Xì ÑZzä™ ã‚WÔ ÑZzä™ò3, Ô ÑZz gd $Œ Û ÆVÍßì x Zw6, ¿

Abdullah bin Masaud äß ä³×#³Ö] o³•… narrated: Allah's Messenger " # said, "Shall I not inform you of who is forbidden upon the (Hell) Fire or whom the fire is forbidden upon? A man who is always accessible, gentle and easy going."


Üö ×»¿% Ö] Injustice w86: á]†Û Ù!y


àøn»Ûô×ô ¿# Ö] Ýøç»ÏøÖ»] p‚ôã»møŸø äö ×# Ö]æø V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø

X @* ™ c* Š7e $Z@ÃV>ªvZ :ìŠ  á gZ »\¬vZ Allah The Exalted says:And Allah guides not the people who are Zalimun ( ones who are unjust).

w18: Sçây àøn»Ûô×ô ¿# Ö] o×øÂø

äô ×# Ö] èößøûÖø Ÿ]ø V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø

X6, V>ªì ÒÅ Z} .!’:ìŠ  á gZ »\¬vZ Allah The Exalted says:No doubt! the curse of Allah is on the Zalimun (ones who are unjust, oppressors).

w57: á]†ÛÂ Ù!y

àn»Ûô×ô ¿# Ö] g% vômöŸø äö ×# Ö]æø V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø

X @* ™7›ÐV>ª\¬vZ :ìŠ  á gZ »\¬vZ Allah The Exalted says:And Allah does not like the Zalimun (ones who are unjust).

w45: p…FçiùÖ]y Üõn»Ïô Ú% hõ]„øÂø

o»Êô àøn»Ûô×ô ¿# Ö] á$ ]ô Ÿ? ]ø V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø

XÐVƒ~[Z±xvßݪԃgg ZŠ¸:ìŠ  á gZ »\¬vZ

Allah The Exalted says:Verily, the Zalimun (ones who are unjust) will be in a lasting torment.

w18:àÚ©ÛÖ]y Å^_øm% Äõn»Ëô ZøŸøæ$ Üõn»Ûôuø à»Úô

àøn»Ûô×ô ¿# ×ô Ö^Úø V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø

ä™ lg\ ðÃ: gzZ ǃ „  zŠ ÀðÃ: » V>ª : ì Š  á g Z » \¬vZ X ñYãâ ]!* ÅTÑZz Allah The Exalted says:There will be no friend, nor an intercessor for 10

the Zalimun (ones who are unjust ), who could be given heed to.

V Ø$ qøæø ˆ$ Âø äôe(…ø à»Âø pæô†»mø^ÛønÊô (" # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^³Îø VÙø^³Îø …) ƒø o³eô *] ໳Âø.14 ]çÛöÖø^¿øiø ¡Êø (pSô ^føÂô oF×øÂø æø Üø×»¿% Ö] oŠôË»Þø oF×øÂø köÚ»†$ uø oÞ(]ô w6575Vè×’Ö]æ †fÖ] h^jÒ (Ü×ŠÚ å]æ…y

Üt Ð [g LZ ä ~ V vZ wÎg D™e $ZzgÅvZ ègg f1Z ** ¦ gZŒ Û x ZwÐZ ÌÎâ ÆVzÈLZgzZì Hx ZwÃÕ6,ÑLZ ä~ H X z™:Õ~:W?ÂÔì c* Š

Abu Dharr äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: Allah's Messenger " # as saying that he reported it from His Rabb (sustainer), The Exalted and Glorious: "Verily I have made oppression unlawful for Myself and upon My servants , so do not commit oppression amongst each other."

(õé‚øm‚ôvøeô äô nìô*] oFÖ]ô …ø ^Zø]ø à»Úø V" # Üô‰ô^ÏøÖ»] çeö*] Ùø^Îø VÙöçÏömø éø †øm»†øâöoeô*] à»Âø.15 äô Ú( ]. æø äô neô*Ÿô åö ^ìø]* áø^Òø á»]ô æø äö Âø ‚ømø oFj$uø (äö ßöÃø ×»iø èøÓøñô¡øÛøÖ»] á$ ^ô Êø w6666Vè×’Ö]æ †fÖ] h^jÒVÜ×ŠÚ å]æ…y

ð¸LZ ðà :c* â Û ä~ V ÌØZ1Zì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ : i !* Ð kZJ -Z #  D™Ò º Û 6,kZ}™{g  á ZÐìßs§Å Xƒð¸o»kZ {zp¤ /ZñYW

Abu Hurairah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: Abul Qasim " # said, "Whoever points his brother with metal, so indeed the angels curse him until he puts it down even though his brother comes from his father and mother."

Üö×»¿% Ö] VÙø^Î #" o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø^Ûãöß»Âø äö×#Ö] oø•ô…ø †øÛøÂö àô³e äô³×#³Ö] ‚ô³f»Âø ໳Âø.16 [2447V ÜÖ^¿ÛÖ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ…] èô Úø ^nÏô Ö] Ýøç»mø l º ^Ûø×ö¾ö 11

E -“ Ö ªÕ:þ c* # â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐ é) vZèg/0vZ†** ¦ X ǃ~]gßÅVzƒ0 +ZizgÆ

Abdullah bin Umar ^Û`ß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : Allah's messenger " # said, "Injustice will be a darkness on the day of Standing".

oÖø]ô ]ƒ÷^ÃÚö &øÃø ³eø " # o$ fôß$Ö] á$ œ V^Ûøãöß»Âø äö×#Ö] oø³•ô…ø Œõ^³f$Âø àô³e] àô³Âø.17 äô ×# Ö] àøneø æ ^ãßn»eø ‹ø³n»Öø ^³ãÞ$^ô ³Êø Ýôç³×ö³¿»³Ûø³Ö] øéçø »Sø Ðôi$] VÙø^ÏÊø (àô³Ûø³nø Ö [2448VÜÖ^¿ÛÖ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ… ] h º ^ruô

E -“ # ÃÅvZèg f çä~ Z V *™Ñ HyÒä é) vZègk„0Z ** ¦ Ð Š c* Û Åx¤ ðâ   Ûe $Z@ ¹Z ä ~ V \W  5^ ( ™ ¯ ï¬) X @* ƒ7{Š6, ðÃyxgŠÆ\¬vZgzZnZ xg Dg e

Ibn Abbas ^Û`ß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : The Prophet " # sent Muadh to Yemen and said,"Fear the curse of the oppressed one as there is no screen between his invocation and Allah."

Õø^ìøœ †»’öÞ»] V " # ²ô] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Î VÙø^Î äöß»Âø ö²] oø•ô…ø ‹õÞøœ à»Âø.18 Ìøn»ÓøÊø (^Ú÷ ç×ö¿»Úø åö †ö ’öß»Þø ]„øâ ( ² ô ] Ùøç‰ö…ø ^m V]çÖö^Î ( ^Ú÷ ç×ö¿»Úø 滜 ^Û÷Ö^¾ w2444VÜÖ^¿ÛÖ] h^jÒ( p…^ífÖ] å]æ…yäô m»‚ømø Ñøç»Êø „öìöªiø V Ùø^ÏÊø [ ^Û÷Ö^¾ åö †ö ’öß»Þø z™ŠæÅ ð¸LZ :c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg÷Z ** ¦ h™ Šæ Åx¤ë ! ~ M V vZ wÎg c* Hn²ä/ôX x¤ c* ƒÝª{z { Zp XßñB;»kZÐÕ c* â Û ä~ V \W?,™ b§¾ŠæÅݪp Anas

äß ä×#Ö] o•…narrated:Allah's Messenger" # said,"Help your brother, 12

whether he is the oppressor or the oppressed one." People asked, "O Allah's Messenger " # ! We rightfully help the oppressed but how can we help him if is an oppressor?" The Prophet " # said, "By preventing his hands from oppressing others."

Øöqö†$ Ö] áø†ö Ï»mø Ờ " # o% fôß$Ö] oãø Þø VÙöçÏömø ^Ûãöß»Âø äö×#Ö] oø•ô…ø †øÛøÂö àe] à»Âø.19 äö eø^v‘»œ áøƒô ^,jøŠ»mø oj$uø ^Ã÷ nÛôqø àôniø†ø Û»j$Ö] àøneø w2489VèÒ†EÖ] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

E -“ ¦  åc* â Û Iä ~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐ é) vZ èg/0vZ†**

]i YZÐ V¹‚LZ {zJ -VŒñ3™5B‚q -Z,gLzŠzŠ ¿ðà Xáá

Ibn Umar^Û`ß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated:The Prophet" # forbade one from eating two dates together at a time unless he gets the permission from his companion.

†ôn»Çøeô šô…»Ÿø »] àøÚô ^ò÷n»Zø „øìøœ à»Úø V" # o% fôß$Ö] Ùø^Î VÙø^Î äôneô*] àÂø( ÜõÖ^‰ à»Âø.20 àøn•ô…ø œ Äôf»‰ø oÖ]ô èô Úø ^nÏô Ö] Ýøç»mø äô eô ÌøŠôìö äô Ï( uø w3196 VÐ×íÖ] ð‚e h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

}i Ëä T:c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñ He $ZzgÐ−Zz LZ ä Ý‚** ¦ X ÇñYc* vŠJ -Vi]‚ÐZyŠÆ# Ö ªÂ1á h** ̼Ð~

Salim narrated from his father: The Prophet " # said "Any person who takes anything from land unjustly will be sunk down the seven earths on the day of Standing."

# äô×#Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø á$ *] Véø†øm»†øâö oe*] ໳Âø.21 äô nì¢ èºÛø׿»Úø ö å‚øß»Âô k»Þø^Ò à»Úø VÙø^Î " äô nì¢ „øìø©mö Ờ Øôf»Îø à»Úô ܺâø …Sô Ÿ æ …º^ßmS Ü$ $ø ‹ønÖø äö Þ$^ôÊ (^ãßÚô äö ×»³×$³vø³jønø ×»³Êø 13

k»uø†ô_öÊø äô nìœ lô^òn(‰ø à»Ú „øìô]. lº^ߊuø äö Ö à»Óömø ÜÖ á»^ô Ê (äiô ^³ß³Šuø à»³Ú w6534VÑ^ΆÖ] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y äô n×øÂø LZ ä T:c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ /J4X3 eÐZ ƒ HÕ6,ð¸ Ë  n kZ Xá Z™s ç ( ~ *Š )Ð kZ õG ~ V>ÅkZ nÆð¸ÆkZ¬Ð kZX fƒ7b 9zg V;z 6,kZ V×Z',Å ( x¤) kZ ƒ: V)k0* ÆkZ¤ /ZgzZ ñY c* ÑŠ hÐ X ÏN Y~ŠwZ e

Abu Hurairahäß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated:Allah's messenger " # said,"Whoever has wronged his brother should ask for pardon as there will be neither dinar nor dirham( in the hereafter),for he should do this before some of his good deeds will be taken and given to his brother, and if he will have no good deeds, then some of the bad deeds of his brother will be loaded on him (in the hereafter).

Ýô¡ø‰»Ÿô »] p% ]* ² ô ] Ùøç‰ö…ø ^møV ]çÖö^³Îø VÙø^Îø äöß»Âø ö²] oø•ô…ø o‰øçÚö o³e*] ໳Âø.22 ôå‚ômøæø äô Þô^ŠøÖô à»Úô áøçÛö×ô Š»ÛöÖ»] Üø×ô ‰ø à»Úø VÙø^Îø [Øö–øÊ»]* w11Vá^ÛmŸ] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

vZ wÎg c* Y7 ä VÍß  ë {z ì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg .ñ1Z ** ¦ ÐB; gzZ y!* iÆ Tc* â Û ä~ V *™Ñ  ?ì aZ xsZ »¾! ~ V X g~äsy›}g ‚

Abu Musa äß ä×#Ö] o•…narrated some people asked The Prophet" # whose Islam is the best? He " # replied, "The person from whose hands and tongue the muslims are safe."


æø (áøçÛö’ôjøí»iø Ü»ÓöÞù]ô æø †ºiøeø ^Þœ ^Ûø³Þ$]ô VÙø^Î " # o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø (èøÛø×ø‰ø Ý( .] à»Âø.23 çôv»Þø o×Âø äö Öø oø–ôλœ æø (˜õûeø à»Úô äô jô r$ vöeô àøvøÖœ áøçÓömø Ờ Ü»Óö–ø³Ã»³eø Ø$ ³Ãø ³Öø äö Öø Äö_øλœ ^ÛøÞ$^ô Êø „»ìöªmø ¡Êø ^ò÷n»Zø äô nìôœ Ð( uø à»Úô äö Öø kön»–øÎø à»ÛøÊø (ÄöÛø³‰œ ^³Û$ ³Úô w6967VØnvÖ] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y …ô^ß$Ö] àøÚô

è÷Ãø _»Îô

„}g v~: c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐ vZ ègx Z {¦ ‰Ð~?ì eƒD ÑZ×b!* ?Z # ]‡zZ‰gzZVƒy¨ KZ 6 %1 Ð ÅÑe {Š c* i ~ ä™7)l CZ ~ «£Æ ³ #&  Û LZ :X Vƒ ù 7Ð ?~ VzŠ™ê ._Æ kZ ~ b§kZgzZ VƒáZz :ÐZ {z ÂVz™ê»qËÐ~ hÆð¸ÆkZ ÌnÆ¿T~ X VƒêŠ Z•q -Z »3ÐZ~b§kZèYá

Umm-e-Salma ^ãß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : The Prophet " # said, "I am only a human being, and you people have disputes. May be someone amongst you can present his case in a more eloquent and convincing manner than the other, and I give my Judgement in his favour according to what I hear. Beware! If I ever give (by error) somebody something of his brother's right then he should not take it as I have given him a piece of (Hell) fire."


†ö f»’$ Ö] Patienceñ w153V é†ÏfÖ]y éô ç×F’ $ Ö]æø

†ôf»’$ Ö^eô] ç»ßön»Ãô jø‰»]]çßöÚø ! àøm»„ôÖ$] ^ãø m%^øm5 VoFÖ^Ãi ä×#Ö] Ù^Îø

XߊæÐi úgzñ Z ÔƒñÑyZZÍß} Z :ìŠ  á gZ »\¬vZ

Allah The Exalted says: O you who believe! Seek help in patience and As-Salat ( the prayer).


Dhõ^Šøuô †ôn»Çøeô Ü»âö †ø q»]ø áø滆ö fô’# Ö] oÊ$çø mö ^ÛøÞ$]ô E V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø X ÇñYc* Š[ˆ"` Z »yZ ÂÃVß Zzä™ñ:ìŠ  á gZ »\¬vZ

Allah The Exalted says: Only those who are patient shall receive their reward in full, without reckoning.

(Œø^ß$Ö] ¼öÖô^íømö p„ôÖ$] àöÚô ç, ÛöÖ»]V " # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø VÙø^Îø †øÛøÂö àôe»] àô³Âø.24 Ÿø æø (Œø^ß$Ö] ¼öÖô^íømö Ÿø p„ôÖ$] àôÚô ç, ÛöÖ»] àøÚô ]†÷ q»*] Üö¿ø»]* (Ü»âö ]ƒø*] o×øÂø †ö fô’»møæø w4032VàjËÖ] h^jÒ(äq^Ú àe] å]æ…y Ü»âö ]ƒø*] o×øÂø

†ö fô’»mø

E -“ VÍßðñ :c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐ é) vZ èg/0Z ** ¦ VÍßÐðñkZì [ Z N{Š c* iÃkZì @* ™ñ6, Zj +ZÅyZgzZì Lg™ïÐ Xì @* ™ñ6, Zj +ZÅyZ:gzZ M7Ð

Ibn Umar ^Ûãß ä×#Ö] o•… arrated: Allah's messenger " # said,"The believer who mingles with the people and is patient upon their harming him, will have a greater reward than the believer who does not mingle with the people and does not show patience upon their harming him."

åö †ø Ú»]* á$ ]ô (àôÚô ç, ÛöÖ»] †ôÚ»*Ÿô ^f÷rø³Âø V" # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø VÙø^Îø gõn»`ø‘ö ໳Âø.25 16

ø ÖôƒF ‹øn»Öø æø (†ºn»ìø äö Öø äö ³×$ ³Òö (†ø ÓøZø ðö ]†$ ‰ø äö j»eø ^‘ø*] á»]ô (àôÚô ç, Ûö×»Öô Ÿ$]ô ‚õuø*Ÿô Ô äö Öø ]†÷ n»ìø áø^ÓøÊø (†ø fø ‘ø ðö ]†$ •ø äö j»eø ^‘ø*] á»]ô æø (äö Öø ]†÷ n»ìø áø^ÓøÊø w7500V‚âˆÖ] h^jÒ (Ü×ŠÚ å]æ…y

Ìnç»ðñ:c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg ïEG3;Xt** ¦ Æ „ ðñsÜt gzZìínÆ kZ~A çC Ù Æ kZ G Ôì Ð /ZgzZì ( • ¤ ',z)ínÆkZì @* ™ ZŠ Z]{z ÂãÙpÐZ¤ /ZXì n XìínÆkZ Ôì @* ™ñÂã1ÐZ

Suhaib äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : Allah's messenger " # said." Strange is the case of a believer , there is good for him in everything ,and this is only for the believer. If a blessing reaches him, he is grateful to Allah which is good for him, and if an adversity reaches him, he is patient which is good for him."

köûÛô‰ø oÞ(œ Ÿø 绳øÖ Väöß»Âø äö×#Ö] oø•ô…ø ‹ºÞøœ Ùø^Îø VÙø^Îø ‹õÞøœ àôe» †ô³–»³ß$³Ö] àô³Âø.26 kön»ß$ÛøjøÖø Dløç»ÛøÖ]]çö ß$Ûøjøiø ŸE VÙöçÏömø " # o$ fôß$Ö] [7233:oßÛjÖ] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ]

å ] æ… y

EE Ñä~¤ /Z c* â Û äÅvZèg÷Z ** ¦ì e $ZzgÐ ÷Z0ç¸$ ** ¦ X @* ™ Õgz¢~Âó zó ™: ÕÅ]ñL L @* ƒ‹:tÐ~ V *™

Nadhar bin Anas narrated that Anas äß ä×#Ö] o•…said,"If I had not heard The Prophet " # say, "You should not long for death, then I would certainly have longed for it."

p‚ôf»Ãø Öô ^Ú VoÖ^Ãiø äö×#Ö] ÙöçÏmø V Ùø^Î " # äô×#³Ö] Ùø糉ö…ø á$ œ V éø†øm»†øaö oeœ àÂø.27 Ÿ$]ô äö fø Šøjøu»] Ü$ $ö (^nø Þ»‚% Ö] Øôa»œ à»Úô äö n$Ëô ‘ø kö–»føÎø ]ƒø]ô ðº]ˆqø p‚ôß»³Âô àô³Úô ç, ³Ûö³Ö] 17

w6424VÑ^ΆÖ] h^jÒ ( p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y èøß$røÖ»]

 ‹ÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ä ~ ¹ä VrZì e $ZzgÐ " $U* ~»T »}È ðñkZ}÷ì @* â Û \¬vZ : c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎg }÷!$ +»kZ ÂÔá™ñÐ + M Å[ Z N6,kZ {zgzZ Vß VZÐ *Š m, ³ðà X 7¼gzZ ZÎƼ A VŒ

Abu Hurairah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated,"Allah's Messenger" # narrated: Allah

The Exalted says, I have nothing to give but paradise as a reward to my slave, a true believer who if I cause his dear friend to die he remains patient."

†ö f’$ Ö] VÙø^Îø " # o( fôß$Ö] àÂø äöß»Âø äö×#Ö] oø•ô…ø ^Š÷Þøø] köÃûÛô‰ø V Ùø^Îø kõeô^$ø àûÂø .28 [1302Vˆñ^ßrÖ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ]

å]æ…y oÖFæ.Ÿ] èô Úø ‚»’ $ Ö] ‚øß»Âô

wÎg ‹ÐÅvZ èg ÷Z ** ¦ä ~ ¹ä V,Zì e $ZzgÐ " $U* Xì @* ƒ~i ¸WÆóœñ:c* â Û ä~ V vZ

Thabit narrated that I heard Anas äß ä×#Ö] o•… say that The Prophet said, "Patience is at the first stroke of a calamity."


# "

Üö’»íøÖ] Quarrel

ܺn»’ôìø çøâö ]ƒø^ô Êø èõ Ëø_»%Þ à»Úô äö ßÏ»F×øìø ^Þ$]ø áö^ŠøÞ»Ÿô]†ømø Ü»Öøæø]ø VoFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø w77: ‹mFy àºn»fôÚ%

{zQgzZ H Za ÐWÐZ ä ëì 78 Š y¨ KZ H :ì Š  á g Z » \¬vZ

?Š HƒZ9™0ß Z×ôÜ Allah The Exalted says :Does not man see that we have created him from Nutfah (mixed male and female sexual discharge - semen drops). Yet behold he (standsforth) as an open opponent.

w204 V é†ÏfÖ]y

Ýô^’øíôÖ»] ‚% Öø]øçø âö æø ä´fô×»Îø o»Êô ^Úø o×FÂø äø ×#Ö] ‚öãôi»möæø V oFÖ^Ãi ä×#Ö] Ù^Îø

 Š' „ , i {zèÑqì @* ZI{ ZÍÃZ} .g !* g !* {z6, (KZgzZ :ìŠ  { á g Z »\¬vZ

Xìß Z× Allah The Exalted says:"And he calls Allah to witness as to that which is in his heart, yet he is the most quarrelsome of the opponents.

áøƒøªj‰»] VkÖø^Î äöi»†øfì»ø] ^ãß»Âø ö²] oô•ô…ø èøEøñ^³Â á$ œV†ô³neøˆ% ³Ö] àø³e éø 憻Âö à»Âø.29 àöe]æôœ ( éô †ø niôÃø Ö] çìöœ ‹øò»eô ( äö Öø ]çÞö„ø³ñ»] V Ùø^ÏÊø " # ² ô ] Ùôç‰ö…ø o×Âø غqö…ø

p„Ö$] kø×»Îö ( ² ô ] Ùøç‰ö…ø ^m Vkö×»Îö ( Ýø¡øÓøÖ] äö Öø áøŸœ ØøìøSø ^Û$ ×øÊø ( éô †ø ³niôÃø ³Ö] äö Òø†ø iø à»Úø Œô^ß$Ö]†$ Zø á$ ]ô (èöiøñ^ p»œ V Ùø^Î [ Ýø¡ÓøÖ] äö Öø kø³ß»³Öøœ Ü$ ³$ö ( kø³×»³Îö w6054V h9Ÿ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y äiôv»Êö ðø ^Ïiù] Œö^ß$Ö] äö Âø Sø æø 滜 ( Œö^ß$Ö]


ä ¿q -Z ~Š¸7Z ä vZ ègȬ {¦ì e $ZzgÐÛi0{z² ÐZ c* â Û ä~ V \W „e ]i YZ Å äWg0 +Z Ð ~ V vZ wÎg kZä~ V \W Âc* Wg0 +Z¿{zZ # Xì òŠ WZ' , t»\V#ÔzŠ}Š]i YZ kZÃ~ V \W ! ~ V vZ wÎg c* Hn²ä~Ô ÅWÐ ò3, ~(, B‚Æ ä~ V \ WX ÅWx3, B‚Æ kZQgzZ c* â Û Š á g Z {z å I¼  0Æ X ,Š hgvßÐg eÆò¯$ +ÅkZ&ì +F, +òŠ W{z !Ȭ} ZÔ c* $ â Û

Urwa bin Zubayr narrated that Aisha ^`ß ä×#³Ö] o³•… informed him that a man sought permission to enter upon The Prophet " # , so he said, Give permission to him and what a bad man of his tribe or what a bad son of his tribe. Then when he entered he spoke politely to him. I said, O Messenger of Allah, you said about him what you said and then you spoke politely to him? He " # said, "O Aisha the worst among people is one whom the people Leave, or abondon, in order to save themselves from his evil speech."

oÖø] Ùô^q†( Ö] ˜øÇøe»œ á$ ]ô V Ùø^Îø " # o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø ^ãß»Âø ö²] oø•ô…ø èøEøñô^ à»Âø.30 w2457V ÜÖ^¿ÛÖ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

Üö’ôíøÖ] ‚% ÖŸÿ »] ² ô ]

VŒ Æ \¬vZ :c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐ vZ ègÈ ¬ {¦ Xƒß Z×Jì òŠ W{ z{h+I** {Š c* iЃ 

Aisha ^`ß ä×#Ö] o•…narrated:The Prophet " # said, "The most hated person near Allah is the most quarrelsome."

V]çÖ^Î [è–øÃø Ö] ^Ú áøæ…‚iœ VÙ^Î äÞ] " # ofßÖ] à ÔÖ^Ú àe ‹Þœ à³Â. 31 ˜õÃe oFÖ]ô Œô^ßÖ] ˜ôÃe à»Ú &ôm‚vÖ] ØöÏÞ VÙ^³Î !ܳ׳Â] ä³Ö糉… æ ä³×# ³Ö] w21159Vl9^ãEÖ] h^jÒ(p†fÓÖ] àߊÖ] oÊ(oÏãne å]æ…y Üûãö ßøeø ‚øŠôËnö Öô 20

? H :c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñ  D™e $ZzgÅvZ èg ´ â 0 ÷Z ** ¦ O “ƒ… Y X … Y4wÎgÆkZgzZvZ ¹äevZèg/ô?ì Hî~E X ** àJ -}uzŠ] !* Åq -ZnÆä;Š Yc* â Û ä~ V \W

Anas bin Malik äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated VThe Prophet " # said," Do you know what calumny(Al-adha) is? They said, Allah and His Messenger know best. He " # said, " Conveying the words of some people to others (in order) to create mischief between them."

˜ôeø …ø oÊ kõn»fø eô ܺnÂô ‡ø ^³Þø*] V " # ä×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Î V Ùø^Î èøÚø^³Úø.] o³e*] à³Â.32 à»ÛøÖô èô ß$røÖ»] ¼ô‰øæø oÊ kõn»føeôæø (^Ï& vôÚö áø^Òø á»]ôæø ðø ]†ø ÛôÖ»] Õø†ø iø à»ÛøÖô èô ß$rø³Ö»] àøŠ$ uø à»ÛøÖô èô ß$røÖ»] o×ø»œ oÊ kõn»fø eô æø (^u÷‡ô^Úø á^³Ò á»]ôæø hø„ô³Óø³Ö»] Õø†ø ³iø w4800Vh9¢] h^jÒ(9æ]9 oe] å]æ…y


Æ¿kZ~: c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg)â Z1Z ** ¦ Z×Ìñƒ Dƒ6,hä TVƒðŸ» yq -Z~ s Z§ZƼ An b Z' × äTVƒðŸ» yq -Z~yxgŠÆ¼ A nÆ¿kZgzZ c* Š hg ~{+F, — Ƽ A nÆ¿kZgzZÔ H7[ ‚gZ »^ÑÌ6,gîÆ XƒYZt ÜZ »TVƒðŸ» y

Abu Umamah äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said, "I guarantee an abode within the boundary of Paradise for one who gives up arguing, even if he is right; and I guarantee a home in the middle of Paradise for one who abandons lying even for the sake of fun, and I guarantee the sublime portion of Paradise for one whose conduct is good."


º†Ë»Òö äö Öö^jøÎô æø ѺçŠöÊö Üô×ô Š»ÛöÖ] hö^fø‰ô VÙø^Îø " # o$ fô$ßÖ] á$ *] Väô×#Ö] ‚öf»Âø àÂ.33 w48Vá^ÛmŸ] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

Ãy› :c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñ HyÒ äÅvZ ègŠ&0vZ†** ¦ Xì ¬ ** ±ÐkZgzZì [bŠ à Ç

Abdullah äß ä×#Ö]] o•… narrated:The Prophet " # said, "Abusing a muslim is sinful and killing him is disbelief."

# o$ fô$ßÖ] ÄøÛô‰ø äöÞ$œ Väöß»Âø ö²] oø•ô…ø éø†øm»†ø³âö o³eœ ໳Âø.34 ^Ûm%ªÊø Ü$ ãö ×$³Ö]ø VÙöçÏömø " ø nÖø]ô è÷eø†»Îö äö Öø ÔÖƒ Ø»Ãø q^Ê äö jöf»fø‰ø àõÚô ç»ÿÚö èô Úø ^nÏô Ö] Ýøç»mø Ô w6361V l]ç‚Ö] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

\WÔ ‹Ð~ V *™Ñ äVrZì e $Zzg ÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ Ö ªÐZnÆkZ ƒ¹>Z' # , ÌÃðñTä~!vZ} Z c* â Û ä~ V X}Š ¯=g f »" $Œ Û KZyŠÆ

Abu Hurairah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated that he heard The Prophet " # say,"O Allah! if I should ever abuse a believer, so make that a means of bringing him near to you on the day of standing."

VÙø^Îø [èøß$røÖ»] Øöìô‚»mö ^Úø †ö %øÒ»]* ^³Úø V " # o% fôß$Ö] Øøòô‰ö VÙø^Îø éø†øm»†øâö oeô*] ໳Âø.35 VÙø^³Îø […ø ^³ß$Ö] Øöìô‚»mö ^³³Úø †ö ³³%øÒ»]* ^³³Úø Øø³òô ³‰öæø Ðô³×ö³íö³Ö»] àö³Š»uöæø pFçø ³Ï»³j$Ö] w4246VèËvjÖ] h^jÒ (äq^Ú àe] å]æ…y öt†ø ËøÖ»]æø

ÜöËøÖ»] Váô^Êøçø q» *Ÿ]

yà Š HHwZÎÐ ~ V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ ä~ V \ W ?Ð F: L » äY ~ ¼ A {Š c* i ( Æ Vâ ¨ KZ )wqZÐ 22

3{Š c* i ( Æ Vâ ¨ KZ ) ,q Ïyà Š HY7 gzZ X t ÜZ ŒgzZg e »vZ :c* â Û X { ÇxÑgzZì:,qà {zŠ c* â Û ä~ V \ W?ÏVƒ: L »äY~

Abu Hurairah äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated : The Prophet " # was asked what (deed) will be foremost to admit a man to Paradise. He " # replied, "Fear of Allah and good conduct." Then he was asked what (deed) will be foremost to admit a man to the (Hell) Fire? He " # answered, the two hollow things "The tongue and the private parts."

àøneø ^Ú oÖ à»Ûø–»mø à»Úø V Ùø^Î " # äô×#Ö] Ùôç‰ö…ø à»Âø ‚õû‰ø àôe» Øô㻉ø à»Âø.36 » œ äô n»×øq»…ô àøneø w6474 V Ñ^ΆÖ] h^jÒ p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y èøß$røÖ] äö Öø à»Ûø•

^Úæø äô n»nø v»Öø

 n}÷:c* â Û ä~ VvZwÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZègÄ0™** ¦ q Å yxgŠ ÆVƒ 0* VâzŠ gzZ ( y!* i ) q Å yxgŠ ÆVz„ VâzŠ ¿ X ÇVzŠ ~g ZŠ)f ż A aÆkZ~}Š}Š ~g ZŠ)f Å ( { TÑ)

Narrated Sahl bin Saad äß ä³×#³Ö] o³•… : Allah's Messenger " # said, "Whoever can guarantee what is between his two jaw bones (the tongue) and what is between his two legs (private parts) , I guarantee paradise for him."


ðö ^nø vøÖ] Modesty


Ðö×öìöæø ^Ï÷×ö³ìö àõ³mSô Ø( ³Óö³Öô á$ ]ô V " # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^³Îø VÙø^³Îø ‹õ³³Þø*] ໳Âø.37 w 4181V‚âˆÖ] h^jÒ (äq^Ú àe] å]æ…y ðö ^nø vøÖ»] Ýô¡ø‰»Ÿ]

-Z Å+ŠC q Ù G:c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg÷Z ** ¦ Xì §¹ÅxsZgzZì Cƒ¹

Anas äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: Allah's Messenger " # said,"Every Deen has a distinctive quality, and the distinctive quality of Islam is Modesty."

# o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø éø³†ø³m»†ø³âö o³eôø] ໳Âø.38 (è÷føûZö øáçj%‰ô æø ĺ–»³eô áö^³Ûø³mŸô »] VÙø^Îø " w9Vá^ÛmŸ] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ] å]æ… y ô á^ÛømŸô »] àøÚô èºføûZö ðö ^nø vøÖ»]æø J‚ÅyZZ :c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ Xì c  áq -ZÅyZZ̧gzZñ á 6, zZ¼Ð

Abu Hurairah äß ä×#³Ö] o³•… narrated: The Prophet " # said,"Iman (Faith) has more than sixty branches, and Al Haya (modesty) too is a branch of Iman."

æø (áô^ÛømŸô] àøÚô ðö ^nø vø³Ö»] V" # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø VÙø^Îø éø†øm†ø³âö o³e*] ໳Âø.39 …ô^ß$Ö] oÊô ðö ^ËørøÖ»] æø (ð^ËørøÖ»] àøÚô ðö ]„øfø Ö»] æø (ô èß$røÖ»] oÊô áö^ÛømŸô] w2009Vè×’Ö]æ†fÖ] h^jÒ (p„Ú†jÖ] å]æ…y

~ yZZ § :c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ 24

W– ™ Z hÃgzZì – ™ Z hÃð§" gzZ Ôì @* Yá ~ ¼ A yZZgzZì Ð Xì @* Yá~v

Abu Hurairah ä߳ ²] o³•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said , "Modesty is from Iman and Iman leads to paradise and indecency is from the (useless) scum/froth and the (useless) scum/froth leads to the fire"

àøÚô Øõqö…ø o×øÂø †$ Úø " # ² ô ] Ùøç‰ö…ø á$ ]* V äôneô*] à»Âø ( ² ô ]‚ôf»Âø àôe» ÜôÖô^‰ø à»Âø.40 á$ ^ôÊø äö »Sø " # ² ô ] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^ÏøÊø (ðô ^nø vøÖ»] o»Êô åö ^³ìø]* Àö³Ãô ³mø çø ³âö æø …ô^³’ø³Þ»Ÿ* »] w24Vá^ÛmŸ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

áô^Ûøm^Ö»ô] àøÚô ðø ^nø vøÖ»]

-Z ~ q V vZwÎgiŠq -ZD™e $ZzgÐ−ZzLZvZ†0Ý‚ ** ¦ ÷z~}g !* ƧÃð¸LZ {z~wqkZ}g¦ / Ðk0* Æ¿~g »Z èYzŠ g6,wqÆkZÃkZ c* â Û Ð ~g »ZkZä~ V \W Âå;g™ Xìzq -Z »„yZZ ̧

Salim bin Abdullah narrated from his father that once Allah's Messenger " # passed by a man of the Ansaar who was admonishing his brother regarding Haya (modesty). Allah's Messenger " # said, "Leave him for modesty is part of Iman."

oùfôß$Ö] Ùø^ÎøVÙø^Îø àõn’øuö àøe áø]†øÛ»Âô köÃûÛô‰ø VÙø^Î pùæô‚øÃøÖ] …ô]ç$ Š$ Ö] oe] à³Âø.41 [ 6117Vh9Ÿü] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ…] †õníøe Ÿ$]ô oiªm Ÿ ðö ^nvøÖ] V " #  ‹ÐÅvZèga0yZ/** ¦äVrZì e $ZzgÐ~z³Zg ZÎ! Z Xì CÑ„ð>åY §:c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñ Abu Sawaar al- Addavi narrated that he heard Imran bin Husayn ä³ß 䳳×#³Ö] o³³• who said :The Prophet " # said, "Modesty does not bring 25

anything but good."

äö ×% Òö †ºn»ìø ðö ^³nø vø³Ö»] V" # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø VÙø^Îø „õòÚø绳mø áö]†ø³Û»³Âô ໳Âø.42 w157Vá^ÛmŸ] h^jÒ (Ü×ŠÚ å]æ…y

~g ‚ § :c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgÅe $ZzgyŠq -Z äÅvZ èg yZ/** ¦ Xìí~g ‚Å

Imran äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated one day : The Messenger of Allah " # said, "Modesty is all good."

Ÿ$ ]ô ðõ o»Zø oÊ söv»Ëö³Ö] áø^³Òø ^³Ú V " # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø VÙø^³Îø ‹õ³Þø*] ໳Âø.43 [1974Vè×’Ö] æ †fÖ] h^jÒ (p„Ú†jÖ]


Ÿ$]ô ðõ o»Zø oÊ ðö ^nø vøÖ»] áø^Òø ^Úø æø (äö Þø^Zø

" Ì~qT:c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg÷Z ** ¦ C™ «“ M iÐZƒÌ~qT§gzZì îŠ ¯g ZŠÍÐZ {zì Cƒð§ Xì

Anas äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said, "There is no indecency in anything except for it makes it defective, and there is no modesty in anything except for it beautifies it."

àøÚô ð÷ ^nuø ‚$ ³Zøœ " # o% ³fôß$³Ö] áø^³Ò VÙø^Î pù…ô‚»íöÖ] ‚õ³nó‰ø o³eœ ໳Âø.44 ä´`ôq»æø oÊ åö ^ßÊ»†ø Âø äö aö †ø Ó»mø ^ò÷n»Zø pœ… ]ƒø^Ê (^â…ô ‚»ìô oÊ ðô ]…ø „»Ãø Ö] w6102Vh9¢] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

~g Z.à Zz g~ {Š6,~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZ ègG1Z ** ¦ Ã~ V \ W Ù Šq +Z ðÃ~ V \ WZ # Ô¸áZz § {Š c* i ÌРű X¸D Y™ÐugI}nÆ~ V \Wë ÂCƒg ZÍ ** 26

Abu Saeed Al Khudri äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : The Prophet " # was more shy than a virgin in her private room, and if he saw a thing which he disliked, we would recognise it on his face

à»Úô Œö^ß$ø Ö] Õø…ø S»œ ^Û$ ³Úô á$ ]ô V " # o% fôß$Ö] Ùø^Îø VÙø^Îø 9õçóŠ»Úø o³eôœ ໳Âø.45 køò»Zô ^Ú Ä»ßø‘»^Ê xôjøŠ»iø Ü»Öø ]ƒø]ô VoÖæ.Ÿ] éô ç$ fö ß%Ö] Ýô¡Òø w6120Vh9¢] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

 »Vz9ŒZ :c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZègŠ&1Z ** ¦ X z™{zì eYQ„g: §~?Z # ì Ìt~kZ 5ÃVÍßx¯

Abu Masud 䳳߳ 䳳³×#³³Ö] o³³•… narrated: The Prophet " # said, "One of the sayings of the early Prophets which was imparted to the people is, "If you do not feel shame, then do as you like."


Ýö¡øÓøÖ] Speech w18: Ñ?y ‚ºnû jô Âø


gºnû Îô …ø äô mû‚øÖøŸ$]ô Ùõç»Îø à»Úô ÀöËô ×»mø^Úø V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø

-ZaÆ ä™pô& À q _7Ð y!* i ÅkZ  ðà : ì Š  á g Z » \¬vZ

Xƒ:ŠñyZôl!* ¢q Allah The Exalted says: Not a word does he (or she) utter but there is a watcher by him ready (to record it)

w83V é†ÏfÖ]y ^ß÷Š»uö Œô^ß$×Öô]ç»Ööç»Îöæø

V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø

X¼]!* ?ÐVÍßgzZ :ìŠ  á gZ »\¬vZ

Allah The Exalted says: And speak good to people.

^âø …ö çãö ¾ö p†ø iö ^÷ʆø Æö èô ß$røÖ»] o³Êô á$ ]ô V " # ² ô ] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^øÎV Ùø^Îø o) ×ôÂø à»Âø.46 Ùøç‰ö…ø ^m oøâô à»ÛøÖôVÙø^ÏøÊø o' eô]†ø »]øÿ Ýø^ÏøÊø^âø …ôçãö ¾ö à»Úô ^ãÞöç_öeö æ ( ^ãø Þôç_öeö ໳Úô

o×$ ‘øæø (Ýø^nø ’( ³Ö] Ýø]Sø ]*æø ( Ýø^Ãø _$ Ö] ÜøÃø ›»*]æø ( Ýø¡øÓøÖ] hø^›ø]* à»ÛøÖô VÙø^³Ïø³Êø [² ô ] w 1984(è×’Ö]æ†fÖ] h^jÒ(p„Ú†jÖ] å ]æ…y ºÝ^nø Þô Œö^ß$Ö]æø

Øôn»×$ Ö^e w² ô y

ä{Ñ!* ~¼ A :c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg Z** ¦

-Z ÂXì êŠ ð3ŠÐC q Ù !* Æ yZg0 +Z » yZgzZÐ g0 +ZÆ yZ ¹ÅyZ  \ W Â Ô  nƾ{z ~ V vZ wÎg c* Ån²ä kZgzZ Zƒ Z9! Z²Z Çg { izg ÒZgzZ ñî ** 3gzZ}™]!* ( Ð ò3,) b§hZ c* â Û ä~ V Xñ7, i úVƒDÎvßZ # Ã]ZggzZ 28

Ali äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said, "Indeed in Paradise, there are lofty rooms whose inside can be seen from their back and whose back can be seen from their inside. Then a bedouin asked: "To whom does it belong to O Messenger of Allah " # . " He " # said, "He who has pleasent speech, feeds the needy and fasts consistently and prays the night prayer, while the people are sleeping."

à»Úô èô Ûø×ô ÓøÖ^e Üö×$ Óøjønø Öø ‚øf»Ãø Ö] á$ ]ô VÙø^Î " # o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø V éø†øm»†øâö oeœ à»Âø.47 ‚øf»Ãø Ö] á$ ]ô æ (lõ^qø…ø Sø ^ãe äö ×# Ö] ÄöÊø†»mø Ÿ÷^e ^³ãÖ o³Ïô ³×»³mö Ÿ ä³×# ³Ö] á]糕»…ô Üøß$ãqø oÊô ^ãe pçã»mø Ÿ^÷ e ^ãÖ oÏô ×»mö Ÿ äô ×# Ö] ¼ôíø‰ø à»Úô èô Ûø×ô ÓøÖ^e Üö×$ Óøjønø Öø

w 6478 VÑ^ΆÖ] h^jÒ Vp…^ífÖ] å]æ…]

Å \¬vZ {È: c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñ He $Zzg äÅvZ èg {k, Ù 1Z ** C ¦ ÅÏZ1êŠ 7ÌÌZ ðÃ{zÐZì mïÐ y!* i]!* -Z nÆ~qŸg q Ð y!* iÝ (Z q -Z {È ZuzŠ q -ZgzZì ꊙ— ZgŠÆ kZ \¬vZÐzz ÅkZpêŠ7ÌZ ðÃ( ¿) {zì @* ƒ¯ ) !* »WZg** Å\¬vZì mï Xì @* /Y~ 3{zÐzz ¤

Abu Huraira äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : The Prophet " # said, "A slave (of Allah) may utter a word which pleases Allah without giving it much importance and due to that Allah will raise him to degrees. A slave (of Allah) may utter a word which displeases Allah without thinking of it's gravity and due to that he will be thrown into the Hell fire."

äö Ûöãø Ë»mø ¡÷’»Êø ^Ú÷ ¡øÒø " # ä×# ³Ö] Ùô糉ö…ø Ýö¡Òø ø áø^³Òø Vk»Öø^Î èøEñô^Âø à³Â.48 w4839Vh9Ÿ] h^jÒ (9æ]9 oeœ å]æ… y äö Ãø Ûô‰ø à»Úø Ø% Òö


Ô CƒãZzgzZs ™WÅ ~ V vZwÎgCâ  Û yÒvZègÈ ¬{¦ X© 8™ÑZzG gC Ù&

Aisha ^ãß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : The speech of Allah's Messenger " # was very clear , whoever heard him could understand him (clearly).

ojuø ^÷$¡$ø ^âSø ^Âœ èõ Ûø×ô Óøeô Üø×$ Óiø ]ƒø] áø^Ò äö ³Þ$œ V" # o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø ‹õÞøœ à»Âø.49 ^÷$¡$ø Ü»ãôn»×øÂø Üø×$ ‰ø Ü»ãôn»×øÂø Üø×$ŠøÊø ÝõçÎø o×Âø oiøœ ]ƒø]ôæø ( Üøãø Ë»iö w95 V Ü×ÃÖ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ… y

Ý( ë Z ) ðÃZ #~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg ´ â 0÷Z ** ¦ VÍß¼ Z # gzZ X @* Y 1™[pJ -VŒ D ZC Ù Šg !* &ÐZ ÂD â  Û Š á gZ X D™xsg !* &ÂD™xs¹ZgzZ D Ñp=~ V \Wk0* Æ

Anas äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated : Whenever The Prophet " # spoke (an important) sentence he used to repeat it thrice until the people could understand it, and whenever he entered upon people he would greet them with a greeting thrice."

kön»iøœ V ÙöçÏömø äöß»Âø äö×#Ö] oø•ô…ø ]†÷eô^røjöûÛô‰ø Ùø^Îø …ô‚ôÓøßøÛöÖ] àôe ‚ô³Û$ ³vø³Úö àÂø.50 kö×»ÏöÊø []ƒø à»Úø V Ùø^ÏÊø (hø^fÖ] köÏ»Îø‚øÊø oeœ o×Âø áø^Ò àõm»Sø oÊ " # o$ fôß$³Ö] w6250V h9¢] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y ^ãø âø †ôÒø äö $ÞªÒø (^Þøœ

^Þøœ VÙø^ÏÊø (^ÞøœV

5.ÅZ0· Ñ~¸ìgÈ{z ‹Ð', ñ Y ** ¦ä VrZì e $ZzgÐg å»E X å6,−Zz}÷ Zƒ¢q~}g !* Æ nŒ Û kZ ~ # Ö } .Å ~ V *™ ä ~ ?ì yÃc* â Û Äc* gŠ ä ~ V \W X c* Í { i ZzgŠ ä~ X c* â Û I** Ã[ Z kZä\ W‰~Ô~Ô c* â Û ä~ V \WX ~¹ þ 30

Muhammad bin Al Munkadar narrrated that he heard Jabir äß ä×#Ö] o³•… who said: I came to the Prophet " # in order to consult him regarding my father's debt. When I knocked at the door, He " # asked, "Who is it?" I replied, "I". He " # said, 'I', 'I'?" as if he disliked it.

ø ×øâø :" ^$÷¡$ø ^ãø Öø^Îø!áøçÃö _( ßøjøÛöÖ»] Ô # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø VÙø^Îø äô×#Ö] ‚ôf»Âø à»Âø.51 [ 6784VÜ×ÃÖ] h^jÒ(Ü׊Ú


Åw!* ñƒ{ n:c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZègvZ†** ¦ X ðâ  Û û%&]!* tä ~ V \ W( á Zzä™Ø )á Zz% ïw3

Abdullah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: Allah's Messenger " # said, "Destroyed are those who are pretentious." He repeated this three times.

æ o$ Öø]ô ÜÓö³f$uø*] á$ ]ô VÙ^Î " # ä×#Ö] Ùø牅 á$ œ oß³Eøíö³Ö] èf׳ó$ø o³eœ à³Â.52 Ü»Òö‚øÃø e*] æ o$ Öø]ô Ü»Óö–øÇøe*] á$ ]ô æ (^³Î÷¡³ì]* ܳÓö³ßö³‰ô^³v³Úø (o³ß(³Úô Ü»³Óö³eø†ø ³Î]* áøçÏöãôn»ËøjøÛöÖ] (áøçÎö‚( iøjøÛöÖ] (áøæ…ö ^$ø†»%$Ö] (^Î÷¡ì»]* Ü»Óöñöæô^ŠÚø (oß(Úô w17743V‚Ûuœ å]æ… y

E I E BÄ o ¦ Ð~?:c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐ ÅvZèg ö Z‘1Z ** vß{zd $Œ Û {Š c* iÐ ƒ  }÷( yŠá Zz # Ö ª)gzZ[8{Š c* iЃ = Ѓ  Ð ~ ?gzZÔÐVƒá Zz t ÜZiZ {Š c* iÐ ƒ  ~ ? ÔÐVƒ ÐVƒvß{zgzŠ {Š c* iÐ ƒ  Ðí ( yŠáZz # Ö ªgzZ ) {h +I** = {Š c* i á Zz äΕÔá Zz ä™'!* {Š c* iÐ Ø ÔÐ Vƒá Zz t ÜZ}', X á Zzä™'!* {Š c* i¹Ô

Abu Thaalbah Al-Khushani äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrrated: Allah's Messenger " # said, "The dearest to me among you and nearest to me (on the Day of 31

Standing) will be one who is the best of you in conduct; and the one who is most disliked by me among you and furthest from me (on the Day of Standing) will be those who are worst of you in conduct , those who talk with pretence, the boastful , the talkatives."

Ÿø æø áô^Ã$ _$ Ö^e àöÚô ç, Ûö³Ö] ‹ø³n»Öø V" # äô×#Ö] Ù牅 Ù^Î VÙ^Î (äô×#Ö] ‚³f à³Â.53 [192Vá^ÛmŸ] h^jÒ (á^fu àe] å]æ… ] s ô uô^ËøÖ»] Ÿø æø ðô p„ôføÖ»] Ÿø æø áô^Ã$ ×$ Ö]

¶Š£ðñ:c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎg Ôì e $ZzgÐÅvZ ègvZ†** ¦ X @* ƒ7ÑZzä™ðÍegzZ ÑZzä™W âi ** Ô ÑZzä™ÒÔ ÑZz

Abdullah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: Allah's Messenger " # said, "A Momin is not the one who taunts, curses, speaks indecently or abuses others."

lº^j$Îø èøß$røÖ] Øöìö‚»mø Ÿ V ÙöçÏömø " # oùfô$ßÖ] köûÛô‰ø VèöËøm»„øuö à»Âø.54 w 6056 Vh9¢] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

 :c* â Û ä \ Wì ‹Ð ~ V *™Ñ ä~ ¹äÅvZègfv .** ¦ X ÇñY7gpZ~¼ A

Narrated Hudhaifah äß ä×#³Ö] o³•… : I heard The Prophet " # saying,"One who indulges in calumny will not enter paradise."


‹öÖô^røÛøÖ] Gatherings


‹ô×ô rFÛøÖ»] oÊô ]ç»vöŠ$ Ëøiø Ü»³Óö³Öø Øø³n»Îô ]ƒø]ô]ç?»ßöÚø ! àøm»„ôÖ$]^ãø m%^øm5 VoFÖ^ói ä³×# ³Ö] Ù^³Îø w11: èÖS^rÛÖ]y ]ç»vöŠøÊ»^Êø ~V
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ÕÔ { k HVâÍut Âz™ÙÍu ?Z # ÔƒñÑyZZÍß} Z :ì Š  á g Z »\¬vZ X Vƒ: Å ãâ  Û ** Å9gzZ

Allah The Exalted says:O you who believe! when you hold secret counsel, do it not for sin and wrongdoing, and disobedience towards the Messenger (Muhammad " # )

äöÞ$*] " # o( fôß$Ö] oF×øÂø ]‚øãômø ^ÛøãöÞ$*] Wp( …ô‚»íöÖ»] ‚õnÃô‰ø oeô*] æø éø†ø³m†ø³âö o³eô*] ໳Âø.55 Üöãö j»nø iôÆøæø (èöÓøñô¡Ûø ø Ö»] Üöãö j»Ë$ uø Ÿ$]ô Ø$ qøæø ˆ$ Âø äø ×# Ö] áøæ†ö Òö„»mø ݺç»Îø ‚öÃö Ï»mø Ÿø VÙø^Îø åö ‚øß»Âô à»ÛønÊô äö ×# Ö] Üöâö †ø Òøƒø æø (èößønÓôŠ$ Ö] Üöãôn»×øÂø k»Öøˆø Þøæø (èöÛøu»†$ Ö] w6855Vð^‚Ö] æ †Ò„Ö] h^jÒ(Ü×ŠÚ å]æ…y

ä~ V *™Ñ ï Š „ZÍVâzŠ ¿vZ èg ~gZG1ZgzZ {k, Ù 1Z ** C ¦ 33

6,yZØggzZf e= Í ¹Z º Û Âä ˆ ä™™f »\¬vZ Ìvß :c* â Û 4»]gzZì CY Y 3E Dâ Û ~ VÍßyZ™f » yZ \¬vZgzZì Cƒ wi ** 6,yZ ïGG X Dƒk0* ÆyZ 

Abu Hurairah and Abu Saeed Al-Khudri ^Ûãß ä×#Ö] o•… both testified that indeed the Prophet " # said, "No group of people assemble for the remembrance of Allah except the angels surround them, mercy envelops them , tranquillity descends upon them and Allah makes a mention of them before those who are near Him."

à»Úô áøçÚö çÏö³mø Ýõç»Îø à»Úô ^Úø V " # ä×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Î VÙø^Î éø†øm»†ø³âö o³e*] à³Â .56 Ü»ãö Öø áø^Òøæ =…^Ûøuô èô Ëønqô Øô%»Úô à»Â ]çÚö ^Îø Ÿ$]ô äô nÊô äø ×# Ö] áøæ†Òö„»mø Ÿ ‹õ×ô ³r»³Úø [4855:h9¢] h^jÒ (9æ]9 oeœ


é÷†ø Š»uø

>Ëvß :c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ k0* Æñ¢g ZŠ%Ë{z‰,Z {z ÂD YJZ%K™f » \¬vZÐ X σ¯ ) !* »]‹nÆyZ>tgzZ`ZÐ

Abu Hurairah äß ä³×#³Ö] o³•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said, "Those who leave a gathering without mentioning Allah in it, leave it like the corpse of a donkey and this (gathering) will be a means of remorse for them."

ݺç»Îø ‹ø×øqø ^³Úø V Ùø^Îø " # o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø wäöß»³Âø äö³×#³Ö] oø³•ô…øyéø †øm»†øaö oe*] ໳Âø.57 é÷†ø iô Ü»`ôn»×øÂø áø^Ò Ÿ$]ô Ü»`ôn(fôÞø o×øÂø ]ç×% ’ømö Ü»Öøæø äô nÊô ä×# Ö] ]æ†ö Òö„»mø Ü»Öø ^³Š÷×ô ³r»³Úø w3380Vl]ç‚Ö] h^jÒ(p„Ú†jÖ] å]æ…yÜ»`ö Öø †ø ËøÆø ðø ^Zø á»]ô æø

Ü»ãö eø „$ Âø ðø ^Zø á»^ô Êø

vß~>T:c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ 34

X σ{Š yvnÆyZ {z¬ŠzgŠ6,Ñ å LZ:gzZ D™7™f » \¬vZ X}ŠjÂì egzZ}Š[ Z±ÃyZ Âì e\¬vZ¤ /ZQ

Abu Hurairah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : The Prophet " # said, "There is no gathering where there is no mention of Allah and no blessings are sent upon their Prophet except (this gathering) will be a loss upon them, So if (Allah) wills He may punish them and if He wills He may forgive them."

oÊ èô ¿øÂô ç»ÛøÖ^e ^³ß³Ööç$ ³íø³jømø " # o% ³fôß$³Ö] áø^³Ò V Ùø^Î 9õçÃöŠ»Úø àô³e»] àô³Âø.58 w68 V Ü×ÃÖ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y^ßn»×øÂø èô Úø «Š$ Ö] èøâø ]†ø Òø Ýô^m$ *Ÿ]

Æ äâ  Û Ã…~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZ ègŠ&0Z ** ¦ X N Y:  Zë}Ðg ekZ¸ïŠ™gHyŠ¼ n

Ibn Masud äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : The Prophet " # used to select certain days for advising us, disliking that it may be a burden upon us.

†ö n»ìøVÙöçÏömø " # ä×# Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø köû³Ûô³‰ø VÙø^Î p( …ô‚»íöÖ»] ‚õnÃô‰ø o³e*] à³Â.59 w4820Vh9¢] h^jÒ (9æ]9 oeœ å]æ… y ^ãø Ãö ‰øæ»*] ‹ ô Öô^røÛøÖ]

Ð~ V vZ wÎg ä ~ì e $Zzg Ð ÅvZ èg ~g} .G1Z ** ¦ X Vƒc Z Û  {zÖW+4 :‹

Abu Saeed Al Khudhri äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: I heard Allah's Messenger # say,"The best gatherings are those which are spacious." "

Øöqö†$ Ö] ÜönÏô ³mö Ÿ VÙø^Î " # o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø ^Ûãöß»Âø äö×#³Ö] oø³•ô…ø †ø³Ûø³Âö àô³e] àô³Âø.60 w6269V h9¢] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ… y äô nÊô

‹ö×ô r»mø Ü$ $ö äô Šô×ô r»ûÚø à»Úô Øøqö†$ Ö]

Ë¿ðÃ: c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgпvZ èg /0vZ†** ¦ 35

X ñYÖV;zŠpñVZ:Ð(Åá ˆ ÆkZÿ}uzŠ

Ibn Umar ^Ûãß ä×ù#Ö] o•… narrated : The Prophet " # said, "A man should not make another man get up from his seat in a gathering in order to sit there."

àøneø ‹»×ør»mö Ÿø VÙø^Î " # ä×#Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø á$ *] åô‚( qø à äôneô*] à éø‚øf»Âø àe] à³Â.61 w4844Vh9¢] h^jÒ (9æ]9 oeœ å]æ…y

^ÛøãôÞôƒ»^ô e Ÿ$]ô àôn»×øqö…ø

V vZ wÎg D™e ~ $ZzgÐ ZŠ ZŠ LZ {zgzZÐ−Zz LZ {†0Z ** ¦ X ñYÖ:%Æ]i YZÅyZyxgŠÆVñŠ WzŠ¿ðÃ:c* â Ûä

Ibn Abda äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated from his father who narrated from his grandfather that The Messenger of Allah " # said ,"Do not sit between two people without their permission ."

oqø^ßøjømø ¡Êø è÷$ø¡$ø Ü»jß»Òö ]ƒø]ôV" # o% fôß$Ö] Ùø^Î äöß»Âø äö×#Ö] oø•ô…ø äô×#Ö] ‚ô³f»Âø ໳Âø.62 ø ÖôF ƒF á$ ] Øøq»] (Œô^ß$Ö^eô ]ç_×ô jøí»iø oj$ù uø †ôìø¤] áøæSö áô¡qö…ø äö Þøˆôv»mö Ô [ 6290:á]„òj‰Ÿ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ]

å ] æ… ]

ŠñòŠ W& ?Z # ~ â Û ä~ V Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZ ègvZ† ** ¦ n kZ,™: ÙÍu~ :W™hgö‚ ( }Š ) LZ òŠ WzŠ A $ ÂVƒ X Ç}Š™âà ( }Š) kZ * *™ (Z

Abdullah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : The Prophet " # said,"When you are three people sitting together then two of you should not converse privately excluding the third until you are with some other people for that would grieve him.


èöÞø^Úø Ÿ* ] Trustworthiness

$â Z -

^ãø ×ô â»]ø o5 Ö]ô kôßFÚFŸø »]]æS% ç* iö á»]ø Ü»Òö†ö Úö ^»mø äø ×# Ö] á$ ]ô V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø w58 : ð«ŠßÖ]y

X z™Š4Æ$â Z ÿL X3ZPâ Zì ꊬ»vZÔâ ›:ìŠ  á gZ »\¬vZ Allah The Exalted says:Verily , Allah commands that you should render back the trusts/positions to those, to whom they are due.

3ç»Þöç»íöiøæø Ùø绉ö†$ Ö]æø äø ×# Ö]]çÞöç»íöiøŸø]ç»ßöÚø ! àøm»„ô³Ö$]^³ãø m%^ø³m5 VoFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^³Îø w27 :Ù^ËÞŸ]y áç»Ûö×øûiø Ü»jöÞ»]øæø Ü»Óöjô ßFÚF]ø $N… YÔƒñÑyZZÍß} Z :ì Š  V wÎgÆkZgzZvZ w ðE ~ á g Z »\¬vZ Xƒ… Y?gzZƒ:>%Æ~g Z åO‘E~VÕâ Z KZÔz™: $ìB‚Æ Allah The Exalted says: O you who Believe! Betray not Allah and His Messenger, nor betray knowingly your Amanat (things entrusted to you, and all the duties which Allah has ordained for you).

w58 : Ù^ËÞŸ]y

àn»ßô ñô«íøÖ»] g% vômöŸø äø ×# Ö] á$ ]ô V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø

Xì @* ™7IÃVß Zzä™$ìvZ G :ìŠ  á gZ »\¬vZ Certainly Allah likes not the treachorous.

Ÿ Vèf_»íöÖ] oÊ Ù^ÏÊ " # äô×#Ö] Ùç‰ö…ø ^ßøfø_øìøVÙ^³Î (ÔÖ^³Ú àô³e ‹ô³Þœ à³Â.63 äö Öø ‚øã»Âø Ÿø à»ÛøÖô àømSô Ÿø æø (äö Öø èøÞø^Úø *] Ÿ àÛøÖô áø^Ûm]ô [194Vá^ÛmŸ] h^jÒ (á^fu àe]

å]æ…] 37

[æÐ ëä ~ V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg ´ â 0÷Z ** ¦ ~T7+Š »kZgzZ7$â Z~T7yZZ~kZ :c* â Û ~[ÂH X 7~È0* ÅÇ

Anas bin Malik äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # addressed us and said in his sermon, "He has no Iman who is not trustworthy, and he has no Deen who does not keep promises."

ø ßøÛøjøñ»] àôÚø oÖø]ô èøÞø^Úø ¢] S( *] V" (Ô # ä×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Î VÙø^Î éø †øm»†øâö oeœ àÂ.64 ø Þø^ìø à»Úø à»íöiø Ÿø æø w3535VÅçnfÖ] h^jÒ (9æ]9 oe] å]æ…y Ô ä T:c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎg ì e $Zzg Ð ÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ kZì Å$ìÐ ?ä TgzZz™ ZŠ Z $â Z ÅkZì ¿g $â Z k0* }g v X z™: $ìÐ

Abu Hurairah äß ä³×#³Ö] o³•…

narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said, "Return the trust to one who has entrusted you, and do not be treacherous to one who was treacherous to you."

VÙöçÏömø " # o$ fôß$Ö] köûÛô‰ø Vk»Öø^Î ^ãß»Âø äö×#Ö] oø•ô…ø èôm$…ô^’³Þ»¢] èøÖø绳ìø ໳Âø.65 èô Úø ^nÏô Ö] Ýøç»mø …ö ^ß$Ö] Üöãö ×øÊø Ð) uø †ônÇøeô äô ×# Ö] Ùô^Ú oÊ áøç•öç$ íøjømø Ÿ÷^q…ô á$ ]ô w3118V‹ÛíÖ] š†Ê h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

Dâ Û Ã~ V vZ wÎg ä ~ì e $ZzgÐvZ ègtg »ÑZ!p{¦ c VÍß, Z :  D™s¥^ ,Y** ~ wâ ÆvZ vß¼µš‹ ñƒ Xì v WÅ3yŠÆ# Ö ª

Khaula Al Ansariya ^ãß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : I heard The Prophet " # saying, " Some people are engrossed in spending Allah's wealth in an 38

unjust manner, for such people there will be the (Hell) fire on the day of Standing."

&øm‚ôvøÖ»] Øöqö†$ Ö] 'ø‚$ uø ]ƒø]ô VÙø^Îø " # o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø ä×#Ö] ‚ôf»Âø àe †ôeô^qø ໳Âø.66 w1959Vè×’Ö] æ †fÖ] h^jÒ (p„Ú†jÖ] å]æ…y èºÞø^Úø *] oøãôÊø køËøjøÖ»] Ü$ $ö

¿ðÃZ # D™e $ZzgÐ~ V vZwÎgÅvZègvZ†0, 'Y** ¦ Xì $â Zk0* }g v]!* {zÂAŠOŠ ZOŠ Z{zQgzZ¾ ]!* ðÃÐ?

Jabir bin Abdullah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : The Prophet " # said, "When a person discloses any matter to another then looks here and there then it is a trust."

(äö Ëø×»ìø Ýõç»mø lø]ƒø " # äô ×# Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø oßô ÊøSø …»*] VÙø^Îø †õËøûqø àôe» äô×#Ö] ‚ôf»Âø à»Âø.67 ôŒ^ß$Ö] àøÚô ]‚÷uø]* äô eô 'ö‚( uø]. Ÿø (^%÷m‚ôuø o$ Öø]ô †$ ‰ø^*Êø w6270 Vèe^v’Ö] Øñ^–Ê h^jÒ (Ü×ŠÚ å]æ…y

úLZ=yŠq -Zä~ V vZwÎgëÅvZègQ0vZ†** ¦ X ÇVz™: yÒÐË~ÃTðâ  Û ]!* -ZÐ× WgzZ c* q è

Abdullah bin Ja'far ä³ß 䳳×#³Ö] o³•… narrated: One day Allah's Messenger # mounted me behind him and narrated to me something secretly " which I would narrate to no one amongst people.


èºnø Öôç. Š»ÛøÖ] Responsibility

~g ZŠ)f

ø ßF×»Ãø qø^$Þ]ôSö æü ]‚ømøVoFÖ^Ãi ä×#Ö] Ù^Îø Ðùô vøÖ»^eô Œô^ß$Ö] àøn»eø Ü»Óöu»^Êø šô…»Ÿø »] oÊô è÷Ëøn»×ô ìø Ô ø ×$–ônö Êø pçFãø Ö»] Äôfôj$iø Ÿæøø w26: ” ? y äô ×#Ö] Øôn»fô‰ø à»Âø Ô

ÆVÍß ÂZ®Ôì c* ¯Ñ~ }iN ä ëÔŠ î ZŠ} Z : ì Š  á g Z » \¬vZ ? Ð { Zg ÅvZN{z™: ~zcÅÑéZpgzZ™# ê Ö ÓB‚ÆhyxgŠ X Ï}Š

Allah The Exalted says: O Dawud! Verily, we have placed you as a successor on the earth. so judge you between men in truth and follow not your desire for it will mislead you from the Path of Allah.

ø ×»iô VoFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø šô…»Ÿø »] oÊô ]ç& ×öÂö áø滂öm»†ômöŸø àm»„ô×$ Öô^ãø ×öÃø r»Þøéö†ø ìôŸF »]…ö ]‚$ Ö] Ô w83:“’ÏÖ]y à ø n»Ïô j$Ûö×»Öô èöfø Îô ^Ãø Ö»]æø ]S÷ ^ŠøÊø Ÿøæø ~}iÐ,Š™mºaÆVÍßyQëÂy»]y M {z :ìŠ  á g Z»\¬vZ XìaÆ„éð>Åx ZgzZX T e** ™Š Y:gzZ T e7ðZ(, KZ Allah The Exalted says: That home of the Hereafter, we shall assign to those who rebel not against the truth with pride and oppression in the land nor do mischief by committing crimes. And the good end is for the Muttaqun (the pious and righteous persons).

o‰øçÚö oeô*] äô³neô*] à»Âø éø³9ø†»³eö ç³eö*] p‚( ³qø o³Þô†ø³føì» *] VÙø^Î éø9ø†»³eö o³eô*] ໳Âø.68 pS( ©mö p„Ö$] àönÚô *Ÿ»] áö‡ô^íøÖ] V" # o% fôß$Ö] Ùø^Î VÙø^Î äöß»Âø äö×#Ö] oø•ô…ø p( †ôÃøm»*Ÿ»] w2260V é…^qŸ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ…] ôàn»Îø‚( ’øjøÛöÖ] ‚öuø]* äö ŠöË»Þø g º n(›ø äô eô †ø Úô ]. ^Úø 40

vZ èg ~ÄZ .ñ! Z ** ¦−Zz LZ ä >Š' ,! Z ZŠ ZŠ }÷ ¹ ä >Š' ,! Z E -“ {z œ Z 2  g ZŠ $â Z :c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì ~Š¸= Ðá ZjÆ é) zŠ Ì{zÂX}™ Zg7B‚ÆqZ Û ÅwŠÐZ {zÂñYc* Š¬ðÃÃkZZ # ì Xì q -ZÐ~„Vß Zz䙑œ Abi Burda said that his grandfather Abu Burda informed him that his father Abu Musa Al-Ashari äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated: The Prophet " # said, "The honest treasurer who willingly fullfills what he is ordered to give is one of the two who give charity."

õ Å]…ø Ü»Óö×%³Òö VÙø^Î " # o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø ^Û`öß»³Âø äö³³×#³Ö] oø³•ô…ø †ø³Ûø³Âö àô³e] àô³Âø.69 (äô jô n»eø Øôâ»*] o×Âø Åõ]…ø Øöqö†$ Ö] æ Åõ]…ø †ö nÚô *Ÿ]æ(äjô n$Âô …ø à»Âø Ùºç. Š»Úø Ü»Óö×% ³Òöæø

Ùºç. Š»Úø Ü»Óö×%Òö æ Åõ]…ø Ü»Óö×% ÓöÊø (åô ‚ôÖøæø æø ^ãqô滇ø kôn»eø o×Âø èºnø Âô ]…ø éö]*ö †ø ³Ûø³Ö]æ [5200VèÃÛrÖ] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ] å]æ… ] ôäjô n$ Âô …ø à»Âø

-ZC q Ù Ð ~ ?:c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg/0Z ** ¦ GB+G òŠ WgzZÔì yZô÷Z:X ǃwZÎ0ÐV ð3 âÆkZÐkZgzZì yZô :Ôì yZô6, V”LZgzZ yÆC Ù ØLZ]gúgzZ Ôì yZô6, Vß ZzyLZ X ÇñYY7~}g !* ÆÎgÅkZÐkZgzZì yZôq -ZC Ù Ð ~?

Ibn-e- umar ^Ûãß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: The Prophet " # said,"Everyone of you is a guardian and will be questioned for those under him. The ruler is a guardian and a man is a guardian of his family and a woman is a guardian of her husband's house and his children, so all of you are guardians and all of you will be questioned for those under you."


xø’øÞø ]ƒø]ô ‚öf»Ãø Ö] VÙø^Î " # äô×#Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø á$ œ V^Ûãöß»Âø äö×#Ö] oø•ô…ø †ÛÂö àôe] àôÂø.70 àô niø†$ Úø åö †ö q»œ äö Öø áø^Ò äô e(…ø éøSø ^fÂô àøŠøu»œ æ åö ‚øn( ‰ø w2546V ÐjÃÖ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ… y

E -“  LZ xÝ :c* â Û äV ~ vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐ é) vZ èg/0Z ** ¦ Â}™B‚Æ! pz Œx ÓÌ]Š „Å[g LZgzZìg @* ™„ZpíÅ´ â Xì M[Z Nk HzŠÐZ

Ibn Umar ^Û`ß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated: Allah's Messenger " # said, "The slave who wishes well for his master and worships his Rabb (Sustainer) in the best way has a double reward."

:" # äô³×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø o³Öô Ùø^³³Îø VÙø^³³Îø éø³†ø³³Ûö³‰ø à³e» àô³ÛF³u»†$ ³³Ö] ‚ô³f»Âø ໳Âø.71

ø Þ$^ô Êø (éø…ø ^³Úø Ÿô »] Ùô^*³Š»iø Ÿø =àô³ÛF³u»†$ ³Ö] ‚ø³f»Âø ^³mø (èõ Öø^*Š»Úø à»Âø (^ãø jøn_ô»]. á»]ô Ô !^ãø n»×øÂø køß»Âô ]. (èõ Öø^*Š»Úø †ôn»Æø à»Âø (^ãø jøn_ô»]. á»]ô æø !^ãø n»Öø]ô kø×»Òôæö [4715Vé…^ÚŸ] h^jÒ (Ü׊Ú


9 ä~ V vZ wÎgÐíì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {ª0 èE.°W Z† ** ¦ 9 £t ¤ /Z n kZ * *™: wZÎ »£ËÆ # Ö Ó? ! èE.°W Z†} Z :c* â Û G wZÎ%N¤ /ZtgzZ ÇñY c* Š™Š4}¾tQ ÂÇA Ð ä™wZÎN X σŠæ~¾6, kZ Š Hï

Abdur - Rahman bin samurah ä³ß³Â ²] o³•… narrated: Allah's Messenger # said to me,"O Abdur -Rahman!"Do not ask for position of " authority. If you are granted this postion without asking for it you will be helped in discharging its responsibilities; but if you are given it as a result of your request, you will be left alone as it's captive."


p„ô$Ö] äô•ô†øÚø oÊ …õ^Šømø àøe» ØøÏôûÚø 9ø^ 9õ^m‡ô àøe» äô×#Ö] ‚øn»føÂö á$ ø] Vàô³Šøvø³Ö] àô³Âø.72 (" # äô×#Ö] Ùôç‰ö…ø à»Úô äööjûÛô‰ø ^%÷m‚ôuø Ôøö$‚( vøÚö oÞ(ô] VغÏôûÚø äöøÖ Ùø^³Ï³Êø . äônÊô lø^Ú ^ãø _»vömø Ü»×øÊø è÷n$Âô …ø äö ×# Ö] äô nÂô †»³jøŠ»mø ‚õ³f»Âø ໳Úô ^³Úø VÙöçÏömø " # o$ fôß$Ö] köû³Ûô³‰ø [7150VÝ^ÓuŸ] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ]

å]æ… ] èô ß$røÖ] èøvøñô]…ø

‚»rômø Ü»Öø wŸ$]ôy äô vô’ßöeô

G! ÅÅvZ ègg ( 0 ÿ¨š ,Š c* i 0vZ Dì e $ZzgÅvZ èg Œ** ¦ G ! yZ äÅvZèg ÿ¨š ÂZƒwÙZ »yZ~T‰ ~n%kZ nÆ]Š È \WX ¶”Ð ~ V vZ wÎg ä~ Vƒ @* ‹g $uq -Z »~ ¹Ð

„ZpíÅkZ {zgzZì @* ¯ Áq »Îg ËÃ{È Ë\¬vZ Z # :c* â Û ä~ V X Çñ0* : ÌÒpż A {zÂ@* ™7«™B‚Æ

Hassan äß ²] o•… narrated that Ubaidallah bin Ziyaad went to visit Maqil bin Yisaar äß ²] o•… who was sick and later died. Maqil ä×#Ö] o•… 䳳߳³Â said to him,I will narrate a saying to you which I had heard from The messenger of Allah " # I heard The Prophet " # say," When Allah gives authority to a man to rule over some people and he does not look after them with sincerity, he will not even smell the scent of paradise."

^ÛøÊø àønßô ‰ô †ø i»Âø # " o$ fôß$Ö] köÚ»‚ô³ìø V Ùø^Î äöß»Âø ö²] oø•ô…ø ‹Þ*] ໳Âø.73 køûßø‘ø Ÿœ V Ÿæø ( [ køûßø‘ø ÜøÖôVŸæø ( Í) ]. VoÖ Ùø^Î w6038V h9Ÿ] h^jÒ( p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

pÅ# Ö } .Å~ V *™Ñ w ‚kŠ ä ~ c* â Û äÅvZ èg ÷Z ** ¦ V#gzZ HVYx »V# ¹tL:gzZ ¹7J - ó ós Q L = L Lä~ V \W X H: VYx » 43

Anas äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated: I served the Prophet " # for ten years, and he never said to me 'uff'(a minor word denoting impatience) and never said, "why did you do so, or why did'nt you do so."

Ü»Òö‚øuøœ oiøœ ]ƒø]ô VÙø^Îø " # o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø äöß»Âø äö×#Ö] oø•ô…ø éø†øm»†øâö o³eô*] ໳Âø.74 滜 (àônjøÛøÏ»Öö 滜 è÷ÛøÏ»Öö äö Ö»æô^ßnö ×»Êø äö Ãø Úø äö Š»×ô r»mö Ü»Öø á»^ô Ê (äô ³Úô ^³Ãø ³_³eô äö ³Úö Sô ^³ì w2557V ÐjÃÖ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ… y

äö qø¡Âô oøÖôæ äö Þ$^ô Ê (àôn»jø×øÒ»]. 滜 è÷×øÒ»].

xÝ » ËZ # :c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ áZâzŠ c* -ZÐZ Ân è: ( aÆäî )B‚LZÐZ {zgzZ ñÑ** q 3

X ðVZ1Åä™g »ÃkZäÏZèY}Š îgz¢

Abu Hurairah äß ²] o•… narrated: The Prophet " # said, "When your servant brings your meal to you then if you do not let him sit with you,then you should at least give him a morsel or two morsels of that meal or a meal or two meals, as he has taken the pain to prepare it."


hö„»ÓôÖ] Lie w3 :†ÚˆÖ]y …º^Ë$ Òø h º „ôÒFçø âö

^Ñ à»Úø p»‚ôã»møŸø äø ×# Ö] á$ ]ô V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø

Xƒh” GgzZ N* Ñ êŠ7e $Z@ÿ, Z ËvZ :ìŠ  á gZ »\¬vZ Allah The Exalted says: Truly, Allah guides not him who is a liar, and disbeliever.

àøn»Îô ‚ô’# Ö] ÄøÚø ]ç»Þöç»Òöæø äø ×# Ö] çÏöi$]] çßöÚø ! àøm»„ôÖ$] ^ãø m%^øm5 V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø w119: èeçjÖ]y

X zŠB‚»VÍßFgzZzgeÐvZÔƒñÑyZZÍß} Z :ìŠ  á gZ »\¬vZ Allah The Exalted says: O you who believe! Be afraid of Allah , and be with those who are true (in words and deeds).

oÖ]ô p‚ôã»mø Ñø‚»’ùÖ] á$ ]ô VÙø^Î " # oùfôß$Ö] àôÂø äöß»Âø äö×#Ö] oø•ô…ø äô×#Ö] ‚ôf»Âø ໳Âø.75 áøçÓömø oj$uø Ñö‚ö’»nø Öø Øøqö†$ ³Ö] á$ ]ô æø (èß$³rø³Ö] o³Ö]ô p‚ô³ã»mø †$ ³fôÖ] á$ ]ô æ (†( ³fôÖ]

(…ô^ß$Ö] oÖ]ô p‚ôã»mø …ø çröËöÖ] á$ ]ô æ …ôçröËöÖ] oÖ]ô p‚ãmø hø„ôÓøÖ] á$ ]ô æø (^Ï÷m‚( ³‘ô ^e÷ ]„$ Òø äô ×# Ö] ‚øß»Âô gøjøÓ»mö oj$u hö„ôÓ»nø Öø Øøqö†$ Ö] á$ ]ô æ [6094Vh9¢] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ]

å ] æ… y

nÃòŠ Wsµš:c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZègvZ†** ¦ -VŒì Lg m1s òŠ WgzZì CYá s§Å¼ J A ngzZì @* š s§Å ì @* š s§Å ðZ', ÃòŠ W^ѵš gzZ Xì © 8™Ýqû% » & œ{z \¬vZ {zJ -VŒì Lg m1^ÑòŠ WgzZì CYá s§Å3ðZ' , gzZ 45

Xì @* Y1ÉN* ѹV;Æ

Abdullahäß ä×#Ö] o•…narrated: The Prophet " # said,"Indeed Truthfulness

leads to Al Birr (Righteousness) and Al-Birr leads to Paradise. A man keeps on telling the truth until he becomes a siddiq (truthful person). Lying leads to AL-Fujur (wickedness) and AL-Fujur leads to the (Hell) fire, and a man keeps on telling lies till he is written as a liar before Allah."

ö ×ô Ú»*] VÙø^Îø [éö^røß$Ö] ^Úø = äô×#Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø ^mø Vkö×»³Îö VÙø^³Îø †õ³Úô^³Âø àô³e» èøføÏ»³Âö ໳Âø.76 Ô ø jô òøn_ôìø o×øÂø Ô ø jön»eø Ô ø ûŠønø Ö»æø Ô ø Þø^ŠøÖô Ô ø n»×øÂø Ô ô e»]æø Ô [2406 V ‚aˆÖ] h^jÒ (p„Ú†jÖ]


!~ V wÎgÆvZ} Z ¹ä ~ì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg%¬0µ ** ¦ LZ Ô Åg ~ 1‡Ã y!* i KZ : c* â Û ä~ V \W ? ì H=gf » ] X ƒzg6, Vƒk HLZgzZƒg~y

Uqba bin Amir äß ²] o•… narrated that he asked," O Messenger of Allah " # what is Salvation?He " # said," Guard your tongue and stay in your home and weep over your sins."

# o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø éø†ø³m»†ø³âö 'ø‚$ uø ]ƒø]ô V 'º¡ø$ ÐôÊô ^ßøÛö³Ö»] èömø3 V Ùø^Îø " w33Vá^ÛmŸ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ… y áø^ìø àøÛôjöñ»] ]ƒø]ôæø ( Ìø×øì»]* ‚øÂø æø

oeô*] à»Âø.77 ]ƒø]ôæø hø„øÒø

‘´Å ¬o :c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ gzZ}™s ÜÆkZ Â}™{°zZ # Ôá1^ÑÂ}™]!* # X & Z X}™$ìÂñYc* ¯}ZÃkZZ #

Abu Hurairah äß ²] o•… narrated: The Prophet " # said, "The signs of a hypocrite are three, whenever he speaks he tells a lie, whenever he promises he breaks it, and whenever he is entrusted he betrays." 46

# ä×# Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø æø ^Ú÷ çû mø oÚ( ]. o³ßô³j»Âø Sø VÙø^Î äöÞ$*] †õÚô^Âø àe ä×#Ö] ‚ô³f»Âø à³Â.78 " ø n_ô»]. Ùø^Ãø iø ^âø Vk»Öø^ÏÊ (^ßjô n»eø o³Ê ‚º³Âô ^³Î V" # ä×# Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø ^ãø Öø Ùø^ÏÊø(Ô # ä×# Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø ^ãø Öø Ùø^ÏÊ(]†÷ Û»iø äô n_ô»]. Vk»Öø^Î [ äô ³n_ô³Ã³iö á»]* lôS»…ø ]* ^³Úø æø " èºeø„»Òô Ô ô n»×øÂø k»føjô Òö ^ò÷n»Zø äô n_ôûiö Ü»Öø ç»Öø Ô ô Þ$]ô ^Úø œV w4991Vh9Ÿœ h^jÒ ( 9æ]9 oeœ å]æ…y

gzZ c* š yŠq -Z= ä Vâ ~÷ì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg%¬0vZ†** ¦ -Z »~ ƒ WOŠ Z ¹ä kZ ¸ ñƒÆ~ y}g ø~ q V vZ wÎg äkZ ?ì H{Š Zg Z » ¶Š Hä?c* â Û Ð kZ ä~ V vZwÎg  X zŠq }g vÂîŠ:¼ÃkZ ?¤ /Z ¹ÃkZ ä ~ V vZ wÎg ÂX ÏVzŠgL~ ¹ X @* Y–{ k H»^Ñq -Z6, zZ

Abdullah bin Amir äß ²] o•… narrated: My mother called me one day while the Messenger of Allah " # was seated in our house. She said come here I shall give you something. Then the Messenger of Allah # said to her "What did you intend to give him?" She said, "I " intended to give him dates. So the Messenger of Allah " # said to her, "Behold! if you had not given him something, a lie would have been written against you."

'ø‚( vømö á»]* ^e÷„ôÒø ðô †»ÛøÖ»^eô o³Ëø³Òø VÙø^Îø " # o( fôß$Ö] àô³Âø éø†øm»†øâö oeô*] ໳Âø.79 [8Vä´vnv‘ èÚ‚ÏÚ oÊ( Ü׊Ú

å ] æ… y

ÄøÛô‰ø ^Úø Ø( Óöeô

N* ÑÆ òŠ W:c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ X}Š™yÒÐWÃ]!* ð‹”C Ù {zì °»„Ú ZnÆäƒ

Abu Hurairah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : The Prophet " # said. "It is sufficient for a believer to be considered a liar that he narrates 47

everything he hears."

køß»eô Ýõç%ö×»Òö Ý$ .] äöÚ$ .] á$ œ åö†øf컜 àôÛFu»†$ Ö]‚ôf»Âø àôe‚øn»Ûøuö á$ œV hõ^ãmô àô³e] àô³Âø.80 p„ôÖ$] hö]„$ ÓøÖ] ‹ø³n»Öø VÙöçÏömø " # äô×#Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø k»ÃøÛô³‰ø ^³ãÞ$œVäö³i»†ø³f컜èøføÏ»³Âö ]†÷ nìø ÙöçÏömø 滜 ]†÷ nìø oÛôß»nø Êø Œ^ß$Ö] àøneø xö×ô ’»mö w2692V x×’Ö] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ… y

9 q) Å yZ ~Š ¸7Z ä èE.°W Z †0 q  D™e $Zzg [ Þ0Z vZ wÎg ä VrZ ~Š¸7Z ä vZ ègµ› M xßx Z {¦{−Zz( Å }™ÒÃÅäZ™ *ë!* ~ VÍß ì 7{z N* Ñ å‹ D â  Û t Ã~ V X}ŠÈ]!* hZgzZ ðÃÅŸÏZ c* ñ3UÅ]!* hZ ËnÆkZgzZ Ibn Shihaab narrated that Humayd bin Abdur Rahman informed him that his (Humayd's) mother Umm Kulthum bint Uqba ^³³`߳ 䳳³×#³³Ö] o³³•… informed him that she heard Allah's Messenger " # saying, "He is not a liar who reconciles between the people by inventing good information or saying good things."

à»Úô kø¿»Ëôuø ^Úø o) ×ôÂø àôe» àôŠøvø×»Öô kö×»Îö VÙø^Îø p( ‚ôûŠ$ Ö] ðô]…øç»vø³Ö»] o³e*] ໳Âø.81 ø fö m†ômø ^Úø Å»Sø V" ^Úø oÖø]ô Ô # äô×#Ö] Ùôç‰ö…ø à»Úô kö¿»Ëôuø VÙø^Îø [" # äô×#Ö] Ùôç‰ö…ø ø fö m†ômø Ÿ èºføm…ô hø„ôÓøÖ] á$ ]ô æø èºßønÞô^,Ûø›» Ñø‚»’( Ö] á$ ^ô Êø (Ô

w2518VèÚ^nÏÖ] èË‘ h^jÒ (p„Ú†jÖ] å]æ…y

Y7ÐÅvZègZ0Œ** ¦ä~ì e $ZzgÐ~ å›iÅZY Zg£Z1Z ** ¦ y!* iÅ ~ V vZwÎg=c* â Û äV,Z ?ìŠ c* HÐ~ V vZwÎgÃ\W Æ T™g (ZjZgzZáZ e ~ —N  }Š hgq {z Š c* p ÖZt Ð 48

gzZ—^ÑgzZì ¯ ) !* »yEZ sn kZXƒ:µz —N ~}g !* Xì ì"

Abu Hawraa Al-Saadiy narrated: I said to Hasan bin Aliäß²] o•…What do you remember from The Messenger " # ? He said, " I remember from Allah's Messenger " # : "Leave what appears doubtful to you and adopt that which is not doubtful to you , for truth is peace of mind and the Lie is a means of doubt."

ä×# Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø köûÛô‰ø VÙø^Î äôneô*] à»Â oeô*] oß$‚$ uø VÙø^Î ÜõnÓôuø àôe» ˆôã»eø ໳Â.82 ø vø–»nø Öô hö„ôÓ»nø Êø 'ö‚( vømö p„ô×$ Öô غm»æø VÙöç³Ïö³mø " (äö Öø غm»æø (Ýöç»ÏøÖ] äô eô Ô # w4990Vh9¢] h^jÒ (9æ]9 oeœ å]æ…y

äö Öø غm»æø

wÎg ä ~ D™e $ZzgÐ−Zz LZ {zgzZÐ−Zz LZœ0è** ¦ ä´ÃVÍß nÆ¿kZì •  hc* â Û ä~ V \W‹Ð ~ V vZ X nÆkZì •  hÔ nÆkZì •  hÔá1^ÑnÆ Bahz bin Hakeem narrated: My father narrated from his father who heard the Messenger of Allah " # say, " Woe to him who tells lies in order to make people laugh, woe to him, woe to him."


|ö]ˆø ÛôÖ] × Humour b Z' ]‚÷m»‚ô‰ø ÷Ÿç»Îø ]çû» Ööç»Îöæø äø ×#Ö]]çÏöi$]]çßöÚø ! àøm»„ôÖ$] ^ãø m%^øm5 V oFÖ^Ãi ä×#Ö] Ù^Îø w70:h]ˆu¢]y

X z™ H]!* ÇgzZzgeÐvZÔß ZzäÑyZZ} Z :ìŠ  á gZ »\¬vZ Allah The Exalted says: Oh you who believe! Keep your duty to Allah and fear Him, and speak (always) the Truth .

ø Þ$]ô = äô ×# Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø ^m V ]çöÖ^Îø VÙø^Îø éø†øm»†øâö oeô*] à»Âø.83 Ÿø oÞ(]ô VÙø^Îø [^ßföÂô ]‚øiö Ô w1990 Vè×’Ö]æ †fÖ] h^jÒ (p„Ú†jÖ] å]æ…y ^Ï& uø Ÿ$]ô ÙöçÎö]* \W ! ~ V wÎgÆvZ} Z ¹ä/ ñ ôì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ :c* â Û ä~ V \W? D™'!* Å 8lpB‚}g ø ]‡zZ ‰~ V X VƒH„]!* h~µš

Abu Hurairah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: They said O Messenger of Allah " # indeed you joke with us?.He " # said,"I say nothing but the truth."

‹öÖô^røiö kø³ß»³Òö*] Véø†øÛö‰ø àôe» †ôeô^røÖô kö×»Îö VÙø^³Îø hõ†»³uø àô³e» Õô^³Ûø³‰ô ໳Âø.84 p„ôÖ$] åö ¡$’øÚö à»Úô ÝöçÏömø Ÿø áø^Òø (]†÷ ³n%ô Òø (Ü»³Ãø ³Þø VÙø^³Îø [" # äô ³×# ³Ö] Ùø糉ö…ø ]çÞö^Òø æø (Ýø^Îø k»Ãø ×ø›ø ]ƒø^ô Êø (‹öÛ»i$ Ö] Äø×ö³_»³iø o³j$uø xø³f»’% ³Ö] äô ³nÊô o³×( ³’ø³mö # ÜöŠ$ fø jømø æø ( áøçÓövø–»nø Êø (èô n$×ô âô ^røÖ»] †ôÚ»]* oÊô áøæ„öìö^,nø Êø áøç$ö‚$ vøjømø " w6035VØñ^–ËÖ] h^jÒ (Ü×ŠÚ å]æ… y 50

¹ÐÅvZèg {ª0', Yä~ëì e $ZzgÐ [w0u  ** ¦ Ô å @* ™ ´¹ Ô V; ¹äVrZ ?¸D™ ´B‚Æ~ V vZwÎg ?H [ëWZ # 0Z: ( J -å 3 [ëW )Ð V;z_7,i úÅòV˜ ~ V \W ¨gzZ D™™f »Vñ»ÆqYgzZ D™'!* vßgzZ 0Z ~ V \W ÂÀ _ XD â Û+~ V \WgzZ

Simaak bin Harb narrated: I asked Jabir bin Samura äß ä×#Ö] o•… did you sit in the company of Allah's Messenger " # ? He said yes, very frequently and added: He did not stand up (and go) from the place where he offered the morning prayer until the sun rose, and after the rising of the sun he stood up and they (his companions) conversed with one another and they talked of the things that they did during the days of Ignorance and they laughed and Allah's Messenger " # (only) smiled.

(oßô ×»Ûôu»] =ä×# Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø ^³mø VÙø^ÏøÊ " # o$ fß$Ö] oiø*] ¡÷qö…ø á$ *] V‹õÞø*] ໳Â.85 ‚ôÖøçø eô Äößø‘»]* ^Úø æø VÙø^Î!èõ Îø^Þø ‚ôÖøæø o×øÂø Õøç×öÚô ^uø ^Þ$]ô V" # o% fß$Ö] Ùø^Ïø³Ê Ñöçß%Ö] Ÿ$]ô ØøeôŸô] ‚ö×ô iø Ø»âø æø V " # o% fß$Ö] Ùø^ÏøÊ [èô Îø^ß$Ö]

w4998Vh9¢] h^jÒ (æ9]9 oeœ å]æ…y

Ô~g ZÎÐ~ V vZwÎgä¿q -Zì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg÷Z ** ¦ ~ ¹ä kZX ÇVzŠ^ » ï zZÃ~ nÆ~g ZÎ c* â Û ä~ V \ WX Å Xì M„ï zZÌÃ. $zZ c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgX ÇVz™ HÃaÆï zZ

Anas äß ä×ùÖ] o•… narrated: A man came to The Prophet " # So he said O Messenger of Allah " # give me something to ride upon. He " # said, "I shall give you the young one of a she-camel to ride on.He said," what will I do with the young one of a she-camel?"The Prophet " # said,"Is 51

not every camel given birth by a she camel."

éô æø ˆ»Æø oÊ " # ä×# Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø kön»iø*] VÙ^Î o( Ãôrøm»¢] ÔõÖ^Úø àôe Íôç»Âø à»Â.86 o×( Òö]* Vkö×»ÏöÊ ( Ø»ìöS»] Ùø^Î æø S$ †ø Êø köÛ»×$ ŠøÊø (ÝõSø *] à»Úô èõ f$Îö oÊ çø ³âö æø Õøç³fö iø ø ×% Òö VÙø^Î [" w5000Vh9Ÿ] h^jÒ (9æ]9 oe] å]æ…yk ö ×»ìø‚øÊø (Ô # ä×# Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø


vZ wÎg~ ut{zç~ì e $ZzgÐÅvZègºÑZ ´ â 0sú** ¦ V \WX ¹xsä ~¸~+Æ} l ~ ~ V \ WX c* Wk0* Æ~ V Zg7 »}g7 ~ ~ V wÎgÆvZ} Z ¹ä ~ƒ YWg0 +Z c* â Û gzZ c* Š [Z ä XŠ Hƒ4ZŠg0 +Z~ÂÔ Zg7»}g7V;c* â Û ?Vƒ YWg0 +Z

Auf bin Malik Al-Ashjae äß ²] o•… narrated: I came to the Messenger of Allah " # in the battle of Tabuk while he " # was in a tent of skin.I greeted him and he " # returned the greeting and said: "enter." I enquired the entire of myself, O Messenger of Allah " # ? He " # said The entire of you (should enter). So I entered.


ÜöŠ% fø j$Ö] Smile

Ø Z— ?

^÷ÛŠ% fi †ø %Òœ á^Ò ]÷‚uœ kömœ… ^³Ú VÙçÏm ðõˆ»qø àe '…^vÖ] àe ä×#Ö] ‚øf à³Â [17704V‚Ûuÿœ

å ] æ… ] " # ä×# Ö] Ùô牅 àÚ

{Š c* iÐ~ V vZwÎgä~ëÅvZègY b 0_g ÒZ0vZ†** ¦ X ¬Š7ñƒD Z—ÃË

Abdullah bin Harith bin Jaz' äß ä×#Ö] o•… said, I never saw anyone smile more than the messenger of Allah.

æø (^ò÷n»Zø Íôæ†ö ûÛøÖ»] àøÚô á$ †ø Ïô v»iø Ÿø V" # o% fôß$Ö] oøÖô Ùø^Îø V Ùø^Îø …) ƒø oeô*] à»Âø.88 ø ^ìø*] oÏø×»iø á»]* ç»Öø [6690:è×’Ö] æ †fÖ] h^jÒ(Ü×ŠÚ å]æ…] Ðõ×»›ø äõ q»çø eô Õ

n :c* â Û Ð í ä~ V vZ wÎgì e $Zzg ÐÅvZ èg gf 1Z ** ¦ X AB‚Æã% O{Š ¤Ðð¸LZ Âp¤ /Zõ:HÃq Ë~

Abu Dharr äß ²] o•… narrated : The Prophet " # said to me : "Do not disdain any good deed, even if it is meeting your brother with a cheerful face."

ø nìô]* äô q»æø oÊ Ô ø ÛöŠ% fø iø V" Ô # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø VÙø^Îø …) ƒø oeô*] à»Âø!89 ø Öø w1956Vè×’Ö] æ †fÖ] h^jÒ (p„Ú†jÖ] å]æ…y èºÎø‚ø‘ø Ô ™ Z—Ãð¸LZ :c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZègg f1Z ** ¦ Xì ‘œn}¾Ì9 Š 53

Abu Dharr äß ä×ùÖ] o•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said, "Your smiling at the face of your brother is a charity for you."

¼% Îø ^Ã÷ Ûôr»jøŠ»Úö # " o$ fôß$Ö] köm»œ… ^Ú Vk»Öø^Î ^ãß»Âø äö×#Ö] oø•ô…ø èøEøñ^ à»Âø.90 ÜöŠ$ fø jømø áø^Ò ^ÛøÞ$]ô ( äô iô]çø ãø Öø äö ß»Úô p…ø œ oju ^Ó÷uô^•ø w6092 Vh9¢] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

7¨ L™Áb§kZÃ~ V *™Ñ HyÒ ävZ ègȬ {¦ X¸D Z—sÜ~ V \ WÔƒ4äWÃZû²Æ~ V \W ¬Š

Aisha ^`ß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: I never saw The Prophet " # laughing to an extent that one could see his palate, he used to smile (only).


gö–øÇøÖ] Anger × w 37: p…FçiùÖ]y

áø滆ö Ëô Ç»mø Ü»âö ]ç»fö–ôÆø^Úø ] ƒø]ôæø V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø

E X D Y™g¦ / gŠ ÂñY M î~O “¤ /ZgzZ :ìŠ  á gZ »\¬vZ Allah The Exalted says: And when they are angry, forgive.

w134: á]†ÛÂ Ù!y

Œô^ß$Ö] àôÂø àøn»Êô ^Ãø Ö»]æø Àøn»ÇøÖ»] àøn»Ûô¿ôÓFÖ»]æø V oFÖ^Ãi ä×#Ö] Ù^Îø

X ï Š™s çg]ÆVzuzŠgzZD Y8ÃN :ìŠ  á g Z »\¬vZ Allah The Exalted says: Who repress anger, and who pardon men.

‚öm‚i$ Ö] ‹øn»Öø V Ùø^Î " # ²ô] Ùøç‰ö…ø á$ œ V äöß»Âø ö²] oø•ô…ø éø †øm»†øâö oeœ à»Âø.91 ö ×ô Û»mø p„Ö$] ‚öm‚i$ Ö] ^Ûø$Þ]ô ( èÂø †»’% Ö^e g–øÇøÖ]‚øß»Âô äö ŠøË»Þø Ô w6114V h9Ÿ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

7{z yZU :c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ L Z~ ª qÅ×ì {z ÂyZU-ZÉ ñYƒ¨ ¸~ ä±Ïì X ñ0* 1‡6, \W

Abu Hurairah äß ä×ù#Ö] o•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said, "The strong is not the one who overpowers in wrestling, but the strong one is he who controls himself in anger."

‚øß»Âô ]†÷ q»*] Üö¿ø»]* èõ Âø †»qö à»Úô ^Úø V" # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø VÙø^Îø †øÛøÂö àôe»] àô³Âø.92 äô ×# Ö] äô q»æø ðø ^Çøjô e»] ‚ºf»Âø ^ãø Ûø¿øÒø (Àõn»Æø èô Âø †»qö à»Úô (äô ×# Ö] w4189V‚âˆÖ] h^jÒ (äq^Ú àe] å]æ…y 55

E -“ vZ ä{ÈË:c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐ é) vZèg/0Z ** ¦ Å \¬vZ {z ÃT \ 7. $˜ ðÙ| (,Ð . $˜Æ×q -Š 4, Æ \¬ Xì @* Y8 nÆä™Ýq ~qŸg

Ibn Umar ^Ûãß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : The Messenger of Allah " # said, "There is no sip greater in reward near Allah than the sip of anger, the servant surpresses it seeking the pleasure of Allah."

æø ^¿÷n»Æø Üø¿øÒø à»Úø VÙø^Î " # ä×#Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø á$ *] äôneô*] à (ƒõ^ÃøÚö àôe Øô㻉ø à³Â.93 oj$uø Ðôñô¡øíøÖ»] Œô¨…ö o×øÂø èô Úø ^nø Ïô Ö»] Ýøç»mø ä×# Ö] åö ^Âø Sø åö „øËô ß»mö á»*] o×øÂø …ºSô ^³Îø çø ³âö w4777Vh9Ÿ] h^jÒ (9æ]9 oeœ å]æ…y

ðø ^Zø àônÃô Ö»] …ôçvöÖ»] p( ]ø à»Úô åö †ø n(íømö

¿ :c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎg D™e $ZzgÐ−Zz LZ f ç0™** ¦

x ÓÃk Z \¬vZ yŠÆ # Ö ª ƒg (Z »% ï× CZjZèÑqÆzgÃV Xá™Iì e ÂÃgjTÇñâ Û™št ‚ÆVÍß Sahal bin Muadh narrated from his father that The Messenger of Allah " # said, "Whoever supresses anger though he is capable of expressing it, Allah will call him in front of the creatures on the Day of Standing, and he will be given the right to choose any pure eyed virgin he likes."

æø ]çÛ×ù VÙ^Î äÞœ Ü׉æ än× ä×#Ö] oב ofß³Ö] à³Â Œ^³f à³e] à³Â.94 k»ÓŠn×Ê ÜÒ‚öuœ g–Æ ]ƒ]ô æ( ]憊( Ãø iö Ÿ æ ]憊( mø [2136 VŒ^f àe] ‚ßŠÚ (‚Ûuÿœ

å ] æ… ]

E -“ ã‚WgzZ ƒ 2:c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐ é) vZèg k„0Z ** ¦

Xìglñ{’ eÐZÂñW×ÃËÐ~?Z # gzZÔz™# Ö ÂgzZz™ 56

Ibn Abbas ^Û`ß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : The Prophet " # said," Teach, and make things easy and do not create difficulty, and when anyone of you is angry, he should remain silent."

Ÿ æø (^÷Þ^Ã$ Öø Ÿæ (^i÷uô^Ê " # ² ô ] Ùöç‰ö…ø à»Óö³mø Ü»³Öø V Ùø^Î ‹õÞøœ ໳Âø.95 äö ßönfôqø hø†ôiø [ äö Öø ^Ú V èô fø jøûÛøÖ] ‚øß»Âô ÙöçÏömø áø^Ò( ^÷e^f$‰ø w 6046V h9Ÿ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

Ô¸7Íe~ V vZwÎg c* â Û äV,Zì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg÷Z ** ¦ ×¹ Ã\WÔ¸ ïŠ V1Ç:gzZ¸ áZz ä™# Ö 5 Ò~ V \ W: XÑ u {~ã% OÅkZÔì Š HƒHÐZÔ ïŠÈ Ú ZsÜÂc* W

Anas äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: Allah's Messenger " # was neither one who (spoke) indecently nor one who cursed and nor one who absued, and when annoyed he used to say, "what is wrong with him? May his forehead be dusty."

Ü»Òö‚öuø*] gø–ôÆø ]ƒø]ô V^ßøÖø Ù^Î " # ä×# Ö] Ùø糉ö…ø á$ ]ô VÙ^Î …) ƒø oe*] àÂ.96 Ä» rô_ø–»nø ×»Êø Ÿ$]ô æø gö–øÇøÖ»] äö ß»Âø gøâø ƒø á»^ô Ê (‹»×ô r»nø ×»Êø ܺñô^Îø çø âö æø w4782Vh9Ÿ] h^jÒ (9æ]9 oeœ å]æ… y

~?Z # : c* â Û Ð ëä ~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZègg f1Z ** ¦ X ñY4:gzÔíÂìg @* Yפ /ZÔ ñYÖƒZ9{zgzZƒ~VðÃÐ

Abu Dharr äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated: Allah's Messenger " # said, "Whenever one of you gets angry while he is standing, he should sit down, if anger goes out of him (that is good), but if not, he should lie down."


èÛøu»†$ Ö] Mercy


…ô^Ë$ ÓöÖ»] o×øÂø ðö 3‚$ Zô]ø ?äü Ãø Úø àøm»„ôÖ$]æø äô ×# Ö] Ùö绉ö…$ ‚ºÛ$ vøÚö V oFÖ^ói ä³×# ³Ö] Ù^³Îø w29: xjËÖ]y Ü»ãö ßøn»eø ðö «Ûøuø…ö {z B‚Æ yZ vß gzZÔ~ V wÎgÆvZ ~ V ·: ì Š  á g Z » \¬vZ X °g~: MgzZJ6, gñ

Allah The Exalted says:Muhammad " # is the Messenger of Allah and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves.

w17: ‚×fÖ]y

èô Ûøuø†»ÛøÖ»^eô ]绑ø]çø iøæø †ôf»’$ Ö^eô ]绑ø]çø iøæø oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø

ÅSÅ3g( 6, Z} .»)gzñ Z Ã}uzŠq -ZäVMgzZ :ìŠ  á gZ »\¬vZ

Allah The Exalted says:And recommend one another to perseverance and patience, and (also) recommended one another to pity and compassion.

Ùø^Îø (àønÒô†ôi»ÛöÖ»] o×øÂø ÅöS»] =äô ×# Ö] Ùøç‰öø…ø ^mø VØønÎô VÙø^Îø éø†øm»†øâö oeô*] à»Âø .97 w6613 Vè×’Ö] æ †fÖ] h^jÒ (Ü×ŠÚ å]æ…y è÷Ûøu»…ø kö%»Ãô eö ^ÛøÞ$]ô æø (^Þ÷^Ã$ Öø & » Ãø e»]. Ü»Öø oÞ(]ô vZ wÎg c* H¹Ð ~ Š V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ VÍß Š H57n kZ~: c* â Û ä~ V \WX < ¬Š$ +6,VÃæ! ~ V X VƒŠ H5™ ¯Øg~É Vz™Ò6,

Abu Huraira äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: It was said O Allah's Messenger " # : Invoke (curse) upon the polytheist, whereupon he " # said," I have not 58

been sent as the invoker of curse, but I have been sent as mercy."

Ÿ à»Úø äö ×# Ö] Üöuø†»³mø Ÿ V" # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø VÙø^Î äô×#Ö] ‚ôf»Âø àôe†ôm†ô³qø ໳Âø.98 [7376 V‚nuçjÖ] h^jÒ( p…^ífÖ] å]æ…] Œ ø ^ß$Ö] Üöuø†»mø 3g6, VÍß :c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎg HyÒäÅvZègvZ†0k , ** ` ¦ X @* ™73g6, kZ Ì\¬vZ @* ™7

Jarir bin Abdullah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: Allah's Messenger " # said, "Allah does not show mercy to the one who is not merciful to people."

Üöãö Ûöuø†»mø áøç³Ûö³uô]†$ ³Ö] V" # o$ fß$Ö] äôeô Èö×öf»mø æ†õ³Û»³Âø àô³e ä³×#³Ö] ‚³f»Âø à³Â.99 ðô ^ÛŠ$ Ö] oÊ à»Úø Ü»ÓöÛ»uø†»mø šô…» ¢] Øøâ» ]* ]çÛöuø…»] (àöÛFu»†$ Ö] w4941Vh9Ÿ] h^jÒ (9æ]9 oe ] å]æ… y

ä™3g y×g :  D™yÒ Ð~ V *™ÑÅvZ èg z/0vZ†** ¦ X Ç}™3g6, ?ÑZzy W6, Vß Zz}iz™3gXì @* ™3g6, Vß Zz

Abdullah bin Amr äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated from The Prophet " # : "The Merciful is merciful to those who show mercy. Have mercy for those who are on the earth, the one in the heavens will show mercy to you."

VÙø^ÏÊø " # oùfôß$Ö] oÖ]ô oùe]†ø »œ ðø ^q Vk»Öø^Î ^ãß»Âø äö×#Ö] oø•ô…ø èøEøñ^Âø à»Âø.100 ø Öø Ô ö ×ô Ú»œ æø œ V" Ờ Ô # o% fôß$Ö] Ùø^ÏÊø (Ü»ãö ×öf(ÏøÞö ^ÛøÊø [áø^³nø f»’( ³Ö] áøç³×ö³f(Ïø³iö ø fô×»Îø à»Úô w5998V h9¢] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y èøÛøu†$ Ö] Ô

äö ×# Ö] Åøˆø Þø

~# Ö } .Å ~ V *™Ñ CŒŠ q -Zì e $ZzgÐvZ ègÈ ¬ {¦ *™Ñ X ïŠ 751 7Z ÂëÔ ïŠ51 ÃV” vß\W¹gzZ Zƒ¢q 59

X VƒY™ H~Âì c* Šwï3gÐwŠ}g vävZ¤ /Z :c* â Û ä~ V

Aisha ^`ß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated : A bedouin came to The Prophet " # and said: You kiss the children! we don't kiss them. The Prophet " # said, "How can I (help) you in this (matter) if Allah has taken mercy away from your heart."

Ÿ$]ô èöÛøu»†$ Ö] Åöˆø ß»iö Ÿø VÙöçÏömø " # Üô‰ô^ÏøÖ] ^eø*] köûÛô‰ø VÙø^Îø é†øm»†øâö oe*] à»Âø.101 w1923Vè×’Ö]æ †fÖ] h^jÒ (p„Ú†jÖ] å]æ…y o) Ïô Zø à»Úô

Øg : ‹Ð~ V ÌØZ1Z ä ~ì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ Xì CYà wïÐwŠÆòŠ Wh$ +

Abu Huraira ä³ß ä³×#³Ö] o³•… narrated : I heard Abu Al - Qasim " # say, "Mercy is not taken away except from the wretched ."

Ÿ æø é÷¡‘ø Ì$ ìøœ ¼% Îø Ýõ^Ú]ô ðø ]…ø æø kön»×$ ‘ø ^Ú V ÙöçÏömø ÔõÖ^Ú àe ‹Þø*] àÂ.102 ᜠèøÊø^íÚø ÌöË( íønö Êø oùfô’$ Ö] ðø ^Óeö ÄöÛøŠ»nø Öø áø^Ò á»]ô æø " # o( ³fôß$³Ö] àø³Úô Ü$ ³iøœ w708V á]ƒŸ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ… y

äö Ú% ]. àøjøË»iö

i úï»pÑ {Š c* iÐ ~ V *™Ñ c* â Û äÅvZèg´ â 0÷Z ** ¦ Âf e Íi ZzWÅäzgÆa ~ V \ W¤ /ZgzZ S7,7LúÆËä~ X ¿i úñYƒ2:~ã.6, }Vâ ÅkZÐwìkZ

Anas bin Malik äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: I never offered prayers behind any Imam a prayer lighter and more perfect than that behind The Prophet # and when ever he heard cries of the child he used to shorten it " fearing that he might put his mother in trial.


xö’»ß%Ö] Wellwishing w68:Í]†Â¢]y àºn»Úô *] xº‘ô^Þø Ü»ÓöÖø ^Þø]* æø


o»eùô …ø kô×F‰F…ô Ü»ÓöÇö×ôù eø ]ö V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø

{ Zpí (Z Zg vgzZÔVƒ @* à] â  Æ[g LZÃ ?~ :ì Š  á gZ » \¬vZ

Xì YYH5z½6, TVƒ Allah The Exalted says: I convey unto you the Messages of my Lord, and I am a trustworthy adviser (or well-wisher) for you.

^Úø äô ×# Ö] àøÚô Üö×ø»]øæø Ü»ÓöÖø xö’øÞ»]øæø o»eùô …ø kô×F‰F…ô Ü»ÓöÇö×ôù ³eø]öVoF³Ö^³Ã³i ä³×# ³Ö] Ù^³Îø w62: Í]†Â¢]y áøç»Ûö×øûiøŸø Vƒ { Zpí ZgvÔVƒ @* à] â  Æ[g LZ »~ :ì Š  á g Z » \¬vZ Xì 7x¥»ì x¥¼ {zÐs§ÅvZ=gzZ Allah The Exalted says:I convey unto you the Messages of my Lord and give sincere advice to you. And I Know from Allah what you know not.

[à»ÛøÖô V^ßø×»Îö èövøn’ôß$Ö] àö³m‚( ³Ö] VÙø^Îø " # o$ fôß$Ö] á$ *] p( …ô]‚$ Ö] ÜõnÛôiø ໳Âø .103 »Üãôjô Ú$ ^Âø æø àønÛô×ô Š»ÛöÖ»] èô Û$ ñô*Ÿæø äô Öôç‰ö†ø Öô æø äô eô^jøÓôÖô æø äô ×# Öô VÙø^Îø [196Vá^ÛmŸ] h^jÒ (Ü׊Ú


„Zpí+Š :c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg ~g Z−Z±** ¦ gzZ c [ mZgzZ nÆ\¬vZ : c* â Û ?nÆ¾Ô ¹ä ë Xì x ** » 61

X nÆx Zúê ZgzZnÆVñâ ZÆVâ ›gzZnÆwÎgnZ

Tameem Ad- Dari äß ä³×#³Ö] o³•… narrated : The Prophet " # said,"Deen is sincerity.We said for whom? He " # stated : For Allah, His Book, His Messenger, leaders of the Muslims and for their common people."

äô nìô*Ÿô g$ vômöoj$uø Ü»Òö‚öuø]* àöÚô ç, mö ŸøV Ùø^Îø " # o( fß$Ö] àôÂø ‹õÞø*] à»Âø.104 w13Vá^ÛmŸ] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y äô ŠôË»ßøÖô g % vômö ^Úø ô ¿ðÃÐ ~ ?: c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg ÷Z ** ¦ Xì LecÑLZì e: {zc ð¸LZJ -Z # @* Ñ7yZZ

Anas ä³ß³Â ²] o³•… narrated:The Prophet " # said,"None of you will have faith till he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.''

Ýô^Îø]ô o×øÂø " # ² ô ] Ùø糉ö…ø kö³Ã»³mø^³eø V Ùø^Îø (² ô ]‚ôf»Âø àô³e» †ô³m†ô³qø ໳Âø.105 ø $ Ö] w57Vá^ÛmŸ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ… y Üõ×ô Š»Úö Ø( ÓöÖô xô’ » ß%Ö]æø (éô ^Òøˆ$ Ö] ðô ^jøm]ôæø ( éô ¡’

ì‡i úÐ~ V vZwÎgä~ì e $ZzgÐÅvZègvZ†0k , ** ` ¦ X ų6, 䙄 ZpíÅy›C Ù gzZä™ZŠ Z > 2igzZä™

Jarir bin Abdullah äß ä×ùÖ] o³•… narrated : I made a pledge to Allah's Messenger " # upon establishing the prayer, and giving the Zakat, and sincerity to every muslim.

oÞ(]ô VÙø^ÏøÊø " # o( fôß$Ö] oFÖø]ô غqö…ø ðø ^qøVÙø^Îø p( …ô^’øÞ»Ÿ*»] 9õçÃöŠ»Úø oeô*] à»Âø.106 äö Ö%Sö ]* ^Þø]* =äô ×# Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø ^mø Vغqö…ø Ùø^ÏøÊø p‚ôß»Âô ^Úø VÙø^ÏøÊø !oßô ×»Ûôu»^Êø o³eô Åø‚ô³e»]. †ôq»*] Øö%»Úô äö ×øÊø †õn»ìø oF× Ù$ Sø à»Úø V" # äô ×# Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^ÏøÊø (äö ×öÛôv»mø à»Úø oF×Âø [4899 :é…^ÚŸ] h^jÒ (Ü׊Ú



äô ×ô Âô ^Êø

¿q -Z k0* Æ~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg ~g»ZŠ&1Z ** ¦ }÷:c* â Û ä~ V \ WX £Š ~g ZÎ= Ôì Š H%gâ Y Z÷¹ä kZgzZ c* W Æ¿, ZÐZ~ H~ V wÎgÆvZ} Z Ñ1¿q -Z  X 7~g ZÎk0* ä™ ðÉg Å n:c* â Û ä~ V \ W ?}Š ~g ZÎÐZ  Vƒ C ~ }g !* Xì` Z' , Z' , Æá Zzä™nnÆáZz

Abu Masud Ansari äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : A man came to The Prophet # and said, "my riding animal has died, so give me an animal to ride " upon." So he " # said,''I have none with me." A man said, O messenger of Allah, can I guide him to the one who can provide him with a riding animal?The messenger of Allah " # said,"Whoever guides towards good will receive the reward of the one who does good."

åö †ø ’øÞø gôn»ÇøÖ»] †ô`»¿øeô åö ^ìø*] †ø ’ø³Þø ໳Úø VÙ^Î " # ofßÖ] ᜠ‹Þœ à³Â.107 éô †ø ìô¤] æø ^nø Þ»‚% Ö] oÊô äö ×# Ö] w16685VoÇfÖ] Ø✠Ù^jÎ h^jÒ (p†fÓÖ] àߊÖ] oÊ oÏãne å]æ…y

Åð¸LZäT:c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg÷Z ** ¦ X Çñâ  Û Šæ~]y WgzZ *Š ÅkZ \¬vZÅú"ÆkZŠæ

Anas äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: The Prophet " # said, "Whoever helped his brother in his absence Allah will help him in this world and the Hereafter."


Ýö¡øŠ$ Ö] Øö–»Êø Excellence of Greetings w86: ð«ŠßÖ]y


^ãø ß»Úô àøŠøu»^øeô]çn%vøÊø èõ n$vôjøeô Ü»jön»nùô uö]ƒø]ôæø V oFÖ^Ãi ä×#Ö] Ù^Îø

Ð k QÃkZ Â}™xs»B‚Æx Z Z ðÃZ # gzZ :ì Š  á g Z » \¬vZ

X zŠ[ZB‚Æj§4 Allah The Exalted says: When you are greeted with a greeting, greet in return with what is better than it.

V" # o$ fôß$Ö] Ùø^*‰ø ÷¡qö…ø á$ *] V ^Ûøãöß»Âø äö×#Ö] oø•ô…ø æ †õÛ»Âø àôe ² ô ]‚ôf»Âø à»Âø.108 køÊ»†ø Âø à»Úø o×øÂø Ýø¡øŠ$ Ö] ].†ø Ï»iøæø (Ýø^Ãø _$ Ö] ÜöÃô _»iö V Ùø^Ïø³Êø [ †º³n»ìø Ýô¡ø‰»Ÿô »] p% ]* w12 Vá^ÛmŸ] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

» †ôûiø Ü»Öø à»Úø æø Í

E -“ Ð~ V *™Ñ ä òŠ Wq -Zì e $ZzgÐ é) vZ ègz/0vZ†** ¦ ÃVzuzŠ ?:c* â Û Š á gZä~ V \W ?ì 4{Š c* i]!* ÏyÃÅxsZÔ HwZÎ Xƒ… T7c* ƒ… TÐZ ?ì eÔ¼xsÿC Ù gzZ ƒ î ** 3

Abdullah bin Amr ^Ûãß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : A man asked The Prophet # "Whose Islam is better" The Prophet " " # replied, "To feed (others), and say salam to whom you recognize and (also) whom you do not recognize."

oj$uø èøß$røÖ»] áøç×öìö‚»iø Ÿø V " # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø VÙø^Îø éø †øm»†øâö oeô*] à»Âø.109 åö çÛöjö×»Ãø Êø ]ƒø]ô ðõ o»Zø oF×Âø Ü»ÓöÖ%Sö ]* Ÿø æø *] (]ç»e%^vøiø oj$uø ]ç»ßöÚô ç, ³iö Ÿæøø (]ç³ßö³Úô ç, ³iö [194Vá^ÛmŸ] h^jÒ(Ü׊Ú

å]æ…] Ü»Óößøneø Ýø¡øŠ$ Ö] ]çiöÊ»]ø


[Ü»jöf»eø ^vøiø

~¼ A ?þ:c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ :WJ -Z #M h Ñ 7yZZ ?gzZX ƒ Ñ: yZZJ -Z # Ðjƒ 74ZŠ yxgŠ}g vÂz™¿6, kZ ?Z # VzŠ C:]!* +ZÃ?~HX z™:›~ X z™x ¬Ãxs~:W?ƒZa›

Abu Huraira äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: Allah's Messenger " # said, "You will not enter Paradise until you believe; and you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I not guide you to a thing which if you do, you will love one another: spread (the greeting of peace) Salaam amongst yourselves."

oÖø^Ãø iø ä×# Ö^e Œô^ß$Ö] o³Öøæ»*] á$ ]ô V" # ä×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Î VÙ^Î èøÚø^Úø.] oeô*] à³Â.110 [5197 Vh9¢] h^jÒ (9æ]9 oeüÿ]

å]æ…] Ý¡øŠ$ Ö^e Ü»âö ]*‚øeø à»Úø

Æ \¬vZ : c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg)â Z1Z ** ¦ X}™'~xsì ¿{z4Ѓ q -Š 4,

AbuUmamah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: Allah's messenger " # said," "Indeed the person nearest to Allah The Exalted is the one who is foremost in them in offering Salam."

(†ônfÓøÖ] o×Âø †ö nÇô ’$ Ö] Üö ×( Šømö V " # ²ô] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Î V Ùø^Î éø†øm»†øâö oeœ à»Âø.111 †ôn%ÓøÖ] o×Âø Øön×ÏøÖ]æ(‚ôÂô ^ÏÖ] o×Âø …% ^ÛøÖ]æ w6234 Vá]„òj‰Ÿ] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ] å]æ… y

gzZÃ} (,N* g :c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgÔì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ X ,™xsÃVÍß{Š c* ivß} hðgzZ}™xsÃñƒÆÑZz½

Abu Hurrairah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : Allah's messenger " # said," The younger person should greet the older one, and the walking person 65

should greet the sitting one, and the smaller number of people should greet the larger number of people."

Üö×( Šømö V" # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Î V Ùöç³Ïö³mø äöß»Âø äö×#³Ö] oø³•ô…ø éø†øm»†øâö o»eôø] ໳Âø.112 !†ôn%ô ÓøÖ] o×Âø Øön×ÏøÖ]æø ( ‚ôÂô ^ÏÖ] o×Âø ±Zô^ÛøÖ»]æø (±Z^ÛøÖ] o×Âø göÒô]†$ Ö] (6233Vá]„òj‰Ÿ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ… E

ÔÃ{Š \ g ZÎ: c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgD ™yÒÅvZèg {k , Ù 1Z]| C ó ó}ix?ZÃVß Zz{Š c* iá ZzŠ Z®ÁgzZÃñƒ Æ{Š \

Abu Hurairah ä³ß 䳳×ù³Ö] o³•… narrated: The Messenger of Allah " # said, "A rider should greet a pedestrian, a pedsestrian should greet one who is sitting, and a small group should greet a large group (of people)."

Ü»ãö Öø áõ^Ûø×»Æô oF×øÂø †$ Úø " # äô ×# Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø á$ ]* V wÔ õ Öô^Úø àôe»y ‹ôÞø]* ໳Âø .113 D5663: Ý¡ŠÖ] h^jÒ (Ü×ŠÚ å]æ…E !Ü»ãôn»×øÂø Üø×$ ŠøÊø

}g ¦ / Ðd $Œ Û ÆVñP ~ V \WD ™yÒÅvZèg÷Z]|

X ¹xs7Z ä~ V \W Â

Anas bin Malik ä³ß 䳳×ù³Ö] o³•… narrated, that the Messenger of Allah " # passed by some children and greeted them.

(Ü»ãôÞô^nø f»‘ô o×øÂø Üö×( Šømöæø (…ø ^’øÞ»¢] …ö æˆö mø áø^Ò (" # ofßÖ] á$ œ ‹Þœ àÂ.114 w459Vá^ŠuŸ]æ†fÖ] h^jÒ (á^fu àe] å]æ…y

Ü»ãö ‰øææ. …ö xöŠøÛ»mø æø

¸D™ c* Y nÆ]‡5Åg »Z ~ V \Wì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg÷Z ** ¦ X¸D™Z¢B;6, VzuÆyZgzZ¸D™ HxsÃV”ÆyZgzZ

Anas äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated that The Prophet " # used to visit the Ansar and greet their children and patted / touched their heads. 66

VÙø^Îø [˜õûføÖô ^ßø–öûeø oßôvøß»mø]* = äô ×# Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø ^mø VÙø^Îø ÔõÖô^Úø àôe» ‹ôÞø*] à»Âø.115 ]çvöÊø^’øiø à»ÓôÖFæø (Ÿø VÙø^Îø [^÷–ûeø ^ßø–öûeø ÐöÞô^Ãøø mö*] V^ßø×»Îö!Ÿø w3702Vh9¢] h^jÒ(äq^Ú àe] å]æ…y

wÎgÆvZ} Z Ô ¹ä V,Zì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg ´ â 0 ÷Z ** ¦ ë H ¹äëX 7:c* â Û~ V \W™ÌɉÐ~ë H ! ~ V X z™ HgrÉ 7:c* â Û~ V \ W,™5ŒÃ‰‰Ð~

Anas bin Malik äß ä×#Ö] o•… said : O Messenger of Allah " # "Should we bow down for others? He " # said No. We said," should we embrace one another?" He " # said: No, but you should shake hands with one another.

áô^nø Ïô jø×»mø àôn»Ûø×ô ³Š»Úö ໳Úô ^³Úø V " # ä×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ù^Î VÙ^³Î ðô]†ø³føÖ»] à³Â.116 [5212Vh9¢] h^jÒ (9æ]9 oeü]ÿ å]æ…] ^Îø†ôjøË»mø á»]ø Øøf»Îø (^Ûøãö Öø †ø Ëô ÆöŸ$]ô áô^vøÊø^’ ø jønø Êø

ë!* y›zŠ : c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZ ègY Z_Z ** ¦

Xì @* Yc* ŠjÃyZVƒZ] .{znZIÂ,™grgzZ,™]‡5

Al Bara äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: Allah's messenger " # said, "Two muslims will not meet and shake hands without having their sins forgiven before they depart."


g% vöÖ»]ø Love

Ü»ãôn»Öø]ô†ø qø^âø à»Úø áøç»f%vômö Ü»ãô×ô f»Îø à»Úô áø^ÛømûŸô »]æø …ø ]‚$ Ö]æ. ç$ føiø àøm»„ôÖ$]æø V oFÖ^Ãi ä×#Ö] Ù^Îø áø^Òø ç»Öøæø Ü»ãôŠôËöÞ»]ø 1×5 Âø áø滆ö $ô©möæø ]ç»iöæ»]ö «Û$ Úôù è÷qø^uø Ü»âô …滂ö‘ö o»Êô áø滂örô³møŸæøø w9 : †ivÖ]y

躑ø^’øìø Ü»ãôeô

?:XÅZg ZŠ™ÑyZZ „¬Ðæ M Å+` }~] çE 'yZ :ì Š  á g Z » \¬vZ

¼gzZ  ñ M k0* ÆyZÆ™]ó  D™›Ð VÍßyQt X¸ ŠpgzZ D™7kC~Vߊ LZtJ -~ # q ðÃÅkZ ñYc* Š}ŠÃyZ Ì Xƒ]gz¢h +”„XŠp{ ZpïŠ ßF, ¹Z6, z Z LZ Allah The Exalted says: And (it is also for) those who, before them, had homes (in al-Madinah) and had adopted the Faith, love those who emigrate to them and have no jealousy in their breasts for that which they have been given and give them preference over themselves, even though they were in need of that.

w 67: ͆ìˆù Ö]y àøn»Ïô j$ÛöÖ»] Ÿ$]ô æ' ‚ö Âø

˜õûføÖô Ü»`ö –öûeø„õ òô Úø ç»mø ðö ¡?$ìôŸø »]øV oFÖ^Ãi ä×#Ö] Ù^Îø

-Z „ q  zŠ ƒ  ¹!* ™hgÃéÂ Ç ñ M Z # yŠ {z: ì Š  á g Z » \¬vZ

XÐN YƒÔŠÆ}uzŠ Allah The Exalted says: Friends on that Day will be foes one to another except Al-Muttaqun.(the pious)

V èô Úø ^nø Ïô Ö»] Ýøç»mø ÙöçÏömø äø ×# Ö] á$ ]ô V" # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø VÙø^Îø øé†øm»†øâö oeô*] à»Âø.117 68

o×( ¾ô Ÿ$]ô Ø$ ¾ô Ÿø Ýøç»mø (o×( ¾ô oÊô Ü»ãö ×%¾ô]. Ýø ç»nø Ö»] (oÖô¡ørøeô áøçe%^vøjøÛöÖ»] àøm»]* w 6548Vè×’Ö] æ†fÖ] h^jÒVÜ×ŠÚ å]æ…y

yŠÆ# Ö ª :c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ ÃyZ~` WyÃá Zzpg›~:WÐzzÅW~÷Çñâ  Û \¬vZ X ǃ:t‚ðÃ{z´Æñ‚}÷²ÇVzŠ(~t‚LZ

Abu Huraira äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said, " Allah (The Exalted) will say on the Day of Standing, "Where are those who have mutual love for the sake of My Glory. Today I shall shelter them in My shade the day when there will be no shade but Mine"

˜øÇøe»œæø ( äô ×# Öô g$ uøœ à»Úø VÙ^Î äöÞ$œ " # ä×#Ö] Ùôç‰ö…ø à èøÚø^Úø.] oeœ àÂ.118 áø^ÛømŸô] ØøÛøÓ»jø‰»] ‚ôÏøÊø äô ×# Öô ÄøßøÚø æø ( äô ×# Öô o_ø»œæø (äô ×# Öô [ 4681 VäߊÖ] h^jÒ ( 9æ]9 oeüœ

å ] æ… ]

\¬vZäT:c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg)â Z1Z ** ¦ vZgzZ c* Š nÆ \¬vZ äTgzZ 3gnÆ\¬vZgzZ Å›nÆ X 1™åyZZ CZäkZ »zgnÆ\¬

Abu Umamah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : Allah's Messenger said," Whoever loved for Allah and hated for Allah and gave for Allah and withheld for Allah so indeed he has completed his Iman (Faith) ."

Ÿø à»Ûøn»Êô †ø n»ìø Ÿø æø (̺Öø©Úö àöÚô ç, ÛöÖ»] VÙ^Îø " # ofßÖ] ᜠéø†øm»†øâö oeô*] ໳Âø.119 [400,2V ‚Ûuüÿ] å]æ…] Ì ö Öøç, mö Ÿø æø ÌöÖø^,mø ¿Z 0* Zuðñ:c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgÔì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ 69

Xì @* YH›{z:gzZì @* ™›: 7íðÃ~kZgzZì

Abu Hurairah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : The Prophet " # said," A Momin is an embodiment of love and affection and there is no good in one who neither loves nor is loved."

åô ‚ônø eô oŠôË»Þø p„ôÖ$] æø V Ùø^Îø " # o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø äöß»Âø äö×#Ö] oø•ô…ø éø†øm»†øâö oeô*] à»Âø.120 åô ‚ôÖøæø æø åô ‚ôÖô]æø à»Úô äô n»Öø]ô g$ uø]* áøçÒö]ø oj$uø Ü»Òö‚öuø ]* àöÚô ç, mö Ÿø w14Vá^ÛmŸ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

]Z f kZì n: c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ kZ~J -Z # ǃ:gZ0 +ZZ ÌðÃÐ ~?Ôì yY ~÷~B; ÆTÅ X Vƒ Y0:[8»kZ {Š c* iЊ ÑzZgzZ−ZzÆ

Abu Hurrairah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : Allah's Messenger said," By Him in whose hand is my life, none of you will have faith until I am more beloved to him than his father and his children."

^Û$ Öøæ Ýøç»ÏøÖ] g% vô³mö Øö³qö†$ ³Ö] V " # oùfôß$×Öô ØønÎô V Ùø^Î oF‰øç³Úö o³eœ àû» ³Âø.121 w6170V h9¢] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

g$ uøœ à»Úø ÄøÚø ðö †»ÛøÖ] VÙø^Î [Ü»ãôeô лvø×»mø

-Z Š q HHn²Ð ~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg ~ÄZ .ñ1Z ** ¦ V \ W ?ì e™7]‡5Ð kZpì ‚ ~ rg›Ð ® ) )q -Z ¿

Xì ‚ rg›{zÐTìB‚ÆkZy¨ KZ :c* â Ûä

Abu Musa äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: It was said to The Prophet " # "A man may love some people but has not been with them. The Prophet " # said, "A man will be with those whom he loves."

^mø VÙø^ÏøÊø " # äô ×# Ö] Ùôç‰ö…ø oFÖø]ô غqö…ø ðø ^³qø V Ùø^Îø (ÔõÖô^Úø àôe» ‹ôÞø*] à»Âø.122 70

äô ×# Ö] g$ ³uöVÙø^³Îø [^³`ø Öø løS»‚ø³Â»]* ^Úø æø VÙø^Îø [èöÂø ^³Š$ Ö] o³jøÚø =äô ³×# ³Ö] Ùø糉ö…ø ø Þ$^ô ³Êø VÙø^³Îø (äô ³Öô糉ö…ø æø ‚øûeø (^ßøu»†ôÊø ^ÛøÊø V ‹ º Þø]* Ùø^Îø!kø³f»fø u»]* ໳Úø Äø³Úø Ô

ø $Þ^ô Êø V " !køf»fø u»*] à»Úø ÄøÚø Ô # o( fôß$Ö] Ùôç»Îø à»Úô ‚$ Zø]* ^u÷†ø Êø(Ýô¡ø‰»Ÿô »]

D6713: è×’Ö]æ†fÖ] h^jÒ( Ü×ŠÚ å]æ…E

\I B wÎgÆvZ} ZÔ HÄc* gŠ ä ú q -ZD™yÒÅvZèg÷Z]| aÆ# Ö ªä Ôk\Z6,:c* â Û ä~ V \W ?σ“ # Ö ª!~ V ì Å~g »t sÜaÆ# Ö ªä~ :c* Š[ Z äkZ ?ì Å~g » H ¿kZ ÂÔ c* â Û ä~ V \WX Vƒ @* ™›Ð ~ V wÎgÆkZgzZvZ~

ëÔHyÒäÅvZèg ÷Z]|Xì ›~¾B‚ÆTǃB‚Æ Ð ]!* kZ Å ~ V \W A ñƒ 7lp Ú Z6,]!* ËˆÆ ä ÑxsZ óì ó ›~¾B‚ÆTǃB‚ÆkZ —" L Lñ þ ƒlp

Anas bin Malik äß ä³×ù³Ö] o³•… narrated, that the Messenger of Allah (" #) said, "A man came to the Messenger of Allah " # and said,"O messenger of Allah " # ! When will the hour occur? Woe to you ,he replied, and what preparation have you made for it? He said, I have not prepared for it except that I love Allah and His Messenger " # . He " # said ,"You will be with those whom you Love." Anas äß ä×ùÖ] o•… said: "I never saw the Muslims rejoicing with anything after Islam greater than they were after hearing the words of the Prophet " # "Then indeed you will be with whom you love."

äô ×ô n×ìø àômSô o×øÂø Øö³qö†$ ³Ö] V" # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø VÙø^Îø éø†øm»†ø³âö o³e*] ໳Âø.123 w2378V‚âˆÖ] h^jÒ (p„Ú†jÖ] å]æ…y


ØöÖô^íømö à»Úø Ü»Òö‚öuø*] †»¿öß»nø ×»Êø

 zŠ LZ òŠ W :c* „ â Û ä~ V vZ wÎg Ôì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ Xì ;g™4zŠB‚ƾ{zAŠgz¢tòŠ WC Ù Ð~?:Ôì @* ƒ6, +ŠÆ

Abu Huraira äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said, "A person is upon the faith of his friend. So everyone of you should see whom you are befriending."

Øöqö†$ Ö] g$ uø]* ]ƒø]ô VÙ^Î " # o( fß$Ö] à hø†ôÒø p‚ôûÚø àôe Ýô]‚øÏ»Ûô³Ö] à³Â.124 w5124Vh9¢] h^jÒ (9æ]9 oeœ å]æ…y äö f%vômö äö Þ$*] åö †»fôí»nö ×»Êø åö ^ìø]*

# :c* Z â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg [™~n0x Zl ** ¦ /J4X3 eÐZ Â}™›Ðð¸LZòŠ W Xì @* ™›ÐkZ {z}Š CÐZ õG

Al-Miqdaam bin Ma'di karib äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated : The Prophet " # said, "When a man loves his brother (for Allah's sake) he should inform him that he loves him."

æœ ˆ$ Âø æø $Øqø äô ×# Ö] oÊô áô^ßø$»] S$ ]çø iø ^³Úø VÙø^Î " # äô×#Ö] Ùø牅 áùœ ‹õÞœ àÂ.125 ^Ûøâö ‚öuø]* äö $ö‚ôv»mö gõÞ»ƒø Ùöæ$ œ ^Ûøãö ßøn»eø Ñø†( Ëønö Êø (Ýô¡‰ø » Ÿô] oÊ w401V9†ËÛÖ] h9¢] oÊ p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

ÆvZ ¿zŠ : c* â Û ä~ V wÎgÆvZì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg÷Z ** ¦ Æy Z { k H» ËÐ ~VâzŠpÔD™›~:WÐzz ÅxsZ c* n Xì ꊙÏeyxgŠ

Anas äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated V Allah's messenger " # said," There are no two friends who have mutual love for the sake of Allah The Exalted and magnificent and for the sake of Islam and then seperation is caused between them by a sin committed by one of them."


èöm$‚ôãø Ö] Gift


]çe%^vøiø ]æSø ^`ø iø " # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø VÙø^Îø éø†øm»†øaö oeô*] à»Âø.126

w308VoF×Ãm oeÿœ å]æ…y

1t@~ :W:D â  Û~ V x™Z Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ X σZa ›b!* ÐkZz™ c* Š Abu Hurairah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said," Give gifts you will love one another."

Øöfø Ï»mø " # äô ×# Ö] Ùö糉ö…ø áø^³Òø V k»Öø^Î ^ãß»Âø äö×#³Ö] oø³•ô…ø èøEøñô^³Â ໳Âø.127 w2585V^ã×–Êæ èfãÖ] h^jÒ p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

^ãn×øÂø gön%ômöæ èøm$‚ôãø Ö]

kZgzZ D™ 1â  Û wJt@~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐvZègÈ ¬{¦ Aisha ^ãß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : Allah's Messenger and used to give something in return.

X¸D™ c* Š Ì!$ +»

# used to accept gifts "

]æS% †ö iø Ÿæ (oøÂô ]‚$ Ö] ]çfö nqô*] V" # ä×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø VÙ^Î ä×#Ö] ‚ô³f»Âø à³Â .128 [5603Vèu^eŸô] æ †–vÖ] h^jÒ ( á^fu àe] å]æ…] àønÛô×ô Š » ÛöÖ] ]çeö †ô–»iø Ÿ æ (èøm$‚ôãø Ö]

¶Š ]úŠ : c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgì e $Zzg ÐÅvZ ègvZ† ** ¦ X zg â # Ö ÃVâ ›gzZÔ ƒ N* ß# Ö jÔz™wJÃ]úŠ ÅáZz

Abdullah äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated :Allah's messenger " # said," Accept the invitation of the inviter, do not return the gift, and do not hit the Muslims."


(áº^vøm»…ø äô n»×øÂø šø†ôÂö ໳Úø V" # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø VÙø^Îø éø†øm»†øâö o³eô*] ໳Âø.129 xôm†( Ö] gön(›ø ØôÛôv»ÛøÖ»] ÌönËô ìø äö Þ$^ôÊø (åö S% †ö mø ø¡Êø

[5883Vh9Ÿ] àÚ Á^ËÖŸ] h^jÒ (Ü׊Ú


gZŠ ÒpÃT:c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎg Ôì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ {ÒpÅkZgzZ 7ú1 ðà » kZ n kZ ñN* ß: ÃkZ {z ÂñY c* Š wY Xì

Abu Hurairah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: Allah's messenger " # said," He who is presented with a scented flower should not refuse it, for it is light to carry and pleasant in scent."

Åõ]…ø ƒô oÖ]ô könÂô Sö ç»Öø VÙø^Î " # o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø äöß»Âø äö×#Ö] oø•ô…ø éø†øm»†øâö oeœ à»Âø.130 kö×»fôÏøÖø ź]†ø Òö 滜 ź]…ø ƒô o$ Ö]ô pø‚ôâ»]. ç»Öøæ (köf»qø ¢ Åõ]†ø Òö 滜 w2568VèfãÖ] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

gzZzi !* =¤ /Z : c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐ ÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ Æ) ñ0* c* zi !* =gzZ ÇVß™wJ~ ÂñY~Š]úŠ Ì6,( “  ÍÆ) ñ0* X Vß™wJÌÐZ ÂñY5j» ( “ Í

Abu Huraira äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: The Prophet " # said, "I will accept the invitation even if I was invited to a meal of a sheep's trotter and I will accept the gift even if it were an arm or a trotter of a sheep."

äô jô fø âô oÊ ‚öñô^ÃÖ] V " # o% fôß$Ö] Ùø^Î V Ùø^Î ^Ûãöß»Âø ö²] oø•ô…ø Œõ^f$Âø àôe] àôÂø.131 w2621VèfãÖ] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y äô òô n»Îø oÊ ‚ôñô^ÃÖ^Ò Zƒ c* Š CZ :c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZègk„0vZ†** ¦ 74

X ÑZzUe» ºðƒÅKZ‰ì (Z ÑZzh e:Zzt@

Ibn Abbas ^Ûãß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: The Prophet " # said, "He who takes back his gift is like him who swallows his vomit."

ð÷ ^_øÂø oø_ô»]. ໳Úø V " # ä×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Î VÙø^Î ä×#Ö] ‚ôf»Âø àô³e †ô³eô^³qø ໳Â.132 à»Úø æø åö †ø ÓøZø ‚»ÏøÊø äô eô oß$»*] à»ÛøÊø (äô eø àô%»nö ×»Êø ‚»rômø Ü»Öø á»^ô Êø (äô eô ˆôr»³nø ×»³Êø ‚ø³qøçø ³Êø w4813Vh9¢] h^jÒ ( 9æ]9 oeœ å]æ…y

åö †ø ËøÒø ‚»ÏøÊø äö ÛøjøÒø

¿T :c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZègvZ†0', Y ** ¦ Ô}Š!$ + ’ eÐZ ƒ ‚ rg]gŠÅ¶Š!$ +»kZ {zgzZ ñY ~Šq ðÃà ä TgzZ H ZŠ Z]ä kZ Åp°ä TX}™p° Ân }Š:!$ +¤ /Z X Å~]** äkZ c* Ö

Jabir bin Abdullah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : The Messenger of Allah " # said," Whoever is given a present and has a means then he should give something in return and whoever has no means to do so he should praise him for whoever praises he has indeed been grateful to him and whoever conceales it so indeed he is ungrateful."


†ö f»ÓôÖ] Arrogance°

Üøß$ãø qø áøç»×öìö‚»nø ‰ø o»iôSø ^fø Âô à»Âø áø滆ö fôÓ»jøŠ»mø àøm»„ôÖ$] á$ ]ô V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^³Îø w60: àÚ©ÛÖ] y àøm»†ôìôSF

?fgz¢ÔD hñìÐ]Š „~÷™ M~ïvßìŠ  á g Z »\¬vZ

ÐVƒ4ZŠ~3™ƒg Zpz Allah The Exalted says: Verily, those who seek to be proud /assume greatness from My worship they will surely enter Hell in humiliation.

pçø %»Úø ‹øò»fôÊø ^ãø n»Êô àøm»‚ô×ô ìF Üøß$ãø qø hø]çø e»]ø3ç»×öìöS»] Øøn»Îô V

oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø w72: †ÚˆÖ]y àøm»†ùô fôÓøjøÛöÖ»]

»[Z VŒÔ~ Vzi ZzgŠÆ3î Yƒ4ZŠÔ ÇñY ¹ :ì Š  á gZ » \¬vZ

XaÆVz-tì ** 1Z' , „Z (, Ôì xgå Allah The Exalted says: It will be said (to them): Enter you the gates of Hell, to abide therein, And (indeed) what an evil abode of the arrogant!

ðö ^mø†ôf»ÓôÖ»] VoÖø^Ãiø ä×# Ö] Ùø^³Î V" # ä×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Î VÙ^³Î éø †øm»†øâö oe*] à»Âø.133 …ô^ß$Ö] oÊô äö jöÊ»„øÎø ^Ûøãö ß»Úô ]‚÷uô]æø oßô Âø ‡ø ^Þ à»ÛøÊø (p…ô]‡ø ]ô èöÛø¿øÃø Ö»] æø oñô]Sø …ô w4090VŒ^f×Ö] h^jÒ (9æ]9 oeœ å]æ…y

Dâ Û \¬vZ :c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ ËÐ ~VâzŠ yZ ä ¿Tì g Zi Z ~÷ÑgzZì gŠ e ~÷ðc* º X ÇVzŠN~v WÐZ~Ô H¨ £Ðí6, -Z q 76

Abu Hurairah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said , Allah the exalted said,"Pride is my cloak and honour is my Loin cloth and whoever contends with me regarding one of them both, I will throw him in the fire."

àøÚ åö …ø ]‡ø ]ô †% römø غqö…ø ^Ûß³neø VÙø^Î " # o$ fôß$Ö] á$ œ äö$ø‚$ uø†øÛøÂö àø³e] á$ ø].134 èô Úø ^nÏô Ö] Ýôç»mø oÖ]ô šô…»Ÿ* ] oÊ Øörø×»røjømø çø `ö Êø äô e ÌøŠôìö ðô ¡nø íöÖ] [ 3485Vð^nfÞŸü] '9^uü] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ]

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zz Å°¿q -Z :c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg/0Z ** ¦ Ö ª{z[ZgzZ Š # Hc* Š vŠ~}iÐZ å;g Y Zƒ96,}iȵCZÐ X ÇñY`bŠ~}i„V- J -

Ibn Umar äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated that The Prophet " # said," A man was walking dragging his dress with pride, he was sunk in the earth because of it and will keep sinking in the earth till the day of standing.

(†ö jøí»fø jømø غqö…ø ^Ûøßø³n»eø V Ùø^Îø " # äô×#Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø á$ *] W éø†øm»†ø³aö o³eôœ ໳Âø.135 çø `ö Êø (šø…»*Ÿ»] äô eô äö ×# Ö] ÌøŠøíøÊø ( äö ŠöË»Þø äö j»fø rø»]* ‚»Îø (äô m»Sø †»eö oÊô o³iôÛ»³mø [ 5467: èøßmˆÖ]æ Œ^f×Ö] h^jÒ(Ü׊Ú

å]æ…yèô Úø ^nø Ïô Ö»] Ýôç»mø oÖF]ô ^`ø nÊô


@* Z F, Z ¿q -Z : c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ Ôå Zƒ c* Š™2~ ~I ŠpÐZ ä ÑÆkZ Ô å ;g Y `~ VzÀ LZ Zƒ `bŠ~}iJ -yŠÆ# Ö ª{z :Ôc* Š vŠ~}iÐZ ä\¬vZ X ÇñY

Abu Hurairah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said,"There was a man who was walking with pride due to his fine clothing, and 77

well pleased with himself, so Allah sunk him in the earth and he will go on sinking in it till the day of standing."

áø^Òø à»Úø èøß$røÖ»] Øöìö‚»mø Ÿø VÙø^Îø " # o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø 9õçÃöŠ»Úø àôe» äô×#Ö] ‚ôf»Âø à»Âø.136 äö eö ç»$ø áøçÓömø á»]* g% vômö Øøqö†$ Ö] á$ ]ô Vغqö…ø Ùø^Îø †õf»Òô à»Úô éõ …$ ƒø Ùö^Ïø%»Úô äô fô×»³Îø o³Êô

†ö _øeø V†ö f»ÓôÖ»] (Ùø^Ûørø³Ö»] g% vômö غnÛôqø ä×# ³Ö] á$ ]ô VÙø^Îø .è÷ßøŠøuø äö ×öûÞø æø (^ß÷³Šøuø [265Vá^ÛmŸ] h^jÒ(Ü×ŠÚ å]æ…] Œ ô ^ß$Ö] ¼öÛ»Æø æø Ð( vøÖ»]

¿{z :c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZ ègŠ&0vZ† ** ¦

äòŠ Wq -ZÔǃ°Ì' , Z' , Æ}g f q -Z~wŠÆT ÇñY 7~ ¼ A \W ?VƒiZ D Æ kZgzZƒ YZ k] eZì It ÃòŠ WÔ HwZÎ gzZ ** Z’Ãh:°Xì @* â Û I Ãw) gzZì Õ\¬vZ G Ô c* â Û ä~ V Xì 'HÃVÍß

Abdullah Bin Masud äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated: The Prophet " # said,""He who has in his heart (even), a weight of an atom of arrogance will not enter Paradise. Someone said: How about a person who likes to wear beautiful clothes and shoes?Allah's Messenger " # said," "Indeed Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty, arrogance means rejecting the Truth and having contempt for people."

Øôâ» ^*e Ü»Òö†ö fôì»]. Ÿ*] VÙø^Î " # oùfôß$Ö] àôÂø o( Â]ˆøíöÖ] gõâ»æø àôe» èø$ø…ô^u ໳Âø.137 Øôâ»^*eô Ü»Òö†ö fôì»].Ÿ]*(åö †$ eø¢² ô ] o×øÂø Üø Šøλœç»Öø ÌõÂô ^–³jøÚö ÌõnÃô ³•ø Ø% ³Ò[èô ß$³rø³Ö] w 6071(h9¢] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

†õfôÓ»jŠ»Úö Áõ]ç$ qø Ø) jöÂö Ø% Òö […ô^ß$Ö]

~ H : c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñ HyÒ äÅvZ èg ¦Z 2 < Ø z 0Xg q ** ¦ 78

Âá 3n{z ¤ /Z ÑZz äYŒHgzZ gz$C Ù ? VzŠ : ¸Å Vß Zz ¼ A» ™š /ZÔpHC Ù ?VzŠ:¸ÅVß Zzc izŠ»~HX}Š™ Zg7ÃnÅkZ \¬vZ X-gzZ ÑZz½

Haritha bin Wahab Al-Khuzai äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated : The Prophet " # said,"Shall I not inform you about the people of Paradise?They comprise every weak, unimportant person and if he takes Allah's oath upon doing something, Allah will fullfill it. Shall I not inform you of the people of Hell Fire? They comprise of every hostile, one walking conceitedly and arrogant person."

äö ×# Ö] Üöãö Ûö×( Óø³mö Ÿø èº$ø¡$ø V" # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø V Ùø^Îø éø†øm»†øâö ±³eôø] ໳Âø .138 hº]„øÂø Ü»ãö Öøæø Ü»ãôn»Öø]ô †ö ¿öß»mø Ÿæøø Vèømøæô^Ãø Úö çeö*] Ùø^Îø - Ü»ãônÒ( ˆø mö Ÿøæø èô Úø ^nø Ïô Ö»] Ýøç»mø

º ×ô Úø æø (áõ]‡ø îºn»Zø VܺnÖô]* !†ºfôÓ»jøŠ»Úö غñô^Âø æø (hº]„$ Òø Ô

D296:á^ÛmŸ] h^jÒ ( Ü×ŠÚ å]æ…E

&:c* â Û äÅz mvZ -vZwÎgD™yÒÅvZèg {k , Ù 1Z]| C Ç}™{ À 0* 7Z: Ô Çƒx¯ë: yŠÆ# Ö ª\¬vZÐ X, Z ¿ [Z±u** ŠgŠaÆyZgzZ ÇAŠ + $Y ÅyZ:äÅvZègtzç1Z ¹gzZ XM-ZŠgzZ Áq N* ÑZuzŠÔ ãZi Jh1q -ZX ǃ

Abu Hurairah ä³ß 䳳×ù³Ö] o³•… narrated: The Messenger of Allah " # said, "There are three persons to whom Allah will not speak on the Day of Resurrection, nor will purify them, Abu Mua'wiyah said and will not look at them, and they will have a painful punishment. These are ; an aged fornicator, a ruler who lies and a proud poor person."


‚öŠøvøÖ] EnvyŠ

ä´×ô –»Êø à»Úô äö ×#Ö] Üöãö iF! «Úø o×FÂø Œø^ß$Ö] áø滂öŠöv»mø Ý»]ø V oFÖ^Ãi ä×#Ö] Ù^Îø w54: ð«ŠßÖ]y

LZ7ZävZD™ŠakZÐVzuzŠtHQ :ìŠ  á gZ »\¬vZ ?c* Ši ZâÐa

Allah The Exalted says: Or do they envy men (Muhammad his followers) for what Allah has given them of His Bounty?

w5: Ð×ËÖ]y

# and "

‚øŠøuø ]ƒø]ô ‚õ‰ô^uø †( Zø à»Úô æø V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø

X}™Š{zZ # ÐÑƇ qgzZ :ìŠ  á gZ »\¬vZ Allah The Exalted says: And from the evil of the envier when he envies.

V‚õf»Âø gô×»Îø oÊô áô^Ãø Ûôjør»³mø Ÿø VÙø^Îø " # äô×#Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø á$ *] éø†øm»†øâö oeô*] ໳Âø.139 w3111V9^ãrÖ] h^jÒ (oñ^ŠßÖ] å]æ…y ‚öŠøvøÖ»] æø áö^ÛømŸô »] ~wŠÆòŠ W:c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ XM hƒ7¦ŠgzZyZZ

Abu Hurairah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said," Two things cannot be gathered in the heart of a believer, Iman (Faith) and Envy.

[Øö–øÊ»*] Œô^ß$Ö] p% *] V " # äô×#Ö] Ùôç‰ö†øÖô ØønÎô V Ùø^Îø æ†õÛ»Âø àôe» äô×#Ö] ‚ôf»Âø à»Âø.140 (áô^Šø×( Ö] Ñöæ‚ö³‘ø :]çÖö^Îø (á^Šø×( Ö] Ñôæ‚ö‘ø (gô×»Ïø³Ö»] Ýôç³Ûö³í»³Úø Ø% ³ÒöVÙø^³Îø 80

æø oøÇ»eø Ÿøæø äô nÊô Üø$»]ô Ÿø! o% Ïô ß$Ö] o% Ïô j$Ö] çø âö VÙø^Îø [gô×»ÏøÖ»] ÝöçÛöí»Úø ^ÛøÊø !äö Êö†ôû³Þø w4216V‚âˆÖ] h^jÒ(äq^Ú àe] å]æ…y ø‚Šøuø Ÿæøø Ø$ Æô Ÿø ~VÍß Š H¹Ð~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZègz/0vZ†** ¦ äVÍßX C»y!* iÔ wŠ s ™C Ù :c* â Û ä~ V \W?ì aZÐ ƒ  yà u0* Ôg ÇÌ6,{z c* â Û ?ì yÃwŠ s ™p … Të ÂÃF Æy!* i¹ XŠ: : Ôƒ]zŒ:Ôƒ: { k H~wŠÆTs ™

Abdullah bin Amr äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: The Messenger of Allah " # was asked who amongst men is the best? He replied, "Everyone pure of heart, truthful of tongue." They enquired, truthful of tongue, we know but what is"pure of heart" ? He" # said, "He who is pure and pious there is neither sin in him, nor transgression, nor ill feeling nor envy."


x% i% Ö] Covetness w128: ð«ŠßÖ]y


x$ i% Ö] ‹öËöÞ»Ÿø »] lô†ø –ôu»]öæø V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø

X D Yƒbâ ~¢s§Åà ŠßÑ :ìŠ  á gZ »\¬vZ Allah The Exalted says: And human inner-selves are swayed by greed.

ø òô Ö5 æ^öÊø ä´ŠôË»Þø x$ Zö Ñøç»m% à»Úø æø V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø áç»vö×ô Ë»ÛöÖ»] Üöâö Ô

w9:†ivÖ] y

b #„z‰ aXÐ ;ÅwŠ LZvßìt |:ì Š  á g Z » \¬vZ X á Zzä0* Allah The Exalted says: And whosoever is saved from his own covetousness, such are they who will be the successful.

x% i% Ö] ÄöÛô³jør»³mø Ÿø V" # äô³×#Ö] Ùö糉ö…ø Ùø^³Îø VÙø^³Îø éø †ø³m»†ø³âö oeô*] ໳Âø.141 [3112 V9^ãrÖ] h^jÒ ( oñ^ŠßÖ] å]æ… ] ]‚÷eø *]‚õf»Âø g ô ×»Îø oÊô áö^ÛømŸô »]æø

ËyZZgzZk:c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ XM hƒ7¦~wŠÆy¨ KZ

Abu Hurairah äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated : Allah's messenger " # said, "Stinginess and Iman can never be gathererd in the heart of a servant "

x' Zö Øõqö…ø oÊô ^Úø †% Zø VÙöçÏömø " # ä×#Ö] Ùç‰ö…ø köûÛô‰ø VÙöçÏömø éø†øm»†øâö oe] à³Â w2511V9^ãrÖ] h^jÒ(9æ]9 oeœ å]æ…y ĺÖô^ìø àºf»qö æø 82


} È: ‹ D â  Û Ã~ V vZwÎg ä~ì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ Xƒà Zz% ïwŠ à Š ) , gzZ à Zz¶Š Ñgì ²{zì CY~Š¹~' , Ã

Abu Hurairah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : I heard the Messenger of Allah " # say,"The evil (to be found) in a person is stinginess which makes one impatient and cowardise which makes the heart void."

á$ ^ô Êø (x$ i% Ö] ]çÏö³i$] VÙø^Îø " # äô×#Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø á$ *] (äô×#Ö] ‚ôf»Âø àô³e» †ô³eô^³qø ໳Âø.142 ø ×ø³â»*] x$ ³i% Ö] æø Ü»âö ðø ^Úø Sô ]çÓöËø‰ø á»]* oF×Âø Ü»ãö ×øÛøuø (Ü»³Óö³×ø³f»Îø áø^³Òø ໳Úø Ô [6576Vè×’Ö] æ †fÖ] h^jÒ (Ü׊Ú

å ] æ… ]

Ü»ãö Úø …ô^vøÚø ]ç×% vøjø‰»]

Ð k:c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZ ègvZ†0', Y ** ¦

¹Z ä kkZX¸¬Ð ? Huh ÃVÍßyZ „ ä kn kZ !” X H{Š â W6, Kw'ÃVzqx ZwgzZ6, ä·yp »VJZ

Jabir bin Abdullah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: Allah's Messenger " # said, "Be on guard against stinginess, for stinginess destroyed those before you. It incited them to shed blood of each other and treat the unlawful as lawful."


”ö†»vôÖ] Greed mæ‚ :L

åü †ö Šôùnø ßöŠøÊø !oßFŠ»vöÖ»^eô hø„$ Òøæø !oßFÇ»jø‰»]æø Øøíôeø à»Úø ^³Ú$ ]øæø V oÖF^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø w8.11: Øn×Ö]y pS# †ø iø ]ƒø]ô äö Öö ^Úø ?(äß»Âø o»ßô Ç»mö ^Úø æø !p†FŠ»Ãö ×»Öô Ãð>gzZ C',~i *" ( Ð Z} .LZ )gzZ HkäTgzZ :ìŠ  á g Z »\¬vZ x »¾ÆkZy M wâ »kZgzZXÐ,Šª œaÆ5 ZgJëÃkZÔ c* P ?ñYƒuh{z²Çñ M Allah The Exalted says: But he who is greedy miser and thinks himself self sufficient." And belies Al-Husna (the best) .We will make smooth for him the path for evil and what will his wealth avail him.

w1.2:†$^ÓjùÖ]y †ø eô^ÏøÛøÖ»] Üöiö…»‡ö

oj#uø! †ö $ö^Óøj$Ö] ÜöÓöãFÖ»]ø V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø

Ýq *Š™| (, Ð}uzŠq -ZgzZ {Š c* iÐ{Š c* iÃVÍß ? :ì Š  á g Z »\¬vZ VJ -gÍ ïE -VŒì 3gwZ e~êäï™Åä™ L Å?( ~„ÏZ )J XƒD Y Allah The Exalted says:The mutual rivalry (for piling up of worldly things) diverts you, Untill you visit the graves (i.e. till you die)

w8V kmF‚ÃFÖ]y ‚ºmû‚ôiøÖø †ônû íøÖû] gùô vöÖô äü Þ$]ôæø

V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø

Xì 2b§~', ~›Åª zŠzwâ ( y¨ KZ ) {zgzZ :ìŠ  á gZ »\¬vZ Allah The Exalted says:And verily, he is violent in the love of wealth.


äß»Úô oϳf»iø æ(ÝS3 àö³e] Ýö†ø ³ã»mø V" # ä×#Ö] Ùö牅 Ù^³Î VÙ^³Î ‹õ³³Þœ à³Â.143 [12202V‚Ûuœ

å]æ… ] ö ØÚø *Ÿ] æ ” ö †»vôÖ] Váô^jß$»]

@* ƒ Jh1 xŠ W0Z : c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg÷Z ** ¦

XyZgzZmwSg ¹!* ~kZ,qzŠ1ì @* Y

Anas äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said, "The son of Adam grows old but two things remain, greed and long hopes."

‚öf»Âø ‹øÃô ³iø V Ùø^Î " # o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø äö³ß»³Âø äö³×#³Ö] oø³•ô…ø éø†øm»†øaö o³eœ ໳Âø.144 ¼øûmö Ü»Öø á]ôæ (oø•ô…ø oø_ô»]. á»]ô (èô ’ønÛôíøÖ]æ èô Ëøn_ôÏøÖ]æ Üôaø …»‚( Ö]æ …ô^³ß³m‚( ³Ö] [ 2886 V†nŠÖ]æ 9^`rÖ] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ]

å ] æ… ] š ø †»mø Ü»Öø

Ô {È » °ÑZ : c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ lpA $ñY c* Š}Š¼ ÐZ¤ /Z Zƒ uh {È »êÔ{È »gŠ e Ô {È »9zg Xì @* YƒnZg ** ÂñYc* Š7¤ /ZgzZì @* Yƒ

Abu Hurairah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated :The Prophet " # said,"let the slave of dinar and dirham ( money) and shawls ( luxurious clothes) perish for he is pleased if these things are given to him, and if not he is displeased."

äö ß»Úô g% iôiøæø ÝøSø 3 àö³e»] Ýö†ø ³ã»mø V " # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø VÙø^³Îø ‹õ³Þø*] ໳Âø.145 †ôÛöÃö Ö»] o×øÂø ”ö†»vôÖ»]æø ( Ùô^ÛøÖ»] o×øÂø ”ö†»vôÖ»] Váô^jøßø$»] [4234 :‚âˆÖ] h^jÒ ( äq^Ú àe]

å ] æ… ]

* @Y@* ƒJ h1òŠ W:c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg÷Z ** ¦ X mwÅ/~uzŠgzZmwÅwâ q -ZCYCƒyZ~kZ,qzŠgzZì 85

Anas äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said, "The son of Adam grows old, but two things remain young in him, the greed for wealth, and greed for a longer life."

VÙöçÏömø " # o$ fô$ßÖ] köûÛô‰ø V ÙöçÏömø ^Û`öß»Âø äö×#Ö] oø•ô…ø Œõ ^³f$Âø à³e»] ໳Âø.146 àôe»] Íøç»qø .¡Û»mø Ÿ æ ( ^%÷Ö^$ oÇjøe»Ÿø Ùõ^Ú à»Úô áô^³mSô ]æø ÝøSø 3 àô³e» Ÿô áø^³Ò绳Öø

hø^iø à»Úø o×Âø äö ×# Ö] höçjmøæ ( hö]†ø j%Ö] Ÿ$]ô ÝøSø 3

[ 6436VÑ^ΆÖ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ]


E -“ \WÔ‹Ð ~ V *™Ñ ä ~ì e $ZzgÐ é) v Z èg k„0Z ** ¦ ǃqéZp » ~Š ÂVƒVc* Š ZzzŠ Åwâ k0* Æy ¨ KZ¤ /Z :c* â Û ä~ V @* ™wJ/ÂÅ¿kZ \¬vZgzZ $ Ë ½7q gzZ ðà ZÎÆèù »y¨ KZgzZ Xì @* ™/ÂEì

Ibn Abbas ^Û`ß ä×#Ö] o•… Narrated that he heardThe Prophet " # say,"If the son of Adam had two valleys of money, he would seek the third, for nothing can fill the belly of Adam except dust and Allah forgives him who repents to him."

Äô_øÏô Òø ^ß÷jøÊô Ùô^Ûø»*Ÿ»^eô ]æ…ö Sô ^eø VÙø^Îø " # äô×#Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø á$ *] éø†øm»†øâö oeô*] à»Âø.147 ^ß÷Úô ç, Úö oŠôÛ»mö æ»*] ( ]†÷ Êô ^Òø oŠôÛ»mö æø ^ß÷Úô ç, Úö Øöqö†$ Ö] xöfô’»mö (Üô×ô ¿»³Ûö³Ö»] Øô³n»×$³Ö] [313Vá^ÛmŸ] h^jÒ(Ü׊Ú

å]æ…] ^nø Þ»‚% Ö] àøÚô

šõ†ø Ãø eô äö ßømSô Äönfômø (]†÷ Êô ^Òø xöfô’»möæø

ÐVKyZ :c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ t gzZ ) Ð Vƒ b§Å Vz•Æ ]Zg ~ƒ0 +Z  ß™x » ( ~¢ ~¢¬ gzZ  Û »Ã ðgzZ ǃ ðñÃx  á c* Û »Ãx   á gzZ ǃ ðñà ðòŠ W ( σª q 86

X Ç}Š™| # z Û +Š CZ~á$ +Æyâ ‚zi ‚~z*Šy¨ KZ

Abu Hurairah äß ä×#Ö] o•… arrated: Allah' s messenger " # said," Hasten in doing good deeds before you are overtaken by trials which would be like a part of the dark night. During which a man would be a muslim in the morning and a disbeliever in the evening, or he would be a believer in the evening and a disbeliever in the morning and would sell his faith for worldly goods."

èõ Ú$ ]. Ø( ÓöÖô á$ ]ô VÙöçÏömø " # o$ fôß$Ö] köûÛô‰ø V Ùø^Îø š ôõ ^nøÂô àô³e» gô³Ã»³Òø ໳Âø.148 [ 2336 V ‚aˆÖ] h^jÒ( p„Ú†jÖ]

å]æ…]Ù ö ^ÛøÖ»] ojô Ú$ ]. èößøj»Êô æø


\ W:‹Ð ~ V *™Ñ ä ~ì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg nÈ0ª ** ¦ Xì wâ»# Ö Z ~÷gzZìnÆ# Ö ZC Ù c* â Û ä~ V

Kaab bin Iyadh äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated that he heard The Prophet " # say," Indeed for every nation there is a trial ,and the trial of my nation will be wealth."

#" äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø VÙø^Îø äôneô*] à»Âø p( …ô^’øÞ»*Ÿ] ÔõÖô^Úø àôe» gôûÒø àôe»] ໳Âø.149 o×øÂø ðô †ÛøÖ»] ”ô†»uô à»Úô ^ãø Ö ‚øŠøÊ»^*eô ÜõßøÆø o³Êô ¡³‰ô…»]. áô^³Ãø ³ñô^³qø áô^³føñ»ƒô ^³Úø V [2376 :‚âˆÖ] h^jÒ(p„Ú†jÖ]

å ] æ… ]

äô ßôm‚ôÖô Íô†ø i$ Ö]æ Ùô^ÛøÖ»]

ä~ V vZ wÎg  D™ e $Zzg Ð−Zz LZ ´ â 0 ª0Z ** ¦

,™: ! Zy  gzZŠ Y Ú Z {z ÂN YbŠ hg~ V-–¤ /Z ƒÆÈzŠ :c* â Û Xì C™[ Zy  Ã+ŠÆòŠ WmwÅ{ Yzwâg å¨Gi8E Ð Ibn Kaab bin Malik Al Ansari narrated from his father that Allah's Messenger " # said," "Two hungry wolves let loose amongst sheep will not cause more harm and corruption to them than a person's greed for wealth and status will do to his Deen." 87

oßFÇô Ö] Self sufficiency w6:ð«ŠßÖ]y

~i *"

Ì»Ëô ûjøŠ»nø ×»Êø ^n&ßô Æø áø^Òø à»Úø æø V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø

Xá x »Ð~g ÇÌ6,{zƒg Z−â „  6, u »d:ìŠ á g Z»\¬vZ Allah The Exalted says: And whoever (amongst guardians) is rich, he should take no wages,

áøç»Ãö n»_ôjøŠ»møŸø äô ×# Ö] Øôn»fô‰ø o»Êô ]滆ö ’ôu»]ö àøm»„ôÖ$] ðô 3†ø ³Ïø³Ëö³×»³Öô V oÖF^Ãi ä×#³Ö] Ù^³Îø w273 V é†ÏfÖ] y š…û Ÿø »] oÊô ^e÷ †»•ø ~x »ÆvZ vß„  Šß{z ÆŠæ6,gîm{ :ì Š  á g Z »\¬vZ ²YL ± ¡ XM h™7\ðŠ hzŠ ðÃ~}iaÆlç ïE L i CZf KZ‰ ç ,Z Allah The Exalted says:(Charity is) for Fuqara (the poor), who in Allah's Cause are restricted (from travel), and cannot move about in the land (for trade or work)

àøn»eø áø^Òøæø ]滆ö jöÏ»mø Ü»Öøæø ]ç»Êö †ôŠ»mö Ü»Öø]ç»ÏöËøÞ»]ø3ƒø]ô àøm»„ôÖ$]æø V oFÖ^³Ã³i ä³×# ³Ö] Ù^³Îø ø ÖôƒF w67: á^ΆËÖ]y ^Ú÷ ]çø Îø Ô

E+NE yQÉ Ô ÿC : D™cy  w‰: ÂD™ ay   {zgzZ :ìŠ  á g Z »\¬vZ Xì Lgì‡6, wZŠZyxgŠÆVî •ZVâzŠ ay »

Allah The Exalted says:And those who, when they spend, are neither extravagant nor niggardly, but hold a medium (way) between those (extremes).

(šô†ø Ãø Ö] éô †ø %Ò à»Âø oßÇô Ö] ‹ø³n»Öø V Ùø^Î " # o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø éø †øm»†øâö oeœ à»Âø.150 88

w6446 V Ñ^ΆÖ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

‹ôË»ß$Ö] oßøÆô oßÇô Ö] à$ ÓôÖæ

ì 7t ~ôÂ: c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ Xƒ"wŠìt~÷ZÉ Ôƒ{Š c* iyâ ‚

Abu Huraira äß ä×#Ö] o³•… rrated : The Prophet " # said, "Riches does not mean having great amounts(of things), but riches is self contentment."

=ÝøSø 3 àøe»] ^mø VÙöçÏömø oÖø^Ãø iø äø ×# ³Ö] á$ ]ô VÙø^Îø " # o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø éø†øm»†øâö oeœ à»Âø.151 lö,¡Úø Ø»Ãø Ë»iø Ÿø á»]ôæø (Õø†ø Ï»Êø ‚$ ‰ö*]æø o÷ßÆô Õø…ø ‚»‘ø ,¡øÚ»]* oiô Sø ^føÃô Öô É»†$ ³Ëø³iø [ 2466V äÚ^nÏÖ] äË‘ h^jÒ(p„Ú†jÖ]

ø †ø Ï»Êø ‚$ ‰ö]* Ü»Öøæø å]æ…] Õ

÷ Ç»Zö Ô ø m»‚ømø ¡

Dâ Û \¬vZ :c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ gzZ ÇVzŠ½Ð "B Z¾~Yƒ rg à nÆ ]Š „~÷ ÂxŠ W0Z} Z  œN~ ÂZƒ: rg à nÆ]Š „~÷¤ /ZgzZ ÇVzŠ™gzŠÐÃY Z X ÇVz™:gzŠ Y ZÐgzZ ÇVzŠ™sz^~~gzŠ' ×

Abu Hurairah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated that The Prophet " # said AllahThe Exalted said ."O son of Adam if you set aside some time for My worship I will fill your heart with contentment and remove your poverty and if you spend no time in My worship I will keep your hands busy in work and will not remove your poverty."

xø×øÊ»]* ‚»Îø V Ùø^Îø " # äô×#Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø á$ *] ” ô ^ÃøÖ»] àôe» æ†ôÛ»Âø àôe» äô×#Ö] ‚ô³f»Âø ໳Âø.152 [2426:é^ÒˆÖ] h^jÒ(Ü×ŠÚ å]æ… ] åö ^iø3 ^Ûøeô äö ×# Ö] äö Ãø ß$Îø æø (^Ê÷^ËøÒø Ñø‡ô…ö æø (Üø×ø‰»]* à»Úø

:c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZègm°Z0z/0vZ†** ¦

kZ c* Š ä\¬vZÐZgzZ Š Hc* Š tig]gz¢g”&gzZÔ c* ÑxsZ Š H0* b# 89

X Å® ) ¤äkZ6,

Abdullah bin Amr Al Aas äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated: Allah's Messenger " # said, "He has succeeded who accepted Islam, and was given sufficient provision and was content upon what Allah gave him."

Ùø^Îø VÙø^Îø äôneô*] à»Âø (p( …ô^’øÞ»*Ÿ] àõ’øv»Úô àôe» äô×#Ö] ‚ô³n»føÂö àô³e»] èøÛø³×ø³‰ø ໳Âø.153 (äô eô†»‰ô oÊô ^ß÷Úô 3 (åô ‚ôŠøqø oÊô oÊ÷^Ãø Úö Ü»Óöß»³Úô xø³fø‘»]* ໳Úø V " # äô ³×# ³Ö] Ùö糉ö…ø [4141V‚aˆÖ] h^jÒ (äq^Ú àe]

å]æ…y ^nø Þ»‚% Ö] äö Öø l » ˆø nuô ^ÛøÞ$^*ÓøÊø (äô Úô ç»mø löçÎö åö ‚øß»Âô

& B { E vZ wÎg D™e $ZzgÐ−Zz LZ ~g »ÑZ è 0vZD0** ¦ gzZ}™ ðB‚Æ ðZ~ ygzZ 4gHÅŸðà Р~ ?:c* â Û ä~ V X ˆƒÇZnÆkZ *Š ~g ‚c* Í ÂƒÌ** 3»yŠkZk0* ÆkZ Salama bin Ubaidullah bin Mihsan Al-Ansari narrated from his father that the messenger of Allah " # said," Whoever amongst you begins the day with his body in a state of wellbeing, and secure in his home and near him is provision of a day so it is as if the world and all therein were bestowed upon him."

ØøËø‰»*] çø âö à»Úø oÖø]ô ]æ†ö ¿ö³Þ»] V" # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø VÙø^Îø éø†øm†ø³âö o³e*] ໳Âø.154 äô ×# Ö] èøÛøûÞô ]æ…ö Sø ˆ»iø Ÿø á»*] …ö ‚øq»]* äö Þ$^ô Êø (Ü»ÓöÎøç»Êø çø âö à»Úø oÖø]ô ]æ†ö ¿öß»iø Ÿø æø Ü»Óöß»Úô w2513V‚âˆÖ] h^jÒ (p„Ú†jÖ] å]æ…y


ÅVÍß,Z :c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ : s§ÅyZgzZ Vƒ²Ð ?( Ð p ÒÆ[òZz wâ Æ*Š ) dŠ s§ yZ ÅvZ ?Qì ëÑ{Š c* i b§kZVƒ™| (, Ð ?( ~ª zŠzwâ )dŠ 90

X ðƒ6, ?Ðs§ÅkZz™: ~gŠ** ÅVz

Abu Hurairah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: I heard the Messenger of Allah " #

say,"Look to the one who is lower than you (by worldly means) and do not look towards the one who is above you (by worldly means) ,in this way it is more likely that you will not belittle the blessings of Allah upon you."

à»Úø oÖ]ô Ü»Òö‚öuøœ †ø ¿ø³Þø ]ƒø]ô VÙø^Î " # äô×#Ö] Ùôç‰ö…ø à»Âø éø †øm»†ø³âö o³eœ ໳Âø.155 Øø–( Êö à»Û$ Úô äö ß»Úô ØøËø‰»œ çø âö à»Úø oÖ]ô †»¿öß»nø ×»Êø(Ðô×»íøÖ]æ Ùô^ÛÖ] oÊ äô n»×øÂø Øø³–( ³Êö w6490VÑ^ΆÖ] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

äô n»×øÂø

Ð~?Z # :c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐ ÅvZèg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ kZ Âì™| (,Ð kZ~ ]gßz ^gzZ wâ  AŠ ÃòŠ W,Z Ë¿ðà XìzgŠ ÁÐkZ ’ e* *™y·Šs§Å¿,Z ËÐZ‰ Ü z

Abu Huraira äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said, "if anyone of you looked at a person who was made superior to him in wealth and appearance, then he should also look at the one who is inferior to him, (rather) than to whom has been made superior to him."

äô ×# Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø ]çÖö^*‰ø …ô^’øÞ»*Ÿ»] àø³Úô ^³‰÷^³Þø á$ ]* W p( …ô‚»íöÖ»] ‚õnÃô‰ø oeô*] ໳Âø.156 ^Úø V Ùø^Îø åö ‚øß»Âô ^Úø ‚øËô Þø ]ƒø]ô oj$uø (Ü»aö ^_ø»^*Êø åö çÖö^*‰ø Ü$ ³$ö ( Ü»³aö ^³_ø³Â»^*³Êø " # à»Úø æø (äö ×# Ö] äö Ë$ Ãô mö Ì»Ëô ûjøŠ»mø à»Úø æø ( Ü»Óöß»Âø åö †ø ìôS$ *] à»×øÊø †õn»ìø à»Úô p‚ôß»Âô à»Óö³mø †ºn»ìø ðõ ^_øÂø à»Úô ‚ºuø]ø oø_ô»]. ^Úø æø (äö ×# Ö] åö †»f(’ømö †»fô’»mø à»Úø æø (äö ×# Ö] äô ßô Ç»mö àôÇ»jøŠ»mø [ 2424 Vé^ÒˆÖ] h^jÒ (Ü׊Ú


å ] æ… ]

†ôf»’$ Ö] àøÚô Äö‰øæ»*]æø

vZ wÎg ä VÍßP Æg »Zì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg ~g} .G1Z ** ¦ yZ ä~ V \ W ÂóâQäVrZÔ c* ŠÃyZ ä~ V \ W Âóâ¼Ð ~ V  k0* }÷: c* â Û Âåk0* Æ~ V \ W Š Hƒ »x ÓZ # J -VŒc* ŠÃ gzZì @* XÐZ \¬vZ aÐ wZÎgzZ @* ™{íf 7Ð ?~ {zì @* ƒwâ ]Š ¬ÅñðÃgzZ{ Zz6,"ÃkZ \¬vZÇg { Zz6,"ÃwŠ LZ gzZ 4 {Š c* iÐñ « ðÃgzZ  y‚Wñn Æ kZ \¬vZáZ e X 7à ZzÏŠ ¤

Saeed Al Khudri äß è×#Ö] o•… narrated that some people from the Ansaar asked the Messenger of Allah " # (for something) and he gave them. They asked him again and he gave them till what was in his possession was used up, he said," Whatever good I have I will not withhold it from you. He who refrains from asking, Allah safeguards him against want, and he who seeks suffiency Allah will enrich him, and he who shows endurance, Allah would grant him power to endure, and none is blessed with an endowment better and greater than endurance".


höSø Ÿ* ] Manners

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Ùô¡øq»]ô à»Úô á$ ]ô V " # ä×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Î VÙø^Î p( †ôÃøm»ÿŸ] o‰øçÚ o³e*] à³Â.157 æø äô nÊô oÖô^ÇøÖ»] †ôn»Æø áô3†»ÏöÖ»] ØôÚô ^³uø æø (Üô³×ô ³Š»Ûö³Ö] èô fø n»i$ Ö] pƒô Ýø]†ø ³Ò»]ô ä³×# ³Ö] ¼ôŠôÏ»ÛöÖ] áô^_ø×»Š% Ö] pƒô Ýø]†ø Ò»]ô æø (äö ß»Âø oÊô ^røÖ] w4843Vh9¢] h^jÒ (9æ]9 oeœ å]æ…y

C :c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎg Ôì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg ~ÄÑZ Ïñ1Z ** ¦ gzZƒÑZzä™: izˆÐu~}g !* ÆyWŒ Û  Ô ÅyWŒ Û ïqÔ Åy›÷g ]³ÅvZ Ô ** ™]³Å {  á Š !* ëgzZ ÑZz ä™ ðÃz" z nZ²ZÐ kZ: Xì pëÆä™

Abu Musa Al Ashari ä³ß ä³×#³Ö] o³•… narrated: Allah's Messenger " # said, "Indeed it is a part of Glorification of Allah to show honour to an aged Muslim; to one who has learnt the Quran by heart, provided he makes no misleading insertions in it and does not contradict it by his conduct, and to honour a just ruler."

Ü»uø†»mø Ü»Öø à»Úø ^ß$³Úô ‹ø³n»Öø V" # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø V Ùø^Îø Œõ^$fÂø àô³e»] àô³Âø.158 †ôÓøß»ÛöÖ] àôÂø äø ß»mø æø Íôæ†ö ûÛøÖ^e †»Úö ^,m æø ^Þø†ø nfôÒø †»Î( çm æø ^Þø†ø nÇô ‘ø [1921Vè×’Ö] æ †fÖ] h^jÒ (p„Ú†jÖ] å]æ…y

E -“ ~ ë {z: c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐ é) vZ èg k„0Z ** ¦

gzZ}Š: ¬» ðYZgzZ}™: ]³ÅVz(,gzZ}™: 3g6,VIg 7Ð 93

XÆzg:ÐðZ' ,

Ibn Abbas ^Ûãß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: Allah's messenger " # said, "The one

who is not merciful to our young and respectful to our elders and does not command to good and neither stops from bad is not from us."

Ü»Òö†ôeô^Òø*] ÄøÚø èöÒø†ø fø Ö»] VÙ^Î " # o$ fßÖ] á$ œ (Œ^f àe] àÂ.159 [559Vá^ŠuŸ] æ †fÖ] h^jÒ ( á^fu àe]

å]æ… ]

E -“ }g v• ', :c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐ é) vZègk„0Z ** ¦ XìB‚ÆVÍg ) ,

Ibn Abbas ^Ûãß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: The Prophet " # said, "Blessing is with your elders."

oÞô]…ø *] VÙø^Îø " # äô×#Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø á$ *](äö$ø‚$ uø †øÛøÂö àe» äô×#Ö] ‚f»Âø á$ *] (Äõ³Êô^³Þø ໳Âø.160 àøÚô †ö føÒ»]* ^Ûøâö ‚öuø*] (áô¡qø ö …ø oßô eø „ørø³Êø (Õõ]çø ³Šôeô Õöç$ ³Šøiø*] Ýô^³ßø³Ûø³Ö»] o³Êô

oÖø]ô äö jöûÊø‚øÊø (†»f(Òø VoÖô ØønÏô Êø (^Ûøãö ß»Úô †ø Çø‘»*Ÿ»] Õø]çø Š( Ö] köÖ»æø ^ßø³Êø (†ô³ìøŸ?»] w7508 V‚âˆÖ] h^jÒ (Ü×ŠÚ å]æ… y

†ôfø Ò»¢]û

E -“ Ô HyÒ Ð yZ ä é) vZ èg/0vZ†ì e $ZzgÐmvZ îG*9g «** ;g™uZz~ ¬Š ~ [ ZpÃ\WLZ ä ~ : c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎg ä ~ X å Z (,Ð }uzŠ q -ZÐ~ yZ Ô ñWòŠ WzŠ k0* }÷: Ô Vƒ X ~Š}ŠÃ} (, ä~ÂÔ,ŠÃ} (, ÔŠ H¹=Â~Š}ŠÃLguZz

Nafe än× ²] èÛu… stated that Abdullah bin Umar ^Ûãß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated from him that Allah's Messenger " # said: I dreamt in my sleep that I was rinsing my mouth with miswak and two persons began to contend with one another for getting that miswak. One was older 94

than the other. I gave the miswak to the younger one amongst them, but it was said to me: to give (it) to the older one. So I gave it to the older one.

(Ýõç»Îö Üöm†ôÒø Ü»³Òö^³iø*] ]ƒø]ô V " # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø V Ùø^³Îø †ø³Ûø³Âö àô³e»] àô³Âø .161 w3712Vh9¢] h^jÒ(äq^Ú àe] å]æ…y åö çÚö †ôÒ»^*Êø

k0* }g vZ # :c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgпvZèg/0Z ** ¦ X z™]³mZ ÂñWòŠ Wg ZŠ]³»x ¸Ë

Ibn-e-Umar ^Û`ß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said,"When an honourable person from any nation comes to you so honour him."

Ùô糉ö…ø ໳Úô Ü»³ãôn»Öø]ô g$ ³uø]üø “ º ³í»³Zø ໳³Óö³³mø ܳ³Öø Ùø^³³Îø ‹õ³³Þüø] ໳³Âø.162 äô jô nø âô ]†ø Òø à»Úô áøçÛö×øûmø ^ÛøÖô ]çÚö çÏömø Ü»Öø åö æ»]üø…ø ]ƒø]ô ]çÞö^Òøæø V wÙø^³Îøy(" # ä³×# ³Ö] ø Öô„FÖô w2754Vh9¢] h^jÒ VpˆÚ†jÖ] å]æ…y Ô ðÃq -Š 4, Æ/ô¿[8{Š c* iÐ~ V *™ÑD â  Û ÅvZèg÷Z ** ¦ kZ¸ Dƒ 7} 9 ¸ Ù Š Ã~ V \ W{z Z # gzZ :  D â  Û Ô å: X D™7It ~ V \W¸… Y{za

Anas äß ²] o³•… narrated that there was no one more beloved to them than the the Messsenger of Allah " # ,and he said, whenever they saw him they did not standup on account of his disliking it."


èöÒø†ø jøi»ÛöÖ»] lö^Îø¡øÃø Ö] Relationships ] ©b!*

Ü»Óöm»çø ìø*] àøn»eø ]ç»vö×ô ‘»^*Êø éºçø ì»]ô áøç»ßöÚô ç, ÛöÖ»] ^ÛøÞ$]ô V oFÖ^Ãi ä×#Ö] Ù^Îø [ 10:l]†rvÖ]y

Æ VǸ LZ Z®Ô ð¸ Æ }uzŠ q -Z Âðñ : ì Š  á g Z » \¬vZ X z™„  gŠÃ] ©yxgŠ Allah The Exalted says: The believers are nothing else than brothers. So make reconciliation between your brothers.

áô^Ûøm»û Ÿô »^eô ^Þøç»Ïöfø‰ø àøm»„ôÖ$] ^ßøÞô]çø 컟ôôæø ^ßøÖø†»Ëô Æ»] ^ßøe$…ø V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø

w10: †ivÖ]y

}Š jÃVǸƒ  yZ}g øgzZ…Ô[g}g ø} Z :ì Š  á g Z » \¬vZ X ñÑyZZ¬Ðë Allah The Exalted says: Our Lord! Forgive us and our Brethren who have preceded us in Faith.

àöÚô ç, ÛöÖ]æø (àôÚô ç, ÛöÖ] éö3†»Úô àöÚô ç, ÛöÖ] V" # ä×#Ö] Ùôç‰ö…ø à éø †øm»†øâö oeô*] àÂ.163 äô ñô]…ø æø à»Úô äö ›öçvömø æø äö jøÃø n»•ø äô n»×øÂø Ì% Óömø àôÚô ç, ÛöÖ] çìö]* w4918Vh9Ÿ] h^jÒ (9æ]9 oeœ å]æ…y

sW»ðñÔ ðñ: D™e $ZzgÐ ~ V vZ wÎgÅvZèg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ @* ™«™ÅkZúnZgzZì ÂzgÃyvnZ {zÔì ð¸»ðñðñgzZì Xì 96

Abu Hurairah äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated from the Messenger of Allah " # :A believer is a mirror to a believer, and a believer is a brother to a believer, he stops any harm coming to him, and protects him in his absence."

á»]* Øõqö†ø Ö Ø% vômø Ÿ V Ùø^Î " # ² ô ] Ùøç‰ö…ø á$ œ V p( …ô^’øÞ»¢] høçm%œ oeœ àû» Âø.164 šö†ô³Ã»mö æø ]„øâF šö†ô³Ã»ûnö Êø ( áô^³³nÏô ³jø×»³mø (Ùõ^³³nÖø 'ô¡³$ø Ñø绳Êø åö ^³³ìøœ †ø ³³rö³ã»mø w6077V h9Ÿ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y Ýô¡Š$ Ö^e ].‚f»mø p„Ö$] ^Ûøâ†ö nìøæø (]„øâF

Ë:c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg ~g »ÑZ [-Z1Z ** ¦ ]‡5 n Æ {Š c* i Ð yŠ &Ð ð¸ ËLZ 7^ ,Y n Æ ¿ ¢ìÌ{zgzZá¢ìÌtÂñYƒo‚»VâzŠZ #  b§kZÔ} hg X}™U~xsì {z4~VâzŠyZgzZá

Abu Ayub Al Ansari äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: Allah's Messenger " # said, "It is not lawful for a man to desert his brother for more than three nights. When they meet, one of them turns his face away from the other, and the other turns his face from the former; and the better of the two will be the one who greets (the other) first."

à»Úô Øø–øÊ»^*eô ÜÒ†ö fôì»]. Ÿø*] V " # ä×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Î VÙ^Î ðô]9ø…»‚$ Ö] oeô*] àÂ.165 ø $ Ö] æø Ýô^nø ’( ³Ö] èô qø…ø Sø VÙø^Î =ä×# Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø ^mø o³×ø³eø V]ç³Öö^³Î èô Îø‚ø³’$ ³Ö]æø éô ¡’

ø » ]ô èöÏøÖô^vøÖ»] àôn»fø Ö»] lô]ƒø Sö ^ŠøÊø æø (àôn»føÖ»] lô]ƒø |ö¡‘

w4919Vh9Ÿ] h^jÒ (9æ]9 oeœ å]æ…y

VzŠ Cà ?~H:c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZègY ZŠgŠ1Z ** ¦ vZ wÎg c* 7VY ¹ä V,Z ?Ð ºœgzZ i úÔ} izgì 4 ]!* {z 97

Xì ÑZz¶Š& + ñŠ Y»:WgzZ ** Z™ *~:Wc* â Û ä~ V \W?~ V

Abu Darda äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated: Allah's Messenger " # said, "Shall I inform you of that which is better than fasting, praying and giving charity." They said why not O Messenger of Allah " # ! He " # said, "To reconcile between yourselves and the mischief between yourselves is one to shave."

àöÚô ç, Ûö³Ö] V Ùø^Î " # o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø äöß»Âø äö³×#³Ö] oø³•ô…ø o³‰øç³Úö o³eœ ໳Âø.166 ø f$Zø æø (^–÷ûeø äö –öûeø ‚% iömø áô^nø ß»fö Ö^Òø àôÚô ç, Ûö×»Öô äô Ãô e^‘øœ àøneø Ô [2446 VÜÖ^¿ÛÖ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ]


ä~ V \W c* â Û yÒ Ð ~ V *™ Ñ ä ÅvZ èg .ñ1Z ** ¦ zq -Z ä ì #â Å ]g qq -Z ~ hÆ ðñ}uzŠ ðñq -Z :c* â Û ÅB; }uzŠÃVèZ ÅB; q -Z KZ ä ~ V \ WgzZì @* ™o¢Ã}uzŠ X Hg0 +ZÆVèZ

Abu Musa 䳳߳ 䳳×#³Ö] o³³•… narrated:The Prophet " # said," A believer to another believer is like a building, whose different parts reinforce each other." (While saying that) The Prophet " # clasped his fingers interlaced.

oÊ àønßôÚô ©ÛöÖ] p†ø iø V" # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Î VÙöçÏömø †õnEôeø àøe áø^Ûûß%Ö] à³Â.167 ]ç÷ –»Âö oÓøjøZ»] ]ƒø]ô ‚ôŠørøÖ] Øô%øÛøÒ Ü»ãôËô ³›ö^³Ã³iø æ Ü»³âô S( ]ç³iø æø Ü»³ãôÛô³uö]†ø ³iø w6011V h9Ÿ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y oÛ$ vöÖ]æ †ôãø Š$ Ö^e åô ‚ôŠøqø †ö ñ^‰ äö Öø oÂø ]‚øiø

ÃVëñ?:c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èga 0yˆ** ¦ B‚Æ}uzŠ q -ZgzZ ä™nç »›z ØgB‚Æ}uzŠ q -Z ~ :W 98

ÂÔì @* ƒ~ 1 ÌZ•ðà » kZ Z # Ѓ 0* 6Ÿq -Z ~ ðpx3, z¯ Xì * @Yƒ2~g gŸgzZì CYh Z’+ZÔì @* ƒ~1ŸZg ‚

An Numan bin Bashir äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: Allah's Messenger " # said, "You see the believers as their being merciful, showing love and being kind amongst themselves as resembling onebody, so that if any part of the body is not well then the whole body shares the sleeplessness and fever with it."

…ø ]‡ø æ»*] ^–÷m†ôÚø Sø ^Âø àÚø V" # ä×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø VÙø^Îø éø†øm»†øâö oe*] à»Âø.168 àøÚô lø],ç$ fø iøæø Õø^iøÛ»Úø hø^›ø æø køf»›ô á»*] Sõ ^ßøÚö åö ]Sø ^Þø äô ×# ³Ö] o³Ê äö ³Öø ^³ì÷]* w2008Vè×’Ö] æ †fÖ] h^jÒ (p„Ú†jÖ] å]æ…y Ÿ÷ˆôß»Úø èô ß$røÖ»]

Åg FË¿ :c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgÔì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦

!* ÑZz äg åq -Z Â}™]g c* i Å ð¸LZ nÆ\¬vZ¡c* }™Ï6,g F ‚: 1~ ¼ A N Ôƒg ZÍlp » Z¾gzZƒ ug INì H— i ZzW Xƒ

Abu Huraira äß ä³×#³Ö] o³•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said, "Whoever goes to visit a sick person or goes to visit someone for the sake of Allah, then a caller loudly proclaims: May you be happy, may your walking be blessed, and may you be awarded a dignified position in Paradise."

(Üø×ô Š»ÛöÖ»] åö ^ìø]* Sø ^Âø ]ƒø]ô Üø×ô Š»ÛöÖ»] á$ ]ô V Ùø^Îø " # o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø áø^eøç»$ø à»Âø.169 » ˆø mø Ü»Öø [6553:è×’Ö] æ †fÖ] h^jÒ(Ü×ŠÚ å]æ…] Äøqô†»mø oj$uø èô ß$røÖ»] èô Êø†»ìö oÊô Ù

LZ Z # y›:c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg y!* N ** ¦ 99

Xì Lg~r !* Æ0{zJ -D W:ZzÂì @* ™]Š ÈÅð¸y›

Thauban ä³ß ä³×#³Ö] o³•… narrated:The Prophet " # said, "He who visits his (sick) Muslim brother, will remain in the garden of paradise till he returns."

o% fôß$Ö] áø^Ò ^Ú V ^ãø ß»³Â ö ²] o³•… èøiøñô^³Â kö³Ö»ª³‰ø VÙø^Î 9ôçø‰»¢] àô³Âø.170 oÊ V oßôûmø (o`ô×ô â»]* èô ßøã»Úô oÊ áçÓömø á^Ò V k»Öø^Î [ äô jô n»eø o³Ê Äö³ßø³’»³mø " # é¡’$ Ö] oÖ]ô tø†ø ìø éö¡’$ Ö] lô†ø –øuø ]ƒø^ô Ê äô ×ô â»]* èô Úø ‚»ìô w676V á]ƒŸ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

E *™ Ñ Y7 Ð é£-“vZ ègȬ {¦ ä ~ì e $Zzg Ð ŠÎZ ** ¦ yLZª` »x »ÆyLZ {z c* Cäñ\W¸D™ H H~yLZ ~ V i ú ( ™hg ` »x » ) Ug ¯ @* ƒ‰ Ü z »i úZ # gzZX¸ D™ H# Ö } .ÅVß Zz X¸D Y− nÆ

Al Aswad äß ä×ùÖ] o•… narrated that he asked Aisha ^ãß ä×#Ö] o•… : what work did The Prophet " # do in his house? She replied, "He was busy in house work, he would keep himself busy serving his family but when it was the time for prayer, he would go to pray."


àôm»‚øÖô]çø Ö»]†$ eô Goodness with Parents

u|èE L j8Ð+−Zz

ø e%…ø o–FÎøæø V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø ^Þ÷^Šøu»]ô àôm»‚øÖô]çø Ö»^eôæø åö ^m$]ôŸ?$]ô]æ?» ‚öföûiø Ÿ$]ø Ô w23:Øm ð3†‰] o?ßey

1Ôz™: ]Š „ÅËvß ?:ì c* Š™êä[g}¾ :ì Š  á g Z » \¬vZ z™u|(B‚Æ+−ZzgzZÅkZsÜ Allah The Exalted says: And your lord has decreed that you worship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents.

w15 :Í^ÏuŸ]y ^÷ߊFu»]ô äô m»‚øÖô]çø eô áø^ŠøÞ»Ÿô »] ^ßøn»‘ $ æø æø

V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø

î @* , ' (B‚Æ+−ZzLZ {zÅe $Z@Ãy¨ KZäë :ìŠ  á gZ »\¬vZ X}™ Allah The Exalted says: And We have enjoined on man to be dutiful and kind to his parents.

^•ø…ô oÊ h( †$ ³Ö] ^³•ø…ô VÙø^Îø " # o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø æ †õÛø» Âø àô³e» äô³×#³Ö] ‚ô³f»Âø ໳Âø.171 [1899Vè×’Ö] æ†fÖ] h^jÒ (p„Ú†jÖ] å]æ…] ‚ôÖô]çø Ö»] ¼ôíø‰ø oÊ h ( †$ Ö] ¼öíø‰ø æ ‚ôÖô]çø Ö»] Ÿg Å[g :c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg z/0vZ†** ¦ Xì ~×Æ−Zz×»[ggzZì ~ŸgÅ−Zz

Abdullah bin Amr äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : The Prophet " # said, " The pleasure of Allah lies in the pleasure of the father and the anger of Allah lies in the anger of the father."


èô ß$ö røÖ»] hô]çø e»*] ¼ö‰øæ»*] ‚öÖô]çø Ö»] VÙöçÏömø " # o$ fôß$Ö] ÄøÛô‰ø ðô]9ø…»‚$ Ö] oeô*] à»Âø .172 ø ÖôƒF Ä»•ô^*Êø w3663Vh9¢] h^jÒ (äq^Ú àe] å]æ…y äö ¿»Ëøu»] æô*] hø^fø Ö»] Ô

»¼ A −Zz:‹Ð~ V *™ÑäVrZì e $ZzgÐÅvZègY ZŠgŠ1Z** ¦ X z™«™mZ c* zŠ™ùŸÃ} i ZzgŠkZ Âì e:ì { i ZzgŠ ãxgŠ

Abu Darda äß ä×ùÖ] o³•… narrated; he heard the Prophet " # saying, "The father is the middle gate of paradise, so if you like destroy this gate or guard it."

á$ ]ô V" # ²ô] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Î V Ùø^Î ^Û`öß»Âøö²] oø•ô…øæ†õÛ»Âø àôe ²]‚³f»Âø ໳Âø.173 Ìøn»Òø æ (² ô ] Ùøç‰ö…ø ^m V ØønÎô (äm»‚øÖô]æø Øöqö†$ Ö] àøÃø ×»mø Ờ †ôñô^fÓø³Ö] †³fø Ò»œ ໳Úô

æø ( åö ^eœ g% Šönø Êø (Øqö†$ Ö] ^eœ Øöqö†$ Ö] g% Šömø VÙø^Î [äm»‚ø³Öô]æø Øö³qö†$ ³Ö] àö³Ãø ³×»³mø w5973Vh9Ÿ] h^jÒ ( p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y äö Ú$ ]. g % Šömø E -“ $ :c* 4¨GG éSE 5G â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgì e $ZzgÐ é) vZ èg z/0vZ† ** ¦

HY7X ÇÒ6,+−ZzLZ¿ðÃìtÐ~Vƒk Š H} (,Ѓ  c* â Û ä~ V \W? ÇÇÒù6,+−Zz„ LZ¿ðà ! ~ V vZwÎg c* ÃVâ ÅkZgzZÃ\!* ÆkZ ÌZuzŠ ÂǾ > Z' ,Ã\!* Æ}uzŠ ¿{z X Ǿ >Z' ,

Abdullah bin Amr ^Û`ß ä×#Ö] o³•… said : Allah's Messenger " # said, "Indeed from the greatest of the sins of a person is to curse his own parents. It was said,"O Messenger of Allah " # how can a person curse his parents? He " # said, "When a person abuses anothers parents then that person will in return abuse his father and his mother."


á»*] Ÿ$]ô åö ‚øÖô]æø ‚ºÖøæø pˆôr»mø Ÿ V" # ä×#Ö] Ù牅 Ùø^Î VÙø^Î éø†øm»†øâö oeô*] àÂ.174 w5137Vh9Ÿ] h^jÒ (9æ]9 oeœ å]æ…y äö Ïøjô ûnö Êø äö mø†ôjøi»nø Êø ^Ò÷ç×öÛ»Úø åö ‚ørômø

LZ ÔŠ ÑzZ ðÃ: c* â Û ä~ V vZ wÎgÔì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ Š Zi W™h +y  ÐZ {zgzZ ñ0* xÝÃ−ZzLZ {zt1Ô $ Ë [7!$ +»yˆZÆ−Zz X}Š™

Abu Hurairah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: Allah's Messenger " # said, "No son can repay (the kindness shown by) his father except that if he finds his father as a slave and he buys him and emancipates him."

"² # ô ] Ùç‰ö…ø oÖ]ô غqö…ø ðø ^q V Ùø^Î äöß»Âø ö²] oø•ô…ø éø†øm»†øâö oeœ à»Âø.175 ø Ú% ].VÙø^Î [ojô eø^vø‘ø àŠ»vöe Ð% uøœ à»Úø (² wÜ$ $öy VÙø^Î (Ô ô ] Ùøç‰ö…ø ^m V Ùø^ÏÊø ø Ú% ]. wÜ$ $öyVÙø^Î [໳Úø Ü$ ³$ö VÙø^³Î (Ô ø Ú% ]. wÜ$ ³$öy VÙø^³Î [໳Úø [à»Úø Ü$ $ö VÙø^Î(Ô ø çeö œ Ü$ $ö VÙø^Î w5971Vh9Ÿ] h^jÒ ( p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y Õ ~# Ö } .Å ~ V vZ wÎg ! ôq -Zì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ h{Š c* iÐ ƒ  »u|iZ}÷! ~ V vZ wÎg c*  Hn²gzZ ñƒ¢q Vâ ~g v :c* â Û ?ì yÈ Æ kZ Y7 Xì Vâ ~g v:c* â Û ?ì yÃg ZŠ Vâ ~g v :c* â Û ä~ V ]ÀW ?yÃˆÆ kZ Y7 Q ä VrZ Xì \!* Zg vQ :c* â Û ä~ V ]ÀW ?ì yÈÆkZ Y7 ä VrZXì Xì

Abu Hurairah äß ä³×#³Ö] o³•… narrated : A person came to Allah's Messenger " # and asked,"O Messenger of Allah " # who is deserving of my good treatment? He " # said,"your mother." He said, (Then) 103

who? He " # said, (Then) "your mother." He said, "Then who? He " # said, (Then) "your mother." He said, "(Then) who? He " # said, "Then your father."

VÙ^ÏÊ " # ä×# Ö] Ùôç‰ö…ø oÖø]ô غqö…ø ðø ^³qø VÙ^Î æ†õÛ»Âø àôe ä×#Ö] ‚ôf»Âø à³Â.176 ø Ãö ³mô^³eø ]. kö³ò»³qô Ä»qô…»] VÙ^Î (áô^nø Óô³f»mø p$ çø ³eøœ kö³Ò»†ø ³iø æø éô †øô r»ãôÖ] o×øÂø Ô

w2528V9^ãrÖ] h^jÒ (9æ]9 oeœ å]æ…y ^Ûøãö jøn»Óøe»œ ^ÛøÒø ^Ûøãö Ó»vô•»^*Êø

Ö } # .Å ~ V vZwÎg¿q -Zì e $ZzgÐÅvZègz/0vZ†** ¦ gzZ Vƒ Zƒ¢q nÆ䙳6,]óÐ \ W~ Hn²gzZ Zƒ¢q~ :c* â Û ä~ V \WX ìgzgVâzŠ Zhg~wqkZÃ+−ZzLZä~ X c* ÑgÃyZä? 6ƒ ´ÃyZgzZ ƒ Y:Zzk0* ÆyZ

Abdullah bin Amar äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: A person came to the Messenger of Allah " # and said," I want to make a pledge with you regarding migration and I have left both my parents crying. He " # said, "Return to them and make them laugh as you had made them cry."

àø³Úô ¡÷qö…ø á$ *] V†ø³Ûø³Âö àô³e» äô³³×#³Ö] ‚ô³f»Âø ໳Âø(…õ^³ßø³m»9ô àô³e» ² ô ] ‚ô³³f»Âø ໳³Âø.177 áø^Òø …õ^Ûøuô oF×øÂø öä×øÛøuø æø (äô ×# Ö] ‚öf»Âø äô n»×øÂø Üø ×$ŠøÊø (èøÓ$ Úø Ðôm†ô_øeô äö nø Ïô Öø hô]†ø »Ÿø »]

Väö Öø ^ßø×»ÏöÊø V…õ^ßømSô àöe»] Ùø^ÏøÊø (äô ‰ô],…ø oF×øÂø k»Þø^Òø è÷Úø ^Ûø³Âô åö ^³_ø³Â»]* æø (äö ³fö Òø†»³mø ø vø×ø‘»]* Väô ×# Ö] ‚öf»Âø Ùø^ÏøÊø (†ônŠônø Ö»^eô áø绕ø†»mø Ü»ãö Þ$]ô (hö]†ø »*Ÿ»] Üöãö $Þ]ô =äö ×# Ö] Ô # äô ×# Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø köûÛô‰ø oÞ(]ô æø (hô^_$ íøÖ»] àôe» †ø ÛøÃö Öô ]S& æö áø^Òø ]„øâF ^³eø *] á$ ]ô " ôäneô*] S( æö Øøâ»*] ‚ôÖøçø Ö»] èö×ø‘ô †( fôÖ»] †$ eø *] á$ ]ô VÙöçÏömø

w6513 Vè×’Ö] æ †fÖ] h^jÒ (Ü×ŠÚ å]æ…y 104

-Z  D™e q $Zzg ÐÅvZ èg /0v Z† ** ¦gbŠ 0vZ †** ¦ ÐZgzZ HxsÐZäÅvZèg/0vZ†Ô 5~5 Zgq -Z7ZòŠ W CŒŠ 6, uÆyZ c* Š}Š Ì)q{zÐZgzZ¸g ZΊp{z6,T 1™g ZÎ6,ñ¢kZ Ât Ô}™> »\WvZ Ô ¹ÐÅvZ èg/0Z ä ë ëg bŠè0ZX å vZèg/0vZ†** ¦X D YƒèZg ÌÐ q Ï~hðÔ vß CŒŠ vZwÎg ä~gzZ å„  zŠ »ÅvZèg[ æ0/\!* »¿kZ c* â Û äÅ Ð V2zŠÆ\!* LZ »òŠ Wn ~(,Ð ƒ   :ì ‹ ñƒ D â  Û Ã~ V Xì ** ™n Abdullah bin Dinar narrated that a bedoin met Abdullah bin Umar äß ä×#Ö] o•… on the way to Mecca. Abdullah greeted him and mounted him upon the donkey on which he had been riding and gave him the turban that he had on his head. Ibn Dinar further reported: we said to him May Allah do good to you, these are bedoins and they are satisfied with even the meager (things). Thereupon Abdullah äß ä×#Ö] o³•… said: His father was loved dearly by Umar bin Khattab äß ä×#Ö] o•… and I heard Allah's Messenger " # saying, "The finest act of goodness on the part of a son is to treat kindly the loved ones of his father."


á^nø f»’( Ö] ÄøÚø èöÏøË»i$ Ö] Affection with Children


Ü»âö ^m$]ôæø Ü»ÓöÎö‡ö †»Þø àöv»Þø Ñõ¡Úø » ]ô à»Úôù Ü»ÒöSø Ÿæø » ]ø 3ç»×öjöÏ»iø Ÿæøø oFÖ^Ãi ä×#Ö] Ù^Îø w151: Ý^ÃÞŸ]y

ïŠ tig Ì»ëÔz™: OÐg eƿÊ ÑzZ KZgzZ :ì Š  á gZ » \¬vZ Ð,Š ÌÃyQgzZ Allah The Exalted says: Kill not your children because of poverty - we provide sustenance for you and for them;

à»Âø Ü»ÒöSö Ÿæø » ]ø Ÿ? æøø Ü»ÓöÖö]çø Ú»]ø Ü»Óöãô×»iöŸø ]ç»ßöÚø ! àøm»„ôÖ$] ^ãø m%^øm5 V oFÖ^ói ä³×#³Ö] Ù^³Îø w9: áçÏËßFÛÖ]y äô ×# Ö] †ôÒ»ƒô

à ?,Š ÑzZ ~g vgzZ wâ }g vÔƒ ñÑ yZZ Íß} Z :ì Š  á g Z » \¬vZ E X ,Š™: ÿ¡L¸ÐŠ c* ÅvZ Allah The Exalted says: O you who believe! Let not your properties or your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah.

éø¡ø‘ø " # äô ×# Ö] Ùôç‰ö…ø Äø³Úø kö³n»×$³‘ø VÙø^Îø éø†øÛö‰ø àô³e» †ô³eô^³qø ໳Âø.178 ØøÃø røÊø (áº]‚øÖ»æô äö ×øfø Ï»jø‰»^Êø (äö Ãø Úø köq»†ø ìø æø äô ³×ô ³â»]* oF³Öø]ô tø†ø ³ìø Ü$ ³$ö (oF³ÖæŸ. ]

(p$ ‚$ ìø xøŠøÛøÊø ^Þø*] ^Ú$ *] æø VÙø^Îø (]‚÷uô]æø ]‚÷³uô]æø Ü»³âô ‚ô³uø]* p»‚$ ³ìø xö³ŠøÛ»³mø …õ^_$ Âø èô Þøç, qö à»Úô ^ãø qø†ø ì»*] ^ÛøÞ$^*Òø ^v÷m…ô æ»]* ]S÷ †»eø åô ‚ônø Öô lö‚»qøçø Êø VÙø^Îø

w6052 VØñ^–ËÖ] h^jÒ (Ü×ŠÚ å]æ… y

Å×B‚Æ~ V vZwÎgä~Ôì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg {ª0', Y** ¦ 106

Ô B‚Æ~ V \ WÌ~gzZ† ÃäY yLZ ~ V \WQ S7,i ú B; Æ™q -Zq -Z6,g ÄgÆa q -ZC Ù ä~ V \WÔ ñWa¼t ‚ B; Ì6,g Äg}÷ä ~ V \ W ÂÔ~gzZ ¹äÅvZ èg', Y ** ¦X Z¢ Æ i ‚Òp‰@Š Òp{zgzZ uQ{z ~B; Æ ~ V \ Wä ~ Z¢ XƒÑïB;Ð~" e

Jabir bin Samura äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated : I prayed along with Allah's Messenger " # the first prayer. He then went to his family and I also went along with him, when he met some children (on the way). He " # # began to pat the cheeks of each one of them. Jabir bin Samura äß ä×Ö] o•… said ,"and me?" So he " # also patted my cheeks and I experienced a coolness or a fragrance of his hand as if it had been brought out from the scent bar of a perfume seller."

æø ^j÷Û»‰ø äø fø Z»]* áø^Òø ]‚÷uø]* köm»]*…ø ^Úø Vk»Öø^Îø ^ãøÞ$*] èøEøñô^Âø àønßôÚôç, ÛÖ] Ý( .] àÂ.179 àöŠvÖ] †ôÒö„»mø Ü»Öø æø (^³Ú÷ ¡øÒø æø ^³%÷m‚ô³uø Vàö³Šøv³Ö] Ùø^³³Î æø ^³³m÷‚»³âø æø Ÿ&Sø ä×# Ö] Ýø†$ Òø !èøÛø›ô^Êø à»Úô " # ä×# Ö] Ùô糉ö†ø ³eô !Ù$ ‚$ ³Ö] æø pø‚»³ãø Ö»] æø kø³Û»³Š$ Ö]

^ãø Šø×øq»]* æø ^ãø ×øf$ÏøÊø ^âø ‚ônø eô „øìøªÊ ^ãø nÖø]ô Ýø^Î äô n»×øÂø k»×øìøSø ]ƒø]ô k»Þø^Òø !^³ãø ãø q»æø æø äö j»×øf$ÏøÊø åô ‚ônø eô l»„øìø^*Ê äô n»Öø]ô k»Úø ^Î ^ãø n»×øÂø Øø³ìøSø ]ƒø]ô áø^³Òø æ (äô ³Šô×ô ³r»³Úø o³Ê w5217Vh9Ÿ] h^jÒ (9æ]9 oeœ å]æ…y ^ãø Šô×ô r»Úø

oÊ äö j»Šø×øq»*]

Ô]Š ¬ÃËä~ c* â Û äV,Zì e $ZzgÐvZègȬ{¦Ý>Z ÅZ ä ŒgzZ ~ x¯gzZ ] !* ¹ä ŒgzZ ÿ ¬Š 7/x{Š c* i~ wegzZ äz Xà EzvZ x™ÒÃ>¦Ð ~ V vZ wÎg þ H7™f » wegzZ äz Ô]Š ¬ 107

ñB; »yZgzZ D Yƒ} 9~ V \ W Â'Wk0* Æ~ V vZwÎg {zZ # V vZ wÎg Z ~ # b§ÏZÔ D è(KZgzZ D™g\ ÃyZÐ .™ 'ñB; »\WÐ ›'Yƒ ~9{z ÂD Y k0* ÆvZègÒÃ>¦ X 'è(KZgzZ

Aisha ^ãß ä×#Ö] o³•… mother of the believers narrated: I have seen no one ressembling in manners and appearrance and walk, and Hassan said, in talk and speech and Hassan did not mention manners, appearrance and walk, with the Messenger of Allah " # than Fatima ^³ããqæ ä³×#³Ö] ݆³Ò. Whenever she came to him, he used to stand up for her and then took her by the hand, kissed her and would make her sit in his place. And whenever he went to her, she used to stand up for him, take him by the hand, kissed him and would make him sit in her place.

# o% fôß$³Ö] áø^³Ò á»]ô VÙöçÏömø äö³ß»Âø ²ö] oø³•ô…ø ÔõÖô^³³Úø àô³e» ‹ô³³Þø*] ໳Âø.180 " [†ö nÇøß%Ö] ØøÃø Êø ^Ú†õnÛøÂö ^eœ ^m V†õnÇô ‘ø oÖ ïõ¢ ÙøçÏömø ojuø ^ß_öÖô^ínö Öø w6129Vh9¢] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

V *™Ñ HyÒä VrZì e ~ $ZzgÐÅvZèg ´ â 0÷Z ** ¦ 1Z} Z :D â  Û Ð ð¸Lg}÷J -VŒ Ô D™ÐwŠ ÌÐ V”ë ?H Hä( c* ) †nÇÞ ~¾!@ m

Anas bin Malik äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: The Prophet " # used to mingle with us to the extent that he would say to the younger brother of mine, O father of Umair! what did An Nughair (your sparrow) do?"

oÊ ^ãr$ Ú è÷r$ Ú " # o( fôß$Ö] àøÚô kö×»³Ïø³Âø V Ùø^Î Äôneô†$ Ö] àôe 9ôçÛöv»³Úø ໳Âø.181 w77V Ü×ÃÖ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ… y çÖ»Sø à»Úô D àønßô‰ô ‹ ô Û»ìø àöe] ^Þ]*æø E oãôq»æø 108

wÎg (û%q -Z )ìŠ c* = ¹äVrZì e $ZzgÐ ß°Z0Šú** ¦ Ü z kZgzZ Ô ²6,}n }÷™á ã0* ‰ ~ìÐ wze q -Z ä ~ V vZ X å»w‚õ0* ~

Mahmood bin Rabi äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated: When I was a boy of five, I remember The Prophet " # took water from a bucket in his mouth and sprinkled it on my face.

o) ×ô Âø àöe àöŠøvøÖ] æ " # o$ fôß$Ö] kö³m»*]…ø VÙø^Î äöß»Âø äö×#Ö] oø•ô…ø ð]†øfÖ] à³Â.182 äö f$uô^*Ê äö f%uô]. oÞ(]ô Ü$ ãö ×# Ö] VÙöçÏömø äô Ïiô^ o×Âø w3749V " # ofßÖ] h^v‘œ Øñ^–Ê h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ… y

Œ** ¦ ¬ŠÃ~ V vZ wÎg ä ~ì e $ZzgÐÅvZ ègY Z' ,** ¦ !vZ} Z :¸ìg â  Û t~ V \ WgzZ¸6,ug Iñ0 +»Æ\ WÅvZ èg XÄg›ÐkZ ÌÂì ›ÐkZ=

äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated: I saw The Prophet " # while Hasan bin Ali ä³³³ß³Â ä³³³×#³Ö] o³³³•… was over his shoulders, saying "O Allah I love him, so

Al Bara

please love him."

VÙöçÏömø †ôfß»ÛôÖ] o×Âø çøâö æø ^Ûãöß»Âø äö×#Ö] øo³•ô…ø †õ³nEôeø à³e á^³Û³Ã»³ß%³Ö] àô³Âø.183 ‚øãôi»iö oj$u o•ø…»œ Ÿø V èøuø]æø …ø köß»eô éö†ø Û»Âø k»Öø^ÏÊø (èø÷n$_ôÂø o³e]* o³Þ^³_³Â»œ à»Úô oße»] kön»_ø»]* oÞ(]ôVÙø^ÏÊø (" # äô ×# Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø oiø^*Êø (" # äô ³×# ³Ö] Ùø糉ö…ø VÙø^Î (äô ×# Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø ^m Õø‚øãôZ»]. á»*] oßi»†ø Úø ^*Êø (è÷n$_ô³Âø èøuø]æø …ø kô³ß»³eô ø éø†Û»Âø

àøneø ]çÖö‚ô»]æ äø ×# Ö]]çÏöi$^Ê VÙø^Î (Ÿ VÙø^Î []„øâ Øø%»Úô Õø‚ôÖøæ †ø ñô^‰ køn»_ø»œ [2587 VèfãÖ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ…] äö jøn$ _ôÂø S$ †ø Êø Äøqø†ø Êø VÙø^Î !Ü»ÒöSô Ÿæ»œ 109

E -“ ¾q -Z=ä\!* }÷¸ìg™yÒ6, aé) vZèga0yˆ** Ÿ ¦ vZ wÎg \WJ -Z #  ¹ä ( {−Zz Åyˆ) vZ èg
Numan bin Bashir ^Ûãß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated on the pulpit: my father gave me a gift but Amra bint Rawaha (my mother) said that she would not agree to it unless he made Allah's Messenger " # a witness to it. So, my father went to Allah's Messenger " # and said, 'I have given a gift to my son from Amra bint Rawaha, but she ordered me to make you a witness to it, O Allah's Messenger " # ! He " # asked "Have you given the same to every one of your sons?" He replied in the negative. Allah's Messenger " # said "Fear Allah, and be just between your children." My father returned and took back his gift.


Ýô^uø…»Ÿ* ] èö×ø‘ô Joining Relations w1: ð«ŠßÖ]y Ýø^uø…»Ÿø »]æø

·g î0Ïu

ä´eô áøç»Öö ðø «Šøiø p»„ôÖ$] äø ×# Ö] ]çÏöi$]æø VoFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø

hLZÐ}uzŠq -Z ?™}ŠôZz »Tzg eÐ Z} .k Q :ì Š  á g Z » \¬vZ X z™Ì6, Ðäh —Ã]©Æ" $Z Œ Û z¸ggzZÔƒ_â

Allah The Exalted says: And fear Allah through Whom you demand (your mutual rights), and (do not cut the relations of) the wombs (kinship)"

w21:‚†Ö]y Ø‘øç»m% á»]ø ?ä´eô äö ×# Ö] †ø Úø ]ø«Úø

áøçû ×ö’ô øm àøm»„ô$Ö]æø VoFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø

¬»pgg Z Œ Û ', Ã*ZzgXXävZì CƒtlzgÅyZ :ìŠ  á g Z »w¬vZ X n pgg Z Œ Û' , 7Zì c* Š Allah The Exalted says:And those who joined that which Allah has commanded to be joined"

Üöuô†$ Ö] VÙø^Î " # oùfôßùÖ] àôÂø " # oùfôß$Ö] tô滇ø ^ãß»Âø äö×#Ö] oø•ô…ø èøEøñ^Âø à»Âø.184 öäjöû_øÎø ^ãÃø _øÎø à»Úø æø ( äö jö×»‘øæø ^ã×ø‘øæø à»ÛøÊø ( èºßør»Zô w5989Vh9¢] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ… y

:c* â Û ä~ V \Wì e $ZzgÐ vZèg Ȭ{¦zziÅ ~ V *™Ñ ~}™msÐ kZgzZVƒ MÐ kZ~A Ð kZ ¿ì c  á 3g Aisha

^`ß ä×#Ö] o³•…

X Vƒ@* ™msÐkZ

wife of The Prophet " # narrated:The Prophet " # 111

said, " Ar Rahm is a branch, one who joins it , I join with him and one who severs it I break relations with him."

èøß$røÖ] Øöìö‚»³mø Ÿø V ÙöçÏömø " # o$ fôß$Ö] ÄøÛô‰ø äö$Þœ V ÜõÃô_»³Úö à³e †³n»føqö ໳Âø.185 w5984Vh9¢] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y


™‹! VrZÔ ‹Ð~ V *™Ñ äVrZÔì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg ê 0¦** ¦

X ÇñY7~¼ A ÑZzä™·g s :c* â Û ä~ V

Jubair bin Mutim äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated that he heard The Prophet " # say, "One who severs relations will not enter Paradise."

VÙöçÏömø " # äô×#Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø köûÛô‰ø VÙø^Î äöÞ$*] äöß»Âø äö×#Ö] oø³•ô…ø éø†øm»†øaö oeœ à»Âø.186

öäÛøuô…ø Ø»’ônø ×»Êø (åô †ô$øœ oÊ äö Öø ^*Šøß»mö Ờæ (äô Îô ‡»…ô oÊ äö Öø ¼øŠøf»mö Ờ åö †$ ‰ø à»Úø wh9¢] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y

wÎgÆvZ ‹Ð~ V vZwÎg ä~ HyÒäÅvZèg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ ÂñYÅi ZgŠ/ÅkZgzZƒqZ Û ~~izgÅkZì I& :c* â Û ä~ V X}™ H·g,{z’ e

Abu Huraira äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: I heard Allah's Messenger " # saying, "He who desires that he be granted more provision and his life be prolonged, should join ties with his blood relations."

Ü»ãö ×ö‘ô*] (è÷eø ]†ø Îø oÖô á$ ]ô = äô ×# Ö] Ùø糉ö…ø ^³møV Ùø^Îø ¡÷qö…ø á$ ÿ] (éø †øm»†øaö oeôœ à»Âø.187 (o$ ×øÂø áøç×öãø r»møæø Ü»ãö ß»Âøø Üö×öu»]*æø (o$ Öø]ô áøçòönŠômöæø Ü»ãôn»Öø]ô àöŠôu»].æø (oÞ(çÃö _øÏ»møæø

ø Ãø Úø Ùö]ˆø mø Ÿæøø (Ø$ ÛøÖ»] Üöãö Ë% Šôiö ^ÛøÞ$^*ÓøÊø( kø×»Îö ^ÛøÒø køß»Òö à»òô Öø VÙø^³Ïø³Êø àøÚô Ô ø ÖôƒF oF×øÂø wxnv‘ 6525VèËvjÖ] h^jÒ(Ü×ŠÚ å]æ…y Ô 112

køÚ»Sö ^Úø (Ü»ãôn»×øÂø †öº nãô¾ø äô ×# Ö]

wÎg Æ vZ } Z ¹ ä òŠ Wq -Z ì e $Zzg Ð Å vZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ msÐí {zgzZ Ô Vƒ @* ™·g,Ð yZ~Ô  g ZŠ ºg¼ }÷! ~ V ~X D™u|Z',Ðí{zgzZVƒ @* ™u| YZÐ yZ~X D™ X  D W7Ð ãZŠ ** B‚}÷{z Ô Vƒ @* W7Ð ~g !* Š' ,gzZ ·Ð yZ x¤ /~ìÆyZ Âc* Í ÂÔì ¹ä 6ì „ (Z ¤ /Z :c* â Û ä~ V \W -ZÐ s§Å \¬vZåB‚}¾~«£Æ yZgzZì ;g wZ eÄ Zg q X Çìg¸tzg Z¾J -Z # Çìgg ÇŠæ

Abu Huraira äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated: A man said to Allah's Messenger " # , 'I have relatives, I try to keep the ties of relationship with them but they sever relations with me; I treat them kindly but they treat me badly, I am gentle with them but they are rough to me.' He " # replied, If you are as you say, it is as if you are feeding them hot ashes, and you will be with a supporter against them from Allah as long as you continue to do so."

( o- Ê^ÓøÛöÖ^e Øö‘]çø Ö] ‹øn»Öø V Ùø^Î " # oùfôß$Ö] àôÂø æ†õÛ»Âø àôe ²ô]‚ôf»Âø à»Âø .188 ^ã×ø‘øæø äö Ûöuô…ø k»Ãø _ôÎö ]ƒø]ô p„Ö] Øö‘ô]çø Ö] àôÓôÖFæø w5991Vh9¢] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ… y

»x » Ë :c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZègz/0vZ†** ¦ Å·g sB‚ÆkZZ # ì {z ÑZz ä™·g î0ÏuÉ ì 7·g î0ÏubŠ!$ + X}™·g î0Ïu{zÌA $ƒ„g Y

Abdullah bin Amr äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : The Prophet " # said, "Joining relations is not in exchange for anything, but the one who truly joins relations is one who joins when others have severed relations with him."


…^røÖ] Ð% uø Rights of Neighbours

t £Æñä

gôß»røÖ»^eô gôuô^’$ Ö]æø gôßöröÖ»] …ô^røÖ»]æø oeF†»ÏöÖ»] pƒô …ô^røÖ»]æø V oFÖ^Ãi ä×#Ö] Ù^Îø w36: ð«ŠßÖ]y

¶‚ÆUÔÐtäbZÔÐgZŠ¸gÏz7, gzZ :ìŠ  á gZ »\¬vZ Allah The Exalted says: The neighbour who is a stranger, the companion by your side.

hô^vø‘»*Ÿ] †ö n»ìø V" # äô×#Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø Ùø^Îø VÙø^Îø æ†õÛ»Âø àôe» äô×#³Ö] ‚ô³f»Âø ໳Âø.189 åô …ô^røÖô Ü»âö †ö n»ìø ä×# Ö] ‚øß»Âô áô]†ø nrôÖ] †ö n»ìø æø (äô fôuô^’øÖô Ü»âö †ö n»ìø äô ×# Ö] ‚øß»Âô w1944Vè×’Ö] æ †fÖ] h^jÒ (p„Ú†jÖ] å]æ… y

V¹‚V; Æ\¬vZ :c* â Û ävZwÎgÔì e $ZzgÐÅvZègvZ†** ¦ Ѓ  ~V±z7,gzZƒ4nƶ‚ LZì {z ¶‚4Ð ƒ ~ Xƒ4~hÆÏz7, LZì {zÏz7, 4

Abdullah bin Amr äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said,

"The best of companions near Allah is the one who is the best of them to his companions, and the best of neighbours near Allah is the one who is the best of them to his neighbours."

àöÚø ^,mø Ÿø à»Úø èøß$røÖ»] Øöìö‚»³mø Ÿø VÙø^Îø " # äô×#Ö] Ùø糉ö…ø á$ *] éø †øm»†øâö oeô*] à»Âø.190 [172Vá^ÛmŸ] h^jÒ(Ü×ŠÚ å]æ… ] äö Ïøñô]çø eø åö …ö ^qø ~¼ A ¿{z:c* â Û ä~ V vZwÎgì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ 114

Xƒ:pôÐd $ Û z(nZtä»TÇñY:

Abu Huraira 䳳߳ 䳳×#³³Ö] o³³•… narrated: Allah's Messenger " # said, "One whose neighbour is not safe from his troubles will not enter Paradise."

p„ôÖ(] àöÚô ©ÛÖ] ‹ønÖ V ÙöçÏmø " # o$ fß$Ö] köÃÛ‰V ÙçÏm Œ^f àe] ໳Âø.191 [ 112(9†ËÛÖ] h9Ÿ] oÊ p…^ífÖ]

å ] æ… ]

ĺñô^q åö …ö ^qøæ ( Äöføi»mø

E -“ ¿{z :‹Ð ~ V *™Ñ ä~ì e $ZzgÐ é) vZèg k„0Z ** ¦

Xƒ»Ètä»kZgzZñ3™½ùŠpì 7ðñ

Ibn-e- Abbas ^Û`ß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated I heard The Prophet " # say," He is not a believer who fills his stomach while his neighbour is hungry."

Øöm†ô³f»qô Ùø]‡ø ^³Ú VÙø^Î " # o( fôß$Ö] àôÂø ^³ãß»³Âø äö³×#³Ö] oø³•ô…ø èøEøñ^³Â ໳Âø.192 w6014V h9Ÿ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ…y äö $ö…( çø nö ‰ø äö Þ$œ köß»ßø¾ø oj$u …ô^røÖ^eô oßôn‘ôçmö

â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐ vZ ègÈ ¬ {¦ sƒ ]| : c*

Zg ¦ /wì=ìg D™¤z~ hÆÏz7,g !* g!* b§kZ= x?Zm X ,Š™:q -Ñ~V $ZgzÃÏz7, + h á

Aisha ^ãß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: The Prophet " # said, "Jibril continued to enjoin me about (the Rights) of neighbours till I thought he would soon make them as my heirs."

Ÿ lô^Û×ô ŠûÛöÖ] ðø ^ŠÞô ^m V ÙöçÏömø " # o% fôß$Ö] áø^Ò VÙø^Î éø†øm»†øâö oeœ à»Âø.193 [ 6017V h9Ÿ] h^jÒ(p…^ífÖ] å]æ… y éõ ^Z àø‰ô†û Êô çû Öø æø ^ãiô …ø ^rÖ éº…ø ^q á$ †ø Ïô vûiø y›} Z :c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ ~–{ Zpõ:HaƶŠ ( ~t@)ÃqÌËaÆÍz7,ËKZ ! Âgú 115

Xƒ: VY„t0* »

Abu Huraira äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated : The Prophet " # used to say, "O

Muslim ladies! A lady neighbour should not look down upon the gift of her lady neighbour even if it was the trotter of a sheep."

oÖ á$ ]ô ( äô ×# Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø ^³m Vkö³×»³Îö Vk»Öø^Î ^ãß»Âø äö×#³Ö] oø³•ô…ø èøEøñô^³Â ໳Âø.194 ^e÷^e Ô ô ß»Úô ^Ûãôeô†ø λœ oÖ]ô VÙø^Î [p‚ôâ»]. ^Ûãôm(œ oÖ^ô Ê àøm»…ø ^q w2595VèfãÖ] h^jÒ (p…^ífÖ] å]æ… y

wÎg c* Hn²ä~ HyÒäV,Zì e $ZzgÐ vZègȬ{¦ \W ?’ e 't@ yÆ ¾=  Ïz7,( ¼ )}÷ ! ~ V vZ Xƒd $Œ Û Ð?{ i ZzgŠ »T:c* â Û ä~ V

Aisha ^ãß ä×#Ö] o³•… arrated: I said 'O Allah's Messenger " # ! I have two neighbours which of the two should I give a gift. The Prophet " # said, "To one whose door is nearer to you of the two."


Ü»jô nø Ö]†% eô Kindness with Orphans

8 ‚Æd u|èE L jB

ø ŠøË»³Þø†»³fô‘»]æø V oF³Ö^³Ã³i ä³×# ³Ö] Ù^³Îø éô æ‚FÇøÖ»^eô Ü»ãö e$…ø áøç»Âö ‚»mø àøm»„ôÖ$] ÄøÚø Ô w28: ÌãÓÖ]y oùô iôÃø Ö»]æø

ŸgÅ[g LZz™t6, öÅVÍßyQÃwŠ LZgzZ :ìŠ  á g Z »\¬vZ

X Dg åÐQx  á zð™0g ÇÔÆ Allah The Exalted says: And keep yourself ( O Muhammad patiently with those who call on their Lord morning and evening.


# ) "

†»ãø Ï»iø ¡øÊø Üøn»jô nø Ö»] ^Ú$ ^øÊø V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø X z™: ñ6, dZ® :ìŠ  á gZ »\¬vZ

Allah The Exalted says: Therefore, treat not the orphan with oppression.

ø Öô„FÊø àôm»‚ôùÖ^eô hö„ôùÓømö p»„ôÖ$] køm» ðø …ø ]ø V oFÖ^Ãi ä×# Ö] Ù^Îø Üøn»jô nø Ö»] Å% ‚ömø p»„ô$Ö] Ô w1-2: áçÂ^ÛÖ]y

„z ?ì @* PÃZwgzZ Z b Å]y Mÿk Q ¬Š ä?:ì Š  á g Z »\¬vZ Xì êŠrŠÃdì Allah The Exalted says: Have you seen him who denies the Recompense? That is he who repulses the orphan (harshly).

èô ß$røÖ] oÊ Üônjô nÖ] ØöÊ^Òæ ^³Þœ V Ùø^Î " # oùfôß$Ö] àôÂø ‚õû‰ø àe Ø㻉ø ໳Âø.195 w6005 Vh9Ÿü] h^jÒ(p…^vfÖ] å]æ…y o_ø‰»çö Ö]æ èô eø ^f$Š$ Ö] äô n»Ãø fø‘»^ô e Ùø^Îæø (]„øÓøâF 117

~ :c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñ D™e $ZzgÅvZ èg Ä0 ™** ¦ gzZ]Š Þä~ V \WgzZÐVƒ b§kZ~¼ A ÑZz ä™lgz6,ÅdgzZ X c* CÐ{g  á ZÆVèZ ãxgŠ

Sahal bin Saad äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : Allah's Messenger " # said, "I will be like this in Paradise with the person who takes care of the orphan." Allah's Messenger " # raised his forefinger and middle finger ( by way of illustration to show the closeness of them).

(äf×Î éøçø Š»Îø " # ä×# Ö] Ù牅 o³Ö]ô ^³Óø³Zø ÷¡q… á*] Vé†m†³a oe*] àÂ.196 Œø],…ø x»ŠøÚ»]æ (àønÓôŠ»ÛôÖ] ÜôÃô ›»^*Ê (Ôføö ×»Îø àøn×ô mø á*] løS»…]* á»]ô V ä³Ö Ù^³Ï³Ê [ 7576(‚Ûu] å]æ…]

Üônjô nø Ö]

ÅwŠÐ ~ V vZ wÎg ä òŠ Wq -Zì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦

èƒx3, wŠ Zg vƒ T e ?¤ /Z : c* â Û ä~ V \ W ÂX Åe $DÅ ñ X z¢B;6, uÆdgzZ ƒ î ** 3

Abu Hurairah äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated : A person complained to The Prophet " # of the hardness of the heart , so The Prophet " # said," If you want that your heart should be soft then feed the poor and stroke the head of the orphan."

Ð$ uø tö†( uø]. oÞ(]ô Ü$ ³`ö ×$ ³Ö] V " # äô×#Ö] Ùö糉ö…ø Ùø^³Îø VÙø^³Îøéø †m»†øaö o³eô*] ໳Âø.197 $ Ö] w3678Vh9Ÿü] h^jÒ (äq^Ú àe] å]æ…] éô ]*†»ÛøÖ»]æø Üônjô nø Ö»] V àôn»ËønÃô –

~ !vZ } Z :c* â Û ä~ V *™Ñì e $ZzgÐÅvZ èg {k , Ù 1Z ** C ¦ gzZdq -Z ( ** ™# Ö „@* Ã~yZ ) Vƒ@* Zg e¹Ð hÆVÂzŠÃVÍß X ]gú~uzŠ 118

Abu Hurairah äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated:Allah's messenger " # said,"O Allah I warn people regarding the rights of two weak ones, the orphans and the women."

oÞôçÇö³e»œ VÙöçÏömø " # ä×#Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø köû³Ûô³‰ø VÙöç³Ïö³mø ðô]9ø…»‚$ ³Ö] o³eœ ໳Âø.198 ÜÓöñô^ËøÃø –öeô áøæ†ö ’øß»iöæø áøçÎö‡ø †»iö ^Ûø$Þ^ôÊø ðø ^ËøÃø –% Ö] w2594V9^ãrÖ] h^jÒ (9æ]9 oe] å]æ…y

Dâ Û Ã~ V vZ wÎg ä ~  D™yÒ ÅvZ èg Y ZŠg−Z 1Z ** ¦ $ X z™lˆ~Vzgz$ ?=:‹ 4¨GG CYÅŠæ„ÐzzÅY 7yZ LZÔ ~g v éSE 5G Xì CY~Š ~izg»gzZ

Abu Darda äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated : I heard The Messenger of Allah " # say, " Search me in the midst of the weak among you for verily you will be given provision and help due to the weak among you."


h»ç×öÏöÖ»] Ñö^Îø…ô Softening the hearts

** ™x3, ÃVߊ

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Abdullah bin Busr äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated, a bedoin said," O Messenger of Allah " # , who is the best amongst people? He " # replied," Who has a long life and best of deeds."

]ƒ]ô VÙ^ÏÊ [Üö $»Ÿô] ^Ú VÙ^ÏÊ ( " # o$ fßÖ] غ³q… Ùø^*³‰øV ÙçÏm èÚ^Ú.] oe] à»Âø.200 $ uø Ôi» ðø ^‰ ]ƒ]ô VÙ^Î [ áö^ÛmŸô]^ÛÊ VÙ^Π仂øÊø (ðºoZ ÔŠôË³Þ o³Ê Ô w22159V ‚Ûu] å]æ…] àºÚô ç, Úö

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Abu Umamah äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated : A man asked The Prophet " # , "What is sin"? He " # said, "When something pricks your consience then leave it.Then he asked what is Iman? He " # replied, "when you 120

dislike your bad deed and you are happy with your good deed,then you can consider yourself a believer."

" äô ×# Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø köÖ»^*³‰ø VÙø^Îø p( …ô^’øÞ»*Ÿ»] áø^ÃøÛ»‰ø àôe» Œô]ç$ ß$³Ö] àô³Âø .201 # oÊô Õø^uø ^Úø Üö$»Ÿ»ô] æø (Ðô³×»³íö³Ö»] àö³Š»uö †% ³fôÖ»] VÙø^³Ïø³Êø [Üô³$»Ÿô »] æø †( ³fôÖ»] àô³Âø [6516V‚âˆÖ] h^jÒ ( Ü׊Ú

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An-Nawwas bin Samaan Al Ansari äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: I asked Allah's M es s en g er " # o f R i g h t eo us n es s an d s in . He " # re plied, "Righteousness is noble behaviour and sin is that which pricks your soul and you dislike people finding out about it."

]†÷ n»ìø ‚õf»Ãø eô äö ×# ³Ö]Sø ]…ø ]* ]ƒø]ô VÙ^Î (" # o$ fß$Ö] á$ œ (ÔÖ^Ú àe ‹³Þ] à³Â.202 ØõÛøÃø Öô äö ÏÊ( çø mö VÙø^Îø [ äô ×# Ö] Ùøç‰ö…ø ^mø äö ×öÛôûjøŠ»mø Ìøn»Òø VØønÎô (äö ³×ö³Ûô³Ã»³jøŠ»mø w341Vá^ŠuŸ] æ †fÖ] h^jÒ (á^fu àe] å]æ…y l ô ç»ÛøÖ] Øøf»Îø xõÖ^‘ø

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â Û «=ÂÅ䙿(ÃkZ¬ Ð ]ñ: c* â Û ä~ V \W ? f e X ï Š

Anas bin Malik äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: The Prophet " # said," When Allah intends goodness for a servant He gives him the ability to do (good) deeds. They said how does He make him do deeds O Messenger of 121

Allah " # ? He " # said, "He gives him the ability to do righteous deeds before death."

åö ðø ^røÊø (äô ×ô eô]ô oÊô ”õ^Î$ æø oeô]* àöe»] ‚öû‰ø áø^Òø VÙø^Îø ‚õû‰ø àe» †Úô^Âø à»Âø.203 (Ùøˆø ßøÊø (gôÒô]†$ Ö] ]„øâF †( Zø à»Úô äô ×# Ö^eô ƒöçÂö *] VÙø^Îø ‚ºÃ»‰ø åö 3…ø ^Û$ ×øÊø (†ö ÛøÂö äö ³ßö³e»]

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Amir bin Saad narrated that Saad bin Abi Waqqas äß ä×#Ö] o•… was amongst his camels when his son came. When Saad äß ä×#Ö] o³•… saw him, he said, " I seek refuge in Allah from the mischief of this rider. Then he dismounted and said, " You are busy amongst your camels and goats and have left people to dispute for authority? Saad äß²] o•… hit his chest and said, 'be quite' I heard the Messenger of Allah " # say, "Indeed Allah loves a servant who is pious, content and hidden."

tø†ø ìø (àôÛønø Ö»] oFÖø]ô " # ä×# Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø äö %øÃø eø ^Û$ ³Öø VÙø^Îø Øõføqø àôe» ƒô^ÃøÚö à»Âø.204 122

oiôÛ»mø " # ä×# Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø æø (gºÒô]…ø ƒº^Ãø Úö æø (äô n‘ôçmö " # ä×# Ö] Ùöç‰ö…ø äö Ãø ³Úø ø Þ$]ô (ƒö^Ãø Úö ^mø VÙø^Îø Éø†ø Êø ^Û$ ×øÊø (äô ³jô ×ø³uô]…ø kø³v»³iø ‚øûeø oÞô^Ïø×»iø Ÿø á»*] oFŠøÂø Ô ø ×$ ³Ãø ³Öø æ»*] (]„ø³âF o³Úô ^³Âø ƒº^Ãø Úö oFÓøføÊø (p†ôf»Îø æ»]* ]„øâF p‚ôrôŠ»Ûøeô †$ Ûöiø á»]* Ô . èô ßøm‚ôÛøÖ»] çø v»Þø äô ãôq»çø eô Øøfø λ^*Êø (køËøjøÖ»] Ü$ $ö ( " # ä×# Ö] Ùôç‰ö…ø Ñô]†ø ËöÖô ^Ã÷ iøqø .]çÞö^Òø &ön»uø æø

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Å^ÃyZ ä~ V vZwÎgZ # ì e $ZzgÐÅvZèg†0f ç** ¦ èg f çÔ¸ìg™¤zÃyZ {z Ô†B‚ÆyZ ~ V vZ wÎg Â5s§ \WZ # X¸ ìg ^B‚Æ ~g ZÎÅyZ ~ V vZ wÎggzZ¸g ZÎÅvZ íˆÆw‚kZ ?ì Yƒ! f ç} Z :c* â Û Âñƒrg Ã( Ð ¤z) ~ V V vZwÎgÅvZèg f çÂX zg ¦ ~ / ÐGc* KkZ ~÷?Z + á c* Ôjï:Ð X 1™s§ÅÜæ cg CZ äV,ZgzZ} & × {zQX} 7, zg~ôgÆðZ] .Å Ìðà {zÔvß sd $Œ Û {Š c* iÐ ƒ  }÷G:c* â Û ä~ V \ WQ X VƒÌ}V˜gzZVƒ

Muadh bin Jabal äß ä×#Ö] o•… narrated: When Allah's messenger " # appointed him to Yemen, he " # came out with him and advised him. Muadh äß ä×#Ö] o³•… was mounted and The Messenger of Allah " # was walking along with him. After this, he " # said,"O Muadh, perhaps you will not meet me after this year or you may pass by my mosque or my grave, Muadh äß ä×#Ö] o³•… began to weep out of grief of parting from the messenger of Allah " # .Then he " # turned his face towards Madina and said," Indeed the closest of people to me are the Allah conscious, whoever they are and wherever they may be." 123

Ùøç‰ö…ø ^mø VÙø^ÏøÊø " # äô ×# Ö] Ùôç‰ö…ø oÖø]ô غqö…ø ðø ^³qø VÙø^Îø ‹õÞø*] à»Âø.205 VÙø^Îø !pçø Ï»j$Ö] äö ×# Ö] ÕøSø æ$ ‡ø VÙø^Îø (oÞôS»æ( ˆø Êø ]†÷ ³Ëø³‰ø ‚ö³m…ô]. o³Þ(]ô äô ³×# ³Ö]

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Anas äß ä×#Ö] o³•… narrated: A man came to Allah's Messenger " # and said, 'O Messenger of Allah " # ! I intend to undertake a journey, so grant me provision.' He " # said, "May Allah grant you the Provisio5-n of piety." The man said, "grant me more . He " # said, "May He forgives your sins." The man repeated: ' May my mother and father be sacrificed for you, grant me more' He " # said, "May He facilitate good for you wherever you are."


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The Hans Wehr dictionary of Modern Written Arabic Edited by J M. Cowan 1976



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