Human Creation

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  • Words: 778
  • Pages: 26

Ovarium : tempat diproduksi sel telur, terdapat dikiri dan kanan pinggang)  Ovum : sel telur diproduksi tiap bulan ( 28 hari sekali )  Tuba Follophii ( Oviduck ) : saluran telur, tempat terjadinya fertilisasi.  Uterus ( Rahim ) : tempat terjadinya implantasi, dan pembesaran janin  Vagina: tempat pengeluaran janin, dan alat senggama 

Bagian dalam: ovarium, ovum, tuba follophii/ oviduk, uterus/ rahim, liang vagina. Bagian: labia mayora, labia minora, klitoris/ erektil





Fertilization is the union of egg and sperm  Occurs in Fallopian Tubes (usually)  200 million sperm to one egg! (sometimes 2, 3 or more eggs!).  When 1 sperm penetrates the zona pellucida (clear zone around egg), cortical granules are released that prevent any other sperm from penetrating the egg  After fertilization, the egg and sperm and nuclei fuse, and a new diploid human zygote results (2n) - the first cell of the new animal 

Cleavage: The first days and weeks after conception: mitotic cell divisions begin, converting the zygote to a multicellular organism

Day 1: first cleavage - 1 cell becomes 2 Day 2: second cleavage - 4-cell stage Day 3: 6-12 cell stage - can test at this stage for genetic diseases if done by IVF Day 4: 16-32 cell stage - solid ball of cells morula

Day 5: Solid morula develops into hollow, fluid-filled blastula  The embryo will develop from the inner cell mass, or embryonic disc 

Day 6 -7: Blastocyst attaches to the endometrium and burrows in: implantation.

Days 7-10: Gastrulation: major cellular reorganization into 2 or 3 tissue (germ) layers: -Ectoderm: skin, nervous system -Endoderm: lining of gut and internal organs -Mesoderm: muscles, bones, heart  

Gastrula: Early embryo with 3 tissue layers. All cells have the same DNA; however, different cells now begin to "turn on" (or "express") different genes to become different organs.

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Days 10 - 14: Pregnancy becomes established -Fluid filled amniotic cavity starts to form -Yolk sac starts to form (will make blood cells, germ cells) -Embryo starts to form from embryonic disc - Chorion (placenta) starts to form At the end of this stage, a woman will have just missed her period!

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Days 15 - 21: Emergence of the vertebrate body plan Primitive streak starts to form - this is the site of gastrulation (formation of the 3 tissue layers ecto, endo, and mesoderm) Neural groove (future spinal cord and brain) begins to form Somites (bands of tissue that will become muscles and bones) begin to form Pharangeal arches (future face, neck, mouth, nose) begin to form

Days 21 on... Week 3 - Week 8 (Embryo) - Development of all organ systems  Day 22: Cardiac cells (early heart) begins to beatDay  24 embryo shown at right 

And now for the rest of development... Here come the organs!

Week 4-8 is whan all the major organ systems of the body are formed and when most teratogens have their greatest effect




After 12 weeks or so, the baby's development is largely "finished" - except brain and lung development

The early processes of development all need to occur at a precise time and place - that is why poor maternal nutrition, fever, drugs, alcohol, (particularly in the 1st trimester) all have potentially serious effects of the developing baby.

However, ALSO remember that ~9,000 human babies are born EVERY HOUR of every day (a net increase of 2.5 babies per second, or about 80 million every year!*) - and the vast majority are healthy and perfectly formed, even sometimes under adverse conditions

Shypilis (Raja Singa)  Gonorhoae (Kencing Nanah)  Herpes  Aids (Penurunan sistem kekebalan tubuh)  Candidiasys (Keputihan) 

Gonore (kencing nanah) disebabkan oleh bakteri. Gejala dari gonore, antara lain keluarnya cairan seperti nanah dari saluran kelamin; rasa panas dan sering kencing.  Bakteri penyebab penyakit ini dapat menyebar ke seluruh tubuh sehingga menyebabkan rasa nyeri pada persendian dan dapat mengakibatkan kemandulan 

AIDS bukanlah penyakit pada sistem reproduksi, namun AIDS dapat disebabkan karena adanya hubungan seksual, yang merupakan proses reproduksi pada manusia, oleh penderita AIDS.  AIDS merupakan kumpulan gejala penyakit karena turunnya sistem kekebalan tubuh. AIDS(Aquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) disebabkan oleh virus HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome). 

Herpes genetalis disebabkan oleh virus. Virus penyebab penyakit herpes genetalis adalah Herpes simpleks.  Gejala penyakitherpes genetalis, antara lain timbulnya rasa gatal atau sakit pada daerah kelamin dan adanya luka yang terbuka atau lepuhan berair. 

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