
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 365
  • Pages: 24
Creation In principio erat Verbum…

Genesis •Tells us what and why… •The sacred author isn’t trying to tell us “how.” (at least not scientifically.

•We need to read the account on its own terms first…literally, to unlock what is being conveyed. (What’s literal again?)

Nothing to something • He is showing that God created ex nihilo. • That is “ from nothing.” • In ancient mythology creation is usually the result of some cosmic war between Gods.

• Also, the gods are usually like men…petty and flawed. • God is outside of the creation. • Infinitely higher • In Genesis God simply “snaps hi s fangers” … okay?

Purpose •Genesis shows us that God created everything purposefully. (What’s that mean?)

• The end, purpose, and meaning of time, space, the world, the plants, animals…is to help man. • Help him do what? • Praise, Reverence and serve. (know Love, Serve)

• God says, “let US make man in our own image.” • (Who is he talking to?)

• He creates us male and female. • He calls for us to be fruitful and multiply. • He makes us like him!!!! • ??????

Sanctity and Dignity •What follows? •Well, if God is holy and we are in his image? Then…(you do the math.)

•Human life has great dignity and his work has value. God “works” and “rests”… so do we.

Body Soul •God makes man body and soul. •Not just body…or soul

• Or a body trapped in soul (ask me about gnosticism and dualism. God ahead. Ask!) • Body Soul. Therefore the body is ________.

Human Dignity •Through Image and likeness •Work •Family Love (Trinitarian) •This is the natural law.

•Then there is Divine Grace…eternal life… beyond us.

On the other hand God is God. I am not. Creator>Creature

Sabbath •Blessing! •Reminder that we are not entirely fulfilled by work. There is more. •Sabbath is to remind us of heaven.

Say my shem, say my shem •There are two creation accounts! •In Genesis 1 Elohim creates the cosmos.

• In Genesis 2 YHWH acts closely and personally. • These are two ways of describing God in relationship to creation. As Cosmic creator and as Father.

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