Hrm Project On Pof's

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,740
  • Pages: 18
Dedication We dedicate this achievement to our teacher and parents who changed our life and it is the result of their guidance we are here, in this stage.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary About POFs Human Resource Planning  Accessing the human resources needs  Pre-Board Meeting

Job Analysis  Introduction to Job Analysis  Importance of Job Analysis for the POFs  Purpose of job Analysis

Recruitment  What is Recruitment?  Recruiting Goals  Constraint on Recruiting Efforts  Recruitment Sources  Recruitment Alternatives

Selection  What Is Selection?  Selection in POFs  Steps in Selection Process of POFs

Training & Developing  Introduction to Training & Developing  New -Employee Orientation

Employee Benefits  Introduction of Employee Benefits  Fringes and Benefits - OFFICERS BS-17

 Facilities

Executive Summary This project is about the human resource management in Pakistan Ordnance Factories. The project describes the primary function of human resource management that is related with one another and with organizational strategy. This project tells us how Pakistan Ordnance Factories form human resource management plan, access human resource needs and how POFs conduct job analysis ,recruitment, selection and training and development and how POFs provides training to its employees. This project briefly describes the benefits that POFs provides to its employees and how it manages the performance with in the company. It also describes the separation process for permanent and contract base employees.

PAKISTAN ORDNANCE FACTORIES (POFs) Pakistan Ordnance Factories is huge industrial complex in public sector with diversified products which are mainly focused at providing the self reliance through indigenization within Pakistan. Thus POF is a 'force behind the forces' as it is producing armaments and weapons for all the three forces i.e.; Pakistan Air Force, Pakistan Navy and Pakistan Army. In Pakistan Ordnance Factories, more than 30000 people are working for strengthening of the national defense. This huge human capital is engaged in supporting each other for the same national cause. It not only requires a well established HR infrastructure for recruiting and training the new human capital but also needs empowering the present employees through innovative methods of trainings for better outcomes. In POFs, Human Resource is recruited and managed by the Personnel Department. Each and every year, many a people are retired from service after completing their tenure i.e. at the age 60 years or completing 25 years of service. Thus a large no. of posts become vacant which are filled in on the basis of specific quota reserved for all the regions/ provinces of Pakistan. The process of selection of the right persons for the right jobs (Recruitment) involves a chain of steps which are focused at exploring

the potential individuals who can perform well in the organization in the existing scenario. This process ultimately results in appointment of the people who perform well during different steps of this recruiting process. Main steps of this process are as below;

HUMAN RESOURCE PLAINING Introduction of HR Planning: HR Planning links people management to the organization's mission, vision, goals and objectives, as well as its strategic plan and budgetary resources. A key goal of HR planning is to get the right number of people with the right skills, experience and competencies in the right jobs at the right time at the right cost. 1) Accessing the human resources needs. POFs are one of the biggest organizations in Pakistan. It consists of 30000 employees in overall Pakistan. The human resource needs of POFs are accessed through a proper process. Before the preparation of financial budget of POFs, each department sends their demand for HR. The G.M and the different department of POFs send their HR demand to their concerned SEVP e.g. requirements for the account departments are send to the SEVP of accounts. The SEVP of each department reports to the SEVP of HR. The SEVP of HR analyzes the human resource demands and justified them through

different standards. If any of the human resource demands does not match with the POFs policies i.e. If not justified then these demands are rejected and the concern SEVP is informed about the rejection. SEVP of concerned area may justify their demand of human resource. 2) Pre-Board Meeting: The SEVP of HR conducts a pre-board meeting before sending their HR budget to the top management. In pre-board meeting the SEVP of all departments are informed about any change or variation e.g. if number of post are increased or decreased by the SEVP of HR. After pre-board meeting the human resource budget is send to the board of Directors for the approval. In HR budget the HR department must specify the month from which the employees will be needed.

JOB ANALYSIS Introduction to Job Analysis: A job Analysis is a systematic exploration of the activities within a job. It is a technical procedure used to define a job’s duties, responsibilities, and accountabilities. In POFs, engineers, welfare officers, MBAs, doctors, IT specialists and some other professional degree holders are engaged in serving the nation. Each and every post has its own job requirements. So keeping in view, the job requirements and required basic qualifications, recruitment is done. POFs conducts job analysis when  New jobs are introduced.

 Changes occur in organizational structure.  Technological changes occur.

Importance of Job Analysis for the POFs: POFs are one of the biggest and oldest organizations in PAKISTAN. For the organizations like POFs the Job analysis is one of the most important activities for the POFs. The importance of job analysis for the POFs is as follows:

Job analysis identifies the personal qualifications necessary to perform the job and the conditions under which work is performed.

Job analysis identifies who does what.

Determine needs for new and experienced employees. Place employees in jobs that use their skills effectively In addition, job analysis can uncover tools and technologies commonly used on the job, working conditions, and a variety of other aspects that characterize work performed in the position

Purpose of job Analysis: Job Descriptions: A job description is a written statement of what the jobholder does, how it is done, under what conditions, and why.  Major duties performed  Nature of job i-e technical or managerial  Performance standards  Working conditions  Number of employees doing the job

 Job identification Job Specifications: Statement indicating the minimal acceptable qualifications incumbents must possess to successfully perform the essential elements of the jobs.  Education  Experience  Age  Salary  Qualification  Benefits

RECRUITMENT What is Recruitment? The









anticipated organizational vacancies is called as recruitment. POF is a well known organization engaged in serving the nation in a better way. For this purpose, a well trained, professional and diversified human resource is required for better performance. On the basis of job analysis, recruitment for different posts is carried out to fill the vacant posts.

Recruiting Goals: Although all organizations will, at one time or another, engage in recruiting activities, some do so more than other. Certain other variables will also influence the extent of recruiting. Employment condition in local community influences how much recruiting take

place. The effectiveness of past recruiting efforts will show itself in the organization’s historical ability to locate and keep people who perform well.

Constraint on Recruiting Efforts: Factors that can limit recruiting outcomes:  Organization Image.  Job Attractiveness.  Internal Organizational policies.  Government Influence.  Recruiting Costs.

Recruitment Sources: i) Internal Search Many large organizations attempt to develop their own low-level employees for higher positions. These promotions can occur through an internal search of current employees who have bid for a job, been identified through the organization’s human resource management system, or even been referred by a fellow employee. ii) Employee Referrals and recommendation A recommendation from a current employee regarding a job applicant iii) External Searches: Organizations often open up recruiting efforts to the external community.






agencies, schools, colleges and universities, professional organizations and unsolicited applicants. a) Advertisement:

When vacancies are needed to be filled the Organizations announces their jobs vacancies through the advertisement. They announce the vacancies in different newspapers. Being the federal organization, all the vacancies are advertised through out Pakistan to recruit the suitable individuals/professionals from all regions/provinces of Pakistan. So POFs symbolizes unity of the whole nation. Vacancies are advertised in the well read and famous newspapers (English / Urdu / local languages) all over the country to encourage the people from all areas (Punjab, Sind, NWFP, Balochistan, FATA/NA and Kashmir).

Recruitment Alternatives: a) Temporary Help Services: Temporary employees are particularly valuable in meeting shortterm fluctuations in HRM needs. b) Employee Leasing: Individual hired by one firm and sent to work in another for a specific time. c) Independent Contractors: Another means of recruiting is the use of independent contractors.







contractors are talking on a new meaning. Companies may hire independent contractors to do specific work at a location on or off the company’s premises.

SELECTION What Is Selection? Selection is the process used to choose individuals with the right qualifications to fill job openings in the organization. The more strategic term is placement, which means the process of ensuring that the right person is placed in the right job. Placement includes two separate but integrated concepts: •

Person-job fit this is the process of ensuring that the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the individual match the requirements of the essential functions of the job.

Person-organization fit This is the process of ensuring that the personality and value system of the individual match the culture and objectives of the organization

Selection in POFs: After recruiting the next step is selection. POFS calls short listed candidate for the selection. POFS follows a standard selection pattern for top level position POFS have different selection pattern and fir other position. Employees for human resource Department, information, Technology, accounts










organization is satisfied with employee performance their contract are renewed. For contract bases employees there are two types of contract:  Temporary contract/time bounded:

For temporary contract base employees their selecting is temporary e.g.

It may be for a project or for a specific time i.e.

their contract will not be renewed.  Open contract:

The employees that are hired on open contract on completion of their contract, the contract will be renewed.

Steps in Selection Process of POFs: Initial screening: The first step in the selection process where by job inquires are sorted and initial screening is done on the basis of data given in the application form filled in by the applicants. Their eligibility and ineligibility is finalized on the basis of this data.

Completing the Application Form: In this process specific employment form of that organization are completed. These forms are used to generate specific information about the employee that company wants about him. A job application Performa is also given in the advertisement to be filled by the applicants to provide their bio-data.

Weighted Applicant Form: These are special type of application forms that uses relevant applicant information to determine the likelihood of job success. These include qualification, extra achievements and these are given ranking points. On the basis of this comparative weightage, merit is calculated for each post so that shortlisted candidates may be called for personal interview.

Employee Test: After the completion of application form employees are tested by computer based tests and hand written test depending on the requirements.

1) Performance Simulation Test: Works sampling and assessment centers evaluation abilities in actual job activities.

2) Works Sampling: A selection device requiring the job applicant to actually perform a small segment of the job.

3) Assessment Centers: A facility where performance simulation tests are administered. These









development, and performance appraisals.

Behavior Interviews: Observing job candidates not only for what they say but for how they behave. After short listing of applicants, individuals falling top in the merit are called for personal interviews to judge their professional knowledge and their approach which reflects their personality. Thus the applicants with suitable professional knowledge and required approach are selected for appointment in POFs.

Conditional Job Offers: A tentative job offers that become permanent after certain conditions are met. Appointment letters alongwith fringes and benefits offered at POFs are sent to selected persons with certain conditions to be completed before joining POFs.

Medical & Physical Examination: The last step in selection process of POFs is to conducts a medical or physical test. POFs use physical test as a selection device to screen out

individuals who are unable to physically comply with the requirement of a job.

Comprehensive Selection: Applying all steps in the selection process before rendering a decision about a job candidate

TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT OF EMPLOYESS Introduction to training and development: The objective of training and development is to enable employees to acquire the knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes necessary to enable them to improve their performance. Staff training and development should focus on the department's objectives and goals and staff's competencies in achieving them. •

Training: to familiarize new recruits with job requirements and procedures, departmental objectives and performance standards; and the values and norms of the department.

Development: The purpose of development is to identify and develop the potential within staff, to build existing skill levels, and to prepare staff to take on greater responsibility during their career.

New -Employee Orientation: New employee orientation covers the activities involved in introducing a new employee to the organization and to the individuals in his or her work unit. An orientation program should familiarize the new member with the organization objective, history, philosophy, procedure, and rules; communicate relevant HRM policies such as work hours, pay

procedure, overtimes requirements, and company benefits; review the specific duties and responsibilities of new member's job; provide a tour of organization's physical facilities; and introduce the employee to his\her manager and coworkers. In POFs, all the selected individuals are introduced to all of the units/ groups through a comprehensive training program (3-4 months) which is specially focused at socializing the new entrants in the organization. This program consists of lectures, visual demonstrations and industrial visits. Thus these young officers become familiarized with the system being operative in the organization. Relevant rules and regulations are circulated among these officers. This intensive training program also includes hands-on experience through visits of respective groups. Relevant industries are also visited to study the comparative managerial tools which help in effective management in future.

EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Employee Benefits: Membership based non financial rewards offered to attract and keep employees. As in past POFS was a government organization all of its pay standards were according to the scales of employees. After the privatizing of the organization the POFS is still using some pervious standards including pay standards. POFS uses

basic pay scale (BPS) standards. There are 22 grades or levels in POFS i.e. 17-22.

Fringes and Benefits - OFFICERS BS-17 Basic Pay

Rs 8210/-

Two Advance increments Rs 1230/Conveyance allowance Rs 1240/House Rent Rs 3695/TOTAL •

Rs 14375/-

Single accommodation fully furnished having a monthly rental value of

Rs. 5000/- is provided to POF officers at a subsidized

value of Rs. 450. •

Married accommodation / Banglow ranging from Rs 15,000/to Rs 20,000/-is provided after deduction of house rent only.

In addition to above, following facilities are also available:  Free medical facility / treatment to POF employees, their

family and parents are provided to POF officers.  Adequate intra city transport facilities for local traveling at

cheapest rates.  Ample recreational sports facilities such as one of the

country’s best 9-holes golf course, skeet shooting, tennis, cricket, volley ball; swimming, international standard squash court etc.

 4-Star POF Hotel in the heart of the city where POF

employees and their guests can stay at considerably low rates.  Branches of the entire local and several multinational banks. 

University of Wah, Engineering and Medical Colleges

in addition to Post Graduate Colleges for men and women and over 100 other educational institutions facilitating the literacy rate of the city to 95 %, which is the highest in the country.  Ordnance Club (Officers Club) the hub of all social and

cultural facilities for the welfare / entertainments of its members and their families.  Uninterrupted power supply of electricity at subsidized rates

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