Hr Report

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,679
  • Pages: 15
Human Resources Management EMG 272-3

Lecture: MR. Janaka Siyabalapitiya 2nd year 2nd semester

Group Assignment Group No. 5

Application of Human Resources Practices in Institute of Ceylon Hotel School

Contributors •






Department of management since Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Management Uva Wellassa University Passara Road Sri Lanka

INTRODUCTION Human resource management is a most important function in an organization in achieving its goals, because the overall outputs of the organization depend on human resources. In this report what is going to expressed is how they applied HR techniques that it lectured in the lecture series. According to that purpose it is focused Ceylon Hotel School’s human resource functions. Content 1. Who are the human resources? 2. Distribution of the organization 3. Hierarchy of the organization 4. Selection and recruitment 5. Motivation 6. Training and development 7. Compensation management 8. Performance appraisal 9. Disciplinary actions 10. Identified trends 11. Conclusions

Who are the human resources? According to their operations they have mainly identified their human resource under five categories 1. Administrative staff (white choler) 2. Senior lectures 3. Junior lectures 4. Students 5. Bottom line workers But they believe students are the most valuable among them, so due to that they are highly concentrating on students. After student this organization has provided considerable amount of effort to generate good human recourse in lecturing staff. To maintain easy administrative activities and low cost they have out sourced bottom line works in the fields of both securities and cleaning. To keep a good human resource they have applied following HRM techniques to out source their techniques. Now it’s being gone to discuss each and every one step by step.

Distribution of the organization As the explained and we observed it’s highly centralized system rather than decartelized one. Though there are five sub institutes lot of HR related activities have done through head office. It’s difficult to see any job title as a HR manager. They have appointed separate director for all HR activities. Using his authority Colombo head office has undertaken, •

Job analysis and developing job description.

Advertizing and receiving applications.

Selection and recruitment.

Compensation management.

But in following step they have delegated some sort of authority and responsibilities for the lecture in charge at starlight campus level. •

HR Planning

In here at the beginning of every calendar year the lecture in charge at each sub category should provide plan about following arias. 1. Available lecture post vacancies. 2. Available students gaps 3. Needed financial budgeting. 4. Work shops and fields training. 5. Social harmony. 6. Academic curriculums. According to our subject knowledge our idea on this approach is like this, Since this is not highly profit aiming organization. And due to having relatively limited HR activities it’s better to have centralized control on HR. on the other hand since its semi

government institutes its inherent factor to see central authority. We know other five starlight’s institutes highly concentrating on academic activities rather than administrative purposes. So our conclusions are it’s better to have high authorities in main unit to have a uniqueness and good transparency. If we move to the decentralized parts actually it’s a plus point to give those authorities to the lecture in charge in it sub section because he is the well-known person in his unit than white collars of Colombo.

Hierarchy of the organization We can show their hierarchy in both ways within one unit and overall. Within one unit: It’s liked to showing from this diagram,

Lecturer in charge

Senior lecturers

Supporting Lecturers


Internal Staff

Bottom line workers



When we are talking about one unit level, when you analyzing the chart you can see lecture in charge at the top so he is the rank one person in the sub unit. He will take the

every important decision with the assistance of senior lectures. Mainly he is the responsible person about 1. Sending annual plans & sending performance reports 2. Main training regular operations. 3. Solving important issues within unit So as we shown in our chart authority & responsibilities flow to bottom in simple manner. •

Overall hierarchy

It’s easy to understand this overall hierarchy all the responsible heads are reporting to one chief administrator simultaneously. Since this an education institute it’s nice to see short and sweet hierarchy entirely. It will facilitate to have a proper, 1. Chain of command 2. Span of management control 3. Unity of command,

Related to the HR management but according to our best of knowledge what we feel here is that bit of problematic in parallel communication according to span of position in lecture in charge in sub office will neglected in this hierarchy. It can be a case to arise HR issue among sub unit due to lack of communication. What are our conclusions is it’s better to have simple linkage within them.

Selection and recruitment As we showing our presentation this is also a duty that fully undertaken by Colombo head office. After preparing job analyze and job description they advertize these vacancy mainly in news papers. As a second step they receive application from applicants, so in the case of lectures first of all they do, 1. Initial screening by application form. 2. Aptitude test fro appropriates. 3. Panel interview for the selectors. 4. Hearing decision by directors.

In the case of students this scenario bit of different according to government regulation it’s not applicable general procedure as employees due to they are privilege party. Using their application forms they select suitable candidates who are eligible to follow the course. In Appling process their GCE O/L results are the selection base. After selecting them they are ready to follow separate five courses such as.. 1. Cookery 2. Food and beverage 3. Front office management 4. Hotel house keeping 5. Hotel management (only available in Colombo head office) As usually style they have out sourced bottom line operations such as cleaning and security with the intention of keeping low administrative cost as well as focusing on core activities.


This is a star point in HR management. Where it can be seen lack, it’s obvious to see failures in both vision and mission. They had applied various motivation methods for each group. 1. In the case of lectures Since actually they are the real core employee’s organization applied following methods.  Flexible work schedule It’s not mandatory to be appearing in what is mention in the time table. If there is any unavoidable issue they can share their lecturing section with other lectures. But condition is any how they should complete their liable lecturing section than mention in the annual plan.

 Chance for higher education Since hotel industry is day to day updating one. So lectures can’t be survived without up dating about the field. On the other hand is not fare decision to used stagnant knowledge. To avoid out dated human recourse using their priority list its usual pattern facilitate few lectures in abroad education in every year.  Free packages As privilege for them they have provided reasonable free packages to enjoy family harmony in grand hotels once a quarter. In this step they have singed few contracts in hotels such as, •

Kandalama Hotel

Sigiriya Village

Koggala beach

Bandarawela Hotel  Social harmony

With the intention of touching connections between failed and the academia. They have organized few conferences in each year with the association of Ceylon Hotel Corporation, five star associations, and colonial hotel group. In advance some time they have permitted to represent international tourism conference at Bali Island.  Salary increments This is a neutralized motivation method that they have used in traditional manner. When increasing experiences and performance they allocate salary increments to motivate employees.

2. In the caser of students Following techniques have used in order to motivate most valuable party.  Regular training on field In a practical field like hotel industry theoretical knowledge is less valuable when comparing to practices. If they pressure up students within theoretical syllabus it’s neutrality to see their fed up about the system. To avoid those circumstances they have organized field training at the end of each semester.  Easy access for jobs As we described above they provide practical training with the assistance of institution. If they feel now it’s time to earn something, they can go for the employment where they perform training successfully.  On the spot job for merits After the entire course they evaluate all the students in each sub unite and they watch who the superiors are. They offer their certificates at the color night of BMICH. And merit raters received foreign jobs on the spot. According to the level of results it is going to depend in which hotels their destiny may be.  Updated syllabus

With the passage of time they closely supervised what are the trends in the fields. And according to that do necessary adjustment to the syllabus in order to give fruit full out put.  Clear guidelines In order to make student life success in time to time they provide clear guide lines for students closely. As example if any students following front office operation course and if they observe it’s a bottle neck any kind of characteristics’ in hi life for the future path. They introduce next most appropriate aria like food and beverage to survived him rather than neglecting him.  Scholarship It’s usual to see some students who are talented but finance is the hurdle for their success path. To make sure they are walking in the field without fall down they provide financial assistance by their both internal and external scholarships programs. In external programs some hotels have sponsored for the students such as around 80 scholarships are provided by Hilton Hotel PVT (Ltd) annually.

Training and development In our motivation paragraph we described training and development criteria for both parties under following categories. For lecture's

Providing scholarship and education facilities

Organized workshops

Trainings on the field at spatial leaves

For students •

Training on the field

Work shops

Conducting PP development programs

You can understand in this education institute some training and developments methods have affected on motivation methods. What we have to explain further here is PP developments programs. Actually PP means both personal and professional qualification. In this scenario they conducting integration programs and promote team work both in side and out side of the lecture room. In this section what they have gone developed is, •

How to work with people

How to interact with foreigners

How to communicate in functions

How to keep confident level

Compensation management This is also a function fully undertaken by Colombo head office. In this function they are doing simple things as they expressed salary preparing, paying and recording is the things they are doing. Finally their salary amounts automatically credited to the own bank accounts.

Performance appraisal This is also a simple operation when we comparing to other big organization. Normally they use simple tools. •

In the case of lectures

To evaluate performance of lectures, currently they are using, 1. Students evaluation sheet This is a written document that administration going to used against the lectures that is going to filled by students at the end of every semester about their feelings for particular lecture.

2. Deviation analyzes of comparing plan and work report.

As it’s early described in the beginning of every academic year they should prepared a plan about their expectation that they hope to come up over the year. It should be sent to the head office at the beginning and finally they should write a report about their achievement and short comes. This is also mandatory to send at the end. Administration is going to analyze these reports for every lecture. •

In the cause of students

Since they are privilege party these are the methods that they are using for students. 1. Grades & Results of exams Like any other academic institution they also evaluate students using their results of every semester in quantitative manner. 2. Training of the field. After them completing every training season that employer will provide his attitudes on that students it is key information in evaluating criteria.

In the cause of bottom line workers Since this is an outsourcing services they are not focus them much. Performance level of that service providing organization will help them to take contract again.

Disciplinary actions These are the steps of disciplinary actions. 1. Formal warning In the 1st identification they will give formal warning for any party. If it did not work, 2. Demotions, transfers & salary reductions

Finally 3. Lay off

Identified trends In this section we present both trends & issues related to the Human recourse management in Ceylon Hotel School. These are the trends which it’s identified, •

For the Lectures

1. Lack motivation to come to the school field Since lot of professional bodies can earn good salary being white coaler of the industry than become lecture in hotel school. 2. Reluctant to be out of Colombo

In Sri Lanka they have identified tree regions where industry is booming. •

Colombo city

Down south region

Kandy region

But who are working in near to the capital is highly beneficial. Because all the luxuries hotel represent capital. Facilities of the city, all conference and function take place Colombo hotel. That’s a privilege for them. 3. Likeness to go to the abroad This is also a case of earnings. Friends who are working in an abroad normally earn twice like them. So due to that they feel overseas are the best kingdom for them.

For students 1. unlikeness of girls

We know hotels are 24 hours service. And on the other hand it’s usual to see some bad practices in hotel field. Such as drug usage, miss sexual behaviors. So we can’t avoid that less participation of girls for this education with subject to our culture.

2. Most of them tend to be in computer field In Sri Lanka there is a trend for computer field. Because of due to technological changes of the world. That trend indirectly effect with the students of hotel schools. Because of there is less applicant with the school. But in recently there is a positive trend for hotel schools. 3. Cultural barriers In above description it’s discussed the culture barrier for girls. And also according to cultural differences the applicant of school some what dependable. If it’s got Colombo branch, there is good trend for hotel industry than Bandarawela branch. Because the life pattern and the thinking pattern of people is effected with applicants. 4. Lack of Languages Those all courses are conducted by English language. And all so all applicants must have credit with English language in GCE (O/L) exam. So most of the time due to this reason there is less attention with those courses. Most of the time in rural aria student reluctant to the attempt for those courses. 5. Financial Problems In past years the courses are conducted by free of charge. But due to some fallers and financial problem in organization, there is a charge for each courses. And organization is a semi government one. Due to this problem some students couldn’t attach with hotel schools.

Conclusions •

It’s better to have parallel communication within overall hierarchy.

Since seniors lecture do human recourses activities within a unit. Their may be misunderstanding between academic and administrative procedures. So our subjection is it’s better to keep HR professional body within unit.

It’s better to use financial motivation method more than what are in current context.

As it’s observed they should maintain proper front office hr operations than currant level.

In hotel industry since it’s highly personal related one. It’s subjected to increase integration level with the industry.

It’s recommended to maintain proper advertizing campaigns in HR activities.

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