How To Succeed In Dual Enrollment Classes Worksheet 1

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 470
  • Pages: 3
How to be Successful in Dual Enrollment Classes Taking Dual Enrollment classes can be very beneficial for the high school student that is thinking about going to college. These classes allow you to receive college credit and help you get ahead in your college career! However, these classes can be a lot more challenging than your normal high school classes. Below are 6 tips on how you can be successful in your Dual Enrollment classes along with tips on how to study for tests and how to use a planner. 6 Keys for Succeeding: 1. Understand the expectations 2. Complete your work each day 3. Study for all tests 4. Seek connections in class content 5. Use a planner 6. Maintain good class attendance 7. Get help early 8. Have your own textbook by the first day of class 9. Learn how to take good notes Not only can the material in class be hard but taking the tests can be hard as well! Your tests will probably play a big role in your final grade, so it is important that you learn effective studying skills. Below are 10 steps that can help you ace your tests! 10 Study Tips: 1. Get informed 2. Think like your teacher

3. Make your own study aids 4. Practice for the inevitable 5. Study every day 6. Cut out the distractions 7. Divide big concepts from smaller details 8. Don’t neglect the “easy” stuff 9. Don’t skip school 10. Review the day of the test **It can also be very helpful to have study partners or a small study group. Having people to study with can help answer questions that you might not know or to quiz each other. Lastly, having a planner and using it on a daily basis will help you stay organized and keep up-to-date with reading assignments, when homework is due, and when big tests are coming up. The link to the video that was shown in class is below. For those of you that do not have immediate access to a computer, the main points are listed below. How to Keep a Planner: 1. Write down your classes (you can color code these if you would like) 2. Add in any other priorities that you might have (work, volunteering, extracurricular activities) 3. Set up time blocks that will be used for studying or homework 4. Enter in major dates and deadlines that you will need to be aware of (midterm, final, big projects) Video Link:

References 10 Steps To Ace Your Next Test. (n.d.). Retrieved from

AUCampusLife. (2015, Dec 15). How to Use a Planner [Video File]. Retrieved from

Dual Enrollment Student Success Tips (n.d.). Retrieved from enrollment_student_success_tips.pdf

Holmes, B. (2014, August 25). 5 Keys to Success in Advanced Placement Courses. Retrieved from

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