How To Develop Strong Relation

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WHAT is LOVE If you love some one because you think that he or she is really gorgeous ...then it's not's "Infatuation" Love & Friendship If you love some one because you think that you shouldn't leave him because others think that you shouldn't ... then it's not love.. it's "Compromise" If you love some one because you have been kissed by him ... then it's not love.. it's "Inferiority complex" If you love some one because you cannot leave him thinking that it would hurt his feelings .. then it's not love .. it's "Charity" If you love some one because you share every thing with him ... then it's not love... it's "Friendship" BUT... If you feel the pain of the other person more than him even when he is stable and you cry for him ... that's "LOVE" If you get attracted to other people but stay with him without any regrets... that's "LOVE" If you let him go knowing that he has to go but he doesn't want to ... that's "LOVE"

10 things you didn't know about sex 1. The typical lovemaking session lasts around 15 minutes: roughly 10 to 12 minutes of foreplay and around 3 to 5 minutes of intercourse. 2. Humans aren't the only horny members of the animal kingdom doing it just for fun. Dolphins and a type of chimpanzee called the bonobo have also been observed engaging in sexual activity when they are not in their natural reproductive cycles. 3. While Viagra has made erectile dysfunction (affecting 10 to 12 percent of men) a household phrase, the opposite problem -premature ejaculation -- is more common (affecting 24 to 27 percent of men). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is currently reviewing a drug called dapoxetine as a cure for this problem. 4. Crank up that thermostat... orgasms may be more intense in warmer conditions. The degree of vasocongestion, reddening or darkening of the skin known as the "sex flush," is both more common in warmer temperatures and an indication of how intense an orgasm may be. 5. If a woman experiences orgasm during sex, she is more likely to become pregnant, since orgasmic spasms in pelvic muscles help move sperm up the vaginal canal to the uterus. 6. Homosexuality is not unique to humans. Many species have been observed engaging in homosexual activity, and in fact male bats have the highest rate of homosexuality of all mammals. 7. On any given day 400,000,000 people around the world -- 1 in 17 of us -- will have sexual intercourse. Broken down further, 4,000 people are having sex at any given time. 8. Sex cures headaches. Endorphins released into our bloodstream when we have sex not only give us pleasure but also act as painkillers. Useful information to whip out the next time your partner uses a headache as a reason to say no.

9. Many elderly can and do have frequent sex. At age 70, 73% of males are still potent, and 30% of women 80 or older have still have sex. 10. 70% of women would rather eat chocolate than have sex.

15 Simple Ways to Keep Your Partner Happy So you're in a relationship and your partner starts nagging. She tells you that you just don't understand her, and that she really wishes that you would just do more "little things." It's not the big things that make her happy; it's paying attention to the little details and showing you care that is really meaningful. She doesn't necessarily need lavish gifts -- she needs to know you're thinking about her. Here are some ideas to get you started doing these "little things" she really wants: 1. Rub her feet instead of asking her if she wants you to rub her feet. Make it look like you want to do it. 2. Make her dinner one night. Don't ask her if she wants you to make dinner. Make her dinner before she gets home. 3. Light a candle so that she arrives home to a nice environment instead of coming home to the glaring lights of the television and other things. 4. Send her a text in the middle of the day telling her "I miss your smile from this morning" or "Last night was amazing!" or "The conversation we had last night was great." 5. Send an eCard in the middle of the day... something cute to remind her how much you really care about her. 6. If she's going on a business trip, offer to drive her to the airport or pick her up to make her life that much easier. 7. Let her have control of the remote control. Don't monopolize it for a change. Just give it to her and let her actually sit there and enjoying watching one of her shows. Then you can share one of her interests by watching it with her. 8. Offer to iron one of her shirts or take her clothes to the dry cleaner.

9. Clean up the bathroom without being asked. Don't just sit there and ignore the mess around the toilet. If you know it drives her crazy to see water splashed all around the sink, dry that area after you use it. 10. If you work out together, enjoy it with her instead of rushing through your own workout and then not letting her workout at the same time. 11. Take a shower together, then wash her hair, scrub her back, and give her a spa treatment. Do this and enjoy it! 12. The next time she gives you a massage, give her a massage the next day. Offer it! Don't just say you'll give her a it! 13. Surprise her by making plans. Tell her, "We're going out tonight honey." You can even just go out for a drink or dinner somewhere. It's taking the initiative that's important. 14. Decide on and set aside one night a week as date night. Have a date like when you first started dating. 15. Call her in the middle of the day and just say hello. Don't wait for her to call you. It can be simple to keep her satisfied. It's not necessarily about what you give her financially or what gifts you give her. That's a cop out. It's the little things. The guy who makes the biggest mistake is the one who ignores their significant other then all of a sudden give them an expensive gift to make up for it. That doesn't make up for it at all.

3 Keys to Meeting Women Most men think there's a magic word they can say to get a woman to talk to them. While there is no such "magic word," there are three keys to communicating with a woman that work every single time. This is not earth-shattering stuff. What I'm about to suggest to you is a simple approach that has worked every single time I or one of my students have used it. Here are the three simple steps to communicating with a woman: Step 1: Observe What She Is Doing. Take the example of a woman standing behind you in line at the supermarket unloading her groceries. What is she putting on the conveyor belt? If she's behind you in line at Starbucks, what is she ordering? What is she eating? ”Most guys think of something to say that's so random it makes absolutely no sense in a woman's mind.”

Notice everything she's doing. Let the environment give you something to say. Most guys think of something to say that's so random it makes absolutely no sense in a woman's mind. Women actually make fun of these guys and say, "You won't believe what he actually came over and said to me." Step 2: Act on the Observation. In order to properly act upon the observation, you need to open her up and evoke a feeling. For instance, if a woman is ordering a double espresso, the thing to talk about is usually the first thing that comes to your mind. ”Women are emotional creatures. They want to bond with you emotionally. “ A typical guy might say, "Do you like coffee?" which leads to a yes or no answer. A man who is 100 percent present will look at her and say, "Rough night last night?" or "Busy day ahead?" What you're trying to do is stay inside her head and remain in her current thought process. It's much easier to have a conversation based upon things she's already experiencing. A woman will share something that's already going on in her head. Another example: you're standing at a bar and see a woman ferociously texting someone while standing there by herself. You can walk over and make an assumption like "Is your friend late?" This will in turn open up a conversation based upon feelings and emotions. Women are emotional creatures. They want to bond with you emotionally. They don't want to bond with you randomly. This leads us to Step 3. Step 3: Listen to What She Has to Say. In order to have good conversation and bond with a woman, you need to listen to what she says. If you listen to her, you will know what to say next. It's called a conversation for a reason. A lot of men always think about what to say next, or they have a script in their head about what to say next. That's not a conversation -- that's a bad screenplay. ”That's not a conversation. That is a guy changing the subject to talk about himself. He doesn't care about her right off the bat.” For example, I was standing with a couple of clients on a corner in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. There was a woman standing there by herself with a suitcase, obviously waiting for someone to pick her up for a

weekend getaway. So what did these two guys do? They observed and they asked her: Guys: "So where are you going?" Girl: "New Jersey." Immediately one of them says, "New Jersey? I'm from Tampa." That's not a conversation. That is a guy changing the subject to talk about himself. He doesn't care about her right off the bat. The correct thing to say in this situation is this: Guy: "Where in Jersey are you going?" Girl: "The shore for the weekend." Now, in turn, the two guys can keep her present in her head about the weekend and ask her about her trip. Guys: "Which beach?" or "Wow, how long are you staying there?" If they listen and stop thinking about how to amuse her by telling her they're from Tampa, they'll actually connect with her and have a conversation about the shore, vacations -- and who knows where the conversation might go. Men complicate things for no reason. There are no magic lines that you can say, but in reality if men just talked to women like they talk to their closest friends, they would have amazing conversations. Men just need to relax and listen to what women are saying. Do this and you're going to have great conversations. It's that simple! Get out of the house, observe, react and listen!

10 Tips for Approaching Women What do you do when you see a woman you are attracted to? Do you run and hide? Do you use some canned line that you read on the Internet? Do you stand there in fear trying to think of the right thing to say? What is the right thing to do? When approaching a woman, most guys make the mistake of thinking too much about what to say. They believe there's one magic line that will work in all situations. They rehearse this magic line, and when they deliver it, they hope the woman will become instantly attracted to them. Unfortunately, rarely does this approach work -- because most of what you say is irrelevant. To catch a woman's attention, it is all about the confidence you display when approaching her. Here are 10 surefire ways to intrigue her every time:

1. Observe something. Make a comment about something you observe in the environment. This is especially effective at the grocery store. For example, if she is ordering a turkey sandwich, ask her if the turkey is good here. Make your comment immediate to the situation and it will seem perfectly natural. No matter where you are, there is always something interesting to comment on. “Make your comment immediate to the situation.” 2. Smile. This shows her that you are friendly and confident. A genuine smile not only feels good to you, but will put her at ease while creating openness in the interaction -- a requirement for building rapport. 3. Do not hesitate. If you hesitate in your approach, this tells her that you are not feeling confident -- an immediate turn-off. When you see her, walk over to her within a short period of time (the three-second rule). Show her you are a man who knows what he wants and goes after it. 4. Positive body language. If you approach hunched over with your head down, you are sending negative information about yourself, which makes you dead in the water before you begin. Stand up straight, with shoulders back and chest out, and use a firm yet relaxed walk. 5. Not too fast. If you walk over too fast, you could likely trigger her internal alarm. A calm, casual approach is usually the best way to make her feel at ease with you. 6. Keep eye contact. Never be the first to break eye contact when you approach. If you do, this sends the message that you are not feeling good about approaching. When you use strong eye contact, she will feel more drawn to you. With practice, you can master this. 7. Listen up. Make sure you pay careful attention to what she says. Do not have your response pre-thought out. Women love a man who pays attention to the details of what she says. If you start throwing out random words, she will lose interest fast. 8. Do not fidget. Fidgeting after you approach is distracting and shows you are uncomfortable. If you communicate that you are uncomfortable, she will feel uncomfortable, too, and will close up. Practice being aware of your movements. Pay attention to those movements, or lack of movements, that communicate comfort and confidence. 9. Lighten your tone of voice. The tone of your voice is a very powerful tool. Approaching her in a light and playful tone is one of the best ways

to start. You could also begin in a serious tone, accusing her of something like " I hope you saved some turkey for me," followed by a quick smile to let her know you are joking. Practice playing with your vocal tone with your friends -- notice the different reactions you get when you say the exact same thing using varied tones and fluctuations. 10. Lean away from her. A man who leans in too far when he talks often makes a woman feel crowded. A better approach is to lean away from her slightly. This lets her know that you respect her space, boundaries, and are comfortable with yourself. ”I hope you saved some turkey for me.” The key to making these tips work for you is putting them into practice! Practice these tips and see the reaction you get. When you put them all together, you will be surprised at their power.

10 First Date Tips for Men Men often complain that women are mysterious, complicated creatures who are difficult to please. In truth, most women are quite easily pleased from a date one once you know how to make them feel desired, safe, and inspired. These 10 tips will ensure you put your best foot where it belongs... forward! #1: A first date should be light, fun and romantic. A real first date is when you've both decided that you'd like to get together for more than a quick beverage. The female definition of a first date is this: You pick her up and make reservations. Any deviance from this time-tested formula is usually a red flag, and not what most females consider a proper first date. Romantic Rule: Starbucks doesn't count! #2: A long lead time. ”Considerate and smart men make plans well in advance.” Considerate and smart men make plans well in advance. They know that women like to be treated like they're too in demand to have huge holes in their social calendars, (even if you have intel that would suggest otherwise!) You'll create romantic tension by giving her several days to

look forward to seeing you. Besides, this creates the secret ingredient of seductive success... anticipation. Romantic Rule: Create romance by planning in advance for it. #3: Actions speak louder than words. Women know that men invest in the things that they value with whatever resources they have at their disposal, be it cash, creativity, energy, or enthusiasm. If you make plans that are insultingly casual, it's a clear sign that you're withholding your approval from her. Women will take this lackluster performance seriously, and often shoo you away without further ado. You don't have to spend big bucks, but if you like her, why not come up with something that will delight her? Romantic Rule: The plans you make for her, tell her the plans that you have for her! #4: A confirming call. Being vague about your plans will only cause most women needlessly anxiety. If you men had any idea about the predate regime that women go through to get ready for a high priority date, you'd all be much more on top of this one. When you call to confirm your first date late, she'll be irritated and stressed-out even if she doesn't show it. Romantic Rule: Having good manners will make her feel like you're a great bet, and not a deranged stranger. #5: A lovebird lands on her doorstop at the appointed time. It's bad form for a man to keep a woman waiting in general, but especially so on a first date. This often puts women into a state of "dressing disorder." When men are late, most women will just keep changing outfits until the doorbell rings and then be forced to greet you mid-outfit. She'll then blame this on you, the tardy man, who should've arrived on time to avert this crisis! Romantic Rule: If you'll be delayed longer than 10 minutes, inform her of your new ETA as soon as you can. Most women l appreciate extra time to fluff-up before you ring their bell. #6: Signal your attraction and approval immediately. “Men earn a woman's affection by consistent care and positive attention.” Men earn a woman's affection by consistent care and positive attention. On a first date, and every date, women will look for little clues that signal your desire. No matter how hot or how homely, she'll want to know that you find her fetching if she's agreed to spend quality time with you. To do

this, quickly toss her a compliment. Try the old standby "You look great" or the new metro sexual classic, "Love your shoes" immediately upon your arrival. You'll have set a warm and positive tone and scored an easy point. Romantic Rule: Quickly inspire romance and put her at ease by paying her a compliment. #7: Woman are suckers for a man with a plan. Women love men who have the ability to care for them and about them. It's always a good sign when a man has made reservations because it's proof that you're not winging it. When you take control, it's a signal that she can relax and enjoy herself. The typical woman will also be wary of the man who asks in a whiny voice what she'd like to do. Romantic Rule: Women assume that men who don't make reservations for them, have reservations about them! #8: Pick up the check. If you're wondering who should pick up the first check. Please consider that women spend wads of money on first dates: there's the bikini waxing (painful), manicures, blow drys (timeconsuming), lingerie (expensive), and Pilates (ridiculously over-priced). It's an investment for women to just show up. Romantic Rule: The very least you can do is to pick her up and feed her. She's exhausted! #9: Be a class act. If the date was a dud, don't weenie out and say "I'll call you." Just cut her loose by giving her a quick peck on the cheek and say, "Thanks for coming out tonight. It was great meeting you." That'll signal it's a wrap. #10: Seal the deal. But if she knocked your socks off, walk her to her door, look her in the eyes, say "I had an amazing time tonight" and move in for the perfect nightcap... a goodnight kiss. If she turns her cheek, don't despair! She may not be ready for a lip lock just yet. Tell her you want to see her again and set up your next date right then and there.

8 First Date Tips for Single Women As a love coach, I've heard the following question more times than I can remember: "What happened? I'm so confused. At first, he seemed to really like me. He made reservations, picked me up, and took me to a fabulous restaurant. But for some reason, over the course of dinner, he became a

little cold and distant. By the time he dropped me off, he seemed withdrawn and just sped off into the night. I haven't heard from him since! And I really liked him. I'm so bummed! What do you think happened?" Does this sound familiar to you? If so, you may have broken some cardinal first-date rules without knowing it. Here are eight tips to ensure that a first date will turn into a second if you'd really like it to: #1: Don't be negative about dating. Why should a man pursue someone who isn't happy? It's ineffective manhandling to dump your dating disappointments on bachelor No. 3. “Talking to a man about how awful dating is just begs the question, "Are you in therapy?" Talking to a man about how awful dating is just begs the question, "Are you in therapy?" Romance Rule: Be a romantic challenge, not a mental health challenge. #2: Don't get tipsy. Always maintain enough sobriety to assess your date's character. Practice restraint, and don't have more than a drink or two when you're out on a first date. Otherwise, how in the world can you possibly observe him and decide if he's remotely right for you? Romantic Rule: Always stay sober enough to remember how naughty you were the night before! #3: Don't talk badly about your exes. I don't care if he cheated on you with your sister, don't recite a laundry list of grievances about your exes. This will only make you sound unavailable at best, or worse, wounded. “Reveal your secrets when you're both on a beach in Hawaii or, better yet, engaged! Reveal your secrets when you're both on a beach in Hawaii or, better yet, engaged! Romantic Rule: We all have baggage. Keep it in the closet on first dates. #4: Don't spook your suitor. Now is not the time to point out your physical flaws. Only bring these complaints to people who can actually do something about them, and not to men who will now be forced to lie to you if they possess good manners. Romantic Rule: Confidence is sexy! Sometimes, thoughts are for the inside. #5: Don't talk about your personal pet peeves. Although your therapist might get butterflies inside when you talk about how traumatized you are by the staggering number of germs that thrive in public restrooms,

the typical male will be horrified. You'll have violated the sacred air space of "romantic quality time" and these little monologues of strange pain will be as off-putting as if you started sorting unwashed laundry in a restaurant. Romantic Rule: You already know all about you. Keep your problems to yourself and get to know him. #6: Don't chase your date. Never deprive a man of the thrill of the chase. Besides, it's so much fun being caught! A woman can always initiate a first tea date, but after that, it's up to a man to decide whether he wants to pursue you. Entice men, play with them, and then release them! Allow men to initiate and take the lead in moving your relationship forward. Romantic Rule: When men chase you, they're much less likely to fly away. #7: Don't keep squawking. “Don't feel pressured to try to fill up every second with meaningless chatter. Don't feel pressured to try to fill up every second with meaningless chatter. If the conversation falls silent for a moment, don't panic, just let it happen. Natural pauses are sexy, and body language can be so much more powerful than words. Slowly smile at him and breathe. You may be surprised when he blurts out in the middle of a deliciously pregnant pause, "Come here and kiss me!" Romantic Rule: Remember, sometimes less conversation really is more. #8: Learn how to leave. Anyone can be pleasant when they're enjoying themselves, but the true test of character is how one behaves when terribly bored, or worse, treated shabbily. There's nothing to be gained by suffering through a terrible date, so if you're having an awful time, depart quickly and gracefully, without being rude. When you're itching to leave, say: "Thank you so much for meeting me. I think it's time for me to go on home, Jerome. (Smile) Take care." Extend your hand for a quick shake, swiftly turn on your heel and depart. Romantic Rule: If you're on date number one and aren't having fun, release your date back into the wild immediately.

10 Secrets About Men

1. You don't want to be judged for your looks; we don't want to be judged for our wallets. Unless we're ugly and have lots of money. Then it's OK. 2. You're not the only person who likes to be called "sexy." 3. Saying "I love you" is a major step in a man's life. That's why we wait for you to take that step first. 4. We are not being cheap when we make $35,000 a year and can't afford to pay every single date. We are merely being practical. 5. A guy who spends too much time in the gym is making up for something else that's lacking. Unfortunately, you can't figure out what it is until it's too late. 6. Don't get mad at us because we don't remember what you were wearing on our first date, or the angle of the light during our first kiss. We were probably drunk. 7. You're good in bed if you make us feel like stallions. 8. Jealousy isn't a sign that you love us more, it's a sign that you trust us less. 9. Hanging up on us is a surefire way to make sure we go to bed mad. 10. We're sorry. Whatever it is, we're sorry.

11 Things Women Don't Know About Men 1. Getting angry at us for not reading your mind is like getting angry at yourself for not being able to fly. It's not just futile, it's physically impossible. 2. Yes, we do think Jessica Alba is hot. Sometimes we're even dumb enough to admit it. 3. Don't ask us to understand your shoe fetish. Asking us to respect it is even sort of pushing it. 4. You do look good without makeup, just not as good as you look with it. 5. Ever notice how we don't fight with our male friends? That's why we get so frustrated when we fight with you. 6. You care what you're wearing infinitely more than we do. In fact, if you're naked when you open the front door, you won't hear an argument from us. 7. You don't like to get hit on in public, you don't want to date online and you don't want to be set up on blind dates. Tell us if sending messenger

pigeons is an appropriate way of courting. Because if it is, we're all over it. 8. There should a statute of limitations on stupid things that we said that can come back to haunt us. I propose 24 hours. “ There should a statute of limitations on stupid things that we said that can come back to haunt us.” 9. Cooking dinner for a man is like buying flowers for a woman, except it takes a lot more time, effort and thought for you to do it. Thanks. We appreciate it. 10. We actually like your girly pet-names for us, but please, not in front of the guys! 11. Just because we like looking at the women in Maxim doesn't mean we want to actually converse with the women in Maxim. Not for long, anyway. 12. Your nice guy friends are the most reliable source for telling you if your new boyfriend's a jerk. And he probably is. (By the way, you might want to consider marrying that nice guy who's giving you advice about the jerk.

Successful Dating Secrets (7 ways to supercharge your social life) All of you must be acquainted with at least one woman who is a guy magnet. She's the one who always seems to have a boyfriend (or two) and usually attracts the most interest when your group of female friends is out together. OK, she's attractive and fun, but the same can be said about all of you. So, what does she have that the rest of you don't? Hint: Think effective body language, positive nonverbal and verbal communication, healthy self-esteem, and an ability and willingness to assertively use these to make the right connection. Secrets of the successful dater As a dating coach who has worked with many clients of both sexes, I have been on the front lines with singles seeking many different kinds of dating experiences. I have encountered bad boys, nice guys, strong women, shy women, the marriage-minded, the commitment-phobes,

those who have little or no dating experience, and those with active and satisfying dating histories. What I have learned is that ultimate success comes to those who are honest and open about what they are looking for, who are willing to take initiative, and who actively participate in the "chase." That's right, ladies -- this means you, too. ”You must be willing to break, or at least bend, the "rules" You must be willing to break, or at least bend, the "rules" as you learn to challenge the myths that say men must always be the hunters and women the elusive prey. Use the following tips to help you write your own set of rules: 1. Come up with two or three subtle moves that you can make towards a guy whose online profile catches your eye. Try using your imagination and thinking outside the box. Winking, sharing something about yourself that helps you to stand out, or sending a brief, intriguing email that comments on something he said are always the easiest to start with. Keep it simple, honest, and sincere. 2. If a guy sends an email flirt, don't wait to respond. Look over his profile and send an email ASAP. Many women report having waited too long and then learning too late that he has met someone of interest in the meantime. 3. Don't wait more than two weeks after your first contact for HIM to suggest that first meeting. If you have been regularly communicating back and forth, go for it. Make it easy for him by having a tentative plan in mind already, and make sure that it is one that requires you to share the effort jointly. If he hesitates or avoids giving a response, he is not the guy for you. 4. Put a genuine effort into that first meeting. Try to look your best and communicate real interest in him and what he has to say. “Be open and honest in your conversation.” Be open and honest in your conversation -- without over-sharing. Let him know if you had a good time and that you'd love to get together again. 5. Don't represent yourself as only looking for a good time or as not interested in a serious relationship if this is not so. If it comes up, state your relationship goals simply and honestly and move on to something else. Don't elaborate on your ticking clock, desire for a large family, or other imperatives for sealing the deal quickly.

6. If you really like the guy, communicate this through your eyes, posture, smile, and other facial expressions. Tell him that you enjoy talking with him, sharing time with him, and would like to know him better. 7. Think about your men friends, satisfying relationships -- and ask them how they feel about women making the first move. Don't be surprised if at least one of them shares that his significant other was the one who approached him first. Listen carefully when he tells you that women who know what they want and go after it are a turn-on. Â In other words, get a man's perspective, then go out there in cyberspace and be open to making the first move.

Top 10 Ways to Get Lucky at Love 1. Know what you want. Your looks change and fade, character does not. While a certain amount of "chemistry" is nice, don't rely solely on lust. What qualities are you looking for in a mate? 2. Get clear about what you don't want. Knowing what you really can't tolerate in a partner is important. Make a list of your "don't wants" and then cut it down to the 10 most important. Any more than that and you'll be too picky. 3. Live your life. Once you know clearly what you want (and don't want) in a relationship, shift your focus to living your life. You'll find that you start noticing those who might fit, and passing by those who don't. 4. See the big picture. Don't try so hard that you miss the obvious. If you are great at focusing, step back now and then and look at the big picture. Work on having a playful, whimsical attitude towards life. 5. Get out of the house. Cultivate opportunities to expand your social circle and meet new people. Vary your routine. Have you thought of entertaining to enlarge your social circle? ”expand your social circle and meet new people.” 6. Open your eyes and your attitude. Lucky people notice, create and maximize chance opportunities. Chat with other shoppers while you are waiting in line. Be ready with a "calling card" -- a personal business-type card with basic contact information. (Want to know how to get calling cards for free? Email me for instructions).

7. Get curious. Don't content yourself with the obvious. Ask questions. Wonder why. Find answers. 8. Try something new. The best way to have things stay the same is to never do anything different. Vary your daily routine, just to keep yourself awake. Shake yourself up and notice what happens. Keep yourself open to chance opportunities, and then take advantage of them. 9. Expect good luck. Monitor your self-talk for negative messages that interfere with luck. Replace the negative thoughts with positives. Surround yourself with examples of lucky people. 10. Learn from bad luck. Take steps to prevent more bad luck from what you have learned, then let the "bad" go. Don't dwell on or rehash the bad experience. Look for the positive elements.

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