Website Application Development Our Technical team has divided your project in two parts. First is website part and second is admin part. Website part describes the pages and features that will be available to website. Admin part will have facility why which you can maintain and update given features of your website yourself .
Site Map:-
1. Website a. Online Admission form b. Pay online c. Print chalan 2. Admin:a. Create course b. Delete course c. edit course d. Create subject e. Edit Subject f. Delete Subject g. Set Admission Fee for New Session h. Edit Admission Fee for new Session i. Delete Admission Fee for new Session j. Set cutoff Marks Subject Wise k. Edit Set cutoff Marks Subject Wise l. Delete Set cutoff Marks Subject Wise m. Set Cutoff marks reservation wise n. Delete Cutoff marks reservation wise o. Edit Cutoff marks reservation wise p. Print DCR q. Print MCR