How To Abolish Terrorism?!

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  • Words: 772
  • Pages: 2
How to Abolish Terrorism?!

Maqsood Hasni

Translated By: Prof.

Mohammad Irfan

Human history is totally improverished to present an example regarding the violation of “human rights” and their maintence from the past as it is presenting before us today in the shape of the efforts and heated discussion plied towords their restoration. Depite it, uneasiness, repentance, degration, frustration, despondency and lonliness seem to be the lot of man. The clouds of uncertainty are prevailing over man. The protection of life, material and honour are at the stake. Justice and truthfulness have come a cropper. Catstrophic happenigs have exercised benumbing efforts upon man. The claim basis of security has become hollow. Each and every word of consolation seems funny and merely eyes wash. The certitude of the protection of the lives of our near and dear ones is jeopardy. It is wrong to say that the ruling autorities of the world and the UNO have become insensate to this issue of grave magnitude. They are engaged for the restoration of “human rights” at their respective levels but the fat remains that still these efforts have not yet bore fruit. Nothing has been achived in spite of the enviable progress of Science, better and sohisticated arms and the grandest plans. Now a question aries why terrorism is not getting eliminated? Another question crops up if terrorism will met its closure by these typical efforts towords the restrotaion of human rights. Its answer is in negative. If all the arms forces of the world are let loose to pursue terrorists, even then nothing can be gained except disminishing reources butchering human energy. These assets of humanity can be utilised for some better purpose of the ameliration of humanity. Troops can be utilized against earthly and heavenly calamaties. To say only violation is the key to getting fruitful results for the abolition of terrorism is absolutely nonsensical and based upon sheer misunderstanding. The logic hiden in the working process of the underlying principle of the opposites can not be denied at all. If the ruling authorties and the UNO are really serious in uprooting terrorism, they will have to adopt the alternative options. Among these alternatives, one of the best options is the spiritual traning of man. If purg human inner inpurites, outer will automatically pure. The man will realise his responsibilites. Today’s man has become decayed spiritually. Those who have a negative bent of mind ridicule Darvaish/Sufi/Bhagat/Peer/Faqeer “SHEIKH” and make him a traget of crticism. It will not surprise us at all if they declare “SHIEKH” as good-fornothing. They are unaware of the fact that “SHEIKH” is a colossal power of human society. A

perusal of human society shows all the goodness which exists here, behind it. “SHEIKH” is the big gun. He has totally changed human behaviour and trens. If we observe piety and betterment somewhere, it is the result of the tireless efforts of “SHEIKH” directly or indirectly. On the other hand, those who have interpretted religion, their fllowers are divided into waterthight compartments and have their separate enitity in an organic whole. While the irrefutable fact remains that man is man first of all and then he is something else. Today, man has lost his real identity. He seems to be verging upon secondary things and feels pleasure in declaring it his identity. It is the most pitiable thing of the present era. So today, it is the most pathetic and sorry state of affairs in which he is immersed. It is condemnable this identity which bears secondary importance, paving the way for mass massacre and devastation. No doubt, today sufi’ism/mysticcism is also falling a prey to shrewaness and materialism. Even in this situation, there is no dearth of truthful and Allah/God//Eshvar/Yazdaan-fearing (Peer, Faqeer, Darvash, Bhagat, Sant, Sadho etc) “Sheikhs” with the help of their srirtual traning, efforts and prayers, the spirtual peace and balm can be provided to the wounded souls. The change in apparent behaviour is possible through their traing/teaching and efforts. In short, it can not be falsified at all that the purity thoughts can bring purity of appearance. Even today, Payaber-e-Aman, Ghos-e-Zaman, Fakher-e-Sufiya, Bashar-e-Bai’badal, Efat-e-Insaniat, Peer-e-Tariqat, Hadi-e-Mazahib-e-Alam Sultan-ul-Oliya-o-Foqara, best follower of Hazrat Mohammad (Darood upon Him), Izzat Ma’aab Hazrat Alama Sheikh Shah Sufi Dr. Mohammad Nur-ulAlam Sahib is the mystics and spritual Leader of human being. He is the upholder of eternal truths. If leadig authorities and power holders of the world and the UNO (where he is already working for man with his full sprit) give him a chance and relevent resources, no doubt, this bed of thorns can be safely transformed into the bed of rose.

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