Houston Reality Based Martial Arts Seal Style D.g.c.f.s Iusse19

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Reality Based E-Magazine

D.G.C.F.S. Presents

R.A.T. Rapid Assault Tactics Seminar 10/14-15/09 10AM-2PM Sat-Sun

Volume 1 Issue 19 11/03/09


Houston Premier Reality Based Martial Arts & Combatives, Fitness & Nutrition Facility.

Your monthly E-Magazine guide to Combative Techniques, Tactical Airsoft, MilSim and Combative Fitness & Nutrition.

Rapid Assaults Tactics (R.A.T.) Seminar

Mr.& Mrs. Traylor Owner & Founders of D.G.C.F. System. Inside D.G.C.F.S. R.A.T. Progra Ronald’s Fitness Corner Coming events Airsoft Products Cont. R.A.T. Program The Interview postion The Deep End JKD Emotional Dimension Epiphany to Doctrine

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D.P.S. Ceremony Ms.Conn


Martial Arts & Gun


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Mr.Traylor will be holding a R.A.T. Seminar Nov 14/15 from 10am /2pm. a fighting system developed by Paul Vunak founder of Progressive Fighting Systems (PFS). Rapid Assault Tactics is the core of his approach to the martial arts. It was developed for the U.S. Navy Seals as a primary combative program based in Jeet Kune Do concepts. Rapid Assault Tactics focuses on identifying phase (or range) in which an attack situation is occurring and responding to it with appropriate tools. Today, the R.A.T. system is taught to Special Forces, Military, Marines, Rangers, F.B.I, D.E.A, C.I.A, S.W.A.T. Teams, and over 50 police Departments in the U.S and other countries. The R.A.T. system places an emphasis on self-preservation using a realistic fighting structure that is essential not only to Special Forces and law enforcement but also to civilians. R.A.T. is a great compliment to any martial art and defensive tactics training because it fills the void that other training has. Mr.Traylor will also touch on D.D.R.A.T.S. Defend, Detain, Restraint, Arrest Tactical Solutions which is great for Law enforcement, Body guards, security personal or just trying to handle a drunk individual. This will be a two day of 4 to 6 hr classes with lectures and practical application .

$150.00 2 DAY $100.00 1 DAY Certification are available for those that qualify What will be covered will be the

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Ten Trim Tips from the American Institute for Cancer Research It's probably easy for you to come up with a list of 10 things you'd like to buy if you won the lottery. Or what about 10 books you'd like to read or 10 cities you'd like to visit if you had the time? Coming up with 10 ideas for successfully taking off extra pounds might not be so easy. Many of us would like to lose some weight -- one in two Americans is too heavy and almost one in four of us is obese. Extra weight is linked with health problems including some types of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and hypertension. Obesity increases the risk of developing cancer of the endometrium and probably increases the risk of breast and kidney cancers. Mr. Honore is Gallbladder, colon and rectal cancers are possibly influenced by obesity as well. NASM –CPT, CES , PES, Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to go about losing weight in a safe and Certified Personal Trainer & healthful way. Americans spend billions of dollars each year on bad diet advice and Apprentice Instructor in Hand to phony, sometimes dangerous, weight-loss products. AICR's new guidelines tell us to Hand Combat at D.G.C.F.S. maintain a healthy weight to help prevent cancer. Here are 10 tips for trimming Inside D.G.C.F.S. down, and they won't cost you a dime. R.A.T. Progra 1 1. Eat your F's and V's. Moms advice might have included minding your P's and Q's Ronald’s Fitness Corner 2 and eating your F's and V's -- your fruits and vegetables that is. She was right. Coming events 3 Satisfy your hunger with fewer calories and more nutrition at mealtimes by eating Airsoft Products 4 Cont. R.A.T. Program 5 plenty of vegetables and fruits. You won't want larger portions of higher-calorie The Interview postion 6 foods like meats, cheeses and desserts. The Deep End 9 2. Move every day. Think of physical activity as a part of your daily health routine, JKD Emotional Dimension 11 like brushing your teeth. Physical activity can increase the amount of calories you Epiphany to Doctrine 12 burn today, and will speed metabolic rate for good by building muscle. Being more D.P.S. Ceremony Ms.Conn 13 active may also help you control food cravings, have a more positive outlook and Martial Arts & Gun 14 feel better about yourself -- no kidding! Good places to go 15 3. Debunk the "fat-free" myth. Cookies, candies, chips and frozen treats may be labeled fat-free, but portions count and calories can mount. A "fat-free" label is not a license to reach the bottom of the bag. Eat these savory and sweet treats in moderation. 4. Give your food the attention it deserves. Don't munch while watching TV, driving or doing chores. Slowly savor your food and you will feel satisfied with less. 5. Snack from a plate, not a package. Absent-mindedly snacking from the pack can lead you to eat more than you realize. 6. Lend your stomach an ear. This simply means asking yourself if you're hungry before you eat, and asking yourself if you're satisfied so you can stop eating. Boredom, loneliness, anxiety and habit do not equal hunger and eating until you are stuffed is overeating. If you haven't listened to your body for a long time, keep practicing -- the signals will become more clear. 7. Address emotions. Eating to deal with stress, emotions or boredom won't solve your problems, it will only add calories to your diet and pounds to your frame, usually without the satisfaction of even tasting the food. Find other ways to relax, cope or entertain yourself. Call, write to or e-mail a friend, go for a walk, soak in the tub, read, do crossword puzzles try to meet your needs and address your emotions without food. 8. Resign from the "clean plate club." Refrigerate leftovers for tomorrow's lunch, take half of large restaurant portions home or try planning something enjoyable to do after meals so you don't keep eating just to procrastinate. If you enjoy lingering at the table, remove your plate so you won't be tempted to nibble. 9. Avoid the "Now I've blown it!" syndrome. A large meal, an indulgent treat or a day without exercise doesn't mean a thing. There are no bonus points for perfection -- just try to make choices over the weeks and months that add up to a healthy diet. You don't have to feel guilty after enjoying a brownie, just make more nutritious snack choices for the rest of the week. 10. Take things one step at a time. Research suggests that even modest weight loss can benefit your health, so focus on slow weight loss, instead of trying to lose too much too fast. Better yet, try making your lifestyle healthful -- the weight loss will eventually follow. Mr. Honore is NASM -CPT, CES , PES,Certified Personal Trainer Apprentice Instructor in Hand to Hand Combat at D.G.C.F.S. Page 2

Coming Events 11/14/09 - R.A.T. Seminar conducted by Mr.Traylor 10am 2pm 14/15 $150.00 2 day, $100 1 day Certification for those that qualify. postponed PFS Edge Weapon Seminar with Sifu Cruse, Ranking Date D.T.A. Tuhon Ray Dionaldo F.C.S. Filipino Combat Systems seminar at D.G.C.F.S facility 12-5pm At D.G.C.F.S

Mr. & Mrs. Traylor are gearing up for the 2010 seminar tour, IF you wish Mr. & Mrs.Traylor to come to your school for a seminar please contact them. The seminar can cover what ever you want Just pick the module, All modules have Instructor certification available.

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I personal own this Rifle & I love IT!!! It shoot great and is perfect for CQB. I give it 10 out of 10 Metalize Perfect metallic performance is basic character of ICS, the ICS-28 CQB follow up the excellent traditional and will feature full metal construction as metal receiver?removable carry handle?outer barrel?front and rear sights?sling mounts?mag release?front barrel assembly?flash hider?ejection port cover and cocking handle.., etc? CQB RAS all 20mm rail accessories compatiable,each AEG include new design folding front sight,sling buckle and a end cap,this could help you change to pistol type. new CQB battery box accommodate 9.6V 1100mah and a free laser included """ORANGE TIP WITH IT IF SELL IN USA"""

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Continue from page 1 The curriculum is as follows: • • •

Training the lethal tools: HKE or head butts, knees and elbows Drilling HKE, how to tie it all together to achieve the desired result Functionalizing HKE, training the tools in an alive manner against full resistance through the use of impact gear

It has three basic concepts: 1. Entry 2. Pressure 3. Resolution/Termination of conflict R.A.T. isn't really so much a fighting technique, though, as it is an understanding of the phases of the fight. Most people enter into a fight with no plan. They just fight until someone runs away, wins, or drops. That's leaving too much up to chance. If you go into a fight with a set plan (entry, pressure, termination) your chances of success goes up greatly. The scope of the training conducted usually includes but is not limited to: 1.

Training Methodologies - numerous drills designed to develop the attributes necessary to execute the techniques learned; as well as to control ones emotions when the fight-or-flight mechanism is triggered

2. Mass Attacks - life saving principles and important concepts relating to this area of assault involving multiple aggressors. Mass Attacks is an area of self-preservation that one should never hope to fall victim to. In this most dangerous attack, the options are few and the best tactical response is mobility. The violence in todays streets have changed and one of the most preferred forms of violence by street punks is to attack in numbers. It is a sure fire way to gain the upper hand when the intentions are to seriously hurt someone. Unfortunately, many traditional martial arts approach this area unrealistically and the results are predictable: you will get seriously hurt, possibly killed. At D.G.C.F.S., we give this area of Self-preservation serious attention because of the nature of these types of personal attacks. The curriculum is based on one of mobility, using the most lethal tools, improvised weapons and other means.

3. HKE or "Head butts, Knees & Elbows"- the core of the RAT; tools employed when a person is engaged in a life threatening situation and self-preservation becomes necessary

4. Ground grappling and Ground fighting - positional control, submissions and reversals; Concepts of disengaging from grappling situations to maintain control, mobility and balance. Grappling skills are taught to deal with any type of grappling that may arise in a street fighting situation. We develop skills that can be utilized in stand-up or ground grappling. The Grappling Arts contain a myriad of training drills which enhance or develop physical attributes such as speed, sensitivity, power, co-ordination, timing, endurance, footwork, evasiveness, etc. We use the art of grappling to develop skill in applying arm, foot, wrist, head, neck locks, etc. There are two ways we teach the ground game. One is strictly from a self-perfection perspective which is sportive in nature. Meaning, that students have elected to learn the various locks, submissions, positioning, reversals, etc, for pure enjoyment and conditioning. The other way is the Rapid Assault Tactics ground fighting approach. This involves a different sort of dedication, where everything taught is meant for self-preservation only. The aim here is to disengage a grappling confrontation before it proceeds further, but not before initiating all the brutality that may be necessary for ones' escape. Training with gear is the usual norm and is the only way to fully apply and functionalize all the skills that will ensure ones' survival. Remember, if you are simulating this aspect of martial arts training; be prepared to suffer the consequences of such ill-preparedness. Train like you fight and you will no doubt fight like you train.

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The Interview: Defense Against Surprise Attacks From An Interview Position

Paul Green STONEWAL TACTICAL Inside D.G.C.F.S. R.A.T. Progra Ronald’s Fitness Corner Coming events Airsoft Products Cont. R.A.T. Program The Interview postion The Deep End JKD Emotional Dimension

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Epiphany to Doctrine


D.P.S. Ceremony Ms.Conn


Martial Arts & Gun


The following article is designed to provide the reader with some basic tools to defend themselves during a failed verbal diffusion. A lot of the training I see today even in Good places to go 15 combatives is geared towards more of a dueling position totally by-passing what got them into that position in the first place. The interview position is something I’ve seen talked about in a lot of classes and seminars but I’ve never really seen much done with it. I feel like it should be practiced a lot more and I want to try to give you some ideas on what to do with it. I want to introduce you to the stance that we use and the functionality of it. The counters presented are generic and are done to illustrate a few principles. I realize not everyone does things the same way so please feel free to practices the techniques from your style that suit your body best as you are probably already used to them. These are just a couple of examples of what could be done. In the diagram above we show in our interview posture the defense already built in. The savvy reader will recognize this as basically a “Philly shell” made famous by such boxing legends as Sugar Ray Robinson and currently Floyd Mayweather Jr. Make a note that the left hand is up instead of the right because statistically most people are right handed and also statistically the right hook is thrown more than any other punch in street fights. We feel that’s it’s a very versatile posture and can be used in many ways in this context. However, maybe the most important part of the interview is something you won’t see in any diagram. It’s the mental parts. Anyone can block these attacks if they know they are coming in a static class situation. I want you to try something. Practice the blocks when they come suddenly while your trying to talk to someone or while they are yelling or cursing at you. This is where the mental aspects come into play. Let’s say you’re a bouncer or in some other security type job where you may have to tell a person to calm down or maybe they need to leave. If you focus too much on what you’re telling them or what they are telling you then it slows down your reaction time. You need to be thinking about these attacks. Don’t let your ego get the best of you in this situation. With this posture you can practice in class with mitts having the feeder yell at you and throwing suddenly as you use these defenses or doing it while you’re trying to talk to him. This will hone your reflexes and help you learn where your head needs to be in these situations when you get it popped a couple of times. It’s also important to note that the above stance is non threatening still giving you the option to use your verbal diffusions. In the question of does this person have a weapon in all honesty you should already know this before you approach this person and taken the appropriate actions.

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In the above series Nic attempts a headbutt. Notice the angle of the forearm. At a 45 degree angle it’s pretty solid to stop that headbutt but make sure you practice this to get the timing down right because if it leaves a little late and hits at a 90 degree angle that hand might just get knocked back into your face. I’ve kept my right arm down in the picture to keep from blocking the view for the reader in an actual situation it needs to be up and ready. A headbutt isn’t as common of an attack in the U.S. as other attacks but they tend to happen much more frequently in European countries so it still needs to be practiced. In the example above I’ve chose this time to finish with an elbow which can be devastating

Above we’ve demonstrated two offensive uses from this posture. The first is a quick eye gouge that can be done directly from the posture. The second obviously is a head butt. The reality is maybe you’ve seen that he’s going for a weapon and you need to react quick or to buy yourself some time to escape. In my case maybe you realized your favorite sweatshirt has a hole in it or that your fat and have to end it quick. Just kidding guys.

In the above series Nick demonstrates an attack with the common right hook and we’ve blocked with a shield block that was already set up by our interview posture then we came over the shoulder to over hook and control the arm and finished with a palm thrust to the chin.

In this sequence we’ve and the shoulder block picture I’ve also put my defense in case the left shoulder then countered the jaw. Then just for fun we the right arm under the eyes and jerking back with a good old the nads. Please note in the third picture to reader from being needs to be up and

shown a left hook attack defense. In the first hand up as extra hook glance off my right with a forearm shot to demonstrated slipping left and going into the the head and finished fashioned uppercut to the left hand is dropped keep the view of the obstructed. In training it ready.

In our last situation our attacker has went for a groin shot which we’ve blocked with a simple leg check then stepped in taking over his space and finished with a knee to the face. I want to personally thank you for taking the time to read this article. I hope you’ve found some information within it that you can use or modify to fit your needs. Please do not neglect the mental training because without the proper mindset going into these situations your going to be less successful. I also want to thanks Nic Shelton and William Rawls for their help in preparing this article. In closing remember to be safe and always be ready Paul Green Is a Professor of Combative Arts with the American Budo Society as well as the International Technical Director, Alabama State Heavyweight Champion in Sport Jiu-Jitsu in 1999 I hold a 5th dan in Jujutsu a 5th dan in Ninjutsu a 4th dan in Karate and a 3rd dan in Judo/Yudo respectively also a certified instructor in The Defender Personal Defense Weapon System A certified instructor in the SABER(Strategic Anit-Blade Engagement Response) Method An Advanced Instructor in Knife/Counter Knife Combatives under W Hock Hocheim

The Deep End Martial arts teachers are a fickle bunch to be sure, most believe that a slow steady progression from a dogmatic position is the only way for an adult beginner to understand the nuances of an art. They take their raw recruits and place them at such a low level on the learning curve that it truly hinders growth and confidence. I have found it detrimental to adult students to place them on the same ladder as a child student. Adults and children are different in their mannerisms, experience’s and desires. Often times child students are only there for their parents and will in all likely hood be an in and out student. On the other hand adult students who attend martial classes may in fact be looking for something totally different, something they can covet and call their own, for whatever reason. To place them on that same sliding Amo Guro Michael D. Blackgrave scale is in my opinion doing a grave injustice to them and not addressing their Founder of Seamok desires. If you look at the make up of most martial arts curriculums you will see a very Inside D.G.C.F.S. methodical approach to learning. Everything is laid out softly with little or no R.A.T. Progra 1 challenge. This will hinder the production from an adult student, especially those who Ronald’s Fitness Corner 2 have the fire for truth and are there for the simple reason of finding it. They have Coming events 3 Airsoft Products 4 come to you because they feel you can deliver to them their much needed remedy for Cont. R.A.T. Program 5 confidence and ability. An adult will not stick around for very long if you approach him The Interview postion 6 as a child and throw him into the shallow end of training along side pre-pubescent 13 The Deep End 9 year olds whose only real reason for being there is because Dad said “Your going”. JKD Emotional Dimension 11 Epiphany to Doctrine 12 A kick is a kick and a punch a punch and both techniques along with many others will be taught to both child and adult alike. The difference between the to will lie in the D.P.S. Ceremony Ms.Conn 13 intent factor. The child may be enamored by the flash of a technique because he is a Martial Arts & Gun 14 child. Children work off of a very different stimuli make up than an adult. The adult Good places to go 15 may and probably will see that flash technique as futile. He isn’t there for that. As a teacher you will now run into the explain game. The explain game is a place where you have to quantify every nook and cranny of a technique. You have to be able to sell this flash as function to the youngster yet somehow convince the adult that it is still functional form. The former may be easy but the latter will be a hard pressed sell. This quagmire can be avoided by simply removing the adult from a child geared class and gearing the work equal to the intellect and desire. I am a firm believer in the deep end continuum. I will take a new adult student and put him straight into the deep end of training. He will show up and find himself so overwhelmed that he will think he is drowning in information. On the contrary what he perceives as a suffocating immersion is really a liberating approach, the only thing lacking is understanding which will be gained moment by moment as he starts to float back to the surface of WHY. In this way you can take a raw recruit and give him the necessary work needed and boost his confidence from day one. My approach to function is simple. It all starts with belief. The student must be confident in what he is learning and his abilities to learn and use it. If you take this student and place him in the shallow end of learning he will flounder. There is no challenge, there is no mana (spirit), there is no fire. That shallow end is that for a reason. It isn’t geared for truth, rather it is geared for purposes other than form equal function. The student will simply dry up because of the boredom placed before him. It is a ladder of ascension based upon technique and dogma. There is also the time factor to be addressed in the low end method. There are teachers who follow strict doctrine from some mother ship entity who believe that time equals skill. They will make it mandatory that each person stays at a certain level for a certain period of time before they are allowed to test for something higher. During this time the only real skill these people garner is dojo manifested. They may be dynamite in the controlled setting where punches and kicks come at them like marsh mellows to a flame but in reality have they learned one iota of truth as it pertains to self preservation? People, especially adult students have to be good now not 2 years from now. If an adult remains in a shallow end frame his skills will be a long time coming, if they ever come at all. The deep end is chalked full of intent and motion, you take the student and immerse him into the fray from day one, you get him doing things he never thought he could do in a million years. In essence you have him believing in himself because you chucked the dogmatic playbook right out the window. He does not view himself as a beginner or an outsider trying to find his place. In the deep end he is embraced as a brother or sister and everyone understands that he or she is there for that very reason you so desired not so long ago.

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He is a part of the tribe, not a tribe of technique theory driven students led by a figure head who is more interested in generating income as opposed to the well being of his tribe. In the deep end students will learn fast, they will function fast, they will realize that nothing is wrong and nothing is right it simply is and that flow is the key. They will amaze themselves at every turn learning motion and simplicity. This confidence will then sink the hook of reality deep into the students craw driving him to become better. Simplicity with intent is the axiom on which I hang my hat, if it isn’t simple and chalked full of intent then to me it is useless. In the deep end the student will soon understand that simplicity is key and quite easy to manifest once the belief is engrained, and engraining belief comes quite early in the deep end. It has to, you have no other choice, you’re in it up to your neck. My students have been with me for a maximum of 2.5 years yet they function as if they have been playing the game for a decade. This judgement doesn’t come from me, I know good they are. This assessment comes from seasoned practitioners and teachers of other methodologies who stood awe struck after witnessing them work and flow under pressure in not so friendly of confines. The only way these folks got that good that fast was by me throwing them from day one into the deep end of the learning pool. Trust me it works. Amo Guro Michael Blackgrave

SEAMOK Tactical Solutions (TM)

Simplicity With Intent www.seamok.com

THE EMOTIONAL DIMENSION OF JEET KUNE DO Bruce Lee felt one of the most neglected areas of Martial Arts lies within one’s state of mind otherwise known as “the emotional dimension”.

Sifu Paul Vunak World renowned Navy Seal Training & Reality Based Combatives Instructor and also my instructor Inside D.G.C.F.S. R.A.T. Progra Ronald’s Fitness Corner Coming events Airsoft Products Cont. R.A.T. Program The Interview postion The Deep End JKD Emotional Dimension Epiphany to Doctrine

1 2 3 4 5 6 9 11


D.P.S. Ceremony Ms.Conn


Martial Arts & Gun


Good places to go


When one is punching, kneeing , elbowing, biteing someone etc. It is a safe bet to presume they are ravingly livid at this person. The problem with fighting while you are ravingly livid is that 90 % of your skill and training goes out the window. There is nothing one can do in life, even at a mediocre level, while they are in this emotional state. Picture trying to play basketball, change a tire, negotiate with a loved one, play ping-pong etc. This paradox literally blows over ever Martial Art Instructor’s head in the world. As the axiom goes ‘control follows awareness’. So your first step in resolving this problem has already been solved; simply by reading this article you are now ‘aware’. One time in the 70’s during the wee hours of the night I asked Dan “how did Bruce solve this paradox”. Dan’s response was “Bruce seemed to have a switch that went from livid to relaxed”. Apparently, most of Bruce’s altercations came as a result of his poor driving ability. After Bruce would cut someone off he would have a yelling fit of ‘expletives’ while driving. However the nano second that Bruce would pullover, get out of the car, put his hands up and engage in battle, his switch would flip to ‘relaxed’. Bruce was known to laugh, tell jokes, and even give his opponents pointers while he was creaming them. In closing, my advice to all Martial Artists is to spend more time learning to identify, differentiate and process their emotions. This attribute will transpose itself into everyday life; Congratulatons! You are on the way to spirituality. Paul Vunak

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From Epiphany to Doctrine I saw it all coming together into the true essence of combat. I came to understand the only reason I learned and taught fighting systems was to defeat two targets, the enemy soldier and the criminal, not to pass on grandmaster dynasties, become a trophy/sport champion or to preserve art for the sake of tradition. There are two ways to defeat the enemy, less-than-lethal means and lethal means. In short-sometimes we take them prisoner and sometimes we have to kill them. A competent warrior can do both as legally, morally and ethically needed in a proper use-of-force continuum. By: Hock Hochheim Every conflict is situational. If you want to defeat the enemy soldier or the criminal, A pioneer in Reality Based combatives field and Military and L.E.O. trainer this is the system for you. No one system, such as karate for one, or no one also my Instructor. discipline, such as military science, holds the answers to every scenario. I began to forge a course that bridges the gap between the police, the military, the martial Inside D.G.C.F.S. artists and the aware citizenry. To structure it as realistically as possible, I used a Inside D.G.C.F.S. “reverse-engineering” approach by starting with the fight first and working backward R.A.T. Progra 1 Ronald’s Fitness Corner 2 in probabilities. After almost 30 years of real world, hand-on experience and training, Coming events 3 in the Year 2000, I began to organize all my fighting tactics and strategies into one Airsoft Products 4 comprehensive program called the Close Quarter Combatives Group. The CQCG is Cont. R.A.T. Program 5 The Interview postion 6 made up of four separate, primary foundations, each a 10 level training program: The Deep End 9 -Unarmed Combatives Course JKD Emotional Dimension 11 -Knife/Counter-Knife Course Epiphany to Doctrine 12 -SDMS Impact Weapon Course D.P.S. Ceremony Ms.Conn 13 -Gun/Counter-Gun Course Martial Arts & Gun 14 I still teach, promote and rank people in these individual courses because there will Good places to go 15 always be people interested in only one or two topics and not the bigger, CQC package. I will also continue to teach and ramrod the Pacific Archipelago Combatives Course. Unique to the PAC will be double sticks and the espada y daga (stick and knife) material. Soldiers, citizens and police are simply not interested in double stick drills and the like, so they do not appear in the CQCG Course. I also teach one other course called: -Pacific Archipelago Combatives: The combative essence of Pacific Islands systems. -Police Judo: the core CQC Training Mission material, but geared for enforcement missions) CQC Group Training Mission Progression Overview: All training is expressed in a “Modular Concept.” A module includes learning the basics of execution of a particular tactic, troubleshooting common counters to the tactic, skill and flow drill development of the tactic, counters, and then using the tactic in standing, kneeling and ground positions fighting with and/or against unarmed, stick, knife and gun weaponry. I believe in an organization of material that follows this macro to micro progression: Strategy Training: This is an overall plan. Big picture. This training can be done in a classroom, in a lecture format. "Today we are talking about the defeating the mugger." "The laws say- "He will statistically attack you by." Tactical (and practical) Training: These are the general tactics that seem to cross-over into so many applications, such as - working on a pistol quick draw, slashing a knife, or palm-striking a heavy bag. You might call this basic training. Situational Training: This requires more study. What are the situations you will be in. Where? This is crisis rehearsal in replications of scenarios. Who are you? Where do you think you will be? What will you need to make it through? You might call this the start of advanced training. Positional Training: This is pinpoint right down to it. The general tactics may well work here, but where precisely are you and the opponent? This is the real fine tuning of tactics as needed. The finite situation. Like---bottom-side ground and his left leg is out. Arm Wrap trap or your knife hand/arm warp trap of his empty hand. His left hand is on your throat and you are up against a wall. Sometimes, solutions relate to finite positioning.

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Texas Department of Public Safety graduation ceremony, 10.09.09 We at D.G.C.F.S. want to congratulate Morgan E. Conn. We are extremely proud an honored to have had her as our student. New trooper Morgan E. Conn, third from left, and other graduating troopers, bow their heads in prayer during the benediction of class A-2009, the 138th class of the Texas Department of Public Safety during the graduation ceremony held at the Riverbend Center in Austin. Morgan came to D.G.C.F.S. to get the skills needed to help her in her training as a DPS Officer. She is Now station in El Paso Tx. We Will miss Ms.Conn and hope her much successes and safety.

Trooper recruits Joseph B. Anderson, Sean E. Barnes, Elizabeth A. Barney, Morgan E. Conn, Lyle T. Cram, front row left to right, along with 69 other graduates raise their right hand and take the oath of office as part of the 138th class of the Texas Department of Public Safety during the graduation ceremony held at the Riverbend Center in Austin. Graduating class A-2009, the 138th class of the Texas Department of Public Safety, at 69 members strong, stand at attention saluting during the posting of the colors during the graduation ceremony held at the Riverbend Center in Austin. We at D.G.C.F.S. wish to thank all the L.E.O. that put their life on the line for our safety. We are humbled by your scarifies that you are willing to endure. Again Ms. Conn we * BOW* with humility and humbleness for your accomplishment and given us the opportunity to train you and to be apart of your life during this GREAT ACHIVMENT. Mr.Traylor Trooper Conn, Mrs.Traylor & Mr.Shbeeb

DGC helped prepare me for Recruit School and now out here on the streets. The techniques I learned from Mr. Traylor was the core defense system at the training academy and it put me ahead of much of the class. Stopping cars and dealing with people can be stressful and dangerous, I feel much more confident having learned this D.G.C.F. system. I wish I was stationed back in Houston to continue my training with DGC, I will miss it. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Traylor for everything!! Trooper Conn Ms.Conn Mrs.Traylor & I want to say Thank you for your kindness and your wiliness to learn from us. We are so proud of you and your accomplishment and for chosen us to help you get ready. We will miss you and hope you the very best. Mr & Mrs.Traylor.

Martial arts and guns

/ Robb Hamic is an IAFEFI member since 2003, former Sheriff’s Deputy, Detective and Desert Storm U.S. Army Veteran. He is a Certified Law Enforcement Trainer (CLET) and is a state and nationally accredited firearms instructor for handgun, shotgun, rifle, patrol rifle and tactics.

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Martial Arts & Gun


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Why aren’t guns brought into the martial arts? People seek martial arts or self defense trainers to help them feel safe, mitigate risk and train for potential attacks. Some of the more progressive martial arts or self defense styles incorporate weapons disarms (gun and knife). Why aren’t we, as teachers and instructors, educating our students about guns? Why aren’t we teaching our students how to use firearms? I am a nationally accredited self defense instructor, law enforcement and military trainer. I am a former Sheriff’s Deputy/ Detective in one of America’s most violent cities. I train people how to survive real (2009) violent or potentially violent situations. I am a firearms instructor and I teach concealed handgun licensing (CHL, CCW) in Texas and New Mexico. I am a martial artist and have been involved in various systems for half of my life. It surprises me that martial arts teachers are not reaching out to their students to provide this education that could save their lives. In law enforcement we had a rule called the “plus one rule.” This means that in any fight there is always one gun plus yours Take a look at these FBI crime statistics. In 2008, an estimated 4.9 million violent crimes (rapes or sexual assaults, robberies, aggravated assaults and simple assaults) occurred, as well as an estimated 16.3 million property crimes (burglaries, motor vehicle thefts and household thefts) and 137,000 personal thefts (picked pockets and snatched purses). In 2008, women were more likely than men to be victimized by someone they knew. Seventy percent of all violent crimes against women were committed by a known offender (an intimate, family member or friend/acquaintance), compared to 49 percent of violence against men. Twenty-three percent of the non-fatal violence against women was committed by an intimate (current or former spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend), compared to three percent of the violence against men.

Only 47% of all crimes were reported but around 20% of all violent crime involved a gun. 40% of all robberies involved a gun. I know that I have an obligation to prepare my students for violent and stressful situations/ attacks that occur everyday in the United States, Mexico and most other countries. I hope that all of my students can detect danger and avoid it. It would be great if they could defuse bad situations but unfortunately, some situations can not be avoided. Three percent (3%) of society are sociopaths who have no empathy for anyone. They will kill if the opportunity arises or you stand in the way of their objectives. I teach self defense. I don’t have anything negative to say about any martial art. I love martial arts and I understand that students ‘bet their lives on their instructors’ by taking their classes, practicing their techniques and preparing for possible violent confrontations that may arise. Students should choose carefully and don’t forget that you may face a gun in a violent attack, robbery, home invasion, rape, beating, carjacking and anything else that you can see on tonight’s nightly news. Cross-training in different systems or seeking out a credible firearms instructor are always good options. Train for real life situations because the streets don’t give second chances.

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