D.g.c.f.s Reality Based Martial Arts Iusse13

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Reality Based E-Magazine

Volume 1 Issue 13 5/01/09


Houston Premier Reality Based Martial Arts & Combatives, Fitness & Nutrition Facility.

Your monthly E-Magazine guide to Combative Techniques, Tactical Airsoft, MilSim and Combative Fitness & Nutrition.

Interview with Mrs.Traylor and her journey e-mag : Hello Mrs.Traylor Thank you for this interview. Traylor : No, Thank you, I am a lil nerves. e-mag : “laughs” no reason to be nerves Mrs.Traylor. Traylor : ok, e-mag : So how long have you been in the martial arts? Traylor : I started at the age of 14 years old.. so… about 13 years in the martial arts e-mag : where did you start. Traylor : in Nicaragua, central America. e-mag : what style was it? Traylor : Tae Kwon Do e-mag : how long did you study Tae Kwon Do? Traylor : about 5 years or so off and on Mr.& Mrs. Traylor Owner & e-mag : how far did you get in Tae Kwon Do? Founders of D.G.C.F. System. Traylor : Black Belt e-mag : wow ok, so what made you go to reality based martial arts? Traylor : I wanted something that I could apply, I am a petite women and some of the techniques that where shown to me would not work for my size and strength. e-mag : so when did you start your Reality Based Training and with who? Traylor: I started in 2000, I was looking for something more real and that I could apply as a female. I came across Mr.Traylors Martial Arts Studio; it was an eye opening experience for me. I did not know about Reality Based Combatives or for that matter eye jabs, biting ect.. I learned more from Mr.Traylor in 6 month than 4 years in Tae Kwno Do. Inside D.G.C.F.S. e-mag : Wow that’s quite a statement. Mrs.Traylor interview 1 Ronald’s Fitness Corner 2 Traylor : Naw I do not think so, R..B.M.A.& Combatives Coming events 3 are so different from Traditional Martial Arts both from a mind set and training, That Dog Fight 4 does not mean that T.M.A. wont work or cant work but the way you train I think is Airsoft Products 5 the main factor. Cont. Mrs.Traylor interview 6 st Dangers of edge weapons 8 e-mag : We did some research and you are the 1 Latin women in the U.S. to Criminals train 10 teach Reality Based Martial Arts & Combatives in a continues education setting as Next month Issue 11 far as edge weapons ,fire arms, blunt force weapons Tactical Shooting and Good places to go 12 weapon procurement ect..How do you feel about being a pioneer in R.B.M.A in the U.S..? There is a women in Canada her name is Mitra Castano, She is the 1st female in Canada teach R.B.M.A. Traylor : Uuuh.. You have caught me off guard, …. I never really have thought about it. I just train with my Husband for years and we grow and learn what is useful and what is not, I guess I am a bite excited to learn that IF it’s True are you SURE?

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Strength Training is For Women Too!

Mr. Honore is NASM –CPT, CES , PES, Certified Personal Trainer & Apprentice Instructor in Hand to Hand Combat at D.G.C.F.S.

You might think strength training is just for men. Maybe you’re worried that you’ll bulk up if you lift weights. But in reality, strength training reduces body fat and increases lean muscle mass, helping your body burn calories more efficiently. Don’t worry about bulking up — you’ll actually look thinner because your muscles will be better toned. And increased lean muscle mass will provide you with a bigger “engine” to burn calories. With strength training, you’ll look great and you’ll feel great. But that’s not the only positive side effect. Strong muscles will help you maintain balance and coordination. With extra muscle power working behind the scenes, you’ll feel revitalized and have more energy to finish all of the items on your daily to-do list. Regular strength training will also help you: •

Increase your strength and stability. Strong muscles enhance your ability to move and lift things. • Maintain and increase your bone mineral density. Working your body with weights increases bone density and decreases your risk of osteoporosis. When bone is stressed appropriately through muscle movement, it gets stronger. • Control body fat by boosting your metabolic rate. When you lose muscle, your body gradually becomes less efficient at burning calories. That’s because muscle burns three times more calories than fat does. The more muscle mass your body has, the more efficiently and quickly it burns calories, even when you’re at rest. • Reduce your risk of injury. Building muscle protects your joints from injury during aerobic exercise and in normal daily activities. Strength training also helps protect your lower back and keep it healthy. • Improve your overall body image. Studies suggest that women who strength train feel more self-confident and have an improved body image. Consider the sobering alternative — if you don’t use your muscles, you lose your muscles. Muscle mass diminishes with age, and your muscles will shrink if they’re not used. Especially important for older women, strength training decreases your risk of falls and increases your strength and stability, helping you maintain your independence — reason enough to begin a strength-training program.

Inside D.G.C.F.S. Mrs.Traylor interview Ronald’s Fitness Corner Coming events Dog Fight Airsoft Products Cont. Mrs.Traylor interview Dangers of edge weapons Criminals train Next month Issue Good places to go

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Coming Events March 27/09 Owens & minor Self defense seminar Location There. April 14/09 – Private Self Defense Seminar Security 6:30pm – 8:30pm Location There. April 18/09 – Private Self Defense Seminar H.W.N.T. location D.G.C.F.S. April 25/09 – Apche Knife Fighting with Master Ralph Redfeather 9am – 5pm –location D.G.C May 1-3/09 Mr & Mrs. Traylor, with Instructors and Apprentice Instructors, are going to California to train with PAUL VUNAK and get certified as apprentice Instructors and Mr. Traylor Full “C.E.I.” Certified.. May 09/09 – Private Self Defense Seminar N.H.P.O. 2pm-4pm – Location D.G.C. May 16/09 Private Self Defense Seminar S.B.C. Location D.G.C.F.S. July 25-26 /09 S.T.A.R. Method (Stonewall Tactical Arm locks and Restraints) by Paul Green, joint locks with extreme speed under extreme stress at a very high success rate that has already been proven in the field. At Date D.T.A.

Tuhon Ray Dionaldo F.C.S. Filipino Combat Systems seminar at D.G.C.F.S facility 12-5pm At D.G.C.F.S

Events flyer

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Dog Fight!

Mike Reis Founder of Triune Fist System. 27 years of M.A. experience. Inside D.G.C.F.S. Inside D.G.C.F.S. Mrs.Traylor interview Ronald’s Fitness Corner Coming events Dog Fight Airsoft Products Cont. Mrs.Traylor interview Dangers of edge weapons Criminals train Next month Issue Good places to go

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I always liked the saying, “It’s not the size of the dog in fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.” Not being very tall and when I was younger I was always one of the small kids. It always made me feel inferior to everyone around me and of course to me all the big kids were the strongest and toughest…well, in my head. I used to have a dog that was a lot like me in that way when I was growing up. He was smaller than all the other dogs on our block. I think I saw what that saying meant when I finally saw my dog get into fight with another dog. He attacked the other dog relentlessly and even though the other dog was bigger and broader than my dog, somehow my dog would out maneuver the other dog and attacked the vital points, until he brought the dog down to the ground and chased it off. It was scary, yet very educational to watch. That scene and that saying still sticks with me to this day. I’m still not real tall, but I’m more muscular than I used to be and I hit pretty hard for a little guy. I try to use that to my advantage when defending myself as well as when I teach. The fact is it doesn’t matter how big and bad you are, there is someone who is always bigger and badder than you. If that’s not bad enough, that’s the person that is going to seek you out and will be the one to fight you. Just like that dog fight I saw you will be in for a chaotic ride that is full of aggression, anger, and destruction. If you are attacked you can’t just let this person run over top of you just because they’re bigger. Shock them by taking the fight to them, rather than them setting the pace you do it. React with aggression, speed, quickness, and the tenacity that you need to survive a big dog fight. You don’t need to be bigger; you just need to be more informed about what makes a fight continue. Animals know what works to get the job done and they go for the weak points against their opponent. No matter how many times these guys workout of even if they have drugs or alcohol in their systems, the keys are simple. They can’t make their eyes stronger, or their throat stronger, and their groin is still vulnerable as well as their knees. Go for these areas when you are fighting to survive and go after them even if it’s biting and clawing. Be ferocious and aggressive. Just remember even the little dogs and bring down the big bad wolf if his vital points are attacked.

By Mike Reis Mr. Reis can be reached at Telephone: 307-632-7215 Triune Fist System, 4911 King Arthur Way Apt C, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009. http://www.triunefistsystem.com/

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This gun runs around $400 – $455.00 length with stock retracted: 595mm weight:2750g magazine capacity:450 rounds Initial speed:M120 / 395 fps . The original ICS Creation, It?s one and the only in the world Because of the market demand, ICS created CXP. ICS CXP has fantastic appearance and useful tactical rail. This design allows players easily to install different kinds of accessories on CXP. No matter where you are, ICS CXP always makes you under the spot light and to be the champion. The new designed retractable stock is very easy to use. There are six positioning holes. You can change the length of the stock according to your favor and your mission. It can work with the sling ring and make you completely win the assault battle. CXP has the strongest fore structure. The embedded barrel joins to metal body tightly. This deign removed the waver problem which results from the weak structure of the outer tube or the incompact body. ICS pursues quality without limited. We create our CXP with M4 pistol and upgrade the shooting speed to M120 / 395 fps. We also use our reinforced gearbox that you can only find in ICS to create the masterpiece. “””ORANGE TIP WITH IT IF SELL IN USA”””

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Continue from page 1 e-mag : Now I looked at your credentials, I see that you have several black belts in different arts and have specialized training as well, and you help train military unites and S.W.A.T., D.E.A., POLICE just a host of personal it seems like. Traylor : “laughs” wow I never real thought about it that way Yes I have been blessed to be trained by one of the BEST instructors in the Reality Based field in my opinion. “My husband” This gave me the ability to help train these unites and individuals.as far as the black belts I have them in…..

Mrs.Traylor w/SS. Silva U.S. Army 1) Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do 2)1 dan Hap-Ki Do 3)1 dan kenpo 4)1 dan Jui-Jitsu 5)1 dan Black Arts Close Quarter Combat 6)1 dan in D.G.C.F.S. 7) instructor in the S.A.B.E.R. Method 8) Apprentice Instructor under Paul Vunake in P.F.S. "Later this Year" 9)C.P.R. / B.L.S. – Certified 10)M.E.T.S. Helicopter underwater egress training – certified 11)Water Survival / swing rope/personal trans – certified 12) Fire watch / incipient fire fighting – certified. e-mag : Out of all your black belts which discipline have you found most rewarding? Traylor : The D.G.C.F.S. of course! e-mag : Now I see that you have C.P.R. & under water egress training ect.how does that transfer to your school and training, I mean how is it relevant? Traylor : Well my husband & I vision is to have the BEST REALITY BASED TRAINING SCHOOL IN TEXAS & possible the U.S. So having C.P.R./B.L.S. ect… is a natural stepping stone to the next level. Example the Airsoft Field we are building No other school in Texas will have this, except maybe after reading this, “laughs” Mock aircraft / Bus & elevator room for C.Q.C. Training. No other school in Houston has this type of training. We look to add training that not just military can get but soccer moms and dads, Urban training that you can use in this life time. With the way things are getting one needs to be prepared for anything. So If you are in physical altercation and you have to put someone down you have the training to bring them back with B.L.S. Or C.P.R. so that is how it is relevant. e-mag : You have two beautiful kids, how do you find balance? What's your typical day like? st Traylor : 1 GOD has blessed us with Jasmine & Gabriel & JESUS is our LORD & SAVIOR. he has blessed our business & our lives we owe all that we have to him. 2nd the GREAT part is that my husband & I do this fulltime and we get to spend a lot of time with them and we also get to take them to our studio so we get to spend a lot of quality time with our kids. typical day like?... Do not know never had one LOL… we get the kids up feed the breakfast answer e-mail, filming our DVD’S series, we market and get seminars schedules ready, then we spend time with our kids go bike riding ect.. Then lunch & then we are off to the studio so we can workout and prepare for the days classes. Mrs.Traylor training 4005th e-mag :Now I was also told that you and Mr.Traylor got nominated for the martial arts HALL OF FAME, Is this true Mrs.Traylor? Traylor : Yes but not like Traditional Martial Arts from what we understand its for R.B.M.A. & C.Q.C. and founder of D.G.C.F.S. It is Combat Warrior magazine that nominated us. e-mag : ok, both of you are also going to be on the cover of that magazine correct? If so when? Traylor : Yes that’s correct but we do not know when as They have not interview us yet or taken the pictures for the cover. e-mag : Speaking of covers, you & Mr.Traylor are also schedule to be on the cover of Martial Arts Expert magazine. When is this suppose to transpire. Traylor : From what We understand the May cover with I think a 4 page spread about our System and who we are and what we teach.

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e-mag : that is great, I was also looking at your instructors that you trained with, I have to admit I’ am impressed. You trained with Hock of Scientific Fighting Congress, Eric Paulson of Combative submission wrestling, Fernando Vargas of International Combatives Self Defense Association , Paul Green of Stonewall Tactical Just to name a few. Traylor : Yes I have been blessed to have meet and trained with such high caliber of men with a wealth of knowledge in combatives and R.B.M.A. I can look back say wow I trained with them what an honor. e-mag : What keeps you motivated Mrs.Traylor? Traylor : Every time I see my husband teach a group of students, I see how the system we teach could possibly save someone’s life & I like being apart of something that I know works and can help you protect you and your family from harm. Also what keeps me motivated is trying to be a role model for younger women and that IF I can do it they also can. ALSO learning that I am the only HISPANIC female instructor to teach R.B.M.A. & Tactical weapon such as edge weapon, fire arms, Sticks and hand to hand combatives as well as weapons of opportunity and improvised weapons in the U.S. and to have trained with some of the TOP instructors in the R.B.M.A. field. I want men & women to know that there is a Method of self defense out there that you do not have to have years to learn for it to work. That is D.G.C.F.S.

e-mag : I just have a few more question, ok? Traylor : Sure no problem e-mag : what is your opinion on women’s combative sport like U.F.C.? Traylor :I think it GREAT!! We have been over looked & they are some Tough women competitors out there skilled and capable. e-mag : I heard a rumor that you & Mr.Traylor are training women for M.M.A is this true?!! Oh!! And that you will be competing. Traylor : uuuh.. Hold on let me ask malvin oops Mr.Traylor If I am allowed to say anything excuse me. Ok yes this is true and yes I will be competing. e-mag : Wow ok what the name and when? Traylor : it’s called WMMASCL “women Mixed Martial Arts Submission Competition league” I think by the time this is e-mag is out the video would be out and the website should be up. Right now we have 10 women that we are training and more and more are coming to see what it is we are doing. e-mag : I have to see this when it is done. That is exciting news. But how does that work for you, as you & Mr.Traylor teach R.B.M.A.? Traylor : No…no…no.. M.M.A. is our hobby R.B.M.A. is our PASSION!! Two different animals as my husband Mr.Traylor says. e-mag : Thank you so much Mrs.Traylor for taking this time with me, I know you are a busy women, We hope to have anther interview with you in a year or so see to what has change, again thank you. Traylor: it was my pleasure and an honor sir.

Interview by : Chris Carol

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The Dangers of Edged Weapons ‘When should you deploy one in Self Defense?.

Ron Lauinger is a full time combatives specialist and can be reached at www.LMIInc.Com or 585-200-4000. Inside D.G.C.F.S. Mrs.Traylor interview Ronald’s Fitness Corner Coming events Dog Fight Airsoft Products Cont. Mrs.Traylor interview Dangers of edge weapons Criminals train Next month Issue Good places to go

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It’s late at night and you are walking to your vehicle after attending a meeting that took longer than expected. As you are walking down the side walk, a man approaches you and asks you for directions to a local bar. As you attempt to tell him, he charges without warning. He attacks vigorously and violently. You feel multiple hits to your face, chest and to your sides. You attempt to deploy your pistol or knife as you feel another rapid succession of hits to your sides and arms and back. These hits are inflicting sharp pains, and they are now preventing you from getting to and using your weapon, but you keep fighting to get your weapon into the fight. The fight continues for only several seconds, but seems like a life time. You feel yourself getting light headed and it is becoming harder to see and worse yet, very hard to keep your balance. You realize that your arms and legs are not responding the way you want them to as you keep attempting to get to your weapon, so you can stop further injury. Light headed and horrified, you collapse onto the ground numb from your injuries and your world slowly darkens. Your body is going into shock because of the large amount of blood you have lost caused by an edged weapon that you did not see, anticipate nor stop. Your world goes black…. __________________________________________________________________

Unfortunately, realistic scenarios such as the one described above are rarely discussed, nor are the escapes practiced in today’s gyms or dojos. It is my opinion that today’s defensive community is plagued with a lot of unrealistic training. Students are rarely told the real dangers of edged weapons and many instructors teach theories and techniques that look great in the gym or dojo but are simply ineffective in real life street fights. One of these theories is, that when attacked and you are carrying a knife for self defense, that you must do everything you can to deploy and use that knife to stop the attack’. This can be very dangerous, even fatal. In the real world and on our streets, attacks are unpredictable, fast and very dangerous. We need to face these facts when we train. Most criminals carry some kind of weapon as this gives them a great advantage. Many criminals prefer edged weapons, and for many good reasons. Knifes are easy to conceal, easy to get, extremely dangerous and they do not need to be in the hands of a skilled fighter to kill. A thirteen year old kid with a stolen stake knife from a local restaurant can easily kill you. When attacked, chances are you will not realize that the attacker has a knife until it is too late. It is a fact that most victims of knife attacks never seen an edged weapon and most thought they were simply being punched. In low and in no light environments, an 8 inch knife can easily be concealed in the open because of the many shades and shadows that the darkness brings. An attacker using an edged weapon can quickly incapacitate you. Example: an unskilled person can deliver 2-3 cuts and/or 2-3 stabs per second. Each cut/stab can be life threatening if a vital organ is damaged, or a large vein or artery is severed. In reality, this means that a non-skilled attacker can inflict 4-6 life threatening injuries in less than two seconds. Now, imagine the injuries that a semi-skilled or skilled fighter can inflict within the same two seconds. Even if a vital organ, main vein or artery isn’t damaged, an edged weapon easily severs muscles, ligaments, tenants and nerves. If these items are damaged or destroyed, there is a good chance you will lose mobility of your arms, legs and fingers. If you can’t stand, you can’t run, and if you can’t use your hands, you can’t punch or use a weapon of your own. Now that I have painted a mental picture of the dangers of an actual street attack, many students are being told that they have to get to their knife, or other ‘weapon of advantage’ in order to survive the attack. Students believe that this ‘weapon of advantage’ is a secret talisman, and that once you get to it, the bad guy will stop attacking you. This belief will get you killed. If you get surprised by an attacker with a knife, you are already loosing the fight. He has forced you to react to the attack. Now, you have to stop thinking about what was happening, think about what is happening and then you have to decide what you are going to do about it. If you decide that you are going to deploy your knife you are going to have to: Orientate yourself; Reach down and acquire your folding knife (which is still closed); Orientate the knife in your hands so you can open it, and then you can use it if you don’t drop it during the deployment. Page 8

During training, deployment of a blade and getting the blade into the fight can easily take three to four seconds. However, under duress; this process can easily take 15-20 seconds. Once your knife is in hand and ready to use, you still have to use it and you still have to inflict enough damage to your attacker so that he/she stops attacking you. This can easily take several minutes. During this entire time of ‘stopping the attack’ you are receiving more life threatening injuries. Knifes are a great defensive tool, however, they will not immediately stop someone unless you can accurately target his/her structural system (Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons) or their nervous system. Accurately targeting a specific target on your attacker will be near impossible as your attacker, or attackers, will be moving violently and with intent. You can easily be killed within two to three seconds. You may not be dead within two or three seconds, but you can receive enough injuries to quickly incapacitate you and kill you within 20-30 seconds. With this said, if you do not immediately address and stop the attack within two to three seconds, there is a high probability that you may not survive the attack. When attacked, you will need 100% of your focus and energy in stopping the attack using your hands, arms, elbows, knees, feet and what ever else you can get into the fight immediately. If you can not stop the attack because you are out numbered or out skilled and you need your knife to stop the attack, it is imperative that you make distance between you and your attacker first. This distance will give you the time you need to deploy your knife without receiving further injury. Only if you can make this distance should you attempt to deploy your knife. When we train, we must train to survive today’s streets. Training should be full of surprises. Students should train under duress and under street like conditions (low light, wet, late at night, etc.,) and they should attack each other with speed and determination so they can experience what works, and what doesn’t. As the ole saying goes ‘Only Perfect Practice makes perfection’ By Mr. Lauinger.

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“Criminals Train So Should You” This is the follow up to the much appraised article “I have a weapon... so I’m good.” …No, really people said they liked it… umm okay it was my wife, but that still counts right?

Mr. Marks has 18 years experience teaching and training in various martial systems Inside D.G.C.F.S. Mrs.Traylor interview Ronald’s Fitness Corner Coming events Dog Fight Airsoft Products Cont. Mrs.Traylor interview Dangers of edge weapons Criminals train Next month Issue Good places to go

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Anyhow, believe me when I say these… criminals are able to function under stress with adrenaline dumping, because they do it daily. They are combat ready due to their on the job training program. Granted, their techniques might not look pretty (side note here – I believe in combat you should only look good by accident – just overwhelm them don’t wow them with your awesome technique) but still tends to be quite effective because it has been tested on the streets in real time. They train everyday, so should you? They have seen this scenario before… essentially been there done that. So, you need to make sure you have too. Immerse yourself in scenario after scenario whether it be rape, carjacking, robbery, home invasion etc. try to make you mind and body feel it is as real as possible thus reducing the distress factor once your actually there and so that your mind is able to recall that scenario thus preventing any delay in your response Now, obviously there are limitations since you can’t really do what they do. All I am saying though is that you should become criminal minded and explore those options through conflict immersion. Again, this is not rocket surgery you must make every attempt to replicate a real world situation in all aspects of your training if not you might as well be doing a sport art. No disrespect intended but it is what it is.

By: Rob Marks Rob Marks has 18 years experience teaching and training in various martial systems: Close Quarters Combat, Defensive Tactics, I.M.P.A.C.T. Method, Jeet Kune Do, Kali, O.F.T, R.A.T., Reality Based Combatives, S.A.B.E.R. Method, Silat, SOG, Weapons Tactics, and Wing Chun.

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Don’t Miss the next Issue!!!

As well as all the new equipment and ring, and the expansion of our facility with the adding of 5,000 more sq.ft. for our Tactical Airsoft Field & retail center, pics will also be shown. Don’t miss THIS ISSUE!!!!!!

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LINKS to GOOD Places







International Combatives Self Defense Association



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