Hormone Thyroid T3, T4 Target Nuclear Receptors Of: Most

  • May 2020
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Hormone Thyroid T3, T4

Target Nuclear Receptors of:

Liver IGF-1



TSH stims Iodine

Hypothyroidism -Children-cretinism -Adults-myxedema- fatigue, constipation, puffy face/hands, weight gain, m. weakness (accumulation of GAGs) Hyperthyroidism – Grave’s Dz goiter, ophthalmopathy, palpitations, ↓ weight, heat intolerance Hypo-low blood Ca+2 can cause tetany Hyper-hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia

Bone Marrow

Sympathomimetic (↑ HR, CO, Resp., metabolism), ↑ protein synthesis ↑ O2 consumption, heat (d/t ↑ metabolism) Erythropoeisis

GI tract

↑ motility

Bone Cardiac

↑ bone turnover Alters myosin isoenzymes

Bone Kidney Intestine

↑ bone resorption (↑Ca+2) ↑ Ca+2 reabsorption, PO4-3 secretion ↑ Ca+2absorption via Vit. D

Ca+2 in blood

Bone, Heart, Lung Chondrocytes

Organomegaly,↑ Organ function ↑ linear growth


Hypothalamus Liver

High blood glucose stim Glucagon-Like Peptides (GLP) stim SST inhibits


↓ hunger ↑ glycogen storage, ↑ synth cholesterols, ↑ glycolysis ↑ TG storage, ↑ glucose uptake, ↓ lipolysis ↑ protein synthesis (aa uptake), ↑ glycogen synthesis (↑ glucose transport), ↓ aa release (m/ breakdown) ↑ aa uptake, ↑ glycogenolysis, ↑ gluconeogenesis, ↑ ketogenesis ↑ lipolysis (FFA)

Hypothalamus Hypothalamus Hypothalamus

↑ Hunger ↓ Hunger ↓ Hunger

Fasting releases

GI Tract

↑Ca+2, ↑PO4-3 absorption


Most tissues

Parathyroid PTH



β-Cells – Insulin

Adipose Muscle

α-Cells – Glucagon

GI Tract Stomach – Ghrelin Small Intestine – CCK Sm./Lg. Intestine – PYY Kidney 1,25-OH-D Adipose Leptin


GLUT2 - β cell glucose sensor GLUT4 - activated by insulin - ↑# on cell surface to ↑ glucose uptake in skeletal, cardiac m., adipose

Stim – aa, ACh, Epi, Low blood glucose Inhibit- glucose, insulin, SST, FFA

From skin, diet - Liver→25-OH-D



Adrenal Cortex Zona GlomerulosaMineralocorticoids (Aldosterone)

Zona FasciculataGlucocorticoids (Cortisol, Hydrocortisone) Gonadocorticoids (androgens)

Zona ReticularisGlucocorticoids, weak androgens (DHEA)

Adrenal Medulla Catecholamines (Norepi, Epi)

CNS CV Liver Lungs Pituitary Kidney Bone Muscle Immune CT




Maintain plasma volume via Na+ retention, K+ excretion

Renin-Angiotensin system

↓CRH, ADH; ↑appetite Maintain sensitivity to vasoconstrictors ↑ Gluconeogenesis (which ↑ lipolysis) Fetal lung devo ↓ ACTH ↑ GFR ↑ Resorption, ↓ Formation Catabolic (↑aa), ↓ insulin sensitivity Suppresses (↓ inflammation) ↓ Collagen synthesis See above DHEA precursor for T (negligible in males)

CRF-ACTH system

CRF-ACTH system

CAH- ↓ response to ACTH→ ↑ androgens – female pseudohermaphroditism - Adrenal Androgen HyperS – hirsutism, oligomenorrhea, acne, virilization of females

Fight-or-flight response (↑HR, CO, BP, Resp. rate, bronchiole dilation, vasoconstrict skin/gut, vasodilate heart, skeletal m.)

ACh ↑ exocytosis of secretory granules

Tumor (pheochromocytoma) may cause sudden onset HTN, headache, sweating, palpitations, tachycardia

Hyper-1°/2° Aldosteronism-HTN d/t hypernatremia & ECF expansion; m. weakness, fatigue d/t hyperkalemia Hypo of aldosterone-1° Adrenocortical Insufficiency (Addison’s Dz)-dehydration, HTN, hyponatremia (Na+ wasting), hyperkalemia (K+ retention) Helps relieve stress (Stress activates CRH release) ↑ release in morning (so wake with normal blood glucose), peak ~1 hr post. wake Hyper-Cushings Dz-truncal obesity, moon facies, HTN, gonadal dysfxn Hypo of cortisol-1° Adrenocortical Insufficiency (Addison’s Dz)- fatigue, hyperpigmentation, GI abnormalities



Sex Organs Testosterone





Uterus Cervix Oviduct Mucosa Vagina Mucosa Ovary Uterus Cervix Oviduct Mucosa Vagina Mucosa

Placenta hCG hCS Estrogens


Corpus Luteum



Maintain spermatogenesis, male duct morphology, accessory sex glands, 2° sex characteristics ↑ FSH, LH receptors on follicle and theca cells –primes follicular tissue for progesterone ∆ SM cell length Mucus watery, abundant - + for sperm Promotes ciliogenesis and mitosis Epithelium thick, cornified, filled w/ glycogen Local levels modulate ovulation Quiet SM cx (w/ relaxin) Mucus thick, sparse - – for sperm Stim secretory activity and SM cx Epithelium thin, sloughed cells nucleated

FSH stims Leydig cells – Activin and Inhibin from testes regulates FSH


Maintains corpus luteum until placenta takes over making progesterone and estrogen GH-like - stim gluconeogenesis in maternal liver Lots of aromatase in placenta→convert almost all androgens Made from DHEA sulfate from fetal adrenal

Marker of fetal health/brain devo – made from DHEA sulfate

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