Hormone System

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Hormone System By :Dr. Mohammad Alsagga Eid Translated by :Zakya Felata Revised by : Magdy Abd Al-Shafy

God says in the holy Koran what means : {Weshall show them Our portents on the horizons and within themselves until it will be manifest unto them that it is the Truth. Doth not thy Lord suffice, since He is Witness over all things? } (Fussilat: 53). On thinking about Hormone and how each one functions performing aspecific task one might find oneself saying It is a wonderful and assorted world ;In fact , Hormones are among the many signs that lead to the belief in God . The act of Hormones maintains uncountable voluntary and involuntary actions InsideOur body . Sometimes, one wonders how billions of body cells work and interact? How do they communicate? you should know ,at this moment while reading this short essay , that there are billions of biological functions that take place in your body. Through these processes, each cell of your body takes the essential necessaries, and the function of a cell is defined, the body takes managements to supply cells with their necessaries by coordinating and organizing among different systems with striking speed and an amazing ability to defy and respond to any sudden changes. The function of every cell is defined, along with what it needs to have its necessaries ,through an expeditious amazing co-ordination between the different organs in a way that keeps it safe against any unexpected sudden change .

Cells that form your body work within a complementary network and supply you with your the necessaries though you don't sense any of these activities . That takes place through a network between cells which is of very high performance. Proteins are one of the most important components which are considered to be the most essential substances inside cells Hormone Definition Hormones are chemical substances that act in very small quantities and circulate in blood continuously; they define growth rate, configuration, calmness, femininity and virility, strength and weakness, emotions and everything related to life . They also have a noticeable affect on body organs’ functions whether it is active or inactive . Hormones control personal behaviours, ethics, customs and how someone deals with others and with situations.

Each hormone is a chemical messenger of a determined function that is

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secreted into blood stream by the secreting gland to perform its role on target cell or target tissue, so hormones are proteins or peptide chains; these chains are one of protein formation phase A figure shows the chemical structure of a hormone, it is of a complex structure.

a- Hormones are produced from definite parts of body called endocrine glands, that pour their secretion directly into blood stream to act as an important role in regulating the functions inside the body. Endocrine glands have no ducts, they have internal secretions ;unlike the body glands that consist of ducts , Hormones consist of specified cells that shed secretions into blood . b- Hormones don’t act their role locally in the same area from which they were secreted (haven’t localized effect), but they are carried in blood to affect other parts of the body. c- Hormones are substantial in functions.

coordinating and organizing


d- Hormones have a stimulatory and inhibitory effect. e- Hormones can be classified according to their chemical structure into three types ; these are : protein hormones such as Insulin; Steroid hormones such as sexual hormones and Adrenal glands hormones; the third type is of Phenol derivatives such as Adrenalin that is released from the adrenal medulla. Hormones are important as they act synergestically with the nervous system to regulate body functions. While the nervous system performs its role in regulating the body functions quickly (within a fraction of a second), endocrine glands act slowly, they might take several minutes, hours or even days.

Hormone Function Mechanism

There are three main ways for hormones to activate target tissues or organs : 1. Hormone might activate a gene. For instance, sexual hormones, which have the ability to enter into cell nucleus to bind to the nucleic acid (DNA).

2. Hormone might activate some enzyme Such as Adrenalin hormone that activates specific enzyme within the cell membrane, this enzyme brings about changes while hormone is still out of cell membrane. 3. Hormone might change cell membrane permeability (the ability to allow some substances to pass through or out of the cell membrane and preventing others from passing). Insulin and Growth Hormone (GH) are examples of those hormones. Insulin allows Glucose to enter the cell, while GH allows amino acids to enter cells for protein synthesis.

pituitary Gland is the most important gland to secrete hormones within human body Why should we work with hormones carefully? Firstly: it depends on the origin of hormones; hormones are very susceptible substances and are secreted in small amounts so the increase or decrease of these amounts leads to serious effect. Secondly: there are many relations between hormones, for example; the increase of some hormones in the body causes decrease of others such as Insulin which is responsible for lowering sugar concentration in blood; there is a hormone that acts antagonistically with it and this raises blood sugar concentrations ; this is called called Glucagon, so the body maintains between its necessaries and those hormones concentrations in the blood; if a person takes unmeasured synthesized hormones, that will bring about disturbance in hormones concentrations set by God in the body. Another example, there are hormones that integrate and cooperate with each other ; a unit of estrogen thickens the lining of the uterus by 1gm, and so does Progesterone , but if we take two units of Estrogen and Progesterone together, lining of uterus will thicken 8gms at once. What would happen if we increase one of the two hormones rate when body doesn’t need that increase? We think that uncalculated increase or decrease in hormones concentrations brings about disturbance in the previous cycle which goes with many hormones and leads to considerable troubles. God glory to him says: {He, Whose is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and Who did not take to Himself a son, and Who has no associate in the kingdom, and Who created everything, then ordained for it a measure} (Al-furqan: 2). Also God glory to him says: {Surely We created man of the best stature} (At-tin: 4). The Last Word " God , to whom all perfection and majesty are ascribed, created amazing postal net and system in which hormones molecules play the role of postman, as postman goes about city carrying letters to definite places, so do hormones when they carry orders coming from the brain to target cells. Whereupon all the essential biological processes within the human body are accomplished, yet we have to take into account that hormones are not conscious as human is ; they have no sensations; nor awareness to determine their directions, to identify what they carry and to whom they are going to carry it, they aren’t trained in this field for many years to have the aptitude to do that. So hormones , which we liken to postman, are very complex molecules that can’t be explained fully without using complicated chemical symbols and equations. On thinking about hormones and its mechanism , one should come o the coclusion that Harmones are wonderful miracles among the many miracles and blessings that God bestows on man . To know how great this is a miracle is just imagine It is of an incredible work and wonderful miracle for hormone

molecules to identify the messages they carry and to identify the cell that will receive messages, then to continue traveling through internal body dimness (that is milliards times bigger ) and never lose their way; and to act their role perfectly, this is just an examples of the miracles that God planted in the human body to know how greatly and harmoniously these organs act It is a general invitation To Whom It May Concern to contemplate and think of creating and creatures God says in the Holy Quran what means : { Have they not considered the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and what things Allah hath created, and that it may be that their own term draweth nigh? In what fact after this will they believe? (7:185)

Glory to God who says: {We will soon show them Our signs in the Universe and in their own souls, until it will become quite clear to them that it is the truth. Is it not sufficient as regards your Lord that He is a witness over all things?} (Fussilat: 53). References : : http://ar.wikipedia.org Pictures taken from the website http://ar.wikipedia.org Human Creating Miracles- Haroon Yahya Dhad- Electronic Magazine for Science When and How and Why Do Hormones Act Their Roles in the Body? Human Body Encyclopedia- Hormones- Electronic Area Forum Dr. Mohammad alsagga Eid Optic Surgery Specialist A member in Egyptian Ramdiyah Association Egypt Azzarqa’a- Tariq Bin Ziyad St

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