Home Stay English Orientation Handout

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  • June 2020
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More details

  • Words: 765
  • Pages: 3
Homestay English Course Outline Michael Stout [email protected] Website: http://mrstoutsblog.blogspot.com/ Office Hours: M,W,Th,F Rm. 2306 by appointment

Assessment (評価):

Attendance and Participation (出席、クラス態度)


Mid-term test, Projects and Homework (中間試験、プロジェクト、宿題)


Final Exam (期末試験)


You must attend at least 9 classes in order to pass this class. Students who come to class more than 30 minutes late are considered absent. 単位を取るには 9 回出席しなければいけない。三十分以上遅くきた学生は欠席と見なす。

Expectations (期待)


Students will behave like adults. This means: Students listen to the teacher and to their classmates. Students must not talk when the teacher or another student is talking. Poor behaviour will result in a poor class work and participation score. 教師とクラスメートを学生は聞かなければならない。教師とクラスメートが話している時は学生は 聞かなければならない。悪態はクラス態度の評価を下げる。

Homework must be submitted on time. Late homework will not be accepted without a good excuse. 宿題を定刻に提出しなさい。特別な理由がない限り、遅い宿題は認め ない。

Good excuses are:   認められる理由は

✔ A serious illness (you must provide a doctor’s note or some proof of a visit to a doctor’s office or the hospital) 重大な病気 (病院の領収書を提出しなさい)

✔ A death in the family, attendance at a funeral 家族の不幸、葬式出席 Good excuses are not:   認められない理由は

Absence. When you are absent it is your responsibility to contact the teacher and ask about homework, or ask a classmate.欠席。欠席した時には、教師かクラスメートに宿題について確認する のは、あなたの責任です。

Forgetfulness 忘れた A part-time job アルバイト Not understanding, it is your responsibility to ask the teacher for help or get help from a classmate. 分からなかったら、 教師かクラ スメートに確認するのは、あなたの責任です。

HomestayEnglish Semester 2 Course Plan


授    業    計   画  

主   題

概   要

Introduction to the course

Getting to know your class-mates, Teambuilding, introduction to internet-based language learning sites. Subscribing to Mr. Stout's Blog.


Choosing a Homestay

Pronunciation, Listening and conversation practice. (pp. 2-5). DVD Interviews: Homestay student and host talk about why they want to be involved in homestays. On-line vocabulary practice, Searching for homestays online.


Meeting your homestay family

Greetings around the world. Video: Greetings - Do's and Don'ts in America. Pronunciation, Listening and conversation practice. (pp. 6-9). DVD Interviews: Homestay hosts. Project work

Making yourself at home

Types of homes in America. Video: Touring the house - Do's and Don'ts. Pronunciation, Listening and conversation practice. (pp. 10-13). DVD Interviews: Homestay hosts talk about their homes.


World cuisine. Pronunciation, Listening and conversation practice. Expressing likes and dislikes. Table manners (pp. 1417). Video: Do's and don'ts at dinner. DVD Interviews: Homestay hosts talk about mealtimes.


Fitting into the family

Learning about household chores, Pronunciation, Listening and conversation practice. (pp.20- 23). Video: Homestay life - Do's and Don'ts. DVD Interviews: Homestay hosts talk about chores


Mid-term Test(中 間試験)

Mid-term test (30 minutes). Project work




事前・事後学 習 事後: Review Lesson 1 handout. Write an email 事前: Online vocabulary study 事後: Lesson 2 tasksheet 事前: Online vocabulary study 事後: Project work 事前: Online vocabulary study 事後: Project work 事前: Online vocabulary study 事後: Project work 事後: Review vocabulary . Mid-term test study guide. 事後: Online vocabulary study. Project work


Video: Shopping in America - Do's and Don't's. Pronunciation, Listening and conversation practice. (pp. 24-27). Using an international size converter. DVD Interviews: Homestay students talk about shopping


Describing dishes and ingredients. Giving instructions. Pronunciation, Listening and conversation practice. (pp. 28-31). DVD Interviews: Homestay students talk about cooking. Project work

Having fun.

Making and accepting invitations. Pronunciation, Listening and conversation practice. (pp. 32-35). DVD Interviews: Young Americans talk about what they like to do at week-ends. Video: Do's and Don'ts at a party.

Special Occasions

Pronunciation, Listening and conversation practice. Talking about holidays. Giving opinions about customs.(pp. 38-41). DVD Interview: A homestay student talks about holidays she celebrated with her host family in America.


Talking about your classes. Pronunciation, Listening and conversation practice. (pp. 42-45). DVD Interviews: An American university student talks about "Campus Friends". A Japanese student talks about his classes.

Day Tripping and dining out

Choosing a day trip. Pronunciation, Listening and conversation practice. (pp. 46-49). DVD Interviews: A young American talks about day trips. An American gives safety tips. Video: Do's and Don'ts at a restaurant.

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Saying Goodbye

Planning a party, talking at a partyPronunciation, Listening and conversation practice. (pp. 50-53). DVD Interviews: Homestay hosts talk about saying goodbye and staying touch. Video: Saying Goodbye do's abnd Don'ts

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Final Exam (期末 試験)



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Final Exam (期末試験)

事前: Online vocabulary study 事後: Project work 事前: Online vocabulary study 事後: Project work 事前: Online vocabulary study 事後: Project work 事前: Online vocabulary study 事後: Project work 事前: Online vocabulary study 事後: Project work. 事前: Online vocabulary study 事後: Project work.. 事後: Review vocabulary . Final test study guide. 事前: Final Exam Study Guide.

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