Home & School Association, Dundas Central Public School Meeting Minutes

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Present at Meeting: Michelle Chin MC, Barry Morlog BM, Jenn George JG, Heidi Branton HB, Helen Bartley HB, Jan Racine JR, Carolyn Sheppard Cocchio CSC, Sara Dickinson SD, Louise Infurnari LI, Denise Montgomery DM, Teresa Lennox TL, Nicole Ferris NF, Krista Darling KD, Mary Gillis MG, Jenny Pepper JP, Leslie Rockwood LR, Tina Vermiere TV. Regrets: Jane Lindsay JL, Sara Croke SC, Minutes taken by: DM

WELCOME: by Michelle Chin PRESIDENT'S REPORT: Michelle Chin Review of June Meeting

EOY Picnic went well. The Staff Appreciation Lunch was lovel, thank you Jane Lindsay. A profit of $1000 was made at the plant sale, thank you Jane Lindsay and Denise Montgomery.

H&S New Executive

See attachment for descriptions.

To be elected at October meeting.

Review Meeting Schedule 2009

Tues Sep 15, Wed Oct 7, Tues Nov e, Wed Dec 2, 2010: Tues Jan 5, Wed Feb 3, Tues Mar 2, Wed Apr 7, Tues May 4, Wed Jun 2

BM to confirm

Review and Approve List of Initiatives & Events for 2009-2010

MC gave a proposed list, see attached for To be reviewed, revised & approved at October details meeting.

H&S EVENTS: Meet the Teacher BBQ Date: Sep 24 2009 5:00 - 7:00 Leader: MC

HB will sell Spirit Wear. DM will host H&S welcome table. MC has organized BBQ (Super Sub) and will lead setup but leave shortly afterwards.

QSP Magazine Fundraiser Date: Sept 24 – Oct 13 2009 Leader:

our biggest fundraiser, approx $4500 profit! MC needs help for kickoff and order tracking.

Holiday Greens & Poinsettas Date: tbd Leader: Helen Bartley

Helen offered to lead initiative

Holiday Baskets Date: tbd Leader: Helen Bartley

Helen offered to lead initiative?

End of Year Picnic Date: June 2010 Leader: Carolyn Sheppard Cocchio

Last year budgeted for $500. CSC will organize it again.

Contact Denise Montgomery to volunteer at picnic905-628-7984

KD will compile orders.

HB to contact Mr Swackhammer re Poinsettas. HB to work out dates with BM ensure end of Greens and start of Baskets do not coincide!

H&S ONGOING INITIATIVES: Food for Thought Committee Leader: Mary Gilis

File: HS_Minutes 2009-09-15.xls

Approved last June to use profits from holiday baskets to fund initiative. Profits from Sub Days will also fund program (may be offered twice a month). printed: 9/21/2009 12:13 PM

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JG, MC, DM interested in particpating MG to chair first meeting - end Sep to early Oct.

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Head Lice Check Program Leader:

JP has offered to check students for head BM to organize training for voluteer parents lice.

Heritage Committee Leader: Jane Lindsay, Michelle Chin et al.

A kindergarten heritage plaque recognizing Plaque to be unveiled in a ceremony in Spring DCPS as one of the very first kindergarten 2010. BM to confirm date of Open House. programs in North America is in the works.

Recess Improvements Leader: Louise Infurnari

LI will head a recess committee.

A request to parents will go out shortly to donate balls and board games for recess play: each classroom will receive a bag/bin of balls with classroom number.

SCHOOL WISH LIST Date: ongoing initiative Leader: MC

BM will put together correspondence about what equipment the board (does not) allow on school property. BM to advise what items kids can (not) bring to recess (skipping ropes, balls) H&S to consider purchasing mesh bags for each class. Students (not staff) encouraged to take responsibility for the equipment.

spent $8800 for school wish list last year: BM to contact staff and develop wish list for this 12 folding tables, Forest of Reading library school year. books, part QSP profit, 3 computer projectors, 4 musical instruments. First priority this year is for physical MC to contact Mr. Verschoor for list of needs. activity: request for team sports shirts. Outdoor basketball hoops and posts to be BM to present costs for consideration. installed, this may come out of special Playground Structure Fund.

SPIRIT WEAR Leader: Helen Bartley

HB will head Spirit Wear sales. Booth at Meet the Teacher BBQ.

Contact HB if you have any ideas about new merchandise.

TREASURER’S REPORT: by Heidi Branton There is $2000 left in account. Very close HB will present a detailed report in October. to June’s report.

SCHOOL REPORT: by Barry Morlog see attachments. BM introduced our new Vice-Principal Jen George -- Welcome!

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Calendar Update

These are listed in monthly newsletter calendar Wed. Sept. 16 - B-ball nets installed Fri Sept 18 - Brock Student Teachers visit Mon Sept 21 - SG 3 - Pitch Tourn. - Miss Lyall Tues. Sept 22 - JG 3-Pitch Tourn - Mr. Dean Wed. Sept 23 - SB - 3-Pitch Tourn - Mr. Verschoor Thurs. Sept 24 - JB 3-Pitch Tourn - Mr. Bennett - QSP Assembly (12:20 pm), Meet the Teacher BBQ (5-7pm), Gr. 7 St. Donat Trip Present. 7pm. Fri. Sept. 25 - Learn. Comm./P.A. DayGreat incentive to put these two days together. Tues. Sept. 26 - Gr. 8 Stratford Trip, School Council Meeting 7pm Fri. Oct. 9- Gr. 7 Hep B shots & Gr. 8 Girls HPV (those desiring) Oct. 10-12: Thanksgiving Weekend

Building Upgrades

Soffits and fascia have been replaced, the BM windows are being painted and the screens will arrive when windows are completed. The ventilation in the school is being worked on to improve air circulation.Three new basketball nets have been installed. Gym floor still has to be done, may be cheaper to install new.

Student Teachers, Student Educ. Assistants, Coop Students

Mrs. Bloom - Mrs. Dodge Mrs. Bennett - Ms. Walker Mrs. DiDonato - Ms. Moulden Mrs. Waller - Ms. Elphick Mr. Bell - Mr. Fraser Cross country is starting up. More communication is needed between school and parents regarding school's extracurricular activities. Lower elementary classes are full. Gr. 4's are low and Gr. 5's are high. Will find out Thurs.Sept. 17 if the classes have to be reorganized. Officially public Sept. 16. Gr. 3 results continue to make gains, with a little dip in math, but over 5-year period it's an upward trend. A very strong class with absolutely amazing results. Gr. 6 results don't show same gains, however we're doing well provincially. We have to make sure we see same kind of gains at junior level as we do at primary.


Current School Enrolment

EQAO - preliminary results (JG)

JR will update extracurricular list on our school website. Athletic seasons are laid out on school board website.

Results available on school board website


NEXT MEETING – TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th 2009 @ 7:00PM in staffroom. Childcare available. (the plan is to alternate first Tuesdays and Wednesdays of each month) File: HS_Minutes 2009-09-15.xls

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DUNDAS CENTRAL HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION ““TThhee BBeesstt ffoorr EEaacchh SSttuuddeenntt”” Agenda for Tuesday, September 15th, 2009 – 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Welcome! School Report

Barry Morlog

President’s Report Michelle Chin • Quick Review of June's Meeting. See attachment. • H&S Executive - to be elected in October. See attachment. • Review Meeting Schedule 2009: Tues Sep 15th, Wed Oct 7th, Tues Nov 3rd, Wed Dec 2nd, 2010: Tues Jan 5th, Wed Feb 3rd, Tues Mar 2nd, Wed Apr 7th, Tues May 4th, Wed Jun 2nd. • Review and Approve List of Initiatives & Events for 2009-2010. See attachment. Treasurer’s Report

Heidi Branton

H&S Events & Initiatives • Meet the Teacher BBQ- September 24th 5:00 – 7:00 pm - MC • QSP Magazine Fundraiser – September 24th- October 13th - MC • End of Year Picnic – Debrief- Carolyn Sheppard-Cocchio • Spirit Wear – Helen Bartley • Food 4 Thought Committee – Mary Gillis • DCPS Heritage Committee – Jane Lindsay School Wish List: Spent $8800 last school year: $1500 QSP profit to school, $700 on 12 Folding Tables, $1100 on Forest of Reading Library Books, $1100 on Holiday Baskets for 11 Families in need, $1800 on 3 Computer Projectors (Science Room, Middle, Primary), $1700 on Music Instruments - clarinets and flutes, $900 on Grade 8 Graduation ( Food & Awards). First item in line this year is for Physical Activity - request this past year was for $500 gym consumables and $1500 for volleyball posts this year which Mr. Verschoor was able to get from District. Latest requests were for team sports shirts and outdoor basketball hoops (use funds from Playground Fund). Would be great to obtain some gross motor equipment that can be used outside year round during recess, give students the responsibility to bring out and put away. $2000? Should we ask parents to donate an item that will be specifically kept in their childs’ class? Any Other Business? Our Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 7th, 7:00 - 8:30 pm Staff Room NOTES:

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Tues. Sept. 15, 2009

HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Principal’s Report 1.

Introduction – Vice-Principal Jennifer George

2.. Calendar Update Wed. Sept. 16 - B- ball nets installed Fri. Sept. 18 - Brock Student Teachers visit Mon. Sept. 21 - SG 3-Pitch Tourn. - Miss Lyall Tues. Sept. 22 - JG 3-Pitch Tourn. - Mr. Dean Wed. Sept. 23 - SB 3-Pitch Tourn. - Mr. Verschoor Thurs. Sept. 24- JB 3-Pitch Tourn. - Mr. Bennett - QSP Assembly (12:20 pm) - Meet the Teacher BBQ (5-7 pm) - Gr. 7 St. Donat Trip Present. 7 pm Fri. Sept. 25 - Learn. Comm. / P.A Day Tues. Sept. 26 - Gr. 8 Stratford Trip - School Council Mtg. 7 pm Fri. Oct. 9 - Gr. 7 Hep B shots & Gr. 8 Girls HPV (those desiring) Oct. 10-12 - Thanksgiving Weekend 3.

School Enrolment / Possible Re-organization

JK - 18 Gr. 4 - 19 JK/SK - 17 Gr. 4 - 18 SK -18 Gr. 5 - 26 SK - 19 Gr. 5 - 26 Gr. 1 - 19 Gr. 5/6 – 24 Gr. 1 - 19 Gr. 6 -24 Gr. 1/ 2- 9/12 Gr. 6 - 24 Gr. 2 - 22 Gr. 2/3 – 8/13 Gr. 3 - 21 4. EQAO – preliminary results

Gr. 7 Gr. 7 Gr. 8 Gr. 8 Gr. 8

- 32 - 32 - 28 - 28 -28

5. Building Upgrades soffits & fascia / windows & screens / air circulation / B-ball nets / gym floor??? 6. Student Teachers, Student Educ. Assistants, Coop Students Mrs. Bloom - Ms. Dodge Mrs. Bennett - Ms. Walker Mrs. DiDonato- Ms. Moulden 7. 8.

Mrs. Waller Mr. Bell

- Ms. Elphick - Mr. Fraser

Athletics A.O.B.

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Home & School Initiatives, School Year 2009-2010 - DRAFT Leader

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 33 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

End Date

Expected Budget Income ( September 2008 to date - June 2009 )

Expenses to date

Profit or (Expense)

Starting Bank Balance as of Sep 1, 2009



2009 Events: Meet the Teacher BBQ QSP Magazine Fundraiser Family Movie or Dance Night Winter Clothes Closet Remembrance Day @ Cenotaph Holiday Greens Fundraiser Holiday Baskets/ Food & Toy Drive

2009-Sep-24 2009-Oct-13 2009-Oct-15 2009-Nov-06 2009-Nov-11 2009-Dec-04 2009-Dec-12

500 4,500 500 (60) 800 900

2010 Events: Family Movie or Dance Night Book Swap Staff Appreciation Lunch Attend OFHSA AGM & Conference Family Movie or Dance Night Plant Sale School Play End of Year Picnic & Fun Fair Grade 8 Grad Awards Grade 8 Grad Food

2009-Feb-14 2010-Mar-13 2010-Apr-22 2009-Apr-26 2010-Apr-30 2010-May-06 2010-May-15 2010-Jun-18 2010-Jun-22 2010-Jun-22

500 (100) (100) (250) 500 1,500 (100) 500 (300) (300)

Ongoing: Administration - bank fees - OFSHA membership dues Attend Hamilton District H&S Meetings Childcare at H&S meetings Food for Thought Friendship Stop @ Recess Gifts - staff, etc. Grow for Green Heritage Committee Spirit Clothing The Club Scene Website Development

Complete for year?



ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing ongoing

School Wish List: 1/3 QSP profit to school 2009-Oct-31 - 6 folding tables - gym consumables, basketball hoops, recess equipment2009-Sep-30 - stage footlights 2009-Sep-30 - library books 2009-Oct-31 - curriculum enhancement - workshops, etc…


(100) -

(1,000) (500) 100 (500)

(1,500) (350) (2,000) (1,100) (500) (1,000)




Negative numbers are shown in (brackets) positive budget numbers are money makers

part of proceeds towards Gr. 8 Grad proceeds towards Food for Thought Program

book prize for class guessing # books swapped

$50 H&S award, $10 supplement on others

3% of Holland Park sales by DCPS supporters $1500 profit from 150th set in place for Sep 2009 kickoff


Current Bank Balance: less Unfinished Budgeted Projects to year end: less Buffer to keep in account: Amount left to spend this year: Notes: Proposal by MC, to be finalized for use as a planning tool.

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540 estimate only (1,000) 2,540

Net Profit


Net Expense

Greater Dundas Community




School Community

Improve H&S




Enhance Learning


K-3 Curriculum



Leader 2

Leader 1

# Years Undertaken

Wish List Dundas Central

WISHLIST for 2009-2010, Additional Items (updated wish list for 2009-2010 required) trip subsidies - ??? gym - score board? $$$? H&S purchased small scoreboard in 2007 gross motor play equipment for recess

x x


x x x

x x


discuss with Mr. Verschoor what is acceptable to HWDSB?

Support the School Wish List (see below for more items): - drama makeup / stage footlights - technology: tba - student/ staff curriculum enhancement - workshops, etc… - level school green - gym consumables

x x

x x

x x x

x x

x 2009-2010



x x x x



Wish List History: QSP profit - 1/3 to school 12 Folding Tables Forest of Reading Library Books Holiday Baskets for 11 Families in need 3 Computer Projectors (Science Room, Middle, Primary) Music Instruments - clarinets and flutes Grade 8 Graduation - Food & Awards

2008-2009 2008-2009 2008-2009 2008-2009 2008-2009 2008-2009 2008-2009

2 Smart Boards (no projectors) Bosch Power box (portable CD player) for gym Grade 8 Graduation Support library books

2007-2008 2007-2008 2007-2008 2007-2008

x x

x x

x x




clarinets Grade 8 Graduation Support gym office renovations kindergarten playground equipment library books portable speakers and footlights and sound system for the gym scoreboard, small

2006-2007 2006-2007 2006-2007 2006-2007 2006-2007 2006-2007 2006-2007

x x

x x

x x

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$1,500 x $700 $1,100 x x x x $1,100 $1,800 x x x x $1,700 x x x $900 x

x x x

x x


x x x


x x x



x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

one system per division

DCPS HOME & SCHOOL - EXECUTIVE DESCRIPTIONS DRAFT - SEPTEMBER 2009 Below are descriptions of the executive positions for the Home & School. Do consider yourself for a position, it is difficult to commit the time and energy, we all have such busy schedules these days. Or, become the leader of a single event or initiative. Without leaders, events and initiatives, our reason for being, cannot happen. The roles of President, Treasurer and Communications Secretary are the minimum necessary for the functioning of Home & School. The other roles are desirable but optional support roles to help ease the workload on the first three volunteers. The Exec for 2009-2010 will be determined at the October 2009 meeting. With the exception of President and Treasurer, roles could be shared or combined to fit. Also we need at least six (6) families to become members of the Ontario Federation of Home & School OFHSA. We require this to cover ourselves for liability at events and to bring our voice to the provincial level. It costs $15 for the year, and gives you an official voting voice on any of the major issues that may face us during the year. Families that contribute an extra $10 to make it $25 will receive a tax receipt. Duties of the President * Represents the Home & School. Keeps the interests of the school community first and foremost. * Provides leadership, insight and direction. * Calls and chairs monthly meetings and sets agenda. * Along with the Treasurer, prepares the annual budget. * After their term, the President is available to support the new President. Duties of the Vice-President * Assists, supports and fills in for the President, Exec and Leaders to the best of their ability. * Keeps up to speed with H& S and school issues and perhaps takes on a pet project where they see a need. Duties of the Past President * Available for consultation to ensure successful continuity of the Home & School. * Provides past experience and historical information relevant to present issues. Duties of the Treasurer * Works with the President in all financial matters of the Home & School. * Pays bills and records all income and expenditures. * Attends monthly meetings and provides a detailed financial status report with which the group can make good decisions.

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DCPS HOME & SCHOOL - EXECUTIVE DESCRIPTIONS DRAFT - SEPTEMBER 2009 Duties of the Communications Secretary * Attends and records minutes of the monthly meetings. * Compiles and distributes minutes in a timely fashion - electronically for distribution asap after the meeting. * Maintains the H&S area of the school bulletin board, posting hard copies of Meeting Notices, Agenda, Minutes, etc. * Keeps archives of all Home & School activity for the year. * Sends out reminders of meetings at least one week prior to the date, attaching previous meeting minutes and new agenda in pdf format ready for the Website Editor Duties of the Website Editor * keeps the H&S page on the school website up to date and relevant, including the posting of meeting minutes * this person must be approved by the school’s Webmaster Duties of the OFHSA Representative * Represents Dundas Central Home & School at a city wide and provincial level, by attending relevant meetings and activities. * Communicates back as necessary at monthly meetings, distributes OFHSA mailings and communiques to members. Duties of the Volunteer Coordinator * Assists the event leaders in finding student and parent volunteers for specific tasks. Duties of the Publicity Chair * Organizes publicity for the Home & School events (before and after) such as website, community listings (Dundas Star News, Cable 14 etc), signs, flyers – supports the leaders of events and committees. * Prepares Home & School submissions for the school monthly newsletters by the 20th of each month. * Updates calendar of events for website.

NON EXECUTIVE POSITIONS Duties of Event Leaders & Leaders of Ongoing Initiatives * Makes ideas happen! Takes an idea from initial concept to fruition, after approval from H&S and school. * Relies on the Volunteer Coordinator and Publicity Chair for assistance. * Chairs separate event meetings as required with interested volunteers. * Provides status reports at the monthly meetings.

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