Dundas Central Home & School Association

  • June 2020
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DUNDAS CENTRAL HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION ““TThhee BBeesstt ffoorr EEaacchh SSttuuddeenntt”” Agenda for Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009: 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm School Report (joint meeting with School Council)

Barry Morlog/ Jenn George

Welcome & Introductions President’s Report Michelle Chin • 12 OFHSA Member families – Thank You! Please forward your dues asap. Note MG. • January: Let’s have a rethink about fundraising - effort vs result, approve 2010 events. • Website update: Community: F4T, Clothes Closet; Parents: H1N1, Lice Info H&S Elections – Part 2

Michelle Chin

Treasurer’s Report Jenny Pepper • – school wish list for 2009-2010? - Character education & curriculum enhancement? H&S Events & Initiatives • QSP Magazine Fundraiser – update – Krista Darling • Food 4 Thought – Mary Gillis • Winter Clothes Closet – Denise Montgomery, date changed to • Holiday Greens & Poinsettias – Helen Bartley • Holiday Baskets – Helen Bartley • Food & Toy Drive Monopoly Tournament Idea

Michael Dickson/ Parrish Crawford

Any Other Business? Our Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 2nd, 7:00 - 8:30 pm Staff Room NOTES:

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