Holy Calendar, Part 01

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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,435
  • Pages: 3
IN SEARCH OF THE HOLY CALENDAR, PART 1 Richard, I appreciate the interest you are showing in the Holy Calendar I sent you some weeks ago. And you shouldn't feel bad about having questions that you need to be answered. But, before I answer your specific questions, I would like to first bring your attention to what a (any) calendar really is: A calendar is a means of measuring time. It is this very important fact – Time – that must be addressed if we, as a people, are ever going to once again understand the truth of the universe we live in. Today, Richard, most of mankind doesn’t understand that what they have been taught to observe is artificial time. Time, as we observe today, is the contraption of the human mind, and is in no way related to the actual movement of the heavens above. This was not always the case; all ancient cultures and still some cultures today, understood that the earth and all life on it was a part of a grand scheme. The most primitive of men understood something that we as modern men no longer understand. They understood that when the sun rose in the morning; the day began. And the fact that when the sun set in the evening; the day ended. Although mankind has now been deceived into observing time differently, notice the animal and the plant kingdoms. They still respond to the rising and the setting sun to begin and to end their day. Mankind is the only living entity on the planet that exists contrary to the natural law of the living universe. You need to ask the questions of why and how did this happen. Before we can get the answer to those questions, though, we need to finish our understanding of natural time. As with all of mankind's achievements that led to civilization – Time – was first discovered in Africa, and to be more specific; The Ethiopia of the great Nubian Empire, was the first to observe time. (See letter #6, “Return To Eden). Our ancient ancestors were the first to observe the heavens and document and record these observations. This great empire then took this knowledge to all the nations on earth, and brought civilization to the peoples of many nations. This was the Golden Age of man's history. When this age existed, all people on earth understood one fundamental truth: Which was that Two Eternal Beings – a Male and a Female – created all life and the universe. During the Golden Age of mankind, all nations and peoples worship these two Creators. And in all ancient cultures, you will see the duality of the male and female creators expressed in their painting, statues, and writings. So what was the overriding evidence that convinced all people on the earth at that time there were Two Creators, not just the one male creator the world today has been deceived into worshiping? Our Nubian ancestors understood that the heavens were transmitting a scientific code to all mankind, and they wrote it down in an ancient document. Ps. 19:1-4: The heavens declare the glory of God (YHWH); the skies proclaim the works of his (Their) hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. This document today is called the Holy Bible, which was stolen from Africa, and now altered to make people believe a lie about the truth of time.

So, what is this code that our ancient Ethiopian ancestors discovered and left for their future descendants to rediscover just before the end of the age? THEY UNDERSTOOD THAT THE TWO CREATORS DESIGNED THE HEAVENS TO REVEAL A SCIENTIFIC CODE THAT WOULD REVEAL THEIR NAME TO ALL MANKIND! That's what observing true time reveals to all mankind, and that's why the observance of true time had to be removed from the earth. In their original documents, these stories told of this code found in the heavens. Our ancestors made the stories of the Bible to be told in such away that they would always transmit this code to future generations. So, even if the stories were altered somehow, for example, if the race of the original people were to be change to Europeans instead of Africans; If the locations of the cities and towns were change to the Middle East instead of Ethiopia and Egypt; or the original language would undergo transformations and finally ended up being English instead of African: These stories would still be transmitting this scientific code. The first code in the heavens was observed in the principal of the Sun. They witness with their own eyes that the Sun was expressing a masculine principal. The Sun's rays fertilized the earth, and the earth would give birth to new life in the annual rising of their crops, which brought them their sustenance for life. So, the scientific law being expressed by the Sun's rays representing the male sperm was very real to them, and it was not a shameful thing to acknowledge the obvious: The Sun represented the Male Creator! This representation was expressed in a mathematical formula that the heavens above are shouting down to the people of the earth even until this very day, but unfortunately, most of mankind has now been deceived into worshiping the Sun itself instead of observing the formula, which would prove the true name of the Creators. Richard, as you already know, I reveal the mathematical formula for the Sun in the second letter (Abraham, Abraham) of the series! The second code in the heavens was observed in the principal of the Moon. Our ancestors saw that from the first light (New Crescent) of the Moon to the disappearance of the Moon from the night sky, it took a cycle of 28 days. This for obvious reasons, which women immediately understood, the Moon represented the Female Creator! It would be this Female Creator who would give birth to the months of the year! And Her representation was also expressed in a mathematical formula in the heavens. Again Richard, you know that I reveal the mathematical formula for the Moon in the eighth letter (Three, Four, Five) of the series! So, Richard, what we have just discovered is the real way that time is suppose to be measured, but this is not the way mankind measures time today. And because of this fact, all mankind has been led astray! All mankind has been taught to worship a single male deity, not the Two Creators of heaven and earth. The concept of a single male deity originated in ancient Egypt, and it was the beginning of our downfall as a people. We are still feeling the punishment of our Creators for bringing this false calendar on the earth. The truth of the Holy Calendar had nearly completely disappeared from the earth, but some have kept parts of it on the earth.

The musical prophet Bob Marley tried to remind us of our origins in the lyrics of his music when he would make statements like “The Sun Is Shinning, and Oh Silver Moon Come Out Tonight.” Our Muslim brothers still today observe a calendar that is base on the Moon. As does many of the Asian cultures, so the essence of this calendar has survived in some form or fashion even until this day. But, the code is no longer understood, and therefore all have been deceived into worshiping a single male deity as the creator. That's why these letters are so important, and that's why it is so important for our people to read each and every one of these letters. They will bring balance back to the earth, and women will know that they no longer have to deny their own existence by worshiping only a male deity. And, Richard the most important fact is, this is the only information that will protect and save us from the punishment that has already started to manifest for this morally corrupt and wicked generation created by this teaching of a male deity as the creator of the universe. TIME HAS NOW RUN OUT FOR THIS EVIL THAT HAS POLLUTED THE EARTH!

Richard, we have only just begun to uncover this great mystery of how time was change in order to get the people to worship a false creator and a false savior! I will continue this subject in my next entry.

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