Hollywood Movies And Symbolism

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Hollywood Movies and Symbolism The Hollywood industry is about the corporate elite's playground in implanting their agenda into people's minds to gear them into a certain direction. There are other Elite/Jesuit ties to the Hollywood (named after the holy wood witches used) crowd. Martin Sheen is an actor and activist who was trained by Jesuits at Fordham University. Individuals want to know more about Sheen’s background. Well, Sheen’s real name is Ramón Gerardo Antonio Estévez. Therefore, Sheen’s father is from Spain, while his mother is Irish. Ramon adopted the last name Sheen as his stage name. This is named after the real Roman Catholic theologian and archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. Sheen united with Billy Graham to support Ecumenicalism. Fulton Sheen was pictured with Pope Pius XII (who made a concordat with Adolf Hitler in 1933). Martin Sheen supports left wing causes (even joining the deceiver Janet Reno), but is united with the Jesuits also. He is a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor (or a person who is an ally or aides the agenda of the Jesuit Order). The Jesuit Order was created by Ignatius Loyola during the 1500‘s. Their goal has been to destroy the Protestant Reformation and to allow the Papacy to have global influence (they performed much evil and that is why many European nations banished them in the late 1700‘s). His son Charlie Sheen is famous for his television and movie shows. He recently questioned the official story of 9/11 on Alex Jones’ radio show. To this day, Alex Jones refuses to expose real in-depth coverage of the Vatican/Jesuit connection to the new world order at all. He also lied and called people who believes that the Vatican rules most of the geo political powers of the world as mentally ill. Alex Jones will have a Jesuit-trained Georgetown graduate & Knight of Malta like Patrick Buchannan on his show or a pro-disinformation heretic like James Manning on his show though. Alex Jones slams William Cooper as obsessing with UFOs when before Cooper died, Cooper rejected much of the extreme rhetoric about UFOs. Alex Jones’ recent interview with Jordan Maxwell was interesting in late January 2009. Remember that Maxwell supports 33rd Degree Freemason Manly P. Hall and HP Blavatsky, who are occultists. In his interview with Jones, Maxwell lied and said “…The more you pray, the worse things are getting..“ No, Maxwell, prayer have saved lives before you were born. Doing nothing in life or compromising will definitely make things worse instead. Hence, Maxwell have been exposed by Christians and others for using deception (along with following

people that want a new world order like Hall). Alex Jones in the same 2009 interview said: "Most religious people, especially Christians, think they're praying to one God and they're praying to another.." You can make up your mind in deciphering what Jones is saying in this weird message. Now, our response to people like that shouldn’t be with sarcasm or agitation. It’s should be with directness and an up front display our views in a legitimate manner. New Ager Susan Sarandon was educated at Georgetown and anti-death penalty activist Helen Prejean received honorary degrees from Jesuit Universities. A common theme with many Hollywood stars is that many of them embrace spiritualism, New Age, demons, spirits, and other forms of the occult (which is confirmed by their own words). Denzel Washington and Oprah Winfrey publicly said that they call on "the spirits" to try to perform better in a film or get extra ideas for shows. Time Magazine wrote that:

"...Oprah Winfrey calls these her 'go there' moments, spiritual episodes of divine guidance that far transcend the chatty exchanges with her studio audiences- Sometimes the epiphanies carry the voices of Negro slaves-Joe and Emily and Dara; Sue and Bess and Sara. Winfrey says that she has come to know each of them personally and calls them in at will to guide her in her work. The spirits began visiting her a few years ago..." Oprah even admits that: "I tried to empty myself and let the spirit of Sethe inhabit me...Every morning, before my scenes, I lit candles and said the names of these slaves. I prayed every day to the ancestors." Oprah further states that "I tried to empty myself and let the spirit...inhabit me." (Oprah, Good Housekeeping on 12/1998 on pg. 113). Keven Bacon said that "Part of acting is to lose yourself in the moment, to let the chaos or the muse [a demonic spirit according to Anton LaVey] come and just enter and happen organically." (LA Times 9/16/1999, pg. 13). Bacon also talks about "demons under the surface." (ibid.) Keanu Reeves admits to taking what he calls "demon rides." Reeves played in the Gnostic Matrix film series. Vin Diesel, Leonardo Dicapiro, and others have admits to some form of spiritualism as well. Valentino back in the 1920's was an actor who done automatic writing and communication with the dead, which are forbidden in the Bible. Mae West, Marlene Dietrich (who performed a lesbian act in one of her early films), James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, River Phoenix, and other Hollywood actors and actresses were involved in the occult, astrology, and spiritualism.

Propaganda has been apart of Hollywood since its formation in the early 1900's. High drama with emotion (and crisis) can stir emotions and moods. Getting these points with drama is one way to even program people. Some have called this technique predictive programming. This is nothing new. The Bible is certainly right in pointing out that there is nothing new under the sun. Now, Plato in his Republic book talked about the culture industry of his own day. He said that using the culture by the elite is needed to control society. The plays in ancient Greece were authorized by the ancient Greek government. Some of them were compulsory. According to Alan Watt, even slaves were forced to look at the plays. This was done in manipulating people. Today, we have similar stories of heroes in Hollywood movies. Some of the major actors in Hollywood are hereditary (or they are related to specific European bloodlines). Some can trace their family tree hundreds of years (or even thousands of years) to the Merovingian bloodline. Many directors and producers fully understand how messages are relayed to the public. Many of them know the science of predictive programming and the occult (which was promoted by Hollywood since its inception). Hollywood has been crucial in developing an

international culture for the worldwide society. Plato mentioned the fashion industry and today we have a big corporate fashion industry. Controlling human behavior has been turned into a big science. The right propaganda can get a certain amount of the public to follow silly trends. Old things from the past are reintroduced now in terms of fashion and cinema concepts. Hollywood comes from Holly wood. Now, this wood from ancient times relates to the magic's wand from the

Magi or the Druid tribes of Celtic Europe. This magi in the occult waves a wand to change matter in various mythological stories. Even the early Mickey Mouse (he is dressed as a wizard) cartoons have Mickey Mouse waving a wand to transform Donald Duck. Some of the wands have the 5 Pointed star on it (The 5 Pointed star has many meanings from Nature [made up of fire, water, spirit, air, and earth], the Realm of Hell, and the Perfected Man). In the ancient history of the Middle East, a staff is common among leaders of various tribes. Ironically, Hollywood is a place where movies are created to cast of spell on the population in order to change the cultural norms in our society. It's as simple as that. The Holly wood relates to Groves since the ancient Magi would meet in Groves to conduct rituals. Today, the Bohemian Grove is a place where Western elites conduct occult rituals ironically inside of Groves. Many actors don't understand the brainwashing aspects of Hollywood (or how many actors and actresses in Hollywood embrace occult/unbiblical values). Hollywood propose possibilities in our world. There are especially certain militaristic films that promote a false form of heroism. Being a true hero has nothing to do with fighting unjustified wars or feeling that you're invincible (that's why a lot of young people are in certain nihilistic, militaristic films since numerous young folks think that they can be almost unstoppable emotionally). Being a real hero is about showing meekness, strength, and acting on the legitimate principles of morality plus truth.

*The Hollywood filmmaker Oliver Stone said recently that the bankers enabled Hitler and the Nazis. He told the Canadian Press about this information. “Adolf Hitler was a psychopath and a monster but rose to power thanks to big business leaders and other supporters who appreciated his vow to destroy communism and control workers, Hollywood filmmaker Oliver Stone said Monday,” in Bangkok, Thailand, writes Michael Casey. Stone omitted some things like he does on other occasions to enforce the Left/Right paradigm. Notice that Hitler and the Nazis were anti-gun, pro-abortion, anticivil liberties, anti-Judeo-Christian values, anti-religious freedom, etc. The international bankers supported and encouraged Hitler plus the Communist movement that the Austrian dictator vowed to "destroy." Without the German industrial cartel of I.G. Farben, Hitler would have remained an obscure historical footnote and millions of people would of not have perished during the 2nd World War. Farben was the only ones involved in giving aid to Hitler and the Nazis. Without the capital supplied by Wall Street, there would have been no I.G. Farben in the first place, and almost certainly no Adolf Hitler and World War II,” writes Antony C. Sutton in Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler. Sutton further writes that: “German bankers on the Farben Aufsichsrat (the supervisory Board of Directors) in the late 1920s included the Hamburg banker Max Warburg, whose brother Paul Warburg was a founder of the Federal Reserve System in the United States..." The Farben industrial cartel was created by 3 Wall Street houses. Their names are Dillion, Read and Co, Harris, Forbes and Co., and National City. William Dodd (who was the U.S. Ambassador to Germany) in the 1930's wrote to Roosevelt about the role bankers plus American industrialists were allies of Germany in his own words:

"...The DuPonts have their allies in Germany that are aiding in the armament business. Their chief ally is the I.G. Farben Company..." Germany's rearmament after WWI came about with the help of corporations by DuPonts, Standard Oil, International Harvester, the J.P. Morgan-controlled General Motors Company and Ford. International Telephone and Telegraph, General Electric, International Business Machines, Alcoa and Dow Chemical were also involved. Many of these companies continued their support of Hitler and the Nazis after the United States declared war on Germany. Treasury Secretary Morgenthau was disturbed about the Wall Street monopoly

of the fate of Nazi Germany and prepared a memorandum to present to President Roosevelt. Prescott Bush was a director and shareholder of companies that profited form their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany. He was George W. Bush's grandfather. “His business dealings, which continued until his company’s assets were

seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave laborers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy,” The Guardian reported in September, 2004. The corporate media ignored the story even though it dealt with the Bush family connection with Hitler and the Nazis. “Throughout the Bush family’s decades of public life, the American press has gone out of its way to overlook one historical fact — that through Union Banking Corporation (UBC), Prescott Bush, and his father-in-law, George Herbert Walker, along with German industrialist Fritz Thyssen, financed Adolf Hitler before and during World War II,” writes Toby Rogers. International bankers aided Hitler and the Communists as well. Anthony Sutton's "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution" uses State Department files, personal papers of key Wall Street figure, biographies, and conventional histories to prove that cartel-capitalists illegally supported the Bolsheviks covertly while publicly supporting the anti-Bolshevik movement overtly. Sutton wrote that Morgan banking executives funneled illegal Bolshevik gold into the U.S., they intervened to free Leon Trotsky (who advocated "total revolution") and transported Lenin across Europe in a sealed trained. This train had 5 to 6 million dollars in gold to facilitate the Revolution. German banker Max Warburg financed Lenin and the Russian Revolution. “Communism is not [and never was] a creation of the masses to overthrow the Banking establishment, but rather a creation of the Banking establishment to overthrow and enslave the people,” explains Anthony J. Hilder. “The goal of international communism is not to destroy Western

international debt capitalism. The goal of international communism is to enslave mankind at the behest of Western international debt capitalism,” R.E. McMaster wrote in The Reaper. Sutton's "Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development" was described with State Department documents to show how the bankers fund and build the Soviet Union after the Revolution. Gary Allen in 1971 wrote the Soviet technology equipment was heavily given to them by the West. These rich elite like the

Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs, Warburgs, Morgans, Harrimans, Milners, etc. didn't fear International Communism. They financed them in order to control every side of the economic conflict. The extremes of communism and fascism to the internationalists were profit generations and means to control societies as well. Oliver Stone supports the Communist dictator & Jesuit trained leader Fidel Castro. No one knows the total extent of Oliver Stone's 10 part documentary on the 20th century called "The Secret History of the United States" on how much pertinent and important details they will cover. It might be better than the version of history shown by the corporate media and establishment publishers though.

Jumper is a 2008 American science fiction film from 20th Century Fox and Regency Enterprises. It is loosely based on the 1992 science fiction novel of the same name by Steven Gould. The film is directed by Doug Liman, director of The Bourne Identity and Mr. & Mrs. Smith, and stars Hayden Christensen, Samuel L. Jackson, Jamie Bell, Rachel Bilson, Max Thieriot, AnnaSophia Robb, and Diane Lane. The story begins with David Rice. Rice is a 15 year old student from Ann Arbor Michigan. He finds out that he was the ability to jump (or teleport) to any location he has seen after falling into a frozen river. He later leaves his alcoholic father. His mother left him when he was 5. He goes into NYC. David Rice lives the luxurious life in his penthouse apartment. David received the money from using his powers to rob a bank for funds. His apartment is covered with images of places from around the world that he jumps to on a daily basis. Ronald Cox comes has electrified restraints to try to stop him. Cox knows of David's ability. Roland doesn't want to kill him immediately in believing that others are helping David. David then returns to Ann Arbor to meet up with Millie (his old high school girlfriend). Mark (another classmate) confronts David and each get into a fight. David teleports Mark into the bank vault in New York City and returns. Both David and Millie go into Rome. They go into the closed Coliseum. Griffin is another jumper. Griffin invites David to fight against the Paladins since the Paladins kill Jumpers. David is jailed for trespassing. He meets his mother finally. David helps Millie to get on a plane to go into the United States. David goes into Griffin's place, so Griffin can explain further about the Paladins. The Paladins are to Griffin extremist religious people who think Jumpers are an affront to God. Notice how Hollywood bashes conservative religious people in this fashion. The Paladins hunted Jumpers for centuries and the Jumper attribute the Paladians for the Inquisition and witch hunts to them (when the Vatican was involved in those affairs). Griffin wants to kill Roland since Roland killed his parents. David Rice goes to find his father being mortally wounded. Roland finds Millie's apartment. David grabs Millie and returns 2 of them to Griffin's lair. Later the Jumpers and the Paladins fight. David teleports Griffin into a Canyon. Sometime later, David and Millie travel to Mary's home, and learns that Mary herself was a

Paladin; when David was five, he began jumping, so she left to avoid having to kill her own son. She asks him to leave, giving him a head start before she must hunt him down. David and Millie jump to an unknown location. There are occult symbolism throughout this film. Jumper has a pentacle in a girl's locker. The girl says you got to have a dream. There are Pentagrams throughout the film. The Jumper stands on top of the Egyptian Pyramid looking at the sun. He looks at the sun and he's near the Great Pyramids of Egypt. These pyramids align with star patterns and act as for many purposes. Sun images are in the film. There is at least one inverted Pentagram in the film. There are a picture of a lion. There is a symbol of capstone less pyramid along with a triangle near a dead man. The capstone less pyramid signifies that the new world order or the Golden Age isn't fulfilled yet. Floors in the movie are checkered board, as its similar to the black and white checkered board of Masonic Lodges worldwide. The Jumper stands next to an inverted blue triangle. The Inverted Triangle refers to the Feminine in Generation. The Jumper and her female companion stand next to a crossed out image of a hand. The hand looks like the mansa or the hidden hand utilized to prevent evil (in mythological stories). An

image of the Eiffel Tower is shown in the film. The Eiffel Tower is a Masonic statue that resides in Paris. Freemason Gustave Eiffel helped construct the 984 feet high Eiffel Tower. There is the Elk Hotel (with a star on the logo) in the movie. Ironically, the Elk Lodge is a Real Masonic organization. In the airport, the Jumper stands next to the McDonalds logo (It's made of 2 arches. The arches relate to the feminine in Nature). The Royal Arch Degree has a Arch logo and is written about by Freemason George H. Steinmetz. In one scene, the Jumper in Rome is next to a broken arch and 2 pillars. The 2 pillars look similar to Boaz and Jachin (which related to the 2 pillars of the entrance into Solomon's Temple). Boaz means strength while Jachin means foundation. Jachin and Boaz are utilized in Freemasonry. According to Manly P. Hall's "Secret Teachings of All Ages' from pgs. 307 to 308, Boaz is on the left hand column, while Jachin is one the right hand column. He views Jachin as representing the Heavens and Boaz representing the Earth. Some outline moon and sun definitions to both pillars. There is a Pyramid in the girl's locker.

Ironically, "Vanilla Sky" is a film about a woman named Sophia or Sofia Serrano (played by Penelope Cruz) saving a man (which is played by Tom Cruise. Cruise plays a man name David Aames). Vanilla sky refers to the color of the sky in the dream world looking similar to the color of vanilla. Sophia in Gnosticism claims to save man from the Creator God. Vanilla Sky promotes a phony reality. When Julianna Gianni's cell phone rings in the opening scene, the ring-tone is, "Row, row, row your boat....life is but a dream.” Vanilla Sky has Tom Cruise playing a man sent into a fake, dream world being trapped, because he is frozen in a container. He undergoes many horrific events like a car crash (This occurred when David‘s jilted lover named Juilie Gianni played by Cameron Diaz drives a car off a bridge killing herself, but David survives). This leaves his face temporary masked. A mask has always represent compartmentalization of covering up parts of a person’s mind. This fictional world is strange to David as he hallucinates and he sees that Times Square is completely empty. Cruise at first thinks he lives in the real world, but he finds out that he’s living an illusion (Gnosticism teaches that the physical world is an illusion). Cruise is told by a man that his memories have been erased and Sophia saved his life. Sophia in the fictional world is David’s new friend and new lover. They go out with other serious on David’s 33rd birthday. Sophia in the film is the only link between the fake world and the real world. Sophia in the movie says “Open Your Eyes.” Some believe that the phrase “Open your eyes” (which is found in the original Spanish movie) is a trigger phrase in mind control programming. We should open our eyes to God not Gnostic deception though. At the end of “Vanilla Sky,” Tom Cruise decides to leap off a building to commit suicide, so he can go back into the real world. Tons of other movies like "Fight Club" featuring Brad Pitt has these Gnostic tendencies. Pitt acts as a leader spreading "revolution," while Pitt’s character blatantly says that he abhors the will of God the Creator to his followers. In "Eyes Wide Shut", Tom Cruise witnesses a sex-orientated Secret Society where the members do things which are similar to Gnostic groups and other occult orders. Tom Cruise was in a film called "Minority Report," which is about how police can discover crimes before they happen. This is similar to Cruise's religion of Scientology. L. Ron Hubbard (an admirer of Crowley) wrote that the 2nd Coming of Christ can be derailed. Scientology accepts Gnostic teachings in their belief that an alien god created the physical Earth 75 million years ago entrapping man in it as a "Prison Planet." Scientology even quotes from Gnostic texts according to Pastor Joe Schimmel. Scientology separate into levels called OTs. One of the highest being OT8. Hubbard claimed that Jesus Christ didn't exist, but was a mental implant. Scientology is a hermetic/Gnostic faith teaching that man is basically good and by works you can be saved (like Romanism, apostate Protestantism, Seventh Day Adventists, Buddhism, Islam, Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses, and virtually all false religions). I've emailed David J. Stewart to

expose Scientology and he did it. He kept his word and I respect that.

Slevin is also known as Lucky Number Slevin. This film was a famous 2006 crime thriller film. It was written by Jason Smilovic, and directed by Paul McGuigan. It has many stars in the film. They include Morgan Freeman, Ben Kingsley, Stanley Tucci, Lucy Liu, Josh Hartnett and Bruce Willis. The film is set in New York City. The plot revolves around the lives of Slevin Kelevra (played by Harnett), Lindsey (who is played by Lucy Liu), and 2 feuding Mafia bosses (One is named the Boss as played by Morgan Freeman. The other is a rabbi played by Ben Kingsley). The mysterious hit man is named Mr. Goodkat (who is played by Bruce Willis). The film begins when the hit man Mr. Goodkat talks to a man about a story. They are in the waiting area of a bus terminal. Goodkat tells the story about Max. Max was a family man who borrows money on a fixed horse race. Later, mobsters financing the fix find out that other people bet on it. They murder Max and his entire family because they want to preserve their reputation. When Goodkat ends the story, he snaps the man's neck. In NYC, Slevin answers the door to his friend's apartment. He meets his bubbly neighbor Lindsey. Lindsey wants to find Nick Fisher, who is apartment's renter. Slevin says that he isn't Nick and he hasn't seen him. The apartment was unlocked when Slevin arrived. Lindsey wants to investigate Nick's disappearance. Then, Slevin is kidnapped by 2 henchmen (by the name of Sloe and Elvis). They work for the Boss, who is a powerful African American mafia leader. The Boss mistaken Slevin for Nick. He ordered Nick to pay a $96,000 debt or as compensation kill Yitzchok. Yitzcok is the son of the Jewish mafia leader named the Rabbi. He was the Boss's former partner, who is responsible for murdering the Boss's son. That is why a conflict is going on between both mafia leaders. Slevin leaves and considers his options. The Boss wants Goodkat to kill both Yitzchok and Slevin to make it appear to be a murder/suicide pact. Lindsey shows images of Mr. Smith to Slevin. Slevin says that he doesn't recognize him (though it would be revealed it was Goodkat as Smith). Hours later, Slevin and her female acquaintance Lindsey go out to dinner. They consider their mutual attraction. Detective Brikowski (Stanley Tucci) tells Slevin that Nick is a known pedophile. Detective Brikowski (Stanley Tucci) has been monitoring the Boss, the Rabbi, and the hitman Goodkat. Slevin kills Yitzchok. Goodkat offer the keys to his van, which contains the body of Nick Fisher. They dump the bodies of Fisher and Yitzchok and the apartment has an explosion. Goodkat visits the Boss, killing his bodyguards and taking the Boss hostage, while Slevin kidnaps the Rabbi. Both the Rabbi and the Boss argue over the deaths of their sons. The Rabbi and the Boss organizes murders of each others' family. In the penthouse, Slevin discovers the motivations for this complex plot. The plot involves the fact that his father was Max, who was murdered along with his wife for the 1979 horseracing incident at the Aqueduct

Racetrack. The racetrack is described at the beginning of the film, and whose killers are now revealed to have been the younger Boss and Rabbi. A younger Goodkat was about to kill Slevin, but he didn't. Soon, the movie ends with Slevin and Linsdsey at an airport. Goodkat decides not to kill Slevin after all those years. Occult symbolism is all over the film. In the apartment, there are many circles, a Masonic checkered board pattern, and a pyramid image (without a capstone). There is an All Seeing Eye in the film as well. Many scenes are related to occult symbolism indeed. Now, one scene shows the Empire State Building appearing as a phallic image (which refers to the sun among other meanings). The sun is shown next to the Empire State Building skyscraper as well. A person in the movie is holding a magazine with a sun image. It has the words A Better Life and Poconos in the magazine. Goodkate is standing next to an image looking like Sacred Geometry. The image is a triangle with a Hexagram in the middle of it. The Hexagram is known for meaning generation, the occult Seal of Solomon, and other meanings.

Freemason JD Buck wrote of the Hexagram's meaning as: "The perfect equilibrium of spirit and matter is symbolized by the six-pointed star, which is again only another form of the Square and Compass, each having a base-line from which to form a triangle." [Mystic Masonry, 1913, p. 244-45] Witches use the Hexagram to attempt to summon up demons. Dr. OJ Graham's book "The Six Pointed Star" describe the pagan origin of the Hexagram. OJ Graham is also a Jewish Christian. The Rabbi's location have 2 hexagram on 2 doors. This is similar to a Masonic image of an initiate. This picture has 2 Hexagrams on a door. It shows a man blindfolded with his left leg paints pushed up. He wears a cable tow around his link. The Hexagram is in a book supported by the Golden Dawn (it's promoted by Aliester Crowley follower Israel Regardie). The film has a man looking with one Eye into an object (along with another man looking in a door hole). His eye looks as the All Seeing Eye. There is a 3 image on the door as a shadow. 3 has many meaning from the Pagan Trinity (not the Biblical Trinity) to other things. The movie shows black and white imagery. There are pyramid images in the film. Slevin showed the horned Il Canuto hand sign to the 2 African American men who are working for the Boss. The Il Canuto is seemed in pagan images for thousands of years as representative of Nature. Today, many use it for more evil purposes of rebellion, or even Devil worship (although, not everyone showing it are all Satanists). The Rabbi is standing with a light shining on the Torah.

The Fifth Element is a 1997 movie with much occult symbolism in it. The Fifth Element describes a futuristic setting. A man which is played by Bruce Willis wants to discover this secret Fifth Element. The film is a science fiction story about humanity being under threat. Bruce plays Korben Dallas, who is a taxicab driver and was a former Special Forces soldeier. A young woman named Leelo (who is played by Milla Jovovich) comes into Korben's cab. The woman is the fifth element who was predicted by Vito Cornelius. Most of the story is based in the year 2263. Korben must combine 4 other elements before a black planet collides with Earth. Mangalores, slow-witted, shape-shifting warrior mercenary aliens hired by corporate tyrant Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg (Oldman), are given the task to thwart Korben's efforts. The story is set in a futuristic New York City. It's very interesting that the movie begins in 1914 when an archaeologist uncovers ancient writings describing the arrival of a Great Evil every five millennia, much to a priest's dismay. The researchers are interrupted when an extraterrestrial ship lands in the area. Its occupants, the Mondoshawans, enter the temple and reveal a hidden crypt containing four stones corresponding to the four essential elements of water, fire, earth, and air arranged around a statue. These constitute the only means by which to stop the Great Evil. These aliens want the researchers to preserve the temple and to stop the Evil coming onto the Earth. This was located in an ruined Egyptian temple. The hieroglyphics show the Illuminati/Masonic power structure in detail. The image has a serpent which is an old symbol of Satan on top (The man calls the snake

the ultimate evil. Satan as the Bible says is the ultimate evil and Satan is symbolized as a serpent or snake). There are 2 All Seeing Eyes (looking like the Eyes of Horus) with people underneath acting in a subservient position. The temple in the film has a ladder that looks similar to Masonic ladder logos. There is another image of circles, triangle, etc. Some look very akin to Sacred geometry. There are sun symbols in the images as well. An All Seeing image in the movie other than the images as well. In the movie, Bruce Willis is holing an staff with a Maltese cross. The Maltese cross is a known emblem of the Knights Templar (a group that prelude the Freemasons and were accused of immorality by King Philip V of France. Some of them fled into Scotland because of the persecution of them) and the Knights of Malta. There is phallic images. The phallic represents the masculine. When merged the feminine in terms of the occult world, it forms completion. There is a Masonic check platform on the cab. Images of 18 and the Letter R exist. Occult symbolism is a calling cards in these movies.

Hot Fuzz is a 2007 British action comedy film. It was written by Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright. It stars Pegg and Nick Frost. Simon Pegg plays the character of Nicholas Angel. Nicholas is a strident and dedicated police officer in London's Metropolitan Police Service. Nicholas

performs his duties so well that he makes his colleagues appear bad. As a result of this, his superiors transfer him to the "supposedly" crime free village of Sandford in rural Gloucestershire. Nicholas goes there and arrests a large group of underage drinkers and a drunk driver. He finds out that the drunk driver was his future partner named Danny Butterman (who is played by Nick Frost). Danny is an inffective, yet well meaning police constable. His father is Frank Butterman. Danny admires Nicholas and wants to experience the danger of gunfights plus car chases that he long for. Nicholas Angel struggles to adapt to the slow pace of the village. He solves crimes like confiscating a sea mine and getting firearms. Soon, a series of murder engulf the town. The people involved are figures wearing a black hood and cloak. Angel clash with his colleagues over the death. He refuses to drop the investigations. Angel's credibility is damaged when Simon Skinner is set free from his arrest. Angel was ambushed and Michael Armstrong knocks him unconscious. He is led to a nearby castle where the truth is shown. He finds about how the Neighborhood Watch Alliance (or the NWA) along with Butter man, Skinner, and others have been murdering people. They want to do this to preserve Sandford's title as the "Village of the Year." The NWA murdered many people. Danny stabbed people and was a member of the NWA. Danny has a change of heart and starts to rebel against the NWA. Danny convinced the NWA that Angel is dead. Danny and Angel watch a DVD and are inspired to fight the NWA. Each of them have gun fights with the NWA. Skinner and Inspector Butterman flee. They are arrested. Superiors want Angel to fight crime in London since their crime rate has increased rapidly. Angel decides to stay in Standford. Tom Weaver was the last remaining member of the NWA. He shoot at Angel, but Danny takes the bullets. Danny survived. Angel is the Inspector and Danny is Sergeant. Hot Fuzz has a lot of Masonic/Illuminati symbolism. Angel's partner Danny has a sun image tattoo on his right shoulder. There is a Bulls eye with a orange colored center. A hooded man throws a stone into the ground. The stone looks like a pyramid. The police wear checkered board black and white images on their cop has. It's a known fact that many British police officers are Freemasons. Many scandals inside of the UK have been involved with UK police Freemasons for decades. Angel has a 777 patch on his police uniform. The number 777 is promoted in the occult. 777 is well known to occultists and black magicians. 111 X7 equals to 777. Aleister Crowley even wrote a book entitled 777. There are many meanings for the number 777 like this one:

"To a Qabalist, 777 is 'traditionally the number of the Flaming Sword or creative Lightning Flash...which, when overlain on the Tree of Life, touches every Sephirah in turn and certain Paths, with a total of 777." 777 is the title of Aleister Crowley's celebrated volume of Qabalistic teachings." (The Trouble with Normal", Rigorous Institution, July 10, 2005) Bill Schnoebelen said that the number 777 was Crowley's Number of Babylon. Aleister Crowley apparently used the Babalon in gemiatria to get the number of 777. Crowley came upon this conclusion by reading the Babylons of Revelation 17 and 18. Aleister Crowley even made a 7 pointed Heptagon for the symbol of 777 (This is very anti-Christ). Aliester Crowley was a Freemason, a member of British Intelligence, a black magician, and big heretic. There are the letters of AA at the building in Hot Fuzz. AA is similar to Argenteum Astrum, which was a magical order created by Aleister Crowley. Argenteum Astrum meaning the Silver Star. Some view the Silver Star as equal to the star Sirius. The AA was created in 1907. They claim to follow light and knowledge, but of course following an order of a Satanist like Crowley will never give you the true Light of the Lord Jesus Christ at all. The movie goes on with a play where a woman moves around a person who looks dead. There are 3 crosses there in the scene. A golden lion is shown when Angel is running. The lion represents England the sun. There are checkered board images on the lockers in the police station. A person wears a diamond shaped T shirt. A diamond represents the male and female in generation.

Nowadays, more people are waking up about the occult symbolism and predictive programming that’s found in the establishment’s modern bread and circus (films, mainstream music, architecture, etc.). The precise things occurring in ancient Rome are revisiting itself today in the world not just in the West. There is a Hexagram in the film. In the film, an owl is shown at the party and in other places. The owl is of the Goddess of Minerva, Isis, etc. meaning wisdom. The goddess represent wisdom and it's praised in the Bohemian Grove Cremation of Care ritual. The NWA hooded members in fact look similar to the hooded Bohemian Grove (in Northern California) adherents going near a statue of Minerva to sacrifice a human effigy. Angel looks at an image that looks like a pyramid with the capstone missing on the top of a cathedral. The NWA members in hoods looks similar to Kubrick's film of Eyes Wide Shut where masked people perform human sacrifice and sexual rituals. Now, this is how pagan occultists and the global elite perform their behavior in secret for real. You just need to look at images of the Bohemian Grove, Skulls and Bones, and other organizations worldwide. The NWA members claim that they are doing good and they want to do the "greater good." Murdering people is never apart of anything good period. Like always, do you own research. Never trust anyone 100% except for God alone. By Timothy

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