Hkustaa Graduate Mentoring Program

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ST alumni fe ellow, Dear HKUS HKUSTAA A Graduate e Mentoring g Program Invitation g Kong Univversity of Sccience Tech hnology Alu umni Association (HKUSTAA) Greetings. The Hong u to join us at a a key pro ogram. is cordially inviting you M P Program is a unique me entoring pro ogram in wh hich chosen n HKUST HKUSTAA Graduate Mentoring mni will be mentees m of invited i senior executive e from repu utable multin national com mpanies. young alum ew program of HKUSTA AA that is generously supported s b HKUST. P by Professor Roland R Chin, This is a ne Deputy Pre esident of HKUST, is ou ur program advisor. A half-page newspaperr advertorial including a quote from the HKUST T President and the log go of all parrticipating co ompanies iss budgeted. nvited socially committe ed Multi-National Comp panies to jo oin our mentoring progrram. We have in Currently, Andrew A HK, Alstom, Brritish American Tobacc co, Dairy Fa arm, HP, IBM, KPMG and a Morgan n Stanley havve already confirmed c to o participate e. me you to ap pply if you meet m the following crite eria: We welcom since gradu e uation. 1. Have lesss than a tottal of 5 yearrs working experience c ambiition and wo ould like to seek s advice e from expe erienced pro ofessions. 2. Have a career ember of HK KUSTAA. 3. Are a me e and wish to t learn from m successfu ul business executives s, we If you have a career pllan to share ou to submiit your appliication at htttp:// p. welcome yo o HKUSTA AA, I wish yo ou the very success of your career. On behalf of ards, Warm rega Almon Kwa an President, HKUSTAA    

Graduate Mentoring g Program g Co-organized by the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Alumni Association (HKUSTAA) and the Office of University Development and Public Affairs (OUDPA), HKUST Latest Update: June 2009

Visions and Targets •

To encourage a life long learning and sustainable relationship between recent HKUST graduates and the corporate world

Mentees: Fresh graduates (0-5 years)

Mentors: Senior executives (10+ years)

A Two Way Learning Mentees

Mentors / Mentor’s company

An opportunity to seek valuable guidance from a senior executive on g making major career decision

Company logo acknowledged on a halfpage p g advertorial *

Develop professional insight and self confidence

Media coverage during the mentors reception

Be updated B d t d on th the llatest t t HKUST campus information

* A draft of advertorial will be sent to each company before any public release

Timeline June 22

Open Mentee Application Begins

J l 22 July

A li ti D Application Deadline dli

July 27

Selected Mentee Confirmation

July 27

Mentee-Mentors Matching


P bli reception ti eventt tto Public introduce mentee and mentors

August 2009 - 2010

gp g g Mentoring program begins After 2010

Note: ote The e listed sted dates a are e te tentative tat e and a d may ay subject to cchange. a ge

Matching HKUSTAA will be responsible for preliminary candidate screening screening. Recent alumni are invited to provide a description on their background, career development, interest and expectations on the mentoring program. Selected mentees will then be submitted and approved by prospective mentor. Few principle selection guidelines are listed below:


Working Industry (Mentors/Mentees will be paired to different industry) Years of working experience Career development Interests outside workplace

The commitment duration is twelve months, mentees and mentors are expected to meet at least three times within the mentoring year. Due to the number of participating firms, there are only limited number of mentee per mentors opening. However, we are aggressively inviting more companies to join us on an continual basis.

Expectations for Mentees Mentees M t are expected t d tto iinitiate iti t contact t t and d schedule h d l att least l t three th meetings ti with ith his/her mentor throughout the year. The form of arrangement will be decided by both parties. Mentees are encouraged to conduct a background search on their mentor and prepare a list of topics to be discussed. There is no restriction on the topics, a general rule of thumb is on the benefits of professional development and life long l learning. i By the end of each mentoring year, selected mentees are invited to prepare a 10 minutes p presentation at the annual mentors reception. p

Expectations for Mentors Mentors are highly encouraged to advise on mentee’s enquiry during the meeting. The form of meeting will be agreed by both parties while mentors are welcome recommend a setting they both feel comfortable.

Mentors / Mentees Summary Stakeholder Mentor

Commitment(s) • •


Attend the Mentor’s Reception (preliminary July 2009, 2009 venue TBC) Commit to meet with1 or 2 mentees for minimum three times in a year

• 10+ years experience • Cantonese Native

Mentor’s Company

Recommend two mentors to HKUSTAA

• Multi-National Corporation


Initiate contact with his/her mentor

• 0 - 5 years upon graduation • Have career aspiration • HKUSTAA member *

* You can apply to be a member at the same time at

Application pp cat o Deadline ead e 22 July 2009

Detail & Application Contact [email protected] y@

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