History Sample Final, Semester 2 - William Fremd, Mr. Buenning

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WORLD HISTORY: FINAL EXAMINATION 1. What civilization was the lead advanced in the Middle Ages? a. European b. Indian c. Arab d. Chinese 2. The most single unifying force in medieval Europe was __________ . a. politics b. class c. language d. the Church 3. Which of these two were results of the Crusades was? (Choose two) a. many left their homes and traveled far away b. many were converted to Christianity c. the power of the pope and nobility declined d. people learned many languages 4. During the Middle Ages, a new institution of learning was created. What was it? a. high school b. the university c. libraries d. none of the above 5. Which of these was not a result of the Black Death? a. the Church became more popular b. peasants revolted c. priests quit d. prices rose 6. _____________ means "rebirth," and it refers to an ear of revival in art and learning. a. Enlightenment b. Protestant Reformation c. Catholic Reformation d. Renaissance 7. The most important cause of the Protestant Reformation was a. Luther's charisma b. new found religious interest c. corruption in the Church d. the Pope 8. The Protestant and Catholic Reformations resulted in a. more Catholics than Protestants b. many left the church c. reduced political power of Catholic church d. churches stopped emphasizing education 9. Which of these was NOT a reason for why the Renaissance began in Italian city-states? a. Wealthy merchant class b. They had many libraries & universities d. Thriving cities e. Classical heritage 10. The Spanish had several motives for the Spanish conquests in the Americas. One of them was a. hatred of America b. slavery c. exploration d. new resources 11. What was the Middle Passage? a. The voyage of slaves from Africa to the Americas b. The narrow strait that led Europeans to America c. the passage in the Bible that Europeans used to convert Africans d. A ship 12. Who did NOT gain from the African slave trade? a. African rulers b. European slave traders c. American slave owners d. slaves 13. Which of these was a reason Europeans enslaved Africans? (Choose 2) a. they were the first peoples they found b. their skin color made them easy to catch c. they were immune to diseases d. they were unskilled 14. The global transfer of food, plants, and animals during the colonization of the Americas refers to a. The Spanish conquests b. African slave trade c. The Columbian exchange d. Mercantilism 15. Which of these was NOT a reason the Spanish defeated the Aztecs? a. superior weaponry b. other native groups helped the Spanish c. disease d. language barrier 16. Europeans wanted to find a new sea route to Asia. Why? a. to find Asian slaves b. to learn how to make noodles c. conquer Asia d. easier trade 17. Why was corn important in the Columbian exchange? a. Europeans used it to trade b. used as money c. it was nutritious and easy to grow d. popcorn 18. What about livestock? a.horses, cattle, sheep, pigs introduced to Europe b. horses, cattle, sheep, pigs introduced to America c. the new livestock helped defeat the Native Americans d. carried diseases 19. __________ was primary reason for Europe's eventual rise to world dominance. a. Mercantilism b. gold and silver c. capitalism d. magic e. superior technology 20. How did the Atlantic slave trade effect Africans? (Choose 3) a. Guns were introduced to Africa b. families torn apart c. many perished in the trip to the Americas d. Began to speak English 1

21. The Columbia exchange resulted in a. population growth in Europe, Africa, and Asia b. African enslavement c. growth of capitalism d. millions of Native American deaths e. all of the above 22. What was NOT a result of Spanish conquests? a. decreased racism b. encomienda work system. c. relationships between Spanish men and Native American women d. Spanish culture imported into Americas 23. ______________ is when factors of production are owned by the public and operate for the welfare of all. a. capitalism b. communism c. imperialism d. socialism e. Leninism 24. Urbanization refers to a. the building of skyscrapers b. rural areas becoming urban c. people started hating farmers d. the movement of peoples to cities and building of cities 25. Which group benefited the MOST from the Industrial Revolution? a. middle class b. aristocrats c. politicians d. factory workers 26. Karl Marx believed a. a totalitarian government should enforce communist beliefs b. people should stop buying things c. the world was divided into the bourgeoisie and proletariat d. the poor were getting richer and the rich, poorer 27. The 2 basic raw materials of modern industry were ________ & ___________ . a. water and steel b. wood and coal c. coal and iron d. iron and plastic 28. Which of these was NOT a reason Britain took the lead in the Industrial Revolution? a. extensive natural resources b. desire for new technology among most citizens c. political stability d. expanding economy 29. What was the main cause of the population boom? a. increased fertility in women b. Agricultural Revolution c. immunizations d. antibiotics 30. What EVENTUALLY happened to the living standards for workers in West Europe and the U.S.? a. they stayed the same b. they got worse c. they got better 31. Why were labor unions formed? a. workers wanted to push for reforms b. to annoy employers c. the government wanted to protect workers d. to give workers health insurance 32. Fill in the blanks: Workers in a labor union use ______32_______ to negotiate, and hopefully improve, their _______33_____. If not, workers ______34_______ . a. rebel b. contracts c. politics d. labor unions e. strike f. collective bargaining 33. ___ 34. ___ 35. Women workers were preferable to employers because a. they worked harder b. they were cheaper c. they didn't join unions d. they were skilled 36. The __________________ Revolution is an era that greatly increased the outcome of machine made goods that began in the middle 1700s a. Modernization b. Urbanization c. Unionization d. Industrial 37. The first industry to be affected by the factory system was the ________ industry. a. textile b. steel c. steamboat d. railroad e. none of the above 38. What did 19th-century socialists think the relationship between the government and the economy should be? a. they be completely separate b. the government should intervene when needed c. the government should control the economy d. the economy should control the government 39. In the late 19th century, which of these was NOT a social improvement that benefited the working class? a. the right to strike b. child labor laws c. women's right to vote d. public schooling 2

40. Because of the ______________ and the agreements made there, by 1914, the only non-colonized nations in Africa were Ethiopia and Liberia. a. Opium War b. Russo-Japanese War c. Yalta Conference d. Berlin Conference 41. An example of _________ is when European countries scrambled to colonize Africa. a. modernization b. mercantilism c. communism d. imperialism e. industrialization 42. What was "the white man's burden"? a. having to break up wars between other nations b. helping the rest of the world achieve "progress" c. taking Africans from "uncivilized" Africa d. sunburn e. none of the above 43. ______________ is the belief that one race is superior to another. a. racism b. imperialism c. colonization d. Nazism 44. Which of these was NOT a motive for European imperialism? a. raw materials b. learning new languages c. Social Darwinism d. national pride 45. Which of these were reasons for European conquest in Africa? (Choose 2). a. disease b. knowing African languages c. coal & iron d. control of transportation and communication e. lack of unity among African nations 46. What did Europeans do to try to make their African colonies profitable? (Choose 2). a. cash crops b. used slaves in Africa c. built factories d. exported minerals 47. What did Europeans think of the cultures of conquered peoples? a. interesting b. superior c. uncivilized d. intelligent 48. A cash crop is: a. a crop that greatly increases food supplies b. a crop grown to be exported and maximize profit c. trees that grow money d. a crop that grows all year round 49. What were some positive results of British imperialism in India? (Choose two). a. railroad network b. lower taxes c. increased Indian-owned industries d. increased literacy e. less government corruption 50. Europeans favored growing cash crops in in their colonies because .... a. the temperatures were better in their colonies b. the conquered peoples were better farmers c. providing adequate food quelled rebellion in the colonies d. too many cash crops cause famines 51. What were two negative results of British Imperialism in India? a. decreased public health b. famines c. increased local warfare d. destroyed dams & bridges e. British controlled most of the political power 52. What was the significance of the Opium War (1839)? a. the Chinese stopped using Opium b.the Chinese successfully kicked the British out c. the opium trade was significantly decreased d. the treaty gave Britain control of Hong Kong 53. A _____________ is an area in which the foreign nation controls trade and investment, for example, Britain in China. a. colony b. territory c. sphere of influence d. port 54. China rejected the first British offers to trade. Why? a. China was self-sufficient b. the Chinese looked down on the British c. the British made unfair offers d. miscommunication 55. Why did Britain sell opium to China? a. The British liked opium and though the Chinese might want some, too b. The British didn't know what else to use c. The British knew the Chinese liked opium d. Opium was something that China did not have and would buy in large quantities 56. What was the importance of the arrival of the American fleet in Japan (1853)? a. The Americans were impressed by the Japanese b. Japan opened two ports in response, ending its isolation c. Japan was defeated in a battle with the American fleet d. Japan decided to create a fleet just like the Americans 3

57. What was the most important achievement of the Meiji Era (1867-1912) in Japan? a. large military b. modernization c. improving public health d. reduce government inefficiency 58. What American idea was successfully adapted by the Japanese? a. universal public education b. labor unions c. constitution d. modern ships 59. What caused the Russo-Japanese War? a. Japanese attack on Korea b. Russia attacked Japan c. fighting over Manchuria d. Japan wanted to end communism in Russia 60. Which of these was NOT a result of the Russo-Japanese War? a. the West was forced to change their ideas on the east b. Russia and the US became allies c. Japan won control of Manchuria d. Russia was driven out of Korea 61. Which two of these was a result of Japan's annexation of Korea? a. Japan shut down Korean newspapers b. Japan instituted its own curriculum in Korean schools c. Japan redistributed land to Korean farmers d. Japan industrialized Korea 62. What was considered the "powder keg of Europe"? a. Britain b. Germany c. Greece d. the Balkan Peninsula 63. What was the immediate cause of World War I? a. Germany invaded Poland b. Serbia invaded Austria-Hungary c. a Serbian assassinated the archduke of Austria-Hungary d. an Austrian-Hungarian assassinated the archduke of Serbia 64. World War I soon became deadlocked, with neither side winning; it was stuck in a ____________ . a. no-win b. warlock c.checkmate d. stalemate 65. Which of these three was an effect of the war on the home front? a. women were put to work b. the government told factories what to produce c. anti-war activities were suppressed d. the economy started falling apart e. Japanese internment camps 66. Many governments used ___________ during WWI to promote patriotism and support for the war. a. religion b. propaganda c. stalemate d. truth campaigns 67. WWI was a __________ war, in which all resources of countries were devoted to the war effort. a. defensive b. total c. blitzkrieg d. complete e. whole 68. Which of these was NOT a reason for the United States' entry into WWI? a. Germany submarine attacks b. sinking of the Lusitania c. Pearl Harbor d. Zimmerman telegram

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Match each fundamental cause of World War I with a specific example a. Competition for colonies in Africa b. Arms race c. France and Germany's desire for Alsace-Lorraine d. The Central Powers and Allied Powers e. desire for new land in Europe f. not a fundamental cause Nationalism Militarism Imperialism Alliances Dictators

74. When the US entered WWI, it became a(n) _______________ . a. belligerent b. neutral party c. aggressor d. authoritarian state 75. If another nation attacks your nation and you declare war on them, you are in a __________ war. a. offensive b. defensive c. neutral d. total 76. What effect did the war have on the economy of Europe? a. boosted it b. no effect c. mixed d. destroyed it 4

77. Why was American entry into the war so decisive to its outcome? a. the Americans were able to attack from another angle b. the Americans had great generals and war plans c. it tipped the balance of power and provided new morale d. they had superior soldiers and technology 78. Which country suffered the greatest loss of manpower and territory? a. Austria-Hungary b. Britain c. Germany d. The US 79. ______________ are money paid by a defeated nation to compensate for damage or injury during the war. a. Mortgages b. credit c. loans d. reparations 80. The _________________ is an international association founded after WWI, whose goal was to keep peace among the nations. a. League of Nations b. United Nations c. Treaty of Versailles d. North Atlantic Treaty Organization 81. What was not a provision of the Treaty of Versailles (1919)? a. Germany's military was greatly restricted b. Germany was divided into two parts c. Germany had to accept all blame for WWI d. establishment of international peacekeeping organization 82. Why did the U.S. Senate refuse to ratify the treaty? a. wanted to be more lenient on b. the Senate hated Woodrow Wilson c. wanted to stay out of European affairs d. wanted to blame Austria-Hungary 83. How is WWI connected to WWII? (Choose two) a. Germans were very angry about the Treaty of Versailles b. Germans still hated Austria-Hungary c. Japan did not like the Treaty of Versailles d. The economy of Germany was ruined 84. The Slavic people of the land that became known as Russia were initially influenced by _____77_____ (north) and ____78______ (south). a. Germany b. Greece c. Vikings d. Finland 85. a. Germany b. Spain c. Greece d. Britain 86. Later, Russia was conquered by ____________ (east) . These peoples ruled Russia for about 250 years. a. Korea b. Japan c. China d. Mongolia 87. Around 1500, the princes from the city-state of ____________ decided they had grown tired of their masters, and overthrew them. a. Moscow b. Stalingrad c. St. Petersburg d. Vladimir 88. The princes became absolute monarchs and called themselves _____________ . a. commander b. czars c. emperors d. the Big Cheese 89. Peter the Great's goal was westernization, which means: a. adopting of the social, political, or economic institutions of western countries b. extending your nation's land to the west c. changing your nation's language to English d. choosing western forms of media, such as newspaper, books, and radio 90. Peter believed that westernization was necessary because a. he thought that Russia wouldn't be able to do anything else b. he wanted to make Russia stronger and admired the west c. he hated the western countries and wanted to beat them at their own game d. he thought that western countries should be ruled by Russia 91. Which of these did Peter the Great NOT do to westernize Russia? a. raised women's status b. created a Congress c. introduced western fashions d. introduced potatoes into the Russian diet


92. Why did Peter build the city of St. Petersburg a. to build factories there b. to create a new capital c. to promote education d. to promote nationalism 93. What happened to Russia's empire during Catherine the Great's reign? (Circle two). a. conquered Germany b. conquered Poland c. lost eastern land to Mongolia d. lost Western land to Germany e. Got access to the Black Sea 94. How did the status of Russia's serf change during her reign? a. they gained complete freedom b. they gained some freedom c. they lost more freedom d. they lost all freedom 95. From 1861-1917, the economy of Russia was a. strong b. weak 96. What was one of the biggest economic changes during that time? a. industrialization b. socialism c. increased farming d. serfs lost more freedom 97. What was not a long term cause of the Revolution of 1917 in Russia? a. oppressive rule of czars b.urban unrest c. food shortages d. long-term desire for communism 98. How did Lenin adapt Karl Marx's beliefs to Russia? (choose two) a. He included peasants with proletariats in the fight against the bourgeoise b. He thought multiple parties were needed to create competition c. The proletariat needed guidance in revolution d. He thought that some aspects of capitalism were necessary 99. *What factor contributed most to the success of the Revolution of 1917? a. equality b. mass appeal c. discontent with czars d. Lenin destroyed his enemies 100. The government of the Soviet Union was controlled by the ________________ party from 1917 to 1939. a. Leninism b. Stalinist c. Communist d. Socialist 101. What is a notable fact about Joseph Stalin? a. He killed more of his own people than any other rule in world history. b. He tried to help stop the Holocaust. c. He wanted his people to see him as one of them. d. He wanted to instill some capitalist ideas in the Soviet Union. 102. What was not a major economic goal of Stalin? a. increase output of rubber b. increase output of coal c. increase output of electricity d. increase out put of steel 103. Who made important economic decisions in Stalinist Russia? a. a parliament b. government officials c. the people via popular vote d. a monarch 104. What role did propaganda play in Stalinist Russia? (choose two) a. Art glorified Stalin's achievements b. Art was not censored c. The government controlled newspapers, films, and radio d. Some anti-Communist work was allowed if it promoted critical thought e. The government didn't pay that much attention to the media 105. What about the secret police? a. They made drug and gang busts b. They did not punish "traitors," only put them on a watch list c. They had informants everywhere to find "traitors" d. They didn't tap phones or look at mail 106. The ______________ was a campaign of terror and murder that gave Stalin total control of the Communist party. a. Master Cleanse b. Great Purge c. Great Cleanse d. Final Solution 107. Totalitarianism is a. a type of government that is completely dedicated to war b. a type of government is is completely dedicated to serving its citizens c. a type of government that take complete, centralized, state control over every aspect of public and 6

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private life d. a type of government devoted to protecting individual rights What do totalitarian rulers do to try to keep their power? (Choose two). a. indoctrination b. religious/ethnic persecution c. freedom of speech d. artistic freedom e. increased economy Which of these are key traits of totalitarianism? a. ideology b. dynamic leader c. modern technology d. cruel methods of enforcement e. all of the above In the 1920s, most European countries had this type of government: a. communist b. socialist c. democratic d. totalitarian What was the immediate cause of the Great Depression? a. the housing bubble burst of 1928 b. the stock market crash of 1927 c. the stock market crash of 1929 d. the Federal Reserve Scandal of 1930 What happens during an economic depression? (Choose two). a. industrial production goes up b. prices go down c. mass unemployment d. wages go up e. wages decrease What countries became fascist in the late 1920s? (choose two) a. Soviet Union b. Italy c. Austria d. Germany What are the basic ideas of fascism? (Choose two). a. elected leaders b. mass censorship c. classless society d. extreme nationalism e. peaceful nations would be conquered Does fascism include private property? a. yes b. no Which of these is NOT true of communism and fascism? a. Both were ruled by dictators b. Both denied individual rights c. Fascism thought class had a place, whereas communism sought a classless society d. Both had only one political party e. Both were nationalists. In 1919, Germany found their new government, the ______________ . Why were many Germans so angry at about the Treaty of Versailles? (Choose two). Many European countries used a policy of _______________, or giving in to aggressors to keep the peace. a. belligerence b. appeasement c. defense d. swashbuckling What was NOT reason for the rise of the Nazi party? a. the formation of the Communist Party in Germany caused fear b. Germans hated the current government c. Hitler was popular and famous d. the Nazi party was supported by big businessmen What were two reasons for Hitler blaming Jews for Germany's troubles? (Choose two) a. anti-Semitism b. he though they would be easiest to blame c. there was a high percentage of Jews in Germany d. he though they were conspiring with communists What was NOT an aim of Hitler for Germany? a. establish the rule of the "Aryan" race b. unite German-speaking people c. take over the U.S. d. expand eastward What actions did the Nazis take after gaining power? (Choose two). a. were extremely nice to the Jews so they would be caught off-guard b. destroyed factories and highways c. allowed free trade and full capitalism d. created Hitler Youth and League of German Girls e. decreased unemployment


124. Adolf Hitler became a. King of Germany b. President of Germany c. Prime Minister of Germany d. Chancellor of Germany 125. What was the role of the Japanese emperor? a. symbol of state b. military leaders reported to him c. a & b d. none of the above 126. What was a result of the Great Depression in Japan? a. many began to distrust the government b. military leaders gained more power c. military leaders lost power d. none of the above 127. Why did the Japanese nationalists resent the West? a. younger Japanese began adopting Western styles b. racist immigration policies in the West c. some Japanese had turned to socialism d. all of the above 128. Which of these was NOT a goal of the Japanese militarists in the 1930s? a. restore control of the government to the military b. expansion of land c. isolationism to ignore the hated west d. none of the above 129. Why did Japan invade Manchuria? a. coal & iron b. large investments in Manchuria c. a & b d. none of the above 130. Which of these was NOT a fundamental cause of WWII? a. national rivalries b. Great Depression c. failure of League of Nations d. militarism 131. What was the immediate cause of WWII? a. invasion of Sweden by Germany b. invasion of Poland by Russia c. Pearl Harbor d. none of the above 132. From 1939-1942, which side was winning? a. Allies b. Axis c. neither 133. The ______133______ was a result of the Hitler's idea, the "______134______," when he grew impatient with the rate of Jews dying. The officials involved in _____133______ were tried in the ______135________ Trials. a. Berlin b. Nuremberg c. Holocaust d. Final Solution e. Mein Kempf e. Great Purge 134. __ 135. __ Match the following: a. NATO b. Cold War c. Stalingrad d. Warsaw Pact e. Berlin Wall f. El Alamein g. Battle of Midway h. none of the above 136. a treaty between the US, Canada, and European countries 137. a treaty between Russia and Eastern European countries 138. a turning point battle in this city that pushed the Axis out of North Africa 139. a turning point battle that started the American offensive in the Pacific 140. a wall that surrounded Berlin from the West 141. a wall that cut Germany into two - east and west 142. a turning point battle that put the Germans on the defensive and allowed the Russians to push west 143. Why did Germany invade the Soviet Union? a. Stalin insulted Germany b. the Soviet Union broke their pact with Germany c. Germany decided to give up on Britain and go for the Soviet Union d. Hitler planned to all along 144. Which country suffered the highest total loss of life? a.Russia b. Germany c. United State d. Britain 145. What day did Pearl Harbor occur? a. December 7, 1942 b. December 7, 1941 c. November 7, 1942 d. November 7, 1941 146. Why did US military leaders urge the use of the atomic bomb against Japan? (choose two) a. they wanted to test the bomb on an island b. they thought it would end the war the most quickly c. they didn't think Japan would give up unless they did d. they wanted to try it on an Asian country 8

147. Which two cities were bombed? (Choose two) a. Tonogawa b. Meiji c. Nagasaki d. Tokyo e. Hiroshima 148. What of these is NOT a way civilians helped the war effort? a. women worked in factories b. they bought war bonds c. factories were devoted to making war equipment d. none of the above 149. Which of these was a result of WWII? (choose two) a. The beginning of the Cold War b. Japan demilitarized c. Europe's economy boomed d. most women worked 150. Why did Stalin establish Communist governments in Eastern Europe? a. he wanted start by spreading communism to the closest countries b. as a buffer c. he wanted to anger the United States d. he felt like it 151. What does the UN NOT do? a. provide a place for peaceful discussion of world issues b. distribute economic and medical assistance to less developed countries c. administer disaster relief and care for refuges d. none of the above 152. What is the purpose of the UN General Assembly? a. make peaceful recommendations b.decide war outcomes c. send troops d. all of the above 153. What is the purpose of the Security Council? a. maintain peace and security b. decide war outcomes c. punish war criminals d. all of the above 154. Which of these is NOT one of the 5 permanent members of the Security Council? a. China b. Japan c. France d. Britain 155. Do these five member have veto power? a. yes, over the general assembly b. yes, over the security council c. no 156. Which of these was a reason the Korean War was unique? (choose two) a. it was only US forces involved b. it ended in nearly the same place it began c. it was the first war the Soviet Union was involved in since its creation d. the US general was replaced halfway through the Korean War


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