
  • June 2020
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  • Words: 123
  • Pages: 2

Peniciflins 3 . Extended-spectrum Peniciltins: Antibacterialactivity extendedto .

The are activegram positivecocci, anaerobes,enterococci,Listeria mon ocytogenesand B-lactamase negativestrains of gram negative cocci and bacilli such as Haemophilus influenzae, E. coli, proteus mirabitis and Salmonella sp.

Penicillins Not activeagainst Klebsiella, It(leh Enterobacter,Fseudamon as Ru*do aeruginosa, Citrobacter, Serratiaand L9 indole positive Proteussp. Readilyhydrolyzedby B-factarnases, Slmilarto each other with some differences. ffiothare steblein gastricacid. !J

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Penicillins Food interfeneswith absorptlonof anrpicillinbut NOTamoxicillin. Excretedby the kidney. Arnpicillin,but not amoxicillin,is


Penicillins Therapeuticuses: "i. Upper respiratorytract infection h hou A caused by Sfreptococcus pyogeris, '- ' pneumonidd, rt$tygptociccus i nfl uenzae(sinusitis,otitis riredia, acuteexacerbationof chronlc bronchitisand epiglottitis. 2. Urinarytract infectiondue to E eoti. 3. Meningitisdue to: a. H. influenzae, SterptacCIccers p fi eumeni ae, JVersse ri a rweningffrs"

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