His To Notes Final

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,136
  • Pages: 17
Prepared By: Jason Pascual Elastic Cartilage




branching elastic fibers lacuna (w and w/o chondrocytes) no cell families fatty degeneration (avascular) perichondrium o periphery, condensed collagen CT o chondroblast form cart epiglottis, Eustachian tube

Fibrocartilage -


No perichondrium Alternating layers o Collagen fiber bundles o Hyaline matrix with chondrocytes in lacuna intervertebral disks, tendon

Adult hyaline cartilage -


isogenous (cluster) of chondrocytes o darker basophilic matrix

 territorial matrix lighter interterritorial matrix perichondrium (at periphery) o supplies nutrition to lacuna via diffusion o chondrogenetic layer (growth) 


site of appositional growth


( note: appositional growth: widening at periphery via cell elongation; interstitial growth: in young cartilage, lengthen cartilage thru mitosis)

Fetal Hyaline Cartilage -

perichondrium: many CT cells, BV no cell families many close arranged chondrocytes avascular developing bone

Perichondrium __________________________________________


at the pointer center for interstitial growth, mitotic activity

Lymph node - pointer: germinal center of fleming - dense cortex o fibrous trabeculae o lymph nodules - loose medulla o lymphatic or medullary cords - lymph sinuses o marginal: cortex and capsule o cortical: trabeculae and nodules o paracortical: deeper cortex o medullary: cords and trabeculae

convex: afferent lymphatics enter concave: efferent lymphatics exit

Salivary tonsil -

lining epithelium: strat. squam non keratinizing salivary corpuscles: infiltrating lymphocytes lymph nodules in tunica propia tonsilar crypts

Lymphoid ring of waldeyer 1) palatine 2) lingual 3) pharyngeal

Peyer’s Patches


aggregations of basophilic lymphocytes no intestinal villi lining epith: simple columnar w/ striated cuticular border, goblet cells intestinal glands: simple tubular tunica propria of ileum


infection of patches cause = typhoid fever


Spleen -

filters blood, no afferent lymphatic vessel splenic lobule o enclosed by fibro-musc. capsule o white pulp  lymph (splenic) nodules  w/ arteriole inside • central arteriole o red pulp

  

biliroth (splenic) cords RBCs, lymphocytes, CT Venous sinuses

Thymus -

fibrous capsule packed thymocytes in cortex lighter medulla o hassall’s body: thymic corpuscle  degeneration, hyalinizatn

Thin Skin epidermis -

stratum basale (germinativum) o tall columnar attach to BM o high mitotic capacity o melanocytes - stratum spinosum o polyhedral cells (prickle cell) o desmosomal attachment - stratum granulosum o keratinocytes o keratohyaline granules o waterproof coating - stratum corneum o flat, keratinized cells no nuclei NO stratum lucidum

dermis -

papillary level: dermal papilla w/ BV, nerves o collagen, elastic, reticular fibers reticular level o main fibrous bed, bigger BV, nerves hair follicle sweat gland sebaceous glands (sacs attach to follicle) arrectores pili

hypodermis - subcutaneous tissue with loose areolar, fat _____________________________________________

Thick Skin Epidermis - stratum basale - stratum spinosum - stratum granulosum o keratinohyalin granules - stratum lucidum o eleidin droplets give it translucency - stratum corneum - stratum disjunctum o outer layer that is constantly desquamated -


excretory duct of sweat glands no pilo-sebaceous units, or arrector pili dermal papilla o BV, meissner’s corpuscles o dermal ridges = fingerprinting Palms and soles

Neuron -



Stellate shaped Multipolar neuron o Nerve processes o Classified as Golgi Type I cell Fish eye nucleus o Even dispersion of chromatin Nissl bodies (chromophilic subst) o Basophilic granules o Composed of RER and ribosomes Spinal cord Anterior horn

Medullated Nerve Fiber -

Spinal Ganglion Cell -




rounded, unipolar cells fish eye nucleus Nissl bodies o Uniformly distrib., o In multipolar neurons: clumped Nucleated capsule o Composed of flattened satellite cells  Also called amphicytes abundant areolar CT o w/ myelinated nerve fibers dorsal root ganglion

endoneurium: covers individual neurilemma o neurillema: schwann sheath enclosing nerve fiber, myelin: salutatory condctn perineurium: covers fascicle bundles o location of vasa nervorum: vessels that supply nerve trunk epineurium: covers nerve trunk schwann cell: source of myelin in PNS

Tongue -



Papilla o Filiform  No taste buds  Dorsal surface o Fungiform  Mushroom shaped  Taste buds o Circumvallete  In sulcus terminalis lining epith: strat.squam. non keratinizing taste buds: neuroepithelium o tip: sweet, salty o sides: sour o sulcus terminalis: bitter serous glands of von ebner

Esophagus -


Taste Buds -


chief sensory cell o lighter stained o neuroepithelial columnar sustentacular cell o darker stained basal sustancular taste pore: communication with oral cavity

lining epitth: strat. squam non kerat. Muscularis mucosa Submucosa o Esophageal glands proper (pointer)  Tubuloacinar mucous glands  Mucus for lubrication muscularis externa o ICOL  Upper 1/3 skeletal  Middle 1/3 skeletal, smooth  Lower 1/3 smooth

Stomach – fundus - simple tall columnar - parietal cell o clear cytoplasm, superficial o secrete HCl, intrinsic factor - chief cell o darker, more basally located o secrete pepsin

Gastro-esophageal jxn - Esophagus o strat. squam non-k o deep esophageal glands - stomach o to simple columnar o cardiac glands in tunica propia  compound tubular  deep crypt, lumen o gastric pits

Pylorus of stomach -

simple columnar, with deeper crypts pyloric glands o branched convoluted o G-cells secrete gastrin that stim HCl secretion

Duodenum -


simple columnar with striated cuticular border and goblet cells o inc surface area for absorption intestinal villi: foliate shaped brunner’s gland in submucosa o alkaline mucosa, protects from gastric secretion crypts of lieberkuhn o tubular, recycling of epithelial cells

Jejunum -



simple columnar, striated w/ goblet cells intestinal villi: rounded shaped o diffuse lymphoid tun. Propria crypts of lieberkuhn Auerbach’s plexus o In muscularis externa granular cells of paneth o tips of intestinal glands o bacteriocidal enz., phagocytosis

Ileum -

intestinal villi: conical peyer’s patches o agminate lymph nodules o infected in typhoid fever

Appendix -

lamina propia contains much lymphatic CT abdominal tonsils, no Villi


simple columnar, o no striated cuticular border o many goblet cells crypts of lieberkuhn o bigger, longer crypts lymph nodules o tunica propria



Rectum -

goblet cells, w/o cuticular border large intestinal glands rectal columns of morganni o longitudinal folds

Anorectal jxn -

simple tall columnar to strat squam non k abundant venous plexus o during inflammation = hemorrhoids circum-anal glands of Gay o sweat glands

Liver -



epithelial plates radiates outwards from central vein: underneath is bile canaliculi o in between are sinusoids  blood from portal/hepatic to central at periphery lies portal area: o interlobular branches of portal vein, hepatic artery, bile duct

Gall Bladder -

simple columnar w/ microvilli o highly folded: Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses no true glands many lymphatic vessels in tunica adventitia

Salivary Gland – Parotid gland -

serous acini o no centroacinar cells interlobular = striated duct (larger) intralobular = intercalated duct

Sublingual gland


mixed gland = more mucous acini no intercalary (excretory) duct there is intralobular duct = intercalated deminlunes of Giannizi o thinner but longer

Submaxillary gland -

mixed gland – more serous acini demilunes are shorter but thicker excretory (intercalary) ducts present

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