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  • Words: 643
  • Pages: 2
Rocky L. Ho Problem Case Title: “Selling Health: Hindustan Lever Limited and the Soap Market” 1. What is the innovation that HLL introduced in the area of diarrheal disease prevention? - They introduced the ways on how to prevent the sickness that can affect us. 2. Why is handwashing an excellent preventive measure against diarrheal disease? - By hand washing, we can prevent some diseases by some percentage. 3. Why is an MNC in the best position to influence behavioral change in combating diarrheal disease? - They do anything or anyways to find how to reduce the behavior of the spreading of virus and disease. 4. According to Yuri Jain of HLL, what is the connection between diarrheal disease prevention and HLL products? - Between the two, HLL gives people to think that they can reduce the people who doesn’t usually do hygiene. 5. According to Harpreet Singh Tibb, what is the connection for HLL between economy, beauty and health? - By using soap, they can lessen the use of expenses by washing their hands than goin for a medical check-up or that can cause high amount of money. 6. What was the impact of the Central American Handwashing Initiative to its beneficiairies? - They manage to attract some people to wash hands after and before doing something else. 7. What was the reason for Dr. Vedana Shiva's opposition to the PPP? Is it justified? - People tends not to wash hands as habit, they will be affected by the PPP as the negative thing that makes them to think differently. 8. If you were in a position to decide how to go ahead with PPP while knowing the opposition how would you go about it? - If the risk of the disease is too high, therefore, I will do anything just to evade those disease. 9. How did Lifebuoy re-brand itself? Do you agree with HLL Chairman Marvinder Sing Banga's decision? Why? - Lifebuoy rebranded it by the process of creating other compliments. 10. What is Chairman Banga's approach to costing Lifebuoy? Do you agree with this approach? - I agree with that approach. They made the products affordable to anyone. 11. What is the key to sustained community behavioral change according to Harpreet Singh Tibb? - When in doing business, to give out everything and give help to others who neede your help. 12. The Lifebuoy Swasthya Cheetna program decided to go through the local school system? Would this approach work in the Philippines? - Here in the Philippines, selling soaps are natural, there are lots of soap brands. It will be difficult for them to introduce new brand of soap, unless they have the motive and sell it in low prices still effective.

13. What is the Lifebuoy Swasthya Cheetna's process for creating behavioral change? - To lessen the amount of people who gets sick. 14. Each exposure in the behavioral change process involved 5 key communication tactics? Can you add or subtract to these tactics? Would these tactics work in the Philippines? - Yes it will work in the Philippines. 15. Explain the germ-glow demonstration. Do you think it was effective? Are there any alternatives? - It is to let people see how dangerous it is by not washing hands. 16. How did you think the Swasthya Cheetna program impact HLL? Was it a success? - It was successful.

17. How can wealthier Indian populations benefit from the health and hygiene messages? - It is for their own sake. We need to teach them how to maintain cleanliness. 18. Is the PPP scalable? What about the Swatshya Cheetna program? - No it is not applicable.

19. Yuri Jain claims that PPP has scale. Do you agree with him? - Yes, I agree. 20. Why do you think PPP was slowed down while the Swathsya Cheetna program pushed through? -

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