Him Situation Manual Final

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InterAction Security Coordination Unit Hostage Incident Management Table Top PHASE I

Facilitators Situation Manual


Table of Contents Schedule…………………………………………………………………….. 3 Assumptions and Artificialities…………………………………………..3 Exercise Rules ………………………………………………………………3 Objectives…………………………………………………………………….4 Scenario Background………………………………………………………5 Glossary ………………………………………………………………………5 Who’s Who……………………………………………………………… 6 & 7 Participant Background ………………………………………………8 – 12 (Participant Handbook) Facilitator Handbook (Situation Manual)…………………………..1 – 41 Cycle One Story Line / Objectives………………………………….13 - 16 Access of Information and Initial Response Cycle Two ………………………………………………………………17 - 20 Further Developments and CMT response Cycle Three …………………………………………………………….21 - 22 Identification of Resources and Strategy Checklist of Materials…………………………………..…………………..23 Group Objectives………………………………………………………24 – 41 Feedback………………………………………………………………………42


Schedule 8:30 a.m.............................................................................................. Registration 9:00 a.m......................................................….............Welcome and Introductions 9:20 a.m................................................................................. Begin Exercise Play 10:20 a.m………………………………………………………………Begin Cycle Two 11:15a.m…………………….……………………………………….Begin Cycle Three 12:30 p.m. ……………………………………………………………..…………..Lunch 1:45 p.m. ………………………………………………………… ………..…….Panel 4:15 p.m. …………………………………………….……….….… Catch Key Points 5:00 p.m…………… ………………………………………………..……….. Dismiss

MOD Assumptions and Artificialities In any exercise, a number of assumptions and artificialities are required to complete play within the allotted time. During this exercise, the following assumptions apply: 1. The scenario is plausible, and events occur as they are presented. 2. There is no hidden agenda. The exercise is designed to challenge participants and any relevant practices, not to trick participants. 3. All participants may or may not receive information at the same time.

Exercise Rules Although the groups will respond using standards set forth in existing plans and current practices, varying viewpoints, even disagreements, are expected. This exercise is designed to take place in a safe, open, stress-free environment to identify gaps or opportunities for improvement in the current response plans. Responses must be based on current realistic capabilities and assets. Agency procedures should not limit dialogue or decisions. This exercise offers an opportunity to explore multiple options and possible solutions. You will take your own break as needed… this is a crisis.



Take Home The overall aim of this seminar is to increase awareness throughout the community on the topic of Hostage Incident Management. At the end of the day, each participant should be have a platform to: 1. Increase awareness about the combination of factors unique to Hostage incident Management. 2. Assess plans for information sharing (including communication and internal/external information flow. 3. Evaluate existing response plans to determine their adequacy and identify deficiencies. 4. Illustrate organizational, private, foreign state and federal roles and responsibilities. 5. Establish closer working relationships with affected actors.

Today’s Objectives 1. What are the Key Elements of a HIM policy? a. Procedures for Communicating with the Family b. Strategies and Policies, including: a. Receipt and dissemination of sensitive information a. On the Ground communications b. Relay of information during shift change c. Effectiveness of communication, including others who may be affected d. Short and long-term mental health concerns e. Dealing with the media c. Establish and maintain Command and Control, including: a. Initial establishment of a Crisis Management Team b. Evolution of CMT c. Transfer of lead role between functions. d. Management of roles, authority and resources


Note: This Scenario will begin with an overview of events leading up to the period in our scenario. This information is for background only, intended to provide a quick review of “what’s going on in Somalia.” At the conclusion of this overview, you will be provided series of questions with written messages to act upon.

Scenario Background Who: NGO Alpha and NGO Bravo are going to experience a crisis. Both are operating in the same locations and under the same circumstances. When: Today Where: Somalia Time: It is 6 pm in Somalia

GLOSSARY Table HQ A NGO A Int. Fam. A Nat. Fam. A HQ B NGO B Int. Fam. B Nat. Fam. B


Role Headquarters of Alpha NGO Field location of Alpha Family of Sally Family of Hamid Headquarters of Bravo NGO Field location of Bravo Family of Tony Family of Wali

Location NYC Mogadishu, Somalia Los Angeles Mogadishu, Somalia Los Angeles Mogadishu, Somalia Los Angeles Mogadishu, Somalia

Who’s Who NGO ALPHA HQ A: Alpha is headquartered in New York and was founded in 1905, at the first NGO Global Symposium. Since 1987, they have been working in Somalia providing relief throughout the major city centers of the country. The organization is a member of InterAction and participates fully. The culture of the organization is very open and the average term of employment is 8 years. Security Protocols are standardized throughout the organization and there is a security focal point at HQ. Over one billion dollars per year pass through the doors of Alpha.

NGO A: Since 1987, they have been working in Somalia providing relief throughout the major city centers of the country. Currently the Country Director is on leave and the Operations Coordinator is running the program. The Country Director has full authority to determine the level of Security. Currently he has the country at level 2 of 4. Alpha has a regional security officer in Mogadishu who has unsuccessfully presented a phase change to a higher security level.

Nat. Family A: Hamid has worked for NGO A since 1999 as a driver. He speaks English very well but it is broken. He affiliates himself with the Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counter-Terrorism (ARP-CT) whom stands firm against the Islamic Courts. He is the sole breadwinner for the family. He is responsible for his seven children, two wives, his father who is infirm, and his mother. The entire family relies on his income from Alpha.

Int. Family A: Daughter (Sally) is 24 years old and is the only child. Before moving to Somalia she lived at home with her mother in California. She loves her work and has been in the country for three months. Sally is religious about calling her mom over the Internet each night. Sally’s mom lost her husband two years ago to cancer. Unfortunately the cancer was misdiagnosed by a physician in the early stages and because of that has won a significant lawsuit. Now alone for the first time Sally’s mom worries obsessively about her daughter the only connection left to her husband. Sally’s mom has the phone number of every one on the team in Somalia programmed in her mobile phone.


NGO BRAVO HQ B: Bravo located in Los Angeles, California and was founded in1996 by Grover T. Booker a very popular musician whose face is known throughout the world. Bravo was started in order to promote the Arts to children affected by war as a means of coping with the horrors. Booker’s father was in the Peace Corps in Somalia and currently sits on the Board of Directors of Bravo. The average employee has been with Bravo for three years. Bravo has taken on the reputation of its founder whose big hit was “Trust No One”. Bravo is a member of InterAction but is not very active. Bravo is very grassroots and has a loose management structure. There is no Security Director on Staff either at headquarters or in Somala, most decisions are left up to the Country Director. Ten million dollars per year pass through the doors.

NGO B: The first Bravo operation began in Somalia in 1996 with the opening of a music school in Mogadishu. It started with one school and was a very small operation. Recently, with the removal of the Islamic Court Millions of dollars have been raised and Bravo is in the beginning stages of an effort to place music schools in every major city throughout the country. A briefing paper is provided before the international staff members leave LA The country director has seen the recent influx of violence, the exodus of the children out the city centers and is planning to begin programming in the refugee camps. Currently he has placed the Bravo at security level 3 of 4. There is no security officer in Somalia.

Nat. Family B - Wali is an interpreter for Bravo and is well known through out all of Somalia. The last time that Booker came to Somalia the front page of the local paper had Wali’s picture on it playing the drums for Booker. Wali has a wife and five children and is known for his saying that ‘He belongs to the tribe of Music’.

Int. Family B – Tony 37, is from LA. and is a former roadie. He has traveled around the world with many different bands rigging for their various musical performances. Booker hired him five years ago and sent him directly into the Somalia because of his great logistics ability. Tony is the second of three children. His Father is hoping to retire next year as the head grounds keeper of Anaheim Stadium and his mother will work for three more years as a teller at the bank. The operations manager in Somalia is a great friend of Tony and dealt with most of the security for Bravo in Somalia.


Begin Play At this point, we will begin the exercise through a series of three cycles (12 hours each). The simulated time frame from the first to last will be 36 hours. As each cycle concludes you will need to decide what internal action (if any) your group would take, and whether or not to pass the information along to another group. Remember NOT ALL GROUPS have the same information. Based on the information provided each group must accomplish a series of objectives write them on butcher paper and present it to the other groups. The facilitator has the use of an ALLMIGHTY BUTTON and can utilize it as needed in order to stay on the proper track. Furthermore, at the end of the group presentations the facilitator may ask a list of questions for discussion. Please take notes as needed. Finally, each participant will receive the notes from each group via email in the coming week.


Background Somalia Time Line BBC (edited with semi fictitious events) 2004 August - In 14th attempt since 1991 to restore central government, a new transitional parliament inaugurated at ceremony in Kenya. In October the body elects Abdullahi Yusuf as president. Tsunami waves generated by an undersea earthquake off Indonesia hit the Somali coast and the island of Hafun. Hundreds of deaths are reported; tens of thousands of people are displaced. 2005 February - June - Somali government begins returning home from exile in Kenya, but there are bitter divisons over where in Somalia the new parliament should sit. 2005 November - Prime Minister Ali Mohammed Ghedi survives an assassination attempt in Mogadishu. Gunmen attack his convoy, killing six people.

2004 peace deal: Factions agreed to set up new parliament

Islamist advance 2006 February - Transitional parliament meets in Somalia - in the central town of Baidoa - for the first time since it was formed in Kenya in 2004.


2006 March and May - Scores of people are killed and hundreds are injured during fierce fighting between rival militias in Mogadishu. It is the worst violence in almost a decade. 2006 June-July - Militias loyal to the Union of Islamic Courts take control of Mogadishu and other parts of the south after defeating clan warlords. Ethiopian troops reported in Somalia.

Sheikh Aweys: His Islamic militia controlled Mogadishu

2006 July – According to a European NGO Donuts Without Borders, it is confirmed that five hostages that are being held in protest of the TFG presence in Somalia. 2006 July-August - Mogadishu's air and seaports are re-opened for the first time since 1995. 2006 September - Transitional government and the Union of Islamic Courts begin peace talks in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum. Somalia's first known suicide bombing targets President Yusuf outside parliament in Baidoa. 2006 Sept – According to a European NGO Donuts Without Borders, it is confirmed that two of the five hostages have been released that were being held in protest of the TFG presence in Somalia. 2006 October - About 35,000 Somalis escaping drought, strict Islamist rule and the possibility of war have fled to Kenya as refugee’s since the start of 2006, the UN reports. War of words between Ethiopia and Somalia's Islamists. Premier Meles says Ethiopia is "technically" at war with the Islamists because they had declared jihad on his country. Islamists retreat 2006 December - UN Security Council resolution endorses African peacekeepers, specifies that neighbouring states should not deploy troops. Islamist leaders react by saying they will tackle foreign forces as invaders.


Ethiopian and transitional government engage the Islamists in battle and soon put them to flight.


2006 December 27 - African Union, Arab League urge Ethiopia to pull out its troops. UN Security Council fails to agree on a statement calling on foreign forces to withdraw. 2006 December 28 - Joint Ethiopian and Somali government force captures Mogadishu. 2006 December – According to a presse release NGO Donuts Without Borders, the final three of five hostages that were held for 45 days were released.

Ethiopian troops, government forces routed Islamist militias

2007 January - Islamists abandon their last stronghold, the port town of Kismayo. President Abdullahi Yusuf enters Mogadishu for the first time since taking office in 2004. US carries out air strikes in southern Somalia which it says targetted al-Qaeda figures, and which reportedly kill an unknown number of civilians. It is the first known direct US military intervention in Somalia since 1993. The strikes are defended by President Yusuf. They are condemned for killing innocent civilians. Interim government imposes three-month state of emergency. 2007 February – A hospital chief also said on Monday that some of the hostages that were released in Dec 2006 reported being beaten by their abductors for refusing to convert to Islam and for protecting their female colleagues. “We found through medical checks that some male hostages were beaten,” according to Agence France-Presse. “They said they were beaten at first for refusing to take part in Islamic prayers or for rejecting a demand to convert.” Meanwhile, medical examinations showed no signs the women were raped and none reported being sexually harassed despite reports from the first two released hostages – both women – who said they were repeatedly raped by their captors, according to an ABC News report. 2007 March - African Union peacekeepers land at Mogadishu amid pitched battles between insurgents and government forces backed by Ethiopian troops. The Red Cross says it is the worst fighting in 15 years. 2007 April - UN says more than 320,000 Somalis have fled fighting in Mogadishu since February. Hundreds of people are reported killed after several days of fierce clashes in the capital. 2007 May - The World Food Programme says a resurgence of piracy is threatening food supplies.


2007, May The hostage video(s) On May 2nd 2007, the Arabic television network Al-Jazeera broadcasted video footage featuring Douglas Hayes (a 63year old US-based Australian engineer) in captivity, pleading for his life and urging Australia and the United States to withdraw their all activities from Somalia. On the DVD which was released to Reuters and various news agencies, a group calling itself "The Shura Council of the Mujahedeen of Somalia" claimed responsibility for the kidnapping. The DVD from May 2nd was followed by a second video issued on May 6th. The short and simple format and the visual setup were similar to the first video; however, Hayes's head is now shaven, and wounds in his face indicate that he has been beaten. Kneeling on the floor between two masked people holding him at gunpoint, Hayes reads out an ultimatum on behalf of his captors asking that troops be withdrawn from Somalia within 72 hours; otherwise he will be killed.

2007 June - A US warship shells suspected Al-Qaeda targets in Puntland. Prime Minister Ghedi escapes a suicide car bomb attack on his compound. Ethiopian Premier Meles Zenawi visits Mogadishu, pledging to withdraw his troops once peace takes hold. 2007 July - National reconciliation conference opens in Mogadishu and comes under mortar attack. Islamist leaders stay away from the talks. Refugee exodus grows amid an upsurge in violence. 2007 August - Human Rights Watch accuses Ethiopian, Somali and insurgent forces of war crimes, and the UN Security Council of indifference during the recent conflict. 2007 September - Opposition groups form a new alliance to campaign for a military and diplomatic solution to the Somali conflict. They meet in Asmara, Eritrea. 2007 October - Ethiopian forces fire on demonstrators in Mogadishu protesting at the presence of what they call foreign invaders. Heaviest fighting in Mogadishu reported since April. Ethiopians move reinforcements into the city. Prime Minister Ghedi resigns. Aid agencies warn a catastrophe is unfolding in Somalia. 2007 November - Government shuts down Radio Shabelle, Radio Simba and Radio Banadir.


UN special envoy Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah describes Somalia's humanitarian crisis the worst in Africa, suggests using international justice to curb the violence. Nur Hassan Hussein, also known as Nur Adde, sworn in as new prime minister.

________________________________________________________________ END PARTICIPANT HANDBOOK


HIM Table Top Facilitator Handbook Introduce Resources: InterAction SPAS OSAC State Dept. Councilor Affairs Wells Goddin

Start Cycle One Focus: Access of Information and Initial Response Facilitator: As each cycle concludes you will need to decide what internal action (if any) your group would take, and whether or not to pass the information along to another group or entity who may or may not need it. Each group must present the information obtained from the scenario and information obtained through other means. Please write the group objective responses on butcher board piece of paper. CAUTION: HIM Policies do not go out until Cycle two. You may begin by opening the cycle one envelopes Complete the objectives always keeping in mind that your decisions must always be made in the best interest of the group that you are representing. Resources: InterAction (John Schafer), SPAS (Terry Wesbrock), OSAC (Lauren D’Amore), State Department, Wells Goddin.

Focus: Access of Information and Initial Response Facilitator: The main focus cycle one is Access of Information and Initial Response Begin by opening envelope marked Cycle One. HQ A: In NY has a CEO, CFO, COO, Security Director, and a Sr. Security analyst all located at the headquarters building. An additional staff of 300 also works in the HQ building of which many are from Somalia. Resources:

NGO A: It is rumored that the only reason that the Country Director has the threat level as two is so that he can have his family with him in Somalia. The country director is


currently on leave in Amsterdam. You currently have 10 international staff members of whom three have spouses and two children. 15 nationals work for Alpha. There is a Security Coordination Mechanism on the ground called SPAS and the security officer from Alpha attends all of the meetings. Major positions are the logistics manager, office administrator, security officer, Wat/San engineer, and finance officer (all are internationals. Each has a cell phone, radio and a Thuraya Sat Phone. Hamid and Sally called in as the left for the office. They are two hours late. It is believed that they were stopping by Hamid’s house. Resources: SPAS Assessment, IA Assessment, OSAC other..

Nat. Family A: Recently Hamid has been troubled about threatening letter that was sent to his wife ordering him to stop working for Alpha NGO or he would be killed. NOTE: Sally’s Sat phone Number Is (+0889 222 133 471). Key because NGO B gets a call from that number demanding a ransom.

Int. Family A: Sally’s Mom receives a phone call: Receives a message from the mother that she received a call from her daughters phone that said, “ Pay us 1 million dollars and in 72 hours or we will kill your daughter along with the rest of them.” Resources: Hold this message until ten minutes into the exercise. Mother’s attitude says that she will do what ever it takes to get her child back. Keys for this group are the issue of the gang rape presented in the background. Int, Fam. A Update: Hold this message until 15 minutes into the exercise. Sally’s Mom receives a call, “Pay us 1 million dollars and in 72 hours or we will kill your daughter along with the rest of them, get the money, we will call you back.” (+0889 222 133 471) Caller ID number. This is the first report.

HQ B: Booker is the CEO and the President of Bravo. Bravo is a member of InterAction but is not very active. Bravo is very grassroots and has a loose management structure. There is not a Security Director on Staff at HQ. Most security decisions are left up to the Country Director. There is a Finance Director, Human Resource Director, Communications Director, Fund Raising Director on staff at HQ with an additional staff of 50 others including two from Somalia.

NGO B: There is a Security Coordination Mechanism on the ground called SPAS and Tony your logistician has not attended the meetings for the last two weeks as he has been occupied filling the role of the Country Director who is on leave. The country director is currently on leave in Amsterdam with his family. 5 International staff – Country Director, Logistician, Administrator, Music Composer, Press Agent along with fifty national staff are located in Mogadishu. Each international has a cell phone and a Thuraya. The Country Director has the authority to make all decisions on the ground. No one has heard form the Tony the Logistician for 8 hours. Wali was with him out on a day mission with Alpha NGO. There are no spouses or children in the country. NGO B Update: Hold this message until 15 minutes into the exercise. The administrator received a call from an unidentified person who called the Administrator, “Tony and the girl will die in 72 hours in unless one million dollars is paid.“ Caller ID showed that the call was from a Thuraya that was not Tony’s phone (+0889 222 133 471).


Nat. Family B: The family is very concerned about Wali upon the news that he has been kidnapped.

Int. Family B: Today is Tony’s birthday and his father tried many times to call him on the mobile phone to wish him well. A man in keeps answering in broken English saying, “Call on the Thuraya, call on the Thuraya, Call on the Thuraya.” Tony’s father does suspects that something is wrong.

Groups must answer the following Group Objectives (Cycle One) HQ A:

What internal action (if any) your group would take? What will you do first and why? What is your primary concern? What information was given to whom? What special concerns do you have?


What information was given to whom? What internal action (if any) your group would take? What will you do first and why? What is your primary concern? What special concerns do you have?

Int. Fam. A: What will you do first and why? What is your first concern? What information was given to whom? What special concerns do you have?

Nat. Fam. A: What will you do first and why? What is your first concern? What information was given to whom? What special concerns do you have?


What will you do first and why? What internal action (if any) your group would take? What is your first concern? What information was given to whom? What special concerns do you have?


What will you do first and why? What internal action (if any) your group would take? What is your primary concern? What information was given to whom? What special concerns do you have?

Int. Fam. B: What will you do first and why? What is your primary concern? What information was given to whom? What special concerns do you have?


Nat. Fam. B: What will you do first and why? What is your first concern? What information was given to whom? What special concerns do you have?

30 – 40 Min. Working 30 – 40 Min. Discussion Discussion Each group must present the information that they were given and write down their responses on a butcher paper.

Facilitator: Have each group present the answers to the questions as well as all of the information that they have. On a PowerPoint for cycle two.. prepare a slide and leave it up as a reference guide. Facilitator: Ask to see if any group left out information as is was passed on and why? Facilitator


Did any group have information that you would have liked? What mechanism could have provided you access to that information? Is the caller ID? How could you find out who owned the Thuraya? (NGO Security tree) Why is the caller ID important?

Start Cycle Two Focus: Further development of response/CMT Facilitator: Lets take a moment to review the scenario to this point, focusing on your response and the issues of major concern. Remember to utilize your existing information and take appropriate actions. Where we are up to now: 12 hours have passed since Bravo and Alfa NGO’s were taken at Gunpoint just outside the city limits. Two Vehicles are missing, Sally, Tony, Hamid, and Wali are being held for ransom. Two Thuraya’s, two cell phones, one radio now in the possession of the kidnappers. Sally’s Mom will do what ever it takes to get the child back. Tony’s father is angry. Sally’s Mom received a call, “Pay us 1 million dollars and in 72 hours or we will kill your daughter along with the rest of them, get the money, we will call you back.” (+0889 222 133 471) Caller ID number. The Administrator of NGO Bravo received a call from an unidentified person who called the Administrator “Tony and the girl will die in 72 hours in unless one million dollars is paid caller ID showed that the call was from a Thuraya that was not Tony’s. As cycle two concludes you will need to decide what internal action (if any) your group would take, and whether or not to pass the information along to another group or entity who may or may not need it. Please write the group’s objective responses on butcher board piece of paper. NOTE: You can only use the other groups in this cycle if you choose. OSAC, InterAction, State Dept, and SPAS are no longer available.

You may begin by opening the cycle two envelopes

Focus: Further Development of Response and CMT Cycle Two Scenario HQ A: You know that Sally’s the mother has received at least one call asking for ransom and that you have 72 hours to deliver. Sally’s keeps insisting that she will do what ever it takes to bring her home. Resources: HIM POLICY A

NGO A: The Security Officer has increased the to security to level three. Coordination Mechanism on the ground called SPAS and the security officer from Alpha attends all of the meetings. Major positions logistics manager, office administrator, security officer, wat/san engineer, and finance officer. Each international has a cell phone, radio and Thuraya. No Significant Concession.


Resources: HIM POLICY A

Nat. Family A: Hamid has been dropped off at the home. Unfortunately, with a bullet in his head. He was murdered. Nat. Fam. A Update: Hold this message until 10 minutes into the exercise. Ten minutes into the beginning of cycle two. Let the family find the note in Hamid’s Pocket. It says “No Negotiation Policy”. Facilitator: Key to this point is that the actions of one NGO can harm another. Resources: HIM Policy A.

Int. Family A: Sally’s Mom will do what ever it takes to get her child back you have the one million to pay. You do not want her to go through what the press has reported (see background information).

HQ B: Booker believes that it would be best to utilize the professional negotiator in order to secure the release. Bravo is very grassroots and has a loose management structure so they would like the advice of the Administrator of Bravo in Somalia on this topic. Remember that there is not a Security Director on Staff. Bravo believes that each individual must be responsible for his or her own security, so a small blurb is put into each job description instead of security being the sole responsibility of one person. A copy of the HIM policy was passed on to NGO Bravo through a source in HQ. Wells Goddin was contracted by Booker to assist Bravo.

NGO B: It is confirmed that Tony and Wali are being held for along with NGO Alpha members Sally and Hamid. Those holding the Country Director cannot leave Amsterdam until tomorrow. The Administrator is in direct contact with the family HQ must not know this. The Administrator was not truthful phone call he had with the captors demanding ransom. He replied to the captor during the initial call. “Bravo has a No Negotiation policy and will not pay ransom”. He remembers reading it somewhere. Facilitator: Find out in group NGO B who the admin officer is and give them two envelopes one for their group… and one to the family Tony (Hayes Story). He insists that since Tony is being held and the fact that the Country Director is not in Somalia that all security and hostage decisions will be made by himself. Other information: Wali was with him out on a day mission with Alpha NGO. “Tony and the girl will die in 72 hours in unless one million dollars is paid caller ID showed that the call was from a Thuraya that was not Tony’s (+0889 222 133 471). The Administrator replied to the captor during the initial call. “Bravo has a No Negotiation policy and will not pay ransom”. Resources: HIM POLICY No Negotiation. Copy of the Bravo’s HIM policy has been relayed to him through a source in HQ The Country Director has the authority to make all decisions on the ground.

Nat. Family B: You are very worried about Wali. Remember that Booker helped springboard him into fame. Wali’s Family gets the news that a Somali was murdered and he was dropped off in front of his house.


Int. Family B: Tony’s father is pushing to see if his son is ok. He will utilize any resource that he can. He is about to go the federal building in downtown LA but sees that he may want to go to OSAC or State Dept. Facilitator: 10 Mins in give this family the Hayes Info. And the note that was found in Hamid’s pocket. Encourage OSAC or State Dept. Councilor Affairs to get involved with Sally’s and Tony’s Family.

30 – 40 Min. Working 30 – 40 Min. Discussion Discussion Each group must present the information that they were given and write down their responses on a butcher paper.

Group Objectives (Cycle 2) HQ A:

Who is in charge, what support do they have? Where will you establish a CMT? What elements would it contain? Will you communicate to Bravo? If yes What?


Who is in charge, what support do they have? What is your primary concern? What special concerns do you have? What kinds of information would be sensitive?

Int. Fam A: Who is in charge, what support do they have? What is your primary concern? What special concerns do you have? What kinds of information would be sensitive?

Nat. Fam A: What is your primary concern? What special concerns do you have? What kinds of information would be sensitive? What do you need for Alpha NGO?


Who is in charge, what support do they have? Where will you establish a CMT? What elements would it contain? Will you communicate to Alpha? If yes What?


Who is in charge, what support do they have? What is your primary concern? What special concerns do you have? What kinds of information would be sensitive?

Int. Fam B: Who is in charge, what support do they have? 19

What is your primary concern? What special concerns do you have? What kinds of information would be sensitive?

Nat. Fam B: What is your primary concern? What special concerns do you have? What kinds of information would be sensitive? What do you need from Bravo NGO?

Facilitator: Each group read what information that they were given and list how they would respond to the information? What considerations were made given that both international families were in LA? Is the response the same for a national family and an International family? HQ B were you aware that NGO B received the HIM policy from a source inside HQ? If this were an actual event might this present a problem. HQ B were you aware that NGO B was passing information independently to Tony’s Family?


Cycle Three Focus: Identification of Resources and Second Call Strategy Facilitator: It is confirmed that Hamid has been killed. 24 hours have passed and a second call is expected at any time. Alpha is expecting a call from the captors on the Sally’s mother’s mobile phone. Bravo is expecting the call from the captors on the Administrators mobile phone.

At this point we will use the ALMIGHTY BUTTON. To represent human fatigue, loss of sleep, etc., we will change each group’s dynamics by making some adjustments. This also to signifies the importance the importance of having people act as back ups as well as maintaining a log of information. Merge groups split the groups and close the middle of the room… Recommend that the each NGO break into two groups and discuss two questions each.

Resources: Everyone gets the same policy…. Policy A A Video Teleconference has been set up and all parties are on the line via a satellite uplink. You have _______ minutes of Satellite to accomplish the next objectives before we lose the link.

Begin Cycle Three In a few hours a call from the captors is expected. HQ A - What will be your strategy if the call comes to the mother’s mobile phone? NGO A Phone? What resources do you have in the US and in Somalia? What is your family relations strategy? HQ B - What will be your strategy if the call comes to the Administrators Phone? Other phones? What resources do you have in the US and in Somalia?


What is your family relations strategy?

Facilitator: What structures exist to assist in coordinating the resources needed for response? What National Resources, Clan affiliation etc. might you look for?

PHONE RING (PLAY OVER INTERCOM) At this point, we will conclude the table top exercise. Under normal circumstances we would conduct a de-briefing or “hotwash” with exercise participants, and facilitators. The purpose of the hotwash is to identify key planning issues that should be included in the After Action Report (AAR). However, in order for us to take advantage of our panel of experts as well as the collective expertise in the room our hotwash occur after lunch via presentations and Q & A. The Purpose of this exercise was to assist organizations in identifying the issues which may require action, not on deciding what the appropriate actions should be. Those decisions will be made later your process as you review or create your existing Hostage Incident Management Plans. Have a great Lunch we will se you at_______________.


Checklist of Materials Cycle 1 HQ A HQ B NGO A NGO B Int. A Int. B Nat. A Nat. B




Background, IA Sitrep, SPAS Weekly, Sec Levels A Background, Security Levels B Background, IA Sitrep, SPAS Weekly, Security levels A, Background, Update Call, Security Levels B Background, Update Call, Security Levels A Background,

HIM Policy A

Policy A

HIM Policy B, Hired Wells

Policy A


Update Wali is Dead


Hayes Story

Hayes Story

Cycle One Objectives Group Objectives (Cycle One) HQ A: What internal action (if any) your group would take?

What will you do first and why?

What is your primary concern?

What information was given to whom?

What special concerns do you have?


Cycle One Objectives Group Objectives (Cycle One) NGO A: What information was given to whom?

What internal action (if any) your group would take?

What will you do first and why?

What is your primary concern?

What special concerns do you have?


Cycle One Objectives Group Objectives (Cycle One) Int. Fam. A: What will you do first and why?

What is your first concern?

What information was given to whom?

What special concerns do you have?


Cycle One Objectives Group Objectives (Cycle One) Nat. Fam. A: What will you do first and why?

What is your first concern?

What information was given to whom?

What special concerns do you have?


Cycle One Objectives Group Objectives (Cycle One) HQ B: What will you do first and why?

What internal action (if any) your group would take?

What is your first concern?

What information was given to whom?

What special concerns do you have?


Cycle One Objectives Group Objectives (Cycle One) NGO B: What will you do first and why?

What internal action (if any) your group would take?

What is your primary concern?

What information was given to whom?

What special concerns do you have?


Cycle One Objectives Group Objectives (Cycle One) Int. Fam. B: What will you do first and why?

What is your primary concern?

What information was given to whom?

What special concerns do you have?


Cycle One Objectives Group Objectives (Cycle One)

Nat. Fam. B: What will you do first and why?

What is your first concern?

What information was given to whom?

What special concerns do you have?


Cycle Two Objectives Group Objectives (Cycle 2) HQ A: Who is in charge, what support do they have?

Where will you establish a CMT?

What elements would it contain?

Will you communicate to Bravo? If yes What?


Cycle Two Objectives Group Objectives (Cycle 2) NGO A: Who is in charge, what support do they have?

What is your primary concern?

What special concerns do you have?

What kinds of information would be sensitive?


Cycle Two Objectives Group Objectives (Cycle 2) Int. Fam A: Who is in charge, what support do they have?

What is your primary concern?

What special concerns do you have?

What kinds of information would be sensitive?


Cycle Two Objectives Group Objectives (Cycle 2) Nat. Fam A: What is your primary concern?

What special concerns do you have?

What kinds of information would be sensitive?

What do you need for Alpha NGO?


Cycle Two Objectives Group Objectives (Cycle 2) HQ B: Who is in charge, what support do they have?

Where will you establish a CMT?

What elements would it contain?

Will you communicate to Alpha? If yes What?


Cycle Two Objectives Group Objectives (Cycle 2) NGO B: Who is in charge, what support do they have?

What is your primary concern?

What special concerns do you have?

What kinds of information would be sensitive?


Cycle Two Objectives Group Objectives (Cycle 2) Int. Fam B: Who is in charge, what support do they have?

What is your primary concern?

What special concerns do you have?

What kinds of information would be sensitive?


Cycle Two Objectives Group Objectives (Cycle 2) Nat. Fam B: What is your primary concern?

What special concerns do you have?

What kinds of information would be sensitive?

What do you need from Bravo NGO?


Cycle Three Objectives Group Objectives (Cycle 3)

In a few hours a call from the captors is expected. HQ A - What will be your strategy if the call comes to the mother’s mobile phone?

NGO A Phone?

What resources do you have in the US and in Somalia?

What is your family relations strategy?


Cycle Three Objectives Group Objectives (Cycle 3)

In a few hours a call from the captors is expected. HQ B - What will be your strategy if the call comes to the Administrators Phone?

Other phones?

What resources do you have in the US and in Somalia?

What is your family relations strategy?


FEEDBACK low Relevance of information







Professional is of presentation












Usefulness of information Comment:

Level of enhancement to your program






Application to HQ




















Have you participated in an exercise like this before? If a fee were to be associated with this seminar, what would you expect to pay? ___________ 42

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