Roadmap Bill Summary

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  • Words: 429
  • Pages: 1
Uniting to End Hunger WFP/Antonio Paradela

Roadmap to End Global Hunger and Promote Food Security Act of 2009 Bill Summary (H.R. 2817) On June 11, 2009, Representatives Jim Mc-

The Roadmap Act of 2009:

Govern (D-Mass.) and Jo Ann Emerson (R-

• States that it shall be U.S. policy to reduce

Committee on Hunger dedicated to hold-

Mo.) introduced H.R. 2817, The Roadmap to

global hunger, advance nutrition, increase

ing hearings, conducting investigations

End Global Hunger and Promote Food Secu-

food security and ensure that federal pro-

and making policy recommendations to

rity Act of 2009 (Roadmap Act of 2009). The

grams respond effectively both to emer-

the relevant congressional committees re-

legislation is based on the recommendations

gency needs and longer-term agricultural

garding global hunger, agricultural devel-

outlined in “The Roadmap to End Global

development and food security challenges.

opment and food security. The Committee

Hunger,” a report released in February 2009

• Re-establishes a Permanent Joint Select

would also monitor the development and

by Friends of the World Food Program

• Establishes a White House Office on Glob-

implementation of the comprehensive

(Friends of WFP) and a broad-based coali-

al Hunger and Food Security and a Coordi-

strategy by the White House Office.

tion of nonprofit organizations.

nator tasked with the development and

While the United States has played a crit-

implementation of a comprehensive, gov-

• States that Congress shall make available

ical role in providing emergency food assis-

ernment-wide strategy to address global

no less than $50.36 billion over the five-

tance, nearly 1 billion people continue to suf-

hunger. The strategy should alleviate tran-

year period of FY 2010 – FY 2014 for fed-

fer from hunger, and another 2 billion people

sitory and chronic hunger by incorporat-

eral programs addressing global hunger

are undernourished. Not only is global hun-

ing emergency, nutrition, safety net and

and food security, using as guidance the

ger an ongoing humanitarian challenge, but

agricultural development programs. It also

amounts described for each of those fiscal

it is also a threat to both national security

requires an annual report to the president

years in “The Roadmap to End Global

and global productivity. This bill outlines a

and Congress regarding implementation,

Hunger” report.

comprehensive U.S. government strategy to

as well as a bi-yearly assessment by the

effectively address global hunger and im-

Government Accountability Office (GAO)

prove food security and the mechanisms

regarding the design, implementation and

necessary to coordinate the strategy.

coordination of the strategy.

1819 L Street NW, Suite 900 Washington, DC 20036 T 202.530.1694 F 202.530.1698

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