Hidden In Plain Sight

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 548
  • Pages: 1
Could there be a secret so huge, so devestating, that it would change the world permanently- forever? If there was, what would be the first question you would ask? WHY? It is the why we will explore, as it is the why that causes the secret to be right there in front of us without us even knowing. In fact, it is not in front of us but IN us. Have you guessed what it is yet, are you curious to know...of course! Everything I tell you is already out there and can be corroborated by various multitude of sources- both scientific and spiritual. So don't just take my word for it, do your own digging and see how deep the rabbit hole really goes! Lets explore this elusive mirage of fact and fiction, religiosity and science; all so deeply interwoven over time and telling that no one can distinguish one from the other anymore. THE SECRET: you are first and foremost a spiritual consciousness unit, inhabiting a human body, it has always existed and cannot be extinguished. ALL matter is such, conscious and vibrant and it is this that connects everything and everything is ONE. Now, throughout this ranting of mine, if you just keep that in mind, One, then you have conquered the first hurdle that keeps you in that that was specifically created for you, and now is maintained by you, become your reality and your belief in this reality is reinforced by others every day of your life. That is until you grope around in the eventually discover the switch and....WHAMO! Light everywhere.

that all is dark room as it now has you and dark and

Now we get back to the why. A secret is only a secret if somebody knows the truth and is not telling, not only not telling but relying on a whole different story to be sold off as the truth to keep even the most stoic of questioners chasing shadows and unwittingly helping cause even more confusion, so that the truth is almost completely lost. Who would do such a thing? No one person could pull this off and it certainly did not happen recently. It has been propogated many thousands of years ago by many groups of people and it is mainly due to the fact that it spans such a great length of time, that it seems to be firmly embedded in our psche. To characterise these groups as evil is not my intention- misguided, power hungry, meglomaniacs with no morals- is closer to the mark. If we could ask them why they did this, they would probably say it was for our own good- that we couldn't handle the truth, that they were protecting us and they could quite honestly really believe that themselves! So who are the culprits? In general, it has always been the ones in control of the people- priests, pharos, kings, religions, shadowy sects/ groups ect. Of course, a broad spectrum of people involved over a vast span of time cannot be named and accounted for, so we should look at those we can name and hold accountable. The Vatican, Constantine, Knights Templar, Masonic Order, MJ 12, Commitee of 300, Illuminati to name a few of the more high profile ones

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