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<span class="nametext">bobby :]


"i think its time to party :]"

14 years old
united states

last login: 9/16/2006
view my: pics | videos


class="whitetext12">contacting bobby :]

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<span class="lightbluetext8">generali want to be a detective. i want to go to notre dame. and i want my dreams to come true. no matter how much it hurts to get there.
<span class="lightbluetext8">movies
remember the titans
memoirs of a giesha
the notebook
mean girls
pride and prejudice
forrest gump :]
how to loose a guy in 10 days
lion king :]
<span class="lightbluetext8">televisioncsi
family guy
scooby doo :]
crossing jordan

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<span class="lightbluetext8">heroesduhhh. cory :].
<span class="lightbluetext8">groups: dedicated to the great man that passed away..mr. harrisblach class of 2006i heart dau.
href='http://groups.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=groups.groupprofile&groupid=1 03546476&mytoken=0f09fdad-aef4-43cb-afd9-a26ed991a951' rel="nofollow">equestriettes.

view all bobby :]'s groups

   <span class="whitetext12">  bobby :]'s details
<span class="lightbluetext8">status:in a relationship
<span class="lightbluetext8">here for:serious relationships
<span class="lightbluetext8">zodiac sign:gemini


<span class="blacktext12"> <span id="ctl00_main_ctl00_usernetwork1_ctrlmessage">bobby :] is in your extended network

<span class="btext">bobby :]'s latest blog entry [subscribe to this blog]

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   <span class="orangetext15">bobby :]'s blurbs

<span class="orangetext15"> about me:
aubreanna bobb
bobby for short

i am a dancer & sprinter
i love animals
i love california
i wish i could meet rupert.
aim_uhohh its bobby

if you cant already tell
i love notre dame:]

   <span class="orangetext15">

<span class="orangetext15">

view/edit all all of my comments

<span class="orangetext15"> who i'd like to meet:
these are pretty cool chikas :]

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   <span class="orangetext15">bobby :]'s friend space


<span class="btext"> bobby :] has <span class="redbtext">380 friends.

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 zoe = )  

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 i missed a key oppurtunity at the dance >.< 

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 ramen noodles 

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 deanna  ;

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 simply samantha™ 

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 ♥drew&he arts;{[loves pogosticks:d]} 


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 hanae banana :] 

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 kathy =0) 

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 martinna&nb sp;

<span class="orangetext15"> bobby :]'s friends comments

displaying<span class="redtext"> 50 of<span class="redtext"> 827 comments  ( view all | add comment )

totally brings back memories of

im bored too


how is going
im kinda like eh at

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/16/2006 10:46 am


stnemmoc ruo daer ot dediced eh
and im like

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/15/2006 11:13 pm

how are you
where have you been!?!?!?!??!

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/15/2006 6:06 pm

..wat r u doing 2morrow evening/nite..?

href="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=41 581951" rel="nofollow">

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/15/2006 4:21 pm

bammm. :] i love your


&& cracking up randomly in pe :)

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/15/2006 4:03 pm

whats going down in the shizzle

you guys have a game tonight??
wanna come over after or something
im bored tonight and we have to talk

diggin the song

zoe = )

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/15/2006 9:49 am

hell yes!!! im seeing my best frind today! this is awesum we are gunnnnaaa chill

id="userdatanode19" class="datapoint=onlinenow;userid=19011666;">

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 11:05 pm

it revo teg ot deen tndluohs uoy
erom mih ot klat ot elba eb ot tnaw uoy mih llet
netsil dluohs eh, yroc gnieb yroc
mih ot tnatropmi taht er'uoy
tnedifnoc eb os
yrrow tnod dna

oh btw

?hsoj ot gniht nivek eht pu gnirb i od woh

hehe that took forever

zoe = )

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 9:54 pm

we cant mall tomarow kelly just told me....
♥drew♥{[loves pogosticks:d]}

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 9:43 pm

ha ha ..nice!!

i didnt go to his room after school so im gonna go again 2moro!! lol

i should go like hella early and walk to safeway


like im gonna wake up early!!!

i like ur song and profile!!!hella cute...jesse mcartney is like the hottest guy ever!!!!!

zoe = )

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 9:26 pm

betchya im one happier girl lol
amanda lyn ♥

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 9:12 pm

haha why is mine better?

they are exactly the same haha.

but good taste.

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 9:05 pm

?mihdellac uoy nehw denppah tahw

this is funn


<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 8:55 pm

?tuo it tiaw tsuj or?...mih ot klat ot gniog uoy era



<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 8:50 pm

i looked at that and i out
but i did

was like you expect me to freaking figure that thing


]: yroc htiw enif eb lliw taht eno dna evol i taht kcihc remosewa eno era uoy
ha figure that out

and no your not a dweeb

hes just an ammature
you need to give it time
and not be paraniod
cause thats the worst thing
everything happens for a reason
and uoyekilseodeh

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 8:44 pm

consider it deleted

thats back wards
yea so yea
i love you


<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 8:43 pm

ya i do that every tuesday and thursday...uugghh

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 8:39 pm

ummmm yea
we do need to talk then
ummmm are you ok???

i just deleted that comment for you

like what happened??
like sdfbvkvhs
i cant say it on comments lol

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 8:31 pm

lol sneaky ya well if u thot ur day was long,

try being in skool from 900 in the morning until 530 in the evening....aaaahhhhhh

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 8:30 pm

i hope your still there
but you and zoe seem to be connected at the hip
i guess im just jealous thats all
i guess ill get over it
and you wouldnt tell me in messages before
so you dont want to etll me
and its cool
busy sat night?
we need abother scary movie

i hate skeleton key...
with a passion


<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 8:26 pm

o haha it was actually for everyone else cuz u and kristi r the only ones that usually comment and ppl look at my profile but dnt comment on anything, isnt that wat ut supposed to do on here...o well...im good skool was very long today..how r u

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 8:24 pm

i have lost my best friend is what it feels like
i have no other friends i can trust
and apperently you cant trust me and
so iono if i can trust you any more
so no
im not ok
hanae banana :]

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 7:36 pm

ahhahah no problemooo
are you going with zoe or soemthing?

hanae banana :]

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 7:31 pm

haha well its a black and white theme...
so i would suggest wearing black and white...
yeah i think im wearing a denim skirt and a black tanktop and white tanktop layered
hanae banana :]

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 7:29 pm

ahhaha yes i will il make sure to
and if i hear someone screaming "hanae hanae"
il know its you
simply samantha™

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 7:22 pm


omg we have the same song!
i've listened to it every night like 5 times each and it gets stuck in my head 24/7

i have a game friday

hanae banana :]

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 6:59 pm

yeahhh i am im so excited to see you!!
haha u have to make sure to find me bcuz our dance is going to be really biggg hah
hanae banana :]

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 6:41 pm

ahhahah thanks
i love the pillsberry dough boy
oh god
i havnt seen you since like
hanae banana :]

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 6:31 pm

bammm. :]
i like your layout btw

hanae banana :]

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 6:30 pm

haha yeah i guess />soo do you! />lol />andd />i hear your going to the dance>? />i miss youu! />and i cant wait to see youuu />im gonan give you a giant hug okay?

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 5:39 pm

omg you're going 2 the dance same with me!!!!! we can show all those mvhs people how to dance!! waaa hooooo i'm super excited


<span class="blacktext10"> 9/14/2006 6:51 am

aaubre eeee hey girlie i havn't seen u in 4 eva. hows hs where do u go by the way?? i miss sooo much. we shuld hang out sumtimes wuth other peeps yes yes def!! byes i'll ttyl

id="userdatanode44" class="datapoint=onlinenow;userid=41581951;">

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/13/2006 10:14 pm

i hate to admit it, but your song gets stuck in my head all the time.. shhhh don't tell though :)
hanae banana :]

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/13/2006 8:51 pm

i like your song

bammm. :]

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/13/2006 8:46 pm

cell 823 8467
home 948 6076
whats urs
zoe = )

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/13/2006 7:53 pm

oh well i miss u a lot and i wanted to xplain how we have to get u into a dance it involves signing a like form thiing jus sayin we are friend its not difficult
zoe = )

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/13/2006 7:45 pm

lol...and why is that....it looks as tho cory is ur hero

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/13/2006 7:25 pm

no!!!! i seriously dont have it remember u called me and i looked everywhere . im pretty sure its not at my house. i want my clothes! especially my sweatshirt but i think i have a tank top that might be ur s or zoes or sumething i dont know it ju/st showed up in my drawer i think deanna had ur bra tho

ya we sould go shopping or to the movies or smething this weekends not good for me but maybe next :)

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/13/2006 6:08 pm

aubre i havent seen u in forever!! i miss u we should do something ..and i want my clothes back!!!! i think i have a tank top of yours too


<span class="blacktext10"> 9/13/2006 7:42 am

haha yea man...were so harcore....i didin't care that i stayed down...i kinda wanted to

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/12/2006 7:36 pm

yaa fa sho she is on da cheer team ya ur not on that right ur on the dance team cuz ur a hella good dancer i miss u haha!

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/12/2006 3:47 pm

are you in the hip hop 3/4?????
matanie waney

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/11/2006 7:34 pm

this year i have 4 classes. hip hop production, lyrical, hip hop , and jazz. on tuesdays and wednesdays. wait if u had class on tuesday how cum i didn't see u?

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/10/2006 11:01 pm

aww this song ages ago. it's cute :]


<span class="blacktext10"> 9/9/2006 6:39 pm

yessss. i will see you tomorrow at 11 am ish? call my cell


width="260" style="word-wrap: break-word"> <span class="blacktext10"> 9/9/2006 5:10 pm

lol, thanks, its a little trick i learned a whillle ago from my uncle, lol, its funnn
matanie waney

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/9/2006 4:22 pm

hey how r u? i miss u lots! wut classes r u thaking this year?i really wanna see u! ♥

href="http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=75 166985" rel="nofollow">

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/9/2006 4:05 pm

ya but i like college football period
cool pic

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/9/2006 4:01 pm

yea bored doing hw
:( yey for notre dame
even tho ther usc rivals
mel =(

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/9/2006 3:31 pm

omigosh no fair you have to go to mvhs next year when i go there

i missed a key oppurtunity at the dance >.<

<span class="blacktext10"> 9/9/2006 2:58 pm

awwww....that sucks.....maybe she will say yes when the time comes and everything wil become happy
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