Hi 4-9-09

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 11,393
  • Pages: 24
Josh Hart: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to another exiciting addition of Hardcore Impact. Kerry Lane: What a chill we have in the air all the way from Big Lake, Alaska. Josh Hart: We have a super packed card here tonight. Kerry Lane: Were going to see Ryan Harrison and Jay Raven face off tonight in single's action which promises to be a great matchup. Josh Hart: Than were going to see our IWF Heavyweight Champion taking on Gabriel Hayes in a non-title match. Kerry Lane: That's not all our IWF Xtreme Champion is taking on Tom Lagerfeld in a non-title match in a very brutal Bull Rope Match. Josh Hart: Also we have The United Envies facing off against The Kellert Crue with the winning team going to Final Impact to face The Rioting Mobb Crew for the IWF Undisputed Tag Team Championship. Kerry Lane: Than we have Charlie Wayne taking on the returning Cahan Malone in a submission match. Josh Hart: Don't forget out Main Event in which James Kash takes on Adam Freemn in an Anything Goes Match. Kerry Lane: Don't forget that we also get to find out who the first ever inductee to the IWF Hall of Fame is. Josh Hart: Also we may have the chance to find out who is looking for Jay Raven. Kerry Lane: To start the night off we have the Last Chance Ladder Match for the final contract to the Money in the Bank Match at Final Impact. Josh Hart: Lets get the show on the road. Kerry Lane: Josh are you ready for a ladder match??? Josh Hart: Oh hell yeah, this is going to be an all out brawl for the last contract to enter the MITB match. Kerry Lane: I can't believe that slimeball Montana is trying to weasel into this match last minute to avoid Adam Freeman. Josh Hart: Weasel?? Montana gave freeman the chance last week to be in this match. If Freeman doesn't want a shot at the MITB briefcase, Montana will take it and Freeman can watch Final Impact from home! Kerry Lane: Well Montana has his work cut out for him tonight, as he has to get past 5 other men,

climb up the ladder and reach the last Money in the Bank Contract. It will not be an easy task. The Lone Star JJ is already in the ring. "Famous" by Puddle of Mud blast and Anselmo comes out with a Philippine Flag, waves it around at the entrance ramp. Jessica Lock: Standing in at six feet three inches weighing in at two hundred and forty-six pounds from the Philippines, Edward Anselmo! Josh Hart: Edward is in a little bit of a rookie slump. Kerry Lane: That can all change here tonigh if he can get that contract. "Born Slippy" by Underworld explodes through the speakers and Baptie appears at the top of the ramp. Jessica Lock: Standing in at six feet two inches weighing in at two hundred and fifteen pounds from Edinburgh, Scotland, David Baptie! Josh Hart: David Baptie has been impressive in his first few appearances here. Don't count him out of this match! Kerry Lane: He can easily walk away with the last contract if he can stay focused on the game. Spens by Napravi Me hits as O.G. Killah makes his way to the ring. Jessica Lock: Standing in at six feet one inch weighing in at two hundred and twenty-five pounds from Brooklynn, New York, O.G. Killah! Kerry Lane: The undefeated O.G. Killah is here! Josh Hart: Like we said before its anyone's ball game. I’m Me by Lil Wayne hits as DJ Primetime makes his way to the ring. Jessica Lock: Standing in at six feet three inches weighing in at two hundred and seventy-five pounds from St. Louis, Missouri, DJ Primetime! Kerry Lane: DJ Primetime is looking for that big chance since his fued with Montana. That fued will likely be reunited tonight! Josh Hart: DJ Primetime is more focused on that last Money in the Bank Contract than he is Montana. The Montana theme plays as all five men wait staring at the ramp awaiting for the GM to enter the match. Montana comes out with a confident look on his face, yelling at the fans to "get out of way" Jessica Lock: And finally, the GM Montana!

Last Chance MITB Ladder Match David Baptie vs. DJ Primetime vs. Edward Anselmo vs. The Lone Star JJ vs. OG Killah vs. Montana Bell Rings: Montana waits on the outside as it looks like he is entering a lions den of sorts as no one is fighting waiting for the GM to get in the ring. Montana yells "Come on, start fighting" as O.G. Killah dares Montana in the ring. Montana spits up into the ring but doesnt hit anyone. MOntana begins to walk to the back as Adam Freeman comes out and tosses Montana back into the ring where all five men begin to stomp Montana and Freeman laughs from the outside. Josh Hart: What the hell was that! That should be a DQ! Kerry Lane: There is no DQ's in this Josh. Montana is struggling to get back to his feet as DJ Primetime tells the other guys to lay off Montana, because he wants him. DJ Primetime waits for Montana to get up and slaps him across the face. Josh Hart: Apparently DJ Primetime has learned NOTHING over the past year. Montana is on his feet as he is being used as a punching bag as each man takes a knocking him with some big chops and punches. OG killah bounces off the ropes and delivers a big clothesline which sends Montana back to the outside, nearby Adam Freeman. Adam Freeman waits a second, and then he grabs Montana and sends him into the guardrail. Montana slams into the rail, as Freeman charges in clotheslining him into the fans. These two battle to the back. Kerry Lane: These fans are going wild as everyone gets a front row seat! OG Killah and DJ Primetime begin to trade chops in the ring. David Baptie slides to the outside to grab a ladder, as Anselmo and JJ battle it out on the outside. Josh Hart: There is action all over the place. This isn't easy to call. OG Killah is setting up DJ Primetime for a superlex, as Baptie wipes out Anselmo and JJ with a shot from the ladder. Baptie searches under the ring and pulls out a tables as the fans go wild. JJ tries to stop baptie, but Baptie tosses JJ into the steps. As Anselmo is getting up Baptie slams him into the ring post. OG Killah goes to the outside to grab another ladder. Kerry Lane: Everyone wants that last spot in the MITB match here tonight. OG Killah slides the ladder in the ring and bulldogs Primetime on the ladder. Primetime is busted open. David Baptie is on the floor setting up two tables side by side, as he is stomping JJ. David

Baptie goes under the ring once again and pulls out a chair, and begins to smash Anselmo on the back of the head. OG Killah is making his way up the ladder as DJ Primetime goes up the other side a few steps behind. DJ Primetime makes his way up, as these two begin to slung it out on the top of the ladder. OG Killah reaches for the contract but Primetime isn't going to let him get it. The ladder begins to wobble, as it falls over and both men crash to the mat. OG Killah lands bad on his leg. Kerry Lane: Owww, that didn't look good for OG Killah! David Baptie now sets up Anselmo and JJ on the two tables laid out on the floor. David Baptie now pulls out a fifthteen foot high ladder on the floor as he begins to climb to the top. The fans stand as this could be career suicide. Baptie reaches the top and stares at the crowd, which is going nuts, as he leaps off and does a swanton and destroy both men and both tables! Josh Hart: Holy S%$# DJ Primetime is back up to his feet as OG Killah is grabbing his knee and appears to be seriously injuried, as the ref checks on him. DJ Primetime tosses the referee aside and stomps on his knee, and kicks him to the floor. DJ Primetime begins to slow make his way up the ladder as no one is around. DJ Primetime makes it to the top as begins to struggle with the contract before yanking it down, holding up the contract. Winner: DJ Primetime Jessica Lock: Ladies and Gentlemen your winner of the match, and the final wrestler in the Money in the Bank Match, DJ Primetime! Kerry Lane: This could be the biggest win in the young career of DJ Primetime. Josh Hart: I'm in shock. I can't believe he pulled it off and got the last contract. Kerry Lane: I don't like how he did it, but Primetime is in, and thats the bottom line. Josh Hart: It's too bad OG Killah got injuried, or else he would have won this one. Hayes is in his locker room getting ready for his match when he hears a knock at the door. Hayes quickly gets up as Gabriel looks on, as Hayes opens the door. Shawn Hayes: Carl Long, What do you want? Carl Long: I just wanted to get your thoughts on what you think of your Final Impact opponents? Shawn Hayes: Opponents??? I have the night off Carl Long. You are stupid, I won the Xtreme battle royal two weeks ago bro. I have a contract signed by myself, and myself. Carl Long: Actually you do have a match, and its not a one on one match. Shawn Hayes: Who the hell am i facing???? I took TOK out for good last week. There isn't anyone who is possibily left who stands a chance against me!

Carl Long: Well....It will be Hayes......vs............Gabriel .........vs.......Tom Lagerfeld...........vs..........TOK Shawn Hayes: What the hell is that BS Carl?!? Who said that? I didn't SIGN ANYTHING! I am NOT wrestling at Final Impact, and especially not against four men, and especially not against Gabriel. Carl Long: Montana made the match. He said what goes around comes around? Shawn Hayes: What goes around, comes around??? What's that supposed to mean. Carl Long: Well....since you and TOK got Hardcore Impact kicked off of television, Montana has a grudge for you and TOK. Shawn Hayes: This isn't fair to Shawn Hayes. How is TOK even going to wrestle at Final Impact, last i dead he was dead in a ditch! Carl Long: Well....TOK actually suggested it be a Barb Wire Massacre match....and he said he would wrestle 100% or not. Shawn Hayes: Ahhhh, let me see this... and get the hell outta here. Hayes grabs the contract and throws a lap and punches the wall, as Gabriel looks on in shock. Josh Hart: Its now time for Ryan Harrison and Jay Raven face off in the MITB Qualifier vs. MITB Qualifier. Kerry Lane: This is going to be one great matchup here tonight. Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana hits the arena as it turns a deep blue. The drums beat across the arena as Jay Raven pops up onto the middle of the stage as pyro’s emit from above the stage and waterfall on Jay Raven. Jay Raven steps out from the pyro looking extremely pissed off and makes his way down to the ring. Jessica Lock: Standing in at six feet one inch weighing in at two hundred and fifteen pounds from The Nest, “The Lone Enigma” Jay Raven! Josh Hart: This matchup is going to be insane these two men are great workers in the ring. Kerry Lane: Right you are about that these two men are going to go all out. Tear Away by Drowning Pool hits the arena as golden pyro’s emit from the top of the stage and waterfall over the stage. Ryan Harrison steps out onto the stage and lets the pyro fall across his body and than makes his way down to the ring. Jessica Lock: Standing in at five feet nine inches weighing in at two hundred and ten pounds from New York City, New York, “The Next Level” Ryan Harrison! Josh Hart: Ryan Harrison is one sure favorite to win that Money in the Bank Match at Final Impact.

Kerry Lane: This is indeed going to be one great match up on our last Hardcore Impact before Final Impact.

Single’s Match Jay Raven vs. Ryan Harrison Bell Rings: Both men circle around the ring before locking up in the middle. Ryan Harrison reaches his right hand out into the air for a test of strength challenge. Jay Raven entwines his right hand with Harrison and than extends out his left hand. Harrison than grabs the left hand of Raven and quickly forces Raven’s back down to the mat with his feet still planted on the ground. Raven pushes back with everything he has and manages to get back to his feet and is met with a knee strike to the midsection by Harrison and gets taken down to the mat with a suplex. Raven’s back hits the mat and Harrison quickly mounts his chest and starts beating his face in with big right hand shots. Harrison than taunts to the fans while Raven holds his head in pain from those vicious right hand shots. Harrison than staggers over to Raven and jumps up into the air and connects with an elbow drop across his sternum. Harrison makes the cover and the ref gets down to make the count, but Raven kicks out right before the two. Harrison is a bit shocked about how fast Raven kicked out and than makes it back to his feet. Raven quickly rolls over and pops up back to his feet as well. Raven stands in the corner and motions for Harrison to come over. Harrison charges forward and than Raven drops down to the mat and sends Harrison crashing his head against the bottom turnbuckle with a drop toe hold. Raven than sets Harrison up in the corner and drills his face in with heavy body shots to the face. Raven makes his way out of the corner and than sets up across the ring. Raven than charges forward and grabs the top rope and performs a handstand than comes down with all the momentum he can and drives both of his feet into the face of Harrison. Raven than grabs Harrison by his feet and drags him out into the middle of the ring. Raven than makes the cover and the ref gets down to make the count, but Harrison is able to kick out right after the two. Raven makes it back to his feet and can’t believe that Harrison kick out. Josh Hart: These men have been giving each other everything that they have and neither man will back down. Kerry Lane: It’s only the first half of the match and these men have been ruthless against each other. Raven than guides Harrison back to his feet and Harrison quickly grabs Raven and plants him on the mat with a neckbreaker. Both men hit the mat and lay there from the impact. Raven is holding his neck and Harrison is trying to regain he senses down on the mat. The ref starts to make the count

and both men start to stir. Harrison is back up to his feet by the count of five and Raven manages to make it back to his feet by the count of eight. Harrison and Raven than charge at each other and Raven attempts a hurricanrana, but Harrison grabs him and takes him down to the mat with a sitout powerbomb. Harrison makes the cover and the ref gets down to make the count, but Raven kicks out right after the two. Harrison than makes it back to his feet and grabs Raven by his hair and guides him back to his feet. Harrison backs Raven into the corner with open handed shots that start to leave a mark across the chest of Raven. Harrison has Raven backed into the corner and than drives his shoulder into Raven’s midsection. Harrison than quickly connects with a series of shoulder thrust and taunts the fans as Raven falls down to the mat. Harrison than grabs Raven by his hair and forces him back up to his feet. Harrison gets in the face of Raven and than takes him down to the mat with a release german suplex. Harrison than guides Raven back to his feet and locks on a headlock and applies the pressure. Raven immediately tries to fight out of the headlock with right hand shots to the body of Harrison but Harrison manages to keep the hold locked on. Harrison than lifts Raven up into the air and manages to drop Raven on his head with a huge ddt. Raven lays lifeless on the mat and Harrison slowly staggers over to the nearest turnbuckle. Harrison taunts to the fans and than climbs to the top of the turnbuckle. Raven lays motionless in the middle of the ring as Harrison leaps from the turnbuckle and attempts a Top Rope Elbow Drop, but Raven manages to roll to safety at the last second and Harrison crashes and burns in the middle of the ring. Josh Hart: These men are giving each other everything they have here tonight. Kerry Lane: They better make sure they leave this match with enough energy to make it to Final Impact for the Money in the Bank Match. Raven sets up in the corner and waits for Harrison to make it back to his feet. Harrison starts to stir and than sit up and makes it to one knee when Raven charges forward and connects with the Shining Wizard. Harrison hits the mat hard and Raven immediately climbs to the top of the nearest turnbuckle. Raven taunts to the fans and than leaps from the corner and connects with the Flight of the Raven across the midsection of Harrison. Raven than makes the cover and the ref gets down to make the count, but Harrison is able to kick out right before the three. Raven shakes his head in disbelief and than makes his way back to his feet and guides Harrison back to his. Raven than sends Harrison to the ropes with an irish whip and when Harrison bounces back Raven takes him down to the mat with a hurricanrana. Raven than guides Harrison back to his feet and takes Harrison down with the Double Knee Back Breaker. Raven makes the cover and the ref gets down to make the count, but Harrison is able to kick out right before the three once again. Raven still in shock guides Harrison back to his feet and than Harrison catches Raven with a rake to the eyes and plants Raven on the mat with The Realization . Harrison makes the cover and the ref gets down to make the count, but Raven is able to kick out right before the three. Harrison now in shock guides Raven back to his feet and sends him to the ropes with an irish whip. Raven bounces back and Harrison takes him down to the mat with a sidewalk slam. Harrison than guides Raven back to his feet as James Kash comes storming down the ramp. Kash climbs to the top of the nearest turnbuckle and Harrison makes his way over to confront Kash, but Raven stands in between them asking what the hell Kash is doing out here. Kash than takes a swing and dodges Raven and clocks Ryan Harrison in the temple with a big right hand. Harrison than falls down to the mat and Kash makes his way back up the ramp. Raven stands there asking Kash what the hell that was for and than see’s Harrison making it back to

his feet. Raven than plants his foot into the midsection of Harrison and takes him down to the mat with the Serotonin Spike. Raven than makes the cover and the ref makes the three count. Winner: Jay Raven Jessica Lock: Ladies and Gentlemen your winner of the matchup via pinfall, Jay Raven! Kerry Lane: Damn that James Kash coming down and interfering in a great matchup between Jay Raven and Ryan Harrison. Josh Hart: Oh come off it Kerry James Kash meant to hit Jay Raven and missed him and hit Ryan Harrison. Kerry Lane: Either way James Kash got involved in this matchup and got Ryan Harrison the match. Josh Hart: Get over it already and let’s continue with the rest of the show.

***COMMERICAL BREAK*** Josh Hart: Folks its now time for our IWF World Heavyweight Champion to take on one half of the Soulless Coven Gabriel. Kerry Lane: This is going to be one great match between Charlie Titan and Gabriel. Punish Yourself by Primitive hits the arena as fog crawls over the stage. Gabriel steps out onto the stage looking left than right and stopping to bounce up and down. Gabriel than continues and stops again in the middle of the ramp. Gabriel throws his arms high into the air and pyro’s emit from the stage and Gabriel continues down to the ring. Jessica Lock: Standing in at six feet even weighing in at two hundred and fifteen pounds from parts unknown, representing the Soulless Coven, “The Archangel” Gabriel Hayes! Josh Hart: If Gabriel can pick up a win against our very own World Heavyweight Champion that may put him in line for a Title Shot. Kerry Lane: That would be something to see wouldn’t it, but how about we get to this match. Higher Ground by Red Hot Chili Peppers hits the arena as Charlie Titan steps out onto the stage and very cockily makes his way down to the ring taunting the fans with the IWF World Heavyweight Championship across his right shoulder. Jessica Lock: Standing in at six feet three inches, weighing in at two hundred and thirty-five pounds from Hollis, Queens, New York, “The Great” Charlie Titan! Josh Hart: Charlie Titan has one hell of a matchup at Final Impact when he takes on Charlie Wayne. Kerry Lane: He may even have his hands full when he takes on Gabriel Hayes right about now.

Single’s Match Gabriel Hayes vs. Charlie Titan Bell Rings: Both men circle around the ring before locking up in the middle. Charlie Titan drives his knee into the midsection of Gabriel Hayes and than takes him down to the mat with a half nelson release suplex. Titan makes the cover and the ref gets down to make the count, but Gabriel quickly kicks out right after the one. Both men make it back to their feet and meet in the middle of the ring with big right hands. Gabriel gets the upperhand after a big body punch that startles Titan a bit. Gabriel than takes Titan down to the mat with a Tae Kwon Do Back Kick. Gabriel taunts to the crowd and than makes his way over to Titan. Gabriel kicks away at Titan on the mat and than grabs him by his arm and locks on an armbar to keep him grounded on the mat. Titan screams out in pain as Gabriel lays back and applies the pressure. Titan screams out in pain and swings away at Gabriel with big right hands, but Gabriel pulls back and applies more pressure and Titan stops the attack and grabs his arm in pain. Gabriel releases the hold and than stomps away at the tensed arm to keep it in pain. Gabriel than grabs Titan by his hair and guides him back to his feet. Gabriel is talking smack to Titan when behind the ref’s back Titan drives his foot into the groin of Gabriel sending him down to the mat. Titan quickly grabs the feet of Gabriel and drives his foot into his groin again with out the ref’s knowledge. Titan rolls to the outside to catch his breath while Gabriel rolls around in the ring from the agony of pain. Gabriel finally gains his composure and slowly makes his way back to his feet as Titan stands on the outside taunting him to come out and play. Josh Hart: Already back and forth action with Charlie Titan kicking Gabriel in the groin to gain control back over this match. Kerry Lane: These ref’s need to be aware of the match at all times this is ridiculous how wrestler’s get away with stuff like that. Gabriel rolls to the outside and is met with a kick to the face by Titan. Titan than guides Gabriel back to his feet and sends him crashing into the ring steps shoulder first. Gabriel grabs his arm after the impact and Titan stomps away at it to keep Gabriel grounded with the same pain that Gabriel did to him. Titan than grabs Gabriel by the hair and guides him back to his feet and attempts to ram his head against the outside ring post, but Gabriel is able to get his foot up and than drives Titan’s head into the ring post with enough force to send him back down to the mat dazed. Gabriel takes the time to shake out the cobwebs and than guides Titan back to his feet and sends him crashing into the ring barricade arm first. Gabriel quickly makes his way over to Titan and than just drives his foot into his tensed arm. Gabriel taunts the crowd and than guides Titan back

to his feet and rolls him back into the ring. Gabriel takes the long way in by climbing the ring steps. Titan makes it back to his feet as Gabriel crawls in between the ropes and than Titan runs forward and catches Gabriel with a kick to the midsection sending him back down to the mat. Titan gains his focus and quickly guides Gabriel back to his feet by his hair and than sends him to the ropes with an irish whip. Gabriel bounces back and Titan plants him on the mat with a huge powerslam. Gabriel grabs him back from the impact and screams out in pain. Titan than guides Gabriel back to his feet and sets him up for the Icon Unleashed. Titan taunts to the fans and Gabriel drives his foot into the groin of Titan and than traps Titan in a quick roll up. The ref gets down to make the count and Gabriel holds onto the ropes for leverage and the ref makes the three count. Winner: Gabriel Hayes Jessica Lock: Ladies and Gentlemen your winner of the matchup via pinfall, Gabriel Hayes! Josh Hart: Gabriel just stole a victory from “The Great” Charlie Titan here tonight. Kerry Lane: That should put him in line for a title shot, but with Montana as General Manager there is no telling what’s going to happen with that. Josh Hart: Overall a great match between these two superstars. Jay Raven and Roxxi are walking backstage after his match with a black gothic t-shirt on with a black cap, and dark pants. Jay Raven is walking kind of gingerly as he holds his ribs after a brutal match with Harrison. Jay Raven looks at his watch and looks at Roxxi and takes a deep breathe. Jay Raven: Roxxi, you better stay back here, I dont know who or what is going to be waiting for me in there. Roxxi: What? I'm not scared! Jay Raven: ROXXI! Listen to me. Just stay back here. I got a bad feeling about this, as he pulls out a lead pipe from his pants. Roxxi: Just be careful, give me a call if you are in trouble. Jay Raven kisses Roxxi as he enters a dark loud boiler room, which sounds like hundreds of washing machines rattling around, with large tubing all around. Jay Raven walks slow as he can only see about 5 feet in front of him because of all the fog. " Hello......I'm here......Anyone in here" yells Jay Raven as he begins to looks around and walks farther down the hall. A rat runs across the floor and mildly surprises Jay Raven as he continues to search through the smokey underground halls. Jay Ravens continues to walk, as the sounds of the boiler seem to get quieter and erier. Jay Raven is now searching behind different boxes and checking locked doors for the person that told him to meet him here. Jay Raven hears a door creek. "Roxxi" yells out by Jay. as Roxxi echo's, nothing else is heard, and nothing can be seen. Jay slowly walks as his phone begins to vibrate, illuminating the dark room for a second. Jay pulls out his phone, only to go dead, killing the light. Jay Raven continues to search, until he hears a spark, and a small light of a match off in the distance and up a ways. " Hello??? .... Who's there" Jay Raven begins to walk faster as he knows someone is not far away. Jay hears and see's another spark. "Im here" as Jay Raven begins to walk up some steps towards the

top of the boiler room, and towards the spark. Raven clogs his way up the steps until he reaches the top where a big flashlight is shined in his face, and blinds him for a second. Jay Raven: Ahhh, turn that off. James Kash: Hey man sorry, it's dark down here. I can't see anything. James kash takes of puff of a cuban cigar, and Jay Raven speaks in a confused voice. Jay Raven: You sent me the letter? What about earlier tonight when you tried to hit me. Montana: Yeah Chico, wait a minute James Kash wasn't swinging at you he was swinging at Ryan Harrison jou see.... we want jou to make sure Ryan Harrison does NOT win that Money in the Bank Briefcase. Jay Raven: Why should I do anything for you? When I win that match, I am winning it for myself. James Kash: We don't care if you win or not were just asking that you make sure Ryan Harrison doesn't win the briefcase. You see Jay Raven, its real simple. Who signed your Hardcore Impact contract? Jay Raven: Well, you both did. James Kash: That's right Jay. Now we don't ask for much. We don't bother you, you don't bother us. Montana: Hell, we came in this stupid boiler room to see you! Jay Raven: I don't hang out in a dirty boiler room Montana, I stay by myself for a reason. Anywhere I can be away from others you can usually find me in the rafters. James Kash slugs Montana in the arm "told you". James Kash: By yourself? No one likes to be by themselve. Jay Raven: I don't like other people. You are "other" people. What's in it for me? James Kash: Jay Raven, our time is money. Now take this cigar as a token of our appreciation. Perhaps we will do business in the future. Jay Raven looks at the cigar as James Kash gives Montana the sign to get out of there as they quickly exit with boiler. Jay Raven continues to stare at the cigar. Josh Hart: Folks things are finally starting to make sense around here. I told you that James Kash did not intend to hit Jay Raven. Kerry Lane: Well Montana and James Kash want Jay Raven to make sure Ryan Harrison doesn't win the Money in the Bank Ladder Match.

Thoughtless by Korn hits the arena over the boos of the crowd Shawn walks out with a smile with the Xtreme title on his shoulder and continues down the ram. Jessica Lock: Standing in at six feet two inches weighing in at two hundred and fifteen pounds from Las Vegas “The Legend Killer” Shawn Alexander Hayes! Hayes walks up the steps and into the ring and stands in the center. Josh Hart: This match is going to be brutal these Bull Rope Matches can be hetic on the body. Kerry Lane: Well things will sure pick up with Shawn Hayes in the match.

Come with me by P Diddy hits the speakers as a very serious Tom Lagerfeld makes his way to the ring. He appears to be in deep thought as he paces to the ring. Jessica Lock: Making his way to the ring, from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at 242 " The Prodigy" Tom Lagerfeld! Lagerfeld steps in between the middle ropes and walks up to Shawn, they are nose to nose and Shawn raises up his title and puts it at eye level for Tom and steps back. Kerry Lane: These two men sure as hell don’t like each other and that is going to make this match that much more interesting. Josh Hart: Not interesting, its going to make it that much more of a slaughter; Tom doesn’t stand a chance tonight.

Bull Rope Match Shawn Hayes vs. Tom Lagerfeld Two Refs steps in between both men with the rope in hand, one secures a end to Tom and then Shawn shoves the ref out of the way and pulls Tom at him with the rope but Tom extends a arm and clotheslines Shawn down to the mat. Tom grins and secures the second end to Shawn’s wrist. Bell Ring: Tom guides Shawn up and takes a few steps back, Tom then uses the rope to Irish whip Shawn into the but Shawn climbs the turnbuckles and leaps backward at Tom connecting with the Leap of Faith.

Josh Hart: LEAP OF FAITH! Match has to be over if Shawn wants it to be. Kerry Lane: It’s early in the match, Tom might be able to kick out. Shawn grins and stands over Tom ignoring everything else, Shawn guides Tom to his feet and push him into the corner. Shawn plants three hard middle kicks to the sternum of Tom and uses the ropes to jump up and hit one last kick to the face of Tom before walking around the ring taunting the crowd and partially dragging Tom on the mat. Shawn stops and turns back around looking down at the body of Tom, Shawn walks over and lifts Tom to his feet but Tom quickly ducks under one of Shawn’s arm and goes behind Shawn pulling him down with a rear naked choke. Shawn drops to the mat and Tom doesn’t release, the crowd begins to boo as from the ramp way Gabriel runs down to the ring, Gabriel slides in and grabs the ropes wrapping it around Tom’s throat. Tom release Shawn and Shawn quickly gasps for air, almost ready to pass out. Shawn regains his composure and turns around to stomp Tom as Gabriel is choking him. Result: No Contest

Jessica Lock: Ladies and Genlemen the result of the matchup is a No Contest! The Crowd jumps to their feet and Shawn and Gabriel look at each other with confusion, TOK: Soulless Lovers, Up here. Shawn and Gabriel look at the titantron and see TOK, Gabriel lets go of Tom and stands up next to Shawn, TOK: I'm going to get straight to the point so listen up at Final Impact I am coming back to bring your souls back to earth to make sure you feel the pain of barbwire digging into you skin. At Final Impact I will be there to take your title in a Barbwire Massacre match.

***COMMERICAL BREAK*** My Quest by Dale Oliver plays over the PA system and William Matthews and Finlay Jones walk out onto the stage with their corresponding flags over their shoulders. Jessica Lock: Introducing first the team of Finlay Jones and William Matthews, The United Envies! Josh Hart: If The United Envies want to get their hands on The Rioting Mobb Crew there going to have to get through The Kellert Crue. Kerry Lane: This should be one hell of a match both teams want to become IWF Undisputed Tag Team Champions. The whole arena goes pitch black as Goin’ Out Swingin’ by Mötley Crüe starts playing, after eight seconds into the song when the drums starts to play the lights go on showing BJK and Adam Kellert.

Jessica Lock: Making their way to the ring from Leduc, Alberta, Canada, The Kellert Crüe! The Kellerts run down to the ring and slide in under the bottom rope. Kerry Lane: These two teams have been going at it for months to determine the number one contender for the tag team titles and maybe tonight, the last Impact before Final Impact we will find out who goes on to face the Rioting Mobb Crew. Josh Hart: Honestly Kerry this is pointless because neither team is the best team in IWF. The best team in IWF an the only team that stands a chance against RMC is the Soulless Coven.

Tag Team Match United Envies vs. Kellert Crue Bell Rings: William and Adam tie up, Will drops Adam down with a headlock and continues to apply pressure, Adam manages to wiggle a bit to the side and get to his knees, hitting Will in the gut with several hard elbow before Will releases Adam. Adam gets to his feet and rushes Will who uses Adam’s momentum to lifts Adam and drop Adam with a power slam, Will tags in Finlay and holds Adam up, Finlay kicks Adam in the sternum and Adam drops to his knees as Will steps out of the ring. Kerry Lane: And that is why The Envies win their matches, they are a team, quick tag keeping their opponent isolated. Josh Hart: Didn’t seem to help them against the Coven, but the Kellerts are low class tag team, when’s the last time hey won a match? If the Envies are proud of a win of the Kellerts they are as pathetic as they are. Finlay lifts Adam up and tosses him into the corner, Finlay begins to stomp Adam and Adam drops to a sitting position in the corner, Finlay then runs across the ring bouncing off the ropes coming back at Adam and drives his boot across the face of Adam, leaving Adam just about unconscious in the corner. Finlay tags in Will and the two of them lift Adam up and throws him over with a double suplex into Will pinning Adam. The ref gets down to make the count, but BJK slides in between the ropes and at Will knocking Will off Adam breaking up the pinfall. Kerry Lane: And one would have to believe BJK just saved his team the match right there. Josh Hart: Yes he did, Adam was out for the count. Finlay runs over and picks BJK up and drops him with the Celtic cross, Finlay then rolls BJK out of

the ring. Will lifts Adam up and hits the tiger driver and hooks the leg for the pin. The ref gets down to the mat and counts the three. Winner: The United Envies Jessica Lock: Ladies and Gentlemen your winners of the match via pinfall, William Matthews and Finlay Jones, the United Envies! Josh Hart: What a match that was and The United Envies will be going on to Final Impact to take on The Rioting Mobb Crew for the IWF Undisputed Tag Team Championships. Kerry Lane: What a match that is going to be, but now its time for the first entrant to the IWF Hall of Fall be named. Kerry Lane gets to his feet and makes his way into the ring and motions for the crowd to quite down. Kerry Lane: Folks its now time to announce the First Entry into the First Hall of Fame Class of the Impact Wrestling Federation. It give me great honor in naming the one and only Australian Hero KnicKy! That’s right ladies and Gentlemen KnicKy will be the very first superstar in the IWF Hall of Fame. Josh Hart: I can’t believe it folks KnicKy is going into the Hall of Fame this year as the very first superstar. This is huge. Downfall by Trust Company hits the arena as balloons and streamers fall from the rafters above. KnicKy walks out onto the stage in a very expensive suit with his mother and father hands holding on to him at the elbows. KnicKy leads his parents down the ramp as the balloons and streamers fall all around them. KnicKy than makes it to the ring and helps his parents climb inside the ring. KnicKy makes his way over to Kerry Lane and takes the microphone. KnicKy: First off, I want to Thank Everyone!!! That’s right folks your very own Australian Hero is the very first member inducted into the IWF Hall of Fame. I’m glad to have my family here with me to witness such an occasion. I have given my blood, sweet, tears, and soul to this company and it has finally all paid off. I am officially going to retire from the IWF and take my place as the first Legend from the IWF. KnicKy will no longer lace up a pair of boots any longer I’m hanging them up and calling it quits. Just than James Kash pops up on the titan-tron standing in the showers alone when he is suddenly joined by a young blonde woman. She takes off her towel and climbs into the shower with James Kash who kissed her immediately and than turns her head to the camera. Josh Hart: James Kash is about to get lucky in the showers and he stops to talk to KnicKy. James Kash: Look, who i ran into Knicky??? Hey sweetie, is there anything you would like to tell your brother before we finish what we started. James Kash than grabs KnicKy's sister and does a trust motion from behind her.

Kiah: Yeah KnicKy why don’t you take on James Kash at Final Impact. You always act so tough whenever your around the family??? What are you scared that you’re going to get beat in that ring. Are you scared that you no longer have what it takes to be one of the best in that ring. What’s your reasoning’s older brother? I take that back, I HAVE NO BROTHER!! I personally think you’re just scared that James Kash will end you at Final Impact. Your supposed to be a HERO, but your are nothing but a JOKE and a disgrace to the family! James Kash: Did you just hear what she had to say to you KnicKy. Young beautiful Kiah here thinks you’re a disgrace to the family and she no longer considers you family. That’s a shame I was really hoping to be apart of your family KnicKy, but I guess that will never be since you’re a disgrace to your own sister. KnicKy: James Kash you can do what you want and my sister can say what she wants, but when will you get the picture that no matter what you do I will not get back in the ring and let alone with you at Final Impact. James Kash: You should choose your words more carefully KnicKy you wouldn’t want anything to happen to a member of your family would you. I bet if I took a right hand and hit your old man in the skull with it that you would change your mind. How about your dear ol’ Mum there. How about I crush her skull as well. KnicKy: I'M GOING TO KILL YOU James Kash: Well since you say I can’t get to them I can however get to your sister. James Kash than grabs Kiah by her head and stares into the eyes of KnicKy before he kisses her for a few seconds with a big grin on his face. James Kash then slams her into the wall, with her little body flailing as she slides down the wall. Kash stares into the eyes of KnicKy as he goes irate in the ring. Kash than smiles with the most sinister grin and walks out of the shower and out of the locker room. KnicKy rolls out of the ring and charges back up the ramp to look for his sister. Josh Hart: What a night its been so far and business just picked up. KnicKy refused to get in the ring with James Kash at Final Impact and James Kash made KnicKy's sister pay for it. Kerry Lane: That was uncalled for James Kash did not have to do that. James Kash: He knows what he wants and if KnicKy wants to be stubborn and not give James Kash what he wants than KnicKy's sister had to pay the price. Kerry Lane: Not only did he seduce KnicKy's sister he slammed her head into the tile wall. Josh Hart: I bet KnicKy thinks harder about telling James Kash no once again. Kerry Lane: Next up we have The California Crippler, Charile Wayne going up against the toughest Irishman in the business, Cahan Malone! Josh Hart: Not just that Kerry, the only way for either of them can win, is to make their opponent tap out to a submission maneuver!

Kerry Lane: Yes indeed, both of these superstars tonight our out of their element, but there MUST be a winner! "The Spicy McHaggis Jig" by The Dropkick Murphys blasts through the arena as Cahan Malone appears at the top of the ramp. Malone looks out into the crowd before making his way down the ramp. Jessica Lock: Making his way to the ring, from Dublin, Ireland, standing six foot and three inches tall and weighing in at two hundred and one pounds, Cahan Malone!!! Malone climbs the ring steps and ducks into the ring, climbing the ropes and raising his hands into the air. Kerry Lane: Its good to see guys like Malone back in the IWF Josh. Josh Hart: Thats the truth Kerry, some of these new guys ain't got nothing on what some of these veterans have in the ring. Not all of em, but some. "Tattoo" by Big Mother Thruster explodes through the system and Wayne runs out of the gate and stops at the top of the ramp. He looks at the packed arena then nods his head and jogs down the ramp. Jessica Lock: Making his way to the ring, from San Diego, California, standing six feet and one inches tall and weighing in at two hundred and forty-five pounds, Charlie Wayne!!! He slides into the ring under the bottom rope and bounces off the ropes. He stops in the middle of the ring and smiles raising his arms. He follows up by pounding his chest. Kerry Lane: This is one of them that can hold their own Josh, and do a hell of a job at it! And we are ready for action!

Submission Match Charlie Wayne vs. Cahan Malone

Bell Rings: The two men lock up in the ring, each of them pushing, trying to get the advantage. Both men have the collar and elbow tie up locked in, neither of them giving way and they both release the hold, looking at each other in muted respect. Both of them rush at each other again in unison, Wayne managing to get around behind Malone and lock his arms around his waist, and Malone struggles violently. Wayne jerks and takes Benout down with a waist lock, and Malone scrambles out of range. Kerry Lane: This is very interesting Josh, neither man seems to be able to get the advantage here. The men lock up again, this time Wayne getting a knee up into the abdomen of Malone, and drops several blows across the back and shoulders, knocking Malone back. Wayne grabs Malone in a front face lock, lifting him up and dropping him across the top rope. Wayne rushes into the ropes, turning back towards Malone, but Malone recovers, racing along the apron and clotheslining Wayne up and over the rope and out of the ring. Malone leaps to the floor, moving around to grab Wayne and roll him back into the ring. Malone shoves Wayne back into the corner, and begins throwing right hands to the face, and then becomes stomping him down into the corner. Malone pulls Wayne out of the corner, flipping him on top his back with a snap mare and dropping a forearm into his throat. Josh Hart: Looks like the gloves are coming off Kerry! Wayne grasps his throat and rolls away from Malone, pulling himself up into the corner as Malone approaches. Malone reaches for Wayne and Wayne gets a boot up into the midsection, and begins firing back with hard right hands, knocking Malone back towards the ropes. Malone attempts to lock Wayne up in a side headlock, but Wayne turns and bounces into the ropes, shoving Malone off and shooting him across the ring. Malone flies back and catches Wayne with a dropkick on the fly, taking him down. Wayne quickly gets back up as Malone runs back into the ropes and races towards him, Wayne gets a knee up, driving it hard to the stomach and flipping Malone over into a sitting position. Wayne moves quickly, and locks Malone up in a arm triangle choke. Kerry Lane: First submission attempt here in this submission match Josh! Malone struggles against the hold, and begins digging his heels into the mat, forcing himself and Wayne back towards the ropes. Wayne tries to plant his feet, but Malone gets his feet under him and throws himself backwards, causing Wayne to crash into the corner and release the hold. Malone quickly rolls out of the ring and rubs his throat, looking back at Wayne and catching his breathe. Wayne steps forward, raising both arms intot he air and taunting Malone. Malones face turns red with anger as he rolls back into the ring. Wayne rushes forward aiming with a right, but Malone blocks it, catching Wayne in the jaw with a right of his own. Wayne reels back and shakes the cobwebs, and rushes towards Malone, who catches him in a drop toe hold and takes him face down to the mat. Malone quickly leaps onto Waynes back, locking in a rear naked choke. Josh Hart: We've seen this before Kerry, and Wayne is going to have to find a way to get to the ropes, there is NO way out of this maneuver when it is applied by Cahan Malone! Wayne screams and reaches for the ropes, scrambling in his attempt to drag Malone with him.

Malone yanks back on the hold, and the ref slides over, asking Wayne if he wants to give up and Wayne frantically shaking his head no. A look of sheer determination settles on the face of Wayne, and he plants his elbows beneath him, lifting himself up and instead of going for the ropes, flips himself over onto his back and slams both feet into Malones chest. Malone stumbles back as Wayne reaches for the ropes and pulls himself up, and then races forward, connecting with a hard lariat to the chest and pulling Wayne out of the corner, lifting him up and slamming him with a powerbomb. Kerry Lane: Cahan Malone fighting for all hes worth, Wayne better step it up here! Malone looks down at Wayne and turns to the corner, climbing up onto the second rope. He slaps his leg, indicating a leg drop and leaps off the ropes. Wayne rolls out of the way at the last second and immediately drops an elbow to the back of Malones neck before dragging him into the middle of the ring and locking in The Board Walk. Josh Hart: We haven't seen this move from Wayne in a long time, but it appears as if he hasn't forgotten! Wayne keeps the pressure on Malone, as the ref slides into position. Malone is shaking his head no and trying to pull himself across the mat. Inch by inch he gets closer to the ropes, and as he reaches for them Wayne yanks on his legs, pulling them almost to the kness up inder his arms and duck walks back into the center of the ring, leaning back as far as he can. Malone struggles violently and desperately tries to take some of the pressure off his legs, but to no avail. His hand hovers over the mat, and as Wayne gives one more yank, Malone begins to tap. Kerry Lane: Malone is tapping! Malone is tapping! Josh Hart: I never thought I'd see the day! The ref signals for the bell and Wayne releases the hold, the ref running back and raising his arm in victory. Jessica Lock: Ladies and Gentlemen your winner of the match via submission, Charlie Wayne! Kerry Lane: Charlie Wayne, pulling out all the stops, and gaining the victory with The Board Walk! Josh Hart: And getting some much needed momentum going into Final Impact! We will be right back folks, with more Hardcore Impact!

***COMMERICAL BREAK*** Josh Hart: Folks it’s now time to end our broadcast tonight with one hell of a Main Event to top what a great show we have already have. Kerry Lane: That’s right this addition of Hardcore Impact has been one of the best in a long while. Josh Hart: This Main Event was set by Montana to have his long time friend and brother take out

Adam Freeman before Final Impact. Kerry Lane: Montana still has not accepted the match for the two to face off at Final Impact. Josh Hart: I can’t wait any longer lets get the action started this is going to be one hell of a Main Event. The arena blacks out and a countdown starts at five and slowly counts down to zero. Pyro’s emit from the stage as Adam Freeman poses at the top of the ramp for a moment. Freeman than walks down the ramp at a regular speed and walk up the steps and taunt on the ropes before entering ring and raise’s his arms high into the air posing in the middle of the ring in a cocky way. Jessica Lock: Standing in at five feet eleven inches, weighing in at two hundred and twenty-five pounds from Barnsley, England, “The Self-Proclaimed Savior of Wrestling” Adam Freeman! Kerry Lane: Adam Freeman has been the biggest thorn in the side of the Mobb Dynasty since day one. Josh Hart: Well tonight he faces off against “The Future” James Kash who has to be the most ruthless member of The Mobb Dynasty. Voices by Rev Theory hits to a darken arena as Green and Gold lights light up the arena with strobes and panning across all the fans. James Kash than steps out onto the stage and stops at the ramp to look around the arena and than once again on the ramp. James Kash poses on the ramp as massive gold and green pyro’s emit from the stage and money begins to fall from above. James Kash than makes his way down to the ring with a swagger. Jessica Lock: Standing in at six feet seven inches weighing in a two hundred and seventy-five pounds from Lake Jackson, Texas, representing The Mobb Dynasty, “The Future” James Kash! Josh Hart: Business is about to pick up folks James Kash and Adam Freeman are going to blow the roof off the arena here tonight. Kerry Lane: This will indeed be a great Main Event for all of our fans tonight on our last Hardcore Impact before Final Impact.


Bell Rings: James Kash charges at Adam Freeman with the sound of the bell and takes him down to the mat with a clothesline. Kash immediately goes to work with vicious stomps to the body of Freeman keeping him grounded down on the mat. Kash than guides Freeman back to his feet and plants his fist into the mouth of Freeman. Kash than grabs Freeman and drops him back down on the mat with a belly to belly suplex. Kash taunts to the crowd and mocks Freeman down on the mat. Kash than grabs Freeman by his hair and pulls him back up to his feet and than drives his knee into the midsection of Freeman and sends him crashing into the corner with an irish whip. Kash than charges forward right after Freeman and as soon as Freeman hits the corner Kash connects with a shoulder thrust. Freeman buckles over from the pain and Kash continues to drive his shoulder into the midsection of Freeman. Kash than grabs Freeman by the head and drops him on the mat with a modified Fisherman’s DDT. Kash has the legs hooked and Freeman’s shoulders pinned down on the mat. The ref gets down to make the count, but Freeman is able to kick out right after the two. Kash hits the mat with his fist that Freeman was able to kick out and makes it back to his feet. Kash makes his way over to Freeman and goes back to work on the body of Freeman with vicious stomps. Kash is focusing on the knee’s of Freeman with stomps and than locks on a leg lock in the middle of the ring. Kash wrenches back and applies the pressure as Freeman screams out in pain. Freeman tries to punch his way out of the hold, but Kash just wrenches back and applies the pressure once again and Freeman stops dead in his tracks and grabs at his knee’s in pain. Kash than catches Freeman with a right hook sending him back down to the mat. Freeman’s shoulder’s hit the mat and the ref gets down to make the count, but Freeman is able to get raise his shoulders off the may after the count of two. Kash releases the hold and makes it back to his feet. Josh Hart: The beginning of this matchup has all been James Kash and he is dishing out the pain here tonight. Kerry Lane: He’s just playing lap dog for Montana punishing Adam Freeman for that attack last week. Kash than grabs Freeman by his hair and pulls him back up to his feet. Kash than sends Freeman to the ropes with an irish whip and when Freeman bounces back he takes Kash down to the mat with a diving back elbow to the face. Freeman quickly makes it back to his feet and stomps away on Kash down on the mat. Freeman than mounts the chest of Kash and releases all of his held up anger with each shot that connects to Kash’s face. Freeman than makes it back to his feet and shakes out the cobwebs from the earlier attack from Kash. Kash slowly starts to stir on the mat and slowly makes it back to his feet. Freeman charges forward and attempts a kick to the midsection, but Kash catches Freeman’s foot in his hand and shakes his finger at him. Freeman than swings forward with his other foot and catches Kash in the back of the head with an enzuiguri kick. Kash falls down to the mat face first and Freeman makes the immediate cover. The ref gets down to make the count, but Kash manages to get his shoulder up right before the three. Freeman makes it back to his feet and pulls Kash back up to his. Freeman connects with a few forearm shots to the face and than

charges toward the ropes. Freeman bounces back and than grabs Kash by the back of the head and takes him down to the mat with a bulldog. Freeman than taunts the fans and charges toward the ropes. Freeman jumps at the ropes and than springboards off and connects with The Lionsault in the middle of the ring. Freeman hooks the legs of Kash and makes the cover. The ref gets down to make the count, but Kash is able to get his shoulder up before the count of three. Freeman sits up and can’t believe that Kash was able to kick out. Freeman than makes it back to his feet and sets up in the corner. Kash slowly starts to stir and makes it back to his feet. Freeman than charges forward and jumps up and grabs Kash by his head and attempts The Codebreaker, but Kash pushes Freeman with all of his strength to the outside floor. Josh Hart: Adam Freeman has had control over the second part of this matchup and nearly put Kash away with an attempted Codebreaker. Kerry Lane: Kash is a technician in that ring and managed to reverse the Codebreaker and pushed Freeman to the outside floor. Kash rolls to the outside floor and guides Freeman back to his feet and sends him crashing into the ring steps back first. Kash stomps away at Freeman down on the mat and than guides him back to his feet and sends him crashing into the ring barricade shoulder first. Kash than grabs Freeman by his hair and drags him back to the ring and rolls him inside. Kash taunts the fans in the front row and than makes his way back into the ring. Kash taunts Freeman down on the mat and smacks his in the back of the head taunting him. Kash than grabs Freeman by his hair and pulls him back up to his feet. Freeman than catches Kash with a thumb to the eye and jumps up and grabs Kash by the head and connects with The Codebreaker in the middle of the ring. Charlie Titan and Montana come charging down the ramp and Charlie Titan slides into the ring and the ref gets in his face yelling at him to exit the ring. Montana slides in the ring behind him and meets Freeman in the middle of the ring. Montana than connects with a big right hand shot to the face of Freeman with the brass knucks. Freeman crumbles down to the mat and Montana quickly guides him back to his feet and plants him on the mat with Your Down Fall. Montana smacks Kash in the face to revive him and yells for Titan to get out of the ring. Kash slowly makes it back to his feet and shakes out the cobwebs. Kash than grabs Freeman by his hair and guides him back to his feet. Kash than plants his foot into the midsection of Freeman and drives him down to the mat with The Down Payment. Kash hooks the legs of Freeman and the ref counts the three. Winner: James Kash Jessica Lock: Ladies and Gentlemen your winner of the matchup via pinfall, James Kash! Josh Hart: James Kash did it folks he’s beaten Adam Freeman here tonight. Kerry Lane: With the help of Montana and Charlie Titan if it wasn’t for them Freemen would have put Kash away.

Post Match: Montana and Charlie Titan slide into the ring and force the ref out. James Kash than bumps fist with Montana and Titan. Kash and Titan than grabs Freeman by his arms and pulls him up so Montana is face to face with him. Montana rolls up his sleeves and than drives his fist into the side of Freeman’s face. Montana reaches back and drives his fist into the side of Freeman’s face again. Montana splits Freeman in the head and a trickle of blood starts to slide down his face. Montana than backhands Freeman across the face trying to regain his conscious. Freeman slowly opens his eye’s and regains focus on Montana in front of his face and realizing that James Kash and Charlie Titan have him by his arms and he has no where to go. Montana than makes his way over to the side of the ring and snaps his fingers at Jessica for her microphone. Jessica hands it over and Montana yells out at Freeman. Montana: So Scumbag jou requesting a match with me at Final Impact. Jou want to go one on one with The Bad Guy. Well let me tell jou something amigo Montana don’t like the disrespect. Montana doesn’t like it when people stick their nose in his business. Jou see this scumbag in front of me he’s a piece of garbage and I’m going to tell jou why. He’s nothing. A nobody! I made Adam Freeman and I’m going to break Adam Freeman with my bare hands. If it’s a match Adam Freeman wants than it’s a match Adam Freeman is going to get. Montana taking on Adam Freeman one on one at Final Impact. Everybody is banned from ringside and any interference with result in an automatic Thirty Day Suspension. I mean everybody including James Kash and Charlie Titan. I Don't need them to beat your punk ass. Jou see Adam Freeman that’s not all there is a couple more stipulations I need to tell jou about. I want jou off of Hardcore Impact so bad that when I beat jou in that ring you will be released from your Hardcore Impact contract. Dat's right, Jou Adam Freeman will no longer be apart of my roster. Whatchu say? Montana drops the microphone as Freeman slowly crawls to the mic, with blood pouring from his forehead. He grabs the microphone and sits up. Adam Freeman: So let me get this straight....One on One...You beat me, I'm gone from Hardcore Impact? Montana: Dat's right chico. Adam Freeman: So when I beat you, I want to be the new General Manager of Hardcore Impact! Montana: I’m a fair man Adam Freeman so since I’m offering jour contract I’m going to offer my General Manager position. With the world’s greatest luck and chance on jour side and than jou bring an army with jou, jou will still not beat me at Final Impact, but if jou manage to steal this match away from me jou will become the new General Manager of Hardcore Impact. Last but not least James Kash thought of this just before this match and that was to make our match at Final Impact

a Last Man Standing Match. So Adam Freeman take these two weeks off to heal jour wounds and bring jour A Game because at Final Impact Montana will be the LAST MAN STANDING! Montana than gives the thumbs down to Adam Freeman than James Kash and Charlie Titan plant him on the mat with the Mobb Hit. MOBB HIT: Modified Dudley Death Drop. James Kash than places his foot onto the back of Freeman’s head and lifts it up and than drives it into the mat face first with the CurbStomp. The Mobb Dynasty rolls out of the ring and make their way back up the ramp. Kerry Lane: What a beat down The Mobb Dynasty gave to Adam Freeman tonight. Josh Hart: That’s what Freeman gets for interfering and costing Montana the chance to win the last spot into the Money in the Bank Match. Kerry Lane: I’m sure Montana never intending on wanting the last spot in the Money in the Bank Match he was just in that match as bait for Freeman to attack him. Josh Hart: Well whatever it has been done and Montana has agreed to a Last Man Standing Match with Adam Freeman at Final Impact. Kerry Lane: Also if Adam Freeman loses that match than he will be released from his Hardcore Impact contract. Josh Hart: But if he manages to win that match than he will become the new General Manager of Hardcore Impact. Kerry Lane: Well folks that another match added to Final Impact and still no word on if James Kash will get his wish and that’s a match with Knicky. Josh Hart: After what happened tonight with Knicky’s sister I can’t believe Knicky hasn’t already accepted the match. Kerry Lane: Well folks that’s all the time we have for you tonight we’ll see you next week for Monday Night Mayhem and than Final Impact.


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