Heartbeat: March/april 2009

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Volume 21 • Issue 2 • March & April 2009 1

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3474 S. Meridian • Wichita, KS 67217 316-943-3446 • www.hoksba.org

Planning for Growth


Calendar March 7

VBS Jumpstart Clinic


WMU Planning Meeting, HOKSBA at 10am

A note from your Director of Missions • Glenn Davis

Where are you going?

First Southern Baptist Church, Salina 18

Sunday School Team Meeting Ryan’s at 12:30pm

Remember Alice in Wonderland and the Cheshire Cat. Alice asked, “Which road do I take?" The Cat replied, "Where do you want to go?" "I don't know," Alice answered. "If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” Where are you going as a church? We have all heard it said, “If you keep doing what you are doing, you will keep getting what you got.”

If you do not wish to receive this newsletter, please contact the association office.

I heard Cody Busby, pastor at First Baptist Mulvane, say recently, “Your system is perfectly designed to yield the results you are getting.” Do we know where we are going? Are we getting the results we desire and that the Lord intended for His church?

Association Wide Youth Event Friday, April 17th from 6-10 PM the HOKSBA youth ministries are coming together for an evangelistic block party and concert at Metropolitan Baptist Church. There will be inflatables, video games, dodgeball, food, and a concert by Remedy Drive, followed by a gospel presentation. Encourage your students to bring their unchurched friends. Cost is $5 per person, this covers all activities and food.

Discovery Day Church Planting May 9, 2009 ~ 9 am till 1 pm at HOK Office • Could God be calling you into church planting? • How has God equipped you to be a planter? • When should you get involved? • Where should you plant a church? Come begin the process of discovery.

Help Wanted Church Pianist Needed: Must be comfortable playing contemporary praise & worship, traditional hymns, and choral pieces. This is a paid position. Contact Charles at First Baptist Haysville at 524-4254, or by e-mail to [email protected] Minister for Children: Pleasantview Baptist Church, Derby, KS is looking for a part time Minister for Children/ Preschool families. This 20-24 hour per week position will be responsible for leading our congregation in carrying out a creative ministry for children, ages birth through sixth grade as well as young families. This will be accomplished through existing and new programs. He/She will also be responsible to help our church discover new avenues for ministry for this age group. If you are interested in being considered for this position, please submit a resume/cover letter to our church office before March 15, 2009. Pleasantview Baptist Church, 1335 N. Buckner, Derby, KS 67037.

Often when we do not get the results we want, we think the solution is to work harder. Working hard is a part of what God intends. One of my favorite Proverbs says, “The soul of the sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the soul of the diligent is made fat.” Hard work is a part of the answer, but if that is the only answer needed, then maybe we all ought to go dig post holes. That is about as hard of work as I can think of. I suspect that the answer is more involved than that. How can we as local churches begin to move a step closer to being all that God designed us to be? First we must know where it is that we want to go. Then we must change our system to one that will produce the results that God desires. Then the hard work begins. As your Director of Missions, it is my desire to help churches and pastors determine where God would have them to go, and to offer them help in moving in that direction.



Event Trailer Training, HOKSBA at 8am


Leadership Training Seminar for Pastors Westview B.C. at 9am

April 2

VBS Associational Training, Sharon BC at 7pm


Association Bible Drill, Pleasantview at 9am


Special EdEd-Mini Golf, All Star Sports 12-4pm


Association Wide Youth Event Metropolitan BC, 6-10pm


HOKSBA Golf Tournament, 8am-Noon


WMU Annual Meeting, PBC in Derby at 10am


Vision Tour, Country Acres BC

May 2

Leadership Training Seminar, Church Finances Westview BC 9am-1:30pm

Weekly Prayer Emphasis for


Mar 2 Mar 9 Mar 16 Mar 23 Mar 30

First Baptist Church, Sedgwick Celebration • Pastor James Albers Immanuel Vietnamese • Pastor Binh Thang Indian Southern • Pastor Rod Klingsick Lao • Pastor Lang Sengviley

Apr 6 Apr 13 Apr 20 Apr 27

Metropolitan • Pastor Bruce Cargile Midway • Pastor Ray Emery New Birth • Pastor Charles Ervin New Life • Pastor Aaron Fenlason


V.B.S. - REACHING THE UNSAVED Terry Beasley, Sunday School Team Leader

The highlight of the summer calendar for most churches is Vacation Bible School. Regardless of whether your church uses a curriculum from LifeWay or another publishing company, V.B.S. continues to reach the unsaved. In 2007 (according to LifeWay sources), over 2.8 million people were enrolled in Vacation Bible School with more than 88,000 decisions to accept Christ as Savior. More people have come to know Jesus as Savior through V.B.S. than through any other single outreach event. Now is the time to begin planning your church’s 2009 Vacation Bible School. To assist you in this effort, the Kansas-Nebraska Convention and the Heart of Kansas Southern Baptist Association makes available training opportunities for V.B.S. workers.

Need help with VBS? If you are planning a VBS for 2009, and think you might need a little extra help, we need to know! As a part of our Summer Intern Program (www.hoksba.org/missionary) we will have a VBS team, which will travel around the association helping churches with their VBS’s. These college students and high school seniors, will be available to help the weeks leading up to, during, and following your VBS. They can only help you if you tell us you need them! Go to www.hoksba.org/vbs and complete the survey, so we can get your church on the VBS Team’s schedule.

The Kansas-Nebraska training event will be on Saturday, March 7th at First Southern Baptist Church in Salina, Kansas. If you need additional information, contact the Convention Office at 800-984-9092.

The Ministry of

Closer to home, the HOKSBA will offer V.B.S. worker training on Thursday, April 2nd from 7 to 9 p.m. at Sharon Baptist Church in Wichita. Breakout sessions will be provided for: V.B.S. Directors; preschool; children (grades 1-4); children (grades 5-6); crafts; music; missions; recreation; and for churches interested in utilizing the V.B.S. materials for Spanish speakers. All HOKSBA training sessions will focus on LifeWay’s “Boomerang Express” curriculum with the exception of the V.B.S. Director’s training which will be non-curriculum specific. Pastor training will be provided as part of the March 24th Pastor’s luncheon at Westview Baptist Church. For more information on the HOKSBA training, contact Terry Beasley at 684-5156.

Terry Beasley, Sunday School Team Leader

River Fest The River Festival runs from May 8th-16th. Our events will be from Thursday, May 14th to Saturday, May 16th. We will have a Team Impact type of event on Saturday. Street evangelists from around the country will be helping us all weekend during the River Festival. The mandate we have this year is to have one of our church members along side the evangelists every day. What an opportunity to get evangelism training by these seasoned street evangelists. So start praying about when you would be available to work the streets and learn a very productive way to share the Gospel. We need at least 10 people on Thursday and Friday from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. and all day Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thousands of lost people are at the River Festival every year and we need to reach out to them. We will need volunteers to help with music, the snack food station, and also to supervise the inflatables. Let’s make this the most productive festival for reaching the lost and dying in Wichita.

SUNDAY SCHOOL In the past two issues of this newsletter—I have touched upon the topics of class organization, outreach, and in-reach. I hope you have considered these issues and that you will continue to discuss these items with your Sunday School class and/or department. It takes a TEAM to create an effective Sunday School ministry. I hope that you are continuing to prayerfully build that team! This month, I will address a fourth KEY to developing a successful Sunday School program—MINISTRY. As mentioned last month, as we speak with our members (inreach) and prospects (outreach) - we often discover needs within their lives. The issue then becomes—what do WE do to address these needs? Prayer is important and beneficial. But, there are times when God may be prompting us to be more active in helping meet the needs that are presented to us. Certainly we can see this in the example of Christ as He ministered on Earth. In the book, “Meeting Needs—Sharing Christ”, the authors define “ministry evangelism” in this way. “Ministry evangelism is simply caring for persons in the name of Jesus Christ. It is meeting persons at the point of their need and ministering to them physically and spiritually. The intent of ministry evangelism is to present the good news of God’s love in order to introduce persons to Jesus.” As a body of believers and as individuals within the body—we must recognize and accept those opportunities placed before us to minister in the name of Jesus. Some of these ministry needs may be addressed through the corporate efforts of our church— ministries such as a food pantry, clothing closet, or benevolence ministry. However, there are other opportunities that could be addressed by individuals and/or small groups of believers within the church. Working together, you can reach the unsaved of your community with the love of Christ! The ministry of Sunday School is a key.

Gifts to our Association

WMU News Ellen Noeller, WMU Director

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. This is the first and Greatest Commandment. And the Second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:37-39 NIV, Adapted The Week of Prayer for North American Mission Study is March 1-8, 2009. The theme is Live with Urgency: Sowing Together for a Harvest. If you need resources for the study you can contact LifeWay Christian Resources or www.wmustore.com. The WMU Annual Meeting will be held on April 25, 2009 at Pleasantview Baptist Church in Derby from 10am-Noon. We will have a Potluck Brunch Breakfast and Ester and Abraham Arevalo will be our guest speakers. The WMU Council Meeting will be on March 14th at the HOK office.


GO: These are the first letters of the “gospel.” It was one of Jesus” favorite words. He told the missionaries in Matthew 10 to Go to the lost sheep of Israel. He told John’s disciples to GO and tell what they heard and seen. He told the demonic to GO home and tell his friends what Christ had done. He told the seventy in Luke 10 to GO as lambs among wolves. He told the wedding servants to GO into the highways and byways, inviting others to the banquet. He told those at the tomb to GO with the news. He tells us to GO into all the world. QUESTION: Where does Christ want you to go with the gospel? STAND: This is a favorite New Testament word, occurring 47 times. We’re to stand firm in the faith, to stand against the schemes of the devil, to stand fast in the liberty with which Christ has set us free, to stand girded with the truth, to stand fast in one spirit---- and having done all, to stand. The angel meant: “Plant your feet, your shoulders back, and your head high, your jaw set. Don’t be intimidated but stand.” We are to move full speed-ahead. SPEAK: We live amid unprecedented communications technology, but the most effective way of spreading the gospel is still one teenager sharing with another, one homemaker with another, one fishing partner to another, and one truck driver telling another about Christ. QUESTION: Have you shared your message with anyone recently? This is exactly what we at SAMARITAN’S ROAD are doing in order to reach America’s long haul truckers with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Would you please prayerfully consider helping us continue in this important work that God has called us to. Volunteers are needed to staff the Chapel in order to meet the needs of others. You may contact me by phone at 316-519-5602 or e-mail: [email protected].


The HOKSBA Bible Drill will be at Pleasantview Baptist Church in Derby. It will start at 9am, so plan to arrive by 8:45am. If you have any questions call Brad Beets at 788-3734. Please contact Brad and let him know how many children you are taking to the Bible Drill this year.

Jan 09





































































































































Bible Drill

Jan 09













*Contributions received after the last day of the month will be recorded into the following month.

Homeless Ministry By Deborah Long

We had our Christmas dinner at Riverview Baptist Church. We served 150 people and we had 40 volunteers. I would like to thank Pastor Jerry Elder and all of the members that helped. Also, we are selling 2009 calendars to raise funds for the ministry for $6.00 a piece. If you would like to purchase a calendar, please contact Deborah at 204-9517. We are going to be doing the Christian Women/Men Job Core program. Give me a call if you would be interested in helping. Check out our new website www.baptisthomeless.org.



Moratto Memorial Scholarship • •

What you will find on our website at www.hoksba.org: • • • • •

HOKSBA Event Calendar Reserve the Block Party Trailers, VBS Materials, Sno Cone Machines, Shiloh and more... Sign up for help from our Summer Intern Program Find out how you can help with Operation School Supplies Sign up to receive the Heartbeat in you inbox

Golf Tournament Over the past 8 years the overwhelming response to the question “What did you like most about the tournament?” has been “The Fellowship!” If you haven’t played in the tournament previously and you do play golf, sign up early. This is a “FELLOWSHIP” golf tournament with the primary purpose of developing fellowship among the churches in our association. We highly encourage individual sign-up just like previous years. However, this year we are going to allow two people to sign up to play together. Whether you sign up as an individual or as a two-some, you will be paired with people from other churches to make up your foursome. We attempt to make the teams as even as possible based on your average declared score. Husbands and wives will play together unless the wife desires to play on an “all ladies” team; a family can play together. This can be used as an outreach event. If you have questions, please contact the Tournament Director, Charley Powell. Player #1____________________________ Average Score or Official Handicap________________ Phone: ____________________________ E-mail Address________________________________ Name of Church______________________ Church Staff Position (if applicable)________________ (While we are allowing two people to sign up together, we still highly encourage individual sign-up) Player #2____________________________ Average Score or Official Handicap________________ Phone: ____________________________ E-mail Address________________________________ Name of Church______________________ Church Staff Position (if applicable)________________ (Personal data will not be given out – used for golf tournament contact only) Please identify any players that play High School golf and deduct $5.00 from Registration Fee – Ineligible to win prizes per KSHSAA rules. Women: Please note if you wish to play with your spouse or on an ALL WOMEN’S TEAM Mail entry form with entry fee, checks made payable to: HOKSBA Golf Tournament Heart of Kansas SBA, 3474 S. Meridian, Wichita, KS 67217

• •

Requirements to Receive Scholarship Member of a HOKSBA cooperating church Cumulative College GPA >= 2.5 (High School GPA for those with no college credit) Full Time Student (12 hours) Profess a call to ministry with the intent of serving in a Southern Baptist church, or ministry

Administration of Scholarship •

• • • •

HOKSBA will provide an application ◊ Request relevant info (name, school, transcript, etc.) ◊ Request for letter of recommendation from pastor ◊ Request for Thank You note, and instructions for sending to family Director of Missions will award scholarships Applications must be received by June 30 Money will be sent to the student’s school account Amount awarded will equal the total income the scholarship fund received from July 1 of previous year to June 30 of current year, divided equally among qualified applicants, but not to exceed $500.

Good Neighbor Centers As the economy continues to struggle, our GNC’s are having more opportunities to minister to our city. Lives are being changed in a real way by seeing God’s love through hearing and accepting the Gospel. As the community’s needs increase so do the needs of the centers. Please pray about how you can serve in one of our Good Neighbor Centers. Two specific needs we have right now is for good used freezers for the Cottage Grove GNC and volunteers at both Cottage Grove and West Side.

Juvenile Detention Ministry Loren Phippen, Evangelism Ministry

I first met Jose (alias) at the juvenile center and shared the Gospel with him. At that time, Jose accepted Jesus as his Savior. As I continue to disciple him at a placement center, he is studying God’s Word and now is having small Bible studies in his dorm. Last week, Jose asked me to check into how he could have his gang tattoos removed so he can put that life style behind him. We continue to see lives changed in this ministry. Please continue to pray for this ministry and your involvement in it by participating or providing funds for Bibles.

FamilyFest ~ July 10-16, 2010 FamilyFest is a partnership with the local and national Women’s Missionary Union, the Kansas/ Nebraska Convention of Southern Baptists, and the Heart of Kansas Southern Baptist Association. It is designed to give families (age six and up) a prepackaged missions experience. How You Can Participate Think about the needs in the community around your church. How could FamilyFest volunteers assist you and your church members in meeting some of these needs? These volunteers could work on anything you have a vision for: Vacation Bible School, backyard Bible clubs, light construction, sport camps, survey work, etc. Perhaps some families in your church would like to travel across town to help another church. For more information contact Mark Jackson 316943-3446, [email protected] or Ellen Noeller 316215-0135, [email protected]

Summer Intern Program By Brad Simmons

In 2009, the HOKSBA Summer Intern Program will be divided into four parts: Church Planting Team, Vacation Bible School Team, Evangelism Team and Construction Team. While each team will have its own specific areas of service, there will be a lot of interaction and overlapping between each team. Check out the descriptions below to see which team sounds best for you!

Check it out ~

Does any of this interest you? Head over to www.hoksba.org/missionary to find out more, and let us

know you are interested.

Church Planting


Does being a part of a church from the very beginning excite you? Have you ever wondered how a church gets started? Then this team is for you. You will work side by side with one, or more, church planters whose churches are either just getting started, or are only a year old. Some of your time will be spent with Aviator Church, a new church plant in Derby for 20 somethings. We also have church plants in Oaklawn, a multicultural low income area, and in downtown Wichita that is specifically reaching out to those trapped in addictions. This team will do block parties, personal evangelism, creative outreach events, service projects, and more.

Do you have a heart for those who are hurting? Are you excited about telling them about the One who can offer them hope? Look no further. There are three Good Neighbor Centers in the Heart of Kansas, and hundreds of people a week go to them looking for food and clothing. While working in the Good Neighbor Centers, you will meet these people, and be able to offer them much more than what will meet their physical needs. You will also spend time with our staff Evangelism Director, and church members, going door-to-door sharing the Gospel with people in the neighborhoods surrounding our churches. You'll also participate in block parties designed to foster opportunities to share the Gospel.

Vacation Bible School


Do you love kids? Can you just not get enough of silly songs, kool-aid, cookies, and funny games? Then you're going to love this! You will spend the majority of your time planning, decorating, publicizing, teaching, playing, and leading as many Vacation Bible Schools in as many different churches as we can find for you to help!

Are you handy? Do you like to serve others with your hands and hard work? We have a place for you to serve. You will have the opportunity to go into the homes of those who need help the most, and make small repairs and improvements that will make a big difference. You don't need to be an expert, but some experience would be good.

Handyman and Service Projects Needed We are actively recruiting college students, and high school seniors, to serve on a construction team for the summer of 2009. We hope for these students to be able to serve our churches by completing service projects around their church buildings, and in the homes of those the churches are seeking to reach. If you know of a student who might be interested, send them to www.hoksba.org/missionary for more information. Besides students, we need two things: a knowledgeable leader to oversee the students, and projects for the students to complete. If you, or someone you know, would have the time, and the knowledge to serve alongside these students during the summer of 2009, please give the HOKSBA office a call and we will share more about what is needed. If you have projects around your church, or in your church community, that this team could help with please let us know about those as well.

Update: Hispanic Church Planting By Abraham Arevalo, Hispanic Church Planter

The Lord has blessed the churches of the Heart of Kansas Association with two new Hispanic church planters in 2009. Daniel Diaz and Jeronimo de la Cruz are aggressively reaching out to the Hispanic population of Wichita and the results are great. More than 20 people have been led to faith in Jesus Christ; Immanuel Baptist Church now has a Spanish service on Sunday morning; and four new home bible study groups have been started around Wichita. We praise the Lord for the love and support that Immanuel has shown to Jeronimo De la Cruz and his Family. We thank the Lord for Nueva Vida Baptist Church and their support for Daniel Diaz. At the same time, we give glory to the Lord for answering our prayers by providing a car for Daniel Diaz. Thank you Faith Baptist Church and Pastor Smith for being the instrument God used to bless Daniel with a wonderful vehicle. If you are interested in helping in any way in Hispanic ministry please contact us at www.hoksba.org or call Abraham at 316-371-4312.

Prairie Trail Cowboy Church Light Construction/Cowboy Musicians

Rose Bowl Parade Loren Phippen, Evangelism

Grace Harbor Baptist and South Broadway Baptist Churches have joined forces and are reinventing themselves as a church focusing on making “disciples of western cultured people” by going to where these gather, building relationships, and presenting the gospel. They could use help in three areas: volunteers for arena events, workers to remodel the sanctuary and cowboy musicians. Please contact Wayne Trimmell, 316-721-4460.

Disaster Relief Although we are several weeks into the response to the devastating January 2009 ice storms in Arkansas, Missouri and Kentucky, the need for help is still great. There are still places in rural areas without power and will be for an extended time. Tree damage is extensive and broad spread assistance will be required for a minimum of eight to ten more weeks. On January 31, the HOK disaster relief teams were activated to assist with the ice storm recovery. The HOK Shower Trailer was dispatched to Arkansas on February 2nd with a two member team of Carolyn and Willis Walker to operate, maintain and provide laundry service for local residence and disaster relief teams. On February 1st the North American Mission Board Disaster Operations Center (DOC) requested a volunteer to serve on the Disaster Incident Command Team in Louisville, Kentucky. Bill Riley departed on February 2nd and served for ten days traveling the storm damaged areas of Kentucky to assist in bringing in disaster relief feeding, chain saw and shower trailer teams. A Chaplain Team of Gordon and Viola Herb was deployed to Paducah, KY on February 5th to assist with spiritual counseling and to help encourage the storm victims and other volunteers. On February 9th the HOKSBA Chain Saw Team made its first deployment to Springdale, AR with a five member team: Roger Neece, John Robinson, Delbert Fleming, Benny Bowman and Bob Journagan. They assisted in tree and debris removal to the storm damaged areas. God is indeed blessing the disaster relief effort as a ministry of love and compassion. Residents were in disbelief, although encouraged, that volunteers would come such distances to assist them. There are many opportunities to pray, share Christ and encourage those needing assistance. We continue to seek additional volunteers to join the disaster relief ministry in the Heart of Kansas. If you feel led to volunteer or need additional information, please contact the association office at 943-3446.

Abi, a young Hispanic woman, was one of thousands of people camped out on East Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena, California, on New Year's Eve, waiting to see the 2009 Tournament of Roses Parade. She was unaware that the best news she would hear that day would have nothing to do with the parade. I approached Abi and began to share the Gospel with her. As I used the illustration tool called an EvangeCube to tell Abi about Jesus, I noticed that she was receptive. As I was about to invite her to pray, Abi asked me to sit down in a chair beside her because she wanted to ask me a serious question. "What does the Bible say about homosexuality, Loren?" Abi asked. "The Bible has a lot to say about homosexuality," I answered. Abi admitted to being in a homosexual relationship and said she wanted a way out. I knew the conversation was a divine appointment, and I shared with her what God says about homosexuality in His Word. With tears streaming down her face, Abi said she wanted to leave her life of homosexuality behind and trust Christ as her Savior. I was one of 14 volunteers from Wichita and 152 volunteers from California and churches across the country that converged in Pasadena for the annual Rose Parade outreach.

Celebrate Recovery An Amazing Spiritual Adventure! By Tom Melton

Celebrate Recovery is a recovery program which is not limited to alcohol or drug addiction. CR encourages fellowship and celebrates God’s helping power. At Midway Baptist Church, we covenanted to start CR using the principles of “Experiencing God.” We covenanted to only move as God gave guidance and evidence that He was working. Leadership training was from January – March of 2008. We began Worship (April 2008), the Open Share Groups (May 2008) and Step Studies (June 2008). The Worship Service on the 1st Tuesday of April 2008 had 7 in attendance. January and February of 2009 averaged 35. We have seen around 85 people come to CR which reveals a lot of turn over. Many desire to give up addictions, but few have commitment or perseverance to finish the race. The ones that have stayed are having miracles happen in their lives. When CR started, very few had more than a month clean time; many are now reaching their one year clean time. We have seen 14 people become active members of Midway. Families are being united, reconciliation and forgiveness is occurring and many are being set free from Satan’s strongholds. At our New Year’s Eve worship, “Nail it to the Cross”, one man testified that this was the first New Year’s Eve that he had been sober in ten years. CR is a Spiritual Battlefield and can only be fought with spiritual weapons. We spend much time in fasting and prayer as we claim Isaiah 58:6-12.

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