Heart Warmers Brochure 2009

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 1,174
  • Pages: 2
Hennepin Heartwarmers is an invitation to make Christmas heartwarming for your loved ones, offering a catalogue of alternative gift-

giving choices. For each donation you make for someone on your gift list, you receive a handmade card and envelope announcing your gift.

NEW! Dignity Center: Food Vouchers

By shopping at Lake Country Food Bank, our clients get double-value on their food vouchers. Your gift of a $10 Food Voucher doubles in value at this non-profit grocery store.

NEW! Africa Partnership: Zimbabwe Emergency

Current conditions in Zimbabwe are dire and mean that many families go hungry. A $10 gift provides a one-month supply of maize meal to be distributed to a hungry family of five by one of the Zimbabwe United Methodist districts.

NEW! Pakistan & Afghanistan: Education Many were inspired by the bestseller, Three Cups of Tea, by Greg Mortenson. Working with

the Central Asia Institute, you can support education, especially for girls, in remote areas of Pakistan & Afghanistan. A gift of $20 provides school supplies for one year; $10, a half-year. Empower a girl to build her community!

Russia Partnership: Maria’s Children

Warm the toes and hearts of our guests with a $25 donation of socks. Winters are cold in Minnesota - more than 50 guests (more than 100 feet!) will be warmed by your gift!

Community Meals: Dinner for Two

Your gift of $10 will cover the cost of a wellbalanced dinner for two of our guests. Dinner for two, just $10 – What a Deal!

NEW! India Partnership: LIGHTS PLEASE!

Africa Partnership: Malaria Nets

Malaria kills one in five children under the age of 5 in Africa. Your gift of $10 supplies a family of four with a treated mosquito net – the simplest and best protection against this devastating disease.

Heifer International

Heifer International is part of Heartwarmers! Flock of Chicks - $20 Honey Bees - $30 Share of Goat - $10 Share of Rabbits - $10 For more suggestions, visit www.heifer.org or the latest Heifer Project Catalog.

Help Haiti’s youth change the future by giving them a tree to plant where it really makes a difference. Trees in Haiti provide fruit, shade, and solid topsoil. Reduce the effects of global warming with this crucial gift - your gift will be facilitated by a Haitian nonprofit devoted to renewing the environment & reducing poverty. $3.00 for a tree $10.00 for an orchard Maria’s Children works with orphaned or needy children in Moscow or Dmitrov, using art rehabilitation to heal their hurts. A $10 contribution provides an art kit for one child.

Community Meals: Warm Toes, Warm Heart

There are 250 Students in 12 classrooms at the Gandhi Secondary School. Only the Computer Lab has electricity! Help to install a ceiling light in each room - maybe a fan for the hot summer months. It costs $300 for each room but $10, $25 or $50 will give this project a big boost.

NEW! Haiti Partnership: Trees for Haiti

Dignity Center: Bus Passes

NEW! UMCOR Sager Brown Partnership: Sewing Kits

Sewing kits distributed by UMCOR foster independence in women who have experienced a manmade or natural disaster in some part of the world. The kits are used to practice valuable income-generating skills. Your gift of $10 allows the partnership to purchase the fabric needed for one kit.

Adventures in Mission

Clients need transportation to seek & keep a job. A $10 bus pass makes a world of difference to someone working to change their life.

Russia Partnership: Autism Manuals

Educators working with children need to learn the best ways for working with autism. The English instruction manuals need translation. Your $15 supports translation costs.

NEW! Cuba Partnership: Caring for Elders

During their 2009 trip to Cuba, the HAUMC group visited the only senior housing facility operated by the church. A new facility is being built to house an additional 16 seniors. Join the Cuba Partnership in supplying beds and room furnishings. $5 or $10 toward pillowcases or sheets $25 toward a comfy bed

UMCOR Sager Brown Partnership: Layette Kits

HAUMC’s Sager Brown Partnership makes layette kits for UMCOR to deliver when babies are caught in natural or manmade disasters. Your gift of $15 purchases a cozy sleeper, and fabric to make the blankets (2), washcloths (2), nightie, and jacket that go into each kit.

India Partnership: Gandhi Secondary School

There are nine children attending this school – all have parents recovering from leprosy. They are good students, but need your help to pay their school tuition. Just $12 pays one month for a child; $24 covers two months and $110 covers the school year. In gratitude for your own education, consider sponsoring a child.

Jr./Sr. High Mission Trips

A $10 contribution covers 4 gallons of gas for our young missionaries as they hit the road, spreading God’s message to love our neighbor.

Remember: ™ 100% of your contribution is given directly to the program of your choosing. ™ Contributions are tax-deductible and are

reported on your HAUMC Statement of Contributions as ‘Hennepin Heartwarmers.’

Heartwarmers Shopping List Contributions noted are suggestions; choose any amount for your contribution. Your name_____________________________ My Suggested Contribution Contribution $ _____ Dignity Center – Food Vouchers - $10 $ _____ Africa – Maize Meal - $10 $ _____ Community Meals – Socks - $25 $ _____ India – Lights, Please! - $10, $25, $50 $ _____ Africa – Malaria Nets - $10 Heifer Project: $ _____ Flock of Chicks - $20 $ _____ Honey Bees - $30 $ _____ Share of Goat - $10 $ _____ Share of Rabbits-$10 Three Cups of Tea:Afghanistan/Pakistan $ _____ School Supplies: $20 - one year $ _____ School Supplies: $10 - half year $ _____ UMCOR Sager Brown-Sewing Kit - $10 $ _____ Haiti – Tree - $3 $ _____ Haiti – Orchard - $10 $ _____ Russia – Art Kit - $10 $ _____ Community Meals–Dinner for Two-$10 $ _____ Dignity Center – Bus Pass - $10 $ _____ Russia – Autism Manuals - $15 $ _____ Cuba: Linens - $5 or $10 $ _____ Cuba: Beds - $25 $ _____ Haiti – Pigs for Peace - $10 $ _____ Haiti – Pigs for Peace - $40 $ _____ UMCOR Sager Brown – Layette Kit - $15 $ _____ India – School Tuition - $12 $ _____ India – School Tuition - $24 $ _____ Jr./Sr. High Mission Trips - $10 $ _____ TOTAL CONTRIBUTION

Thank you for your contribution(s). May your generosity warm the hearts of those receiving this blessing as much as it warms your own.


The last time swine flu got our attention, it was incorrectly blamed on native black Haitian pigs. In fear Americans would pay the price with illness, Haitian families lost their livelihood when we tragically killed every Haitian pig, replacing them with our pink pigs - which died in the Haitian climate. Send a native pig to a struggling Haiti family; help repay this debt. $10.00 for a side o' bacon $40.00 for a whole pig


NEW! Haiti Partnership: Pigs for Peace

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