Heart Broken 12 And 13

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  • Words: 10,520
  • Pages: 21
Heart break Chapter.1. (Alice's family) Here i am again after another heart break.I just broke up with my boyfriend Sam. I really have bad luck with guys.My friend Andrea hooks me up with her boyfriends,friends. Which the only reason why they want to get with me is because they think they look good,with me.Oh yeah,i almost forgot to tell you i'm a singer/actress.Yup so if i'm with a guy and the poperatzi finds out,it's all over the news.I hate it.I live with my best friend Andrea,Anni,and Alice.Alice only comes on school hours. She's really cool,but she keeps her distance.She's kinda wierd,but there's something about her that draws me to her.Like i'm ment to know her. Well anyways,i live in San Diego California.I moved here when my parents died 5 years ago.I was 12 years old.They always fought,i never heard once when they were happy.My sister Fernanda blamed me for thier fighting.She says that if it wasn't for me being born that mama and papa would have never fought.She changed her view when i almost died last year,now we're really close. "Amora,what's wrong,why are you crying." Shit i thought i was alone. "I'm fine Andrea-i mean Alice?" I said questionally.She always kept her distance.Why the sudden change? "No your not,your crying,tell me." She sat down next to me in the balcony. "Fine." I took a deep breath,trying to calm my tears. "Well i was going out with this guy named Sam,but he-he,oh god he left me for some girl that was some kind of hooker.If i can't keep a guy for more than 2 months,i'm going to end up a old maid." I managed to say through sobbs.Alice got close to me and hugged me. She started to rub circles on my back.I put my head on her sholders.She was cold,but it brought me comfort. "I'm so sorry for crying on you like that." I said after i was done. "No problem Amora." She smiled then got up.She stood up so graceful.She helped me stand up. "Urg i don't know what to do,what do i do with guys.I'm i that repulsive?" I asked Alice.Alice just laughed. "Amora,you just have to much love.Your name suits you." She laughed. "Haha,i wish i could just get away." I said dreaming of somewhere peaceful,no problems,somewhere where i will not have to worry about people approving of me.I started to daydream when i was interupted by Alice. "I got it." She yelled startiling me. "What.?" I asked the jumping Alice.She reminded me of my nephew David. "You could come with me to Forks,Washington.Me and my family get together and hang out for the summer.Well it's not really summer out there but still it will be so much fun Amora." I hesitated.I mean we bearly started talking,i didn't really know her, i didn't know her family,at all.But still maybe i would have fun and get my mind off of Sam,so why not i'll give it a try. I smiled at Alice who was fidgiting with her sweater zipper. "Yes" I yelled.We started to jump up and down like little girls.

I started packing when i realized that i hadn't bought my ticket this week.Shoot. "Alice!" I yelled from my room.Me and Alice have gotten to be great friends over a week.I felt like i knew her longer than Andrea. "What?" She asked pocking her head through my door. "Alice,i forgot to get my tic-" I was cut off by her bringing me my ticket,and walking away. Alice started to laugh. "I knew you would forget." She said throwing me a water bottle. We got in my car and started to head for the airport,when i got a text message from Andi. My manager. "Hey Amora,i know you said you wanted vacations,but they really want oy to go and sing at a club in Forks.I swear i'll leave you alone after this but can you please do this please.Andi." I sighned then wrote back. "Yes Andi i'll go,but i'm going to bring some people is that cool? Amora-Love." Not even a minite past that Andi wrote back. "YESSSS, thank you so much, you don't know how much they have begged.And for the whole people thing you know you always get what you want Love. Andi." Not everything.i sighned then turned off my phone.

The plane ride was okay.I hate flights.But i was mostly sleeping. "Amora,come on,waky waky." Alice soft voice woke me. "Hey sleepy." She smiled. "Hey are we here.?" I asked all groggy. "Yes,and my parents and siblings are at the terminal,so hurry your ass up." I got up and walked with Alice.She seemed nervous. "Alice." I heard her name being yelled over the crowd.Alice squealed and ran torwards the group.I just walked slowly.People started to stare at me,and Alice realized.She grabbed me by the arm and raced me to where her family was.She jumped on a blond guy and kissed him.The big muscular guy smiled at me,and i blushed.His smile grew bigger,and as a result my face felt even hotter.Dam my dam blush.I looked away.Then i saw a blond hair girl who was gorgeous.She smiled at me and statred to make her way torwards me. "Hey i'm Madison,this is my husband Ethan." She smiled.Alice started making her way torwards me. "This is my fiance Daniel,this is my mother Ava,and my father William." She smiled but then it disappeared. "Where is Aaron?" Alice looked like she was going to cry. "Alice you know Aaron,can't always be here when you come home,he does work." Ava said in a motherly voice.Alice cheered up. "Well he is going to have to get off work early because my friend here is performing at the Forks club." She squealed. Everyone in the parking lot looked torward us.I ducked my head.Please please please don't let them see me.But

with my luck what did i expect. "AMORA" People started to yell.Great. Ethan,Daniel,and even William,got in front of me so that i could rush to the car. "Wow you really are popular aren't you." Madison said when we got in the car. "Yea i guess so." I said blushing. After we got home,and Alice showed me my room,we started talking about her brother Aaron. "He is my favorite brother.He protects me from Ethan." Alice giggled. "He seems...cool." I said a little uninterested.She started telling me more stories when my phone started ring.I picked it up. "Hello" "Amora,oh Amora i miss you,please come home,i miss you,you don't know how much." Sam great,just great.Alice saw my pained face and got my phone. "Hey this is Alice,Amora's friend.Yeah she's is busy with me and my family right now so don't call her you idiot." She yelled and hung up.Wow i have never seen Alice get all mad before. "Wow" was all i could say. After the phone call we started getting ready.I wore a blue skin tight baby blue dress that clung to my curves,with matching high heels,light make up,and i just let my hair fall lose. Alice wore a red dress that went up to her knees,that made her plale skin come out more,but that just made her look even more beautiful.Madison was wearing a pink dress that went up to her thighs,she had the perfect bodie for the dress.Shoot she looked gorgeous. The guys we wearing nice shirts and dark jeans.Ava and William were too busy to go. Everyone went up to thier couple.I felt like a third weel.If i was suppose to hang out with Aaron i was hopping that he was at least nice. When we got to the club people started yelling. "Hey i'm with them and somebody else is comming later,his name is Aaron Cullen please let him in." The gaurd nodded,then let us in. "Hey Alice i got to go back stage so i'll see you when i'm done kay." She nodded then walked torwards her fiance.I envied Alice she had the perfect family.The perfect man. What else would she ever want. 15 min. later,i was being introduced to the crowd.Everyone started yelling out my name. I went out to sing my new song which Andi didn't know of,yet. "Hey everybody my name is Amora,and i'm going to be singing a song to you guys that hasn't even came out yet,and that i personally wrote.It's called 'when i look into your eyes'." The piano started playing,

the the violin.This is the perfect song to say out loud how i felt,every time some guy used me for my fame.Then a perfect looking guy walked into the club.He was wearing a dreassy shirt,that clung on to his muscles perfectly.He looked at me.We locked gazes, until Alice jumped on him and he tore his gaze away from me.Dam it he was Alice's brother! Chapter .2. (Mr.Gorgeous) After i was done with the concert, i went down to go get Alice and her family. "AMORA!" A chirppie voice called from behind me.I turned around to see the same gorgeous man that i saw eairlier today. "H-hey" I stuttered. I never once stuttered to a man,not even Sam. "Hey this is my brother Aaron." She said jumping up and down. I smiled at her,then i turned my gaze on Aaron. We locked gazes. He was gorgeous, no not even that would cover it. He had firm muscles,that i soo wanted to run my hands on. He had Blue eyes,light brown hair that was spiked up,and he was way taller than me. Alice coughed a little fake cough and Aaron turned his gaze away. "Hello i'm Aaron." He said proper. He held out his hand and i took it. "Amor-" I was cut short by the electric shoot that went through me. He seemed to have felt it too. He turned back to his sister. "Well are we going to party,or are we just going to stand here." He smiled at her. "Yeah,let me go get Daniel so that we can dance, i'll call Madison and Ethan too." Then with that she left through the crowd,leaving me with her crazyily hot,gorgeous,handsome,hot,hot,hot,brother. I realized that everyone was in couples except for me and Aaron.That ment that we would have to dance with each other.Great.Lately i have been feeling selfconsious now i have to dance with a guy who looked 10 times no 100 times better than me. We stared at each other,i was nervous,he looked like he just wanted to leave. Then some girl with long black hair green eyes,came up to him and asked him to dance. "Um i don't know i came with my family and i'm suppose to dance with her." He said pointing a finger at me. She looked at me then at him. "She's not your girlfriend right." She asked running her hand accros his chest. "Well no but still." He grabbed her arm and was about to turn around when i spated out, "It's fine really i'll just hang out with some of the people over there." I said already leaving his side. The last words i heard that whitch say was, "Why do you look at her like that,she looks well ugly,and she's not the girl for you." Then they were off. I felt a pain,but why? I didn't even know this man for goodnes sake.But something inside of me just wanted to run back to him,and tell him not to dance with that whore.But who was i to tell him what to do. I sat back at the bar,when some guy sat next to me. "Hey why are you alone, i saw you walk in with a huge crowd." I took a deep breath. "Yea i was but they all came in couples,so now here i am." I said taking a big drink,of i don't know what that was.But i felt better. "Do you want to dance?" He asked blushing a little. "Sure why not." And with that he pulled me and we started to dance.He felt

really warm,and with daning,wooh i was burning up.

We started to get tierd,so we went to my table.I was giggiling like a little school girl by the time we reached the others.When i looked up i saw that Aaron was still with that.......whore.I started to mumble in spanish,so that nobody would know what i was saying.But Aaron turned to me and started to smile,but then his smile fadded when he saw Santiago. Santiago,was also acting wierd. "Hey you okay." I asked,he was shaking like crazy. "How 'bout we go dance again,if your up to it." He smiled challanging me. "Okay,but you know i'm a great grinding,dancer." I laughed at his face,he looked shocked. "So the great Amora has a crazy side. Huh i would like to see that." He laughed. Okay that was enough he didn't belive me. "Lets go." I said getting his hand and dragging him torwards the dance floor. And just like i expected.His breath was short.But then something happened. Aaron cut in. "Can i cut in." He asked directing his question torwards me.Totally ignoring Santiago. "Um i was dancing with Santi.plus your lil girlfriend is getting a little mad don't you think." I asked raising my eyebrow. "She's not my girl." He said in a stern voice. "Fine,is this cool with you Santi." But when i looked over he was already leaving.What is his problem. We started to grin,but then slow music started to play.I was about to walk away when Aaron grabbed my hand. "Come on." He smiled his perfect white teeth. Fine,i went back to him.I looked up at his lips.Damn they're so kissable.Wait no don't think like this Amora,bad.Why am i talking to myself like this.I hadn't realized that Aaron was looking at me with an amused smile playing across his oh so kissable lips. I looked away and blushed darker than tomato. "Please tell me what your thinking about." He whispered in my ear. "How kissable your lips are." I blurted.What the-.How did he- Why did i-Did i just tell him what i was thinking.He started to laugh a low sexy laugh. "You know you could just ask and i'll do it more than willingly." He smiled. "Wha-" I looked up,but was soon attacked by his lips.I felt my heart stop then,it started to beat faster than ever. My hands wrapped around his neck instantly.Our breathing was fast,and heavy. I have never kissed anyone and felt like this before. I don't know how long we kissed,but then he broke it. "I'm sorry,i shouldn't of done th-" This time i attacked him with my lips.But he pulled away. "I'm sorry but i have a girl." And with that he left.Did he just use me,just like that.I felt sobbs building up. I had to get out of here now. I went outside to catch a cab.But then i saw Santi.I walked up to him. "Hey." I felt a little wierd.At first he looked pissed but then he saw me then he looked confused. "Why are you crying." He asked whipping my tears away.I hadn't even realized that i was crying.I quickly whiped my tears.Why was my heart always being torn? "I'm fine really." He looked at me then signed. "You need a ride?" "Yea" He took my heand and lead me to a huge escalade. "Wow nice" I smiled. "Thanks." He returned the smile.The ride was quite and fast.We were at the Cullens house in no time. "Hey so i'll see you around i guess." He said in a low voice. "Do you want to come inside?" I asked.I know it wasn't my house,but come on he gave me a ride home. "Yea sure." He was out of the car,and opened my door before

i could. "Thank you sir." I laughed and he joined me.Then he stopped,he started to shake again. "Hey are you okay." I asked concerned. "Yea." He whispered something else but i couldn't hear.He took my hand and we walked up to the door hand in hand. We were in 'my room' watching 'Saw 5' i love horror movies.This suprised Santi.I just laughed.We also ordered Pizza.And mmm was it good haha.I found myself huddled in Santi's Lap.He didn't mind so i made myself conftorable.He was aleep in the middle of the movie and his warm breath on my neck helped me relax and fall asleep.When i woke up i was in my bed with Santi hugging my waist protectivly.I smiled and got up without waking him up.When i opened the door,i saw Alice and closed the door fast.She smiled,then took my hand in hers. "So who was that guy huh?" She asked me jumping up and down on the floor. "His name is Santi and he's upstairs." I said smiling shyly. "I now i saw you two,you guys are so cute together." She yelled loud.Then Aaron walked into the kitchen. Yup i still remember the kiss,i mean who wouldn't. He looked at me disgusted.Why?I didn't do anything to him.If i recall he hurt me. I glared at him then got up and started to walk torwards my room,but someone caught my arm and dragged me down stairs into a silver car and shut the door.He sat down in the drivers side looking at me. "What is he doing here,in my house." He yelled.Why does he give a shit. "He gave me a ride home,because my fun was cut short because of some prik." I motioned my hand to him then continued. "He was keeping me company,and anyways why do you care." I yelled back. Then he kissed me again.At first my hands started to twin in his hair again,but then i remembered the pain he caused me.I tried to get away but i couldn't.He was holding me there. Holding on to me for his dear life.Tears started to roll down my cheeks.Why was he doing this.I started to push against his chest and finally he let go.We were both out of breath. "You need to stop you have a girlfriend remember." And with that i got out of the car and walked back inside. Chapter .3. Aaron's POV (Mistake) I watched her as she left me in the car.Why was i doing this to myself.?I could never be with her.She's so sweet, caring, beautiful,and i'm a monster.I made her cry last night.Then when i was going to apolagize i saw her in the arms of the mutt. That hurt me alot.What hurt me worse was that she was snuggled against him,and i heard her say 'i love you' three times.She loves a mutt for crying out loud.I can't seduce her anymore it feels wrong.I mean i seduced her into telling me what she was thinking,and yes it worked but i hurt her.I can't do that to her anymore. I need to leave her.I will leave her.I know just how to get her off my mind.Marisa. Amora's POv

Here i am again,crying.I can't stand him.First he kisses me,then makes me cry,then he does it again.Does he hate me that much?Does he want me to leave.Well i will. Tonight.I'm leaving the Cullen residents. "Amora get down here now." Alice yelled. She sounded angry.Why?Did Aaron tell her something?Oh god she must hate me. I walked down stairs my head down. "Yes" I called now at the bottom of the stairs. "What ever you are thinking about your not leaving me,do you hear me.Yes my brother can be an asswhole." She screamed athe last part quite loud.I guess so that Aaron would hear. "But you didn't come for him,you came with me.Plus Santi would be veary hurt." She smiled widely.Oh no what is she thinking. After three hours of me whining about the make-over,they convinced me.So Alice always has her way.She just has the cutest puppy eyes.I can't say no to.So it's 1:00pm. And Santi still hasn't woken up.Aaron hasn't came out of his room.Wow i make everyone stay away.Finally Alice is done.I'm dressed in a cute short white mini skirt,a baby blue strapless,white flats,that are adorable,my hair is well she didn't do anything to my hair just cut it.I admit i look good.I have a side bang now.Hehe i know wow.My hair is down curling at the end like always.I have light make-up.I'm not so crazy on make up i know wierd. Now it's time for me to get out of the bathroom,wish me luck. Aaron's POV I'm in my room trying to ignore Alice and her chitter chat about 'Santi'.I mean even my sister likes him.Didn't she say that 'I' was suppose to end up with Amora.That we were going to be soul mates? Wait why do i care.Amora can be with whoever she wants.Even if it's with that mutt.I mean i do have a girlfriend,but we were taking a break until like 10 min. ago.And she is already starting to get on my nerves.Well we're all going out for dinner.Great now i have to see Amora snuggle up to that mutt Santi.I'm so looking forward to that.Urg,sarcasim,again. She can never snuggle up to me like that,if i ever wanted to.Which i so want to just kiss her the whole day,to keep her with me,to make love to her,for her to be mine,and i'll be her's. "Knock knock. Come on on lil sister,okay" Alice's annoyed through the door. She was at my side in a blink of an eye. "Why are you doing asked sounding hurt.I hated hurting Alice,but Amora deserved better right? anything to her." I tried to sound innocent,but Alice saw trough me.Just then the door.

voice said comming this to her?" She "I'm not doing Daniel walked through

Great he'll tell her everything. "Dude come on just tell Alice what you feel or else i will." He said flat out comming in and closing the door behind him. "Fine" I sighned. "I do.i really do like her bu-" Daniel cleared his throat,even though he really didn't have to. "Fine,fine i do LOVE her,but i can't she deserves better." I said flat out. "So you rather her run around with a werewolf?" Alice asked raising her eyebrow. "NO" I yelled. "Well if you don't do anything and fast she'll be gone,for good.She will run off with Santi,and she'll have kids and-" "Okay i get it." I yelled as loud as i could at her. "Well i see that if you work hard she'll give you a try.But something in your future,it's blurry. I can't see what,but it's something with Amora,and someone else that you'll love more than your life." She said sounding pissed that she couldn't see it clearly. "Okay" Was all i said. I was so lost in thought. What will i do.Can i really get her back.Shit Marisa.

Chapter 4. (Anthonys) Amora's POV Okay it's almost time for Dinner,and i'm scared out of my pants.What am i going to do.I mean i like Santi and all but i bearly know him. But i did sleep in the same bed as him.But that dosen't matter.It was friendly.Right? "Amora hurry we're going to be late,and my mom hates it." Alice yelled.I was still in the main bathroom.Sad huh.But i got my heart broken twice.Twice in not even a month!! I mean was i that disqusting?Ugg i feel like shiit. "Amora please come on you look great." Alice voice grew softer.I opened the door to find Alice's eyes going blank. "Ali, hey are you okay.?" She looked realy pale,paler than normal,which was veary veary pale. "ALICE!" Why hasn't she answered me.I know wow she didn't answer me and i'm freakin out. But she never dose that.Just when i was going to go down stairs.I saw Aaron jumping up the stairs torwards us. I froze were i was,so did he.I was first to look away. "What happened."He asked looking torwards Alice's still frozen body. "I don't know she was knocking on the door then when i opened it she went blank." I was starting to scream.Tears were rolling down my cheeks. Aaron came around to me and hugged me.I didn't care that i was suppose to hate him.It felt so right. Like i was made for him.Then Alice started to move. "Alice!" I left my safty and ran for alice. "Hey" She said laughing. Crap my make-up. "Good thing i used water proof huh." She said a smile breaking into her perfect lips. "Yes" I said hugging her cold body.I got used to all her family being cold.I liked

it. "Hey Santi told me that he can't go." Alice said when we got into her car.My car was on its way.I can't wait until i can speed down the road in my car. My own Charger.I loved my car.It was fast and i love fast.My dad would rase cars in the freeway.I feel in love with fast and only fast cars since then. "Okay that's okay." I said smiling at Alice.I was planning on comming home early anyways. My Boo by Usher and Alicia Keys started playing.Great Andi. "Hey Amora i know i said just one club but they will pay you double to go.Please say yes,please,please,i'll love you always. Andi." Great so mch for my early night. "Alice what do you say to a night out at the club.?" I asked,even though i already knew. "Yea we were already planning on going anyways." She said with the hugest smile spread across her perfect lips.What was it with her family?Why were they all perfect? "Yes Andi i'll go.But next time please tell mr before.Your lucky that my roommate and her family love going out. Amora-Love" I said putting away my phone.When we got to the resterant,we started to eat fast.Everyone was ready to go party.I wasn't.I wanted to go to the Cullens,go to sleep,and stay asleep,never wake-up,never have to worry about men.But no i'll always have those 'guy problems'.When will my prince charming come to rescue me.Just when i started to think that a man walked in,and smiled at me.He was gorgeous. He kinda looked like,the Cullens.He had bronze hair,that feel a little over his eyes.Perfect body.That was it he was perfect.I felt like i was short of breath.The perfect man walked up to my table. "Amora?" He asked excited. "Yes" I tried to control my voice,but i never can. "Hi my name is Anthony.Wow i never thought that i would actually get to meet you.Do you think we can hang out.?" Was this a dream,was it.I hope not. "Yea,actually we're all going to the club,want to come." I asked standing up. "Sure,do you mind if i bring a couple of friends." "No,it's good just say that your with Amora Love." I said flinching at my name.I mean i loved my name but seriously Amora,Love? "Cool" And with that he left smiling. I turned to see all my friends looking at Aaron.When he saw that i too was looking at him he got up. "I'll meet you guys at the Club i got to get some air." And with that he was also gone.What's wrong with him.? Aaron's POV Great first a Werewolf gets at her then a Vampire.What wrong with everyone.Why were they hitting on her.I mean she's the most beautiful person i have and will ever meet,but she's human.Why is everybody attracted to her. Why her? Anthonys Okay so stuff.But When i go

POV i walk into a resterant i don't know why i mean i don't eat.Vampire i almost feel the need to go into it. in i feel eyes on me.Great Vampires.This is why i came in here.I was

about to turn to leave when i felt the need to look at the Vampire table.There i saw her.She was the pull.But why her?I mean she's pretty,but she's human.Without noticing it i walk up to her,she;s Amora the great Singer/Actress."Hi my name is Anthony.Wow i never thought that i would actually get to meet you.Do you think we can hang out.?" Wow i was comming on strong.I could feel the guy three seats away glaring at me. "Yea,actually we're all going to the club,want to come." She said standing up.Wow she really does have a strong pull.I need to talk to the others about her. "Sure,do you mind if i bring a couple of friends." "No,it's good just say that your with Amora Love." Wow her name was wierd.But i liked it. "Cool" I was still smiling when i walked out the door. :Yo ,peoples we need to get together i just had the wierdest experience.Meet me at the park now." I said.Puting my thoughts into thier mind. Just like i expected when i got there they were all there. "So what do you want to tell us Anthony.?" Jack asked anoyed.When i had everyones attention i put my thought into thiers.To show them her.And how i felt. "Wow" They all said in the same time. "We need to go,i need to meet her." Jack said breaking the silence. He was the smartest out of all of us.He worked with the Volturi so he know what he talks about. "When i was in the Volturi i read that their will be the 5th Royal person.That Royal person is the only women.And she comes in human form.She will decide who will live and who will die.Now that she's born. the Volturi don't rule anyore.She has all the powers of every Vampire,werewolf,whitch,every creature. That's her." Chapter 5 (Crazy night) Jacks POv Okay so this Amora is the choosen one.Wow i can't wait to see her.Does she already know of our kind?I hope she'll come with us.But who was that family?Was that her boyfriend,who was glaring at Anthony?I hope not,because i would really like to get with a royal person.Well all my answers are about to be answered. Amora's POv Okay so here i am in the club,waiting for my turn to 'shine'.Hehe,Andi's words. I can't stop thinking about Anthony.About his smile,Wow.But he was nothing compared to Aaron.Why do i keep on thinking about Aaron.He has a girlfriend.I need to remember.But how can i resist him.He,well i'm drawn to him.He has a certain pull. I feel buterflies in my stomach every time i'm close to him.My heart beat gets faster.But i can never have him,never.I feel tears in my eyes.But why.How can i have feelings for someone who fully loathes me?How can i even i imagine us together. Our little Amora's and little Aaron's.No,i will not let my fantasy go wild.That will just hurt me,far worse than i can handle.

Daniel's POv Me and Alice are dancing on the dance floor waiting for Amora's turn.I love my wife. We have been married for centurys,and im still madly in love with her.I look up when i smell four new vampires walking into the club.The guy who was talking to Amora. One of the guys who was standing next him was anxious.He looked at me.Then at Alice.I growled. "Daniel just leave them alone they won't do anything.Thay're here to see Amora.I can't see anything turning out wrong." She smiles then kissis me.I trust her that nothing will happen,but still i'm going to keep a watchful eye on them. Aaron's POv I'm still walking along the shore.I know i feel like such a loser.How can i fight for Amora's love,when guys keep on throwing themselves at her.I fucked up my chance with her by telling her i had a girlfriend.I knew Marisa was comming soon. But she usually took a while to come.She dosen't have a cell phone.Plus i'll feel real bad breaking up with her over the phone.But at the same time making her come all the way over here,then breaking up with her is wrong.God,i need help.I keep on hurting people.First i hurt Alice,then Amora,Then Ava,now Marisa? "Hey Aaron." Madison's voice comes up from behind me. I turn aroun to face her. "Hey,aren't you suppose to be at the club?" She looked at me like i was dumb. "I wasn't going to leave without my brother." She said trying to sound pissed.I chuckled. "Of course not." She smiled then took my arm and lead me into my bedroom.She took out a pair of dark jeans,A white button up shirt, and some vans.Casual i know,but that's my style.I sigh then turn to the bathroom for a shower.When i was done i put my cloths on.And spiked up my hair. When i was done i got in my car to the club.I couldn't wait to see Amora again. Wow,i have never felt like this for a girl.A human girl.But there was a certain pull to her. I never really tried to pay attention to that,because 'She' was way more important. I felt like i loved her.But how can you love someone youv'e known for two days?I really don't care.I just want Amora to be mine.To marry her.I would say have children with her,but sadly i would never be a father.I would give anything for my own children.For mine and Amora's children.But eyernity with Amora is all i could ask for.Will she love me?Will she love me when she finds out what we are?I hope so,because just knowing that i might not be able to have Amora,breaks my heart.I rather die than not have her.I hope she feels the same. Back to Amora's POv My turn was over thank god.I was on my way to get Alice,but i was sudenly outside. "What the-" I was cut short by a hand over my mouth. "It's me Anthony." He smiled at me.

There's 3 other guys with him.They're all drop dead gorgeous. "These are my friends. Jack,Manny,and Carlos." He points to each of them.Jack was looking at me with lust filled eyes.Shiit i hope they aren't some wierd guys.I attemped to laugh. But it comes out shaky. "Hi,well you guys should come in." I say trying to get away. "Wait,we need to know something." Jack asks me. "Um i'll try to answer as best i can." I turn back around. "Do you know who the Volturi are?" The who? "No" I say.They look at each other.Anthony breaks the silence. "Guys i don't think we should tell her." Jack looks at him like if he's carzy. "What!Do you know this could change 'our history'. She's the key.We need to tell her you dumb ass." Anthony just shakes his head. "No,if she wants to know she'll ask her friends." He said ushering me away from his friends into the club.Once we're inside Alice grabbs my arm and leads me away from Anthony,glaring at him.Why. "Alice why did you do that." I asked a little pissed.I wanted to know what they were talking about. "You can't talk to him anymore,or his friends,okay Amora.Promise me you won't please." She finishes off her eyes watering.How can i not say yes to that. But why didn't she want me to tho.? "Okay but under one condition." She looks up. "Anything." She nearly shouts. "Well two." She's still smiling. "Okay" I take a deep breath. "Why can't i talk to them." I ask scrunchinizing her face. "Well they're dangerous." Okay i'll take that.Plus they did seem wierd. "Okay and last,Who are the Volturi." She looks taken back then sighs. "I don't know." She's lying she is sooo lying. "Alice tell me the truth i know you are lying to me." I shout.Everyone outside is looking at me.I don't care. I'm just veary pissed that she won't tell me. "I'll tell you at the house okay." I nodd. Then get in her car. Alice POv Shiit,shiity shiit.How did she know about Volturi.Did that ass Anthony tell her about us? Shit i need to call Aaron to let him know.Also the whole family. "Aaron,where are you?" I yell into the phone.He chuckles. "I'm going inside the club why." "Don't go in,come into the parking lot." He pauses. "Why" I take a deep breath.Even tho i don't need to. "I think Amora knows about us." The line is quite.He stopped breathing. "WHAT!WHY DID YOU TELL HER!" He shouts. "Did you listen i said i think.'Think'." He paused.I was terrified.I knew that she would find out but not so soon.What are we going to do? A/N Hey i have New Moon's trailer on myspace just send a request @ [email protected]

Chapter 6 ( Defeat ) Amora's POv Why dosen't Alice tell me.What is so wrong about The Volturi?Whatever it is I'm going to find out. "Aaron,where are you?" "Don't go in,come into the parking lot." What?Why dose Aaron have to come.God,why dosen't she just tell me? "I think Amora knows about us." I froze.What is she talking about?I shiver. "Did you listen i said i think.'Think'." Why dose he care if i 'know about them'. I don't care if they have a record.Shit no it isn't that, i know that.What is it. "Amora can you stay in here while i get Aaron please.?" She pleads.I nodd. "Great i'll be back." She kissis my cheek and runs off.Graceful.Why is she so graceful.Her and all of her family?Even Ethan is graceful,and he's huge! "AMORA!!" I turn to where i hear my name.Great it's Jack.What dose he want. "What do you want" I growl. "So have your friends told you or are they to scared you'll run off screming you lungs out." He said snickering. "You know what i don't care what they did,Alice's family is the most loving and-" "No you got it wrong.I know they are great people,but do you know what they are?" I look at him dumbfounded. "No" I whisper.What dose that mean 'what they are' 'what we are'.It can't be that bad can it. "Do you want to know?" He ask leaning closer.I lean back,and nodd. "They are-" Where did he go? He was just here.What the- "Amora oh god are you okay?" ALICE! I get out of the car and run up to her. "Yea" She shakes her head. "I told you not to talk to him anymore.He's really dangerous,Amora." I look up and notice Aaron looking mad as hell. "So why did you bring Aaron?" She lets me go and looks down at her feet. "I'll tell you when we get to my house kay." I look at her.I could tell that this is bothering her like hell.I can also tell she is telling me the truth. "Okay" I whisper and get into the car. "Wait you have to go with Aaron.I need to bring everyone else together." I freeze god why do i have to go with him.I rather go with Jack then him. Nope never mind. I get out of the car kiss Alice's cheek goodbye,then walk behind the furious Aaron. "A-Aaron?" He turns around to face me. "Yea" I take a deep breath then ask. "What are you?" I look up to see him freeze.Then he regains himself again. He smiles then answers. "What do you think." Why did he just change the subject. "Oh no no no i asked first." I stand my ground.He looks suprised. "I-um-you-what the hell." He starts walking again and i follow. "Aaron what ever you guys are i'll love you guys.No matter what.I've felt more at home here then i've felt anywhere.Even my own home.I feel like i belong with you guys." I don't realize i'm crying till he turns around his face softens and he wipes my tears away.He sighs then looks into my eyes for the first time since we kissed. "Amora you will always be part of our family no matter what.Ava already thinks of you as a daughter.But what we are, well just most people will think we are crazy.I just hope you'll understand.Because we all love you.I love you." He added the last part in a hushed whisper. Then he leans down and kissis me.He kissis me like this is going to be our last

kiss. It scares the crap out of me.I deepen the kiss.We stand like this for a while. Then i have to pull away for air.He lets go reluctinly. "Lets go." He grabbs my hand then pulls me torwards a car. We were about 10 min. away from the Cullens house when i you please just tell me.I promise i won't run screaming.I I hope with all my heart that will do it.He pulls over to stops the car. It looks like he is fighitng with himself. "Hey" He looks I kiss him lightly on the lips.He sighs in defeat. "Fine"

spoke up. "Aaron can swear on my life." the side of the rode and up at me,and i smile. Finally.

Chapter 7.(The truth) He sighed.I got ready to hear whatever he was going to tell me. "Just promise me you won't hate us." I nodded.His brows deepened.He looked pained.I put my hand on his. He looked up and i smiled. "Me and my family we are-" "NOOO!" Alice.I groaned. "Don't tell her." She said taking me out of the car. ''Why not" I yell.She looked at me hurt. "I don't want to lose you." Her eyes started to water but no tears fell. "Ali that will never happen,please tell me.I promise that i'll love you the same." She looked at Aaron and he nodded. "Okay, what do you want to know." Aaron snickered. "Like you don't know." I turned around and looked back at Alice with confused eyes. "Actually i can't." She said looking down. "Huh" She looked up and smiled. "You'll find out." "Alice tell me." I screamed for likt at least the tenth time. "Fine" She took a deep breath. "Meandmyfamilyarevampiresandthevolturiaretheroyalsandpleasetellmeyoudon'thateus." (Me and my family are vampires and the volturi are the royals and please tell me you don't hate us) "Wow hold up.Vampires aren't real." Alice looked at Aaron and Aaron looked at me. "What?" i asked self consious. "You understood her." I looked at them then nodded slowly. "Alice we need to get her back to Carlisle. "Wait so it's true." I asked.They both nodd. "Okay." I said and walked with them into the car. "Your not scared?" They both ask at the same time. "Nope." I'm suprised.It almost feels comftorable. "Wierd she's taking this better than i thought." She nodded. We went to the Cullens house.We were all quite. "So what were you guys talking bout when you said that to Alice" I asked them both. Aaron just nodded his head torwards Alice. She took a deep breath. "Well i can see the future,Daniel can change your mood,and feel your mood,and Aaron over here can seduce you to do anything for him." She waited for a secound. "Okay go on." "Well your the only one that we have trouble with." "Wait what do you mean trouble." She looked at Aaron and he nodded again. "Well i see glimps of your future and Daniel could only feel your mood but not control it. And well Aaron can still seduce you,sometimes.Andwethinkthatyoumightbearoyal." Alice said in a rush. (And we think that you might be a royal) "A what!" I yelled. "I knew that this was goingt o happen" Alice murmmered.

Chapter 8 (I love you) What the hell is going on in my life. "Alice are the V-volturi going to come and see me or something?" I asked my voice breaking.She closed her eyes.Then opeaned them. "Aaron take Amora out of town." Alice said with a paniking voice. "Why?" I asked. "Volturi." She said looking at Aaron.He nodded and got out of the car taking me with him. "Wait!What about you?" I asked running up to Alice. "Amora i need to help the family without me they wont know when to prepare for the fight." ALice said. "P-prepare for a fight." I whispered. "Please Amora make this easy."She came up to me and hugged me.After that she left.I felt warm tears rolling down my cheeks. "Come on Amora" Aaron said as he held me in his arms and staarted to run. I started to fall asleep. "Father you cannot tell me who i shall and shall not marry." A young girl said.She looked about my age.She looked like.... ME!? "Alicia you are my daughter.You hold the power of this kingom.One day you will rule the Vampires.And your child.I cannot and will not let you be with Stephan." The guy yelled. "Why." She yelled. "Your just scared that when i have a kid with Stephan that maybe my baby will see for what her grandpa really is.And will want to destroy you and you worthless friends." She yelled.His eyes tuned red. "No you are going to marry Victor and that's final." She gritted her teeth. "I love him" He hit her and she went flying into a wall. "Mother" I yelled. I woke up screaming.Aaron was there in a second. "What's wrong." He asked.Concerned. "He-(Sob)he-that (Sob) bastered-jerk(Sob) hit my mother!" I sobbed.Aaron held me. "I thought your parents were dead." He whispered.I nodded. "I think that they weren't my parents." I whispered.And started to cry again. "It was just a dream" He cooed and it actually worked.I calmed down. I looked into his eyes.The next thing i know i am on top of him,kissing him.And he is kissing me! We kissed each other hungriely.He grabbed the bottom of my dress and pulled it over my head.Then i did the same.Running my hand on his chest.His breath was shallow. I smiled at him.In a blink of an eye he was on top of me.He started to kiss me passionaly. Then he broke away. "Are you sure.?" He asked out of breath.I nodded and kissed him. "I love you." He said looking straight into my eyes.I felt a lump. "I love you too." I whispered. ********************************************************************************** ******************************* ********************************************************************************** ******************************* ********************************************************************************** ******************************* Chapter 9 (Suprise!) I woke up and felt two arms around my waist.I looked up and saw Aaron looking at me.He smiled and i smiled back. "I could get used to this." He whispered into my

hair.I giggled. "I could too." I grabbed his face in mine and started to kiss him.Things led to other things and those things led to more heated things. =P "Aaron i need to get up." I said between giggles.He groaned and let me go. "Fine." He huffed.I smiled and peeked him. "You know you don't make this any easier." He mumbled.I laughed and got dressed. "Come on get dressed." I said leaning over him. "How 'bout you take your's off and we could stay in bed." He smiled up at me. "As much fun as that sounds." I whispered leaning into im. "We can't." I said getting up. "Ugh your a tease" He groaned.I laughed and headed into the kitchen. "Hey Aaron where are we.?" I asked finally realizing i didn't have a clue where we were. "My house.I lived here before i met Ava and William." He answered while getting dressed.I looked into the refrigerator and saw...no food! "Aaron you have no food." I pouted. "Well if you forgot i don't eat." He said behind me.He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close to him.I giggled and turned around. "Well what am i going to eat." I asked pouting. "I'll get you some food." He said.I jumped on his wrapping my legs aroung his waist. "Only if i get something in return." He said with a mischevious smile.I looked up at him raising my eyebrow. "Fine." He smiled and kissed me. "I'll be back in a flash." He winked at me before leaving.I laughed at sat down at the couch watching t.v.Pretty soon i was knocked out. Knock Knock What the hell.I looked around and didn't see Aaron.I walked to the door and opeaned it.I gasp at what i saw. "Mom" I whispered.She nodded her head.Tears were running down her rosy cheeks. "Oh my god." I whispered. Hugging her. "You remember me." She whispered. "I had a vision of you." I said pulling away.She looked shocked.Then i blacked out. Chapter 10) (Stephan My Father?King of What!?) "Stephan my father won't let us be.He will hurt you.I can't let that happen!" My mom yelled. "Alicia mira mi.!" (Look at me) She looked up at the man.He looked like me?I had his hair and eyes.Brown hair && Blue eyes. "I wont let you go through this by yourself.I love you and our child." He said stroking my mothers stomach. Then i woke up. "Daddy" I yelled. I looked around and saw my mother. "Mom." I said hugging her.She hugged back. "What did you see?" She asked. "You and my dad.In a medow.You were talking to him,telling that you father was going to hurt him." I said crying. "Mommy please tell me he is okay.?" I asked.Wow i sound like a little girl.But my hormones are crazy.She nodded. "He's outside talking to Aaron." She said smiling.I blushed as i remembered what happened last night and this morning. "Honey is anyone else here other than Aaron.?" She asked.I shook my head 'no'. "Why?" I asked. "I hear another heart be-" She stopped and stared at me witha 'o'. "What" I asked getting worried. "Honey last night.Did you guys." She seemed troubled by her words.Then i got what she was saying. "Oh.Yes." I said blushing crazy. "Honey your pregnat." She said smiling. "What!" I shouted. Just then Aaron and another familiar guy burst through the door. "Daddy.!" I yelled throwing myself on him.He pulled me into him. "My angel." He said choking up.Then he froze. "What?" I asked stepping away from him.He growled. "You got my Angel pregnat!" He shouted at Aaron.Aaron froze and looked at me.He gave me the is-that-true?Look.I nodded.He smiled. "I would run to you and kiss you,but i think your father is going to kill me." He said in a scared voice.But still held his smile.I shook my head. "Daddy we love each other." I whispered.Stepping next to him.He sighed and relaxed. "Fine.But if you hurt her, or my grandbaby i will kill

you." He said in a threatning voice.Aaron nodded quickly.Then ran to me and twirled me around. "I'm going to be a dad." He yelled.Then he stopped.Oh no. "Wait Vampires can't get pregrat." "Well Angel really isn't fully a Vampire." My mom said looking at my dad.He nodded. She is Part Vampire. Part Werewolf." She said.Me and Aaron both froze. "Bu- still how" Aaron asked. "We're both royals." My father said. "Care to tell us the story?" I asked.They both nodded. "Well..." My mom began Alicia's POv (I'm in love Father!) Amora's mom. "Me and your father met at a party.They were dealing with something.We knew we were from different species.Nothing would be able to happen between us.But when we looked into each others eyes,we knew we were ment to be together." I said looking at the love of my life.He smiled and i continued with my story.... "Father why are we having a party.?" I asked my father.Aro my father was a royal Vampire.Everyone feared him.Except for me.He said i took after my mother in that.She died giving birth to me. "Because we need to make a deal with the werewolfes." He said.Still looking in the mirror.Yes we have a refelction.I hate hollywood movies that make us seem so... evil.I mean some are but some..like me aren't.For example,I drink animal blood instead of humans. William taught me that i didn't have to drink innocent human blood.He was my rolmaodel.But he left.He couldn't take my fathers demands for him to drink human blood.He never pressures me since i'm the princess. "Okay." I said.He turned to me and smiled. "Go down staris and welcome the werewolves in, please." I nodded and walked downstairs.Most vampires were wearing res.Ugh red is a ugly color.I perfer sky blue.I smiled at the thought of the sky.Yes we could go out.No we don't sparkle.We look normal. I finally got down stairs and saw at least half the room filled with werewolfs.I smiled.They were having fun.I know we are suppose to hate each other.But they never did anything to us.So with that said i liked them.I walked to a werewolf and smiled. "hi i'm Alicia." I took my arm out for him to shack. "Santiago" He said shacking my hand. "Isn't you father King Aro?" He asked.I nodded and smiled. "And your talking to me a werewolf?" He asked chuckling.I frowned. "Hey i like werewolfs that are nice.And so far they're good." He smiled. "That's good." I smiled and said a farewell.I walked around until i saw the most gorgeous guy i have seen.And by the looks of it.He was a werewolf.Damn it.I smiled at him.He smiled back and started to walk torwards me. "Would you like to dance, Princess?" He asked.I smiled and nodded. "How did you know i was the princess.?" I asked. "Well where i'm from alot of people talk about the great Princess Alicia.I'm happy to hear that you treat my kind and yours equally." He smiled at me.I blushed and looked down.Yes i blushed my mother was a Necromancer & my father a Vampire so i was part and part. "I've never met a Vampire who blushed." He said running his fingertips along my cheek. "I'm part human." I said. He nodded. "Well Ms.Volturi would you occuany me outside to the garden for a walk?" He asked holding out his arm. "Yes i would be honered Mr.?" I never did get his name. "Prince Stephan Gonzalez" He said bowing.I laughed and walked out. We talked until the sun rose.I yawned and layed aganist Stephan.We were laying ina medow looking out into a waterfall. "I should take you home." Stephan whispered into my ear.I shivered and shook my head 'no'. I looked up at him and kissed him.Suprisingly he kissed back!We both seperated breathless. "This will never work."

Chapter 11) Amora's POv (Grandpa) My dad stood up and growled at the door. "What" i asked. "Alicia take Angel away I'll meet you at the Cullens." My dad said.He started to shake. "Now! He yelled. "No Aaron take her." My mom said stepping next to my dad. Tears started to wel up in my eyes.No nono I just got them back no way in hell will i lose them again. "No" I said. "I just got you guys back I'm not leaving you here to fight off whatever is here to get me!" I yelled. "Angel your pregnat stop being stubbern and go." My dad said.I could see tears welling up in his eyes too.My mom was already crying.I closed my eyes and just wished that i was outside to see what the hell was going on.I opeaned my eyes as i felt wind blowing through my hair.When i opeaned my eyes i saw a pair of red eyes. "Ready to meet your grand-daddy." The sweet voice said.After that everything went black.I wish my love and parents are okay.Please let me go through this.And stay alive.Not only for me and my family but for my little baby. "I love you Aaron.I promise I'll be safe." I thought in my head. Aaron's POv No" Amora said.I wanted her and my baby out of here.But why is she being so damn stubborn. "I just got you guys back I'm not leaving you here to fight off whatever is here to get me!" She yelled.I sighed i knew she didn't want to leave them,But she's not in state to be all brave!"Angel your pregnat stop being stubbern and go." Stephan said.I could see tears welling up in his eyes.I looked over at her mom.She was already crying.I turned back to my love and she had her eyes closed.I was about to say something when she just disappered. "What the-" I was cut off by her mother. "NO!" She screamed runnning to the door.I looked at them confused. "Where is Amora!?" I asked paniking. "She teleported.Why would she do that.She is pregnat." Stephan said also running to the door.When we got outside i couldn't see or smell her. "Victor." Was all they said. "I love you Aaron.I promise I'll be safe." Was the last thing i heard before i saw all black. "Come back to me." I thought. Amora's POv "Hun wake up.Please wake up." A feminine voice said.I opeaned my eyes to see a girl a little older than me. "Who are you and where am i?" I asked jumping up and away from her. She sighed. "Let me guess Alicia didn't get enough time to tell you who i was." She said looking at me. "No'' I whispered. "I'm Amy,Stephan you dads sister.So therefor I am your auntie." She said smiling.I sniffed and she smelled like daddy alright. "I can see your getting your powers early." She said.I looked at her confused. "You looked like your mom before now look in the mirror." I walked over to the mirror and gasped. "What the -" Chapter 12) Amora's POv (Change "This can't be me." I thought out loud. "Hun when you get your powers and your a royal you have to look... older.I guess you might say." She said smiling at me the whole time. "Wait if your my dads sister and my moms dad dosen't like my dad.How are you here." I whispered. "Oh, we took you away before you got to the castle." She smiled.I could tell she was proud of herself.Then i heard my loves voice. "Come back to me." I felt tears prickling the corner of my eyes. "What's wrong Angel." Amy i mean Auntie Amy said. "I miss Aaron." I said while rubbing my little forming tummy.I was suprised that i could already feel her.Yes i said her.I feel

like it is a her.Auntie Amy looked down and gasped. "Oh my." She said. "We need to get this Aaron her soon." She said while looking around the room.That is when i started paniking. "Why!? Is something going to happen to her." I said pacing back and forth. "No you'll just be veary and i mean veary harmonal.You need your soul mate when your pregnat." She said. "Ah ha" She said holding up her black berry. "Here you go call this boy.I want to meet my niece's baby daddy." She said laughing.That's when i started to cry again. "Oh no it's starting here." She said pushing the phone into my hands.I laughed and dialed Aarons number. "Hello." His voice sounded dead and tierd. "Babe.?" I said.Tears were already falling down my cheeks. Aaron's POv "Aaron wake up hunny we need to look for Angel." I opeaned my eyes and saw Alicia.I got uo right away.What the hell. "Was i.... asleep?" I asked confused. "Yes.Your just getting used to your powers." Stephan said i looked at him confused. "Well when you find your soul mate and you well have sex." I could tell he was uncomftorable. "You can communicate through your mind." I smiled.I can talk to Amora. "But she might black out right now and if she is in any trouble or running away we want her awake." Alicia said.My smile immediatly disapperard.Alicia smiled at me sympatheticly.I sighed and sat back down on the couch.I could feel tears comming but i knew they wouldn't come out.But i was wrong i felt something warm rolling down my cheeks.I touched my cheek and saw that i was crying.Gosh it felt so good to cry.Alicia Immediatly went to my side whilee Stephan patted my back. "We'll get her back,I promise." And with that they left to who knows where. I sighed and layed back.I miss her.I thought as i closed my eyes.Just then my phone rang.I groaned And answered. "Hello" I knew i sounded dead.Well i was but with out Amora i don't want to exist. "Babe?" Her beautifyl voice filled my ears. "Amora!" I stood up and smiled hugely. "Where are you.Damn love i miss you.Hows our baby.Are you okay." I said frannticly through the phone.She laughed a shaiky laugh and sighed. "I'm with my Auntie Amy." She said i could already see her smile. "Where though." I said more and more frantic. "In the werewolf castle." She said.I sighed i couldn't go there.My smile immediatly left my face.I would die before i made it to the castle. "Oh" I said.My voice sounding dead again. Amora's POv "Oh" He said sounding dead again. "Aaron love what's wrong." I said.I sat back down. "I can't go there." He whispered.I stayed quiet.Is he serious.He can't come to see his girlfriend and his unborn baby! "Whatever I'm sorry i even called you!" I screamed into the phone.Tears were already rolling down my cheeks. "I'm sorry that I'm pregnat with your little girl!" I screamed,and threw the phonne to the wall.I was suprised to see that the phone turned into dirt.Good.Wait no bad.I turned back to a shocked Amy. "I'm so sorry Auntie." I said looking down.I felt as if i was 5 again and got caught eating a cookie before dinner. She came and sat next to me. "Why can't he come here?" She whispered.While rubbing my back. "Because he is a worthless man and father." I said harshly.Just then i felt a kick.I bent down.My hands immediatly went torwards my stomach. "Owww" I whined while rubbing my little girl. "You need Aaron." She said walking out. "And fast." And with that she left.I sighed and layed back. "I miss your daddy." I said to my baby.She kicked back.I smiled. "I know you miss him too." Aarons POv "Whatever I'm sorry i even called you!" She screamed into the phone.I could tell that she was crying. "I'm sorry that I'm pregnat with your little girl!" She

screamed again.I was about to say something but she hung up.What did i do.I was going to tell her because i would die.Wait did she say little girl.My little girl.Fuck this!If i die i die.I got up and ran out the door to go and be with my love and my child.My little girl. Chapter 13 (Reunited Amora's POv I woke up to....well silence.I got up confused.Usually there was some sound.I got up and as soon as i did my little girl kicked.She was happy,excited.I smiled and put my hand over my tummy.Which now was bigger than last night.This is crazy.Not even a week has passed since i found out i was pregnate and already i'm getting huge! I opeaned the door and nobody was here.I started to walk down stairs when i heard a maid talk. "Their is a Vampire here." Lets call her #1. "Yeah but he smelled of Werewolf royalty." Thing #2 said. "Do you think our lords daughter is his mate?" Thig #1 said. "Yes." Then silence.I gapped.Aaron! I ran outside and saw the whole village out.They were looking at a familiar man.I felt tears stinging in my eyes.He came.My love came.He saw me and smiled.Before i knew it i ran into his arms.I heard awe's.I smiled and kissed him. "I thought you said you couldn't come?" I asked confused.He smiled and kissed me again. "It dosen't matter.I'm here now and I'm not leaving." He said as he kissed me again.More tears were comming down my cheeks.As soon as he picked me up my baby i mean our baby kicked.Aaron let go of me and rubbed my belly. "Hi baby I'm your daddy." He said.And she kicked.He laughed and kissed my belly.Then kissed me. "I love you." We said at the same time.We smiled and stared laughing.I love this man.I thought.He smiled. 'I love you too.' I heard his voice.He smiled. "Mae power." I laughed at his answer.

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