Healthy Habits 1.docx

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  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,626
  • Pages: 13
LESSON PLAN Lesson 1(40 minutes) Warming up: (10minutes) Objectives:  

To greet the students and introduce myself as their new teacher. To recall vocabulary about parts of the body

T: Good Afternoon children. SEA: Good Afternoon teacher. T: How are you? SEA: Fine. T: I’m glad Como seguramente saben, desde hoy y durante un mes, van a tener clases conmigo. Por si no recuerdan, mi nombre es Macarena, así que pueden llamarme así o simplemente seño. Espero que aprendamos juntos y sobre todo que disfruten de las clases. Las normas de convivencia siguen siendo las mismas que con la seño Lore y Paula espero que nos respetemos entre todos y sobre todo que sean compañeros y que se ayuden entre ustedes si lo necesitan. Hay algo que les gustaría preguntarme antes de comenzar? Well, let’s start! .T: What is the date today, people? SEA: 13 de Octubre T: Yes, but in English? SEA: Today is October,13th T:Have you ever played a facebook game? SEA: Yes! T: Which ones? I have played “Preguntados” for example! SEA: Pool, Candy Crush, Preguntados. T: Well, Today we will play a Facebook game called “Guess the Word”( The students will be given a copy of the game each)¿Qué creen que hay que hacer en este juego? SEA: Ordenar las letras y formar las palabras de la foto! T: Excellent people! When you finish, use the letters in colour to discover a secret word. ¿Qué tenemos que hacer, Franco?

SEA: Descubrir la palabra secreta usando las letras que están en color. T: Very good! Let’s see if you discover the word!

Pre-presentation of a brochure about “Personal Hygiene” (3 minutes) Objectives: 

To make predictions about the information the brochure may include.

T: Have you discovered the secret word? SEA: Yes! Hygiene! T: Great! Today we are going to talk about personal hygiene! (The teacher will show the students the cover of the brochure. ¿What’s this people? (Andrea, there are some habits such as eat a balanced diet and drink water that are considered as a part of our personal hygiene because they prevent, for example, tooth decay) Fine PRE TEACH:

PREVENT. Eg. Why is personal hygiene important? ^Para prevenir enfermedades. To prevent (Bb)

SEA: Un folleto. T: Exactly! This is a brochure! The title of the brochure is personal hygiene! ¿Qué información creen que vamos a encontrar en este folleto y qué saben ustedes sobre este tema? SEA: Que hay que lavarse las manos antes de comer/que hay que bañarse todos los días/que hay que cepillarse los dientes. T: Very good. Personal Hygiene is very important in our lives. ¡Vamos a ver por qué es tan importante! Presentation (15 minutes) Objectives: 

To infer new vocabulary about healthy habits. T: Let’s see what information the brochure includes and complete the first activity. Let’s read the instruction: “tick the correct option”. ¿Qué tenemos que hacer, Lautaro?

SEA: Marcar la opción correcta. T: Very good! Let’s start. (SKIMMING)

T: Have you finished? SEA: Yes! T: Which is the correct option? Personal hygiene is very important for your… SEA: Body T: That’s right people! Your body! Now, let’s read it again and complete the following matching activity ¿Qué tenemos que hacer en esta actividad, Facundo? SEA: Unir con flechas! T: Very good! Let’s start! (SCANNING) They can’t do this before the other exercise. You need them to know the verbs first. Do The following: show the activities, make Them remember the part of the body that they Know: eg in nº 1 hands. Then show objects They know and are transparent: deodorant. Then ask them to match. Clear?

T: Let’s correct the activity! Which is the picture that correspond to “comb your”, Mirian? SEA: Hair! T: Excellent. Comb your hair! (The teacher will ask different students to provide their answers) T: People. Now you have to write the correct number next to the pictures. For example, this is the picture that corresponds to “take a bath”. Take a bath has the number seven, so I write the number seven here. Pay attention to the parts of the body!

T: ¿Qué tenemos que hacer,Lucas? SEA: Completar con los números. T: Excellent! Let’s work.

T: So, people. ¿Me cuentan de qué se trata este folleto? SEA: De la hygiene personal T: Yes! And what else! SEA: de que hay que lavarse las manos,cepillarse los dientes para no tener infecciones. T: Very good. You have to wash your hands, brush your teeth, eat a balanced diet… Sistematization (10 minutes) Objectives: 

To focus the students’ attention on the different healthy habits to have a good personal hygiene.

T: Let’s correct the activity. Which is the number that corresponds to this picture? SEA: Wash your hands (The teacher will write this on the board). T: Fantastic! (The teacher will ask different students to participate). ¿Y cómo llamamos a todos estas acciones que llevamos a cabo diariamente? SEA: Higienizarnos/limpiarnos. T: Si…pero ¿cómo llamamos a las acciones que son parte de nuestra rutina diaria? SEA: Costumbres. T: Well, Se llaman hábitos. ¿y ustedes creen que estos hábitos son saludables o perjudiciales? SEA: Saludables porque ayudan a evitar las bacterias T: Excellent,in English we call them healthy habits!

Healthy Habits (Hábitos saludables)      

Wash your face Brush yor teeth Cover your nose Eat a balanced diet Use deodorant Comb your hair

Today is October, 13th

Rounding off (2 minutes).

  Objectives:  

To make sure the students have understood what we are working with.

T: So ,¿Con qué estuvimos trabajando hasta ahora? SEA: Con la higiene personal T: Very good! ¿Y qué aprendimos sobre la higiene personal? SEA: Los hábitos saludables . T: Excellent ¿Qué leímos para aprender sobre los hábitos saludables? SEA: Un folleto T: Do you remember how to say it in English? SEA: Brochure T: Fantastic people! Can you give me an example of a healthy habit? SEA: Wash your hands/ Brush your teeth/Cover your nose T: Excellent!

Practice stage (25 minutes) Objectives:  To apply their knowledge of healthy habits. .

T: People, this brochure has a section activities activity section. Let´s go to that section and complete the first activity. What is this? SEA: Un crucigrama T: Yes, this is a crossword puzzle. ¿Qué tenemos que hacer en un crucigrama usualmente? SEA: Completarlo con palabras T: Thats right. Here, the habits are incomplete. Complete the crossword puzzle using a verb. For example, let’s complete the first habit. It reads deodorant. ¿Que verbo nos falta para completer el hábito? SEA: Use T: Very good. So the first verb is use. ¿Qué tenemos que hacer Tiziana? SEA: Completar el crucigrama con Los verbos que faltan T: Excellent people. Let’s start working

Have you finished people? SEA: Yes T: Let’s see. Selene, tell me the second missing verb. SEA: drink T: Excellent. Can you read out the whole habit? SEA: Drink water T: Perfect. (The teacher will ask different students to provide their answers) T Now, let’s work on the second activity in the brochure. The instruction reads choose a word to complete the healthy habits. ¿Qué hay que hacer, Facundo? SEA: Elegir la palabra que corresponde T:Very good. You can start

T: Have you finished? SEA:Yes T:Well, tell me Mirian, how did you complete the first habit ? SEA: Eat fruits T: Excellent! Eat fruits! (The teacher will follow the same procedure with different students) T: Now, let’s do something diferent. We have fiished with the activities. Now, let´s play, people. Have you ever played bingo? SEA: Yes T: Can you explain to me how to play bingo? SEA: Tiene que ir marcando los números que salen y el que marca todos gana T: Fantastic. But we are not going to play with numbers; we are going to play with habits. In the cards, you have different habits. For example, I will take a card out of this bag. Listen to me: drink water. So, you cross this picture.¿Qué tenemos que hacer, Gustavo? SEA: Tachar los hábitos que usted lea. T: Fantastic! El que tacha todos primero debe cantar “Bingo” y es el ganador. (Each student will be given a different bingo card) (Andrea, do you recommend me to include in the bingo the picture or the “words” such us “brush your teeth” “comb your hair”) No. This is OK, more challenging but really checking they have understood the words.

Relaxing activity: (10minutes). Objectives: 

To help the students relax before finishing the lesson by means of a song.

T: Poeple, Now, we will watch a video and listen to a funny song! Cuando terminen, quiero que me cuenten de que se trata! (Andrea, I would like to know what you think about this activity. I know that they won’t understand everything but I think that the “images” are very clear. I would like to use two netbooks to make sure that all of them watch the video. Here you have the link. The song starts after a while) EXCELLENT!!!!!! I loved it. Think about teaching the chorus: Wash, wash, wash your hands, you know you can do it,…. And they will love it too. Because they can sing that part.

Summing up: (5 minutes). Objectives: 

To recall what we have been working with.

T: ¿Con qué trabajamos hoy chicos? SEA: Con la higiene personal SEA: Excellent! Y qué aprendimos sobre la higiene personal? SEA: Que evita las bacterias y las infecciones. T: Very good! La higiene personal es muy importante para preservar nuestra salud! Y qué pasos tenemos que seguir para evitar los gérmenes y las bacterias? T: hábitos saludables T: Very good! Can you give me an example? SEA: Brush your teeth/Comb your hair/wash your hands SEA: Fantastic people! We have finished! See you next class!

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