Hdr05 Hdi

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Human development indicators

Readers guide Note to table 1: about this year’s human development index

211 214

Indicator tables Monitoring human development: enlarging people’s choices . . .

1 2 3 4

Human development index Human development index trends Human and income poverty: developing countries Human and income poverty: OECD countries, Eastern Europe and the CIS

219 223 227 230

. . . to lead a long and healthy life . . .

5 6 7 8 9 10

Demographic trends Commitment to health: resources, access and services Water, sanitation and nutritional status Inequalities in maternal and child health Leading global health crises and risks Survival: progress and setbacks

232 236 240 244 246 250

. . . to acquire knowledge . . .

11 Commitment to education: public spending 12 Literacy and enrolment 13 Technology: diffusion and creation

254 258 262

. . . to have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living . . .

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Economic performance Inequality in income or consumption The structure of trade Rich country responsibilities: aid Rich country responsibilities: debt relief and trade Flows of aid, private capital and debt Priorities in public spending Unemployment in OECD countries

266 270 274 278 279 280 284 288

. . . while preserving it for future generations . . .

22 Energy and the environment


. . . protecting personal security . . .

23 Refugees and armaments 24 Victims of crime

293 297

. . . and achieving equality for all women and men

25 26 27 28 29 30

Gender-related development index Gender empowerment measure Gender inequality in education Gender inequality in economic activity Gender, work and time allocation Women’s political participation

299 303 307 311 315 316

Human and labour rights instruments

31 Status of major international human rights instruments 32 Status of fundamental labour rights conventions

320 324

33 Basic indicators for other UN member countries


Note on statistics in the Human Development Report


Technical notes

1 Calculating the human development indices 2 Two sides of the poverty reduction coin—why growth and distribution matter 3 Assessing progress towards the Millennium Development Goals

Definitions of statistical terms Statistical references Classification of countries Index to indicators Index to Millennium Development Goal indicators in the indicator tables

340 347 352

354 361 363 367 371

Readers guide

Human development indicator tables

The human development indicator tables provide a global assessment of country achievements in different areas of human development. Many of the Millennium Development Goal indicators are incorporated in these tables (see Index to indicators and Index to Millennium Development Goal indicators in the indicator tables). Data for these indicators provide a statistical reference for assessing the progress in each country towards the Millennium Development Goals and their targets. The main tables are organized thematically as described by the running titles at the top of each table. The tables include data for 175 UN member countries along with Hong Kong, China (SAR), and the Occupied Palestinian Territories—all those for which the human development index (HDI) can be calculated. Because of lack of data, 16 UN member countries are not included in the HDI this year. Basic human development indicators for these countries are presented in table 33. In the tables countries and areas are ranked in descending order by their HDI value. To locate a country in these tables, refer to Key to countries on the back cover flap, which lists countries alphabetically with their HDI rank. Most of the data in the tables are for 2003 and are those available to the Human Development Report Office as of 16 May 2005, unless otherwise specified. Sources and definitions

The Human Development Report Office is primarily a user, not a producer, of statistics. It relies on international data agencies with the resources and expertise to collect and compile international data on specific statistical indicators. Sources for all data used in compiling the indicator tables

are given in short citations at the end of each table. These correspond to full references in Statistical references. When an agency provides data that it has collected from another source, both sources are credited in the table notes. But when an agency has built on the work of many other contributors, only that agency is given as the source. The source notes also show the original data components used in any calculations by the Human Development Report Office to ensure that all calculations can be easily replicated. Indicators for which short, meaningful definitions can be given are included in Definitions of statistical terms. All other relevant information appears in the notes at the end of each table. For more detailed technical information about these indicators, please consult the relevant Web sites of the source agencies through the Human Development Report Web site at http://hdr.undp.org/statistics/understanding/ resources.cfm. Inconsistencies between national and international estimates

When compiling international data series, international data agencies often apply international standards and harmonization procedures to improve comparability across countries. When international data are based on national statistics, as they usually are, national data may need to be adjusted. When data for a country are missing, an international agency may produce an estimate if other relevant information can be used. And because of the difficulties in coordination between national and international data agencies, international data series may not incorporate the most recent national data. All these factors can lead to significant inconsistencies between national and international estimates (see Note on statistics).

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This Report has often brought such inconsistencies to light. The Human Development Report Office advocates for improvements in international data and plays an active role in supporting efforts to enhance data quality. When data inconsistencies have arisen, we have helped to link national and international data authorities to address those inconsistencies. In many cases this has led to better statistics in the Report. The Human Development Report Office is working with national agencies and inter­national bodies to improve data consistency through more systematic reporting and monitoring of data quality. Comparability over time

Because of periodic revisions of data or changes in methodology by international agencies, statistics presented in different editions of the Report may not be comparable. For this reason the Human Development Report Office strongly advises against constructing trend analyses based on data from different editions. HDI values and ranks similarly are not comparable across editions of the Report. For trend analysis based on consistent data and methodology, refer to table 2 (Human development index trends). The HDI values and ranks recalculated for 2003 based on data comparable to this year’s Report and country coverage are available at the Human Development Report Office Web site (http://hdr.undp.org/statistics).

Income classifications. All countries are grouped by income using World Bank classifications: high income (gross national income per capita of $9,386 or more in 2003), middle income ($766–$9,385) and low income ($765 or less). Major world classifications. The three global groups are developing countries, Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS and OECD. These groups are not mutually exclusive. (Replacing the OECD group with the high-income OECD group and excluding the Republic of Korea would produce mutually exclusive groups.) Unless otherwise specified, the classification world represents the universe of 193 countries and areas covered—191 UN member countries plus Hong Kong, China (SAR), and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Regional classifications. Developing countries are further classified into the following regions: Arab States, East Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean (including Mexico), South Asia, Southern Europe and SubSaharan Africa. These regional classifications are consistent with the Regional Bureaux of the United Nations Development Programme. An additional classification is least developed countries, as defined by the United Nations (UN-OHRLLS 2005). Aggregates and growth rates

Country classifications

Countries are classified in four ways: by human development level, by income, by major world aggregates and by region (see Classification of countries). These designations do not necessarily express a judgement about the development stage of a particular country or area. The term country as used in the text and tables refers, as appropriate, to territories or areas. Human development classifications. All countries included in the HDI are classified into three clusters by achievement in human development: high human development (with an HDI of 0.800 or above), medium human development (HDI of 0.500–0.799) and low human development (HDI of less than 0.500). 212

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Aggregates. Aggregates for the classifications described above are presented at the end of tables where it is analytically meaningful to do so and data are sufficient. Aggregates that are the total for the classification (such as for population) are indicated by a T. Because of rounding, world totals may not always equal the sum of the totals for subgroups. All other aggregates are weighted averages. In general, an aggregate is shown for a classification only when data are available for half the countries and represent at least two-thirds of the available weight in that classification. The Human Development Report Office does not fill in missing data for the purpose of aggregation. Therefore, unless otherwise specified, aggregates for each classification represent only

the countries for which data are available, refer to the year or period specified and refer only to data from the primary sources listed. Aggregates are not shown where appropriate weighting procedures were unavailable. Aggregates for indices, growth rates and indicators covering more than one point in time are based only on countries for which data exist for all necessary points in time. When no aggregate is shown for one or more regions, aggregates are not always shown for the world classification, which refers only to the universe of 193 countries and areas. Aggregates in this Report will not always conform to those in other publications because of differences in country classifications and methodology. Where indicated, aggregates are calculated by the statistical agency providing the data for the indicator. Growth rates. Multiyear growth rates are expressed as average annual rates of change. In calculations of rates by the Human Development Report Office only the beginning and end points are used. Year-to-year growth rates are expressed as annual percentage changes. Country notes

Unless otherwise indicated, data for China do not include Hong Kong, China (SAR), Macau, China (SAR), or Taiwan Province of China.

In most cases data for Eritrea before 1992 are included in the data for Ethiopia. Data for Germany refer to the unified Germany, unless otherwise noted. Data for Indonesia include Timor-Leste through 1999, unless otherwise noted. Data for Jordan refer to the East Bank only. Economic data for Tanzania cover the mainland only. Data for Sudan are often based on information collected from the northern part of the country. And data for the Republic of Yemen refer to that country from 1990 onward, while data for earlier years refer to aggregated data for the former People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen and the former Yemen Arab Republic. Symbols

In the absence of the words annual, annual rate or growth rate, a dash between two years, such as in 1995–2000, indicates that the data were collected during one of the years shown. A slash between two years, such as in 1998/2001, indicates an average for the years shown unless otherwise specified. The following symbols are used: .. Data not available. (.) Less than half the unit shown. < Less than. — Not applicable. T Total.

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Note to table 1: about this year’s human development index

The human development index (HDI) is a composite index that measures the average achievements in a country in three basic dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, as measured by life expectancy at birth; knowledge, as measured by the adult literacy rate and the combined gross enrolment ratio for primary, secondary and tertiary schools; and a decent standard of living, as measured by GDP per capita in purchasing power parity (PPP) US dollars. The index is constructed from indicators that are currently available globally using a methodology that is simple and transparent (see Technical note 1). While the concept of human development is much broader than any single composite index can measure, the HDI offers a powerful alternative to income as a summary measure of human well-being. It provides a useful entry point into the rich information contained in the subsequent indicator tables on different aspects of human development. Data availability determines HDI country coverage

The HDI in this Report refers to 2003. It covers 175 UN member countries, along with Hong Kong, China (SAR), and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Because of a lack of comparable data, 16 UN member countries cannot not be included in the HDI this year. Basic human development indicators for these countries are presented in table 33. To enable cross-country comparisons, the HDI is, to the extent possible, calculated based on data from leading international data agencies available at the time the Report was prepared (see Primary international data sources below). But for a number of countries data are missing from these agencies for one or more of the four HDI components. 214

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In response to the desire of countries to be included in the HDI table, and striving to include as many UN member countries as possible, the Human Development Report Office has made special efforts to obtain estimates from other international, regional or national sources when data are lacking from the primary international data agencies for one or two of the HDI components for a country. In a very few cases the Human Development Report Office has produced an estimate. These estimates from sources other than the primary international agencies are clearly documented in the notes to table 1. They are of varying quality and reliability and are not presented in other indicator tables showing similar data. Primary international data sources

Life expectancy at birth. The life expectancy at birth estimates are from the 2004 Revision of World Population Prospects (UN 2005), the official source of UN population estimates and projections. They are prepared biannually by the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs on the basis of data from national vital registration systems, population censuses and surveys. In the 2004 Revision the United Nations Population Division incorporated national data available through the end of 2004. For assessing the impact of HIV/AIDS, the latest HIV prevalence estimates prepared by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS are combined with a series of assumptions about the demographic trends and mortality of both the infected and non-infected people in each of the 60 countries for which the impact of the disease is explicitly modelled. The volatile dynamics of major infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS pose serious challenges

for population estimates and projections. The availability of new empirical evidence on the HIV/AIDS epidemic and demographic trends often requires adjustment to earlier estimates. For example, while the most recent HIV prevalence estimate is similar to earlier estimates for most countries, it is notably lower for Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Zambia and Zimbabwe and higher for Equatorial Guinea and Senegal. These changes are the result mainly of reassessments of input data and estimation methods rather than a reflection of real changes. Similarly, a significant decrease in life expectancy estimates for some Sub-Saharan African countries (such as Botswana, Nigeria and São Tomé and Principe) and many transition economies (such as Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Russian Federation) are based on more recent and accurate data that imply higher levels of mortality than previously estimated. The life expectancy estimates published by the United Nations Population Division are usually five-year averages. This year, for the first time, the United Nations Population Division produced annual life expectancy estimates and projections through interpolation based on these five-year averages. The life expectancy estimates for 2003 shown in table 1 and those underlying table 2 are from these interpolated data (UN 2005c). For details on the 2004 Revision of World Population Prospects (UN 2005h), see www.un.org/esa/population/unpop.htm. Adult literacy rate. Data on the adult literacy rate are usually collected during national population censuses, generally conducted every 5 or 10 years, or from household surveys. This Report uses data on adult literacy rates from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Institute for Statistics (UIS) April 2005 Assessment (UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2005a), which combines direct national estimates with UIS estimates. The national estimates, made available through targeted efforts by UIS to collect recent literacy data from countries, are obtained from national censuses or surveys between 2000 and 2004 (with the exception of a few cases referring to 1995–99).

The UIS estimates, produced in July 2002, were based mostly on national data collected before 1995. For details on these literacy estimates, see www.uis.unesco.org. Many high-income countries, having attained high levels of literacy, no longer collect literacy statistics in national population censuses or household surveys and thus are not included in the UNESCO data. In calculating the HDI, a literacy rate of 99.0% is applied for these countries. In collecting literacy data, many countries estimate the number of literate people based on self-reported data. Some use educational attainment data as a proxy, but measures of school attendance or grade completion may differ. Because definitions and data collection methods vary across countries, literacy estimates should be used with caution. The UIS, in collaboration with other partner agencies, is actively pursuing an alternative methodology for measuring literacy, the Literacy Assessment and Monitoring Programme (LAMP). LAMP seeks to go beyond the current simple categories of literate and illiterate by providing information on a continuum of literacy skills. Combined gross enrolment ratio for primary, secondary and tertiary schools. Gross enrolment ratios are produced by the UIS based on enrolment data collected from national governments (usually from administrative sources) and population data from the United Nations Population Division’s 2002 Revision of World Population Prospects (UN 2003). The ratios are calculated by dividing the number of students enrolled in all levels of schooling by the total population in the official age group corresponding to these levels. The tertiary age group is set to five cohorts immediately following on the end of upper secondary school in all countries. Countries are asked to report numbers of students enrolled at the beginning of the academic year in each level of education as defined by the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED). A revised version of ISCED was introduced in 1997 that led to some changes in the classifications of national

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programmes of education. These changes, however, have less impact on the estimation of combined gross enrolment ratios for primary, secondary and tertiary schools. For details on enrolment data and the ISCED, see www.uis. unesco.org. Though intended as a proxy for educational attainment, combined gross enrolment ratios do not reflect the quality of education outcomes. Even when used to capture access to education opportunities, combined gross enrolment ratios can hide important differences among countries because of differences in the age range corresponding to a level of education and in the duration of education programmes. Grade repetition and dropout rates can also distort the data. Measures such as the mean years of schooling of a population or school life expectancy could more adequately capture education attainment and should ideally supplant the gross enrolment ratio in the HDI. However, such data are not yet regularly available for a sufficient number of countries. As currently defined, the combined gross enrolment ratio does not take into account students enrolled in other countries. Current data for many smaller countries where many people pursue tertiary education abroad could significantly underrepresent access to education or the educational attainment of a population and thus lead to a lower HDI value. GDP per capita (PPP US$). In comparing standards of living across countries, economic statistics must be converted into PPP terms to eliminate differences in national price levels. The GDP per capita (PPP US$) data for the HDI are provided for 164 countries by the World Bank based on price data from the latest International Comparison Program (ICP) surveys and GDP in local currency from national accounts data. The last round of ICP surveys covered 118 countries, for which PPPs have been estimated directly by extrapolating from the latest benchmark results. For countries not included in the benchmark surveys, estimates are derived through econometric regression. For countries not covered by the World Bank, PPP estimates provided by the Penn World Tables of 216

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the University of Pennsylvania (Aten, Heston and Summers 2001, 2002) are used. In a limited number of cases where reliable PPP estimates are not available from the two international sources, the Human Development Report Office has worked with regional and national agencies to obtain a PPP estimate for a country. For example, in the case of Cuba, a technical team of national and international experts has been formed to explore different methodologies for obtaining a better PPP estimate. The results of this effort will be reflected in future Reports. Though much progress has been made in recent decades, the current PPP data set suffers from several deficiencies, including lack of universal coverage, of timeliness of the data and of uniformity in the quality of results from different regions and countries. Filling gaps in country coverage with econometric regression requires strong assumptions, while extrapolation over time implies that the results become weaker as the distance lengthens between the reference survey year and the current year. The importance of PPPs in economic analysis underlines the need for improvement in PPP data. A new Millennium Round of the ICP has been established and promises much improved PPP data for economic policy analysis, including international poverty assessment. For details on the ICP and the PPP methodology, see the ICP Web site at www.worldbank.org/data/icp. Comparisons over time and across editions of the Report

The HDI is an important tool for monitoring long-term trends in human development. To facilitate trend analyses across countries, the HDI is calculated at five-year intervals for the period 1975–2003. These estimates, presented in table 2, are based on a consistent methodology and on comparable trend data available when the Report is prepared. As international data agencies continually improve their data series, including updating historical data periodically, the year-to-year changes in the HDI values and rankings across editions of the Human Development Report often reflect revisions to data—both specific to a

country and relative to other countries—rather than real changes in a country. In addition, occasional changes in country coverage could also affect the HDI ranking of a country, even when consistent methodology is used to calculate the HDI. As a result, a country’s HDI rank could drop considerably between two consecutive Reports, but when comparable, revised data are used to reconstruct the HDI for recent years, the HDI rank and value may actually show an improvement. For these reasons HDI trend analyses should not be based on data from different editions of the Report. Table 2 provides up-to-date HDI trend data based on consistent data and methodology. For HDI values and ranks recalculated for 2002 (the reference year of the HDI in Human Development Report 2004) based on data and country coverage comparable to

this year’s Report, please visit http://hdr.undp. org/statistics. HDI for high human development countries

The HDI in this Report is constructed to compare country achievements across all levels of human development. The indicators currently used in the index yield very small differences among the top HDI countries, and thus the top of the HDI ranking often reflects only the very small differences in these underlying indicators. For these high-income countries, an alternative index—the human poverty index (shown in table 4)—can better reflect the extent of human deprivation that still exist among the populations and help direct the focus of public policies. For further discussions on the use and limitations of the HDI and its component indicators, see http://hdr.undp.org/statistics.

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HDI rank a

Monitoring human development: enlarging people’s choices . . .

Human development index

Human development index (HDI) value

Life expectancy at birth (years)

Adult literacy rate (% ages 15 and above)

Combined gross enrolment ratio for primary, secondary and tertiary schools (%)



2003 b

2002/03 c

0.963 0.956 0.955 0.949 0.949 0.949 0.947 0.946 0.945 0.944 0.943 0.943 0.941 0.941 0.939 0.938 0.936 0.934 0.933 0.930 0.928 0.916 0.915 0.912 0.907 0.904 0.904 0.901 0.891 0.878 0.874 0.867 0.866 0.863 0.862 0.858 0.854 0.853 0.852 0.849 0.849 0.849 0.846 0.844 0.841 0.840 0.838 0.836 0.834 0.832 0.821

79.4 80.7 80.3 78.5 80.0 80.2 80.5 77.7 78.9 77.4 82.0 78.4 78.5 77.2 78.4 79.5 79.0 80.1 79.1 78.7 79.5 81.6 79.7 78.3 78.7 76.4 77.2 77.0 78.6 75.0 75.6 78.4 76.4 74.5 72.7 74.3 77.9 71.3 72.3 72.8 78.0 74.0 74.3 76.9 75.0 75.4 78.2 71.6 70.0 j, m, r 69.7 72.7 j, m

.. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e 98.5 e, k, l .. e .. e 97.7 e, k, l 93.5 k, l 96.9 91.0 e 92.5 99.7 e, k 92.5 e, k, l 97.9 e, k, l 96.8 99.7 e, k .. e 87.9 n 92.7 97.2 99.3 99.7 e, k, l 95.7 99.8 99.6 89.2 n 77.3 k 99.6 87.7 82.9 k 98.1 97.7 k 95.8 k 99.7 97.8 j, m, r 95.5 k, l 91.9

0.817 0.814

77.3 75.1

96.9 k 90.3


Life expectancy index

Education index

GDP index

GDP per capita (PPP US$) rank minus HDI rank d

101 f 96 116 f 88 g 94 i, j 114 f 90 93 114 f 93 84 99 108 f 102 f 123 f, i 92 89 87 106 f 89 94 74 91 92 87 m 95 94 93 78 89 j 80 79 74 95 89 90 81 92 94 82 74 i 75 81 74 i 75 88 i 68 90 89 i 77 85

37,670 31,243 29,632 62,298 h 30,677 26,750 30,552 37,738 28,335 37,562 27,967 29,371 27,619 31,465 27,147 27,677 30,094 27,119 22,582 27,756 22,391 27,179 20,033 19,954 24,481 19,150 18,126 17,971 18,776 j 15,720 16,357 17,633 19,210 j, o 12,106 14,584 11,379 10,274 13,539 11,702 19,844 j, p 22,420 j, q 13,494 17,479 j 18,047 q 11,080 8,280 9,606 q 10,270 12,404 17,159 j 10,232 j, p

0.91 0.93 0.92 0.89 0.92 0.92 0.93 0.88 0.90 0.87 0.95 0.89 0.89 0.87 0.89 0.91 0.90 0.92 0.90 0.90 0.91 0.94 0.91 0.89 0.89 0.86 0.87 0.87 0.89 0.83 0.84 0.89 0.86 0.82 0.80 0.82 0.88 0.77 0.79 0.80 0.88 0.82 0.82 0.87 0.83 0.84 0.89 0.78 0.75 0.75 0.80

0.99 0.98 0.99 0.95 0.97 0.99 0.96 0.97 0.99 0.97 0.94 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.99 0.96 0.97 0.87 0.95 0.97 0.91 0.98 0.97 0.97 0.91 0.96 0.93 0.85 0.86 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.91 0.97 0.97 0.87 0.76 0.91 0.86 0.80 0.90 0.94 0.87 0.96 0.95 0.89 0.89

0.99 0.96 0.95 1.00 0.96 0.93 0.96 0.99 0.94 0.99 0.94 0.95 0.94 0.96 0.94 0.94 0.95 0.94 0.90 0.94 0.90 0.94 0.88 0.88 0.92 0.88 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.88 0.80 0.83 0.79 0.77 0.82 0.79 0.88 0.90 0.82 0.86 0.87 0.79 0.74 0.76 0.77 0.80 0.86 0.77

2 4 7 –3 2 14 1 –6 3 –6 2 –1 3 –9 3 –1 –8 1 3 –6 3 –5 2 2 –4 4 5 6 2 9 7 3 –4 12 5 12 17 4 8 –13 –18 1 –7 –11 5 16 10 7 –4 –13 5

80 75

.. s 9,168

0.87 0.83

0.91 0.85

0.67 0.75

40 7

GDP per capita (PPP US$)

High human development Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Hong Kong, China (SAR) Israel Greece Singapore Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Malta Brunei Darussalam Argentina Hungary Poland Chile Estonia Lithuania Qatar United Arab Emirates Slovakia Bahrain Kuwait Croatia Uruguay Costa Rica Latvia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bahamas Seychelles

52 Cuba 53 Mexico

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51


Human development indicators




Human development index

Human development index (HDI) value

Life expectancy at birth (years)

Adult literacy rate (% ages 15 and above)

Combined gross enrolment ratio for primary, secondary and tertiary schools (%)

HDI rank a



2003 b

2002/03 c

54 Tonga 55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development

0.810 0.808 0.804 0.801

72.2 72.2 74.8 69.9

98.9 n 98.2 91.9 98.5 k

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

0.799 0.797 0.797 0.796 0.795 0.792 0.792 0.791 0.787 0.786 0.786 0.785 0.783 0.781 0.780 0.778 0.776 0.772 0.772 0.772 0.766 0.762 0.761 0.759 0.759 0.759 0.758 0.755 0.755 0.755 0.755 0.753 0.753 0.753 0.752 0.751 0.750 0.749 0.745 0.738 0.738 0.736 0.732 0.729 0.729 0.722 0.722

73.6 73.8 73.9 j, m, r 73.2 65.3 70.5 71.3 72.2 65.3 j, u 68.1 74.2 72.4 75.6 j, u 74.1 73.8 70.0 70.2 72.9 72.4 71.8 66.1 70.0 63.2 72.0 74.3 71.5 70.4 71.6 69.1 71.1 71.0 73.3 71.3 71.9 67.8 74.0 68.7 67.2 66.6 62.4 70.8 70.4 70.5 66.9 72.5 71.1 70.9

0.721 0.721

70.4 73.3

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Occupied Palestinian Territories Algeria El Salvador

105 Cape Verde 106 Syrian Arab Republic

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

81.7 k 96.1 85.8 j, u 88.7 99.4 88.4 97.3 84.3 96.0 j, u 99.6 e, n 94.6 94.2 88.0 j, u 74.4 k 98.7 92.6 98.7 k 93.0 90.1 79.4 99.4 87.7 99.5 e, n 86.5 k, l 91.0 99.4 92.6 90.9 88.0 88.1 j, u 91.6 74.3 89.9 76.9 92.9 n 90.4 z 88.3 87.7 97.2 k 98.8 n 87.6 k 77.0 100.0 e, z, aa 98.8 n 91.9 69.8 79.7 k 75.7 k 82.9


Life expectancy index

Education index

GDP index

GDP per capita (PPP US$) rank minus HDI rank d

83 i 78 79 66 i

6,992 q 7,731 6,854 10,766

0.79 0.79 0.83 0.75

0.93 0.91 0.88 0.88

0.71 0.73 0.71 0.78

17 10 17 –6

96 i 70 69 j, m, r 71 90 91 72 71 i 96 88 67 v 71 75 63 i 69 73 i 71 i 75 i 75 i 57 i 86 87 i 85 79 i .. w 72 82 69 73 i 67 73 i 74 78 77 i 73 i, j 69 i 68 i 76 i 75 i .. w 74 i 69 i 71 69 80 i 74 i 68

.. j, t 6,794 10,294 9,512 9,230 7,790 7,277 11,287 7,959 6,052 5,967 6,702 q 5,448 13,584 j 4,584 7,595 5,854 q 4,919 5,709 13,226 q 5,491 5,260 6,671 5,074 3,641 3,671 4,321 5,003 x .. y 6,123 4,684 q 7,161 4,320 6,950 5,880 3,778 6,772 6,823 q .. j, y 5,938 4,104 6,995 2,588 3,617 .. ab 6,107 q 4,781 q

0.81 0.81 0.82 0.80 0.67 0.76 0.77 0.79 0.67 0.72 0.82 0.79 0.84 0.82 0.81 0.75 0.75 0.80 0.79 0.78 0.69 0.75 0.64 0.78 0.82 0.77 0.76 0.78 0.74 0.77 0.77 0.80 0.77 0.78 0.71 0.82 0.73 0.70 0.69 0.62 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.70 0.79 0.77 0.76

0.86 0.87 0.80 0.83 0.96 0.89 0.89 0.80 0.96 0.95 0.86 0.86 0.84 0.71 0.89 0.86 0.89 0.87 0.85 0.72 0.95 0.88 0.94 0.84 0.86 0.90 0.89 0.84 0.83 0.81 0.86 0.74 0.86 0.77 0.86 0.83 0.82 0.84 0.90 0.91 0.83 0.74 0.90 0.89 0.88 0.71 0.76

0.72 0.70 0.77 0.76 0.76 0.73 0.72 0.79 0.73 0.68 0.68 0.70 0.67 0.82 0.64 0.72 0.68 0.65 0.68 0.82 0.67 0.66 0.70 0.66 0.60 0.60 0.63 0.65 0.70 0.69 0.64 0.71 0.63 0.71 0.68 0.61 0.70 0.70 0.65 0.68 0.62 0.71 0.54 0.60 0.52 0.69 0.65

9 16 –7 –3 –3 1 4 –16 –3 17 17 8 21 –30 30 –7 14 22 13 –33 12 14 –2 14 30 28 19 11 –7 –5 13 –20 14 –19 –5 17 –18 –21 2 –11 9 –29 21 12 26 –20 –5

5,214 q 3,576

0.76 0.81

0.75 0.76

0.66 0.60

–11 8

73 62 i

GDP per capita (PPP US$)



Life expectancy at birth (years)

Adult literacy rate (% ages 15 and above)

HDI rank a



2003 b

2002/03 c

107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam 109 Kyrgyzstan 110 Indonesia 111 Uzbekistan 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 115 Moldova, Rep. of 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 122 Tajikistan 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development

0.720 0.704 0.702 0.697 0.694 0.690 0.687 0.679 0.671 0.667 0.663 0.659 0.659 0.658 0.655 0.652 0.635 0.631 0.627 0.604 0.602 0.594 0.578 0.571 0.565 0.547 0.545 0.536 0.527 0.526 0.523 0.520 0.520 0.513 0.512 0.512 0.512 0.508 0.505

63.1 70.5 66.8 66.8 66.5 69.7 64.1 64.0 67.7 67.8 67.3 68.6 69.8 48.4 43.3 63.6 54.5 69.7 48.3 63.0 63.3 62.3 60.2 56.2 36.3 63.2 54.7 62.9 63.0 61.6 55.3 56.8 62.8 55.5 56.4 52.0 54.3 47.3 36.9

96.5 j, u 90.3 n 98.7 n 87.9 k 99.3 e, k 76.7 86.5 97.8 96.2 80.0 69.1 74.0 n 55.6 n 82.4 n 84.2 99.5 71.0 aa 50.7 k 85.0 83.1 j, m 61.0 z 76.6 j, m 89.7 73.6 78.9 k 56.2 k 68.7 47.0 aa 48.7 48.6 57.3 54.1 41.1 k 58.6 m 59.0 z 82.8 k 53.0 68.9 k 90.0 k

77 i 64 i 82 66 76 69 87 i 74 62 62 j 61 58 74 i 78 i 65 i 76 74 i, j 58 71 i 62 i, j 60 52 48 i 59 70 i 47 i 61 .. w 35 61 41 i 46 i 53 75 j, m 38 i 47 66 74 i 55 i

146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157

0.499 0.498 0.497 0.497 0.495 0.489 0.477 0.475 0.474 0.470 0.466 0.458

55.4 32.5 45.8 36.3 52.8 60.6 52.7 51.6 47.2 55.7 53.7 55.7

70.6 79.2 67.9 81.4 65.5 k, l 49.0 k 51.2 51.9 k 73.6 37.8 k, l 41.0 aa 39.3

0.453 0.450

43.4 43.9

66.8 k 64.0

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal

158 Nigeria 159 Rwanda

Life expectancy index

Education index

GDP index

GDP per capita (PPP US$) rank minus HDI rank d

4,230 q 2,490 1,751 3,361 1,744 3,262 q 2,587 1,850 1,510 2,665 q 4,148 q 2,944 q 3,950 10,346 q 19,780 j, q 1,106 6,397 4,004 6,180 q 1,231 j, p 2,892 q 1,753 q .. j, t 2,078 q 8,714 1,714 q 1,759 1,969 j, p 2,097 1,420 2,619 q 2,238 q 1,770 .. ac 1,910 q 965 1,696 q 1,457 q 2,443 j

0.63 0.76 0.70 0.70 0.69 0.75 0.65 0.65 0.71 0.71 0.70 0.73 0.75 0.39 0.30 0.64 0.49 0.75 0.39 0.63 0.64 0.62 0.59 0.52 0.19 0.64 0.49 0.63 0.63 0.61 0.50 0.53 0.63 0.51 0.52 0.45 0.49 0.37 0.20

0.90 0.82 0.93 0.81 0.91 0.74 0.87 0.90 0.85 0.74 0.66 0.69 0.62 0.81 0.78 0.91 0.72 0.53 0.80 0.76 0.61 0.68 0.76 0.69 0.76 0.53 0.66 0.48 0.44 0.53 0.52 0.51 0.45 0.64 0.52 0.71 0.57 0.71 0.78

0.63 0.54 0.48 0.59 0.48 0.58 0.54 0.49 0.45 0.55 0.62 0.56 0.61 0.77 0.88 0.40 0.69 0.62 0.69 0.42 0.56 0.48 0.39 0.51 0.75 0.47 0.48 0.50 0.51 0.44 0.55 0.52 0.48 0.39 0.49 0.38 0.47 0.45 0.53

–2 16 33 5 32 4 9 23 33 3 –11 –1 –10 –68 –93 36 –43 –16 –44 27 –9 13 34 3 –70 13 7 0 –5 15 –17 –11 –1 22 –6 23 3 6 –20

51 60 i 55 i 66 i 24 i 55 i 45 i .. w 52 i 48 i 41 i 40 i

809 4,726 2,118 2,561 q 2,086 q 889 1,766 q 1,742 q 1,037 1,859 q 2,097 1,648

0.51 0.12 0.35 0.19 0.46 0.59 0.46 0.44 0.37 0.51 0.48 0.51

0.64 0.73 0.64 0.76 0.52 0.51 0.49 0.50 0.66 0.41 0.41 0.39

0.35 0.64 0.51 0.54 0.51 0.36 0.48 0.48 0.39 0.49 0.51 0.47

24 –47 –19 –26 –18 15 –13 –9 7 –19 –26 –10

64 i 55

1,050 1,268 q

0.31 0.31

0.66 0.61

0.39 0.42

2 –7

GDP per capita (PPP US$) 2003

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

Human development index (HDI) value

Combined gross enrolment ratio for primary, secondary and tertiary schools (%)




Human development index (HDI) value

Life expectancy at birth (years)

Adult literacy rate (% ages 15 and above)

Combined gross enrolment ratio for primary, secondary and tertiary schools (%)

HDI rank a



2003 b

2002/03 c

160 Angola 161 Eritrea 162 Benin 163 Côte d’Ivoire 164 Tanzania, U. Rep. of 165 Malawi 166 Zambia 167 Congo, Dem. Rep. of the 168 Mozambique 169 Burundi 170 Ethiopia 171 Central African Republic 172 Guinea-Bissau 173 Chad 174 Mali 175 Burkina Faso 176 Sierra Leone 177 Niger Developing countries Least developed countries Arab States East Asia and the Pacific Latin America and the Caribbean South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS OECD High-income OECD High human development Medium human development Low human development High income Middle income Low income World

0.445 0.444 0.431 0.420 0.418 0.404 0.394 0.385 0.379 0.378 0.367 0.355 0.348 0.341 0.333 0.317 0.298 0.281 0.694 0.518 0.679 0.768 0.797 0.628 0.515 0.802 0.892 0.911 0.895 0.718 0.486 0.910 0.774 0.593 0.741

40.8 53.8 54.0 45.9 46.0 39.7 37.5 43.1 41.9 43.6 47.6 39.3 44.7 43.6 47.9 47.5 40.8 44.4 65.0 52.2 67.0 70.5 71.9 63.4 46.1 68.1 77.7 78.9 78.0 67.2 46.0 78.8 70.3 58.4 67.1

66.8 56.7 k, l 33.6 48.1 69.4 64.1 n 67.9 n 65.3 46.5 k 58.9 41.5 k 48.6 39.6 k, l 25.5 19.0 n 12.8 n 29.6 14.4 76.6 54.2 64.1 90.4 89.6 58.9 61.3 99.2 .. .. .. 79.4 57.5 .. 89.6 60.8 ..


Human development indicators



Human development index




Notes Aggregates in column 7 are based on aggregates of gross enrolment data calculated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Institute for Statistics and literacy data as used to calculate the HDI. The HDI rank is detemined using HDI values to the fifth decimal point. Data refer to national literacy estimates from censuses or surveys conducted between 2000 and 2004, unless otherwise noted. Due to differences in methodology and timeliness of underlying data, comparisons across countries and over time should be made with caution. For more details, see www.uis.unesco.org/ev.php?ID=4930_ 201&ID2=DO_TOPIC. Data refer to the school year 2002/03, unless otherwise noted. Data for some countries may refer to national or UNESCO Institute for Statistics estimates. A positive figure indicates that the HDI rank is higher than the GDP per capita (PPP US$) rank, a negative the opposite. For purposes of calculating the HDI, a value of 99.0% was applied.

f For purposes of calculating the HDI, a value of 100% was applied. g Statec 2005. Data refer to nationals enrolled both in the country and abroad and thus differ from the standard definition. h For purposes of calculating the HDI, a value of $40,000 (PPP US$) was applied. i Preliminary UNESCO Institute for Statistics estimate, subject to further revision. j Data refer to year other than that specified. k Estimate produced by UNESCO Institute for Statistics in July 2002. l UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2003a. Estimates are based on outdated census or household survey information and should be interpreted with caution. m Data are from national sources. n Data refer to a year between 1995 and 1999. o World Bank 2003c. p Aten, Heston and Summers 2002. Data differ from the standard definition. q Estimate based on regression. r Data are from the Secretariat of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, based on national sources.

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

30 i, j 35 i 55 i 42 i, j 41 i 72 i 48 i 28 i, j 43 i 35 i 36 i 31 37 i, j 38 i 32 i 24 i 45 j 21 i 63 45 62 69 81 56 50 83 89 95 91 66 46 94 73 54 67


Life expectancy index

Education index

GDP index

GDP per capita (PPP US$) rank minus HDI rank d

2,344 q 849 q 1,115 1,476 621 605 877 697 1,117 q 648 q 711 q 1,089 q 711 q 1,210 q 994 1,174 q 548 835 q 4,359 1,328 5,685 5,100 7,404 2,897 1,856 7,939 25,915 30,181 25,665 4,474 1,046 29,898 6,104 2,168 8,229

0.26 0.48 0.48 0.35 0.35 0.24 0.21 0.30 0.28 0.31 0.38 0.24 0.33 0.31 0.38 0.38 0.26 0.32 0.67 0.45 0.70 0.76 0.78 0.64 0.35 0.72 0.88 0.90 0.88 0.70 0.35 0.90 0.75 0.56 0.70

0.54 0.49 0.41 0.46 0.60 0.67 0.61 0.53 0.45 0.51 0.40 0.43 0.39 0.30 0.23 0.16 0.35 0.17 0.72 0.50 0.61 0.83 0.87 0.58 0.56 0.94 0.95 0.98 0.96 0.75 0.53 0.97 0.84 0.58 0.77

0.53 0.36 0.40 0.45 0.30 0.30 0.36 0.32 0.40 0.31 0.33 0.40 0.33 0.42 0.38 0.41 0.28 0.35 0.70 0.60 0.72 0.71 0.74 0.67 0.63 0.75 0.85 0.86 0.85 0.70 0.58 0.86 0.73 0.64 0.75

–34 7 –5 –14 11 11 1 6 –12 5 1 –12 –1 –19 –10 –20 1 –8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

GDP per capita (PPP US$)

s Efforts to produce a more accurate and recent estimate are ongoing (see Note to table 1: About this year’s human development index). A preliminary estimate of $5,400 (PPP US$) was used. t Aten, Heston and Summers 2001. Data differ from the standard definition. u Data are from the Secretariat of the Caribbean Community, based on national sources. v UNDP 2003. w Because the combined gross enrolment ratio was unavailable, the following Human Development Report Office estimates were used: Bhutan 49%, Ecuador 75%, Haiti 48%, and Turkmenistan 75%. x Estimate based on a bilateral comparison between China and the United States (Ren and Kai 1995). y In the absence of an official estimate of GDP per capita (PPP US$), preliminary World Bank estimates, subject to further revision, were used as follows: Maldives $4,798; and Suriname $6,552. z Data refer to a year or period other than that specified, differ from the standard definition or refer to only part of a country. aa UNICEF 2004. ab In the absence of an estimate of GDP per capita (PPP US$), the Human Development Report Office

estimate of $2,302, derived using the value of GDP in US dollars and the weighted average ratio of PPP US dollars to US dollars in the Arab States, was used. ac A national estimate of $1,033 (PPP US$) was used. ad Estimates are based primarily on information for Northern Sudan. Sources Column 1: calculated on the basis of data in columns 6–8; see Technical note 1 for details. Column 2: UN 2005c, unless otherwise noted. Columns 3 and 4: UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2005c, unless otherwise noted. Column 5: World Bank 2005c, unless otherwise noted; aggregates calculated for the Human Development Report Office by the World Bank. Column 6: calculated on the basis of data in column 2. Column 7: calculated on the basis of data in columns 3 and 4. Column 8: calculated on the basis of data in column 5. Column 9: calculated on the basis of data in columns 1 and 5.



HDI rank

Monitoring human development: enlarging people’s choices . . .

Human development index trends








0.868 0.863 0.848 0.840 0.869 0.864 0.879 0.811 0.846 0.867 0.857 0.867 0.841 0.874 0.845 0.853 0.843 0.842 0.848 .. 0.837 0.761 0.795 0.835 0.725 .. 0.787 0.707 .. 0.805 .. 0.727 .. 0.784 0.779 .. 0.704 .. .. .. 0.734 .. .. 0.763 .. 0.759 0.746 .. .. .. ..

0.888 0.886 0.866 0.851 0.886 0.874 0.890 0.826 0.863 0.887 0.882 0.879 0.861 0.882 0.854 0.869 0.858 0.858 0.854 0.861 0.854 0.800 0.819 0.850 0.761 .. 0.802 0.741 0.793 0.828 .. 0.764 .. 0.799 0.795 .. 0.739 .. .. .. 0.769 .. 0.747 0.777 .. 0.780 0.772 0.792 .. 0.809 ..

0.898 0.896 0.879 0.858 0.909 0.886 0.896 0.845 0.878 0.901 0.895 0.893 0.879 0.890 0.863 0.881 0.871 0.866 0.868 0.869 0.868 0.827 0.840 0.864 0.784 .. 0.826 0.780 0.813 0.839 .. 0.791 .. 0.808 0.808 .. 0.763 .. .. .. 0.787 .. 0.780 0.780 .. 0.787 0.776 0.805 .. 0.819 ..

0.912 0.915 0.893 0.884 0.929 0.897 0.910 0.870 0.899 0.916 0.911 0.908 0.901 0.898 0.883 0.903 0.894 0.889 0.875 0.888 0.886 0.862 0.858 0.872 0.822 .. 0.849 0.818 0.836 0.850 .. 0.825 .. 0.810 0.807 0.803 0.785 0.814 0.823 .. 0.812 .. 0.809 .. 0.806 0.804 0.792 0.799 .. 0.821 ..

0.936 0.919 0.933 0.911 0.934 0.929 0.921 0.894 0.929 0.929 0.925 0.928 0.914 0.913 0.921 0.921 0.914 0.907 0.905 0.913 0.904 0.882 0.880 0.876 0.861 0.853 0.878 0.855 0.858 0.852 0.843 0.852 .. 0.833 0.812 0.816 0.816 0.795 0.787 .. 0.814 .. 0.826 0.813 0.799 0.817 0.811 0.765 .. 0.810 ..

0.956 0.943 0.960 0.929 .. 0.958 0.940 0.929 0.949 0.938 0.936 0.939 0.940 0.932 0.948 0.932 0.933 0.921 0.924 0.927 0.918 .. 0.909 0.895 .. 0.884 0.898 0.884 0.883 0.877 0.857 0.874 .. 0.856 0.843 0.845 0.843 0.833 0.828 .. .. .. 0.838 0.837 0.826 .. 0.832 0.812 .. .. ..

0.963 0.956 0.955 0.949 0.949 0.949 0.947 0.946 0.945 0.944 0.943 0.943 0.941 0.941 0.939 0.938 0.936 0.934 0.933 0.930 0.928 0.916 0.915 0.912 0.907 0.904 0.904 0.901 0.891 0.878 0.874 0.867 0.866 0.863 0.862 0.858 0.854 0.853 0.852 0.849 0.849 0.849 0.846 0.844 0.841 0.840 0.838 0.836 0.834 0.832 0.821

.. 0.689

.. 0.735

.. 0.755

.. 0.764

.. 0.782

.. 0.809

0.817 0.814

High human development Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Hong Kong, China (SAR) Israel Greece Singapore Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Malta Brunei Darussalam Argentina Hungary Poland Chile Estonia Lithuania Qatar United Arab Emirates Slovakia Bahrain Kuwait Croatia Uruguay Costa Rica Latvia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bahamas Seychelles

52 Cuba 53 Mexico

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51


table Human development indicators



Human development index trends

HDI rank








54 Tonga 55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development

.. .. 0.710 0.749

.. 0.769 0.737 0.781

.. 0.789 0.747 0.788

.. 0.795 0.749 0.792

.. 0.784 0.772 0.789

.. 0.795 0.794 0.800

0.810 0.808 0.804 0.801

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

.. .. .. 0.615 .. 0.645 .. .. .. .. .. 0.662 .. 0.494 .. 0.614 .. 0.718 .. 0.603 .. 0.643 .. .. 0.630 .. 0.654 0.525 .. .. 0.668 0.514 .. .. 0.663 0.607 0.587 0.619 .. .. 0.688 0.566 .. .. .. 0.506 0.592

.. .. .. 0.659 .. 0.682 .. 0.659 .. .. .. 0.691 .. 0.547 .. 0.652 .. 0.732 .. 0.659 .. 0.674 .. .. 0.674 .. 0.687 0.558 .. .. 0.702 0.570 0.641 0.707 0.686 0.649 0.610 0.650 .. .. 0.696 0.570 .. .. .. 0.558 0.588

.. .. .. 0.695 .. 0.698 .. 0.690 .. .. .. 0.708 .. 0.641 0.693 0.678 0.723 0.740 .. 0.673 .. 0.698 .. .. 0.698 .. 0.693 0.594 .. .. 0.709 0.622 0.664 0.717 0.702 0.681 0.646 0.672 .. .. 0.699 0.610 .. .. .. 0.610 0.609

.. .. .. 0.721 0.817 0.719 0.772 0.724 .. 0.787 .. 0.727 .. 0.699 0.703 0.714 0.732 0.759 .. 0.708 0.799 0.707 0.767 0.677 0.715 0.737 0.720 0.627 .. .. 0.720 0.657 0.683 0.747 0.724 0.705 0.678 0.679 .. .. 0.719 0.650 .. .. .. 0.649 0.650

.. .. .. 0.760 0.770 0.747 0.768 0.747 .. 0.751 .. 0.752 .. 0.738 0.702 0.749 0.742 0.767 .. 0.741 0.747 0.734 0.721 0.727 0.730 0.698 0.736 0.683 .. .. 0.739 0.698 0.708 0.768 0.741 0.727 0.709 0.700 .. .. 0.723 0.694 .. .. .. 0.671 0.689

.. .. .. 0.790 .. 0.783 0.773 0.776 .. 0.774 .. 0.773 .. 0.769 0.736 .. 0.763 0.772 .. 0.762 0.754 .. 0.731 0.742 .. 0.735 .. .. .. .. 0.753 0.738 0.742 0.779 .. .. .. 0.732 .. .. 0.730 0.721 .. .. .. .. 0.715

0.799 0.797 0.797 0.796 0.795 0.792 0.792 0.791 0.787 0.786 0.786 0.785 0.783 0.781 0.780 0.778 0.776 0.772 0.772 0.772 0.766 0.762 0.761 0.759 0.759 0.759 0.758 0.755 0.755 0.755 0.755 0.753 0.753 0.753 0.752 0.751 0.750 0.749 0.745 0.738 0.738 0.736 0.732 0.729 0.729 0.722 0.722

.. 0.540

.. 0.587

.. 0.623

0.625 0.646

0.677 0.672

.. 0.692

0.721 0.721

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Occupied Palestinian Territories Algeria El Salvador

105 Cape Verde 106 Syrian Arab Republic

human de velopmen t repor t 2005










107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam 109 Kyrgyzstan 110 Indonesia 111 Uzbekistan 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 115 Moldova, Rep. of 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 122 Tajikistan 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development

0.678 .. .. 0.468 .. 0.587 0.512 .. .. 0.518 0.512 .. 0.439 0.655 .. .. .. 0.429 .. .. 0.412 .. .. .. 0.503 .. .. .. 0.363 0.296 0.425 0.439 0.345 .. 0.349 0.452 0.423 .. 0.546

0.684 .. .. 0.530 .. 0.596 0.549 .. .. 0.569 0.546 .. 0.487 0.674 .. .. .. 0.478 .. .. 0.438 .. .. .. 0.577 0.480 .. .. 0.386 0.333 0.445 0.468 0.364 .. 0.376 0.499 0.475 .. 0.574

0.677 .. .. 0.583 .. 0.604 0.580 0.668 .. 0.601 0.562 .. 0.540 0.702 0.483 0.699 .. 0.515 .. .. 0.476 .. .. .. 0.638 0.498 0.423 .. 0.419 0.376 0.467 0.482 0.389 .. 0.396 0.540 0.474 0.412 0.640

0.683 0.617 .. 0.625 .. 0.610 0.604 0.673 0.739 0.623 0.586 .. 0.579 0.735 0.500 0.696 .. 0.548 .. .. 0.513 .. .. .. 0.681 0.504 0.450 .. 0.462 0.423 0.481 0.511 0.419 .. 0.428 0.526 0.500 0.409 0.637

0.685 0.660 .. 0.663 0.679 0.641 0.636 0.633 0.682 0.640 0.617 .. 0.611 0.742 0.518 0.629 .. 0.579 0.693 .. 0.546 .. .. 0.533 0.659 0.517 0.487 .. 0.492 0.466 0.515 0.531 0.452 .. 0.465 0.531 0.510 0.412 0.589

0.714 0.695 .. 0.680 .. 0.659 0.672 0.657 0.665 .. 0.650 .. .. 0.696 0.641 0.630 .. 0.610 0.649 .. 0.577 .. .. 0.541 0.596 0.533 0.522 .. .. 0.499 0.529 0.556 0.506 .. 0.500 .. 0.519 0.474 0.527

0.720 0.704 0.702 0.697 0.694 0.690 0.687 0.679 0.671 0.667 0.663 0.659 0.659 0.658 0.655 0.652 0.635 0.631 0.627 0.604 0.602 0.594 0.578 0.571 0.565 0.547 0.545 0.536 0.527 0.526 0.523 0.520 0.520 0.513 0.512 0.512 0.512 0.508 0.505

146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157

0.400 0.530 0.416 0.461 .. .. 0.340 .. 0.461 0.284 .. 0.311

0.437 0.562 0.463 0.510 .. .. 0.363 0.449 0.509 .. .. 0.339

0.436 0.584 0.505 0.534 .. .. 0.384 0.458 0.530 .. .. 0.375

0.446 0.624 0.514 0.571 .. 0.393 0.388 0.446 0.546 .. .. 0.403

0.458 0.603 0.494 0.573 0.477 0.436 0.424 0.450 0.524 0.424 .. 0.421

.. 0.534 0.500 0.520 0.487 0.470 0.444 .. 0.499 0.457 .. 0.444

0.499 0.498 0.497 0.497 0.495 0.489 0.477 0.475 0.474 0.470 0.466 0.458

0.318 0.342

0.376 0.388

0.386 0.401

0.406 0.340

0.418 0.335

.. 0.435

0.453 0.450

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal

158 Nigeria 159 Rwanda

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

HDI rank




Human development index trends

HDI rank








160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177

.. .. 0.304 0.409 .. 0.320 0.468 0.414 .. 0.285 .. 0.343 0.255 0.269 0.230 0.253 .. 0.236

.. .. 0.336 0.441 .. 0.351 0.475 0.423 0.299 0.311 .. 0.364 0.262 0.271 0.256 0.273 .. 0.252

.. .. 0.362 0.448 .. 0.362 0.484 0.431 0.287 0.345 0.291 0.386 0.283 0.311 0.263 0.297 .. 0.242

.. .. 0.368 0.442 0.435 0.371 0.462 0.422 0.311 0.353 0.311 0.383 0.313 0.335 0.283 0.305 .. 0.249

.. 0.409 0.395 0.427 0.422 0.412 0.424 0.393 0.328 0.324 0.323 0.367 0.341 0.344 0.307 0.311 .. 0.256

.. 0.428 0.422 0.428 0.416 0.402 0.409 .. 0.360 .. 0.352 .. 0.353 0.359 0.330 0.328 .. 0.271

0.445 0.444 0.431 0.420 0.418 0.404 0.394 0.385 0.379 0.378 0.367 0.355 0.348 0.341 0.333 0.317 0.298 0.281

Angola Eritrea Benin Côte d’Ivoire Tanzania, U. Rep. of Malawi Zambia Congo, Dem. Rep. of the Mozambique Burundi Ethiopia Central African Republic Guinea-Bissau Chad Mali Burkina Faso Sierra Leone Niger

Sources Columns 1–6: calculated on the basis of data on life expectancy from UN 2005c, data on adult literacy rates from UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2003a, 2005a, data on combined gross enrolment ratios from UNESCO Institute for Statistics 1999, 2005c, and data on GDP per capita (2000 PPP US$) and GDP per capita (PPP US$) from World Bank 2005c. Column 7: column 1 of indicator table 1.

Human development indicators

Notes The human development index values in this table were calculated using a consistent methodology and data series. They are not strictly comparable with those in earlier Human Development Reports. For detailed discussion, see Note to table 1: About this year’s human development index.


human de velopmen t repor t 2005



Monitoring human development: enlarging people’s choices . . .

Human and income poverty: developing countries


Value (%)

.. 6 .. .. 4 .. .. 2 10 .. .. .. 1 3 .. .. .. 5 13 .. 9 15

.. 6.3 .. .. 4.5 .. .. 3.7 7.8 .. .. .. 3.6 4.0 .. .. .. 4.8 8.4 .. 7.7 8.8

1.5 1.8 2.7 2.8 6.3 2.8 5.0 3.5 4.7 2.2 3.8 2.5 4.4 3.7 .. 13.4 .. 3.2 6.0 5.0 6.8 11.6

6.5 e, f 7.5 2.1 e, f 3.2 0.3 e 7.3 2.8 4.3 10.8 22.7 e 12.3 17.1 e 2.3 e 4.2 e .. 4.5 e, f 8.1 3.1 e 9.7 1.1 i 8.1 1.5 e

.. 0g 8 0 0 .. .. 5 0 .. .. .. 2 3 1 3 13 9 9 0 9 9

.. 14 h .. .. 6h .. 5 1 6 14 9 10 5 5 .. .. 6h 4 8 .. 7 7h

.. .. <2 .. .. .. 3.3 <2 .. .. .. .. <2 2.0 .. .. .. .. 9.9 .. 7.2 12.4

.. .. <2 .. .. .. 14.3 9.6 .. .. .. .. 3.9 9.5 .. .. .. .. 26.3 .. 17.6 39.0

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17.0 .. .. .. .. .. 22.0 .. .. .. .. 10.1 j .. 37.3 21.0

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. .. .. 0 –10 .. .. .. .. –13 .. –10 –14

33 .. 16 20 24 .. 8 .. 46 28 .. 14 12 32 26 18 22 35 27 23 .. 17 43 11 38 49 42 19

15.3 .. 8.9 10.3 11.4 .. 7.4 .. 21.1 12.8 .. 8.8 8.3 14.9 12.0 9.6 10.6 16.3 12.3 10.9 .. 9.4 18.3 8.1 16.7 21.3 18.0 9.7

4.2 .. 4.3 10.3 5.0 .. 8.3 .. 3.9 9.9 6.5 8.2 5.9 5.8 10.3 5.7 8.6 7.2 6.9 10.1 6.6 8.1 4.7 6.4 10.6 7.0 4.3 8.9

18.3 e .. 11.3 11.6 15.7 .. 5.8 .. 25.6 e 7.4 1.3 e 7.0 9.9 20.6 12.3 13.5 e, f 9.0 7.4 9.1 12.0 .. 8.4 25.7 10.1 23.1 7.1 i 9.6 h 11.7

28 9 5 11 0 5 8 3 21 15 12 17 2 5g 19 0 14 15 23 8 .. 17 18 9 9 53 g 22 7

5 10 h 12 6 15 .. 7 5h 24 19 h .. 4 14 h 14 7 3 12 31 10 13 .. 5 4 4 6h 8h 29 8

.. .. <2 8.2 .. .. 8.2 .. .. <2 .. 15.0 .. .. 18.1 .. 17.7 14.6 16.6 .. .. 16.4 <2 <2 .. .. 7.6 <2

.. .. 9.3 22.4 .. .. 22.6 .. .. 32.5 .. 32.0 .. .. 37.7 .. 40.8 46.4 46.7 .. .. 33.2 6.6 7.4 .. .. 50.7 10.3

.. .. 15.5 j 17.4 10.6 .. 64.0 .. .. 13.1 .. 31.3 j .. .. 49.0 .. 35.0 36.8 4.6 .. .. 21.8 7.6 11.7 .. .. 25.0 ..

.. .. 9 –5 .. .. –15 .. .. 18 .. –19 .. .. –17 .. –18 –4 –13 .. .. –19 27 5 .. .. 10 11

25 37

11.8 16.6

14.1 11.4

12.3 2.8 e

7 16

5 30

<2 ..

<2 ..

28.6 ..

15 ..

Human poverty index (HPI-1) HDI rank

MDG Population without Children MDG Adult sustainable under Population below income poverty line illiteracy access to weight (%) rate b, † an improved for age † (% ages 15 water source † (% under National and above) (%) age 5) $1 a day $2 a day poverty line 2003 2002 1995–2003 c 1990–2003 c 1990–2003 c 1990–2002 c

Probability at birth of not surviving to age 40 a, † (% of cohort) 2000–05

HPI-1 rank minus income poverty rank d

High human development 22 Hong Kong, China (SAR) 25 Singapore 28 Korea, Rep. of 29 Cyprus 30 Barbados 33 Brunei Darussalam 34 Argentina 37 Chile 40 Qatar 41 United Arab Emirates 43 Bahrain 44 Kuwait 46 Uruguay 47 Costa Rica 49 Saint Kitts and Nevis 50 Bahamas 51 Seychelles 52 Cuba 53 Mexico 54 Tonga 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Brazil Mauritius Grenada Colombia Dominica Oman Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Peru Lebanon Ecuador Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey

95 Dominican Republic 96 Maldives

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

58 60 61 63 65 66 69 70 71 73 74 75 76 77 79 81 82 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94




Human and income poverty: developing countries


Value (%)

98 Jamaica 99 Iran, Islamic Rep. of 102 Occupied Palestinian Territories 103 Algeria 104 El Salvador 105 Cape Verde 106 Syrian Arab Republic 107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam 110 Indonesia 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development

21 36 7 48 34 45 29 31 47 41 40 30 44 39 51 52 55 56 71 .. 61 60 .. 58 .. 50 81 94 57 72 .. 68 74 78 62 86 .. 59 54 76 66 89

10.5 16.4 6.5 21.3 15.9 18.7 13.8 14.8 21.2 17.8 17.7 13.9 18.5 16.9 22.9 24.7 30.9 30.9 38.1 .. 34.5 33.0 .. 31.3 .. 21.9 41.3 48.4 31.2 38.2 .. 37.1 38.7 40.5 35.1 44.1 .. 32.4 30.1 39.5 36.0 45.9

11.3 7.2 5.3 7.8 9.9 7.6 4.6 18.2 9.4 11.2 10.1 16.0 13.3 15.8 15.9 8.9 7.8 43.3 47.7 32.6 8.6 45.4 17.1 16.6 14.1 21.2 28.3 69.1 15.5 28.0 18.0 16.1 17.6 22.4 27.7 15.9 25.5 27.0 33.6 31.0 41.6 65.9

12.4 e 23.0 8.1 30.2 20.3 e 24.3 e 17.1 1.4 k, l 9.7 i 12.1 e 23.3 13.5 2.2 20.0 30.9 26.0 i 44.4 i 17.6 i 15.8 .. 49.3 e 15.0 .. 39.0 .. 10.3 26.4 21.1 e 43.8 e 31.3 .. 51.3 51.4 42.7 45.9 58.9 e .. 41.0 h 17.2 e 47.0 31.1 e 10.0 e

7 7 6 13 18 20 21 17 27 22 19 15 38 10 5 40 2 13 56 13 20 20 21 14 30 20 66 5 6 57 38 10 16 61 21 25 48 31 54 49 44 17

4 11 4 6 10 14 h 7 14 33 26 10 8 13 17 23 20 h 9 12 19 12 9 24 13 47 21 h 35 45 13 25 40 19 38 48 35 h 25 48 43 17 14 25 23 13

<2 <2 .. <2 31.1 .. .. .. .. 7.5 45.1 14.4 27.0 20.7 16.0 .. 3.1 10.7 .. .. <2 34.9 .. 34.7 .. .. 34.1 23.5 .. 26.3 .. 13.4 37.7 .. 44.8 36.0 .. .. .. .. .. 56.1

13.3 7.3 .. 15.1 58.0 .. .. .. .. 52.4 79.9 34.3 74.9 44.0 37.4 .. 43.9 34.1 .. .. 14.3 55.8 .. 79.9 .. .. 77.7 50.1 .. 73.2 .. 65.6 82.5 .. 78.5 82.8 .. .. .. .. .. 83.0

18.7 .. .. 12.2 48.3 .. .. 35.0 50.9 27.1 47.9 62.7 36.3 53.0 56.2 .. 16.7 .. .. .. 19.0 .. .. 28.6 .. .. 36.1 .. .. 38.6 .. 32.6 42.0 37.5 39.5 49.8 .. .. .. 32.3 j 55.0 34.9

13 22 .. 29 –23 .. .. .. .. 10 –30 –5 –14 –12 2 .. 18 12 .. .. 35 –12 .. –12 .. .. 5 22 .. 2 .. 18 –5 .. –16 5 .. .. .. .. .. –1

146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154

63 97 67 91 53 77 79 70 64

35.3 52.9 36.2 47.6 29.5 40.3 40.5 38.0 35.4

27.8 74.3 43.9 67.6 30.6 18.8 30.5 34.4 44.8

29.4 20.8 32.1 18.6 34.5 e, f 51.0 e 48.8 48.1 e 26.4

55 48 37 24 20 31 44 29 38

33 10 21 18 18 46 32 17 20

61.0 .. 17.1 36.4 .. 15.7 25.9 .. 22.8

85.1 .. 50.6 56.1 .. 45.2 63.1 .. 58.3

71.3 40.0 40.2 49.2 45.1 41.8 46.3 65.0 j 42.0

–23 .. 9 9 .. 19 9 .. 2

88 ..

44.7 ..

27.8 30.0

62.2 e, f ..

18 49

17 23

59.3 ..

82.9 ..

64.0 40.0

–5 ..

Human poverty index (HPI-1)

Human development indicators

HDI rank


MDG Population without Children MDG Adult sustainable under Population below income poverty line illiteracy access to weight (%) rate b, † an improved for age † (% ages 15 water source † (% under National and above) (%) age 5) $1 a day $2 a day poverty line 2003 2002 1995–2003 c 1990–2003 c 1990–2003 c 1990–2002 c

Probability at birth of not surviving to age 40 a, † (% of cohort) 2000–05

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya

155 Gambia 156 Guinea

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

HPI-1 rank minus income poverty rank d

table HDI rank


Value (%)

Probability at birth of not surviving to age 40 a, † (% of cohort) 2000–05

157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177

87 75 69 83 73 95 84 65 85 90 82 96 80 99 92 93 100 101 102 98 103

44.2 38.8 37.7 41.5 38.7 48.4 41.9 35.8 43.4 46.4 41.4 49.1 40.9 55.3 47.8 48.2 58.8 60.3 64.2 54.9 64.4

26.6 46.0 45.5 48.1 27.6 30.0 42.3 44.4 56.3 60.1 45.4 50.9 46.3 39.5 56.2 42.9 45.2 37.3 38.9 47.0 41.4

Human poverty index (HPI-1)

Senegal Nigeria Rwanda Angola Eritrea Benin Côte d’Ivoire Tanzania, U. Rep. of Malawi Zambia Congo, Dem. Rep. of the Mozambique Burundi Ethiopia Central African Republic Guinea-Bissau Chad Mali Burkina Faso Sierra Leone Niger

notes † Denotes indicators used to calculate the human poverty index (HPI-1). For further details, see Technical note 1. a Data refer to the probability at birth of not surviving to age 40, multiplied by 100. b Data refer to national literacy estimates from censuses or surveys conducted between 2000 and 2004, unless otherwise noted. Due to differences in methodology and timeliness of underlying data, comparisons across countries and over time should be made with caution. For more details, see www. uis.unesco.org/ev.php?ID=4930_201&ID2=DO_ TOPIC.

MDG Population without Children MDG Adult sustainable under Population below income poverty line illiteracy access to weight (%) rate b, † an improved for age † (% ages 15 water source † (% under National and above) (%) age 5) $1 a day $2 a day poverty line 2003 2002 1995–2003 c 1990–2003 c 1990–2003 c 1990–2002 c 60.7 33.2 e 36.0 33.2 43.3 e, f 66.4 51.9 30.6 35.9 i 32.1 i 34.7 53.5 e 41.1 58.5 e 51.4 60.4 e, f 74.5 81.0 i 87.2 i 70.4 85.6

c Data refer to the most recent year available during the period specified. d Income poverty refers to the share of the population living on less than $1 a day. All countries with an income poverty rate of less than 2% were given equal rank. The rankings are based on countries for which data are available for both indicators. A positive figure indicates that the country performs better in income poverty than in human poverty, a negative the opposite. e Estimate produced by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics in July 2002.

28 40 27 50 43 32 16 27 33 45 54 58 21 78 25 41 66 52 49 43 54

23 29 27 31 40 23 21 29 22 28 31 24 45 47 24 25 28 33 34 27 40

26.3 70.2 51.7 .. .. .. 10.8 19.9 41.7 63.7 .. 37.9 58.4 26.3 66.6 .. .. 72.3 44.9 57.0 61.4

f UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2003a. Estimates are based on outdated census or household survey information and should be interpreted with caution. g UNICEF 2004. Data refer to 2000. h UNICEF 2004. Data refer to a year or period other than that specified, differ from the standard definition or refer to only part of a country. i Data refer to a year between 1995 and 1999. j Data refer to a period other than that specified. k Data refer to year other than that specified. l Data are from the Secretariat of the Caribbean Community, based on national sources.

67.8 90.8 83.7 .. .. .. 38.4 59.7 76.1 87.4 .. 78.4 89.2 80.7 84.0 .. .. 90.6 81.0 74.5 85.3


HPI-1 rank minus income poverty rank d

33.4 34.1 51.2 .. 53.0 33.0 36.8 35.7 65.3 72.9 .. 69.4 .. 44.2 .. 48.7 64.0 63.8 45.3 68.0 63.0 j

14 –19 –13 .. .. .. 29 5 0 –6 .. 10 –10 23 –5 .. .. –2 11 4 4

Sources Column 1: determined on the basis of the HPI-1 values in column 2. Column 2: calculated on the basis of data in columns 3–6; see Technical note 1 for details. Column 3: UN 2005h. Column 4: calculated on the basis of data on adult literacy from UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2005a. Columns 5 and 6: UN 2005f. Columns 7–9: World Bank 2005c. Column 10: calculated on the basis of data in columns 1 and 7.

HPI-1 ranks for 103 developing countries and areas

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

Jamaica Ecuador Suriname Mauritius Dominican Republic Peru China Thailand Syrian Arab Republic Bolivia Guyana Saudi Arabia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya El Salvador Philippines Iran, Islamic Rep. of Maldives Belize Honduras Nicaragua Indonesia

42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62

Sri Lanka Tunisia Mongolia Cape Verde Oman Viet Nam Algeria Fiji Myanmar Guatemala Vanuatu Djibouti Congo Egypt South Africa Comoros India Sudan Namibia Morocco Ghana

63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83

Madagascar Kenya Tanzania, U. Rep. of Uganda Cameroon Pakistan Rwanda Haiti Equatorial Guinea Lao People’s Dem. Rep. Eritrea Nepal Nigeria Togo Yemen Papua New Guinea Mauritania Burundi Cambodia Congo, Dem. Rep. of the Angola

84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103

Côte d’Ivoire Malawi Bangladesh Senegal Gambia Zimbabwe Zambia Lesotho Central African Republic Guinea-Bissau Botswana Benin Mozambique Swaziland Sierra Leone Ethiopia Chad Mali Burkina Faso Niger

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Uruguay Chile Costa Rica Barbados Cuba Singapore Occupied Palestinian Territories Colombia Panama Qatar Jordan Saint Lucia Mexico Venezuela Trinidad and Tobago Malaysia Paraguay Lebanon Turkey Brazil




HDI rank

Monitoring human development: enlarging people’s choices . . .

Human and income poverty: OECD countries, Eastern Europe and the CIS

Human poverty index (HPI-2) a Value Rank (%)

Probability at birth of not surviving to age 60 b, † (% of cohort) 2000–05

Population lacking functional literacy Long-term skills c, † unemployment † (% ages (% of labour 16–65) force) 1994–2003 2003

Population below income poverty line (%) 50% of median income † 1999–2000 e

$11 a day 1994–95 e

$4 a day 1996–99 e

HPI-2 rank minus income poverty rank d

6.4 .. 14.3 6.0 12.8 6.5 9.3 12.3 8.0 17.0 11.8 k 7.3 5.4 9.2 12.5 8.0 8.0 12.7 .. 8.3 10.1 13.5 .. 8.2 .. 4.9 .. 6.7 8.6 12.4 .. 7.0 .. .. ..

4.3 .. 17.6 0.3 7.4 6.3 .. .. .. 13.6 .. 7.1 4.8 .. 15.7 9.9 .. .. .. 7.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. <1 .. <1 .. <1 10 18 17 8 .. 28 22

–1 .. –3 6 –7 –3 –3 3 7 –1 0 –2 3 –4 1 4 .. 3 .. –2 0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

High human development Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Israel Greece Slovenia Portugal Czech Republic Malta Hungary Poland Estonia Lithuania Slovakia Croatia Latvia Bulgaria

2 .. 14 8 9 1 7 16 13 17 12 3 4 5 15 10 .. 18 .. 6 11 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Human development indicators

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 26 27 31 32 35 36 38 39 42 45 48 55


human de velopmen t repor t 2005

7.0 .. 12.8 11.1 11.3 6.5 11.0 15.2 12.4 15.4 11.7 8.2 8.2 8.9 14.8 11.4 .. 29.9 .. 10.3 11.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

8.4 6.8 7.7 9.7 8.1 7.2 7.8 8.7 9.4 11.8 7.1 8.7 9.7 10.4 8.7 9.8 9.1 7.8 8.9 8.8 8.7 7.7 9.2 11.8 10.3 12.1 7.7 18.3 15.1 21.7 20.6 14.9 13.1 21.5 16.6

7.9 .. 17.0 g .. h 14.6 7.5 g 15.9 22.6 g 18.4 g, j 20.0 .. h 10.5 i 10.4 i 9.6 i 21.8 i .. h .. 47.0 18.4 i 14.4 i .. h .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

0.3 0.4 f 1.4 1.0 f, g 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.6 3.7 0.7 1.8 1.2 2.2 1.1 1.2 4.2 1.4 5.1 0.6 4.6 4.5 .. 5.4 .. 2.0 3.9 .. 2.5 9.8 .. .. 10.7 .. .. ..

table Human poverty index (HPI-2) a Value Rank (%)

HDI rank

Probability at birth of not surviving to age 60 b, † (% of cohort) 2000–05

Population lacking functional literacy Long-term skills c, † unemployment † (% ages (% of labour 16–65) force) 1994–2003 2003

Population below income poverty line (%) 50% of median income † 1999–2000 e


$11 a day 1994–95 e

$4 a day 1996–99 e

HPI-2 rank minus income poverty rank d

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 53 23 .. .. .. 25 62 .. .. .. .. 88 .. 82 ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Medium human development 59 62 64 67 68 72 78 80 83 97 100 101 109 111 115 122

Macedonia, TFYR Russian Federation Romania Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Albania Ukraine Kazakhstan Armenia Turkmenistan Georgia Azerbaijan Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan Moldova, Rep. of Tajikistan

Notes This table includes Israel and Malta, which are not Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member countries, but excludes the Republic of Korea, Mexico and Turkey, which are. For the human poverty index and related indicators for these countries, see table 3. † Denotes indicators used to calculate the human poverty index (HPI-2). For further details, see Technical note 1. a The human poverty index (HPI-2) is calculated for selected high-income OECD countries only. b Data refer to the probability at birth of not surviving to age 60, multiplied by 100. c Based on scoring at level 1 on the prose literacy scale of the International Adult Literacy Survey. Data refer to the most recent year available during the period specified. d Income poverty refers to the share of the population living on less than 50% of the median adjusted disposible household income. A positive figure indicates that the country performs better in

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

13.3 31.6 19.0 26.7 13.6 11.4 31.0 32.0 18.0 32.0 18.9 24.9 26.0 26.3 25.5 29.0

income poverty than in human poverty, a negative the opposite. e Data refer to the most recent year available during the period specified. f Data refer to 2002. g Based on OECD and Statistics Canada 2000. h For purposes of calculating the HPI-2 an estimate of 16.4%, the unweighted average of countries with available data, was applied. i Data are based on small sample sizes and should be treated with caution. j Data refer to Flanders. k Smeeding 1997.

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 18.8 8.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Sources Column 1: determined on the basis of HPI-2 values in column 2. Column 2: calculated on the basis of data in columns 3–6; see Technical note 1 for details. Column 3: calculated on the basis of survival data from UN 2005h. Column 4: OECD and Statistics Canada 2005, unless otherwise noted. Column 5: calculated on the basis of data on youth long-term unemployment and labour force from OECD 2005d. Column 6: LIS 2005. Column 7: Smeeding, Rainwater and Burtless 2000. Column 8: Milanovic 2002. Column 9: calculated on the basis of data in columns 1 and 6.

HPI-2 ranks for 18 selected OECD countries Sweden Norway Netherlands Finland Denmark Germany

7 8 9 10 11 12

Switzerland Luxembourg Canada France Spain Japan

13 14 15 16 17 18

Belgium Australia United Kingdom Ireland United States Italy

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

1 2 3 4 5 6




. . . to lead a long and healthy life . . .

Demographic trends

Annual population growth rate (%)

Total population (millions) HDI rank



2015 b

1975– 2003

4.0 0.2 13.6 0.4 23.1 8.2 6.3 3.2 9.8 220.2 111.5 13.7 4.7 5.1 55.4 52.7 7.6 55.4 3.1 78.7 35.6 4.4 3.4 9.0 2.3 1.7 9.1 35.3 0.6 0.2 10.0 0.3 0.2 26.0 10.5 34.0 10.4 1.4 3.3 0.2 0.5 4.7 0.3 1.0 4.3 2.8 2.1 2.5 (.) 0.2 0.1

4.6 0.3 19.7 0.5 31.6 9.0 7.2 4.0 10.4 292.6 127.7 16.1 5.2 5.4 59.3 60.0 8.1 58.0 3.9 82.6 42.1 6.9 6.5 11.1 4.2 2.0 10.4 47.5 0.8 0.3 10.2 0.4 0.4 38.0 10.2 38.6 16.0 1.3 3.5 0.7 4.0 5.4 0.7 2.5 4.5 3.4 4.2 2.3 (.) 0.3 0.1

4.8 0.3 22.2 0.5 35.1 9.3 7.3 4.7 10.5 325.7 128.0 16.8 5.4 5.6 61.4 62.3 8.3 57.8 4.3 82.5 44.4 7.8 7.8 11.2 4.8 1.9 10.8 49.1 0.9 0.3 10.1 0.4 0.5 42.7 9.8 38.1 17.9 1.3 3.3 1.0 5.6 5.4 0.9 3.4 4.5 3.7 5.0 2.2 (.) 0.4 0.1

0.5 1.0 1.3 0.8 1.1 0.3 0.5 0.8 0.2 1.0 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.9 0.2 0.6 1.6 2.3 0.7 2.2 0.4 0.5 1.1 1.0 0.3 0.1 1.0 2.9 1.3 –0.1 0.5 1.5 –0.2 0.2 5.2 7.2 0.5 3.4 3.3 0.2 0.7 2.5 –0.2 –0.2 1.8 1.0

0.5 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.9 0.3 0.1 1.3 0.1 0.9 (.) 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.1 (.) 0.7 (.) 0.4 1.0 1.6 0.1 1.1 –0.1 0.3 0.3 1.1 0.2 –0.1 0.4 2.0 1.0 –0.3 –0.1 1.0 –0.3 –0.4 2.3 2.7 (.) 1.6 2.4 –0.1 0.6 1.5 –0.5 1.1 1.3 0.9

9.3 59.3

11.2 104.3

11.4 119.1

0.7 2.0

0.2 1.1

Urban population (% of total) a

2003– 15 b


Population under age 15 (% of total)

Population ages 65 and above (% of total)

Total fertility rate (births per woman)

2003 b

2015 b


2015 b


2015 b

1970– 75 c

2000– 05 c

68.2 86.6 85.9 73.7 75.6 82.7 55.7 53.6 94.5 73.7 56.8 56.9 58.3 82.1 82.7 72.9 65.3 65.6 82.8 81.2 69.6 89.7 86.6 55.3 100.0 42.4 27.7 48.0 45.2 40.8 63.7 80.4 62.0 81.0 52.8 55.4 78.4 67.6 55.7 84.8 83.6 46.3 85.8 83.8 45.1 83.4 42.5 65.4 35.0 73.4 33.3

78.6 92.8 91.9 91.8 80.4 83.4 67.6 59.9 97.2 80.1 65.5 65.8 61.0 85.4 89.1 76.3 65.8 67.4 85.9 88.1 76.5 100.0 91.6 60.9 100.0 50.8 54.6 80.3 69.2 51.7 74.3 91.6 76.1 90.1 65.2 61.9 87.0 69.5 66.8 92.0 85.1 57.5 90.0 96.2 59.0 92.5 60.6 66.3 32.2 89.4 50.0

86.4 94.1 94.9 94.1 84.0 84.3 68.7 63.6 97.5 83.6 67.7 71.4 62.1 86.8 90.2 79.0 67.2 69.2 87.0 90.0 78.1 100.0 92.4 65.2 100.0 52.6 60.9 83.0 71.6 59.1 75.7 93.7 82.8 92.2 70.0 64.0 90.2 71.4 67.5 93.6 87.2 60.8 91.4 96.9 64.6 94.4 66.8 66.3 32.5 91.6 53.3

19.9 22.5 20.3 19.0 18.2 17.9 17.0 20.6 17.1 21.1 14.2 18.4 17.7 18.8 18.4 18.3 16.0 14.1 22.0 14.8 14.3 15.2 28.0 14.6 20.7 14.5 16.0 19.5 20.9 19.6 15.3 18.5 30.3 27.1 16.2 17.3 26.1 16.2 18.0 23.1 22.8 17.8 27.7 24.8 16.1 24.5 29.7 15.9 .. 28.9 ..

17.5 19.4 17.7 17.6 15.3 16.4 14.1 20.2 15.5 19.7 13.3 16.4 15.8 17.0 16.4 17.6 13.4 13.2 18.9 12.9 15.3 12.7 25.8 13.5 13.2 13.0 15.1 13.9 17.2 16.7 13.4 15.2 25.8 23.9 14.0 14.3 20.9 15.7 13.8 21.8 19.8 14.0 21.7 23.2 13.9 22.4 23.8 14.1 .. 24.7 ..

13.3 10.1 10.7 11.9 11.1 15.0 13.5 9.3 15.1 10.7 16.0 11.9 13.4 12.8 13.8 14.5 14.0 16.7 10.4 15.0 14.5 9.8 8.7 15.2 6.5 12.9 14.4 7.0 10.0 9.0 12.2 11.1 2.4 8.7 13.1 10.9 6.6 13.9 13.0 0.9 0.8 10.1 2.3 1.1 14.2 11.5 4.7 14.2 .. 4.9 ..

17.5 14.0 15.5 14.3 16.2 20.4 19.8 12.6 19.4 14.1 26.0 17.5 20.3 18.4 18.1 19.0 19.6 23.0 15.0 20.7 18.0 14.4 11.5 19.3 13.3 18.1 18.9 13.2 14.2 11.5 18.4 18.3 4.3 11.1 17.5 14.9 10.5 17.4 16.7 2.0 1.4 14.1 4.4 3.1 18.7 13.8 7.4 18.3 .. 8.2 ..

2.2 2.8 2.5 2.0 2.0 1.9 1.8 3.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.1 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.3 2.0 2.3 2.8 1.6 2.9 2.9 3.8 2.3 2.6 2.2 2.7 4.3 2.5 2.7 2.2 2.1 5.4 3.1 2.1 2.3 3.6 2.2 2.3 6.8 6.4 2.5 5.9 6.9 2.0 3.0 4.3 2.0 .. 3.4 ..

1.8 2.0 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.6 1.4 1.9 1.7 2.0 1.3 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.9 1.4 1.3 2.0 1.3 1.3 0.9 2.9 1.3 1.4 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.6 1.5 1.2 1.5 2.5 2.4 1.3 1.3 2.0 1.4 1.3 3.0 2.5 1.2 2.5 2.4 1.3 2.3 2.3 1.3 .. 2.3 ..

64.2 62.8

75.7 75.5

78.1 78.8

19.9 32.1

16.6 25.5

8.6 4.2

14.4 7.1

3.5 6.6

1.6 2.4

Human development indicators

High human development


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Hong Kong, China (SAR) Israel Greece Singapore Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Malta Brunei Darussalam Argentina Hungary Poland Chile Estonia Lithuania Qatar United Arab Emirates Slovakia Bahrain Kuwait Croatia Uruguay Costa Rica Latvia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bahamas Seychelles

52 Cuba 53 Mexico

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

table Annual population growth rate (%)

Total population (millions) HDI rank 54 Tonga 55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Occupied Palestinian Territories Algeria El Salvador

105 Cape Verde 106 Syrian Arab Republic


2015 b

0.1 8.7 1.7 1.0

0.1 7.8 3.1 1.3

0.1 7.2 3.8 1.3

2.4 1.7 0.1 12.3 134.2 108.1 21.2 0.9 0.1 9.4 3.7 25.4 0.1 0.9 2.4 41.3 0.2 12.7 0.1 7.3 49.0 15.2 14.1 2.7 6.9 2.8 42.0 927.8 d 0.4 0.1 2.7 5.7 1.9 0.1 0.6 14.0 41.2 5.1 0.1 2.5 2.0 33.3 4.9 5.7 1.3 16.0 4.1 0.3 7.5

5.6 2.0 0.1 24.4 144.6 181.4 21.9 1.2 0.1 9.9 3.9 44.2 0.1 2.5 3.1 63.1 0.2 25.8 0.2 23.3 47.5 27.2 14.9 3.5 12.9 3.0 80.2 1,300.0 d 0.4 0.1 5.9 9.9 5.4 0.3 0.8 20.4 71.3 8.6 0.3 4.7 2.6 68.2 4.6 8.3 3.5 31.9 6.6 0.5 18.1

7.0 2.1 0.1 29.6 136.7 209.4 20.9 1.3 0.1 9.2 3.9 52.1 0.1 3.2 3.3 69.1 0.2 31.3 0.2 30.8 41.8 32.2 14.9 4.0 15.1 3.0 96.8 1,393.0 d 0.5 0.1 7.6 11.1 7.0 0.3 0.9 22.3 82.6 10.1 0.4 5.5 2.7 79.9 4.2 9.1 5.0 38.1 8.0 0.6 23.8

Urban population (% of total) a

Population ages 65 and above (% of total)

Total fertility rate (births per woman)

1975– 2003

2003– 15 b


2003 b

2015 b


2015 b


2015 b

1970– 75 c

2000– 05 c

0.4 –0.4 2.1 0.9

0.2 –0.8 1.6 0.3

24.4 57.5 49.0 63.0

33.5 69.8 57.2 75.4

38.2 74.0 61.7 79.7

36.5 14.4 30.9 22.7

30.7 13.1 27.2 20.2

4.6 14.3 4.8 5.9

6.9 18.6 7.5 9.9

5.5 2.2 4.9 3.5

3.5 1.2 2.7 1.6

3.0 0.7 0.9 2.5 0.3 1.8 0.1 1.1 0.4 0.2 0.2 2.0 0.3 3.6 0.9 1.5 0.7 2.5 1.3 4.2 –0.1 2.1 0.2 1.0 2.2 0.3 2.3 1.2 d 0.7 0.7 2.8 2.0 3.7 2.4 1.3 1.3 2.0 1.9 2.9 2.2 1.0 2.6 –0.3 1.3 3.6 2.5 1.7

1.8 0.1 1.2 1.6 –0.5 1.2 –0.4 0.8 1.3 –0.6 –0.1 1.4 0.9 1.9 0.6 0.7 0.3 1.6 0.8 2.3 –1.1 1.4 (.) 1.0 1.4 –0.2 1.6 0.6 d 0.5 0.4 2.2 1.0 2.1 1.8 0.7 0.7 1.2 1.3 2.4 1.3 0.4 1.3 –0.7 0.7 3.0 1.5 1.6

60.9 50.6 34.2 37.7 66.4 61.2 42.8 43.4 32.6 50.3 31.3 60.0 55.3 19.6 32.7 23.8 21.1 75.8 23.6 58.3 58.3 61.5 52.2 67.0 42.4 63.0 35.6 17.4 49.5 27.0 39.0 49.9 57.8 50.2 36.7 22.0 41.6 45.7 18.1 47.6 44.1 45.8 49.5 51.5 59.6 40.3 41.5

86.2 59.6 37.8 63.8 73.3 83.0 54.6 43.3 40.7 70.9 44.4 76.4 72.0 77.6 43.8 32.0 22.3 87.6 30.5 87.6 67.3 73.9 55.9 87.5 61.8 64.5 61.0 38.6 76.0 58.2 57.2 63.7 79.1 48.4 51.7 21.1 66.3 59.3 28.8 45.4 52.2 66.6 52.0 50.1 71.1 58.8 59.4

89.0 62.0 43.4 71.0 74.3 88.4 56.4 47.3 49.5 75.2 51.1 81.3 76.2 82.6 51.2 36.7 24.7 90.0 36.8 91.1 68.9 78.0 58.2 90.1 67.6 64.2 69.2 49.5 81.6 68.6 64.3 68.1 81.1 51.8 60.1 22.5 71.9 64.6 35.2 50.0 54.2 73.9 51.6 51.3 75.6 65.3 64.2

30.8 20.6 .. 33.0 16.2 28.4 16.5 25.1 .. 16.4 17.4 31.8 .. 35.2 28.3 24.5 41.0 32.1 29.9 38.2 16.0 33.2 24.8 29.5 33.2 22.8 36.1 22.7 30.9 30.5 38.4 27.5 38.0 37.9 32.3 24.8 29.7 33.6 42.0 33.5 32.1 31.0 20.0 27.9 46.0 31.2 34.7

28.9 16.6 .. 27.2 16.4 25.4 14.4 21.3 .. 14.5 14.0 26.8 .. 30.6 23.1 21.2 34.2 27.8 25.4 32.3 13.5 27.9 21.3 24.4 28.1 17.4 30.0 18.5 26.7 26.5 33.9 21.9 31.7 31.2 27.6 21.4 25.8 29.5 35.7 27.0 26.7 25.6 15.8 21.2 41.6 26.7 29.8

2.9 8.8 .. 3.5 11.5 4.9 12.1 5.4 .. 12.5 10.3 4.2 .. 1.8 6.3 5.4 3.7 4.0 6.1 2.1 13.1 4.1 6.6 5.9 4.6 9.6 3.0 5.9 5.1 5.5 3.0 5.0 2.3 3.5 2.9 5.8 4.3 3.2 2.7 3.8 6.6 3.7 11.5 5.5 2.7 3.6 4.4

5.6 12.9 .. 6.1 13.3 7.8 15.5 8.3 .. 13.5 16.7 6.5 .. 3.4 9.9 9.3 5.0 6.8 7.3 3.5 16.4 6.5 8.0 7.7 7.3 11.0 4.9 9.6 7.2 7.1 4.3 6.8 4.0 4.7 5.4 9.3 6.2 5.3 3.3 4.4 8.2 4.9 14.4 6.7 3.0 5.0 6.2

7.6 3.0 .. 5.2 2.0 4.7 2.6 3.2 .. 2.3 2.6 5.0 .. 7.2 4.7 5.0 5.7 4.9 5.7 7.3 2.2 6.0 3.5 4.8 6.0 3.0 6.0 4.9 5.3 5.5 5.7 6.2 7.8 6.3 4.2 4.1 5.3 5.6 7.0 6.2 5.0 6.4 2.6 4.3 7.7 7.4 6.1

3.0 1.5 .. 2.9 1.3 2.3 1.3 2.0 .. 1.2 1.3 2.6 .. 3.8 2.3 1.9 4.4 2.7 2.2 4.1 1.1 2.9 2.0 2.3 2.8 1.3 3.2 1.7 2.6 2.3 3.9 2.0 3.5 3.2 2.9 2.0 2.5 2.7 4.3 2.8 2.4 2.1 1.5 1.9 5.6 2.5 2.9

2.0 3.1

2.2 2.3

21.4 45.1

55.9 50.2

64.8 52.4

40.7 38.0

35.6 33.2

3.7 2.5

3.3 3.6

7.0 7.5

3.8 3.5

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104


Population under age 15 (% of total)





Demographic trends

Annual population growth rate (%)

Human development indicators

Total population (millions)


Urban population (% of total) a

Population under age 15 (% of total)

Population ages 65 and above (% of total)

Total fertility rate (births per woman)

1975– 2003

2003– 15 b


2003 b

2015 b


2015 b


2015 b

1970– 75 c

2000– 05 c

HDI rank



2015 b

107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam 109 Kyrgyzstan 110 Indonesia 111 Uzbekistan 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 115 Moldova, Rep. of 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 122 Tajikistan 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development

0.7 48.0 3.3 134.4 14.0 2.6 4.8 1.4 3.8 3.0 6.2 0.1 39.3 25.9 0.2 3.4 0.6 17.3 0.9 0.1 620.7 0.2 30.1 7.1 0.9 0.3 3.0 1.2 68.3 13.5 2.9 10.2 73.2 0.7 17.1 1.5 2.4 10.8 6.2

0.7 82.0 5.1 217.4 25.8 5.3 8.8 2.6 4.2 6.9 12.0 0.2 71.3 46.9 0.5 6.4 1.3 30.6 2.0 0.1 1,070.8 0.5 49.5 13.5 1.8 0.8 5.7 2.1 151.8 26.1 5.7 21.2 136.6 0.8 34.9 3.8 5.8 26.9 12.9

0.7 95.0 5.9 246.8 30.7 6.6 10.9 3.0 4.1 8.8 15.9 0.3 88.2 47.9 0.6 7.6 1.6 36.2 2.2 0.2 1,260.4 0.6 55.0 17.1 1.7 1.0 7.3 2.7 193.4 32.7 7.0 26.6 168.2 1.5 44.0 5.4 7.8 41.9 13.8

0.1 1.9 1.6 1.7 2.2 2.5 2.2 2.1 0.3 3.0 2.4 2.5 2.1 2.1 2.7 2.2 2.9 2.0 2.9 2.1 1.9 3.1 1.8 2.3 2.5 3.1 2.2 2.1 2.9 2.3 2.4 2.6 2.2 0.7 2.6 3.2 3.1 3.3 2.6

–0.1 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.4 1.9 1.7 1.2 –0.2 2.0 2.3 1.8 1.8 0.2 2.2 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.0 2.1 1.4 2.3 0.9 1.9 –0.4 2.5 2.1 2.2 2.0 1.9 1.8 1.9 1.7 4.9 1.9 3.1 2.5 3.7 0.6

30.0 18.9 37.9 19.3 39.1 48.9 41.3 48.7 35.8 32.1 36.7 15.7 43.5 48.0 27.1 35.5 40.0 37.8 20.6 27.3 21.3 9.1 23.9 10.3 12.8 21.2 11.1 3.5 26.4 5.0 11.9 30.1 9.9 8.9 18.9 34.8 16.3 8.3 19.6

37.6 25.8 34.0 45.5 36.7 57.3 63.4 56.8 46.1 45.6 46.3 22.9 42.2 56.9 48.0 24.8 83.7 57.4 32.4 37.8 28.3 16.5 29.5 18.6 51.6 35.0 20.7 8.5 34.1 15.0 13.2 45.4 24.3 7.7 38.9 53.5 35.2 12.3 35.0

44.2 32.4 35.4 57.8 37.0 62.8 69.0 59.5 50.0 51.3 51.9 28.6 44.9 62.7 58.2 24.4 89.1 64.8 39.8 40.3 32.2 20.9 37.6 26.1 57.5 43.0 27.4 12.6 39.5 20.5 14.5 51.1 29.6 9.5 49.3 59.3 43.3 14.2 41.4

29.8 31.1 32.8 29.0 34.8 40.2 38.8 32.2 20.0 40.3 43.6 40.8 34.3 32.9 44.2 40.4 40.9 31.9 42.6 40.1 32.9 41.3 30.8 38.3 38.2 42.4 41.7 39.5 39.5 39.9 41.0 39.9 36.3 42.5 39.7 46.9 43.9 50.4 41.0

24.8 25.0 27.5 25.2 28.3 33.4 33.5 26.3 15.2 33.8 39.7 35.5 31.4 30.2 45.6 33.0 35.5 28.4 34.7 36.4 28.0 36.4 23.6 34.1 34.7 38.5 37.1 34.7 34.1 33.9 34.0 35.2 31.4 46.7 35.6 47.4 40.2 50.8 36.6

4.4 4.6 5.0 4.2 3.8 2.7 3.6 3.1 8.4 3.1 3.5 2.6 3.8 3.2 3.2 3.0 3.8 3.9 2.8 3.5 4.1 1.8 4.0 2.8 2.6 2.1 2.9 3.6 3.0 2.9 1.8 2.8 2.8 2.2 2.8 2.4 2.5 2.1 2.9

6.6 5.6 5.5 6.4 4.4 3.9 5.2 4.1 10.9 4.5 4.7 4.0 5.5 6.1 3.8 3.5 4.4 5.2 4.2 3.4 6.2 2.8 6.4 4.4 4.8 3.1 3.7 5.1 4.2 4.2 2.7 4.3 4.2 3.0 4.3 2.7 3.4 2.2 4.1

4.9 6.7 4.7 5.2 6.3 6.8 6.5 7.3 2.6 7.1 6.2 6.1 5.7 5.5 5.7 6.8 5.3 6.9 6.6 6.5 5.4 7.2 5.8 5.5 6.8 7.1 6.2 5.9 6.6 5.8 6.1 6.7 6.2 6.2 6.7 6.3 7.1 7.1 7.7

2.3 2.3 2.7 2.4 2.7 3.3 4.0 2.4 1.2 3.7 4.6 4.2 3.3 2.8 5.9 3.8 4.0 2.8 4.0 4.1 3.1 4.3 2.5 4.1 3.2 4.9 4.8 4.4 4.3 3.7 4.1 4.4 3.2 7.8 4.4 6.3 5.4 7.1 3.6

7.9 0.5 7.6 1.1 0.2 7.0 1.4 4.9 13.5 0.6 4.2 5.3

17.6 1.0 15.7 1.8 0.8 19.7 2.9 8.3 32.7 1.4 9.0 11.1

23.8 1.0 19.0 1.7 0.9 28.5 4.0 9.8 44.2 1.9 11.9 14.5

2.9 2.4 2.6 1.6 4.4 3.7 2.5 1.9 3.2 3.4 2.7 2.7

2.5 –0.3 1.6 –0.3 1.6 3.1 2.7 1.4 2.5 2.3 2.3 2.2

16.4 14.0 26.9 10.8 61.6 14.8 20.3 21.7 12.9 17.0 16.3 34.2

26.6 23.6 51.4 18.0 83.6 25.7 61.7 37.5 39.3 26.2 34.9 49.6

30.7 27.0 59.9 21.0 87.6 31.3 73.9 45.5 51.8 27.8 44.2 57.9

44.4 42.1 41.9 39.3 42.1 47.1 43.1 38.6 43.1 40.6 43.9 43.4

40.7 37.2 37.2 36.6 37.3 43.4 41.7 34.9 42.6 36.8 42.0 38.8

2.5 2.7 2.9 4.2 2.2 1.8 2.7 3.2 2.3 2.9 2.8 2.5

3.3 4.6 3.9 5.8 3.4 2.4 3.4 4.5 2.8 4.4 3.9 3.4

6.7 6.9 6.3 5.7 7.2 8.5 6.5 5.8 8.0 6.5 6.9 7.0

5.4 4.0 4.6 3.6 5.1 6.2 5.8 4.0 5.0 4.7 5.9 5.0

58.9 4.4

125.9 8.8

160.9 11.3

2.7 2.5

2.0 2.1

23.4 4.0

46.6 18.5

55.5 40.5

44.7 44.9

41.3 41.6

2.4 1.9

3.2 2.6

6.9 8.3

5.8 5.7

146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal

158 Nigeria 159 Rwanda

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

table Total population (millions) 1975


2015 b

1975– 2003

6.8 2.1 3.2 6.6 16.0 5.2 5.2 23.9 10.6 3.7 34.1 2.1 0.7 4.2 6.2 5.9 2.9 5.3 2,967.1 T 355.2 T 144.6 T 1,310.4 T 318.4 T 838.7 T 313.1 T 366.6 T 925.7 T 765.9 T 972.2 T 2,678.2 T 359.5 T 781.8 T 1,849.6 T 1,440.9 T 4,073.7 T e

15.0 4.1 7.9 17.6 36.9 12.3 11.3 54.2 19.1 7.0 73.8 3.9 1.5 9.1 12.7 12.4 5.1 13.1 5,022.4 T 723.2 T 303.9 T 1,928.1 T 540.7 T 1,503.4 T 674.2 T 406.3 T 1,157.3 T 917.4 T 1,211.5 T 4,205.8 T 788.7 T 948.3 T 2,748.6 T 2,614.5 T 6,313.8 T e

20.9 5.8 11.2 21.6 45.6 16.0 13.8 78.0 23.5 10.6 97.2 4.6 2.1 12.8 18.1 17.7 6.9 19.3 5,885.6 T 950.1 T 386.0 T 2,108.9 T 628.3 T 1,801.4 T 877.4 T 396.8 T 1,233.6 T 968.5 T 1,289.2 T 4,753.6 T 1,038.5 T 1,005.6 T 3,028.6 T 3,182.5 T 7,219.4 T e

2.8 2.4 3.2 3.5 3.0 3.1 2.8 2.9 2.1 2.3 2.8 2.3 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.6 2.0 3.2 1.9 2.5 2.7 1.4 1.9 2.1 2.7 0.4 0.8 0.6 0.8 1.6 2.8 0.7 1.4 2.1 1.6

HDI rank 160 Angola 161 Eritrea 162 Benin 163 Côte d’Ivoire 164 Tanzania, U. Rep. of 165 Malawi 166 Zambia 167 Congo, Dem. Rep. of the 168 Mozambique 169 Burundi 170 Ethiopia 171 Central African Republic 172 Guinea-Bissau 173 Chad 174 Mali 175 Burkina Faso 176 Sierra Leone 177 Niger Developing countries Least developed countries Arab States East Asia and the Pacific Latin America and the Caribbean South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS OECD High-income OECD High human development Medium human development Low human development High income Middle income Low income World

Annual population growth rate (%)

Urban population (% of total) a

Population ages 65 and above (% of total)

Total fertility rate (births per woman)

2003– 15 b


2003 b

2015 b


2015 b


2015 b

1970– 75 c

2000– 05 c

2.8 3.0 2.9 1.7 1.8 2.2 1.7 3.0 1.8 3.4 2.3 1.4 3.0 2.8 2.9 2.9 2.5 3.3 1.3 2.3 2.0 0.7 1.3 1.5 2.2 –0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 2.3 0.5 0.8 1.6 1.1

17.4 12.7 21.9 32.1 10.1 7.7 34.8 29.5 8.7 3.2 9.5 33.7 16.0 15.6 16.2 6.3 21.4 10.6 26.4 14.8 41.7 20.4 61.1 21.3 21.0 56.8 67.2 69.9 68.7 27.9 18.2 70.1 34.8 20.7 37.2

35.7 20.0 44.6 44.9 35.4 16.3 35.9 31.8 35.6 10.0 15.7 42.7 34.0 25.0 32.3 17.8 38.8 22.2 42.0 26.7 54.7 41.0 76.7 29.8 35.6 62.9 75.9 77.5 77.2 42.2 34.0 78.0 52.9 30.2 48.3

44.9 26.5 53.5 51.0 46.8 22.2 40.8 39.7 48.5 14.6 19.8 50.3 43.5 31.1 40.9 23.2 47.6 29.7 48.6 33.5 59.1 51.0 80.9 34.2 42.4 63.8 78.9 80.4 80.1 48.6 41.7 80.8 60.7 35.7 53.5

46.7 44.9 44.8 42.4 43.2 47.1 46.1 47.1 44.1 46.2 45.0 43.2 47.2 47.1 48.3 47.7 42.8 49.0 31.6 42.2 36.3 24.9 30.8 34.1 44.0 19.1 19.8 17.9 19.6 29.2 44.9 18.0 25.9 37.2 28.9

45.5 42.6 42.0 38.2 38.9 44.9 43.7 48.0 41.6 46.4 41.7 40.6 48.0 47.7 46.7 45.7 42.8 47.9 28.0 39.5 32.5 20.7 26.5 29.3 42.0 17.3 17.8 16.4 17.6 25.3 42.6 16.5 22.3 33.3 25.9

2.0 1.9 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.2 2.7 2.3 2.3 3.3 2.5 2.5 2.2 2.3 2.6 1.6 4.3 2.6 3.1 5.4 4.9 3.8 2.5 10.6 11.6 13.0 11.7 4.9 2.4 12.8 5.8 3.4 6.0

2.4 2.6 3.0 3.7 3.7 3.2 3.2 2.6 3.6 2.5 3.2 4.0 2.8 2.7 2.4 2.6 3.3 2.0 6.5 3.5 4.4 8.7 7.5 5.7 3.3 12.9 16.1 18.0 16.2 7.2 3.1 17.7 8.6 4.9 8.4

7.2 6.5 7.1 7.4 6.8 7.4 7.8 6.5 6.6 6.8 6.8 5.7 7.1 6.7 7.6 7.8 6.5 8.1 5.5 6.6 6.7 5.0 5.1 5.6 6.8 2.5 2.6 2.2 2.5 5.0 7.0 2.2 4.5 6.0 4.5

6.8 5.5 5.9 5.1 5.0 6.1 5.7 6.7 5.5 6.8 5.9 5.0 7.1 6.7 6.9 6.7 6.5 7.9 2.9 5.0 3.7 1.9 2.5 3.2 5.5 1.5 1.8 1.6 1.7 2.5 5.8 1.7 2.1 3.9 2.6

Sources Columns 1-3, 13 and 14: UN 2005h. Columns 4 and 5: calculated on the basis of columns 1 and 2. Columns 6-8: UN 2004. Columns 9 and 10: calculated on the basis of data on population under age 15 and total population from UN 2005h. Columns 11 and 12: calculated on the basis of data on population ages 65 and above and total population from UN 2005h.

Human development indicators

NOTES a Because data are based on national definitions of what constitutes a city or metropolitan area, crosscountry comparisons should be made with caution. b Data refer to medium-variant projections. c Data refer to estimates for the period specified. d Population estimates include Taiwan, province of China. e Data refer to the total world population according to UN 2005h. The total population of the 177 countries included in the main indicator tables was estimated to be 4,068.1 million in 1975, 6,305.6 million in 2003 and projected to be 7,210.3 in 2015.

Population under age 15 (% of total)


hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005




. . . to lead a long and healthy life . . .

Commitment to health: resources, access and services

MDG One-year-olds fully immunized

Health expenditure

HDI rank

Public (% of GDP)

Private (% of GDP)

Per capita (PPP US$)

Against tuberculosis (%)

Against measles (%)






8.0 8.3 6.5 5.3 6.7 7.8 6.5 5.5 6.5 6.6 6.5 5.8 5.5 7.3 6.4 7.4 5.4 6.4 6.6 8.6 5.4 .. 6.0 5.0 1.3 6.2 6.6 2.6 2.9 4.7 6.4 7.0 2.7 4.5 5.5 4.4 2.6 3.9 4.3 2.4 2.3 5.3 3.2 2.9 5.9 2.9 6.1 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.9

1.6 1.6 3.0 0.9 2.9 1.4 4.7 1.8 2.6 8.0 1.4 3.0 1.8 1.5 1.3 2.3 2.3 2.1 1.9 2.3 2.2 .. 3.1 4.5 3.0 2.1 2.7 2.4 4.1 2.2 0.6 2.7 0.8 4.4 2.3 1.7 3.2 1.2 1.6 0.7 0.8 0.6 1.2 0.9 1.4 7.1 3.2 1.8 2.1 3.5 1.3

3,409 2,802 2,699 3,066 2,931 2,512 3,446 2,367 2,515 5,274 2,133 2,564 1,943 2,583 2,160 2,736 2,220 2,166 1,857 2,817 1,640 .. 1,890 1,814 1,105 1,547 1,702 982 883 1,018 1,118 965 653 956 1,078 657 642 604 549 894 750 723 792 552 630 805 743 477 667 1,074 557

6.5 2.7

1.0 3.4

236 550

Children with MDG diarrhoea receiving oral Births rehydration Contraceptive attended by and continued prevalence skilled health feeding rate a personnel (% under age 5) (%) (%)

Physicians (per 100,000 people)

1994–2003 b

1995–2003 b

1990–2004 b

1995–2003 b

Human development indicators

High human development


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Hong Kong, China (SAR) Israel Greece Singapore Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Malta Brunei Darussalam Argentina Hungary Poland Chile Estonia Lithuania Qatar United Arab Emirates Slovakia Bahrain Kuwait Croatia Uruguay Costa Rica Latvia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bahamas Seychelles

52 Cuba 53 Mexico

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

.. .. .. .. .. 16 d .. 90 .. .. .. .. 98 .. .. 85 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 88 97 98 81 87 .. .. 98 .. 99 99 99 94 94 99 99 99 98 98 .. .. 98 99 87 99 99 .. 99

84 93 93 91 95 94 82 78 75 93 99 96 97 96 80 86 79 83 85 92 97 .. 95 88 88 94 96 96 86 90 99 90 99 97 99 97 99 95 98 93 94 99 100 97 95 95 89 99 98 90 99

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

74 .. 76 .. 75 78 82 .. 78 76 56 79 77 78 84 e 75 51 60 75 75 81 86 68 .. 62 74 66 81 .. 55 72 .. .. .. 77 49 .. 70 47 43 28 74 62 50 .. .. 80 48 41 62 ..

100 c .. 100 100 c 98 100 c .. 100 100 c 99 100 100 100 c 100 c 99 99 c 100 c .. 100 100 c .. .. 99 c .. 100 100 c 100 100 100 c 91 99 98 c 99 99 .. 99 c 100 .. .. 98 96 .. 98 98 100 100 98 100 99 99 c ..

356 347 249 255 209 305 352 237 418 549 201 329 311 366 166 329 324 606 223 362 320 .. 391 440 140 219 324 181 298 121 343 293 101 301 316 220 109 316 403 221 202 325 160 153 237 365 173 291 118 106 132

99 99

99 96

.. ..

73 68

100 86

591 171

table MDG One-year-olds fully immunized

Health expenditure


Children with MDG diarrhoea receiving oral Births rehydration Contraceptive attended by and continued prevalence skilled health feeding rate a personnel (% under age 5) (%) (%)

Physicians (per 100,000 people)

Private (% of GDP)

Per capita (PPP US$)

Against tuberculosis (%)

Against measles (%)

HDI rank






1994–2003 b

1995–2003 b

1995–2003 b

1990–2004 b

54 Tonga 55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development

5.1 4.0 6.4 1.4

1.8 3.4 2.5 2.3

292 499 576 428

99 98 87 ..

99 96 83 88

.. .. .. 31

.. 42 58 38

92 .. 90 96

34 338 168 79

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

1.6 .. 3.3 2.0 3.5 3.6 4.2 2.2 4.0 4.7 4.6 6.7 4.6 2.8 2.4 3.1 4.7 2.3 3.4 3.3 3.3 2.2 1.9 3.5 1.7 1.3 1.1 2.0 3.6 3.9 3.2 2.9 4.3 2.5 2.7 1.8 4.3 2.2 5.1 3.0 3.4 2.9 1.0 0.8 .. 3.2 3.6

1.7 .. 1.5 1.8 2.7 4.3 2.1 0.7 1.7 1.7 4.6 1.4 1.8 0.6 3.7 1.3 1.5 2.6 1.6 1.0 1.4 2.2 1.6 8.0 3.1 4.5 1.8 3.8 5.0 2.0 5.2 2.9 5.0 2.7 1.5 1.9 2.2 3.9 0.7 1.3 2.6 3.1 2.8 2.9 .. 1.1 4.4

222 .. 527 349 535 611 469 317 465 583 322 536 310 379 302 321 238 272 306 534 210 226 261 697 197 232 153 261 385 340 343 415 418 300 240 131 420 295 307 182 234 432 123 120 .. 182 372

99 .. .. 99 97 99 99 92 .. 99 94 96 99 98 95 99 73 91 95 94 98 94 99 .. 99 92 91 93 .. 87 70 93 67 99 99 99 89 90 98 99 88 99 87 99 99 98 90

91 96 99 92 96 99 97 94 99 99 84 92 99 98 93 94 99 82 90 96 99 95 99 96 99 94 80 84 71 94 91 90 96 96 91 99 75 79 96 97 78 99 73 98 .. 84 99

.. .. .. .. .. 28 .. .. .. .. 23 44 42 .. 51 .. .. 51 .. .. .. 46 22 .. .. 48 37 .. 43 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 53 .. .. 21 .. .. 40 .. .. ..

45 .. 53 55 73 77 64 75 54 50 48 77 50 24 75 72 .. 49 47 32 68 69 66 61 66 61 49 84 42 58 73 63 56 47 41 70 64 70 42 62 66 73 41 55 .. 64 67

94 .. 100 97 99 88 98 99 99 100 100 86 100 95 94 99 100 94 100 91 100 59 99 89 69 97 60 97 85 100 71 90 100 83 100 97 81 99 70 97 95 90 96 84 97 92 69

129 .. 17 70 417 206 189 85 50 450 134 135 49 126 139 30 70 194 518 140 297 117 330 325 148 353 116 164 45 88 117 70 205 105 34 43 124 188 78 317 85 105 391 354 84 85 124

3.8 2.3

1.2 2.8

193 109

78 99

68 98

.. ..

53 40

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Occupied Palestinian Territories Algeria El Salvador

105 Cape Verde 106 Syrian Arab Republic

89 76 c

17 140

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

Public (% of GDP)




Commitment to health: resources, access and services

MDG One-year-olds fully immunized

Human development indicators

Health expenditure


Children with MDG diarrhoea receiving oral Births rehydration Contraceptive attended by and continued prevalence skilled health feeding rate a personnel (% under age 5) (%) (%)

Physicians (per 100,000 people)

1994–2003 b

1990–2004 b

Public (% of GDP)

Private (% of GDP)

Per capita (PPP US$)

Against tuberculosis (%)

Against measles (%)

HDI rank






107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam 109 Kyrgyzstan 110 Indonesia 111 Uzbekistan 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 115 Moldova, Rep. of 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 122 Tajikistan 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development

4.3 1.5 2.2 1.2 2.5 3.9 4.2 4.6 4.1 3.2 2.3 2.8 1.8 3.5 1.3 0.9 1.8 1.5 4.7 9.7 1.3 4.5 0.4 2.1 3.7 1.7 1.5 4.1 1.1 1.4 3.8 2.3 0.8 6.2 1.0 1.5 1.1 2.1 4.4

1.3 3.7 2.1 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.8 2.0 2.9 3.0 2.5 1.0 3.1 5.2 0.5 2.4 2.5 3.1 2.0 1.4 4.8 0.3 1.8 9.9 2.3 1.2 1.4 0.4 2.1 3.8 0.5 3.3 2.3 3.5 3.9 0.7 9.4 5.3 4.1

227 148 117 110 143 206 179 128 151 156 199 121 192 689 139 47 248 186 331 108 96 83 30 192 387 27 49 76 62 64 136 73 54 195 58 25 163 77 152

95 98 99 82 98 94 94 98 98 91 97 63 98 97 73 99 89 92 92 99 81 76 79 76 99 75 65 93 82 91 60 92 95 80 53 60 84 96 92

89 93 99 72 99 93 64 98 96 95 75 48 98 83 51 89 55 90 70 87 67 78 75 65 90 63 42 88 61 75 49 80 77 60 57 50 58 82 80

40 24 16 61 33 49 59 66 52 .. 22 .. 29 37 36 29 44 .. 39 44 22 .. 48 .. 7 31 37 .. 33 c 43 .. 24 35 .. 38 .. 25 29 80

37 79 60 60 68 69 53 67 62 62 43 .. 60 56 .. 34 33 50 29 29 48 f .. 37 24 40 26 32 19 28 39 26 25 58 10 10 .. 26 23 54

86 85 98 68 96 67 65 99 99 56 41 89 69 84 65 71 86 40 78 79 43 85 56 32 94 62 19 24 23 11 53 44 14 24 86 c .. 49 39 73

48 53 268 16 289 164 73 267 269 83 90 11 212 69 25 218 29 48 30 47 51 13 30 16 29 7 59 5 66 5 5 9 23 .. 16 25 6 5 6

146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157

1.2 3.6 1.2 5.3 3.3 1.0 2.9 3.0 2.2 3.3 0.9 2.3

0.9 2.4 3.4 0.9 3.0 2.7 1.0 4.6 2.7 4.0 4.9 2.8

18 309 68 119 78 58 54 83 70 83 105 62

72 97 82 83 63 67 84 71 87 99 78 77

55 94 61 70 66 66 71 53 72 90 52 60

47 24 33 29 .. 23 c .. 41 15 38 29 33

27 28 19 30 .. 21 8 27 39 10 6 11

46 70 60 60 61 22 57 24 41 55 35 58

9 18 7 5 13 22 14 25 13 4 9 8

1.2 3.1

3.5 2.4

43 48

48 88

35 90

28 16

13 13

35 31

27 2

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal

158 Nigeria 159 Rwanda

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

1995–2003 b

1995–2003 b

table MDG One-year-olds fully immunized

Health expenditure

Children with MDG diarrhoea receiving oral Births rehydration Contraceptive attended by and continued prevalence skilled health feeding rate a personnel (% under age 5) (%) (%)

Physicians (per 100,000 people) 1990–2004 b

Public (% of GDP)

Private (% of GDP)

Per capita (PPP US$)

Against tuberculosis (%)

Against measles (%)

HDI rank






1994–2003 b

1995–2003 b

160 Angola 161 Eritrea 162 Benin 163 Côte d’Ivoire 164 Tanzania, U. Rep. of 165 Malawi 166 Zambia 167 Congo, Dem. Rep. of the 168 Mozambique 169 Burundi 170 Ethiopia 171 Central African Republic 172 Guinea-Bissau 173 Chad 174 Mali 175 Burkina Faso 176 Sierra Leone 177 Niger Developing countries Least developed countries Arab States East Asia and the Pacific Latin America and the Caribbean South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS OECD High-income OECD High human development Medium human development Low human development High income Middle income Low income World

2.1 3.2 2.1 1.4 2.7 4.0 3.1 1.2 4.1 0.6 2.6 1.6 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 2.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

2.9 1.9 2.6 4.8 2.2 5.8 2.7 2.9 1.7 2.4 3.1 2.3 3.3 3.8 2.2 2.3 1.2 2.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

62 84 83 56 97 77 84 54 77 75 52 35 61 61 68 76 73 64 75 67 84 82 93 68 62 97 91 92 93 79 61 92 89 66 77 g

32 .. 42 34 38 51 24 17 33 16 38 47 23 50 45 .. 39 43 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

6 8 19 15 25 31 34 31 6 16 8 28 8 8 8 14 4 14 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

62 91 99 66 91 91 94 68 87 84 76 70 84 72 63 83 87 64 85 79 86 91 96 83 75 97 .. .. .. 89 75 .. 95 79 85 g

1995–2003 b 45 28 66 63 36 61 43 61 48 25 6 44 35 16 41 31 42 16 59 34 70 86 82 38 41 97 95 99 97 68 35 99 88 42 62 g

8 3 6 9 2 1 7 7 2 5 3 4 17 3 4 4 7 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Sources Columns 1–3: WHO 2005a. Columns 4 and 6: UNICEF 2004. Columns 5 and 8: UN 2005f, based on a joint effort by the United Nations Children’s Fund and the World Health Organization. Column 7: UN 2005e. Column 9: WHO 2005b.

Human development indicators

notes a Data usually refer to married women ages 15–49; the actual age range covered may vary across countries. b Data refer to the most recent year available during the period specified. c Data refer to a year or period other than that specified, differ from the standard definition or refer to only part of a country. d Only high-risk children. e Excluding Northern Ireland. f Excluding the state of Tripura. g Data refer to the world aggregate from UNICEF 2004.

92 36 44 107 31 48 51 15 50 16 21 50 38 47 33 38 27 27 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005




. . . to lead a long and healthy life . . .

Water, sanitation and nutritional status

MDG Population with sustainable access to improved sanitation (%) HDI rank

MDG Population with sustainable access to an improved water source (%)

MDG Population undernourished (% of total)

MDG Children under weight for age (% under age 5)

Children under height for age (% under age 5)

Infants with low birthweight (%)





1990/92 a

2000/02 a

1995–2003 b

1995–2003 b

1998–2003 b

.. .. 100 .. 100 100 100 .. .. 100 100 100 100 .. .. .. 100 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 100 .. .. .. 82 .. .. 85 .. .. 100 100 100 .. .. .. .. .. .. 96 100 ..

.. .. 100 .. 100 100 100 .. .. 100 100 100 100 .. .. .. 100 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 99 .. .. .. 95 .. 92 .. .. 100 100 100 .. .. .. 94 92 .. 96 100 ..

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 .. .. 100 100 100 100 100 .. .. 100 .. 97 100 .. .. 100 .. .. .. .. .. 100 100 .. 100 .. 94 99 .. 90 .. .. 100 .. 100 .. .. .. .. .. .. 99 .. ..

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 .. .. 100 100 100 100 100 .. .. 100 .. .. 100 .. .. 100 .. .. .. .. 92 100 100 .. 100 .. .. 99 .. 95 .. .. 100 .. 100 .. .. .. 98 97 .. 99 97 87

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. .. 8 .. .. .. 4 .. .. 23 .. 6 6 .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. 2 .. .. 2 .. .. 2 1 1 4 5 1 .. 2 5 .. 5 7 4 4 4 .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1d .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 d .. .. .. .. 6d 1d .. .. 5 2d .. 1 .. .. 6 14 .. 9 10 1 5 5 .. .. .. 6d

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2c .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 c .. .. .. .. 7c 2c .. .. 12 3c .. 2 .. .. 8 17 .. 10 24 1 8 6 .. .. .. 5c

5 4 7 8 6 4 6 6 8c 8 8 .. 4 5 8 7 7 6 6 7 6c .. 8 8 8 6 8 4 .. 10 c 7 6 10 7 9 6 5 4 4 10 15 c 7 8 7 6 8 7 5 9 7 ..

98 66

98 77

.. 80

91 91

8 5

3 5

4 8

5 18

6 9

Human development indicators

High human development


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Hong Kong, China (SAR) Israel Greece Singapore Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Malta Brunei Darussalam Argentina Hungary Poland Chile Estonia Lithuania Qatar United Arab Emirates Slovakia Bahrain Kuwait Croatia Uruguay Costa Rica Latvia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bahamas Seychelles

52 Cuba 53 Mexico

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

table MDG Population with sustainable access to improved sanitation (%) HDI rank 54 Tonga 55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Occupied Palestinian Territories Algeria El Salvador Cape Verde Syrian Arab Republic

MDG Population undernourished (% of total)

MDG Children under weight for age (% under age 5)

Children under height for age (% under age 5)

Infants with low birthweight (%)





1990/92 a

2000/02 a

1995–2003 b

1995–2003 b

1998–2003 b

97 100 .. 100

97 100 72 100

100 100 .. 92

100 100 91 91

.. .. 21 13

.. 11 26 12

.. .. 7 7d

.. .. 14 5c

0 10 10 c 23

97 .. .. 96 87 70 .. 99 97 .. .. 82 .. 83 .. 80 98 .. .. .. 99 52 72 .. 56 .. 54 23 .. .. 58 75 .. .. 98 70 84 48 .. .. 75 83 .. .. .. 88 51 .. 76

97 .. 95

71 .. .. .. 94 83 .. 100 .. 100 98 92 .. 77 97 81 91 .. 98 90 .. 74 86 100 69 .. 87 70 .. .. 62 77 98 .. .. 68 81 86 99 .. 92 91 .. 66 .. 95 67 .. 79

72 .. 91 95 96 89 57 100 95 100 98 92 97 79 97 85 88 83 98 .. 98 81 86 100 86 92 85 77 92 .. 83 82 91 91 .. 78 93 93 84 71 93 93 76 77 94 87 82 80 79

1 .. .. 3 .. 12 .. 6 .. .. .. 17 .. .. .. 28 .. 11 .. 4 .. 42 .. 3 8 .. 26 16 13 .. 18 1 4 .. .. 28 2 27 .. .. 14 4 .. .. .. 5 12 .. 5

1 11 .. 2 4 9 1 6 .. 2 8 13 .. .. 6 20 .. 17 .. 3 3 13 13 3 4 34 22 11 11 .. 14 1 7 .. .. 22 3 25 .. 9 10 4 27 15 .. 5 11 .. 4

5 6 10 d 12 3 6 6d 15 .. .. 4 7 5d 24 14 19 d .. 4 14 d 14 3 7 4 3 12 3 31 10 13 .. 5 4 4 6d 8d 29 8 5 30 12 4 11 3 7 4 6 10 14 d 7

15 7 7c .. 13 11 8c 10 .. .. 10 14 6c 23 32 16 c .. 13 c 11 c 20 15 25 10 12 26 13 31 14 10 .. .. 12 9 .. 3c 14 16 9 25 22 5 15 12 13 9 18 19 16 c 18

7c 5 8 10 6 10 c 9 13 9 5 4 9 10 8 3 9 4c 7 8 11 c 5 11 c 8 6 16 7 20 6 13 10 9c 7 10 c 6 10 22 16 11 22 6 9 7c 6 11 9 7 13 13 6

87 75 51 99 97 .. 93 86 83 89 89 99 100 68 89 .. 99 62 72 98 72 84 73 44 93 .. 78 80 93 47 98 91 83 57 58 62 80 84 83 55 76 92 63 42 77

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106

MDG Population with sustainable access to an improved water source (%)





Water, sanitation and nutritional status

MDG Population with sustainable access to improved sanitation (%)

Human development indicators

MDG Population undernourished (% of total)

MDG Children under weight for age (% under age 5)

Children under height for age (% under age 5)

Infants with low birthweight (%)





1990/92 a

2000/02 a

1995–2003 b

1995–2003 b

1998–2003 b

107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam 109 Kyrgyzstan 110 Indonesia 111 Uzbekistan 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 115 Moldova, Rep. of 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 122 Tajikistan 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development

.. 22 .. 46 58 47 33 .. .. 49 50 .. 54 63 .. .. .. 57 24 .. 12 .. 21 .. 38 23 .. .. 38 12 45 43 23 .. 33 .. 37 43 49

70 41 60 52 57 66 45 59 68 68 61 .. 68 67 53 53 36 61 30 24 30 31 73 16 41 23 24 70 54 27 45 58 48 33 34 9 34 41 57

.. 72 .. 71 89 69 72 62 .. 83 77 60 94 83 .. .. .. 75 58 .. 68 .. 48 .. 93 89 .. .. 83 69 39 54 71 .. 64 .. 49 44 77

83 73 76 78 89 81 85 62 92 90 95 60 98 87 44 58 87 80 80 79 86 70 80 34 95 94 43 62 90 84 39 79 75 52 69 46 51 56 83

21 31 .. 9 .. 30 28 34 .. 23 16 .. 4 .. .. .. 10 6 35 .. 25 .. 10 43 23 .. 29 .. 24 20 .. 37 35 .. 32 54 33 24 45

9 19 6 6 26 27 21 28 11 22 24 .. 3 .. .. 61 6 7 22 .. 21 .. 6 33 32 .. 22 .. 20 17 .. 13 30 .. 27 37 26 19 44

14 33 11 26 8 10 8 13 3 17 23 20 d 9 12 19 .. 12 9 24 13 47 21 d 35 45 13 25 40 19 38 48 35 d 25 48 43 17 14 25 23 13

11 36 25 .. 21 20 27 25 10 29 49 19 c 16 25 39 36 21 24 24 29 46 27 c 34 45 23 42 41 40 37 51 .. 26 45 47 .. 19 22 39 27

12 9 7c 9 7 12 9 8 5 14 13 6 12 15 13 15 14 11 c 14 .. 30 13 c 15 11 10 25 14 15 19 c 21 11 c 11 30 10 31 .. 15 12 11

146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157

12 .. 21 37 48 21 28 15 42 .. 17 35

33 52 48 37 50 30 42 34 48 53 13 52

40 .. 50 .. 78 69 41 53 45 .. 42 66

45 52 63 76 80 69 56 71 62 82 51 72

35 14 33 17 .. 34 15 65 44 22 39 23

37 19 25 12 .. 36 10 47 33 27 26 24

33 10 21 18 18 46 32 17 20 17 23 23

49 30 35 46 26 53 35 23 31 19 26 25

14 9 11 14 .. 32 c .. 21 11 17 12 18

39 37

38 41

49 58

60 73

13 44

9 37

29 27

38 c 41

14 9

HDI rank


MDG Population with sustainable access to an improved water source (%)

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal

158 Nigeria 159 Rwanda

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

table MDG Population with sustainable access to improved sanitation (%) HDI rank 160 Angola 161 Eritrea 162 Benin 163 Côte d’Ivoire 164 Tanzania, U. Rep. of 165 Malawi 166 Zambia 167 Congo, Dem. Rep. of the 168 Mozambique 169 Burundi 170 Ethiopia 171 Central African Republic 172 Guinea-Bissau 173 Chad 174 Mali 175 Burkina Faso 176 Sierra Leone 177 Niger Developing countries Least developed countries Arab States East Asia and the Pacific Latin America and the Caribbean South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS OECD High-income OECD High human development Medium human development Low human development High income Middle income Low income World





30 8 11 31 47 36 41 18 .. 44 4 23 .. 6 36 13 .. 7 33 23 61 30 68 20 32 .. .. .. .. 36 27 .. 48 20 43

30 9 32 40 46 46 45 29 27 36 6 27 34 8 45 12 39 12 48 35 66 49 75 37 36 82 .. .. .. 51 32 .. 61 35 58 e

32 40 60 69 38 41 50 43 .. 69 25 48 .. 20 34 39 .. 40 70 51 83 71 81 71 48 .. 96 .. .. 74 44 .. 77 64 75

50 57 68 84 73 67 55 46 42 79 22 75 59 34 48 51 57 46 79 61 84 78 89 86 58 .. 98 100 .. 83 55 .. 83 77 83 e

MDG Population undernourished (% of total)

MDG Children under weight for age (% under age 5)

Children under height for age (% under age 5)

Infants with low birthweight (%)

1990/92 a

2000/02 a

1995–2003 b

1995–2003 b

1998–2003 b

58 .. 20 18 37 50 48 32 66 48 .. 50 .. 58 29 21 46 41 19 34 10 .. 13 25 32 .. .. .. .. 19 32 .. .. 27 ..

40 73 15 14 44 33 49 71 47 68 46 43 .. 34 29 19 50 34 16 33 9 .. 10 21 30 .. .. .. .. 15 32 .. .. 24 ..

31 40 23 21 29 22 28 31 24 45 47 24 25 28 33 34 27 40 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

45 38 31 25 44 45 47 38 41 57 52 39 30 29 38 37 34 40 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

12 21 c 16 17 13 16 12 12 14 c 16 15 14 22 17 c 23 19 .. 17 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Sources Columns 1–4 and 7: UN 2005f, based on a joint effort by the United Nation’s Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Columns 5 and 6: UN 2005f, based on estimates from FAO 2005. Columns 8 and 9: UNICEF 2004, based on a joint effort by UNICEF and the WHO.

Human development indicators

notes a Data refer to the average for the years specified. b Data refer to the most recent year available during the period specified. c Data refer to a year or period other than that specified, differ from the standard definition or refer to only part of a country. d Data from UNICEF 2004. Data refer to a year or period other than that specified, differ from the standard definition or refer to only part of a country. e Data refer to the world aggregate from UNICEF 2004.

MDG Population with sustainable access to an improved water source (%)


hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005




. . . to lead a long and healthy life . . .

Inequalities in maternal and child health

Births attended by skilled health personnel (%) HDI rank

One-year-olds fully immunized a (%)

Children under height for age (% under age 5)

Infant mortality rate b (per 1,000 live births)

Under-five mortality rate b (per 1,000 live births)

Survey year

Poorest 20%

Richest 20%

Poorest 20%

Richest 20%

Poorest 20%

Richest 20%

Poorest 20%

Richest 20%

Poorest 20%

Richest 20%

1996 1995 2000 2000 1999 1998 1990 1997 1998 1996 2000 2000 1997 1997 1996 2001 1998 1998 2000 1998 2000 1992 2000 1998 2000 1996 1990 2001 1998 1999 1998 2000 1999

71.6 60.6 93.3 13.0 99.2 21.2 41.2 91.2 53.4 88.9 96.8 58.1 96.0 21.3 91.7 77.5 19.8 8.8 31.4 67.8 67.2 5.1 55.4 16.4 14.7 26.2 4.6 3.6 17.9 3.5 25.1 19.7 56.7

98.6 98.1 100.0 87.5 98.5 91.9 98.1 99.3 98.2 97.8 98.3 99.7 100.0 89.2 100.0 99.3 97.9 91.9 94.2 98.1 97.1 77.9 97.1 84.4 81.2 84.8 55.2 45.1 86.1 42.1 91.2 77.3 93.5

56.6 57.7 66.2 57.9 68.7 59.8 20.2 21.3 27.7 34.4 85.0 44.3 69.3 42.9 80.9 63.6 21.8 66.3 91.2 51.3 5.5 53.7 59.5 21.3 28.6 39.8 22.5 54.2 49.6 50.3 22.2 26.5 63.9

73.8 77.3 68.0 81.1 62.3 c 86.5 53.0 17.1 69.7 46.5 77.5 92.3 73.1 72.1 77.5 71.0 30.6 56.0 92.0 70.2 23.5 95.2 68.2 63.8 67.7 82.0 54.7 81.6 79.3 74.9 52.0 42.6 64.1

16.8 16.7 15.7 29.4 13.2 .. 16.7 10.5 14.8 14.2 16.9 .. 27.9 .. 19.5 22.4 25.4 30.0 16.4 .. 20.7 23.3 18.4 25.0 26.9 23.4 25.2 32.7 20.3 .. 19.0 25.1 19.2

2.0 4.5 7.9 4.2 3.7 .. 3.0 4.5 3.2 1.7 11.4 .. 11.6 .. 16.0 4.1 3.9 7.2 7.9 .. 8.8 6.6 9.1 17.4 13.5 17.8 16.8 24.6 9.1 .. 10.1 18.0 13.1

83.2 40.8 52.3 63.5 67.6 48.8 42.9 35.4 68.3 66.7 89.3 39.3 83.3 78.1 54.4 49.6 106.5 58.0 75.6 61.6 57.0 79.7 35.8 96.5 109.7 87.2 88.7 85.5 72.7 92.9 84.1 105.7 59.1

28.6 16.2 27.3 13.9 42.3 20.9 15.7 23.4 29.8 23.4 58.4 13.8 45.8 23.3 45.9 16.3 25.5 39.2 29.6 17.0 35.9 35.1 22.7 38.1 50.3 64.6 62.5 53.2 26.0 57.9 65.8 60.2 44.3

98.9 52.1 60.9 92.6 81.9 79.8 57.2 42.1 85.0 89.9 105.5 52.9 96.4 109.0 70.3 64.3 146.5 77.6 97.9 87.4 93.1 111.6 55.4 141.3 154.8 128.9 124.5 129.9 138.8 139.7 167.7 191.8 99.5

33.3 23.6 29.6 17.6 44.8 29.2 20.1 25.2 32.6 26.6 69.8 15.8 49.3 29.2 50.4 19.2 32.0 39.3 33.7 21.9 55.4 39.2 31.4 45.5 63.6 86.6 c 73.8 67.7 52.2 72.4 97.0 106.4 62.2

Medium human development Brazil Colombia Albania Peru Kazakhstan Philippines Paraguay Jordan Turkey Dominican Republic Turkmenistan Viet Nam Kyrgyzstan Indonesia Uzbekistan Nicaragua Bolivia Guatemala Egypt South Africa Gabon Morocco Namibia India Cambodia Comoros Pakistan Nepal Ghana Bangladesh Togo Uganda Zimbabwe

Human development indicators

63 69 72 79 80 84 88 90 94 95 97 108 109 110 111 112 113 117 119 120 123 124 125 127 130 132 135 136 138 139 143 144 145


human de velopmen t repor t 2005

table Births attended by skilled health personnel (%) HDI rank

One-year-olds fully immunized a (%)

Children under height for age (% under age 5)

Infant mortality rate b (per 1,000 live births)


Under-five mortality rate b (per 1,000 live births)

Survey year

Poorest 20%

Richest 20%

Poorest 20%

Richest 20%

Poorest 20%

Richest 20%

Poorest 20%

Richest 20%

Poorest 20%

Richest 20%

1997 1991 1997 2000 2000 1998 1999 1997 1990 2000 1995 1996 1999 2000 2001 1997 2000 1996 2001 1998 1998

29.6 32.0 6.8 14.7 4.1 23.2 12.1 20.3 12.2 17.3 5.0 34.4 28.9 43.0 19.7 18.1 0.9 2.6 8.1 17.9 4.2

88.5 94.7 49.7 92.8 70.0 79.6 81.5 86.2 70.0 59.6 74.3 97.5 82.8 83.0 91.1 82.1 25.3 47.4 81.9 75.0 62.8

22.0 27.4 7.8 15.6 25.4 48.1 17.2 .. 13.9 71.3 25.0 37.8 53.1 65.4 63.9 19.7 7.0 4.0 19.5 21.4 4.6

66.0 63.5 55.7 45.3 42.3 59.9 51.8 .. 58.1 78.8 83.8 73.6 78.4 81.4 80.0 85.3 33.5 23.0 56.0 52.1 50.9

24.7 18.9 26.4 18.1 18.2 26.7 18.8 .. 22.2 27.0 22.7 17.0 28.5 25.8 26.9 22.4 25.7 23.0 19.7 20.9 21.2

25.2 7.9 22.0 14.7 5.1 10.5 11.6 .. 19.2 15.7 14.6 12.1 16.3 22.6 19.5 14.4 23.3 18.4 12.2 15.0 20.9

119.1 103.9 108.5 60.8 99.5 95.8 118.9 84.5 102.2 138.7 74.0 119.4 114.8 131.5 115.2 187.7 92.8 79.8 137.2 106.2 131.1

57.5 51.2 60.0 62.3 97.2 40.2 70.2 44.9 68.6 87.9 67.5 63.3 91.9 86.4 56.7 94.7 95.1 89.3 89.9 76.7 85.8

195.0 200.7 163.1 98.1 163.9 136.2 229.9 181.0 239.6 246.4 152.2 208.3 160.0 230.8 191.7 277.5 159.2 170.6 247.8 239.2 281.8

101.4 81.7 73.0 78.5 108.7 60.7 133.0 69.6 119.8 154.1 103.5 110.1 135.2 149.0 92.4 144.6 147.1 172.0 148.1 154.5 183.7

Low human development 146 148 151 152 153 154 156 157 158 159 161 162 164 165 166 168 170 173 174 175 177

Madagascar Cameroon Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Guinea Senegal Nigeria Rwanda Eritrea Benin Tanzania, U. Rep. of Malawi Zambia Mozambique Ethiopia Chad Mali Burkina Faso Niger

Notes This table presents data for developing countries based on the Demographic and Health Surveys conducted since 1995. Quintiles are defined by socio-economic status in terms of assets or wealth, rather than in terms of income or consumption. For details, see Gwatkin and others forthcoming. a Includes tuberculosis (BCG), measles, and diphteria, pertussis and tetanus (DPT) vaccination. b Based on births in the 10 years preceding the survey. c Large sampling error due to small number of cases.

Source All columns: Gwatkin and others forthcoming.

Human development indicators

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005




HDI rank

. . . to lead a long and healthy life . . .

Leading global health crises and risks

HIV prevalence a (% ages 15–49) 2003

MDG Condom use at last high-risk sex b (% ages 15–24) Women Men 1998– 1998– 2003 h 2003 h

MDG Malaria cases c (per 100,000 people) 2000

MDG Children under age 5 With insecticidetreated bednets (%) 1999–2003 h

With fever treated with anti-malarial drugs (%) 1999–2003 h

MDG MDG Tuberculosis cases Per 100,000 people d 2003

Detected under DOTS e (%) 2003

Cured under DOTS f (%) 2003

Prevalence of smoking g (% of adults) Women Men 2000–02 h 2000–02 h

Human development indicators

High human development


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Hong Kong, China (SAR) Israel Greece Singapore Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Malta Brunei Darussalam Argentina Hungary Poland Chile Estonia Lithuania Qatar United Arab Emirates Slovakia Bahrain Kuwait Croatia Uruguay Costa Rica Latvia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bahamas Seychelles

52 Cuba 53 Mexico

0.1 [0.0–0.2] 0.2 [0.1–0.3] 0.1 [0.1–0.2] 0.2 [0.1–0.4] 0.3 [0.2–0.5] 0.1 [0.0–0.2] 0.4 [0.2–0.6] 0.1 [0.0–0.3] 0.2 [0.1–0.3] 0.6 [0.3–1.1] <0.1 [<0.2] 0.2 [0.1–0.4] <0.1 [<0.2] 0.2 [0.1–0.3] 0.1 [0.1–0.2] 0.4 [0.2–0.7] 0.3 [0.1–0.4] 0.5 [0.2–0.8] <0.1 [<0.2] 0.1 [0.1–0.2] 0.7 [0.3–1.1] 0.1 [<0.2] 0.1 [0.1–0.2] 0.2 [0.1–0.3] 0.2 [0.1–0.5] <0.1 [<0.2] 0.4 [0.2–0.7] <0.1 [<0.2] .. 1.5 [0.4–5.4] 0.1 [<0.2] 0.2 [0.1–0.3] <0.1 [<0.2] 0.7 [0.3–1.1] 0.1 [0.0–0.2] 0.1 [0.0–0.2] 0.3 [0.2–0.5] 1.1 [0.4–2.1] 0.1 [<0.2] .. .. <0.1 [<0.2] 0.2 [0.1–0.3] .. <0.1 [<0.2] 0.3 [0.2–0.5] 0.6 [0.3–1.0] 0.6 [0.3–1.0] .. 3.0 [1.8–4.9] ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9 .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 42 .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

5 3 6 10 4 4 7 12 12 3 42 6 10 6 12 12 12 6 11 7 27 79 8 22 42 22 37 118 4 14 12 6 61 55 33 34 17 53 73 72 26 29 52 31 68 33 18 78 16 52 65

46 28 9 126 76 62 0 0 57 89 40 50 0 75 .. 0 .. 79 57 55 0 58 55 0 44 70 87 23 91 .. 63 19 138 65 41 56 115 69 85 57 32 34 49 67 0 80 117 83 .. 52 40

80 100 78 .. 81 73 .. .. 69 70 76 68 .. 77 .. .. .. 79 60 69 .. 79 81 .. 87 85 82 83 75 .. 73 60 84 58 55 86 86 67 72 75 79 85 88 55 .. 82 85 76 0 59 45

32 23 18 .. 20 20 24 .. 20 21 12 25 20 29 26 21 .. 22 25 31 25 4 22 29 4 20 .. .. .. .. 22 .. .. .. .. .. 34 20 16 .. .. .. 3 .. 27 .. 10 .. .. .. ..

31 25 21 .. 24 17 27 .. 28 26 47 32 27 32 28 33 .. 31 25 39 39 25 39 47 24 28 .. .. .. .. 36 .. .. .. .. .. 44 44 51 .. .. .. 17 .. 34 .. 29 .. .. .. ..

0.1 [<0.2] 0.3 [0.1–0.4]

.. ..

.. ..

.. 8

.. ..

.. ..

13 45

93 81

92 84

.. ..

.. ..

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

table HDI rank

HIV prevalence a (% ages 15–49) 2003

MDG Condom use at last high-risk sex b (% ages 15–24) Women Men 1998– 1998– 2003 h 2003 h

.. <0.1 [<0.2] 0.9 [0.5–1.5] 3.2 [1.2–8.3]

.. .. .. ..

.. .. .. ..

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

0.3 [0.1–0.6] <0.1 [<0.2] .. 0.4 [0.2–0.7] 1.1 [0.6–1.9] 0.7 [0.3–1.1] <0.1 [<0.2] .. .. 0.5 [0.2–0.8] <0.1 [<0.2] 0.7 [0.4–1.2] .. 0.1 [0.0–0.2] .. 1.5 [0.8–2.8] .. 0.7 [0.4–1.2] .. .. 1.4 [0.7–2.3] 0.5 [0.3–0.9] 0.2 [0.1–0.3] 0.1 [0.0–0.2] 0.3 [0.1–0.5] 0.1 [0.1–0.2] <0.1 [<0.2] 0.1 [0.1–0.2] 1.7 [0.5–5.8] .. 0.5 [0.2–0.8] <0.1 [<0.2] .. 2.4 [0.8–6.9] 0.1 [0.0–0.2] <0.1 [<0.2] <0.1 [<0.2] 1.7 [0.9–3.0] .. <0.1 [<0.2] 1.2 [0.6–2.2] 0.1 [0.0–0.2] 0.2 [0.1–0.4] <0.1 [<0.2] .. 0.1 [<0.2] 0.7 [0.3–1.1]

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 29 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 32 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 29 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 65 .. .. 44 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. <0.1 [<0.2]

.. ..

.. ..

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Occupied Palestinian Territories Algeria El Salvador

105 Cape Verde 106 Syrian Arab Republic

.. .. 36 1 2 .. .. 57 1 344 .. 1 .. .. .. 250 .. 27 .. 130 .. 94 .. 32 .. 258 (.) .. 728 4 15 1 2,954 .. 124 1 3 657 .. 1,110 17 6 .. 1 .. 27 5 19 .. 2i 11 .. (.)

MDG Children under age 5

MDG MDG Tuberculosis cases

With insecticidetreated bednets (%) 1999–2003 h

With fever treated with anti-malarial drugs (%) 1999–2003 h

.. .. .. ..

.. .. .. ..

44 47 52 13

80 81 92 ..

83 86 73 ..

.. .. .. ..

.. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. ..

21 37 10 135 157 91 194 136 8 59 63 80 23 12 33 203 44 52 22 57 133 231 152 13 209 89 458 245 102 40 105 24 5 56 38 89 40 123 39 83 9 36 95 109 37 53 78

147 49 45 69 9 18 38 28 .. 44 48 7 .. 81 29 72 51 80 71 38 .. 81 86 67 37 43 68 43 .. 38 18 91 89 98 63 70 .. 65 106 49 90 59 52 28 4 113 53

61 79 100 76 67 75 76 92 .. .. 95 84 .. 92 90 74 84 82 25 76 .. 92 78 91 84 79 88 93 .. .. 92 92 89 85 85 81 .. 78 95 77 49 85 65 84 100 89 88

.. .. .. .. .. 27 .. .. .. 9 .. .. .. .. 18 2 .. .. .. 8 10 .. .. .. .. 3 8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. .. 15 .. .. 2 .. .. .. .. 15

.. .. .. .. .. 35 .. .. .. 53 .. .. .. .. 60 39 .. .. .. 19 57 .. .. .. .. 68 51 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 26 .. .. 37 .. .. 22 .. .. .. .. 42

.. ..

.. ..

328 52

.. 45

.. 87

.. ..

.. ..

Per 100,000 people d 2003

Detected under DOTS e (%) 2003

Cured under DOTS f (%) 2003

Prevalence of smoking g (% of adults) Women Men 2000–02 h 2000–02 h

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

54 Tonga 55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development

MDG Malaria cases c (per 100,000 people) 2000





Human development indicators

HDI rank


Leading global health crises and risks

HIV prevalence a (% ages 15–49) 2003

MDG Condom use at last high-risk sex b (% ages 15–24) Women Men 1998– 1998– 2003 h 2003 h

MDG Children under age 5

MDG Malaria cases c (per 100,000 people) 2000

With insecticidetreated bednets (%) 1999–2003 h

With fever treated with anti-malarial drugs (%) 1999–2003 h

MDG MDG Tuberculosis cases Per 100,000 people d 2003

Detected under DOTS e (%) 2003

Cured under DOTS f (%) 2003

Prevalence of smoking g (% of adults) Women Men 2000–02 h 2000–02 h

107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam 109 Kyrgyzstan 110 Indonesia 111 Uzbekistan 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 115 Moldova, Rep. of 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 122 Tajikistan 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development

2.5 [0.8–7.7] 0.4 [0.2–0.8] 0.1 [<0.2] 0.1 [0.0–0.2] 0.1 [0.0–0.2] 0.2 [0.1–0.3] 0.1 [0.0–0.2] <0.1 [<0.2] 0.2 [0.1–0.3] 1.8 [1.0–3.2] 1.1 [0.6–1.8] .. <0.1 [<0.2] 21.5 [18.5–24.9] .. <0.1 [<0.2] 8.1 [4.1–15.3] 0.1 [0.0–0.2] 21.3 [18.2–24.7] .. [0.4–1.3] .. 1.2 [0.6–2.2] 2.6 [1.5–4.4] 37.3 [35.5–39.1] .. 0.1 [<0.2] .. 0.1 [0.0–0.2] 0.3 [0.2–0.5] 0.6 [0.3–1.0] 3.1 [1.9–5.0] [<0.2] .. 2.3 [0.7–7.2] 4.9 [2.1–11.0] 4.1 [2.7–6.4] 4.1 [2.8–6.6] 24.6 [21.7–27.8]

.. .. .. .. .. 17 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 .. .. 33 .. 48 .. 51 .. .. .. 75 .. .. .. .. .. .. 33 .. .. .. .. 22 44 42

.. .. .. .. 50 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 48 .. 69 .. 59 .. .. .. 88 .. .. .. .. .. .. 52 .. .. .. .. 41 62 69

3,074 95 (.) 920 1 402 378 .. .. 541 386 .. (.) 143 .. 303 2,148 j (.) 1,502 .. 7 15,172 224 476 48,704 1,930 759 285 58 33 1,688 15,344 40 .. 13,934 5,880 7,701 j 46 5,410

6 16 .. 0 .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. .. 1 2 .. .. 3 23 .. .. .. .. .. 9 .. .. .. .. .. 5 .. 8 0 .. 2 0 ..

3 7 .. 1 .. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 49 69 .. .. .. 61 .. .. .. .. .. 63 .. .. .. .. .. 61 .. 47 50 .. 60 .. ..

178 238 140 674 156 78 301 237 177 102 104 71 36 341 351 267 242 105 477 256 287 60 183 742 342 103 327 194 358 316 527 369 490 753 355 489 673 621 500

31 86 57 33 20 91 71 68 39 78 44 70 56 118 .. .. 93 83 86 .. 47 107 73 60 68 37 47 32 17 60 15 40 33 53 34 57 17 44 42

85 92 82 86 80 82 84 87 61 87 84 79 88 68 .. 79 47 89 62 .. 87 90 81 92 71 96 78 86 77 86 53 60 84 81 78 71 68 60 67

.. .. .. 3 .. .. .. 26 .. .. .. .. 18 12 .. .. .. 2 .. .. .. .. 22 .. .. .. .. .. .. 24 .. .. 21 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. 69 .. .. .. 68 .. .. .. .. 40 44 .. .. .. 35 .. .. .. .. 43 .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 .. .. 48 .. .. .. .. .. ..

146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157

1.7 [0.8–2.7] 38.8 [37.2–40.4] 6.9 [4.8–9.8] 28.9 [26.3–31.7] .. 0.1 [0.0–0.2] 0.6 [0.3–1.1] 5.6 [2.5–11.9] 6.7 [4.7–9.6] 1.2 [0.3–4.2] 3.2 [1.2–8.2] 0.8 [0.4–1.7]

.. .. 16 .. .. .. .. 19 25 .. 17 ..

.. .. 31 .. .. .. .. 30 47 .. 32 ..

.. 2,835 2,900 j 0i 715 i 15,160 i 11,150 i 15 i 545 17,340 j 75,386 11,925

0 0 1 .. .. .. .. .. 5 15 .. 2

61 26 66 .. .. .. .. 12 27 55 .. 36

325 683 221 390 988 151 664 386 821 337 394 429

77 35 86 70 53 43 .. 46 46 70 51 59

74 47 70 52 82 82 .. 78 79 74 72 66

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 67 .. .. ..

5.4 [3.6–8.0] 5.1 [3.4–7.6]

24 23

46 55

30 6,510

1 5

34 13

518 628

18 27

79 58

.. ..

.. ..

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal

158 Nigeria 159 Rwanda

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

table HDI rank 160 Angola 161 Eritrea 162 Benin 163 Côte d’Ivoire 164 Tanzania, U. Rep. of 165 Malawi 166 Zambia 167 Congo, Dem. Rep. of the 168 Mozambique 169 Burundi 170 Ethiopia 171 Central African Republic 172 Guinea-Bissau 173 Chad 174 Mali 175 Burkina Faso 176 Sierra Leone 177 Niger Developing countries Least developed countries Arab States East Asia and the Pacific Latin America and the Caribbean South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS OECD High-income OECD High human development Medium human development Low human development High income Middle income Low income World

HIV prevalence a (% ages 15–49) 2003 3.9 [1.6–9.4] 2.7 [0.9–7.3] 1.9 [1.1–3.3] 7.0 [4.9–10.0] 8.8 [6.4–11.9] 14.2 [11.3–17.7] 16.5 [13.5–20.0] 4.2 [1.7–9.9] 12.2 [9.4–15.7] 6.0 [4.1–8.8] 4.4 [2.8–6.7] 13.5 [8.3–21.2] .. 4.8 [3.1–7.2] 1.9 [0.6–5.9] 4.2 [2.7–6.5] .. 1.2 [0.7–2.3] 1.3[1.1–1.4] 3.2[2.9–3.8] 0.3[0.2–0.9] 0.2[0.2–0.3] 0.7[0.6–0.9] 0.7[0.3–1.1] 7.3[6.8–8.2] 0.7[0.4–1.0] 0.3[0.2–0.4] 0.4[0.2–0.5] 0.3[0.2–0.4] 0.8[0.7–1.0] 5.6[5.1–6.6] 0.3[0.2–0.5] 0.7[0.6–0.7] 2.0[1.8–2.4] 1.1[1.0–1.3]

.. .. 19 25 21 32 33 .. 29 .. 17 .. .. .. 14 41 .. 7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. 34 56 31 38 42 .. 33 .. 30 .. .. .. 30 55 .. 30 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

MDG Children under age 5

MDG Malaria cases c (per 100,000 people) 2000

With insecticidetreated bednets (%) 1999–2003 h

8,773 3,479 10,697 k 12,152 1,207 i 25,948 34,204 2,960 i 18,115 48,098 .. .. 2,421 i 197 i 4,008 j 619 .. 1,693 j .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

2 4 7 1 2 3 7 1 .. 1 .. 2 7 1 8 7 2 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

chronic cases, overreporting (for example, double counting), overdiagnosis or underestimation of incidence. f Data refer to the share of new smear-positive cases registered for treatment under the DOTS case detection and treatment strategy in 2001 that were successfully treated. g The age range varies among countries but in most is 18 and older or 15 and older. h Data refer to the most recent year available during the period specified. i Data refer to 1999. j Data refer to 1998. k Data refer to 1997.

With fever treated with anti-malarial drugs (%) 1999–2003 h 63 4 60 58 53 27 52 45 .. 31 3 69 58 32 38 50 61 48 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

MDG MDG Tuberculosis cases Per 100,000 people d 2003

Detected under DOTS e (%) 2003

256 431 141 618 476 469 508 537 557 519 507 493 300 439 582 303 794 272 289 452 128 298 90 306 487 122 23 18 24 264 485 19 215 362 240

118 18 94 39 43 35 65 63 45 30 36 6 55 11 18 18 33 54 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Cured under DOTS f (%) 2003 74 82 80 67 80 72 83 78 78 79 76 .. 48 72 50 64 81 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Prevalence of smoking g (% of adults) Women Men 2000–02 h 2000–02 h .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Sources Column 1: UNAIDS 2005; aggregates were calculated for the Human Development Report Office by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). Columns 2 and 3: UN 2005f, based on a data from a joint effort by the United Nation’s Children’s Fund (UNICEF), UNAIDS and the World Health Organization (WHO). Columns 4–9: UN 2005f, based on data from UNICEF and the WHO. Columns 10 and 11: World Bank 2005c, based on data from the WHO and the National Tobacco Information Online System.

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

Notes a Data refer to point and range estimates based on new estimation models developed by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). Range estimates are presented in square brackets. Regional aggregates refer to 2004. b Because of data limitations, comparisons across countries should be made with caution. Data for some countries may refer to only part of the country or differ from the standard definition. c Data refer to malaria cases reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) and may represent only a fraction of the true number in a country. d Data refer to the prevalence of all forms of tuberculosis. e WHO 2003. Calculated by dividing the new smearpositive cases of tuberculosis detected under the directly observed treatment, short course (DOTS) case detection and treatment strategy by the estimated annual incidence of new smear-positive cases. Values can exceed 100% because of intense case detection in an area with a backlog or

MDG Condom use at last high-risk sex b (% ages 15–24) Women Men 1998– 1998– 2003 h 2003 h





. . . to lead a long and healthy life . . .

Survival: progress and setbacks

Life expectancy at birth (years) HDI rank

1970–75 d

2000–05 d

74.4 74.3 71.7 70.7 73.2 74.7 73.8 71.3 71.4 71.5 73.3 74.0 70.7 73.6 72.0 72.4 70.6 72.1 71.7 71.0 72.9 72.0 71.6 72.3 69.5 69.8 68.0 62.6 71.4 69.4 70.1 70.7 68.3 67.1 69.3 70.5 63.4 70.5 71.3 62.1 62.2 70.0 63.3 67.0 69.6 68.7 67.9 70.1 .. 66.5 .. 70.7 62.4

MDG Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births)

MDG Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births)

Probability at birth of survinging to age 65 a (% of cohort)

MDG Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births)

Female 2000–05 d

Male 2000–05 d

Reported b 1985–2003 e

4 4 6 5 6 3 5 6 5 8 4 5 5 4 6 5 5 4 6 5 4 .. 6 5 3 4 5 5 5 13 4 6 6 20 8 7 9 9 11 15 8 8 15 9 7 14 10 12 22 14 15

90.6 91.4 91.5 89.9 90.7 91.5 91.9 89.7 90.4 86.7 93.3 89.7 91.2 87.0 89.4 91.2 91.0 92.2 89.1 90.5 92.8 93.7 91.5 91.5 90.7 88.9 90.2 90.2 91.6 86.7 88.2 90.3 87.9 84.9 83.7 87.0 88.5 83.9 85.2 81.2 90.2 86.8 84.6 87.9 88.1 85.9 88.4 81.9 .. 73.6 ..

84.7 87.4 85.7 82.6 85.0 86.4 85.4 83.1 82.5 79.1 85.7 83.5 80.9 81.0 83.6 80.9 82.4 84.6 84.1 82.3 82.1 86.4 85.5 82.0 84.5 76.1 79.8 76.9 84.3 74.8 75.2 85.4 84.7 72.1 64.7 69.7 79.1 57.2 60.5 74.0 85.0 69.3 78.9 82.7 73.2 73.3 81.2 60.1 .. 61.4 ..

6 .. .. 0 .. 5 5 6 .. 8 8 7 6 10 7 10 .. 7 15 8 6 .. 5 1 6 17 8 20 0 0 3 .. 0 46 5 4 17 46 13 10 3 16 46 5 2 26 29 25 250 .. ..

16 0 8 28 6 2 7 5 10 17 10 16 6 5 13 17 4 5 7 8 4 .. 17 9 30 17 5 20 47 95 9 21 37 82 16 13 31 63 13 7 54 3 28 5 8 27 43 42 .. 60 ..

8 28

86.2 84.0

80.0 75.2

34 63

33 83





79.3 80.6 80.2 78.4 79.9 80.1 80.5 77.7 78.8 77.3 81.9 78.3 78.4 77.1 78.3 79.4 78.9 80.0 79.0 78.7 79.5 81.5 79.7 78.2 78.6 76.3 77.2 76.9 78.5 74.9 75.5 78.3 76.3 74.3 72.6 74.3 77.9 71.2 72.2 72.7 77.9 74.0 74.2 76.8 74.9 75.3 78.1 71.4 .. 69.5 ..

13 13 17 19 19 11 15 20 21 20 14 13 13 14 18 18 26 30 17 22 27 .. 24 38 22 25 53 43 29 40 21 25 58 59 36 32 78 21 23 45 61 25 55 49 34 48 62 21 .. 38 ..

3 3 6 5 5 3 4 6 4 7 3 5 4 3 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 .. 5 4 3 4 4 5 4 11 4 5 5 17 7 6 8 8 8 11 7 7 12 8 6 12 8 10 19 11 11

15 14 20 26 23 15 18 27 29 26 21 15 16 19 23 24 33 33 20 26 34 .. 27 54 27 29 62 54 33 54 24 32 78 71 39 36 98 26 28 65 83 29 75 59 42 57 83 26 .. 49 ..

77.2 74.9

34 79

6 23

43 110

Adjusted c 2000

Human development indicators

High human development


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Hong Kong, China (SAR) Israel Greece Singapore Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Malta Brunei Darussalam Argentina Hungary Poland Chile Estonia Lithuania Qatar United Arab Emirates Slovakia Bahrain Kuwait Croatia Uruguay Costa Rica Latvia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bahamas Seychelles

52 Cuba 53 Mexico

human de velopmen t repor t 2005



Life expectancy at birth (years) 2000–05 d

54 Tonga 55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development

65.6 71.0 66.2 65.9

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Occupied Palestinian Territories Algeria El Salvador

105 Cape Verde 106 Syrian Arab Republic

MDG Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births)

Probability at birth of survinging to age 65 a (% of cohort)

MDG Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births) Reported b 1985–2003 e

Adjusted c 2000

Female 2000–05 d

Male 2000–05 d

19 15 24 20

78.2 84.5 85.1 76.1

73.4 68.2 76.3 64.5

.. 15 70 45

.. 32 160 160

160 120 .. 63 36 135 57 86 .. 27 82 108 .. 200 82 102 160 61 .. 185 27 178 .. 54 140 .. 90 120 .. .. 76 201 107 77 61 100 201 128 255 .. 64 191 46 .. .. 234 162

16 11 12 7 21 35 20 18 23 17 17 21 14 12 21 26 24 21 18 26 20 34 73 31 27 33 36 37 39 27 29 24 28 39 20 15 39 35 72 102 20 39 45 91 24 41 36

82.5 84.6 .. 83.5 76.3 77.7 82.9 80.9 .. 79.3 85.2 81.0 .. 84.2 87.6 80.3 78.4 82.8 77.0 81.2 76.4 77.1 71.9 81.7 82.6 81.7 78.6 81.3 77.3 81.3 79.8 84.9 77.7 80.9 72.2 85.6 77.9 75.1 67.5 69.8 73.4 79.2 83.0 76.0 81.4 78.4 77.7

74.6 75.4 .. 73.4 44.7 62.7 65.3 66.9 .. 50.6 74.2 71.0 .. 78.8 80.0 64.5 65.5 71.7 71.3 73.4 46.6 68.1 48.0 73.0 72.7 66.4 70.1 74.2 63.1 70.3 71.3 75.7 71.6 71.7 62.0 76.1 67.3 60.8 67.8 52.1 67.9 71.7 66.3 60.3 75.0 75.2 67.3

77 11 65 50 37 75 34 21 1 18 10 78 67 23 20 36 .. 60 35 .. 22 190 50 100 80 22 170 50 150 93 180 69 41 140 38 92 130 180 140 9 110 37 67 25 .. 140 170

97 23 .. 41 67 260 49 24 .. 35 31 130 .. 87 55 44 130 96 .. 23 35 410 210 150 130 55 200 56 110 .. 170 120 41 140 75 92 70 150 110 31 87 76 32 94 100 140 150

.. 129

35 18

79.8 83.2

67.7 76.3

76 65

150 160





72.1 72.1 74.7 69.9

.. 28 46 49

15 14 18 17

.. 32 68 57

52.8 67.5 .. 63.0 69.7 59.5 69.2 62.9 .. 71.5 67.5 61.6 .. 52.1 67.7 61.0 56.1 65.7 65.3 53.9 70.1 55.5 63.2 66.4 58.8 70.8 58.1 63.2 64.0 61.6 65.9 55.6 56.5 67.6 60.6 63.1 57.0 59.7 51.4 59.2 69.0 55.2 68.2 65.6 56.6 54.5 58.2

73.4 73.7 .. 73.0 65.4 70.3 71.3 72.1 .. 68.1 74.1 72.2 .. 74.0 73.7 69.7 70.0 72.8 72.3 71.6 66.1 69.8 63.2 71.9 74.2 71.4 70.2 71.5 69.0 71.0 70.9 73.1 71.2 71.9 67.8 73.9 68.6 67.1 66.3 62.4 70.7 70.2 70.5 66.9 72.4 71.0 70.7

105 85 .. 46 29 95 46 64 .. 22 60 69 .. 126 68 74 106 47 .. 118 22 115 .. 45 87 .. 60 85 .. .. 57 135 77 56 50 65 150 91 157 .. 49 122 36 .. .. 143 111

13 10 11 7 16 33 18 16 18 13 14 18 12 10 18 23 19 18 16 22 15 26 63 27 24 30 27 30 30 23 25 19 23 33 16 13 33 29 55 79 17 33 41 75 22 35 32

57.5 57.4

70.2 73.2

.. 90

26 16

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

1970–75 d

HDI rank

MDG Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births)




Survival: progress and setbacks

Life expectancy at birth (years)

Human development indicators

MDG Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births)

Probability at birth of survinging to age 65 a (% of cohort)

MDG Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births)

1970–75 d

2000–05 d





Female 2000–05 d

Male 2000–05 d

Reported b 1985–2003 e

Adjusted c 2000

107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam 109 Kyrgyzstan 110 Indonesia 111 Uzbekistan 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 115 Moldova, Rep. of 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 122 Tajikistan 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem.Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development

60.0 50.3 61.2 49.2 63.6 55.2 46.7 53.8 64.8 53.9 53.7 54.0 52.1 53.7 40.5 60.9 48.7 52.9 53.9 56.5 50.3 55.6 49.2 40.3 56.1 48.9 40.4 41.5 51.9 44.0 44.7 49.9 45.2 40.0 45.1 54.9 49.8 51.1 55.6

62.9 70.4 66.8 66.5 66.5 69.5 63.9 63.9 67.5 67.6 67.1 68.4 69.6 49.0 43.5 63.5 54.6 69.5 48.6 62.9 63.1 62.2 60.1 56.0 36.6 63.0 54.5 62.7 62.9 61.4 55.1 56.7 62.6 55.2 56.3 51.9 54.2 46.8 37.2

81 55 111 104 .. 113 147 .. 46 116 115 107 157 .. 165 78 .. 119 104 .. 127 71 122 .. 99 159 145 156 120 165 106 111 145 .. 104 100 128 100 86

52 19 59 31 57 30 53 56 26 32 35 31 33 53 97 92 60 36 48 75 63 19 76 97 82 54 82 70 81 61 69 59 46 87 63 81 78 81 78

101 87 146 172 .. 165 243 .. 61 170 168 160 235 .. 281 111 .. 184 155 .. 202 99 179 .. 142 215 218 267 181 250 147 186 239 .. 172 160 216 170 138

69 23 68 41 69 38 66 68 32 41 47 38 39 66 146 118 91 39 65 118 87 22 107 140 112 73 91 85 103 82 93 95 69 124 93 108 140 140 126

65.7 78.4 76.0 72.1 72.9 74.9 68.0 67.6 74.3 70.1 73.5 75.2 79.3 38.1 33.0 69.4 48.9 78.9 36.7 68.6 67.4 62.0 63.5 61.5 16.5 66.5 53.1 65.3 65.6 61.0 46.6 52.9 63.7 52.7 55.4 43.5 53.8 34.4 15.5

54.2 71.0 58.6 63.8 59.9 66.1 60.0 57.9 56.5 63.5 59.7 67.6 69.3 28.9 30.6 59.3 45.6 70.3 31.6 63.1 59.2 59.0 52.7 45.0 13.1 57.8 47.8 60.2 62.7 57.9 41.5 50.4 59.3 47.3 49.6 38.6 45.2 32.9 15.7

190 95 44 310 34 97 390 110 44 110 150 68 84 150 .. 45 520 230 270 100 540 550 230 440 330 520 530 260 530 540 370 210 380 .. 550 .. 480 510 700

170 130 110 230 24 230 420 110 36 110 240 130 84 230 880 100 420 220 300 .. 540 130 360 450 100 480 650 420 500 740 300 540 380 660 590 510 570 880 1,100

146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157

44.9 49.6 45.7 49.8 44.4 39.9 43.4 48.5 53.6 38.0 39.3 40.1

55.3 33.0 45.8 36.7 52.7 60.3 52.5 51.5 47.0 55.5 53.6 55.6

109 132 127 128 160 202 150 148 96 183 197 164

78 105 95 63 97 82 120 76 79 90 104 78

180 196 215 190 241 303 250 221 156 319 345 279

126 153 166 84 138 113 183 118 123 123 160 137

54.1 12.0 36.1 18.6 48.1 61.0 50.7 41.3 31.8 54.3 52.6 54.6

48.7 9.3 33.1 11.6 42.9 54.9 44.5 38.2 35.0 48.7 49.1 49.4

490 230 430 .. 74 350 750 520 590 730 530 560

550 370 730 550 730 570 1,000 680 1,000 540 740 690

42.8 44.6

43.3 43.6

140 124

98 118

265 209

198 203

33.2 35.5

31.6 29.6

.. 1,100

800 1,400

HDI rank


MDG Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births)

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal

158 Nigeria 159 Rwanda

human de velopmen t repor t 2005



Life expectancy at birth (years) HDI rank 160 Angola 161 Eritrea 162 Benin 163 Côte d’Ivoire 164 Tanzania, U. Rep. of 165 Malawi 166 Zambia 167 Congo, Dem. Rep. of the 168 Mozambique 169 Burundi 170 Ethiopia 171 Central African Republic 172 Guinea-Bissau 173 Chad 174 Mali 175 Burkina Faso 176 Sierra Leone 177 Niger Developing countries Least developed countries Arab States East Asia and the Pacific Latin America and the Caribbean South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS OECD High-income OECD High human development Medium human development Low human development High income Middle income Low income World

MDG Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births)

Probability at birth of survinging to age 65 a (% of cohort)

MDG Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births)

1970–75 d

2000–05 d





Female 2000–05 d

Male 2000–05 d

Reported b 1985–2003 e

37.9 44.3 47.0 49.8 49.5 41.8 50.2 46.0 40.7 44.1 43.5 43.5 36.5 40.6 38.0 43.8 35.4 38.4 55.6 44.5 52.1 60.5 61.1 50.1 45.8 69.0 70.3 71.6 70.7 57.6 44.1 71.6 62.0 48.8 59.9

40.7 53.5 53.8 46.0 46.0 39.6 37.4 43.1 41.9 43.5 47.6 39.4 44.6 43.6 47.8 47.4 40.6 44.3 64.9 52.0 66.9 70.4 71.7 63.2 46.1 68.1 77.6 78.8 77.9 67.0 46.0 78.8 70.1 58.2 67.0

180 .. 149 158 129 189 109 148 163 138 160 149 .. .. 225 163 206 197 109 151 129 84 86 130 143 34 40 22 32 102 150 22 86 130 96

154 45 91 117 104 112 102 129 109 114 112 115 126 117 122 107 166 154 60 99 48 31 27 66 105 20 11 5 9 46 108 5 29 80 54

300 .. 252 239 218 330 181 245 278 233 239 248 .. .. 400 290 363 330 167 244 197 122 123 206 243 42 53 28 42 155 254 28 125 209 147

260 85 154 192 165 178 182 205 158 190 169 180 204 200 220 207 284 262 88 156 61 39 32 91 179 24 13 6 10 61 183 6 36 124 80

33.0 45.5 52.9 38.5 35.8 24.5 18.5 34.4 30.5 33.1 40.7 24.5 38.8 35.1 44.8 41.7 36.2 40.2 69.6 47.9 73.3 79.2 79.7 67.1 37.0 78.8 88.4 89.9 88.9 73.7 37.5 89.9 79.0 58.3 73.1

27.8 35.9 48.4 34.8 33.4 23.2 20.0 30.8 26.7 29.7 36.6 21.9 33.2 31.2 40.8 37.9 30.7 37.8 62.3 43.5 66.3 71.3 68.2 60.0 33.8 55.4 79.6 81.8 80.0 64.6 34.6 81.8 68.7 52.4 64.5

.. 1,000 500 600 530 1,100 730 950 1,100 .. 870 1,100 910 830 580 480 1,800 590 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Adjusted c 2000 1,700 630 850 690 1,500 1,800 750 990 1,000 1,000 850 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,200 1,000 2,000 1,600 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Sources Columns 1, 2, 7 and 8: UN 2005h. Columns 3–6 and 10: UN 2005f, based on data from a joint effort by UNICEF and the WHO. Column 9: UNICEF 2004.

Human development indicators

notes a Data refer to the probability at birth of surviving to age 65, multiplied by 100. b Data reported by national authorities. c Data adjusted based on reviews by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Population Fund to account for well documented problems of underreporting and misclassifications. d Data refer to estimates for the period specified. e Data refer to the most recent year available during the period specified.

MDG Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births)

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005




. . . to acquire knowledge . . .

Commitment to education: public spending

Public expenditure on education by level a (% of all levels)

Public expenditure on education As % of GDP HDI rank

As % of total government expenditure

Pre-primary and primary




2000–02 b


2000–02 b


2000–02 b


2000–02 b


2000–02 b

7.0 5.4 4.9 3.1 6.5 7.1 4.9 4.8 5.0 5.1 .. 5.7 5.5 .. 4.8 5.3 5.3 3.1 6.1 .. 4.2 2.8 6.3 2.4 3.1 .. 4.0 3.3 3.5 7.8 .. 4.3 3.9 .. 5.8 .. 2.5 .. 4.6 3.5 1.8 5.1 4.1 4.8 7.2 2.7 4.4 3.8 2.6 4.0 7.8

7.6 6.0 c 4.9 .. 5.2 7.7 5.8 c 5.5 6.3 5.7 3.6 5.1 6.4 8.5 5.3 5.6 5.7 4.7 6.7 4.6 4.5 4.4 7.5 4.0 .. 6.1 5.8 4.2 6.3 7.6 4.4 .. 9.1 4.0 5.5 5.6 4.2 5.7 5.9 .. 1.6 c 4.4 .. .. 4.5 2.6 5.1 5.8 7.6 .. 5.2

14.6 .. 14.8 10.4 14.2 13.8 18.7 10.2 .. 12.3 .. 14.8 11.9 .. .. .. 7.6 .. .. .. 9.4 17.4 11.3 .. 18.2 .. .. 22.4 11.3 22.2 .. 8.3 .. .. 7.8 .. 10.4 .. 13.8 .. 14.6 .. 14.6 3.4 .. 15.9 20.8 10.8 .. 17.8 14.8

16.2 .. 13.3 .. 12.7 12.8 15.1 13.5 .. 17.1 10.5 10.7 12.7 15.4 11.5 11.4 11.1 10.3 15.1 9.5 11.3 23.3 .. .. .. .. 12.7 15.5 .. 17.3 9.6 .. 9.1 c 13.8 14.1 12.8 18.7 .. .. .. 22.5 c 7.5 .. .. 10.0 9.6 22.4 .. 19.0 .. ..

39.5 59.5 2.2 .. .. 47.7 49.9 37.8 23.3 .. .. 21.5 27.9 .. 29.7 27.3 23.7 33.0 30.5 .. 29.3 26.6 43.0 34.1 29.6 .. 44.6 44.4 38.5 37.5 .. 25.1 24.1 3.4 55.4 42.8 60.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. 53.4 .. 37.5 .. 11.2 .. .. 28.2

36.5 38.4 d 35.0 .. .. 34.8 34.7 32.6 31.6 39.5 38.2 35.5 27.0 31.1 32.2 31.3 27.6 34.4 28.6 22.8 35.8 25.1 46.3 27.5 .. .. 36.9 35.2 35.3 33.7 25.8 .. .. 43.3 30.9 41.6 50.7 33.2 .. .. 45.6 24.4 .. .. 32.3 44.1 49.3 30.2 28.5 .. 42.5

24.7 25.6 57.4 .. 62.2 19.6 25.1 40.1 42.9 .. .. 37.7 39.4 .. 43.8 40.7 46.6 63.2 25.3 .. 45.0 38.8 31.3 45.1 36.5 .. 32.5 34.1 50.3 37.6 .. 44.7 26.1 44.9 23.9 17.5 17.3 .. .. .. .. .. 45.8 13.6 .. 30.3 .. 56.3 .. .. 40.7

33.0 c 39.1 c 38.8 .. .. 36.4 38.2 c 34.4 44.5 35.3 39.8 39.2 40.6 34.3 47.1 49.7 45.7 46.1 40.5 49.0 41.4 32.8 29.8 34.1 .. .. 42.2 43.4 50.0 35.0 50.8 .. .. 39.2 38.6 37.9 35.3 40.9 .. .. 50.4 c 53.2 .. .. 46.7 c 34.4 31.9 52.9 31.5 .. 26.1 c

15.2 14.9 32.0 .. 28.6 13.2 19.7 20.4 16.5 .. .. 32.1 23.9 .. 19.6 13.8 19.1 .. 37.4 .. 15.4 30.8 16.2 19.5 29.3 .. 16.3 7.4 3.8 19.2 .. 14.6 9.5 46.7 15.2 22.0 20.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. 16.0 .. 22.6 .. 11.6 .. .. 9.5

27.5 17.8 c 24.2 .. 36.2 28.3 24.2 c 27.6 21.7 25.2 14.9 25.2 32.5 32.0 20.6 17.7 22.6 18.5 24.9 24.5 22.8 32.6 16.7 32.4 .. .. 17.2 8.1 14.4 28.6 20.0 .. .. 17.5 22.8 19.5 14.0 19.7 .. .. 2.4 c 20.2 .. .. 19.1 21.5 18.8 15.4 21.2 .. 17.4

12.3 12.8

18.7 24.3

25.7 32.3

43.0 49.1

39.0 29.6

36.8 28.7

14.4 16.5

17.5 19.6

Human development indicators

High human development


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Hong Kong, China (SAR) Israel Greece Singapore Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Malta Brunei Darussalam Argentina Hungary Poland Chile Estonia Lithuania Qatar United Arab Emirates Slovakia Bahrain Kuwait Croatia Uruguay Costa Rica Latvia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bahamas Seychelles

52 Cuba 53 Mexico

8.9 3.6

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

18.7 5.3



Public expenditure on education by level a (% of all levels)

Public expenditure on education As % of GDP

As % of total government expenditure

Pre-primary and primary



2000–02 b


2000–02 b


2000–02 b


2000–02 b


2000–02 b

54 Tonga 55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development

.. 5.2 4.7 3.7

4.9 c 3.5 4.5 4.3 c

.. .. 20.9 11.6

13.2 c .. 7.7 13.4

.. 70.7 37.0 42.5

49.2 d 37.2 34.2 ..

.. .. 23.3 36.8

28.9 c 46.7 29.2 ..

.. 13.9 21.3 11.9

.. 15.8 28.1 ..

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

.. .. .. 5.1 3.5 .. 2.8 3.8 5.1 4.8 .. 2.4 .. 3.1 5.9 3.5 3.2 3.0 .. 5.8 5.1 2.8 3.2 .. 4.3 7.0 2.9 2.3 6.4 .. 1.1 6.0 8.1 4.6 4.7 2.7 2.2 .. 3.8 4.3 4.5 4.1 .. 7.7 .. 5.3 1.9

.. 3.5 3.8 8.1 3.8 4.2 3.5 4.7 5.1 6.0 c .. 5.2 .. 4.6 c .. 5.2 4.8 c .. 7.7 c .. 5.4 3.0 3.0 2.7 1.0 c 3.2 c 3.1 .. .. 10.0 4.4 6.4 .. 5.2 5.6 c .. 3.7 2.3 .. .. 6.1 4.9 2.2 3.2 .. .. 2.9

.. .. .. 18.3 .. .. 7.3 11.8 13.2 .. .. 15.4 .. 11.1 .. 20.0 10.7 12.0 .. 17.8 19.7 .. 17.6 .. 17.2 20.5 10.1 12.8 .. .. 9.1 13.5 17.1 18.5 .. 8.1 .. .. 10.0 21.0 12.8 22.4 .. 23.5 .. 21.1 16.6

.. .. .. 20.3 11.5 12.0 .. 13.3 12.9 .. .. 15.6 .. .. .. 28.3 14.6 c .. .. .. 20.3 17.1 .. 12.3 8.0 c .. 17.8 .. .. 20.3 11.4 18.2 .. 18.1 19.4 c .. .. 12.4 .. .. 12.3 17.7 11.8 20.7 .. .. 20.0

.. .. .. 34.3 .. .. 52.1 37.7 64.1 57.7 .. 39.3 .. 54.1 .. 56.2 52.6 23.5 48.2 78.8 54.9 .. .. .. 34.4 .. .. .. 60.5 .. .. 39.8 .. 61.0 .. .. 58.1 .. .. .. 37.4 33.2 .. .. .. .. ..

.. 61.0 30.7 32.0 .. 38.3 .. 32.0 42.1 .. .. 42.1 .. 35.9 .. 42.3 43.0 .. 59.5 d .. 20.0 42.6 22.9 .. 41.1 21.7 57.6 .. .. .. 55.1 32.9 .. 50.9 35.0 d .. 37.7 46.3 .. .. 36.8 25.1 .. 25.9 .. .. 61.0

.. .. .. 34.4 .. .. 22.1 36.4 31.7 16.2 .. 30.9 .. 37.0 .. 21.6 25.2 4.5 23.3 .. 15.0 .. .. .. 34.2 .. .. .. 14.5 .. 22.6 36.4 62.4 20.2 .. 84.3 29.4 .. .. .. 33.2 39.2 .. .. .. .. ..

.. 24.0 35.2 33.5 .. 40.1 .. 38.3 35.8 .. .. 29.4 .. 47.4 c .. 20.5 23.8 c .. .. .. 31.4 c 27.7 56.0 c .. 36.1 c 43.4 c 22.2 .. .. .. 28.3 44.4 c .. 26.3 48.9 c .. 30.1 c 18.9 c .. .. 33.8 36.0 .. 53.7 c .. .. 23.6 c

.. .. .. 19.9 .. .. 9.6 16.6 0.0 14.4 .. 20.7 .. 7.4 .. 14.6 0.0 40.7 12.8 21.2 15.1 .. .. .. 18.3 .. .. .. 8.8 .. 25.8 18.5 35.1 8.1 .. 13.4 .. .. .. .. 21.1 13.6 .. .. .. .. ..

.. 15.0 6.7 33.3 .. 21.6 .. 15.6 9.8 .. .. 13.3 .. 9.2 c .. 21.7 33.2 c .. .. .. 34.0 14.6 13.1 28.5 5.2 29.8 c 14.0 .. .. .. 16.5 22.8 .. 19.6 16.0 c .. 32.2 10.9 .. .. 19.2 17.1 .. 5.8 .. .. 6.6

.. 4.0

7.9 ..

.. 17.3

17.0 ..

.. 38.5

43.8 d ..

.. 28.2

29.8 ..

.. 21.3

17.5 ..

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Occupied Palestinian Territories Algeria El Salvador

105 Cape Verde 106 Syrian Arab Republic

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators


HDI rank




Commitment to education: public spending

Public expenditure on education by level a (% of all levels)

Public expenditure on education

Human development indicators

As % of GDP


As % of total government expenditure

Pre-primary and primary



HDI rank


2000–02 b


2000–02 b


2000–02 b


2000–02 b


2000–02 b

107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam 109 Kyrgyzstan 110 Indonesia 111 Uzbekistan 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 115 Moldova, Rep. of 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 122 Tajikistan 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development

3.4 2.0 8.4 1.0 9.5 3.4 2.3 12.3 5.6 .. 1.4 4.7 3.9 5.9 .. .. .. 5.3 7.9 .. 3.7 .. .. .. 6.2 .. .. .. 2.6 2.0 .. 3.2 1.5 .. 6.0 5.0 5.5 1.5 7.7

8.4 .. 3.1 c 1.2 .. 3.1 6.3 9.0 4.9 .. .. 11.0 c .. 5.3 c 0.6 2.8 3.9 c 6.5 7.2 .. 4.1 3.4 c .. 1.8 2.2 3.9 2.8 c 5.2 1.8 c 3.4 2.3 c .. 2.4 .. .. 3.2 c 2.6 .. 4.7 c

4.4 7.5 22.5 .. 20.4 9.7 .. 17.6 17.2 .. 11.8 19.2 .. .. .. 24.7 .. 26.1 .. .. 12.2 .. .. .. 17.0 .. .. .. 7.4 8.5 .. 24.3 10.3 .. 2.8 14.4 26.4 11.5 ..

18.4 .. 18.6 9.0 c .. 15.0 19.7 .. 21.4 .. .. 28.1 c .. 18.5 1.6 17.8 .. 26.4 .. .. 12.7 .. .. 15.3 25.6 24.1 11.0 c 12.9 7.8 c 14.9 17.5 c .. 15.5 .. .. 12.6 13.6 .. ..

.. .. 8.5 .. .. .. .. 13.9 .. .. 31.1 59.8 .. 75.6 .. 6.9 .. 34.8 .. .. 38.9 .. .. .. .. 42.4 .. .. .. 48.2 .. 29.2 45.6 .. .. .. 30.4 .. 54.1

54.7 .. 23.0 37.1 .. 50.3 46.9 53.8 37.3 .. .. 27.9 .. 47.8 34.4 30.8 .. 39.8 65.4 .. 38.4 .. .. 65.6 53.2 d 45.7 47.0 .. .. 61.5 71.4 .. 45.4 d .. .. 36.1 44.8 .. 54.9

.. .. 57.9 .. .. .. .. 48.8 .. .. 12.9 26.6 .. .. .. 57.0 .. 48.9 .. .. 27.0 .. .. .. .. 28.2 .. .. .. 15.7 .. 34.3 42.2 .. .. .. 25.8 .. 28.6

23.5 .. 48.0 c 39.3 .. 12.0 23.4 26.4 52.0 c .. .. 57.5 c .. 31.3 c 18.1 c 47.7 c .. 43.5 24.5 .. 40.1 .. .. .. 23.8 40.1 c 19.0 .. .. 22.1 24.3 c .. 45.5 .. .. 30.2 c 27.1 c .. 28.6 c

.. .. 10.0 .. .. .. .. 14.5 .. .. 21.2 3.4 .. 21.5 .. 9.1 .. 16.2 .. .. 14.9 .. .. .. .. 17.3 .. .. .. 23.3 .. 11.0 8.7 .. .. .. 29.0 .. 12.3

4.9 .. 18.0 c 23.6 .. 37.7 25.1 15.5 10.7 .. .. 10.5 c .. 14.6 c 34.9 12.1 .. 16.3 8.7 .. 20.3 .. .. .. 18.6 7.7 c 12.6 .. .. 10.3 4.3 c .. 9.1 .. .. 25.5 c 19.4 .. 16.6 c

2.1 5.8 3.2 6.2 3.5 .. .. 1.5 6.7 3.8 .. 3.9

2.9 c 7.1 3.8 10.4 c .. 9.5 c .. .. 7.0 2.8 1.8 c 3.6

.. 19.5 19.6 12.2 10.5 .. .. 20.0 17.0 14.6 .. 26.9

.. .. 17.3 18.4 .. 32.8 .. .. 22.1 8.9 25.6 c ..

49.1 31.2 70.5 .. 58.0 .. 33.3 53.1 50.3 41.6 .. 43.9

42.1 31.8 .. 53.2 d .. .. .. .. .. 54.7 d 52.1 d ..

35.6 24.5 .. .. 21.7 .. 37.7 19.0 18.8 21.2 .. 25.7

29.0 c 41.1 c .. 23.8 c .. .. .. .. .. 21.1 c .. ..

.. 26.0 29.5 .. 11.5 .. 24.9 9.1 21.6 17.8 .. 24.0

12.2 c 25.5 .. 18.6 c .. .. .. .. .. 14.0 c .. ..

0.9 ..

.. 2.8 c

.. ..

.. ..

.. 48.2 d

.. ..

.. 16.7 c

.. ..

.. 34.7 c

146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal

158 Nigeria 159 Rwanda

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

.. ..



Public expenditure on education by level a (% of all levels)

Public expenditure on education As % of GDP HDI rank 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177

Angola Eritrea Benin Côte d’Ivoire Tanzania, U. Rep. of Malawi Zambia Congo, Dem. Rep. of the Mozambique Burundi Ethiopia Central African Republic Guinea-Bissau Chad Mali Burkina Faso Sierra Leone Niger

Notes As a result of limitations in the data and metholodogical changes, comparisons of education expenditure data across countries and over time must be made with caution. For detailed notes on the data see www.uis.unesco.org. a Expenditures by level may not sum to 100 as a result of rounding or the omission of the categories expenditures in post-secondary education and expenditures not allocated by level. b Data refer to the most recent year available during the period specified. c Data refer to a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics estimate where no national estimate is available. d Data refer to primary school expenditure only.

As % of total government expenditure

Pre-primary and primary




2000–02 b


2000–02 b


2000–02 b


2000–02 b


2000–02 b

3.9 .. .. .. 2.8 3.2 2.4 .. 3.1 3.4 3.4 2.2 .. .. .. 2.4 .. 3.2

2.8 c 4.1 3.3 c 4.6 c .. 6.0 2.0 c .. .. 3.9 4.6 c .. .. .. .. .. 3.7 2.3 c

10.7 .. .. .. 11.4 11.1 8.7 .. 12.0 16.7 9.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. 18.6

.. .. .. 21.5 .. .. .. .. .. 21.8 13.8 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

96.3 .. .. .. .. 44.7 .. .. 49.8 46.8 53.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 26.0 57.4 42.2 .. 54.9 d 54.8 d .. .. 43.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 51.5

.. .. .. .. .. 13.1 .. .. 15.7 29.1 28.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 35.4 25.5 c 32.5 c .. 21.1 25.8 .. .. 32.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24.4 c

3.7 .. .. .. .. 20.2 .. .. 9.9 22.0 12.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 14.9 16.4 c 25.1 c .. 18.3 19.4 .. .. 24.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16.2 c

Sources Columns 1–5 and 7–10: UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2005b. Column 6: calculated on the basis of data on public expenditure on education by pre-primary and primary levels from UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2005b.

Human development indicators

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005




. . . to acquire knowledge . . .

Literacy and enrolment

Adult literacy rate a (% ages 15 and above) HDI rank


2002/03 d


2002/03 d


2001/02 d

Tertiary students in science, math and engineering (% of all tertiary students) 1998–2003 e

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 99.6 99.5 99.5 99.8 k .. .. 99.8 99.8 k .. 96.0 m 98.9 98.9 99.5 .. 99.0 99.8 99.7 98.6 m 91.4 k 99.6 99.3 93.1 k 99.6 99.1 k 98.4 k 99.7 .. .. 99.1

100 100 99 81 98 100 84 90 96 97 100 95 98 98 98 100 88 100 100 84 100 .. 92 95 96 100 100 100 87 80 87 97 90 94 91 97 88 99 .. 89 99 .. 99 49 74 92 87 92 .. 90 ..

100 100 97 90 100 f, g 100 99 96 100 92 100 99 100 100 100 99 90 100 100 f 83 100 98 j 99 99 .. 93 100 100 l 96 100 87 96 .. .. 91 98 85 l 95 91 95 83 86 90 83 89 90 90 86 100 86 f 100

88 .. 79 .. 89 85 80 80 87 85 97 84 93 87 81 .. .. .. 85 .. .. .. .. 83 .. .. .. 86 69 .. .. 78 .. .. 75 76 55 .. .. 70 58 .. 85 .. 57 .. 37 .. .. .. ..

96 86 88 f 80 98 f, g 100 87 83 97 88 101 f 89 95 96 95 94 89 91 93 88 96 74 f 89 86 .. 93 85 88 l 93 90 91 87 .. 81 94 83 81 l 88 94 82 f 71 88 87 77 f, o 87 73 53 88 95 76 f 100

100 .. .. .. .. 100 80 100 .. .. 100 .. 100 94 .. 96 .. .. 92 .. .. 100 .. 100 .. .. .. 99 100 .. .. 99 .. .. 98 98 .. .. .. 64 80 .. 89 .. .. 94 82 .. .. .. ..

100 100 .. 99 g .. .. .. 99 .. .. .. 100 100 100 i .. 98 i .. 96 g .. .. .. 100 85 .. .. .. .. 100 99 99 98 99 93 g 92 .. 99 99 n 98 .. .. 93 .. 99 .. .. 93 92 .. .. 75 99

18 17 24 18 20 h 27 25 25 h 19 .. 20 16 38 20 21 h .. 25 24 19 29 31 30 h 31 30 .. 22 29 41 17 .. 31 13 8 15 h 21 20 31 22 26 16 .. 27 21 .. 24 .. 26 17 .. .. ..

99.8 k 97.6

92 99

94 99

69 45

86 63

92 80

98 93

.. 31

MDG Youth literacy rate a (% ages 15–24)





.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 97.7 .. .. 96.3 .. 91.4 94.9 88.8 99.6 87.2 .. 94.3 99.4 .. 88.4 85.5 95.7 99.1 99.6 94.0 99.8 99.3 77.0 71.0 .. 82.1 76.7 96.9 96.5 93.9 99.8 .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 96.9 91.0 92.5 99.7 k .. .. 96.8 99.7 k .. 87.9 m 92.7 97.2 99.3 .. 95.7 99.8 99.6 89.2 m 77.3 k 99.6 87.7 82.9 k 98.1 97.7 k 95.8 k 99.7 .. .. 91.9

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 99.8 .. .. 99.6 98.2 98.7 99.5 99.0 99.8 99.5 99.8 99.7 99.8 .. 97.5 97.9 98.2 99.7 99.8 98.1 99.8 99.8 90.3 84.7 .. 95.6 87.5 99.6 98.7 97.4 99.8 .. 96.5 ..

95.1 87.3

96.9 k 90.3

99.3 95.2

MDG Net primary enrolment ratio b (%)

Net secondary enrolment ratio b, c (%)

MDG Children reaching grade 5 (% of grade 1 students)

Human development indicators

High human development


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Hong Kong, China (SAR) Israel Greece Singapore Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Malta Brunei Darussalam Argentina Hungary Poland Chile Estonia Lithuania Qatar United Arab Emirates Slovakia Bahrain Kuwait Croatia Uruguay Costa Rica Latvia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bahamas Seychelles

52 Cuba 53 Mexico

human de velopmen t repor t 2005








2002/03 d



2001/02 d

54 Tonga 55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development

.. 97.2 89.0 96.8

98.9 m 98.2 91.9 98.5 k

.. 99.4 95.3 99.6

99.3 m 98.2 96.1 99.8 k

92 86 92 91

100 o 90 100 91

83 63 50 ..

72 f, o 88 63 f 72 f

90 91 .. ..

.. .. 90 71 g

.. 27 22 35

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

68.1 .. .. 80.7 99.2 82.0 97.1 79.8 .. 99.5 .. 88.4 .. 54.7 77.0 92.4 98.0 88.9 .. 66.2 99.4 85.5 98.8 .. 87.6 97.5 91.7 78.3 .. .. 90.3 59.1 81.5 89.1 88.6 88.7 77.9 79.4 94.8 .. 82.2 63.2 .. .. .. 52.9 72.4

81.7 k 96.1 .. 88.7 99.4 88.4 97.3 84.3 .. 99.6 m 94.6 94.2 .. 74.4 k 98.7 92.6 98.7 k 93.0 90.1 79.4 99.4 87.7 99.5 m .. 91.0 99.4 92.6 90.9 88.0 .. 91.6 74.3 89.9 76.9 92.9 m 90.4 q 88.3 87.7 97.2 k 98.8 m 87.6 k 77.0 .. 98.8 m 91.9 69.8 79.7 k

91.0 .. .. 94.8 99.8 91.8 99.3 91.1 .. 99.8 .. 94.9 .. 85.6 94.8 98.1 99.0 96.0 .. 85.4 99.8 94.5 99.8 92.1 95.5 99.5 97.3 95.3 .. .. 95.6 84.1 96.7 96.0 97.8 95.1 92.7 87.5 98.1 .. 91.2 86.3 .. .. .. 77.3 83.8

97.0 k 98.7 .. 97.2 99.7 96.6 97.8 94.5 .. 99.8 m 99.6 97.6 .. 98.5 k 99.4 98.0 99.5 k 97.2 95.4 95.9 99.8 96.8 99.8 m .. 96.4 99.8 95.1 98.9 93.5 .. 96.3 94.3 99.1 84.2 99.3 m 95.6 q 96.6 94.0 99.2 k 99.8 m 94.5 k .. .. 99.9 m 98.7 90.1 88.9 k

96 94 .. 94 99 86 81 95 .. 86 .. 68 .. 69 95 76 .. 88 95 59 80 88 88 78 98 .. 96 97 78 .. 93 94 94 94 100 90 89 58 87 .. 96 92 97 100 .. 93 73

.. 91 .. 93 90 f 97 89 97 84 f, g 94 .. 87 81 72 95 85 l 98 f 91 99 54 84 100 92 91 100 94 94 .. 97 f 90 89 97 92 99 100 f, o .. 86 96 92 .. 95 86 89 80 91 95 90

.. .. .. .. .. 15 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 .. 31 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 26 .. .. 31 .. .. 42 .. .. .. 64 .. .. .. .. 54 ..

.. 81 f, o .. 70 .. 75 81 74 f 104 f 85 .. 55 f 92 f 69 77 .. 62 f 59 76 f 53 f 85 69 87 .. 50 83 59 .. 64 f 58 51 65 80 69 f 76 f, o .. .. 36 f 51 f .. 75 f .. 61 76 84 67 f 49 f

.. .. .. 98 .. .. .. 98 .. .. .. 62 .. 97 .. .. .. 86 .. 83 98 .. .. .. .. .. .. 86 .. .. 70 87 .. 67 .. 94 98 .. .. .. .. 90 .. .. .. 95 ..

.. .. .. 87 .. .. .. 99 79 .. .. 69 84 98 .. 94 i 94 g 84 97 g 91 .. 84 .. 92 74 .. 76 99 .. 88 70 96 97 81 p 88 g 98 n .. 69 .. .. 90 95 .. .. .. 97 69

31 27 .. 40 .. .. 27 25 .. .. .. 32 .. .. 11 .. 14 .. .. 17 27 .. .. 28 .. 7h 25 .. 19 .. .. 31 h 30 .. .. .. 21 h .. .. .. .. .. 28 .. 19 .. 22

63.8 64.8

75.7 k 82.9

81.5 79.9

89.1 k 95.2

94 92

99 98

.. 43

58 43

.. 96

88 91

.. ..

Adult literacy rate a (% ages 15 and above)

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Occupied Palestinian Territories Algeria El Salvador

105 Cape Verde 106 Syrian Arab Republic

MDG Youth literacy rate a (% ages 15–24)

MDG Net primary enrolment ratio b (%)

Net secondary enrolment ratio b, c (%)

2002/03 d

MDG Children reaching grade 5 (% of grade 1 students)

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

HDI rank

Tertiary students in science, math and engineering (% of all tertiary students) 1998–2003 e




Literacy and enrolment

Human development indicators

Adult literacy rate a (% ages 15 and above)


MDG Youth literacy rate a (% ages 15–24)


2001/02 d

Tertiary students in science, math and engineering (% of all tertiary students) 1998–2003 e

67 .. .. 39 .. .. 29 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 29 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 .. .. .. 18 .. ..

76 f, g 65 f, o .. 54 .. 39 71 f 77 69 .. 30 28 o 81 f, o 66 f 26 f, p 83 f .. 36 f 44 29 f, o .. .. 35 24 f 54 f .. 35 .. .. .. 24 f, o 36 f, l 45 20 f, g .. .. 27 f, p 17 f 34 l

93 .. .. 84 .. 46 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 75 .. .. .. 75 .. .. .. 85 .. .. 97 .. .. .. .. .. 59 80 .. .. 94 63 51 .. ..

77 p 87 .. 89 .. 65 84 .. .. .. 65 72 p 98 65 p 29 g .. 69 81 95 61 g 84 .. 65 61 88 72 p 64 91 g .. 65 51 g 63 54 .. 84 66 69 64 ..

.. 20 16 .. .. .. .. 26 .. .. 19 h .. .. 17 .. 18 .. 19 8 .. 20 h .. 42 17 19 11 8h .. .. .. .. 26 13 .. .. 11 h 8 8 ..

79 75 .. 86 36 l 72 68 .. 67 79 f 66 58 f

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

12 f, i 32 f .. 23 f 21 f, l 35 f, p 16 f .. 25 f 33 f 21 f ..

22 76 .. 71 87 .. 75 .. .. .. 59 85

53 73 64 73 80 76 61 .. 59 .. .. 80

20 11 .. 6h 22 .. 10 .. 29 .. .. ..

67 f 87

.. 7

29 ..

.. 60

.. 47

.. ..

MDG Net primary enrolment ratio b (%)





107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam 109 Kyrgyzstan 110 Indonesia 111 Uzbekistan 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 115 Moldova, Rep. of 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 122 Tajikistan 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development

97.2 90.4 .. 79.5 98.7 62.7 78.1 97.8 97.5 68.1 61.0 .. 47.1 81.2 73.3 98.2 .. 38.7 74.9 .. 49.3 .. 80.7 62.0 68.1 53.8 56.5 .. 35.4 30.4 56.6 58.5 34.2 .. 45.8 67.1 44.2 56.1 80.7

.. 90.3 m 98.7 m 87.9 k 99.3 k 76.7 86.5 97.8 96.2 80.0 69.1 74.0 m 55.6 m 82.4 m 84.2 99.5 .. 50.7 k 85.0 .. 61.0 q .. 89.7 73.6 78.9 k 56.2 k 68.7 .. 48.7 48.6 57.3 54.1 41.1 k .. 59.0 q 82.8 k 53.0 68.9 k 90.0 k

99.8 94.1 .. 95.0 99.6 68.2 92.6 98.9 99.8 79.7 73.4 .. 61.3 88.5 92.7 99.8 .. 55.3 87.4 .. 64.3 .. 88.2 73.5 83.3 56.7 70.1 .. 47.4 46.6 68.6 81.8 42.0 .. 65.0 92.5 63.5 70.1 93.9

.. .. 99.7 m 98.0 k 99.7 k 86.2 97.3 97.7 98.7 88.9 82.2 .. 73.2 m 93.9 m 93.8 99.8 .. 69.5 k 92.3 .. 76.4 l .. 94.4 83.4 89.1 k 59.0 k 78.5 .. 64.5 70.1 66.7 .. 49.7 k .. 74.6 q 97.8 k 74.0 80.2 k 97.6 k

89 90 92 97 78 72 91 90 89 90 64 71 84 88 91 77 86 57 83 .. .. 83 98 67 85 57 63 .. 35 81 66 52 71 .. 43 79 75 53 86

99 f 94 f, o 89 92 .. 86 95 79 79 87 f, o 87 94 f 91 f 89 85 o 94 i 78 f, g 90 78 97 f, o 87 .. 84 93 81 f 55 f, p 85 .. 59 f, g 71 f, g 73 f, o 59 l 84 .. 46 f, p 54 91 .. 79 l

146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157

58.0 71.6 57.9 78.0 .. 32.7 34.8 39.7 70.8 .. .. 28.4

70.6 79.2 67.9 81.4 .. 49.0 k 51.2 51.9 k 73.6 .. .. 39.3

72.2 85.1 81.1 87.2 73.2 50.0 45.8 54.8 89.8 42.2 .. 40.1

70.1 88.1 .. .. .. 67.9 k 61.3 66.2 k 80.3 .. .. 49.1

65 77 74 73 31 52 35 22 74 48 25 47

48.7 53.3

66.8 k 64.0

73.6 72.7

88.6 k 76.5

60 67

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal

158 Nigeria 159 Rwanda

human de velopmen t repor t 2005


2002/03 d

HDI rank

Net secondary enrolment ratio b, c (%) 1990/91

2002/03 d

MDG Children reaching grade 5 (% of grade 1 students)



Adult literacy rate a (% ages 15 and above)

MDG Youth literacy rate a (% ages 15–24)

HDI rank





160 Angola 161 Eritrea 162 Benin 163 Côte d’Ivoire 164 Tanzania, U. Rep. of 165 Malawi 166 Zambia 167 Congo, Dem. Rep. of the 168 Mozambique 169 Burundi 170 Ethiopia 171 Central African Republic 172 Guinea-Bissau 173 Chad 174 Mali 175 Burkina Faso 176 Sierra Leone 177 Niger Developing countries Least developed countries Arab States East Asia and the Pacific Latin America and the Caribbean South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS OECD High-income OECD High human development Medium human development Low human development High income Middle income Low income World

.. .. 26.4 38.5 62.9 51.8 68.2 47.5 33.5 37.0 28.6 33.2 .. 27.7 18.8 .. .. 11.4 67.0 44.2 50.8 79.7 85.1 47.7 51.1 98.7 .. .. .. 70.6 45.1 .. 81.2 50.2 ..

66.8 .. 33.6 48.1 69.4 64.1 m 67.9 m 65.3 46.5 k 58.9 41.5 k 48.6 .. 25.5 19.0 m 12.8 m 29.6 14.4 76.6 54.2 64.1 90.4 89.6 58.9 61.3 99.2 .. .. .. 79.4 57.5 .. 89.6 60.8 ..

.. 60.9 40.4 52.6 83.1 63.2 81.2 68.9 48.8 51.6 43.0 52.1 44.1 48.0 27.6 .. .. 17.0 81.1 57.2 68.4 95.0 92.7 61.7 68.5 99.7 .. .. .. 83.2 63.7 .. 93.6 64.4 ..

71.4 .. 44.4 59.8 78.4 76.3 m 69.4 m 68.7 62.8 k 72.3 57.4 k 58.5 .. 37.3 24.2 m 19.4 m 38.2 19.8 85.2 64.2 81.3 98.0 95.9 72.2 73.7 99.5 .. .. .. 87.5 70.1 .. 96.8 73.0 ..

d Data on net enrolment ratios refer to the 2002/03 school year, and data on children reaching grade 5 to the 2001/02 school year, unless otherwise specified. Data for some countries may refer to national or UNESCO Institute for Statistics estimates. For details, see www.uis.unesco.org. Because data are from different sources, comparisons across countries should be made with caution. e Data refer to the most recent year available during the period specified. f Preliminary UNESCO Institute for Statistics estimate, subject to further revision. g Data refer to the 2000/01 school year. h Figure should be treated with caution due to the fact that the reported number of enrolled pupils in “Not known or unspecified” category represents more than 10% of the total enrolment. i Data refer to the 1998/99 school year. j National estimates. k Estimate produced by UNESCO Institute for Statistics in July 2002. l Data refer to the 2003/04 school year.

1990/91 58 16 45 46 50 50 79 54 45 53 23 53 38 36 20 26 41 24 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

2002/03 d


61 f, i 45 58 f, p 61 j 82 r .. 68 .. 55 57 51 l .. 45 p 63 f 45 36 .. 38 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

2002/03 d

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5 .. .. 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 22 20 f, g 21 f, o .. 29 f 23 f .. 12 9f 18 f, l .. 9 f, p 10 f .. 9 .. 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

m Data refer to a year between 1995 and 1999. n Data refer to the 2002/03 school year. o Data refer to the 2001/02 school year. p Data refer to the 1999/2000 school year. q Data refer to a year or period other than that specified, differ from the standard definition or refer to only part of a country. r Data refer to the 2004/05 school year.


2001/02 d

.. .. 55 73 79 64 .. 55 33 62 .. 24 .. 53 73 70 .. 62 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 86 68 69 i 88 44 81 p .. 49 68 62 .. 38 i 60 g 75 66 .. 69 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

18 17 25 .. 22 33 30 .. .. 10 h 19 15 .. .. .. .. 8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

MDG Children reaching grade 5 (% of grade 1 students)

Net secondary enrolment ratio b, c (%)

Sources Columns 1 and 3: UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2003a. Columns 2 and 4: UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2005a. Columns 5–10: UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2005c. Column 11: UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2005d.

Human development indicators

notes a Data for 1990 refer to estimates produced by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Institute for Statistics based on data prior to 1990; data for 2003 refer to national literacy estimates from censuses or surveys conducted between 2000 and 2004, unless otherwise noted. Due to differences in methodology and timeliness of underlying data, comparisons across countries and over time should be made with caution. For more details, see www. uis.unesco.org/ev.php?ID=4930_201&ID2=DO_ TOPIC. b The net enrolment ratio is the ratio of enrolled children of the official age for the education level indicated to the total population of that age. Net enrolment ratios exceeding 100% reflect discrepancies between these two data sets. c Enrolment ratios are based on the new International Standard Classification of Education, adopted in 1997 (UNESCO 1997), and so may not be strictly comparable with those for earlier years.

MDG Net primary enrolment ratio b (%)

Tertiary students in science, math and engineering (% of all tertiary students) 1998–2003 e

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005




. . . to acquire knowledge . . .

Technology: diffusion and creation

MDG Telephone mainlines a (per 1,000 people) HDI rank

MDG Cellular subscribers a (per 1,000 people)

MDG Internet users (per 1,000 people)

Patents granted to residents (per million people)

Receipts Research of royalties and and licence development Researchers fees (R&D) in R&D expenditures (US$ per (per million person) (% of GDP) people)





1997–2002 b

1990–2003 b

909 966 719 1,194 419 980 843 880 793 546 679 768 910 883 912 696 879 1,018 648 785 916 1,079 961 902 852 871 898 701 744 519 965 725 .. .. 769 451 511 777 630 533 736 684 638 572 584 .. 181 526 .. 367 595

7 0 6 0 4 6 6 0 (.) 8 (.) 3 4 1 1 1 1 (.) 0 1 (.) 0 1 0 0 0 0 (.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

346 675 567 377 .. .. 398 317 386 556 483 522 534 541 .. 366 462 337 526 473 239 472 .. 150 509 401 .. 610 337 371 308 .. .. .. 232 232 272 444 202 199 275 256 216 228 232 .. 288 404 .. 265 ..

0 7 85 234 40 317 279 110 72 302 852 186 35 90 88 183 196 22 70 274 29 3 35 30 58 123 3 633 1 0 24 45 .. .. 21 22 .. 8 15 .. 0 13 .. .. 20 1 0 0 .. .. 0

42.9 0.0 20.1 267.3 81.5 261.8 .. 52.4 .. 167.2 96.3 116.8 96.5 .. 173.0 66.3 19.2 9.1 30.0 51.7 13.2 .. 64.7 1.7 47.3 5.4 3.5 27.8 19.9 3.2 4.9 (.) .. 0.9 30.8 0.7 2.9 3.5 0.1 .. .. 9.2 .. 0.0 c 7.8 0.0 c 0.1 1.9 0.0 c 0.0 ..

1.7 3.1 1.5 1.7 1.9 4.3 2.6 1.1 2.2 2.7 3.1 1.9 3.5 2.5 1.9 2.3 2.2 1.1 1.2 2.5 1.0 0.6 5.1 0.6 2.2 1.5 0.9 2.5 0.3 .. 1.2 .. .. 0.4 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.7 .. .. 0.6 .. 0.2 1.1 0.2 0.4 0.4 .. .. 0.1

4,442 6,592 3,446 3,757 3,487 5,171 3,594 2,315 3,180 4,526 5,085 2,826 7,431 4,822 2,691 3,134 2,346 1,156 2,593 3,222 2,036 1,568 1,570 1,357 4,352 2,364 1,745 2,979 569 .. 1,467 .. 282 715 1,473 1,469 419 2,253 1,824 .. .. 1,707 .. 73 1,920 370 533 1,476 .. .. 452

3 295

0 0

9 120

0 1

.. 0.8

0.5 0.4

538 259





502 510 456 481 565 681 574 281 393 547 441 464 534 567 441 495 418 388 434 441 316 450 343 389 346 211 243 306 419 281 158 360 136 93 96 86 66 204 212 220 224 135 191 188 172 134 101 234 237 274 124

713 660 542 797 651 .. 727 491 489 624 472 614 492 669 .. 566 481 484 448 657 429 559 458 454 450 407 411 538 572 497 360 521 .. .. 349 307 221 341 239 261 281 241 268 196 .. .. 278 285 .. 415 256

46 39 11 2 22 54 18 7 4 21 7 5 52 29 19 5 10 5 16 4 1 24 3 0 17 0 1 2 5 0 0 0 7 (.) (.) 0 1 0 0 9 19 0 10 12 (.) 0 0 0 0 8 0

31 65

64 160

0 1

Human development indicators

High human development


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Hong Kong, China (SAR) Israel Greece Singapore Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Malta Brunei Darussalam Argentina Hungary Poland Chile Estonia Lithuania Qatar United Arab Emirates Slovakia Bahrain Kuwait Croatia Uruguay Costa Rica Latvia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bahamas Seychelles

52 Cuba 53 Mexico

human de velopmen t repor t 2005



MDG Telephone mainlines a (per 1,000 people)

MDG Cellular subscribers a (per 1,000 people)

Patents granted to residents (per million people)

MDG Internet users (per 1,000 people)

Receipts Research of royalties and and licence development Researchers fees (R&D) in R&D expenditures (US$ per (per million person) (% of GDP) people)









1997–2002 b

1990–2003 b

54 Tonga 55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development

46 242 93 141

.. 380 122 ..

0 0 0 0

.. 466 268 399

0 0 0 0

.. 206 62 ..

.. 16 .. 0

.. 0.6 0.0 c ..

.. 0.5 0.4 0.1

.. 1,158 95 347

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

48 148 253 89 140 65 102 52 177 154 .. 69 164 60 13 24 26 76 129 77 136 26 80 155 48 157 10 6 92 124 27 37 72 92 58 7 121 48 29 60 45 40 99 86 .. 32 24

136 252 .. 182 253 223 199 285 290 311 245 179 .. 88 83 105 73 111 .. 155 233 67 141 200 122 148 41 209 152 273 46 118 114 113 124 49 268 115 .. 77 .. 220 134 114 87 69 113

0 0 0 5 0 (.) 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 (.) 0 1 0 (.) 0 0 0 0 0 (.) 0 0 0 (.) (.) 0 0 (.) 1 (.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (.) 0

23 372 .. 442 249 264 324 267 376 113 274 141 .. 228 358 394 58 273 .. 321 136 106 .. 234 189 30 270 215 320 529 299 197 242 205 133 73 394 272 .. .. 680 51 145 128 133 45 173

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

29 60 .. 344 .. .. 184 123 169 141 .. 53 .. .. 10 111 .. 60 .. 67 .. 104 .. 143 46 37 .. 63 44 .. 20 64 81 .. 67 13 85 102 .. .. .. 72 24 .. 40 .. 83

.. 13 0 .. 105 4 26 .. 0 54 0 (.) 0 0 0 .. .. .. 0 (.) 0 .. 0 .. (.) 42 0 5 .. 0 .. 0 .. 0 .. 0 1 .. .. 0 1 .. 27 0 .. (.) ..

.. 1.1 0.0 c 0.8 1.2 0.6 0.1 c 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.1 .. 0.1 0.0 c .. 1.7 0.1 .. 0.0 c .. 0.0 c 0.3 0.1 (.) .. 0.0 c .. (.) 0.1 .. 0.0 c 35.1 1.8 .. 0.0 c .. .. 0.0 c 0.0 c 20.7 .. 4.6 .. 1.2 .. .. .. (.)

.. 0.3 .. 0.7 1.2 1.0 0.4 0.3 .. 0.6 .. 0.1 .. .. .. 0.2 .. 0.4 .. .. 1.2 0.1 0.3 .. 0.1 0.3 .. 1.2 .. 0.2 0.1 0.6 .. .. .. .. 0.7 .. .. .. .. .. 0.3 0.3 .. .. (.)

361 500 .. 294 3,415 324 910 .. .. 1,870 .. 81 .. .. .. 289 .. 222 481 .. 1,749 225 744 .. 84 1,606 .. 633 .. 179 83 1,013 1,977 .. .. 197 345 .. .. .. .. 484 2,317 1,248 .. .. 47

24 41

156 ..

0 0

116 68

0 0

44 35

.. 0

0.2 ..

(.) 0.2

131 29

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Occupied Palestinian Territories Algeria El Salvador

105 Cape Verde 106 Syrian Arab Republic

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

HDI rank




Technology: diffusion and creation

Human development indicators

MDG Telephone mainlines a (per 1,000 people)


MDG Cellular subscribers a (per 1,000 people)

MDG Internet users (per 1,000 people)

Patents granted to residents (per million people)

Receipts Research of royalties and and licence development Researchers fees (R&D) in R&D expenditures (US$ per (per million person) (% of GDP) people)

HDI rank









1997–2002 b

1990–2003 b

107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam 109 Kyrgyzstan 110 Indonesia 111 Uzbekistan 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 115 Moldova, Rep. of 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 122 Tajikistan 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development

20 1 72 6 69 13 28 32 106 17 21 18 30 93 4 45 22 16 39 19 6 15 2 (.) 21 8 2 4 8 3 8 3 2 .. 3 7 3 2 13

.. 54 76 39 67 37 72 56 219 49 77 31 127 .. 18 37 29 40 66 46 46 13 7 3 75 17 12 34 27 16 .. 13 5 .. 27 2 12 2 ..

0 0 0 (.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 (.) 0 (.) (.) 0 0 0 (.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

.. 34 27 87 13 85 152 130 132 55 165 38 84 364 76 7 224 244 116 32 25 3 1 35 297 3 20 11 18 2 .. 36 10 .. 20 94 44 30 ..

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

.. 43 38 38 19 .. .. 58 80 40 .. 36 44 .. .. 1 26 33 34 99 17 5 1 2 .. 6 3 20 .. .. .. .. 2 .. 9 4 42 5 ..

.. 0 10 0 17 0 .. 31 48 1 .. .. 2 0 .. 3 .. 0 .. .. 0 .. .. .. 0 .. .. .. .. .. 0 0 .. .. 0 .. .. 0 0

41.9 .. 0.4 .. .. 0.0 c 0.2 .. 0.3 0.0 c 0.0 c .. 1.8 1.1 .. 0.1 .. 0.9 0.0 .. (.) c .. 0.0 c .. 0.3 c .. .. .. 0.1 .. .. 0.0 c (.) .. .. .. 0.0 c 0.2 ..

.. .. 0.2 .. .. 0.1 0.3 0.3 .. 0.1 .. .. 0.2 0.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.8 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.2 0.7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.8 ..

.. .. 413 .. .. 73 118 710 171 74 .. .. .. 192 .. .. .. .. .. .. 120 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 88 62 .. .. .. .. .. 29 .. 25 ..

3 17 3 7 11 11 3 7 8 7 2 6

4 44 .. 16 15 .. 14 17 10 .. 3 22

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

17 84 66 47 34 35 127 38 50 .. 14 56

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 26 .. 14 10 .. 4 18 .. .. 5 22

(.) 0 .. 0 .. .. .. .. 0 0 .. ..

0.1 0.1 c .. 5.9 c .. .. .. 0.0 c 0.4 .. (.) (.) c

0.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

15 .. .. 42 .. .. .. .. .. .. 286 ..

3 2

7 ..

0 0

26 16

0 0

6 ..

.. ..

.. 0.0 c

.. ..

.. ..

146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal

158 Nigeria 159 Rwanda

human de velopmen t repor t 2005



MDG Telephone mainlines a (per 1,000 people)

MDG Cellular subscribers a (per 1,000 people)

Patents granted to residents (per million people)

MDG Internet users (per 1,000 people)

Receipts Research of royalties and and licence development Researchers fees (R&D) in R&D expenditures (US$ per (per million person) (% of GDP) people)

HDI rank









1997–2002 b

1990–2003 b

160 Angola 161 Eritrea 162 Benin 163 Côte d’Ivoire 164 Tanzania, U. Rep. of 165 Malawi 166 Zambia 167 Congo, Dem. Rep. of the 168 Mozambique 169 Burundi 170 Ethiopia 171 Central African Republic 172 Guinea-Bissau 173 Chad 174 Mali 175 Burkina Faso 176 Sierra Leone 177 Niger Developing countries Least developed countries Arab States East Asia and the Pacific Latin America and the Caribbean South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS OECD High-income OECD High human development Medium human development Low human development High income Middle income Low income World

8 .. 3 6 3 3 8 1 3 1 3 2 6 1 1 2 3 1 29 3 79 18 89 7 5 120 365 439 289 22 3 420 46 6 81

7 9 9 14 4 8 8 .. .. 3 6 .. 8 .. .. 5 .. .. 113 8 94 172 165 47 9 232 494 567 495 123 8 562 180 32 184

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (.) 0 4 (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) 7 9 6 (.) 0 9 (.) (.) 1

.. 0 34 77 25 13 22 19 23 9 1 10 1 8 23 19 .. 6 134 16 118 212 239 24 54 287 644 705 652 138 25 710 224 24 226

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (.) 0 0 (.) 0 0 0 0 3 3 2 0 0 3 0 0 1

.. 7 10 14 7 3 6 .. .. 2 1 1 15 .. .. 4 .. .. 53 4 49 80 .. 18 .. .. 403 480 414 46 .. 477 77 14 120

.. .. .. .. 0 0 0 .. 0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0 .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. .. 48 248 310 250 7 .. 302 10 .. 62

.. .. .. 0.0 c 0.0 c 0.0 c .. .. 0.8 0.0 c 0.0 c .. .. .. (.) c .. (.) .. 0.6 .. .. .. 1.0 .. .. 2.0 80.6 101.3 79.2 0.3 .. 100.1 0.6 .. 17.9

.. .. .. .. .. .. (.) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.2 .. .. 0.9 .. .. 1.5 0.6 0.7 .. 1.0 2.5 2.6 2.5 0.8 .. 2.5 0.7 .. 2.4

.. .. .. .. .. .. 47 .. .. .. .. 47 .. .. .. 17 .. .. 400 .. .. 706 293 135 .. 2,213 3,046 3,676 3,004 521 .. 3,630 760 .. 1,146

notes a Telephone mainlines and cellular subscribers combined form an indicator for Millennium Development Goal 8; see Index to Millennium Development Goal Indicators in the indicator tables. b Data refer to the most recent year available during the period specified. c Data refer to 2002.

Human development indicators

Sources Columns 1–6: ITU 2005. Column 7: calculated on the basis of data on patents granted to residents from WIPO 2004 and data on population from UN 2005h. Column 8: calculated on the basis of data on receipts of royalties and licence fees from World Bank 2005c, based on data from the International Monetary Fund, and data on population from UN 2005h. Columns 9 and 10: World Bank 2005c, based on data from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; aggregates calculated for the Human Development Report Office by the World Bank.

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005




. . . to have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living . . .

Economic performance

GDP per capita GDP

HDI rank

US$ billions 2003

PPP US$ billions 2003

GDP per capita

Annual growth rate (%)

US$ 2003

PPP US$ 2003



48,412 36,377 26,275 59,143 27,079 33,676 43,553 38,487 29,096 37,648 33,713 31,532 31,058 39,332 30,253 29,410 31,289 25,471 19,847 29,115 20,404 22,987 16,481 15,608 21,492 13,909 14,161 12,634 14,786 9,708 8,794 12,157 .. 3,524 8,169 5,487 4,591 6,713 5,274 .. d .. d 6,033 .. d 17,421 6,479 3,308 4,352 4,771 7,397 16,571 8,610

37,670 31,243 29,632 62,298 30,677 26,750 30,552 37,738 28,335 37,562 27,967 29,371 27,619 31,465 27,147 27,677 30,094 27,119 22,582 27,756 22,391 27,179 20,033 19,954 24,481 19,150 18,126 17,971 18,776 c 15,720 16,357 17,633 .. 12,106 14,584 11,379 10,274 13,539 11,702 .. .. 13,494 17,479 d 18,047 e 11,080 8,280 9,606 e 10,270 12,404 17,159 d ..

2.8 1.7 1.9 3.9 1.6 1.6 1.0 4.5 1.9 2.0 2.4 1.8 2.0 1.6 2.1 1.7 2.1 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.2 4.3 1.9 1.0 4.9 .. 2.8 6.1 4.6 1.2 .. 4.3 .. 0.4 1.1 .. 4.0 0.4 b .. .. –3.3 b 0.5 b 1.1 b –1.2 b .. 1.2 1.3 (.) 5.1 b 1.3 b 2.9

2.9 2.1 2.6 3.6 2.3 2.0 0.5 6.7 1.8 2.1 1.0 2.1 2.5 1.9 2.5 1.6 1.8 1.5 2.1 1.3 2.4 2.1 1.6 2.1 3.5 3.1 2.2 4.6 3.2 1.4 1.5 3.3 .. 1.3 2.6 4.2 4.1 3.3 0.5 .. –2.1 b 2.4 1.5 b –2.3 b 2.1 0.9 2.6 2.2 3.1 0.3 b 2.2

.. 6,121

.. 9,168

.. 0.9

3.5 b 1.4

Highest value during 1975–2003 (PPP US$)

Average annual change in consumer price index (%)

Year of highest value



2001 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2001 2003 2003 2003 2003 2002 2003 2002 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2001 2003 2000 2000 2003 2000 2003 2001 2003 2001 2000 2003 2000 .. 1998 2003 2003 2003 2003 1990 .. 1975 2003 2002 1975 2003 1998 1999 1989 2002 1989 ..

2.3 3.2 2.4 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.3 2.7 1.9 2.6 0.4 2.6 1.6 2.2 2.7 1.6 2.1 3.3 1.9 1.8 3.5 3.5 7.7 7.2 1.3 10.3 4.0 4.5 3.4 2.3 6.1 2.8 .. 7.2 16.9 19.1 7.2 14.8 19.3 2.5 .. 8.1 0.7 1.9 52.8 25.5 14.1 19.0 3.2 2.0 2.4

2.5 2.1 2.8 2.0 2.8 1.9 0.6 3.5 1.6 2.3 –0.3 2.1 0.9 2.1 2.9 2.1 1.4 2.7 1.8 1.0 3.0 –2.6 0.7 3.5 0.5 5.6 3.3 3.6 4.1 1.6 0.1 0.5 .. 13.4 4.6 0.7 2.8 1.3 –1.2 2.3 .. 8.6 .. 1.0 0.1 19.4 9.4 2.9 2.2 3.0 3.3

.. 2000

.. 16.7

.. 4.5

Human development indicators

High human development


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Hong Kong, China (SAR) Israel Greece Singapore Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Malta Brunei Darussalam Argentina Hungary Poland Chile Estonia Lithuania Qatar United Arab Emirates Slovakia Bahrain Kuwait Croatia Uruguay Costa Rica Latvia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bahamas Seychelles

52 Cuba 53 Mexico

220.9 10.5 522.4 26.5 856.5 301.6 320.1 153.7 301.9 10,948.5 4,300.9 511.5 161.9 211.9 1,794.9 1,757.6 253.1 1,468.3 79.6 2,403.2 838.7 156.7 110.2 172.2 91.3 27.7 147.9 605.3 11.4 2.6 89.7 4.9 .. 129.6 82.7 209.6 72.4 9.1 18.2 .. d .. d 32.5 .. d 41.7 28.8 11.2 17.4 11.1 0.3 5.3 0.7 .. 626.1

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

171.9 9.0 589.1 27.9 970.3 239.6 224.6 150.7 294.0 10,923.4 a 3,567.8 476.5 144.0 169.5 1,610.6 1,654.0 243.5 1,563.3 90.5 2,291.0 920.3 185.3 134.0 220.2 104.0 38.2 189.3 861.0 14.3 c 4.3 166.9 7.0 .. 445.2 147.7 434.6 162.1 18.3 40.4 .. .. 72.7 12.2 d 43.2 e 49.2 28.0 38.5 e 23.8 0.6 5.4 d .. .. 937.8

37,911 31,243 29,632 62,298 30,677 26,750 31,098 37,738 28,335 37,562 27,967 29,568 27,619 31,471 27,147 27,677 30,094 27,119 22,582 27,769 22,391 27,294 21,822 19,954 24,870 19,150 b 18,597 17,971 18,776 b 16,220 16,357 b 18,908 .. 13,757 14,584 11,379 b 10,274 13,539 b 12,075 b .. 49,432 b, e 13,494 b 17,479 b 29,760 b, e 11,080 b 9,858 9,836 e 10,482 b 12,413 b 18,260 b .. .. 9,442



GDP per capita GDP

HDI rank 54 Tonga 55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Occupied Palestinian Territories Algeria El Salvador

105 Cape Verde 106 Syrian Arab Republic

0.2 19.9 12.9 10.5 .. d 4.7 0.8 103.7 432.9 492.3 57.0 5.2 0.4 17.5 7.0 78.7 0.3 .. d 6.1 143.0 0.3 85.4 0.7 214.7 49.5 60.6 29.7 19.0 27.2 2.8 80.6 1,417.0 1.2 0.4 6.0 25.0 9.9 1.0 2.0 18.2 240.4 16.5 0.7 6.2 8.1 137.1 4.0 7.1 3.5 66.5 14.9 0.8 21.5

Annual growth rate (%)

US$ 2003

PPP US$ 2003

0.7 e 60.5 20.5 14.1

1,603 2,539 4,319 8,007

6,992 e 7,731 6,854 10,766

1.8 b 0.3 b 1.0 (.)

2.0 0.6 2.4 3.2

.. d 2,277 9,629 4,187 3,018 2,788 2,619 4,274 4,199 1,770 1,684 1,764 3,639 .. d 1,933 2,305 1,505 3,326 4,314 9,532 1,024 2,231 2,000 4,224 2,091 918 989 1,100 2,635 3,403 1,069 2,530 1,858 3,612 2,438 948 3,399 1,893 2,441 1,275 3,083 2,066 778 867 1,026 2,090 2,277

.. 6,794 10,294 9,512 9,230 7,790 7,277 11,287 7,959 6,052 5,967 6,702 e 5,448 13,584 d 4,584 7,595 5,854 e 4,919 5,709 13,226 e 5,491 5,260 6,671 5,074 3,641 3,671 4,321 5,003 f .. 6,123 4,684 e 7,161 4,320 6,950 5,880 3,778 6,772 6,823 e .. 5,938 4,104 6,995 2,588 3,617 .. 6,107 e 4,781 e

.. .. 3.8 b 3.9 –2.1 b 0.8 –0.8 b 4.6 b 3.2 b .. .. 1.4 3.2 b 2.2 b 0.3 b 5.1 0.8 b –1.1 3.6 b –2.4 –5.7 b –0.5 .. 3.4 b 0.1 .. 0.3 8.2 –0.6 3.4 0.6 2.1 0.3 3.1 0.7 3.4 1.8 2.0 .. –3.0 b 0.4 –0.3 –4.9 .. .. –0.1 0.2

1,698 1,237

5,214 e 3,576

3.0 b 0.9

.. 13.9 0.8 235.7 1,323.8 1,375.7 158.2 13.8 0.8 59.8 24.7 298.8 e 0.4 34.5 d 14.5 471.0 1.0 e 126.3 0.9 298.0 e 265.5 142.8 99.3 22.8 47.4 11.2 352.2 6,445.9 f .. 0.7 26.4 e 70.9 22.9 1.9 4.9 72.7 478.9 59.6 e .. 28.9 10.8 464.4 13.3 29.8 .. 194.4 e 31.2 e 2.4 e 62.2


Average annual change in consumer price index (%)

Year of highest value



6,992 b, e 7,968 b 6,854 10,766

2003 1988 2003 2003

4.3 83.8 1.1 5.2

11.6 2.2 1.4 3.8

.. –0.7 1.6 3.4 –1.5 1.2 0.6 4.0 2.4 0.9 11.9 b 0.4 1.2 0.9 b 5.1 2.8 2.4 –1.5 0.3 –0.6 –4.7 2.1 0.4 2.9 0.1 2.8 1.2 8.5 0.9 1.8 –0.6 3.1 0.9 2.2 1.8 3.3 1.3 4.0 4.7 b –1.3 (.) 2.1 –2.7 –2.6 –6.0 b 0.6 2.1

.. 8,115 b 10,469 b 9,512 11,269 b 7,918 7,277 b 11,287 b 7,977 b 6,052 b .. b 6,852 e 6,278 b 13,965 b 4,584 b 7,595 5,978 b, e 8,038 5,996 b 24,461 e 9,755 b 5,845 6,671 b 5,074 b 3,763 3,671 b 4,539 5,003 f .. 6,123 5,380 e 7,161 5,195 6,950 5,880 3,778 6,772 6,823 e .. 6,589 b 4,125 8,443 7,065 b 3,617 b .. 6,319 e 5,456 e

.. 1990 1999 2003 1989 2002 2003 2003 2000 2003 .. 1997 2000 2001 2003 2003 1986 1977 1999 1977 1989 1981 2003 2003 1988 2003 1982 2003 .. 2003 1981 2003 1987 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 .. 1988 1991 1976 1985 2003 .. 1985 1978

3.5 7.1 .. 3.1 66.6 114.0 78.7 6.5 2.0 185.8 .. 17.0 1.6 0.2 19.2 4.1 3.6 41.1 2.5 0.5 85.8 18.5 38.8 .. 37.7 36.9 7.3 6.0 67.7 1.9 11.8 3.9 3.0 1.7 3.1 9.7 72.4 8.7 5.0 .. 18.3 22.8 17.7 109.1 .. 12.7 6.6

.. 1.1 .. 1.1 13.7 14.7 15.3 3.9 .. 28.4 .. 7.1 1.6 –0.4 0.5 1.8 0.1 31.1 0.9 0.6 5.2 2.3 6.4 .. 7.9 4.8 3.0 1.2 23.0 0.3 14.2 2.7 2.3 2.6 4.2 6.3 25.3 27.4 –2.9 .. 10.3 16.5 .. .. .. 2.6 2.1

3.3 1.4

5,214 b, e 3,696

2003 1998

4.8 4.9

.. ..


hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

US$ billions 2003

GDP per capita

PPP US$ billions 2003

Highest value during 1975–2003 (PPP US$)




Economic performance

GDP per capita GDP

HDI rank

Human development indicators

107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam 109 Kyrgyzstan 110 Indonesia 111 Uzbekistan 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 115 Moldova, Rep. of 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 122 Tajikistan 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development


146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal

158 Nigeria 159 Rwanda

GDP per capita

Annual growth rate (%)

US$ billions 2003

PPP US$ billions 2003

US$ 2003

PPP US$ 2003



0.7 39.2 1.9 208.3 9.9 4.1 7.9 1.3 2.0 7.0 24.7 0.3 82.4 159.9 2.9 1.6 6.1 43.7 4.3 0.1 600.6 0.3 .. 4.2 7.5 0.3 2.1 0.7 82.3 5.9 3.2 7.6 51.9 0.3 17.8 3.6 1.8 6.3 .. d

3.3 e 202.5 8.8 721.5 44.6 17.9 e 22.8 4.6 6.4 18.6 e 51.0 e 0.6 e 266.9 474.1 e 9.3 c 7.0 8.6 120.6 12.4 e .. 3,078.2 e 0.8 e .. 27.9 e 15.0 1.0 e 10.0 .. 311.3 35.0 14.4 e 46.3 e 244.4 .. 64.1 e 3.6 8.2 e 36.8 e 31.4 c

965 482 378 970 389 745 892 514 463 1,001 2,009 1,348 1,220 3,489 5,900 246 4,505 1,452 2,120 378 564 553 .. 315 4,372 538 375 797 555 237 578 369 376 389 530 949 362 249 .. d

4,230 e 2,490 1,751 3,361 1,744 3,262 e 2,587 1,850 1,510 2,665 e 4,148 e 2,944 e 3,950 10,346 e 19,780 c, e 1,106 6,397 4,004 6,180 e .. 2,892 e 1,753 e .. 2,078 e 8,714 1,714 e 1,759 .. 2,097 1,420 2,619 e 2,238 e 1,770 .. 1,910 e 965 1,696 e 1,457 e 2,443 c

0.7 5.0 b –3.1 b 4.1 –1.2 b –2.8 –0.3 –2.0 b –5.1 b 0.1 0.2 0.2 b 2.7 –0.6 11.2 b –8.1 b –1.5 1.3 –0.1 b –0.5 b 3.3 1.4 1.8 b .. 5.1 –1.0 b 3.3 b 4.0 b 2.5 2.1 0.4 0.4 1.9 .. 1.1 –0.1 –0.8 2.6 b (.) b

3.6 5.9 –2.4 2.0 –0.5 0.9 1.3 –2.5 –5.7 0.2 1.1 –0.3 2.5 0.1 16.8 –6.5 –0.4 1.0 0.9 –0.2 4.0 –2.5 5.7 b 4.0 b 2.7 –1.3 3.7 3.6 1.1 2.2 0.2 1.8 3.1 .. 3.3 –1.4 0.4 3.9 –0.8 b

5.5 1.8 12.5 1.1 0.6 10.8 1.1 2.9 14.4 0.4 3.6 6.5

13.7 5.2 34.1 4.6 e 1.5 e 17.0 5.0 e 14.7 e 33.1 2.6 e 16.6 16.9

324 1,669 776 635 886 565 384 346 450 278 459 634

809 4,726 2,118 2,561 e 2,086 e 889 1,766 e 1,742 e 1,037 1,859 e 2,097 1,648

–1.6 1.8 –0.5 3.1 –4.2 b .. 0.4 –2.3 0.2 –0.2 1.4 b (.)

–0.9 0.2 0.2 2.3 –3.3 2.4 1.6 –2.8 –0.6 –0.1 1.6 1.3

58.4 1.6

143.3 10.6 e

428 195

1,050 1,268 e

–0.5 –0.5

(.) 0.7

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

Highest value during 1975–2003 (PPP US$)

Average annual change in consumer price index (%)

Year of highest value



4,482 e 2,490 b 2,586 b 3,493 1,744 b 7,602 e 2,690 2,888 b 3,974 b 2,876 e 4,255 e 3,935 b, e 3,950 12,663 e 19,780 b, e 2,790 b 11,767 4,004 8,462 b, e .. 2,892 e 2,713 e .. 2,078 b, e 9,182 2,177 b, e 1,759 b .. 2,097 1,444 2,900 e 2,238 e 1,770 .. 1,910 e 1,318 2,227 e 1,457 b, e 3,112 b

1997 2003 1990 1997 2003 1977 1977 1988 1990 1979 1980 1984 2003 1981 2001 1988 1976 2003 1980 .. 2003 1996 .. 2003 2002 1985 2003 .. 2003 2001 1994 2003 2003 .. 2003 1996 1980 2003 1998

5.8 2.8 16.5 13.9 .. 22.3 7.0 29.5 17.8 16.4 9.1 2.7 7.0 8.0 .. .. 4.6 3.1 9.4 .. 7.9 9.9 25.9 4.3 9.6 .. 29.7 7.7 8.1 7.4 10.3 27.0 5.0 .. 63.6 7.3 6.6 7.9 36.1

.. 3.1 3.5 6.6 .. 5.1 3.3 5.1 11.7 7.7 5.5 3.0 4.5 5.9 .. .. .. 1.2 7.2 .. 3.8 10.0 36.6 1.2 9.2 .. 15.5 1.6 2.9 5.7 14.7 26.7 5.7 .. .. –0.8 –1.0 7.8 ..

1,274 4,777 2,865 2,561 e .. b, e 889 b 1,827 e 3,309 e 1,204 2,108 e 2,122 b 1,669

1975 1998 1986 2003 .. 2003 1976 1980 1990 1986 2002 1976

15.8 9.2 5.5 9.0 .. 20.8 5.6 19.7 12.6 4.0 .. 4.3

–1.2 7.3 .. 6.7 .. 10.8 5.2 39.3 9.8 .. .. (.)

1,086 1,446 e

1977 1983

26.0 12.3

14.0 6.9



GDP per capita GDP

HDI rank

US$ billions 2003

160 Angola 161 Eritrea 162 Benin 163 Côte d’Ivoire 164 Tanzania, U. Rep. of 165 Malawi 166 Zambia 167 Congo, Dem. Rep. of the 168 Mozambique 169 Burundi 170 Ethiopia 171 Central African Republic 172 Guinea-Bissau 173 Chad 174 Mali 175 Burkina Faso 176 Sierra Leone 177 Niger Developing countries Least developed countries Arab States East Asia and the Pacific Latin America and the Caribbean South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS OECD High-income OECD High human development Medium human development Low human development High income Middle income Low income World

13.2 0.8 3.5 13.7 10.3 1.7 4.3 5.7 4.3 0.6 6.7 1.2 0.2 2.6 4.3 4.2 0.8 2.7 6,981.9 T 221.4 T 773.4 T 2,893.6 T 1,745.9 T 902.2 T 418.5 T 1,189.9 T 29,650.5 T 28,369.5 T 30,341.0 T 5,414.8 T 202.2 T 29,052.4 T 6,021.9 T 1,103.0 T 36,058.3 T

Annual growth rate (%)

US$ 2003

PPP US$ 2003



31.7 e 3.7 e 7.5 24.8 22.3 6.6 9.1 .. 21.0 e 4.7 e 48.8 e 4.2 e 1.1 e 10.4 e 11.6 14.2 e 2.9 9.8 e 21,525.4 T 895.1 T 1,683.6 T 9,762.2 T 3,947.0 T 4,235.9 T 1,227.4 T 3,203.5 T 29,840.6 T 27,601.9 T 30,941.3 T 19,581.1 T 590.4 T 28,396.0 T 18,244.6 T 4,948.9 T 51,150.6 T

975 171 517 816 287 156 417 107 230 83 97 309 160 304 371 345 149 232 1,414 329 2,611 1,512 3,275 617 633 2,949 25,750 31,020 25,167 1,237 358 30,589 2,015 483 5,801

2,344 e 849 e 1,115 1,476 621 605 877 .. 1,117 e 648 e 711 e 1,089 e 711 e 1,210 e 994 1,174 e 548 835 e 4,359 1,328 5,685 5,100 7,404 2,897 1,856 7,939 25,915 30,181 25,665 4,474 1,046 29,898 6,104 2,168 8,229

–1.1 b .. 0.7 –1.9 0.8 b 0.2 –1.9 –4.9 2.3 b –0.9 0.1 b –1.5 –0.4 0.1 (.) 1.2 –3.3 –1.8 2.3 0.7 0.2 6.0 0.6 2.6 –0.7 .. 2.0 2.2 2.2 1.7 2.0 g 2.0 2.0 –0.8 g 1.4

0.4 1.0 b 2.2 –0.4 1.0 0.9 –0.9 –6.3 4.6 –3.5 2.0 –0.4 –2.4 (.) 2.4 1.7 –5.3 –0.6 2.9 2.0 1.0 5.6 1.1 3.5 0.1 0.3 1.8 1.9 1.8 2.4 2.8 g 1.8 2.5 0.1 g 1.4

2,910 b, e 999 b, e 1,115 2,726 621 b 653 1,496 2,452 1,117 b, e 952 e 752 b, e 1,707 e 1,091 e 1,210 e 995 b 1,174 e 1,139 1,383 e .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Year of highest value 1992 1998 2003 1978 2003 1979 1976 1975 2003 1991 2002 1977 1997 2003 2002 2003 1982 1979 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Average annual change in consumer price index (%) 1990–2003 500.8 .. 6.5 6.0 16.2 31.0 48.4 0.0 24.8 14.6 4.0 4.4 24.6 7.2 4.3 4.6 22.4 5.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

2002–03 98.2 .. 1.5 3.3 3.5 9.6 .. .. 13.4 16.0 17.8 3.1 –3.5 –1.9 –1.3 2.0 7.6 –1.6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Sources Columns 1 and 2: World Bank 2005c; aggregates calculated for the Human Development Report Office by the World Bank. Columns 3 and 4: calculated on the basis of GDP and population data from World Bank 2005c; aggregates calculated for the Human Development Report Office by the World Bank. Columns 5 and 6: World Bank 2005a; aggregates calculated for the Human Development Report Office by the World Bank using least squares method. Columns 7 and 8: based on GDP per capita PPP US$ time series from World Bank 2005c. Columns 9 and 10: calculated on the basis of data on the consumer price index from World Bank 2005c.

Human development indicators

notes a In theory, for the United States the value of GDP in purchasing power parity (PPP) US dollars should be the same as that in US dollars, but practical issues arising in the calculation of the PPP US dollar GDP prevent this. b Data refer to a period shorter than that specified. c Data refer to 2001. d Data refer to 2002. e Estimates are based on regression. f Estimate based on a bilateral comparison between China and the United States (Ruoen and Kai 1995). g India’s growth rate accounts for most of the difference in average annual growth rates of lowincome and low human development countries.

GDP per capita

PPP US$ billions 2003

Highest value during 1975–2003 (PPP US$)

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005




. . . to have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living . . .

Inequality in income or consumption

MDG Share of income or consumption (%) HDI rank

Inequality measures

Poorest 10%

Poorest 20%

Richest 20%

Richest 10%

Richest 10% to poorest 10% a

2000 c .. 1994 c .. 1998 c 2000 c 1992 c 1996 c 1996 c 2000 c 1993 c 1999 c 2000 c 1997 c 1999 c 1995 c 1997 c 2000 c 1997 c 2000 c 1990 c 1996 c 1997 c 1998 c 1998 c 1998 c 1997 c 1998 c .. .. 1996 c .. .. 2001 2002 e 2002 e 2000 c 2000 c 2000 e .. .. 1996 c .. .. 2001 e 2000 2000 c 1998 c .. .. ..

3.9 .. 2.0 .. 2.5 3.6 2.6 2.8 2.9 1.9 4.8 2.5 4.0 2.6 2.1 2.8 3.1 2.3 2.2 3.2 2.8 2.0 2.4 2.9 1.9 3.6 2.0 2.9 .. .. 4.3 .. .. 1.0 4.0 3.1 1.2 1.9 3.2 .. .. 3.1 .. .. 3.4 1.8 1.4 2.8 .. .. ..

9.6 .. 5.9 .. 7.0 9.1 6.9 7.1 8.3 5.4 10.6 7.6 9.6 8.3 6.1 7.2 8.1 6.5 6.4 8.5 7.5 5.3 6.9 7.1 5.0 9.1 5.8 7.9 .. .. 10.3 .. .. 3.1 9.5 7.6 3.3 6.1 7.9 .. .. 8.8 .. .. 8.3 4.8 4.2 7.3 .. .. ..

37.2 .. 41.3 .. 40.4 36.6 40.3 43.3 37.3 45.8 35.7 38.7 36.7 35.8 44.0 40.2 38.5 42.0 43.8 36.9 40.3 50.7 44.3 43.6 49.0 35.7 45.9 37.5 .. .. 35.9 .. .. 56.4 36.5 41.9 62.2 44.0 40.0 .. .. 34.8 .. .. 39.6 50.1 51.5 41.1 .. .. ..

23.4 .. 25.4 .. 25.0 22.2 25.2 27.6 22.6 29.9 21.7 22.9 22.6 21.3 28.5 25.1 23.5 26.8 27.8 22.1 25.2 34.9 28.2 28.5 32.8 21.4 29.8 22.5 .. .. 22.4 .. .. 38.9 22.2 26.7 47.0 28.5 24.9 .. ` 20.9 .. .. 24.5 33.5 34.8 26.1 .. .. ..

6.1 .. 12.5 .. 10.1 6.2 9.9 9.7 7.8 15.9 4.5 9.2 5.6 8.1 13.8 9.1 7.6 11.6 12.5 6.9 9.0 17.8 11.7 10.0 17.7 5.9 15.0 7.8 .. .. 5.2 .. .. 39.1 5.5 8.6 40.6 14.9 7.9 .. .. 6.7 .. .. 7.3 18.9 25.1 9.2 .. .. ..

3.9 .. 7.0 .. 5.8 4.0 5.8 6.1 4.5 8.4 3.4 5.1 3.8 4.3 7.2 5.6 4.7 6.5 6.8 4.3 5.4 9.7 6.4 6.2 9.7 3.9 8.0 4.7 .. .. 3.5 .. .. 18.1 3.8 5.5 18.7 7.2 5.1 .. .. 4.0 .. .. 4.8 10.4 12.3 5.6 .. .. ..

25.8 .. 35.2 .. 33.1 25.0 33.1 35.9 25.0 40.8 24.9 30.9 26.9 24.7 36.0 32.7 30.0 36.0 36.2 28.3 32.5 43.4 35.5 35.4 42.5 28.4 38.5 31.6 .. .. 25.4 .. .. 52.2 26.9 34.1 57.1 37.2 31.9 .. .. 25.8 .. .. 29.0 44.6 46.5 33.6 .. .. ..

.. 2000 e

.. 1.0

.. 3.1

.. 59.1

.. 43.1

.. 45.0

.. 19.3

.. 54.6

Survey year

Richest 20% to poorest 20% a

Gini index b

Human development indicators

High human development


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Hong Kong, China (SAR) Israel Greece Singapore Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Malta Brunei Darussalam Argentina d Hungary Poland Chile Estonia Lithuania Qatar United Arab Emirates Slovakia Bahrain Kuwait Croatia Uruguay d Costa Rica Latvia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bahamas Seychelles

52 Cuba 53 Mexico

human de velopmen t repor t 2005



MDG Share of income or consumption (%)

Inequality measures

Poorest 20%

Richest 20%

Richest 10%

54 Tonga 55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development

.. 2001 c 2000 c 1992 c

.. 2.4 0.7 2.1

.. 6.7 2.4 5.5

.. 38.9 60.3 45.9

.. 23.7 43.3 29.9

.. 9.9 62.3 14.4

.. 5.8 24.7 8.3

.. 31.9 56.4 40.3

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

.. 1998 e .. 1997 c 2002 e 2001 c 2002 e .. .. 2000 e 2001 e 1999 c .. .. 2002 e 2000 e .. 1998 c .. .. 1999 e 2000 c 2003 e .. 1998 e 1998 e 2000 e 2001 e .. .. 2002 c 2000 e 1997 e .. .. 1999 e 2000 e 1998 c .. 1998 e 2000 e 1998 e 2001 e 2001 e .. 1995 e 2000 c

.. 3.3 .. 1.7 3.3 0.7 3.2 .. .. 3.5 3.9 0.8 .. .. 3.8 2.5 .. 0.6 .. .. 3.7 0.7 3.2 .. 0.9 2.6 2.2 1.8 .. .. 0.6 2.3 3.3 .. .. 3.4 2.3 2.1 .. 2.6 2.7 2.0 2.3 3.1 .. 2.8 0.9

.. 8.4 .. 4.4 8.2 2.4 7.9 .. .. 8.4 9.5 2.7 .. .. 9.1 6.1 .. 3.0 .. .. 8.8 2.9 7.8 .. 3.3 6.7 5.4 4.7 .. .. 2.2 6.0 7.6 .. .. 8.3 6.1 5.1 .. 6.1 6.7 5.1 6.4 7.4 .. 7.0 2.9

.. 36.7 .. 54.3 39.3 63.2 41.0 .. .. 39.1 35.8 61.8 .. .. 37.4 50.0 .. 53.4 .. .. 37.8 53.2 40.0 .. 58.0 45.1 52.3 50.0 .. .. 61.3 47.3 44.4 .. .. 42.2 46.7 53.3 .. 47.5 46.0 49.9 43.6 44.5 .. 42.6 57.1

.. 22.1 .. 38.4 23.8 46.9 26.1 .. .. 24.1 21.4 46.5 .. .. 22.4 33.8 .. 36.3 .. .. 23.2 37.2 24.4 .. 41.6 29.7 36.3 33.1 .. .. 45.4 31.5 29.8 .. .. 27.8 30.7 37.9 .. 31.7 30.3 33.7 27.9 29.5 .. 26.8 40.6

.. 6.8 .. 22.1 7.1 68.0 8.1 .. .. 6.9 5.4 57.8 .. .. 5.9 13.4 .. 62.9 .. .. 6.4 49.9 7.5 .. 44.9 11.5 16.5 18.4 .. .. 73.4 13.4 9.1 .. .. 8.1 13.3 17.7 .. 12.3 11.4 17.2 12.0 9.7 .. 9.6 47.4

.. 4.4 .. 12.4 4.8 26.4 5.2 .. .. 4.6 3.8 22.9 .. .. 4.1 8.3 .. 17.9 .. .. 4.3 18.4 5.1 .. 17.3 6.8 9.7 10.7 .. .. 27.8 7.9 5.9 .. .. 5.1 7.7 10.5 .. 7.7 6.9 9.7 6.8 6.0 .. 6.1 19.8

.. 28.2 .. 49.2 31.0 59.3 30.3 .. .. 30.4 26.2 57.6 .. .. 28.2 43.2 .. 49.1 .. .. 29.0 49.8 32.3 .. 43.7 37.9 46.1 44.7 .. .. 57.8 39.8 36.4 .. .. 33.2 40.0 47.4 .. 40.8 37.9 43.0 36.9 36.5 .. 35.3 53.2

.. ..

.. ..

.. ..

.. ..

.. ..

.. ..

.. ..

HDI rank

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Occupied Palestinian Territories Algeria El Salvador

105 Cape Verde 106 Syrian Arab Republic

Survey year

.. ..

Richest 20% to poorest 20% a

Gini index b

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

Poorest 10%

Richest 10% to poorest 10% a




Inequality in income or consumption

MDG Share of income or consumption (%) Poorest 10%

Poorest 20%

Richest 20%

Richest 10%

107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam 109 Kyrgyzstan 110 Indonesia 111 Uzbekistan 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 115 Moldova, Rep. of 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 122 Tajikistan 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development

.. 2002 e 2002 e 2002 e 2000 e 2001 e 1999 e 1998 e 2002 e 1999 c 2000 c .. 1999 e 2000 e .. 2003 e .. 1998 e 1993 c .. 1999 e .. .. 1997 e 1993 e .. 1997 e .. 1998 e 1995 e 1996 e 1998 e 2000 e .. .. .. .. 1999 e 1995 e

.. 3.2 3.2 3.6 3.6 2.2 1.3 2.1 2.7 0.9 0.9 .. 3.7 1.4 .. 3.3 .. 2.6 0.5 .. 3.9 .. .. 2.9 0.7 .. 3.2 .. 3.7 3.2 1.7 2.1 3.9 .. .. .. .. 2.3 1.8

.. 7.5 7.7 8.4 9.2 5.6 4.0 5.6 6.8 2.7 2.6 .. 8.6 3.5 .. 7.9 .. 6.5 1.4 .. 8.9 .. .. 6.9 2.2 .. 7.6 .. 8.8 7.6 4.5 5.6 9.0 .. .. .. .. 5.9 4.6

.. 45.4 43.0 43.3 36.3 49.3 49.1 51.2 44.1 58.9 64.1 .. 43.6 62.2 .. 40.8 .. 46.6 78.7 .. 43.3 .. .. 47.6 70.3 .. 45.0 .. 42.3 44.8 56.5 46.6 41.3 .. .. .. .. 49.7 55.7

.. 29.9 27.9 28.5 22.0 33.8 32.0 37.0 28.4 42.2 48.3 .. 29.5 44.7 .. 25.6 .. 30.9 64.5 .. 28.5 .. .. 33.8 56.6 .. 30.6 .. 28.3 29.8 40.5 30.0 26.7 .. .. .. .. 34.9 40.3

.. 9.4 8.6 7.8 6.1 15.5 24.6 17.8 10.3 49.1 55.1 .. 8.0 33.1 .. 7.8 .. 11.7 128.8 .. 7.3 .. .. 11.6 77.6 .. 9.7 .. 7.6 9.3 23.8 14.1 6.8 .. .. .. .. 14.9 22.0

.. 6.0 5.5 5.2 4.0 8.8 12.3 9.1 6.5 21.5 24.4 .. 5.1 17.9 .. 5.2 .. 7.2 56.1 .. 4.9 .. .. 6.9 31.5 .. 6.0 .. 4.8 5.9 12.6 8.4 4.6 .. .. .. .. 8.4 12.0

.. 37.0 34.8 34.3 26.8 43.1 44.7 30.3 36.9 55.0 59.9 .. 34.4 57.8 .. 32.6 .. 39.5 70.7 .. 32.5 .. .. 40.4 63.0 .. 37.0 .. 33.0 36.7 50.9 40.8 31.8 .. .. .. .. 43.0 56.8

146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157

2001 e 1994 c 2001 e 1995 e .. 1998 e 2000 e .. 1997 e 1998 e 1994 e 1995 e

1.9 1.0 2.3 0.5 .. 3.0 2.5 .. 2.5 1.8 2.6 2.6

4.9 2.7 5.6 1.5 .. 7.4 6.2 .. 6.0 4.8 6.4 6.4

53.5 64.4 50.9 66.5 .. 41.2 45.7 .. 49.1 53.4 47.2 48.2

36.6 50.2 35.4 48.3 .. 25.9 29.5 .. 33.9 37.0 32.0 33.5

19.2 49.7 15.7 105.0 .. 8.6 12.0 .. 13.6 20.2 12.3 12.8

11.0 23.8 9.1 44.2 .. 5.6 7.4 .. 8.2 11.2 7.3 7.5

47.5 60.9 44.6 63.2 .. 33.4 39.0 .. 42.5 47.5 40.3 41.3

1996 e 1983 e

1.6 4.2

4.4 9.7

55.7 39.1

40.8 24.2

24.9 5.8

12.8 4.0

50.6 28.9

Human development indicators

HDI rank


Inequality measures Richest 10% to poorest 10% a

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal

158 Nigeria 159 Rwanda

Survey year

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

Richest 20% to poorest 20% a

Gini index b



MDG Share of income or consumption (%) HDI rank 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177

Survey year

Angola Eritrea Benin Côte d’Ivoire Tanzania, U. Rep. of Malawi Zambia Congo, Dem. Rep. of the Mozambique Burundi Ethiopia Central African Republic Guinea-Bissau Chad Mali Burkina Faso Sierra Leone Niger

Notes Because the underlying household surveys differ in method and in the type of data collected, the distribution data are not strictly comparable across countries. a Data show the ratio of the income or consumption share of the richest group to that of the poorest. Because of rounding, results may differ from ratios calculated using the income or consumption shares in columns 2–5. b A value of 0 represents perfect equality, and a value of 100 perfect inequality. c Survey based on income. d Data refer to urban areas only. e Survey based on consumption.

.. .. .. 2002 e 1993 e 1997 e 1998 e .. 1996 e 1998 e 1999 e 1993 e 1993 e .. 1994 e 1998 e 1989 e 1995 e

Inequality measures

Poorest 10%

Poorest 20%

Richest 20%

Richest 10%

Richest 10% to poorest 10% a

.. .. .. 2.0 2.8 1.9 1.0 .. 2.5 1.7 3.9 0.7 2.1 .. 1.8 1.8 0.5 0.8

.. .. .. 5.2 6.8 4.9 3.3 .. 6.5 5.1 9.1 2.0 5.2 .. 4.6 4.5 1.1 2.6

.. .. .. 50.7 45.5 56.1 56.6 .. 46.5 48.0 39.4 65.0 53.4 .. 56.2 60.7 63.4 53.3

.. .. .. 34.0 30.1 42.2 41.0 .. 31.7 32.8 25.5 47.7 39.3 .. 40.4 46.3 43.6 35.4

.. .. .. 16.6 10.8 22.7 41.8 .. 12.5 19.3 6.6 69.2 19.0 .. 23.1 26.2 87.2 46.0

Richest 20% to poorest 20% a

Gini index b

.. .. .. 9.7 6.7 11.6 17.2 .. 7.2 9.5 4.3 32.7 10.3 .. 12.2 13.6 57.6 20.7

.. .. .. 44.6 38.2 50.3 52.6 .. 39.6 33.3 30.0 61.3 47.0 .. 50.5 48.2 62.9 50.5

Sources Columns 1–5 and 8: World Bank 2005b. Column 6: calculated on the basis of data in columns 2 and 5. Column 7: calculated on the basis of data in columns 3 and 4.

Human development indicators

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005




HDI rank

. . . to have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living . . .

The structure of trade

High-technology exports (% of manufactured exports)

Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)

Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)

Primary exports (% of merchandise exports)












34 33 17 100 26 29 34 52 69 11 9 51 24 31 27 22 38 20 27 25 20 124 45 28 .. .. 39 29 57 52 43 99 .. 5 29 22 31 .. 61 .. 40 36 95 58 .. 18 41 49 83 .. 67

28 39 22 b 123 37 b 37 37 b 75 b 80 14 b 10 58 b 30 37 28 25 50 25 31 b 32 30 161 44 28 .. 60 38 b 36 .. 55 b 65 89 b .. 14 68 b 26 33 83 60 .. .. 80 65 b 40 b 57 23 49 57 56 .. 77

40 34 17 104 26 30 36 57 71 10 10 54 23 36 24 21 40 20 27 25 16 132 35 18 .. .. 33 28 52 49 45 85 .. 10 31 29 35 .. 52 .. 65 27 116 45 .. 24 35 48 52 .. 62

41 35 20 b 140 42 b 44 44 b 94 b 82 10 b 12 63 b 37 43 25 26 52 25 32 b 36 28 170 37 20 .. 60 30 b 38 .. 52 b 63 88 b .. 25 65 b 21 36 75 54 .. .. 78 81 b 48 b 47 26 47 47 37 .. 77

67 91 73 .. 36 16 6 26 .. 22 3 37 17 35 19 23 12 11 75 10 24 4 13 46 27 .. 19 6 45 55 .. 4 100 71 35 36 87 .. .. 84 54 .. 91 94 .. 61 66 .. .. .. ..

74 85 61 13 33 13 7 9 17 16 3 29 15 30 16 17 13 11 67 9 21 6 7 40 12 10 14 7 51 46 10 4c 94 72 11 17 81 26 37 89 b 96 c 12 91 93 c 28 66 34 40 27 c .. ..

33 8 24 .. 59 83 94 70 .. 74 96 59 83 60 79 77 88 88 23 89 75 95 87 54 72 .. 80 94 55 43 .. 96 (.) 29 63 59 11 .. .. 16 46 .. 9 6 .. 39 27 .. .. .. (.)

21 15 30 84 61 81 93 86 80 80 93 71 84 66 78 81 78 87 29 84 77 93 93 58 85 90 86 93 49 52 90 96 c 6 27 87 81 16 74 63 10 b 4c 88 9 7c 72 34 66 60 73 c 37 c 5b

12 10 8 .. 14 13 12 41 .. 33 24 16 8 15 24 16 8 8 4 11 6 .. 10 2 40 .. 4 18 6 .. .. 45 .. .. .. .. 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

19 6 14 12 14 15 22 34 8 31 24 31 24 20 26 19 13 8 10 16 7 13 18 12 59 6 9 32 5 14 13 62 c (.) 9 26 3 3 13 5 (.) b 2c 4 (.) 1c 12 2 45 4 (.) c 1c ..

71 .. 87 .. 88 110 .. 99 105 119 145 103 117 110 99 .. .. 126 111 117 132 100 112 71 77 .. .. 116 .. .. .. .. .. 74 89 317 52 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 118 124 .. .. .. ..

.. 20

.. 30

.. 19

.. 28

.. 56

90 c 18

.. 43

10 c 81

.. 8

29 c 21

.. 30

Manufactured exports (% of merchandise exports)

Terms of trade (1980=100) a

Human development indicators

High human development


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Hong Kong, China (SAR) Israel Greece Singapore Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Malta Brunei Darussalam Argentina Hungary Poland Chile Estonia Lithuania Qatar United Arab Emirates Slovakia Bahrain Kuwait Croatia Uruguay Costa Rica Latvia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bahamas Seychelles

52 Cuba 53 Mexico

human de velopmen t repor t 2005



HDI rank 54 Tonga 55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Occupied Palestinian Territories Algeria El Salvador

105 Cape Verde 106 Syrian Arab Republic

Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)

Primary exports (% of merchandise exports)









65 37 79 29

58 c 63 58 41

34 33 87 45

13 c 53 59 50

.. .. 78 73

.. 29 89 67 b

21 .. 21 27

.. 66 11 33 b

.. .. .. ..

.. 4 1 2b

.. .. 85 ..

31 36 87 72 18 7 26 71 63 44 .. 15 81 31 23 42 .. 20 84 32 29 14 .. 100 32 46 33 14 44 77 39 51 93 60 67 38 18 44 64 .. 52 24 46 39 .. 25 31

36 b 53 68 b 93 21 13 39 57 57 b 70 59 22 62 35 b 42 59 .. 15 69 24 48 18 44 39 29 50 51 32 45 b 65 47 47 70 67 66 c 42 31 54 66 42 c 59 23 46 67 49 24 43

40 26 89 75 18 8 17 64 42 46 .. 21 55 53 15 34 .. 39 73 41 28 16 .. 18 33 35 28 18 42 66 33 44 62 62 62 29 13 34 24 .. 48 22 40 44 .. 23 19

48 b 35 60 b 114 32 17 33 60 47 b 66 25 21 54 57 b 19 66 .. 31 56 47 53 18 50 13 24 32 48 34 21 b 47 32 43 45 54 73 c 36 28 52 85 41 c 41 25 32 43 10 39 27

95 .. .. 46 .. 47 26 34 .. .. .. 74 .. 94 .. 36 .. 90 .. 93 .. 82 .. .. 98 .. 31 27 26 .. .. 31 .. .. 63 42 32 .. .. .. 31 .. .. .. .. 97 62

.. 28 .. 22 65 47 17 26 82 35 .. 64 .. 85 16 22 19 87 76 b 90 b 32 b 78 82 31 88 38 10 9 .. 91 b 86 19 31 .. 55 25 b 15 60 c .. .. 36 b 92 69 93 .. 98 43

5 .. .. 54 .. 52 73 66 20 .. .. 25 32 5 .. 63 4 10 28 7 .. 18 .. .. 2 .. 38 72 74 .. 10 69 51 15 36 54 68 .. .. .. 69 .. .. .. .. 3 38

.. 72 .. 77 21 52 83 74 18 62 .. 36 60 14 84 75 81 13 26 10 b 67 b 22 18 68 12 62 90 91 7b 10 14 81 69 1b 44 74 b 84 34 c 32 .. 64 b 8 31 6 .. 2 57

.. .. .. 38 .. 7 2 1 .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. 21 .. 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. (.) .. .. .. .. .. (.) 2 1 .. 12 1 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 1 .. 58 19 12 4 5 1 4 .. 7 7 2 1 30 (.) 4 8 (.) b 5b 2 9 2 6 1 74 27 (.) c (.) b 6 4 2 (.) b 1 1b 2 1c .. .. (.) b 2 24 5 .. 2 5

.. .. .. .. .. 145 .. 94 .. .. .. 71 .. .. .. 69 .. 37 .. .. .. 50 .. .. 36 .. 85 .. .. .. 175 85 129 .. .. .. 94 57 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 31 123

44 28

68 33

13 28

32 40

.. 64

.. 89

.. 36

96 c 11

.. ..

1c 1

100 ..

Manufactured exports (% of merchandise exports)



Terms of trade (1980=100) a 2002

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

High-technology exports (% of manufactured exports)

Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)




HDI rank

Human development indicators

107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam 109 Kyrgyzstan 110 Indonesia 111 Uzbekistan 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 115 Moldova, Rep. of 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 122 Tajikistan 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development


146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal

158 Nigeria 159 Rwanda

The structure of trade

High-technology exports (% of manufactured exports)

Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)

Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)

Primary exports (% of merchandise exports)










80 45 50 24 48 46 24 53 51 40 25 77 33 19 70 35 31 32 67 72 9 73 5 13 50 35 25 32 23 22 49 26 14 .. .. 46 45 19 23

106 b 68 42 26 30 51 25 80 88 54 28 .. 24 26 .. 79 41 36 47 83 16 33 b .. 71 34 25 25 43 b 20 29 .. 52 20 .. 12 53 47 26 22 b

63 36 29 25 29 25 23 24 49 36 21 49 20 24 32 28 46 26 52 14 7 47 3 6 55 14 11 28 16 11 41 17 6 .. .. 54 33 7 23

93 b 60 38 31 37 24 24 68 54 36 16 .. 22 28 .. 60 62 32 39 38 14 31 b .. 62 44 13 25 22 b 20 17 .. 40 14 .. 16 78 34 12 24 b

.. .. .. 65 .. 92 95 .. .. 91 76 .. 57 .. .. .. .. 48 .. .. 28 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 .. 89 .. .. .. .. .. 89 .. 68

75 49 b 60 48 .. 87 83 62 68 79 b 60 .. 63 42 .. .. .. 31 58 .. 22 .. .. 99 9c .. .. .. 15 .. 94 84 c 10 .. 97 b .. 42 91 62 b

.. .. .. 35 .. 8 5 .. .. 9 24 13 42 .. .. .. .. 52 .. .. 71 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 79 83 10 .. 77 .. .. .. 9 .. 31

24 50 b 39 52 .. 13 17 38 32 21 b 40 .. 31 58 .. .. .. 69 41 .. 77 .. .. 1 91 c .. .. .. 85 .. 6 16 c 89 .. 3b .. 58 9 38 b

.. .. .. 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 20 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (.) .. .. .. (.) .. .. .. .. .. 2

1 2b 2 14 .. 4 8 (.) 3 (.) b 7 .. (.) 5 .. .. .. 11 3 .. 5 .. .. .. (.) c .. .. .. 1 .. 39 3c (.) .. 7b .. 1 8 3b

.. .. .. .. .. 71 47 .. .. 81 86 .. 53 86 .. .. 58 106 .. .. 131 .. .. .. 106 109 .. .. 88 .. .. 58 .. .. 91 51 87 .. 115

28 76 17 122 .. 20 61 20 31 72 31 30

32 94 25 95 .. 36 75 37 b 29 45 25 40

17 77 20 17 .. 14 46 18 26 60 31 25

21 84 26 41 .. 31 34 13 b 25 41 22 28

85 .. 91 .. 44 .. .. 15 71 .. .. 77

61 23 b 93 .. .. .. 79 .. 76 .. 75 b 64

14 .. 9 .. 8 .. .. 85 29 .. .. 23

38 76 b 7 .. .. .. 21 .. 24 .. 25 b 34

8 .. 3 .. .. .. .. 14 4 .. .. ..

(.) 1b 2 .. .. .. .. .. 4 .. (.) b 9

108 100 108 76 .. .. 124 50 101 55 .. 96

29 14

41 28

43 6

50 9

.. ..

.. 90

.. ..

.. 10

.. ..

.. 25

28 133

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

Manufactured exports (% of merchandise exports)


Terms of trade (1980=100) a 2002



HDI rank 160 Angola 161 Eritrea 162 Benin 163 Côte d’Ivoire 164 Tanzania, U. Rep. of 165 Malawi 166 Zambia 167 Congo, Dem. Rep. of the 168 Mozambique 169 Burundi 170 Ethiopia 171 Central African Republic 172 Guinea-Bissau 173 Chad 174 Mali 175 Burkina Faso 176 Sierra Leone 177 Niger Developing countries Least developed countries Arab States East Asia and the Pacific Latin America and the Caribbean South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS OECD High-income OECD High human development Medium human development Low human development High income Middle income Low income World

notes a The ratio of the export price index to the import price index measured relative to the base year 1980. A value of more than 100 means that the price of exports has risen relative to the price of imports. b Data refer to 2002. c Data refer to 2001.

High-technology exports (% of manufactured exports)

Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)

Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)

Primary exports (% of merchandise exports)












21 .. 26 27 37 33 37 29 36 28 12 28 37 28 34 24 24 22 24 22 38 32 15 13 26 26 18 18 19 20 29 19 21 17 19

67 99 27 34 27 41 28 22 b 39 18 37 31 44 53 31 23 49 25 33 30 30 b 48 21 18 33 37 22 b 21 b 23 b 28 37 22 b 30 24 24 b

39 .. 14 32 13 24 36 30 8 8 8 15 10 13 17 11 22 15 25 13 38 33 17 11 27 27 17 17 18 20 27 18 22 13 19

71 14 14 47 18 27 21 19 b 23 7 17 24 30 21 26 9 22 16 35 22 36 b 52 24 17 33 37 21 b 21 b 22 b 31 34 22 b 33 21 24 b

100 .. .. .. .. 95 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 81 .. 65 .. .. .. 20 19 21 .. .. 20 .. .. ..

.. .. 92 b 78 82 88 86 b .. 91 c .. 89 51 b .. .. 59 c 82 b .. 91 29 .. 86 b 13 44 43 .. 36 16 16 18 36 .. 17 34 40 b 22

(.) .. .. .. .. 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. .. .. 58 .. 16 75 36 71 .. .. 76 78 76 51 .. 78 48 .. 72

.. .. 8b 20 18 12 14 b 10 8c 2b 11 37 .. .. 40 c 17 b 7b 8 73 .. 20 b 86 55 61 .. 58 79 79 79 63 .. 80 65 60 b 77

.. .. .. .. .. (.) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 7 .. .. .. 18 18 18 .. .. 18 .. .. 18

.. .. 2b 8 2 1 2b .. 3c 22 b (.) (.) .. .. 8c 2b 31 b 3 21 .. 2 29 14 3 .. 13 18 18 17 21 .. 18 21 4 18

.. .. 126 103 .. 64 79 104 .. 58 .. 78 86 141 95 220 225 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Manufactured exports (% of merchandise exports)

Terms of trade (1980=100) a

Sources Columns 1–10: World Bank 2005c, based on data from United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Column 11: calculated on the basis of data on terms of trade from World Bank 2005c.

Human development indicators

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005




. . . to have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living . . .

Rich country responsibilities: aid MDG Net official development assistance (ODA) disbursed Total a (US$ millions)

HDI rank 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 27

Norway Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Greece Portugal



MDG ODA to basic social services c (% of total allocable by sector)

MDG Untied bilateral ODA (% of total)


1990 d






1996/97 e

2002/03 e



2,042 1,219 194 2,031 2,400 1,299 504 1,853 16,254 8,880 3,981 558 1,748 6,282 7,253 505 2,433 165 6,784 1,961 362 320

1.17 0.34 0.21 0.44 0.91 0.32 0.16 0.46 0.21 0.31 0.92 0.65 0.94 0.27 0.60 0.11 0.31 0.23 0.42 0.20 .. 0.24

0.92 0.25 0.81 0.24 0.79 0.39 0.39 0.60 0.15 0.20 0.80 0.35 0.84 0.34 0.41 0.20 0.17 0.23 0.28 0.23 0.21 0.22

314 49 73 80 184 119 19 88 58 83 179 131 227 55 119 21 54 27 96 23 .. 18

388 50 354 55 218 154 103 145 55 66 199 89 265 95 100 51 34 32 68 37 26 25

44 18 39 30 39 43 37 41 19 19 33 38 39 32 32 63 41 19 28 20 .. 70

39 21 34 31 34 31 53 59 28 22 32 33 38 36 41 33 45 27 37 17 15 64

12.9 7.5 .. 5.7 10.5 8.6 0.5 11.3 22.7 3.0 12.4 6.5 9.6 23.5 .. 5.0 7.2 .. 9.8 13.9 16.9 6.4

20.2 18.1 .. 27.8 17.0 14.3 30.6 19.4 23.4 5.0 19.9 13.4 14.3 28.9 10.3 7.1 20.0 14.8 11.5 12.4 18.4 2.9

61 33 .. 47 87 78 .. .. .. 89 56 32 .. .. 64 32 22 100 62 .. .. ..

100 67 .. 53 94 96 100 99 .. 96 .. 86 71 100 93 51 .. 81 95 56 94 94

69,029 T











Source All columns: OECD 2005c; aggregates calculated for the Human Development Report Office by the OECD.

Human development indicators

Notes This table presents data for members of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). a Some non-DAC countries and areas also provide ODA. According to OECD 2005e, net ODA disbursed in 2003 by Czech Republic, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Slovak Republic, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and other small donors, including Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, totalled $3,278 million. China also provides aid but does not disclose the amount. b Includes imputed multilateral flows that make allowance for contributions through multilateral organizations. These are calculated using the geographic distribution of disbursements for the year specified. c Data refer to the share of sector-allocable ODA; they exclude technical cooperation and administrative costs. d Data for individual countries (but not the DAC average) include forgiveness of non-ODA claims. e Data refer to the average for the years specified.

As % of GNI

ODA per capita of donor country (2002 US$)

MDG ODA to least developed countries b (% of total)

human de velopmen t repor t 2005



Rich country responsibilities: debt relief and trade Trade Goods imports Debt relief Gross bilateral debt forgiveness (US$ millions)



HDI rank 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 24 27

From developing countries

Bilateral pledges to the HIPC trust fund a (US$ millions) Norway Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Greece Portugal

127 14 4 165 109 93 25 64 750 256 242 51 80 436 258 50 217 2 350 165 17 24

Table 18b OECD country support to domestic agriculture % of GDP

MDG 2003 a

Australia Canada Czech Republic European Union b Hungary Iceland Japan Korea Mexico New Zealand Norway Poland Slovak Republic Switzerland Turkey United States

0.8 1.7 .. 2.2 .. 4.6 1.7 8.7 2.9 0.5 3.2 .. .. 3.3 4.3 1.2

0.3 0.9 1.5 1.3 2.4 1.9 1.3 3.9 1.1 0.4 1.5 0.7 1.5 2.0 4.4 0.9




Total (US$ millions)

Total (US$ millions)

Share of total imports (%)





5,260 34,143 298 46,012 7,556 8,142 8,833 29,066 641,803 237,583 50,887 4,899 6,815 79,488 64,258 7,997 55,504 5,675 98,247 45,009 9,835 5,943

13 40 2 19 9 8 16 12 49 62 24 12 12 20 18 9 19 31 16 21 22 13

81 148 6 770 169 118 136 2,181 11,525 1,584 657 157 168 1,587 2,598 179 1,400 29 2,761 1,647 180 234

0.2 0.2 .. 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.9 0.9 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.8 0.4 0.5

notes This table presents data for members of the Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. a The Debt Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs) is a mechanism for debt relief, jointly overseen by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Bilateral and multilateral creditors have provided debt relief through this framework since 1996. Includes pledges through the European Union.

Sources Column 1: IMF and IDA 2004. Column 2: calculated on the basis of data on debt cancellation from OECD 2005f. Columns 3–6: calculated on the basis of data from UN 2005a.

Human development indicators


237 83 .. 1,567 286 340 .. 1,468 10,882 4,331 2,170 156 377 2,574 15,878 709 2,334 .. 7,371 1,208 .. 476

From least developed countries

Share of total imports (%)

a. Provisional data. b. No data are available for individual member countries of the European Union. The member countries in 2003 were Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Austria, Finland and Sweden joined in 1995 and thus are not included in the data for 1990. Source: OECD 2005a; aggregates calculated for the Human Development Report Office by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005




. . . to have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living . . .

Flows of aid, private capital and debt Official development assistance (ODA) received a (net disbursements)

HDI rank

Total (US$ millions)

Per capita (US$)



As % of GDP

MDG Total debt service Net foreign direct investment inflows b (% of GDP)

Other private flows b, c (% of GDP)

As % of GDP

As % of exports of goods, services and net income from abroad











High human development

Human development indicators

22 Hong Kong, China (SAR) 23 Israel 25 Singapore 26 Slovenia 28 Korea, Rep. of 29 Cyprus 30 Barbados 31 Czech Republic 32 Malta 33 Brunei Darussalam 34 Argentina 35 Hungary 36 Poland 37 Chile 38 Estonia 39 Lithuania 40 Qatar 41 United Arab Emirates 42 Slovakia 43 Bahrain 44 Kuwait 45 Croatia 46 Uruguay 47 Costa Rica 48 Latvia 49 Saint Kitts and Nevis 50 Bahamas 51 Seychelles 52 Cuba 53 Mexico 54 Tonga 55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development


58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand

74 Samoa (Western) 75 Venezuela

5.0 440.0 7.1 65.9 –457.7 18.7 19.9 263.3 10.1 0.5 109.4 248.4 1,191.5 75.6 84.5 372.0 2.0 5.2 159.9 37.5 4.4 120.6 16.8 28.3 113.7 (.) 3.9 9.2 70.0 103.2 27.5 414.4 30.5 –2.3

0.7 65.8 1.7 33.6 –9.6 24.2 73.4 25.8 25.3 1.3 2.9 24.5 31.2 4.8 62.6 107.7 3.2 1.3 29.7 52.7 1.9 27.1 5.0 7.1 49.0 –0.2 12.3 110.1 6.2 1.0 269.2 53.0 10.2 –1.8

0.1 2.6 (.) .. (.) 0.7 0.2 (.) 0.2 .. 0.1 0.2 2.2 0.3 .. .. (.) (.) (.) 3.2 (.) .. 0.6 4.0 .. 5.1 0.1 9.8 .. 0.1 26.3 0.1 1.9 0.4

(.) 0.4 (.) 0.2 –0.1 0.2 0.8 0.3 0.2 .. 0.1 0.3 0.6 0.1 0.9 2.0 .. .. 0.5 .. (.) 0.4 0.1 0.2 1.0 (.) 0.1 1.3 .. (.) 16.9 2.1 0.2 (.)

.. 0.3 15.1 .. 0.3 2.3 6.5 0.0 .. .. 1.3 0.9 0.2 2.2 0.0 0.0 .. .. 0.0 .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.8 0.0 30.7 –0.6 5.5 .. 1.0 0.2 0.0 2.6 2.2

8.6 3.3 12.5 1.2 0.5 9.0 2.2 2.8 .. .. 0.8 3.0 2.0 4.1 9.8 1.0 .. .. 1.8 .. –0.2 6.9 2.5 3.3 2.7 15.2 2.8 8.1 .. 1.7 1.7 7.1 6.1 5.9

.. .. .. .. .. .. –0.8 .. .. .. –1.5 –1.4 (.) 5.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. –2.1 –2.5 .. –0.3 .. –1.7 .. 2.7 –0.1 .. –0.1 –3.5

.. .. .. .. .. .. 3.1 3.2 .. .. 0.1 3.2 1.4 1.2 14.1 –1.8 .. .. 2.9 .. .. 20.9 –2.1 1.5 2.4 12.0 .. –5.1 .. –0.2 0.0 1.2 2.2 0.0

.. .. .. .. .. .. 8.2 .. .. .. 4.4 12.8 1.6 9.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10.6 8.8 .. 1.9 .. 5.9 .. 4.3 1.7 .. 6.5 8.9

.. .. .. .. .. .. 3.2 6.1 .. .. 10.8 18.3 9.1 11.7 13.4 36.4 .. .. 10.7 .. .. 11.8 7.8 4.8 8.4 12.6 .. 11.0 .. 6.5 2.3 5.8 7.4 2.4

.. .. .. .. .. .. 14.6 .. .. .. 34.7 33.4 4.4 18.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 35.2 22.0 .. 3.4 .. 7.8 .. 18.3 3.5 18.6 4.1 15.6

.. .. .. .. .. .. 5.6 3.0 .. .. 34.7 6.8 6.5 5.5 0.9 11.3 .. .. 6.9 .. .. 7.9 23.1 8.9 4.0 34.9 .. 13.6 .. 11.3 5.8 d 7.6 9.2 3.6

10.0 233.5 5.0 109.1 1,254.8 296.0 601.2 –15.1 11.7 31.9 538.8 802.1 10.9 44.5 342.3 –966.3

1.8 114.0 64.1 4.4 8.8 1.7 27.1 –12.4 111.9 3.2 130.1 18.1 153.8 17.1 108.0 –15.6

0.1 .. 1.2 1.1 (.) (.) 0.6 3.7 6.3 .. .. 0.2 11.9 0.6 0.5 0.9

.. 5.0 0.7 0.1 0.3 0.1 1.1 –0.3 2.7 0.2 7.7 1.0 4.2 .. 5.6 –0.7

.. 0.0 .. 5.3 0.0 0.2 0.0 1.7 5.8 0.0 .. 1.2 7.7 1.4 0.0 2.9

.. 2.0 .. 2.4 1.8 2.1 3.2 1.2 0.0 1.0 5.5 2.2 0.0 .. 2.9 1.4

.. .. .. –4.2 .. –0.1 (.) 1.9 0.1 .. .. –0.4 –0.3 –3.8 .. 2.3

.. –0.1 .. –0.3 1.8 0.7 3.6 0.5 0.9 –0.3 0.3 –3.7 –0.3 –5.5 (.) –0.6

.. .. .. 9.8 .. 1.8 (.) 6.5 1.5 .. .. 9.7 3.5 7.0 .. 6.2

.. 5.2 .. 9.1 4.4 11.5 6.4 4.5 7.0 1.4 2.6 10.7 6.5 8.6 d 0.9 10.5

.. .. .. 10.6 .. 18.5 0.0 7.3 3.1 .. .. 34.5 6.0 12.0 0.9 11.4

.. 8.7 .. 4.7 8.3 38.6 10.4 4.7 17.5 1.7 6.4 34.6 13.4 5.3 3.6 8.0

33.0 82.2

185.6 3.2

23.7 0.2

12.3 0.1

3.3 0.9

–0.1 3.0

0.0 –1.2

0.0 1.2

2.7 10.3

4.9 10.4

10.6 ..

.. ..

human de velopmen t repor t 2005



Official development assistance (ODA) received a (net disbursements)

HDI rank Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Occupied Palestinian Territories Algeria El Salvador Cape Verde Syrian Arab Republic Guyana Viet Nam Kyrgyzstan Indonesia Uzbekistan Nicaragua Bolivia Mongolia Moldova, Rep. of Honduras Guatemala Vanuatu Egypt South Africa Equatorial Guinea Tajikistan Gabon Morocco Namibia São Tomé and Principe India

128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar

Per capita (US$)



As % of GDP

Net foreign direct investment inflows b (% of GDP)

Other private flows b, c (% of GDP)

As % of GDP








As % of exports of goods, services and net income from abroad




14.8 21.9 322.9 500.2 268.4 228.3 176.2 247.4 737.2 1,324.6 10.9 6.3 50.7 305.5 1,234.3 12.1 51.1 671.9 165.8 69.0 18.0 27.2 3.4 133.1 219.8 296.7 971.6 232.2 191.8 143.7 160.3 86.6 1,768.6 197.7 1,743.5 194.4 833.2 929.7 247.1 116.6 389.0 247.0 32.4 893.8 624.9 21.3 144.1 –10.7 522.8 146.1 37.7 942.2

92.3 1.0 6.7 18.4 18.0 50.8 13.5 81.0 9.1 1.0 24.9 58.0 9.0 30.9 232.5 46.5 61.2 35.0 2.4 7.9 61.3 5.6 1.3 2.0 42.9 36.0 288.6 7.3 29.4 305.7 9.2 112.6 21.8 39.1 8.1 7.6 152.1 103.5 99.7 27.5 55.8 20.1 154.4 13.2 13.8 43.1 22.9 –8.0 17.4 72.5 239.9 0.9

3.1 (.) 0.4 1.5 .. 8.9 1.6 .. 2.9 0.6 15.5 7.8 1.1 3.2 22.1 7.4 3.7 9.1 0.8 1.4 9.8 .. 5.9 0.1 .. .. .. 0.2 7.2 31.8 5.6 42.6 2.9 .. 1.5 .. 32.9 11.2 .. .. 14.7 2.6 33.0 12.6 .. 46.0 .. 2.2 4.1 5.2 95.0 0.4

2.1 (.) 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.2 0.6 8.8 0.9 0.1 0.9 1.7 0.8 1.2 12.5 1.2 2.5 3.7 0.1 0.4 2.5 0.4 (.) 0.1 5.5 4.2 28.1 0.3 1.3 18.0 0.7 11.7 4.5 10.4 0.8 2.0 20.4 11.8 19.4 5.9 5.6 1.0 11.4 1.1 0.4 0.7 9.3 –0.2 1.2 3.4 63.3 0.2

11.3 .. 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 1.2 0.0 1.2 1.0 .. 3.9 1.5 0.6 0.9 4.2 6.8 0.5 0.5 1.9 2.6 0.0 3.0 –0.3 0.0 0.0 .. (.) (.) 0.1 0.6 2.0 2.8 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 .. 0.0 1.4 0.6 8.7 1.7 –0.1 8.4 0.0 1.2 0.6 .. 0.0 0.1

4.6 .. 2.9 2.3 7.0 1.9 5.7 4.3 0.4 3.8 .. 10.1 1.5 2.2 3.8 4.0 1.0 1.3 0.6 1.9 1.9 1.6 8.8 0.1 8.5 46.0 .. 1.0 0.6 1.9 0.7 3.5 3.7 2.4 –0.3 0.7 4.9 2.1 10.3 3.0 2.8 0.5 6.7 0.3 0.5 49.1 2.0 0.9 5.2 .. 16.8 0.7

–0.2 .. .. 0.1 .. 0.2 0.6 .. 0.2 1.3 .. 0.0 –0.2 –1.6 5.3 1.4 –1.2 0.1 0.8 (.) 0.5 .. –1.0 (.) .. .. .. –0.7 0.1 (.) –0.1 –4.1 0.0 .. 1.6 .. 2.0 –0.5 .. .. 1.0 –0.1 –0.1 –0.2 .. 0.0 .. 0.5 1.2 .. –0.2 0.5

1.3 .. 0.3 2.0 12.1 0.2 2.2 –0.2 1.3 0.4 .. 5.5 0.5 3.1 –5.4 18.0 –0.1 (.) 0.5 4.9 1.4 .. –2.6 0.8 –0.4 –0.7 .. –0.1 2.1 0.2 (.) –0.2 –0.7 –3.0 –1.5 0.1 0.7 1.6 (.) 1.3 –0.8 –0.2 0.0 –0.7 2.1 0.0 –1.6 –1.2 0.3 .. 0.0 1.1

1.6 .. .. 1.8 .. 3.5 10.5 .. 8.1 2.0 .. 2.2 6.2 11.6 15.6 4.9 7.8 4.8 4.9 3.3 4.1 .. 14.4 0.5 .. .. .. 14.2 4.3 1.7 9.7 74.5 2.7 .. 8.7 .. 1.6 7.9 .. .. 12.8 2.8 1.6 7.1 .. 3.9 .. 3.0 6.9 .. 4.9 2.6

4.7 .. 7.4 4.2 17.8 17.1 8.9 3.4 12.8 2.6 .. 3.9 5.1 6.4 11.7 13.6 1.4 3.3 11.7 5.6 3.0 .. 10.1 1.2 4.5 3.4 .. 6.5 3.7 2.7 1.6 7.8 2.1 7.1 8.9 8.2 5.0 5.4 22.6 8.1 5.9 1.9 0.7 3.4 2.7 0.3 5.7 6.2 9.8 .. 11.1 3.4

2.1 .. .. 7.3 .. 3.2 31.0 .. 25.6 10.6 .. 3.1 11.5 25.6 22.1 7.0 9.0 14.8 29.9 10.7 4.0 .. 27.0 1.3 .. .. .. 63.7 18.2 8.9 20.3 .. .. .. 25.6 .. 2.4 33.5 0.3 .. 33.0 11.6 1.6 .. 0.0 11.5 .. 4.8 27.9 .. 28.7 29.3

7.4 .. 5.5 20.8 3.0 81.5 19.7 8.7 13.8 2.8 .. 6.7 d 6.6 13.7 22.6 24.9 .. 7.8 20.3 7.4 3.5 5.7 21.4 3.6 10.0 6.0 .. .. 11.7 7.2 3.0 9.5 e, f 3.3 7.7 12.8 19.6 11.7 e, f 20.1 e, f 4.4 6.6 9.5 e, g 9.8 1.2 .. 4.3 .. 7.7 .. 25.7 .. 24.6 e, g 18.1

60.2 125.8

131.8 2.6

21.7 ..

23.8 ..

4.9 ..

–0.8 ..

–1.5 ..

–1.0 ..

5.5 ..

3.7 ..

11.3 18.3

.. 3.8 e, h

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127

Total (US$ millions)

MDG Total debt service




Flows of aid, private capital and debt Official development assistance (ODA) received a (net disbursements)

Human development indicators

HDI rank


Total (US$ millions)

Per capita (US$)



As % of GDP

MDG Total debt service Net foreign direct investment inflows b (% of GDP)





Other private flows b, c (% of GDP)

As % of GDP







0.6 0.7 0.8 2.3 1.0 3.7 1.9 9.3 6.3 1.3 .. 0.2 1.7 0.9 1.3 0.6 d

.. 4.3 2.5 8.6 5.3 22.9 15.2 18.4 36.3 34.8 .. 4.8 32.2 11.5 78.6 19.4

0.9 1.3 .. e, h 10.3 e, h 4.7 d 16.8 10.0 7.3 5.2 e, f 8.3 .. 1.3 e, h 3.8 e, h 1.9 e, h 7.8 e, f ..

44.4 5.6 13.1 4.2 .. 7.1 28.8 9.0 28.6 21.8 19.6 18.3 22.3 10.7 7.1 .. 9.2 .. 31.3 28.0 14.6 .. 17.3 41.7 37.6 12.5 22.1 3.8 14.7 7.8 10.1 6.6

4.7 e, f 1.6 8.7 e, g 8.9 .. 4.0 15.7 e, f 10.8 14.5 14.0 e, g 10.7 e, g 23.4 e, f .. 10.0 e, g 14.8 13.0 6.3 e, f .. e, g 5.8 e, f 23.1 e, g 14.1 e, g 8.9 e, g 3.9 e, f 63.6 e, h 7.3 e, f .. e, h 9.4 e, g 5.4 e, g 5.8 d, e, f 12.5 e, f 10.9 e, g 6.4 e, f

130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development

508.0 30.1 24.5 298.6 77.0 1,068.4 466.7 220.8 906.7 1,393.4 150.8 621.3 69.8 44.8 959.4 186.4

37.9 17.5 40.8 52.8 88.1 7.2 18.9 40.1 44.4 10.1 186.1 18.5 18.6 9.2 38.0 14.2

3.7 3.9 17.3 17.4 16.5 2.8 11.7 12.8 9.6 7.0 .. 6.2 7.8 16.0 15.5 3.9

12.0 0.4 7.6 14.1 11.1 1.3 8.0 6.9 11.9 2.7 44.2 3.5 2.0 2.5 15.2 ..

0.0 2.5 0.2 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.0 4.8 0.3 (.) .. 0.0 0.8 1.1 0.0 –0.1

2.1 1.1 0.3 0.9 (.) 0.6 0.3 3.2 1.8 0.2 .. 7.6 5.6 1.1 3.1 ..

0.0 –0.5 0.0 0.0 –0.9 –0.2 –0.4 1.5 –0.3 0.2 .. 0.0 –3.6 0.3 0.4 1.1

0.0 (.) 0.0 0.0 0.0 –0.5 (.) –3.1 –4.0 (.) .. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 –0.3

2.7 2.8 0.4 1.1 1.8 4.8 1.9 17.2 6.2 2.5 .. 0.4 19.0 5.3 3.4 5.4

146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177

539.5 27.1 883.9 79.0 77.8 243.1 242.7 199.8 483.5 59.8 237.5 449.6 317.6 331.6 498.7 307.3 293.7 252.1 1,669.3 497.9 560.1 5,381.0 1,032.8 224.2 1,504.4 49.9 145.2 246.9 527.6 451.1 297.4 453.3

31.9 24.5 55.0 44.1 110.4 12.7 90.1 23.7 15.2 42.1 30.0 44.7 2.3 40.2 36.9 70.0 43.7 15.0 46.5 45.4 53.8 101.2 55.0 31.1 21.9 12.9 97.5 28.8 45.3 37.3 55.7 38.5

12.9 6.3 4.0 23.0 46.4 8.4 23.3 5.9 13.9 31.3 10.4 14.4 0.9 11.3 2.6 .. 14.5 6.4 27.5 26.8 14.6 9.6 40.7 23.3 11.8 16.8 52.7 18.0 19.9 10.6 9.4 16.0

9.9 1.5 7.1 6.9 12.5 2.2 22.2 6.8 3.4 15.1 6.5 6.9 0.5 20.3 3.8 40.9 8.5 1.8 16.2 29.1 12.9 94.9 23.9 37.6 22.6 4.2 60.8 9.5 12.2 10.8 37.5 16.6

0.7 3.5 –1.0 2.8 (.) –2.7 0.7 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.6 1.0 2.1 0.3 –3.3 .. 3.4 0.4 0.0 1.2 6.2 –0.2 0.4 0.1 0.1 (.) 0.8 0.5 0.2 (.) 5.0 1.6

0.2 2.4 1.7 3.7 1.8 –0.8 19.6 0.3 0.6 15.2 2.2 1.2 2.1 0.3 10.7 2.9 1.5 1.3 2.4 1.3 2.3 2.8 7.8 (.) 0.9 0.3 0.9 32.1 3.0 0.3 0.4 1.1

–0.5 –0.5 –0.1 (.) –0.1 3.3 –0.1 0.0 0.8 –2.4 –0.7 –0.2 –0.4 –0.1 5.6 .. (.) 0.1 0.1 0.1 –0.3 –0.1 1.0 –0.5 –0.7 (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) 0.6 0.4

(.) 0.0 –0.5 –0.5 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.0 (.) –0.4 0.0 3.7 0.0 0.0 –0.8 0.2 0.0 –0.2 0.5 –0.5 1.3 –0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (.) –0.1 –0.3

7.2 5.4 4.6 3.8 3.6 3.5 14.3 1.2 9.2 11.9 6.0 5.7 11.7 0.8 3.2 .. 2.1 11.7 4.2 7.1 6.2 3.7 3.2 3.7 2.7 2.0 3.4 0.7 2.8 1.1 3.3 4.0

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal Nigeria Rwanda Angola Eritrea Benin Côte d’Ivoire Tanzania, U. Rep. of Malawi Zambia Congo, Dem. Rep. of the Mozambique Burundi Ethiopia Central African Republic Guinea-Bissau Chad Mali Burkina Faso Sierra Leone Niger

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

As % of exports of goods, services and net income from abroad

1.3 1.5 3.6 5.9 2.5 1.6 5.0 1.8 4.0 5.0 3.6 3.8 2.8 1.3 10.1 1.6 1.7 4.2 0.9 2.1 9.0 2.6 2.0 4.9 1.4 0.1 6.4 1.8 1.8 1.2 3.2 1.2



Official development assistance (ODA) received a (net disbursements)

As % of exports of goods, services and net income from abroad

Total (US$ millions)

Per capita (US$)













65,401.3 T 23,457.4 T 8,320.3 T 7,231.9 T 6,090.4 T 6,623.8 T 22,691.8 T 4,885.9 T 269.0 T .. T 646.1 T 27,342.9 T 18,565.3 T 37.5 T 18,969.6 T 32,128.3 T 69,783.7 T

9.7 33.4 27.5 3.4 9.9 4.3 32.9 24.0 .. .. .. 6.5 27.9 .. 8.4 13.7 10.9

2.7 13.0 6.8 1.0 1.3 1.6 12.0 .. .. .. .. 1.6 11.7 .. 1.2 4.6 ..

3.0 18.7 1.6 0.5 0.8 0.7 18.6 .. .. .. .. 0.9 18.7 .. 0.4 6.1 ..

0.9 0.1 0.5 1.7 0.8 (.) 0.4 (.) 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.6 0.3 0.9

2.3 3.6 1.7 3.1 2.1 0.6 2.2 2.9 1.4 1.4 1.5 2.2 2.8 1.5 2.4 1.5 1.6

0.4 0.4 –0.1 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.3 (.) .. .. .. 0.3 0.4 .. 0.4 0.4 ..

0.3 0.2 –0.1 0.1 0.3 0.8 0.7 2.6 .. .. .. 0.6 0.1 .. 0.7 0.5 ..

3.5 2.8 4.1 3.0 4.0 2.6 3.8 0.5 .. .. .. 2.9 6.4 .. 3.1 3.6 ..

4.7 2.1 2.5 3.2 8.6 2.9 2.9 7.7 .. .. .. 5.3 3.3 .. 6.4 3.1 ..

21.9 16.2 .. 17.9 23.7 19.5 .. 13.5 .. .. .. 21.3 20.6 .. 20.8 24.9 ..

17.6 7.5 15.5 10.5 30.7 13.5 9.6 17.3 .. .. .. 16.2 10.2 .. 17.9 13.5 ..

HDI rank Developing countries Least developed countries Arab States East Asia and the Pacific Latin America and the Caribbean South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS OECD High-income OECD High human development Medium human development Low human development High income Middle income Low income World

MDG Total debt service

Notes This table presents data for countries included in Parts I and II of the Development Assistance Committee’s (DAC) list of aid recipients (OECD 2005e). The denominator conventionally used when comparing official development assistance and total debt service to the size of the economy is GNI, not GDP (see Definitions of statistical terms). GDP is used here, however, to allow comparability throughout the table. With few exceptions the denominators produce similar results. a ODA receipts are total net ODA flows from DAC countries as well as Czech Republic, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Slovak Republic, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, other small donors, including Estonia, Israel, Latvia and Lithuania, and concessional lending from multilateral organizations. b A negative value indicates that the capital flowing out of the country exceeds that flowing in.

As % of GDP

c Other private flows combine non-debt-creating portfolio equity investment flows, portfolio debt flows and bank and trade-related lending. d Data refer to 2002. e Country included in the Debt Initiative for Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs). f Completion point reached under the HIPC Initiative. g Decision point reached under the HIPC Initiative. h Decision and completion points not yet reached under the HIPC Initiative.

Net foreign direct investment inflows b (% of GDP)

Other private flows b, c (% of GDP)

As % of GDP

Sources Column 1: OECD 2005f; aggregates calculated for the Human Development Report Office by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Columns 2–4: OECD 2005f. Columns 5 and 6: World Bank 2005c; aggregates calculated for the Human Development Report Office by the World Bank. Columns 7 and 8: calculated on the basis of data on portfolio investment (bonds and equity), bank and trade-related lending and GDP data from World Bank 2005c. Columns 9 and 10: calculated on the basis of data on total debt service and GDP from World Bank 2005c. Columns 11 and 12: UN 2005f, based on a joint effort by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

Human development indicators

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005




. . . to have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living . . .

Priorities in public spending

Public expenditure on education (% of GDP) HDI rank

Public expenditure on health (% of GDP)

Military expenditure a (% of GDP)

Total debt service b (% of GDP)

1990 c

2000–02 d







7.0 5.4 4.9 3.1 6.5 7.1 4.9 4.8 5.0 5.1 .. 5.7 5.5 .. 4.8 5.3 5.3 3.1 6.1 .. 4.2 2.8 6.3 2.4 3.1 .. 4.0 3.3 3.5 7.8 .. 4.3 3.9 .. 5.8 .. 2.5 .. 4.6 3.5 1.8 5.1 4.1 4.8 7.2 2.7 4.4 3.8 2.6 4.0 7.8

7.6 6.0 e 4.9 .. 5.2 7.7 5.8 e 5.5 6.3 5.7 3.6 5.1 6.4 8.5 5.3 5.6 5.7 4.7 6.7 4.6 4.5 4.4 7.5 4.0 .. 6.1 5.8 4.2 6.3 7.6 4.4 .. .. 4.0 5.5 5.6 4.2 5.7 5.9 .. 1.6 e 4.4 .. .. 4.5 2.6 5.1 5.8 7.6 .. 5.2

8.0 8.3 6.5 5.3 6.7 7.8 6.5 5.5 6.5 6.6 6.5 5.8 5.5 7.3 6.4 7.4 5.4 6.4 6.6 8.6 5.4 .. 6.0 5.0 1.3 6.2 6.6 2.6 2.9 4.7 6.4 7.0 2.7 4.5 5.5 4.4 2.6 3.9 4.3 2.4 2.3 5.3 3.2 2.9 5.9 2.9 6.1 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.9

8.0 8.3 6.5 5.3 6.7 7.8 6.5 5.5 6.5 6.6 6.5 5.8 5.5 7.3 6.4 7.4 5.4 6.4 6.6 8.6 5.4 .. 6.0 5.0 1.3 6.2 6.6 2.6 2.9 4.7 6.4 7.0 2.7 4.5 5.5 4.4 2.6 3.9 4.3 2.4 2.3 5.3 3.2 2.9 5.9 2.9 6.1 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.9

2.9 0.0 2.1 0.9 2.0 2.6 1.8 1.2 2.4 5.3 0.9 2.5 1.6 2.0 4.0 3.5 1.0 2.1 1.9 2.8 f 1.8 .. 12.4 4.7 4.9 .. 2.7 3.7 5.0 .. .. 0.9 .. 1.2 2.8 2.7 4.3 .. .. .. 6.2 .. 5.1 48.5 .. 2.5 0.0 .. .. .. 4.0

2.0 0.0 1.9 0.9 1.2 1.8 1.0 0.7 1.3 3.8 1.0 1.6 1.2 1.5 2.8 2.6 0.8 1.9 1.1 1.4 1.2 .. 9.1 4.1 5.2 1.5 2.1 2.5 1.5 .. 2.2 0.8 .. 1.2 1.8 2.0 3.5 1.9 1.6 .. 3.1 1.9 5.1 9.0 2.1 1.6 0.0 1.7 .. .. 1.7

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8.2 .. .. .. 4.4 12.8 1.6 9.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10.6 8.8 .. 1.9 .. 5.9

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3.2 6.1 .. .. 10.8 18.3 9.1 11.7 13.4 36.4 .. .. 10.7 .. .. 11.8 7.8 4.8 8.4 12.6 .. 11.0

8.9 3.6

9.0 5.3

6.5 2.7

6.5 2.7

.. 0.5

.. 0.5

.. 4.3

.. 6.5

Human development indicators

High human development


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Hong Kong, China (SAR) Israel Greece Singapore Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Malta Brunei Darussalam Argentina Hungary Poland Chile Estonia Lithuania Qatar United Arab Emirates Slovakia Bahrain Kuwait Croatia Uruguay Costa Rica Latvia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bahamas Seychelles

52 Cuba 53 Mexico

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

table Public expenditure on education (% of GDP)

Public expenditure on health (% of GDP)

Military expenditure a (% of GDP)


Total debt service b (% of GDP)

2000–02 d







.. 5.2 4.7 3.7

4.9 e 3.5 4.5 4.3 e

5.1 4.4 6.4 1.4

5.1 4.4 6.4 1.4

.. 3.5 1.3 ..

.. 2.6 .. ..

1.7 .. 6.5 8.9

2.3 5.8 7.4 2.4

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

.. .. .. 5.1 3.5 .. 2.8 3.8 5.1 4.8 .. 2.4 .. 3.1 5.9 3.5 3.2 3.0 .. 5.8 5.1 2.8 3.2 .. 4.3 7.0 2.9 2.3 6.4 .. 1.1 6.0 8.1 4.6 4.7 2.7 2.2 .. 3.8 4.3 4.5 4.1 .. 7.7 .. 5.3 1.9

.. 3.5 3.8 8.1 3.8 4.2 3.5 4.7 5.1 6.0 e .. 5.2 .. 4.6 e .. 5.2 4.8 e .. 7.7 e .. 5.4 3.0 3.0 2.7 1.0 e 3.2 e 3.1 .. .. 10.0 4.4 6.4 .. 5.2 5.6 e .. 3.7 2.3 .. .. 6.1 4.9 2.2 3.2 .. .. 2.9

1.6 5.8 3.3 2.0 3.5 3.6 4.2 2.2 4.0 4.7 4.6 6.7 4.6 2.8 2.4 3.1 4.7 2.3 3.4 3.3 3.3 2.2 1.9 3.5 1.7 1.3 1.1 2.0 5.2 3.9 3.2 2.9 4.3 2.5 2.7 1.8 4.3 2.2 4.0 3.0 3.4 2.9 1.0 0.8 .. 3.2 3.6

1.6 5.8 3.3 2.0 3.5 3.6 4.2 2.2 4.0 4.7 4.6 6.7 4.6 2.8 2.4 3.1 4.7 2.3 3.4 3.3 3.3 2.2 1.9 3.5 1.7 1.3 1.1 2.0 5.2 3.9 3.2 2.9 4.3 2.5 2.7 1.8 4.3 2.2 4.0 g 3.0 3.4 2.9 1.0 0.8 .. 3.2 3.6

.. .. .. 2.6 12.3 2.5 4.6 0.3 .. .. .. 2.2 .. 16.5 5.9 2.6 .. .. .. 12.8 .. 0.1 .. 7.6 1.9 .. 1.4 2.7 .. .. 1.0 2.0 9.9 1.2 2.3 2.1 3.5 .. .. .. .. 2.9 .. .. .. 1.5 2.7

2.0 2.5 .. 2.8 4.3 1.6 2.4 0.2 .. 1.3 2.9 4.4 .. 12.2 1.2 1.3 .. 1.3 .. 8.7 2.9 1.3 1.1 4.3 2.4 2.7 0.9 2.3 .. .. 0.9 1.6 8.9 .. 1.6 2.7 4.9 .. .. .. .. 3.8 1.1 1.9 .. 3.3 0.7

.. .. .. 9.8 .. 1.8 (.) 6.5 1.5 .. .. 9.7 3.5 7.0 .. 6.2 2.7 10.3 1.6 .. .. 1.8 .. 3.5 10.5 .. 8.1 2.0 .. 2.2 6.2 11.6 15.6 4.9 7.8 4.8 4.9 3.3 4.1 .. 14.4 0.5 .. .. .. 14.2 4.3

.. 5.2 .. 9.1 4.4 11.5 6.4 4.5 7.0 1.4 2.6 10.7 6.5 0.0 0.9 10.5 4.9 10.4 4.7 .. 7.4 4.2 17.8 17.1 8.9 3.4 12.8 2.6 .. 3.9 5.1 6.4 11.7 13.6 1.4 3.3 11.7 5.6 3.0 .. 10.1 1.2 4.5 3.4 .. 6.5 3.7

.. 4.0

7.9 ..

3.8 2.3

3.8 2.3

.. 6.9

0.7 7.1

1.7 9.7

2.7 1.6

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Occupied Palestinian Territories Algeria El Salvador

105 Cape Verde 106 Syrian Arab Republic

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

1990 c

54 Tonga 55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development

HDI rank




Priorities in public spending

Human development indicators

Public expenditure on education (% of GDP)


Public expenditure on health (% of GDP)

Military expenditure a (% of GDP)

Total debt service b (% of GDP)

HDI rank

1990 c

2000–02 d







107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam 109 Kyrgyzstan 110 Indonesia 111 Uzbekistan 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 115 Moldova, Rep. of 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 122 Tajikistan 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development

3.4 2.0 8.4 1.0 9.5 3.4 2.3 12.3 5.6 .. 1.4 4.7 3.9 5.9 .. .. .. 5.3 7.9 .. 3.7 .. .. .. 6.2 .. .. .. 2.6 2.0 .. 3.2 1.5 .. 6.0 5.0 5.5 1.5 7.7

8.4 .. 3.1 e 1.2 .. 3.1 6.3 9.0 4.9 .. .. 11.0 e .. 5.3 e 0.6 2.8 3.9 e 6.5 7.2 .. 4.1 3.4 e .. 1.8 2.2 3.9 2.8 e 5.2 1.8 e 3.4 2.3 e .. 2.4 .. .. 3.2 e 2.6 .. 4.7 e

4.3 1.5 2.2 1.2 2.5 3.9 4.2 4.6 4.1 3.2 2.3 2.8 1.8 3.5 1.3 0.9 1.8 1.5 4.7 9.7 1.3 4.5 0.4 2.1 3.7 1.7 1.5 4.1 1.1 1.4 3.8 2.3 0.8 6.2 1.0 1.5 5.1 2.1 4.4

4.3 1.5 2.2 1.2 2.5 3.9 4.2 4.6 4.1 3.2 2.3 2.8 1.8 3.5 1.3 0.9 1.8 1.5 4.7 9.7 1.3 4.5 0.4 2.1 3.7 1.7 1.5 4.1 1.1 1.4 3.8 2.3 0.8 6.2 1.0 1.5 5.1 2.1 4.4

0.9 7.9 .. 1.8 .. 10.6 2.4 5.7 .. .. 1.5 .. 3.9 3.8 .. .. .. 4.1 .. .. 2.7 .. 3.4 3.1 4.1 .. .. .. 5.8 0.9 2.1 0.4 1.0 .. 3.6 .. 3.1 3.0 4.5

.. .. 2.9 1.5 0.5 0.9 1.7 .. 0.4 0.4 0.5 .. 2.6 1.6 .. 2.2 .. 4.2 2.8 .. 2.1 .. .. 2.5 4.1 .. .. .. 4.4 1.6 0.6 0.7 1.2 .. 2.4 1.4 1.6 2.3 2.1

74.5 2.7 .. 8.7 .. 1.6 7.9 .. .. 12.8 2.8 1.6 7.1 .. 3.9 .. 3.0 6.9 .. 4.9 2.6 5.5 0.0 2.7 2.8 0.4 1.1 1.8 4.8 1.9 17.2 6.2 2.5 .. 0.4 19.0 5.3 3.4 5.4

7.8 2.1 7.1 8.9 8.2 5.0 5.4 22.6 8.1 5.9 1.9 0.7 3.4 2.7 0.3 5.7 6.2 9.8 .. 11.1 3.4 3.7 0.0 0.6 0.7 0.8 2.3 1.0 3.7 1.9 9.3 6.3 1.3 .. 0.2 1.7 0.9 1.3 0.0

2.1 5.8 3.2 6.2 3.5 .. .. 1.5 6.7 3.8 .. 3.9

2.9 e 7.1 3.8 10.4 e .. 9.5 e .. .. 7.0 2.8 1.8 e 3.6

1.2 3.6 1.2 5.3 3.3 1.0 2.9 3.0 2.2 3.3 0.9 2.3

1.2 3.6 1.2 5.3 3.3 1.0 2.9 3.0 2.2 3.3 0.9 2.3

1.2 2.1 1.5 4.5 6.3 7.9 3.8 .. 2.9 1.1 .. 2.0

.. .. 1.5 2.6 .. 7.1 1.6 .. 1.7 0.5 .. 1.5

7.2 5.4 4.6 3.8 3.6 3.5 14.3 1.2 9.2 11.9 6.0 5.7

1.3 1.5 3.6 5.9 2.5 1.6 5.0 1.8 4.0 5.0 3.6 3.8

0.9 ..

.. 2.8 e

1.2 3.1

1.2 3.1

0.9 3.7

1.2 2.8

11.7 0.8

2.8 1.3

146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal

158 Nigeria 159 Rwanda

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

table Public expenditure on education (% of GDP) HDI rank 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177

Angola Eritrea Benin Côte d’Ivoire Tanzania, U. Rep. of Malawi Zambia Congo, Dem. Rep. of the Mozambique Burundi Ethiopia Central African Republic Guinea-Bissau Chad Mali Burkina Faso Sierra Leone Niger

notes a As a result of a number of limitations in the data, comparisons of military expenditure data over time and across countries should be made with caution. For detailed notes on the data see SIPRI 2004. b For aggregates, see table 19. c Data may not be comparable across countries as a result of differences in methods of data collection. d Data refer to the most recent year available during the period specified. e Data refer to United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics estimate when national estimate is not available. f Data refer to the Federal Republic of Germany before reunification. g Data differ slightly from data presented in table 6 from WHO 2005a.

Public expenditure on health (% of GDP)

Military expenditure a (% of GDP)


Total debt service b (% of GDP)

1990 c

2000–02 d







3.9 .. .. .. 2.8 3.2 2.4 .. 3.1 3.4 3.4 2.2 .. .. .. 2.4 .. 3.2

2.8 e 4.1 3.3 e 4.6 e .. 6.0 2.0 e .. .. 3.9 4.6 e .. .. .. .. .. 3.7 2.3 e

2.1 3.2 2.1 1.4 2.7 4.0 3.1 1.1 4.1 0.6 2.6 1.6 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 2.0

2.1 3.2 2.1 1.4 2.7 4.0 3.1 1.1 g 4.1 0.6 2.6 1.6 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 2.0

5.8 .. 1.8 1.3 .. 1.3 3.7 .. 5.9 3.4 8.5 .. .. .. 2.1 3.0 1.4 ..

4.7 19.4 .. 1.5 2.1 .. .. .. 1.3 5.9 4.3 1.3 .. 1.5 1.9 1.3 1.7 ..

3.2 .. 2.1 11.7 4.2 7.1 6.2 3.7 3.2 3.7 2.7 2.0 3.4 0.7 2.8 1.1 3.3 4.0

10.1 1.6 1.7 4.2 0.9 2.1 9.0 2.6 2.0 4.9 1.4 0.1 6.4 1.8 1.8 1.2 3.2 1.2

Sources Column 1: calculated on the basis of GDP and public expenditure data from UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2005b. Column 2: UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2005b. Columns 3 and 4: World Bank 2005c. Columns 5 and 6: SIPRI 2005a. Columns 7 and 8: calculated on the basis of data on GDP and total debt service from World Bank 2005c.

Human development indicators

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005




. . . to have access to the resources needed for a decent standard of living . . .

Unemployment in OECD countries MDG Youth unemployment rate

Unemployment rate Unemployed people (thousands)

Total (% of labour force)

Average annual (% of labour force)



1 Norway 2 Iceland 3 Australia 4 Luxembourg 5 Canada 6 Sweden 7 Switzerland 8 Ireland 9 Belgium 10 United States 11 Japan 12 Netherlands 13 Finland 14 Denmark 15 United Kingdom 16 France 17 Austria 18 Italy 19 New Zealand 20 Germany 21 Spain 24 Greece 27 Portugal 28 Korea, Rep. of 31 Czech Republic 35 Hungary 36 Poland 42 Slovakia 53 Mexico Medium human development

106.7 5.5 607.4 7.6 1,302.2 217.0 174.9 88.0 361.7 8,776.6 3,504.0 353.8 234.4 161.6 1,485.5 2,648.2 244.9 2,096.5 94.8 3,838.0 2,127.4 417.1 342.3 776.7 399.1 244.5 3,328.5 459.3 1,033.6

94 Turkey OECD e

2,494.0 37,931.6 T

HDI rank

Female (% of male rate)

Total (% of labour force ages 15–24) a

Female (% of male rate)









4.5 3.4 6.0 3.8 7.6 4.9 4.0 4.6 7.9 6.0 5.3 4.1 9.1 5.6 5.0 9.7 5.7 8.8 4.6 9.1 11.3 9.5 6.3 3.4 7.8 5.9 19.6 17.5 2.5

4.3 3.5 7.7 3.0 8.6 6.3 3.4 8.5 8.5 5.3 4.0 4.8 12.2 5.8 7.0 10.7 5.4 10.7 6.5 8.1 14.5 10.2 5.7 3.6 6.3 8.3 14.9 15.3 d 3.1

81 82 b 104 188 b 91 83 117 81 107 90 89 105 97 113 75 126 96 172 113 92 195 238 132 86 162 91 108 102 106

11.7 7.2 b 11.6 7.0 b 13.8 13.8 8.6 7.6 19.0 12.4 10.1 7.8 21.6 9.8 11.5 20.8 6.5 26.3 10.2 10.6 22.7 25.1 14.6 9.6 17.6 13.4 43.0 33.1 5.3

84 46 b 92 168 76 86 104 75 87 86 75 98 99 84 72 110 97 134 103 69 140 191 134 75 113 94 105 92 126

5.4 13.3 b 17.0 26.5 b, c 8.4 15.3 32.6 26.0 48.2 11.0 24.6 28.1 21.4 17.9 17.1 42.8 23.9 58.9 11.0 52.3 43.9 61.0 32.7 0.3 51.9 42.2 50.8 62.1 0.8

7.1 9.5 b 27.1 28.6 b, c 11.4 19.6 21.6 40.9 44.8 12.5 38.9 30.1 27.7 21.8 26.5 43.1 25.0 57.5 15.5 48.3 34.3 49.2 31.2 0.7 47.4 42.2 48.6 60.2 1.1

10.3 6.9

7.9 6.8

94 105

20.5 13.6

88 94

30.9 31.9

22.1 30.2

Long-term unemployment (% of total unemployment)

High human development

Sources Columns 1, 2 and 5 : OECD 2005b. Columns 3, 4 and 6 : calculated on the basis of data on male and female unemployment rates from OECD 2005b. Columns 7 and 8: OECD 2005d.

Human development indicators

notes a The age range for the youth labour force may be 16–24 for some countries. b Data refer to 2002. c Data are based on a small sample and must be treated with caution. d Data refer to the average annual rate in 1994–2003. e Aggregates for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development are from OECD 2005b, d.


human de velopmen t repor t 2005



. . . while preserving it for future generations . . .

Energy and the environment

Traditional fuel consumption (% of total energy requirements) HDI rank

Electricity consumption per capita (kilowatt-hours)

MDG GDP per unit of energy use (2000 PPP US$ per kg of oil equivalent)

Ratification of environmental treaties a MDG Kyoto Carbon dioxide emissions Protocol Share to the of world Cartagena Framework Framework Convention Per capita total Protocol Convention Convention on (metric tons) (%) on on Climate on Climate Biological Biosafety Change Change Diversity 1980 2002 2000






.. 0.0 9.5 .. 4.6 19.4 7.7 c 1.1 1.0 3.6 0.2 .. 6.2 12.7 0.5 4.7 d 3.7 1.7 e 2.2 .. 0.6 .. 0.0 4.1 0.2 7.3 .. .. 0.0 6.3 2.4 .. 0.0 3.2 3.2 5.5 12.5 17.7 13.9 0.0 .. 1.6 .. 0.0 5.4 35.4 24.9 47.4 .. .. ..

22,400 b 13,838 6,599 10,879 14,243 11,700 5,878 c 3,106 5,177 10,336 4,944 4,560 8,372 5,059 5,022 4,633 d 4,988 3,364 e 7,270 ... 2,906 2,449 3,187 2,413 2,836 ... 1,750 1,051 1,692 1,333 ... 1,627 2,430 1,413 2,920 3,419 1,054 ... ... 10,616 6,204 ... 4,784 6,849 ... 1,163 964 ... ... 4,062 794

26,640 b 29,247 11,299 10,547 18,541 16,996 8,483 c 6,560 8,749 13,456 8,612 6,958 16,694 6,925 6,614 8,123 d 7,845 5,840 e 10,301 6,989 6,154 6,237 6,698 5,247 7,961 6,791 4,647 7,058 5,323 3,193 6,368 4,939 8,903 2,383 3,972 3,549 2,918 5,767 3,239 17,489 14,215 5,256 10,830 16,544 3,558 2,456 1,765 2,703 2,619 6,084 2,704

4.6 3.1 3.7 2.3 2.5 3.6 7.6 4.1 4.0 2.8 5.7 4.0 3.2 5.3 4.5 5.0 6.0 7.0 5.1 3.9 6.8 11.1 6.1 8.4 3.9 .. 9.6 4.2 4.9 .. .. 6.5 .. 7.7 3.5 .. 5.3 .. .. .. 7.5 .. 1.6 1.8 .. 8.5 10.2 33.3 .. .. ..

6.1 2.4 4.8 6.3 3.6 4.4 7.8 9.1 4.8 4.4 6.4 5.8 3.7 8.1 6.6 5.8 7.5 8.5 4.6 6.2 6.5 10.6 6.0 6.8 3.8 5.1 6.9 3.9 .. .. 3.7 7.6 .. 6.9 5.3 4.4 6.0 3.6 4.0 .. .. 3.6 1.7 1.7 5.3 10.0 9.4 4.9 .. .. ..

10.6 8.2 13.9 29.1 17.2 8.6 6.5 7.7 13.3 20.0 7.9 10.9 11.9 12.3 10.5 9.0 6.9 6.6 5.6 .. 5.3 3.2 5.6 5.4 12.5 .. 2.8 3.3 5.2 2.7 .. 3.1 35.6 3.8 7.7 12.8 2.5 .. .. 56.3 35.8 .. 22.6 19.7 .. 2.0 1.1 .. 1.2 38.1 1.5

12.2 7.7 18.3 21.1 16.5 5.8 5.7 11.0 6.8 20.1 9.4 9.4 12.0 8.9 9.2 6.2 7.8 7.5 8.7 9.8 7.3 5.2 11.0 8.5 13.8 7.8 6.0 9.4 8.3 4.6 11.2 7.5 17.7 3.5 5.6 7.7 3.6 11.8 3.6 53.1 25.1 6.8 30.6 24.6 4.7 1.2 1.4 2.7 2.8 6.7 6.8

0.2 (.) 1.5 (.) 1.9 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 24.4 5.2 0.6 0.2 0.2 2.5 1.6 d 0.3 1.9 e 0.1 3.4 1.2 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.3 1.9 (.) (.) 0.5 (.) (.) 0.6 0.2 1.3 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.)

33.8 8.0

1,029 999

1,395 2,280

.. 5.4

.. 5.6

3.2 4.2

2.1 3.7

0.1 1.8

High human development Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Hong Kong, China (SAR) Israel Greece Singapore Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Malta Brunei Darussalam Argentina Hungary Poland Chile Estonia Lithuania Qatar United Arab Emirates Slovakia Bahrain Kuwait Croatia Uruguay Costa Rica Latvia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bahamas Seychelles

52 Cuba 53 Mexico

l ° l ° l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

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° l l ° l l


l ° ° l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

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l ° l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51




Energy and the environment

Human development indicators

Traditional fuel consumption (% of total energy requirements)


Electricity consumption per capita (kilowatt-hours)

MDG GDP per unit of energy use (2000 PPP US$ per kg of oil equivalent)

Ratification of environmental treaties a MDG Kyoto Carbon dioxide emissions Protocol Share to the of world Cartagena Framework Framework Convention Per capita total Protocol Convention Convention on (metric tons) (%) on on Climate on Climate Biological Biosafety Change Change Diversity 1980 2002 2000

HDI rank






54 Tonga 55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development

.. 6.2 17.8 0.4

109 4,371 930 1,900

340 4,624 1,654 4,422

.. 1.6 7.2 2.7

.. 2.9 5.9 1.3

0.4 8.5 1.8 15.4

1.1 5.3 2.0 31.9

(.) 0.2 (.) 0.1

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

0.9 8.9 .. 1.5 2.9 26.7 11.8 .. 0.0 5.5 7.7 16.0 .. 0.0 5.1 13.6 .. 2.8 .. .. 1.0 20.6 0.2 0.5 17.5 0.0 12.8 5.3 3.3 .. 45.7 7.8 1.4 .. .. 41.6 10.5 7.2 0.0 .. 6.5 0.1 25.2 0.0 .. 6.0 32.8

1,588 ... 984 740 ... 1,145 3,061 482 281 ... ... 726 149 847 1,204 340 252 2,379 504 1,969 ... 579 ... 1,056 423 ... 373 307 4,442 276 233 434 366 370 489 113 554 582 25 ... 834 570 ... ... .. 381 336

3,915 3,363 1,438 3,234 6,062 2,183 2,385 1,631 1,913 3,326 2,527 1,019 1,197 5,219 1,844 1,860 597 3,484 1,698 6,620 3,525 907 4,030 2,834 943 1,554 610 1,484 4,447 1,000 1,129 1,205 1,585 713 625 366 1,904 1,326 448 2,126 2,640 2,075 1,508 2,579 .. 881 665

.. .. .. 4.6 .. 7.4 .. .. .. .. .. 7.2 .. 8.2 .. 5.1 .. 2.9 .. 6.8 .. 8.0 .. .. 5.2 .. 9.8 1.2 .. .. 7.2 6.9 5.5 .. .. 5.5 5.6 6.3 .. .. 3.0 4.9 6.4 .. .. 8.5 7.7

.. .. .. 4.1 1.9 6.8 3.8 .. .. 2.1 5.3 9.8 .. 3.0 6.7 5.0 .. 2.4 .. 2.1 1.8 10.7 1.8 3.8 4.8 4.8 7.6 4.6 .. .. 6.3 7.7 3.9 .. .. 8.0 5.7 6.8 .. 1.4 2.5 3.1 4.4 2.2 .. 5.6 7.1

8.9 .. 2.2 2.0 .. 1.5 8.7 0.6 0.5 .. .. 1.4 0.5 5.0 1.8 0.9 0.6 5.8 0.9 14.9 .. 1.4 .. 2.3 1.7 .. 0.8 1.5 6.7 0.4 0.5 1.5 2.1 1.3 1.2 0.2 1.7 1.1 0.3 .. 4.0 3.0 .. .. .. 3.5 0.5

9.1 5.1 4.7 6.3 9.9 1.8 4.0 2.6 2.3 6.0 4.8 1.3 1.5 12.1 0.8 3.7 0.8 4.3 2.4 15.0 6.4 1.0 9.9 4.7 2.0 1.0 0.9 2.7 5.1 1.6 0.7 2.3 3.2 3.1 1.6 0.5 3.0 2.5 3.4 9.1 4.1 5.3 0.7 3.4 .. 2.9 1.0

0.2 (.) (.) 0.6 6.2 1.3 0.4 (.) (.) 0.3 0.1 0.3 (.) 0.1 (.) 0.9 (.) 0.7 (.) 1.6 1.5 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1 (.) 0.3 12.1 (.) (.) (.) 0.1 0.1 (.) (.) (.) 1.0 0.1 (.) 0.2 (.) 1.4 (.) 0.1 .. 0.4 (.)

.. 0.0

55 433

99 1,570

.. 4.5

.. 3.2

0.4 2.2

0.3 2.8

(.) 0.2

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Occupied Palestinian Territories Algeria El Salvador

105 Cape Verde 106 Syrian Arab Republic

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

l l l l

l l l l

l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

l l

l l ° ° l l l l l l l l l ° l l l l l

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l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

table Traditional fuel consumption (% of total energy requirements)

Electricity consumption per capita (kilowatt-hours)

MDG GDP per unit of energy use (2000 PPP US$ per kg of oil equivalent)

Ratification of environmental treaties a MDG Kyoto Carbon dioxide emissions Protocol Share to the of world Cartagena Framework Framework Convention Per capita total Protocol Convention Convention on (metric tons) (%) on on Climate on Climate Biological Biosafety Change Change Diversity 1980 2002 2000






107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam 109 Kyrgyzstan 110 Indonesia 111 Uzbekistan 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 115 Moldova, Rep. of 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 122 Tajikistan 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development

42.5 25.3 0.0 17.6 0.0 47.9 .. 2.1 2.2 52.8 58.6 .. 9.2 11.8 f 57.1 .. .. 2.2 .. g .. 20.0 .. 74.1 92.3 .. g .. 77.3 87.8 .. .. 61.9 82.5 61.6 .. 73.7 72.2 83.3 93.4 66.2

545 78 ... 94 ... 363 292 1,119 ... 259 245 171 433 3,181 f 83 ... 766 254 .. g 96 173 93 44 15 .. g 26 68 17 176 17 406 450 30 .. 47 98 74 28 1,020

1,195 392 2,252 463 2,008 496 485 1,318 1,314 696 660 208 1,287 4,715 f 54 2,559 1,226 560 .. g 115 569 69 135 10 .. g 25 133 236 469 62 249 416 119 .. 89 210 120 61 981

.. .. .. 3.9 .. 8.7 5.4 .. .. 5.0 7.1 .. 5.9 4.8 .. .. 3.5 11.4 .. .. 3.3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3.5 2.6 .. 4.9 11.1 .. 2.5 1.6 7.4 .. 2.7

.. 4.2 3.1 4.1 0.8 5.7 4.8 .. 2.0 5.0 6.4 .. 4.6 3.9 .. 1.8 5.1 10.1 10.2 .. 5.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4.3 3.8 .. 5.0 10.5 .. 3.6 3.7 4.9 .. ..

2.3 0.3 .. 0.6 .. 0.7 0.8 4.1 .. 0.6 0.6 0.5 1.0 7.2 0.3 .. 8.9 0.8 .. 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.1 (.) 0.9 0.1 0.1 (.) 0.4 (.) 0.6 0.2 0.1 .. 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 1.3

2.2 0.8 1.0 1.4 4.8 0.7 1.2 3.3 1.6 0.9 0.9 0.4 2.1 7.4 0.4 0.7 2.6 1.4 1.1 0.6 1.2 0.4 0.2 (.) 2.3 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.7 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.3 .. 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.1 1.0

(.) 0.3 (.) 1.2 0.5 (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) 0.6 1.4 (.) (.) (.) 0.2 (.) (.) 4.7 (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) 0.5 (.) (.) (.) 0.1 .. (.) (.) (.) (.) 0.1

146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157

81.5 .. g 66.9 .. g .. 2.3 .. 45.5 64.9 63.6 87.8 72.1

49 .. g 168 .. g 416 ... 60 58 109 70 85 115

42 .. g 207 .. g 296 159 58 73 155 96 95 141

.. .. 5.4 .. .. .. .. 8.0 1.8 .. .. 3.9

.. .. 4.7 .. .. 3.8 .. 6.6 2.0 .. .. 4.8

0.2 0.8 0.4 .. 0.9 .. 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.6

0.1 0.9 0.2 .. 0.5 0.7 1.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.4

(.) (.) (.) .. (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.)

46.4 90.4

108 32

148 23

1.4 ..

1.3 ..

1.0 0.1

0.4 0.1

0.2 (.)

158 Nigeria 159 Rwanda

l l

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hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

HDI rank

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal





Energy and the environment

Traditional fuel consumption (% of total energy requirements) 2002





160 Angola 161 Eritrea 162 Benin 163 Côte d’Ivoire 164 Tanzania, U. Rep. of 165 Malawi 166 Zambia 167 Congo, Dem. Rep. of the 168 Mozambique 169 Burundi 170 Ethiopia 171 Central African Republic 172 Guinea-Bissau 173 Chad 174 Mali 175 Burkina Faso 176 Sierra Leone 177 Niger Developing countries Least developed countries Arab States East Asia and the Pacific Latin America and the Caribbean South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS OECD High-income OECD High human development Medium human development Low human development High income Middle income Low income World

32.0 75.0 72.7 72.7 82.6 85.0 87.3 94.9 80.3 95.6 93.3 83.3 50.0 97.2 85.0 89.4 91.2 85.3 24.5 75.9 18.0 11.0 19.8 24.5 70.6 4.1 4.1 3.0 4.5 17.0 71.1 2.9 9.2 42.2 7.6 h

214 ... 37 220 41 66 1,125 161 364 12 ... 29 18 10 15 16 62 39 388 83 626 329 1,019 171 434 3,284 5,761 6,698 5,676 368 135 6,616 623 174 1,573

135 66 92 197 83 80 603 91 378 25 32 28 41 12 33 32 54 40 1,155 106 1,946 1,439 1,927 566 536 3,328 8,615 10,262 8,586 1,121 133 10,198 1,653 399 2,465

.. .. 2.1 4.9 .. .. 1.4 6.1 1.0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3.7 .. 5.8 2.1 6.3 3.8 3.3 .. 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.5 3.3 3.9 3.7 2.3 3.8

3.2 .. 3.0 3.7 1.4 .. 1.3 2.2 2.3 .. 2.4 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4.6 4.0 3.5 4.6 6.1 4.8 2.7 2.4 5.1 5.2 5.2 4.1 4.1 5.1 4.1 2.0 4.6

succession. ° Signature.

Human development indicators

MDG GDP per unit of energy use (2000 PPP US$ per kg of oil equivalent)

HDI rank

l Ratification, acceptance, approval, accession or


Electricity consumption per capita (kilowatt-hours)

Notes a Information is as of 15 April 2005. The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety was signed in Cartagena in 2000, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in New York in 1992, the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Kyoto in 1997 and the Convention on Biological Diversity in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. b Includes Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands. c Includes Liechtenstein. d Includes Monaco. e Includes San Marino.

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

Ratification of environmental treaties a MDG Kyoto Carbon dioxide emissions Protocol Share to the of world Cartagena Framework Framework Convention Per capita total Protocol Convention Convention on (metric tons) (%) on on Climate on Climate Biological Biosafety Change Change Diversity 1980 2002 2000 0.7 .. 0.1 0.7 0.1 0.1 0.6 0.1 0.3 (.) (.) (.) 0.2 (.) 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 1.3 0.1 3.1 1.4 2.4 0.5 1.0 10.1 11.0 12.2 10.9 1.2 0.4 12.1 2.1 0.5 3.4

0.5 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.2 (.) 0.1 (.) 0.1 0.1 0.2 (.) (.) 0.1 0.1 0.1 2.0 0.2 4.1 2.6 2.4 1.2 0.8 5.9 11.2 13.0 11.2 2.0 0.2 13.0 2.9 0.8 3.6

(.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) 36.9 0.4 4.5 17.6 5.6 6.3 1.9 12.2 51.0 46.2 53.0 39.0 0.5 47.8 38.9 7.3 100.0 i


l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

l l l ° l l l l ° ° l l

f Data refer to the South African Customs Union, which includes Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and Swaziland. g Included in data for South Africa. h Data refer to the world aggregate from UN 2005d. i Data refer to the world aggregate from CDIAC 2005. Data refer to total carbon dioxide emissions, including those of countries not shown in the main indicator tables as well as emissions not included in national totals, such as those from bunker fuels and oxidation of non-fuel hydrocarbon products.


l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

l l l ° l l l l

l l

Sources Column 1: calculated on the basis of data on traditional fuel consumption and total energy requirements from UN 2005d. Columns 2 and 3: UN 2005b. Columns 4 and 5: World Bank 2005c, based on data from the International Energy Agency; aggregates calculated for the Human Development Report Office by the World Bank. Columns 6 and 7: UN 2005f, based on data from the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center. Column 8: CDIAC 2005. Columns 9–12: UN 2005g.



HDI rank

. . . protecting personal security . . .

Refugees and armaments

Conventional arms transfers b (1990 prices)


Internally displaced people a (thousands) 2004 e

By country of asylum (thousands) 2004 e

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 150–300 f .. .. .. .. .. 210 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 .. .. .. .. .. ..

46 (.) 56 1 133 112 50 6 13 453 2 141 11 70 277 131 16 12 6 960 6 2 4 3 (.) 2 (.) (.) (.) .. 2 (.) .. 3 7 2 (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) 0 2 4 (.) 14 (.) .. .. .. 1 6

By country of origin c (thousands) 2004 e

Exports Imports (US$ millions)

Total armed forces

Share d (%) 2000–04

Thousands 2003

Index (1985=100) 2003



US$ millions 2004

(.) (.) (.) .. (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) 1 (.) (.) 1 (.) (.) 1 (.) (.) (.) (.) 7 (.) (.) 1 3 15 2 1 2 (.) (.) 1 (.) 1 230 (.) (.) 3 (.) (.) (.)

99 .. 263 0 333 258 113 48 52 625 585 143 174 66 538 6 36 146 16 .. 636 .. 793 1,215 117 11 433 668 46 .. 0 0 0 177 4 8 113 15 0 10 554 30 7 37 57 8 0 12 .. 0 0

1 .. 334 0 340 13 125 25 12 533 195 183 57 194 171 89 46 317 42 .. 261 .. 724 1,434 456 14 59 737 0 .. 18 0 0 129 15 256 43 5 31 0 1,246 0 10 0 8 0 0 14 .. 0 0

51 0 52 .. 543 260 154 .. 0 5,453 0 211 17 6 985 2,122 1 261 1 .. 75 .. 283 0 70 .. 0 50 0 .. 0 10 .. 0 0 86 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 .. .. ..

(.) (.) (.) .. 2 2 (.) .. (.) 31 (.) 1 (.) (.) 5 8 (.) 1 (.) .. 1 .. 1 (.) (.) .. (.) (.) (.) .. (.) (.) .. (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) .. (.) .. .. ..

27 .. 52 1 52 28 27 10 41 1,434 240 53 27 21 208 259 35 194 9 285 151 .. 168 171 73 7 45 688 10 1 45 2 7 71 32 142 78 5 14 12 51 20 11 16 21 24 .. 5 .. 1 1

72 .. 74 129 63 42 137 76 45 67 99 50 74 72 62 56 64 50 69 60 47 .. 118 85 132 .. 62 115 100 60 22 263 171 66 30 44 77 .. .. 207 117 .. 400 129 .. 75 .. .. .. 180 42

16 2

0 120

0 265

.. ..

.. ..

49 193

30 149

High human development Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Hong Kong, China (SAR) Israel Greece Singapore Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Malta Brunei Darussalam Argentina Hungary Poland Chile Estonia Lithuania Qatar United Arab Emirates Slovakia Bahrain Kuwait Croatia Uruguay Costa Rica Latvia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bahamas Seychelles

52 Cuba 53 Mexico

.. 10–12

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51




Refugees and armaments

HDI rank

Human development indicators

54 Tonga 55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development


58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Occupied Palestinian Territories Algeria El Salvador

105 Cape Verde 106 Syrian Arab Republic

Internally displaced people a (thousands) 2004 e .. .. .. .. .. 2 .. .. 339 f .. .. .. .. .. 309 1,575–3,410 g .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 60 .. 50–600 .. 8 60 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 352 230–1,000+ .. .. .. .. .. 240 575 21–50 h 1,000 i .. .. 305

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

Conventional arms transfers b (1990 prices)

Refugees By country of asylum (thousands) 2004 e

By country of origin c (thousands) 2004 e

Exports Imports (US$ millions)

US$ millions 2004

Total armed forces

Share d (%) 2000–04

Thousands 2003

Index (1985=100) 2003



.. 4 1 ..

(.) 3 (.) (.)

0 0 0 0

0 12 0 0

.. 0 .. ..

.. (.) .. ..

.. 51 .. 3

.. 34 .. 129

12 (.) .. (.) 10 3 2 0 .. 1 23 (.) .. .. (.) 119 .. (.) .. 241 3 1 16 3 6 239 (.) 299 0 .. (.) (.) 1 1 .. (.) 2 .. .. 14 .. 985 4 (.) 0 169 (.)

2 6 (.) (.) 96 (.) 8 (.) (.) 8 300 38 (.) (.) 10 (.) 0 1 (.) (.) 94 6 7 25 1 13 (.) 132 (.) (.) (.) 3 1 (.) 1 122 186 (.) (.) 1 (.) 132 12 253 428 12 6

0 27 .. 375 40 226 25 0 .. 0 3 39 .. 168 0 627 .. 1 .. 982 0 133 0 12 0 310 71 142 0 .. 0 32 5 0 4 53 1,215 0 0 0 0 389 0 25 5 156 0

74 0 .. 277 0 38 276 0 .. 0 0 17 .. 123 6 105 .. 12 .. 838 29 14 27 0 22 68 59 2,238 0 .. 4 0 132 0 0 6 418 21 0 20 0 283 0 0 0 282 0

0 29 .. 0 6,197 100 0 .. .. 50 0 .. .. 0 .. 5 .. 1 .. 0 452 5 5 0 .. .. .. 125 .. .. .. .. 72 .. .. .. 18 .. .. .. .. 1 20 .. .. .. 0

(.) (.) .. (.) 32 (.) (.) .. .. 1 (.) .. .. (.) .. (.) .. (.) .. (.) 3 (.) (.) (.) .. .. .. 2 .. .. .. .. (.) .. .. .. (.) .. .. .. .. (.) (.) .. .. .. (.)

76 11 (.) 110 1,212 303 97 .. .. 73 25 207 .. 42 22 307 .. 82 .. 200 273 80 66 72 47 45 106 2,255 2 .. 10 35 101 1 4 151 515 25 .. 26 3 540 18 67 .. 128 16

104 .. 200 100 23 110 51 .. .. .. .. 313 .. 143 53 130 .. 168 .. 319 .. 63 .. 414 109 .. 92 58 90 .. 70 100 143 183 130 699 82 110 .. .. 133 89 .. .. .. 75 37

.. 4

(.) 20

0 44

0 0

.. 0

.. (.)

1 297

16 74

table HDI rank 107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam 109 Kyrgyzstan 110 Indonesia 111 Uzbekistan 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 115 Moldova, Rep. of 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 122 Tajikistan 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal

158 Nigeria 159 Rwanda

Conventional arms transfers b (1990 prices)

Refugees By country of asylum (thousands) 2004 e

By country of origin c (thousands) 2004 e

Exports Imports (US$ millions)

Total armed forces

Share d (%) 2000–04

Thousands 2003

Index (1985=100) 2003



US$ millions 2004

.. .. .. 600 3 .. .. .. .. .. 242 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 600 .. 526 f .. .. .. .. .. 30 f 100–150 .. .. 500 .. 6,000 100 .. 1,400 f 150

.. 15 6 (.) 45 (.) 1 0 (.) (.) 1 .. 89 27 .. 3 14 2 20 0 165 .. 0 (.) 3 0 0 .. 1,124 124 7 44 20 (.) 138 91 12 231 13

(.) 363 3 13 7 4 (.) (.) 11 1 7 .. 6 (.) 1 59 (.) 1 1 (.) 14 (.) 147 31 (.) (.) 10 104 24 1 (.) 16 6 (.) 606 29 11 35 7

0 0 0 559 0 0 7 .. 2 0 3 .. 1,944 19 0 24 0 131 3 .. 565 0 3 71 0 .. 0 0 755 0 1 10 50 .. 0 0 3 0 0

0 247 5 85 0 0 1 .. 0 0 0 .. 398 8 0 0 0 0 53 .. 2,375 0 65 0 10 .. 0 0 344 32 0 27 26 .. 270 0 0 19 0

.. .. 0 50 170 0 .. .. 0 .. .. .. 0 35 .. .. .. .. .. .. 22 .. .. 0 .. .. .. .. 10 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. (.) (.) 1 (.) .. .. (.) .. .. .. (.) (.) .. .. .. .. .. .. (.) .. .. (.) .. .. .. .. (.) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

2 484 13 302 52 14 32 9 7 12 29 .. 450 56 1 8 5 196 9 .. 1,325 .. 378 124 9 .. 29 .. 619 72 .. 7 126 .. 105 10 9 50 29

24 47 .. 109 .. 22 114 26 .. 72 92 .. 101 52 59 .. 196 132 .. .. 105 .. 203 355 225 .. 54 .. 128 288 .. 46 137 .. 185 115 236 250 71

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 360 .. 82 64

0 1 59 0 27 62 (.) .. 238 7 184 21

(.) (.) 6 (.) 1 2 31 8 3 1 4 8

0 0 0 0 0 4 27 .. 12 0 0 1

0 0 0 1 0 309 0 .. 0 0 0 0

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

14 .. 23 2 10 67 16 .. 24 1 10 14

64 .. 316 100 327 104 185 .. 176 160 98 135

200 ..

9 37

24 75

73 0

10 0

0 ..

(.) ..

79 51

84 981

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157

Internally displaced people a (thousands) 2004 e





Refugees and armaments

HDI rank

Human development indicators

160 Angola 161 Eritrea 162 Benin 163 Côte d’Ivoire 164 Tanzania, U. Rep. of 165 Malawi 166 Zambia 167 Congo, Dem. Rep. of the 168 Mozambique 169 Burundi 170 Ethiopia 171 Central African Republic 172 Guinea-Bissau 173 Chad 174 Mali 175 Burkina Faso 176 Sierra Leone 177 Niger Developing countries Least developed countries Arab States East Asia and the Pacific Latin America and the Caribbean South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS OECD High-income OECD High human development Medium human development Low human development High income Middle income Low income World


notes a Refers to estimates maintained by the Global IDP Project based on various sources. Estimates are associated with high levels of uncertainty. b Data are as of 16 February 2005 and are trend indicator values, which are an indicator only of the volume of international arm transfers, not of the actual financial value of such transfers. Published reports of arms transfers provide partial information, as not all transfers are fully reported. The estimates presented are conservative and may understate actual transfers of conventional weapons. c The country of origin for many refugees is unavailable or unreported. These data may therefore be underestimates. d Calculated using the 2000–04 totals for all countries and non-state actors with exports of major conventional weapons as defined in SIPRI 2005b. e Data refer to the end of 2004 unless otherwise specified.

Conventional arms transfers b (1990 prices)


Internally displaced people a (thousands) 2004 e

By country of asylum (thousands) 2004 e

40–340 f 59 .. 500 .. .. .. 2,330 .. 170 132 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25,300 j

13 4 5 76 650 3 227 234 (.) 41 130 45 8 146 10 (.) 61 (.) 6,484 T 2,476 T 883 T 444 T 38 T 2,417 T 2,698 T 678 T 2,524 T 2,505 T 2,560 T 4,353 T 2,299 T 2,516 T 2,812 T 4,344 T 9,672 T

By country of origin c (thousands) 2004 e 324 124 (.) 34 1 (.) (.) 453 (.) 532 63 35 1 52 (.) 1 71 1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

f Estimate excludes certain parts of the country or some groups of internally displaced persons. g Lower estimate accumulated since 1994. Higher figure accumulated since 1985. h Lower estimate only includes internally displaced persons evicted mainly by house demolitions since 2000. Higher figure cumulative since 1967. i Figures accumulated since 1992. j Aggregate provided by the Global IDP Project. k Data refer to the world aggregate from SIPRI 2005c and include all countries and non-state actors with transfers of major conventional weapons as defined therein.

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

Exports Imports (US$ millions) 1994


US$ millions 2004

96 16 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19,501 T k

5 382 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 162 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19,162 T k

0 0 .. .. .. 0 0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19,156 T k

Sources Column 1: Global IDP Project 2005. Columns 2 and 3: UNHCR 2005. Columns 4–6: SIPRI 2005c. Column 7: calculated on the basis of data on weapons transfers from SIPRI 2005c. Column 8: IISS 2004. Column 9: calculated on the basis of data on armed forces from IISS 2004.

Total armed forces

Share d (%) 2000–04

Thousands 2003

Index (1985=100) 2003

(.) (.) .. .. .. (.) (.) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

108 202 5 17 27 5 18 65 10 51 183 3 7 30 7 11 13 5 12,670 T 1,933 T 1,866 T 4,874 T 1,282 T 2,923 T 1,200 T 2,352 T 5,002 T 4,055 T 5,165 T 12,215 T 1,076 T 4,412 T 10,614 T 4,640 T 18,560 T

219 .. 102 129 67 100 112 135 65 971 84 113 84 248 151 270 419 241 81 165 69 65 95 115 142 36 69 69 69 71 154 72 65 92 67



. . . protecting personal security . . .

Victims of crime

Population victimized by crime a (% of total) Year b

Total crime c

Property crime d


Sexual assault e


Bribery (corruption) f 0.3 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.2 1.3 .. (.) 4.0 0.4 .. 0.2 5.1 1.4 .. 2.1 0.1 0.2 g 0.2

National 1999 1995 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1991 1999 1996 1999 1991 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 1999 1999 1999

30.1 18.8 21.4 23.8 23.0 26.4 19.1 21.4 24.6 15.2 23.1 25.2 29.4 15.0 22.7 15.5 23.2 21.2 24.7 18.2 21.1

13.9 3.1 7.7 10.4 7.6 12.2 4.4 8.7 12.7 3.4 10.9 7.4 14.8 6.2 9.0 7.5 7.6 7.7 8.4 4.5 10.0

1.2 0.2 1.0 0.9 0.7 1.2 0.6 1.1 1.3 0.1 0.4 0.8 0.7 0.1 1.8 1.1 0.7 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.6

1.0 1.2 0.3 0.8 0.4 0.9 1.1 0.7 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.8 1.3 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.8 1.1 0.6 0.4

2.4 0.8 1.2 2.3 1.4 2.8 2.1 1.4 0.2 0.1 1.1 1.0 2.4 2.1 1.1 0.4 3.0 1.1 1.2 1.0 1.2

Asunción (Paraguay) Baku (Azerbaijan) Beijing (China) Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) Bogotá (Colombia) Bratislava (Slovakia) Bucharest (Romania) Budapest (Hungary) Buenos Aires (Argentina) Cairo (Egypt) Dar es Salaam (Tanzania, U. Rep. of) Gaborone (Botswana) Jakarta (Indonesia) Johannesburg (South Africa) Kampala (Uganda) Kiev (Ukraine) La Paz (Bolivia) Manila (Philippines) Maputo (Mozambique) Minsk (Belarus) Moscow (Russian Federation) Mumbai (India) New Delhi (India) Prague (Czech Republic) Rïga (Latvia) Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) San José (Costa Rica) Skopje (Macedonia, TFYR) Sofia (Bulgaria)

1995 1999 1991 1995 1996 1996 1999 1999 1995 1991 1991 1996 1995 1995 1995 1999 1995 1995 2001 1999 1999 1995 1995 1999 1999 1995 1995 1995 1999

34.4 8.3 19.0 27.8 54.6 36.0 25.4 32.1 61.1 28.7 .. 31.7 20.9 38.0 40.9 29.1 39.8 10.6 40.6 23.6 26.3 31.8 30.5 34.1 26.5 44.0 40.4 21.1 27.2

16.7 2.4 2.2 11.3 27.0 20.8 10.8 15.6 30.8 12.1 23.1 19.7 9.4 18.3 20.6 8.9 18.1 3.3 29.3 11.1 10.9 6.7 6.1 21.6 9.4 14.7 21.7 9.4 16.1

6.3 1.6 0.5 1.6 11.5 1.2 1.8 1.8 6.4 2.2 8.2 2.0 0.7 4.7 2.3 2.5 5.8 1.5 7.6 1.4 2.4 1.3 1.0 0.5 2.8 12.2 8.9 1.1 1.5

1.7 0.0 0.6 2.2 4.8 0.4 0.4 0.9 6.4 1.8 6.1 0.7 1.3 2.7 5.1 1.2 1.5 0.1 2.2 1.4 1.2 3.5 1.7 0.9 0.5 7.5 3.5 0.3 0.1

0.9 0.4 0.6 2.1 2.5 0.5 0.6 0.8 2.3 1.1 1.7 3.2 0.5 4.6 1.7 1.5 2.0 0.1 3.2 1.3 1.1 0.8 0.8 1.1 1.9 3.4 1.7 0.7 0.6

13.3 20.8 .. 19.3 19.5 13.5 19.2 9.8 30.2 .. .. 2.8 29.9 6.9 19.5 16.2 24.4 4.3 30.5 20.6 16.6 22.9 21.0 5.7 14.3 17.1 9.2 7.4 16.4

Tallinn (Estonia) Tbjlisi (Georgia)

1999 1999

41.2 23.6

22.5 11.1

6.3 1.8

3.3 0.4

3.7 0.9

9.3 16.6

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

Australia Austria Belgium Canada Denmark England and Wales Finland France Italy Japan Malta Netherlands New Zealand Northern Ireland Poland Portugal Scotland Slovenia Sweden Switzerland United States Major city




Victims of crime

Population victimized by crime a (% of total) Year b Tirana (Albania) Tunis (Tunisia) Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) Vilnius (Lithuania) Zagreb (Croatia)


31.7 37.5 41.8 31.0 14.3

Source All columns: UNODC 2004.

Human development indicators

notes a Data refer to victimization as reported in the International Crime Victims Survey. b Surveys were conducted in 1992, 1995, 1996–97 and 2000–01. Data refer to the year preceding the survey. c Data refer to people victimized by 1 or more of 11 crimes recorded in the survey: robbery, burglary, attempted burglary, car theft, car vandalism, bicycle theft, sexual assault, theft from car, theft of personal property, assault and threats, and theft of motorcycle or moped. d Includes car theft, theft from car, burglary with entry and attempted burglary. e Data refer to women only. f Data refer to people who have been asked or expected to pay a bribe by a government official. g Data refer to 1995.

1999 1991 1999 1999 1999

Total crime c

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

Property crime d 11.2 20.1 20.0 17.8 4.4


Sexual assault e


2.9 5.4 4.5 3.2 0.5

1.2 1.5 1.4 2.0 0.8

0.7 0.4 2.1 1.4 0.5

Bribery (corruption) f 59.1 .. 21.3 22.9 9.5



. . . and achieving equality for all women and men

Gender-related development index

Gender-related development index (GDI) HDI rank

Life expectancy at birth (years) 2003

Adult literacy rate a (% ages 15 and above) 2003

Combined gross enrolment ratio for primary, secondary and tertiary schools b (%) 2002/03

Estimated earned income c (PPP US$) 2003











HDI rank minus GDI rank d

1 3 2 7 5 4 6 11 9 8 14 12 10 13 15 16 19 18 17 20 21 22 23 24 .. 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 .. 34 31 33 38 35 36 .. .. 37 41 39 40 42 44 43 .. .. ..

0.960 0.953 0.954 0.944 0.946 0.947 0.946 0.939 0.941 0.942 0.937 0.939 0.940 0.938 0.937 0.935 0.926 0.928 0.929 0.926 0.922 0.912 0.911 0.907 .. 0.901 0.900 0.896 0.884 0.876 0.872 0.858 .. 0.854 0.860 0.856 0.846 0.852 0.851 .. .. 0.847 0.837 0.843 0.837 0.836 0.829 0.834 .. .. ..

81.9 82.6 82.8 81.5 82.4 82.4 83.2 80.3 82.0 80.0 85.4 81.1 81.7 79.4 80.6 83.0 81.8 83.1 81.3 81.5 83.2 84.6 81.7 80.9 80.6 80.0 80.6 80.6 81.1 78.5 78.7 80.8 79.0 78.2 76.8 78.4 80.9 77.0 77.8 76.0 80.8 77.9 75.9 79.5 78.4 79.0 80.6 77.0 .. 73.0 ..

76.8 78.7 77.7 75.2 77.4 77.9 77.6 75.1 75.7 74.6 78.4 75.7 75.1 74.8 76.0 75.9 76.0 76.9 76.8 75.7 75.9 78.7 77.6 75.6 76.7 72.7 73.9 73.3 76.1 71.4 72.3 75.9 74.3 70.7 68.6 70.3 74.8 65.6 66.6 71.2 76.4 70.1 73.1 75.2 71.4 71.7 75.9 65.8 .. 66.5 ..

.. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e 89.6 95.6 88.3 e 88.6 99.6 e .. e .. e 95.1 99.7 e .. 89.2 j 90.2 97.2 99.3 e 99.7 e 95.6 99.8 e 99.6 e .. 80.7 k 99.6 e 83.0 81.0 k 97.1 98.1 k 95.9 k 99.7 e .. 96.3 92.3

.. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e .. e 96.9 98.3 94.0 e 96.6 99.7 e .. e .. e 98.6 99.7 e .. 86.4 j 95.2 97.2 99.4 e 99.8 e 95.8 99.8 e 99.6 e 0.0 75.6 k 99.7 e 92.5 84.7 k 99.3 e 97.3 k 95.7 k 99.8 e .. 94.6 91.4

106 102 117 89 f 96 h, i 124 88 97 119 97 83 99 112 106 133 h 94 90 89 104 88 96 73 93 93 .. 99 97 87 79 94 i 81 80 75 99 92 93 81 99 98 84 79 h 76 85 85 h 76 93 h 69 95 94 h .. 85

97 91 114 88 f 92 h, i 105 92 89 110 89 85 99 103 97 113 h 90 88 85 94 90 91 74 89 91 .. 92 90 100 78 84 i 80 78 72 91 87 88 82 87 90 80 69 h 74 77 75 h 74 83 h 67 84 83 h .. 85

32,272 25,411 24,827 34,890 23,922 21,842 28,972 22,125 19,951 29,017 17,795 20,512 23,211 26,587 20,790 20,642 15,878 17,176 18,379 19,534 13,854 19,593 14,159 12,531 16,489 14,751 12,853 11,698 11,864 11,976 12,843 9,893 .. 6,635 11,287 8,769 5,753 10,745 9,595 .. .. 10,681 7,685 8,448 8,047 5,763 5,236 8,050 .. 13,357 ..

43,148 36,908 34,446 89,883 g 37,572 31,722 32,149 53,549 37,019 46,456 38,612 38,389 32,250 36,430 33,713 35,123 45,174 37,670 26,960 36,258 31,322 35,037 25,969 27,591 32,089 23,779 23,829 24,167 25,260 19,687 20,051 25,525 .. 17,800 18,183 14,147 14,872 16,750 14,064 .. .. 16,463 24,909 24,204 14,351 10,950 14,000 12,886 .. 20,723 ..

0 –1 1 –3 0 2 1 –3 0 2 –3 0 3 1 0 0 –2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 –1 .. –2 2 1 –3 1 1 .. .. 1 –2 1 1 0 –1 1 .. .. ..

.. 46

.. 0.804

79.2 77.5

75.5 72.6

96.8 k 88.7

97.0 k 92.0

81 76

79 74

.. 5,068

.. 13,506

.. –1

High human development Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Hong Kong, China (SAR) Israel Greece Singapore Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Malta Brunei Darussalam Argentina Hungary Poland Chile Estonia Lithuania Qatar United Arab Emirates Slovakia Bahrain Kuwait Croatia Uruguay Costa Rica Latvia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bahamas Seychelles

52 Cuba 53 Mexico

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51




Gender-related development index

Gender-related development index (GDI)

Human development indicators

Adult literacy rate a (% ages 15 and above) 2003

Estimated earned income c (PPP US$) 2003











HDI rank minus GDI rank d

54 Tonga 55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development

.. 45 47 48

.. 0.807 0.800 0.796

73.5 75.6 77.4 73.0

71.0 68.9 72.3 66.9

99.0 j 97.7 91.2 97.9 k

98.8 j 98.7 92.5 99.0 k

84 h 78 82 67 h

82 h 77 76 64 h

.. 6,212 4,597 6,792

.. 9,334 9,069 14,807

.. 1 0 0

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

.. 49 .. 50 .. 52 51 54 .. 53 .. 55 .. 60 56 57 .. 58 .. 65 59 67 61 68 .. 62 63 64 .. .. 72 69 73 76 71 66 70 74 .. .. 75 78 .. 77 .. 82 80

.. 0.794 .. 0.791 .. 0.786 0.789 0.781 .. 0.785 .. 0.780 .. 0.759 0.776 0.774 .. 0.765 .. 0.749 0.763 0.745 0.759 0.745 .. 0.756 0.755 0.754 .. .. 0.742 0.743 0.740 0.734 0.742 0.747 0.742 0.739 .. .. 0.736 0.719 .. 0.725 .. 0.706 0.715

76.2 76.3 .. 75.6 72.1 74.6 75.0 75.7 .. 74.0 76.8 75.4 .. 75.7 76.7 73.8 73.7 75.9 73.9 73.9 72.5 72.6 69.0 74.2 77.3 74.7 72.5 73.5 72.6 73.9 73.2 75.4 72.9 74.5 70.1 76.8 71.1 71.0 66.1 66.8 72.5 71.9 74.3 70.5 74.0 72.4 73.9

71.6 71.3 .. 70.9 59.0 66.6 67.8 68.8 .. 62.4 71.4 69.3 .. 72.8 71.0 66.3 67.2 70.0 70.9 70.1 60.1 67.5 57.8 69.8 71.4 68.0 68.3 69.9 65.9 68.3 68.7 71.2 69.9 69.5 65.7 71.5 66.5 63.9 67.1 58.3 69.0 69.0 66.6 63.2 70.9 69.8 67.8

70.7 k 94.1 .. 85.4 99.2 e 88.6 96.3 80.5 .. 99.4 e, j 91.1 94.6 .. 65.4 k 98.3 90.5 98.4 k 92.7 90.6 69.3 99.2 e 82.1 99.3 e, j 81.0 89.7 99.2 e 92.7 86.5 84.1 .. 90.2 65.3 84.7 77.1 91.4 j 88.6 l 81.1 87.3 97.2 k 98.3 j 91.4 k 70.4 .. 98.2 j 87.4 60.1 77.1 k

91.8 k 98.2 .. 92.0 99.7 e 88.3 98.4 88.2 .. 99.8 e, j 98.4 93.7 .. 82.0 k 99.2 e 94.9 98.9 k 93.3 89.5 87.1 99.7 e 93.5 99.8 e, j 92.4 92.3 99.7 e 92.5 95.1 92.3 .. 93.1 83.4 95.1 76.7 94.5 j 92.2 l 95.7 88.0 97.3 k 99.3 e, j 83.8 k 83.5 .. 99.5 e, j 96.3 79.5 82.4 k

100 h 71 .. 73 .. 93 73 71 h 96 91 .. 72 78 63 h 70 72 h 72 h 76 h 78 h 57 h 87 88 h 87 80 h .. 74 83 68 78 h 68 74 h 76 79 78 h 73 h, i 69 h 62 h 81 h 75 h .. 77 h 65 h 71 68 81 h 72 h 67

93 h 69 .. 68 .. 89 70 71 h 96 86 .. 69 73 63 h 68 72 h 70 h 73 h 72 h 58 h 84 87 h 83 77 h .. 69 80 70 69 h 65 73 h 73 77 76 h 73 h, i 67 h 74 h 71 h 74 h .. 71 h 72 h 70 71 78 h 76 h 68

.. 4,861 .. 6,075 7,302 4,704 5,391 6,084 .. 4,842 3,759 4,557 .. 4,013 3,266 5,784 .. 2,890 .. 4,440 3,891 2,231 5,221 2,430 1,696 3,026 3,213 3,961 .. .. 2,316 3,840 2,004 2,695 3,146 2,579 4,276 3,608 .. 4,603 3,279 3,094 1,566 2,683 .. 2,896 2,939

.. 8,725 .. 12,869 11,429 10,963 9,261 16,606 .. 7,418 8,229 8,892 .. 21,614 5,836 9,452 .. 6,929 .. 20,717 7,329 8,256 8,217 7,789 5,569 4,352 5,409 5,976 .. .. 7,000 10,420 6,491 11,143 8,525 5,009 9,286 9,949 .. 7,305 4,944 10,856 3,715 4,591 .. 9,244 6,689

.. 0 .. 0 .. –1 1 –1 .. 1 .. 0 .. –4 1 1 .. 1 .. –5 2 –5 2 –4 .. 3 3 3 .. .. –4 0 –3 –5 1 7 4 1 .. .. 1 –1 .. 1 .. –3 0

81 84

0.714 0.702

73.2 75.1

67.0 71.6

68.0 k 74.2

85.4 k 91.0

73 60 h

73 65 h

3,392 1,584

7,136 5,534

0 –2

HDI rank


Life expectancy at birth (years) 2003

Combined gross enrolment ratio for primary, secondary and tertiary schools b (%) 2002/03

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Occupied Palestinian Territories Algeria El Salvador

105 Cape Verde 106 Syrian Arab Republic

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

table Gender-related development index (GDI)

Life expectancy at birth (years) 2003

Adult literacy rate a (% ages 15 and above) 2003

Combined gross enrolment ratio for primary, secondary and tertiary schools b (%) 2002/03 Female


Estimated earned income c (PPP US$) 2003








107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam 109 Kyrgyzstan 110 Indonesia 111 Uzbekistan 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 115 Moldova, Rep. of 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 122 Tajikistan 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development

79 83 85 87 86 88 89 90 91 .. 94 .. .. 92 95 93 .. 97 96 .. 98 .. .. 99 100 101 102 .. 107 106 103 104 105 .. 110 108 112 109 111

0.716 0.702 0.700 0.691 0.692 0.683 0.679 0.677 0.668 .. 0.649 .. .. 0.652 0.641 0.650 .. 0.616 0.621 .. 0.586 .. .. 0.567 0.559 0.541 0.540 .. 0.508 0.511 0.518 0.517 0.514 .. 0.495 0.507 0.491 0.502 0.493

66.1 72.6 71.1 68.8 69.8 72.1 66.2 66.1 71.3 69.9 71.0 70.6 72.1 50.2 43.9 66.3 55.2 71.9 49.0 64.0 65.0 63.0 63.1 59.8 36.7 65.4 55.9 64.2 63.2 62.0 56.0 57.3 63.7 56.6 57.9 53.2 56.3 47.6 36.5

60.0 68.6 62.7 64.9 63.4 67.3 62.0 62.1 63.9 65.8 63.6 66.9 67.7 46.8 42.6 61.0 53.7 67.5 47.6 62.0 61.8 61.6 57.5 52.4 35.9 61.1 53.4 61.7 62.8 61.2 54.9 56.3 62.1 54.5 54.9 50.7 52.4 46.9 37.3

98.2 86.9 j 98.1 j 83.4 k 98.9 k 76.6 80.4 97.5 95.0 80.2 63.3 .. 43.6 j 80.9 j 76.4 99.3 e .. 38.3 k 83.5 .. 47.8 .. 86.2 64.1 81.5 k 49.1 k 60.9 .. 35.2 34.9 50.9 45.7 31.4 k .. 49.9 l 77.1 k 38.3 59.2 k 86.3 k

99.0 93.9 j 99.3 e, j 92.5 k 99.6 k 76.8 92.9 98.0 97.5 79.8 75.4 .. 67.2 j 84.1 j 92.1 99.7 e .. 63.3 k 86.8 .. 73.4 .. 93.7 84.7 76.1 k 63.5 k 77.0 .. 61.7 62.7 63.4 62.9 50.3 k .. 69.2 l 88.9 k 68.5 78.8 k 93.8 k

78 h 61 h 83 65 74 71 84 h 80 64 .. 59 58 .. 78 h 60 h 69 70 h, i 54 72 h 59 h, i 56 .. 49 h 54 71 h 42 h 55 14 31 55 37 h 43 h 54 .. 35 h 44 52 72 h 51 h

77 h 67 h 81 67 77 68 90 h 69 60 .. 63 59 .. 78 h 71 h 82 74 h, i 62 70 h 64 h, i 64 .. 48 h 64 70 h 51 h 67 16 43 66 44 h 48 h 52 .. 41 h 52 76 75 h 54 h

2,426 2,026 1,388 2,289 1,385 2,018 1,615 1,478 1,200 1,447 2,073 .. 1,614 6,505 10,771 854 4,765 2,299 4,201 .. 1,569 1,391 .. 1,807 6,617 1,216 1,391 .. 1,050 949 1,896 1,915 1,245 .. 918 689 1,092 1,169 1,751

6,152 2,964 2,128 4,434 2,099 4,512 3,573 2,227 1,850 3,877 6,197 .. 6,203 14,326 27,053 1,367 8,054 5,699 8,234 .. 4,130 2,107 .. 2,368 10,816 2,206 2,129 .. 3,082 1,868 3,305 2,567 2,289 .. 2,890 1,238 2,318 1,751 3,042

4 1 0 –1 1 0 0 0 0 .. –2 .. .. 1 –1 2 .. –1 1 .. 0 .. .. 0 0 0 0 .. –4 –2 2 2 2 .. –2 1 –2 2 1

146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157

116 115 113 114 .. 121 118 .. 117 119 .. 120

0.483 0.485 0.487 0.487 .. 0.448 0.471 .. 0.472 0.464 .. 0.449

56.8 32.9 46.5 37.7 54.0 61.9 54.3 52.4 46.3 57.1 54.1 56.9

54.1 32.1 45.1 34.6 51.6 59.3 51.1 50.8 48.1 54.3 53.4 54.5

65.2 78.1 59.8 90.3 .. 28.5 k 43.4 50.0 k 70.2 30.9 .. 29.2

76.4 80.4 77.0 73.7 .. 69.5 k 59.5 53.8 k 77.7 45.0 .. 51.1

40 58 h 50 h 67 h 23 h 41 h 43 h .. 50 h 45 h 34 h 37 h

41 61 h 60 h 65 h 31 h 69 h 47 h .. 53 h 50 h 49 h 43 h

603 2,669 1,310 1,480 .. 413 1,269 1,250 1,001 1,391 1,692 1,175

1,017 6,927 2,940 3,759 .. 1,349 2,284 2,247 1,078 2,339 2,503 2,131

–3 –1 2 2 .. –4 0 .. 2 1 .. 1

123 122

0.439 0.447

43.6 45.6

43.1 42.1

59.4 k 58.8

74.4 k 70.5

57 h 53

71 h 58

614 985

1,495 1,583

–1 1

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal

158 Nigeria 159 Rwanda



hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

HDI rank

HDI rank minus GDI rank d




Gender-related development index

Gender-related development index (GDI)

Life expectancy at birth (years) 2003

Adult literacy rate a (% ages 15 and above) 2003

Combined gross enrolment ratio for primary, secondary and tertiary schools b (%) 2002/03

HDI rank








160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177

124 125 126 128 127 129 130 131 133 132 134 .. 135 137 136 138 139 140

0.438 0.431 0.419 0.403 0.414 0.396 0.383 0.373 0.365 0.373 0.355 .. 0.326 0.322 0.323 0.311 0.279 0.271

42.3 55.7 54.7 46.7 46.3 39.6 36.9 44.1 42.7 44.5 48.7 40.1 46.2 44.7 48.5 48.2 42.1 44.4

39.3 51.8 53.2 45.2 45.5 39.8 37.9 42.1 41.1 42.6 46.6 38.4 43.2 42.5 47.2 46.8 39.4 44.3

53.8 45.6 22.6 38.2 62.2 54.0 j 59.7 j 51.9 31.4 k 51.9 33.8 k 33.5 24.7 12.7 11.9 j 8.1 j 20.5 9.4

82.1 68.2 46.4 60.1 77.5 74.9 j 76.1 j 79.8 62.3 k 66.8 49.2 k 64.8 55.2 40.6 26.7 j 18.5 j 39.8 19.6

27 h, i 30 h 43 h 34 h, i 40 h 69 h 45 h 24 h, i 38 h 31 h 29 h .. 29 h, i 28 h 27 h 20 h 38 i 17 h

Angola Eritrea Benin Côte d’Ivoire Tanzania, U. Rep. of Malawi Zambia Congo, Dem. Rep. of the Mozambique Burundi Ethiopia Central African Republic Guinea-Bissau Chad Mali Burkina Faso Sierra Leone Niger

notes a Data refer to national literacy estimates from censuses or surveys conducted between 2000 and 2004, unless otherwise noted. Due to differences in methodology and timeliness of underlying data, comparisons across countries and over time should be made with caution. For more details, see www. uis.unesco.org/ev.php?ID=4930_201&ID2=DO_ TOPIC. b Data refer to the 2002/03 school year. Data for some countries may refer to national or United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Institute for Statistics estimates. For details, see www.uis.unesco.org. Because data are from different sources, comparisons across countries should be made with caution.

c Because of the lack of gender-disaggregated income data, female and male earned income are crudely estimated on the basis of data on the ratio of the female non-agricultural wage to the male nonagricultural wage, the female and male shares of the economically active population, the total female and male population and GDP per capita (PPP US$) (see Technical note 1). Estimates are based on data for the most recent year available during 1991–2003, unless otherwise specified. d The HDI ranks used in this column are those recalculated for the 140 countries with a GDI value. A positive figure indicates that the GDI rank is higher than the HDI rank, a negative the opposite. e For purposes of calculating the GDI, a value of 99.0% was applied.

Male 32 h, i 40 h 66 h 50 h, i 42 h 75 h 50 h 31 h, i 48 h 40 h 42 h .. 45 h, i 48 h 38 h 27 h 52 i 25 h

f Statec 2005. g For purposes of calculating the GDI, a value of $40,000 (PPP US$) was applied. h Preliminary UNESCO Institute for Statistics estimate, subject to further revision. i Data refer to year other than that specified. j Data refer to a year between 1995 and 1999. k Estimate produced by UNESCO Institute for Statistics in July 2002. l Data refer to a year or period other than that specified, differ from the standard definition or refer to only part of a country.

Estimated earned income c (PPP US$) 2003 Female


HDI rank minus GDI rank d

1,797 579 910 792 516 486 629 500 910 545 487 829 466 902 742 986 325 601

2,897 1,125 1,316 2,142 725 717 1,130 903 1,341 758 931 1,366 960 1,525 1,247 1,357 783 1,056

0 0 0 –1 1 0 0 0 –1 1 0 .. 0 –1 1 0 0 0

Sources Column 1: determined on the basis of the GDI values in column 2 Column 2: calculated on the basis of data in columns 3–10; see Technical note 1 for details. Columns 3 and 4: UN 2005c, unless otherwise noted. Columns 5 and 6: UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2005a, unless otherwise noted. Columns 7 and 8: UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2005c. Columns 9 and 10: calculated on the basis of data on GDP per capita (PPP US$) and population from World Bank 2005c, data on wages from ILO 2005b; data on the economically active population from ILO 2002, unless otherwise noted. Column 11: calculated on the basis the recalculated HDI ranks on the GDI ranks in column 1.

Human development indicators

GDI ranks for 140 countries and areas


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Norway Australia Iceland Sweden Canada Switzerland Luxembourg United States Belgium Finland Ireland Netherlands Denmark Japan United Kingdom France New Zealand Italy Austria Germany Spain Hong Kong, China (SAR) Israel Greece Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

Barbados Czech Republic Hungary Malta Poland Argentina Estonia Lithuania Slovakia Chile Kuwait Croatia Bahrain Uruguay Latvia Costa Rica Bulgaria Mexico Panama Trinidad and Tobago Macedonia, TFYR Malaysia Romania Brazil Belarus Mauritius Colombia Albania

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84

Thailand Venezuela Ukraine Oman Kazakhstan Armenia Philippines China Saudi Arabia Sri Lanka Peru Lebanon Tunisia Turkey Fiji Paraguay Jordan Dominican Republic Jamaica Belize Azerbaijan Iran, Islamic Rep. of Guyana El Salvador Cape Verde Algeria Viet Nam Syrian Arab Republic

85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112

Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan Indonesia Nicaragua Bolivia Mongolia Moldova, Rep. of South Africa Tajikistan Guatemala Equatorial Guinea Namibia Morocco India Cambodia Botswana Comoros Lao People’s Dem. Rep. Papua New Guinea Ghana Bangladesh Nepal Pakistan Congo Uganda Sudan Zimbabwe Togo

113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140

Cameroon Lesotho Swaziland Madagascar Kenya Mauritania Gambia Senegal Yemen Rwanda Nigeria Angola Eritrea Benin Tanzania, U. Rep. of Côte d’Ivoire Malawi Zambia Congo, Dem. Rep. of the Burundi Mozambique Ethiopia Guinea-Bissau Mali Chad Burkina Faso Sierra Leone Niger



. . . and achieving equality for all women and men

Gender empowerment measure

Gender empowerment measure (GEM) HDI rank

Female legislators, senior officials and managers b (% of total)

Female professional and technical workers b (% of total)



Seats in parliament held by women a (% of total)

1 4 7 .. 10 3 11 16 6 12 43 8 5 2 18 .. 13 37 14 9 15 .. 24 36 22 30 21 59 39 25 34 58 .. 20 44 27 61 35 26 .. .. 33 68 .. 32 50 19 28 .. 17 ..

0.928 0.834 0.826 .. 0.807 0.852 0.795 0.724 0.828 0.793 0.534 0.814 0.833 0.860 0.716 .. 0.779 0.589 0.769 0.813 0.745 .. 0.622 0.594 0.654 0.603 0.656 0.479 0.571 0.615 0.595 0.486 .. 0.665 0.528 0.612 0.475 0.595 0.614 .. .. 0.597 0.393 .. 0.599 0.504 0.668 0.606 .. 0.719 ..

38.2 30.2 28.3 d 23.3 24.7 45.3 24.8 14.2 35.7 14.8 9.3 34.2 37.5 36.9 17.9 13.9 32.2 10.4 28.3 31.3 30.5 .. 15.0 14.0 16.0 12.2 20.0 13.0 16.1 17.6 15.7 9.2 —e 33.6 9.1 20.7 10.1 18.8 22.0 —e 0.0 16.7 7.5 f 0.0 g 21.7 10.8 35.1 21.0 0.0 26.8 29.4

30 29 36 .. 35 30 28 29 31 46 10 26 28 26 33 .. 27 21 36 36 30 26 29 26 26 33 32 6 18 45 26 18 .. 25 34 34 24 35 39 .. 8 35 10 .. 26 35 29 40 .. 40 ..

50 55 55 .. 54 51 45 50 48 55 46 48 53 51 45 .. 49 45 52 50 47 39 54 48 45 56 52 39 47 71 52 39 .. 55 61 61 52 69 70 .. 25 61 19 .. 52 53 40 64 .. 51 ..

0.75 0.69 0.72 0.39 0.64 0.69 0.90 0.41 0.54 0.62 0.46 0.53 0.72 0.73 0.62 0.59 0.35 0.46 0.68 0.54 0.44 0.56 0.55 0.45 0.51 0.62 0.54 0.48 0.47 0.61 0.64 0.39 .. 0.37 0.62 0.62 0.39 0.64 0.68 .. .. 0.65 0.31 0.35 0.56 0.53 0.37 0.62 .. 0.64 ..

.. 38

.. 0.583

36.0 23.7

.. 25

.. 40

.. 0.38

Ratio of estimated female to male earned income c

High human development Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Hong Kong, China (SAR) Israel Greece Singapore Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Malta Brunei Darussalam Argentina Hungary Poland Chile Estonia Lithuania Qatar United Arab Emirates Slovakia Bahrain Kuwait Croatia Uruguay Costa Rica Latvia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bahamas Seychelles

52 Cuba 53 Mexico

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51




Gender empowerment measure

Gender empowerment measure (GEM)

Human development indicators

Female professional and technical workers b (% of total)



54 Tonga 55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development

.. 29 40 23

.. 0.604 0.563 0.650

0.0 26.3 16.7 25.4

.. 30 40 38

.. 34 50 54

.. 0.67 0.51 0.46

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

.. 41 .. 51 60 .. 56 .. .. .. .. 52 .. .. .. 63 .. 64 .. 78 66 48 .. .. 55 .. 46 .. .. .. 65 .. .. 57 70 72 76 45 .. .. .. 75 67 .. .. .. 62

.. 0.555 .. 0.502 0.477 .. 0.488 .. .. .. .. 0.500 .. .. .. 0.452 .. 0.441 .. 0.253 0.417 0.511 .. .. 0.490 .. 0.526 .. .. .. 0.427 .. .. 0.486 0.381 0.370 0.285 0.527 .. .. .. 0.316 0.416 .. .. .. 0.467

.. 19.2 13.9 13.1 8.0 9.1 10.9 5.7 32.1 30.1 12.3 10.8 19.4 7.8 6.4 8.1 6.1 9.7 20.7 0.0 5.3 18.3 9.5 2.3 16.0 5.3 15.4 20.2 19.6 22.7 9.6 22.8 7.9 11.9 9.7 4.9 4.4 15.4 4.8 16.0 13.6 4.1 9.4 10.5 .. 5.3 10.7

.. 27 .. 23 39 .. 31 .. .. .. .. 38 .. .. .. 26 .. 27 .. 31 39 23 .. .. 26 .. 58 .. 28 .. 23 .. .. 31 51 21 6 31 15 .. .. 13 28 .. 12 .. 32

.. 51 .. 40 64 62 57 .. .. .. .. 50 .. .. .. 52 .. 61 .. 6 63 47 .. .. 40 .. 62 .. 51 .. 54 .. .. 52 9 46 30 49 40 .. .. 33 63 .. 34 .. 44

.. 0.56 .. 0.47 0.64 0.43 0.58 0.37 .. 0.65 0.46 0.51 .. 0.19 0.56 0.61 .. 0.42 .. 0.21 0.53 0.27 0.64 0.31 0.30 0.70 0.59 0.66 .. .. 0.33 0.37 0.31 0.24 0.37 0.51 0.46 0.36 .. 0.63 0.66 0.28 0.42 0.58 .. 0.31 0.44

.. ..

.. ..

11.1 12.0

.. ..

.. ..

0.48 0.29

HDI rank


Female legislators, senior officials and managers b (% of total)

Seats in parliament held by women a (% of total)

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Occupied Palestinian Territories Algeria El Salvador

105 Cape Verde 106 Syrian Arab Republic

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

Ratio of estimated female to male earned income c

table Gender empowerment measure (GEM)

Female legislators, senior officials and managers b (% of total)

Female professional and technical workers b (% of total)




Seats in parliament held by women a (% of total)

107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam 109 Kyrgyzstan 110 Indonesia 111 Uzbekistan 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 115 Moldova, Rep. of 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 122 Tajikistan 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development

.. .. .. .. .. .. 47 69 53 74 .. .. 77 .. .. .. .. .. 31 .. .. .. .. 73 49 .. .. .. 71 .. .. .. 79 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. 0.525 0.388 0.494 0.356 .. .. 0.274 .. .. .. .. .. 0.603 .. .. .. .. 0.364 0.505 .. .. .. 0.379 .. .. .. 0.218 .. .. .. .. .. ..

30.8 27.3 .. 11.3 16.4 20.7 17.8 6.7 15.8 5.5 8.2 3.8 4.3 32.8 h 18.0 .. 11.9 6.4 25.5 9.1 9.3 0.0 .. i 10.9 11.1 3.0 22.9 8.7 20.6 6.4 0.9 10.9 2.0 25.3 j 9.7 10.6 6.2 23.9 10.0

.. .. .. .. .. .. 36 30 40 22 .. .. 9 .. .. .. .. .. 30 .. .. .. .. 14 31 .. .. .. 2 .. .. .. 8 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. 40 66 66 36 .. .. 31 .. .. .. .. .. 55 .. .. .. .. 33 53 .. .. .. 26 .. .. .. 25 .. .. .. .. .. ..

0.39 0.68 0.65 0.52 0.66 0.45 0.45 0.66 0.65 0.37 0.33 .. 0.26 0.45 0.40 0.62 0.59 0.40 0.51 .. 0.38 0.66 .. 0.76 0.61 0.55 0.65 .. 0.34 0.51 0.57 0.75 0.54 .. 0.32 0.56 0.47 0.67 0.58

146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157

.. 54 .. .. .. 80 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 0.492 .. .. .. 0.123 .. .. .. .. .. ..

8.4 16.8 8.9 17.0 10.8 0.3 4.4 9.1 7.1 13.2 19.3 19.2

.. 24 .. .. .. 4 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 61 .. .. .. 15 .. .. .. .. .. ..

0.59 0.39 0.45 0.39 .. 0.31 0.56 0.56 0.93 0.59 0.68 0.55

.. ..

.. ..

5.8 45.3

.. ..

.. ..

0.41 0.62

HDI rank

158 Nigeria 159 Rwanda

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal

Ratio of estimated female to male earned income c




Gender empowerment measure

Gender empowerment measure (GEM) HDI rank 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177

Angola Eritrea Benin Côte d’Ivoire Tanzania, U. Rep. of Malawi Zambia Congo, Dem. Rep. of the Mozambique Burundi Ethiopia Central African Republic Guinea-Bissau Chad Mali Burkina Faso Sierra Leone Niger

notes a Data are as of 1 March 2005. Where there are lower and upper houses, data refer to the weighted average of women’s shares of seats in both houses. b Data refer to the most recent year available during 1992–2003. Estimates for countries that have implemented the recent International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-88) are not strictly comparable with those for countries using the previous classification (ISCO-68). c Calculated on the basis of data in columns 9 and 10 in table 25. Estimates are based on data for the most recent year available during 1991–2003. d The figure reflects the Senate composition until 1 July 2005. e Brunei Darussalam and Qatar do not currently have a parliament. Elections for a new parliament



Seats in parliament held by women a (% of total)

.. .. .. .. 42 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. 0.538 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

15.0 22.0 7.2 8.5 21.4 14.0 12.7 10.2 34.8 18.5 7.8 —k 14.0 6.5 10.2 11.7 14.5 12.4

in Qatar, according to the 2004 constitution, are scheduled to take place in late 2005 or early 2006. f Women were allowed to vote in the referendum of 14–15 February 2001, which approved the National Action Charter. Subsequently, women exercised their full political rights as both voters and candidates in the 2002 national elections. g On 16 May 2005 parliament passed a law granting women the right to vote and stand for election. h Does not include the 36 upper house special rotation delegates appointed on an ad hoc basis. The shares given are therefore calculated on the basis of lower house seats and the 54 permanent seats in the upper house. i The parliament elected in 1990 has never been convened nor authorized to sit, and many of its members were detained or forced into exile.

Female legislators, senior officials and managers b (% of total)

Female professional and technical workers b (% of total)

.. .. .. .. 49 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. 32 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

j The purpose of elections held on 30 August 2001 was to elect members of the Constituent Assembly of Timor-Leste. This body became the National Parliament on 20 May 2002, the date on which the country became independent, without any new elections. k Parliament was suspended on 15 March 2003. May 2005 election results are not yet available.

Ratio of estimated female to male earned income c 0.62 0.51 0.69 0.37 0.71 0.68 0.56 0.55 0.68 0.72 0.52 0.61 0.49 0.59 0.60 0.73 0.42 0.57

Sources Column 1: determined on the basis of GEM values in column 2. Column 2: calculated on the basis of data in columns 3–6; see Technical note 1 for details. Column 3: calculated on the basis of data on parliamentary seats from IPU 2005a, d. Columns 4 and 5: calculated on the basis of occupational data from ILO 2005b. Column 6: calculated on the basis of data in columns 9 and 10 of table 25.

Human development indicators

GEM ranks for 80 countries


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Norway Denmark Sweden Iceland Finland Belgium Australia Netherlands Germany Canada Switzerland United States Austria New Zealand Spain Ireland

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Bahamas United Kingdom Costa Rica Argentina Portugal Singapore Trinidad and Tobago Israel Barbados Lithuania Poland Latvia Bulgaria Slovenia Namibia Croatia

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

Slovakia Czech Republic Estonia Greece Italy Mexico Cyprus Panama Macedonia, TFYR Tanzania, U. Rep. of Japan Hungary Dominican Republic Philippines Bolivia Peru

49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

Botswana Uruguay Malaysia Colombia Moldova, Rep. of Swaziland Ecuador Romania Belize Malta Korea, Rep. of Russian Federation Chile El Salvador Thailand Venezuela

65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

Paraguay Ukraine Georgia Bahrain Mongolia Fiji Pakistan Sri Lanka Cambodia Honduras Iran, Islamic Rep. of Turkey Egypt Saudi Arabia Bangladesh Yemen



. . . and achieving equality for all women and men

Gender inequality in education

Adult literacy a

HDI rank

MDG Youth literacy a

Female rate Female rate Female rate Female rate (% ages 15 as % of (% ages as % of and above) male rate 15–24) male rate 2003 2003 2003 2003

MDG Net primary enrolment b, c

MDG Net secondary enrolment b, c

MDG Gross tertiary enrolment c, d

Female ratio (%) 2002/03

Ratio of female to male e 2002/03

Female ratio (%) 2002/03

Ratio of female to male e 2002/03

Female ratio (%) 2002/03

Ratio of female to male e 2002/03

97 88 89 f 83 98 f, g 100 84 87 98 89 101 f, i 89 95 98 97 95 89 92 94 88 98 75 f 89 87 .. 94 89 88 l 94 90 92 88 .. 84 94 83 81 l 90 94 85 f 72 88 90 79 f, h 87 77 55 88 100 h 77 f 100

1.01 1.05 1.02 f 1.07 1.00 f, g 1.01 0.95 1.08 1.01 1.01 1.01 f, i 1.01 1.01 1.04 1.03 1.02 0.99 1.01 1.03 1.00 1.04 1.04 f 1.00 1.02 .. 1.01 1.11 1.00 l 1.03 1.00 1.03 1.02 .. 1.06 1.00 0.99 1.01 l 1.04 1.01 1.06 f 1.03 1.01 1.08 1.05 f, h 1.02 1.10 1.09 1.01 1.06 h 1.04 f 1.00

99 81 82 13 66 f, h 102 44 59 66 96 47 61 96 79 72 63 53 65 90 51 67 31 66 78 .. 79 64 64 l 33 55 g 37 35 17 72 59 71 44 l 83 88 32 53 f 36 44 32 f, n 43 50 f 21 91 .. .. ..

1.55 1.81 1.23 1.17 1.34 f, h 1.55 0.83 1.32 1.19 1.37 0.88 1.09 1.20 1.43 1.27 1.28 1.20 1.34 1.53 1.00 1.19 0.99 1.33 1.10 .. 1.35 1.35 0.61 l 1.03 2.47 g 1.07 1.40 1.76 1.49 1.37 1.42 0.94 l 1.66 1.56 2.71 2.55 f 1.17 1.89 2.58 f, n 1.18 1.95 f 1.16 1.66 .. .. ..

High human development Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Hong Kong, China (SAR) Israel Greece Singapore Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Malta Brunei Darussalam Argentina Hungary Poland Chile Estonia Lithuania Qatar United Arab Emirates Slovakia Bahrain Kuwait Croatia Uruguay Costa Rica Latvia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bahamas Seychelles

52 Cuba 53 Mexico

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 95.6 88.3 88.6 99.6 k .. .. 95.1 99.7 k .. 89.2 m 90.2 97.2 99.3 .. 95.6 99.8 99.6 .. 80.7 k 99.6 83.0 81.0 k 97.1 98.1 k 95.9 k 99.7 .. .. 92.3

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 97 94 92 100 k .. .. 96 100 k .. 103 m 95 100 100 .. 100 100 100 .. 107 k 100 90 96 k 98 101 k 100 k 100 .. .. 101

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 99.4 99.5 99.6 99.8 k .. .. 99.8 99.8 k .. 97.8 m 98.9 99.1 99.6 .. 99.2 99.8 99.7 .. 95.0 k 99.7 99.3 93.9 k 99.7 99.4 k 98.7 k 99.8 .. .. 99.4

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 100 100 100 100 k .. .. 100 100 k .. 104 m 100 100 100 .. 100 100 100 .. 108 k 100 100 102 k 100 101 k 101 k 100 .. .. 101

100 99 97 91 100 f, g 99 99 97 100 93 100 99 100 100 100 99 91 99 99 f 84 99 97 j 99 99 .. 93 99 100 l 96 100 87 96 .. .. 90 98 84 l 94 91 94 82 86 91 84 89 91 91 85 .. 88 f 99

1.00 0.99 1.01 1.01 1.00 f, g 0.99 0.99 1.02 1.00 1.01 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.02 0.99 0.99 f 1.02 0.99 0.99 j 1.00 1.00 .. 0.99 0.99 1.00 l 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 .. .. 0.99 1.00 0.99 l 0.99 1.00 1.00 0.98 1.01 1.02 1.02 0.99 1.00 1.02 0.99 .. 1.03 f 0.99

96.8 k 88.7

100 k 96

99.8 k 97.3

100 k 99

93 100

0.99 1.01

86 64

1.00 1.04

39 22

1.34 0.97

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51




Gender inequality in education

Adult literacy a

Human development indicators

HDI rank


MDG Youth literacy a

Female rate Female rate Female rate Female rate (% ages 15 as % of (% ages as % of and above) male rate 15–24) male rate 2003 2003 2003 2003

MDG Net primary enrolment b, c Female ratio (%) 2002/03

Ratio of female to male e 2002/03

MDG Net secondary enrolment b, c

MDG Gross tertiary enrolment c, d

Female ratio (%) 2002/03

Ratio of female to male e 2002/03

Female ratio (%) 2002/03

Ratio of female to male e 2002/03

54 Tonga 55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development

99.0 m 97.7 91.2 97.9 k

100 m 99 99 99 k

99.4 m 98.1 95.6 99.8 k

100 m 100 99 100 k

100 h 90 99 90

1.00 h 0.99 0.99 0.99

77 f, h 86 66 f 75 f

1.14 f, h 0.98 1.11 f 1.08 f

4 f, h 42 55 11

1.40 f, h 1.18 1.69 1.59

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

70.7 k 94.1 .. 85.4 99.2 88.6 96.3 80.5 .. 99.4 m 91.1 94.6 .. 65.4 k 98.3 90.5 98.4 k 92.7 90.6 69.3 99.2 82.1 99.3 m .. 89.7 99.2 92.7 86.5 84.1 .. 90.2 65.3 84.7 77.1 91.4 m 88.6 o 81.1 87.3 97.2 k 98.3 m 91.4 k 70.4 .. 98.2 m 87.4 60.1 77.1 k

77 k 96 .. 93 100 100 98 91 .. 100 m 93 101 .. 80 k 99 95 99 k 99 101 80 99 88 100 m .. 97 99 100 91 91 .. 97 78 89 101 97 m 96 o 85 99 100 k 99 m 109 k 84 .. 99 m 91 76 94 k

94.0 k 98.5 .. 97.3 99.8 97.7 97.8 95.4 .. 99.8 m 99.7 98.4 .. 97.3 k 99.5 97.8 99.5 k 98.1 95.9 93.7 99.8 95.7 99.9 m .. 96.5 99.9 95.7 98.5 92.1 .. 96.5 92.2 98.9 84.5 99.4 m 96.0 o 94.8 95.0 99.2 k 99.8 m 97.8 k .. .. 99.9 m 98.6 86.1 88.1 k

94 k 99 .. 100 100 102 100 102 .. 100 m 100 102 .. 98 k 100 100 100 k 102 101 96 100 98 100 m .. 100 100 101 99 97 .. 100 96 100 101 100 m 101 o 96 102 100 k 100 m 107 k .. .. 100 m 100 92 98 k

.. 91 .. 93 90 f 91 g 88 98 80 f, g 94 f .. 87 f 79 72 94 84 l 96 f 91 100 54 84 f 100 91 90 100 93 95 .. 98 f 90 89 97 93 100 100 f, h .. 84 94 f 93 .. 95 85 88 79 91 94 90

.. 1.00 .. 1.00 1.02 f 0.93 g 0.99 1.02 0.90 f, g 0.99 f .. 0.99 f 0.95 1.01 0.98 0.97 l 0.98 f 1.01 1.01 0.99 1.00 f 1.00 0.99 0.99 1.01 0.98 1.02 .. 1.02 f 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.02 1.02 1.00 f, h .. 0.94 0.95 f 1.00 .. 1.00 0.97 0.98 0.97 1.00 0.97 1.00

.. 80 f, h .. 74 .. 78 82 74 f .. 86 f .. 58 f 98 f 70 78 .. 65 f 64 85 f 52 f 85 f 68 87 .. 51 85 65 .. 74 f 61 53 68 81 71 f 79 f, h .. .. 41 f 55 f .. 77 f .. 61 75 86 69 f 49 f

.. 0.97 f, h .. 1.11 .. 1.08 1.03 1.00 f .. 1.04 f .. 1.10 f 1.14 f 1.01 1.02 .. 1.11 f 1.16 1.25 f 0.96 f 1.01 f 0.97 1.00 .. 1.03 1.03 1.19 .. 1.38 f 1.09 1.06 1.11 1.03 1.05 f 1.07 f, h .. .. 1.34 f 1.15 f .. 1.04 f .. 0.98 0.98 1.05 1.05 f 1.02 f

61 f 32 .. 33 79 f 23 39 18 .. 72 .. 25 .. 10 f, h 21 42 l 6 f, h 42 f .. 30 67 j 33 f 51 48 .. 31 34 14 15 h .. 31 f 30 37 3j .. .. 24 43 .. .. 25 f 22 38 14 35 .. 19

1.09 f 1.34 .. 1.28 1.31 f 1.32 1.24 1.41 .. 1.39 .. 1.09 .. 1.67 f, h 1.78 1.17 l 0.90 f, h 1.08 f .. 1.47 1.19 j 1.07 f 1.31 1.19 .. 1.26 1.28 0.84 1.69 h .. 1.39 f 1.28 1.10 1.91 j .. .. 0.76 1.67 .. .. 2.36 f 1.07 0.98 0.78 1.04 .. 1.21

68.0 k 74.2

80 k 82

86.3 k 93.0

94 k 96

98 96

0.98 0.96

61 41

1.11 0.93

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Occupied Palestinian Territories Algeria El Salvador

105 Cape Verde 106 Syrian Arab Republic

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

5 ..

1.09 ..

table Adult literacy a

HDI rank

MDG Youth literacy a

Female rate Female rate Female rate Female rate (% ages 15 as % of (% ages as % of and above) male rate 15–24) male rate 2003 2003 2003 2003

MDG Net primary enrolment b, c

MDG Net secondary enrolment b, c


MDG Gross tertiary enrolment c, d

Female ratio (%) 2002/03

Ratio of female to male e 2002/03

Female ratio (%) 2002/03

Ratio of female to male e 2002/03

Female ratio (%) 2002/03

Ratio of female to male e 2002/03

.. 86.9 m 98.1 m 83.4 k 98.9 k 76.6 80.4 97.5 95.0 80.2 63.3 .. 43.6 m 80.9 m 76.4 99.3 .. 38.3 k 83.5 .. 47.8 .. 86.2 64.1 81.5 k 49.1 k 60.9 .. 35.2 34.9 50.9 45.7 31.4 k .. 49.9 o 77.1 k 38.3 59.2 k 86.3 k

.. 93 m 99 m 90 k 99 k 100 87 100 98 101 84 .. 65 m 96 m 83 100 .. 61 k 96 .. 65 .. 92 76 107 k 77 k 79 .. 57 56 80 73 62 k .. 72 o 87 k 56 75 k 92 k

.. .. 99.7 m 97.6 k 99.6 k 88.8 96.1 98.4 99.1 90.9 78.4 .. 66.9 m 94.3 m 93.7 99.8 .. 61.3 k 93.5 .. 67.7 .. 93.2 78.9 92.8 k 52.2 k 74.7 .. 53.9 60.1 64.1 .. 41.1 k .. 69.2 o 97.3 k 63.3 74.0 k 96.2 k

.. .. 100 m 99 k 100 k 106 98 101 101 105 91 .. 85 m 101 m 100 100 .. 79 k 103 .. 80 .. 98 90 109 k 79 k 90 .. 72 75 93 .. 71 k .. 85 o 99 k 76 86 k 97 k

98 f 92 f, g 88 92 .. 85 95 80 79 88 f, h 86 95 f 90 f 89 78 h 91 n 78 f, g 87 81 94 f, h 85 .. 85 91 83 f 50 f, i 82 .. 50 f, g 66 f, g 69 f, h 53 l 86 .. 42 f, i 53 83 .. 80 l

0.98 f 0.94 f, g 0.96 0.98 .. 1.00 1.00 1.03 0.99 1.02 f, h 0.97 1.02 f 0.96 f 1.01 0.85 h 0.94 n 0.99 f, g 0.94 1.07 0.94 f, h 0.94 .. 1.01 0.95 1.04 f 0.84 f, i 0.93 .. 0.74 f, g 0.88 f, g 0.90 f, h 0.81 l 1.04 .. 0.83 f, i 0.96 0.84 .. 1.02 l

78 f, g .. .. 54 .. 42 71 f 83 70 .. 29 28 h 79 f, h 68 f 19 f, i 76 f .. 33 f 50 26 f, h .. .. 34 19 f 57 f .. 32 .. .. .. 21 f, h 33 f, l 47 .. .. .. 17 f, i 16 f 33 l

1.04 f, g .. .. 0.99 .. 1.18 0.98 f 1.16 1.04 .. 0.95 1.01 h 0.95 f, h 1.09 f 0.58 f, i 0.85 f .. 0.86 f 1.29 0.83 f, h .. .. 0.94 0.64 f 1.15 f .. 0.83 .. .. .. 0.79 f, h 0.85 f, l 1.11 .. .. .. 0.48 f, i 0.90 f 0.93 l

7f 9f 46 15 14 19 22 f, n 47 34 17 f, h 8 .. .. 16 2i 8 5n 10 7 1 f, h 10 .. 15 f, g 2f 4f 2 4 .. 2 3 1n 2l 4 15 h, j 6 f, i 1f 1i 2f 3 f, l

1.58 f 0.76 f 1.19 0.80 0.80 1.10 0.55 f, n 1.69 1.32 1.31 f, h 0.78 .. .. 1.15 0.43 i 0.34 0.54 n 0.84 0.89 0.56 f, h 0.68 .. 1.75 f, g 0.40 f 0.75 f 0.77 0.57 .. 0.81 0.34 0.54 n 0.46 l 0.50 1.58 h, j 0.92 f, i 0.14 f 0.20 i 0.52 f 0.63 f, l

146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157

65.2 78.1 59.8 90.3 .. 28.5 k 43.4 50.0 k 70.2 .. .. 29.2

85 97 78 123 .. 41 k 73 93 k 90 .. .. 57

68.1 89.4 .. .. .. 50.9 k 55.5 66.5 k 80.7 .. .. 41.0

94 103 .. .. .. 60 k 82 101 k 101 .. .. 70

79 75 .. 89 32 l 59 67 .. 66 78 f 58 54 f

1.00 1.00 .. 1.07 0.80 l 0.71 0.97 .. 1.00 0.99 f 0.80 0.89 f

12 f, n 36 f .. 27 f 17 f, l 21 f, i 14 f .. 24 f 27 f 13 f ..

1.03 f, n 1.21 f .. 1.53 f 0.69 f, l 0.46 f, i 0.77 f .. 0.98 f 0.68 f 0.48 f ..

2 5f 4f 4 2l 5 f, i 2f .. 2 f, h 1n .. ..

0.83 1.16 f 0.63 f 1.48 0.81 l 0.28 f, i 0.27 f .. 0.53 f, h 0.29 n .. ..

59.4 k 58.8

80 k 84

86.5 k 75.9

95 k 98

60 f 88

0.82 f 1.04

26 ..

0.80 ..

7f 2

0.69 f 0.46

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal

158 Nigeria 159 Rwanda

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam 109 Kyrgyzstan 110 Indonesia 111 Uzbekistan 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 115 Moldova, Rep. of 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 122 Tajikistan 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development




Gender inequality in education

Adult literacy a

HDI rank

Human development indicators

MDG Net primary enrolment b, c

Female rate Female rate Female rate Female rate (% ages 15 as % of (% ages as % of and above) male rate 15–24) male rate 2003 2003 2003 2003

160 Angola 161 Eritrea 162 Benin 163 Côte d’Ivoire 164 Tanzania, U. Rep. of 165 Malawi 166 Zambia 167 Congo, Dem. Rep. of the 168 Mozambique 169 Burundi 170 Ethiopia 171 Central African Republic 172 Guinea-Bissau 173 Chad 174 Mali 175 Burkina Faso 176 Sierra Leone 177 Niger Developing countries Least developed countries Arab States East Asia and the Pacific Latin America and the Caribbean South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS OECD High-income OECD High human development Medium human development Low human development High income Middle income Low income World


MDG Youth literacy a

notes a Data refer to national literacy estimates from censuses or surveys conducted between 2000 and 2004, unless otherwise noted. Due to differences in methodology and timeliness of underlying data, comparisons across countries and over time should be made with caution. For more details, see www. uis.unesco.org/ev.php?ID=4930_201&ID2=DO_ TOPIC. b The net enrolment ratio is the ratio of enrolled children of the official age for the education level indicated to the total population at that age. Net enrolment ratios exceeding 100% reflect discrepancies between these two data sets. c Data for some countries may refer to national or United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Institute for Statistics estimates. For details, see www.uis.unesco. org. Because data are from different sources, comparisons across countries should be made with caution.

53.8 .. 22.6 38.2 62.2 54.0 m 59.7 m 51.9 31.4 k 51.9 33.8 k 33.5 .. 12.7 11.9 m 8.1 m 20.5 9.4 69.6 44.6 53.1 86.2 88.9 46.6 52.6 98.6 .. .. .. 73.3 47.9 .. 86.2 49.9 ..

66 .. 49 64 80 72 m 78 m 65 50 k 78 69 k 52 .. 31 44 m 44 m 52 48 84 70 71 91 98 66 76 99 .. .. .. 86 73 .. 93 70 ..

62.6 .. 32.5 51.5 76.2 70.7 m 66.1 m 61.1 49.2 k 69.5 51.8 k 46.8 .. 23.1 16.9 m 14.0 m 29.9 14.2 81.2 56.8 75.8 97.5 96.3 63.3 67.9 99.6 .. .. .. 84.1 63.6 .. 96.3 65.4 ..

76 .. 56 74 94 86 m 91 m 80 64 k 92 82 k 67 .. 42 52 m 55 m 64 54 92 81 87 99 101 79 88 100 .. .. .. 93 86 .. 99 82 ..

d Tertiary enrolment is generally calculated as a gross ratio. e Calculated as the ratio of the female enrolment ratio to the male enrolment ratio. f Preliminary UNESCO Institute for Statistics estimate, subject to further revision. g Data refer to the 2000/01 school year. h Data refer to the 2001/02 school year. i Data refer to the 1999/2000 school year. j National estimate. k Estimate produced by UNESCO Institute for Statistics in July 2002. l Data refer to the 2003/04 school year. m Data refer to a year between 1995 and 1999. n Data refer to the 1998/99 school year. o Data refer to a year or period other than that specified, differ from the standard definition or refer to only part of a country. p Data refer to the 2004/05 school year.

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

MDG Net secondary enrolment b, c

MDG Gross tertiary enrolment c, d

Female ratio (%) 2002/03

Ratio of female to male e 2002/03

Female ratio (%) 2002/03

Ratio of female to male e 2002/03

Female ratio (%) 2002/03

Ratio of female to male e 2002/03

57 f, n 42 47 f, i 54 j 81 p .. 68 .. 53 52 47 l .. 38 i 51 f 39 31 .. 31 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

0.86 f, n 0.86 0.69 f, i 0.81 j 0.98 p .. 0.98 .. 0.91 0.84 0.85 l .. 0.71 i 0.68 f 0.77 0.73 .. 0.69 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 18 13 f, g 15 f, h .. 26 f 21 f .. 10 8f 13 f, l .. 6 f, i 4 f, g .. 7 .. 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. 0.74 0.48 f, g 0.57 f, h .. 0.81 f 0.83 f .. 0.70 0.78 f 0.57 f, l .. 0.55 f, i 0.31 f, g .. 0.67 .. 0.67 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

1j (.) f 1i 4n 1 (.) 2 f, g .. (.) f, i 1f 1l 1i (.) i (.) i .. 1f 1 f, h 1 f, h .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

0.65 j 0.15 f 0.24 i 0.36 n 0.44 0.41 0.46 f, g .. 0.73 f, i 0.45 f 0.33 l 0.19 i 0.18 i 0.17 i .. 0.34 f 0.40 f, h 0.34 f, h .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Sources Columns 1 and 3: UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2005a. Columns 2 and 4: calculated on the basis of data on adult literacy rates from UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2005a. Columns 5, 7 and 9: UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2005c. Columns 6, 8 and 10: calculated on the basis of data on net enrolment rates from UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2005c.



HDI rank

. . . and achieving equality for all women and men

Gender inequality in economic activity

Female economic activity (ages 15 and above) Index Rate As % of (%) (1990=100) male rate 2003 2003 2003

Employment by economic activity (%) Agriculture


Contributing family workers (%)


Women 1995– 2002 a

Men 1995– 2002 a

Women 1995– 2002 a

Men 1995– 2002 a

Women 1995– 2002 a

Men 1995– 2002 a

Women 1995– 2003 a

Men 1995– 2003 a

High human development Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Hong Kong, China (SAR) Israel Greece Singapore Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Malta Brunei Darussalam Argentina Hungary Poland Chile Estonia Lithuania Qatar United Arab Emirates Slovakia Bahrain Kuwait Croatia Uruguay Costa Rica Latvia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bahamas Seychelles

52 Cuba 53 Mexico

60.3 66.7 56.7 38.3 60.7 62.8 51.1 38.3 40.3 59.6 51.2 46.0 56.8 61.8 53.5 49.3 44.2 39.0 58.4 48.0 38.5 51.2 49.5 38.7 50.0 54.3 51.8 54.4 49.3 62.6 61.3 26.5 51.0 37.2 48.7 57.0 39.0 60.1 57.3 42.6 32.1 62.6 34.5 36.2 49.0 48.9 37.9 59.0 .. 67.1 ..

111 101 109 104 105 102 104 119 107 107 104 107 98 100 106 108 103 108 111 101 114 105 116 109 99 97 105 113 103 108 100 114 113 127 102 99 122 94 96 129 110 99 121 96 102 110 114 94 .. 104 ..

86 83 79 58 83 90 67 54 67 83 68 68 87 85 76 78 66 60 81 71 58 66 69 60 64 81 72 71 63 80 83 38 64 48 72 81 50 82 80 47 38 84 40 49 74 68 47 80 .. 84 ..

2 3 3 .. 2 1 3 2 1 1 5 2 4 2 1 1 6 5 6 2 5 (.) 1 18 (.) 10 14 12 4 4 3 1 .. (.) 4 19 5 4 12 .. (.) 4 .. .. 15 2 4 12 .. 1 ..

6 12 6 .. 4 3 5 11 3 3 5 4 7 5 2 2 5 6 12 3 8 (.) 3 15 (.) 10 12 9 5 5 6 3 .. 1 9 19 18 10 20 .. 9 8 .. .. 16 6 22 18 .. 6 ..

9 10 10 .. 11 11 13 14 10 12 21 9 14 14 11 13 14 20 12 18 15 10 12 12 18 29 23 19 13 10 28 21 .. 12 26 18 13 23 21 .. 14 26 .. .. 21 14 15 16 .. 5 ..

33 33 30 .. 33 36 36 39 36 32 37 31 40 36 36 34 43 39 32 44 42 27 34 30 31 46 44 34 31 29 50 36 .. 30 42 40 29 42 34 .. 36 48 .. .. 37 32 27 35 .. 24 ..

88 85 87 .. 87 88 84 83 82 87 73 86 82 85 88 86 80 75 82 80 81 90 86 70 81 61 63 70 83 63 68 78 .. 87 71 63 83 73 67 .. 86 71 .. .. 63 85 80 72 .. 93 ..

58 54 64 .. 64 61 59 50 58 65 57 64 53 59 62 64 52 55 56 52 51 73 62 56 69 43 44 57 58 49 44 61 .. 69 49 40 53 48 45 .. 55 44 .. .. 47 62 51 47 .. 69 ..

63 50 58 .. 65 50 59 53 85 63 81 80 42 .. 68 .. 67 54 61 78 63 87 76 69 76 62 70 88 84 .. 86 .. .. 59 70 58 .. 50 59 .. .. 75 .. .. 73 74 43 50 .. .. ..

38 50 42 .. 35 50 41 47 15 37 19 20 58 .. 32 .. 33 46 39 22 37 13 24 31 24 38 30 12 16 .. 14 .. .. 41 30 42 .. 50 41 .. .. 25 .. .. 27 25 57 50 .. .. ..

51.5 40.6

122 120

67 49

.. 6

.. 24

.. 22

.. 28

.. 72

.. 48

.. 49

.. 51

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51




Gender inequality in economic activity

Human development indicators

HDI rank


Female economic activity (ages 15 and above) Index Rate As % of (%) (1990=100) male rate 2003 2003 2003

Employment by economic activity (%) Agriculture


Contributing family workers (%)


Women 1995– 2002 a

Men 1995– 2002 a

Women 1995– 2002 a

Men 1995– 2002 a

Women 1995– 2002 a

Men 1995– 2002 a

Women 1995– 2003 a

Men 1995– 2003 a

54 Tonga 55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development

.. 55.8 44.3 45.3

.. 93 114 116

.. 85 56 60

.. .. 6 3

.. .. 29 11

.. .. 10 13

.. .. 20 36

.. .. 85 84

.. .. 51 53

.. .. 36 75

.. .. 64 25

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

25.9 50.1 .. 49.2 59.1 43.7 50.3 38.7 .. 59.0 43.1 49.3 .. 20.3 60.2 72.9 .. 44.2 .. 22.4 55.3 35.6 61.2 30.7 33.7 62.3 50.1 72.4 37.6 .. 37.5 37.7 28.1 27.7 39.5 43.5 51.2 41.2 65.4 62.7 67.3 30.5 55.7 55.2 9.6 31.6 47.6

126 104

.. 97 99 116 .. 160 104 97 .. 117 .. 150 98 121 101 126 121 99 107 98 126 .. 111 115 165 116 149 108 117 121 101 105 101 141 100 107 153 165 128

35 73 .. 62 83 52 76 49 .. 82 60 62 .. 27 74 85 .. 55 .. 29 80 45 82 40 40 89 62 86 50 .. 44 48 36 33 49 56 63 49 80 82 86 39 79 76 14 41 56

.. .. .. 14 8 16 45 13 10 .. .. 7 14 .. .. 48 .. 2 16 .. 17 6 .. .. 4 .. 25 .. 2 .. 20 .. .. 6 .. 49 56 2 5 .. 10 .. 53 43 26 .. 4

.. .. .. 21 15 24 40 15 17 .. .. 33 31 .. .. 50 .. 15 27 .. 22 11 .. .. 10 .. 45 .. 8 .. 39 .. .. 37 .. 38 24 21 18 .. 30 .. 53 37 9 .. 34

.. .. .. 29 23 10 22 43 12 .. .. 17 10 .. .. 17 .. 12 14 .. 22 10 .. .. 16 .. 12 .. 1 .. 10 .. .. 12 .. 22 15 17 24 .. 9 .. 6 7 11 .. 22

.. .. .. 34 36 27 30 39 32 .. .. 19 24 .. .. 20 .. 28 24 .. 39 24 .. .. 30 .. 18 .. 22 .. 21 .. .. 19 .. 23 28 26 16 .. 26 .. 12 14 32 .. 25

.. .. .. 57 69 74 33 45 77 .. .. 76 72 .. .. 35 .. 86 71 .. 55 84 .. .. 79 .. 63 .. 97 .. 69 .. .. 81 .. 27 29 81 39 .. 81 .. 41 50 62 .. 74

.. .. .. 45 49 49 30 46 46 .. .. 48 40 .. .. 30 .. 57 49 .. 33 65 .. .. 60 .. 37 .. 64 .. 40 .. .. 44 .. 37 48 53 55 .. 45 .. 35 49 58 .. 42

.. 61 .. .. 42 .. 71 .. .. .. .. 58 .. .. .. 66 .. .. .. .. 60 66 .. .. 64 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 .. 56 68 23 57 .. 66 46 57 .. 46 .. 39

.. 39 .. .. 58 .. 29 .. .. .. .. 42 .. .. .. 34 .. .. .. .. 40 34 .. .. 36 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 68 .. 44 32 77 43 .. 34 54 43 .. 54 .. 61

46.9 29.5

110 125

54 38

.. ..

.. ..

.. ..

.. ..

.. ..

.. ..

.. ..

.. ..

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Occupied Palestinian Territories Algeria El Salvador

105 Cape Verde 106 Syrian Arab Republic

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

.. 110 98 98 97 112

table HDI rank

Female economic activity (ages 15 and above) Index Rate As % of (%) (1990=100) male rate 2003 2003 2003

Employment by economic activity (%) Agriculture


28 Contributing family workers (%)


Women 1995– 2002 a

Men 1995– 2002 a

Women 1995– 2002 a

Men 1995– 2002 a

Women 1995– 2002 a

Men 1995– 2002 a

Women 1995– 2003 a

Men 1995– 2003 a

41.9 73.3 61.4 56.3 63.0 48.5 48.6 73.9 60.2 41.6 37.7 .. 36.0 47.3 45.8 58.9 63.2 41.9 53.7 .. 42.5 80.8 65.8 80.1 62.4 62.3 74.6 57.1 36.7 56.9 67.6 79.8 66.5 73.1 35.7 58.4 53.5 79.1 64.9

117 96 105 112 107 120 107 103 98 123 134 .. 119 102 101 113 101 108 101 .. 105 97 99 98 95 99 101 100 129 101 100 98 101 96 116 100 101 98 97

51 91 85 69 86 58 58 88 84 49 44 .. 46 59 52 81 77 53 68 .. 50 92 75 97 76 73 85 65 44 67 79 98 76 86 42 71 62 88 78

.. .. 53 43 .. .. 3 .. 50 9 18 .. 39 9 .. .. .. 6 29 .. .. .. .. .. 17 .. .. .. 73 .. .. .. 77 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. 52 43 .. .. 6 .. 52 50 50 .. 27 12 .. .. .. 6 33 .. .. .. .. .. 22 .. .. .. 44 .. .. .. 53 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. 8 16 .. .. 14 .. 10 25 23 .. 7 14 .. .. .. 40 7 .. .. .. .. .. 14 .. .. .. 9 .. .. .. 9 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. 14 19 .. .. 39 .. 18 21 18 .. 25 33 .. .. .. 32 17 .. .. .. .. .. 26 .. .. .. 20 .. .. .. 11 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. 38 41 .. .. 82 .. 40 67 56 .. 54 75 .. .. .. 54 63 .. .. .. .. .. 67 .. .. .. 18 .. .. .. 12 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. 34 38 .. .. 55 .. 31 30 27 .. 48 50 .. .. .. 63 49 .. .. .. .. .. 51 .. .. .. 36 .. .. .. 30 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. 63 70 70 40 .. .. 33 .. .. .. .. 19 .. .. .. .. .. 64 45 .. .. .. 33 .. .. .. 81 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. 37 30 30 60 .. .. 67 .. .. .. .. 81 .. .. .. .. .. 36 55 .. .. .. 67 .. .. .. 19 .. .. .. .. .. ..

146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157

68.9 42.1 49.7 47.7 .. 30.9 63.1 55.6 74.7 69.8 77.0 61.8

99 107 105 103 .. 110 97 97 100 101 97 101

78 52 59 56 .. 37 74 70 85 78 89 72

.. .. .. .. .. 88 .. 37 16 .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. 43 .. 63 20 .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. 3 .. 6 10 .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. 14 .. 15 23 .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. 9 .. 57 75 .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. 43 .. 23 57 .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. 26 .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. 74 .. .. .. .. .. ..

47.8 82.3

102 98

56 88

2 ..

4 ..

11 ..

30 ..

87 ..

67 ..

.. ..

.. ..

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal

158 Nigeria 159 Rwanda

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam 109 Kyrgyzstan 110 Indonesia 111 Uzbekistan 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 115 Moldova, Rep. of 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 122 Tajikistan 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development




Gender inequality in economic activity

HDI rank

Female economic activity (ages 15 and above) Index Rate As % of (%) (1990=100) male rate 2003 2003 2003

160 Angola 161 Eritrea 162 Benin 163 Côte d’Ivoire 164 Tanzania, U. Rep. of 165 Malawi 166 Zambia 167 Congo, Dem. Rep. of the 168 Mozambique 169 Burundi 170 Ethiopia 171 Central African Republic 172 Guinea-Bissau 173 Chad 174 Mali 175 Burkina Faso 176 Sierra Leone 177 Niger Developing countries Least developed countries Arab States East Asia and the Pacific Latin America and the Caribbean South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS OECD High-income OECD High human development Medium human development Low human development High income Middle income Low income World

72.5 74.5 73.1 44.0 81.4 77.5 63.9 60.3 82.6 81.7 57.2 67.1 57.0 67.4 69.6 74.6 45.2 69.3 56.0 64.3 33.3 68.9 42.7 44.1 62.3 57.5 51.8 52.8 51.1 56.4 61.3 52.5 59.5 51.2 55.6


82 87 90 51 93 90 74 72 92 89 67 78 63 77 79 85 55 75 67 74 42 83 52 52 73 81 72 75 71 68 71 74 73 61 69


human de velopmen t repor t 2005


Contributing family workers (%)


Women 1995– 2002 a

Men 1995– 2002 a

Women 1995– 2002 a

Men 1995– 2002 a

Women 1995– 2002 a

Men 1995– 2002 a

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Sources Columns 1–3: calculated on the basis of data on the economically active population and total population from ILO 2002. Columns 4–9: ILO 2003. Columns 10 and 11: calculated on the basis of data on contributing family workers from ILO 2005b.

Human development indicators

Notes As a result of limitations in the data, comparisons of labour statistics over time and across countries should be made with caution. For detailed notes on the data, see ILO 2002, 2003, 2005b. The percentage shares of employment by economic activity may not sum to 100 because of rounding or the omission of activities not classified. a Data refer to the most recent year available during the period specified.

98 98 96 102 97 97 98 97 99 98 98 96 100 102 97 97 107 99 102 100 119 100 110 107 99 99 107 107 106 101 99 107 102 103 103

Employment by economic activity (%)

Women 1995– 2003 a .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Men 1995– 2003 a .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..



. . . and achieving equality for all women and men

Gender, work and time allocation

Time allocation (%) Total work time (minutes per day)

Total work time

Time spent by women

Time spent by men




Female work time (% of male)

1983 1992 1986 1978 1983

399 398 590 579 440 481

356 366 572 554 416 453

112 109 103 105 106 107

49 60 46 58 59 54

51 40 54 42 41 46

24 35 41 25 30 31

76 65 59 75 70 69

77 86 79 67 87 79

23 14 21 33 13 21

1990 1977 1988 1978 1978 1978 1978 1975–77

545 678 676 641 692 649 583 546 617

496 579 500 547 586 534 520 452 515

110 117 135 117 118 122 112 121 120

52 59 56 56 59 56 52 73 59

48 41 44 44 41 44 48 27 41

35 37 42 46 52 48 37 29 38

65 63 58 54 48 52 63 71 62

70 84 76 67 66 65 70 84 76

30 16 24 33 34 35 30 16 24

2000 2000 2000

457 545 332 445

391 501 273 388

117 109 122 116

61 61 51 58

39 39 49 42

35 49 35 40

65 51 65 60

92 75 70 79

8 25 30 21

1997 1992 1998 1987 1987–88 1999 1991–92 1999 1991–92 1988–89 1996 1999 1996 1995 1999 1990–91 1985 1985

435 438 420 449 430 391 440 432 375 470 393 431 535 308 420 445 413 453 423

418 393 429 458 410 363 441 445 377 367 363 373 481 315 417 412 411 428 403

104 111 98 98 105 108 100 97 99 128 108 116 111 98 101 108 100 106 105

46 49 53 68 51 46 44 51 51 45 66 64 46 48 46 50 51 50 52

54 51 47 32 49 54 56 49 49 55 34 36 54 52 54 50 49 50 48

30 31 41 58 39 33 30 41 29 22 43 45 35 27 32 38 37 37 37

70 69 59 42 61 67 70 59 71 78 57 55 65 73 68 62 63 63 64

62 71 65 79 64 60 61 60 74 77 93 88 58 69 60 64 68 63 69

38 29 35 21 36 40 39 40 26 23 7 12 42 31 40 36 32 37 31

HDI rank

Market activities

Non-market activities

Market activities

Non-market activities

Market activities

Non-market activities

Selected developing countries Urban areas Colombia Indonesia Kenya Nepal Venezuela Average a Rural areas Bangladesh Guatemala Kenya Nepal Highlands Mountains Rural Hills Philippines Average a National b India Mongolia South Africa Average a Selected OECD countries c Australia Austria d Canada Denmark d Finland d France Germany d Hungary Israel d Italy d Japan Korea, Rep. of Latvia Netherlands New Zealand Norway d United Kingdom d United States d Average e

UN System of National Accounts; surveys before 1993 are not strictly comparable with those for later years. a Refers to the unweighted average for countries or areas shown above. b Classifications of market and non-market activities are not strictly based on the 1993 revised UN System of National Accounts, so comparisons between countries and areas must be made with caution.

c Includes Israel and Latvia although they are not Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. d Goldshmidt-Clermont and Aligisakis 1995. e Refers to the unweighted average for the selected OECD countries above (excluding Israel and Latvia).

Sources Columns 1–10: For urban and rural areas in selected developing countries, Harvey 1995; for national studies in selected developing countries, UN 2002; for OECD countries and Latvia, Harvey 2001, unless otherwise noted.

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

Notes Data are estimates based on time use surveys available in time for publication. Time use data have also being collected in other countries, including Benin, Chad, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Mali, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Oman, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. Market activities refer to market-oriented production activities as defined by the 1993 revised




. . . and achieving equality for all women and men

Women’s political participation

Year women received right a HDI rank

To vote

To stand for election

1907 1915, 1920 1902, 1962 1919 1917, 1960 1862, 1921 1971 1918, 1928 1919, 1948 1920, 1965 1945, 1947 1919 1906 1915 1918, 1928 1944 1918 1945 1893 1918 1931 .. 1948 1949, 1952 1947 1945 1931, 1976 1948 1960 1950 1920 1947 — 1947 1918 1918 1931, 1949 1918 1921 — — 1920 1973 g — 1945 1932 1949 1918 1951 1961, 1964 1948

1907, 1913 1915, 1920 1902, 1962 1919 1920, 1960 1907, 1921 1971 1918, 1928 1921, 1948 1788 d 1945, 1947 1917 1906 1915 1918, 1928 1944 1918 1945 1919 1918 1931 .. 1948 1949, 1952 1947 1945 1931, 1976 1948 1960 1950 1920 1947 — 1947 1918 1918 1931, 1949 1918 1921 — — 1920 1973 g — 1945 1932 1949 1918 1951 1961, 1964 1948

MDG Seats in parliament held by women (% of total) c

Women in government at ministerial level (% of total) b 2005


1911 A 1922 E 1943 E 1919 E 1921 E 1921 E 1971 E 1918 E 1921 A 1917 E 1946 E 1918 E 1907 E 1918 E 1918 E 1945 E 1919 E 1946 E 1933 E 1919 E 1931 E .. 1949 E 1952 E 1963 E 1992 E e 1934 E 1948 E 1963 E 1966 A 1992 E e 1966 E — 1951 E 1920 E 1919 E 1951 E 1919 E 1920 A — — 1992 E e 2002 A — 1992 E e 1942 E 1953 E .. 1984 E 1977 A 1976 E+A

44.4 27.3 20.0 14.3 23.1 52.4 14.3 21.4 21.4 14.3 12.5 36.0 47.1 33.3 28.6 17.6 35.3 8.3 23.1 46.2 50.0 .. 16.7 5.6 0 6.3 16.7 5.6 0 29.4 11.1 15.4 9.1 8.3 11.8 5.9 16.7 15.4 15.4 7.7 5.6 0 8.7 0 33.3 0 25.0 23.5 0 26.7 12.5

36 21 6 13 13 38 14 8 9 7 1 21 32 31 6 7 12 13 14 0 15 .. 7 7 5 0 8 2 2 4 0 3 .. 6 21 14 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 0 6 11 0 7 4 16

38.2 30.2 24.7 23.3 21.1 45.3 25.0 13.3 34.7 15.0 7.1 36.7 37.5 36.9 18.1 12.2 33.9 11.5 28.3 32.8 36.0 .. 15.0 14.0 16.0 12.2 19.1 13.0 16.1 13.3 17.0 9.2 .. f 33.7 9.1 20.2 12.5 18.8 22.0 .. f 0.0 16.7 0.0 0.0 h 21.7 12.1 35.1 21.0 0.0 20.0 29.4

.. .. 35.5 .. 37.1 .. 23.9 16.7 38.0 14.0 13.6 29.3 .. .. 17.8 16.9 27.4 8.1 .. 18.8 23.2 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 23.8 12.3 .. .. f 33.3 .. 23.0 4.2 .. .. .. f .. .. 15.0 .. h .. 9.7 .. .. .. 43.8 ..

1940 E 1952 A

16.2 9.4

34 12

36.0 24.2

.. 21.9

Year first woman elected (E) or appointed (A) to parliament

Lower or single house 2005

Upper house or senate 2005

Human development indicators

High human development


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Hong Kong, China (SAR) Israel Greece Singapore Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Malta Brunei Darussalam Argentina Hungary Poland Chile Estonia Lithuania Qatar United Arab Emirates Slovakia Bahrain Kuwait Croatia Uruguay Costa Rica Latvia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bahamas Seychelles

52 Cuba 53 Mexico

1934 1947

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

1934 1953

table Year women received right a

Year first woman elected (E) or appointed (A) to parliament

Women in government at ministerial level (% of total) b 2005


MDG Seats in parliament held by women (% of total) c



Upper house or senate 2005

54 Tonga 55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development

.. 1944 1941, 1946 1946

.. 1944 1941, 1946 1946

.. 1945 E 1946 E 1962 E+A

.. 23.8 14.3 18.2

0 21 8 17

0.0 26.3 16.7 19.4

.. .. .. 32.3

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

1964 1946 1951 1957 1918 1934 1929, 1946 1956 1951 1919 1946 1954 1951 1994, 2003 1920 1932 1948, 1990 1946 1951 — 1919 1955 1924 1952 1929, 1967 1921 1937 1949 1948 1951 1961 1957, 1959 1974 1954 1963 1931 1930, 1934 1942 1932 1927 1944 1963 1918, 1921 1921 .. 1962 1939

1964 1946 1951 1957 1918 1934 1929, 1946 1956 1951 1919 1946 1954 1951 1994, 2003 1920 1932 1948, 1990 1946 1951 — 1919 1955 1924 1952 1929, 1967 1921 1937 1949 1948 1951 1961 1957, 1959 1974 1954 1963 1931 1930, 1934 1942 1932 1927 1944 1963 1918, 1921 1921 .. 1962 1961

.. 1990 E e 1984 A 1959 E 1993 E e 1933 E 1946 E 1976 E 1976 E+A 1990 E e 1990 E e 1954 A 1980 E .. 1945 E 1948 A 1976 A 1948 E 1979 A — 1990 E e 1956 E 1990 E e 1991 A 1956 E 1990 E e 1941 E 1954 E 1975 E 1979 E 1963 E 1959 E 1989 A 1984 E+A 1970 A 1947 E 1935 A 1942 E 1979 E 1990 E e 1944 E 1963 E+A 1992 E e 1990 E e .. 1962 A 1961 E

.. 16.7 15.4 9.1 0 11.4 12.5 8.0 40.0 10.0 11.1 35.7 0 10.0 5.3 7.7 7.7 13.6 8.3 0 5.6 11.8 17.6 6.9 14.3 0 25.0 6.3 11.8 20.0 30.8 7.1 10.7 6.3 9.1 10.3 4.3 14.3 11.8 9.5 17.6 6.7 22.2 15.0 .. 10.5 35.3

.. 0 0 5 0 5 34 7 0 0 0 5 10 0 29 3 0 10 0 0 0 6 0 0 5 36 9 21 8 10 6 4 0 0 0 5 1 8 6 26 5 2 0 0 .. 2 12

.. 19.2 10.5 9.1 9.8 8.6 11.1 5.7 26.7 29.4 16.7 12.0 19.4 2.4 6.4 10.6 6.1 9.7 11.1 0.0 5.3 18.3 10.4 2.3 16.0 5.3 15.3 20.2 19.6 22.7 10.0 22.8 5.5 6.7 8.5 4.9 4.4 17.3 12.0 .. 11.7 4.1 9.4 10.5 .. 6.2 10.7

.. .. 17.6 25.7 3.4 12.3 9.5 .. 38.5 31.6 0.0 8.8 .. 15.5 .. 10.5 .. .. 36.4 .. .. .. 7.7 .. .. .. 16.7 .. .. .. 8.9 .. 12.7 25.0 12.5 .. .. 6.3 .. .. 19.0 .. .. .. .. 2.8 ..

1975 1949, 1953

1975 1953

1975 E 1973 E

18.8 6.3

12 9

11.1 12.0

.. ..

HDI rank

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Occupied Palestinian Territories Algeria El Salvador

105 Cape Verde 106 Syrian Arab Republic

Lower or single house

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

To vote

To stand for election




Women’s political participation

Year women received right a

Human development indicators


Lower or single house

Upper house or senate 2005

To vote

To stand for election

107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam 109 Kyrgyzstan 110 Indonesia 111 Uzbekistan 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 115 Moldova, Rep. of 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 122 Tajikistan 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development

1953 1946 1918 1945 1938 1955 1938, 1952 1924 1978 1955 1946, 1985 1975, 1980 1956 1930, 1994 1963 1924 1956 1963 1989 1975 1950 1974 1935 1955 1965 1956 1958 1953 1947 1951 1964 1954 1972 .. 1964 1961 1945 1962 1919, 1957

1945 1946 1918 1945 1938 1955 1938, 1952 1924 1978 1955 1946, 1965 1975, 1980 1956 1930, 1994 1963 1924 1956 1963 1989 1975 1950 1974 1946 1955 1965 1956 1958 1953 1947 1951 1963 1954 1972 .. 1964 1961 1945 1962 1919, 1978

1968 E 1976 E 1990 E e 1950 A 1990 E e 1972 E 1966 E 1951 E 1990 E 1957 E 1956 E 1987 E 1957 E 1933 E 1968 E 1990 E e 1961 E 1993 E 1989 E 1975 E 1952 E 1993 E 1947 E 1958 E 1979 E 1993 E 1958 E 1975 E 1973 E e 1952 A 1977 E 1960 1973 E .. 1964 E 1963 E 1961 E 1962 A 1980 E+A

22.2 11.5 12.5 10.8 3.6 14.3 6.7 5.9 11.1 14.3 25.0 8.3 5.9 41.4 4.5 3.1 11.8 5.9 19.0 14.3 3.4 0 .. 7.1 26.7 .. 0 0 5.6 7.4 .. 11.8 8.3 22.2 2.6 14.7 20.0 23.4 14.7

37 18 0 12 0 15 9 25 0 10 7 4 4 3 13 0 13 0 7 12 5 0 .. 0 5 0 6 2 10 6 0 0 10 0 0 14 5 12 11

30.8 27.3 3.2 11.3 17.5 20.7 19.2 6.7 15.8 5.5 8.2 3.8 2.9 32.8 18.0 .. 9.2 10.8 25.0 9.1 8.3 0.0 .. j 9.8 11.1 3.0 22.9 8.7 21.3 5.9 0.9 10.9 2.0 25.3 k 9.7 8.5 6.2 23.9 10.0

.. .. .. .. 15.0 .. 11.1 .. .. .. .. .. 6.8 33.3 i .. 11.8 15.4 1.1 26.9 .. 11.6 .. .. j 13.1 .. .. .. .. 18.0 8.3 .. .. .. .. .. 15.0 .. .. ..

146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157

1959 1968 1946 1965 1946 1967, 1970 1961 1950 1919, 1963 1960 1958 1945

1959 1968 1946 1965 1986 1967, 1970 1961 1957 1919, 1963 1960 1958 1945

1965 E 1972 E+A 1960 E 1965 A 2003 E 1990 E e 1975 E 1961 E 1969 E+A 1982 E 1963 E 1963 E

5.9 13.3 11.1 27.8 5.3 2.9 9.1 25.0 10.3 20.0 15.4 20.6

7 4 14 0 0 4 0 0 1 8 0 13

6.9 10.8 8.9 11.7 10.8 0.3 3.7 3.6 7.1 13.2 19.3 19.2

11.1 30.0 .. 36.4 .. .. 5.4 25.9 .. .. .. ..

1958 1961

1958 1961

.. 1981

10.0 35.7

0 17

6.4 48.8

3.7 34.6

HDI rank


Year first woman elected (E) or appointed (A) to parliament

MDG Seats in parliament held by women (% of total) c

Women in government at ministerial level (% of total) b 2005

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal

158 Nigeria 159 Rwanda

human de velopmen t repor t 2005


table Year women received right a HDI rank 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177

Angola Eritrea Benin Côte d’Ivoire Tanzania, U. Rep. of Malawi Zambia Congo, Dem. Rep. of the Mozambique Burundi Ethiopia Central African Republic Guinea-Bissau Chad Mali Burkina Faso Sierra Leone Niger

notes a Data refer to the year in which right to vote or stand for election on a universal and equal basis was recognized. Where two years are shown, the first refers to the first partial recognition of the right to vote or stand for election. b Data are as of 1 January 2005. The total includes deputy prime ministers and ministers. Prime ministers were also included when they held ministerial portfolios. Vice-presidents and heads of ministerial-level departments or agencies were also included when exercising a ministerial function in the government structure. c Data are as of 1 March 2005 unless otherwise specified. The percentage was calculated using as a reference the number of total seats filled in parliament at that time. d No information is available on the year all women received the right to stand for election. However, the constitution does not mention gender with regard to this right.

To vote

To stand for election

1975 1955 1956 1952 1959 1961 1962 1967 1975 1961 1955 1986 1977 1958 1956 1958 1961 1948

1975 1955 1956 1952 1959 1961 1962 1970 1975 1961 1955 1986 1977 1958 1956 1958 1961 1948

Year first woman elected (E) or appointed (A) to parliament 1980 E 1994 E 1979 E 1965 E .. 1964 E 1964 E+A 1970 E 1977 E 1982 E 1957 E 1987 E 1972 A 1962 E 1959 E 1978 E .. 1989 E

e Refers to the year women were elected to the current parliamentary system. f Brunei Darussalam and Qatar do not currently have a parliament. Elections for a new parliament in Qatar, according to the 2004 constitution, are scheduled to take place in late 2005 or early 2006. g According to the constitution in force (1973), all citizens are equal before the law; however, women were not able to exercise electoral rights in the first legislative elections held in 1973. The first legislature was dissolved by decree of the Emir on 26 August 1975. Women were allowed to vote in the referendum of 14–15 February 2001, which approved the National Action Charter. Subsequently, women exercised their full political rights as both voters and candidates in the 2002 national elections. h On 16 May 2005 Parliament voted a law granting women the right to vote and stand for election. i Data on the distribution of seats do not include the 36 special rotating delegates appointed on an ad hoc


MDG Seats in parliament held by women (% of total) c

Women in government at ministerial level (% of total) b 2005



5.7 17.6 19.0 17.1 15.4 14.3 25.0 12.5 13.0 10.7 5.9 10.0 37.5 11.5 18.5 14.8 13.0 23.1

15 0 3 6 0 10 7 5 16 0 0 4 20 0 0 0 0 5

15.0 22.0 7.2 8.5 21.4 14.0 12.7 12.0 34.8 18.4 7.7 .. l 14.0 6.5 10.2 11.7 14.5 12.4

Lower or single house

basis, and the percentages given are therefore calculated on the basis of the 54 permanent seats. j The parliament elected in 1990 has never been convened nor authorized to sit, and many of its members were detained or forced into exile. k The purpose of elections held on 30 August 2001 was to elect members of the Constituent Assembly of Timor-Leste. This body became the National Parliament on 20 May 2002, the date on which the country became independent, without any new elections. l Parliament was suspended on 15 March 2003. May 2005 election results are yet to become available.

Upper house or senate 2005 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2.5 .. 18.9 8.3 .. l .. .. .. .. .. ..

Sources Columns 1–3: IPU 1995. Column 4: IPU 2005a. Column 5: UN 2005f. Columns 6 and 7: IPU 2005d.

Human development indicators

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005




HDI rank

Human and labour rights instruments

Status of major international human rights instruments

International International Convention on the Convention on the Prevention and Elimination of All Punishment of the Forms of Racial Crime of Genocide Discrimination 1948 1965

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 1966

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 1979

Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment 1984

Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989

Human development indicators

High human development


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Israel Greece Singapore Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Malta Brunei Darussalam Argentina Hungary Poland Chile Estonia Lithuania Qatar United Arab Emirates Slovakia Bahrain Kuwait Croatia Uruguay Costa Rica Latvia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bahamas Seychelles Cuba

53 Mexico 54 Tonga

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l l l l l l

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

l l l l l l

l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l

l l l l l l l

l l l

table HDI rank

International International Convention on the Convention on the Prevention and Elimination of All Punishment of the Forms of Racial Crime of Genocide Discrimination 1948 1965

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 1966

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 1979

Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment 1984

31 Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989

l l l

l l l

l l l

l l l

l l l

l l

l l l

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 103 104 105 106

l l l l l l l

l l l

l l l

l l

l l l

l l l l ° l l l

l l l l ° l l l

l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l

l l l

l l l


l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Algeria El Salvador Cape Verde Syrian Arab Republic

107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam

l l l


l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ° l l l l l l l l l

l l l

l l ° l l l l l l l l l l ° l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development




HDI rank

Human development indicators

109 Kyrgyzstan 110 Indonesia 111 Uzbekistan 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 115 Moldova, Rep. of 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 122 Tajikistan 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development


146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal Nigeria Rwanda

Status of major international human rights instruments

International International Convention on the Convention on the Prevention and Elimination of All Punishment of the Forms of Racial Crime of Genocide Discrimination 1948 1965 l

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 1966

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 1979 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l


l l l l l l l ° l l

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l ° l l l l l ° l l

l l l l ° l l l l l l l l l l l


l l l

l l l l ° l l l l l l l l l l l


l l l l

l l l l

l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l



l l ° l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l

160 Angola 161 Eritrea human de velopmen t repor t 2005

l l l l l l l

° ° l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment 1984 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ° l

l l l

l l l l l l l l

° l l l l l l l l l l l

Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

table HDI rank

International International Convention on the Convention on the Prevention and Elimination of All Punishment of the Forms of Racial Crime of Genocide Discrimination 1948 1965

162 Benin 163 Côte d’Ivoire 164 Tanzania, U. Rep. of 165 Malawi 166 Zambia 167 Congo, Dem. Rep. of the 168 Mozambique 169 Burundi 170 Ethiopia 171 Central African Republic 172 Guinea-Bissau 173 Chad 174 Mali 175 Burkina Faso 176 Sierra Leone 177 Niger Others a Afghanistan Andorra Iraq Kiribati Korea, Dem. Rep. Liberia Liechtenstein Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. Sts. Monaco Nauru Palau San Marino Somalia Tuvalu Serbia and Montenegro Total states parties b Signatures not yet followed by ratification

l Ratification, accession or succession. ° Signature not yet followed by ratification.

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966

Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment 1984

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 1966

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 1979 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

l l

l °

l l l

l l l l l l l l l

31 Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989

l l l l l l l l l l ° l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l ° l l l l l

l l l l l l

l ° l



l ° l

l l l

l l

l l

l °

l °


l l

l l

l l





l l


l l l l l l l l l l l l l ° l l

136 2

170 6

170 6

151 7

180 1

146 5

192 2

l l

l l l l

l l





l l l l l l

l l

l ° ° l

Source All columns: UN 2005g.

Human development indicators

Notes The table includes states that have signed or ratified at least one of the seven human rights instruments. Information is as of 1 May 2005. a These are the countries or areas, in addition to the 177 countries or areas included in the main indicator tables, that have signed or ratified at least one of the seven human rights instruments. b Refers to ratification, accession or succession.

l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005




Human and labour rights instruments

Status of fundamental labour rights conventions

Freedom of association and collective bargaining HDI rank

Elimination of forced and compulsory labour

Elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

Abolition of child labor

Convention 87 a

Convention 98 b

Convention 29 c

Convention 105 d

Convention 100 e

Convention 111 f

Convention 138 g

Convention 182 h

l l l l l l l l l

l l l l

l l l l

l l l l l l l l l

l l


l l l l

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l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l

l l

l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

Human development indicators

High human development


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

Norway Iceland Australia Luxembourg Canada Sweden Switzerland Ireland Belgium United States Japan Netherlands Finland Denmark United Kingdom France Austria Italy New Zealand Germany Spain Israel Greece Singapore Slovenia Portugal Korea, Rep. of Cyprus Barbados Czech Republic Malta Brunei Darussalam Argentina Hungary Poland Chile Estonia Lithuania Qatar United Arab Emirates Slovakia Bahrain Kuwait Croatia Uruguay Costa Rica Latvia Saint Kitts and Nevis Bahamas Seychelles Cuba

53 Mexico 54 Tonga

l l l l

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

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l l l l l l l l l l l l

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l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l



l l l l l l

l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

table Freedom of association and collective bargaining

Elimination of forced and compulsory labour

Elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation


Abolition of child labor

Convention 98 b

Convention 29 c

Convention 105 d

Convention 100 e

Convention 111 f

Convention 138 g

Convention 182 h

55 Bulgaria 56 Panama 57 Trinidad and Tobago Medium human development

l l l

l l l

l l l

l l l

l l l

l l l

l l l

l l l

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 103 104 105 106

l l l

l l l t l l l l l l l l l

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l l l l l l l l l l l l l



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l l

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l l

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l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l


l l l

l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l

HDI rank

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Macedonia, TFYR Antigua and Barbuda Malaysia Russian Federation Brazil Romania Mauritius Grenada Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina Colombia Dominica Oman Albania Thailand Samoa (Western) Venezuela Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Ukraine Peru Kazakhstan Lebanon Ecuador Armenia Philippines China Suriname Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Paraguay Tunisia Jordan Belize Fiji Sri Lanka Turkey Dominican Republic Maldives Turkmenistan Jamaica Iran, Islamic Rep. of Georgia Azerbaijan Algeria El Salvador Cape Verde Syrian Arab Republic

107 Guyana 108 Viet Nam

l l

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l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l

l l

l l

l l l

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l l l

l l l

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l l

l l

l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005

Human development indicators

Convention 87 a




Status of fundamental labour rights conventions

Freedom of association and collective bargaining

Human development indicators

Elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

Abolition of child labor

Convention 87 a

Convention 98 b

Convention 29 c

Convention 105 d

Convention 100 e

Convention 111 f

Convention 138 g

Convention 182 h

109 Kyrgyzstan 110 Indonesia 111 Uzbekistan 112 Nicaragua 113 Bolivia 114 Mongolia 115 Moldova, Rep. of 116 Honduras 117 Guatemala 118 Vanuatu 119 Egypt 120 South Africa 121 Equatorial Guinea 122 Tajikistan 123 Gabon 124 Morocco 125 Namibia 126 São Tomé and Principe 127 India 128 Solomon Islands 129 Myanmar 130 Cambodia 131 Botswana 132 Comoros 133 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 134 Bhutan 135 Pakistan 136 Nepal 137 Papua New Guinea 138 Ghana 139 Bangladesh 140 Timor-Leste 141 Sudan 142 Congo 143 Togo 144 Uganda 145 Zimbabwe Low human development

l l

l l l l l l l l l

l l l l

l l l l l

l l

l l l

l l l l l l l l l

l l

l l l

l l l l l l l l l

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146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159

l l l l l l l l

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l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

HDI rank


Elimination of forced and compulsory labour

Madagascar Swaziland Cameroon Lesotho Djibouti Yemen Mauritania Haiti Kenya Gambia Guinea Senegal Nigeria Rwanda

160 Angola 161 Eritrea

l l l l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l

l l l l

l l l

l l l l l l l

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

l l l

l l l

l l

l l l l l

l l l l l

l l l l l

l l l l

l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l

table Freedom of association and collective bargaining HDI rank 162 Benin 163 Côte d’Ivoire 164 Tanzania, U. Rep. of 165 Malawi 166 Zambia 167 Congo, Dem. Rep. of the 168 Mozambique 169 Burundi 170 Ethiopia 171 Central African Republic 172 Guinea-Bissau 173 Chad 174 Mali 175 Burkina Faso 176 Sierra Leone 177 Niger Others i Afghanistan Iraq Kiribati Liberia San Marino Serbia and Montenegro Somalia Total ratifications

l Convention ratified. t Convention denounced.

Elimination of forced and compulsory labour

Elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation


Abolition of child labor

Convention 87 a

Convention 98 b

Convention 29 c

Convention 105 d

Convention 100 e

Convention 111 f

Convention 138 g

Convention 182 h

l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l

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l l l l

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Notes Table includes UN member states. Information is as of 1 May 2005. a Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize Convention (1948). b Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining Convention (1949). c Forced Labour Convention (1930). d Abolition of Forced Labour Convention (1957). e Equal Remuneration Convention (1951). f Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention (1958). g Minimum Age Convention (1973). h Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention (1999). i States not included in the human development index that have ratified at least one labour rights convention.

Source All columns: ILO 2005a.

Human development indicators

hum a n de v e l opme n t re p or t 2005




Basic indicators for other UN member countries Human development index components

Afghanistan Andorra Iraq Kiribati Korea, Dem. Rep. Liberia Liechtenstein Marshall Islands Micronesia, Fed. Sts. Monaco Nauru Palau San Marino Serbia and Montenegro Somalia Tuvalu

Life expectancy at birth (years) 2000–05 b

Adult literacy rate (% ages 15 and above) 2003 c

46.0 .. 58.8 .. 63.0 42.5 .. .. 67.6 .. .. .. .. 73.2 46.2 ..

.. .. .. .. .. 55.9 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 96.4 .. ..


39.4 65.9 63.0 84.9 .. 61.2 .. 74.3 .. .. 55.1 90.1 .. 74.4 .. 68.7

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

countries and over time should be made with caution. d Data on net enrolment ratios refer to the 2002/03 school year, unless otherwise specified. For details, see www.uis.unesco.org. e Data refer to the average for the years specified. f Data refer to the 2000/01 school year. g Preliminary United Nations Edcuational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics estimate, subject to further revision. h Data refer to the 1999/2000 school year. i Data refer to the 2001/02 school year. j Data refer to the 1998/99 school year.

Human development indicators

Notes This table presents data for UN member countries not included in the main indicator tables. a Data refer to point and range estimates based on new estimation models developed by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS. Regional aggregates refer to 2004. Range estimates are presented in square brackets. b Data refer to estimates for the period specified. c Data refer to national literacy estimates from censuses or surveys conducted between 2000 and 2004. Due to differences in methodology and timeliness of underlying data, comparisons across

MDG MDG MDG Population Combined gross MDG with sustain­ enrolment ratio Under-five Net Total for primary, GDP per fertility mortality primary Population able access to HIV a an improved Total secondary and capita rate rate enrolment prevalence under­ tertiary schools population (births per (per 1,000 ratio nourished water source (PPP (% ages (%) (%) US$) (thousands) woman) live births) (%) 15–49) (% of total) 2002/03 d 2003 2003 2000–05 b 2003 2002/03 c 2003 2000/02 e 2002

human de velopmen t repor t 2005

27 (.) 27 (.) 22 3 (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) 11 8 (.)

7.5 .. 4.8 .. 2.0 6.8 .. .. 4.4 .. .. .. .. 1.7 6.4 ..

257 7 125 66 55 235 11 61 23 4 30 28 5 11 225 51

.. 89 91 f, g .. .. 70 h .. 84 i .. .. 81 g, j 97 g, i .. 96 f .. ..

Sources Column 1: UN 2005c. Column 2: UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2005a. Columns 3 and 8: UNESCO Institute for Statistics 2005b. Column 4: World Bank 2005c. Columns 5 and 6: UN 2005h. Column 7: UNICEF 2004. Column 9: UNAIDS 2005. Column 10: FAO 2004. Column 11: UN 2005f.

.. .. <0.1 [<0.2] .. .. 5.9 [2.7–12.4] .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.2 [0.1–0.4] .. ..

.. .. .. .. 36 46 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11 .. ..

13 100 81 64 100 62 .. 85 94 .. .. 84 .. .. 29 93

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