Harry's Kid

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  • Words: 31,435
  • Pages: 174
"HARRY'S KID" by Mike Vines [email protected] Tel. 270-434-3944

Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved

FADE IN: INT. HOSPITAL ROOM -- NIGHT HARRY FLORY, a pale and haggard 55 year-old man, lies in BED. He has an OXYGEN TUBE taped to each nostril and the only SOUND in the Dimly Lit Room comes from a PERCOLATING OXYGEN REGULATOR (O.S.). His eyes roll to the top of his head with each moan. SUPER TITLE -- "Harry's Kid" A NURSE enters and checks the BLOOD and MORPHINE BAGS hanging on a STAND next to Harry's Bed. NURSE How are you doing, Harry? okay?

Are you

Harry struggles to speak in-between Moans. HARRY Uh-huh. She looks sadly into Harry's eyes, then turns and quietly leaves the Room. CLOSE -- HARRY with labored breathing.

He lies restlessly in Bed.

SERIES OF STOCK BLACK AND WHITE NEWSREEL FOOTAGE SHOTS - "End of World War II!" CELEBRATIONS STOCK FOOTAGE SHOT - B&W - WWII Dancing in the streets. STOCK FOOTAGE SHOT - B&W - WWII Ticker tape parades. STOCK FOOTAGE SHOT - B&W - WWII Soldiers arriving back home into the arms of their loved ones. STOCK FOOTAGE SHOT - B&W - POST WWII

2. New factories being built in a time of prosperity. STOCK FOOTAGE SHOT - B&W - POST WWII New track home construction projects in Southern California. EXT. CHRISTMAS TREE LOT -- DAY -- B&W Families browsing around a Christmas Tree Lot. on the SNOW COVERED GROUND.


CLOSE KIDS - B&W Playfully throwing Snow at each other. FADE-TO COLOR - KIDS One Kid spits ARTIFICIAL SNOW out of his mouth. The Kids are playing next to a BOOTH where a MAN sprays CHRISTMAS TREES with BLUE COLORED ARTIFICIAL SNOW. A BANNER above the Booth reads "This Year Buy a California Christmas Tree!" INT. BEDROOM GRANDPARENT'S HOUSE -- DAY STENCILED CHRISTMAS TREE on BEDROOM WINDOW. A 1950'S TV BROADCAST OF A FOOTBALL GAME (O.S.). SUPER TITLE -- "Christmas Eve, 1950" GRANDPA FLORY (60s), a distinguished and fit looking gentleman, grooms himself in front of a BUREAU MIRROR. WOMEN'S ARTICLES AND HAT STANDS CROWD THE TOP OF THE BUREAU. CLOSETS BULGE WITH CLOTHES NEXT TO AN OPEN BEDROOM DOOR. Grandpa straightens his BOW TIE and nods in approval, then raises an eyebrow in acceptance to the effects of old age. INT. LIVING ROOM GRANDMA FLORY (60s), a graceful and elegant woman, tidies-up around the House. She switches-on the power to a RADIO CONSOLE. CHRISTMAS MUSIC (O.S.)

3. She turns-off the Football Game playing on the TELEVISION. INT. BEDROOM Grandpa reacts to the abrupt program change. GRANDMA (O.S.) Father, are you ready yet?! GRANDPA Just about. He continues to adjust his Tie in the Mirror. GRANDMA (O.S.) Well, if you would please hurry. I'd like to rush over to that shopping center near Harry's, first. Those after Christmas sales are so maddening. I haven't a thing to wear for New Year's, you know! Grandpa stares blankly at the Bulging Closets in the Mirror. GRANDMA (O.S.) (CONT'D) And if we get back soon enough, we won't miss the Toscanini concert on television tonight! GRANDPA Wouldn't want to miss that. GRANDMA (O.S.) And for Christ's sake, don't take that silly hat and umbrella. It doesn't snow in California. Makes you look stuffy! GRANDPA Of course, dear. Finishes fiddling with his Tie. CLOSE-UP - HAT STAND Grandpa's hands slowly closing around the neck of the STYROFOAM HEAD FORM.

4. INT. LIVING ROOM HARRY'S HOUSE -- DAY HARRY FLORY (30s), sits in front of the TELEVISION immersed in the 1950 FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP PLAYOFF BETWEEN THE L.A. RAMS AND THE CLEVELAND BROWNS (STOCK FOOTAGE). One-year-old JOHNNY explores the contents of the Living Room. He wears Diapers and has a BAND-AID on his left arm. TRAPPER, the family's GOLDEN LABRADOR, lays at Harry's feet. A mangy calico CAT sleeps on the top of a HIGH BACK LIVING ROOM CHAIR near the Front Door. SPORTSCASTER (O.S.) It's forth quarter and the Rams are leading the Browns twenty-eight to twenty-seven and the Browns have the ball! LIZ FLORY (30s), prepares the DINING ROOM TABLE for dinner. LIZ (O.S.) Harry, when are your folks getting here? I'm going to need some help setting the table! Harry immersed in the Game. Harry!

LIZ (O.S.) (CONT'D) Harry! HARRY

What! LIZ (O.S.) I said, when are your folks getting here? They were supposed to be here an hour ago! HARRY I don't know, hon. LIZ (O.S.) What? HARRY I don't know!

5. LIZ (O.S.) Shouldn't you call them. they're coming? All right!

See when

HARRY All right!

The Browns complete another pass. HARRY (CONT'D) Dammit! He stands, eyes on the TV, and backs-up to the PHONE. The DOORBELL RINGS (O.S.). TRAPPER AND THE CAT Raise their heads. HARRY Reaches behind himself and picks-up the Phone. LIZ (O.S.) Harry, that's them! He starts dialing the Phone, exchanging glances between the Phone dial and the TV screen. The DOORBELL RINGS (O.S.). LIZ (O.S.) (CONT'D) Harry, get the door! He stands with the Phone to his ear, staring at the TV. LIZ (O.S.) (CONT'D) Harry! SPORTSCASTER (O.S.) ...and a time-out is called by the Cleveland Browns! Harry looks at the Phone in his hand, then holds it back up to his ear. HARRY (confused) Hello?

6. LIZ (O.S.) Harry, let them in! HARRY What?


He hangs-up the Phone and rushes to the Front Door. ANGLE - FRONT DOOR Harry opens the Front Door and Grandma and Grandpa enter. They both hold CHRISTMAS PRESENTS which Harry places under the Christmas Tree. Liz appears at the Living Room Entryway wiping her hands on her APRON. PAULIE (5), stands shyly at her side. HARRY Well, come-on in! Grandpa hands Harry his UMBRELLA, and removes his FEDORA. Grandma gives Grandpa a brief glare, then turns her attention to the decorated Living Room. GRANDMA Oh, what a beautiful tree! CAT -- CONTINUOUS as he swipes his paw and hisses at Grandpa when he passes the Chair to hang his COAT. GRANDPA -- CONTINUOUS as he reacts by quickly backhanding the Cat with his Fedora, sending him scrambling onto the floor and skittering past the feet of Liz and Paulie on the way to the Living Room. Paulie chases after the Cat. GRANDPA (quickly) Get! LIZ (loud) Oh, that cat!

7. GRANDPA (huffing) Very poor disposition...miserable creature. GRANDMA (reeling) Where'd he come from? LIZ (apologetically) He adopted us a few days ago--I couldn't just let him starve! HARRY Yeah, sure. The damned thing gave Johnny a pretty good scratch yesterday too--cried for an hour! Grandma rushes over to Johnny and consoles him. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as he looks incredulously at Grandma when she squeezes the Band-Aid on his little arm. GRANDPA -- CONTINUOUS as he looks at Trapper. GRANDPA How's he get along with Trapper? TRAPPER -- CONTINUOUS as he sits, staring at them. HARRY -- CONTINUOUS as he looks at Trapper. HARRY (matter-of-factly) After getting swiped on the nose a couple of times, he keeps his distance...cat tries that crap again and he'll be clawing the bottom of the Doughboy. Grandpa nods in agreement.

8. LIZ Anyway, I'm glad you came--I sure can use some help with the table, Mother. GRANDMA Yes, of course, dear--the boys aren't much help during football season, are they? She removes her STOLE and hands it to Harry. LIZ (laughing) When are they ever? They both laugh to each other as they adjourn to the Dining Room. Harry hangs the REMAINING GARMENTS on a STANDING COAT RACK, then he and his father walk toward a Sofa in the Living Room. HARRY Where've you been, dad--we were expecting you over an hour ago? GRANDPA Your mother had to do some last minute Christmas shopping. HARRY For me? GRANDPA For herself. Harry eagerly guides his father to the end of the Sofa, all the time watching the TV screen. HARRY (to Grandpa) Well, have a seat, dad--I want to show you something...would you like a beer? GRANDPA Yes, son, in... HARRY (quickly) ...a glass, of course. He hurries out of the Room.

9. Grandpa takes a brief glance around the Living Room while he JINGLES the KEY RING still in his hand. He places them into his trouser pocket as he sits down on the Sofa. Johnny becomes excited and waddles over to Grandpa. Grandpa pinches his glowing cheeks, and lovingly fluffs his curly black hair. Johnny giggles. Harry enters, pouring the BEER into the GLASS as he eyes the TV set. GRANDPA (to Harry) I can't believe he walks so well at one-year-old! HARRY (handing the Glass of Beer to his father) He's a Flory... JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS pulling-up his Diaper. INT. LIVING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS as Harry glances at Johnny. HARRY (watching Johnny) ..and a Flory knows how to hold his end up! Grandpa smiles. GRANDPA I recall you were almost two when you could walk. HARRY (quickly) Whatever. Harry walks to the front of the TV CONSOLE, arms open. HARRY (CONT'D) What do you think of this, dad?

10. Grandpa focuses on the TV Console for a few moments, then nods in approval. GRANDPA Nice piece of furniture--but I thought you bought a new set just last summer? HARRY (placing his hand on top of the TV) It's part of a new line I'm selling...it's a Motorola, model twentyF-one...with the big twenty-inch screen, a built-in am and fm radio and phonograph...all housed in a rich, hand-rubbed mahogany console. GRANDPA (holds his palms up to Harry) Oh, geese, son--spare me the sales pitch! Harry sits down next to his father. HARRY (serious) Did you know there are already over eight-million TV sets in the U.S.? Grandpa nods, cautiously. HARRY (CONT'D) Everyone's going have one--and I'm going to sell it to 'em! GRANDPA (hands up in front of him) I already have one. HARRY (excited) I know, I know. But wouldn't you like to have one loaded with a radio and phonograph built right-in? GRANDPA Already have those, too!

11. Harry runs up and squats in front of the TV Console. HARRY But, take a look at these controls! He slides a WOODEN PANEL on the Console aside to show his father the RADIO AND PHONOGRAPH. GRANDPA (loudly) Wait! (pointing at the TV) Get him! TV SCREEN - STOCK FOOTAGE of Cleveland Browns' End, DANTE LAVELLI, running with the FOOTBALL. Harry realizes he's been missing the Football Game and quickly slides the Wooden Panel back in place. HARRY Oh, damn--I forgot. Harry sits back in his Chair, immediately fixed on the game again. HARRY (CONT'D) This is a great game! Grandpa glances at Harry, then lets out a sigh of relief. He gives a curious Johnny another pat on the head, and receives a giggle. He then turns his attention back to the Game. Johnny, occupying himself by examining the CONTENTS of the COFFEE TABLE in front of Grandpa. GRANDPA What's the score? HARRY Twenty-eight to twenty-seven, Rams, forth quarter--but Graham has been throwing a bunch of short passes for Cleveland and they're walking up the field...great championship playoff, though!

12. GRANDPA Yes, I was listening to the first half when... HARRY (interrupts) ...did you catch the divisional playoff last week between the Rams and the Chicago Bears? GRANDPA No, I had to take your mother to... HARRY (interrupts) ...first time ever there were deadlocks in both conferences--Waterfield kicked a field goal, and threw three touchdown passes to Tom Fears to beat the Bears twenty-four to fourteen! GRANDPA (pauses) Sounds like I missed a good one. HARRY (sips his beer) Great game...Crazy Legs Hirsch isn't playing today, but Vitamin-Tee Smith, Waterfield, and Fears are! Harry and Grandpa both sit with eyes fixed on the TV screen. Johnny scurries about when his eye catches the SHINY REFLECTION of something under the Sofa where Grandpa sits. He drops to his hands and knees. Weaving his little body between Grandpa's legs, he reaches out and grabs Grandpa's Key Ring from under the Sofa. Johnny slowly stands up, then turns away to inspect his new prize. He shakes them briefly to make a TINKLING noise, then, while holding on to the Key Ring with both hands, places it into his mouth and giggles. He continues to search the Room for his next treasure. HARRY (CONT'D) (loud) Damn--that's the sixth straight pass in a row to Lavelli!

13. GRANDPA (consolingly) Well, the Browns are playing at home. HARRY Yeah--and in snow flurries too...just what California boys like to play in! Grandpa laughs quietly. HARRY (CONT'D) (pleading) Just stay in there for a few more minutes, boys! Harry looks at his father. HARRY (CONT'D) (serious) This will be my Christmas present...at last year's championship playoff, the Philadelphia Eagles skunked the Rams, fourteen-zip...in L.A.! No reaction from Grandpa. HARRY (CONT'D) (disgusted) Would have never happened if it hadn't rained two inches the day before. Grandpa nods, silently. HARRY (CONT'D) (determined) But this year--it's the Rams...I know it is. Grandpa watches Harry make a toast at the TV with his Beer, then does the same. INT. DINING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Grandma and Liz are busy moving DISHES from a CHINA CABINET to the DINNER TABLE. The Cat is sleeping soundly on a SMALL THROW RUG placed under a SPARE DINING TABLE CHAIR near the Far Wall of the Dining Room.

14. Trapper lies a short distance to the left of the Cat, watching everything. INT. LIVING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Johnny is standing a couple of feet away, and to the right, from Grandpa. He's standing, wide-eyed, still holding the Key Ring in his mouth, searching all around, when he spots the sleeping Cat through the Dining Room Entranceway. He immediately frowns from the painful memory of the day before, when he was clawed by the untamed Cat. P.O.V. -- JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS watching Grandma and Liz as they alternately pass each other when one of them walks to the China Cabinet, while the other walks to the Dinner Table. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as he concentrates on their movements. P.O.V. -- JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as he watches Grandma and Liz in SLOW-MOTION, gauging their movements. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS removing the Key Ring from his mouth and standing perfectly still, feet flat on the Floor. INT. LIVING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS as Harry stares at the TV screen. Grandpa takes a quiet sip of Beer from his Glass, then places it onto the Coffee Table. He glances over at the Baby and notices his peculiar, unwavering stance. Grandpa looks perplexed at the child's pose, then glances through the Dining Room Entranceway to see what Johnny is looking at, and back at the Baby. GRANDPA (softly) Harry? (still watching the baby) Harry turns to his father, then follows his eyes to Johnny.

15. Johnny continues to stare at Grandma and Liz. He giggles, then suddenly twists his little body to the right and rears his right arm back holding the Key Ring in his hand, then pauses. Grandpa focuses on the familiar looking Key Ring dangling from the baby's hand. He quickly slaps his trouser pocket with his hand to check for his Key Ring, then, realizing Johnny is about to throw them, instantly leans forward to grab them out of his hand. Johnny twists his body back to the left as he throws the Key Ring as hard as he can. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS falling forward onto his hands, while keeping his head up to watch the flight of the Key Ring. INT. LIVING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS as Harry jumps out of his Chair and runs toward the Living Room Entranceway. Grandpa sits, mouth open in disbelief. INT. DINING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Key Ring, as it fly's SLOW MOTION in-between Grandma and Liz, in a rainbow-like arc along the entire length of the Dining Room. INT. LIVING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Johnny, watching the airborne Key Ring with a mouth-open smile. INT. DINING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Key Ring, now past Grandma and Liz, and following a perfect path toward the hindquarters of the sleeping Cat. TRAPPER -- CONTINUOUS as his head rises up and down, following the path of the Key Ring. CAT -- CONTINUOUS Sleeping comfortably on the Rug under the Chair. Trapper is within view, and watching the Key Ring as it hits the rear of the Cat with a THUD.

16. The SCREAMING Cat jumps straight-up and bumps it's head on the bottom of the Chair. He flops the Rug behind him with his spinning legs as he tries to run away. Trapper BARKS at the hysterical Cat. Liz drops a Dish onto the floor in the commotion. INT. LIVING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny giggles. INT. DINING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Of Cat, getting traction in it's feet, then quickly disappearing through the Kitchen Entranceway. GRANDMA AND LIZ -- CONTINUOUS in shock, and watching in astonishment. INT. LIVING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Of Johnny, still giggling. HARRY (yelling) Did you see that? (to his father) Did you see that? GRANDPA (shaking his head) Unbelievable! INT. DINING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS As Liz stands in shock. LIZ (angry) What in God's name was that all about? INT. LIVING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Harry is overwhelmed from what he saw. Johnny, not understanding his father's behavior, take a few small steps backward. Grandpa removes his HANDKERCHIEF and wipes his forehead.

17. GRANDPA (flustered) I don't think I've ever seen anything like that! Harry picks-up Johnny and starts dancing around the Living Room with him. Johnny giggles at this father. INT. DINING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Of Liz, with hands on her waist, shaking her head. LIZ (disgusted) Honestly! Grandma and Liz start to put the Dining Room back in order. INT. LIVING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Of Harry dancing around while holding Johnny. HARRY (excited) Did you see him put his little body into it? Harry twists his waist several times, demonstrating to his father. Grandpa nods, still stunned by the incident. Grandpa looks through the Dining Room Entranceway, as he puts his Handkerchief back into his rear pocket. TRAPPER -- CONTINUOUS As he runs up to the Key Ring still laying on the Dining Room Floor, grabs them with his teeth, and runs through the Kitchen Entranceway. INT. LIVING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS as Grandpa reacts to Trapper grabbing his Keys. GRANDPA (loud) Hey! My keys!

18. Grandpa jumps up from the Sofa and runs through the Dining Room, and into the Kitchen, barely missing Grandma and Liz. GRANDPA (O.S.) (CONT'D) (yelling) Hey!...Hey! Harry is still dancing around the Living Room, holding a giggling Johnny. HARRY (enamored with Johnny) I can't believe it!--I just can't believe it! Harry makes throwing motions with his right arm, which Johnny mimics. Trapper runs out of the Kitchen still holding the Key Ring in his mouth, with Grandpa chasing him. Harry is dancing around holding Johnny. Trapper runs barking around the Living Room with Grandpa in tow, then jumps up against the Front Door with his paws and knocks it open. Grandpa almost catches up with him when he dashes out into the Front Yard, with Grandpa and Paulie chasing after him. Harry is still dancing around holding Johnny. Grandpa and Paulie can be seen chasing Trapper outside through the Living Room Windows. Harry stops dancing and tightly hugs his adoring child. HARRY (CONT'D) (eyes closed) What a Christmas present!--my son, the quarterback...and the Rams taking the Championship! He starts dancing around with Johnny again. FAVORING TV - STOCK FOOTAGE of the BROWNS KICKING A SHORT FIELD GOAL IN SNOWY WEATHER. The crowd CHEERS (O.S.) in response.

19. SPORTSCASTER (O.S.) ...and the Cleveland Browns, about to win it--thirty to twenty-eight, with Lou Groza kicking an eleven-yard field goal in the last twenty seconds of the game... Harry continues dancing around the Living Room holding Johnny. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. REMOTE AIRPORT -- DAY FRANK BRENNER, a stocky, ex-war buddy of Harry's, pulls his dusty 1954 FORD next to an OLD RUSTY AIRCRAFT HANGER and parks. Harry sits beside him. A DUST CLOUD pours into the hot interior of the Car as they search the Grounds through the Windshield. INT. CAR -- CONTINUOUS FRANK (wiping his forehead) Couldn't you find a hotter place to drive to in the middle of August? Harry shrugs, then opens his Door and quickly steps over to open Frank's Door. EXT. REMOTE AIRPORT -- CONTINUOUS As Frank exits the car. FRANK (looking around) You sure this is the place we're supposed to meet the guy? HARRY (excited) Yeah--he should be around here, somewhere. (looking around) He said, noon. Frank takes another look at the Rusty Hangers, then turns to Harry.

20. FRANK (concerned) Harry, you know I like your idea, but aren't there any others available, somewhere? HARRY (assuring him) Not for what we're getting it for. FRANK And you can get the soap at a discount? HARRY I sell the stuff... (placing his hand on Frank's shoulder) ...don't worry about a thing--it's all arranged. Frank is not entirely convinced.

Harry continues.

HARRY (CONT'D) Did you bring your half, partner? Frank digs into his pocket and pulls out a SIZABLE WAD OF HUNDRED DOLLAR BILLS. FRANK (reluctantly) This is almost everything I have, Harry. Harry produces a similar ROLL OF BILLS from his pants pocket and holds it up to Frank's. HARRY (nods) Company loan! OLD MAN -- CONTINUOUS wearing GREASE SMEARED OVERALLS, walking down a DUSTY DIRT ROAD in their direction. HARRY AND FRANK -- CONTINUOUS as they both spot the Old Man walking toward them.

21. FRANK (wearily) Is that him? HARRY (excited) Yeah, I think that's him! They walk toward the Old Man. FRANK (to Harry) How come he wouldn't take our check? HARRY (trying not to look at Frank) He's--ah, giving us the cash price. Frank looks blankly at Harry as they greet the Old Man. OLD MAN (extends his hand) Afternoon, gents--glad to see you could make it out here, today. Harry and Frank shift the wad of Bills in their hands to shake. HARRY (shaking hands) Glad to finally meet `ya... (waves the wad of Cash at Frank) ...this is my partner, Frank Brenner. The Old Man looks at Harry's Money while he shakes Frank's hand, then shrewdly turns away, acting uninterested. OLD MAN (walking toward a hanger) Well--let's take a look at her. Harry and Frank follow close behind the Old Man, still holding their Money out in front of them. The Old Man takes them to the front of a RUSTY OLD HANGER. They watch as the Old Man fumbles with a MASS OF HEAVY CHAINS SECURING A HIGH BAY DOOR, barely managing to unlock the HUGE PADLOCK that's binding them.

22. He pulls the Chains through TWO FIST-SIZED HOLES punched into the CORRUGATED METAL and they fall CLANKING to the ground. OLD MAN (CONT'D) (huffing) I maintain her myself... (walking to the end of the giant door) ...been doing so since she was retired. Harry and Frank stand side-by-side, watching the Old Man. The Old Man NOISILY shakes the GIANT SLIDING DOOR FREE, then slowly pushes it open. A LARGE PLUME OF DUST, and TWO BATS, emanate from the GAPING DOORWAY. FRANK -- CONTINUOUS watching the Bats flying madly above him. FRANK (softly) Bats? He turns back, facing the Doorway. ANGLE (NOT REVEALING HANGER CONTENTS) -- CONTINUOUS Harry and Frank, as they stand facing the Doorway. HARRY (loud) Wow! (walks forward, Money in hand) Frank's look turns to despair. The Old man pauses, hands holding the STRAPS of his OVERALLS, watching Harry. OLD MAN (proudly) She's in perfect working order, gentlemen... (walks inside) ...lem'me show you how she works.

23. FRANK -- CONTINUOUS staring in disbelief. FRANK (puts is Money back into his pocket) Ahhh--just how old did you say she is? Frank walks forward and OUT OF VIEW. INT. HARRY'S HOUSE LIVING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS A MAN'S WHITE DRESS SHIRT is laid out on an IRONING BOARD and is being SPRINKLED WITH WATER. A HOT IRON presses down hard on the COLLAR, causing an ERUPTION OF STEAM. NEW ANGLE FRANNY HARRINGTON, a cheery, blond-haired woman near Liz's age, is a close friend and neighbor of the Flory's. She's wearing a SLEEVELESS BLOUSE AND CAPRI'S while IRONING and FOLDING CLOTHES with Liz. Liz wears a CHIFFON SUMMER DRESS. Johnny, now five, and Paulie, nine, are playing together on the SOFA while watching TV. A TABLE FAN WHIRLS in the background. Liz is Ironing while Franny folds Clothes and places them into a BASKET. Franny is curiously watching Liz Ironing. smile on her face.

Liz has a restrained

FRANNY (wipes her forehead) Lord, it's hot today! (expecting a reply) Fanny keeps watching Liz for a reply, but receives none. FRANNY (CONT'D) (notices Liz's hair) So that's what you were up to this morning--getting your hair done! Liz smiles broadly and nods without looking at Franny. continues Ironing. Franny can't stand the suspense.


24. FRANNY (CONT'D) (impatiently) Alright, Liz... (getting her attention) ...you've been wearing that smile for an hour now--what's going on with you? LIZ (laughing) I'm sorry, Franny--I've been thinking of the surprise I have in store for Harry, tonight. FRANNY Oh!--so that's why your head's in a cloud... (anxiously) ...what's the surprise? Liz walks over to a CHAIR and picks-up a PAPER BAG. She opens the Bag and removes a BLACK LINGERIE and shows it Franny. LIZ (dangling the lingerie from her finger) I also went shopping this morning! (winks) FRANNY Oh--that's lovely! (to Liz) For tonight? Liz nods. LIZ (excited) I got Harry's folks to watch the kids tonight--and boy, do we need the break! Franny beams at Liz. FRANNY Oh, how romantic...humph! I wish Charlie would do something romantic like he used to! Liz returns the Lingerie to the Bag and continues Ironing. Franny continues Folding Clothes, watching Liz.

25. FRANNY (CONT'D) (curious) You mean there's still a spark after ten years and two kids? LIZ (quickly) Nine years...for all his crazy schemes-he still has his charm... (reflecting) ...and... Liz stops herself from being embarrassed. FRANNY (demanding) And what? LIZ (coyly) And there's that feeling... (turns away) ...oh, it's kind of silly. FRANNY (knowingly) Oh, yeah--the feeling...men have the feeling when they want to. LIZ (smiling) No, no--not that... (serious) ...you remember when they came back after the end of that damned war...when we waited for them to come home? FRANNY (reflecting) Yes, I remember. Charlie and me were married before he left--and all that time I was never really sure if he would ever come back. LIZ (consolingly) I know. But, do you remember that feeling you had when you saw him?

26. FRANNY (hand on her chest) Of relief! LIZ Yes, of course...but, the feeling I mean--was when Harry walked up to me from out of all those men getting off the ship without saying a word--and took me into his arms... (reflecting) ...he looked into my eyes for the longest time... (to Franny) ...I wanted him so much! Liz stops and goes back to Ironing. her.

Franny quietly watches

LIZ (CONT'D) (continues) That feeling...I still get--I think we both get, when he holds me that way. Franny gives her a teary smile as she continues to work. FRANNY (soft) You've never stopped wanting him like that--have you? Liz glances at Franny. FRANNY (CONT'D) You are the romantic one, Elizabeth Ann! LIZ (smiling) Occasionally--when I'm not chasing the kids around, or trying to keep this house clean. Franny looks knowingly at liz. FRANNY (staring out the window) I wonder what that Charlie is up to today?

27. Liz smiles appreciatively at her. their chores.

They both continue with

The RAUCOUS SOUND OF HEAVY MACHINERY (O.S.) comes from outside, building up to a LOUD ROAR that fills the Living Room. The women look at each other. look out.

The Kids run to a WINDOW to

FRANNY (CONT'D) (loud, to Liz) What can that be? They both run to ANOTHER WINDOW and pull back the DRAPES just in time to see an OLD, DUSTY, PREWAR FIRE ENGINE pull-up in front of the HOUSE and come to a SQUEAKY stop. FRANNY (CONT'D) (loud, hands over her mouth) Oh my God--someone's house is on fire! Liz leans her head out of the Window to get a better view of the Fire Engine, then see's who's driving it. LIZ (staring) Harry! P.O.V. LIZ -- CONTINUOUS of Harry standing in the open CAB of the Fire Engine while HONKING the HORN and waving at Liz and Franny. LIZ AND FRANNY -- CONTINUOUS staring in disbelief at Harry and the Fire Engine. EXT. FRONT YARD -- CONTINUOUS of the Fire Engine parked on the STREET in front of Harry's House. Frank drives his Ford past the Fire Engine, makes a uturn, then parks across the Street. Excited NEIGHBORHOOD KIDS run up and gawk at the noisy Fire Engine. The old Fire Engine has a HUGE REEL containing the HOSE, mounted above and directly in back of the OPEN CAB. WOODEN LADDERS hang along both sides.

28. A faint RIVERSIDE CITY SEAL, and the words, "Riverside Airport Fire Control - Engine No. 2", Can barely be read on the SIDE of the FADED RED BODY. NEW ANGLE - FRONT OF HOUSE -- CONTINUOUS as Paulie and Johnny run out the FRONT DOOR to the Fire Engine with Franny and Liz shouting commands behind them. Liz waves the Kids aside. LIZ (loud) Paulie, don't get too close! (pointing to Johnny) Stand back--don't get near that thing! JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as he stands at the edge of the LAWN, in awe of the sight and sound of the Fire Engine. Two MEXICAN KIDS the same age as Johnny, run up and stand along side of him. P.O.V. -- JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS of Fire engine. HARRY -- CONTINUOUS as he stands in the Cab smiling at Liz. His hands are folded across his chest, and his right foot rests on top of a CURVED RAILING bordering the OPEN PASSENGER ENTRANCEWAY. FRANNY -- CONTINUOUS with her hands over her open mouth in shock as she looks-over the Fire Engine. LIZ -- CONTINUOUS as she stands, hands on waist, glaring up at a proud Harry. FRANK -- CONTINUOUS as he walks to Liz's side of the Fire Engine and faces her. LIZ -- CONTINUOUS her arms waving in the air.

29. LIZ (loud) What in heaven is this? FRANK -- CONTINUOUS turning around, and trying to look busy by examining a PANEL containing GAUGES and CONTROLS located on the side of the Fire Engine. HARRY -- CONTINUOUS arms stretched out, gazing down the length of the Fire Engine. HARRY (proudly) This...is Big Red! Liz folds her arms across her chest. LIZ (loud) Big what? Harry looks at Liz. HARRY (loud) Big Red! Liz looks over the decrepit Fire Engine, shaking her head. LIZ (loud) And what are you doing with... (arms waving) ...with this thing? Frank looks over his shoulder at Liz, then Harry. Harry looks proud. HARRY (loud) I...we... (to Frank) ...Frank and I--own it! Liz looks in disbelief at Frank, then Harry.

30. LIZ (loud) You two bought this old thing... (arms in motion) ...you bought this thing? Frank turns his attention back to the Gauges, avoiding Liz. Harry stands proudly, admiring the Fire Engine. HARRY (loud) Yep--that's right... (to Liz) ...we own it! Liz is stunned, and furious. LIZ (yelling) For what...with what! HARRY (loud) With a sales advance I got from the company yesterday. (matter-of-factly) I am their top salesman `ya know! Liz folds her arms over her chest. LIZ (nodding) Uh-huh...and for what? HARRY (loud) For our business! LIZ (loud) What business? HARRY (loud) Our partnership--B and F Flight Services... (to Frank) ...we're gonna clean air planes!

31. Frank lowers his head, then turns to Liz and smiles. Liz looks stupefied at Frank, then at Harry. LIZ (loud) What! Harry leans on his right leg, confidentially revealing his grand plan to Liz. HARRY (arm waving) This babys' got a thousand-gallon water tank and a high pressure hose... (serious) ...we fill it with water and mix-in an industrial soap, then go out to airports and wash down their airliners! LIZ (nodding her head) And what makes you think they're going to let you into the airport with that thing? (pointing) HARRY (confident) Already taken care of--I convinced the people at Los Angeles Airport that I could save them money by not wasting flight fuel taxiing their planes to a hanger to wash them... (smiling, arms held out) ...we just drive Big Red up to where they stand and hose `em down on the spot! Liz stands with her head cocked to the side, looking blankly at Harry. Harry and Frank watch Liz for her next expression. A small smile gradually appears on Liz's face as she shakes her head side-to-side. LIZ (to Harry) Boy--what a schemer!

32. Harry returns her smile. He quickly uses the moment to demonstrate the Fire Engine to Liz. Harry pulls several yards of Hose off the Reel behind him. HARRY (to Liz) Lem'me show you how well she works! LIZ (cautioning) Harry--not here! HARRY (confident) Not to worry--the guy we bought it from showed us how everything works! Harry reels off a few more yards of Hose and stands steady in the Cab, pointing the BRASS NOZZLE down the Street. HARRY (CONT'D) (loud) Ok, Frank--let her go! Frank checks the Gauges again, then throws a couple of LEVERS on the rusty Control Panel. The Hose starts to INFLATE, then a narrow jet of WATER shoots out of the Nozzle knocking Harry slightly backwards, and making a steady ARC of WATER a hundred feet long. All heads turn towards the end of the stream of Water. The Kids laugh and scream as they run and dance under the WATERFALL in the middle of the Street. Paulie starts to join them. LIZ (loud) Paulie, you be careful in the street-you hear me! JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS still standing at the edge of the Lawn, enthralled by the sight of the big Fire Engine.

33. HARRY -- CONTINUOUS now used to the push of the Nozzle in his hands, playfully swings the giant Stream of Water up and down the Street, with the Kids chasing after the Stream wherever it goes. FRANK -- CONTINUOUS as he continues to examine the Gauges, and looks above and beneath the big Fire Engine until he appears satisfied that everything is working properly. HARRY -- CONTINUOUS growing weary playing with the Kids, gets mischievous. He looks over his left shoulder across the Street at SOL ROTHMAN'S HOUSE--the only one on the block with a TRIM GREEN LAWN and MANICURED HEDGES. INT. TV ROOM -- CONTINUOUS of SOL ROTHMAN, a balding, middle-aged neighbor of Harry's. He is always seen wearing a TERRY CLOTH HAT, even when indoors. STOCK FOOTAGE OF A 1954 BASEBALL GAME is playing loudly on the TV set, while he sits comfortably in a RECLINER, feet up, smoking a CIGARETTE and drinking a can of BEER. A ROTATING TABLE FAN cools the small TV room. Sol roots for a base hit. SOL (loud) Go! Go! Go! A SPRAY OF WATER splashes hard against an OPEN WINDOW in the TV room, interrupting Sol's game. He jumps out of his Recliner and turns to see Water spraying through the WINDOW SCREEN. SOL (CONT'D) (loud) Damned kids! He runs to the Window. SOL (CONT'D) (angry) Get away from that damned garden hose!

34. He gets sprayed with Water. SOL (CONT'D) (furious) Dammit! He runs out of the TV Room, Cigarette still hanging from his mouth. EXT. FRONT OF SOL'S HOUSE -- CONTINUOUS as Sol storms out of his FRONT DOOR toward the open Window of his TV Room. SOL (angry) Damned kids! He looks around his Trimmed Garden. SOL (CONT'D) (angry) Where are you! He hears the sound of SPLASHING WATER, stops, and looks straight up. He is engulfed in a TUNNEL OF WATER, knocking the Hat off his head, and dousing the Cigarette hanging from his lips. P.O.V. -- SOL -- CONTINUOUS looking up at the Tunnel of Water, obscuring almost everything else within view. SOL -- CONTINUOUS struggling to stay on his feet. SOL (confused) What the...what the hell's going on? The Water barrage stops.

He looks like a drowned rat.

P.O.V. -- SOL -- CONTINUOUS as his eyes come into focus while looking at a smiling Harry standing in the Fire Engine with the Hose in his hands.

35. HARRY -- CONTINUOUS as he stands in the Fire Truck. HARRY (loud) Cool off, Sol! Harry holds the stream of Water down Street again. Everyone laughs. SOL -- CONTINUOUS trying to comprehend the sight of Harry and the Fire Engine. SOL (confused) What the...what the hell is that doing... (dawns on him) ...Harry! LIZ -- CONTINUOUS watching Harry. LIZ (loud) Harry, stop that--they're our neighbors! Harry shrugs his shoulders. SOL -- CONTINUOUS standing drenched, with his hands on his waist. SOL (shaking his head) Harry Flory...now what? He takes the limp Cigarette from his lips and throws it onto the ground. He pulls the PACK OF CIGARETTES out of his SHIRT POCKET, squeezes the water out of them, and throws them onto the ground. He returns to watching Harry. HARRY -- CONTINUOUS still spraying the Kids down the Street. He glances over at Liz who is keeping a watchful eye on the Kids.

36. Now confident with handling the powerful Hose, he slowly tucks it under his right arm while controlling the Nozzle singlehandedly. He playfully turns to Liz and waves his free hand to get her attention. Liz turns to see Harry acting like a show-off. She folds her arms over her chest and shakes her head at him. Harry then slowly lowers the Hose with his right arm until it is just below his waist, and looks forward, holding his head up. He looks over at Liz for her expression. Liz searches Harry's face, the position of the Hose, then back to Harry, finally recognizing the double entendre. She yawns at Harry, then smiles. Harry raises his eyebrows while leaning his head forward at her. He maneuvers the Hose over to his left arm, and while facing forward, reaches behind himself for a CONTROL WITH A SMALL KNOB. Keeping his eyes on Liz, he raises the Knob upward, increasing the idle of the Fire Engine, thereby increasing the flow of water out of the Hose. Frank nervously watches the Gauges, and Harry. Harry, just barely able to handle the push of the Hose by himself, begins to maneuver it towards Liz while watching the expression in her face. Liz's sassy smile turns to panic when she sees the giant stream of Water coming in her direction. LIZ (loud) No!...don't you dare! She walks backward, holding her hands up in front of her. P.O.V. -- LIZ -- CONTINUOUS as she watches the mischievous smile growing on Harry's face while he struggles with the Hose. LIZ -- CONTINUOUS panicking.

37. LIZ (backing up) I said, no--don't! She turns and runs toward the House as fast as she can. Harry laughs. He waits until she almost reaches the PORCH, then clumsily swings the jet of Water around at Liz and catches her in the lower back, sending her face forward, screaming, into the GRASS. The stream of Water catches the bottom of her Dress and throws it up over her head, exposing her kicking legs and PANTIED TUSH. JOHNNY AND MEXICAN KIDS -- CONTINUOUS laughing, while watching Harry and Liz play. FRANK -- CONTINUOUS as he notices Water spraying out of the GAUGES. FRANK (concerned) Uh, Harry...Harry--I think we better shut her down! Harry, now realizing he may have gone too far, redirects the stream of Water away from Liz. The Hose BUCKLES, almost jumping out of his hands. Harry is now being thrown around the Cab by the pressure of the Hose and starts to lose control of the Nozzle. EXT. PORCH -- CONTINUOUS of Harry's House, as the jet of Water passes over SEVERAL HANGING FLOWER POTS and instantly bursts them, BAM-BAM-BAM. HARRY -- CONTINUOUS struggling with the Fire Hose. EXT. FRONT OF HARRY'S HOUSE -- CONTINUOUS as the jet of Water moves near the LIVING ROOM WINDOWS.

38. INT. HARRY'S HOUSE LIVING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS as one Living Room Window, then the other, LOUDLY implode from the force of the water, BAM-BAM. The stream of Water knocks over the IRONING BOARD, and BASKETS of FOLDED CLOTHES. EXT. FRONT YARD -- CONTINUOUS of Harry, struggling with the Fire Hose. Frank panics.

Water is shooting out of all the Gauges.

FRANK (screaming) Harry...shut the engine off--shut the engine off! JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS laughing while watching his father. HARRY -- CONTINUOUS as he reaches behind for the Throttle Control while trying to control the Hose. He finally gets a slippery grip on the Knob, and it breaks off into his hand. The Hose Buckles again, then the Nozzle works out of Harry's grip. He hangs onto the Hose as the Nozzle wildly swings about, banging into his chest with a THUD. Frank runs for cover. Harry tries to escape the OUT-OF-CONTROL HOSE by jumping out of the Cab. He slips on the wet Curved Railing bordering the Passenger Entrance and falls over onto the ground. SOL -- CONTINUOUS laughing as he watches Harry. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS concerned about his father falling onto the ground. HARRY -- CONTINUOUS falling face down on his hands onto the WET ASPHALT. He grimaces as he examines the LOOSE ASPHALT GRAVEL that is embedded in the palms of his wet hands.

39. He hears the sound of SCRAPING CANVAS AND BRASS coming at him. P.O.V. -- HARRY -- CONTINUOUS as he sees the SNAKING Hose and giant spray of Water heading right at him. HARRY -- CONTINUOUS as he jumps up on all four's when the Hose passes underneath him. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS laughing at his father's movements. HARRY -- CONTINUOUS jumping up and down on all four's, trying to avoid the wildly Snaking Hose. SOL -- CONTINUOUS laughing hysterically. HARRY -- CONTINUOUS in a complete panic. HARRY (screaming) Frank...shut it off--shut it off! FRANK -- CONTINUOUS running over to the opposite side of the Fire Engine and reaches in to turn the engine off. The jet of Water slips under the Fire Engine and swipes across Frank's feet, knocking him onto his rear. He scrambles away, slipping on the Wet Asphalt. HARRY -- CONTINUOUS still trying to avoid the Hose on all four's. HARRY (screaming) Ow...ow, ow!

40. As the Hose continues to beat against him. LIZ -- CONTINUOUS as she runs over to a wet Johnny, who is laughing uncontrollably, and picks him up. LIZ (screaming) Harry--you get rid of that damned thing... (running past Harry, carrying Johnny) ...you hear me! Get rid of it now! Harry looks at her incredulously while he crabs around on the ground while avoiding the Hose. SOL -- CONTINUOUS still laughing. SOL (catching his breath) ...ah, Harry...`ya putz! HARRY -- CONTINUOUS finally getting to his feet. He tries to run, but his LEATHER SOLED SHOES slip on the Wet Asphalt. The Hose snakes around and catches him on the rear, sending him falling forwards onto the Asphalt again. HARRY (loud) Ow! ANGLE WIDE FROM ABOVE -- CONTINUOUS of DRENCHED NEIGHBORHOOD. Harry is seen fighting to get to his feet, then running away down the Street. The Hose continues to spray uncontrollably while TRAFFIC is stopped in both directions, with WINDSHIELD WIPERS running. DISSOLVE TO:

41. SERIES OF SHOTS EXT. HARRY AND JOHNNY -- DAY walking to the front yard. Harry spins a FOOTBALL in his hands as an eager five-year-old Johnny tags along by his side. EXT. HARRY AND JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as Harry tosses the Football at Johnny. hold the large Football in his arms.

Johnny struggles to

Harry throws Football again which bounces out of Johnny's arms. EXT. HARRY AND JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as Harry throws the Football at Johnny which bounces off of Johnny's face. Johnny cries as Harry rushes to him and wipes his bloody nose with a HANDKERCHIEF. EXT. HARRY AND JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny dodges the thrown Football. EXT. HARRY AND JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as Harry throws a BASEBALL to Johnny. Baseball and tosses it back to Harry.

Johnny catches the

EXT. HARRY AND JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as a squatting Harry tosses the Baseball to Johnny. Frannie drives by in a CAR, hollering and waving at them. When Harry turns and waves back at her, he is hit in the forehead by the Baseball thrown by Johnny, and is knocked onto his rear. Franny reacts. Johnny runs crying to his father.

Harry consoles him.

EXT. HARRY AND JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny catches the Baseball. Johnny throws the Baseball at the ground in front of a squatting Harry, which bounces up hitting Harry in the groin, and sending him forward onto his hands and knees. He holds his hand up at Johnny while he bends over in pain.

42. Johnny stands, puzzled, with his fingers in his mouth, watching his father. EXT. HARRY AND JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny is seen smiling, wearing a small FOOTBALL HELMET, fearlessly catching the Football. EXT. HARRY AND JOHNNY -- LATER as Harry holds Johnny's hand with one hand, while holding the KNOT on his forehead with the other. He limps as they walk back toward the House to call it a day. EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD PARK -- DAY Harry pulls his two-tone 1955 CHEVY up to a CURB and parks. Johnny sits beside him holding onto a FOOTBALL. Harry exits and walks over to Johnny's side to open his Door. HARRY (helping Johnny out of the car) Okay, sport...after months of hard, and painful practice, you're ready for the big league... NEW ANGLE -- CONTINUOUS of Harry and Johnny standing while facing a BUSY FOOTBALL FIELD JAMMED WITH SEVERAL GROUPS OF KIDS. HARRY (CONT'D) ...Pop Warner! COACH BARNES, a fit looking man in his 40's, runs up to them carrying a FOOTBALL. COACH BARNES (extending his hand) 'morning--I'm Coach Barnes. Harry shakes his hand. HARRY Harry Flory. Coach looks over and smiles at Johnny as he shakes Harry's hand.

43. COACH BARNES (to Johnny) And who's this? HARRY John Flory...your new quarterback. Is that so? that.

COACH BARNES Well now--we'll see about

Coach squats down and shakes Johnny's hand. Johnny fumbles with the Football as he shakes hands with the Coach. COACH BARNES (CONT'D) Pleased to meet you, Johnny. Coach takes the Football from Johnny's hands and tosses it up to Harry, who catches it. COACH BARNES (CONT'D) Here... (hands his Football to Johnny) ...try this one on for size. Johnny takes the smaller Football into his hands and smiles, then looks scornfully up at his father. Harry looks at the Football, then back at Johnny and shrugs his shoulders. HARRY (to Coach) I thought you use a regulation football? COACH BARNES We do--a regulation Pop Warner football! It's more practical for the little guys. Harry nods.

Coach stands.

COACH BARNES (CONT'D) Let's try you out in a new junior pee wee team we're just forming... (leading Johnny toward the field) ...see how 'ya like it.

44. Johnny looks back apprehensively at his father as he walks alongside of Coach. COACH BARNES (CONT'D) (pointing) You can wait in the stands with the other parents, Mister Flory! Harry waves at Johnny. HARRY (loud) Get 'em, kiddo! Harry takes a seat halfway up the STANDS, in full view of the Football Field. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as the Coach herds a GROUP of EXCITED SIX-YEAR-OLDS together. P.O.V. HARRY -- CONTINUOUS as he watches the Coach barking lineup instructions to the unruly Clan and hand picking Kids based on size. He then picks the FATTEST KID to play center, and Johnny for quarterback. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as the Coach moves the Kids in position for a practice play. COACH BARNES (loud) All right..ready...set...hike! When the Fat Kid hikes the Football, it gets stuck in-between his chubby legs. The other Kids dog pile on top of him, SCREAMING. HARRY -- CONTINUOUS cringing. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as the Coach blows his WHISTLE while pulling the Kids apart from the dog pile.

45. COACH BARNES (loud) All right, all right! Let's get back into formation and try it again! The Kids stumble around taunting each other for a moment, then get back into position. The opposing Kids make faces at the other Kids. COACH BARNES (CONT'D) (loud) Ready...set...hike! The Football barely clears the Fat Kid's legs and plunks into Johnny's waiting arms. HARRY -- CONTINUOUS as he quickly stands up. P.O.V. -- HARRY -- CONTINUOUS as all Screaming Kids attack the line. Johnny is completely obscured by the pack of Kids while a SHORT KID runs down field along the sideline. Just as the Short Kid gets five yards away, an end-over-end thrown Football pops out of the pile of Kids. The Football flies a short arc and lands in the Short Kid's hands, knocking him down onto the grass. HARRY -- CONTINUOUS slowly growing an enormous grin on his face. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as the Coach blows his Whistle while rounding-up the Kids. COACH BARNES (loud) That was good--that was good! try that again.


Coach looks toward the Stands at Harry and gives him a THUMB UP. HARRY -- CONTINUOUS still standing.

He throws his arms up in the air, cheering.

46. HARRY (loud) Go, kiddo! He looks around at the other PARENTS staring at him, then sits quietly. JOHNNY - OVER THE SHOULDER -- CONTINUOUS standing ready. COACH BARNES (O.S.) (loud) Ready...set...hike! The Fat Kid hikes the Football right into Johnny's hands. Johnny pauses briefly, then throws the Football as hard as he can. HARRY -- CONTINUOUS watching the flight of the Football. CLOSE-UP -- FOOTBALL -- CONTINUOUS in flight against a BLUE SKY BACKGROUND. EXT. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL FIELD -- DAY as the Football is still in flight, then lands into the arms of BRIAN, a trim, sixteen-year-old high school track runner, and friend of Johnny's. He wears GOLD COLORED GYM SHORTS AND A BLACK T-SHIRT. He keeps running after catching the Football and circles around back towards Johnny. BRIAN (panting) Nice toss, John! (tosses the ball to him) Johnny smiles as he casually flips the Football in his hands. Johnny, now sixteen-years-old, is a strapping and athletic boy. He's six-foot-three at a hundred and eighty-five pounds, and inherited his father's good looks. He also wears GOLDCOLORED GYM SHORTS AND A BLACK T-SHIRT. It's lunch period, and STUDENTS are gathered around the SCHOOL'S TRACK to eat and gossip.

47. EXT. BLEACHERS -- CONTINUOUS Several groups of KIDS are sitting among the BLEACHERS along side of the Track EATING LUNCH. NICK FAUST is a large, imposing kid, who's tough looks and quiet demeanor make him appear much older than his seventeen years. His lumpy physique conceals a rock hard interior, and his no-nonsense attitude warns he cannot be intimidated. Nick sits alone in the Bleachers, eating his lunch and reading a BOOK, paying no attention to anything else. LAURA HARRIS, a childhood friend of Johnny's, sits with her GIRLFRIEND watching the Boys on the Field. They talk and laugh between themselves as they eat lunch. JOHNNY AND BRIAN -- CONTINUOUS Brian is pacing around while tossing the Football back and forth with Johnny. He glances at the girls in the Bleachers. Johnny concentrates on his throwing. BRIAN You think Coach'll put you in tonight? JOHNNY Only if Gary has a heart attack... (tossing the football) ...I don't think Coach is too concerned about my personal goals. BRIAN Yeah, you've been warming the bench for awhile, now...maybe you should try defense like he want's you to. Johnny shakes his head as he flips the Football in his hands. JOHNNY Maybe you should try sprints, Mister Marathon. Brian shakes his head. BRIAN Nope--not in the program!

48. JOHNNY (smiling) Exactly. Brian looks over at the Bleachers. EXT. BLEACHERS -- CONTINUOUS as Laura and her Girlfriend giggle to each other while watching Johnny and Brian. JOHNNY AND BRIAN -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny watches Brian smile at them. JOHNNY (waving the Football) Let's see how fast and long you can go for a pass, flash! Brian smiles, turns, and jets down Field as fast as he can. Johnny watches Brian's legs pumping madly and smiles. He waits until Brian is about ten yards away, takes careful aim, and throws a spiral straight at the back of Brian's knees. BRIAN -- CONTINUOUS as he tumbles head over heels into the turf with the Football tangled in his legs. He falls over onto his rear, stunned, and looks at Johnny. EXT. BLEACHERS -- CONTINUOUS as Laura and her Girlfriend laugh out loud. to read his Book.

Nick continues

JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS laughing. JOHNNY (loud) I hope you can run better than that, track star! BRIAN -- CONTINUOUS fuming.

He looks over at the Bleachers, then back at Johnny.

49. BRIAN (yelling) I'll kill 'ya! He jumps up, grabs the Football, and runs at Johnny. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS still laughing. He pauses while watching Brian, let's out a final laugh, then turns and runs OUT OF VIEW. Brain runs INTO VIEW, throws the Football as hard as he can, then runs OUT OF VIEW. The sound of the Football bouncing off of a body with a THUD, then LAUGHTER, can be heard (O.S.). EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- NIGHT WIDE ANGLE of HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL FIELD lit by FLOOD LIGHTS. The STANDS are filled with PARENTS and STUDENTS. A HIGH SCHOOL BAND PLAYS LOUDLY over the CHEERING CROWD. CHEERLEADERS dance at the SIDELINES. HARRY AND LIZ -- CONTINUOUS sitting in the Stands. NICK -- CONTINUOUS sitting by himself, smoking a CIGARETTE. LAURA -- CONTINUOUS sitting by herself, quietly watching the Field. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS with PLAYERS standing around huddled. on the 18-YARD LINE.

The Football is placed

SCOREBOARD -- CONTINUOUS showing a score of "HOME 10, VISITORS 41, 1st Down, 3rd Quarter." EXT. SIDELINES -- CONTINUOUS of COACH BARKER, a trim, balding man in his 50's, shouting instructions from the sideline to GARY, the sixteen-year old star quarterback of the FOOTHILL HIGH FIREBIRDS.

50. His ASSISTANT COACH, a middle-aged man with a paunch, stands beside Coach holding a CLIPBOARD. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS with the Firebirds in possession of the Football. The Football is hiked, and a blitz defense immediately sacks Gary, sending him to the ground. SIDELINE BENCH -- CONTINUOUS of Johnny, in uniform, sitting quietly on the BENCH. EXT. SIDELINES -- CONTINUOUS of Coach Barker shaking his head and throwing his arms up into the air. The Assistant Coach looks concerned. COACH BARKER (loud, to Assistant Coach) Tell him to throw some inside passes! The Assistant Coach signals to Gary from the Sideline as they go into a huddle. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as the Football is hiked. A DEFENSIVE TACKLE quickly penetrates the OFFENSIVE LINE and knocks the Football out of Gary's hand as he rears back for a pass. The Firebirds clumsily recover the Football. EXT. STANDS -- CONTINUOUS as Harry reacts, screaming at the Sidelines. HARRY (loud) Pass protection! Pass protection! Liz sits quietly by his side. EXT. SIDELINES -- CONTINUOUS as Coach Barker watches in disbelief. COACH BARKER Damn!

51. He paces back and forth, stops, then looks at the Scoreboard. COACH BARKER - OVER THE SHOULDER -- CONTINUOUS as he looks at the Scoreboard. COACH BARKER (to himself) We're getting our butt's kicked...by a Catholic school! EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as the Football is hiked. Gary is knocked down hard to the ground as he attempts a running pass and twists his ankle. He yells as he grabs his leg. EXT. SIDELINES -- CONTINUOUS as Coach Barker screams. COACH (loud) No, damn it! He signals a "Time Out" with his hands to the REFEREE, and sends the Assistant Coach and the school DOCTOR, a casually dressed man in his 60's, into the Field to tend Gary. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as the Assistant Coach and the Doctor consul Gary as the other Players stand by and watch. They lift him up and carry him, arms under his shoulders, back to the Sidelines. EXT. SIDELINES -- CONTINUOUS as the Assistant Coach and the Doctor help a limping Gary to the Bench. The Doctor removes Gary's SHOE and examines his ankle as the Assistant Coach looks on. The Doctor shakes his head as he begins to wrap the swollen ankle with a BANDAGE AND ICE, while talking to the Assistant Coach. COACH BARKER -- CONTINUOUS as he paces back and forth. him.

The Assistant Coach approaches

ASSISTANT COACH Doc says it's just a sprain...

52. Coach Barker stares at him, expecting more. COACH BARKER And what? The Assistant Coach hesitates. ASSISTANT COACH ...and he says he should sit out a few plays until he can get the swelling down. COACH BARKER (loud) Christ! We're down by twenty-one in the third quarter and he should rest awhile? The Assistant Coach shrugs. Coach Barker looks quickly at the Scoreboard, at Gary, grimacing in pain, then at Johnny, sitting quietly on the Bench. They both approach Johnny. COACH BARKER (CONT'D) (reluctantly) Okay, Flory--you're in for a couple of downs until Gary recoups...see if you can hang onto the ball for awhile. Johnny slowly stands, slips his HELMET on, then silently walks away. COACH BARKER (CONT'D) (yelling) And don't get fancy, just... Coach Barker pauses, looks at the Assistant Coach, then shakes his head. EXT. STANDS -- CONTINUOUS Harry stands and cheers. HARRY (loud) Yeah! Go Johnny! Liz smiles.

53. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny enters the huddle. He looks around at the exhausted Players. The Two Receivers, a TIGHT END, and a SPLIT END, act energetic, but are unimpressed with Johnny. JOHNNY (confident) We're going to get out of this hole we're stuck in... (to the two Receivers) ...you ends open set fast and circle in at the goal post... The Receivers laugh quietly to themselves. JOHNNY (CONT'D) ...all right! On forty-four! (claps hands) RECEIVERS -- CONTINUOUS as they walk to formation. SPLIT END To the goal post the man says--sounds like another drill! The Tight End laughs. SPLIT END (CONT'D) Five says I'll beat you there! They both exchange a "Low-Five," then get into position. Johnny walks confidently up to the Center, looks around at the line, then sets into position. EXT. STANDS -- CONTINUOUS as Harry and Liz watch intensely. EXT. SIDELINES -- CONTINUOUS as Coach Barker and the Assistant Coach watch, arms folded across their chests. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS to Johnny.

54. JOHNNY (loud) Twenty-nine...fourteen...sixtythree...forty-four! The Football is hiked.

Johnny steps quickly backward.

WIDE ANGLE -- CONTINUOUS of receivers traveling down Field. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as a DEFENSIVE TACKLE gets through the Offensive Line and runs straight at Johnny. Johnny tucks the Football under his left arm. When the Tackle reaches him, Johnny swings his right elbow out hard against the Tackles rib cage, knocking the wind out of him, and sending him flying onto the ground, gasping. Johnny continues to step backward, looking down Field. Another Tackle gets through the Offensive Line and lunges at Johnny. Johnny tucks the Football under his right arm, then leans forward and hits the Tackle hard head-on, knocking the Tackle's feet out from under him, and sending him flat on his back onto the ground, dazed. EXT. STANDS -- CONTINUOUS as Harry smiles. Liz holds a HANDKERCHIEF up to her open mouth as she watches. EXT. SIDELINES -- CONTINUOUS as Coach Barker and the Assistant Coach look surprised at each other, then back at the Field. JOHNNY - OVER THE SHOULDER -- CONTINUOUS as he looks down Field, takes a firm stance, then rears his arm back and throws a perfect spiral that disappears high into the evening sky. RECEIVERS -- CONTINUOUS as they circle-in together toward the center of the GOAL POST, huffing. They exchange another "Low Five" as they meet under the Goal Post.

55. SPLIT END All right! Believing the play is over, they continue jogging back toward the other end of the Field. SPLIT END -- CONTINUOUS looking forward, as he gets HIT HARD in the center of his chest with the Football, making a loud THUD. SPLIT END (loud) Ugh! The Football bounces end-over-end into the air. WIDER--FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as the stunned Split End recovers and clumsily lunges forward, arms outstretched, keeping his eyes on the Football. His legs drag forward as the Football flops into his arms. He pulls the Football into his chest and stumbles backward toward the goal line as the Tight End watches. When he crosses the Goal Line, he falls forward onto his hands and knees in pain, letting the Football bounce away as he MOANS. The GOAL LINE REFEREE raises his arms over his head to signal a touchdown. The Tight End jumps up and down, screaming. EXT. STANDS -- CONTINUOUS as the crowd CHEERS. LAURA -- CONTINUOUS as she cheers. NICK -- CONTINUOUS as he remains still, but surprised. EXT. SIDELINES -- CONTINUOUS as Coach Barker and the Assist Coach laugh and cheer between themselves.

56. SPLIT END -- CONTINUOUS still on his hands and knees.

The Tight End runs to him.

TIGHT END (excited) Great play, man! Great play! The Split End, still on his hands and knees holding his chest and moaning, waves his hand behind his back for his friend to go away. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as the Firebird's cheer between themselves. Johnny stands with his hands on his waist looking blankly down Field, then nods. EXT. SIDELINES -- CONTINUOUS as Gary looks concerned. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as the Firebirds successfully kick a FIELD GOAL. SCOREBOARD -- CONTINUOUS as the score changes to Home 17, Visitors 41. EXT. STANDS -- CONTINUOUS as an elated Harry continues to cheer.

Liz looks concerned.

LIZ (worried) Harry, I--I think we should check on Paulie, now. HARRY (preoccupied) The games' just getting started now, Honey--and there's only one quarter left. LIZ But, he's been acting so funny, lately. Harry tries to ignore her.

57. HARRY In just a couple more minutes, dear. EXT. SIDELINES -- CONTINUOUS The Assistant Coach approaches Coach Barker standing at the sideline. ASSISTANT COACH Doc says Gary can play now. Coach Barker shakes his head. COACH BARKER Oh, no--that was a bad sprain...he should rest longer. The Assistant Coach smiles, then walks away. HIGH SCHOOL BAND -- CONTINUOUS playing, and enthusiastic Cheerleaders dancing. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny throws a quick pass to the Split End, hitting him in his right side with a THUD. EXT. SIDELINES -- CONTINUOUS as Coach Barker cheers. COACH BARKER (loud) Yeah! EXT. STANDS -- CONTINUOUS as Laura watches Johnny. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as the Football is hiked. Johnny throws a hard, straight running pass to the Tight End. EXT. SIDELINES -- CONTINUOUS as Coach Barker watches the game. Gary, now walking normally, approaches Coach Barker holding his HELMET in his hand.

58. GARY Coach--I can play now! Coach Barker keeps his eyes on the field. COACH BARKER No, no--that was a nasty sprain, Gary. You need more time to recoup... (pointing his thumb behind him) ...take a seat. SCOREBOARD -- CONTINUOUS now displaying Home 24, Visitors 44. HARRY AND LIZ -- CONTINUOUS leaving the Stands. Harry looks back still cheering Johnny. Liz holds onto his arm tightly. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny throws a long pass. INT. LOCKER ROOM -- CONTINUOUS as Players are removing their Uniforms and cheering between themselves. INT. LOCKER ROOM -- CONTINUOUS as Gary angrily throws his Helmet into his LOCKER. INT. LOCKER ROOM -- CONTINUOUS as the two Receivers stand in front of their LOCKERS. TIGHT END (shaking his head) I can't believe it! A twenty-four point comeback in the last quarter to win! The Split End removes his SHIRT and PADS and painfully inspects several BLACK-AND-BLUE BRUISES along his sides, and a LARGE BLACK-AND-BLUE BRUISE in the center of his chest.

59. INT. COACH BARKER'S OFFICE -- CONTINUOUS as Coach Barker congratulates Johnny, still in Uniform. A LARGE WINDOW located behind Coach Barker's DESK provides a view of the LOCKER ROOM. COACH BARKER (excited) Really great game, John... Coach Barker rests his arm over Johnny's shoulders. is surprised by Coach Barker's change of attitude.


COACH BARKER (CONT'D) ...and what an arm! I had no idea you had that kind of power--where did you learn to throw like that? JOHNNY (smiling) My dad had something to do with it...I started fairly young. Coach Barker laughs, then gets serious with him. Coach Barker leans against the front of his Desk, arms folded in front of him. COACH BARKER John, I know this may be premature, but I think you have the talent to help take this team to the championships this year...what can we do for you-what else do you think you'd need? JOHNNY How about some pass protection? I spent most of my time out there dodging bulls, Coach. Coach Barker nods. COACH BARKER I know, I know. We need to tighten-up the offensive line... (Johnny nods) ...problem is, all the big boys want to play defense--and they stick together like a fraternity. Johnny looks down, shaking his head.

60. COACH BARKER (CONT'D) And I can't blame them--you saw how they pulled together when they got inspired...and you provided a lot of that inspiration, tonight, John. Johnny smiles. Coach Barker walks around his Desk and sits down in his Chair. COACH BARKER (CONT'D) I'm afraid you'll have to find some help, yourself...unfortunately, this isn't the largest school in the county, so we'll just have to make do with more offensive drills for now... Johnny remains silent. COACH BARKER (CONT'D) ...and don't you worry--our guys can get pretty serious when they want to! SEVERAL PLAYERS can be seen in the Locker Room through the Window behind Coach Barker celebrating and jumping on each other while in their UNDERWEAR. ONE BOY walks into view and spots Johnny through the Office Window talking to Coach Barker. He grabs TWO PROTECTIVE CUPS off the Floor and straps them across his chest. He places his hands on his hips and twists side to side at the waist while smiling at Johnny. Johnny focuses on the Boy, then smiles while nodding at Coach Barker. EXT. PAULIE'S APARTMENT -- NIGHT as Harry and Liz knock on a FRONT DOOR in a VERY MODEST APARTMENT COMPLEX. LIZ (concerned) I know he's in there, Harry! Harry continues knocking. HARRY Paulie--Paulie, open the door...open the door, Paulie!

61. Harry looks around the DIMLY LIT WALKWAY to make sure no one is watching them. LIZ (impatiently) Honey! Harry grabs the Doorknob, looks over both shoulders, then heaves his shoulder at the Door. The flimsy Door pops open and they quickly step inside, closing the Door behind them. INT. PAULIE'S APARTMENT -- CONTINUOUS as Harry and Liz walk quickly through the CLUTTERED APARTMENT. Paulie!

LIZ Paulie!

HARRY I thought he lived with his schoolmates? Liz walks into the HALLWAY toward the BEDROOM. Harry checks the KITCHEN and finds TWO EMPTY GALLON BOTTLES OF CHEAP VODKA, and a HALF-DRUNK GALLON OF MILK on the COUNTER TOP, along with TRASH AND SOME ROTTING FOOD. He shakes his head, then walks into the Hallway where Liz joins him. LIZ He's not in bed! They both walk toward the Bathroom and find Paulie lying face down and moaning on the Bathroom Floor. LIZ (CONT'D) (sobbing) Oh, no! HARRY (disgusted) I knew it--another binge! Harry turns him over onto his back. Paulie's face is red and swollen. He's perspiring and breathing rapidly. Harry tries to shake him awake. HARRY (CONT'D) Paulie! Paulie! How long have you been drinking?

62. Paulie moans. He briefly opens his bloodshot eyes and tries to mutter something. PAULIE I...I...nothing... Liz gasps, holding her hands over her mouth. LIZ Harry, let's take him home... She pleads with Harry. LIZ (CONT'D) ...let's get him out of here! Harry nods. HARRY Christ--twenty years old and already a drunk! Harry reaches under Paulie's arms and lifts him up. HARRY (CONT'D) (grunting) C'mon, son. INT. BATHROOM -- CONTINUOUS as Paulie is dragged backwards by his arms OUT OF VIEW. INT. POOLHALL -- NIGHT filled with TEENAGERS playing pool. The Rolling Stone's song "NO SATISFACTION" plays LOUDLY (O.S.). ONE POOL TABLE sits on an ELEVATED PLATFORM and is in use by several OLDER MEN, and Nick Faust. Nick smokes a CIGARETTE and drinks a BEER while playing pool with one of the Men. Johnny enters wearing his LETTER JACKET, T-SHIRT, AND LEVI'S. He's called over to a POOL TABLE occupied by SEVERAL KIDS, and Brian. He's congratulated for his football victory, then Brian hands him a POOL CUE to play a game. Johnny looks around the hall as he chalks his Cue and spots Nick playing with the older Men. He's impressed by Nick's size and intimidating appearance.

63. JOHNNY (soft) Hey, Brian... (motions with his hand) ...who's the big guy? Brian looks in Nick's direction. BRIAN Who?


Johnny nods. BRIAN (CONT'D) Where've you been, man? Johnny continues to watch Nick. BRIAN (CONT'D) That's Nick Faust... (warning) ...stay away from him, buddy. JOHNNY Why's that? Brian breaks, pocketing a single ball. BRIAN Well, his family moved out here from Chicago only a month ago... (lines up a pool shot) ...and he just got out of juve from putting two sailors in the hospital... Johnny looks at Brian. BRIAN (CONT'D) ...seems they stole his beach towel when he was swimming at The Wedge and wouldn't give it back to him...broke the jaw on one guy, and almost killed the other. Johnny glances over his shoulder as Nick shoots a ball into a pocket with a CRACK.

64. BRIAN (CONT'D) (warns) Nobody talks to him--and nobody messes with him...guy's an animal, man! JOHNNY (curious) How old is he? BRIAN (laughs) He's a Junior, just like us--even the Seniors avoid him! Johnny shakes his head. BRIAN (CONT'D) Funny thing too...I heard he carries a three-oh average--guy's not as dumb as he looks. Johnny looks back at Nick. JOHNNY (surprised) Look at the size of 'em! NICK -- CONTINUOUS as he lines-up an easy side pocket shot. P.O.V. NICK -- CONTINUOUS as he focuses past the CUE BALL and see's Johnny standing, holding his Cue, and staring at him. NICK -- CONTINUOUS as he looks straight at Johnny with a scowl. He slams the Ball hard into the Side Pocket with a loud BANG, knocking a couple of CUE CHALKS and TWO QUARTERS off the edge of the Pool Table. He slowly straightens up, keeping his eyes on Johnny. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as he pauses, then looks down at the Pool Table in front of him and spots a similar side pocket shot.

65. He quickly takes aim at the Ball with his Cue Ball and shoots hard, barely grazing the intended Ball, and slamming the Cue Ball into the side pocket. Johnny's Friends RAZZ him as he stands proudly, holding his Pool Cue in hand, while trying to restrain a laugh. He looks over at Nick in time to see him shake his head and turn away. BRIAN (O.S.) (laughing) Nice scratch, Flory! Someone (O.S.) throws a handful of POPCORN at Johnny's head as he stands, still watching Nick. INT. CLASSROOM -- DAY with MISS SAMUELS, an attractive brunette in her thirties, writing assignments on the BLACKBOARD in front of her English Class. Johnny sits nervously among the OTHER STUDENTS, chewing on a fingernail, while bouncing one leg rapidly under his DESK. Laura sits across the aisle from him, stealing an occasional glance as he fidgets. The SCHOOL BELL RINGS. BOOKS AND LUNCH BAGS.

The students quickly gather their

MISS SAMUELS (loud) ...and don't forget--your survey on the Mencken essays are also due tomorrow-class dismissed! Johnny quickly scribbles on his NOTEPAD, gathers his BOOKS, then leaves the Classroom. EXT. HIGHSCHOOL -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny places in Books into his LOCKER and shuts the Door. He looks worried and concerned as he stares blankly at the Locker. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as he walks around the rear of a CLASSROOM BUILDING where STUDENTS hang out to sneak a smoke, and have lunch.

66. A GROUP OF KIDS quickly hide their CIGARETTES in their hands when they see Johnny, then continue smoking and laughing when they recognize him. Johnny pauses and looks around the area. NICK -- CONTINUOUS as he sits on a bald spot in the grass while reading a BOOK, and casually smoking a CIGARETTE. KIDS walk by Nick, giving him plenty of room. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS getting up the nerve to approach Nick. then marches up to Nick's side.

He takes a deep breath,

GROUP OF KIDS -- CONTINUOUS mouth's open, watching Johnny. JOHNNY AND NICK -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny stands, being completely ignored by Nick. JOHNNY Faust. Nick ignores him. JOHNNY (CONT'D) (loud) Hey, Faust! Nick keeps reading his Book. NICK (soft) Get lost, piss ant. Johnny pauses, then takes another breath. JOHNNY Why do you waste your time with that, big man--you should be playing ball? Nick starts to get annoyed. his finger.

He flips his Cigarette away with

67. NICK (loud) I said get lost! GROUP OF KIDS -- CONTINUOUS KID (shakes his head) Oh--oh...that Flory must be nuts! JOHNNY AND NICK -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny looks around impatiently, then back at Nick. He grits his teeth, then kicks Nick's knee hard with his Shoe. JOHNNY (loud) Are you listening to me, Faust? GROUP OF KIDS -- CONTINUOUS KID (loud) Oh--shhhit! P.O.V. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as Nick quickly turns his neckless head at him with fire in his wide open eyes. JOHNNY AND NICK -- CONTINUOUS as Nick instantly jumps straight up from his sitting position and tackles Johnny hard at the waist, lifting him up into the air. JOHNNY AND NICK -- CONTINUOUS both airborne, with Nick on top of Johnny. GROUP OF KIDS -- CONTINUOUS KID (loud) Scratch one quarterback! JOHNNY AND NICK -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny lands backwards onto the Ground with Nick holding on to him.

68. Johnny hits the Ground with a resounding THUD and GRUNTS. Nick straddles Johnny's waist and grabs the lapel of his Jacket, lifting Johnny's head up while rearing his meaty fist back to punch him. GROUP OF KIDS -- CONTINUOUS grimacing. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS flapping his arms wildly against the Ground while SCREAMING madly. NICK -- CONTINUOUS as he pauses, fist still held up, looking confused at Johnny. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as he pauses, looks up at Nick with one eye open, then continues with his act. JOHNNY AND NICK -- CONTINUOUS as Nick releases Johnny's Lapel causing Johnny's head to bump onto the Hard Ground. JOHNNY (loud) Ow! Nick stands up and steps away from Johnny. Johnny rubs the back of his head and grimaces while lying flat on the Ground. NICK You're either fearless--or crazy, piss ant. Johnny looks up at Nick, still rubbing his head. JOHNNY Crazy--most likely. Johnny slowly stands and brushes himself off. JOHNNY (CONT'D) I wasn't sure what'd it take to get your attention.

69. Johnny continues to rub the back of his head. NICK What do you want, quarterback? JOHNNY (surprised) You know me? NICK I've seen you around--what do you want? JOHNNY You! Nick pauses. NICK For what? JOHNNY To guard. NICK To guard what? JOHNNY To guard me. Johnny waits for his reaction. over his chest.

Nick silently folds his arms

JOHNNY (CONT'D) What I said back then... (serious) ...I think you'd be magnificent on the field, Nick--and I really do need your help. Nick is slightly taken by Johnny's sincerity and courage as he looks him over. NICK What makes you think I want to play football? Nick picks up his Books and Bag Lunch from off the Ground. JOHNNY You'd be crazier than me not to!

70. NICK Yeah, you got an arm, all right--but it won't do you any good without protection by those slugs on your line. Johnny nods, letting Nick make up his mind. Nick pauses, looking up and down the Walkway. NICK (CONT'D) (warning) I don't play defense. JOHNNY (smiles) Neither do I! Nick sighs and shakes his head as he looks at Johnny. NICK Friends...with a quarterback, yet. Johnny beams.

Nick looks at him expectantly. NICK (CONT'D)

Well? JOHNNY Huh? NICK Let's go see Coach. Nick starts to walk.

Johnny eagerly walks along with him.

GROUP OF KIDS -- CONTINUOUS cheering to themselves. JOHNNY AND NICK -- CONTINUOUS walking together. NICK (looking straight ahead) Bet you didn't know I could move that fast--huh, piss ant? Johnny feels cocky now that he made friends with Nick.

71. JOHNNY Nope! I didn't know anything so ugly could move that fast! Nick tosses the remains of his Bag Lunch at the back of Johnny's head as he walks. A half-eaten APPLE pops out of the wrinkled bag as it hits Johnny's head. JOHNNY (CONT'D) (loud) Ow! Johnny grabs the back of his head again. walk silently ahead.

Nick continues to

Johnny playfully runs hard into Nick's side, not budging him at all. Johnny grabs his arm in pain as he walks along side of the big man. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- NIGHT as Johnny, Nick, and the rest of the OFFENSIVE TEAM, run past a smiling Coach Barker on the way out to the Field in front of a CHEERING Crowd. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as the FOOTBALL is hiked. Nick knocks down TWO DEFENSIVE TACKLES while Johnny completes a drop back pass. COACH BARKER AND ASSISTANT COACH -- CONTINUOUS as they smile and watch. EXT. STANDS -- CONTINUOUS as Harry, without Liz, cheers Johnny on. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as the Football is hiked. Nick knocks down two more TACKLES, then chases and knocks down a third TACKLE that gets through the line. Johnny completes a running pass. COACH BARKER AND ASSISTANT COACH -- CONTINUOUS laughing to each other.

72. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as the Football is hiked. Nick easily blocks TWO VERY APPREHENSIVE TACKLES as Johnny throws a long pass into the air. INT. LIVINGROOM -- DAY of a FOOTBALL TROPHY being placed and carefully positioned among SEVERAL SMALLER TROPHIES on a BOOKCASE SHELF. The ENGRAVING reads "1965 High School Division Champions - John Flory - Quarterback." The REFLECTION of Harry's smiling face can be seen in the BRASS PLATE as he polishes the Trophy with a RAG. EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD PARK -- AFTERNOON as Johnny and Nick walk together. They both wear SWEAT SHIRTS AND LEVI'S, and Johnny is flipping a FOOTBALL in his hands as they talk. They walk by a PLAYING FIELD occupied by TWO TEAMS dressed in FOOTBALL UNIFORMS. A small group of MEN sit in the first rows of the BLEACHERS. Johnny and Nick stop at a HANDRAIL and watch the Teams play. An OLD COACH, wearing a CAP, a WHISTLE around his neck, and holding a CLIPBOARD, notices them. OLD COACH Hello, boys! Johnny nods. Nick watches the Field. Nick, then Johnny.

The Old Coach eyes

OLD COACH (CONT'D) You boys play football? Johnny nods. JOHNNY Varsity--we're seniors from Foothill High. The Old Coach smiles. OLD COACH Well, well--seniors from Foothill High, eh? Have you seen semi-pros play before? Johnny shakes his head.

The Old Coach looks towards the Field.

73. EXT. FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as the huge Football Players noisily CLASH together during a play. OLD COACH -- CONTINUOUS smiling. OLD COACH (proudly) Those are the Arkansas Warthogs, boys...we're in town for an exhibition game tomorrow! Nick lets out a quiet laugh. with a snide smile.

The Old Coach looks at them

OLD COACH (CONT'D) How would you varsity boys like to spar with the team for a couple of plays? Johnny looks at the huge Football Players on the Field. JOHNNY Oh, well--I don't... NICK (Interrupts) ...we'll play. Johnny stares at Nick.

The Old Coach smiles.

OLD COACH O-kay, boys--what positions do you play? JOHNNY I quarterback... (still staring at Nick) ...and he bumps heads. OLD COACH Fine, fine. The Old Coach blows his Whistle interrupting the action on the Field. The Players stop and look at the Old Coach.

74. OLD COACH (CONT'D) (loud) We have a couple of varsity boys here that want to bump heads with you guys... (Johnny shrinks) ...let 'em in for a couple of plays! EXT. FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as the Players laugh among themselves. OLD COACH -- CONTINUOUS as he smiles while looking behind himself and winks at the group of Men in the Bleachers, then looks back at Johnny and Nick. OLD COACH Go ahead, boys... (holds his arm toward the field) ...knock yourselves out! Nick, and a reluctant Johnny, jog out to the Field. EXT. FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny walks into the middle of a group of massive-sized Men. P.O.V. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as he looks-up at the huge Men. EXT. FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as a smiling Player tosses the FOOTBALL underhanded to Johnny while they get into formation. NICK -- CONTINUOUS as he walks to the line snarling at TWO DEFENSIVE TACKLES. TWO TACKLES -- CONTINUOUS as they look confused at Nick, then to each other.

75. EXT. FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny pauses while standing in position looking at the line of Men ready to attack. He holds his hands-up to make a "T" sign to call a "Time Out," and looks in the direction of the Old Coach. JOHNNY (loud) Hey, Coach...Coach! The Old Coach looks at Johnny. JOHNNY (CONT'D) How about some gear? The Old Coach smiles. OLD COACH (loud) What's that--you want some gear? The Old Coach reaches into a large DUFFEL BAG next to him and pulls out TWO HELMETS. He walks onto the Field and tosses a Helmet to Johnny and Nick. OLD COACH (CONT'D) Here 'ya go! P.O.V. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as he examines the BATTERED AND GOUGED HELMET. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as he slips on the Helmet and gets into position. JOHNNY (sarcastically) Gee--thanks, Coach. Johnny looks at both ends of the line, at Nick, then straight ahead. JOHNNY (CONT'D) (loud) Hup one...hup two...hup--hup! The Football is hiked hard into Johnny's chest, sending him back a couple of steps.

76. NICK -- CONTINUOUS as the Two Tackles run into him. Nick holds them back momentarily, surprising them, then gets shoved down to the ground on his back. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as he immediately gets knocked to the ground by Two Tackles. OLD COACH -- CONTINUOUS as he turns to the Men behind him and laughs. EXT. FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as Nick quickly gets back up. surprised.

The Two Tackles watch him,

JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS grimacing, from getting the air knocked out of him. rises, then quietly brushes himself off.

He slowly

He exchanges looks with Nick. JOHNNY (angry) Let's try that again. He gets back into formation. JOHNNY (CONT'D) Hut one...hut two...hut--hut! The Football is hiked, and he immediately fakes a pass, then runs to the left side, avoiding the Tackles. NICK -- CONTINUOUS grabbing one Tackle and shoving him sideways into another, until all three of them go down. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS completing an inside pass to a HALF-BACK before getting hit. OLD COACH -- CONTINUOUS nodding in approval.

77. OLD COACH Not bad--nice toss trap pass! NICK -- CONTINUOUS as he and the Two Tackles stand together. TACKLE Nice play, kid! Nick remains silent. EXT. FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as the Football is hiked. Johnny dodges the TACKLES and throws a long pass to a SPLIT END. OLD COACH -- CONTINUOUS silently nodding his head as he watches. smiles at the Men behind him.

He turns around and

EXT. BLEACHERS -- CONTINUOUS as the Men sit, quietly surprised. EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD PARK -- DUSK as the Players walk off the field. Several Players pat Johnny and Nick on the back as they remove their Gear. The Old Coach applauds Johnny and Nick, then smiles and waves at them as he leaves the Park. OLD COACH (loud) Come by again, anytime, boys! A haggard Johnny waves back at the Old Coach. bother to respond.

Nick doesn't

JOHNNY AND NICK as they walk slowly to a BIKE RACK. Johnny holds in a grunt as he bends over to unlock the CHAIN on his TEN-SPEED BICYCLE. Nick stands silently watching him. Johnny pulls the Bike from the Rack. JOHNNY Nice game, huh?

78. He tries to hold back the pain he's feeling in every muscle in his body. JOHNNY (CONT'D) Maybe we'll catch them here next weekend and really kick those farm boy's butts! Nick nods. Johnny lifts his leg up to mount his Bike, then stops half way from the pain. He decides to walk the Bike by it's Handle Bars. NICK Well, see 'ya around. Nick quickly walks away in another direction. JOHNNY Later, Nickey! WIDER -- CONTINUOUS of Johnny, limping, as he slowly walks his Bicycle down a DIMLY LIT SIDEWALK. EXT. STREET -- CONTINUOUS as Nick opens the SQUEAKY DOOR to his faded-blue 1956 CHEVY NOMAD STATIONWAGON. He GRUNTS as he slides in behind the STEERING WHEEL and slowly closes the Door. He stops half-way while reaching to insert the KEY into the IGNITION. He pulls on the Steering Wheel with his left hand, moving his whole body forward allowing him to insert the Key into the Ignition Switch to start the Car. NICK (quietly laughing) Semi-pros! He shakes his head for a moment, moans, then laughs again. He slowly moves the COLUMN GEARSHIFT into Drive. REAR OF CHEVY NOMAD -- CONTINUOUS as it pulls slowly away from the Curb. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- NIGHT as the FOOTBALL is hiked.

Johnny throws a long pass.

79. EXT. SIDELINES -- CONTINUOUS as Coach Barker stands, arms folded, watching the game. Assistant Coach approaches him and speaks into his ear. both turn around.

The They

EXT. STANDS -- CONTINUOUS of TWO STANDING MEN. One man is watching the game with BINOCULARS and talking, while the other writes on a CLIPBOARD. EXT. SIDELINES -- CONTINUOUS as Coach Barker and the Assistant Coach smile and nod at each other. They turn their attention back to the game. INT. LOCKER ROOM -- CONTINUOUS as Players cheer while removing their Uniforms. PLAYER (excited) I can't believe we kicked their butts again! ANOTHER PLAYER (removing his shoes) More like Nick kicked their butts...I almost felt sorry for those guys! INT. COACH BARKER'S OFFICE -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny and Nick stand, still in UNIFORM, facing Coach Barker. COACH BARKER ...and if you two keep playing like that, we may just win the nationals this year! Johnny nods while looking at Nick. JOHNNY (confident) We might be able to arrange that, Coach. Coach Barker smiles. COACH BARKER And I'll tell you something else...

80. COACH BARKER (MORE) (serious) ...we spotted a couple of scouts in the stands, tonight--and with your GPAs, I can almost guarantee an athletic scholarship to any school you'd want... Johnny and Nick look at each other. COACH BARKER (O.S.) (CONT'D) ...the both of you could write your own tickets! SERIES OF SHOTS -- COLLEGE DAYS EXT. COLLEGE FOOTBALL FIELD -- DAY CLOSE-UP of a REFEREE'S face, LOUDLY BLOWING A WHISTLE. EXT. COLLEGE FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny and Nick play in a PRACTICE GAME WITH TEAMMATES. INT. CLASSROOM -- DAY of Johnny and Nick STUDYING. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- DAY as Johnny and Nick play in a BOWL GAME. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny and Nick cheer with the TEAM at end of a BOWL GAME. EXT. STANDS -- CONTINUOUS as Harry and Liz stand and cheer. INT. FRAT HOUSE -- NIGHT as Johnny and Nick attend a WILD PARTY. INT. TV NEWSROOM -- DAY as Johnny and Nick are featured on the CHANNEL 3 "EYE ON COLLEGE SPORTS" SHOW.

81. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS of SEVERAL MEN standing quietly in back of a WIRE FENCE near the SIDELINES, watching the Players with BINOCULARS, and taking notes on a CLIPBOARD. EXT. FIELD -- DAY on commencement day. A BANNER strung across a PODIUM reads, "University of California, Fullerton -- Class of 1970." Johnny and Nick are dressed in GOWNS and MORTARBOARDS as Harry, Liz, and Paulie congratulate them. Laura watches Johnny from the background, smiling. DISSOLVE TO: INT. CAR -- DAY as Johnny drives Harry in a 1970 FORD LTD through the STREETS OF CENTURY CITY. Johnny, now 21, is dressed in a DARK SUIT, and Harry, in his early 50's, wears a MADRAS JACKET and PIN STRIPED SLACKS. HARRY I still can't believe you want to sign with the Cougars! Johnny smiles. JOHNNY We already talked about that, dad. HARRY Yeah, but I still don't believe it! You had a chance to go with the Rams, for Christ sakes! For what?--that hardheaded pal of your's? JOHNNY Nick's been a good friend, and I need him... (Harry shakes his head) ...and nobody knows how I move in the pocket better than he does--and he can hit! HARRY Yes, son,--but the Rams! Johnny smiles and shakes his head.

82. JOHNNY They wouldn't take us together--it's something Nick and me agreed on a long time ago, dad. Harry pauses. HARRY They could of used you this year, too... Harry looks out the Window. HARRY (CONT'D) ...well, it might be good if you played with another team for a while until you've learned the ropes--then you can move up later on. Johnny smiles as he continues driving. Harry points out the Window as they approach a TALL, GLASS BUILDING. A ROUND METALLIC LOGO in the shape of a COUGAR'S HEAD is prominently displayed above the ENTRANCE OF THE BUILDING. INT. LOBBY -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny and Harry exit an ELEVATOR. They are impressed by the LUSH FURNISHINGS, and a TROPHY DISPLAY covering an ENTIRE WALL. Harry examines the Trophy Display, while Johnny walks over to a HUGE WALNUT DESK where an attractive blond SECRETARY is busy talking on the Phone. He exchanges words with the Secretary, then she motions with her hand for them to take a seat. Johnny walks over to his father. Harry leans his head sideways towards Johnny while staring at the Trophy Display. HARRY (softly) You notice they don't have anything up for the nineteen-sixty-five season...Rams kicked their butts that year forty-four to... The Secretary interrupts. SECRETARY (loud) Mister Reynolds can see you now!

83. Harry and Johnny smile and nod at the Secretary, then walk towards a LARGE SET OF DOUBLE DOORS. INT. OFFICE -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny and Harry enter a RICHLY DECORATED OFFICE. MISTER REYNOLDS, a well-dressed, seasoned businessman in his 50's, sits behind an elegant EXECUTIVE'S DESK. COACH GREEN, a balding, pudgy man in his 40's, leans against the Desk, arms folded. JAMES OSBORNE, a young lawyer type in a THREE-PIECE SUIT, stands quietly behind Mister Reynold's CHAIR. Mister Reynolds immediately rises and walks over to Johnny and Harry. MISTER REYNOLDS (enthusiastic) John--come in, come in... (shaking hands) ...glad to meet you, John, we've been expecting you! JOHNNY Pleased to meet you, Mister Reynolds. MISTER REYNOLDS Please, call me Bob... (looks a Harry) ...and who's this? JOHNNY (smiling) This is my personal manager--and father, Harry Flory. MISTER REYNOLDS (shakes hands) Nice to meet you, Mister Flory. HARRY (nods) Bob. MISTER REYNOLDS (turning to Coach Green) This is Jay Green, head coach for the California Cougars... They shake hands.

84. Mister Reynolds motions to James Osborne with his hand. MISTER REYNOLDS (CONT'D) ...and this is James Osborne, one of our team lawyers. They exchange nods. Mister Reynolds shows Johnny and Harry toward a plush BLACK LEATHER AND CHROME SOFA. A GLASS AND CHROME COFFEE TABLE is positioned in front of the Sofa. MISTER REYNOLDS (CONT'D) Please--have a seat, gentlemen! Johnny and Harry sit together on the Sofa. remains standing.

Mister Reynolds

MISTER REYNOLDS (CONT'D) As you know, the Cougars are an old and well established franchise originally formed here in California... (to Harry) ...we pride ourselves on our devotion to the game, and to the fine athletes that comprise the membership of our organization. HARRY (nodding) We know that, Bob, we've been devoted Cougar fans for years. Johnny clears his throat. MISTER REYNOLDS Good! Then I'll get right down to it... (folds his arms) ...John, we're looking very forward to having you and Mister Faust as members of the team, and you possibly backingup quarterback Steve Manning. Johnny and Harry look at each other. MISTER REYNOLDS (CONT'D) That's right.

85. MISTER REYNOLDS (MORE) Since the seasons' about to start, I thought you could jump right into team practice, then maybe participate at a non-critical time during game play if you feel you're ready... (Johnny nods) ...and from what I've been hearing, you and Nick appear to be almost ready, now! JOHNNY Yes, Sir, I think so--after I get to know the team, and they get to know me and Nick. MISTER REYNOLDS I don't see any problems there... (to Coach Green) ...do you Coach? COACH GREEN Well, depending on how practice goes, and how compatible John... MISTER REYNOLDS (interrupting) ...fine, then. I have an afternoon appointment with Mister Faust--I'm sure he's probably thinking along the same lines as you, John. Johnny nods.

Coach Green looks annoyed.

Mister Reynolds walks behind his Desk and sits. MISTER REYNOLDS (CONT'D) Great, then--down to business. I had Mister Osborne put together a comprehensive contract for you--I think you'll find it very satisfactory. James Osborn carries his BRIEFCASE over to Johnny and removes the CONTRACT: a THICK, MANUSCRIPT-LIKE DOCUMENT BOUND BY BRASS FASTENERS. He plops it down onto the Glass Table. Johnny picks it up with both hands and leans back into the Sofa. Johnny and Harry stare in awe at the sizable Contract.

86. MISTER REYNOLDS (CONT'D) Go ahead and browse through it when you like... (lighting a CIGAR) ...it contains pretty much the standard agreement we offer to all of our players. JOHNNY AND HARRY -- OVER THE SHOULDER as Johnny and Harry stare at the Contract, then turn to each other. Harry immediately removes a PEN from his Coat Pocket and holds it in front of Johnny. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- DAY as Johnny and Nick practice plays with the COUGAR TEAM. Johnny demonstrates his skill as a passer and is quickly accepted by his new TEAMMATES. Nick's quiet ferocity on the line gains him the immediate respect from the other OFFENSIVE LINEMEN. SCOTTY, Coach Green's chubby 12-year-old son, hands out CUPS OF WATER to the PLAYERS ON THE BENCH. Coach Green, resenting the owner's favoritism for a rookie, watches Johnny with contempt. EXT. FOOTBALL STADIUM -- DAY as Johnny and Nick run out onto the FOOTBALL FIELD. They are captivated by the sight and sounds of the HOWLING fans as they jog in-between a path formed by two rows of rallying CHEERLEADERS. EXT. STANDS -- CONTINUOUS as Harry, Liz, and Paulie stand and cheer. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny watches the game from the Bench. SCOREBOARD -- CONTINUOUS showing the Cougars leading the MINNESOTA VIKINGS 37 to 10 in the third quarter.

87. EXT. SIDELINE -- CONTINUOUS as Coach Green receives a PHONE CALL on the SIDELINES. seen arguing into the PHONE. He hands the Phone to an ASSISTANT, then walks over to the Bench. Coach Green points to the Field as he speaks to Johnny. runs out onto the Field.



EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny throws a short pass to a RUNNING BACK who gains ten yards. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny throws long pass to the TIGHT END who gains 25 yards. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny throws a fast pass through the arms of TWO DEFENSIVE BACKS to the Tight End in the back field for a TOUCHDOWN. EXT. STANDS -- CONTINUOUS as Harry and Paulie jump up and cheer. EXT. SIDELINE -- CONTINUOUS as the PLAYERS on the Bench stand and cheer Johnny. SCOTTY as he cheers along with the COACHING STAFF along the Sidelines. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as the team congratulates Johnny. EXT. SIDELINE -- CONTINUOUS as Coach Green stands expressionless, watching the Football Field. INT. OFFICE -- NIGHT as Johnny and Nick attend a WIN PARTY. Several TEAM PLAYERS with WIVES or GIRLFRIENDS, WOMEN from the cheerleader's staff, and Mister Reynolds and Coach Green are present. More PEOPLE are being served FOOD AND DRINKS AT A TABLE BY CATERERS.

88. STEVE MANNING, the tall, ruggedly handsome star quarterback, is the center of attention. CINDY JENNINGS, an attractive blond, is the oldest member of the Cougar's Cheerleader's Staff, and her roommate, SUSAN, a pretty brunette, stand together watching Johnny and Nick while sipping champagne. Mister Reynolds is offering a toast. MISTER REYNOLDS (holding glass) ...and to Steve Manning, who again provided the guiding force to lead the Cougars to another record victory... Everyone CHEERS AND TOASTS STEVE. MISTER REYNOLDS (CONT'D) (to Johnny) ...and also to our new recruits, John Flory and Nick Faust--Gentlemen, rarely have I seen the trust and devotion you two give each other out on the field...with your skills and enthusiasm for the game of football, I know you're going to raise the standard of game play for the Cougars, and help bring us closer towards the goal that we are all so working very hard for--the Superbowl! Mister Reynolds raises his GLASS and TOASTS, as everyone APPLAUDS Johnny and Nick. Coach Green reluctantly Toasts the rookies. Johnny and Nick smile and return the Toast. CINDY -- CONTINUOUS as she stares devilishly at Johnny while she sips her CHAMPAGNE. INT. DRESSING ROOM -- DAY as Cindy ties her SHOE LACES. SEVERAL CHEERLEADERS are arriving carrying their MAKE-UP KITS and CLOTHING BAGS. Cindy is already dressed in her CHEERLEADER'S OUTFIT. sits in front of a MIRROR BRUSHING HER HAIR.


89. Susan enters wearing her STREET CLOTHES and HANGS HER BAG IN HER LOCKER. She sees Cindy already dressed and ready for work. SUSAN (to Cindy) You left so early this morning--what's up? CINDY (preoccupied) Oh--I just wanted to get in here and ready to go out onto the field. SUSAN What's the rush? Pregame doesn't even start for another hour, yet? Cindy smiles. CINDY I've got plans. Susan starts to undress. SUSAN For what? CINDY (smiles) A certain rookie quarterback. Susan stops, and turns to Cindy. Cindy, no! you?

SUSAN You don't mean Johnny, do

Cindy continues brushing her hair. SUSAN (CONT'D) Damn it, Cindy, you know we're not suppose to fraternize with... CINDY (interrupts) ...I don't care. I'm thinking of the future, Susan...

90. CINDY (MORE) (to Susan) ...and what do you intend to do when the organization doesn't want you anymore? SUSAN There's plenty we can do--start a new career, a family... CINDY Not me! I like this lifestyle--and I'm going to make sure that it continues. Susan shakes her head. SUSAN But you could be released--and no other team would take you then. CINDY (smiles) That won't matter much if I'm married to a player, now, will it? SUSAN (pleading) But we all look up to you, Cindy--why chance all those years you've worked for some rookie football player? Cindy throws her HAIRBRUSH at the Mirror as she stands. CINDY (yells) I'm going to get him, Susan--he's mine! Everyone watches as Cindy furiously grabs the POMPOM out of her Locker and marches out of the Dressing Room. EXT. GAME PLAY -- DAY as Johnny throws a long pass to a RECEIVER for a TOUCHDOWN. EXT. STANDS -- CONTINUOUS as Harry and Liz cheer Johnny. CLOSE HARRY -- CONTINUOUS

91. with SEVERAL BLACK-AND-BLUE BRUISES COVERING HIS ARMS. INT. STADIUM TV BOOTH -- CONTINUOUS as DAVE, a tanned, good looking man in his 30's, and BOB, a gray haired man in his 60's, announce the plays. They both wear BURGUNDY-COLORED SPORTS JACKETS with a CHANNEL 3 LOGO ON THE BREAST POCKET, and BROADCASTING HEADSETS. DAVE Well, Bob, it look's like they're giving Flory a good work-out today. BOB Yep! I really like the way the Cougar organization get's their rookies right into the game--no straddling the bench for any of them! DAVE Especially when they're that talented and motivated--I hope the first string shares that philosophy! BOB I dunno, Dave! EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as the Cougars kick a FIELD GOAL. EXT. SIDELINE -- CONTINUOUS of Scotty trying to balance several DRINKING CUPS of water in his arms. He slowly walks to the Bench and hands a Cup to each Player. Nick TRIPS THE BOY as he walks by, sending him face down onto the Ground. Nick laughs. Scotty gets slowly back up and is soaked. He frowns at Nick as he walks away. Coach Green glares silently as Nick continues to laugh. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as the Cougars run off the CHEERING field at the end of the game. JOHNNY AND CINDY -- CONTINUOUS making eye contact as Johnny walks by the line of Cheerleaders. Nick notices them.

92. EXT. STADIUM PARKING LOT -- LATER as Nick walks out of the STADIUM BUILDING carrying a DUFFEL BAG. He sees Johnny and Cindy walking together. P.O.V. -- NICK -- CONTINUOUS as Cindy opens the PASSENGER DOOR to her 1969 MUSTANG for Johnny. They kiss briefly, then Johnny sits inside. Cindy closes Johnny's Door and walks over to the driver's side and gets in. INT. JOHNNY'S APARTMENT -- DAY as the PHONE RINGS, waking Johnny in BED. Phone still half asleep.

He answers the

JOHNNY (yawning) Hello? LIZ (V.O.) Johnny? JOHNNY Hi, Mom. LIZ (V.O.) Johnny, I'm afraid we're not going to be able to see you in Dallas this week. JOHNNY (grabbing his head) Huh? LIZ (V.O.) It's your father--he's had a bad sore throat now for days and I finally talked him into seeing a doctor this afternoon-so we won't be... Johnny hears a CLICK (V.O.) over the Phone as Harry pick's up the extension. HARRY (V.O.) (hoarse voice) ...more like nagged me into submission!

93. LIZ (V.O.) Harry, you get back into bed! HARRY (V.O.) See! Oh, don't worry about me, son, I'll be fine--you just roll into Texas tomorrow and kick those bovine's butts! Johnny smiles. JOHNNY (laughs) You're starting to sound like a Cougar fan, dad. HARRY (V.O.) Why not--they have the best quarterback in the league! JOHNNY (yawning) Okay, dad, but I'll miss you and mom. HARRY (V.O.) We'll be watching! LIZ (V.O.) You be careful, Johnny.

We love you!

JOHNNY I love you, too. HARRY (V.O.) Play well, son. JOHNNY I will, dad--bye. Johnny hangs-up the Phone. He glances at the PICTURE FRAMES of his Family on the NIGHT STAND, smiles, then roll's over and falls back to sleep. INT. LOCKER ROOM -- DAY as the Cougars return during the half-time break. The Players are jubilant as they enter the LOCKER ROOM congratulating each other. COACH FREEMAN, a tall, graying man in his 50's, is talking quietly on a PHONE hanging next to a LOCKER. He looks at the Players and spots Johnny.

94. COACH FREEMAN (yelling) John...John... (getting his attention, then holds the Phone up) ...for you! Johnny walks over and Coach Freeman hands him the Phone. JOHNNY Thanks, Coach...hello? No one answers. JOHNNY (CONT'D) Hello, who's there? The players make a lot of noise HOLLERING to each other. Johnny covers his other ear with his hand. JOHNNY (CONT'D) (loud) Hello? LIZ (V.O.) Johnny...it's me. JOHNNY Who--mom, it that you? LIZ (V.O.) Yes, Johnny it's your mother. JOHNNY Mom, what is it? I can barely hear you! LIZ (V.O.) Johnny...I'm sorry to call you right now, but... JOHNNY What is, mom? What's wrong? LIZ (V.O.) ...it's your father... (sobs) ...he has cancer!

95. Johnny freezes. JOHNNY (yells) What! What do you mean? LIZ (V.O.) (weeping) When I took him to the doctor--he couldn't even swallow...they put him in the hospital and ran some tests...he has leukemia, Johnny! (she cries) JOHNNY How? What? I thought he just had the flu or something? LIZ (V.O.) (weeping) I know...they ran some blood tests and found it was leukemia. Johnny pauses, staring blankly. LIZ (V.O.) (CONT'D) Johnny, can you come home? JOHNNY (confused) Yes, I...no--I'll catch the next plane right after the game, okay, mom? LIZ (V.O.) (weeping) I'm so sorry, sweetheart! JOHNNY (consoling) No--don't worry, mom. Dad's a pretty tough guy, you know. He's going to be all right. LIZ (V.O.) (weeping) All right, honey--I'll see you soon, okay? JOHNNY Okay, mom--I'll see you tonight.

96. Johnny hangs-up the Phone and pauses, trying to comprehend what he had just heard. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM -- NIGHT as a cheerful Harry is surrounded by Johnny, Liz, Paulie, and DOCTOR SLOAN, a graying, 50 year-old hematologist wearing a WHITE LAB COAT. Harry is sitting attentively on the edge of his BED wearing PAJAMAS while Liz holds his hand. DOCTOR SLOAN ...so we'd like to start you on consolidated chemotherapy tomorrow, Harry, and get you into remission as soon as possible. Harry nods. LIZ Doctor, what are the chances of putting it into remission? DOCTOR SLOAN (smiles) Aside from the disease, Harry's in pretty good physical condition--I don't really think that will be much a problem. Liz looks concerned. DOCTOR SLOAN (CONT'D) Our goal, Liz, is to keep him there. (to Harry) I'll check on you tonight, Harry, all right? HARRY (smiles) Fine, Doctor--and thanks. Harry shakes hands with Doctor Sloan. DOCTOR SLOAN (smiles) You're welcome, Harry. Nice to meet everyone.

97. Doctor Sloan leaves the Room. HARRY (to Johnny) What are you hanging around here for-you've got another game to win, sport! JOHNNY Dad, I'm going to stay for awhile... HARRY (interrupts) ...like hell you are! I'm fine!

Can't you see--

Johnny watches his father. HARRY (CONT'D) Look--when I came here yesterday I choked trying to swallow water. They pumped an antibiotic into me and overnight--it's gone! I've never felt better! JOHNNY Yes, but dad, these treatments you're going to start tomorrow... HARRY (interrupts) ...are going to be long and boring, and I don't need you here to hold my hand... (to Liz) ...that's what I have your mother for! Harry kisses Liz's hand. hesitantly at Harry.

Liz smiles at Harry.

Johnny looks

HARRY (CONT'D) (assuring) Honestly, son, get back to your team-they need you worse than I do right now. I'll see you when you're playing at home again...and maybe show you a couple of moves that I might of left out when you were five! Johnny smiles.

98. INT. BANQUET ROOM -- NIGHT as the PLAYERS and STAFF of the California Cougars celebrate another victory. Cindy and Susan stand quietly together in the corner of the room sipping CHAMPAGNE. Johnny is helping himself at the PUNCH BOWL, while Nick, Steve, and SEVERAL OTHER PLAYERS, are talking between themselves. DEBRA, a tall blonde cheerleader, approaches Johnny with sympathy in her eyes. Cindy and Susan watch her. DEBRA Hi Johnny. Johnny turns and smiles to her. JOHNNY Hello Debra, how are you? DEBRA Fine. Johnny, I just heard about your father--I'm so sorry. JOHNNY Thank's for the concern, Debra, but I think he's going to be fine. Debra smiles. DEBRA You know, my father had therapy for the same thing last year. Johnny turns to her with interest. JOHNNY Really? I don't know that much about it. How successful is it? DEBRA It's very successful. They put him into remission within a week! JOHNNY Wow--I didn't know something like that was so easy to cure.

99. DEBRA It's not, Johnny. with the disease?

Are you familiar

Johnny shakes his head. DEBRA (CONT'D) Would you like to talk about it? JOHNNY (interested) Yes--please... Johnny leads her towards a SOFA and they sit. CINDY -- CONTINUOUS as she angrily watches Johnny and Debra engaged in conversation on the Sofa. She takes a sip of Champagne, then clenches her teeth together as she glares at them. Cindy slams the CHAMPAGNE GLASS onto a NEARBY TABLE and is about to leave, when she notices Steve staring at her from across the Room. She pauses and looks back at him suggestively. Steve smiles at her. She removes a COMPACT from her PURSE and powders her face. SUSAN (warning) Cindy--what are you doing? CINDY (smiling) Why play around with second string when you can have the star attraction? Susan shakes her head. SUSAN (warns) Cindy! P.O.V. -- SUSAN -- CONTINUOUS as she watches Cindy place the Compact back into her Purse and walk seductively up to Steve and smile. They talk for a moment, then turn and walk together out of the Room.

100. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as he looks past Debra and notices Steve and Cindy leaving together. NICK -- CONTINUOUS as he watches Steve and Cindy walk past him. SUSAN -- CONTINUOUS as she watches Steve and Cindy walk past her. Her eyes catch the view of Nick, and her mouth drops open in awe of the big man. She walks up to Nick and stands in front of him, eyes transfixed on his rugged face. NICK -- CONTINUOUS as he continues to look in the direction of Steve and Cindy. He looks straight forward, then tilts his head down to see Susan staring affectionately up at him. CLOSE -- NICK -- CONTINUOUS as his eyebrows quickly rise. INT. PAULIE'S APARTMENT -- NIGHT as Liz watches Harry struggling to lift a drunken Paulie off the KITCHEN FLOOR. Harry's clothing hangs loosely from his haggard body, and his thinning hair flops over his drawn, sweaty face. Liz watches in tears as Harry, breathing heavily, tries to drag Paulie across the Kitchen Floor. INT. JOHNNY'S APARTMENT -- DAY as Johnny talks to Liz on the PHONE while sitting on his BED. LIZ (V.O.) ...he's been taking those damn treatments for months now--and they're tearing him apart!

101. JOHNNY (consoling) I know, Mom--but they're keeping the leukemia in remission. LIZ (V.O.) (weeping) You should have seen your father trying to move Paulie--he could barely lift him off the floor! Johnny holds his head with one hand as he talks to Liz. JOHNNY Isn't he feeling any better, though? LIZ (V.O.) (weeping) He can't taste anything! He's lost so much weight...now he just sit's there in his chair--staring! JOHNNY (pauses) I know, Mom--I know. Liz continues weeping (V.O.) over the Phone. INT. LOCKER ROOM -- DAY as Mister Reynolds makes an announcement to a group of anxious NEWS REPORTERS, and TV CAMERAS. He sits at a CONFERENCE TABLE with DOCTOR BAKER, a distinguished looking man in his 60's, and Coach Green. A MICROPHONE is placed in front of each of them. A CALIFORNIA COUGARS LOGO hangs on a Wall behind them. Coach Green does not look happy. MISTER REYNOLDS ...so it's with great disappointment that we have to announce that Steve Manning will be out the rest of the season due to the back injury he received from today's game. A fury of CAMERA FLASHES and questions erupt from the group of Reporters.

102. REPORTER #1 (yelling) Isn't there some treatment or therapy that can get him back on his feet soon-why is the Cougar organization so quick to write Manning off? MISTER REYNOLDS (loud) Who said we're writing him off... DOCTOR BAKER (interrupts) ...Mister Manning sustained a very serious injury to his first, second, and third lumbar vertebra--in fact, he isn't showing any feeling in his legs and waist...of course, he'll receive the best therapeutic and convalescence care available, and we are very optimistic about his recovery. MISTER REYNOLDS (interrupts) ...and both Steve, and his wife, Tanya, are in good spirits--and they know everyone is looking forward to seeing him back on the field where he belongs. REPORTER #2 (yelling) But what about Flory--is he really ready to assume the responsibility of team leader when he's only been playing this season? MISTER REYNOLDS We have the greatest confidence in John's abilities to lead the team for the remainder of the season, and... INT. CINDY'S APARTMENT -- CONTINUOUS as Cindy and Susan watch the Cougar's announcement on the TELEVISION while sitting on a SOFA. Cindy is furious.

She jumps-up and shouts at the Television.

103. CINDY (yelling) His wife, Tanya! That bastard! God-damned bastard!


Susan watches quietly as Cindy angrily paces the Living Room. CINDY (CONT'D) (yelling) Big football star! He knock's me up telling me I'm the only one he loves-and the son-of-a-bitch was married all the time...and everyone kept it quiet! SUSAN (calmly) Cindy... Cindy stops and shouts at Susan. CINDY (interrupts) What! What do you think I can do now! The heros' in a wheel chair... (points to the TV) ...with his loving wife at his side, and I'm supposed to feel sorry for the bastard? SUSAN (staring at Cindy) Cindy? CINDY (screaming) What about me! I'm pregnant and out of a job because of him--and I can't go back... SUSAN (interrupts) ...Cindy--what about Johnny? Cindy stops her tirade and looks at Susan. CINDY (loud) What about Johnny?

104. SUSAN Well, you were with him right before Steve, weren't you? Cindy nods. SUSAN (CONT'D) So, how does he know he didn't get you pregnant? Cindy thinks for a moment, then smiles. CINDY He doesn't know--except he saw me leaving with Steve that night...I made sure of that! Susan shakes her head. SUSAN Doesn't matter...what if Johnny thought the child was his--and how could he dispute it if you threatened to make it public? Cindy sits down next to Susan. CINDY That's right. He's the star now, and he's single--it would be an embarrassment to him and to the team if they found out he's responsible for an illegitimate child! Susan nods. SUSAN And they'd do anything to keep that from getting out--including... CINDY (interrupts) ...pressuring him to marry... (to Susan) ..or buying me off to keep quiet! Cindy and Susan laugh together.

105. CINDY (CONT'D) (contemplating) Yea...I think that just might work. INT. OUTSIDE MISTER REYNOLD'S OFFICE -- DAY as James Osborne quickly escorts Cindy by the arm through the DOUBLE DOORS of Mister Reynolds Office, and towards the ELEVATOR. Cindy furiously tries to pull her arm away as she screams. CINDY (yelling) Let go of me you bastard! (struggling) I said, let-me-go! James Osborne continues silently rushing her towards the Elevator Doors. She swings her PURSE at him, causing him to walk even faster. CINDY (CONT'D) (yelling) You can't treat me like this, dammit-who the hell do you think you are! He presses a BUTTON, and the Elevator Doors open immediately. He shoves her into the Elevator and presses a BUTTON inside as she continues to strike him with her Purse. CINDY (CONT'D) (yelling) You bastards haven't heard the last from me! (the elevator doors start to close) I'll ruin him--you hear me! I'm 'gonna ruin him! James Osborne calmly straightens his TIE, smooths his hair back in place with his hands, then promptly turns back and walks OUT OF VIEW. INT. OUTSIDE LOCKER ROOM -- DAY as REPORTERS and PORTABLE TV CAMERAS crowd around the COUGAR PLAYERS as they return from another victory. They all flock towards Johnny as he and Coach Green walk into the HALLWAY LEADING TO THE LOCKER ROOMS.

106. REPORTER #1 (struggling to hold a microphone at Johnny) John...John! How did you feel the first day out on the field as team leader? Did you get the support you expected from your teammates? Johnny smiles at Reporter #1. JOHNNY (walking) We won. REPORTER #2 (loud) You were down by ten in the second half and barely rallied a field goal victory in the forth quarter--that's not the kind of win margin the Cougars were accustomed to when Steve Manning was playing! Johnny stops and turns towards Reporter #2. JOHNNY Look--just like within any organization, there's going to be a period of time needed for adjustment...We've all had to get used to Steve's sudden absence, but I believe were all thinking along the same lines of continuing with the Cougar's philosophy of maintaining a winning attitude, and hard team work. CINDY -- CONTINUOUS as she quickly makes her way unnoticed through the crowded Hallway. INT. OUTSIDE LOCKER ROOM -- CONTINUOUS REPORTER #1 (loud) Coach Green! How is the coaching staff dealing with a rookie team leader? Isn't Manning's absence having an impact on play management and moral?

107. COACH GREEN Yes--we miss Steve's skills out on the field, but John's ability to lead the team is supported by... Cindy stands next to a TV CAMERAMAN and starts to scream. CINDY (yelling) That bastard got me pregnant--he got me pregnant! The Reporters and TV Cameras turn towards Cindy. REPORTER #2 (loud) Who got you pregnant, Miss--who? Cindy points towards Johnny. CINDY (yelling) He did--that bastard John Flory! He got me pregnant then told me to disappear--just like that, he told me to go away! Coach Green motions to two SECURITY GUARDS. They both run up and take Cindy by the arms and pull her away as she continues to kick and scream. CINDY (CONT'D) (yelling) He's not going to get away with it-you hear me? You're not 'gonna just brush me aside! Johnny looks at Cindy with dismay. at Johnny. Everyone is quiet.

The TV CAMERAS turn back

REPORTER #1 (holding a Microphone towards Johnny) Is what the young lady said true, Mister Flory? Is she telling the truth? Johnny looks confused.

108. JOHNNY (puzzled) No--ah, of course not. I have no idea what she's talking about. REPORTER #2 (quickly) Wasn't that the Cougar cheerleader that was dismissed recently over some sort of a behavior conflict, Mister Flory? Johnny is still in shock. JOHNNY (confused) Huh? No--I don't know. Coach Green leads Johnny by the arm towards the LOCKER ROOM DOORS. COACH GREEN (to Reporters) That's it, boys. We'll see you all in Pittsburgh. INT. HARRY'S HOUSE LIVING ROOM -- NIGHT as Liz and Johnny watch the NEWS on TV while Paulie sleeps on a SOFA. Johnny is restless. LIVING ROOM CHAIR.

He stands and grabs his COAT off of a

JOHNNY (low) I'm going to check on dad real quick-I'll be right back. Liz continues to quietly watch the TV while holding a TISSUE to her eyes. INT. HOSPITAL -- NIGHT as Johnny enters a CORRIDOR leading to HARRY'S ROOM. As he passes the NURSE'S DESK, a NURSE stands and follows him into Harry's dimly lit Room. Johnny stops in shock when he see's Harry lying in BED, his eyes rolling to the top of his head as he MOANS deeply with

109. every labored breath. The Nurse walks past Johnny and checks the BLOOD and MORPHINE BAGS hanging on a STAND next to Harry's Bed. The Nurse turns and quietly smiles at Johnny as she quietly exits the Room. Johnny watches her leave, then turns to his father. He steps to the side of Harry's Bed and sits. He watches his father as he lies fighting to stay conscious. Johnny tries to say something, but a lump in his throat prevents him from speaking. Johnny quietly holds his father's hand and reflects. DISSOLVE TO: DREAM SEQUENCE EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD CARNIVAL -- NIGHT as Harry and Johnny approach the HAMMER AND BELL. Johnny, five years-old, watches as Harry takes the BIG HAMMER in his hands and swings it up above his head. His biceps flex as he slams it down hard onto the LEVER. The Bell RINGS and all heads turn in his direction. The CARNIVAL MAN hands Harry a LARGE CIGAR. Harry motions to the Carnival Man for the SMALL PORCELAIN CLOWN that Johnny is looking at on a SHELF. Harry hands the Clown to Johnny as several TOUGH LOOKING MEN standing around laugh at him. The Carnival Man looks approvingly at Harry and Johnny. Harry takes Johnny's hand and walks proudly away. Johnny looks up affectionately at his father while holding onto Harry's hand. DISSOLVE TO: JOHNNY'S FACE -- CONTINUOUS as tears flow down his cheeks. P.O.V. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as he looks at Harry's RED SWOLLEN HAND which lies motionless in his hands.

110. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny sits quietly in his Chair watching his father while Harry continues to Moan. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM -- CONTINUOUS of Johnny leaning sideways against the Wall opposite Harry's Bed. His head is lowered, and he has his hands in his Coat Pockets. Johnny looks at his WATCH, then Harry, and down again, knowing it will be the last time he sees his father. Johnny walks around to the side of Harry's Bed and pauses while holding onto the BED RAIL. He slowly leans down and tearfully kisses his father on the cheek, then quickly turns and leaves. FAVORING HARRY as a tears flow from his open, staring eyes when Johnny exits the Room. EXT. FRONT OF HARRY'S HOUSE -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny walks towards the House. He stops when he see's an UNUSUALLY LARGE AND BRIGHT FULL MOON hanging over the Roof of the House. He sighs, slowly nods his head, then enters the House. INT. LIVING ROOM HARRY'S HOUSE -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny enters the LIVING ROOM. Liz is still sitting in front of the TV holding a TISSUE tightly in her hands, and Paulie has gone to bed. LIZ (tearfully) Is he any better? Johnny pauses, not wanting to upset her further with Harry's condition. JOHNNY (low) The same. Johnny walks towards his Bedroom.

111. LIZ -- CONTINUOUS as she nervously watches the TV while clutching the Tissue in her hands. INT. BEDROOM -- NIGHT BLACK SCREEN.

A light KNOCKING ON A DOOR is heard.

PAULIE (O.S.) (whispering) Johnny...Johnny? A CLICK, followed by the LIGHT OF A TABLE LAMP ILLUMINATES JOHNNY'S BEDROOM. He's in BED, and looks around the Room with slits for eyes. He glances at the CLOCK on his NIGHTSTAND.

It's 3:10 A.M.

JOHNNY (low) Yes. Paulie cracks the Bedroom Door slightly open. PAULIE (tearfully) Johnny, the hospital called... (weeps) ...dad just passed away--mom says to get dressed so we can go there. Johnny looks at Paulie. JOHNNY (consoling) All right, Paulie, I'll be there in a minute, okay? Paulie nods quietly, then softly closes the Bedroom Door. Johnny slowly pulls the BED SHEETS back and swings his feet onto the Floor. He sighs deeply in relief, then silently lowers his head. INT. LIVING ROOM HARRY'S HOUSE -- DAY as FRIENDS are gathered together after Harry's funeral to console Liz, who sits in a LIVING ROOM CHAIR. Johnny circulates thanking everyone for their support.

112. Laura approaches Johnny, then kisses and hugs him. LAURA (weeping) I'm so sorry, Johnny--everyone loved Harry, you know. Johnny tries to hold back his emotions. JOHNNY (holding Laura) I know... (looks around living room) ...look at all his friends that showed up to pay their respects. Laura looks sadly into his eyes. Johnny looks at Paulie sitting on a Sofa. PAULIE -- CONTINUOUS sitting alone on the Sofa with a blank stare in his eyes. INT. LIVING ROOM HARRY'S HOUSE -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny pauses. JOHNNY I don't know what else I can do for them--other than being here as long as I can. Laura looks at Paulie. LAURA (smiling) I know what I can do for you, now--let me help, okay? Johnny returns her smile. Laura walks over and sits next to Paulie on the Sofa and consoles him. Johnny looks at his mother, who is being fussed over by SEVERAL OLD FRIENDS, then at the BOOKCASE where his many TROPHIES are displayed.

113. BOOKCASE -- CONTINUOUS of a collection of Trophies on Book Shelves. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS smiling, as tears form in his eyes. INT. CINDY'S APARTMENT -- DAY as she watches the end of a Cougar FOOTBALL GAME on TV from her Sofa. She's six months pregnant, and smoking a CIGARETTE while drinking a HIGHBALL. She gets more and more agitated when she see's JOHNNY IN A PLAY. A REPORTER interviews Johnny as they walk together on the Football Field after the game. REPORTER (holding a MICROPHONE towards Johnny) John--it looks like you and the team had really gotten together to produce another Cougar victory! JOHNNY Yes--I'd like to think we've overcome Steve's absence, but we all have him in mind when we're out here on the field. REPORTER I hear he's responding very well to therapy--is there a chance he'll be back before the end of the season? JOHNNY That would be great! REPORTER (hurrying) Congratulations on the win, John--it's obvious your great athletic gifts were the contributing factor for the win today! JOHNNY (nods) Thank you.

114. Cindy jumps off the Sofa and screams at the TV. CINDY (loud) I've got a gift for you--you bastard! She angrily throws her HIGHBALL GLASS at the TV, which misses and SHATTERS AGAINST THE WALL behind it. INT. JOHNNY'S APARTMENT -- NIGHT as Johnny is awakened in Bed by a RINGING telephone. on a night stand LAMP and answers the PHONE. JOHNNY (wearily) Hello? LIZ (V.O.) (worried) Johnny? JOHNNY Yes, mom. LIZ (V.O.) (weeping) Johnny, I think your brother's been drinking again--would you please help me bring him home? Johnny moans while running his hand over his face. JOHNNY Mom, I played a game today and I'm really beat--can't it wait? LIZ (V.O.) But he doesn't answer the phone--I don't know if he's passed out on the floor, or out on a street someplace! JOHNNY (sighs) Okay, mom, okay. I'll be over to pick you up in a while. LIZ (V.O.) Okay, sweetheart. I'll be waiting for you!

He turns

115. JOHNNY All right, mom. See you in a little bit. Johnny hangs up the Phone, then sighs again. EXT. FRONT OF HARRY'S HOUSE -- NIGHT as Johnny pulls Liz's 1970 FORD LTD up the DRIVEWAY. Liz sits next to him, and Paulie sits moaning in the Back Seat. LIZ (opens car door) I'll set the bed up so you can take him right in, okay? Johnny nods. Liz closes the Car Door and walks toward the HOUSE. Johnny shuts the engine off and looks at Paulie in the REAR VIEW MIRROR. Paulie is swollen red from the effects of the alcohol, and slowly shakes his head while moaning. JOHNNY (disgusted) Why do you do keep doing this, Paulie-you're not hurting anyone but yourself. Paulie becomes agitated and tries to talk. PAULIE (fidgety) You--you remember when we were kids...and we used to visit Uncle Carl and Aunt Margaret in LA...Uncle Carl (sobs) ...he raped me! Paulie cries. Johnny stares into the Rear View Mirror in disbelief, then looks blankly out the Car Window. DISSOLVE TO: DREAM SEQUENCE EXT. FRONT OF UNCLE CARLS''S HOUSE -- DAY as a five-year-old Johnny jumps into the Back Seat of Harry's 1954 CHEVROLET. Nine-year-old Paulie sits at the other end of the Seat, quietly weeping to himself. Johnny playfully pokes Paulie's leg with his finger and makes faces at him. Paulie continues crying softly, ignoring Johnny.

116. P.O.V. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as he turns and looks out of the SIDE CAR WINDOW at Uncle Carl's FRONT PORCH. He see's Harry angrily shouting and shaking his finger at Uncle Carl, seated in a CHAIR looking up at Harry, through the SCREEN DOOR. Harry storms out of the House with Liz, crying into a HANDKERCHIEF, behind him. INT. HARRY'S HOUSE LIVING ROOM -- NIGHT as Johnny helps Paulie by the arm through the FRONT DOOR and into the BEDROOM. Liz takes Paulie's SHOES off and makes him comfortable in Bed. They leave and walk into the Kitchen. Liz turns on a PORTABLE TV SET, then sits at the KITCHEN TABLE while Johnny washes and dries his hands at the SINK. Johnny is irritable. JOHNNY (upset) I just found out after all these years what's been bothering Paulie--he said Uncle Carl raped him! Liz nervously watches the TV, avoiding Johnny. JOHNNY (CONT'D) (loud) Is that true...is it? LIZ (dismissing it) Oh--he told us that--and your father really questioned Uncle Carl about it, too...he said he didn't do anything to Paulie! JOHNNY (loud) And you believed him? Liz starts to cry into her TISSUE. LIZ (crying) He swore to us that he didn't do anything!

117. JOHNNY (scolding) Why would a kid make-up something like that? Liz continues crying into her Tissue, avoiding Johnny. yells at her in frustration. JOHNNY (CONT'D) (loud) Christ! Johnny storms out of the Kitchen, leaving Liz alone. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD SIDELINE-- DAY as Coach Green and Johnny talk during a game. COACH GREEN (warning) ...and I want to tell you that Mister Reynolds is becoming very concerned about the noise Cindy is making--and I'm getting fed-up with your buddy Faust's attitude toward my son! Johnny becomes defensive. JOHNNY I have nothing to do with how Nick conducts himself--or what Cindy happens to have on her damned mind! COACH GREEN (points his finger at Johnny) I hold you responsible--and your mentor is starting to have some doubts, like he should have months ago! JOHNNY (loud) You have doubts about my playing ability? COACH GREEN No! I have doubts about your character, mister--and that's what separates a great player from all the rest!


118. Johnny stares silently at Coach Green for a moment, then quickly turns and walks OUT OF VIEW. INT. LOCKER ROOM -- CONTINUOUS as PLAYERS are exiting to the Field. Scotty is picking-up TOWELS when he see's Nick undressing in front of his LOCKER. Nick spots Scotty at the same time, causing Scotty to flinch from his angry looks. NICK Well, chubby, what are you doing in here--this place is for men, not fat little boys! Scotty turns to walk away, avoiding Nick's glare. his arm to stop him.

Nick grabs

NICK (CONT'D) (angry) Don't walk away from me, tubby, when I'm talking to you! SCOTTY (struggling) Let me go! NICK (loud) Oh--you want to go, fat boy... (slams Scotty against a locker) ...you want to go? Scotty is terrified. Nick slams him against the Locker again and he starts to cry. NICK (CONT'D) (yelling) What! Are you crying, sissy boy...do you want your momma? Nick continues to shove Scotty around, then slams the palm of his hand against his face, BLOODYING HIS NOSE. Scotty is stunned. He cries louder while trying to avoid the giant man, causing Nick to become more angry.

119. NICK (CONT'D) (yelling) I'll teach how to be a man, fat boy! Nick raises his big arm in the air to back hand the boy. NICK -- OVER THE SHOULDER -- CONTINUOUS as he swings violently at Scotty's face with the back of his hand. A loud SLAP is heard. P.O.V. NICK -- CONTINUOUS as Nick looks up to see Johnny standing next to him while holding his HELMET by the Face Guard. His hand was caught by Johnny, still holding on to him. INT. LOCKER ROOM -- CONTINUOUS As Nick pulls his hand away from Johnny and stands back. Johnny looks at the terrified boy and calmly checks his Bloody Nose. JOHNNY What's wrong, Nick--didn't you get enough out on the field? Nick is fuming. His huge chest is heaving from the adrenaline, and sweat is running out of every pour. His wide open eyes stare madly at Johnny. NICK (loud) Stay out of my damned business, quarterback! Johnny looks Nick in the eyes. JOHNNY (warning) Stay away from him, Nick--he's just a kid. Scotty stands completely still and quiet as he watches the two gladiators argue.

120. NICK (screams) Who do you think you are telling me what to do! Johnny pauses, staring at Nick. JOHNNY (low) Stay away from him. Johnny stands prepared for Nick's next action. Nick stares wildly at Johnny, then suddenly lunges at him with both giant arms outstretched. Johnny instantly swings his Helmet up as hard as he can, catching Nick squarely on the chin, and sending him backwards into the air. Nick lands on his back with a THUD, his chest heaving while lying unconscious. Johnny looks at Nick, then at the wide-eyed boy. SCOTTY (wiping the tears from his eyes) He--he scared me! Johnny looks at Nick lying on the Floor. JOHNNY (Nods) He scares me too, son. He looks at the BROKEN HELMET in his hand, then tosses it into a TRASH CAN next to the Lockers. Johnny takes a fresh TOWEL from a RACK then squats down and wipes the BLOOD from Scotty's nose as he tries to calm him down. JOHNNY (CONT'D) (consoling) What happened back there, Scotty--don't let it bother you... (looks at him) ...sometimes athlete's get so wound-up for a game, they go kind'a crazy afterward's--you've got to know when to keep your distance from them.

121. Scotty looks at Johnny and nods. JOHNNY (CONT'D) (smiles) Now, go get Doc and we'll take care of Nick, all right? Scotty looks appreciatively at Johnny. SCOTTY (smiles) Thanks, Johnny. Johnny tosses the Towel onto a PILE OF TOWELS on the Floor. JOHNNY Go on, now! Scotty walks away, looking back at Nick lying on the Floor. Johnny walks over to Nick and watches him for a moment. Nick's chest is still heaving, and a TRICKLE OF BLOOD seeps out of a corner of his mouth. Johnny inspects the contents of Nick's Locker and finds a BOTTLE OF PILLS. He reads the LABEL, shakes his head, then tucks the Bottle into his Pants. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM -- DAY as Johnny enters Nick's Room. Nick is laying in BED, wearing a NECK BRACE, and a WIRE around his jaw. He stares coldly at Johnny. JOHNNY (smiling) Hi, Nickey--how 'ya doing? Nick stares silently at Johnny. down.

Johnny doesn't bother to sit

JOHNNY (CONT'D) I'm awfully sorry that had to happen, Nick, but you could of got yourself in a lot of trouble roughing that kid up. Nick remains expressionless. Johnny removes a BOTTLE OF PILLS from his Jacket and holds them up.

122. JOHNNY (CONT'D) (angry) Was it this stuff? You know there's no place for this crap in the game, Nick! He throws the Bottle onto Nick's Bed. Nick takes the Bottle and places it under his covers while staring angrily at Johnny. JOHNNY (CONT'D) (smiles) I hope you'll be out of here, soon. Your sub's been getting knocked down more than I have...the whole team misses you. Nick is cold and silent.

Johnny's smile diminishes.

JOHNNY (CONT'D) Well, I hope to see 'ya soon, Nick. Nick continues to stare at him. and leaves as Nick watches.

Johnny pauses, then turns

INT. WEDDING CHAPEL -- DAY as Liz, FRIENDS, and VISITORS congratulate Paulie, and his new wife, JENNY, a beautiful brunette wearing a LONG, FLOWING WEDDING GOWN. Paulie and Johnny wear TUXEDOS. LAURA AND HER HUSBAND -- CONTINUOUS sitting in a PEW watching everything. A WEDDING RING can be seen on Laura's finger. Her Husband, RICHARD, appears restless as he looks at his WATCH. Laura is watching Johnny. JOHNNY AND PAULIE -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny shakes Paulie's hand. JOHNNY (smiles) My brother, the accountant! Paulie laughs. JOHNNY (CONT'D) You got a CPA, and a wife, for only fifteen bucks a semester--not bad!

123. PAULIE (smiles) Yeah--we'll see what that G.I. loan actually costs in the long term! Johnny and Paulie watch Jenny as she thanks her friends. JOHNNY She's beautiful, Paulie. Paulie nods. PAULIE (watching Jenny) She's a lifesaver, Johnny. Johnny looks at Paulie, then smiles. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- DAY as Johnny throws a completed pass against the GREENBAY PACKERS. Before the huddle, Johnny pauses and looks towards the stands. DISSOLVE TO: DREAM SEQUENCE EXT. STANDS -- CONTINUOUS of Harry and Liz cheering Johnny on. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny saddens, then turns his attention back to the game. INT. STADIUM TV BOOTH -- CONTINUOUS as Dave and Bob announce the game for television. DAVE Well, it looks like Faust has completely recovered from his water skiing mishap! BOB Yep--and I bet Flory, and the rest of the Cougar team, are glad to have the Rockman back in there, too!

124. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as Nick watches the movement of the DEFENSIVE LINE carefully. He see's two hot young DEFENSIVE TACKLES plan moves between themselves, and watches them during the next play. Johnny concentrates on his passing, leaving the blocking to Nick, and the rest of the OFFENSIVE LINE. At the next play, one of the Hot Tackles lines up near Nick as they get into position. Nick glances at Johnny, then gets into position. Johnny leans directly behind the center. JOHNNY (loud) Twenty-four, forty-two, twenty-eight, hut-hut...hut! The FOOTBALL is hiked, and Nick moves away, bouncing into his own man, leaving a gaping hole in the OFFENSIVE LINE for the Tackle to run through. The other Hot Tackle makes it through the Offensive Line at the same time. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as he steps back and rears his arm for a long pass. He's hit hard on both sides simultaneously by the Tackles in mid-air. Johnny grimaces with pain as the Tackles bounce off of him, and all three fall hard onto the ground as the FOOTBALL tumbles away. The Packers retrieve the Football. The two Tackles rise quickly and "High-Five" each other. Johnny doesn't get up. Nick smiles. INT. STADIUM TV BOOTH -- CONTINUOUS DAVE (excited) ...and Flory is sacked hard and is down at the twenty-three yard line!

125. EXT. SIDELINE -- CONTINUOUS as Coach Green laughs to himself. He waves the SIDELINE PERSONNEL to wait. Scotty looks concerned at Johnny laying on the Field. He looks scornfully up at his father. COACH GREEN (smiles) Maybe that'll make 'em a little more humble! INT. STADIUM TV BOOTH -- CONTINUOUS as Dave and Bob watch the field with BINOCULARS. DAVE I don't know about you, Bob--but from here it looked like Flory was Red-Dogged by one of his own team mates! BOB Uh-huh. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS laying unconscious on the Field by himself. down, with his head turned sideways.

He's laying face


Coach Green notices

126. COACH GREEN (warning) Stay put, Scotty. Scotty looks up at his father, then quickly scurries away to the Field while carrying a TOWEL. EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD -- CONTINUOUS as the smiles on the two Hot Defensive Tackles diminish when Johnny gets to his feet. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as he slowly stands up. He painfully removes his Helmet, then eyes the Two Hot Defensive Tackles. He looks at his Sideline to see Nick turn away from him, and Coach Green smiling. He looks down and see's a teary-eyed Scotty hold a Towel out to him. Johnny smiles and takes the Towel from him. The crowd CHEERS. They both walk back as the Sideline Personnel finally run out to the Field to help them. Johnny looks at Nick as he walks past the Bench. stares back.

Nick silently

COACH GREEN (loud) You walk out of this game, hot shot, and you've had it! Johnny keeps walking. INT. STADIUM EXECUTIVE SUITE -- CONTINUOUS as Mister Reynolds watches the Field with BINOCULARS. He reacts in anger. His AIDE, a young man dressed in a SUIT, stands nearby. MISTER REYNOLDS (yelling to his Aide) Get Coach Green on the field phone-now!

127. ESTABLISHING SHOT -- DAY of Los Angeles Airport-1973. INT. AIRPORT TERMINAL 12 -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny, Paulie, and Jenny see Liz off on a trip. to control her emotions.

Liz tries

LIZ Your Aunt Margaret is expecting me in a few hours... (to Johnny) ...now--the new owners are moving into the house, so you won't have to worry about repairs anymore. JOHNNY (sad) Mom--why do you have to go--you know we all need you right now? LIZ I'm just in the way now, sweetheart-and your Aunt is very ill and needs me to help care for her... JOHNNY (interrupts) ...and so do we! (pauses) I know I shouldn't have said some things, but I didn't mean... Liz places her fingers over Johnny's mouth, then gently kisses him. LIZ (in tears) You both have your own lives, now... (forces a smile) ...and besides, I'm not that too old a gal to start over again, you know...it's just for awhile. A voice announcing Liz's flight sounds over the P.A. system.

128. FEMALE VOICE (O.S.) Flight one-oh-five leaving for Boston is now boarding at gate twelve--please have your tickets ready... PAULIE (in tears) Mom... Liz kisses Paulie and hugs him. LIZ I love you! She hugs Jenny. LIZ (CONT'D) I love you--please take good care of each other! Jenny smiles at Liz, then nods. She hugs Johnny and cries softly with her face against his chest. LIZ (CONT'D) (crying) I love you, Johnny! JOHNNY (in tears) We love you, mom! Liz slowly pushes herself away from Johnny and starts to walk away. LIZ (in tears) I've got to go, now--please take care of yourselves--I'll call you when I get settled in. They watch as Liz walks up the RAMP to the ENTRANCE OF THE PLANE, then stops and waves to them, still crying. She then turns and disappears into the Plane. They stand for awhile watching where Liz disappeared, then turn away to leave. Paulie remains standing, watching his mother's Plane with tears in his eyes.

129. Johnny walks back to Paulie and gently grabs the COLLAR OF HIS JACKET and pulls him. JOHNNY (soft) Come on, Paulie. They both slowly turn and silently walk OUT OF VIEW. INT. JOHNNY'S APARTMENT -- DAY as Johnny talks on the PHONE to his manager, BRENT, while sitting on his BED. BRENT (V.O.) ...I'm sorry, kid, but nobody want's to touch you...your walking out of a game, and the stink that Cindy chick is making has marked you as not worth the trouble...but I'll keep trying, kid--maybe some endorsements... Johnny looks at the PICTURE of him and Harry on his NIGHT STAND. JOHNNY (low) Maybe it's just as well. BRENT (V.O.) What's that, John? JOHNNY Nothing. Thanks for your help, Brent-I'll talk to you later. BRENT (V.O.) Sure thing, kid--anytime. Johnny hangs-up the Phone. He looks around his SPARSELY FURNISHED APARTMENT and slowly shakes his head. EXT. SMALL APARTMENT BUILDING -- DAY as Johnny follows a 1973 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL with his 1965 FORD PICK-UP next to a CURB and parks. RITA, and older, well-dressed woman, exits her Lincoln and meets Johnny in front of and OLD APARTMENT BUILDING IN A RUNDOWN NEIGHBORHOOD.

130. It contains TWO APARTMENTS ABOVE, AND TWO BELOW, whose primary occupants are Mexican. Several LOW-RIDER CARS are parked in front, and SPANISH MUSIC can be heard (O.S.). TWO MEXICAN MEN are sitting on FOLDING CHAIRS in front of an APARTMENT while drinking BEER. Rita guides Johnny to a STAIRWAY leading up to a CORNER APARTMENT. RITA Now this apartment, Mister Flory, was recently painted, and comes completely furnished. Rita and Johnny climb the Staircase. Rita removes a LARGE KEY RING from her PURSE and opens the Door. They both enter. INT. APARTMENT -- CONTINUOUS Johnny steps into the middle of the LIVING ROOM and surveys the EARLY 1960's FURNISHINGS. The LIVING ROOM AND KITCHEN SHARE THE SAME ROOM. A NARROW HALLWAY LEADS TO THE BEDROOMS AND BATHROOM. RITA It's a small two-bedroom, but it's clean, the utilities are included, and the price is right! Johnny nods as he looks around the shabby dwelling. EXT. SMALL APARTMENT BUILDING -- CONTINUOUS as Rita and Johnny walk towards their Cars. The sound of a BEER CAN bouncing on a cement walkway, and a baby CRYING, can be heard (O.S.). RITA I can show you a nice apartment in an area with a better element if... JOHNNY (interrupts) ...no--this will be fine. Rita nods. RITA (entering her Lincoln) All right, then.

131. RITA (MORE) If you'll follow me back, we'll sign the contract and you can move in whenever you like. Johnny nods, takes another look at the Apartments, then enters his Truck. EXT. USED CAR LOT -- DAY as a TV CAMERA CREW are preparing to shoot a commercial. Johnny is dressed like a COWBOY, complete with SIX-GUNS, and is having MAKE-UP applied. The Car Lot owner BILL BUCKHEIM, an aging, overweight man, is also dressed like a COWBOY, and stands next to Johnny talking to a young SCRIPT GIRL. The DIRECTOR, a middle-aged man wearing SUNGLASSES and a GOLF HAT, shouts commands to the Crew. DIRECTOR (loud) All right!

Everyone take your places!

The Crew scurries around, and Johnny and Bill face the TV Camera. DIRECTOR (CONT'D) (loud) And--Action! Bill fires his GUN into the air, and Johnny FLINCHES. BILL (loud) Howdy folks, I'm Buffalo Bill Buckheim for Bill Buckheim Ford in the city of Downey... (to Johnny) ...and this is my sidekick, Cody! Johnny nods nervously at the Camera. BILL (CONT'D) ...Cody is really football great John Flory, who's 'gonna help me tame the high prices of these fine used cars we have today! They both face a LINE OF USED CARS.

132. BILL (CONT'D) (motions with his hand) Take this nineteen-sixty-five Mustang with only sixty-three thousand miles... (looks at the PLACARD on the Windshield) ...twenty-eight hundred dollars--not in your life, Partner! Cody! Bill looks at Johnny as they both draw their Guns and FIRE at the MUSTANG. Johnny's Gun goes off late. A Crew Member JERKS A WIRE and the Placard flies off the Windshield at the SOUND OF A RICOCHET (O.S.), revealing the number "1750" WHITEWASHED onto the Windshield of the Mustang. BILL (CONT'D) That's right--only seventeen-fifty for this beau-ti-ful filly... (holsters his gun) ...and that's just a small sample of what you can expect here at Buffalo Bill's car corral...Cody! Johnny looks for the Camera, then turns towards it. JOHNNY (nervous) That's right, Buffalo Bill... (imitating a Texas drawl) ...so come-on down to Downey, folks, and get'cha a bang-up deal on a used car now! Johnny fumbles trying to spin the Six-gun in his hand, then holsters it. DIRECTOR (loud) Cut! Prepare for set two, everyone! Bill turns to Johnny and places his hand on his shoulder. BILL That was fine, John---you're a natural. But let's be a little more assertive next time, okay son? Johnny nods, then looks down in shame as Bill walks away.

133. INT. HOSPITAL DELIVERY ROOM -- DAY as Cindy gives birth. Susan stands by, holding Cindy's hand, as she lays restlessly on a GURNEY, MOANING and BREATHING HEAVILY while trying to force the birth along. DOCTOR (leaning in front of Cindy's spread legs) Relax, Miss Jennings--let it come on it's own! She continues to push with each contraction. DOCTOR (CONT'D) Please Miss Jennings--please relax! CINDY (shouting) Get it out...get it out of me! The Doctor continues working. DOCTOR It's almost here, now... (reassures) ...just one more push! Cindy holds her breath and grunts deeply. DOCTOR (CONT'D) That's it...that's it! She grunts again, then sighs in relief. DOCTOR (CONT'D) We have him now! A SLAP (O.S.), then CRYING (O.S.) is heard. DOCTOR (CONT'D) Very good, Cindy--it's a healthy baby boy! The NURSES clean the Baby, then weigh and wrap him in a SMALL BLANKET. A Nurse brings the Baby over to Cindy. away.

Cindy pushes the Baby

134. CINDY (catching her breath) Take me back to my room! The Nurse tries to hand the Baby to Cindy again, and she pushes it away. CINDY (CONT'D) (shouting) I said take me back to my room! SUSAN (loud) She said, take her back! The Nurses look at each other, then at the Baby as an ORDERLY wheels Cindy out of the Delivery Room. EXT. HOSPITAL ENTRANCE -- DAY as Cindy rushes out of the ENTRANCE DOORS carrying the BABY in her arms. Susan drives-up in Cindy's MUSTANG and picks them up. They quickly drive away. INT. JOHNNY'S APARTMENT -- NIGHT as Johnny and FOUR FOOTBALL PALS PLAY POKER ON A KITCHEN TABLE. A single shaded LIGHT hanging from a corner of the KITCHEN ceiling illuminates the Room, and a BABY can be heard softly CRYING (O.S.). TOMMY, a running back, sits at Johnny's right, while RON, another running back, sits at Johnny's left. DOUG and JAMES, guards, both sit across from Johnny. The Table is covered with BEER CANS, ASHTRAYS, and POKER CHIPS. Johnny is dealing. TOMMY (throws TWO CARDS onto the Table) Two cards for the world's best running back, please! Johnny smiles while looking at Tommy as he deals TWO CARDS to Ron. TOMMY (CONT'D) (loud) Hey!

135. RON (smiles) You got that right! Everyone laughs as Ron slides the Two Cards over to Tommy. JOHNNY (deals himself) Dealer takes two. Johnny arranges the Cards in his hands. JOHNNY (CONT'D) Bet heavily, gentlemen--I've got rent to pay this week! Ron throws a BLUE CHIP into the middle of the Table. RON I'll bet two bits... (looking around the apartment) ...that 'otta cover it. Johnny smiles. PAUL (looking around) Yeah--I hope my car is safe out there! DOUG (laughing) They don't steal German cars in this neighborhood! The Baby's CRYING gets louder. Paul, James, and Tommy each throw a BLUE CHIP into the POT. Tommy looks over his shoulder at the neighbor's Wall. TOMMY What's with those people, Johnny--don't they have anything better to do? Johnny pauses while looking at his Cards.

136. JOHNNY (throws TWO BLUE CHIPS into the Pot) They're all right--I'll bump it up a half. RON (throws his CARDS into the pot) Not today! Doug and James also throw their CARDS into the Pot. TOMMY (throws TWO BLUE CHIPS into the pot) I'll call the bluff... (shows his CARDS) ...Queens and Tens! Johnny throws THREE DEUCES onto the Table and reaches for the MONEY. JOHNNY Three ducks! Tommy shakes his head. REFRIGERATOR.

Doug gets up and walks toward the

DOUG Anyone for another beer? Johnny and James raise their hands. Tommy gets up and stretches. He walks over to a WINDOW and pulls back a CURTAIN, then peers outside. TOMMY I don't see you car outside, Johnny-did someone around here borrow it? JOHNNY (smiles) That was the first thing to go...got a good price for it, though--and a job at the dealership I sold it to. Doug hands them a BEER and sits.

137. DOUG Yeah--I caught that commercial on TV the other night--can't you find another game somewhere, Johnny? Johnny shakes his head. JOHNNY (soft) I'm afraid that's all over with. His friends remain silent. TOMMY You know, the team's been off since you left, and that damned Faust has been... Doug gives Tommy a look, stopping him. Johnny slides the CARDS over to Ron and he starts to shuffle. JOHNNY (smiles) Anytime you guys are ready--the bank is now open! Tommy walks toward the hallway. TOMMY I'm 'gonna hit the head. The Crying gets LOUDER as Tommy approaches the Hallway. gets VERY LOUD when he passes one of the BEDROOM DOORS.


He pauses and listens for a moment, then slowly opens the Door. INT. BEDROOM -- CONTINUOUS of a crying BABY wrapped in a BLANKET and placed on top of a CARDBOARD BOX in the CLUTTERED BEDROOM/STORAGE ROOM. Tommy backs slowly out of the Bedroom. TOMMY (loud) Ah, Johnny--I think you'd better come in here!

138. Johnny, Paul, Doug, and Ron meet Tommy in the Hallway. stand at the Door and stare into the Bedroom.


JOHNNY (loud) What the hell is that! Doug walks in and examines the Baby. DOUG It's a baby--what'd you think it was? JOHNNY (in shock) What's it doing here? They enter the Bedroom. Doug picks-up the Baby and holds it in his arms. A SLIP OF PAPER falls to the Floor. Tommy picks-up the Paper and reads it. TOMMY (shakes his head) That Bitch! (hands the Paper to Johnny) This might explain it. Johnny reads it. JOHNNY (confused) I can't believe it--how'd she know where I lived? Doug tries to pacify the Baby. JOHNNY (CONT'D) What am I supposed to do with a kid? DOUG Find it's mother, Johnny--find her now! We'll watch him 'till you get back. Johnny nods while looking at the Baby.

139. TOMMY (to Johnny) Do you remember where she lives? JOHNNY (nods) Yeah--it's not too far...I'll bring her back here. Johnny throws the Paper onto the Floor and quickly exits. CLOSE -- PAPER -- CONTINUOUS as the men leave the Bedroom. bastards deserve each other."

The Paper reads, "You two

EXT. APARTMENT COMPLEX -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny pulls his PICK-UP in front of an APARTMENT COMPLEX and parks. He jumps out and runs down a WALKWAY. He stops in front of APARTMENT NUMBER 19 and RINGS THE DOORBELL, then bangs on the Door with his fist. He BANGS again and the Door quickly swings open. Susan stands holding the Door. SUSAN (loud) What do you want? JOHNNY Where's Cindy? SUSAN (sarcastic) Oh--now you want to talk to her, huh? Well, she doesn't live here anymore! JOHNNY (yells) What do you mean she doesn't live here-she left her kid in my apartment! Susan smiles and nods.

140. SUSAN (sarcastic) That's right you bastard--we went through the entire pregnancy, just to leave you with a little present! Johnny is stunned. JOHNNY How could she do something like that? SUSAN (loud) She lost everything because of you-get out of here! She tries to slam the Door, but Johnny holds it. JOHNNY (desperate) Tell me where she's living--she has to take it back! SUSAN (loud) Get away, dammit--or I'll call the police! JOHNNY (insisting) Tell me! The Door quickly swings wide open. Nick stands in the Doorway next to Susan. Johnny looks at Nick in disbelief. Susan stands with her arms folded over her chest. JOHNNY (CONT'D) (soft) Nick. Nick stares silently at him. Johnny looks at Nick, then Susan, then back at Nick with disappointment. SUSAN (warning) Get out--and don't bother us again!

141. Johnny is speechless. He takes a couple of steps backward while watching them in astonishment. The Door slams hard. INT. LIVING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Susan smiles at Nick as she walks away. SUSAN I don't think we'll be hearing from him anymore--come-on, Nickey, let's go back to bed and forget about that loser! Nick stands waiting next to the Door. to hear a knock.

He watches it, expecting

EXT. FRONT DOOR -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny stands looking at the Door. JOHNNY (sad) Nick. INT. LIVING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS Nick places his hand on the Doorknob, hoping to talk to Johnny. EXT. FRONT DOOR -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny slowly turns and walks away. INT. LIVING ROOM -- CONTINUOUS as Nick continues to wait, then lowers his head. SUSAN (O.S.) Nickey--come to bed, honey! Nick pauses, then turns and slowly walks OUT OF VIEW. INT. JOHNNY'S APARTMENT -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny enters his FRONT DOOR. The MEN are gathered around fussing with the Baby placed on the Kitchen Table. They see Johnny enter.

142. TOMMY (to Johnny) Doug ran down to the market and got some formula for the kid--he was really starving. Johnny steps wearily up to the Table. happened.

The men sense what

TOMMY (CONT'D) Where is she, Johnny? Johnny stares at the Baby. JOHNNY (soft) She's gone. TOMMY What--where'd she go? JOHNNY I don't know--she just left. TOMMY Well, we can't leave the baby here! Johnny takes the Baby in his arms. DOUG (to Johnny) Tommy's right--we'll have to call the police into it. Johnny stares at the gurgling Baby and pauses. JOHNNY (soft) No. TOMMY (loud) What do you mean, no--you can't take care of an infant...you've never raised a child before! JOHNNY (to Doug) You've raised a couple of kids?

143. DOUG Yes, sons--but it's a huge responsibility, Johnny, and quite difficult to do on your own. TOMMY Come on, Johnny, you can't be serious-how do you know the child is even yours? Everyone knows she was screwing around with Manning! JAMES (loud) Tommy! Tommy pauses. TOMMY Look, Johnny--you can't just take a child like that! Johnny stares into the Baby's eyes. JOHNNY The kid has less than nothing, Tommy-he stays... (to Tommy) ...all right? Tommy sighs as he shakes his head, then nods at Johnny. JOHNNY (CONT'D) (to Doug) Could you put a list of things together for me, Doug, and what I need to know to get through these first few weeks? DOUG (nods) Okay, Johnny--and Alice and I will be here when you need us. The others nod in agreement.

Johnny smiles appreciatively.

Tommy looks at the Baby and shakes his head. TOMMY Kids' getting one hell of a start in life.

144. CLOSE -- BABY'S FACE -- CONTINUOUS as the Baby gurgles. INT. GROCERY STORE COUNTER -- DAY as Johnny unloads BABY FOOD from his SHOPPING CART ONTO THE COUNTER. The Baby CRIES while laying in the CHILD'S SEAT as irritated PEOPLE stand in line behind them. The woman CASHIER watches Johnny as she rings-up the GOODS. INT. BEDROOM -- NIGHT as Johnny is awakened by the CRYING Baby. 3:30.

The CLOCK says

He wearily gets out of Bed, then stubs his toe with a CRACKING sound against a WOODEN CHAIR, sending it half-way across the Bedroom. JOHNNY (yells) Ow! Ow! Ow! He quickly limps around in a circle. INT. KITCHEN -- DAY as Johnny changes the Baby's DIAPER while it cries. There are left over FOOD and TRASH lying about the KITCHEN. He removes a VERY LOADED DIAPER from the CRIB, and carefully flings it toward a SMALL TRASH CAN next to the KITCHEN COUNTER. The Diaper misses, with the SOUND of it PLOPPING AND SPLATTERING onto the Floor. JOHNNY (loud) Oh--shit! Johnny looks at the Baby and grimaces as he grabs a PAPER TOWEL from a PAPER TOWEL HOLDER mounted under the CUPBOARDS. The Paper Towels stream off the Holder as he walks toward the Trash Can OUT OF VIEW.

145. JOHNNY (O.S.) (CONT'D) Ugh! INT. LIVING ROOM -- DUSK as Johnny places a fifth of WILD TURKEY BOURBON and a SIXPACK OF BEER onto the KITCHEN TABLE. The Baby is CRYING (O.S.) in it's CRIB. He turns-on the TV which plays a GAME SHOW (STOCK FOOTAGE), then walks to the STOVE and removes a Baby's BOTTLE from a PAN OF WATER. He tests the MILK by spurting it against his wrist, then walks over to the Crib. He places the NIPPLE in the Baby's mouth and holds it up so he can eat. JOHNNY (irritated) Here, dammit. He watches as the helpless Baby drinks from the Bottle, getting more irritated. JOHNNY (CONT'D) I don't even know if you're mine, for Christ's sake! He tosses the Bottle into the Crib and the Baby immediately starts to CRY again. He flips the Baby's BLANKET over it's head in frustration, then grabs the Bottle of Bourbon and a can of Beer from the Table and sits down in front of the TV. He opens the Bottle of Bourbon and takes a sip, then popsopen the can of Beer and takes a gulp. INT. LIVING ROOM -- NIGHT as the Baby continues to Cry. Johnny drinks from the Bottle of Bourbon, then lights a CIGARETTE. COLUMBO (STOCK FOOTAGE) plays on the TV. The only light in the room comes from the TV. INT. LIVING ROOM -- LATER as the Baby Cries.

146. Johnny drinks from the HALF-EMPTY BOTTLE OF BOURBON and drunkenly laughs while he watches the JOHNNY CARSON SHOW (STOCK FOOTAGE) on TV. INT. LIVING ROOM -- LATER as Johnny is passed-out in front of the TV. The sound of STATIC from the TV fills the Room. The MOSTLY EMPTY BOTTLE OF BOURBON drops from Johnny's hand as he awakens in a drunken blur. The sound of a POLICE SIREN whines softly (O.S.). He looks dizzily around the Room, then pauses. JOHNNY (slurring) Huh--that's not right! He slowly pushes himself out of his Chair and stumbles in a panic across the Room knocking into FURNITURE on the way to the Crib. INT. KITCHEN -- CONTINUOUS as he TURNS ON THE HANGING LIGHT over the baby's Crib and quickly pulls down the Blanket. CLOSE -- BABY -- CONTINUOUS as the Baby lies completely still and silent in a twisted position, mouth open. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as he reels in shock. JOHNNY (loud) No! Tears immediately stream from his eyes as he leans over the Crib, grabbing onto the Handrails. JOHNNY (CONT'D) (crying) No--God no!

147. CLOSE -- BABY -- CONTINUOUS as the shaking of the Crib awakens the sleeping Baby and it yawns. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny tearfully sighs after seeing the Baby move. reaches into the Crib with one hand.


CLOSE -- BABY -- CONTINUOUS as the back of Johnny's hand lightly brushes against the Baby's cheek. The Baby leans his little head affectionately against Johnny's fingers. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny removes his hand from the Crib and SOBS while slowly collapsing to his knees onto the Kitchen Floor. He cries to himself while looking around the Kitchen. He see's COCKROACHES crawling around the left-out PLATES of FOOD, and TRASH laying about everywhere. He breaths faster as he becomes angry, finally going berserk. Johnny stands and grabs a KITCHEN CHAIR and slams it hard onto the KITCHEN TABLE. EXT. APARTMENT COMPLEX -- CONTINUOUS as a Mexican family sitting outside in FOLDING CHAIRS next door to Johnny's Apartment, look towards his Door. INT. JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny continues swinging the Chair around the Apartment knocking LAMPS and FURNITURE onto the Floor. The Baby starts to CRY (O.S.). JOHNNY (raging) No! No! No! He continues to swing the Chair, then finally collapses onto the Floor, breathing heavily and sweating. He stumbles to his feet and grabs the Baby from it's Crib, then rushes toward the Front Door.

148. JOHNNY (CONT'D) (panicking) Out of here--I've got to get you out of here! He pulls the Front Door open with one hand, then kicks the SCREEN DOOR open with his foot. EXT. APARTMENT COMPLEX -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny gets a few steps outside, then pauses. desperately around the DARKENED STREET.

He looks

JOHNNY (cries) Nowhere to go--there's nowhere to go! ROMAN, a Mexican man in his 30's, runs up to Johnny and tries to take the Baby away from him. ROMAN (consoling) It's okay, man--it's okay! JOHNNY (panicking) 'gotta go--we've 'gotta go! Roman manages to get the Baby away from Johnny, then calls his Wife, MARIA, to take him. ROMAN (loud) Maria--agarra el nino...el nino! Roman hands the Baby to Maria and she quickly takes him into their Apartment. Johnny stumbles near the Doorway, then becomes agitated as Roman tries to hold him up against the Wall. JOHNNY (cries) I've got to go! ROMAN Go, man--go... (assures Johnny) ...the Baby's okay, man, we'll be here-go!

149. Johnny stumbles down the STAIRWAY and runs to his TRUCK. Roman, and other NEIGHBORS watch as Johnny drives off. EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD CHURCH -- NIGHT as Johnny pulls his Truck close to a Curb in front of a CHURCH and parks. He opens the Door and jumps out. INT. BEDROOM -- CONTINUOUS as FRED, a middle-aged man, and his wife, CATHY, sleep in Bed. The sound of a TRUCK DOOR CLOSING wakes Fred. He looks at the CLOCK, then carefully gets out of Bed, trying to keep from waking up Cathy. He slips on his BATHROBE and SLIPPERS, then quietly walks out of the Bedroom. EXT. FRONT OF FRED'S HOUSE -- CONTINUOUS as a PORCH LIGHT turns on. Fred walks out of the FRONT DOOR while keeping his eyes on the Church across the street. P.O.V. -- FRED -- CONTINUOUS as he watches Johnny quickly walk towards the CHURCH ENTRANCE. EXT. FRONT OF FRED'S HOUSE -- CONTINUOUS as he grabs a GARDEN HOSE and turns on the WATER. He quickly steps over to a FLOWER BED and waters while watching Johnny. P.O.V. -- FRED -- CONTINUOUS as he watches Johnny approach the CHURCH DOORS. He grabs the Door HANDLES and pulls on them, only to find them CHAINED together from the inside. He looks at the Tall Doors in disbelief, then yanks on them again and again. FRED -- CONTINUOUS as he stares at Johnny. He waves the SPRAY OF WATER quickly back and forth over the Flower Bed.

150. P.O.V. -- FRED -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny gives up on the Church Doors. He slowly stumbles backwards to a BRICK PLANTER and sits down, crying into his arms. FRED -- CONTINUOUS as he watches Johnny. His expression turns solemn as he watches another man grieve and understands. P.O.V. FRED -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny composes himself. He stands, looks towards the Church, then soberly walks back to his Truck. He glances emotionless at Fred as he enters his Truck. FRED -- CONTINUOUS as he glances back at Johnny, then looks down at the Flower Bed while holding the Hose still. P.O.V. FRED -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny starts the Truck and pulls away. FRED -- CONTINUOUS as he watches Johnny's Truck, then walks over and turns the water off. CATHY (from the doorway) Anything wrong, honey? FRED (low) No, nothing--go back to bed, sweetheart. He looks down the Street, then at the church. inside the House.

He walks back

A door softly CLOSING is heard, then the porch LIGHT goes out.

151. EXT. JOHNNY'S APARTMENT -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny parks his Truck. Roman sits in his CHAIR in front of his Apartment drinking a BEER. Johnny slowly climbs the Stairs and wearily sits in a Chair next to Roman. He glances through the OPEN DOOR of his demolished Apartment and sighs. ROMAN (staring forward) You all right, man? Johnny silently nods. ROMAN (CONT'D) The baby's okay, man--Maria just got him to sleep. Johnny looks silently up at the EVENING SKY. ROMAN (CONT'D) (glances at Johnny) You look like you could use something to eat... (towards his Door) ...Maria--Menudo por favor! Maria appears with a BOWL OF MANUDO and a SPOON and hands it to Johnny. Johnny slowly takes it from her. JOHNNY (low) Gracias, Maria. Maria smiles at him. Roman kisses her hand as she walks back into their Apartment. ROMAN Eat up, man--it's good for you. tell you what's in it later. Johnny starts to eat. JOHNNY (soft) I know what's in it.


152. Roman smiles. Roman looks nervously around the APARTMENT GROUNDS, then turns to Johnny. ROMAN (low) Is that your baby, man? Johnny pauses, then shakes his head. JOHNNY (soft) I don't know. Roman shakes his head. ROMAN (looks around) Damn, man. Maria appears at Roman's SCREEN DOOR. MARIA (soft) Esta bien? ROMAN (to Maria) Si, Maria, bete a dormir. Maria smiles, then turns and walks OUT OF VIEW. Johnny finishes the Menudo. exhales.

He leans back in the Chair and

JOHNNY (closes his eyes) Now what happens? Roman looks at him. ROMAN What happens? Life happens, man--what else? Johnny nods, then quickly falls asleep. The Spoon slips from his hand and falls to the Floor. Roman picks it up and carefully removes the Bowl from Johnny's lap and places them onto a SMALL TABLE next to him.

153. He sits back in his chair and lights a CIGARETTE. ROMAN (CONT'D) (soft) About time, man... (looks up at the sky while taking a puff from his Cigarette) ...I didn't think you'd ever shut up. EXT. FRONT OF USED CAR LOT -- DAY as SEVERAL PICKETERS march along the STREET IN FRONT OF BILL BUCKHEIM'S USED CAR LOT. Their PLACARDS read "American Indian Anti-defamation League Says: NO MORE INJUNS!" EXT. USED CAR LOT -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny practices his SIX-GUN twirling while BEING MADE-UP for another commercial. Bill and Johnny stand dressed in their COWBOY OUTFITS in front of a COVERED WAGON with ARROWS stuck into it. The DIRECTOR quiets everyone. DIRECTOR (loud) Quiet everyone--and action! Bill and Johnny shoot their GUNS into the air. BILL (loud) Howdy folks! This is Buffalo Bill Buckheim here again with my sidekick Cody John Flory... (Johnny tips his HAT towards the Camera) ...we're here dodging arrows and shoot'in down inflation to bring you a great deal on a used car now! JOHNNY (nervous) That's right, Buffalo Bill--and we got a posse of great cars just waiting for you...

154. Two STAGE HANDS dressed as INDIANS holding TOMAHAWKS jump in front of the Camera. Bill reacts to the Indians. BILL (loud) ...watch out, Cody! Bill quickly draws his Gun and shoots one of the Indians and he falls to the ground. Johnny clumsily draws his Gun and shoots at the Other Indian, but it doesn't fire. The Other Indian nervously pauses as he looks back and forth at Johnny and Bill. Bill looks at Johnny, then quickly draws his Gun again and SHOOTS the Other Indian. He falls dead to the Ground. BILL (CONT'D) (glaring at Johnny) Whew--that was close, Cody...but we got 'em... (turns to the Camera) ...and we'll get you too, with our guarantied low prices provin' Buffalo Bill ain't no Indian trader...so comeon down to Downey, folks... JOHNNY (breaks in) ...where we'll help 'ya, not scalp 'ya! DIRECTOR (loud) Cut--that's it! Bill gives Johnny a disappointed look, then turns and walks silently away as Johnny watches him. CAMERA MONITOR -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny turns to the Camera with a deadpan face, then holds his Gun up to his head and pulls the Trigger. Nothing happens.

155. INT. JOHNNY'S APARTMENT -- DAY as Johnny prepares to feed BUDDY, now a one-year-old, blond haired, blue eyed, toe head. A KNOCKING ON THE DOOR IS HEARD. ROMAN (loud) Hey--what's happen'in. guy's up to?

Roman walks in.

What are you

Johnny removes SEVERAL JARS OF BABY FOOD from the CUPBOARD and places them onto the KITCHEN TABLE. Buddy waddles around the LIVING ROOM. JOHNNY Hi, Roman--have a seat. We're just getting ready to put-on the feed bag! ROMAN (sits) Oh--man, you're starting to sound like that dude in your commercials! Johnny laughs as he gets some SILVERWARE from a KITCHEN DRAWER. He turns to Roman. JOHNNY (serious) I really want to thank you and Maria again for taking care of Buddy all this time--you don't know how much you've help him and me. ROMAN (dismissing it) Forget it, man! Neighbors help neighbors. JOHNNY But you've been great friends too, Roman--I don't know how... ROMAN (interrupts) ...listen, man--it's tough enough getting by these days...raising kids doesn't make it any easier--I know!

156. Johnny smiles appreciatively. Roman looks at Buddy. ROMAN (CONT'D) (smiles) Hey, the little guy's getting up there, huh? Johnny nods. ROMAN (CONT'D) In fact, I think he's starting to resemble you! Johnny laughs. How's that! blue eyes!

JOHNNY He's got blond hair and

Roman pauses. ROMAN (smiles) Character, man...He acts just like you! Johnny smiles.

He turns to Buddy.

JOHNNY (loud) Come-on, Buddy--time to eat! Buddy is searching through a SMALL BOOKCASE. JOHNNY (CONT'D) (loud) Buddy--come here! Buddy ignores him. JOHNNY (CONT'D) (to Roman) You know, I think he might be a little deaf--he hardly ever comes to me when I call him. Roman turns to Buddy.

157. ROMAN Buddy, vamos! Buddy immediately turns around and waddles over to Roman. Roman hugs him. ROMAN (CONT'D) (to Johnny) Hey--he comes to me, man! JOHNNY (laughs) Oh, great! I have a bilingual oneyear-old! Johnny picks-up Buddy and carries him to the Kitchen Table. He sits down, placing Buddy on his lap, and tucks a SMALL TOWEL under Buddy's chin. Johnny opens a JAR of CHOPPED BEETS and feeds Buddy with a SPOON. He watches Buddy eat. JOHNNY (CONT'D) (to Roman) Listen, Roman...is this the way it's suppose to work--I put food in, and it comes back out again? Roman watches food DROOL from Buddy's mouth. ROMAN (nods) Yep...apparently, some of it gets absorbed. Johnny opens another Jar. JOHNNY (reads the label) Let's see...creamed carrots. Roman grimaces. ROMAN When I was his age, man, I was already eating frijoles and peppers--feed him something good! Johnny take a spoonful of Carrots from the JAR and holds it in front of Buddy's mouth.

158. Buddy looks around, then at the Spoonful of Carrots and jerks his head back, hitting Johnny hard in the mouth with a THUD. JOHNNY (loud) Uuh! The Spoon drops out of his hand and falls CLANKING onto the Floor. Johnny is momentarily stunned, then blinks his eyes while trying to shake his head clear. ROMAN (laughs) And that means--I'm full, Daddy! Buddy appears oblivious to the incident. Johnny checks his mouth with his fingers and finds it BLEEDING. He softly touches the back of Buddy's head, checking for damage. Buddy instantly looks straight up as Johnny quickly moves his head back. INT. LAURA'S APARTMENT -- DAY of a BUFFALO BILL'S USED CAR COMMERCIAL showing on TV. PAN BACK showing Laura watching the TV from her SOFA with an astonished look on her face. She sadly watches with tears forming in her eyes as Johnny playacts through the Commercial with humiliation. LAURA (soft) Johnny. LAURA -- CONTINUOUS as she reaches for her PERSONAL PHONE BOOK on a COFFEE TABLE. She softly weeps as she thumbs through the listings, then picks-up the PHONE and dials. LAURA (trying to keep from crying) Hello, Paulie--this is Laura...I'm fine, how are you and Jenny doing?...oh,

159. LAURA (MORE) I'm so glad to hear that--how far is she along?...that's wonderful!...Paulie, do you have Johnny's phone number--I'd really like to talk to him?...Uh-huh... (writes in her Phone Book) ...okay, I got it...Paulie, how is he?...yes, I know--I saw him on TV...supporting Buddy?...who...oh...oh, no!...how could she...no, I... (cries to herself)) ...all--all right, Paulie, you take care of yourself, too...I'll see you soon--bye. CLOSE -- LAURA -- CONTINUOUS as she hangs-up the Phone and stares blankly while tears flow gently from her eyes. INT. JOHNNY'S APARTMENT -- DAY as Johnny sits solemnly in the front of the TV watching HOLLYWOOD SQUARES (STOCK FOOTAGE). Buddy sits in his HIGH CHAIR next to Johnny, playing with his TOYS. Johnny turns and stares quietly at Buddy. The phone RINGS. Johnny picks-up the PHONE on a SMALL TABLE next to him. JOHNNY Hello?...yes...who?...oh, hi Laura...I'm okay, how've you been?...yes, it is good news about Jenny--I think they're going to be okay...huh?...tomorrow night?...well, if it wouldn't be any trouble...sure, I'd like to see you too...okay, eight o'clock...ah, Laura, I'm gonna' have to bring a friend...he did...no, he likes that just fine...okay-let me write it down...

160. JOHNNY (MORE) (he fumbles for a PENCIL and a piece of PAPER then writes) ...all right--see you tomorrow night...bye. Johnny hangs-up the Phone and turns to Buddy. JOHNNY (CONT'D) (smiles) Well, Buddy--looks like we have a date tomorrow night! His smile diminishes and he silently watches Buddy play. INT. LAURA'S APARTMENT -- NIGHT as Laura prepares a SPAGHETTI DINNER is BREAD and HEADS OF LETTUCE on the her finger on the LID covering a POT strains the Spaghetti, then mixes-in Pot.

in her KITCHEN. There COUNTER TOP. She burns OF BOILING WATER. She the SAUCE and covers the

She opens the REFRIGERATOR, revealing a full stock of BEER and WINE. She nervously wipes her hands in her APRON, then sets the KITCHEN TABLE. She sets PLATES and SILVERWARE with care, pausing at the position where Johnny will sit. She then places a SMALLER SETTING where Buddy will sit, and smiles. The DOORBELL RINGS (O.S.). She quickly removes her Apron and pats her Hair into place, then walks to the FRONT DOOR and opens it. Johnny enters, holding Buddy with one hand, and his HIGH CHAIR and a PAPER BAG with the other. LAURA (restraining herself from kissing Johnny) Johnny--it's great to see you, again! Johnny looks briefly at Laura and smiles, then maneuvers the High Chair, and Buddy, through the Door.

161. JOHNNY Hello, Laura, it's nice to see you, too. Laura looks up at Johnny and smiles, then down at Buddy. LAURA (kneels down in front of Buddy) And who's this? JOHNNY That's Buddy. Laura smiles and fusses over him, then picks him up and holds him. Buddy hugs her. Johnny notices how Buddy takes to her. LAURA (kisses Buddy) Johnny--he's beautiful! Buddy giggles, eating it all up. JOHNNY (smiles) Don't spoil him, now--he doesn't get that much attention at home! Laura gently flips Buddy's curly hair with her fingers, then carries him towards the Kitchen. LAURA (to Buddy) Well then, we'll just have to do something about that, won't we! She turns to Johnny as she walks. LAURA (CONT'D) Come in--come in! Johnny closes the Door then carries the High Chair to the end of a SOFA and sets it down. He places the Paper Bag on the Kitchen Table. Laura sets Buddy down and he immediately starts to examine everything.

162. JOHNNY (removes a SIX-PACK OF BEER from the Bag) I brought something to drink, if that's okay? LAURA (biting her lip) Oh, yes--I was hoping you'd bring something! She takes the Beer from him and walks to the Refrigerator. She smiles at Johnny, then opens the Refrigerator Door just enough to cram the Beer in. LAURA (CONT'D) Would you like one? JOHNNY Please--and for yourself, too. She opens TWO CANS OF BEER and hands him one. a sip.

They both take

Johnny looks shyly around her Apartment, then sits down on the Sofa. He watches Laura tend to the Pots on the Stove. JOHNNY (CONT'D) Nice apartment--have you been here long? LAURA Yes--since my divorce a year ago. Johnny looks down. JOHNNY Oh, I'm sorry. LAURA (quickly) I'm not! Johnny looks at her. JOHNNY I remember seeing you with someone at Paulie's wedding...was that...

163. LAURA (interrupts) ...Richard--I didn't think you had noticed. She stops herself. his hands.

Johnny looks down at the can of Beer in

She turns to Johnny. LAURA (CONT'D) (apologizing) I'm sorry, Johnny, I didn't mean to... JOHNNY (interrupts) ...we seem to be apologizing to each other. Laura pauses, then continues preparing the Meal. LAURA It wasn't much of a marriage, with him gone on business all the time. Johnny looks at her. JOHNNY Didn't you love him? Laura gets tense. LAURA (loud) Of course I loved him--but what was I suppose to do when... Laura stops herself, leaning onto the Counter trying to suppress her emotions. Johnny silently damns himself for opening his big mouth. BUDDY -- CONTINUOUS as he knocks over some KNICKKNACKS on an END TABLE while exploring. INT. LAURA'S APARTMENT -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny quickly stands up.

164. JOHNNY (loud) Here now! He runs over to Buddy and picks him up and he starts to cry. Laura instinctively starts toward Buddy, then stops herself when she nears Johnny. Johnny places Buddy into his High Chair as Laura watches them. LAURA (smiles) Oh--that's all right! Johnny tries to calm Buddy down. He removes a RATTLE and some TOYS from a Pocket on the High Chair, then places them on a Tray in front of Buddy. JOHNNY Come-on, sport! He shakes the Rattle for a moment, then hands it to Buddy. Buddy takes it and smiles at Johnny. LAURA (smiles) You really have a way with him! JOHNNY (watching Buddy) Yeah, we've been through some times, together. Laura looks sympathetically at both of them. LAURA (soft) Has his mother been around at all? Johnny shakes his head.

Laura frowns.

Laura finishes with the Pots and wipes her hands on a TOWEL. LAURA (CONT'D) Shall I turn-on the TV? Johnny nods.

165. She walks to a PORTABLE TV across from the Sofa and turns it on. A BASKETBALL GAME (STOCK FOOTAGE - 1973) plays. She returns to the Counter and prepares the SALAD. LAURA (CONT'D) Everything will be ready in a couple of minutes! JOHNNY It smells good, Laura! She smiles turned away from him. Johnny watches Laura for a moment, then stands. JOHNNY (CONT'D) (looks around the Apartment) What do you do, Laura? LAURA I'm working as a paralegal for a law firm in Santa Ana. JOHNNY (nods) Hmmm--do you enjoy it? LAURA (nods) Oh, yeah--it gets pretty hectic, sometimes, but it's always interesting. Johnny see's a BOOK SHELF on the other side of a DIVIDER THAT SEPARATES THE KITCHEN FROM THE LIVING ROOM. He walks over to the Shelf and looks at several PICTURE FRAMES containing group SNAPSHOTS OF FAMILY MEMBERS AND SCHOOL CHUMS. JOHNNY (loud) I didn't know there were so many of you! LAURA (smiles) Oh, yes--there are Harris's that span the entire globe, I'm afraid!

166. Laura laughs, then stops suddenly and takes a quick breath. She put's her hand to her mouth and closes her eyes. Johnny continues to search the Book Shelves, when he see's a TROPHY CUP standing on a SMALL NOOK below the Shelves. He picks up the Trophy and reads the ENGRAVING, which says: "1969 Collegiate Football Championship Winners -- John Flory -Quarterback." Johnny stares at the Trophy, then towards Laura. the Trophy into the Kitchen.

He carries

JOHNNY (cold) Where did you get this? Laura sighs as she slowly opens her eyes and turns sadly to Johnny. LAURA I...I asked your mother for it while helping her pack before she left--I hope you don't mind, Johnny? Johnny stares at her, then lowers his eyes. JOHNNY (soft) Of course I don't mind, Laura. He turns and places the Trophy back onto the Table, then stares at it for a moment. JOHNNY (CONT'D) (solemnly) Seems like it was such a long time ago. Laura silently watches him as he walks back to the Sofa and slowly sits down. He quietly takes a sip of his Beer. BUDDY -- CONTINUOUS involved with the Basketball game on the TV. LAURA -- CONTINUOUS as she finishes-up the Salad, then wipes her hands with the Towel.

167. She takes her Beer and sits across the Sofa from Johnny. She impatiently watches the Basketball game on TV, then turns towards Johnny. LAURA Johnny? Johnny continues to watch the TV, just as nervous as she is. She tries to get his attention. LAURA (CONT'D) Johnny? Do you ever think back when we were kids...in the old neighborhood? Johnny shakes his head. LAURA (CONT'D) (smiles) I do...when you use'd to play ball with Harry in the front yard...your pranks...and Harry's crazy schemes! Johnny looks down. JOHNNY Please, Laura--that was a long time ago. Laura looks at Johnny. LAURA It wasn't that long ago, Johnny--I even remember when you use'd to protect me in grade school. Johnny shakes his head. Laura stares at him.

She nervously leans closer to him.

LAURA (CONT'D) I've always loved you, Johnny--did you know that? Johnny looks down, shaking his head. her.

He sighs, then turns to

JOHNNY I have nothing to offer you, Laura...

168. JOHNNY (MORE) (Laura shakes her head) ...I mean nothing--I haven't got a regular job, no prospects, no career... (motions towards Buddy) ...I don't even know if be belongs to me, or not! Laura slides closer to him. LAURA Johnny, that's not important. JOHNNY (loud) Not important! What do you mean it's not important? How can you... Johnny stops himself, then becomes silent. Laura looks into his eyes. LAURA It doesn't matter, Johnny--we're still young, and we can deal with those things together... (beat) ...it's not like we don't really know each other. Johnny shakes his head. He looks at Laura and gently touches her face as tears form in her eyes, then he stops. He turns back toward the TV. JOHNNY It's not fair dumping everything on you--you've been such a good friend, Laura, but I love you too much to... Johnny quickly stops and closes his eyes. Laura holds her hands to her mouth and takes a deep breath while watching Johnny. Her eyes are filled with emotion. BUDDY -- CONTINUOUS as he plays with his Rattle. sound when he shakes it.

The Rattle makes a CLICKING

169. He puts the Rattle into his mouth as he watches the Basketball game on TV. P.O.V. BUDDY -- CONTINUOUS as he watches CLOSE-UPS of the BASKETBALL flying through the HOOP on TV. JOHNNY AND LAURA -- CONTINUOUS as they sit staring blankly down at their Beers. their attention blankly towards the TV.

They turn

BUDDY -- CONTINUOUS as he concentrates on the TV, then turns his head to look at something distant. He becomes completely still, then, while staring, he rears his right arm back, gripping the Rattle by the handle, and pauses. JOHNNY AND LAURA -- CONTINUOUS as Johnny watches the TV. He realizes the Baby is quiet and turns towards him. Laura turns towards Johnny. Johnny looks at Buddy's curious pose, then see's the Rattle he's about to throw. JOHNNY (reaches for the Rattle) Buddy, No! BUDDY -- CONTINUOUS as he heaves the Rattle as hard as he can, jerking the SQUEAKY High Chair slightly aside from the swing of his body. JOHNNY AND LAURA -- CONTINUOUS as they watch the Rattle, open mouthed, as it flies in the air.

170. RATTLE -- CONTINUOUS as it flies a SLOW-MOTION path end-over-end, across the Room towards the Book Shelves on the Living Room Wall. BUDDY -- CONTINUOUS as he giggles. RATTLE -- CONTINUOUS as it hits the edge of the Trophy Cup in SLOW-MOTION and bounces straight-up, spinning into the air. JOHNNY AND LAURA -- CONTINUOUS with a surprised look on their faces. RATTLE -- CONTINUOUS as it spins in the air, then drops straight down into the center of the Trophy Cup, RINGING it. BUDDY -- CONTINUOUS giggling out loud. JOHNNY AND LAURA -- CONTINUOUS as she covers her mouth with both hands. Johnny stares at the Trophy, closes his eyes, then nods. He turns to Buddy, who is still giggling. Johnny leans towards Buddy and gently takes his head into his hands and looks affectionately into his eyes. Buddy stares quietly back at Johnny. JOHNNY (smiles) You ARE my son, sweetheart. Buddy smiles. Laura, in tears, lays her arm gently across Johnny's shoulders while pulling on his left arm with her other hand.

171. Johnny raises his head up, eyes closed, and takes a deep breath. He turns to Laura with eyes filled. In a flood of passion, he grabs her by the shoulders and pulls her close to his chest as he stands. She looks tearfully into his eyes. JOHNNY (CONT'D) Laura...Laura, I love you! They hug and kiss in a release of emotion. JOHNNY (CONT'D) (sobbing) I do love you, Laura...I love you so much! Laura cries uncontrollably while kissing Johnny. LAURA Yes, sweetheart--I know you do...I've always loved you...always! They kiss each other madly, then Johnny gently takes her face into his hands. JOHNNY (looks into her eyes) God, I need you, Laura--we both need you! She throws her arms around his neck and hugs him dearly, as tears stream over the smile on her face. LAURA (crying) Yes, sweetheart, yes--I need you too, Johnny... (sobbing) ...My precious, Johnny! They continue to kiss while they embrace. WIDER ANGLE, as Johnny and Laura embrace while Buddy entertains himself, playing with the Toys in the Tray of his High Chair. DISSOLVE TO:

172. EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD PARK -- DAY as Johnny drives a 1973 CAMARO up to a CURB and parks. sits in-between him and Laura.


Johnny exits and walks around the front of the Car, while Laura brushes her hair in the Rear View Mirror. PEOPLE are walking towards the Park. Johnny looks over at the Park and smiles as he walks around and opens Laura's Door. Johnny watches silently as Laura turns and steps out of the Car. Laura walks up to Johnny and puts her arms around him. CLOSE -- JOHNNY -- CONTINUOUS as he pauses while staring into her eyes for the longest time. She cocks her head curiously as she looks up at him. He gently brushes her shining hair with the back of his hand, then gives her a long, deep kiss. She lowers her left cheek onto his shoulder, eyes closed, and places her right hand against his chest. When she opens her eyes, she see's the SUN GLISTENING OFF THE TINY DIAMOND IN HER WEDDING RING. She rotates the Ring with her thumb, smiling appreciatively. P.O.V. LAURA -- CONTINUOUS as she focuses past the Wedding Ring, to Buddy, sitting quietly on the edge of the Car Seat, smiling at them. LAURA -- CONTINUOUS as she smiles at Buddy, then walks over and helps him out of the Car and closes the Door. Johnny takes Buddy by the hand. JOHNNY Come-on, Sport--there's something I want to show you. CLOSE -- BUDDY -- CONTINUOUS as he looks up at Johnny while he holds onto his hand.

173. EXT. PARK -- CONTINUOUS Johnny and Laura put their arms around each other as they walk towards the Park. WIDE ANGLE -- CONTINUOUS of Park, as Johnny, Laura, and Buddy slowly walk toward the ENTRANCE OF A NEIGHBORHOOD CARNIVAL. ROLL CREDITS

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