Kid Kid Corp Final Document

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 2
KIDCORP C o n c e r t s To Corporations

KIDCORP)-Concerts for Corporations (330)-6344271 and the assembling of this organization. (CTGE) Closing The Gap Enterprise. (OUR MISSION) (1.) is to INSPIRE and energize the youth of the world. We plan to do this by Donations from the Private Sector, and by getting kids to use their own money to form Corporations. We are commited to Using every resource we can to get kids help. (2.) Develope a effective system to uplift kids. One that could help kids of all races and colors. A idea which could be beneficial in future years of unexpectance, and weak economy. (3.) Form partnerships with Corporations and Schools into a World network of Concious Minded Business’s. (4.) Use this same network to benefit future PEACE. OUR HISTORY The Idea For Closing The Gap Enterprises was created by Don Beach about two years ago. Today it is in Startup Phase but making progress. We are in the process of finding Board Members and completing IRS paperwork to be recognized as

Non-Profit Netwoking

Don Beach 330-634-4271 Kona, Hawaii 75-5776 Kuakin HWY. [email protected]


“Our Mission to energize and inspire the Youth of The World.” KIDCORP is organized exclusively for charitable, and educational purposes. The purpose of this corporation is: Conduct Benefit Concerts whose proceeds go towards starting franchises and purchasing real estate kids own and work in. At a concert of 50,000 kids a list of 10 franchises available for purchase will be presented. Make are youth aware that Franchised Businesses now take in 1$ of every 3$ spent by Americans for goods and services or 40% of all retail sales about ($1 TRILLION). Also that a new franchise opens every six and a half minutes of each business day. We plan to issue each child attending a stock in a corporation that invest in their future. (NO CHILD WITHOUT A STOCK) Each concert will be a new PRIVATE EQUITY LIKE organization which use's its own funds as well as those from fundraising to acquire more property, stocks bonds,etc. This stock will hopefully gain value as revenue is created by the company's activities such as Mcdonold's Restaurants. We hope to instill in are youth a (VALUE INVESTING PRINCIPLE) so they will learn the benefits of smart stock picks and never selling a share!!!!!The principle which built Warren Buffets (Pepsi) Heavy Portfolio. Other skills such as living below your means in a weak economy. Like a man who lived in his first home even after turning over Billions of Dollars to charity. Remind America again money is only useful unless its helping people. It has no use in Katrina unless it provided shelter or Emergency Rescue Equipment. Thats what Solar Federation Housing plans to address. A completely seperate issue as a project for all KIDCORPS to find a affordable form of Airdrop Ready Solar Powered Shelters for

“Develope a effective system to uplift kids.” for emergency relief anywhwere in the WORLD. Think of a shelter falling out the sky in places like DAFAR or the CONGO. We hope to work with University's and the Scientific Community to organize this research. Also as a form of homeless relief in citys like New York. Los Angelos and Chicago. C Increase educational awareness in entreaprunurial enterprise. Prevent juvenile delinquency and community deterioration. Conduct a yearly telethon which raises money for all these seperate areas of upliftment!. .

Virtual BuildSCHOOL.COM

Reality Schools g




This is Disaster and Emergency unit that can be dropped by Air into Disaster or War torn areas where refugees may need emergency shelter.We would ask Colleges and Universitys to do the research on the lightest and sturdiest

VIRTUAL BUILD-A-SCHOOL.COM AVERAGE COST ESTIMATES for schools in the US. We will set up VIRTUAL SCHOOLS in every MAJOR CITY on our website and focus our fundraising events towards bringing say Nelson Mandela Elemenatary school in CHICAGO to REALITY. Virtual School Building we hope will be a new concept that will revitalize our school system and inspire our youth to get a education! You will actually get to see the fundraising results ONLINE daily as the school comes together PIECE BY PIECE on the site. Sort of like Yoville!! Your donation just purchased new windows for ONE CLASSROOM!!!!!!!! VIRTUAL BUILD A SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!THE FUTURE IS HERE! draiser/?nid=baa433fb-a7514914-82580781487ed291&cid=f01Oe54209d-4736-85860a24ae2f35b2&id=1bda14beb12e-47a4-8ac1-0fcf4bb6e3c2


This is a NON-PROFIT clothing line where the majority of proceeds beyond production go towards POVERTY and EDUCATION. The clothing would be desinged in a STARTREK like fashion. The purpose is to give people a COMMON DENOMINATOR LE C T UR E TV

This is a cable pay per veiw channel devoted to College Lectures. These are real College Lectures broadcast via Cable TV. The classes are for the sole purpose of refreshing on coursework and will not have a credit value. They will have a benefit of making college and Highschool students

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