Harris Etter

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  • December 2019
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Dr. Andy Harris for LI.S.Congres s (R) To: Dr. Andy Harris c/o Andy Harris for Cong'ress PO Box L527 Annapolis, MD 21404

t I


I !

Fr: AII2 O G

' D e a r Andy, articl-e proving what a total Kratovil clearly is ! !


Democrat Frank

races left you really in the country, do need my help fight back against the millions d o l l ars in negative of ads the liberal Democrats will hurl against you again.


To demonstrate that I will continue to stand with to help you meet your 1$ Quarter fundraising goal of $ f'm sending you today my most generous donation of:

t_l 92,000

t_l $1,500

t _ l $ 1 ,o o o

t_1 Other:

u and 0,000,


Sincerely: a

** Et-€gg

make vour

check payable

to: PO Box 1527 MD Annapolis,


NOTE:You maymakeyour credit cardcontribrrtionto fuidy llarris' campaignby in theinformationbelowor goingonlindto www.andyharris.com: Pr^EAsE cHEcKcARDTypE:

(_) Vrsa

(-) lvlasiuncARD. l)Atvmrucax Etcnsss

filling I

p o*o**



Nameasit Appearson Card:

Amountof Gift: ( i__.r----





Federal law requires t s to teport the nane, address, utd name ol employer and ocaryation for any contributions exceed5200per election cycle. Corporate contributions od giftsfrom foreign nationals Card gifts only. Ocatpation: Congress. Contribrtions tte not tu.4eductible for inconte t6 purposes. Limit of 52,400per person per e primty

otd general eleeliott combincd. Limit o/ $9,600 per couple if signed by both pafiies qtd drmn

on a

I f"'*** I st'nderd i ,

I I PAIDI I U.S.Poetrgc








I rcnitlo.ezso I



Sr.lrr Smuron lvlnnnarp


I 2oo8GoPNor'mmr i trrDtrr*"tl'rD I

Eebruary 26, 2009

Dear Enclosed with this letter you witl .'GOP TO HOUNDPRO-STIMULUS BLUE DOGS."



an articlei



I I i

A s y o u ' 1 1 q u i c k l y b e a b l e to tell from the paragraphs I/ve underlined, m y D e m o c r a t i c opponent is already p he's not the conservative " b 1 u e dog" independent Democ t h e claimed on the campaign trail, a1 but a lapdog of the fileadership and radical Special Interests in Congress. In Iess than two months i n o f f i c e , Democrat Frank Kratovil has voted for a $39 Billion tax increase and budget-busting $787 Billion spending bill that stimula the growth of government but not the economy. After Kratovil flip-flopped on this spending biLl, I've received.encouragement from every corner of the District to challenge him again in 2010. That's

why I,m writing

you today.

I've already been called to Washington, D.C. to m or with the top leaders of the National Republican Congressional Committee and have been asked by them to run a g a li n .




After talkinq with my wife, my family, and my clo$est supporters, f've decided that I will in fact run for t4" U.S. Congress once more and am asking you for your hel$ to make this campaign a success i I Last cycle just about every district that wasn't ilpeld by a Republican incumbent running for re-efection brokf for t h e D e m o c r a t s d u e t o t h e o v e r w h e l m i n g O b a m aw a v e . . . I - - .But with spending, talking


P r e s i d e n t O b a m ap u s h i n g f o r r e c k l e s s I about raising taxes, and closing dowfi the I

I much-needed. mil-itary prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, I think the Republican Party is well-positioned to makelat least a partial comeback in 201,0 | I fn my last campaign for Congressr my opponent i benefitted i m m e n s e J - yf r o m t h e f a c t t h a t h e h a d a b s o l u L e l y no voting record to be held accountable to. i This time around,



record witl

be fai-Cl bare


. . .Tax increases galore. . .mind-blowing deficit I spending...siding with Trial Lawyers over smal-l businpss owners, . .voting against Republican tax cut amendmenarl.. .


I Democrat Frank Kratovil, s record 1s already shapli-ng up to be the exact liberal record I predicted in 2008. I l

That's why when it comes to casting their ballotr this time around, I wilt be sure to remind the voters of the expression "Fool- me once, shame on you... Fool_me twibe, s h a m e o n m e! " . I


in my meeting with the National Republicafi C o n g T r e s s i o n a l C o m m i t t e e ( N R C C )w e d i s c u s s e d s e t t i n g a l fundraisi-ng goal of $100,000 by the end of March. I

That leaves me less than five weeks to show thatl t,^ commj"tted to winnlng this seat. i| you today because you've been a friefrd and I'm writing supporter of mine for some time now. I truly

Your gift of $1,000 helped me come within victory last time.

tZ of

Now that Democrat Kratovil has revealed himsel-f the partisan liberal he practically denounced on the campaign trai1, I'm confident we can achieve victory time. The NRCC h a s a s k e d m e t o . s t a r t running away, as have h u n d r e d s o f f r i e n d s i u s t l i k e I'm in


obe his

hard righ vou.

to win and I need you on board once ag i n .

Already, Democrat. Kratovil is receiving the nega ive press he deserves for betrayi-ng his campaign promises

With my first finance report felt weeks and as huqe of a tarqet GOP, f 'm trufy counlinq on b.

on the horizop in thb next a s t h i s r a c e -i s -f o r t h e f-

J've sent you this articl-e to prove exactlv st,ronqer of a message we will bg able to deliver



how mlcn this time


with your help tod.ay we wlII galvanize the .o.r""tf.tive movement and unite the Republj-can Party to win in 20101.


I'm confident that with the help of the new campaign team wetve put in placer w€ will succeed in our call fbr spending restraint, fiscal discipline, and traditional i values II please send me your most generous donafion My friend, of $2r000, $1,500, or $1,000 as soon as you possibly cfn. Over the past two years, I've campaigned vlrtuafff around-the-clock to put pocketbook issues and protecti$n the traditionat farcrily f irst in my race for Congr""". I




Itve never waivered in my campargn agenda of brinfing proven, no-nonsense leadership on fisca] issues like s$ending and taxation to Washington, D.C. II This is an agenda I plan to del-iver on come Electfon Day. But right now, I truly need your continued support. i Make no mistake, asked to raise in the


I cannot thank you enough for the support to help me achieve and financial I look


to hearing

back from you soon.


P . S . P l e a s e t a k e j u s t a f e w m o m e n t s t o r e a d c n e a r r l c r 9" i r . I hope I cqn have enclosed. After you've finished, count on you to send your most generous d o n a t i o n < i f $2,000, $1,500, or $1,000 right away.

6rmtx @Wliltuxhingtun GOPto Hound Pro-Stimulus Blue Dogs

Minnickspokesman John Fostersaid the feedback from constituents has beenlargelypositive."Sornefolls wanted Iflhlt asa Democratto show support for the president,but the vast majority of our consdruentsapproved of his decisionto vote the district,"he said.

by S.A.MILTER The handful of the House'sBlue Dog Democrats wno swrtcneo melf votes

Democrat-ledCongressloaded the bill with unnecessaryspending,Mr. Kratovil will be out every day of this week's holiday break touring his sprawling Marylanddistrict and touting successin trimming frivolous programs frorn the packageand highlightingthe jobs it's estimatedto produce. 'lllthough ttris bill is still far from perfect,in a crisisof this magnitudewe can't afford to let the perfect be the enemy of the necessary,"Mr. Kratovil said after the vote switch Friday. Similar explanations are being offered by each of the five Democrag who voted against the original $819 billion House bill in late Januarybut ofthe $787bilsupportedfinal passage lion versionnegotiatedwith the Senate. "Congresshas done its part to provide desperatelyneeded funds," said Rep.Brad Ellsworthof Indiana,a Blue Dog Democrat who switched his vote. "Now it is up to state and local officials throughoutIndianaand this country to ensurethesedollarsare spentwisely." They also are citing the bipartisan negotiations that shaped the final bill, although only three Republlcans in Congress supported the legislation.

salesmanand the product," said IGn Spain, a spokesmanfor the National RepublicanCongressionalCommittee. "Democratsanogantly proclaimedthat Republicanswho vorcd againstthe stimulus packagedid so 'at their own peril,' but now it appears that ln many Democrat-helddistricts,there could be gteater risk in actuallyhavingvoted for " Pelosi'sporkJadenpackage. His counterpart at the Demmatic CongressbnalCampaign Commiftee, Jennifer Crider, said the Republican attacksabout switchingvotesultimately will not matter if the stimulusplan is well received. Vhat they havebeen doing is going back to their districts and e4plaining why they voted the way they voted," she said,"That'swhat is happeningin these districts around the country."


Mr. Krafovil points to estlmatesthat the bill will create 8,200 fobs in his district and to ,spendingon progfiuns popular with his constituents,whether it is hedth care programs that will benefit local hospitals or expanding broadband Internet service to rural cornmunities, Mr. Iftatovil and Rep, dlen Boyd, while theBlueDoccoalition's Florida Democat and a leader of the fiscally consenhtive 49-member Blue Dog coal.ition,issued nearly identical statements explaining their final decisions,Both cited, among other items,the eliminationfrom the bill of $200 million to refurbishthe National includingsod, and Mall in Washingxon, $75million to fight smoking. Mr. IGatovil also listed cutting $400 million to fight serually transmitted disease, Te said a survey of voting records Hovrcrcr, the anti-smokingand STD hom the lastCongressshowedthat Blue programs still bould be funded with Dogs propose three-quarters less to the Centersfor stimulusmoney;going than DemocratsiN a spendingincreases Disease Control and Prevention. whole, but the Blue Dogsstill vote for Democraticleadersstripped out many most of thti spending increasespro of the specificprogramsin the bill and posedby others. Of the 11 Blue Doos who voted-- renlacedthemwith noolsof .monevfcrr

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