Harlem And Hiv (published In The Citizen In 2004)

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the A





















December 2003



Install Surveillance Cameras on 125th? The Discussion Begins: Do The Ayes Have It?

By Glenda Johnson


n November 18, 2003, the 125th

ambassador foot patrol. The increased light-

County District Attorney’s

Street Business Improvement

ing has been implemented, the handbook has

Civil Liberties offices.



been published, and the ambassador foot

In the meantime, the 125th Street BID

Community Board 10’s (CB10) Uniformed

patrol is slated to begin in Spring 2004. The

has been asked by the joint committees of



final component—the CCTV web-based sur-

CB10 to “provide information about the effec-


veillance system—has become a highly

tiveness of surveillance cameras in deterring




Economic and


Committees to discuss their plans to place

charged issue.

According to records from the meeting,

One resident, who preferred not to be named,

BID—under the presidency of Barbara

said that cameras on 125th send a bad signal

Askins—met with CB10 to “explain to the

to community residents because they make

committees the limitations and controls on the

people feel violated. He also mentioned that

use of the surveillance systems in order to

cameras invade the privacy of those who actu-

allay fears about misuse and encroachment on

ally live on 125th Street. The logistics surrounding the 125th

In an effort to garner support, Ms. Askins

Street BID’s plans that have yet to be worked

mentioned that other BIDs, namely Fifth

out. According to Joseph Handy, co-chair of

Avenue, Gun Hill Road in the Bronx, and

the Uniformed Services Committee, specific issues such as the number


were using surveillance


safety. Joe Haslip, of the NYC


office, said that his office had been asked to contact these




January 26, 2004 6:30pm Dempsey Center 127 W. 127th Street Discuss Plans For Surveillance Cameras on 125th Street

inquire about the surveillance system’s effective-

mined by the 125th Street BID because Askins wanted to broach the issue with CB10 before proceeding with plans. However, the meeting records also state that the funding for the hardware,



ness. “We’re looking into these BIDs’ imple-

from the Upper Manhattan Empowerment

mentation process, the position of their cam-

Zone, must be used by October 30, 2004.

reached for comment.■ The Citizen will have an update on this issue in the January 2004 edition.

News to Use! Welcome to the sixth edition of THE CITIZEN, a monthly newspaper produced by and for the residents of Central Harlem.Your neighbors created this publication with the hope that everything in it would be news you could use—especially to be informed about what’s happening in our community and to become more active in the life of our community. We hope you will join us by participating in this forum. Speak out, in your own voice, on issues close to your heart. Write in and suggest story ideas or subjects you want covered in this publication. Call and tell us what you like or don’t like about the paper. Volunteer to write, edit, or research articles; provide illustrations or photographs; work on the layout; or help with distribution. We look forward to hearing from you. PAGE 1 Public Safety on 125th Street Read about the 125th Street BID’s public safety campaign and other initiatives on their website: http://www.125thstreetbid.com/; the office is located at 271 W 125th St.; hours: Mon-Fri 9:00AM5:00PM, Tel: 212-662-8999, Fax: 212- 233-7954. Contact Community Board 10, 215 West 125th St., Suite 340, Tel:212-749-3105, 212-6624215 PAGE 3 Know Your HIV Status Get free STD and HIV tests: the Central Harlem Health Center at 2238 Fifth Avenue or the East Harlem Health Center at 158 East 115th Street. Or call 311 to find HIV services outside of these areas.

eras, and also questions like ‘Who’s viewing

Therefore, Handy is spearheading a

the film?’ ‘How long is the film kept?’ ‘Who

Community Board 10 sponsored public hear-

has access to film?’ ‘Is there a relationship

ing to get responses from residents to the

with the local police precinct?’” Haslip said

125th Street BID’s plan. The hearing will be

that he expects to have findings within the

held at the Dempsey Center, 127 W. 127th

next couple of weeks.

Street, January 26, 2004, at 6:30pm. Invited

Get free screening services for breast and cervical

guests will include a representative from the

cancer at B.E.C.H located at163 West 125th Street, 4th

BID is one part of a four-step public safety

125th Street BID, elected officials, business

Floor, New York, NY 10027, 212-531-8000.

program, which involves increased security

owners on 125th Street, the police depart-

lighting, a safety education handbook, and an

ment, and representatives from the NY

This proposed plan by the 125th Street

Askins, at 125th Street BID, could not be

of cameras and their locations haven’t been deter-

cameras to enhance public

and monitoring of surveillance data.” Barbara

HAVE A JOYOUS HOLIDAY SEASON PAGE 2 Photo in Editor’s Letter The Painting is by Tree Williams @Triple Candie 461 W. 126th Street 212-865-0783

PAGE 3 Breast Examination Center Of Harlem PAGES 4-8

Support Local Artists & Merchants

TELEPHONE or FAX us at 212-876-5697 or EMAIL: [email protected], MAIL: P.O. Box 1588, New York, NY 10026

surveillance cameras on this commercial strip.


and preventing crime and guidelines for use

(photo: Holly’s eyes)

One concern is residents’ civil liberties.

civil liberties.”

and New York

From the Editor to do it. The one who embodies both the roughness and smoothness of masculinity. The one who’s always there ‘cause he knows the family structure would be weaker if he was not around. It’s a mother. Strong. Patient. Honest. The one who’s loving and overbearing. The one who takes care of things. The one who gives, and gives, and gives, and gives, and gives, and gives, and gives, and gives, and gives, and gives, and gives. The one who’ll take (but only her share). The one who’s prudent. It’s a grandmother: the one who’s old and old-fashioned. The one who’s wise. The one who’s still making all that greasy food, even though the doctor has told her many times that she’s got to cut back. The one who won’t listen. The one who says that she’s been eating this way since the 1930s and she’s not going to stop now. The one who goes to church every Sunday with a Bible in her hand. The one who wears pretty hats. The one who, when the temperature drops, pulls out her furs. It’s a grandfather: the one who’s old, but not old-fashioned. The one who still dances, and takes a little swig when the feeling hits him. The one who’s a deacon—the faithful one. The one with the biggest heart and the gentlest spirit. The one

t’s a Family Affair.” Do you remember that 1971 hit by Sly and The Family Stone? Well, I was a little too young to actually remember it, but I can recall my older brothers and sisters grooving to it. They all knew somebody who reminded them of the family that Sly sang about. That’s the feeling I get when walking up the boulevards in Harlem. No, this isn’t an all-thingsare-lovely-and-positive-in-my-Harlem-village type tale. It’s my attempt to articulate exactly what makes Harlem so intimate. It’s a father. Strong. Defiant. Bruised but not defeated. The one who talks about the good ole days, and King, Kennedy, and Jesus. The one who knows what must be done, and will break his back


who talks about the war and remembers segregation. The one who still reads the paper. The one who’s been going to the same barber on the same day for as long as he can remember. The one who still makes his wife smile. It’s an older brother: the one with the tattoo of a panther on his arm; the one who wears a Malcolm X hat (from the Spike Lee movie), and hangs a red, black, and green flag above his bed. The one who’s a philosopher and politician. The one who has read every book about every black person during every time period. The one who always talks about the days when we were kings and queens. The one who’s the entrepreneur—the man with the plan. It’s a sister: the one who complains about not having a man. The one who complains about all the brothers being gay or in jail or with white women. The one who complains about her job, her boss, her bank account, and her age. It’s a younger brother: the one who rarely listens. The one who’s too loud, too brash, and very naïve. The one who makes you shake your head, but you love him anyway (even though sometimes you want to knock him upside the head). The one whom you embrace ‘cause you know he’s got so much potential.

It’s an aunt: the one whom you could always trust. The only one who still appreciates the blues. The one who swings to Smokey Robinson and the Miracles. The one who cusses a lot, but loves her man even more. It’s an uncle: the one who still dresses in his furs and wears too much gold jewelry. The one who swears up and down that he’s still the most stylish of them all. The one who takes care of business (all of his bizness). The one who always smells good. The one who loves to joke. It’s a cousin—the traveler who embodies the entire universe. The one who has had a lot of schooling and speaks several languages. The one who’s comfortable “in her skin.” The one who has had many loves; the one who has never forgotten who or what is home. The one who walks like she belongs on a fashion runway. It’s a little sister—the beautiful one. The one who’s sweet and innocent. The one whose long legs and natural hair will, one day, make them knock on her daddy’s door. Do they sound familiar? If so, you know why. It’s Harlem. It’s a family affair, and we should give thanks.■ Glenda Johnson, editor-in-chief

ARTICLE DEADLINES January 2004 issue - December 26 February 2004 issue - January 12 March 2004 issue - February 18

Parting Time By Jerry Komia Domatob, Ph.d


TELEPHONE or FAX us at 212-876-5697 or EMAIL: [email protected], MAIL: P.O. Box 1588, New York, NY 10026



the A










THE CITIZEN office: 27 West 129th Street, New York, NY 10027 Tel/fax: 212-876-5697 Email: [email protected] http://www.theharlemcitizen.org













Mission Statement

Contributors Valerie Jo Bradley Jerry Domatob Clymenza Hawkins Musa Jackson Martha Mae Jones Shephard Lee Honey Walrond Hashim Warren *All photos by Glenda Johnson, unless noted Advisors Neighborhood Advisory Group, a collective of block associations, tenant associations, and community stakeholders, who work together to improve the quality of life in Central Harlem. Marie Dutton Brown Keith Faulkner Paul Vincent Hendricks Phyllis A. Lodge Nicholas A. Mottern A. Verde Tom Vitullo-Martin Supporters Edna McConnell Clark Foundation Gregory Pascal, Pascal Realty

But uphold ethics high as goldmines

Calling partners to account for deeds

And strive for excellence in dignities

With courage and conviction as warriors

Forge ahead with love and respect

Success smiles on all who battle failures

For none snatches your rightful dues

Each passing minute rings bye-bye bells

Despite adversities and adversaries

Alerting all to prepare for inevitable trips

Stick strong to your principles as tigers

Whether humans want journeys or sojourns

Show firm and fair flexibility as foxes

Life commands as judges’ hammers

But struggle unrelentingly as battlers

Unlike court cases no appeal stands

Despite hurdles be ready at all times

For the ruling accompanies arrivals

For reckoning bells knock fast sirens

Exit holds high pedestal on agendas

Tomorrows instantly flash to yesterdays

For you leave when the bell chimes

As time rolls past like Concorde planes

So work in faith and vision as lions

Presents quickly transform to pasts

Resolved to shatter irons and chains

As futures fast mutate to currents

Beat mountains and valleys as cruisers

Yesterdays, todays, and tomorrows cross

And pilot your path to fame as heroes

Asking legacies bequeathed to progenies

Dr. Jerry Komia Domatob is a journalist, author, poet, and writer. He is a professor of communications and has taught in several universities. He lives in Harlem.

THE CITIZEN is a community newspaper produced by and for the residents of Central Harlem.

Publisher Kitty Barnes Editor-in-Chief Glenda Johnson Marketing Manager Sherry Ellerbe Designer Daniella van Gennep

Parting time summons with jet speeds

It is meant to serve as a public forum, providing residents with a means to speak out, in their own words, on issues of importance to them. Its goal is to accurately and fairly report news, information, and opinions of interest and concern to A PRAYER FROM REVEREND LEE

the Harlem community and to advocate meas-


ures that will make life better for community resi-

Our Father, Thou hath abundantly blessed


this earth on which we live with great har-

The process of producing the paper is designed

vests. Thou hath provided for mankind all

to harness the existing talents and skills of

things needful. Bless those who labor in the

Harlem residents to help others develop and

fields. May we ever rejoice in Thy great goodness to us. Help us to not forgot all Thy

improve their communication skills. We encour-

benefits. This is a good land in which we

age Harlem residents to participate by sharing

live. As we move into another year, we

story ideas; researching, writing, or editing arti-

thank thee.

cles; providing illustrations or photographs;

May the words of the Psalmist be our prayer:

developing the layout; and assisting in distribu-




THE CITIZEN is your forum. We hope you will use it.


Be Proud, Stay Strong, Get Tested By Hashim Warren


still a high number who are

ed is an important factor that is keeping the

cannot be totally explained or blamed on eco-

engaging in risky HIV-exposing

AIDS death rate from receding. “An AIDS

nomic factors. Like those in many other black

behaviors such as intravenous

patient cannot maintain the strict regime

and Latino neighborhoods, we are still dealing

drug use and unprotected sex. However, this

required by their medication if they do not

with the stigma that comes with being HIV

y neighborhood, Central

seems to be occurring at a lower rate than as

have a stable, safe environment to live in,”

positive. Those who think they may be infect-

Harlem, has always rivaled

compared to other New York communities.

Oldham says.

ed rightly fear being shunned by their friends

other neighborhoods in New

So, if we’re being safer than most, why are so

He also points to a lack of access to

and family or being mislabeled as a drug user

York City with its rich cultural history and

many dying so soon? This is an especially

health care as a problem. Far too often, those

or homosexual. Even worse, men who really

beautiful architecture. However, according to

troubling question since we are in a time peri-

who are infected find out their status only

are having sex with men are not admitting

a recent neighborhood profile released by the

od where those who are HIV-positive can live

after they are hospitalized and the crippling

they are gay to their girlfriends and worse yet,

Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

longer and healthier lives thanks to the pow-

condition of AIDS has already set in. At that

not even their doctors. Because of this, they

(DOHMH), we have another distinguishing

erful medications available in the drug mar-

point, it is usually too late to begin a success-

never receive the special information and

mark: an AIDS death rate that is triple that of


ful treatment and they do not live as long as

counseling usually offered to openly gay

they could have.

males by AIDS educators.

the city’s average. And that is not a mark to be proud of.

Frank Oldham Jr., a citywide coordinator of AIDS outreach for Department of Health

The most unfortunate factor in our high

For those who would like to have a free

Though drugs and violence are consider-

and Mental Health and Hygiene, reasons that

death rate is that many of us are purposefully

STD and HIV test, there are two local clinics:

able concerns for parents raising their children

a lack of adequate housing for the HIV infect-

remaining ignorant about our HIV status. This

the Central Harlem Health Center at 2238

in Central Harlem, they must be equally

Fifth Avenue or the East Harlem Health

informed and aware of the dangers of HIV

Center at 158 East 115th Street. You can call

infection, which is one of the leading causes

311 to find HIV services outside of these

of death for young women and men in our

areas. Each clinic can test you, counsel you


community. In fact, twice as many of our neighbors—of any age—lost their lives last year to AIDS than they did to drug overdoses or gun shot wounds combined. Additionally,

By Martha Mae Jones

more neighbors died from AIDS, within that same period, than they did from diabetes or

about the results, and even help you to find stable housing if you are HIV positive. With all of that help, there is no reason not to know your status.■ Hashim Warren is a 23-year-old student in CUNY and a long time Harlem resident and

Bare trees of winter Do not linger ‘til the Spring To claim themselves whole

strokes. The health profile also showed that although we, in this neighborhood, are dying

community activist. He regularly updates a hip-hop





of the disease at an epidemic level, there is

Breast Examination Center Paints A Healthy Picture By Honey Waldron of advertising through art, we’re going to

survivors, B.E.C.H staff and supporters, edu-

increase the awareness of those who pass by,

The mural is funded by contributions

ness, the Breast Examination

cators, and young adults. According to

and of those who had no idea that such an out-

from the Aaliyah Memorial Fund through Set

Center Of Harlem (B.E.C.H) is

B.E.C.H, its aim was to serve as a model for

reach program existed. My personal feeling is

Up Women’s Network, Essence Magazine,

delighted to announce the Women’s Health

other social services and agencies interested

that we’re going to get through to the people

New York State Department of Health Bureau

Community Mural Project.

in using this unique technique to communi-

about the job that we do best, which is to

of Chronic Disease, Blockbuster, Johnson&

cate important messages about women’s

reduce the high cancer mortality in this com-

Johnson, and H&M.■

health care.

munity,” she said.

B.E.C.H, a community outreach program of Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, has an

many of their personal sketches.

Honey Walrond is an young journalist,

established reputation in the Harlem commu-

The goal of the Mural Project is two-

Painting began this year on the 16th of

writer, CCNY student, and a program director

nity for free high-quality care. Its aim is to

fold: first, to increase knowledge of women’s

May by Bryan Collier, who was commis-

of WHCR's (90.3 fm) HARLEM 411 (Friday's

educate women within the Harlem communi-

health issues with the ultimate goal of increas-

sioned to guide 40 women from the commu-

6-8PM). She's a Harlemite.

ty about the importance of having cancer

ing positive health behaviors among woman

nity to design the image, which incorporated

screenings, and about understanding various

in the Harlem community, and

health issues.

second, to address the emotion-

The Women’s Health Community Mural

al and psychological needs of

is on a 1,400 square foot outdoor wall on the

women during very difficult

side the H&M clothing store, which is located on 125th Street next to the plaza of the Adam

times and to support their heal-

Clayton Powell, Jr. State Office Building.


ing process through the use of

The mural is adjacent to where the Breast

In addition, the mural

Examination Center Of Harlem is located. (Its

speaks to the intergenerational

address is: 163 West 125th Street, 4th Fl.).

collaboration and creativity of

The Project started a year ago with 14

the participants. It also adds

weeks of workshops provided by B.E.C.H

beauty to the neighborhood and

health educator and mural director Alexandra

increases community pride.

Mitnick. The workshops focused on the

Diana Godfrey, the pro-

importance of women’s health, preventive

gram director of B.E.C.H, says

care, health services, and the ways to commu-

she is just elated to have this

nicate those issues through visual images.

type of advertisement, with

At the onset of the mural project,

such high visibility. “With the

B.E.C.H wanted to make it a collaborative of

mural project, which is a form Mural on the side of the H&M clothing store, 125th Street adjacent to ACPowell, Jr. State Office Building


TELEPHONE or FAX us at 212-876-5697 or EMAIL: [email protected], MAIL: P.O. Box 1588, New York, NY 10026


community members, including artists, cancer

o promote breast cancer aware-

Young Artists Put Their Best Feet Forward PCOG Gallery’s Paula Coleman talks about her E.merging Y.oung A.rtists Program By Glenda Johnson

TELEPHONE or FAX us at 212-876-5697 or EMAIL: [email protected], MAIL: P.O. Box 1588, New York, NY 10026


aula Coleman, of PCOG Gallery, wrote an article in the August issue of The Citizen about investing in the human capital of the neighborhood. There, she explained the need to hire community workers to renovate the gallery that she owns with renowned sculptor, Ousmane Gueye. With her E.merging Y.oung A.rtists program, she’s developing the talents of neighborhood youths through art education and practice. We stopped by PCOG gallery to talk to her about the latest show and about her roster of young talent. Glenda Johnson: What is the E.merging Y.oung A.rtists proArtists’ works from the E.merging Y.oung A.rtists Program gram? Paula Coleman: It’s a nonif they’re painting, then they learn about why we created the shoe art theme. profit children’s art program, with chilusing paint brushes, mixing colors, and GJ: Did all the children participate dren ranging from the ages of 5 to 12. basic painting techniques. in the show? Our mission is The artistic media that PC: We have 11 permanent students twofold: first, to are studied include mixed and 10 who audit. So the 11 permanent expose children in media, drawing, painting, students were in the show. urban settings to the photography, and digital art. The pieces aren’t named. The kids arts; and second, to GJ: How are the stucreated their work from things that give them the oppordent artists’ judged? inspired them. tunity to work with PC: By their project Everyone’s installation consisted of established and completions, class attenat least one shoe and a shoe box. emerging older dance and participation, GJ: Who are some of these emergartists. These artists behavior and teamwork. ing artists? teach and mentor Also, while the artistic PC: Robert Davenport, age 10; he them as well. quality of the work is started his shoes first. He was inspired by Most important important, because each the circus, which is why he used clowns though, the prochild has a different level of in his work. It’s tempura and acrylic. gram’s goals are to talent, progress is measured nurture and cultivate By Artist Robert Davenport by how well instructions are the natural talents of followed. the students. They come to understand the way GJ: When did the program begin? galleries work and the discipline it takes PC: In August 2002. to be engaged in the art process. Plus, GJ: How much does it cost? they get the pleasPC: It’s ure of working in a free, but we gallery environaccept donament, along with tions. I’m also great artists planning a who’ve also shown fundraiser here, such as my scheduled for partner Ousmane next year. Gueye, photograGJ: And pher Carrie Mae how are the Weems, and the classes strucBy Artist Navon A. Bird artist and novelist tured? Danny Simmons. PC: The classes are divided into GJ: Approximately how many stugroups of 10-12 students. They meet dents participate in the program? once a week on Saturdays for two hours. PC: Usually from 10 to 17. In these two hours, children are taught to GJ: Is this the first group show? work on individual and collaborative art PC: Yes. It was organized with the projects. Etu Evans Foundation. His foundation Also in these classes, they learn art sponsored a four day shoe drive to collect history and an introduction to that day’s Malcolm X. Blvd., between shoes for young people, ages 18-24. We medium. It is followed by a tutorial on decided to play on that activity, which is using appropriate art tools. For example,

Navon A. Bird, age 8; he was inspired by Native Americans; he was learning about them in school. The colors he chose invoke images of Native American headdress; the colors of the boot make you think of the land. His box has all the elements of the environment—the oceans, land, etc. Other artists were Aja Giles, 12; Jazslyn Saunders, 10; Amalie and Marina Seyffert, 3 and 6; Jenaba and Sirah Sow, 4 and 6; Sojouner Joy Travis, 5; Camera Ford, 9; and Terra Cary, 6. GJ: Was the art for sale? PC: Yes, and all will be sold by the end of the show. Each piece was $100. Some artists had drawings, and they were priced at $50. GJ: When does the show end and will there be another? PC: This show ends December 13. We’ll have a major fundraising and exhibition with a larger body of work. That will be in late spring. Also on exhibit, which will extend past December 13, are works from the two instructors: Chesiel John, a mixed media artist, and Diane Smith, a painter and illustrator. In the meantime, interested individuals can make tax deductible donations to our E.merging Y.oung A.rtists program at PCOG Gallery. Checks must be made payable to the Harlem Renaissance EDC, the fiscal conduit for the program.■ P.C.O.G is located at 1902 Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Boulevard, between 115th and 116th Streets. You may contact her at 212-932-9669 or email at [email protected].



129th and 130th streets

H A R L E M Dressin’

in Grand S tyle

By Martha Mae Jones







Doris Wooten, Jonelle Procope, Harriet

randview: the name conjures up


images of those with style and

Kenar Enterprises.

While keep-

grace. And certainly, that is the

And for 10 years,

ing an eye out for

mission of Veronica Jones, the owner of this



t r e n d s ,

With her savvy business sense and style

small, cozy boutique. “It exists to bring



Grandview’s selec-

concepts, Veronica is very much a role model.

sophisticated, quality clothing to the Harlem



tions veer toward

She is renowned for her tireless efforts on

community, which has been greatly under-

Seventh Avenue,

classic lines that

behalf of young people who are embarking on

served in this regard,” says Veronica. “And



are forever con-

careers in the fashion industry; she has men-

I’m honored and pleased that Grandview has



temporary. While

tored many through her association with

become a destination for a cross section of

B e r g d o r f

she carries casual

Black Retail Action Group (BRAGG) and

Harlemites who are delighted to be able to

Goodman, Neiman


Fashion Outreach, for which she served as

keep their fashion dollars in our community,”

M a r c u s ,

says that it’s the

she added.

Nordstroms, and



Among those who have honored her are



and eveningwear

Black Enterprise Magazine, The National

on the eve of this century after having helped

boutiques across

niche that she has

Black MBA, and the Harlem Business

to pioneer the revitalization of downtown



captured and that is


Nyack, NY. That was fourteen years ago.



most popular with

JC Penny national advertising campaign that

Now, she’s here and contributing to this com-

choice, she operates

munity’s spirit of renewal.

on a much smaller scale

Veronica opened Grandview in Harlem




Michelle Dudley.


her eclectic clientele.

Veronica Jones

Cole, Lu Sierra, Regina Taylor, Nina Freelon, Elsie Simmons, Cynthia Grace, and Shannon Ayers.

president for four years.

For two years, she appeared in a

celebrated African Americans in fashion.

Grandview’s holiday selec-

“I hope my experience will motivate oth-

On the cutting edge of fashion since

now, her expertise and contacts have made her

tions include: cuddly cashmere sweat suits,

ers to take an entrepreneurial path. There are

graduating from Kent State University and

a much sought after authority in both the retail

uniquely crafted patchwork bags and scarves,

millions of Harlemites out there ready to sup-


and manufacturing houses of fashion.

corset shirts, audacious leather and silk chif-

port Harlem,” Veronica declared.





Merchandising, Veronica’s pioneering spirit

Grandview specializes in clothing and

fon paneled dresses, tye-dyed and handknit

Representing grand style in Harlem,

has taken her to great heights. She entered

accessories that make a distinctive difference

sweater coats. Grandview, as one can see , is

the Institute’s Abraham & Straus executive

in every wardrobe. While Grandview carries

not an ordinary store for Harlem or for the

Grandview is located at 2531 Frederick Douglas Blvd., between 135th and 136th

training program early in her career.

such brand names as Flax, Michael Stars,

city. Prices range from $30 to $1000. Sizes


Store hours: 12-7:00PM, Tues. -

Afterwards, she quickly climbed the corporate

Womyn, and Nicole Miller, it showcases

cover 6 to 20.


Tel: 212-694-7324.

ladder to become an esteemed buyer at

many of the best black purveyors of style.

“I’m interested in fitting all of us,”

Gimbels in New York and Joseph Magnin in

Consider a few names: Stephen Burrows,

Grandview’s grande dame declares. Some of

Martha Mae Jones is a resident of

San Francisco, traveling the world and buy-

Byron Lars, Courtney Washington, Sandy

those whom she wardrobes include Sandra

Harlem and is the author of the Haikus

ing for 48 stores. She served as vice president

Baker, Edward Wilkerson, Dabanga, Toma


appearing in this paper each month.

Audrey Smaltz, Peggy Dillard,



Take A Stroll and Discover our Community’s Hidden Treasures By Clymenza Hawkins children’s bookclub. You can find the folup), wrap skirts ($40 and up). The emporium will also be open December 23rd and 24th during store hours. Free gifts with purchase, refreshments served. Sorry, no credit cards accepted at this time.


www.chrysaliscollection.com, fax: 212939-9738. Let’s head down to St. Nicholas to Sugarhill.

This charming shop features

beautifully handcrafted Moroccan home furnishings and accessories. You’ll have a hard time picking from the colors and patterns for your holiday dinner party. Items include: candleholders with stained-glass colored stems ($27 and up) and beautifully designed, Where We Live

colorful Moroccan dishes ($10 and up); photos on page 6. Sugarhill, 741 St. Nicholas

rom West 157th to Spanish Harlem,


($30). Other items (no photo) include: velvet

Ave., between 147th and 148th; Monday-

discover great gifts from shops and

cell phone bags with beaded strap ($18),

Friday, 10:00AM-10:00PM, Saturday,

artists with prices to fit any budget.

handknit wool scarves ($28), rabbit fur hand-

11:00AM-10:00PM, email: www.sugarhill-

Let’s begin this stroll with Paula Nixon,

bags ($80), young lady’s felt bags ($10), vel-

foryou.com; phone: 917-507-2046, major

19-21, Friday, 5:00-8:00PM; Saturday,

proprietor of Where We Live. On the corner

vet bags ($20). There’s something for every-

credit cards accepted take the 2/3 train to


of 154th and St. Nicholas, Paula turned the



2572C Frederick Douglass Blvd., between 137th






main floor of her residence into a shop offer-

Where We Live is open daily from

Be greeted by artist Shimoda in the

ing personal and home accessories “for the

serenity of her living room. Shimoda’s

[email protected]; phone/fax: 212-

soul.” This is her second holiday year featur-

December 15 to December 24, 1:007:00PM, 877 St. Nicholas Ave., @ 154th

Holiday Home Show features her jewelry

491-6726; major credit cards accepted;

ing a wonderful variety of gifts and merchan-



made of precious stones, pearls, and glass:

take C train to 135th Street.

dise for adults and children. Items in photo

[email protected];

earrings ($10-$85), bracelets ($45-$65), and

include: Votivo candles ($24), wood bowl

www.wherewelivenyc.com; major credit

necklaces ($65).

She also makes journals

and you’re in an African market. Their house-

($18), silver and crystal candle set ($40),

cards accepted; take the C train to 155th.

with visual art and rubber stamps ($10).

wares are both functional and decorative.


(Photo on page 6). Every purchase comes

And they’re also very resourceful in creating

and red striped suede vase ($20), wooden

Uptown Bookstore, L.L.C. Set in a commu-

with a giveaway box. Shimoda Accessories

new and inventive recipes with a variety of

frame ($60), and the large ceramic vase

nity bookstore offering bestselling titles and a

Holiday Homeshow, December 12-14 and

herbs and spices. Islamic prayer mats can Con’t on page 6

African candles ($10), rift vase ($10), orange






Step into Bakayoko & Sons Company

TELEPHONE or FAX us at 212-876-5697 or EMAIL: [email protected], MAIL: P.O. Box 1588, New York, NY 10026

lowing: journals ($10), visual art ($8 and

Take a Stroll

Con’t from page 5

from Kente to mudcloth. They

are currently sold out (ask

also make eye-catching bags

her about reorders), but

from their fabric stock. Canvas

there’s plenty of other jew-

and leather shoulder bags with

elry to beautify yourself.

adjustable strap ($45 and up).

Items include rings ($45)




and earrings ($45).

Exports, 121 West 125th

sterling silver triangle and

street, between Malcolm X

square bracelets ($18 each)


are also her signature trade-




Monday-Friday, 10:00AM-

Bakayoko & Son Company

marks. Second floor: Find

8:30PM; Sunday, 12:00 8:30PM, phone: 212-866-

Gina Blalock’s Harlem Charm Bracelet

Your Dream” can be purchased on posters

5190 fax: 212-665-9815, cred-

(photo on page 7). She says, “Everyone can

($10), tote bags ($20), black or white t-shirts

it cards accept-



($25), long-sleeve

ed; take A,B,C,D

without the headache of

shirts ($30), sweat-

or 2,3 trains to




squared.” The charms

($10 and up), and

include a brownstone

visual art on canvas


building, chicken and

($300). As one of

Princess Jenkins

waffles, and other trin-

his quotes states,


kets in sterling silver

“This moment is



more precious than


create them in 18kt







G r e t a Wallace

Sugar Hill

The three

floors offer bridal wear, stylish cloth-

brighten any floor in your home. Items

Kaarta Imports & Imports

ing for men

include: shredded coconut ($6),



small metal teapots in blue and



women, a café, natu-

green ($12), large marbled ($6), colorful reversible




She can also

Fifth Avenue, 212-9967980,

8649; take the 6 train to 104th Street, no


Sunday, 11:00AM-7:00PM; G Squared

credit cards excepted; take 2 or 3 trains to

also a visual artist and writer. Her work will


be featured in the new edition of Jumping The


“There’s a lot more going on / outside

Co., 2278 8th Avenue,


this box.” The Citizen published this quote



from an outdoor mural in the October issue.


That quote by De La Vega is available as a


greeting card ($5) at his Galeria. De La Vega


has written his visual art quotes on sidewalks,


murals, canvases, and paper. Settled in the

from semi-precious stones, ster-

heart of Spanish Harlem, the Galeria is a stu-

ling, and copper. Her sig-

dio and retail outlet. Such inspiring quotes as

nature Liberian stone rings

“You are your won investment” or “Become





country, West Africa,

Powoo designs jew

accepted. &

Shimoda’s Jewelry

Exports offers African fabrics

credit cards accepted.■

7:00PM, Sunday, 12:00-5:00PM; major

Main floor:

to 125th; no credit cards


Lexington Avenue @ 104th Street, 212-876-

Bakayoko & Son

212-749-6875; take A,B,C,D


accessories, and of (lots of it).

9:00AM-6:00PM; phone:



Clymenza Hawkins is the producer of


123rd, Monday-Sunday,


Chrysalis Collection greeting cards; she is





showroom, Thursday-Saturday, 12:00-


plastic prayer mats ($10-


Sistaphyre Kreations




stripped plastic teapots


Broom by Harriette Cole, due January 2004.






But a loan would be great.

Harlemade came about through my love of

MJ: What was Lenox Avenue like when

Harlem. At the time, I was doing graphics for

MH: When we started, there weren’t any

of people will encourage you and there are

other new businesses. When I say ‘new,’ I

those who will discourage you as well. But if

be cool to have a tee-shirt line.

mean those that are currently being classified

you want it bad enough, it can happen.■

MJ: What gave you the inspiration to MH: I’ve always envisioned Lenox Avenue as being like Columbus Avenue on

hree years ago, when Lenox Avenue

someone else’s establishment. In some ways,

the Upper Westside, with the coffee shops, the

lay in commercial real estate decay,

you might be up to the challenge, but in other

chic boutiques, and the sidewalks that make for leisurely strolls.

three pioneering entrepreneurs—

ways, you’re just a machine. Also, I realized as a black man working as graphic designer, I

Heyliger—pooled their resources and talent to

would never be fully challenged or rewarded.

MJ: What do you think about the ‘new Harlem’ and being apart of that? MH: I love it.

MJ: How did you get investors?

unique Harlem-centric items made by Harlem

MH: The money came from all of us

residents. This unique shop displays a pot-

partners—Pat, Kevin, and myself. It was very

pourri of items, including artwork by new

difficult to sell people the idea and have them

MH: At the Magic Johnson Theater

artists, quilts, pillows, books, vintage movies,

believe in it the way we did. So instead of

(124th Street and Frederick Douglass Blvd.)

jazz cds, and the coolest graphic tees celebrat-

spending energy attempting to find investors,

during the previews, starting mid-November.

ing Harlem’s rich culture.

we put it up ourselves. We realized that we

MJ: Where do you see Harlemade in the

MJ: You’ve just completed your first major ad campaign. Where can we see it?

could do it.

next three years?

Murphy Heyliger, Harlemade’s founder and

MJ: Have you been able to receive any

MH: I see Harlemade still going strong,

creative visionary, about the company’s

money from Upper Manhattan Empowerment

with perhaps one other store either here or in

beginning and plans for the future.

Zone (UMEZ) or a bank?

Atlanta. Through our products and merchan-

Musa Jackson: How did you conceive of the idea of Harlemade?

community activist.

start a business on Lenox Avenue?

difficult to be under the creative control of

Kevin McGruder, Pat Alfred, and Murphy

Musa Jackson is an entrepreneur and

as part of the ‘new Harlem.’

9 to 5 job. When you’re a creative person, it’s

On behalf of The Citizen, I spoke with

MH: If you have an idea, go for it. A lot

Exchange, etc. Then, I thought that it would

MH: I always knew that I couldn’t do a

open Harlemade, a lifestyle boutique with

any entrepreneurs?

well-known companies—The Gap, Armani

your own business?


MJ: What advice would you give to

you started Harlemade?

MJ: Have you always dreamt of starting

Murphy Heyliger

By Musa Jackson

MH: The answer is ‘no.’ All the steps

dise, we will always reflect on Harlem’s rich

and requirements seem like huge obstacles.

history and culture.


Daniel Dease

Courtesy of Chrysler Magazine

TELEPHONE or FAX us at 212-876-5697 or EMAIL: [email protected], MAIL: P.O. Box 1588, New York, NY 10026

The Galeria De La Vega

Model Kahshanna Evans with iconic afro tote and wearing revamped afro tee


Montgomery Hats. By Bunn.

Schomburg Center

The Scarf Lady One Good Thing Porgy & Bass

125TH STREET Studio Museum Gift Shop

2/3 train

Turning Heads Salon & Day Spa Settepani Bakery Xukuma





G squared Fine Jewelry The Brownstone

African Paradise Mobay’s Restaurant

martini set from Xukuma

Native Restaurant ST



charm bracelet from G squared



Hats. By Bunn.



A/C train


B/C train

2/3 train




shopping with me. You won’t regret it, and

You can find high end items too.


holiday party if it’s not scheduled on her work

shop for almost anything uptown,

those on the receiving end will love you for it!

Georgia Boothe and her assistant, Mieko,

days. By the way, Native will cater your hol-

including food. I would have to schlep

My first stop is Xukuma, which is locat-

will expertly gift wrap your purchases, so that

iday party with élan, or if your place is too

downtown on crowded subways and buses or

ed upstairs in a brownstone on Lenox Avenue

all you have to do is put the gifts under the

small, you can host a party at this eclectically

risk getting those God awful tickets if I dared

near 119th Street. Last year, I purchased most



remember when it was a pain to have to





to drive my car. Thanks to the “second Harlem

of my Christmas/Kwanzaa gifts there.


Harlemade is also on Lenox Avenue

renaissance” that has stimulated new home-

Xukuma, you can purchase wonderful scented

between 119th and 118th Streets. When I

and hors d’oeuvres that owner and chef Brian

ownership development and thereby brought

candles, unusual picture frames in all shapes

want to reinforce how special Harlem is with

Washington-Palmer offers up, and I am a

new commercial development, I can walk

and materials, funky/hip tee shirts and hats,

out-of-town family and friends, I shop here.

“regular” there for dinner and drinks with

within two to five blocks from my home to

cute and uniquely shaped vases, imported aro-

This store specializes in Harlem-centric items

friends and business colleagues.

purchase some of the most incredible gifts for

matherapy products for the bath and beyond,

made by Harlem residents. There is nothing

I make my way up Lenox Avenue at

pewter wine stoppers, precious linens for the

like co-owner Murphy Heyliger’s Harlem

120th Street to Settepani Bakery. This gather-

table, ceramic and hand-painted clay pots, and

motif designed tee shirts. They have become

ing place—owned by Leah Abraham and

numerous other items—all for under $50.

the Harlem rave. In addition, I take my tour

Antonino Settepani—is a favorite for Mount

guests here to shop for items that will make

Morris Park District residents who start their

them remember Harlem. You can find archi-

work day with a take-out cup of latte or cap-

tectural and cultural historian Michael Henry

puccino, and who spend their weekends there

Adams’s coffee table size books, Harlem Lost

reading the newspaper over a delicate pastry


& Found, and African American Style &

with coffee or tea served European style (table

Grace here. Also, a popular item is the New

side infusers for tea and oversized bowl-like

Sylvia’s, Bayou, Lenox Lounge, MoBay’s, Native, Apollo Theater, Sugar Hill Bistro, Revival, St. Nick’s Pub, Spoonbread, Miss Mamie’s Spoonbread, Max Soha, Sezz Medi, Faculty House at Columbia University, Kitchenette, Pioneer, and Fairway.

York Landmark Conservancy published book,

cups for latte). If you are lactate intolerant

Touring Historic Harlem: Four Walks in

like I am, Settepani will serve your coffee on

Northern Manhattan. You’ll also find post-

request with soy milk. On this visit, I pick up

cards of historic Harlem landmarks and

a pound or two of assorted chocolate truf-

celebrities, posters, stuffed dolls, videos of


vintage Harlem movies, and other unique

unsweetened powdered chocolate, or rolled in

Harlem memorabilia.

crushed almonds. They are placed in a fancy

Before I continue my shopping spree, I

octagonal box with gold elastic string tied in a

Correction: Celeste Beatty’s last name was

have to renew my energy with a drink at

delicate bow (just the right gift for someone

listed incorrectly in our last issue. It was writ-

Native Bistro. Located on the west side of

with a sweet tooth). If I’m too busy to bake a

ten as “Bailey.” Also, Robert Hale wasn’t

Lenox Avenue at 118th Street, you can get the

cake for Christmas, then I’ll come back to buy

noted as the photographer. We apologize for

best mojitos in town. They are prepared by

a couple of mousse cakes or a lemon tart as

the mistake and omission.

bartender Boi Jackson, who will bartend your

Con’t on page 8

family and friends. I am so excited about this new reality that I want to share with you. Come holiday

Robert Hale

Celeste Beatty’s Sugar Hill Golden Ale

Sugar Hill Golden Ale


French/Moroccan/Caribbean inspired entrees




TELEPHONE or FAX us at 212-876-5697 or EMAIL: [email protected], MAIL: P.O. Box 1588, New York, NY 10026


2/3 train

Val’s Shopping Continues


183 Lenox Ave., 212-

222-0490 NATIVE: 161 Lenox Ave., 212-6652525 my contribution to dinner with friends. They

Brownstone, I discover a nice collection of

Blvd., is a one-of-a kind boutique that carries

HARLEMADE: 174 Lenox Ave.,

make good gifts too!

hand-made, one-of-a-kind earrings in bronze,

the fashions of haute couture designer Jolinda


Continuing up Lenox, my next stop is

semi-precious stones like lapis lazuli, citrine,

Montgomery (who happens to design for the


Turning Heads Salon & Day Spa at the cor-

and carnelian that are priced just right for my

rich and famous). Not only are the clothes

Ave., 917-492-4806

ner of 121st Street. I purchase a gift certifi-

gift budget. Co-owners Princess Jenkins

phenomenal and stylishly chic, but the acces-


cate for a reflexology session. (By the way,

(buyer & stylist) and Greta Wallace (Simply

sories are equally as nice. While the rack

Lenox Ave., 212-828-4600

this is a great gift for the man who’s often

Greta designer) have outdone themselves

items seem to be geared for small women,


reluctant to pamper himself in this manner.

offering all manner of outrageously beautiful

some items can be made to measure for more

125th Street, 212-410-5294

Or, for the man who want to relax his woman,

sweaters, dresses, suits, slacks, and black tie

amply endowed sisters. The décor of the shop

MOBAY: 17 W. 125th Street, 212-

a certificate for the hot stone therapy session

attire to make your look uniquely special for

is equally inviting.

876-9300, Take Out & Delivery 212-

and an herbal facial is a winner.) I buy a “day

the holidays.


of beauty” gift certificate—reflexology,

Before walking to the 135th Street area,

Jones’ Grandview, located on Eighth Avenue


facial, and spa manicure and pedicure—for

I have to refuel. I do that at Porgy & Bass,

between 136th and 135th Streets. For that

Ave., 212-996-7980

my mother as a personal treat. Turning Heads

the newest restaurant on Lenox Avenue, on

special New Year’s Eve black tie event,

G SQUARED @ The Brownstone:

features a substantial array of Carol’s

the northwest corner of 126th Street. Karene

you’re certain to find a drop dead outfit here.

2032 Fifth Ave., 212-996-7980

2032 Fifth

PORGY & BASS: 321 Lenox Ave.,

Daughter products,

and Chip, the owners,

My last stop is Hats. By Bunn. located

so you no longer

carry the best gumbo you

on Adam Clayton Powell Blvd. between


have to travel to

want to put in your mouth,

135th and 134th Streets. Sisters always have




and that is what I order

to have hats, and this is the place to get them

Ave., 646-342-7389

them; they also make

with a big glass of hand-

custom-made to accommodate bigger or


great girlfriend gifts.

squeezed lemonade. Even

smaller heads and for cascading locks.

Ave., 212-862-7369

Also, for that friend

though they have some of

Designer Bunn uses an assortment of domes-




the tastiest fried fish this

tic and imported natural fabrics to create hats

Lenox Ave. 2nd Floor, 212-491-2206


side of heaven, they also

suitable for church or for casual wear. You


Ayers just purchased



have a treasure when you own a Bunn hat. (I

SHOP: 144 West 125th Street, 212-

a special selection of

accompanied with various

own several!) Gift certificates are also avail-


lock ornaments for

lip-smacking sauces. I cap



the holidays.

off my meal with an order

I could take you to many more places for

of Louisiana-style bread

hard-to-find videos, hand-made and custom



made shoes, and unique Harlem galleries, but

Douglass Blvd., 212-694-7324

I’ll save that for another column. Until then,


enjoy my selections!■

Clayton Powell Blvd., 212-694-3590




Now, I am on 125th






Harlem’s commercial

TELEPHONE or FAX us at 212-876-5697 or EMAIL: [email protected], MAIL: P.O. Box 1588, New York, NY 10026

Next, I make my way to Veronica

27 West

center. My first stop is African Paradise to

On my way to the 135th Street area, I

purchase a Kwanzaa kinara (candle holder

discover that One Good Thing (featuring art

similar to a menorah for Hanukah).

and soul collectibles), located between 128th


shop, which has an array of everything

and 129th Streets, is open!

African, has an interesting collection of

because owner Sydney Kai Inis usually

kinaras in hand-carved wood. In fact, you

opens by appointment only or when she is

will find a number of surprises here, like

hosting an exhibit opening.

fringed indigo tie-dyed shawls from Burkino

incredible things including furniture, clothing,

Faso, strands of rare West African trade beads

artwork, books, and jewelry. I bet you can

that can be used for uniquely designed Afro-

find one good thing in her tiny (but big in

centric jewelry for those who like to make

what it offers) shop. Through December 27,

their own gifts, and original art and wood and

One Good Thing is featuring an exhibit of

stone sculptures by contemporary African

John Rozelle’s artwork, Mixed Media: The

artists. (I have found some serious art bargains

Blues Project.

here, but you’ve got to know what you are looking at in order to realize a bargain).

408 Lenox


2531 Frederick 2283 Adam

Nearby on Lenox Avenue, at 130th Street, is The Scarf Lady. This boutique car-

Red Velvet cake. The cake is slammin’, and

most precious handmade scarves in fine fab-

so are the hand rubbed St. Louis ribs prepared

rics that owner Paulette Gay travels all over

to the specifications of co-owner Joe Barnes’

the world to find. She designs many of her

legendary family recipe. Just so you know,

products. Let’s also talk about all the pretty

Mobay has its liquor license now, and that

dresses you can find here. The sizes go from

enhances the experience at this new and styl-

no figure up to full figure. I turn west at 135th Street right at the

I could never forget The Brownstone,

corner of the Schomburg Center. I would

Harlem’s premier shopping emporium located

love to go in and browse in the gift shop, but

on Fifth Avenue between 125th and 126th

I will come back another day. Before all the

Streets. Before I check the apparel and acces-

redevelopment of Harlem, I purchased many

sories on the parlor floor, I walk to the second

of my holiday gifts at the Schomburg and The

floor and visit G squared Fine Jewelry and

Studio Museum gift shops. In both of these

Other Fine Things to purchase a pair of ster-

gift shops, you can find African-American

ling silver Harlem signature cuff links for my

books, catalogues of past exhibits document-

father. Gemologist Gina Ramcharan, who

ing African-American and African art and cul-

worked for 15 years at Tiffany’s, has created

ture, ethnic jewelry, posters, calendars, and

this newest Harlem-themed offering for the

nice gift items especially from the African


In 2002, Gina gave me a silver

Diaspora. The Schomburg has a nice collec-

Harlem charm bracelet, and I think I will treat

tion of South African N’debele gift items such

myself to some new charms that she recently

as beaded earrings, bracelets, pillows, and

developed. There are other interesting gift

bead-trimmed tee shirts.

items in G squared, and purchases are boxed

Montgomery, located on the west side

and gift wrapped. Back downstairs in the

of 136th Street on Adam Clayton Powell


Clayton Powell Blvd., 212-690-2166

She collects

ries Imani Jewelry in addition to some of the


2312 Adam

What a treat,

The next stop is Mobay’s take out for a

ish Harlem eatery.


367 Lenox

Adam Clayton Powell Blvd., outside offices of The Amsterdam News

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