Happening Upon Sonora

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 3,831
  • Pages: 18

Written by Rossin Wood

1. EXT. – DESERT HIGHWAY – DAY A torrential sand storm sweeps across the highway limited the distance of view to a few meters. Out of the sand the silhouette of a man appears and out strides a MASKED STRANGER. Before long the MASKED STRANGER retrieves a pocket watch from his jacket and flips it open. Thereupon the scene changes, but the exact view of the pocket watch remains-held by a different person. INT. – SHERIFF OFFICE – CONTINUOUS The office is small, but large enough to fit the sheriff’s desk, two chairs, and a few file cabinets. Sitting in front of the desk is the deputy who watches the sheriff look at his pocket watch. The bullish sheriff exhales before snapping the watch closed. SHERIFF The locals call him “The Loner.” A man we’ve been trying to capture for three years now. He’s murdered ten people; all with separate weapons, and up until now each weapon has never been recovered. DEPUTY Until now? SHERIFF Found this last week on his most current victim. The sheriff throws out a plastic bag onto the desk containing a cataloged dagger. SHERIFF (CONT’D) Used it to kill a Mr. Vasquez. When we came to the scene the dagger was still stabbed into his chest. DEPUTY He’s getting careless. SHERIFF No. It’s to taunt us. Not even a trace of fingerprints on it, or a clue to identify this guy.

DEPUTY Is there a correlation between the victims? Sheriff sifts through “The Loner’s” file with pictures of his victims and the crime scenes. SHERIFF No. It seems that every time he strikes he randomly chooses the target and location. DEPUTY Where was this Mr. Vasquez murdered? SHERIFF Just south of town. 2. EXT. - SONORA LIMITS - DAY The welcoming sign to Sonora can be seen, but doesn’t really have a hospitable look to it. It’s worn and most of the paint has faded. A red ’66 Chevrolet Camaro tears by leaving a cloud of dust in its wake. INT. - ACE’S CHEVROLET CAMARO - DAY Inside we see two young men, the driver (who is casually smoking a cigarette and has one hand on the steering wheel) and another who’s swigging a beer. Finally the one drinking takes his lips off the bottle and looks over to the driver. DANIEL We’re screwed, Ace. ACE I know, I know. DANIEL We can’t keep doing this; we have no cash, no food, and even worse I just finished our last beer. We should just go home. Daniel throws the empty bottle into the backseat with the others.

ACE We can’t go home, Daniel. There’s no one left for us back there. Ace pats the dash of the car. All we have is this Camaro dad gave us before he died. This is a bounty hunter’s life. We just need another break. Daniel looks out the car window at the desolate wasteland around the highway. DANIEL Well if we’re looking for breaks I don’t think we’re in the right place. I don’t think this town gets a lot of luck. ACE This is exactly where we want to be, trust me. Ace and through western church, general

Daniel drive down the main dirt road running Sonora. The makeshift town consists of a few styled buildings including a saloon, general store, and a brick hotel. Ace parks the car outside the store and both exit the Camaro.

Daniel looks up at the general store sign. DANIEL I don’t think we have the money for a souvenir, Ace. ACE I’m shopping for information. 3. INT. - GENERAL STORE - DAY The two bounty hunters walk up to the counter where an old man is sitting behind. The CLERK notices the two enter and stands. CLERK What can I get you two?

ACE I’m looking for a crime lord. He heads up the gang that controls the southern hills. CLERK Why would you be looking for him? Ace doesn’t respond at first until he takes a deep breath. ACE He killed my father. I heard he would be around here somewhere. CLERK I’m sorry to hear about your father, but I haven’t heard of anything lately. Do you mind me asking what you to do? DANIEL We’re bounty hunters, and we’ve been looking for a little work. The clerk looks at the two and then around the room before leaning forward across the counter. CLERK (Softly) If you’re looking for criminals you don’t have to go far to find them. Sonora’s saloon is always crawling with the scum, and the sheriff isn’t too happy about it either. His deputy and him have been a little preoccupied though. ACE With what? CLERK “The Loner.” EXT. - DESERT HIGHWAY - DAY “The Loner” walks up to a telephone pole with a wanted poster to see that he’s wanted for $100,000 now. He looks down the road to see that there’s a wanted poster tacked to every telephone pole for miles. You can’t see his face, but you know he’s smirking. INT. - GENERAL STORE - DAY

DANIEL The Loner? The CLERK slides the same wanted poster from before across the counter. CLERK He’s wanted dead or alive, but manage to bring him in breathing and the sheriff’s willing to shell out one hundred grand. Ace and Daniel exchange looks. ACE Where would you suggest looking for this guy? CLERK To tell the truth, I wouldn’t suggest looking for him at all. The reward has caught a lot of attention from your kind. I heard Andrew Nord’s asking around about “The Loner” too. Ace’s eyes widen slowly. ACE Did you say thee Andrew Nord? CLERK The same, and I wouldn’t want to be the one to get in his way either. DANIEL But let’s say we did, do you know anything about this “Loner” guy? CLERK “The Loner” is trouble, and if you’re looking for trouble in Sonora there’s nowhere better than next door. 4. EXT. - SALOON - DAY The sign above the covered porch reads ‘SALOON,’ but its obvious just from looking at the outside that it’s really HELL. The painted sign has chipped away to bear wood and

the metal has rusted over. Only the most wanted and ruthless criminals in the entire world hang out here. Ace and Daniel ignorantly enter. INT. - SALOON - DAY Inside criminals sit at a few of the many tables around the saloon floor playing poker or just drinking. Others are along the bar swigging bottles of alcohol and drown out their sorrows. There is an uncomfortable atmosphere of heat that is fought in vain by two lethargic ceiling fans. ACE Follow my lead. Daniel follows Ace up to the bar where they sit in two empty stools. Daniel exchanges an uneasy look from a man next to him with a long scar that stretches from his forehead and under an eye patch to his cheek. BARTENDER What can I get ‘ya? Ace opens his wallet under the counter to find only one bill left, which he pulls out and slides onto the counter. ACE Two glasses of whatever you got cold on tap. Daniel glances over his shoulder at the rest of the room. DANIEL (Softly) So what’s this “Loner” guy look like again? ACE According to the picture he’s wearing goggles, a hat, and a bandana over his face. DANIEL None of these guys fit the description. The camera dollies back to reveal a person watching the two bounty hunters sitting at the bar. It’s none other than ANDREW NORD who seems to be sitting with two other scoundrels.

SCOUNDREL Nord, come on! It’s still your turn! Andrew Nord’s stare is broken and he glances back over to his table. They’re playing cards. DEALER Do you want to hit or stay? Nord looks back over to Ace and Daniel, and without even looking at his cards answers. ANDREW NORD Hit me. SCOUNDREL Are you crazy, Nord?! You already have 19! ANDREW NORD Next card’s the two of hearts. Andrew Nord stands up from his seat and leaves his table. The dealer deals Andrew Nord his next card and hesitates before flipping it over. It’s the two of hearts. Damn he’s good. As he walks over to the bar next to Ace and Daniel violins begin to shrill. He takes a seat next to Ace as the bartender returns with the two beers that Ace and Daniel ordered. Ace notices ANDREW NORD and freezes with paralyzing fear. Before the bartender can leave Andrew Nord raises his finger and smiles devilishly. ANDREW NORD Glass of whiskey. The bartender nods and goes to fetch a glass. ACE (Soflty) TO DANIEL: It’s Nord. The two young bounty hunters sit quietly trying not to make a scene, but Andrew Nord begins to stare at Ace with a menacing intent. ANDREW NORD How’s the hunt?

ACE Huh? ANDREW NORD I said: how’s the hunt? ACE I don’t know what you’re talking about. ANDREW NORD Don’t play dumb with me; you’re a bounty hunter. You both are. DANIEL You must be mistaken. ANDREW NORD I’m never mistaken, kid. I know a bounty hunter when I see one, but from the looks of it you’re new to the game. Ace and Daniel don’t reply, but continue to sit nervously. ANDREW NORD (CONT’D) And your armed. Andrew Nord points to Ace’s revolver hidden beneath his jacket. ANDREW NORD (CONT’D) You are obviously tracking a bounty, so we return to my first question. How’s the hunt? Ace doesn’t respond, and suddenly Andrew Nord gets intensely serious as he stares. ANDREW NORD (CONT’D) You’re after “The Loner,” aren’t you? Well let me tell you what I told the others: get lost, because if you as much as try to find him I will hunt you down, and I have a great track record, bounty hunter. BARTENDER Shot of whiskey. Nord instantly changes personas to someone much warmer.

ANDREW NORD Thank you. The experienced bounty hunter casually kicks back the shot and reaches into his boat for a silver box containing cigarettes. ANDREW NORD (CONT’D) Cigarette? ACE Not thanks, I don’t smoke. Andrew Nord shrugs, lights one for himself, and shakes the match out before looking back at Ace. ANDREW NORD Interesting--your Camaro parked outside is littered with cigarette butts. Ace looks at Nord as if to ask how he knew the car was his. ANDREW NORD (CONT’D) I’d stay clear of “The Loner” if you know what’d good for you, or I’ll be seeing you soon. Farewell. Finally Andrew Nord leaves the bar and exits the saloon-the tense shrill of violins dissipating. The two bounty hunters break out into heaving panting and Ace runs his hand through his hair. ACE God almighty. DANIEL What are we going to do, Ace?! That guy means serious business! ACE I don’t know, Dan. Lemme think. The sound of the saloon doors swinging open can be heard off screen and Ace’s eyes widen without even looking. ACE Is Nord back?

Daniel takes a slow and cautious look back at the entrance and freezes. Ace notices Daniel’s expression and swallow’s his fear. DANIEL Worse. The devil himself has walked into the saloon--THE LONER. The masked killer takes a moment to survey the room before walking to a table in the corner. The Loner catches eyes with Daniel forcing the bounty hunter to quickly snap back around to face the bar. DANIEL (CONT’D) It’s “The Loner.” ACE You’re sure? DANIEL Positive. Ace takes a sip of his beer and takes a seemingly casual look around the room. ACE Yeah, that’s definitely the guy. DANIEL Are we still going after him? ACE I’m not going to have some old man tell me what I can and can’t do. We’re going to get this bounty whether he likes it or not. DANIEL How do you want to go about this? ACE We’re going to persuade him. DANIEL I don’t think a guy who’s murdered ten people is going to easily accept capture with a little persuasion. Ace withdraws his revolver and his holster and loads rounds of ammunition into it.

ACE Well unless he wants a round in his chest I’d think he’d reconsider. Ace and Daniel take one more glance around the room before looking back at each other. ACE Let’s go. Daniel takes one last gulp from his glass before they stand up and begin to walk over to “The Loner’s” table. The scene as the two nervous bounty hunters walk over seems to take hours--Charles Bernstein’s “The Surrender” can be heard as fate plays out. FINALLY they reach the table, and “The Loner” slowly tilts his head upward to look at the two. ACE You’re going to have to come with us. Ace holds his revolver out pointed across the table as a bead of sweat rolls down his forehead. “The Loner” doesn’t reply by continues to stare at Ace. DANIEL You’re coming with us unless you want this to get messy! Still no reply. DANIEL (CONT’D) Did you hear me?! Without warning “The Loner” kicks the table out forcing both Ace and Daniel onto their backs. The revolver accidently fires into the air causing a ceiling fan to fall onto a table of criminals. Immediately the saloon turns into a shoot-out as every gun-slinging criminal draws their firearm. Bullets begin to shatter glass and furniture all around the saloon. Ace and Daniel get back on their feet they notice “The Loner” is no longer sitting at the table. By now “The

Loner” has unsheathed a samurai katana and is skillfully slicing through every criminal. Ace quickly grabs his revolver from the floor and slides it into his holster before starting to run. ACE Let’s go, Dan! Both turn to retreat, but are unexpectedly stopped by “The Loner” who spears his sword through both bounty hunters and into the wall behind them. Slowly “The Loner” slides Ace’s revolver back out of the holster and turns to leave the two speared--leaving his katana behind. Overly dramatic music begins to play as the both bounty hunters die side by side--their revenge unrequited. “The Loner” exits the body-laden saloon. 5. EXT. - SALOON - SUNSET The sun has begun to set as if to pay homage to the death of the two young bounty hunters. “The Loner” pushes through the swinging doors and stops on the edge of the porch. Upon a horse, the last hope of Sonora has been waiting for “The Loner”--the SHERIFF. SHERIFF I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time. Finally I get a chance to blast a bullet through you. The sheriff’s trusty deputy is standing by his horse and is pointing his revolver at “The Loner.” SHERIFF (CONT’D) (TO DEPUTY) Get out of here, kid. I’ve seen too much blood split at the hand of this guy--this is between him and me. DEPUTY But... SHERIFF Get out of here! That’s an order. The sheriff pulls up a carbine rifle and points it at “The Loner” as the deputy reluctantly retreats. Tension rises as

the two prepare to fire--both with their fingers on the trigger. SUDDENLY the sheriff fires his rifle and “The Loner” darts out of the way and continues to dodge a series of blasts from the sheriff’s rifle. Running along the buildings and shielded by wooden columns, “The Loner” returns fire at the sheriff chasing him on horseback. “The Loner” abruptly stops and ducks into a building forcing the sheriff to double back. A silence fills the street as the sheriff scans the area before glancing up on top of the porch roof of a building where “The Loner” sprints out a window and leaps into the air. “The Loner” lands on the sheriff sending him off his horse. The two are forced into a stand off with both firearms pointed at the other. An uneasy atmosphere fills the street as they gauge the others next move. “The Loner” goes to fire, but is shot by the sheriff’s rifle first—sending him onto his back. It seems that this would be the END. The sheriff smirks and walks over to the body. SHERIFF Finally I get to look into the eyes of the killer himself. The sheriff kneels down to remove “The Loner’s” goggles, but is stopped COLD by the sound of a revolver firing. “The Loner’s” revolver is tilted up against the sheriff’s chest. The sheriff falls to the side allowing “The Loner” to stand up—-holding his bloody side where he was shot. “The Loner” throws his revolver to the side and retrieves the sheriff’s rifle before exiting. 6. INT. - CHURCH - NIGHT Sitting in the quiet church praying is a PRIEST. The doors to the church creak open as the deputy enters disturbing the lull of prayer. DEPUTY Father.

The priest looks up and stands. PRIEST What’s wrong? You look as if you’ve seen a ghost. DEPUTY It’s the sheriff. He’s in trouble and I have nowhere else to turn. PRIEST In trouble? DEPUTY It’s “The Loner.” EXT. - SALOON - NIGHT The deputy leads the priest to where he last saw the sheriff outside the saloon. There on the ground is the DEAD sheriff. PRIEST God rest his soul. The deputy leans down and close his eyes--removing the gold star pinned to the sheriff’s shirt. DEPUTY What do we do? Observing the scene the priest notices a trail of blood leading from the ground to the hotel across the street. PRIEST TO DEPUTY: Go home and sleep. You’ve been through a lot. Let me take care of the sheriff. DEPUTY No! I’m tired of being told to go. I need to do something--I know the sheriff wouldn’t just give up. PRIEST Please. There are time to fight and times for peace. You’re the last man of justice in this town. If you’re killed Sonora will never become what the sheriff dreamed of. It’s what he’d want.

The priest takes the sheriff star from the deputy’s hand and pins it to his shirt before patting his shoulder and sending him off. The priest looks up at the lone bright window on the second floor of the hotel and exits. 7. INT. - HOTEL - NIGHT “The Loner” sits on the edge of the bed with the carbine rifle on his lap and a lantern sitting on the windowsill. Someone starts to walk up the steps outside the room with black boots, and “The Loner” notices--aiming the rifle at the door. The sound of footsteps INSTENSIFIES. “The Loner” is now nervous for the first time in his life. The shadow of someone walking up to the door and standing directly outside appears under the door--the TENSION IS UNBAREABLE. Without warning bullets blast through the door sending shards of wood across the room, but misses “The Loner” by inches. “The Loner” darts across the room behind an armchair with his rifle pointed for the door. The bullet stricken door swings ajar with a long painful CREAK to reveal Andrew Nord standing in the threshold dual wielding two revolvers. ANDREW NORD So I’ve finally cornered the frightened mouse, and it seems the sheriff did a better job that I expected. Nord motions to the bloody bullet wound on “The Loner.” ANDREW NORD (CONT’D) He at least managed to injury the immortal man himself, but it’s over now. There’s nowhere to run from here, and now I’m faced with a decision. Either I take you alive or dead. “The Loner” is aiming his rifle for Andrew Nord.

ANDREW NORD (CONT’D) Drop the act. You’ve only got three rounds left in that rifle, and I don’t think you have the skill to kill me with them. “The Loner” continues to aim, and Andrew Nord shrugs. ANDREW NORD (CONT’D) It seems you’ve decided for me, and I don’t mind. It’s just going to be a little more difficult to drag your dead body to get the reward. “The Loner” FIRES! The bullet fired into Andrew Nord forces him back against the wall and nearly sends him to the floor, but Nord chuckles. “The Loner” fires again, but Andrew Nord still stands. ANDREW NORD (CONT’D) You’re going to have to aim for my heart if you want to kill me. There’s a long pause as “The Loner” concentrates and then fires the last bullet into Nord. It would seem that the battle is over as Andrew Nord is now deathly silent. “The Loner begins to stand, but is caught off guard--Nord lives and fires every round in his revolvers. The armchair has been torn and “The Loner’s” injured, but not lethally. Andrew Nord is now out of breath and reaches into his overcoat to untie his poncho. A plate of bullet stricken IRON is revealed covering his heart. Andrew Nord releases the plate to fall to the floor still steaming. ANDREW NORD (CONT’D) You put up quite a fight, but now you’re coming with me. A gun firing can be heard and Andrew Nord’s eyes widen. Blood drips from the bounty hunter’s lips and he FALLS showing the gun-slinging priest. “The Loner” slowly gets up as the priest walks in. PRIEST I’m not here to harm you. I know what you’ve done, but I’ve come here to ask you a favor. Please drop your weapon and stop this violence. You’ve come this far, isn’t that enough? Everyone who was after you is dead,

and I’m sure if you leave Sonora the deputy won’t hunt you. This blood bath has to end. Silence fills the room before “The Loner” reaches up and pulls DOWN the bandana from over his face--speaking for the first time in years. THE LONER I had a vision last night as I walked along the highway leading into town. I met an old man traveling in the opposite direction with a dimly lit lantern hanging at his side. From the light of the flame I could see his eyes through the darkness--they were weary. Tired from a long journey that carried him across miles and miles. He knelt down and leaned his back against a telephone pole, and extinguished the lantern’s flame with his fingers. He was finally able to close his eyes. I found myself envious that I was forced to continue my restless journey and this old man was able to sleep...it is now when I ask you for a favor, priest. Extinguish my lantern. PRIEST Excuse me? THE LONER If you had any mercy you’d pull that trigger. PRIEST But I can’t... The priest stops mid sentence and looks into “The Loner’s” goggles. Slowly he aims the rifle upward and FIRES! “The Loner” stumbles backwards and out of a closed window. The wide-eyed priest walks forward and looks out the window to see “The Loner” on the ground a floor below. There’s a PAUSE before the priest lowers the wick of the lantern sitting nearby until the flame is extinguished. THE END

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