Haleeb Marketing

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  • Pages: 54
CHAUDHRY DAIRY MILK Company Profile Chaudhry dairies limited were incorporated in Pakistan on April 9, 1984, as a public company. It is principally engaged in processing and sale of toned milk, milk powder and allied dairy products. The company is subsidiary of Nepak Marketing Limited. It started commercial production in 1986 with the launch of its Ultra High Temperature (UHT) treated milk, Haleeb. The board of directors is the sponsors of the company. The UHT business is inherently a high volume and low margin business. Begin a perishable product; fresh milk has virtually no shelf life without refrigeration. Pakistan experiences long and hot summers, which greatly limits the marketing of unpacked milk; most people cannot afford refrigerators to store milk thus necessitating its daily purchase. Because of adulteration there is no consistency in the quality of fresh milk available to consumers. Given these circumstances CDL has identified a demand for high quality, bacteria free milk which can be stored a long period of time without refrigeration. CDL, therefore, proceeded to position it self as a producer of pure, hygienically packed long life milk and hence HALEEB was introduced. The UHT treatment sterilizes the milk without altering its taste too much and renders it safe for direct consumption. The biggest advantage if the packaging is that the shelf life of this milk is prolonged to three weeks without refrigeration.

Year Of Establishment Factory Location Factory Area Number Of Employees Main Product Head Office E-Mail Address

1984 62 Km, Lahore-Multan Road, Bhai Pheru 24.25 Acres 800 Haleeb Milk Al Firdaus, 135 Ferozepur Road Lahore 54600 [email protected]

Quality CDL’s Mission “We are committed to the provision of nutritious, hygienically processed and packed dairy products to the community. We are committed to improve and sustain our reputation for quality in all our operations, whole maintaining competitive prices. We are committed to build and maintain loyal relationship which will bring out mutual prosperity to customers, suppliers, shareholders, employees and the community.”


Export Markets Serving several export markets including: • • • •

South Korea Bangladesh Afghanistan Central Asian States

Departments 1. Production 2. Marketing 3. Finance 4. Research & Development 5. Human Resources

Environmental Structure 1. External Environmental Purpose of HALEEB is to capture as much as market as possible along with the customer satisfaction

Supplies Haleeb is very much curious about its supplies the delivery of raw material required should be able to fulfill the market demand on time.

Market Intermediaries Agencies are the intermediaries for Haleeb, while transportation is the headache of agencies. 2. Internal Environment It concerned with the management, employees and internal queries of company

MARKET SEGMENTATION, TARGETING & POSITIONING Market Segmentation The process of dividing the total market for a good or a service into several smaller groups such that the member of each group are similar with respect to the factors that influence demand”

Haleeb’s Policy Haleeb segments its market according to different wants, buying preferences or product use behavior. They offer different Haleeb products for different market segments.


Market Segmentation 1. Geographic Segmentation Haleeb has utilized the local channels of distribution, which not only helped them in reducing fixed investment but would also give something in return to society in term of employment. The demand of Haleeb in urban areas is more than in rural areas, sale of Haleeb increases in summer seasons. 2. Psychographic Segmentation Changing life-style brought innovation to the market and Haleeb is well aware of these changes. The women in this region represent a large portion of the society and for them product are really important for family and a part of their lifestyles. Similarly the courteous and friendly attitude of people made Haleeb the choice of serving tables. 3. Demographic Segmentation Haleeb frequently conduct constructive demographic surveys in order to get the clear picture about various market segments and forecast the future sales of the company. Mostly they use age, income, gender, social class, and occupation for demographic segmentation. Target market strategies After a company has segmented a market management must select a market, management must select one or more segments as its target market. Haleeb offers various varieties like milk, yogurt, tea-max, and juices for different segments. Multiple segment strategies Haleeb adopted multiple segment strategy. It develops a separate marketing mix to reach each targeted segment e.g. Haleeb offers various products for different segments like milk, yogurt, tea mix, juice etc. Positioning “A position is the way a firm’s product, brand, or organization is viewed relative to the competition by current and prospective customers”. Haleeb’s positioning Positioning is the image of a product or a firm in the eyes of the customers in relation to the competitor's product and for products offered by the same firm. Haleeb varies its positioning strategies from time to time depending upon the 3

market situation. The most recent positioning adopted by Haleeb can be summarized by its Slogans used for different products. Positioning in Relation to Competitors Haleeb and Nestle are the two major players of milk industry in Pakistan. Both have devised their own positioning strategies in accordance with customer’s needs and wants. Nestle puts more emphasis on the taste of the milk inside while Haleeb highlights the quality and purity, by presenting Haleeb as a part and parcel of the people health styles as they say Haleeb “ The thickest milk”. PRICING STRATEGIES New Product Pricing There are two new product-pricing strategies. 1. Market Skimming Setting high initial prices for new product to skim revenue layer. Quality and image support the higher prices to attract interested consumers. Competitors should not be able to enter market 2. Market Penetration

Set low initial prices to penetrate into the market share PRICE ADJUSTMENTS Discount and allowances Deductions from the base price to reward customers Price Discrimination Discounts and allowances to allow various or different customers regarding different products and locations. Special Pricing Strategies and Situations • Psychological Adjusting prices for psychological effects. Rs.299 Vs Rs.300 • Product line pricing Developing product lines for introducing pride steps rather than single product 4

• Captive product pricing Pricing products that must be used with the main product • Product bundling pricing Pricing bundles of products sold together Place decision • Distribution Channel • Market Coverage • Specific channel members • Inventory Management • Warehousing • Distribution Centers • Order Processing • Transportation • Reserve logistics PROMOTION Promotion is the specific mix of advertising, sales promotion and public relations used by a company to peruse its advertising and marketing objectives. Promotion decisions are related to communicating and selling to potential consumers. OBJECTIVES OF PROMOTION A target audience can be in any of the six stages of buying readiness. • Awareness • Knowledge • Liking • Preference • Conviction • Purchase These are called hierarchy of effects Awareness: The seller’s task is to let the buyers know that the product or brand exists. The objective is to build familiarity with the product and the brand name. Knowledge Going beyond awareness to learning about a product features. 5

Liking How the market feels about the product Preference Distinguishing among brands such that the market finds your brand more attractive than alternatives. Conviction Making actual decision or commitment to purchase. Purchase Finally buying the product PROMOTION MIX • Advertising • Public Relations • Personal Selling • All other sales promotions Promotion Strategies Advertising: Any non-personal paid form of communication using any form of mass media. It involves three important notions Reach Is the percentage of the target market, which is affected by your advertisement? Frequency Is the number of time a person is exposed to your message? Message: Sometimes, it is called a creative. It gets attraction, capture interest, create desire and finally require action Public relations: Involves developing positive relationships of public with the organization via media.

Sales promotion:


Commonly used to obtain an increase in sales. Could involve using money off coupons or special offers and discounts. Personal selling: Selling a product service one to one. Direct Mail: There has been a massive growth in mail campaigns over the last 5 years


Research Hypothesis: Knowledge rarely advances on the basis of one test of single hypothesis. In fact, it is easy to get distorted picture of the research process by focusing on a single research project that tests one hypothesis. Knowledge develops over time as researchers throughout the scientific community test many hypotheses. It grows from shifting and winnowing through many hypotheses. Each hypothesis represents an explanation of a dependent variable. If the evidence fails to support some hypothesis they are gradually eliminated from consideration. Those that receive support remain in contention theorists and researchers constantly create new hypothesis to challenge that have received support. Support for a hypothesis in one research project is not sufficient for them to accept. The principle of replication says that a hypothesis needs several tests with consistent and repeated support to gain broad acceptance. Another way to strengthen confidence in a hypothesis is to test related causal linkage in the theory from which it comes. The strongest contender or the hypothesis with the greatest empirical support is accepted at the time. The logic suggests that the alternatives we test a hypothesis against, the greater our confidence in it.

Hypothesis H1: Are Consumers highly satisfied with Haleeb? H0: Are Consumers not highly satisfied with Haleeb? Indicators Following are the indicators used by us to measure the satisfaction of consumers. 1. Quality 2. Packaging (tetra pack) 3. Durability (Safe Milk) 4. Easy availability 5. Nutrient Level 6. Germ Free 7. Vitamins and protein 8. Better Advertisement (Color Scheme, Slogan, Visual) 9. Thickness 10. Fair price



To find out awareness of packed milk.

Consumer’s recall

Consumer’s recognition of different packed milk.

HALEEB’S image in the mind of consumers.

Different benefits/characteristics preferred in ideal packed milk.

Consumer’s associations of HALEEB MILK


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Researchers Methodology include the tools and techniques of collection of data, this is applied particularly for testing the hypothesis. To begin with many generalizations are predicted on the basis of some facts. But theses generalizations can be untrue. Thus because of removing the faulty and wrong judgment so, researcher needs some sort of tools and techniques. The researchers do not and cannot proceed to verify the facts without techniques of the research. He selects his limited universe, draws sample, and uses schedule and other standardized tools for observation. Here in accordance with the procedure he is supposed to conduct his research without bias. So likewise he is supposed to support his hypothesis but works with these tools and techniques, which save the researcher to be biased. The hypothesis may be accepted or rejected with the support of data. With the aim of this view the researchers explains tools and techniques, which they applied to research.



To define it for the preliminary measures “It is a set of individuals constitutes a population or universe”. According to this definition a research cannot proceed without a set of individuals. So likewise we selected the Lahore city as our universe.

SAMPLING PALN The term sampling plan implies to the procedure to delimit the universe and to take the representative units. Gender Both male and female

Occupation  Students  Job Holders  House Holds  Working Women  Business Men Sample Size Our sample size consists of 50 respondents.

Data collection procedure For the collection of data we personally went to the respondents and requested them to fill the questionnaire. Data collection technique We have used quantitative technique. We have used questionnaire as an instrument for gathering information for respondents that were from different age groups, different income level and occupation level.


Interviewing Schedule: A tentative schedule of the questions was formulated. The pre-testing was done deliberately to measure the attitude of the people concerned.

Data Interpretation Tools: Following software’s have been used during analysis of data. 1. 2. 3. 4.

SPSS Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word Manual statistical calculations have been applied

FINDINGS Brand recall: Brand recall of HALEEB is better and quite satisfactory among all other brands, the second brand which consumer recall after HALEEB is MILKPAK / Nestle. Preference: The preference of HALEEB is better than the other brands of packed milk. Association: The attributes, which are unique and favorable about HALEEB held in the mind of consumers, are  

Quality Taste


   

Durability Vitamin and protein Thickness Packaging (tetra pack)

Usage Images: HALEEB mostly uses in well-educated families for dinking and making tea. Likelihood: The likelihood is very good consumer likes HALEEB, because of his taste and good quality. The taste and quality are highly associated, while thickness and packaging are associated, But the associations, which are strong, are 



Known brand

Satisfaction Level: In our research we found the level of satisfaction of consumers about Haleeb is very high according to survey results we found 48 out of 150 respondents who respond to be satisfied with Haleeb. 18 were fully satisfied and 16 were somewhat satisfied. Advertising Success: STATISTICAL INFERENCES Chi -Square Method H1: There is association between respondent of belonging to different occupations regarding the satisfaction with Haleeb Milk. H0: There is no association between respondent of belonging to different occupation regarding the satisfaction with Haleeb Milk . Level of significance α =0.05 Test statistics χ2 = ∑ (ƒ0- ƒe ) ƒe

Calculations 13

Observed frequencies Occupation student household Working women Business man Job holder Total

Completely satisfied 5 3 7 9 3 27

Level of satisfaction satisfie Some what neutral dissatisfied Total d satisfied 12 2 3 2 24 6 4 2 2 17 10 9 5 6 37 25 19 72

2 7 24

1 3 14

0 3 13

37 35 150

Expected Frequencies occupation

student household Working women Business man Job holder Total

Level of satisfaction Completely satisfied 4.32 3.06 6.66

satisfie d 11.52 8.16 17.76

Some what satisfied 3.84 2.72 5.92

6.66 6.3 27

17.76 16.8 72

5.92 5.6 24

ƒ0 5 3 7 9 3 12 6 10 25 19

ƒe 4.32 3.06 6.66 6.66 6.30 11.52 8.16 17.76 17.76 16.8

ƒ0- ƒe 0.68 -0.06 0.34 2.34 -3.3 O.48 -2.16 -7.76 7.24 2.2

neutral dissatisfied Total 2.24 1.60 3.45

2.08 1.47 3.30

24 17 37

3.45 3.3 14

3.30 3.03 13

37 35 150

(ƒ0- ƒe)2 ∕ ƒe 0.1574 0.00117 0.01736 0.8222 1.7286 0.02 0.5618 3.3906 2.9514 0.28809 14

2 4 9 2 7 3 2 5 1 3 2 2 6 0 3

3.84 2.72 5.92 5.92 5.6 2.24 1.60 3.45 3.45 3.3 2.08 1.47 3.30 3.30 3.03 Total

-1.84 1.28 3.08 -3.92 1.4 0.76 0.4 1.55 -2.45 -o.3 -0.08 0.53 2.7 -3.3 -0.03

0.8817 0.6023 1.6024 2.5957 0.35 0.3393 0.1000 0.6522 1.7798 0.02727 0.003077 0.1918 2.20909 3.3 0.000297 24.54355

Critical region V = degree of freedom = (r -1) (c- 1) = (5 -1) (5 – 1) = 16 (0.05,16)=26.3 Conclusion: since the calculated value is less than the table value so we can say that we are 95% confidence that the people belonging to the different occupations are satisfied with the Haleeb Milk. While using Phi – Coefficient we have come to know that the exact relationship between these respondents is 40%.

Observed Frequencies Income level Less than10,000 10,000-14,999 15,000-19,999 20,000-29,999 30,000-39,999 40,000-59,999

Completely satisfied 9 5 0 1 2 0

satisfie d 24 14 10 9 6 2

Some what satisfied 3 2 2 3 10 4

neutral dissatisfied Total 2 0 0 2 4 0

0 0 0 2 4 3

38 21 12 17 26 9 15

60,000-79,999 80,000-99,999 100,000 or above Total

0 2 8 27

2 4 1 72

0 0 0 24

4 2 0 14

0 4 0 13

6 12 9 150

Expected Frequencies Income level Less than10,000 10,000-14,999 15,000-19,999 20,000-29,999 30,000-39,999 40,000-59,999 60,000-79,999 80,000-99,999 100,000 or above Total

Completely satisfie satisfied d 6.84 18.24 3.78 10.08 2.16 5.76 3.06 8.16 4.68 12.39 1.62 4.32 1.08 2.88 2.16 5.76 1.62 4.32 27 72

ƒ0 9 5 0 1 2 0 0 2 8 24 14 10 9 6 2 2 4 1 3 2 2

ƒe 6.84 3.78 2.16 3.06 4.68 1.62 1.08 2.16 1.62 18.24 10.08 5.76 8.16 12.48 4.32 2.84 5.76 4.32 6.08 3.36 1.92

Some what satisfied 6.08 3.36 1.92 2.72 4.16 1.44 0.96 1.92 1.44 24

ƒ0 - ƒe 2.16 1.22 -2.16 -2.06 -2.68 -1.62 -1.08 -0.16 6.38 5.76 -3.92 -4.24 -0.84 -6.48 -2.32 -0.88 -1.76 -3.32 -3.08 -1.36 0.04

neutral dissatisfied Total 3.55 1.96 1.24 1.59 2.43 .84 .54 1.12 .78 14

3.29 1.82 1.04 1.47 2.25 .78 .52 1.04 .78 13

38 21 12 17 26 9 6 12 9 150

(ƒ0 - ƒe)2 ∕ ƒe 0.68 0.39 2.16 1.38 1.53 1.62 1.08 0.01 25.12 1.8189 1.5244 3.12 0.086 3.36 1.245 0.268 0.5377 2.55 1.56 0.55 0.00083


3 10 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 4 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 2 4 3 0 4 0

2.72 4.16 1.44 .94 1.92 1.44 3.55 1.96 1.24 1.59 2.43 09.84 0.54 1.12 0.78 3.29 1.82 1.04 1.47 2.25 0.78 0.52 1.04 0.78 Total

0.28 5.84 2.56 -0.96 -1.92 -1.44 -1.55 -1.96 -1.24 0.41 1.57 -0.894 3.16 0.88 -0.78 -3.29 -1.80 -1.04 0.53 1.75 1.22 -0.52 -2.96 -0.78

0.02 8.198 4.55 0.96 1.92 1.44 1.20125 1.96 1.24 0.205 0.6162 0.89 2.9929 0.3872 0.780 0.290 1.82 1.04 0.1405 .07657 1.6428 0.520 2.1904 0.78 87.89138

Critical Region For α=0.05



Using Fisher Approximation we got


χ2 (0.05, 150) = 1/2 1.645+


[1.645+17.2916] = 1/2 [18.9366] = 1/2





= 1/2(358.5954) = 179.29


FINDINGS Brand recall: Brand recall of HALEEB is better and quite satisfactory among all other brands, the second brand which consumer recall after HALEEB is MILKPAK / Nestle. Preference: The preference of HALEEB is better than the other brands of packed milk. Association: The attributes, which are unique and favorable about HALEEB held in the mind of consumers, are      

Quality Taste Durability Vitamin and protein Thickness Packaging (tetra pack)


Usage Images: HALEEB mostly uses in well-educated families for dinking and making tea. Likelihood: The likelihood is very good consumer likes HALEEB, because of his taste and good quality. The taste and quality are highly associated, while thickness and packaging are associated, But the associations, which are strong, are 



Known brand

Satisfaction Level: In our research we found the level of satisfaction of consumers about HALEEB is very high according to survey results we found 48 out of 150 respondents who respond to be satisfied with Haleeb. 18 were fully satisfied and 16 were somewhat satisfied. Advertising Success: Haleeb has successfully been targeting its consumers through its advertising campaigns, advertisement recall is very high 40 respondents out of 150 said that advertising was very good, 31 say that it was fair and according to 30 respondents it was very good. So as a whole consumer are being targeted by Haleeb very wisely. Marketing Mix: HALEEB is playing with its 4 P's • Product • Price • Place • Promotion Very intelligently; it is delivering value throughout the network. • Distributors • Wholesalers • Retailers • End consumers


Availability of product has been made sure throughout the country through its strong distribution channels. Consumer's responses about the availability of product showed following figures • 98 respondents said that product is available all the time • 33 said that it is available most of the times • 17 said that it is available some of the times

Personal Profile (a) Frequency Table ge nde r


male female Total

Frequency 81 69 150

Percent 54.0 46.0 100.0

Valid Percent 54.0 46.0 100.0

Cumulative Percent 54.0 100.0

Statistics gender N

Valid Missing

Mean Median Std. Deviation Variance

150 0 1.46 1.00 .50 .25

(b) 20

marital status


single married Total

Frequency 94 56 150

Percent 62.7 37.3 100.0

Valid Percent 62.7 37.3 100.0

Cumulative Percent 62.7 100.0

Statistics marital status N

Valid Missing

Mean Median Std. Deviation Variance

150 0 1.37 1.00 .49 .24

(C) age


Frequency 5 - 9 years 10 10 - 14 years 4 15 - 19 years 8 20 - 29 71 30 - 39 29 40 -49 18 50 or above 10 Total 150

Percent 6.7 2.7 5.3 47.3 19.3 12.0 6.7 100.0

Valid Percent 6.7 2.7 5.3 47.3 19.3 12.0 6.7 100.0

Cumulative Percent 6.7 9.3 14.7 62.0 81.3 93.3 100.0


Statistics age N

Valid Missing

Mean Median Std. Deviation Variance

150 0 4.33 4.00 1.39 1.94

5 - 9 years 50 or above

10 - 14 years 15 - 19 years

40 -49

30 - 39

20 - 29



income in rupe e s


Frequency less than 10000 38 10000 - 14,999 21 15,000 - 19,999 12 20,000 - 29,999 17 30,000 - 39,999 26 40,000 - 59,999 9 60,000 - 79,999 6 80,000 - 99,999 12 100,000 or above 9 Total 150

Percent 25.3 14.0 8.0 11.3 17.3 6.0 4.0 8.0 6.0 100.0

Valid Percent 25.3 14.0 8.0 11.3 17.3 6.0 4.0 8.0 6.0 100.0

Cumulative Percent 25.3 39.3 47.3 58.7 76.0 82.0 86.0 94.0 100.0

Statistics income in rupees N Valid Missing Mean Median Std. Deviation Variance Range

150 0 3.91 4.00 2.55 6.51 8

100,000 or above 80,000 - 99,999 less than 10000 60,000 - 79,999 40,000 - 59,999

10000 - 14,999

30,000 - 39,999

15,000 - 19,999

20,000 - 29,999

(e) 23



Missing Total

student household working woman business man job holder Total System

Frequency 21 17 37 37 35 147 3 150

Percent 14.0 11.3 24.7 24.7 23.3 98.0 2.0 100.0

Valid Percent 14.3 11.6 25.2 25.2 23.8 100.0

Cumulative Percent 14.3 25.9 51.0 76.2 100.0

Statistics occupation N Mean Median Std. Deviation Variance Range

Valid Missing

147 3 3.33 3.00 1.34 1.80 4

Missing student job holder


business man w orking w oman


Q#1 while using packe d milk which brand come s into your mind


Frequency Haleeb 94 Nestle 26 Milk Pack 21 Every day 5 prime 4 Total 150

Percent 62.7 17.3 14.0 3.3 2.7 100.0

Valid Percent 62.7 17.3 14.0 3.3 2.7 100.0

Cumulative Percent 62.7 80.0 94.0 97.3 100.0

Statistics while using packed milk which brand comes into your mind N Valid 150 Missing 0 Mean 1.66 Median 1.00 Std. Deviation 1.02 Variance 1.03 Range 4

prime Every day Milk Pack

Nestle Haleeb

Explanation: 25

This graph shows that Haleeb has good brand reputation and is well entrenched in market

Q#2 How much are you satisfie d with Hale e b?


Frequency Completely Satisfied 27 satisfied 72 somewhat satisfied 24 Neutral 14 Dissatisfied 13 Total 150

Percent 18.0 48.0 16.0 9.3 8.7 100.0

Valid Percent 18.0 48.0 16.0 9.3 8.7 100.0

Cumulative Percent 18.0 66.0 82.0 91.3 100.0

Statistics How much are you satisfied with Haleeb? N Valid 150 Missing 0 Mean 2.43 Median 2.00 Std. Deviation 1.15 Variance 1.32

Dissatisfied Completely Satisfied Neutral

somew hat satisfied



Explanation: while interviewing the respondents we observed that 18% respondents are completely satisfied with Haleeb Milk, while 48% are satisfied and 20% are somewhat satisfied and 16% are neutral and only 8% are dissatisfied. It shows that great percentage of consumers is over all satisfied with Haleeb Milk.

Q#3 to what e xte nt product is easily av ailable .


Missing Total

All the times Most of time Some of times Total System

Frequency 98 33 17 148 2 150

Percent 65.3 22.0 11.3 98.7 1.3 100.0

Valid Percent 66.2 22.3 11.5 100.0

Cumulative Percent 66.2 88.5 100.0

Statistics to what extent product is easily available. N Valid 148 Missing 2 Mean 1.45 Median 1.00 Std. Deviation .69 Variance .48


Some of times Most of time Missing

All the times

Explanation: From the above graph it is clear that Haleeb Foods Ltd has good distribution system to make the product easily available.

Q # 4 (a) Quality of product


Frequency Excellent 41 Very Good 56 Good 31 Saisfactory 12 poor 10 Total 150

Percent 27.3 37.3 20.7 8.0 6.7 100.0

Valid Percent 27.3 37.3 20.7 8.0 6.7 100.0

Cumulative Percent 27.3 64.7 85.3 93.3 100.0


Statistics Quality of product N Valid Missing Mean Median Std. Deviation Variance

150 0 2.29 2.00 1.15 1.32




Quality of product Excellent


Very Good Good



Saisfactory 0


Completely Satisfied

somew hat satisfied




How much are you satisfied with Haleeb?

Explanation: The above Frequency table shows that greater number of consumers is satisfied with Haleeb Milk, while only 8% are saying that Haleeb Milk has poor Quality.


Q # 4 (b) Packaging Percent 29.3 31.3 31.3 4.7 3.3 100.0

Valid Percent 29.3 31.3 31.3 4.7 3.3 100.0

Cumulative Percent 29.3 60.7 92.0 96.7 100.0

Statistics Packaging N

Valid Missing

150 0 2.21 2.00 1.03 1.05

Mean Median Std. Deviation Variance



Packaging 20 excellent Very Good 10



Frequency excellent 44 Very Good 47 Good 47 Satisfactory 7 Poor 5 Total 150

Good Satisfactory



Completely Satisfied

somew hat satisfied




How much are you satisfied with Haleeb?


Explanation: The above graph shows that Haleeb Milk has very good packaging particularly tetra pack is liked by consumers because with this packaging the milk is safe and it is easy to open and use.

Q # 4 (c) Durability


Frequency Excellent 14 Very good 67 Good 50 Satisfactory 15 Poor 4 Total 150

Percent 9.3 44.7 33.3 10.0 2.7 100.0

Valid Percent 9.3 44.7 33.3 10.0 2.7 100.0

Cumulative Percent 9.3 54.0 87.3 97.3 100.0

Statistics Durability N Mean Median Std. Deviation Variance

Valid Missing

150 0 2.52 2.00 .90 .80




Durability 20 Excellent Very good



Good Satisfactory



Completely Satisfied

somew hat satisfied




How much are you satisfied with Haleeb?

Explanation: Because of six layer packaging of tetra pack the Milk is considered more durable and safe from germs.

Q # 4 (d) Nutrie nt le v e l


Frequency Excellent 24 Very good 50 Good 38 Satisfactory 31 Poor 7 Total 150

Percent 16.0 33.3 25.3 20.7 4.7 100.0

Valid Percent 16.0 33.3 25.3 20.7 4.7 100.0

Cumulative Percent 16.0 49.3 74.7 95.3 100.0


Statistics Nutrient level N

Valid Missing

150 0 2.65 3.00 1.12 1.25

Mean Median Std. Deviation Variance 30


Nutrient level Excellent 10

Very good


Good Satisfactory 0


Completely Satisfied

somew hat satisfied




How much are you satisfied with Haleeb?

Explanation: This graph show the relationship between the nutrient level of Haleeb Milk and consumer’s satisfaction

Q # 4 (e)


Ge rms Fre e Ele me nt


Frequency Excellent 23 Very good 45 Good 50 Satisfactory 29 Poor 3 Total 150

Percent 15.3 30.0 33.3 19.3 2.0 100.0

Valid Percent 15.3 30.0 33.3 19.3 2.0 100.0

Cumulative Percent 15.3 45.3 78.7 98.0 100.0

Statistics Germs Free Element N Valid Missing Mean Median Std. Deviation Variance

150 0 2.63 3.00 1.03 1.05


Germs Free Element


Excellent Very good 10


Good Satisfactory 0

Poor iss D


d fie tis Sa

f tis sa

d fie is at

l tra eu N

d fie

t ha ew m so

tis sa

ly te ple om C

How much are you satisfied with Haleeb?

Explanation: Above graph shows the germ free attribute of Haleeb and consumer's satisfaction with it, most of the consumers rate the germ free level of Haleeb as "Good".


Q # 4 (f) Vitamins and prote in it contains


Frequency Excellent 24 Very good 45 Good 60 Satisfactory 14 Poor 7 Total 150

Percent 16.0 30.0 40.0 9.3 4.7 100.0

Valid Percent 16.0 30.0 40.0 9.3 4.7 100.0

Cumulative Percent 16.0 46.0 86.0 95.3 100.0

Statistics Vitamins and protein it contains N Valid Missing Mean Median Std. Deviation Variance

150 0 2.57 3.00 1.02 1.04



Vitamins and protein 30 Excellent 20

Very good Good


10 Satisfactory 0

Poor ss Di d fie is at

d fie is at

d fie tis Sa

ts ha

l tra eu N

d fie

ew m so

tis sa

ly te ple om C

How much are you satisfied with Haleeb?

Explanation: The above graph shows the relationship between vitamin and protein level of Haleeb and consumer's satisfaction with that attribute. Figures shows that relationship is positive


Q#5 Conside ring Packe d to what e xte nt it is safe than any ope n milk?


Missing Total

Frequency Highly Safe 55 Comparatively Safe 54 Slightly safe 14 Not Different 16 Less safe 7 Total 146 System 4 150

Percent 36.7 36.0 9.3 10.7 4.7 97.3 2.7 100.0

Valid Percent 37.7 37.0 9.6 11.0 4.8 100.0

Cumulative Percent 37.7 74.7 84.2 95.2 100.0

Statistics Considering Packed to what extent it is safe than any open milk? N Valid 146 Missing 4 Mean 2.08 Median 2.00 Std. Deviation 1.16 Variance 1.34 40

Considering Packed t


Missing Highly Safe


Comparatively Safe Slightly safe



Not Different 0

Less safe iss D d fie is at

d fie is at

d fie tis Sa

ts ha

l tra eu N

ew m so


f tis sa

ly te ple om C

How much are you satisfied with Haleeb?

Explanation: 36

This graph shows responses of consumers regarding safety of packed milk, most of the people consider packed milk safer as compared to open milk.

Q#6 How ofte n you use the product?


Not at all Occasionally Regularly Daily Total

Frequency 14 79 29 28 150

Percent 9.3 52.7 19.3 18.7 100.0

Valid Percent 9.3 52.7 19.3 18.7 100.0

Cumulative Percent 9.3 62.0 81.3 100.0

Statistics How often you use the product? N Valid Missing Mean Median Std. Deviation Variance

150 0 2.47 2.00 .90 .81

Not at all Daily




Explanation: This graph shows the purchasing habit of consumers, most of the people use this product occasionally. 30% use this product regularly and 30% use it daily.


If daily the n how many time s?


Missing Total

1 - 2 times 3 -4 times 5 or more Total System

Frequency 61 19 7 87 63 150

Percent 40.7 12.7 4.7 58.0 42.0 100.0

Valid Percent 70.1 21.8 8.0 100.0

Cumulative Percent 70.1 92.0 100.0

Statistics If daily then how many times? N Valid Missing Mean Median Std. Deviation Variance

87 63 1.38 1.00 .63 .40






If daily then how ma 20

Missing 1 - 2 times


10 3 -4 times 0

5 or more Not at all




How often you use the product?

Explanation: This graph show daily usage of HALEEB, most of the consumers use it 1-2 times daily

Q#8 Who affe te d your de cision while purchasing milk?


Missing Total

Children Wife Husband Parents No one Total System

Frequency 23 14 7 90 12 146 4 150

Percent 15.3 9.3 4.7 60.0 8.0 97.3 2.7 100.0

Valid Percent 15.8 9.6 4.8 61.6 8.2 100.0

Cumulative Percent 15.8 25.3 30.1 91.8 100.0


Statistics Who affeted your decision while purchasing milk? N Valid 146 Missing 4 Mean 3.37 Median 4.00 Std. Deviation 1.24 Variance 1.55

No one

Missing Children




Explanation: This graph shows the effect of different family members on person's decision while purchasing packed milk. Most of the people were affected by their parents.



In which size you normally purchase ?


65ml 250ml 500ml 1 litter Total

Frequency 24 58 29 39 150

Percent 16.0 38.7 19.3 26.0 100.0

Valid Percent 16.0 38.7 19.3 26.0 100.0

Cumulative Percent 16.0 54.7 74.0 100.0

Statistics In which size you normally purchase? N Valid 150 Missing 0 Mean 2.55 Median 2.00 Std. Deviation 1.05 Variance 1.09

65ml 1 litter



Explanation: This graph shows that most of the people buy HALEEB in 250ml size brick packet


Q # 10 In which packaging you pre fe r


Missing Total

Frequency bottle 25 brick (tetra pack) 119 Any other 5 Total 149 System 1 150

Percent 16.7 79.3 3.3 99.3 .7 100.0

Valid Percent 16.8 79.9 3.4 100.0

Cumulative Percent 16.8 96.6 100.0

Statistics In which packaging you prefer N Valid Missing Mean Median Std. Deviation Variance

149 1 1.87 2.00 .43 .18





In which packaging y


Missing bottle



brick (tetra pack) 0

Any other 65ml



1 litter

In which size you normally purchase?

Explanation: Most people Like to buy HALEEB in Brick (tetra pack) Packaging

Q # 11 In your opinion to what e xte nt Hale e b price is re asonable


Missing Total

Frequency Greatly 30 Justifiable 74 SLIGHTLY 36 nOT REASONABLE 6 Total 146 System 4 150

Percent 20.0 49.3 24.0 4.0 97.3 2.7 100.0

Valid Percent 20.5 50.7 24.7 4.1 100.0

Cumulative Percent 20.5 71.2 95.9 100.0


Statistics In your opinion to what extent Haleeb price is reasonable N Valid 146 Missing 4 Mean 2.12 Median 2.00 Std. Deviation .78 Variance .61 50


In your opinion to w 30 Missing 20

Greatly Justifiable




d fie

d fie tis Sa

tis sa

d fie is at

l ra ut Ne

t ha ew m so


f tis sa

ely et pl om C

How much are you satisfied with Haleeb?

Explanation: Most of the people say that HALEEB's price is justifiability reasonable

Q # 12 For what purpose you purchase this product?


Missing Total

Frequency For tea making 70 As a milk simlpy 54 Any other reason 21 Total 145 System 5 150

Percent 46.7 36.0 14.0 96.7 3.3 100.0

Valid Percent 48.3 37.2 14.5 100.0

Cumulative Percent 48.3 85.5 100.0


Statistics For what purpose you purchase this product? N Valid 145 Missing 5 Mean 1.66 Median 2.00 Std. Deviation .72 Variance .52

Any other reason


For tea making

As a milk simlpy

Explanation: Most of the people say that they normally purchase HALEEB for tea making

Q # 13


How like ly are you to buy this product?


Frequency Definitly 51 Probably 51 Might or might not 33 probably not 11 Definitly not 4 Total 150

Percent 34.0 34.0 22.0 7.3 2.7 100.0

Valid Percent 34.0 34.0 22.0 7.3 2.7 100.0

Cumulative Percent 34.0 68.0 90.0 97.3 100.0

Statistics How likely are you to buy this product? N Valid 150 Missing 0 Mean 2.11 Median 2.00 Std. Deviation 1.04 Variance 1.09 40


How likely are you t Definitly


Probably Might or might not



probably not 0

Definitly not iss D d fie is at

l tra eu N

d fie is at

d fie tis Sa

ts ha

d fie

ew m so

tis sa

ely et pl om C

How much are you satisfied with Haleeb?

Explanation: Majority of consumers is ready to buy the product again


Q # 14 How do you rate adve rtising strate gy of Hale e b?


Missing Total

Frequency Poor 18 Fair 31 Good 40 Very good 30 Excellent 27 Total 146 System 4 150

Percent 12.0 20.7 26.7 20.0 18.0 97.3 2.7 100.0

Cumulative Percent 12.3 33.6 61.0 81.5 100.0

Valid Percent 12.3 21.2 27.4 20.5 18.5 100.0

Statistics How do you rate advertising strategy of Haleeb? N Valid 146 Missing 4 Mean 3.12 Median 3.00 Std. Deviation 1.28 Variance 1.65

Missing Excellent


Fair Very good


Explanation: Majority of people say that advertising strategy of HALEEB is fair or good 47

Q # 15 Which fe ature s of adv e rtising appe al you the most?

Missing Total

color sceme Slogan Visual Non of it Total System

Percent 20.7 54.0 22.0 2.7 99.3 .7 100.0

Valid Percent 20.8 54.4 22.1 2.7 100.0

Cumulative Percent 20.8 75.2 97.3 100.0

Statistics Which features of advertising appeal you the most? N Valid 149 Missing 1 Mean 2.07 Median 2.00 Std. Deviation .73 Variance .54 30


Which features of ad Missing 10

color sceme Slogan



Frequency 31 81 33 4 149 1 150

Visual 0

Non of it Missing

Fair Poor

Very good Good


How do you rate advertising strategy of Haleeb?


Explanation: Slogan of HALEEB appealed most of the consumers

Q # 16 How would you rate Hale e b in te rms of thickne ss?


Missing Total

Frequency High 50 average 40 slightly 46 below average 8 not thick 4 Total 148 System 2 150

Percent 33.3 26.7 30.7 5.3 2.7 98.7 1.3 100.0

Valid Percent 33.8 27.0 31.1 5.4 2.7 100.0

Cumulative Percent 33.8 60.8 91.9 97.3 100.0

Statistics How would you rate Haleeb in terms of thickness? N Valid 148 Missing 2 Mean 2.16 Median 2.00 Std. Deviation 1.04 Variance 1.09

not thick below average slightly Missing




Explanation: Majority of consumers is satisfied with the thickness of Haleeb, most of them rate it as highly thick and similar number of people rate it as average thick and so is the case of consumers who rate it slightly thick

Q # 17

How te a taste s with Hale e b?


Missing Total

Excellent Good Fair poor Total System

Frequency 32 67 34 9 142 8 150

Percent 21.3 44.7 22.7 6.0 94.7 5.3 100.0

Valid Percent 22.5 47.2 23.9 6.3 100.0

Cumulative Percent 22.5 69.7 93.7 100.0

Statistics How tea tastes with Haleeb? N Valid Missing Mean Median Std. Deviation Variance

142 8 2.14 2.00 .84 .70




How tea tastes with Missing 10



Good Fair 0

poor Missing

average High

below average slightly

not thick

How would you rate Haleeb in terms of thickness?

Explanation: Most of the consumer say that product tastes in tea very good

CRITICAL ANALYSIS At present, HALEEB is the market leader in the packed milk category. Due to a very strong and favorable association with the quality the brand recall is very high. And so because of this the rate of brand preference is also goes up. Currently they are hitting towards thickness of the brand. This strong association gives continuity to Chaudhary Dairy Limited. They successfully used it to position in consumer’s mind. Its lead to recall even without mentioning the brand name. However their other association likes hygiene and thickness is weak. Here we can also see from the results their slogan is not working because their emphasis on thickness and more responses are about taste.



HALEEB should manage its distribution channels so that there might not arise channel conflict.

Customer retention is very important in order to increase market share

Value delivery in every step of network is key to attract customers

Advertising campaigns should be meaningful.

Packaging is main strength of HALEEB, It uses six layer tetra packaging, even Milk Pack and other companies use HALEEB'S tetra packaging services, so HALEEB should make it's customers aware of this strength in order to increase its customer satisfaction.

HALEEB should explore more markets in South Asia for exporting its milk as it is already exporting to South Korea, Central Asia, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh. It can find opportunities in Middle East countries like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Malaysia, Indonesia etc.

HALEEB can join hand with NESTLE and other companies for joint research and development projects, for environmental friendly production plants etc.

HALEEB should use social gathering and events for promotion like Pakistan Day, Eid Melad-Nabi, Basant and other important events.


It can give price cuts, discounts on purchasing constantly it's products like membership discounts etc.


We had a limited time to complete this study in 2 months

Limited financial resources to make our study covering best level of significance

Due to the limited resources we can only select a sample of 150 respondents

Due to the limited time we can not go to vast geographical area, our study is limited to the residents of Main areas of Lahore

We were not able to measure the responses of all social classes because ofbecause of limited resources.

We can not be able to capture all dimensiondimensions of consumers open ended responses, as we only endured close ended questions in our survey due to limited time.



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