Hajj & Umrah Handbook (2008) - Book 4 Of 5: Performing The Ziarah & Post Hajj & Umrah

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BOOK 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE ZIARAH & POST HAJJ/’UMRAH Compiled and Edited by Asma Abdullah Ph.D and Azian Ali October 2007 Insya Allah this free handbook is updated yearly, so please e-mail your suggestions/contributions to [email protected] or [email protected] Disclaimer: This compilation is based on the experiences, opinions and limited knowledge of the editors and contributors. Please refer to your Ustaz/ah as you go through this handbook.

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH


Part 1: Locations Pertaining to Ziarah 1.1 Medinah 1.2 Makkah & Vicinity

2 2 12

Part 2: Post Hajj/’Umrah & Departure 2.1 Shopping 2.2 Packing/Shipping 2.3 Exemplary Behaviour

16 16 21 22

Appendices 1. Some Virtues of Medinah 2. Miswaak/Siwak

23 28


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

Have they not travelled through the land, and have they hearts wherewith to understand and ears wherewith to hear? Verily, it is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts which are in the breasts that grow blind. (Al-Hajj: 46) Apart from performing the Hajj, do take the opportunity to learn more about Islam through ziarah. There are significant historical sites/monuments to: • relive the Prophet’s


• reflect on the hardship & sacrifices that he as well as his companions undertook; • gain a flavour of the environment within which Islam was born and grew. Ziarah enriches the context of our rituals – it is not to be underrated. Remember that we are probably tracing the very footsteps of several prophets as we walk through the holy lands of Makkah Al Mukarramah & Medinah Al Munawwarah. We need to walk through these lands with an open heart… “During my first trip to Makkah for Hajj, I had no idea about the significance of ziarah and opted out on the excursions. Only several years later, after performing ziarah with a knowledgeable mutawif did I see the “pieces falling into place.” .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH



1.1 Medinah (please see Appendix 1)

Source: To be identified.

Medinah is north of Makkah 'Ammar, the freed slave of Banu Hashim, reported: I asked Ibn 'Abbas how old was he when death overtook the Messenger of Allah . He said: I little know that such a thing is not known to a man like you who belong to his people. He said: I asked people about it but they differed with me, and I liked to know your opinion about it. He said: Do you know counting? He said: Yes. He then said: Bear this in mind very well that he was commissioned (as a Prophet) at the age of forty, and he stayed in Mecca for fifteen years; sometime in peace and sometime in dread, and (lived) for ten years after his migration to Medina. (Sahih Muslim Book 030, Number 5805)



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

Narrated Ibn Abbas: During the last Hajj led by 'Umar, 'Abdur-Rahman bin 'Auf returned to his family at Mina and met me there. 'AbdurRahman said (to 'Umar), "O chief of the believers! The season of Hajj is the season when there comes the scum of the people (besides the good amongst them), so I recommend that you should wait till you go back to Medina, for it is the place of Migration and Sunna (i.e. the Prophet's tradition), and there you will be able to refer the matter to the religious scholars and the nobles and the people of wise opinions." 'Umar said, "I will speak of it in Medina on my very first sermon I will deliver there." (Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 58, Number 265) Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah As-Salami: A Bedouin gave the Pledge of allegiance for embracing Islam to Allah's Apostle

, and then he got an attack of fever in Medina and

came to Allah's Apostle

: and said, "O Allah's Apostle! Cancel my

pledge." Allah's Apostle refused to do so. The Bedouin came to him again and said, "Cancel my pledge," but he refused again, and then again, the Bedouin came to him and said, "Cancel my pledge," and Allah's Apostle

refused. The Bedouin finally went away, and

Allah's Apostle said, "Medina is like a pair of bellows (furnace), it expels its impurities while it brightens and clears its good.' (Sahih Bukhari Volume 9, Book 92, Number 424t)



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

1.1.1 Masjid Nabawi: Doors • At Masjid Nabawi there are areas strictly designated for males or females. The female sections are accessible through the following areas (Qiblat is south): o North-eastern part of the Masjid, doors #22-30 (access to Raudhah); o North-western part of the Masjid, doors #13-17 (no access to Raudhah)

Source: www.conservapedia.com/ Saudi_Arabia

The northern side of Masjid Nabawi. Note the Green Dome on the southern side.



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

1.1.2 Masjid Nabawi: Ziarah Maqam

Source: To be identified

Maqam Rasulullah

is situated below the Green Dome (Kubah)

• The first ziarah is usually that of Maqam Rasulullah For this visit, some Ustaz will only accompany you to the Masjid area and recite the supplication and show you the Baqi’ cemetery. • Visit Maqam Rasulullah

to pay respects to our Rasulullah

. Recite the supplication from your reference book, concentrate, and you will feel that your heart will burst with love for him and gratitude for the Islam that he has brought to us through hardship. It is sad that as Muslims, we have taken things for granted and have not carried out his teachings the best we can.



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

• Next move to maqam Saidina Abu Bakar (ra) and Saidina Umar (ra). Ladies do not have access to the 3 Maqams but may recite the supplications near Raudhah.

1.1.3 Masjid Nabawi: Raudhah

Source: To be identified

The carpet in Raudhah is white vs. red for the rest of the Masjid.

This picture also shows the Mihrab of Rasulullah . This is exactly where the he used to stand to lead the prayer with the early Muslim believers. Yahya related to me from Malik from Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr from Abbad ibn Tamim from Abdullah ibn Zayd al-Mazini that the Messenger of Allah said, "What is between my house and my mimbar is one of the meadows of the Garden." (Malik's Muwatta Book 14, Number 14.4.11) .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

• Some travel agents may arrange for a Malaysian or local Ustazah to take the ladies to Raudhah. Access to Raudhah is restricted to certain hours in the day, i.e. early morning at approximately 1-2 hrs after solat Fajr until 1-2 hrs before solat dhuhr and1/2-1 hr after solat dhuhr until 1 hr before solat ‘Asr (timing subject to change). • Raudhah is normally packed. Try to get through and perform Solat Sunat at the first line in the Raudhah. During ‘Umrah, it is possible. But during Hajj, if you think you can’t, then don’t attempt it, because many have suffered injuries during this time. The trick is to get to the second row and stand for a while, InsyaAllah the person performing solat in front will get up to allow you to solat. Otherwise ask politely for a small space to solat. Perform 2 raka'at sunat and in your last sujud, sujud for some time. During that time, pour your heart out and ask Allah for what you want. During Sujud, usually no one will ask you to move. Be careful, however, as in a crowded area where people are pushing, someone might fall on you. So it is advisable not to go alone and get your friend to guard while you solat and vice-versa. “I performed solat istikharah at Raudhah & dreamt a crystal clear answer that night.”



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

Source: http://www.geocities.com/al_hajj/images/Special_nabawi.gif

This map shows notable locations in and around Raudhah, including famous pillars (sutun). .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

1.1.4 Baqi Ladies may not enter Baqi (or any cemetery in Saudi Arabia) but they can offer supplications outside the compound.

1.1.5 Masjid Quba’ • The following days are usually spent visiting the various Masjids built in connection with Rasulullah


Source: http://www.geocities.com/al_hajj/images/quba2.jpg

A trip to Masjid Quba, should be done with wudhu’ from the hotel. Solat two raka’at at Masjid Quba is equivalent to one ‘Umrah if wudhu’ is performed at place of residence. Use this opportunity to perform Solat Dhuha. “We were surprised to be brought to Masjid Quba' for solat Subuh by the bus driver, before reaching Medinah from Makkah. On the way we had stopped at a rest area and I had taken my ablution there. InsyaAllah, pahala ‘‘Umrah will be given to those who perform solat at masjid Quba' with wudhu’ taken from home.” .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

1.1.6 Masjid Qiblatain

Source: www.abubakartravel.com.sg/ umrah.htm

Narrated Al-Bara: We prayed along with the Prophet facing Jerusalem for sixteen or seventeen months. Then Allah ordered him to turn his face towards the Qibla (in Mecca):-"And from whence-so-ever you start forth (for prayers) turn your face in the direction of (the Sacred Mosque of Mecca) Al-Masjid-ul Haram.." (2.149) (Sahih Bukhari Volume 6, Book 60, Number 19)

1.1.7 Other Places of Interest in Medinah • Ask to visit the Qur’an Printing Complex. You can purchase Qur’an & its various translations at a discount. Males may be admitted and ladies are confined to its retail outlet.



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

• There is a camel farm behind Jabal Uhud. This site is not usually included in the ziarah. You may, however, make arrangements with your Mutawif should you wish to visit the farm.

1.1.8 Depart for Makkah If Medinah is your first destination, then you will depart for Makkah after the stipulated duration of stay. The bus will depart for Makkah for a journey of 5-6 hours insyaAllah, (may even be as long as 12 hours during the hajj season) with a stopover at Miqat, which is at Bir Ali. Here you can perform the nawaitu for ‘Umrah/Hajj and hence be bound by the 13 rules of Ihram. Once you have made your nawaitu, recite the Talbiyah (the best dhikr while in ihram) as much as possible throughout your journey until you begin tawaf.

1.2 Makkah & Vicinity • Jabal Thur Looking at the terrain, one tends to better appreciate the challenges Rasulullah , Saidina Abu Bakr (ra) and his daughter Asma’ (ra) went through. • Arafah Although many climb Jabal Rahmah and make supplication for a groom or bride, please note that there is no authentic hadeeth to support this. Rasulullah

himself did not climb this hill.

• Muzdalifah Note where the pebbles are to be picked and what kind to pick.



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

• Mina Learn from the Mutawif the proper way to throw pebbles at the Jamarat. Internalise the significance of Prophet Abraham’s (as) willingness to sacrifice Prophet Ismail (as). • Jabal Nur Think of the physical challenge Rasulullah undertook to meditate. This is where he received the first Ayat through Gabriel (as). • Hudaibiyah This is the site of the peace treaty. You may want to perform ‘Umrah from this Miqat. There is also a camel farm here. Some pilgrims were able to freeze the camel milk to bring back home. If you have room to freeze a few bottles to bring home, you may want to invest in a freezer bag and freeze pack. These are usually available at Bin Dawood. “My mother became more energetic after drinking camel milk and asked for it in Medinah.” • Museum Haramain You may take pictures here beside items and ornaments used previously at the two Holy Masjids. There are also lovely pictures and three-dimensional models of the Masjids. • Factory Kiswa Ka’abah The Ka’abah is covered by a black cloth known as 'Kiswa', which is produced & changed every year. There is a special .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

factory designed for the making of Kiswa in Makkah, located near the Museum Haramain. Entrance is by special permission. The Kiswa costs approximately SR 17 million. The cloth is made of 670kgs of silver dyed black, about 120 kg of pure gold & 50 kg of silver used in writing the Qur'anic verses over the cloth. The total area of the cloth is 658 sq meters.

Spinning the thread.

Laying out thread to form Qur’anic verses.

Adding the gold overlay. .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

• Inside of Masjidil Haram Check with your Mutawif if he can take you on a tour and show interesting historical sites. You may want to give a tip for this (usually) extra service. • Outside of Masjidil Haram and environs (“Jalan-Jalan Tambah Iman”) Check with your Mutawif if he can take you on a walking tour (about 2 km) and show interesting historical sites related to Rasulullah and his companions. Unless provided by your travel agent, you may want to give a tip for this (usually) extra service.

Source: http://www.wayoftheprophet.co.uk/hajj_gallery/hajj_2004_1230(001).html

Rasulullah was born at the site on which this building stands. This building has been converted into a library. .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH





2.1 Shopping • Wait until your hajj or ‘Umrah is completed before you embark on major shopping, so that you can focus on your original intent/nawaitu. • Thereafter, you may want to consider the following items after shopping around to compare prices – always ask for discounts, unless you are buying from a street vendor who may be more in need than a merchant. • Avoid using big currencies to buy items from street vendors. Should they need to run from any approaching enforcement officers, your money may have to run with them. “I’m used to bargaining with vendors at home and habitually did so with the street vendors in Medinah. After a while, however, I felt guilty because they are less fortunate and are doing their best to make a living. I don’t mind overpaying – if it’s too expensive, then I’ll just walk away. The transaction needs to be sincere for both parties.” • Check out the wholesale shops across the street from the Hotel Royal Makkah’s (formerly Sofitel) front entrance.  Siwak/Miswak (please see Appendix 2) (for benefits, refer to Healing with the Medicine of The Prophet Imam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah, pp 280-282




Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

• “fresh” vacuum packed, SR2 each or about SR 3035 per box of 20 – recommended brands: Siwak Muslim, Siwak Makkah • dry variety is cheaper and available from street vendors outside the Masjid Narrated Abu Hurayrah: Narrated 'Amir bin Rabi'a, "I saw the Prophet cleaning his teeth with Siwak while he was fasting so many times as I can't count." And narrated Abu Hurayrah, "The Prophet said, 'But for my fear that it would be hard for my followers, I would have ordered them to clean their teeth with Siwak on every performance of ablution." The same is narrated by Jabir and Zaid bin Khalid from the Prophet who did not differentiate between a fasting and a nonfasting person in this respect (using Siwak). Aisha said, "The Prophet said, "It (i.e. Siwak) is a purification for the mouth and it is a way of seeking Allah 's pleasures." Ata' and Qatada said, "There is no harm in swallowing the resultant saliva." (Sahih Bukhari Volume 3, Book 31, Number 154)  Habbatus Sauda (Black Seed/Nigella Sativa) products, e.g. Oil, rubbing ointment, honey, etc. Recommended brands for oil: Dallah (strong) (SR15/bottle), Jeddah Oil Factory (SR15/bottle), Surrati (SR60/dozen of small size, SR20/medium size, SR50/large size). Recommended brand for rub: Dallah (SR10 at retailers, SR12 at pharmacies). .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

Narrated Abu Hurayrah: The Prophet said, “use the Black Seed, because it contains a cure for every type of ailment, except for death.” (At-Tirmidhi, Ahmad and Ibn Hibbing) Healing with the Medicine of The Prophet Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah, p 261

by Imam

 Kohl for eyes, especially Ithmid (reddish brown powder). Ibnu Majah narrated from his Sunan that Ibn ‘Abbas related from the Prophet that he said, “the best of your kohl is the Ithmid (antimony), because it clears the sight and causes the eyelashes to grow.” (At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban, Al-Hakim, At-Tabarani and Abu Na’im) Healing with the Medicine of The Prophet Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyah, p 248

by Imam

 Books in English – wide selection at the Da’wah Bookstore in the Makkah Hilton shopping complex; ask for their list of books, CDs, etc. In Medinah, look for bookstores around Hotels Oberoi and Hilton. For discounted prices, go to the Qur’an Printing Complex in Medinah to purchase Qur’an and/or translations (eg. SR18 vs. SR 25-30 regular retail). “Cannot get anything like them in Malaysia. What makes the content great is that it’s all evidence-based.” “We went to Darussalam in Riyadh, mashaAllah lots of books and i saw a pocket size thin book title "How The Prophet Muhammad performed his Hajj " - this is a great .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

gift indeed...its only SR3 each and you can get 15% discount if you buy a lot.” “The Qur’an with translation is handy for reading in the masjid.”  Perfume oils (“minyak attar”), perfumed wood for burning (eg. bakhour, oudh) “I like Abdul Samad Al Qurashi’s Khaltat Makkah, Tawassul, Hajarul Aswad, Kasturi no.1, Haya, Munasabats, Rashaqa, Harzad Lubnan.” “To economise, I buy Surrati’s big bottle of perfume (about SR50/60, depending on the flavour) and then refill into smaller bottles as gifts. The particular Surrati outlet that sells the perfume “wholesale” is at “Pasar Zinc” in Makkah. The small bottles are packed a dozen in a yellow box at SR5/box.”  Henna “I found the one sold on the street in Makkah (SR5 per pack) to be finer than the ones in green packets or the one in Medinah.” Henna is also sold in tubes, especially for nails and body décor, Be sure to purchase the RANI brand made in Saudi (SR30 per dozen) vs. the cheaper RAMI brand made in India. The smaller tube can be purchased for SR20 per dozen.  Al-Fajr alarm clock (www.alfajr.com) @ SR 135 (available at Bin Dawood for SR110). A large face version is available for SR 150 and a smaller version at SR80. It is programmed to emit beautiful adhan during the 5 solat times according to various cities worldwide. .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

 Scarves “Al Helwa in the Makkah Hilton shopping complex has good quality scarves with contemporary designs.” “Nurel scarves (made in Turkey), usually SR10-15 per piece, can be gotten for SR90 per dozen at one of the wholesale shops at ‘Pasar Zinc.”  “Akar Fatimah”, easily found at Jabal Uhud. Look for the green, fresh ones.  Dates, especially in Medinah. Do ask the vendor to elaborate on the specific benefits of specific types of dates. According to one vendor at the dates market in Medinah, the Ambar is for youthfulness and the Lubnah is for bone marrow/fertility. Check out the frozen dates too. “For rich, high quality chocolate covered dates, try the Tomoor brand @ SR40/kg. The manufacturer is Al Medinah Dates Co. 055308563. Less expensive is the Al Ansar brand – you may be able to get a good price if you visit their factory in Medinah. Al Ansar has a large variety with various combinations of chocolate, wafer, dates, nuts, etc.”

Allah's Apostle said, "He who eats seven 'Ajwa dates every morning, will not be affected by poison or magic on the day he eats them." Volume 7, Book 65, Number 356: Narrated Sad: Also, Volume 7, Book 71, Number 663: Narrated Saud:  Denim maxi can be purchased for as low as SR30/35 at the bazaar. The stone washed version is more expensive at about SR 40-50. .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

 Sample the delicious “batu lontar” candy covered chocolates & other made in Saudi chocolates, nuts, dried fruits at AL NUKALY at Pasar Zinc in Makkah.  Expandable, multi-zippered bag with rollers @ SR30 – useful and versatile!  Arab cotton (3.7 m @ RM55.00 – bargained price) or voile at similar price.

2.2 Packing/Shipping • To reduce items to ship home, you may want to leave most of the things you brought with you as well the stuff you bought to use locally, to the needy ones. The cleaners in the masjid would be happy to have them. • During the Hajj season, check with your travel agent regarding arrangements to send your additional luggage prior to departure through POS MALAYSIA. You may also be able to post Zam Zam water, though at an expensive rate. It can be done several times before you leave. Also check for alternative cargo arrangements and rates. • At Jeddah airport, safety-wrapping service is available. All Zam Zam water containers must be packed in heavy-duty plastic bags. This is compulsory. BE SURE TO WRITE YOUR NAME/FLIGHT DETAILS ON THE ZAM ZAM BOTTLE & PLASTIC BAG or you may have difficulty retrieving your Zam Zam water upon arrival at KLIA. • The airport safety wrap service costs SR5 or more per item, depending on size of item. It is advisable to “safety wrap” all luggage, especially if you are using cardboard boxes, as Zam Zam water from broken containers can cause damage to the contents .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

of your luggage. Please inform your Mutawif before leaving for the airport if you are planning to do this. • Before leaving for Jeddah, pack in your hand luggage some water & snacks such as dates, cookies, or sandwiches because food may be more costly at the airport.

2.3 Exemplary Behaviour • Do not talk about others’ folly, except by keeping their identities private and with the sincere intention of learning from their mistakes. • Do not brag about anything, especially the number of ‘Umrahs you were able to perform during your trip. It’s not the quantity, it’s the quality. Be thankful for the privilege of being able to perform your ‘Umrah/Hajj. Only Allah knows if it has been accepted. • Continue with the positive habits and be conscientious of your solat during the journey home…and beyond…



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

Appendix 1 Some Virtues of Madinah Courtesy: AL-ISLAAH PUBLICATIONS ( www.everymuslim.net ) Masjid Quba: It is about two miles south-west from Masjid-an Nabawi. This is the very first mosque of the Muslims. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions built it with their own hands. This is the first masjid in the history of Islam whose foundation stone was laid down by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself on his migration to Madinah. To offer 2 rakaats of nafl in it is equal to one Umrah. Masjid Qiblatain: It is situated to the north-west near the valley Aqiq. In this masjid, Allah directed Prophet Muhammad(sallallahu alaiyhi wasallam), who was in the middle of a salaat along with Sahaba (companions), to turn his face from Islam's first qibla, "Bait-ul-Muqqadis", (Masjid Al Aqsa in Jerusalem) to the "Ka'aba" in "Masjid al-Haram" in Makkah. Consequently, this masjid is known as a masjid with two qiblas. Martyrs of Uhad and Mount Uhad: Three miles to the north of Madinah is the mountain about which the Messenger (sallahu alaiyhi wasallam) of Allah said "Uhad is a mountain that loves us and we love it." The "Ghazwah Uhud" (war) took place here in the year 3 A.H. it is meritorious to visit martyrs of Uhud, the mountain itself and its masjids. The grave of Hazrat Hamzah (R.A.) the Prophet (sallahu alaiyhi wasallam)'s uncle lie here, where one should offer salaam. Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said that the mountains of Uhud loved him and he loved it. (Muslim) .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

Madinah in general: Narrated Anas(R.A.): Whenever the Prophet(Peace and blessings be upon him) returned from a journey and observed the walls of Madinah, he would make his Mount go fast, and if he was on an animal (i.e. a horse), he would make it gallop because of his love for Madinah.(Bukhari Volume 3, Book 30, Number 110) Narrated Anas (R.A.): The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Madinah is a sanctuary from that place to that. Its trees should not be cut and no heresy should be innovated nor any sin should be committed in it, and whoever innovates in it an heresy or commits sins (bad deeds), then he will incur the curse of Allah, the angels, and all the people." (Bukhari Volume 3, Book 30, Number 91) Narrated 'Ali (R.A.): We have nothing except the Book of Allah and this written paper from the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) (where-in is written:) Madinah is a sanctuary from the 'Air Mountain to such and such a place, and whoever innovates in it an heresy or commits a sin, or gives shelter to such an innovator in it will incur the curse of Allah, the angels, and all the people, none of his compulsory or optional good deeds of worship will be accepted. And the asylum (of protection) granted by any Muslim is to be secured (respected) by all the other Muslims; and whoever betrays a Muslim in this respect incurs the curse of Allah, the angels, and all the people, and none of his compulsory or optional good deeds of worship will be accepted, and whoever (freed slave) befriends (take as masters) other than his manumitters without their permission incurs the curse of Allah, the angels, and all the people, and none of his compulsory or optional good deeds of worship will be accepted. (Bukhari Volume 3, Book 30, Number 94) Narrated Abu Huraira(R.A.): Allah's Apostle(Peace and blessings be upon him) said, "I was ordered to migrate to a town which will swallow (conquer) other towns and is called Yathrib and that is Madinah, and it turns out (bad) persons as a furnace removes the impurities of iron.(Bukhari Volume 3, Book 30, Number 95) .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

Narrated Abu Humaid(R.A.): We came with the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) from Tabuk, and when we reached near Madinah, the Prophet(Peace and blessings be upon him) said, "This is Tabah."(Bukhari Volume 3, Book 30, Number 96) Narrated Abu Huraira(R.A.): If I saw deers grazing in Madinah, I would not chase them, for Allah's Apostle (Peace and blessings be upon him) said, "(Madinah) is a sanctuary between its two mountains." (Bukhari Volume 3, Book 30, Number 97) Narrated Abu Huraira (R.A.): Allah's Apostle(Peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Verily, Belief returns and goes back to Madinah as a snake returns and goes back to its hole (when in danger)."(Bukhari Volume 3, Book 30, Number 100) Narrated Sad: I heard the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) saying, "None plots against the people of Madinah but that he will be dissolved (destroyed) like the salt is dissolved in water."(Bukhari Volume 3, Book 30, Number 101) Narrated Usama(R.A.): Once the Prophet(Peace and blessings be upon him) stood at the top of a (looked out from upon one) castle amongst the castles (or the high buildings) of Madinah and said, "Do you see what I see? (No doubt) I see the spots where afflictions will take place among your houses (and these afflictions will be) as numerous as the spots where rain-drops fall."(Bukhari Volume 3, Book 30, Number 102) Narrated Abu Bakar (R.A.): The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) said, "The terror caused by Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal will not enter Madinah and at that time Madinah will have seven gates and there will be two angels at each gate guarding them."(Bukhari Volume 3, Book 30, Number 103) Narrated Abu Huraira (R.A.): Allah's Apostle (Peace and blessings be upon him) said, "There are angels guarding the entrances (or roads) .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

of Madinah, neither plague nor Ad-Dajjal will be able to enter it." (Bukhari Volume 3, Book 30, Number 104) Narrated Anas bin Malik(R.A.): The Prophet(Peace and blessings be upon him) said, "There will be no town which Ad-Dajjal will not enter except Makkah and Madinah, and there will be no entrance (road),(of both Makkah and Madinah) but the angels will be standing in rows guarding it against him, and then Madinah will shake with its inhabitants thrice (i.e. three earth-quakes will take place) and Allah will expel all the nonbelievers and the hypocrites from it."(Bukhari Volume 3, Book 30, Number 105) Narrated Jabir(R.A.): A bedouin came to the Prophet(Peace and blessings be upon him) and gave a pledge of allegiance for embracing Islam. The next day he came with fever and said (to the Prophet ), "Please cancel my pledge (of embracing Islam and of emigrating to Madinah)." The Prophet refused (that request) three times and said, "Madinah is like a furnace, it expels out the impurities (bad persons) and selects the good ones and makes them perfect." (Bukhari Volume 3, Book 30, Number 107) Narrated Zaid bin Thabit(R.A.): When the Prophet(Peace and blessings be upon him) went out for (the battle of) Uhud, some of his companions (hypocrites) returned (home). A party of the believers remarked that they would kill those (hypocrites) who had returned, but another party said that they would not kill them. So, this Divine Inspiration was revealed: "Then what is the matter with you that you are divided into two parties concerning the hypocrites." (4.88) The Prophet(Peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Madinah expels the bad persons from it, as fire expels the impurities of iron."(Bukhari Volume 3, Book 30, Number 108) Narrated Anas: The Prophet(Peace and blessings be upon him) said, "O Allah! Bestow on Madinah twice the blessings You bestowed on Makkah."(Bukhari Volume 3, Book 30, Number 109) Narrated Zaid bin Aslam(R.A.) from his father: Umar(R.A.) said, O .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

Allah! Grant me martyrdom in Your cause, and let my death be in the city of Your Apostle(Peace and blessings be upon him)."(Bukhari Volume 3, Book 30, Number 114) AL-ISLAAH PUBLICATIONS P.O.Box 1106 Kroonstad,South Africa, 9500 Tel no.: 27-56 -2124604 / Mobile no: 083 477 3786 / Fax no: 086 602 9424 e-mail: [email protected] web-site: www.everymuslim.net



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

Appendix 2 Miswaak/Siwak Sourced from various websites – to be identified

Source: To be identified

SAHIH BUKHARI * Volume 1, Book 4, Number 245: Narrated Abu Burda: My father said, "I came to the Prophet and saw him carrying a Siwak in his hand and cleansing his teeth, saying, 'U' U'," as if he was retching while the Siwak was in his mouth." * Volume 1, Book 4, Number 246: Narrated Hudhaifa: Whenever the Prophet got up at night, he used to clean his mouth with Siwak. * Volume 2, Book 21, Number 237: Narrated Hudhaifa : Whenever the Prophet got up for Tahajjud prayer he used to clean his mouth (and teeth with Siwak. * Volume 3, Book 31, Number 154: Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "If somebody eats or drinks forgetfully then he should complete his fast, for what he has eaten or drunk, has been given to him by Allah." Narrated 'Amir bin Rabi'a, "I saw the Prophet cleaning his teeth with Siwak while he was fasting so many times as I can't count." And narrated Abu Huraira, "The Prophet said, 'But for my fear that it would be hard for my followers, I would have ordered them to .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

clean their teeth with Siwak on every performance of ablution." The same is narrated by Jabir and Zaid bin Khalid from the Prophet who did not differentiate between a fasting and a nonfasting person in this respect (using Siwak). Aisha said, "The Prophet said, "It (i.e. Siwak) is a purification for the mouth and it is a way of seeking Allah's pleasures." Ata' and Qatada said, "There is no harm in swallowing the resultant saliva." Advantages of the Miswaak: 1. Miswaak strengthens the gums and prevents tooth decay. 2. Miswaak assists in eliminating toothaches and prevents further increase of decay which has already set in. Research shows that the bark of the "Toothbrush Tree" contains an antibiotic which suppresses the growth of bacteria and the formation of plaque in the mouth 3. Miswaak creates a fragrance in the mouth. 4. Miswaak is a cure for illness. 5. Miswaak eliminates bad odors and improves the sense of taste. 6. Miswaak sharpens the memory. 7. Miswaak is a cure for headaches. 8. Miswaak creates lustre (noor) on the face of the one who continually uses it. 9. Miswaak causes the teeth to glow. 10. Miswaak strengthens the eyesight. 11. Miswaak assists in digestion. 12. Miswaak clears the voice. 13. The greatest benefit of using miswaak is gaining the pleasure of Allah. 14. The reward of Salaah (Prayers) is multiplied 70 times if Miswaak was used before it. Times when usage of Miswaak is Sunnah: 1. Before sleeping / upon awakening 2. Before / after meals. 3. Before ablution / every prayer .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 4 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

4. For the recitation of the Qur'an 5. Before leaving / after entering one’s home. 6. After the signs of death are evident. How to use: A Miswaak should be held in such a manner that the small finger and thumb is below the miswaak and the remaining fingers on its upper side. Simply scrape off bark from the tip (1/2"), then chew the tip gently until brush like and the fiber becomes soft. Brush teeth horizontally and frequently. No toothpaste required! Miswak, naturally contains many components such as fluoride, astringents, detergents, resins (a possible enamel protectant) and abrasives. When the bristles are worn and the flavor has subsided, cut them off & repeat instruction. When not in use, leave it standing upright with bristles up.



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