Hajj & Umrah Handbook (2008) - Book 3 Of 5: Performing The Hajj & Umrah

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  • Pages: 125
BOOK 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH Compiled and Edited by Asma Abdullah Ph.D and Azian Ali October 2007 InsyaAllah this free handbook is updated yearly, so please e-mail your suggestions/contributions to [email protected] or [email protected] Disclaimer: This compilation is based on the experiences, opinions and limited knowledge of the editors and contributors. Please refer to your Ustaz/ah as you go through this handbook.

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH


Part 1: Spiritual Challenge 1.1 Be Grateful 1.2 Practise Humility 1.3 Surrender to Allah

3 3 3 5

Part 2: Mental Challenge 2.1 Positive Mental Attitude 2.2 Think Before Speaking

7 7 7

Part 3: Physical Challenge 3.1 Purity and Cleanliness 3.2 Play It Safe 3.3 Take Care of Our Health

9 9 10 15

Part 4: Social Challenge 4.1 Give Without Expecting 4.2 Be Compassionate 4.3 Be Helpful 4.4 Caring For The Elderly 4.5 Caring For Those Who Need Wheelchairs 4.6 Avoid Non Mahram Interaction

17 17 18 20 20 22 24

Part 5: The Locality


Part 6: Locations Pertaining to Hajj/’Umrah 6.1 The Masjidil Haram 6.2 Arafah 6.3 Muzdalifah 6.4 Mina

29 29 42 48 49

Appendices 1. Brief Words of Advice 2. Virtues of Makkah 3. The Blessings of al-Masjid al-Haraam 4. Women in Islamic Society: Rules to Observe in Mosques 5. Do’s and Don’ts In HAJJ 6. Fifty Things To Do @ HAJJ 7. A Woman’s Guide to HAJJ 8. Tawaf Is A Cosmic Law 9. Supplications at Mina, Arafah, Muzdalifah 10. Zam Zam

53 54 58 64 67 74 77 106 108 115


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

And spend in the Cause of Allah (i.e. Jihad of all kinds) and do not throw yourselves into destruction (by not spending your wealth in the Cause of Allah) and do good. Truly, Allah loves the Al-Muhsinun (the good-doers). (Al Baqarah: 195) And perform properly (i.e. all the ceremonies according to the ways of Prophet Muhammad ), the Hajj and ‘Umrah (i.e. the pilgrimage to Makkah) for Allah…And fear Allah much and know that Allah is Severe in punishment. (Al Baqarah: 196) …And take a provision (with you) for the journey, but the best provision is At-Taqwa (piety, righteousness). So fear Me, O men of understanding. (Al Baqarah: 197) …Then when you leave ‘Arafat, remember Allah (by glorifying His Praises, i.e. prayers and invocations) at the Mash’ar-ilHaram… (Al Baqarah: 198) Then depart from the place whence all the people depart and ask Allah for His Forgiveness. Truly, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, MostMerciful. (Al Baqarah: 199) The journey is about to start and you may have 20 to 50 days ahead of you to be spiritually, mentally, physically, and socially challenged. The following reminders may help you plan ahead. .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

PART 1: SPIRITUAL CHALLENGE 1.1 Be grateful to Allah bestows upon us.

always, for whatever He

• Upon arrival in Jeddah, Medinah, Makkah, give thanks to Allah for choosing you as His guest. Remember that only the fortunate are invited to visit Baitullah (Allah's House), • Preoccupy ourselves with the remembrance of Allah the recitation of Qur'an, and imploring Allah His blessing on Prophet Muhammad


to shower


1.2 Practise humility and remember that we are all slaves of Allah • Be alert of solat times and perform solat as soon as it is due, even on a moving vehicle if need be. “I arrived at Medinah airport a few minutes before Subuh. After immigration clearance, I went to the restroom and performed wudhu’. There was no surau available and we were hurriedly chased to our buses. My bus was the first to leave for our hotel. As we moved on, Subuh was coming to an end. So we decided to solat in the bus. Luckily we did because we only arrived at our hotel after Subuh. It seems .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

that many pilgrims missed their Subuh and had to qadha’ that day. After chatting with pilgrims who had arrived days earlier, they had the same experience too. • Seek Allah

’s permission always.

“Acknowledge that this world is His Creation, more so such proof will be clear in Makkah and Medinah - Remember to always say “InsyaAllah” “By Permission of Allah”. • Acknowledge our inadequacy and ask Allah ANYTHING.


“At Masjidil Haram after ‘Asr one day, I asked Allah to lead me to the best place for me and found myself wandering towards Hijir Ismail even though I had no intention to visit the place.” “I was with my parents and was afraid that I would do things to displease them so I asked Allah to make me behave so as to please Him and my parents. I was then moved to buy a book, “Kindness to Parents” which was a helpful guide.” “I felt irritated when people kept bumping their bags or bodies against my head so I asked Allah to enable me to respond in a way that pleases Him. Later when the same thing happened I didn’t even feel any irritation. Amazing!” “If it gets to be too much to think of what to ask Allah for even in Malay, you could recite Al Fatihah or any simple ayat – this is to help us to feel tawadhu’ and focused on the task at hand. It’s alright not to read any supplication, but your mind may wander.” • Acknowledge our mistakes quickly and istighfar immediately. .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

It takes more effort to watch our heart than our mouth. If a bad intention or feeling surfaced in our heart, then quickly istighfar. If you can, perform solat taubat there and then. • We need to see ourselves as not being better than others “At Masjid Nabawi, I saw women carrying their footwear into the masjid and silently wondered why they couldn't have left them outside as I did. After solat, would you believe I actually forgot where I left my slippers (and I had always remembered before this) -- after some moments of frantic searching, I realised my mistake and istighfar and begged Allah to let me find my slippers. Allah being the Most Merciful then let me find them.” • Ladies who are with their husbands, be sure to obey and please your husband as commanded by Allah


“I remember my friend told me she bought a necklace in Makkah and didn't tell her husband, maybe because he didn't approve of her spending. When she got home, the whole necklace had disintegrated into bits but the other things were OK.”

1.3 Surrender to Allah • Do your best, and then leave it to Allah


“Before doing something, practise saying 'BismIllah alhamdulIllah amantubIllah tawakkaltu’alAllah' ... and in your heart make the intent to leave all affairs to Allah. This can be very helpful to prevent the notorious loss of slippers at the masjids. Another practice is to say with strong faith “insyaAllah it/they will be safe.” .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

“One of the people in my party left the footwear at the shoe rack in Masjidil Haram and forgot to say "InsyaAllah safe" as was done before. The slippers couldn't be found afterwards.” • Be patient. You may be required to wait for the bus, people, elevator, etc. Carry a folding chair (SR15) if you cannot stand for long periods. Always have reading material with you to occupy your time or a tasbeeh to remind you to do dhikrullah. Never complain. • Be patient while in transit. A bus ride from Makkah to Medinah & vice versa usually takes about 6 hours, but during Hajj season, the journey may take up to 8 hours or even more. "I remember having to wait on the bus at Kelana Jaya, then waiting at Jeddah airport, then waiting again on the bus to go to Makkah, then waiting again on the bus to go to Arafah. There were so many instances when I had to wait patiently and I kept reminding myself to not utter a word...." " The ‘Umrah/ Hajj challenge begins the minute one sets his/her mind to perform this ibadah, therefore things may not go as planned. Otherwise the journey begins from the home to KLIA (‘Umrah) or to Tabung Hajj (Hajj).” “Go to your rooms first to freshen up. Do not be too eager to proceed to the masjid but prepare yourselves - body, mind and soul for the upcoming ibadat. Rest.”



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

PART 2: MENTAL CHALLENGE 2.1 Have A Positive Mental Attitude • Remember that in Makkah, we are His guests, so be MINDFUL and RESPECTFUL of the Divine Host at ALL times. In Makkah, unlike other places, even the mere THOUGHT of committing a sin is a sin. • Choose to view everything from a positive perspective. Look for the goodness in anything and do not dwell on the badness, even dirty toilets or anything strange. Keep your thoughts and speech POSITIVE. What ever you expect or say tends to be fulfilled in Medinah or Makkah, be they good or bad. “I took the opportunity to check on myself and my deeds every time something ‘bad’ happens, eg. not being able to solat in the masjid, being too tired to solat, any form of illness.” “I had to walk through some rubbish and decayed food and kept muttering in my heart “suci & selamat” (clean & safe).”

2.2 Think Before Speaking • Watch what you’re about to say. If it’s not positive or doesn’t solve problems, then don’t say it. If you have blurted it out, then quickly istighfar. If you can, perform solat taubat there and then. “When my friend complained of the heat, she felt hot the whole trip but her friends didn't.” .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

“In Makkah, I was upset with someone and blurted a remark in public that could have caused this person embarrassment. That was just before ‘Isya’ & tarawih. Serves me right and I didn't get to solat in Masjidil Haram. I stopped short of entering the Masjid and joined others outside. My husband told me later there was plenty of space inside. SOB!!!” • We need to control our tongues from backbiting and slander “Please, please, avoid gossiping. Sometimes, we see something which is not very nice happening inside our jema’ah. We are not supposed to gossip; we are supposed to stop such things [either by hand, words or in the heart, the last being the lowest degree]. You are not Scully and Mulder, you are a servant. There is no need to draw conclusions and say to people: “Such and such a thing happened to such a person because he did such and such a thing” when a calamity happens to a person.”



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

PART 3: PHYSICAL CHALLENGE We should keep in mind that this journey of pilgrimage is in obedience for Allah, that we need to leave behind comfort, luxury and pleasure. InsyaAllah our reward will be in proportion to our endurance of Hajj rites and restrictions. Truly, Hajj is an opportunity to change our entire lifestyle. This is when we need to adapt ourselves to sleep anywhere and eat anything. This is when we need to be ready to sleep on the ground or thin mattress. This is when we need to be able to suffer stifling heat or chilling cold. We need to withstand a disruption in our comfortable routine. The time of our daily meals may change – we might eat earlier or later than what we are accustomed to. We might find our favourite cuppa and we might not. We might find someone to help and serve us or we might have to do everything ourselves. Expect the worst and refrain from complaining or using obscene language. Those who slip up may return home worse than they were before…

3.1 Maintain a state of purity and cleanliness • Preferably, always be with wudhu’. “We were surprised to be brought to Masjid Quba' for solat Subuh by the bus driver, before reaching Medinah from Makkah. On the way we had stopped at a rest area and I had taken my ablution there. InsyaAllah, pahala ‘‘Umrah will be given to those who perform solat at masjid Quba' with wudhu’ taken from home.” • Know how to perform wudhu’ on the plane without upsetting anyone. .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

“What I usually do is use a spray bottle to avoid drips. Then I perform wudhu’ using just enough water to cover all the parts of the body which are wajib, i.e. face, hands till elbow, at least 3 strands of hair (Shafiee) and both feet (place shoes/sandals beneath the feet to catch the drips if any. This way, you hardly wet the floor, insyaAllah.” "I use a paper cup to collect water first instead of fumbling with the tricky water faucets – that way I could mix the hot and cold water for nice water temperature. For the feet, I rinse over the toilet bowl so my shoes don’t get wet.” • Always bring a full length solat mat, whether you solat inside or outside the Masjid. The ladies section MAY be contaminated with babies’ fluids or others’ incontinence, so it is advisable to have your sejadah over the carpet or floor. • Even if we can maintain cleanliness, however, we still need to be prepared to use public washrooms that may not meet our standard of hygiene. • Pick up after ourselves and not leave rubbish behind us. “I noticed that the many pigeons kept the masjid clean by confining their droppings on the clock tower. Yet, after iftar, the area surrounding the masjid is full of litter. If birds can do this, we humans too can take the trouble to keep the masjid clean.”

3.2 Play it Safe Important Phone numbers during Hajj In Saudi Arabia: (please refer to your travel agent for the most updated info) Ajyaad Hospital - Makkah 025730070 Arafaat Hospital 025521716 Heera General Hospital - Makkah 025203535 .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

Jabal-ur-Rahmah Hospital 025280063 Meena Hospital 025520468 Meena Al-Waadi Hospital 025572886 Meena New Road Hospital 025584039 Nimrah Hospital - Meena 025561864 Noor Speciality Hospital - Makkah 025665000 Traffic Police 996 Red Crescent service 997 Fire services 998 Patroling 999 Identification • Wear your ID tag/bracelet AT ALL TIMES AND ENSURE THE SAME FOR THE ELDERLY AND CHILDREN ESPECIALLY. Carry in the ID tag or your wallet/pocket the names of the travel agents’ contact persons and their telephone numbers as well as the hotel business card. Valuables • Keep most of the cash in the hotel safe or somewhere safe (eg. A locked bag in your hotel room). If you must carry valuables with you, then hide it on your person rather than keep it in your sling bag. Carry small change for sadaqah and/or shopping in your zippered pockets. Identify the amount for sadaqah and have the cash readily available so that you won’t fumble while a crowd of the needy gather around you. Do not open your wallet or purse in public. “Keep just a bit of money in your pockets and sling bag. Keep most of the money (e.g. for shopping) in your pants pockets and wear a jubah over the pants. Or you can use a neck pouch (please see next bullet point.) Thieves can be quite nasty. I was hit by one of them (female pickpocket) when I prised her fingers away from my .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

husband's arm. (he was holding some money in his hand and she was trying to get it). If they do get your money, shout at the top of your voice. Any language will do. Makkah and Medinah are multilingual cities and people will help you to nab the thief.” “Be careful of men, possibly in ihram, who approach you and ask “do you speak English?” They come up with a sob story and ask for money. The first time I was approached, I had only a few riyals. He grabbed it from my hand and seemed upset that I had so little to give.” “I just want to warn others to be very careful with their wallets/purses/handbags. l was "attacked" by 2 ladies, one asking for sadaqah pulling my right arm while the other was quietly pulling my handbag on the left under my “telekong”. Fortunately l was alert as another friend from my same group was robbed earlier and warned us. It seems there is a syndicate now.” “…Instead I looked for the little boys and girls who were made to sit in the hot sun begging for alms. I know this is a syndicate too but I feel pity for those little ones.” “AlhamdulIllah I found a neat way to keep cash and credit cards safely and within easy reach. I use a flat double sided card holder. On one side I place my credit/charge cards, my i/c and a few pieces of high value denominations. On the other side I keep neatly folded cash, organized by denominations. I then slip this rather flat piece inside the arm glove on my left hand. It is hidden from view because of the long sleeves. I did, however, constantly remind myself that I still needed to ask Allah to keep my valuables safe.” • For the times when you need to carry important documents and large amounts of cash on you, use a t-shirt with a zippered chest pocket or a pouch that you can hang around .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

your neck, under your clothes. (The neck pouch is usually available at the travel section of pharmacies and department stores.) This, however, is no guarantee of security – always make supplication to Allah and then tawakkal. • Always be alert and keep up the supplications for protection regularly "Not everyone who is there has good intentions. A lady in my group lost SR1600 in the Prophet's masjid. Her robe was cut with a sharp razor." “During tawaf, I felt someone opening my backpack zipper as well as the zipper of another bag I was carrying under my arms. The thief managed to get away with a pouch containing cash.” • Forget about retrieving anything you have dropped when in a crowd. It may be better to lose the item than to bear the risk of being trampled if you stop or bend down. • Always have your telekong and important documents handy and near you even in your room when you sleep. "I always thought that once you get to your room, you just lock your room door and that's it, you're safe. Until my recent ‘Umrah trip in September, when someone knocked on my room door at 1 a.m. while I was sleeping; telling me to get out. I got another shock when I took a peek outside and saw a fireman and the corridor was already full of smoke! If I had been alone I could have panicked, but I had to take care of my mother, so I had to keep my cool. I got hold of my telekong, put on my mother’s telekong, and then had to lead my mother down the staircase from the 4th floor. When I got down, I saw some women who only had a small towel on their head. Some had not covered their heads probably because they panicked and simply ran for their lives.” .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

• When taking ablution, keep your watch, spectacles, sunglasses, etc. on your person, whether in your pockets or a waistpouch/backpack/slingbag. Do not leave anything “lying around.” Females • Ladies need to be constantly alert in protecting their aurat. • Recite the Talbiyah quietly so as not to attract attention of non-mahrams. •

When applying wudhu, be careful to avoid uncovering any part of your body, especially within sight of nonmahrams.

• When performing tahallul, do not expose your hair as

you cut it. • Check your posture when you are resting in a public place. Be sure not to lie down in a supine position or assume other provocative positions. If you need to sleep, do so in your room or in your tent. • Keep among the ladies and away from non-mahrams.

• Ladies who are “uzur”, DO NOT stay in the room alone by yourself during solat times. Sit in the hotel lobby or a public area, in public view. • Always have your male mahram travel with you -- be the last to enter a vehicle and the first to exit. “I went for Hajj with my mother and aunty. Most important thing is, just make sure you always stay in a big group.” .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

• Avoid going into those narrow shops or narrow alleys alone because there have been cases of kidnapping there. Be suspicious of parked vehicles. Remember, we are there on different turf. “I have always been independent but when I was there, walking in a crowded street alone, I could still sense ‘eyes’ following me.” • Have a friend with you when you go shopping; do not be by yourself in a shop with a male shop attendant. There are men who tend to get cheap thrills touching your hand or body “accidentally”, SO be careful. You may want to wear a niqob and cover your face (when not in ihram) to reduce the attractiveness factor. • Stay calm, istighfar when there are men who are tempted to hug you during saie or pinch bottoms during tawaf, etc., Ask Allah for protection and forgive the offender. Take care if you are bringing pretty teenage girls. • Advise your spouse/parent/sibling not to enter the quarters of the opposite gender. If possible, they should remain at the main door and ask someone to call you. It would be difficult to watch one’s 'aurat’ when one is resting or sleeping. If you need to have any discussion, have it outside of the quarters. Children • Never carry children on your shoulders in crowded places, esp. during Tawaf or Saie. Should the child fall, it might be tragic. “An Iranian 2 year old was trampled to death during Tawaf in Ramadhan 2002. “



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

3.3 Take care of our health • Always take a shower (depending on availability of washroom and water), blow your nose and clear any phlegm after performing tawaf or being in a crowded place. InsyaAllah you will flush out germs and virus. • If your skin is prone to dryness, do not use soap. This dries up your skin and may cause chaps and broken skin which can be infected. • Do, however, conserve water -- WE ARE IN A DESERT “When you need to do washing, use as little water as possible. Unlike in Malaysia, water in Saudi Arabia is delivered by trucks daily into the building tanks. If you waste, you might find you don't have any for purifying yourself later. You might want to store some in bottles just in case. Another point to note, especially in Arafah and Mina –– do not waste water. If you do not have to bathe in Arafah, please do not. When taking ablution, use a spray bottle or a cup to reduce the amount of water consumed. In Mina, shorten your bath and conserve water.” • Sleep when it is time to rest as you need the energy to do your ibadah. This also helps you to be alert. Don’t overdo anything. • At the first sign of illness, drink zam zam & supplicate, take habbatussauda oil with honey, take extra doses of Vitamin C, etc. Drink plenty of water. • For breastfeeding mothers, carry around a paper/plastic cup so that you may express the milk undercover and keep up the supply. You need to quickly discard the milk at the nearest sink/drain. One of the contributors was able to continue feeding her child after being away for 10 days. .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

PART 4: SOCIAL CHALLENGE We need to put ourselves at the service of others. This is when we need to challenge ourselves to show the utmost selflessness, selfdenial, and human compassion. This is when we need to think about others and sacrifice some of our needs for their sake. This is when we need to preoccupy ourselves with worship and good deeds which benefit others. Note that if you are performing Hajj, then insyaAllah you will be spending the first 10 days of Dhulhijjah in Makkah. Righteous deeds during this period are far better and more rewarding than those done on other days. 1249. Narrated Ibn 'Abbas (R) Allah's Messenger said, "There are no days during which the righteous action is so pleasing to Allah as righteous action done during these days (i.e., the first ten days of Dhulhijjah)." He was asked: "O Allah's Messenger, not even Jihad in the Cause of Allah?" He replied, "Not even Jihad in the Cause of Allah, except in case one goes forth with his life and his property and does not return with either of it." [Al-Bukhari]

4.1 Give Without Expecting Anything From Anyone Other Than Allah • Take this opportunity to perform sadaqah of various kinds: o donate money to smaller masjids, madrasahs, students, the poor, orphans; o feed those fasting during Ramadhan, Thursdays, Mondays, 13th-15th days of the hijri month, etc.; o waqaf Qur’an and/or Qur’an translations in the masjids. .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

“For those who plan to ‘waqaf’ Al-Qur’an in the Masjids, please get the seller to stamp on the Al-Qur’an the word Waqaf. Otherwise, it may be taken out of the Masjid. I realised that most jema’ah are not aware of the above when I attended the "Reunion" last Saturday at LUTH, Kelana Jaya.” “Get ready with Saudi Riyals for sadaqah every time after solat. If you don’t favour the panhandlers who line the streets, you can sadaqah to organizations (in the boxes provided, also on the streets). Or to the Ustaz teaching hafazan groups in the masjid...they usually are around in the mornings when you go for your solat dhuha.”

4.2 Be compassionate, empathetic and courteous • Talk only when necessary. Before we open your mouth, ask ourselves "Would it matter if I do not say what I am going to say?" If the answer is no, then it’s better to keep quiet. Do not boast, gossip, argue, lie, etc. • Ask Allah's Forgiveness not only for ourselves, family and friends but also for the ummah. We need to let go of grudges against others. Supplicate for others. Abud-Darda' (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah saying, "Whenever a Muslim supplicates for his (Muslim) brother in his absence, the angels say: `May the same be for you too'.'' [Muslim]. • Be alert against the mischief of Satan, who likes to cause disputes among us. When we travel in groups and have daily contact with each other, we expose our hidden self. So we need to learn to love each other as brothers and sisters in .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

Islam. Rasulullah (saw) said, None of you has truly believed unless he likes for his brother what he likes for himself. • Think well (husnu zan/baik sangka) of others “If I don't empathise with others, I will be made to. Several weeks or months ago my eldest son had a few mouth ulcers and complained he had difficulty eating. At that time, I thought he was "playing it up." So for the first time in years (as far as I can recall), I developed a mouth ulcer in Medinah and found out for myself how DIFFICULT it was to eat. I realised then the reason for my ulcer and apologised to my son.” • Please note that the entrances to the Masjid and passageways are for traffic and should not be blocked by people praying there, even if it is to join the congregational prayer that is in progress. You may find the guards chasing you away from such places at both Masjids in Makkah & Medinah. When there is overcrowding, however, people do get to pray at these places just before the start of the congregational prayers. As soon as the prayers are over, do hasten to clear the way for traffic. • Be careful not to harm others in order to perform a sunnah (eg. Kissing the Black Stone, performing solat behind Maqam Ibrahim). It is haram (prohibited) to harm a believer. • Recite the Qur'an or do dhikrullah without disturbing others. Loud recitation can cause others to lose concentration. • Remember that for women, it is better to solat in the last saf and BEHIND the men. When crowds are large, it can get chaotic and some women may want to push their way through to solat in the front. What can happen is the space around the Masjid gets taken up and men do end up .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

performing solat behind the women. This can be a little “challenging” to the men. • On Fridays, the Masjids tend to be packed because the local men also solat there. This particular solat is not compulsory for women, so if it is too crowded, do not add to the congestion. Ladies can solat dhuhr in the hotel room.

4.3 Be helpful to others • Share the space for solat. “Provide a place for others and others will provide a place for you...especially in the Masjid. Oh yes, extend your silaturrahim..I am blessed with a Nigerian and a Pakistani sister and an old Indian lady named Shah Jahan who gave me bangles..she doesn't speak English, so we used sign language and amazingly she understood me....”

4.4 Caring for the elderly • Take care of the elderly, even if they're not supposed to be under your care. As already mentioned, there are quite a number of elderly people who don't have anybody accompanying them. “There was an elderly lady who was supposed to be taken care of by her cousins, but they found it quite troublesome to do so and always left her behind.” "I find quite a number of people with the attitude "Difficult to take care of myself, how to take care of others”. Trust me, you'll find that things which are usually difficult to do become much easier every time after you help someone in need. Just to share my own experience, not that I did anything .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

much... just things like helping them find their luggage, or if they don't know how to call home, help them do so... bring them along to the masjid with you and make sure they come back with you... those kind of things. I didn't realise it then, but during my "post-mortem" of my hajj, I realised that the following happened AFTER I helped out the elderly in my room: - There were many people in queue to kiss the hajarul aswad, so I didn't plan to join them, but somehow right after my tawaf sunat, I saw a clear passage to the hajarul aswad. As a matter of fact, the police guarding the hajarul aswad actually waved to me to get to the Hajarul aswad and stopped others from pushing and shoving around. I managed to touch and kiss the hajarul aswad easily. - At Raudhah, a lady, a total stranger, actually "guarded" me while I performed my solat, she put her arms around me so that others didn't push me or walk in front of me. She disappeared right after I completed my solat, I didn't even have the chance to thank her. - While waiting at the airport for our flight home, I went to buy food for myself, my mother and my aunt. There were many others who were in haste to buy food, so I just waited there. One of the Arab men, selling drinks, saw me and called out his friend selling the food to pack the food for me first. So I managed to buy the food easily • Under any circumstances, DO NOT leave an elderly person by himself/herself outside the hotel at any time. “ The 4 of us headed for Raudhah and grandma said she would stay just outside Raudhah and look after our bags. When we came out, she was not at the place where we had left her. Apparently the crowd had displaced her and by God’s will, someone managed to protect her. We had to .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

hunt for the stuff we had left with her and could not retrieve everything.” • ALWAYS accompany your elders. If say, you're doing your tawaf/saie, and the elderly person you're accompanying seems tired and you feel they need to rest first, accompany them back to the hotel. Don't ask them to wait at a certain place for you to finish your tawaf/saie. They may wander and end up lost in the masjid. In the event that they do get lost, and the only thing you find later on are their shoes/slippers outside the masjid, leave the shoes/slippers there. “This actually happened to someone in my group during my recent trip. Two elderly ladies ended up lost in the masjid while their family members completed their ‘‘Umrah. Worse still, while searching for the two ladies, one of the family members found their shoes outside the masjid and took their shoes back. Apparently when these two ladies did get out through that particular door and could not find their shoes, they thought they had the wrong door and went back inside the masjid to find another door out. The elderly ladies were only found after 24 hours. They had to spend the night in Masjidil Haram, without any food.”

4.5 Caring for those who need wheelchairs • Wheelchairs are available for free at Masjidil Haram when you deposit your passport. They are located in the Saie area, 2nd floor at the Safa end. Self-driven motorized wheelchairs are also available for SR40 per usage for tawaf OR saie, (i.e. SR 80 for both tawaf and saie) during the low season. The rate increases to SR 100 per usage during peak season (i.e. Ramadhan, Hajj).



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

• It may be preferable to buy one because although the distance from hotel to Masjid is near, the compound of the Masjid, which is cemented/tiled, is some meters away from the entrance. If you rent, it is for a limited duration and is subject to availability. • You could buy one from any pharmacy (if you are lucky, used ones are also available), use it and either sell it back to the pharmacy or donate it to the hotel where future pilgrims can borrow it for free. Provided a family member is available to push the wheelchair every time, it is cheaper to buy than rent in the long run. • During the Hajj season, those unable to perform tawaf and saie on foot can do it using a wheelchair. Renting a wheelchair can be expensive. It can go up to SR150 per session. Malaysians can borrow them from the Malaysian Medical Mission for free or borrow one from Tabung Haji, • Paying for someone to push the wheelchair can be expensive. Ramadhan and Hajj season rates are higher than those in the low season as follows (this is a guide only for Malay speaking students in Makkah – please give with sincerity): Wheelchair & service for tawaf & saie SR 100 Ramadhan SR 150 minimum Hajj season SR 300 - 350 Wheelchair & service for tawaf only SR 40 Ramadhan SR 70 minimum Hajj season SR 100 minimum Different rates may apply if you choose other than these students. This service usually includes pick up from hotel to the Haram and back. .


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“During my recent ‘Umrah trip, I saw a place outside Masjidil Haram which provides wheelchairs for free. We didn't get any, though, because my mother only needed it for saie, not for tawaf (for tawaf we could cut short the distance by doing the tawaf nearer to the Ka’abah, but for saie there's no way to cut short the distance). So, we rented the wheelchair at the saie area. In this case, it was the aide who wheeled her during saie, but both my sister and I promised to keep within distance, so we did. If you intend to do this, it's advisable to get the male in your group to follow the person being wheeled... my sister and I had a tough time trying to catch up with the aide... his one step was equivalent to 2 steps from us!!! Phew!!!” • Tawaf for someone in wheelchair would be together with every one else. It is advisable for you to wheel your elderly yourself and perform the tawaf together. He/she can read the supplication aloud and you can end each with “amin” since you are unable to hold the book. If you get someone else to push the wheelchair, the aide may be in a hurry to complete his job so that he can take in another customer. He may push the jema’ah at high speed. Yes, the tawaf will be completed but is it done correctly to the best of the ability and in the end do you get the satisfaction that you have completed it successfully? Again use the outer circle as to avoid the crowd. During Hajj, some proceed to the 2nd and 3rd level of the masjid to perform tawaf. NOTE: Please ensure that the wheelchair is not left empty and that it is in your secure possession always. The person who uses the wheelchair can perform solat in it.

4.6 Avoid Non-mahram Interactions • Muslim women need to be careful in their dressing and their speech (avoid soft speech with non-mahrams) so as not to show off their ‘aurat. It is better to maintain a low profile to .


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avoid attracting the attention of non-mahrams. A pilgrim should not be distracted by anyone or anything from his focus on Allah swt. “Take care of your aurat (this includes the female voice). The Saudi government requires a female to travel with a mahram. This requirement is not for entry purposes only. It is the prescribed way of behaviour. It is important that the adhab in interaction with the opposite sex be observed. I feel that the observance of this adhab is very important towards protecting the “mabrurness” of your hajj. For example, there is no need for a man to go to a woman (vice versa), who is not an ustazah, to get advice on how to perform a certain ritual. In this case, you go to a proper ustaz/ustazah. From my personal experience, I found it bizarre that a man later came to tell me that “such and such lady, she is so knowledgeable about doing tawaf, and I learnt a few things from her” when the lady is not an ustazah and he learnt those “few things” when she was not with her mahram, and he, his mahram. It is acknowledged that this kind or standard of behaviour is tough to achieve when we are back home, but at the very least we should try to achieve it in Makkah with its “much more” conducive environment.”



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH


Source: To be identified

Map of area around The Haram in Makkah Accommodation When you arrive at your hotel be it in Medinah or Makkah, look around the place and take a good look at the building you're in. Then try to remember the surroundings. It’s very important to listen to instructions of the guide because normally he will show the route to and from the masjid. Get to know people in the same group. It does not pay to be a loner out there. .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

Solat times Jot down the time for solat for planning purposes. Because of the crowd during Ramadhan or the Hajj season, you may have to make plans to be in the Masjid at least 60 minutes before solat time. Food Take note of eating places – local, Indonesian, Indian, etc. Sample the pure thick fruit juices (mango, orange, sugarcane, guava, honeydew, etc.) at unbelievably low prices (SR 3-5) “Go to the Cordoba Barakath hotel (one of the maktabs) after isya' for a great roti canai and teh tarik.” “If you like pomegranate juice/drink, look for it at the Royal Makkah Food Court -- SR5 for a large glass” NOTE: It is advisable to have food with you, especially on transit and in case there is shortage of food for whatever reason. Consider serunding, biscuits, fruits, etc. Telecommunication If you are staying for more than a few weeks, it may be worthwhile to get a local prepaid call card – Al Jawal or Mobily. There may be current promotions on, so it’s best to check them out at their respective outlets. You can then purchase top up cards from international call cabins, money changers, mini markets. Alternatively, you can use your Malaysian mobile postpaid phone line if you have registered it for international roaming. The rates, however, may be astronomical. If you have a prepaid roaming line, then please check with your telco service provider what services are available to you.



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

“You can easily get Al-Jawal prepaid cards either in Medinah or Makkah. But I felt that the line was clearer with our Celcom postpaid service. Telekom has their Ring-Ring card that is very convenient to use from a fixed line phone – just dial 180069 and follow the instructions. And of course there are the international call cabins. Very good reception but very long line…” With a Malaysian mobile postpaid phone line that has roaming facility, you can call Malaysia from your mobile phone using Telekom’s “iTalk with mobile”. Dial 180069 and follow the instructions. Laundry There are many laundry facilities available, probably one “around the corner.” Take a walk around your hotel or find out from your mutawif the one nearest to your hotel. Rates range from about SR4 per piece of kain ihram or jubah, SR3 per piece baju melayu top/bottom, SR1 for a pair of socks. Add about another SR1 during peak season. Check your mutawif for door to door laundry service, usually provided by Indonesian mutawif/catering staff.



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

PART 6: LOCATIONS PERTAINING TO HAJJ/’UMRAH 6.1 The Masjidil Haram (please see Appendices 3 & 4) Please note that conduct in all masjids and especially The Haram, should be that of a humble slave before his Lord. Any action or discussion on purely worldly matters have no place in the masjid.

6.1.1 Getting To Know The Haram: Doors • There are about 100 doors (and more may be under construction) at Masjidil Haram, so take note which door you enter. The main doors are Abdul Aziz, Fahd, ‘Umrah, Fath. These can be identified from afar by the minaret on either side of each main door. Only Safa Gate has ONE minaret

Source: To be identified

Anticlockwise: Single minaret at top right hand corner is Safa Gate, then Fath Gate at top left hand corner, Umrah Gate, Fahd Gate and Aziz Gate, the latter four being the main gates as marked by double minarets. .


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Source: http://www.dalil-alhaj.com/en/photos.htm 30 .

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

GATES OF MASJIDIL HARAM (BAB) 1. 2. 3 & 4. 5. 6. 7 & 8. 9. 10.

King Abdul Aziz Gate King Abdul Aziz stairs Basement Ajiad Ajiad Bilal Ajiad Escalator Hussain Ismail (From Safa to Marwa) 11. Safa (in front of the Palace) (Enter here for nearest access to Rukun Hajarul Aswad) 12 & 13. Gate 14. Abi Qabis stairs 15. Bab Darul Raqir 16. Bani Hashim Flyover 17. Bani Hashim Gate 18. Ali Flyover (green light) 19. Ali 20. Al Abbas (green light) 21. Al Abbas Flyover 22. Al Nabi 23. Al Nabi Flyover 24. Bab As Salam 25. Salam Flyover 26. Bani Shaiba 27. Al Hajoon 28. Al Ma’ala Flyover 29. Al Ma’ala 30. Al Madda-a 31. Al Marwa (Morad) 32 - 34. Marwa Gates 35 & 36. Morad Escalator 37. Al Mohassab 38. Arafa 39. Mina .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

GATES OF MASJIDIL HARAM (BAB) (cont’d) 40. Quraish Escalator 41. Qararah Escalator 42. Qararah Escalator 43. Al Qararah 44. Ramp Basement Haram 45. Al Fath Gate 46. Zubair Bridge 47 & 48. Haram (basement) 49. Omar 50. An Nadwa Bridge 51. An Nadwa 52. Al Shameia (Enter here for nearest access to the Golden Spout) 53 & 54. Al Shameia Escalator 55. Al Qods 56. Al Medinah 57. Al Medinah Bridge 58. Al Hodaibia 59 & 60. Haram (basement) 61. Al Mahdi Al Abasi Bridge 62. Al ‘Umrah Gate 63. Al ‘Umrah stairs 64. Gate 65 & 66. Al Shebika Escalator 67 - 74. Gate 75-77. King Fahd (Haram basement) 78. King Fahd stairs 79. King Fahd Gate 80. King Fahd stairs 81- 83. King Fahd (Haram basement) 84-90. Gate 91 & 92. King Fahd Escalator 93 - 94. Gate 95 King Abdul Aziz stairs



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

6.1.2 Getting To Know The Haram: Ka’abah

Source: http://www.dalil-alhaj.com/en/photos.htm

Note: There is no longer a brown marble line today. • The Ka’abah is about 5-7 meters from the Masjid doors. Look at the Ka’abah often and think of the history and what had happened on this holy ground. “The energy near the Ka’abah is incredible, especially at the Multazam and at the Golden Spout -- you get reduced to tears .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

easily and feel like how one could feel on “Padang Mashar” -naked, tiny, full of sins -- enough to make one feel repentant.” “I make it a point to do tawaf every time I enter Masjidil Haram and before exiting. To me, this is more afdhal than doing ‘Umrah everyday.” “I like to khatam Qur’an in Masjidil Haram, so I read the Qur’an during tawaf instead of the normal du’as. In the afternoon I do it upstairs so that I don't get too tanned.” “During Ramadhan, I make du’a while performing tawaf sunat. Otherwise, I don’t get to make all the du’a for myself, family and friends near the Ka’abah because of the huge crowd.” • Hijir Ismail (this is considered to be the INSIDE of the Ka’abah) Hijir Ismail (semi circle beside Ka’abah) is always crowded. Just find any small space where you can sujud to perform two-raka’at sunat and again use sujud akhir to take your time to make supplication in your heart. The guard may not chase you if you are in sujud position.



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

Source: To be identified

The Golden Spout is right above Hijir Ismail. An excellent area to perform solat or make supplication is right underneath or the area extending from the Golden Spout. “Going to Hijir Ismail is not compulsory for ‘Umrah. It can be done at any time but personally I always follow this step to ensure that I have completed everything should I not get a second chance. That is why it has to be slow and steady, step-by-step.”



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

6.1.3 Getting To Know The Haram: Rooftop

Source: http://www.masjidhamzah.com/Images/hajj2003c.jpg

The Masjidil Haram rooftop is usually packed towards end Ramadhan & during the Hajj season. One can also perform saie on the rooftop. • During the hajj season, do take the opportunity to perform solat on the rooftop of Masjidil Haram. It is so refreshing to do so for Subuh and Maghrib solat. You can also tawaf on the rooftop. The distance may be longer, but the crowd is less than that on the mataf.

6.1.4 Entering The Haram • If you're travelling as a pair or a group, once you get into the masjid, the splendour of it all normally astounds everyone and a seasoned traveler is not spared. Be sure to identify a specific meeting place to meet (eg. door name and number) in case .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

anyone goes missing or when you split in the case of men and women and especially with children. " My advice is, once you get inside, take a look at the Ka’abah and make sure which corner of the Ka’abah you see first, i.e. Hajarul Aswad or Yemeni or whichever. Whenever you get lost, go back to the Ka’abah and start your move from the particular corner of the Ka’abah to find your way back." • Bring a small backpack containing tissues, wet tissues (especially helpful if you are breaking fast in the Masjid), pen, paper, tumbler/water flask (so that you don't need to refill Zam Zam water so often and you can take some back to your residence) when you go to the masjid, and if performing ‘Umrah, a pair of scissors for tahallul. • You may also want to bring any or all of the following: Al Maathurat, Manzil, Majmu’ Sharif. There is no restriction on printed materials if it is to help us perform our Ibadah. Printed material that is forbidden are those related to politics or other unrelated writings that could adversely affect or change our nawaitu. “You may want to consider carrying the backpack in front so that it can also act as a shield in crowded places. Also backpacks can remain on your back when you go to the toilet or take your wudhu’”. “I like the foldable Travelpak brand (about RM50) – it is lightweight yet durable. It has bottle compartments at the sides (you can have your zam zam water bottle on one side and spray bottle for wudhu’ on the other side.” "The door guards will check your bags for weapons or camera as well as phones with camera. So as you enter, just open your bag and show them the contents. Sometimes they will not allow reused water bottles, so a tumbler or proper water container is better". .


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• When the masjid is not crowded, place your bag in front of you so that others may walk in front of you as you solat. The bag should be at least 5 “hasta” away from your feet. • Pack your slippers in a shoe bag upon entering the masjid and keep the shoe bag in your backpack if you don’t feel confident leaving it at the shoe rack. Please check with your Ustaz/ah if it is permissible to tawaf carrying shoes/slippers. In case you lose your slippers, slippers are usually sold outside the masjids. If need be, walk home in your socks. “Travelpak has a thin lightweight shoe bag with a zippered pocket. The travel/luggage section of major department stores should have this brand.”

6.1.5 Ibadah Within The Haram • The mutawif will inform the time for Jema’ah to get together and perform ‘Umrah. For beginners, it is best to follow the Mutawif. Mutawif is usually provided for the first ‘Umrah upon arrival in Makkah. Thereafter, if you would like to engage a Mutawif to assist you to perform ‘Umrah (accompany and guide you from hotel to Miqat, through to tahallul) you can use the following rates as a guide (for a group of less than 20 pax): Low season SR 70 Ramadhan SR 100 minimum Hajj season SR 150 minimum • Remember ‘Umrah and Hajj comprise specific actions. It is enhanced with supplications. Aim to do your best and try to recite all the supplications you have learned. You don’t need to memorise them and you can read from your reference book. “Personally, I prefer to perform the ‘Umrah without the Mutawif because a Mutawif will normally be too familiar with the procedure and tends to proceed at a fast pace. I like to do it at my own pace and perform it whole-heartedly, reading the supplication in both .


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Arabic and Bahasa Malaysia/English and understand every word I am saying. My advice is do not rush. Each ibadah needs to be done without rushing and with tertib so that it is done properly and with full concentration of body, mind and soul.” • Tawaf (please see Appendix 8) Perform the Tawaf by circumambulating 7 times around the Ka’abah. Both males and females move in the same area. The ladies are normally in black robes except for Malaysians and Indonesians who are in white. Men are normally in white. If you can, perform tawaf at night when it’s cool. Please note that there is no longer a clearly marked line to denote the Rukun Hajarul Aswad. Use the green light on your right and the Rukun Hajarul Aswad on your left to approximate your position. If you lose count, perform an extra round. There are many things to watch for in tawaf. 1) Preserve your wudhu’. Keep hands underneath your telekong and use the arm gloves. 2) Always harden your left shoulder to face the Ka’abah. The cycle is anticlockwise. 3) Do not touch the Ka’abah until after you’ve completed your tawaf. 4) Do not be afraid to walk alone in tawaf. If you’re afraid that you may lose each other, select a checkpoint to meet after tawaf before performing the next task. Reason: if you move in groups or link hands, you are unable to be sure that you can walk in the straight line without moving your shoulder. Tendency for another group to crash in is high and your shoulder may move. Then your tawaf may become invalid. 5) For better concentration it is wise to walk the outer circle, further from the crowd especially at the starting line even though it may take longer. I have done this many times and .


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normally it will take approximately 30-40 minutes to complete the tawaf. 6) The floor around the Ka’abah is covered with white tiles. If you perform Tawaf after Dhuhr or ‘Asr when the sun is shining hot, it is wise to use sunglasses to protect the eyes. You may also want to wet your head with Zam Zam water to prevent dehydration. “There were a few of our ladies there who had performed solat using the face masks, which is not permissible during ihram. They also used the masks during tawaf, perhaps after looking at female pilgrims from other countries.” Once you have completed your tawaf, proceed behind Maqam Ibrahim. Perform solat Sunat Tawaf 2 raka’at and recite the supplication given in the book. If you are able to move towards the Multazam, raise your hands and recite the supplication. This is another place where supplications are “mustajab”. Unless the guard chases you, use this opportunity to make supplications as much as you can. If unable to go near, then a distance away is okay as long as it is directly in front of the Ka’abah door. NOTE: If it is crowded, you can perform solat Sunat Tawaf anywhere in the Masjid. Do not add to the congestion. • Zam Zam (please see Appendix 10) Once completed*, look for Zam Zam water which can be found just about everywhere inside and around the masjid. Most of the containers dispense cool/cold Zam Zam. If you would like it warm, look for containers with Arabic letters in green. Take a short break to drink. When you drink the Zam Zam water, face the Ka’abah, recite the supplication and in your heart ask Allah to help you in your ‘‘Umrah/Hajj and remove all illnesses from heart, body, mind and soul. .


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* Please note that you can drink Zam Zam water anytime. You can use the tanks outside the Masjid to fill up big bottles. In the book, “The Miraculous Healing by Zam Zam Water” published by Dar Al-Ghadd Al-Gadeed (SR14 @ Da’awah Bookstore, Hilton Shopping Complex), there are many examples of what one could ask from Allah when imbibing the Zam Zam water or when applying over various body parts. “One of the ‘hikmahs of being uzur during Ramadhan was the ability to drink LOTS of Zam Zam water. Having read the book mentioned above, I now TREASURE my limited supply of Zam Zam water back home.” • Safa and Marwah. When you have rested, proceed to Safa and Marwah for Saie. If it is time for Solat Fardh, stop to perform solat and continue afterwards. Start at Safa -- face Ka’abah and Istilam. Then start walking to Marwah. For ladies there is no need to jog a little at the Green Light, but for men, yes. Use thick socks to walk the Saie. Safa Marwah (1 count); Marwah Safa (2 counts) and continue until 7 counts. If unsure, complete another walk. Better more than less. You do not have to be in Wudhu’ for this task. Here you can walk together as there are lanes that you can follow. If there are more than 2 of you, it is better not to link hands so that you don’t obstruct others from proceeding at their own pace. After you have finished the 7 counts, which will end in Marwah, perform the Tahallul. Bring a small pair of scissors and cut a few strands of hair recite the supplication. For men, it is preferable to shave their hair. In ‘Umrah/Hajj Tamattu’, you are now out of Ihram. However if in Ifrad, do not cut your hair, as you will still be in Ihram till Hajj is completed. Thus your first ‘Umrah (which is wajib) is completed. Subsequent ‘Umrahs will .


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be Sunat. You can do this as many times as you want by just taking a short trip to Miqat. You may want to sadaqah the ‘Umrah sunat to a deceased family member or friend. • If you are well versed in English, look for the THICK Qur’an translation (there's also a thinner, very readable version) in English. You may be able to purchase this as well as other translations at reduced prices at the Qur’an Printing Complex in Medinah “This thick English translation is the most beautiful translation I've come across -- and you can also purchase it for SR60 at the bookstore. The thinner version, however, is easier to read and the footnotes contain hadiths. It comes in hardback at SR30 and paperback pocket size at SR20-25. The latter is one I would ‘never leave home without.”

6.2 Arafah Rest as much as possible 2-3 days before leaving for Arafah. Resting can increase the probability for patience. If you can afford it, send clothes to the laundry. Conserve energy for solat and ibadah.

Source: To be identified .


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Wuquf at Arafah on 9 Dhulhijjah is the climax of Hajj, a time of the year when supplications are most mustajab, i.e. between dhuhr & Maghrib. Plan carefully how to best utilize the limited precious time at Arafah. Devote your time, energy, mind and body to Allah . Avoid mixing tea and taking pictures in the midst of preparing to move to Muzdalifah. Concentrate on istighfar, glorification, solat and supplication • Jabir reported that the Prophet said, "The ten days of the month of Dhu'l-Hijjah are the best days in the sight of Allah ." A man asked, "Are these days better than an equivalent number of days that are spent fighting in the Cause of Allah ?" The Prophet answered, "They are better than an equivalent number of days spent fighting in the Cause of Allah sight of Allah

. And there is no day better in the than the Day of Arafah. On this day

Allah , the Almighty and the Exalted One, descends to the nearest heaven, and He is proud of His slaves on the earth and says to those in heaven, "Look at My servants. They have come from far and near, with hair disheveled and faces covered with dust, to seek My mercy, even though they have not seen My chastisement. Far more people are freed from the Hellfire on the Day of Arafah than on any other day." • Ibn Al-Mubarak reported from Sufyan Ath-Thawri, from AzZubayr Ibn Ali, from Anas Ibn Malik that he said: T h e .


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Prophet spent the day at Arafah until almost sunset. Then he said, "O Bilal, ask the people to be quiet and listen to me." Bilal stood up and asked the people to be quiet and listen to the Prophet

. When the people were quiet, the

Prophet said, "O people, a little while ago Gabriel (peace be upon him) came to me. Gave me salutations from Allah and informed me that Allah has forgiven those who spend the Day at Arafah and those who stop at Al-Mash'ar Al-Haram, and that He has guaranteed their debts." At this Umar Ibn Al-Khattab stood up and asked, "O Allah's Messenger, is this for us only?" The Prophet said, "This is for you and for all those who will come after you until the Day of Judgment." Umar exclaimed, "How plentiful and blissful Allah's bounties are!" • Muslim and others have reported from A’ishah that the Prophet said, "Allah frees far more people from Hellfire on the Day of Arafah than on any other day, and Allah comes closer this day and proudly says to the angels, "What do these people want and seek?" .



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

“My aunt advised me to come out of the tent upon hearing the Dhuhr adhan and make supplication.” “Prior to Arafah, I had compiled my supplications so that I could concentrate and read them during that precious period in Arafah.”

Source: http://www.wayoftheprophet.co.uk/hajj_gallery/hajj_2004_1231(012).html

A view of Arafah during the non-Hajj season, with Masjid Namirah in the background.



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

InsyaAllah, it will not be hard to find out the locations of your tent in Arafah and Mina. In fact, it is possible now to get a map of the locality. Prepare yourself for walking from Arafah to Mina. Avoid bringing too many things to Arafah and Mina. Use bags with rollers or a backpack as you may need to walk for a long stretch to get to your camp. For those staying on in Mina from Arafah, be sure to pack the essentials for the stay in both Arafah and Mina. Suggested Packing Checklist Remember that “the best provision is taqwa.”            

       


Some cash, whether for food or sadaqah. Hand phone with new battery Extra battery (no electrical outlet to charge hand phone) Pen & paper Prescription Medication, if any Something for dehydration – eyes, lips, internal & external body Something for purging/vomiting Spray bottle for wudhu’, to freshen face, etc. Solat mat Qur’an Hajj/Solat guidebooks Supplications & wish list of what you would like to ask Allah for yourself, family and friends Clothing (please note c o m f o r t a b l e shoes/sandals are recommended) Sweater for ladies, thick cloth for men Sarong for ladies Disposable undies/pantiliners Toiletry bag with hook Wet wipes Tissue packs Towel Waterless non-perfumed hand wash liquid 46

Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH             

Miswak in lieu of toothbrush & toothpaste Sun protection – umbrella, non-perfumed sunscreen Ziploc bags to store food. Plastic bags for trash Water bottle carrier Ear plugs Small torch light Small pouch for at least 70 pebbles Combination locks Hand luggage with rollers/trolley or backpack “Swiss army” knife, which has scissors for tahallul Some food Mat/camp stool to sit on

“Make sure you have enough clothes for these 5 days. Bring lots of panty liners and disposable panties. Whether you go by package or muassasah, you will be crammed in your tents and the toilets are not enough for us to indulge in washing our clothes. In addition, we should not deprive others who really need to use the toilets. If you can't get the toilet for wudhu’, especially for Subuh, remember that you can perform wudhu’ with a bottle of water. Some people missed their Subuh at Mina because they couldn't get into the bathrooms and forgot that they had another alternative.” Take a walk around after you've laid down your stuff. Find out where: • The nearest toilets are. • The nearest clinic is. • The nearest drinking water tanks are. Pilgrims will be put in a tent with 20 or more people of different ages. If you notice a person complaining of headaches and feeling hot, cool her down by fanning her underneath her hijab or telekong and sponge her especially her head. Most probably she's about to .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

get heat stroke. And if you ever leave the tent, be sure to let someone know of your absence. Queuing for the bus as well as the bus ride from Arafah to Muzdalifah may take 10 hours or more, so be prepared with what you need on hand. "Once on the bus to Mina, take a good look or get to know the person who is sitting beside you if you're not traveling with family. During my hajj trip, a lady on my bus went missing because she got down again just before we left for Mina from Arafah to go to the toilet without informing anyone. Unfortunately for her, the person she sat with was too oblivious of whatever was happening.” “For Hajj 2003, several thousand pilgrims missed mabit in Muzdalifah, and even a lot more had to walk to their tents in Mina by disembarking from their buses 4 – 6 kilometres away. Prospective hujjaj, please take note of this scenario. The total walk between Arafah and Mina InsyaAllah is about 10 kms (add 1 or 2 kms to your tent). By the time you are in Makkah, gather a few “similar heads” and discuss the possibility of this happening again. Then discuss this with your mutawif as to your contingency plan, for e.g. are you going to walk? When do you decide to walk? (For men) putting on an extra towel to deal with the chill of nighttime? Energy bars? What things will you jettison in order to make walking more comfortable [or you have a haversack which can be kept in the bag, and if necessary, taken out to be used to carry your things [and your spouse’s things].”

6.3 Muzdalifah “If you are with Muassasah, do bring along a sleeping bag for mabit at Muzdalifah. The system for Muassasah is that we will go to Muzdalifah after Maghrib or Isya. We have to camp there at least until midnight to be considered as mabit. At midnight buses .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

will come and fetch and send us to Mina. If you decide to go to Mina early, you'll have to line up quite early. There were more than 3000 Malaysian pilgrims with me trying to get on the buses. Many fainted due to exhaustion and cold. (There’s a need in making sure the pilgrims can get on the buses systematically -- I hope this will improve after 2005). Better to sleep first and wait until the crowd has reduced before lining up for the bus. Your energy is much needed for throwing at the jamarats in Mina.”

6.4 Mina “Several large construction projects have been undertaken in Mina with the aim of increasing the safety of pilgrims. The most notable among them is the new multilevel Jamrat Bridge. The underground level of the bridge is intended mainly for the emergency services, such as taking the injured to hospital through a connected tunnel without disturbing pilgrim movements at other parts of the Jamrat. Another important work is the lengthening of Souk Al-Arab and Jawhara tunnels in the western side of Jamrat. A two-kilometer link between King Faisal Tunnel and the Rabita Road has been constructed. It starts from the Khayf Mosque in the east of the Jamrat and ends at the Sedaqi Street in the western side. The squares surrounding the Jamrat Bridge have been secured in such a way that pilgrims will not be able to sleep or camp there posing a serious threat to the safety of those who go to or return from the Jamrat. Two bus depots with a total capacity for 500 buses have been constructed on the western side of the Jamrat. A considerable part of the northern hills west of the Jamrat has been leveled to facilitate the construction of a road starting from King Fahd Road and leading to the west of the Jamrat. An eight-story medical tower with a helipad has been completed.” .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

(News sources-unidentifiable) • Tent “All those fireproof tents were air-conditioned -- Muassasah and package. We switched on the aircond ourselves whenever we needed to as the switches were very visible. And no, I didn't notice a temperature regulator, so it was pleasant in the day and very cold at night and early morning. The switch for the aircond in the tents are on the pillars.

Courtesy of Faziatone

There are socket outlets on the beams that hold the pillars of the fireproof tents in Mina. They are a bit high up but I'm sure ladies can find a way to connect your hand phone chargers there. Or easier, just ask your spouses to charge your batteries in their tents.



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

Courtesy of Faziatone

On the downside, resourceful thieves put their hands into the tents through the fences and got away with quite a lot of things from my tent last time (not mine though as my niche was in the middle of the tent). If your niche in the tent at Mina is right next to the gate/boundary/fence, please make sure your bags are kept away from the fences.” • Food “The food packs for Muassasah Hujjaj contained rice, a gravy dish, and vegetables. A fruit was given too and of course a bottle or a box of drink. Most of the time, you'll be getting more food than you can eat at Mina. Do bring them along with you to the jamarats. You can sadaqah them to the many needy persons along the way from your tent to the jamarats (rather then let the food go to waste).” • Washrooms Look for toilets that have been used for bathing because these are more likely to be clean and not smelly.



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

“I think the greatest challenge was at the toilets in Arafah and Mina...I had to garner plenty of patience and watch my mouth!” • Jamarat If you have a long way to walk to the Jamarats, bring water and sweets. Many have fainted due to low blood sugar. Try to get a few people (preferably male mahrams) to enclose and protect you with their hands while you throw the stones, so that you can get near to the pillar. Be sure you know HOW to throw the stones. When in doubt about anything, especially the ‘Umrah/hajj rituals, always, always ask the Ustaz/ah.



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

Appendix 1 Brief Words of Advice By Shaikhul Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhalvi Some brief words of advice which the late Shaikhul Hadith had reminded his friends when they came to meet him before departure for Hajj. (Reproduced from a leaflet published by the Waterval Islamic Institute, P O box 1, Johannesburg 2000). 1. Always regard those moments of life which you are blessed with as valuable, and not to be wasted. One cannot predict whether one would be graced with another good fortune and opportunity or not. Never waste one's time in vain, meaningless chatting. 2. During one’s presence in the Masjidil Haram and Masjid AnNabawi, a person’s conduct and behavior must be respectful, graceful and exemplary. Neither indulge in uncalled for nonsensical humor, joking and mocking, nor be occupied in staring and idolising the decor and finery of those places. 3. Great care and due consideration must be exercised in the required reverence, ethics and etiquette of both those holy places. Any improper conduct is extremely harmful and disastrous. One should neither criticize the things nor the inhabitants of both sacred places. After all those dwellers are humans also. Everyone on earth is prone to err and would make mistakes. In such circumstances instead of taking note of others’ shortcomings one must in particular focus and monitor one’s own failings. 4. One must abstain from all sins. Since many (men and) women gather at these places, specific care must be taken to avoid "Budnathariy". Bud-nathariy for men is to look with lust and ogle at nonmahram females (for females it is vice versa). In addition, one is required particularly to lower the gaze where females gather for Tawaaf in Makkah and Salaat-o-Salaam in Madina. .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

Appendix 2 Virtues of Makkah Courtesy: AL-ISLAAH PUBLICATIONS (www.everymuslim.net) 1. While departing from Makkah, Rasullullah (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) halted on a plateau, faced the Qibla and said: "By Allah! You are the most beloved portion of Allah's earth to me, and verily you are the most beloved portion of the earth to Allah too. Verily you are the best, spot on the face of the earth. And the most beloved to Allah. If your people did not expel me, I would not have departed from you." (Al-Muatta) 2. Rasullullah (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) stated in a Hadith"The best and the most beloved city on the face of this earth to Allah is Makkah." (Sahih Al-Bukhari) 3. Rasullullah (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) stated: "The earth was rolled out from Makkah. Allah stretched (the earth) from underneath it. Thus it is called the mother of all cities." (Sahih AlBukhari) 4. "The first mountain that was placed on the earth was Abu Qubais." (Ibn Abi Shiba, Ibn Abi Hatim and Dailmi from Ibn Abbas.) (Abu Qubais is the name of a mountain near Makkah.) 5. "The angels were the first beings to circumambulate around the sacred house, two thousand years before Allah created Adam." (Ibn Abi Duniya from Anas lbn Abi Shiba from lbn Abass/ Shafi from Ka-ab Alqirti) 6. "Around the Ka'bah lies the graves of three hundred prophets." (Sahih Muslim / Bayhaqi) 7. "There is no city on earth to which all the prophets, the angels, the holy messengers and all the pious servants of Allah, who reside in the heavens and on earth, including the jinn, flocked to, except .


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Makkah." (Sunan Ibn Majah) 8. "There is no city on earth through which Allah multiplies one good deed by a hundred thousand except Makkah." (Sahih Bukhari , lbn Hibban) 9. "Whosoever offers a salat therein, then that salat is enhanced a hundred thousand fold over." (Sahih Muslim / Sunan Nisai) 10. "Whosoever gives one dirham therein in charity, Allah writes for him the reward of having spent a hundred thousand dirhams in charity." (Ibn Abi Zubair in the Jamul Latif from Sunan Tirmizi) 11. "Anyone who completes the recitation of the full Qur'an once therein, AIIah records for him the reward of a hundred thousand recitations." (Baihaqi , lbn Majah) 12. "Whosoever glorifies Allah once therein, for him is recorded the rewards of having glorified Allah hundred thousand times elsewhere. Every good deed which a servant enacts in the haram is equivalent to a hundred thousand deeds enacted elsewhere." (Sunan Nasai) 13. "Each pious deed performed therein is multiplied a hundred thousand fold." (Sunan Abu Dawud) 14. "It is not known of any other city from which Allah will, on the day of Qiyamah, resurrect as many Ambiya, Allah-fearing souls, pious people, truthful ones, martyrs, religious people, Ulama, jurists, sages, ascetics, devotees, pilgrims, chosen ones and mystics, both males and females as Makkah. Verily they will be resurrected in a state wherein they will be safe from Allah's punishment." (Sahih Bukhari , Sahih Muslim) 15. Rasullullah (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) stated: "The best, purest, holiest and closest spot to Allah, is the place between the Marwah and the Maqam." (Sahih Bukhari , Sunan Ibn Majah) .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

16. Rasullullah (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) stated: "The space between the Ruknul Yamani and the Hajre Aswad is a garden from the gardens of Jannah." (Sahih Muslim, Sunan Tirmizi) 17. Rasullullah (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) stated: "A person who passed away while performing the hajj or umrah will not be questioned (in the qabr) nor will any reckoning be taken from him (on the day of Qiyamah). He will be told: "Enter Jannah in peace with those who have attained salvation." (Bayhaqi) 18. Rasullullah (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) stated: "Anyone who observes the fasts of the month of Ramadan in Makkah, Allah records for him the reward of a hundred thousand months of fasting in any other city." (Sunan Ibn Majah) 19. "The salat offered in Musjid-ul-Haram is increased by a hundred thousand salaah. For verily one obtains one hundred and fifty million (150 000 000) rewards for a salaah offered therein." (Sahih Bukhari , Sahih Muslim) 20. "Anyone who falls ill in Makkah for one day, Allah renders his body and his flesh haram (forbidden) from the fire of Jahannam." (Sahih Bukhari) 21. Rasullullah (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) stated: "Anyone who falls ill in Makkah for one day, Allah records for that person the rewards of having done good deeds equivalent to sixty years worship in any other place." (Muatta) 22. "Anyone who endures the heat of Makkah with patience for an hour of the day, Allah will distance that person from the fire of Jahannam by a distance of a journey of five hundred years and bring him closer to Jannah by a distance of a journey of two hundred years. Indeed Makkah and Madinah eject any impurities within them like flames eject rust from iron. Understand carefully! Difficulties and calamities abounded in Makkah right from its inception. Great stages are realised by enduring these difficulties." (Sahih Muslim) .


Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

23. "Anyone who endures any difficulty experienced in Makkah (with patience), I will intercede and bear witness for him on the day of Qiyamat." (Sunan ibn Majah) 24. "The best valley on the face of this earth is the valley of lbrahim (alaihis salaam)." (Sahih Bukhari, Sunan Tirmizi) 25. "The best well on the face of this earth is the well of Zamzam." (Sahih Muslim) 26. "For verily, anyone who touches the Hajre Aswad is cleansed of his sins just as he was on the day his mother gave birth to him." (Musnad lmam Ahmad) 27. "There is no city in the world in which one finds an object, which when touched by any human being, cleanses him of his sins and leaves him in the same state as he was on the day his mother gave birth to him, except Makkah." (Muatta) 28. "There is no city on the face of this earth in which a person offers a salah in accordance with a command which Allah issued to his Nabi Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam except Makkah." (Sunan Ibn Majah) 29 "Anyone who offers salah behind the Maqam has attained safety." (Sahih Bukhari, Sunan Nisai) 30 "The most beloved spot to Allah is the area between the Maqam-e-lbrahim and the Multazam." (Sunan Tirmizi , Abu Dawud) AL-ISLAAH PUBLICATIONS P.O.Box 1106 Kroonstad,South Africa, 9500 Tel no.: 27-56 -2124604 / Mobile no: 083 477 3786 / Fax no: 086 602 9424 e-mail: [email protected] web-site: www.everymuslim.net



Hajj/’Umrah Handbook 2008 Book 3 of 5: PERFORMING THE HAJJ/’UMRAH

Appendix 3 The Blessings of al-Masjid al-Haraam From Islamic Newsletter 'As-Sunnah' Issue no: 10 Compiled by Sister Shawana A. Aziz “Verily, the first House (of worship) appointed for mankind was that at Bakkah (former name of Makkah), full of blessing, and a guidance for al-Alameen (the mankind and Jinns). In it are manifest signs (for example), the Maqaam (place) of Ibraheem (Abraham); whosoever enters it, he attains security.” [Soorah alImran (3): 96-97] Al-Masjid al-Haraam was the first house of worship ordained for mankind on Earth. Allah has placed several blessings in it, for e.g. the Salaat in al-Masjid al-Haraam has increased rewards in comparison to the Salaat prayed anywhere else. The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: “One Salaat in my Masjid is better than 1,000 Salaat anywhere else except in al-Masjid alHaraam.” [Saheeh al-Bukharee and Saheeh Muslim] and: “One Salaat in al-Masjid al-Haraam is better than 100 Salaat in my Masjid.” [Musnad Ahmad] The Blessing of the water of Zam-Zam: Zam-Zam is the name of the famous well in al-Masjid al-Haraam. It is situated at a distance of thirty cubits away from al-Kaa'ba. This well sprung up when Isma'eel , (the son of Ibraheem (alaihi as-salaam) and Hajar), as an infant struck the Earth with his heels, in thirst. His mother looked for water, but could not find any. She climbed to the top of Mount Safa and prayed to Allah for help, and then she climbed Mount Marwa and did the same. Allah responded to her supplication and sent Jibreel to dig out the well of Zam-Zam. It is from the virtues of the well of Zam-Zam that it is situated in Makkah, which is a desert land. Today, even with all the advanced scientific technologies, no well can be dug in the land of Makkah, where Zam-Zam is fresh and gushing forth water in abundance. Imaam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (rahimahullah) said: "Zam-Zam .


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water is the best and noblest of all waters, the highest in status, the dearest to people, the most precious and valuable to them…” The scholars agree that it is Mustahabb (recommended) for pilgrims on Hajj and Umrah in particular, and for all Muslims in general, to drink from the water of Zam-Zam because Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) is reported to have drank water of Zam-Zam in a number of true Ahaadeeth. [Saheeh al-Bukharee] It is the water of Zam-Zam, with which Jibreel (alaihi as-salaam) washed the Prophet’s (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) heart before the Night Journey (i.e. Isra wal-Miraaj). Al-Haafiz al-Iraaqi (rahimahullah) said: “The reason why the Prophet's chest was washed with ZamZam water was to make him stronger so that he could see the kingdom of Heaven and Earth, Paradise and Hell, because one of the special qualities of Zam-Zam is that it strengthens the heart and calms the soul…” It is reported in Saheeh Muslim, that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said to Abu Dharr (radhi allahu anhu), who had stayed near the Kaa'ba and its coverings for thirty days and nights with no food or drink other than Zam-Zam: “How long have you been here?” Abu Dharr (radhi allahu anhu) said: “I have been here for thirty days and nights.” The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “Who has been feeding you?” He said: “I had nothing but Zam-Zam water, and I have got so fat that I have folds of fat on my stomach. I do not feel any of the tiredness or weakness of hunger and I have not become thin.” The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “Verily, it (the water of Zam-Zam) is blessed, it is a food that nourishes (or satisfies).” [Saheeh Muslim v: 4, no: 1922] In another narration: “...and a healing for sickness.” [Al-Bazzaar (1171, 1172) and al-Tabaraani in al-Sagheer (295)] Thus, drinking from the water of Zam-Zam is nourishment and a cure for sickness. But this needs full faith and sincerity in Allah, the all-Mighty, Who has placed such immense blessings in this water. Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullah) said: “Myself and others tried seeking healing with Zamzam water and saw wondrous things. I sought .


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healing with it from a number of illnesses, and I was healed by the permission of Allah. I saw someone who nourished himself with it for a number of days, half a month or more, and he did not feel hunger; he performed Tawaaf along with the other people just as they did. And he told me that he consumed nothing but Zam-Zam water for forty days and he had the strength to sleep with his wife, to fast and to perform Tawaaf numerous times.” [Zaad al-Ma'ad, 4/319, 320] It was reported from Jaabir Ibn Abdullah (radhi allahu anhu) that the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: “The water of Zam-Zam is for whatever it is drunk for.” [Ibn Majah vol: 2, no: 1018 (see alMaqaasid al-Hasanah by al-Sakhaawi, p. 359)] Therefore, the scholars recommend that one should make lots of Du'aa while drinking the water of Zam-Zam and he should drink it for a purpose that will benefit him in this world and the next. The Salaf and Ulama acted upon the (above-mentioned) Hadeeth of Allah’s Messenger and thus when Abdullah Ibn al-Mubarak went for Hajj, he came to Zam-Zam and said: “O Allah, Ibn Abil-Mawaali told us from Muhammad Ibn al-Munkadir from Jaabir (radhi allahu anhu) that Your Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: “The water of Zam-Zam is for whatever it is drunk for.” I am drinking it to quench the thirst of the Day of Resurrection.” [(Hasan) Sunan Ibn Majah (alManaasik, 3062)] It was reported that when Ibn Abbas (radhi allahu anhu) drank from the water of Zam-Zam, he said: “O Allah, I ask you for beneficial knowledge, plentiful provision and healing from every disease.” Shaikh Ibn Uthaymeen (rahimahullah) said: “You should have the intention of what you want to gain by drinking this water. You should drink your fill, i.e., fill your stomach with it until it is filled to the ribs, because this water is good. A Hadeeth has been narrated concerning this (which mentions that) the difference between the believers and the hypocrites is drinking one's fill of Zam-Zam water. [Narrated by Ibn Maajah in al-Manaasik, 1017; al-Haakim, 1/472 (Al-Boosairi said it is Saheeh)] Therefore, Zam-Zam water is not sweet; it is little salty, and the believer only drinks this salty water out of faith, believing that .


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there is Barakat (blessing) in it. So when he drinks his fill of it, this is a sign of his faith (in Allah). [Sharh al-Mumti', v: 7. pp. 377-379] Some Fuqahah mention it a Sunnah to drink the water of ZamZam to one's fill. Scholars explain it to be Mustahabb and from the etiquettes of drinking water to sit, say Bismillah, pause to take a breath three times and say al-Hamdulillah after drinking, as one should do when he takes any other kind of drink. Regarding the Hadeeth of Ibn Abbas (radhi allahu anhu), who said: “I gave the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) water of Zam-Zam to drink, whilst he was standing.” [Saheeh al-Bukharee vol: 3, no: 492] This Hadeeth should be understood in the sense that even though it is encouraged to drink water whilst sitting, it is not Haraam (unlawful) to drink whilst standing. People who visit Makkah and Medina should take the water of ZamZam with them back to their countries because it is blessed and a cure for the sick. Aa'ishah (radhi allahu anha) reported that she took the Zam-Zam water home with her in bottles, and she said: “The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) took some of it away with him, and he used to pour it on the sick and give it to them to drink.” [at-Tirmidhee vol: 4, no: 37] Al-Hafiz al-Sakhaawi (rahimahullah) said in Al-Maqaasid al-Hasanah: “Some people said that the virtue (of Zam-Zam water) remains only so long as it is in its place (of origin), and that when it is taken away, it changes. This is an idea that has no basis. The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) wrote to Suhayl Ibn Amr: “If my letter reaches you at night then do not wait until morning, and if it reaches you during the day, do not wait until evening, to send me some Zam-Zam water.” He sent him two containers full, and at that time he was in Medina, before the conquest of Makkah. This Hadeeth is Hasan because of corroborating evidence. Aa'ishah (radhi allahu anha) also used to take Zam-Zam water away with her, and she reported that the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) used to do this; he used to carry it in small vessels and buckets, and pour it onto the sick and give it to them to drink. Whenever a guest visited Ibn Abbas (radhi allahu .


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anhu) he would honor him by giving him Zam-Zam water to drink. Ata (radhi allahu anhu) was asked about taking Zam-Zam water away, and he said: “The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam), al-Hasan and al-Husayn all took it away with them.” [see Fath al-Baree vol: 3, no: 493; al-Mughni, vol: 3, no: 445, Nihaayat al-Muhtaaj, Shifa' alGharaam bi Akhbaar al-Balad al-Haraam, by al-'Iraaqi vol: 1, no: 258] Another Blessing of Masjid al-Haraam is al-Hajar al-Aswad (the Black Stone), from where the Tawaaf (circumambulating) initiates and ends. Hajar al-Aswad is a stone of Paradise and it was as the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: “The black stone descended from Paradise whiter than milk, but the sins of the descendants of Adam made it black.” [Musnad Ahmad and atTirmidhee no: 2577. The latter stated it as Hasan] Al-Muhibb alTabari said: “The fact that it (has turned) black is a lesson for those who have insight. If sins can have this effect on an inanimate rock, then the effect they have on the heart is greater.” [Fath al-Baree, 3/ 463] From the virtues of al-Hajar al-Aswad is that touching it causes the (minor) sins to be forgiven, Ibn Umar (radhi allahu anhu) said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) say: “Touching them both [the Black Stone and al-Rukn al-Yamani] is an expiation for sins.” [(Hasan) by at-Tirmidhee, no: 959 and (Saheeh) by al-Haakim, vol: 1, no: 664] Sowayd bin Ghaflah said: “I have seen Umar kissing the Black Stone and touching it.” He further said: “I know that the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) was especially very particular about it.'” [Saheeh Muslim] Ibn Umar (radhi allahu anhu) reported that Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) used to come to Ka'bah, touch the Black Stone and then say: Bismillahi wallahu akbar (In the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest.) [Musnad Ahmad] Kissing al-Hajar al-Aswad is from the Sunnah of Allah's Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam). This kissing is a manner of honoring this noble Stone of Paradise. It is reported in Saheeh al.


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Bukharee (1520), Saheeh Muslim (1720) that Umar approached the Black Stone and kissed it. Then he said: “I know that you are a mere stone that can neither harm nor do any good. If I had not seen the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) kissing you, I would have never kissed you." So, the Black Stone is a blessing from Allah because one erases all his past (minor) sins merely by touching and kissing alHajar al-Aswad. The Black Stone will come forth on the Day of Resurrection and will testify in favor of those who touched it in truth. “The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said concerning the Stone: “By Allah, Allah will bring it (al-Hajar al-Aswad) forth on the Day of Resurrection, and it will have two eyes with which it will see and a tongue with which it will speak, and it will testify in favor of those who touched it in sincerity.” [(Hasan) by at-Tirmidhee, no: 961]



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Appendix 4 Women in Islamic Society: Rules to Observe in Mosques Dr. Abd Al-Haleem Abu Shuqqah When women come to the mosque to join a congregational prayer, it is important to observe certain rules. We mentioned two of these last week: avoiding wearing perfume, and forming lines in the back without separation. We will look at the other rules today. 1. The best of women’s lines is the last one. Abu Hurayrah quotes the Prophet (peace be upon him) as saying: “The best of men’s lines is the first and the worst is the last, while the best of women’s lines is the last and the worst is the first.” (Related by Muslim.) This is not to suggest that all contact between men and women in the mosque is improper. It simply highlights practical considerations. Those in the first line are the ones who come early to the mosque. They stand close to the imam and as such they can follow the recitation of the Qur’an more attentively. By contrast, a woman may find it hard to come early, because she has to attend to things at home particularly if she has young children. Moreover, being close to men’s lines may be distracting to either party. This organization has a further advantage, which is preventing crowding at the mosque’s entrance. It also enables women to be the first to leave after the prayer is over. Thus women can be the last to arrive in the mosque and the first to leave. This reflects care for women and consideration for their domestic responsibilities. 2. Women are recommended to wait a little before raising their heads after prostration. Sahl ibn Saad reports: “Men used to pray with the Prophet tying their robes around their necks. Therefore, women were told not to lift their heads until men have sat down.” (Related by AlBukhari and Muslim.) The reason for this, according to Ibn Hajar, is to avoid the possibility that women would see men’s private parts as these might be exposed when they rise. When men’s robes are tied .


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around their necks, they cover less of their bodies, leaving that possibility. The same principle applies today when some men wear tight trousers. 3. Drawing attention by clapping: Sahl ibn Saad quotes the Prophet (peace be upon him) as saying: “What is the matter with you clapping so often? If there is something to which you want to draw the imam’s attention you should glorify God, saying Subhan Allah. Clapping is for women only.” (Related by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.) This is when a woman wants to draw the imam’s attention to a mistake he might have made, or to something nearby which he cannot see. 4. The imam should make sure to facilitate things for women, particularly in Isha prayer, which should not be delayed. Lady Ayesha reports: “One night the Prophet was late for Isha prayer, until Umar called out to him saying: ‘Women and children are overcome by sleep.’ The Prophet went to the mosque to lead the prayer. He said: ‘No one on the face of the earth is waiting for this prayer other than you.’ At the time, Madinah was the only place where people prayed. They used to offer this prayer between the disappearance of the bright horizon and the end of the first third of the night.” (Related by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.) 5. Keeping the congregational prayer short. Anas ibn Malik quotes the Prophet as saying: “I may begin a prayer intending to make it long. Then I may hear a child crying, and I keep the prayer short because I realize that his mother is anxious to attend to him.” (Related by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.) 6. Giving women a chance to leave first: Hind bint Al-Harith quotes Lady Umm Salamah, the Prophet’s wife, as saying: “When the congregational prayer finished during the Prophet’s lifetime, women would quickly rise and leave, while the Prophet and the men who were with him in the prayer would wait for a while. When the Prophet rose, the men also rose.” (Related by Al-Bukhari.) Al-Zuhri comments: “I believe that the Prophet stayed behind a little to allow .


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women to leave before men. 7. There is no restriction to prevent men and women from dealing with one another in the mosque. For one thing, they see each other, since there is no screen or separation between their places of worship. People used to lower their gaze, but they could look casually at each other. There is nothing wrong with that. Moreover, the Hadiths that we have quoted make clear that conversation between men and women took place when needed. We quoted the Hadith speaking of women being told to stay a little longer before raising their heads in prayer. One Hadith mentions that in one quarter, the imam was a child wearing a short robe. He was chosen because he had learned more of the Qur’an than anyone else in his clan. One woman pointed out that he needed longer robes, and the men bought a new one for him. There are also Hadiths which indicate that men and women moved freely in the mosque. We mentioned the Hadith of the woman who used to clean the mosque and when the Prophet missed her he was told that she died. He said to his companions that they should have mentioned her death to him. He wanted to know where she was buried and he went to her grave, praying there for her.



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Appendix 5 Do's And Don'ts In HAJJ By Muhammad Alshareef

In Aqeedah (the Muslim's Belief) - Many Pilgrims when they travel to Medinah they solat to the graves. They make Du’a' to Rasul Allah (Sal Allahu alayhi wa Sallam). This could not only ruin their Hajj, it could nullify their Islam. - Do not rub graves for Barakah. - Do not make Do'a to anyone except Allah ta'aala. - When going to Medinah, your initial intention should be to visit Masjid An-Nabawee, the Prophet's Masjid.

In Ihraam - Do not pass the Meeqat without being in the state of Ihraam. If you are landing in Jeddah and going to Makkah to perform ‘‘Umrah directly, you must be in a state of Ihraam before you land, as the plane shall enter the Meeqat. Jeddah is inside the Meeqat. - If you are landing in Jeddah, you need your Ihraam towels with you on the airplane in your carry-on bag. - Women may wear anything Islamically permissible for Ihraam. - Do not take pictures of yourself in Ihraam. You came to worship Allah and taking pictures for showing others later may contradict your sincerity of doing this for the sake of Allah. - Women in their menses must be in a state of Ihraam when they pass the Meeqat. They should shower and do talbiyah like everyone else. - Do not uncover your right shoulder until you reach the Ka'bah and begin Tawaf. This is the time that the Messenger uncovered his shoulder and it is an act of Hajj, so we must follow when the Prophet did it.



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- You may change your Ihraam towels if they get dirty· You do not enter into Ihraam by just wearing the towels. You must make the intention to begin. - Do not shave your beard, whether before, during or after Ihraam. - You should wear sandals, but if you do not have sandals, you do not have to walk barefoot. Wear what you have until you find a place to get sandals. - When beginning your Ihraam for Hajj, do it from where you are: in your hotel, on the street, etc. You do not have to go to the Ka'bah to start your Ihraam for Hajj. - Do pay attention to what you are saying when you are making the Talbiyah: Labayk Allahumma Labbayk... - When you hear that you are not allowed to wear stitches in Ihraam, know that what is meant is that you cannot wear pieces of cloth that are sewn together to wrap your body, such as a T-Shirt or underwear. - Both men and women may shower with unscented soap. Yes, for women and men, you may comb your hair, as the Prophet's wives used to do when they were in Ihraam.

In Tawaf - You do not have to say your intention out loud to begin Tawaf. Saying intentions out loud is something the Prophet (Sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) never did except after Ihraam when he said, "Labbayk Allahuma ‘‘Umrah wa Hajj." - You do not have to touch the black stone for your Tawaf to be accepted. If it is crowded you may face your hand toward the stone and say Allahu Akbar. - Do not kiss the Yemeni corner. You may only touch it. - Do not worship the black stone. You are glorifying Allah by coming to this house and worshiping Him, following the Sunnah of Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam). - Do not follow those Du’a books that make up du’a for each time you go around the Ka'bah. Read Quran and make Du’a from your heart and glorify Allah. .


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- Make Du’a by yourself, do not do it in a shouting group around the ka'bah. - Do not wipe the walls of the ka'bah during Tawaf. Rasul Allah did not touch anything other than the black stone and the Yemeni corner. - Do not hurt anyone to kiss the black stone. - Do not face your hand to the Yemeni corner and say Allahu Akbar. This is only for the black stone. - Do not push or hurt anyone during Tawaf - The Ka'bah should be to your left. Do not do Tawaf with your back to the ka'bah. - Do not stand at the black stone line for a long time. Move on. - Do not lengthen your 2 Rakas of Tawaf - There is nothing in the sunnah about: Du’a Maqam Ibraheem. After you solat the 2 Rakas of Tawaf move on.

In Sa'I (going between Safa and Marwah) -

Although preferable, you do not have to have Wudu during Sa'i. You do not have to climb to the top of Safa or Marwa. You can take breaks in Sa'I to drink water or rest. You can take a break after Tawaf, before Sai'. You do not have to jog the whole way, from Safa to Marwa. Only within the green lights, the valley of Safa and Marwa. Women do not have to run between the green lights. There is no specific du'a to say between Safa and Marwa. Do not miss the Du'a that Rasul Allah said when he stood on Safa. Then raise your hands and solat as he did, Sal Allahu alayhi wa Sallam. Do not say your intention out loud before making Sa'i.

When Shaving or Trimming - Shave your complete head, do not leave parts unshaved. - If you shall trim, take from all sides of your head. - Do not take off your Ihraam until you have shaved or trimmed. You .


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are still in Ihraam until you do so. - Do not shave your beard.

In Mina, Arafah, and Muzdalifah - Many people do not confirm if where they are located is inside or outside the borders of the holy sites. Confirm. - Do not reserve a place that is more than your need. Many people are looking for places to sit down and sleep. - Only in Arafah and Muzdalifah do you shorten and combine solat. In Mina only shorten your solat, but solat them at the correct time. - Do not waste your Hajj time in vain chatting. - Spending the 8th day in Mina is the Sunnah of Rasul Allah. Many people skip this and go to Arafah. - Do not push anyone when you are in a crowd. - You do not have to go to the Mt. Of Mercy in Arafah. Many people hurt themselves and others to be there even though it is not a Wajib thing to do. - Mt. Rahmah is not a holy mountain. Do not wipe its sand and rocks for barakah. - You do not have to solat Dhuhr and ‘Asr on Arafah day in the Masjid of Arafah (Masjid Namirah). You may solat in your tent with your group. - Do not leave Arafah before Maghrib time. - Women should avoid getting into a crushing crowd, like in Masjid Namirah. - Do not face Mt.Rahmah on Arafah day when you make Du'a. You should face the Qiblah. - You should not treat your time in Arafah like any other day. You should realize the significance and solat to Allah in humility. - At Maghrib time in Arafah, do not solat Maghrib and Isha' until you Reach Muzdalifah, even it you reach there at 11:00 at night. However, if you see half the night approaching, solat where you are on the road. - Make sure you are in Muzdalifah before you stop and rest. Many people think they are in Muzdalifah but they are not. Look for the border signs. If you have not seen one, chances are you are still .


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not in Muzdalifah even if you see others sleeping on the road. - After solat Maghrib and Isha in Muzdalifah, go to sleep immediately, this is what Rasul Allah (saw) did. - Through all of this, continue doing your Talbiyah.

In stoning the Jamarat - The Jamarat are not Devils, and Shaytaan is not tied up for the stoning of himself. Hajjis that hold this misconception end up cursing, swearing, throwing sandals, etc. It is a commandment from Allah to glorify Allah by saying 'Allahu Akbar' with each pebble. - You do not have to wash your stones. - Do not throw sandals or wood or big rocks. This is all against the Sunnah. - Do not hurt/shove when at the Jamarat. - Say Allahu Akbar with each pebble. Do not say Bismillaah. - Throw the pebbles separately. - Make Dua' after the first and second Jamarat. - Do not throw the Jamarat before it is time. - Throw the Jamarat from small to medium to large. Not the other way. - If someone is throwing on your behalf, you must be unable to throw - If someone is throwing on your behalf, you do not have to collect the stones yourself and hand the stones to that thrower. - Throw seven pebbles, not more or less.

In Tawaf Al-Wadaa' (Farewell Tawaf) - You cannot do your final Jamarat after Tawaf Al-Wada', as some people attempt. - Do not walk in massive groups during Tawaf. This hurts many people. - You MUST spend the night in Mina on the 10th night and 11th night. The two days of Hajj, the days of Mina, are the 11th and .


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12th, not the 10th and 11th. - After Tawaf Al-Wadaa' you must leave Makkah, or else another Tawaf should be made. - After Tawaf Al-Wadaa' you may have lunch or wait at a bus, etc., as long as you are on your way out of Makkah.

In Medinah -

Visiting Medinah has nothing to do with your Hajj. It is something different and separate. Do not wipe or kiss any walls for barakah. It is only rock and marble. Do not raise your voice near the Prophet's grave. Do not do Tawaf around the Prophet's grave. You do not need Ihraam to enter Medinah. Do not make Du'a to the Prophet. Du'a is to be made to Allah and Allah alone. If you want to solat for the Prophet to intercede for you on the day of Judgement (Shifaa'ah), solat to Allah for that. "O Allah, allow Your Prophet to intercede for me.." Do not raise your voice in Du'a near the grave. Face Qiblah and leave the grave area when you want to make Du'a.

Miscellaneous - Do not add the term Hajji to your name after returning home. - Hadith such as: "whoever visits my grave, I shall intercede for them." Hadith to this effect are lies against Rasul Allah. A final note: There are three categories of Muslims who make mistakes: 1. One group is sincerely ignorant of these things and they have little clue that what they are doing is Haram or incorrect. For these people - in sha' Allah - there is nothing upon them. .


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2. A second group is ignorant, but they have the ability to learn and find out. All that stops them from doing so is their laziness in studying and asking. For these people, it is feared that they may be sinful for their laziness in learning. 3. A third group is aware of these mistakes. They perform it however to either follow their culture or to misguide people. This person is sinful and they shall assume the sin of those that they misguide. "Our Lord, do not take us to account if we forget or make a mistake" Al-Baqarah/286



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Appendix 6 Fifty Things To Do @ HAJJ By Muhammad Alshareef Many who go for Hajj may find themselves sitting in a tent thinking to themselves, 'now what do I do'. Some pick themselves up and go around doing things pleasing to Allah - others may not capture the moment due to inexperience. Here is list of beneficial things to do during your Hajj trip. If you are not going for Hajj, why not forward it to someone who might benefit from it on his or her journey. At least they can practice number 26. May Allah ta'ala make it a safe journey for all the Hujjaj. Ameen. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. .

Smile in another Muslims face Say Salam to strangers Shake someone's hand and ask about their health Buy tea for someone Offer to get someone's groceries Sit with a Hajj group from another country and ask about Islam in their village Carry someone's bags for them Guide someone ill to the infirmary Shun vain talk Recite talbiyah loudly, encouraging others On the days of Eid, walk through the tents reciting talbiyah loudly reminding others Gather stones for people Offer to throw on behalf of unable Hajjis Guide people to the Jamarat Lower your gaze Remind people of the lives of the Sahaabah Read Qur'an with the Tafseer Do the authentic Dhikr of the morning and evening Make du’a during your Sajdah 74

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20. 21. 22. 23 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. .

Stand to the side of a gate and offer people water/tea as they leave Give major attention to shy people in your group Remind people of patience, why they came here, and the example of our Ulumaa' in Hajj Explain a Hajj Khutbah you may have heard to those around you Explain the importance of purifying ones actions for the sake of Allah Phone relatives (from Makkah) on Eid day Make du’a for forgotten friends (and the author of this list) Don't allow Muslims to fight during Hajj Help people find a place to sleep Remember - during the heat - the unending torment of hellfire Say 'Laa ilaaha illa Allah, wahdahu laa sharika lah, lahul Mulk wa lahul hamd, wa Huwa 'ala kulli shay'in Qadeer' 100x Say the dua of entering the market place when you go there Give charity to those who sell meager things (sandals/eggs) Attend the Halaqahs that are given in Mina Stay for the 13th of Dhul Hijjah Remind people to go home as better Muslims Forgive people that wrong you Talk to 10 different people from 10 different countries Compliment someone sincerely Visit the hospital and thank Allah for all that he has given you Take young Muslims and invite them to sit with the elders. Make them the center of attention. Give a tafseer class after Salah / ask someone knowledgeable (For men) On the days of Eid, offer perfume to those around you Ask about the health of senior women in your group. Make sure they are attended to. Focus hard on helping those immediately near you Take people to the slaughter house and help them / Or assist them in purchasing their slaughter coupons Remember specific blessings Allah has bestowed upon you and say Alhamdulillah 75

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47. 48. 49. 50.


Solat to Allah using his 99 most beautiful names (al Asmaa' al Husna) Use a Miswak Fill your pockets with candies and give to the children that you meet Always intend reward from Allah for everything you go through during Hajj


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Appendix 7 A Woman's Guide to HAJJ By Muhammad al Shareef

Introduction All praise is due to Allah. We praise Him, seek His help, and ask His forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evil of our souls, and the adverse consequences of our deeds. Whoever Allah guides, there is none that can misguide him. And whoever He misguides, then none can guide him aright. I bear witness that there is no deity that is worthy of worship except for Allah; He is alone, having no partners. And I bear witness and testify that Muhammad - sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam - is His perfect worshipper and messenger. The objective of this article is to give the Muslim woman a chance to see those Fiqh rulings that are specific to her in Hajj - since many a time her rulings are lost in the general discussion of how to perform Hajj. In the end one should have a general idea of those things that a woman differs from men in performing the Hajj. Both men and women should be able to recognize these differences in ritual worship. After having been given the opportunity - alhamdullilah - to perform the Hajj for a few years, the subject that came to mind for this course of Fiqh Al-Kitaab is Sunnah and that of women in Hajj. Because of the lack of people who are experienced with the rites of Hajj from North America, I wanted to give the Muslim woman a chance to look specifically at those things which she needs to focus on and understand. To elucidate the Fiqh rulings specific to women in Hajj, I'll focus on two issues: 1. While in Ihram .


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2. Ritual differences between men and women. In conclusion, all praise is due to Allah, subhaanahu wa ta'ala. All goodness is from Him - Jalla wa a'ala - and no matter how much we praise Allah it would not equal the blessings that He - subhaanahu wa ta'ala - bestowed upon us. I thank the American Open University, with their diligent work in helping to carry the message of Islam to homes all across the United States and abroad, for giving me the chance to study this topic and benefit from it's contents. And with special mention, I must thank my instructor Dr. Houcine Chouat who responded favorably to the idea of this essay being written in English, instead of the standard Arabic. May Allaah ta'ala reward him, and the entire administration at the American Open University, with the best of reward and may they find safety on a Day when no wealth or children will avail, only those that came with a sound heart. And our final solat is that to Allah belongs all praise.

1. While in Ihram Should a woman shower upon entering the Meeqaat? It is equally part of the Sunnah for a woman to shower before Ihram just as it is for a man. In fact, in the case of women who at the time may be experiencing Hayd or Nifaas, there is specific proof that she should take this shower. Imam Muslim relates in his Saheeh that from Aisha - radi Allahu `anha - that she said, "Asmaa' bint `Umays had nifaas after giving birth to Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr. This happened at Ash-Shajjarah (a place near the Meeqat outside of Medinah). So Allah's Messenger sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam - directed that she should bathe and begin the tahleel."



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In this regard of showering before Ihraam, the menstruating woman is in the same ruling as one who finds herself in Nifaas. Rasul Allah sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam - said, "If the Menstruating woman and the one in Nifaas enter the time they should bathe and enter into Ihraam and complete all the rituals (like others) except Tawaf of the (Ka'bah)." Showering Abu Dawood and others narrated that Ibn Abbas - radi Allahu `anhu asked Abu Ayyoob Al-Ansaari, "While he was in a state of Ihram, how did Rasul Allah - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - wash his head?" Abu Ayyoob (who was bathing at the time) replied by asking someone to pour water on his head. He then rubbed his head with his hand, going back and forth. He then said, "In such a way I saw the Prophet - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - wash." This narration is used by the scholars as proof that it is permissible for a male or female in Ihram to take a bath and pour water over their head and to pass their hand through their hair. If the bath is needed because of sexual impurity (Janaabah), then the scholars agree that it is permissible. Even if the bath is desired to just cool off or for other non-essential reasons, the majority of scholars say that it is permissible without any reservations. Imam Ash-Shaafi'ee said - after narrating this incident about Abu Ayyoob Al-Ansaari, "This is the opinion that we hold. A Muhrim may take a bath whether it is due to sexual impurity or for other reasons. One may wash the head and soak the body with water." However, some scholars have recommended that a woman should not shower unless it is necessary. This is because she is in Ihram and busy with the actions of Hajj. In fact, to bathe during Ihram is simply an issue of permissibility, but there is no one that says that it is recommended (Mustahab). To some scholars, it is more recommended to remain dusty and disheveled. .


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Imam An-Nawawee said, "It is more desirable that the pilgrim remain dusty and disheveled. The proof of this is the statement of Allah ta'ala [Then let them end their untidiness...] (22/29) and the statement of Rasul Allah - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam: [Verily Allah boasts the people of Arafah to the inhabitants of the heavens, saying, `Look at my slaves - they have come to me disheveled and dusty.']" Combing one's hair during Ihram It is Makrooh for a woman (or man) in Ihram to aggressively comb their hair - causing excessive amounts of hair to fall out - or to brush un-necessarily. This is because doing so may lead to hair being cut which is one of the forbidden acts when someone is in Ihram. As for brushing lightly or scratching one's head, this is permissible.There is a famous saying in the books of Fiqh where they suggest that someone should scratch with the insides of their hands i.e. softly. Imam An-Nawawee said, "As for a Muhrim (someone in the state of Ihram), I do not know of any opinion that says he is not permitted to scratch his head. Rather, it is something permissible." There is a phenomenon amongst some women which works as such: They tie up their head very tightly and do not un-tie it until their Hajj is over. When they are in need of making Wudu, instead of wiping their hair they do wipe over their hijaab instead. Shaykh Salah As-Saawee, one of the directors at the American Open University, commented that doing this is an example of someone placing a hardship upon themselves, a hardship that the Shari'ah does not require. He said that when a person combs his hair lightly or scratches, the person is not held responsible for the dead hairs that naturally come out.



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The color of clothes a woman may wear in Ihram It is permissible for the woman to wear any women's clothes she pleases which are not attractive or resemble the clothes of men, or are tight-fitting showing the dimensions of her limbs, or transparent not concealing what is underneath, or too short - not covering her legs or hands, but instead should be abundant, thick and wide. Ibn al-Mundhir said, as quoted in al-Mughni:"There is consensus among the scholars that the woman in Ihram can wear shirts, vests, baggy trousers, khimaars, and leather socks." She does not have to wear a particular color (such as green) and can instead wear any colors she desires from among those specific to women (such as dark red, green or black). It is also permissible for her to change these colors if she wishes. Wearing Jewelry in Ihram It is permissible for women to wear jewelry while she is in a state of Ihram. It was narrated in Al-Bukhaari, that Umm Al-Mu'mineen Aisha - radiAllahu 'anha - used to not consider anything wrong with a Muhrimah wearing jewelry. In Al-Mughni by Ibn Qudaamah, he says, "I heard from Ahmad, who heard from Naafi' that the women (from the household) of Ibn Umar used to wear jewelry while they were in a state of Ihram. Ibn Umar (seeing this) would not forbid them." Thus, it is apparent from the Madhhab of Imam Ahmad that it is permissible for a woman in Ihram to wear jewelry. This permissibility of wearing jewelry is also the opinion of the Hanafiyyah and Maalikiyyah. They quote as their proof - in addition to the above - the fact that wearing jewelry is an act of adornment and a woman in Hajj is not forbidden from adorning herself. .


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Covering the face A woman in Hajj should not cover her face or wear gloves, just as a male should not cover his head. There is no difference of opinion on this issue, based on the clear statement of Rasul Allah - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, "The Muhrimah (a female in Ihram) should not cover her face, nor should she wear gloves." Having said that, it is permissible for her to cover her face if she fears the gaze of non-Mahram men upon her. It was narrated that Umm Al-Mu'mineen Aisha - radi Allahu 'anha said, "The riders would pass by us while we were with Rasul Allah sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - in a state of Ihram. When one of them would ride next to us, we would take our Jilbaab and cover (coming down with the cloth from our heads) our face. When the rider would pass, we would uncover once again." Scholars have used this hadeeth to show that if a woman is in need of covering her face then it is permissible for her to do so. However, the Shaafi'iyyah set a condition to this covering saying that the Niqaab should not touch the women's face. This was also the opinion of Al-Qaadee from the Hanaabilah. In actuality, this condition does not have overall agreement from the scholars. Ibn Qudaamah said in regards to this condition, "I have not found this condition to be from (Imam) Ahmad, nor is it from the Hadith. In fact, reality contradicts this condition. For verily, the cloth that covers over a women's face, rarely does it remain un-touching to her skin. Had this been a condition (that it should not touch her face) the Prophet - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - would have explained it." Refuting the claims of those who claimed that the condition of the women's Niqaab in Hajj is that it not touch her face, Imam AshShowkaani used similar arguments as that of Imam Ibn Qudaamah. And Allah knows best. .


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Touching one's spouse intimately or non-intimately If a male in Ihram touches his wife with desire, or kisses her, then he would be obliged to pay the Fidyah (penalty) - and the same would go for women. This is the opinion of the Hanaabilah. More so, the male is between two situations after touching his wife: either he releases some fluid or not. If he does not release anything, then the penalty for him is that he must slaughter a sheep. If he does release something, then he must slaughter a camel. As for the women in this situation, then perhaps her situation is that of the males. Ibn Qudaamah said, "The women is just like the male in this respect." The Hanafiyyah and Shaafi'iyyah said: It is Wajib for someone who kisses or touches his or her spouse with desire that they pay the fidyah - which is the slaughtering of a sheep. If they cannot find or afford the sheep, then they should alternatively either feed the poor or fast. From what the Hanafiyyah and Shaafi'iyyah are saying, it seems that the same applies to women if they kiss or touch their husband with desire.

2. Ritual Differences between men and Women What is the ruling of women performing Hajj without a Mahram? There are five general conditions before Hajj becomes compulsory upon someone. These are that the person: - is Muslim - has reached the age of discernment - is of full mental capacity - is not a slave. - must be capable of completing the journey to Hajj, both physically and financially. .


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Both males and females share these conditions. However, the Muslim woman has an extra condition before she can be held accountable for not performing Hajj and that is the accompaniment of a Mahram. The Shaafi'iyyah states that Hajj is not obligatory upon a woman until she finds a male Mahram relative or a husband or a group of trusted women. If she finds any of the previous three, it is obligatory upon her to perform Hajj. If she cannot find one of the three, she is not obliged to perform the Hajj. The condition that the Shaafi'iyyah holds for a woman to perform Hajj is that she must be able to perform the journey securely. This security can be found when a husband or a Mahram or a group of trusted women accompanies her. In the popular opinion of the Madhhab, it is permissible for a woman to perform Hajj if she finds only one trusted women to take the journey with. More so, they say it is permissible for her to travel alone if she shall be safe and she fears nothing on the road. This is how they understand the Ahaadeeth which forbids a woman from traveling alone. However, if she has already performed her first obligatory Hajj and this is a voluntary performance, then she is not permitted to travel alone -she must be accompanied by a husband or a Mahram. In this case, traveling with a group of trusted women is not permitted; this is the more correct position in the Madhhab. The opinion of the Maalikiyyah is similar to that of the Shaafi'iyyah in that they allow a woman who does not find a Mahram or husband to travel with a secure group. They add that this secure group may be a group of men, a group of women, or a group made up of men and women. In the Madhhab of Imam Ahmad, Hajj is not obligatory upon a woman who does not find a mahram or husband to travel with her. In fact, .


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Imam Ahmad specifically commented on this issue, as Abu Dawood states: I said to Ahmad, "A wealthy woman who does not find a mahram to travel with her to perform Hajj, is Hajj Waajib upon her?" He said, "No." They cited as proof for what the opinion that they took a selection of Ahaadeeth which we shall mention shortly. The Hanafiyyah held an opinion similar to that of the Hanaabilah. They said that Hajj is not compulsory upon a woman who does not find a mahram or husband to travel with. In addition to the following ahaadeeth, they said that for her to perform Hajj without male assistance would expose her to situations that may very well harm her. A Discussion of the Daleel [The woman should not travel except accompanied by a mahram] Hadeeth Adee in which the Prophet - sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam said to him "...if your life is prolonged, you shall live to see AdhDha'eenah (a woman) traveling from Al-Heerah (in Iraq) all the way until she performs Tawaf of the Ka'bah, fearing no one except Allah." They also cite Qiyaas. They compare a woman traveling alone to that of a woman who converts to Islam in the land of the Kuffaar. Or a Muslim woman who may have escaped from the clutches of the disbelievers - in both cases there is unanimous agreement that she is permitted to travel alone. So should the case be in her traveling alone to perform Hajj. The Hanafiyyah and the Hanaabilah reject these proofs with the authentic ahadeeth that forbade a woman from traveling alone. It is true, they say, that the hadeeth of Adee is authentic, but it was a statement of the Prophet - sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam - that did not amount to him sanctioning the act. Rather, it was an account to Adee of what would happen in the future. .


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As Imam Ash-Showkaani said, it is more befitting to take the hadeeth to mean that such a thing would happen - not that it is permissible. This is so there would be no contradiction between it and the Ahaadeeth that forbid women from traveling alone. Should a woman raise her voice when saying the Talbiyah? The talbiyah is a chant that someone performing Hajj recites throughout his or her Hajj rites. It includes the words: [I am here, O Allah, I am here. I am here, there is no God but you. I am here. Verily, all praise and all blessings and all sovereignty belong to you. There is no God but you.] It is a Sunnah to not only say this, but to chant it loudly. As for women, they should not raise their voice above what is needed for them to hear themselves. Ibn Al-Mundhir - rahimahullaah - said, "There is a consensus amongst scholars that the Sunnah regarding women is that they do not have to raise their voice when chanting the Talbiyah. All she is required to do is to raise her voice enough so that she can hear herself. This is the opinion of Ataa', Malik, Al-Awzaa'ee, AshShaafi'ee, and it is also the opinion of the Hannabilah and the Hanafees. They feared that with her raising her voice, a fitnah make occur. For the same reason, it is not Sunnah for her to give the Adhaan for Salaah, nor the Iqaamah." Shaykh Al-Albaanee - in his book Manaasik Al-Hajj wal ‘‘Umrah said: In regards to the talbiyyah the ruling for the women is that of the men - as the two preceding hadith are general. They too should raise their voices as long, however, as there is no fear of fitnah. A'isha used to raise her voice until the men could hear her. Abu Atiyyah said: "I heard A'isha saying, `Verily I know how was the .


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talbiyyah of Rasul Allah.' I heard her after that saying: Labbaikallaahumma labbaika..." And Qaasim ibn Muhammad said: Mu'aawiyyah went out at night and heard the voice of someone making talbiyyah, so he said: `Who is that?" It was said: "`A'isha, Mother of the Believers, making `’’Umrah from at-Tan'eem." So that was mentioned to A'isha so she said: "If he had asked me I would have told him." What both men and woman perform equally in Tawaf These are as follows: 1. The desirability of making dua, remembering Allah, or reciting Quran. 2. The desirability of touching the black stone or kissing it if its possible, on condition that a woman does not crowd the men in doing so. The same ruling applies to the Yemeni corner. 3. The permissibility of speaking if its necessary or with befitting speech. 4. The undesirability of eating or holding the urge to urinate, or pass wind, or having a strong desire for food and other things of this nature. The Difference in Tawaf between men and women In general, the method of performing Tawaf is the same for men and women. The agreed upon rule is that what is mentioned concerning the men applies to the women so long as there is no specific proof which shows that her ruling is different.



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To review the aspects of Tawaf that apply to both men and women, one may refer to the many Fiqh books on this subject. Our concern here is to illustrate the differences which are as follows: 1. Women should not jog in Tawaf At the beginning of Tawaf, it is sunnah for the men to jog, known in Arabic as Raml, the first three circumbulations around the Ka'bah. The woman is not required to do this. Ibn Al-Mundhir said, "There is consensus amongst the scholars that the woman should not jog in Tawaf. Instead, she should do the Tawaf walking." 2. Al-Idtibaa' - uncovering the right shoulder It is logically clear that a woman should not uncover her right shoulder when performing Tawaf. Imam An-Nawawee said, "Uncovering the right shoulder is Sunnah for the men and not permissible for the women. There is no difference of opinion on this matter." 3. Nearing the Ka'bah It is recommended that the women should not crowd themselves near the wall of the Kaabah, crushing themselves in to the men. Instead, a woman should perform her Tawaf on the outer circles of the Tawaf, away from the crowd. This is recommended as a protection for her. However, if she is performing Tawaf at a time when the crowd is light, she may draw as near as she can to the Ka'bah. This ruling is based on an incident that happened in which Umm Salamah -the wife of Allah's Messenger, sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam complained of a sickness. He instructed her to perform the Tawaf riding on a camel, behind the people. .


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Ibn Hajjar, explaining this Hadith, said, "He instructed her such because the Sunnah for the women is that they should distance themselves from the men in Tawaf." 4. Performing Tawaf at Night The scholars mentioned that it is desirable for a woman to delay her Tawaf until night if she arrives in Makkah during the day. The reason, they say, is that this would be more protective for her and others since the crowd would be lighter at that time. This ruling is illustrated by that which Imam al-Bukhaaree narrated from `Ataa' who said; Aisha -radiyAllaahu anha- use to perform tawaf away from the men, not crowding them. A woman said to her, "Let us go, O Umm Al-Mumineen, to touch the black stone." Aisha declined until night came and then they went for tawaf. Whenever they wished to perform tawaf they stood there until the crowd of men would be on their way out. However, if she feels that she may be nearing her monthly cycle, it is better that she performs the Tawaf as soon as she can so that she does not miss it. 5. Crowding to kiss the black stone It is desirable that a woman should not crowd with the men to kiss the black stone. Instead, she should wave to it with her hand just like the person who cannot reach it. Imam An-Nawawee said, "Our Ulumaa' have said that it is not desirable for a woman to kiss the black stone, nor to touch it, except at those times when the Tawaf area is light or empty, like during the night or at other times. This is because in her crowding the men it would bring hardship upon herself and hardship upon the men." 6. The difference in Sa'ee between men and women .


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The method of performing Sa'ee, in general, is the same for men and women. However, there are basic differences in the etiquettes of Sa'ee between men and women. As is explained in the books of Fiqh, it is not a must that a person be clean from sexual impurity (Janaabah) or, for women, her monthly period in order to perform Sa'ee. However this issue needs a little clarification. According to the Hanafi school of thought, it is only permissible for a woman in sexual impurity or her menses to perform the Sa'ee if she has already performed the Tawaf in a state of purity. Meaning, if her menses started after the Tawaf then it is acceptable to continue with the Sa'ee. However, scholars have disagreed with the Hanafi school of thought on this issue for the following reason: It was narrated by Bukhari that Umm Al-Mu'mineen Aisha - radi Allahu 'anha - said, "I arrived in Makkah and at the time I was in my monthly period. I had not performed the Tawaf of the (Ka'bah), nor had I performed the (Sa'ee) between Safa and Marwah." She continues, "I mentioned this to Rasul Allah - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - and he said to me, `Do as the Haaji (Hajj pilgrim) does other then performing Tawaf of the (Ka'bah) until you are clean.'" In explaining this Hadith, Ibn Hajjar said: As for the acceptability of performing Sa'ee before Tawaf, scholars of Hadeeth considered it permissible, citing as their proof the hadith of Usaamah ibn Shuraik in which a man came to the Prophet - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - and said, "I performed Sa'ee before performing Tawaf." The Prophet - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - replied, "Perform Tawaf, there is no difficulty." .


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Thus, a woman in her menses may perform all the rites of Hajj other then the Tawaf. And she may perform the Sa'ee before her Tawaf in accordance with the Hadith of Usaamah ibn Shuraik and her Sa'ee with be correct and acceptable. Those that forbade the woman from performing Sa'ee until she first becomes clean of her menses, placed a condition on her has no basis. In reality, the proof we have mentioned rejects this opinion. 7. Jogging, between Safa and Marwa Imam Ash-Shaafi'ee said, "A woman should not jog between Safa and Marwah, nor should she uncover her arm like a man. This is because she is seeking to come closer to Allah by covering and protecting herself and jogging and uncovering would contradict that." However, according to the scholars of the Shafi'ee school of thought, there are two opinions on this issue. The first, which is the opinion of the majority, is that she should not jog in the jogging area. Instead she should walk all through out the distance from Mount Safa to Mount Marwah - whether it be daytime or night time when no one is watching. This is because she is `Awrah and her fiqh is based on covering and protecting herself. The second, which is held by a minority, is that if she is performing Sa'ee at night and there is no one watching, it is desirable for her to jog in the area of jogging. This is also the opinion of the Hanbali school of thought. Ibn Qudamah stated in Al-Mughni: A woman should not jog in Tawaf or Sa'ee.



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Women leaving Muzdalifah early Spending the night in Muzdalifah on the eve of the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah is just as much a part of Hajj for the women as it is for the men. When she leaves the plain of Arafah, she does as the male would do in Muzdalifah - that is, she should join her Maghrib and Isha at the time of Isha, remember Allah ta'ala and spend the night there. Some scholars have noted that it is permissible for women who fear the crowd of Muzdalifah (and the predicted crowd at the Jamarat the next day) to leave early from Muzdalifah before Fajr. The default Sunnah however is that a person should wait until after Fajr - after the sun has come up bright - to move on to Mina. Following is an example of the many Ahadeeth that were narrated regarding this issue. Firstly: Bukhari narrated from Aisha - radi Allahu 'anha - who said, "(Umm Al-Mu'mineen) Sowdah sought permission from Allah's Messenger - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - to leave Muzdalifah before him (i.e. before Fajr) and before the crush of the people, because she was heavy. He - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - gave her permission." Secondly: Muslim narrated from Umm Habibah - radi Allahu 'anha - that theProphet - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - sent her from Muzdalifah during the night (before Fajr). Thirdly: Muslim narrated from Ibn Abbaas - radi Allahu 'anhu who said, "Allah's Messenger - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam sent me with the weak folk from Muzdalifah during the night (before Fajr)." Fourthly: Muslim narrated that Ibn Umar - radi Allahu 'anhu used to take the weak of his family to Muzdalifah. They would stand at al-Mash'ar al-Haraam in Muzdalifah at night, remembering Allah. Then before the Imam would move out .


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(from Muzdalifah) they would leave before him. Some of them would arrive in Mina before Fajr time (i.e. at Fajr time); others would arrive after that. When they would arrive, they would throw their Jamaraat. Ibn Umar would comment, "Allah's Messenger - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - granted permission to these people." Concerning the issue of leaving Muzdalifah halfway through the night, Imam Ash-Shaafi'ee - rahimahullah - said: The Sunnah is that women and weak folk should move out of Muzdalifah before Fajr - after half the night has passed, so that they may throw their Jamaraat before the crowd arrives. This is based on the hadith of Aisha - radi Allahu 'anha - in which she said, "(Umm AlMu'mineen) Sowdah sought permission from Allah's Messenger - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam -to leave Muzdalifah before him (i.e. before Fajr) and before the crush of the people, because she was heavy. He - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - gave her permission." This is also the opinion of the Hanbali school of thought. In Al-Mughni we read: It is all right for women and weak folk to leave Mudalifah early. From those who would allow their women and weak family members to precede them were AbdurRahmaan ibn `Owf and Aisha. This is the opinion of Ataa' and ath-Thowree and Ash-Shaafi'ee and Ashaab Ar-Ra'I (the Hanafees). We do not know anyone that differs with this opinion, as it is an opinion that carries facility for the women and weak folk and saves them from the hardship of the crowd, and it is also the permission of their Prophet - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam. Thus from the previous quotes we see that it was permissible for the women and weak folk to leave Muzdalifah during the night, i.e. before Fajr and before the crowd arrived after Fajr. Those that enter into this permission are the women and children and those in their situation. And Allah knows best.



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How much hair should a woman cut when coming out of Ihraam Shaving one's head is one of the rites of Hajj and ‘‘Umrah. On this topic, the following verse praises the state of the Muslims: [with shaved heads and trimmed] The Hanafiyyah have said: to shave one's head or to trim it is a Waajib aspect of Hajj. This is also the Madhhab of the Maalikiyyah who said: The shaving itself is Waajib, the trimming on the other hand is sufficient. The Shaafiyyah state: Our Madhhab is that shaving is a rite that one is rewarded for performing - by performing it one leaves the first stage of Ihram, the tahallul al-Asghar. Thus, according to this, shaving or trimming is a rukun by which Hajj or ‘‘Umrah is not accepted until it is performed. And according to the Hanaabilah, shaving or trimming is a rite from the rites of Hajj or ‘‘Umrah. Thus according to them it is Wajib. In the book Al-Uddah sharh Al-Umdah, it states: ... And shaving the head is Wajib because the prophet - sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam - did it, this coupled with the Hadith, "Take from me your Hajj rituals." Having said that, the question that begs to be asked now is: which is better for a man, to shave his head or trim it, i.e. going bald or using a no.2 clipper? And how is this preference viewed in regards to women. As for men, it is better for them to shave their head. The proof for this is the obvious order given in the verse [having shaved your heads and trimmed] because the Arabs would often begin with that which more important and preferred. Also, this preference is based on the hadith in which the Prophet - sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam - said, "Oh Allah, be merciful to those that shave." They asked, "what about those that trim O Messenger of Allah?" He said, "O Allah, be merciful to those that shave." They .


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asked, "what about those that trim O Messenger of Allah?" He said, "And those that trim." And in another narration according to Muslim, he solat for those that would shave three times and those that would trim once. Even he - sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam - shaved his head during Hajj, and no doubt, Allah would never choose for his Prophet anything other then that which is more preferred. But having said that, there is no difference of opinion that it is permissible to choose trimming instead of shaving. In Saheeh Muslim with the explanation of Imam Nawawi it states: There is Ijmaa' (consensus) from the Ulumaa' that shaving is better then trimming, but that trimming is permissible. Does this preference of shaving apply to women? In al-Mughni, it states: There is no difference of opinion between the people of knowledge that the Sunnah for a woman is that she should only trim her hair and not shave. Ibn Al-Mundhir said, "The consensus (Ijmaa') of the people of knowledge is that a woman should trim and not shave. This is because shaving in a woman's case would be considered mutilation." And Ibn Hajjar - rahimahullaah - said, "As for women, the Sunnah is that they should only trim their hair. There is Ijmaa' on this." How much should a woman trim of her hair? According to the Maalikiyyah, a woman should take from all her hair the span of an Anmulah (a fingertip span, about 1 centimeter), or a little bit more or less. Explaining this further, in Mawaahib Al-Jaleel Imam Maalik -rahimahullaah - said, "There is no set measurement according to us. Whatever a man or woman takes from their hair it will be sufficient." .


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The Hanabilah said; A woman should trim from her hair the span of an Anmulah. Said Abu Dawud: I heard someone ask Ahmad about whether a woman should cut from her entire head or not. He said, "Yes, she should join her hair together and then take from the ends of her hair the span of an Anmulah." An According to the Shafee'eeyah it is desirable for a woman to trim the span of an Anmulah from all sides of her head. Al-Maawardee said, "She should not trim from the sides of her head because that will mar her. Instead she should lift up the hair and cut from that which is underneath." Having said this, according to the Shafee'eeyah, all that is sufficient for both a man and a woman is three hairs whether they cut it or shave it. Nothing less than this is acceptable. The Hanafeeyah said: What is meant by trimming is that a man or a woman should take from at least a quarter of the hair of their head, the span of an Anmulah. Meaning, they should take from all of that hair this measurement. They also said, it is wajib to cut a little more than the span of an Anmulah so that for sure at least an Anmulah was cut. A woman receives her menses before her performance of Tawaf Al-Ifaadah This issue which comes up very often is as such: What if a woman gets her Menses, has not performed her Tawaf Al-Ifaadah, and is in a situation where she has to leave Makkah. What should she do? It needs to be said that being free from menses is a condition for a woman who wants to perform any Tawaf. Thus, with this in mind, if a woman performs Tawaf while in her menses her Tawaf will not be valid. This is based on the authentic hadeeth that Umm Al-Mu'mineen Aisha - radi Allahu 'anha - said, "I arrived in Makkah and at the time I .


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was in my monthly period. I had not performed the Tawaf of the (Ka'bah), nor had I performed the (Sa'ee) between Safa and Marwah. I mentioned this to Rasul Allah - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - and he said to me, `Do as the Haaji (Hajj pilgrim) does other then performing Tawaf of the (Kaabah) until you are clean.'" This hadith makes it crystal clear that a woman in her menses cannot perform any Tawaf until she has completed her period. What she should do is wait in Makkah until she completes her period, washes up, and then goes and performs her Tawaf. Her Mahram should stay with her during this time. This is based on the Hadith in which Umm Al-Mu'mineen Aisha - radi Allahu 'anha said to Allah's Messenger - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - "Safiyyah bint Huyayy has received her period." He replied, "She may be blocking us from leaving (then). Did she not perform Tawaf with you (i.e. the women)?" Aisha said,"Yes (she did)." He said, "Then you may go." On these lines, the scholars and the Muslims in the early generations would not leave Makkah until the menstruating women in their group got a chance to complete their period and perform Tawaf Al-Ifaadah. As the Prophet - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - said, ""She may be blocking us from leaving (then)." Abu Hurayrah - radi Allahu 'anhu - used to say: An Ameer who is not an Ameer, who is it? It is a woman with a group of people who receives her period before performing Tawaf Al-Ifaadah. They, because of her, will be forced to stay until she completes her period and performs the Tawaf. But what happens if, due to circumstances out of her control, a woman cannot stay in Makkah until her period is over in order to perform Tawaf Al-Ifaadah? She would have one of three scenarios: One: She may cut off her Hajj and go home with no Hajj.



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Two: She may perform Tawaf even though she has her period because of the dire necessity she is in. Or... Three: If she leaves without performing Tawaf Al-Ifaadah then she would still be in Ihram. Her husband would not be Halal for her until she returned to Makkah and made up the Tawaaf. Many scholars have debated over the solution to this problem. Perhaps the most merciful scenario and that which is closer to the principles of the Shari'ah is scenario two in which she performs Tawaf even though she has her period due to the dire necessity. Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah gave the following Fatwa: A woman in her period should do the Hajj rites that she is capable of. What she has no control over is forgiven - thus she may perform Tawaf (even though she is in her period). She should shower as she showers for Ihraam, in fact this situation is more deserving, and she should wrap herself tightly as she would during Istihaadah blood, in fact this situation is more deserving. This is what the texts (of the Qur'aan and Sunnah) point to, in addition to the principles of the Shari'ah. With this opinion no contradiction is made with Islamic principles. The texts point to Tahaarah being a Wajib aspect of Tawaf. Such as the statement of Allah's Messenger - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam: "The menstruating woman should perform all the rites of Hajj except the Tawaf." This is a general Wajib. But we know from the principles of Shari'ah that an issue is Wajib only if the person is capable of performing it. As Allah ta'ala says in the Qur'an [Thus, Fear Allah as much as you are able]. And as the Messenger of Allah - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - said, "If I command you with something then do what you are capable of." The most Tahaarah is in Tawaf is that it is a condition. At the same time we know that in Salah if a person is not able to be in a state of .


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Tahaarah due to some external situation out of their control they are allowed to solat without it. Case in point: The Salah of a woman in Istihaadah or someone who cannot control their urine may perform Salah regardless. If this is the case - where the conditions of Salah are forgiven when a person cannot fulfill them - then the conditions of Tawaf should also be forgiven when someone cannot fulfill them. In fact, the situation of Tawaf is more deserving of this ruling. In any other solution (either she cancels her Hajj or tries to come back in the future, remaining in Ihram until she does) there is a huge hardship on her. And hardship is cancelled in Shari'ah. As for those who say she may perform the Tawaf in her state, but she must pay a penalty for it - our opinion is that there is no penalty. This is because the Wajib, if a person is not blame-worthy for not performing it, then there is no penalty upon them. This is different then when someone leaves a Wajib due to forgetfulness, or ignorance, or intentionally. The menstruating woman did not leave this Wajib in this case due to a blame-worthy reason. She could not fulfill the Wajib due to her menses, which is something that does not begin according to her will and desire.Thus there is no penalty upon her. Thus, if a woman has received her period before she has performed Tawaf Al-Ifaadah, she must remain in Makkah until she is clean and then go and perform it. If in special circumstances and under dire necessity she needs to leave Makkah before completing her period, then according to some scholars - like Shaykh Al Islam Ibn Taymiyyah - she may perform her Tawaf even though she has her period and there is no penalty upon her. And Allah knows best. Does a menstruating woman need to perform Tawaf Al-Wadaa'? .


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If a woman receives her menses before she has completed her Tawaf Al-Wadaa' (her farewell Tawaf) and she has already done her Tawaf Al-Ifaadah, then she may leave Makkah without performing the Wadaa'. There is no penalty for her to do this. This is the opinion of the general body of scholars. This facilitation is proved by the authentic statement of Ibn Abbaas - radi Allahu 'anhu in which he said, "The people were commanded that the last thing they do (in Makkah) is Tawaf, except for the menstruating woman the command was lightened." Moreover, in the hadith in which Aisha told the Prophet - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - about Safiyyah's menses, he asked her if she performed Tawaf Al-Ifaadah. When Aisha said that she had, the Prophet - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - said that they would not be held back, meaning, she was allowed to leave Makkah without performing Tawaf Al-Wadaa'. Also, there is no penalty upon a woman in doing this for the Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - did not make mention of any penalty upon Safiyyah.

Conclusion The goal of this article is to distinguish the Fiqh rulings that are specific to women in Hajj. These rulings are divided and organized into two basic chapters, one dealing with the Ihram of a woman, the other discussing the ritual differences between men and women. We learnt that it is equally part of the Sunnah for a woman to shower before Ihram just as it is for a man and that this ruling is not different for a woman in her Hayd or Nifaas. We learnt that showering during Ihram was permissible and that a person may pour water on their hair and rub lightly their head.



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Additionally, we learnt that a woman may wear any color of clothing, as long as it meets the Islamic standard of modest dress. And she may wear jewelry. She should uncover her face while in Ihram, but if she fears the gaze of non-Mahram men upon her, she may cover her face as the wives of the Prophet - sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam - used to do. And they should not touch their spouse with desire. In the segment on on male/female ritual differences, we learnt that a woman should not travel to Hajj without the company of a Mahram. She should not raise her voice excessively when saying the Talbiyah. Concerning the Tawaf, she differs with the men in that she should do raml (jogging) for the first three circumbulations, she should not uncover her right shoulder, and she should not crowd the men in trying to get near the Kaabah or to kiss the black stone. And it is desirable for her to choose a time when there will be a less crowded. Regarding the Sa'ee, we learnt that being clean of menses is not a requirement, and that a woman may perform it even if she is in her menses. It is not required for her to run in the valley of Safa and Marwah. We learnt that it is a Prophetic permission for the women and the weak folk to leave Muzdalifah early. Also, that shaving the head is only preferred for men and that women should not cut more then a centimeter of hair from the tips of her braids. In detail, we discussed the situation of a woman who receives her Hayd before her performance of Tawaf Al-Ifaadah. She should wait until she completes her Hayd to perform it, and her Mahram should stay with her. If for dire circumstances she needs to leave Makkah, we learnt that some scholars gave the fatwa that she may shower, wrap herself tightly, and perform the Tawaf even with her menses. But this should only sought when the necessity is sincere. And finally, we learnt that a woman who receives her menses before performing Tawaf Al-Wadaa does not have to wait in Makkah until .


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she completes her menses. She may leave without performing it, as shown in the Sunnah of Rasul Allah - Sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam.

Bibliography AbdulBaaqee, Muhammad Fu'aad. Al-Mu'jam al-Mufahras. Daar atTuraath al-Arabee, Beirut. 1982. Abu Daawood, Muhammad ibn Yazeed al-Qazweenee. Sunan Abee Dawood, ed Izzat ad-Di'aas. Daar Ihyaa' at-Turaath al-`Arabee, Beirut. 1391H Al-Albaanee, Muhammad Naasir Ad-Deen Saheeh Abee Dawood. AlMaktab Al-Islaami, Beirut. 1991. Al-Baghawee, Husayn ibn Mas'ood. Sharh As-Sunnah, ed. Shu'ayb al-Arna'oot. Al-Maktab al-Islaamee, Beirut. 1391H. An-Nasaa'ee, Abu AbdurRahmaan Ahmad ibn Shu'ayb. Sunan AnNasaa'ee. Daar al-Fikr, Beirut. 1348H. At-Tirmidhee, Muhammad ibn `Eesaa. Sunan At-Tirmidhee, ed Izzat ad-Di'aas. Dar Ad-Da'wah, Homs. 1385H. DerDeer, Ahmad ibn Muhammad. Ash-Sharh al-Kabeer `ala Mukhtasar Khaleel, printed with Haashiyat Ad-Dosooqee, Dar Al-Fikr. Fowzaan, Saaleh bin Abdullaah. Tanbeehaat `ala Ahkaam taKhuss al-Mu'minaat. Wazzaarat Ash-sho'oon al-Islaamee, KSA, 1421. Hattaab, Muhammad ibn AbdurRahmaan. Mawaahib al-Jaleel lisharh Mukhtasar Khaleel, Dar Al-Fikr 1398 H. Ibn Hajjar, Ahmad ibn Alee. Fath al-Baaree Sharh Saheeh alBukhaaree, ed. Muhammad Fu'aad AbdulBaaqee and MuhibbudDeen al-Khateeb. Daar ar-Rayyaan litturaath, Cairo. 1988. Ibn Hanbal, Ahmad. Al-Musnad, ed. Ahmad Shaakir. Daar alMa'aarif, Egpyt.1373H. Ibn Katheer, Ismaa'eel. Tafseer al-Qur'aan al-Adheem, ed. Abdul `Azeez Ghunaym, Aashoor and Al-Banna. As-Sha'b. Ibn Taymiyyah, Ahmad ibn `AbdulHaleem. Majmoo' Fataawah Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah, ed. AbdurRahmaan ibn Qaasim. Matba'at alHukoomah, Riyadh.1381H. .


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Kaasaanee, Abu Bakr ibn Masood. Badaa'I as'Sanaa'I fee tarteeb ash-Sharaa'I, Daar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut, 1406 H. Nawawee, Yahya ibn Sharaf. Al-Majmoo' sharh al-Muhadhdhab, Daar al-Fikr. Philips, Abu Ameenah Bilal. Islamic rules on menstruation and postnatal bleeding. Dar Al Fatah, UAE, 1995. Qudaamah, Abdullaah ibn Ahmad. Al-Mughni, ed. Dr. Abdullah atTurkee and Dr. AbdulFattaah al-Hilu. Shaafi'ee, Muhammad ibn Idrees. Al-Umm, Daar al-Ma'rifah, Beirut. Zaydaan, AbdulKareem. Al-Mufassal Fee Ahkaam Al-Mar'ah, Mu'assasatir-Risaalah, Beirut, 1997. Al-Majmoo' 8/213; Al-Mughni 3/293 Saheeh Muslim with the Sharh of Nawawi 8/133 Sunan Abee Dawood 5/168 Sunan Abee Dawood 5/292. See also Al-Umm by Imam Ash Shaafi'ee 2/145-146 Al-Umm 2/136 Al-Majmoo' 7/364 Al-Majmoo' 7/358 Al-Mughni 3/328 See Tanbeehaat `ala Ahkaam taKhuss al-Mar'ah by Dr.Saleh AlFawzaan, p.75 Saheeh Al-Bukhari with Al-Fath 3/405. Al-Mughni 3/330 Badaa'I As-Sanaa'i 2/186; Ash-Sharh al-Kabeer wa Haashiyat AdDusooqee 2/59. Bukhari, Kitaab As-Sayd, hadith 13. Sunan Abee Dawood 5/286; See also Al-Mughni 3/326 and Nayl AlAwtaar 5/6. Al-Mughni 3/326 Nayl Al-Awtaar 5/6. Al-Mughni 3/338-339 Al-Badaa'I 2/195; Al-Majmoo' 7/293-294 Bukhaaree, Kitaab As-Salaah 2/43; Muslim 4/102 Bukhaaree, with fath al-Baaree 6/610-611. Nayl Al-Awtaar, Showkaani 4/291. .


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Bukhari and Muslim (8,88) See Al-Mughni 3, 330-331. See Manasik Al-Hajj wal ‘‘Umrah, by Shaykh Al-Albaani pt. 17-18. Al-Majmoo' 8/67 Al-Majmoo' 7/365 See the hadith and the commentary in Fath Al-Baaree 3/481 Al-Bukhaari with Al-Fath 3/480-481 See Al-Majmoo' 7/365; Al-Mughni 3/372; Kashshaaf al-Qinaa' 1/604 Al-Mughni 3/372 Al-Majmoo' 8/39 Bada'I as-Sanaa'I 2/135 Al-Bukhaari with Al-Fath 3/503-504 Al-Bukhaari with Al-Fath 3/505 Al-Umm by Imam Ash-Shaafi'ee 2/176. The Raml that he is speaking about is a jog that the Prophet - sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam - did in the valley between Safa and Marwah. Today, the beginning and end of that valley is marked by green lights. Al-Majmoo' 8/84 Al-Mughni 3/317 See Al-Bukhari, Kitaab Al-Hajj (98). And in Fath Al-Baaree 3/526-527. Muslim with Sharh An-Nawawee 9/40 Muslim with Sharh An-Nawawee 9/40 Muslim with Sharh An-Nawawee 9/41 See Al-Bukhari in Al-Hajj 98; Muslim in the chapter of Hajj, 293-295; and Musnad Ahmad 6/30. The quote can be found in Al-Majmoo' 8/131 and Mughni Al-Muhtaaj 1/500. Al-Mughni 3/423 See Fath Al-Baaree 3/527-528; Nayl Al-Awtaar 5/64-65. Surah Al-Fath 48/27 Al-Badaa'I 2/140 AshSharh Al-Kabeer 2/46 Al-Majmoo' 8/152 Al-Umdah Sharh Al-Umdah p.207 .


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Surah Al-Fath 48/27 Bukhaaree 3/446; Muslim (1301) Saheeh Muslim 9/52 Al-Mughni 3/435 Al-Mughni 3/435; Al-Majmoo' 8/161; Al-Badaa'i 2/140 Saheeh Muslim bi Sharh An-Nawawi 9/49 Al-Mughni 3/349 Fath Al-Baaree 3/562 Haashiyat Ad-Dusooqee 2/46 Mawaahib Al-jaleel 3/129 Al-Bukhaari with Al-Fath 3/503-504 Al-Bukhaari 3/203 Majmoo' al-Fataawa Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah 26/224 Non-menstrual blood a woman sees outside of her period ~Author Majmoo' Al-Fataawa Ibn Taymiyyah 26/225-241 See al-Mufassal fee Ahkaam Al-Mar'ah by AbdulKareem Zaydaan 2/200 See this issue in Al-Bukhaari with Al Fath 3/585-587; Al-Mughni 3/461; Badaa'i As-Sanaa'i 2/142; Al-Majmoo' 8/196-197.



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Appendix 8 Tawaf Is a Cosmic Law By Prof. Dr. Ahmad Fouad Pasha Allah Almighty says: [And He it is Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. They float, each in an orbit. ] (AlAnbiyaa' 21: 33) This glorious verse refers to a scientific fact concerning the system of the universe. Scientific discoveries have proved that we live in a huge universe that depends on revolution. The earth revolves round the sun once a year, the moon revolves around the earth once per lunar month, and the other planets of the solar system also revolve round the sun, each in its own orbit. Besides, most of these planets have moons that revolve around them, each, also, in its own orbit. Astronomers have discovered more than 60 of these moons so far. The solar system, likewise, orbits a center of our galaxy, the Milky Way. This galaxy consists of more than 130 billion stars. Galaxies, in turn, revolve round a center that only Almighty Allah knows. The law of revolution applies also to atoms, the smallest units of elements that cannot be seen even by microscopes. An atom is composed of a nucleus whose diameter is less than a millionth of a millimeter. An atom is surrounded by electrons that move round the atom in an orbit. Since all matter in the universe-whether solid, liquid, or gaseous-consists of atoms, this means that the law of revolution applies to everything: stars, planets, moons, animals, plants, sand, seas, air, and so on. This includes cells as well. The cytoplasm in the cell moves around the nucleus. There is a common factor between the orbital movements of all the objects referred to above, this is, their revolution is counterclockwise. Contemplating the above lines, we come to realize that revolution is a cosmic law. .


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With a believer's meditation upon such a scientific fact, another image of revolution is brought to one's mind: the pilgrims' circumambulation of the Ka`bah, which is a basic ritual of Hajj in Islam. Circumambulating the Ka`bah is a symbolic act of worship, whose wisdom may be hidden from some. It indicates the believers' utter submission to Almighty Allah alone. The pilgrims go to Hajj in response to the divine order that Prophet Abraham (peace and blessings be upon him) conveyed to people. Allah Almighty says: [And (remember) when We prepared for Abraham the place of the (holy) House, saying: Ascribe thou no thing as partner unto Me, and purify My House for those who make the round (thereof) and those who stand and those who bow and make prostration. And proclaim unto mankind the pilgrimage. They will come unto thee on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every deep ravine. ] (Al-Hajj 22: 26-27) This signifies that the Ka`bah is the spiritual center of the believers. It refers to the close bond that should be between a believer and his Lord. A believer turns toward the Ka`bah five times a day during the prescribed ritual Prayers. A pilgrim circumambulates the Ka`bah as if he or she is a celestial body orbiting another greater body. Circumambulation of the Ka`bah is to be performed counterclockwise. This indicates that there is a joint factor between a pilgrim's expressing his ultimate faith in Almighty Allah by circumambulating the Ka`bah in that way and between the cosmic law of revolution discussed above. This indicates that there is consistency between the obligations of worship in Islam and the natural laws that govern the universe, which indicates that they all belong to only one source, that is, Almighty Allah. This proves the truthfulness of the call of Islam that there is no god but Almighty Allah. Thus, Islam is the true religion that provides humankind with a comprehensive view in conformity with the divine truth that is apparent in the natural laws of the universe. .


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Appendix 9 Supplications at Mina, Arafah, Muzdalifah Compiled from various sources

Between Mina & Arafah O Allah, let my Hajj be accepted, free of hypocrisy and showing off. At Arafah The pilgrims standing at Arafah should implore Allah, the Most High, in full submission, humility and obedience. They should implore Allah to accept their deep repentance and regret for the sins they committed. They should preoccupy themselves with the remembrance of Allah, Talbyah and implore Allah to shower His blessing on the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) until nightfall. " O my Lord! Make me not unblessed in my supplications for You and be kind and merciful to me. O Allah! You are the best to be asked, the best Provider. Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, "The best supplication on the Day of `Arafah and the best thing that I and the Prophets before me said is: There is no Deity worthy of worship but Allah Alone. He has no partners. To Him alone belong the Kingdom and all praise. He has power over all things." On the Day of `Arafah, Al-Zubair bin Al- 'Awwam heard the Prophet reciting this verse, "There is no God but He: that is the witness of Allah, His angels, and those endued with knowledge, standing firm on justice. There is no God but He, the Exalted in Power, the Wise." Among the supplications attributed to the Prophet (peace be upon him) on the Day of `Arafah: All praise belongs to You, O Allah! as we say and better than what we can say. O Allah! My prayers, my worship, my life and my death are all for You. To You is my return, to .


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You belongs what I own. O Allah! I seek refuge with You from the torment of the grave, the evil thoughts, confusion, and from whatever the wind may bring, from the evil that takes place during the day or night, and from the affliction of Time. O Allah! You hear my words, see my place, know my private and open counsels and nothing of mine is withheld from You. I am a wretched, poor, seeker of help and refuge. I confess my sin but ask You to forgive just like the poor (who begs from the rich). I implore You importunely like the humble sinner. I render my supplications to You like a scared person might supplicate. Such supplications are uttered by one whose head is bowed to You in submission, to You his tears are shed. For Your sake he forsakes his body and denies his will. There is no deity worthy of worship but Allah Alone. He has no partner.To Him belong the Kingdom and all praise, and He has power over all things. O Allah! place light (guidance) in my heart, in my chest, in my ears, and in my sight. O Allah! Open my chest and ease my work. O Allah! I seek refuge with you from evil thoughts, from confusion, from the trial of the grave, from the evil that takes place during the day or night, from the evil carried by the winds, and from the affliction of Time. Some Supplications which may Be Recited At 'Arafat, at the Sacred Sites, and at Other Places of Supplication O Allah! I ask of You integrity and soundness in my religion, my life, my family, and my possessions, O Allah! Cover my shame, pacify my fears, guard me from what is in front of me and behind me, from what is on my right and on my left, over my head and under my feet. O Allah! Grant health to my body. O Allah grant health to my hearing. O Allah! Grant health to my sight. There is no deity except You. O Allah! I seek refuge in You from unbelief and poverty, and from the punishment of the grave. There is no deity except You.



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O Allah! You are my Lord. There is no deity except You. You are my Creator and I am your creature. I try to keep my covenant with You and to live in the hope of Your promise as well as I can. I seek refuge in You from my own evil deeds. I acknowledge Your favors to me; and I acknowledge my sins. Forgive me my sins, for there is no one who can forgive sins except You. O Allah! I seek refuge in You from worry and sorrow. I seek refuge in You from impotence and sloth, from stinginess and cowardice, and I seek refuge in You from the burden of debt and from being humbled by men. O Allah! Make the beginning of this day good, the middle prosperous, and the end successful. I ask You to grant me the good of this world and of the Hereafter, O Most Merciful of all Who show us mercy O Allah! I ask of You to make me pleased with what You decreed for me return to good life after death, and I earnestly seek the pleasure of looking at Your Glorious Countenance and the craving to meet you, without distress or affliction or misguiding trial. I seek refuge in You from oppressing others or being oppressed, from doing wrong or suffering wrong, and from committing an error or a sin which You will not forgive. O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the feebleness of old age. O Allah! Guide me to the best of deeds and the best of morals, as none can guide to the best except You, and save me from bad deeds, as none can save me from what is bad except You. O Allah! Strengthen my faith, expand my living space, and bless me in my livelihood. O Allah! I seek refuge in You from negligence, degradation and destitution; I seek refuge in You from unbelief, wickedness, vanity and show; and I seek refuge in You from blindness, deafness and leprosy and bad diseases. O Allah! Give my soul piety and my conscience purity. You are the Master of my soul and the Guardian of my conscience. O Allah! I seek refuge in You from a knowledge which does not benefit, from a heart which does not tremble, from an .


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ego which is not sated, and from a supplication which is not accepted. O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I did and from the evil of what I did not do; from the evil of what I know and from the evil of what I did not know O Allah! I seek refuge in You from a decline in Your favor, from a change in Your protection, from Your sudden punishment and all Your displeasure. O Allah! I seek refuge in You from ruin and falling, from drowning and burning, and from senility: I seek refuge in You from Satan's beguiling me at my death; and I seek refuge in You from being bitten by venomous creatures. I seek refuge in You from greed, bad manners, bad actions, bad desires and bad diseases. I seek refuge in You from the burden of debt, from being humbled by people, and from the ridicule of enemies. O Allah! Strengthen my religion which is my fortress, make this world a better place of sojourn for me, and grant me a good life in the Hereafter which will be my abode. Make my life Increase in all goodness and my death a rest from all evil. O Allah! Support me and help me, and do not let others overpower me; guide me and make the following of Your Commands easy for me. O Allah! make me grateful to You, mindful of You, full of fear toward You, devoted to obedience of You, humble before You, earnest in supplication, and penitent. My Lord, accept my repentance, wash away my sins, answer my supplication, establish my veracity, guide my heart, make my tongue truthful, and remove all ill feeling from my heart. O Allah! I ask You for a resolute mind and firmness in following the guidance. I ask You to make me thankful for Your favor, to be of good service to You, and to grant me a sound heart and a truthful tongue. I ask You to grant me what You know to be good and to give me .


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refuge from what is evil, and to forgive me - and You are the Knower of the Unseen. O Allah! Inspire me with good conduct and save me from the evil of my selfishness. O Allah! I ask You to guide me to the doing of good deeds and abstaining from bad deeds and love those who are humble, and to forgive me and show mercy to me. And if You wish a trial for Your servants, take me to You before falling into it. O Allah! I ask You for Your love and the love of those who love You, and for the love of every action which will bring me closer to Your love. O Allah! I ask You the best of the request for the best in my supplication, for the best success and the best reward, strengthen me, make heavier my balance of good, confirm my faith, elevate my rank, accept my worship, and forgive my mistakes, and I ask of You the highest ranks in the Garden of Paradise. I ask You for good beginnings, good endings, the totality of goodness, from the first to the last, from within and from without, and I ask of You the highest ranks in the Garden. O Allah! I ask You to exalt my fame, lighten my burden, purify my heart, keep me chaste, forgive me my sins, and I ask of You a high rank in the Garden. O Allah Bless me in my sight, in my hearing, in my soul, in my body, in my conduct; bless me in my life, in my family, in my work; accept my good deeds, and I ask of You a high rank in the Garden. O Allah! I seek refuge in You against difficulties, calamities, troubles, oppression and the ridicule of enemies. O Allah! O Controller of the Hearts!; Keep my heart firm in Your religion; keep it contented with Your worship.



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O Allah! Grant us increase and not decrease, honor and not dishonor; give us Your favors and do not deprive us; prefer us, let not others be preferred to us. O Allah! Grant us the best of outcomes in all our affairs, and save us from disgrace in this world and from punishment In the Hereafter. O Allah! Grant us such fear of You as will come between us and acts of disobedience to You; such obedience to You as will bring us to Your Garden; and such certainty that the calamities of this world will be made easy for us by You. Let us enjoy our hearing, our sight and our faculties as long as You grant us life, and let it be the last to be taken away from us. Avenge us from those who have wronged us and help us against our enemies. Let no calamity befall our religion; let not worldly affairs be our greatest care or all about which we know; and Let not those who have no fear of You and who do not show mercy toward us rule over us. O Allah! I ask You to bestow Your mercy on me, to forgive me, to protect me from every sin, to give me a share of every good, and to grant me the attainment of the Garden and salvation from the Fire. O Allah! Leave not for us a sin which You have not forgiven, nor a shortcoming which You have not concealed, nor a wary which You have not removed, nor a debt which You have not paid, nor a need from among the needs of this world or the Hereafter, the fulfillment of which is beneficial for us and pleasing to You, which You have not fulfilled, O Most Merciful of all show us mercy! O Allah! I ask for a mercy from You by which You will guide my heart, settle my affairs, remove my worries, protect me from what is unseen to me, make my face radiant, purify my deeds, inspire me with wisdom, avert calamities from me, and protect me from every evil. O Allah! I ask You for success on the day of judgment, and a life of happiness, and the rank of the martyrs, the companionship of the prophets, and victory over the enemies. O Allah! I ask You for .


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correctness of belief; for a faith which leads to good conduct; for a success which results in eternal felicity: for mercy, health and forgiveness from You, and for Your pleasure. O Allah! I ask You for health, for integrity, for good character, and that I may be pleased with my portion. O Allah! I seek refuge in You from the evil of my self, and from the evil of every creature which You are grasping by its forelock. O my Lord, keep me on the straight path. O Allah! You hear my words, You behold my situation. You know what is open and what is hidden within me; nothing is hidden from You. It is me alone who is in need, a humble seeker of Your forgiveness. I beseech You with humility in my heart, with trembling and fear, in prostration and utter helplessness. O Allah! Grant me soundness of belief, goodness of character, forgiveness of my sins, and Your eternal pleasure in the Hereafter. May Allah's blessings be upon Muhammad and his family and Companions. Between Arafah & Muzdalifah Talbiyyah Mina It was the habit of the Prophet (peace be upon him) when he finished Talbiah to ask Allah to grant him forgiveness, contentment and salvation from Hell Fire.



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Appendix 10 Zam-Zam Courtesy: AL-ISLAAH PUBLICATIONS ( www.everymuslim.net ) THE HISTORY OF ZAM-ZAM WATER ZAM-ZAM Water is a refreshing, sweet, pleasant tasting, easy digestible, boundlessly blessed, virtuous and honourable water. It enjoys such blessings and virtues, which no other water can be compared to. Basis of nomenclature: The word 'zam-zam' originates from the word 'zumaazim', for which the following is recorded as its meanings: "Excessive water, farreaching humming sound, the gathering of a scattered thing, to protect, the water of zam-zam or zam-zaam or zuwaa- zim is the mixture of sweet and brackish water." (Lisaanul Arab, vol. 12, page 275) In the initial stages of this well, a far-reaching humming sound could be heard, hence the name 'Zam-Zam'. According to lmaam Nawawi (rahrnatullahi alaih), the name 'Zam-Zam' was given owing to the excessiveness and large quantity of the water, because the words: 'Zam-Zam','Zam-Zoom' and 'Zamaa-Zirn' are said at the time of excessive water. (Muslim Shareef, vol.1, page 400) Other names for 'Zam-Zam': Just as 'Zam-Zam' has many virtues and benefits, similarly, it has many names, The following names are recorded in "Lisaanul Arab": "Zam-zam, Maktoomah, Maghnoonah, Shubaaghanah, Suqyaa, Arruwaa, Rakdhatu Jibraeel, Hazmatu Jibraeel, Shifaa-u-Suqm, Ta'aam-u-Tu'am, Hafeer-atu Abdil Mutallib, Zam-zaam, Zawaa-zim" (LisaanulArab,vol.15, page 166) It is reported frorn Hadhrat Abdullaah lbn Abbaas (radhiallaahu anhu) that during the era of ignorance it was known as 'Shubaa'a'. (Akhbaar .


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Makkah, page 291). Imaam Zubaidi (rahmatuilahi alaih) states that if the various names of 'Zam-zam' are gathered from the Ahaadith Kitaabs and dictionaries, it will total up to 60 names. (Taajul Uroos, vol.8, vol.328) The water of zam-zam is that well / spring which was a comfort and saviour of Hadhrat Haajira, when she was grieved and hopeless. It was the wondrous miracle of Hadhrat Jibraeel-e-Ameen (alaihi salaam), which is satiating the thirst of the believers of Tauheed, since 2000 years before Hadhrat Isaa (alaihi salaam). The magnetic effect of this incomparable water attracted the Banu Jurhum to its friends (Hadhrat Ismaeel and Haajira- alaihimus salaam) and made them a companion to them, and turned this desolate place into the Islamic headquarters. The details of this incident are as follows, when Hadhrat Ebrahim (alaihi salaam) was ordered by Allaah Ta'ala to leave his chaste wife, Hadhrat Haajira (alaiha salaam) and his innocent baby, Hadhrat Ismaeel (alaihi salaam) in the desert of Arabia, with no friend or helper, then the answer to the sustenance of life for this 'forlorn' mother and son was given within a few days. The innocent child was striking his heels upon the ground due to severe thirst. The mother was also becoming restless due to the lack of water, and she ran up one mountain, and down again and ascended the other mountain, in search of water, hoping to find something to sustain the life of her child. Hadhrat Jibraeel (alaihi salaam) made an appearance. With a strike of his heels, or an indication of his hands, or his wings, a spring started flowing. As soon as the water was sighted, Hadhrat Haajira was overtaken with joy. Her sadness and despondency was immediately removed and replaced by sheer joy. She quenched her own thirst and that of her child. She filled a container with the water and built a sand wall around the spring in order to dam it up. Nabi-e-Kareem (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said that, had Hadhrat .


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Haajira (alaiha salaam) not done this, this water would have become like a sea rather than a spring, and it would have saturated the entire earth. It was the very desire forth is water that attracted the tribe of Banu Jurhum here, and led to their settling down, in this area. They stayed and governed the area for 300, and according to some narrations, 500 years. It was the immorality, mischief, and flagrant disobedience of this tribe that led to their disgraceful eviction from the pure land of Makkah Shareef. When they left Makkah, they dumped the treasures of the Kaaba Shareef, its Ghilaaf (covering) and valuable swords into the well of Zam-zam, then they covered it with sand, thereby covering it completely and closing it up. Five hundred years passed upon it in this condition. During this era, its name and signs were completely forgotten and erased. But, when Allaah Ta'ala desired to revive this well and satiate the Urnmat with it, HE used the Quraish and the grandfather of Rasullullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), by way of a dream to dig up the well. Abdul Mutallib used to say that one night he had a dream, wherein someone was telling him to dig up 'Tayyibah'. He says that he asked: "What is 'Tayyibah'?" But the person (in his dream), just walked away, without giving a reply. On the following night he said that he had another dream, wherein he was told to dig up 'Maghnoonah'. He says that he asked: "What is'Maghnoonah'?" But, again this person simply disappeared. On the third night he again had a dream wherein he was told to dig up Zam- Zam, and clean it up. He says that, he asked: "What is 'Zam-Zam'?" He was then told that it is a well, whose water will never decrease, and that he will find no difficulty in digging it up. Also that he will find no embarrassment in it, and that it is the inheritance of his father. He was told to serve it to the Haajis. Abdul Muttalib, says further that he asked for a sign of the location to this well. He was told that it is at the place where the ant-hills are in abundance. He was also told that when he reaches the place in the morning, he will find a crow pecking at the exact spot, where he is to dig. .


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The next morning, Abdul Mutallib left home towards the Haram Shareef, with his eldest son, Haarith, taking with them a pick-axe and a spade. According to the glad-tidings of Allaah Azza Wa Jalla, he saw a crow pecking at a spot between the idols, 'Assaaf' and 'Naila'. There were also many ant-hills around that spot. Following the instructions of Allaah Ta'ala, both the father and son started digging. Even the Quraish, became a hindrance, and objected by saying that this is the sacred place of their idols, and that they will never consent to its being dug up. However, Abdul Mutallib did not listen to any of this and he continued his task. In a short space of time he reached his objective and struck water. He also found the buried treasures of the Jurhum, which they left there, upon their departure from Makkah Mukarrama. When the Quraish saw that Abdul Mutallib succeeded in his objective and that he unearthed a great treasure, they laid claim to it as being the inheritance of their fore-father, Hadhrat lsmaeel (alaihi salaam). They therefore claimed a stake in it. They also wanted a share in the distribution and protection of the Zam-Zam well, but Abdul-Mutallib rejected their claim and became the sole-custodian of the well. This led to a conflict and they decided to call in a third party, to arbitrate the issue. They decided on the tribe of Banu Sa'ad Bin Huzail, which was stationed in Syria. So, Abdul Mutallib and a few persons from every tribe in the Quraish, set out on this journey to Shaam (Syria). The road was long and arduous. There were many caves and mountains along the way. When this caravan reached a certain place, their water stocks dwindled. Thirst was starting to get a hold of them. Those who had some water by them, refused to give it to Abdul Mutallib and his companions, saying that they have become the custodians of the well of Zam-Zam, and yet they are asking for water now. The situation became very difficult, and they could not even walk any further. The Power of Allaah Ta'ala came into play, when eventually Abdul Mutallib managed to get upon his camel and it stood up, a spring of clear, fresh and sweet water gushed forth, from below, the place where his camel had sat. Out of sheerjoy, Abdul Mutallib .


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screamed out a Takbeer, and all of them drank to their fill, and filled their containers. So much so, that even those who refused to give their water to Abdul-Mutallib, managed to fill their containers. When all of them saw this strange and wonderful scenario, they concluded that their decision was made and their matter resolved. They took an oath that they will never dispute with him regarding the well of ZamZam. That same Being Who has blessed you with a spring of water in this desolate desert, is the same One who has blessed you with the well of Zam-Zam. So, instead of going any further, they all turned back to Makkah. This incident occurred about 40 to 70 years prior to the birth of Rasulullah(sallallahu alaihi wasallam). During the era of ignorance, two idols, 'Assaaf' and 'Naila'were kept upon the well of Zam-Zam. 'Assaaf' was a male and 'Naila', a female, who had a connection with the tribe of Jurhum, and they were inhabitants of Yemen. There was a love relationship between the two of thern. When they came to Makkah for Haj, they committed an indecent act in the Haram. This led to Allaah Ta'ala turning them into stone. People were greatly affected by this story. They were then flung nearby, to the place where the well of Zam-Zam is situated, so that others may see their plight and take lesson from their sin. Their forms remained like this for a period of time, until a time came when the Mushrikeen (idol-worshippers) made them also into idols and worshipped them. Oaths were being taken upon their names, and in order to gain favour with them, animals were sacrificed in their names. Therefore, when Abdul Mutallib, started digging nearby them, the Quraish came to their defence. Imaamul Mu'arrakheen, Allama Azraqi, states; ' When Assaaf Bin Bughaa and Naila Binti Zi'ib committed their vile and immoral act in the Haram Shareef, then Rabb Zul Jalaal tumed them into stone. The people flung one of them onto mount Safa and the other onto mount Marwah. As time went by, people started worshipping them. Later on, a person by the name of Umar Bin Lahya fortified the people's belief and worship in them. When the era of Qussay Bin Kilaab came, he placed the statue of .


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Assaaf near the Kaaba and that of Naila near the well of Zam-Zam. Hence, the Mushrikeen, used to begin their Tawaaf of the Kaaba at the statue of Assaaf and end at Naila. They also made lstilaam at these idols. Then, when Allaah Ta'ala placed the control of Makkah Mukarrama in the hands of Rahmatul Lil Alameen, these two idols (like all the others) were destroyed. " The minds of the Mushrikeen were obscured due to their idolworship. Soundness of mind leaves them. Just look at this, Where a totally immoral and depraved man and woman shamelessly commit an act of indecency in front of the Kaaba Shareef, and Allaah Ta'ala turns them into stone as a lesson for man to come, yet the Mushrikeen turn this very curse into their object of worship, from whom they ask of their needs. VIRTUES AND PRAISES OF ZAM-ZAM WATER The water of Zam-Zam has countless of virtues and it is extremely pure and clean. It is the most blessed and purest of all waters on earth. Allama Taahir Karwi, writes in this regard: 1 The inception of this well was owing to Hadhrat Ismaeel (alaihimus salaam) and his mother Hadhrat Haajira (R.A). 2 Its coming into existence was owing to the intervention of Hadhrat Jibraeel (alaihis salaam). 3 Its position is upon the most blessed place on earth, i.e. near the Kaaba Shareef and within the Haram. 4 This well is surrounded by three such sacred places, viz. Hajre Aswad, Safa and Marwah which grants it virtue (over all other wells).' 5 This is such blessed water, from which Prophets, Pious and Allaahfearing people have drank. 6 This such a pure water, with which, Hadhrat Jibraeel (alaihis salaam) bathed the pure heart of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). 7 This water also has this virtue that Rahmatul lil ' Aalameen, Muhammad Mustafa (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), twice rinsed his blessed mouth in the bucket of its well, thereby granting it the virtue .


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of having the effect of his Mubarak mouth. 8 The world over, this is such a blessed water, that it has been praised by the most Truthful of all the truthful people (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). 9 Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) requested this water from Makkah Mukarramah, whilst he was stationed in Madinah Munawwarah. Narrations, Incidents and Ahaadith on Zam- Zam 1 It is reported from Hadhrat Jaabir (radhiayallahu anhu) that Rasullullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallarn) said: "That person who has completed seven Tawaafs of the Kaaba Shareef, then he performs 2 Rakaats Salaat behind the Maqaam-e-Ebrahim, and he has a drink of the water of Zam-Zam, all his sins will be forgiven." (Tafseer Waahidi] 2 Nabi Kareem (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: "The water of ZamZam has a cure for all ailments. " [Dailami] 3 Hadhrat Abdullaah lbn Abbaas (radhiyallahu anhu) reports that Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: "The water of Zam-Zam is the best water on the surface of the earth." 4 Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: "The stomach of a believer is satiated with the water of Zam-Zam, and the stomach of a Munaafiq is not satiated." It is as though this is a sign of hypocrisy. 5 Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: "For whatever object Zam-Zam is drunk, that object will definitely be fulfilled. If one drinks it with the purpose of being cured, then Allaah Ta'ala will grant cure for the drinker, or if one drinks it for his thirst to be removed then Allaah Ta'ala will remove his thirst. Because it is the well of Jibraeel (alaihi salaam), and with it Allaah Ta'ala quenched the thirst of Hadhrat Ismaeel (alaihi salaam). 6 Once Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) came to the well of Zam-Zam. A bucket was taken out for him. Rasullullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) drank from it, and he rinsed his mouth therein. It is reported in another narration that Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) washed his blessed face therein and rinsed his mouth. It is reported that Hadhrat Abbaas (radhiayallahu anhu) took out the bucket for Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). .


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7 It is reported from Hadhrat Abdullaah Ibn Abbaas (radhiyallaahu anhu) that Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: "Fever is from the fire of Jahannam, hence cool it off with the water of ZamZam. " 8 Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: "Gazing upon five things is also an lbaadat,- The Qur'aan Majeed, Kaaba Shareef, one's parents, the face of an Aalim and Zam-Zam. To look upon Zam-Zam, one's sins are forgiven." 9 Hadhrat Ali (radhiayallahu anhu) reports that amongst all the cities, two cities are the best. Makkah Mukarramah, and that city, wherein Hadhrat Aadam (alaihis salaam) came down. Two cities are the worst; 'Ahqaaf' and 'Hazre Maut'. The best well is that of Zam-Zam and the worst is 'Barhowt', wherein the bodies of the Kuffaar were thrown. 10 It is reported from Ibn Jareej that the best water on earth is the water of Zam-Zam, and the worst water is the water of the well of Barhowt, which is situated in the valley of Hazre Maut. 11 It is reported frorn Hadhrat Abdullaah Ibn Abbaas (radhiyallahu anhu): "Perform Salaat in the place of the chosen ones and drink from the drink of the pious." He was asked; "What is the Prayerplace of the chosen ones?" He replied: "Below the Mezaab-e -Rahmat (below the water outlet in the Harem)." He was asked about the drink of the pious, to which he replied; 'The water of Zam-Zam." 12 Abdul Aziz bin Rawaad says that there was once a pious shepherd, who drank from Zam-Zam whenever thirst overcame him. He would derive therefrom the taste, pleasure and effects of milk. When he took from the water of Zam-Zam for wudhu for Salaat, then he would get the effects of water. 13 Sheikh-ul-islaam Siraajud Deen Balqini (rahmatullahi alaih) mentions that the water of Zam-Zam is even more virtuous than the water of Kauther, because the blessed heart of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) was washed in this water, and it is not possible that Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) heart be washed except with the best of waters. 14 It is reported in one narration that the person in whose stomach enters the water of Zam-Zam, will never enter jahannum, because .


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the Fire and Zam-Zam can never be in one and the same place. It is reported from Hadhrat Abdullaah Bin Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) that the water in the well of Zam-Zam which comes from the direction of Hajre Aswad is actually a spring from Jannat. Sayyidinah Abu Zarr Ghifaari (radhiyallahu anhu) reports the incident of his acceptance of Islaam, when he came to Makkah, thus: "When I heard of the announcement of Nabuwwat of Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), then I went to Makkah, and enquired about him (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). The people attacked me, with the result I fell down unconscious. When I regained consciousness, I ran to the Kaaba Shareef and hid behind the Ghilaaf. At times during the night I saw Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) making Tawaaf of the Kaaba, and I even made Salaam to him. Once, Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) asked me when I had come here. I replied that it has been thirty days since my arriving there. He asked me who was supplying me with food; I replied that besides the water of Zam-Zam, I had no other source of nourishment. Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) replied that surely this was blessed and it was the best food of all foods." Hadhrat Rabaah reports from Hadhrat Aswad: "He mentions that once such a stage passed him while in Makkah that for three days he had no food. He spent his time at the well of Zam-Zam, drinking therefrom. He says that he derived the pleasure and effects of milk from this water " Mufti Abu Bakr Umar Ma'roof Shaneeni, who was from amongst the top Ulama of Yemen, states that a person was afflicted with a serious illness. His illness took a bad turn. He went to a doctor, who turned hirn away due to the very serious nature of the illness, and said that this person had no rnore than three days to live. When the patient heard this, it was as tough the earth beneath him had opened up. He turned away thoroughly dejected. Allaah Ta'ala placed this thought in his mind that why should he not drink from the water of Zam-Zam, because Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said that it was a water which had Shifaa (cure). With this intention he left Yemen and arrived in Makkah. He drank Zam-Zam water to his fill. He felt that something was breaking in his stomach. Immediately he left the Haram and went to relieve 123

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himself. He had a bout of diarrhea. He went and drank Zam-Zam water for a second time and again had a bout of diarrhea. He stayed for a few days in Makkah. After Allaah Ta'ala had granted him cure, he returned to his home country and presented himself before the doctor. The doctor was surprised and asked him if he was the very same person who had the certain disease. He replied in the affirmative. The doctor asked him what medicine he had used. He indicated that he had been cured through the Barkat of the water of Zam- Zam. In the same way a blind person drank from the water of Zam-Zam and put some on his eyes. Allaah Ta'ala granted his sight. Allama Zahni states in 'Tabqaat' that when Sheikh Khatieb Saghdaadi went for Haj, then he drank thrice from the well of Zam-Zam, and he asked Allaah Ta'ala for three of his needs. Allaah Ta'ala fulfilled all three of his needs through the Barkat of Zam-Zam. Allama Taajudeen Subki (rahmatullahi alaih) writes in 'Tabqaat': "Allama Muhammad Bin Ishaq Bin Khuzaima was asked: 'Where did you attain such heights in knowledge?' he replied that Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said that for whatever purpose the water of Zam-Zam is drunk, that will be fulfilled. Hence, he says, he drank it with the du'aa of acquiring knowledge, and Allaah Ta'ala fulfilled his desire. " Sheikhul lslaam Ibn Hajar (rahmatullahi alaih) states that when he was still a student of Hadith when he drank Zam-Zam and made du'aa that Allaah Ta'ala make him an excellent Haafiz of Hadith like Allama Zahri. He says that 20 years later he made Hajj, and he felt that Allaah Ta'ala had granted him progress in his knowledge. He says that he made a du'aa then, that Allaah Ta'ala grant him higher stages in rank. He said that he had hope Allah Ta'ala will surely fulfill that duaa.

Source: History & Virtues of Zam Zam



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